#PCOS Relief Capsules for Women
girlyveda · 8 days
Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS: Does it help in PCOS Reversal?
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. Characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, elevated levels of androgens (male hormones), and polycystic ovaries, PCOS can lead to symptoms such as acne, hair loss, weight gain, and infertility. Traditional Western medicine often treats PCOS with medications like birth control pills and insulin-sensitizing drugs. However, an increasing number of women are turning to alternative approaches, such as Ayurveda, to manage and potentially reverse their symptoms. But does Ayurvedic treatment offer a real chance at reversing PCOS? Let's explore this ancient system of medicine and its role in PCOS management.
Ayurvedic Diet for PCOS
Balancing Doshas: Ayurveda recommends a diet that balances the vata and kapha doshas. This often includes foods that are warming, hydrating, and easy to digest. For PCOS, this might mean incorporating more whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins while avoiding processed foods and excessive sugar.
Low Glycemic Index Foods: Foods with a low glycemic index can help manage insulin levels and are often recommended. Ayurvedic diets may include barley, quinoa, and leafy greens, which help stabilize blood sugar and reduce inflammation.
Ayurvedic Herbs for PCOS
Dhamasa Patti: Dhamasa patti, or Ficus racemosa leaves, is a traditional remedy often used in managing PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease). Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, dhamasa patti helps in regulating hormonal imbalances, which are crucial in managing these conditions. It aids in reducing insulin resistance, improving menstrual regularity, and potentially lowering elevated androgen levels. Regular consumption of dhamasa patti can support overall ovarian health, promote the reduction of cysts, and help alleviate symptoms like excessive hair growth and acne. Always consult a healthcare provider before integrating new remedies into your treatment plan.
Siras Beej: Siras Beej can offer significant benefits for managing PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease) that is why this ingredient is the hero ingredient in many ayurvedic PCOS relief capsules. Rich in antioxidants and essential oils, Siras Beej helps regulate blood sugar levels, which can alleviate insulin resistance—a common issue in these conditions. Its anti-inflammatory properties support overall hormonal balance and reduce the severity of symptoms like acne and excessive hair growth. Additionally, siras beej aids in digestion and can promote a healthy metabolism, which is crucial for managing weight, another key factor in PCOS and PCOD. Regular incorporation of Siras Beej into the diet may thus be beneficial in holistic management of these disorders.
Kachnar: Kachnar (Bauhinia variegata) is an herbal remedy often used to support women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease). Its benefits stem from its potential to balance hormonal levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Kachnar is believed to help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce symptoms such as excess hair growth and acne, which are common in PCOS. Additionally, it may aid in managing weight and reducing inflammation, contributing to overall hormonal health. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, especially if you have specific health conditions or are on other medications.
Lifestyle Modifications
Stress Management: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of managing stress through practices like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises. Stress can exacerbate hormonal imbalances, making stress management a crucial aspect of PCOS treatment.
Routine and Sleep: Establishing a regular daily routine and ensuring adequate sleep are vital for balancing the doshas and supporting overall health.
Panchakarma: This is a traditional Ayurvedic detoxification process that includes various treatments such as oil massages, herbal enemas, and detoxifying diets. Panchakarma aims to cleanse the body of toxins, which can improve metabolic and reproductive health.
Integration with Conventional Treatments
Many women find that integrating Ayurvedic treatments for PCOS with conventional medical approaches provides the best results. Ayurveda can complement traditional treatments by addressing lifestyle factors, stress management, and dietary changes that support overall health and well-being.
For example:
Diet and Lifestyle: Ayurvedic diet for PCOS and lifestyle changes can enhance the effectiveness of medications and improve overall health.
Herbal Supplements: Ayurvedic herbs can be used alongside conventional treatments to address specific symptoms and support hormonal balance.
Personalizing Your Approach
Every woman's experience with PCOS is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's crucial to work with a healthcare provider who understands both conventional and alternative treatments. An integrative approach that considers individual needs, symptoms, and preferences can provide the best outcomes.
When considering Ayurvedic treatments for PCOS, it's also essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who can offer personalized recommendations based on your specific dosha imbalances and health concerns.
Ayurvedic treatment offers a holistic and personalized approach to managing PCOS, focusing on balancing the body's energies, improving diet and lifestyle, and utilizing herbal remedies. While Ayurvedic practices have shown promise in supporting overall health and alleviating symptoms, they should be viewed as complementary to conventional medical treatments rather than a standalone solution.
With ongoing research and a growing interest in integrative health approaches, Ayurveda has the potential to play a significant role in managing PCOS. As with any treatment plan, it's essential to approach PCOS management with a comprehensive strategy that includes both conventional and alternative therapies, tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.
Kindly go through this website to get more informaiton:
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keffy-goodhealth · 9 months
Fem-Power: Mastering Hormone Harmony with Capsules & Benefits of Female Hormone Control Pills
In the intricate symphony of a woman’s body, hormones play a leading role. Achieving harmony in hormone levels is crucial for overall well-being. This article explores the concept of “Fem-Power,” delving into the realm of capsules designed to master hormone balance and the benefits of female hormone control pills.
