hana-bobo-finch · 8 days
settle down everyone, it is time for Hana to ramble about her silly stuff
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SHOCKINGLY I am not yapping about a character this time but a place. The Briar Zome (as seen (poorly) drawn above)
SO!!! Going to try to explain this as simply as possible because even I don’t remember everything about it
It’s a pocket dimension of sorts. For the sake of simplicity let’s call it B while the “normal” dimension is called A. It’s unknown how B is actually accessed. Every Friday the 13th (hence why I’m posting abt this today, yippee) a Very Definitely Not Suspicious Guy who runs an illegal restaurant at the top of a mountain (story for another day. Or for never at all) serves his “special coffee” which he heavily persuades if not forces people (by people I mean really his only 2 or 3 regular customers) to drink. Shortly after you drink it, you black out and end up in the briar zome with no memory of what happened in between drinking the coffee and waking up. The “special coffee” also leaves you with a horrible illness the next day. While other similar pocket dimensions have been accessed by studying the environment of the Briar Zome, think of those as dimension “C”, it still remains a mystery how to actually get to B. It’s equally a mystery as to how you leave—you leave just as suddenly as you arrive, you blink and suddenly you’re back in the “normal” world, “dimension A”.
Time works differently there, as to be expected. Usually experiences in the briar zome last anywhere from a day to a week, but in dimension A no time passes at all (e.g. you could find yourself there, spend 3 days there, but when you go back to the “normal” dimension, no time passed at all). I could get into the numerous time and dimensional theories but um. I won’t. That will bore you all to tears I think
It’s a consistently cold environment with snow and ice caking everything, yet plant growth is rampant, especially rose bushes and brambles, hence the briar part of the name. There are multiple patches of thick thorns, making some areas hard to traverse. Between different “visits”, if you could call them that, to the Briar Zome, the general layout changes slightly. To put it in pikmin terms, it’s like the caves in pikmin 2 but less drastic. There are also long stretches of water and rivulets that are, of course, frozen over, but the ice is generally very thin. Although it’s snowy and icy, the temperature seems to be bizarrely non-existent. It’s not cold, it’s not warm, it’s not in between, it simply does not exist. The atmosphere is rather thin, but still breathable. Everything in the briar zome is slightly off in a way. Think like the feeling you get when you’re struggling to remember something that’s on the tip of your tongue. It’s also just generally quite unpredictable. Anything could happen, really. The landscape is never ending. If there is an end to it, nobody’s seen it. It seems to go on forever. Same with the snow—you could dig in it all you want, but it’s infinite. The ground has never been seen there.
In one specific area, known as the Eye Rink, there are, as seen in my quick drawing of it, sentient eyes!!! Their nerves take root at the bottom of the water and rise up above the ice. They’re incredibly long, as the lakes and rivers can get quite deep. Surprisingly they’re almost rather doglike in behavior. They just want to be your friend :) they’ll hug you with their big ol’ eye stalks. Very tightly. To the point you might break a bone. But they’re just big sweethearts.
There’s nobody else there but the people who were mysteriously transported there. People tend to end up there in groups—if two people drink the “special coffee,” they’ll go there together. And they’ll be, aside from each other, completely alone. Wildlife is also sparse but there are a few creatures here and there. Some rabbits, deer, and foxes. Most injuries sustained in the Briar Zome seem to not follow you into the “real” world once you awaken, but nobody’s had the guts to see what would happen if you were to die there. You’d most likely end up dead in the real world, too.
There’s a special form of writing there. A code of sorts, I suppose. It’s written via drawings of phases of the moon and types of plants. This is a TOTALLY fleshed out idea, I definitely didn’t think of it like 6 hours ago. But it, in its beta form, looks like this:
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good luck translating it, because I can barely read it myself, and I probably wrote it wrong!
There is probably more to it that I’m forgetting because I made the briar zome in like. What, December of last year? And it isn’t a huge part of my silly goofy story stuff so I don’t think about it very often. But. Yeah
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zz6zbonk · 2 years
I need to be followed by more bots on this platform. I made a post on the PDBC board of the Personality Database about being followed by three of them, and someone replied that they were followed by eight so I should get good.
I said I will try my best to do so, and this is me trying my best.
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
nagahiro cut his hair in the future sneak peaks love loses
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precisionlogictech · 5 years
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rogerdaviesblog · 2 years
500 Highest Yield Dividend Stocks | 4%+ High Yield Stocks
What stocks have the highest dividend?
