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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
more people should talk about dan reynolds
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in case you dont know who that is hes the lead singer of imagine dragons and an amazingly outspoken lgbt ally who specifically focuses on trying to help lgbt youth and i never see anyone on tumblr mention him or the work he does.
dan reynolds was raised mormon and in 2012 the first major imagine dragons single “its time” was on glee, and he started receiving letters from gay fans saying that they loved him and his music but that he probably didnt accept them because he was a mormon. he says that this broke his heart and he knew he had to do something.
not only is he really vocal about lgbt support and issues (which is more than i can say about a lot of people in the spotlight like he is) he created the loveloud foundation last year which is dedicated to supporting and helping lgbt teens and educate people about the things they go through, aiming to lower the rates of suicide, mental illness, drug use, etc.
the foundation puts on the annual loveloud festival in salt lake city, and the second one happened this past july. its an all-day music event that donates all of its profit to lgbt organizations (actually good ones, not shitty fake ones) and this year they raised ONE MILLION DOLLARS in one day.
but he and the people in charge of the festival actually GIVE A SHIT. a trans woman was harassed at the festival when she tried to use the restroom, being told she was in the wrong bathroom, and the loveloud festival not only immediately acknowledged it they ENCOURAGED other people to share any unpleasant experiences they had at the festival so they could reevaluate and figure out how to do better next year.
heres his speech from this year’s loveloud:
“…i wish you could understand… i wish you could see how much we care about you, how much we love you, how much we support you, how much we stand with you. i hope that tonight, and today, you know… you know that your sexuality is pure, and its true, and its clean. i hope that you know you are needed; we need you. i dont wanna hear any more stories of youth taking their lives in utah. we must change our culture. we must change the way we see each other. i know this culture! i know these people! i was raised in this world. i know it. i understand religion. i identify with the beautiful aspects of how i was raised. i cherish many of those things today as part of my life, but one thing that will not be part of my life, ‘cause it does not align with my heart, is to tell someone how to love, and who to love. it’s the most simple concept! its the first thing we’re taught! from a young age! all my girls [he has three daughters] know it. they come out of the womb, and they know, you love. you dont tell someone how to love; you just love. let… love and let love, thats it.
i accept you, i see you, i stand with you, i fight with you. til the end, i will fight with you. i love you all.”
i think allies could learn from him and the way he talks about being gay. its not just okay, its pure. its true. its clean. its perfect. specifically addressing the way gay love and sexuality is demonized and slandered.
idk. i just love dan reynolds and i think more people need to know about what he does.
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
“Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it. Be whatever you are right now. No more hiding. You are worthy, always.”
— S.C. Lourie (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
“By the time I had finished those [The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes] I was absolutely determined it would be bad policy to do any more Holmes stores. I was still a young man and a young novelist, and I have always noticed that the ruin of every novelist who has come up has been effected by driving him into a groove. The public gets what it likes, and, insisting on getting it, makes him go on until he loses his freshness. Then the public turns round and says: ‘He has only one idea, and can only write one sort of story: The result is that the man is caned; for, by that time, he has probably himself lost the power of adapting himself to fresh conditions of work. Now, why should a man be driven into a groove and not write about what interests him? When I was interested in Holmes I wrote about Holmes, and it amused me making him get involved in new conundrums; but when I had written twenty-six stories, each involving the making of a fresh plot, I felt that it was becoming irksome this searching for plots - and if it were getting irksome to me, most certainly, I argued, it must be losing its freshness for others.”
ACD, interview, December 15, 1900
In a sense, ACD was struggling with being typecast. He cared about the quality of Holmes stories and wished to avoid running the character down, as it often happens nowadays, when TV-shows with an intriguing beginning are being driven towards a dismal finale after a number of seasons. I’m rather grateful that Holmes didn’t become trite.
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
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Strange knows
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
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Ironic Moments Dump
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
Now it's hitting me why everyone else feels like they're on a deadline.