Understanding Fem-Power Capsules
1. Holistic Hormone Support:
Fem-Power capsules are formulated to provide holistic support for hormone balance. These supplements often include a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts known for their hormone-regulating properties.
2. Adaptogenic Allies:
Many Fem-Power capsules incorporate adaptogenic herbs. Adaptogens help the body adapt to stress and promote balance, making them valuable for supporting hormonal health.
3. Vitamins and Minerals for Vitality:
Essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, vitamin B6, magnesium, and zinc, play crucial roles in hormone synthesis and balance. Fem-Power capsules often include these nutrients to support overall vitality.
4. Herbal Harmony:
Herbal extracts like chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus), dong quai, and black cohosh are commonly found in Fem-Power capsules. These herbs have a history of traditional use for female reproductive health.
Benefits of Female Hormone Control Pills
1. Menstrual Cycle Regulation:
Hormonal imbalances can lead to irregular menstrual cycles. Female hormone balance pills help regulate the menstrual cycle, promoting consistency and predictability.
2. Mood Stability:
Fluctuations in hormone levels, especially during the menstrual cycle, can impact mood. Hormone control pills may contribute to stabilizing mood and reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
3. Hormonal Acne Management:
Hormonal changes are often linked to acne, particularly in conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Hormone control pills can help manage hormonal acne by regulating sebum production.
4. Relief from Menopausal Symptoms:
During menopause, hormonal changes can lead to symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia. Hormone control pills may offer relief from these symptoms by providing hormonal support.
5. Bone Health Support:
Estrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining bone density. In conditions where estrogen levels are lower, such as during menopause, hormone control pills may provide support for bone health.
6. Reduced Menstrual Pain:
For individuals experiencing severe menstrual cramps, hormone control pills may help reduce pain by regulating the menstrual cycle and reducing the intensity of uterine contractions.
Caution and Consultation
It’s important to note that the use of hormone control pills, whether natural or prescription, should be approached with caution. Individual health conditions, medical history, and specific hormonal imbalances vary, making it essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any hormone therapy.
Conclusion: Empowering Hormonal Harmony
Fem-Power capsules and female hormone control pills represent tools in the pursuit of hormonal harmony. By incorporating natural supplements and carefully formulated pills into a wellness routine, women can support their bodies in achieving balance and buy capsule to balance female hormones online from Keffy. However, personalized health consultations and professional advice are vital to ensure that these supplements align with individual health needs. In the journey to Fem-Power, let empowerment be guided by knowledge, self-awareness, and the guidance of healthcare professionals.
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ayuvya12 · 1 year
The Best Ayuvedic Capsules For Erectile Health Ayuvya
Ayuvya Ayurveda is a cutting-edge product company that has developed a one of a kind treatment for menstrual cramps and irregular menstrual cycles. Their best selling drug, "Fizzhim," uses a novel Ayurvedic method to alleviate menstrual pains and promote regular menstruation.
The Fizzher brand of Ayurvedic tablet for period pain treatment  was developed to give women an all natural and holistic option for managing period pain relief tablets. Traditional herbs, botanical extracts, and natural components were carefully blended to create these tablets by Ayuvya, which were inspired by Ayurveda, an old Indian medical system. In addition to alleviating period cramps, this mixture has the potential to boost overall health and normal hormone levels.
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Fizzher tablets are unlike any others on the market because they aid in the maintenance of normal menstrual cycles. Ayuvya uses Ayurvedic principles, which place an emphasis on internal harmony and balance, to address the root cause of the issue that so many women face: menstrual irregularities.
From the ingredients used in their products to the educational materials included with them, it is clear that Ayuvya Ayurveda is committed to nothing less than the highest standards of quality and holistic health. They think that if they inform women about their bodies and provide a complete solution, women will be more likely to take responsibility for their health.
Fizzher,Ayurvedic tablet for period pain a product by Ayuvya Ayurveda, is meant to be a useful and efficient option for women who want to lessen the discomfort of their periods and improve their cycle regularity by combining traditional knowledge with modern scientific understanding.
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Exactly what is polycystic ovary syndrome/disorder?
It appears that "Fizzher '' best tablet for pcod can help persons who struggle with Polycystic Ovary Disease/Syndrome (PCOS/D), a prevalent hormonal condition affecting the ovaries. Infertility and irregular menstruation are only two of the many issues that can emerge for women with PCOS or PCOD.
Fizzer tablets could have anything from vitamins and minerals to herbs and other natural components as their base. A women's health-oriented company most likely produced these pills. Restoring regular menstrual cycles and alleviating the discomforts associated with PCOS require treating the underlying hormonal imbalances that underlie them.