High-Yield Dividend Stocks
Retail Value
SuRo Capital
The Korea Fund
Golden Ocean Group @office
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bearrepublicnetwork · 3 years
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Having JUST SEEN the trailers for DMZ and TOKYO VICE coming soon on HBO MAX, I’m HIGHLY CONTEMPLATING getting rid of Netflix altogether and getting HBO MAX instead. Lately I’ve been seeing it all over LinkedIn that muhfuckas at Netflix are paying consultants at MoffettNathanson to analyze their growth potential and considering allowing advertising to RUIN creativity, AND since they’re raising the monthly rates and using “growth and competition” as their excuse to do both. It might be worth it to dump Netflix altogether for HBO MAX. SO, to remind me of HBO’s tolerance for RISK, I’m binging ALL my HBO shows I brought with me to Japan to make my decision. #hboseries #thewire #entourage #rome #deadwood #thesopranos #oz #movedtojapan #hbomax #日本に住むアメリカ人 (at 滋賀県 琵琶湖) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbNYtw-pdBC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hana-bobo-finch · 11 days
fresh new intro post because I cannot make one I am satisfied with for the life of me!
HELLO call me Hana, welcome to my silly goofy blog.
• I use she/her but am ok with they/them, I for the most part prefer she/her but idk and idc. It’s complicated
• I mostly post pikmin related stuff here but will often yap about other things. Those posts being tagged with “not a pikmin post” if you wish to block those out!
• JUMPING IN HERE TO UPDATE THIS: I also post bug fables stuff now! Leif my beloved
• I’m open to doing art trades/requests, provided I have the time! Feel free to send in an ask or DM if you have any art ideas or suggestions, though I will NOT accept NSFW, ship art (most of the time), heavy violence (some is alright) or any sort of inappropriate stuff even if not blatantly nsfw
• I YAP A LOT so here are tags I often use if you need to sort through the nonsense I spew out:
Not a pikmin post. As mentioned before this is generally used for posts that aren’t pikmin related, though I sometimes forget it so it’s not a perfect way to filter things
Art. Straightforward! This is what I use for my art. Pretty broad tag but if you’re just here for the drawings and stuff, best to look through that tag. Reblogs of other people’s art will be tagged under other’s art.
Horn strobe. This is the tag for my long-form pikmin comic! Full thing can be found here (updates are very sporadic)
Oc posting. Once in a blue moon I’ll dump some information about my ocs. Sometimes pikmin ocs, sometimes just regular old ocs. Either way I’ll generally tag it as something related to ocs.
PDBC. ah, pumpkin daddy’s book club. That is of course the name of…something. I am yet to figure out how to explain it
Pikmin hcs. For when I ramble on about Pikmin headcanons.
My goofy writing. For my writing/links to ao3. Speaking of which:
• I have an AO3 account, funleaflingfincg. I’m not terribly active on there but I do post occasionally. I’m also open to writing suggestions or requests though it’s much less likely I’ll get to them sooooo
• other miscellaneous things I like include but are not limited to: gravity falls, paper mario, olivia rodrigo, the hunger games, pokemon, history, veterinary sciences
• I also like making music! I’m not good at it mind you but I still like doing it. Perhaps I’ll post it someday but for now it remains in the void that is my head.
• If I come across as rude or weird I PROMISE I am not trying to, I am just socially incompetent even on the hellsite that is tumblr.com 🔥🔥 I like people I swear, speaketh to me if so desired
oKAY bye
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dean-boese-universe · 4 years
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Power Item of the Day - Hummingbird's wings powered by ancient native American magic. (at Retcon Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pdbc-AbmE/?igshid=8mg0z7j0nm2v
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employeepoolingcom · 6 years
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mayoiayasep · 3 years
no bc actually how the hell did manabu become the president
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mariedelangeart · 3 years
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silverbible · 5 years
A Trader’s Guide to the Commodities Market
The commodity market is a great platform for speculating on a diverse and exciting range of global assets. In this guide to commodity trading basics, brought to you by DailyFX, you’ll learn about the traded commodities worldwide and the key things to consider when approaching this class.
What is commodity trading, and how does it work?
Commodity trading means taking a position on the price movement of a raw material (hard commodity) or agricultural product (soft commodity), such as gold or wheat. You can invest in commodities directly—for example, buying physical gold coins. Or you can, depending on the territory, trade using options, futures, ETFs (DBC)(PDBC)(CSG), and CFDs or spread betting.
What are the most traded commodities worldwide?