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
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Emily Vancamp as Sharon Carter in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
Yep i cried over trf again, yk too many fucking times yall too many times has Jim made me sob like a mess
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
infinity war seems a lot more unnecessary when you remember that the mcu canonically has two (2) elders of the universe who could literally wipe the floor with thanos. like huge battle, Everything is bad, suddenly the grandmaster and the collector roll up in their party bus techno music blaring and thanos is melted into a puddle instantly
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
I spend a fair amount of time teaching women to kick men in the balls, and I’ve learned that this activity tends to generate controversy. Here, according to actual adults who have actually said these things to me, are some reasons you should not kick a guy in the balls:
1. It will make him angry.
I should hope so. I’m not sending him a friend request. If I kick him hard enough, there’s a good chance I’ll render him unable to act upon his anger. That’s my goal. His feelings are his problem.
2. It will make him hurt you worse.
Statistics say otherwise. And anyway, he’s already demonstrated his desire to hurt me. Why should I give him carte blanche to decide how much he’s going to hurt me? I’d rather be an active participant in that decision-making process.
3. Groin kicks aren’t really that devastating; I’ve seen lots of guys get hit in the balls and it hardly fazed them.
This response (almost universally from men) is so common I’ve come to think of it as “groinsplaining”—you can see it many of the YouTube comments in the videos linked above. These people rarely volunteer to demonstrate their own iron balls in a real kicking situation, but they confidently assert that men in general can shrug off all kinds of damage to the groin. All I can say is, I’ve seen two-year-olds take down grown men via the groin, and toddlers don’t even have any training. I do. I like my odds.
4. We shouldn’t be teaching people how to kick men in the balls; we should be teaching men not to do anything that would make us have to kick them in the balls.
Hey, that’s a great idea! Do you have a detailed, research-based plan for teaching all men everywhere to behave themselves all the time? And do you have funding for your efforts, and buy-in from politicians and community leaders, and a network of trained, experienced instructors who can effect this change? If not, better get started on your grant proposal. In the meantime, I’ll just be over here teaching people how to kick guys in the balls. That’s what I do.
5. Telling people they should kick an assailant in the balls is the same as telling victims who didn’t kick their assailant in the balls that they did something wrong.
No, it isn’t. It’s a practical way to reduce the number of future victims by giving them more viable options to disrupt and survive an assault.
Fact: We have the power to damage the bodies of men who try to hurt us. You’re saying we shouldn’t let people use that power. I’m offering people more choices; you’re trying to take them away.
6. Kicking a guy in the balls just makes the world a more violent place.
Maybe, in the short term. But if it stops him from killing someone, or putting them in the hospital, isn’t that a net win for non-violence? The Dalai Lama thinks so.
One in four women will have good reason to kick a guy in the balls at some point in her life. Luckily, it’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it! And ball-kicking’s efficacy is beyond dispute, as the men of MMA so nobly helped us illustrate here. Gentlemen, if any of you are reading this, and conscious: Cheers, and get well soon (the non-wife-beaters among you, anyway).
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
I don't want to care because it hurts and now I'm hurting and my heart hurts. I don't want to care anymore. How can I turn this off?
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
full offense, but does it ever hit you in the god damn gut that tony stark, protector, knight in shining armor tony stark –
mister “i saw young americans killed by the very weapons i created to defend them and protect them,” mister “i’m trying to protect the people i put in harm’s way,” mister “i hope i can protect the one thing i can’t live without,” mister “i see a suit of armor around the world,”
the guy who answers for his most paternalistic acts (like wanting to keep pepper and wanda locked in a mansion) with “i can’t protect you out there” and “i did it to protect you,”
tony stark, whose gradually worsening mental conditions show in his progressively more backwards, desperate attempts to protect people, tony stark who’s been trying to protect people to the point of harmful consequences,
that tony stark
is the single character
in the entire mcu
who has been accused
– by friends, enemies, and civilians alike
in every movie he’s been in –
tony “i shouldn’t be alive” stark, tony “i’m not the hero type” stark, mister “you deserve better,” “you’re right, i don’t deserve her,” “it’s me, you’ll think of something [to complain about],” “you’re in a relationship with me, everything will never be okay,” “i saw them all dead, felt it, because of me,”
tony stark, who shoots his reflection and views himself as a “monster” and openly resents himself during his speech about charles spencer, THIS TONY STARK
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
Reblog if you think the person you reblogged this from deserves to be happy.
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
Kinda wanna die rn.
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
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me dealing w whatever 2017 throws my way
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
not knowing how to draw your favorite character
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consulting-benaddict · 7 years ago
Same goes for songs.
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