 Key aspects of PCOS therapy, including insulin sensitivity, hormonal balance, and ovarian health, may be improved with the use of these medications. In general, these compounds could be derived from:
There are many Ayurvedic and traditional medicine ingredients utilized for the benefits you've stated, including vaidya khand, safed musli, kumari (aloe vera), ashoka, ashwagandha, and shatavari. Let's examine the merits of each part individually:
The "Vaidarikhand" (also known as the "Vidari Kanda")
This plant is widely used because of its adaptogenic and rejuvenating properties.
Potentially increases overall well-being, vitality, and strength.
It has been theorized that it benefits the body as a whole.
Peaceable Islam:
Herb is often believed to possess aphrodisiac and energizing properties.
Possible enhancement of sexual well-being and fertility.
Some people take Safed Musli to get a physical and mental boost.
Kumari (Aloe Vera)
Aloe vera has been used for centuries for its calming and healing properties, both topically and internally.
The digestive and intestinal health of the user may improve.
Aloe vera contains several beneficial nutrients.
Ashoka: This herb is commonly used in the treatment of irregular menstruation cycles.
Potential relief from PMS and restoration of hormone balance.
The adaptogenic plant ashwagandha has been demonstrated to have a sedative impact on both the body and the psyche.
The adrenal glands may benefit, as would the regulation of stress hormones and the development of greater resistance.
Many women use shatavari to help them have healthy pregnancies.
The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may subside, and regular menstruation may result.
Invigorating and nutritious, shatavari is a wonderful plant.
These are typical inclusions in Ayurvedic medicines for holistic well-being. While there is encouraging evidence for the use of some naturally occurring chemicals, it is important to remember that their efficacy may vary from person to person. The effectiveness of a product is affected by the standard of the ingredients, the equilibrium of the formulation, and the specifics of the chemical composition. If you want to treat a specific health concern, like PCOD, with a product containing these components, you should talk to a doctor or an Ayurvedic practitioner first and they will provide you the fizzher because this is an all natural product best tablet for pcod .
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luxury-ayurveda · 2 years
The Power of Aswagandha Capsules: An Ancient Herb for Modern Health!!
You’ve probably heard about the benefits of Ashwagandha, an ancient herb that’s been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine.
But what exactly is Ashwagandha and what can it do for you? In this article, we’ll explore the many health benefits of Ashwagandha capsules from BIOAYURVEDA, the best ashwagandha brand in India and how they can help improve your overall health and well-being.
What Is Ashwagandha?
Ashwagandha is an ancient herb that’s been used for centuries in Indian Ayurvedic medicine.
The name ashwagandha translates to “horse’s sense of smell” in Sanskrit, and this is because the herb is said to give horses a heightened sense of smell. But ashwagandha isn’t just for horses — it’s great for humans, too.
Ashwagandha is known for its ability to improve cognitive function, reduce anxiety and stress, and boost energy levels. It’s also been shown to be effective in treating a variety of chronic health conditions, such as arthritis, asthma, and diabetes.
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The Benefits Of BIOAYURVEDA Ashwagandha Capsules
It has anti-aging properties, making it useful for people who want to delay or prevent the aging process. In women, ashwagandha can help with fertility issues such as PCOS.
Ashwagandha is an excellent natural remedy for fatigue and stress. It has been used for centuries to treat these conditions by strengthening the immune system, increasing energy levels, and improving brain cell communication.
Ashwagandha Capsules are standardized extracts of Terminalia chebula that help provide energy, enhance stamina and improve mental alertness. Ashwagandha capsules can be taken daily before work or school whenever you feel fatigued or stressed out.
Ashwagandha capsules are the most effective way to take ashwagandha. They can be taken with any beverage. Ashwagandha capsules work by boosting the immune system and increasing energy levels.
Ashwagandha capsules work much better than any other method of taking this herbal supplement because they are very convenient and easy to use. They are available in supermarkets or online stores at affordable prices, making them one of the best ashwagandha brand in India today.
Ashwagandha And Stress Relief
Ashwagandha capsules are a great way to deal with stress. Furthermore, as we all know that stress is an unavoidable part of our lives. According to estimates, 80% of all visits to the doctor are due to stress. Stress is the primary cause of emotional disturbances and imbalances, which can lead to many physical ailments. Our body is the single most amazing creation of nature. Whatever we face in our lives, our body always tries to solve our problems.
And hence, ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is known for its stress-relieving properties, and it’s been shown to be effective in reducing cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone that’s released when we’re stressed, and too much of it can have negative effects on our health.
Ashwagandha capsules can help you maintain a healthy stress response and keep your cortisol levels in check.
Ashwagandha And Anxiety
Ashwagandha, as it is known, is one of the safest and most potent natural herbs for improving your general well-being. But did you know that it can also be helpful in reducing anxiety?
It is recognized for its ability to help the body adapt to stress, and it’s often used as a natural way to calm the mind and reduce anxiety. In fact, a recent study found that ashwagandha was just as effective as traditional anxiety medications in reducing symptoms of anxiety.