We can break down the most-traded types of commodities into the metals gold, silver, copper, and steel, energy commodities such as Brent crude and WTI crude, and soft commodities such as soya beans, according to data from the Futures Industry Association.
Assets such as copper are popular during economic booms. High demand in emerging markets often pushes up prices. However, assets like gold are often more popular in general bear markets as gold is considered a more defensive play. Here are some more examples of tradeable commodities.
Hard Commodities Soft Commodities Platinum Coffee Natural gas Sugar Lead Corn Iron Orange juice Nickel Wheat
 Five things to consider when trading commodities
When trading commodities, it’s important to consider the full range of factors that move the prices. You also need to ensure you manage your trading risk effectively. Here are some pointers.
Supply and demand factors
Supply and demand are critical to understanding the price movements of commodities. In general, when supply is too low to meet demand, prices will rise. And supply outstripping demand will mean prices will fall. Seasonality can affect supply for agricultural products, and changing costs of production can affect output for all commodities.
Additionally, supply levels can fluctuate as new producers enter and exit the market—as well as demand for certain resources changing according to global consumption patterns (see below).
Other fundamental factors
Fundamental factors can hit commodity prices hard. For example, if the global economy is struggling, there may be less demand for industrial commodities such as copper. However, in times of hardship, a safe-haven commodity such as gold may increase in value. Politics can also influence prices. An example would be a government increasing import duties, which may push up the price of a commodity.
Volatility and liquidity
Some commodities—such as crude oil—may be liquid, meaning there are enough buyers and sellers in the market to enter and exit positions at the price they want. However, other lesser-traded assets—such as feeder cattle—don’t have this characteristic. So they may experience “slippage”—when there’s a change in the bid/ask price. Also, commodities such as crude oil are highly volatile. They can represent an opportunity to make significant profits. But naturally, this benefit means the risk of loss is higher, too.
Trading style
Like any asset, commodities can trade on a short-term basis, meaning scalping and day trading, or more medium- and long-term, meaning swing and position trading. Many traders use a mixture of technical and fundamental analysis to navigate these markets.
Trading risk
When approaching commodities, like any asset, traders should use a positive risk-reward ratio. They should also set stop losses to protect their trading account against volatility.
For more data on international commodities, the Global Commodities tool from DailyFX is an interactive globe revealing country-by-country statistics on the key assets integral to world trade.
How to trade commodities: Gold example
Here, we’ll look at a simple example for trading gold. Before you start, though, consider the fundamentals. Seasonality plays a part with this asset. Patterns from previous years show a price increase in the first quarter of the year, as well as the last months of the year. Also, as we mentioned, fundamental factors such as economic downturns can influence the flow of money into gold.
Now you have taken those factors into account, you can take a technical approach. Commonly, this approach will involve using indicators such as RSI and stochastics to determine when the asset is overbought (time to sell) or oversold (time to buy). The chart below reveals the type of signals to look for when considering opening a position.
Three advantages of trading the commodities market
Trading means making money, and the volatility of many commodities means ample opportunities for profit.
Safe haven
Trading gold, in particular, can afford traders the opportunity to protect their portfolios in times of turbulence during risk-on markets.
Diversified approach
Since commodities mostly show low correlation with equities, it may be worth including them for a more diversified approach.
from A Trader’s Guide to the Commodities Market
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petero1298 · 6 years
The Mama Bear Portfolio
Numbers as of October 04, 2018 (market closing prices). 
US large-cap stocks - VONE US small-cap stocks - VIOO Commodities - PDBC
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farhanwhy2k · 7 years
An Advanced Commodities Fund for the Ambitious Investor
An Advanced Commodities Fund for the Ambitious Investor
The PowerShares Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy No K-1 Portfolio ETF (PDBC) is, in the management’s own words, an “actively managed exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in commodity-linked futures and other financial instruments that provide exposure to some of the world’s most heavily traded commodities.”
PDBC is the sister fund of PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking…
View On WordPress
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russurban · 7 years
View Reactions and React to News Headlines surrounding $PDBC at SpeculatingStocks.
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duaneusry71 · 7 years
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We have sooooo much to be thankful for. Too blessed to be stressed. #thankful #blessed #pdbc #dublinga #Baptist #church #youarewelcome #committed #God #Jesus #Christ #HolySpirit #forgiveness #holy #bible #love #faith #worship #music #hope #inspiration #peace #salvation #youth #ministry #missions #preaching #teaching #BibleStudy #SundaySchool
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