If you’re looking for an all-natural way to reduce your anxiety, ashwagandha capsules might be a good option for you.
Ashwagandha And Thyroid Health
One of the key benefits of ashwagandha capsules is that they can help support thyroid health. The thyroid is a gland in the neck that controls how the body uses energy, and when it’s not working properly, it can cause a range of health problems.
Ashwagandha is a natural herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health issues, and research shows that it can be helpful for supporting thyroid health. One study found that ashwagandha was able to improve thyroid function in people with Hashimoto’s disease, and another study showed that it was able to reduce the number of anti-thyroid antibodies in people with Graves’ disease.
If you’re struggling with thyroid problems, talk to your doctor about trying ashwagandha capsules. They may be able to help support your thyroid health and improve your quality of life.
How to Consume BIOAYURVEDA Ashwagandha Capsules
When it comes to taking BIOAYURVEDA Ashwagandha Capsules, there are a few things you need to know.
First, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement. Ashwagandha is a powerful herb, and if you’re pregnant or nursing, it’s best to avoid it altogether.
Also, make sure you’re taking the capsules with plenty of water. Ashwagandha is a dry herb, and if you don’t drink enough fluids while taking it, you could experience digestive discomfort.
Finally, try to take the capsules at the same time each day. This will help you form a routine and make sure you’re getting the most out of the supplement.
Ashwagandha capsules are a natural way to improve your overall health.
The key benefits of ashwagandha capsules are reducing anxiety and stress, improving cognitive function, and boosting energy levels. The herb is also thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
BIOAYURVEDA is an Ayurvedic brand based in India that offers Ayurvedic medicinal products as well as Ayurvedic beauty products. BIOAYURVEDA Ashwagandha Capsules is one of the products available here. Because this capsule is so anti-disease and aligns with our goal of curing lives, it is always possible to get this and similar products at https://www.bioayurveda.in at a very reasonable price.
If you’re interested in trying ashwagandha capsules, talk to your doctor first to see if they’re right for you.
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ashishk · 2 years
Sanchomee Herboveda’s Rizumu capsule is the best solution to avoid heart-related problems
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Heart, the most important organ in our body. Without it, there is no life because it pumps blood and oxygen to all the remaining organs of our body. When the heart doesn’t get proper nutrition and care, it eventually leads to very serious health issues which eventually shortens the individual’s life span. By regularly exercising and maintaining a healthy diet we can definitely reduce the risks of developing many cardiovascular diseases and straining our heart. Some of the health supplements must be included in our diet in order to reduce the chances of heart diseases and lead our way toward a heart-healthy life.
Arjuna (Tannins, Arjunolic Acid)
Arjuna is commonly referred to as an herbal hero for our hearts. It strengthens, tones the muscles, and helps in the proper functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system. For those who face diarrhea, asthma, cough, and high blood pressure, this herb is a great source of aid for. Arjuna also protects the cardiac tissue, liver, and kidneys. Even the outer crust of the Arjuna tree i.e. bark also helps in treating various skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, itching, and rashes.
Methi (Saponins)
Methi, a unique herb that is commonly used to protect the heart and deadly diseases like cancer. People who are diabetic and have issues like cholesterol and high blood pressure, then they must include methi in their diet in order to experience weight loss. methi plays a crucial role for woman Centric issues; painful menstruation and menopause. It even helps in treating issues like constipation, loss of appetite, gastritis, inflammation, breathing problems, low testosterone levels, and migraines.
Cinnamon (Volatile Matter)
Cinnamon, the bark of a tree is very much beneficial for diabetic patients as it helps to reduce the cholesterol level. It’s even used in preventing some rare diseases like Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and HIV . Cinnamon is also used in reducing the risk of heart diseases, cardiovascular disease, digestive issues, loss of appetite and bronchitis. For those who suffer from fungal infections, applying Cinnamon oil can provide a lot of relief. Even some minor issues like tooth decay, allergies, and infections can be treated via Cinnamon.
Black Pepper (Piperine)
Black pepper, king of spices plays a protective role against stomach ulcers. Basically, it inhibits the growth and formation of tumors, kills the cancer-causing cells, and protects the healthy cells. It’s also very beneficial in treating tooth decay, boosting digestion, lung problems, treating diarrhea, reducing hypertension, lowering high blood pressure, and fighting against depression. Black pepper even lowers the level of bad cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease too.
Gokshura (Saponins)
Gokshura, an ayurvedic herb and a great boon for women. It helps females by boosting their fertility and reducing menopausal symptoms. It has the ability to reduce the hormonal imbalance, regularize the irregular menstrual cycle, control and reduce PCOS cyst growth. Gokshura is used to treat urinary tract disorders, kidney disease, blood sugar, inflammation, and boost libido in both men and women.It has the power to reduce the susceptibility of heart attacks and any cardiovascular diseases. People with problems like kidney stones and skin-related issues, must include Gokshura in their diet for great relief.
In order to increase our life span, we all must provide proper care and nourishment to our hearts. By implementing regular exercise, simple yoga, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle we can live a healthy happy heart life.
One such health supplement is ‘Rizumu Capsules’, a dietary friend of a cardiac system for happy beats. It contains standardized extracts of Arjuna, Turmeric, Methi, Garlic, Cinnamon, Tulsi, Green Tea, Quercetin Gokharu, Betel, Black Pepper and Triphala.
For order visit : https://www.sanchomee.com/products/rizumu-capsules
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ashwinidigital · 2 years
Symptoms, causes and prevention of heart problems by Sanchomee Herboveda
Heart, the most important organ in our body. Without it, there is no life because it pumps blood and oxygen to all the remaining organs of our body. When the heart doesn’t get proper nutrition and care, it eventually leads to very serious health issues which eventually shortens the individual’s life span. By regularly exercising and maintaining a healthy diet we can definitely reduce the risks of developing many cardiovascular diseases and straining our heart. Some of the health supplements must be included in our diet in order to reduce the chances of heart diseases and lead our way toward a heart-healthy life.
Arjuna (Tannins, Arjunolic Acid)
Arjuna is commonly referred to as an herbal hero for our hearts. It strengthens, tones the muscles, and helps in the proper functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system. For those who face diarrhea, asthma, cough, and high blood pressure, this herb is a great source of aid for. Arjuna also protects the cardiac tissue, liver, and kidneys. Even the outer crust of the Arjuna tree i.e. bark also helps in treating various skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, itching, and rashes.
Methi (Saponins)
Methi, a unique herb that is commonly used to protect the heart and deadly diseases like cancer. People who are diabetic and have issues like cholesterol and high blood pressure, then they must include methi in their diet in order to experience weight loss. methi plays a crucial role for woman Centric issues; painful menstruation and menopause. It even helps in treating issues like constipation, loss of appetite, gastritis, inflammation, breathing problems, low testosterone levels, and migraines.
Cinnamon (Volatile Matter)
Cinnamon, the bark of a tree is very much beneficial for diabetic patients as it helps to reduce the cholesterol level. It’s even used in preventing some rare diseases like Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and HIV . Cinnamon is also used in reducing the risk of heart diseases, cardiovascular disease, digestive issues, loss of appetite and bronchitis. For those who suffer from fungal infections, applying Cinnamon oil can provide a lot of relief. Even some minor issues like tooth decay, allergies, and infections can be treated via Cinnamon.
Black Pepper (Piperine)
Black pepper, king of spices plays a protective role against stomach ulcers. Basically, it inhibits the growth and formation of tumors, kills the cancer-causing cells, and protects the healthy cells. It’s also very beneficial in treating tooth decay, boosting digestion, lung problems, treating diarrhea, reducing hypertension, lowering high blood pressure, and fighting against depression. Black pepper even lowers the level of bad cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease too.
Gokshura (Saponins)
Gokshura, an ayurvedic herb and a great boon for women. It helps females by boosting their fertility and reducing menopausal symptoms. It has the ability to reduce the hormonal imbalance, regularize the irregular menstrual cycle, control and reduce PCOS cyst growth. Gokshura is used to treat urinary tract disorders, kidney disease, blood sugar, inflammation, and boost libido in both men and women.It has the power to reduce the susceptibility of heart attacks and any cardiovascular diseases. People with problems like kidney stones and skin-related issues, must include Gokshura in their diet for great relief.
In order to increase our life span, we all must provide proper care and nourishment to our hearts. By implementing regular exercise, simple yoga, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle we can live a healthy happy heart life.
One such health supplement is ‘Rizumu Capsules’, a dietary friend of a cardiac system for happy beats. It contains standardized extracts of Arjuna, Turmeric, Methi, Garlic, Cinnamon, Tulsi, Green Tea, Quercetin Gokharu, Betel, Black Pepper and Triphala.
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paleorecipecookbook · 7 years
6 Health Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil, also known as EPO, is a popular supplement with numerous health claims. But is it as healthy as it seems, and what are the potential health benefits?
What Is EPO?
Evening primrose oil is a plant native to North America, which bears yellow flowers that bloom in the evening, hence the name evening primrose oil. EPO is found in the plant’s seeds and is high in essential fatty acids (roughly 25 percent EFAs), meaning they are required and essential for our health, but cannot be made by the body. The seeds of the flower are gathered together and cold pressed to make their oil, which can later be encapsulated to be used as a dietary supplement.
EPO is a natural source of omega 6 essential fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and linoleic acid (LA), which can: (1,2,3)
Promote healthy joints
Combat symptoms of PMS
Balance gastrointestinal health
Support heart health
Nourish the skin
Protect cell membrane integrity
Promote balanced hormones
Increase nerve health
Improve brain function
Support central nervous system health
Aid in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins D, E, and K
EPO is the most researched source of GLA, which can also be found in borage oil, black currant oil, hemp, and spirulina.
6 Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil
While EPO has several proven health benefits, it’s especially helpful for these six areas.
1. Hormone Balance
Essential fatty acids are the building blocks of hormones, which are required for nearly every metabolic process in the body. Fatty acids found in EPO can help support hormone balance, reduce inflammatory prostaglandins, and even support endocrine disorders such as PCOS, which can impact fertility, ovulation, and the regularity of menstrual cycles.
EPO also helps to modulate prostaglandin production. Prostaglandins are hormone-like chemicals in the body that regulate body processes and help to stimulate others. Prostaglandins have roles in numerous things from normal blood clotting to water retention to even initiating labor in a pregnant woman. There are numerous kinds of prostaglandins, but all of them are needed for healthy body function. Evening primrose oil can help to maintain natural hormone balance through promoting normal prostaglandin levels. (4,5)
2. Fertility
EPO has been found to increase cervical mucus and metabolic function, two key factors required for healthy ovulation and menstruation. Without enough cervical fluid, conception can be hindered as sperm has difficulty reaching the cervix to fertilize the egg. Prostaglandin E in particular, which is found in EPO, can help control and regulate hormones that deal with cell growth, which can also be used to help prepare the cervix for labor. (6,7)
3. PMS and Women’s Health
EPO is often used for several symptoms associated with PMS, which can include:
Breast pain
Water retention
Mood swings
All of the above symptoms can be related to hormone imbalances, and research has shown that evening primrose oil can help to moderate many of them when taken regularly. EPO should be taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle until ovulation to help ease and prevent severe PMS symptoms later in the cycle. (8,9)
Evening primrose oil can also help alleviate symptoms associated with menopause, too, making it a valuable nutrient for women’s health.
4. Healthy Skin
Gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA, is a conditionally essential fatty acid required for skin health. GLA has been shown to support healthy skin and the epidermis, and it can also balance skin issues that are related to hormone imbalances and inflammation.
Since the skin is the body’s largest organ, it is important to repair and rebuild skin health starting from the inside out and at a cellular level. The omega 6 fatty acids found in EPO can help support hormone regulation, reduce inflammation, improve skin elasticity, and optimize cell membrane structure. EPO has also been used for those suffering from skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, and generalized redness. (10,11,12)
5. Reducing Inflammation
Evening primrose oil is a commonly used alternative therapy known to promote balance throughout inflammatory pathways in the body, specifically in the joints. It is best known for its use in the treatment of systemic diseases marked by chronic inflammation, such as atopic dermatitis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
RA can lead to pain and morning stiffness that occurs in the joints and is an autoimmune disease. Research has shown that evening primrose oil can help deal with painful symptoms associated with RA, especially when combined with lifestyle and dietary changes, too. (13,14)
6. Healthy Hair
Hair loss is something that is common in both men and women and hormones are largely responsible for hair health. Hormonal causes of hair loss are typically due to the hormone DHT, which is a male hormone that can actually cause hair follicles to shrink, reducing the lifespan of hair and can decrease total hair production.
When DHT is high, due to excessive amounts of androgens—which are common in women who have PCOS, thyroid issues, or other chronic health problems—hair growth decreases. The essential fatty acids found in EPO can be helpful in fighting against hair loss. (15)
Should You Take Evening Primrose Oil?
If you are looking to supplement with EPO, make sure to find a brand that is standardized to around 8 percent gamma-linolenic acid and 72 percent linoleic acid, the two main omega 6 fatty acids found in this seed. As with any supplement, taking a look at the “other ingredients” section is a must, as many of the fillers can end up doing more damage than good. There shouldn’t be fructose, artificial colors, sweeteners, or things like hydrogenated oils added to the capsules or oil.
Use a high-quality non-GMO evening primrose oil that has reputable third-party certifications and adheres to good manufacturing practices. Look for a brand that has the fatty acid composition broken down for you on the supplement fact panel (for example, 40mg GLA, 295mg LA, and 26mg Oleic Acid).
If you want to take EPO to help naturally prepare the uterus and cervix to induce labor, start around the 36th week of pregnancy. This is considered safe and effective at dosages around 500mg daily. As you get closer to your due date, you can slowly increase your dosage up to around 1500mg daily. Some people experience mild cases of loose stools, diarrhea, or nausea if the dosage is too much for them, so be aware of how you feel when you take EPO.
PMS symptoms, such as cramps, mood swings, and headaches can be due to prostaglandin alterations in the body and taking EPO in the morning and the evening can help give relief from some of these symptoms. Start by taking 500mg in the morning and evening during your menstrual cycle, as well as taking the same dosage a week prior to getting your period to help prepare your body.
Evening primrose oil can be taken in oil or capsule form. EPO does have a slight blood thinning effect and can lower blood pressure, so be sure to consult your doctor if you are taking any other medications which might have interactions.
Take evening primrose oil with a meal, ideally with some fat, to increase nutrient absorption.
The post 6 Health Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil appeared first on PaleoPlan.
Source: http://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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theblogs2024 · 4 years
CBD and the Menstrual Cycle
Around 80% of women experience pain during their menstrual cycles at some point during their lifetime and about 5-10% of women experience such severe pain, so it actually disrupts day-to-day life. Half the population experiences a menstrual period rendering it a significant topic of discussion. Not absolutely all women experience an interval regularly because other gynecological issues like endometriosis and PCOS create irregularities in the cycles and create even more painful periods.
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For us women, a painful period is all too familiar; the painful cramps, bloating, frustration, and the strong urge to stay in bed all day. Sometimes we've to honor our body's request to just rest. It's tempting to take NSAIDs like Advil to help combat the pain, but the pain can become so unbearable that even they don't help. The menstrual cycle begins from the very first day of an interval and ends your day before another period. Cycles vary between woman to woman, but the average is anywhere from 28-32 days and can even extend from 21 to 40 days. This all depends on lifestyle, hormones, underlying medical conditions, and various other factors. Each month, the uterus prepares for pregnancy by thickening up the uterine lining while the ovaries and pituitary gland in mental performance secrete hormones like estrogen, luteinizing hormone (LH), and progesterone. The menstrual cycle has 4 phases: the menstruation, follicular, ovulation, and luteal phase. Each is characterized by different dominating hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and LH. As all these hormones increase and decrease in concentration, your body and mind experience strengths and weaknesses connected with each one. Here's a synopsis: Week 1: On the initial day of an interval, estrogen and progesterone levels have reached their lowest allowing the endometrial lining to shed which is a what a period basically is. These low hormone levels cause a decline in energy. Week 2: After the very first week of an interval, levels of energy finally rise due to the spike in estrogen which prepares your body for ovulation. Week 3: Around this time around, estrogen levels have reached their highest which helps the ovary release an egg for 24 hours. After ovulation, levels of energy start to decrease (due to drops in estrogen and peaks in progesterone), therefore it is understandable why sluggishness is indeed common during this time. Exercise currently may be difficult, but it is strongly suggested because ability to enhance mood and boost energy levels. Energy during this time period is highest each day and lowest by the conclusion of the afternoon, when you choose to be active, get it done in the morning. Week 4: Period begins. That is where energy levels are the best and PMS symptoms arise. Exercise is your companion at this time because it may help soften the symptoms. Enough physical exercise is good, but too much may be too strenuous for your body and even delay periods. So…what can cause a period of time to be painful? The whole basis of an interval is always to shed the endometrial lining and remnants of the unfertilized egg. In order to try this, the uterus muscles contract to expel around it can. As this occurs, inflammation takes place. Prostaglandins are in charge of inflaming the uterus. They're released (specifically PGF2⍺) as progesterone declines. These little guys are responsible for a few things: uterine contractions, vasoconstriction, inflammation, excessive bleeding, pain sensitization, and diarrhea. While anti-inflammatory drugs help decrease pain, they've potential negative negative effects, like digestive and liver issues. Luckily, there is a better natural alternative which can be super able to treating any symptoms during menstrual cycles: CBD. Cannabidiol (CBD) might help in numerous ways. Periods don't just bring cramps along using them, but additionally headaches, low energy, bad mood, brain fog, and so much more. The special thing about CBD is its versatility. Common period drugs really only target one issue while CBD can target various things simultaneously without the medial side effects. CBD is powerful due to its primary anti-inflammatory effects. Recent scientific studies demonstrate that CBD can in fact inhibit the enzyme that creates prostaglandins in the initial place. NSAIDs inhibit the same enzyme, however the inhibition of the specific enzyme is the one that causes digestive issues. Luckily, CBD inhibits the ideal enzyme, so normally it takes the pain away without the negative digestive side effects. A potential new option for period relief is CBD suppositories, but those are still quite uncommon and have yet to boom in research and nationwide availability. Not only can CBD decrease inflammation, additionally it may become a muscle relaxant which helps decrease strenuous cramps. In addition, it induces vascular relaxation which supports promote blood flow and oxygenation through the entire tiny vessels in the uterus (also decreases pain levels). Because periods are paired with other unwanted effects like low energy and brain fog, CBD can be a primary proponent for targeting this. ReThink has energy shots with CBD that'll not only decrease pain and inflammation but boost focus and energy. You can even apply the topical creams and roll-ons to focus on local irritation in the uterus and consume CBD tinctures, shots, or capsules to greatly help with focus, energy, mood, and inflammation. Periods don't need to be unbearable and painful. This is exactly why ReThink has your back. Say hello to happy uterus days! To know more details visit here: CBD oil
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greenfiy1 · 4 years
Best DIM Supplements of 2020 Buyer’s Guide
Are you wondering what in the world DIM supplements are? DIM, or in other words diindolylmethane, is a compound that is commonly found in cruciferous vegetables. The broccoli you always hated to eat, and other powerful veggies like cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts etc. are cruciferous vegetables.
They sound quite legendary, don’t they? Nutrition-wise, they really are packed with powerful goods that regular vegetables can’t provide for you. Now imagine all of that goodness coming in a bottle that boosts your health in just one or two doses per day.
That is why we’re here today—to talk about DIM supplements and explain how to find the best ones for you!
Buying Guide for the Best Dim Supplements
We’re assuming you’re here because this is your first time hearing about DIM supplements. Not only is it easier to sprinkle DIM supplements over a bowlful of veggies daily, it also gives magical results, improving health for the long term.
Identify the Cause
The problems that DIM supplements solve to are many in number. It solves problems in both men and women, and it helps with hormonal issues. This natural compound helps with cancerous cells in breasts, which is perhaps why it’s most popular.
Furthermore, it works significantly for weight loss and mental health issues such as depression, it enhances mood and overall is great for the memory cells. If you’re looking to have a more vibrant health, these supplements absolutely boost you.
DIM for Women
 Cancer is a devastating disease, and so DIM is one of those supplements that help curb its effects on the body. For women, these supplements help to deal with breast
cancer. It also restores natural hormonal balance. Starting from with the menopause and those annoying hot flushes, a routine dosage brings relief.
DIM for Men
Are you sick of hearing about your man boobs? Do you want to regain your sexual health and energy to feel more confident and lively? DIM supplements are truly a miracle! As we have already mentioned, this works to keep chemical balance in your bloodstream; it keeps the hormone/testosterone ratio appropriate.
Understand the Side Effects
No matter how natural, any medicine causes unintended reactions in the body. The usual side effects are vomiting, nausea, headache and it can cause gastric issues.
Consult with a Physician
Before buying a DIM supplement, it’s always safe to consult with the doctor so that they can run a routine checkup on you. This way they can safely prescribe the appropriate dosage according to your age, gender, hormonal levels and medical history.
Best Dim Supplements
Smoky Mountain Naturals DIM Supplement
Product Description:
 Easily the best DIM supplement out there comes in a 200g bottle that is “elite for a reason”. It is a vegan certified product that helps both men and women to deal with their hormonal imbalances and any such related health problems.
Made ethically, it takes care of estrogen levels, and they say it’s a must-try if you want real relief from menstrual issues, hormonal acne, night sweats, excess weight gain, and especially stress.
Estrogen blocker
Balances bodily function
What we like:
Takes care of PCOS
Improved skin
Great alternative to antidepressants
Check Price Here On Amazon
Nutricost DIM Plus BioPerine
Product Description: 
A doctor’s choice can never go wrong especially when Nutricost did DIM justice with this product. Infused with extra BioPerine, this is effective on women who have a hard time dealing with endometriosis, PCOS, the menopause, and stress.
Hearing all these, you’re probably thinking this must be a lifesaver! The way it works, you will feel like it’s taking off years from your body.
Infused with BioPerine, rice flour, veggie capsule.
Natural estrogen blocker
What we like:
No need for synthetic hormones
Contains effective DIM
Check Price Here On Amazon
Effective Nutra DIM Supplement
Product Description: 
Want incredible change in just 60 days? With Effective Nutra’s DIM Supplement, you get buffed with extra strong, pure DIM and BioPerine. This eases absorption and digestion, and quickly helps your body gain energy.
This product is effective in both male and female bodies. Taking care of prostate health, discomforts during menopause and improving sexual and overall energy are the highlighted benefits you will notice after a few doses of this.
Estrogen balance
What we like:
Two-Month Supply
Reduces estrogen levels
Helps prostate health
Check Price Here On Amazon
Natures Craft DIM Supplement
Product Description: 
Have you been spending sleepless nights worried about your hormones sabotaging your lifestyle? It’s best to buy one of the best DIM supplements on the market from Natures Craft because this needs to end.
These supplements will produce visibly faster results as your skin feels better from within. At the same time it assists in hormonal balancing, while you’re getting treatment to keep them regularly functioning. In men, this may act like a natural aromatase inhibitor while getting testosterone shots.
Improves skin
Improves sleep
What we like:
Great absorbency
Fights cystic acne
Check Price Here On Amazon
Pure DIM Supplement 
Product Description:
 Why let the effects of menopause hold you back after turning 40? Tender breasts, sudden sweaty pits and terrible acne will not bring you down anymore, because Pure DIM Supplement truly makes a big difference!
Because this is naturally sourced, it has no abrupt and harmful side effects as long as your doctor deems this appropriate for your lifestyle. If you want an affordable and high quality DIM complex, this is one to go for!
Estrogen blocker
Libido regulator
What we like:
Helps with PCOS and ovarian cysts
Youthful skin and health
Check Price Here On Amazon
Final Words
Just because we’re recommending you the best DIM supplements, doesn’t mean you should stop eating your veggies. So whether you want to balance your hormones, or slowly age and curb weight gain, or you want to tackle cancerous issues, make sure you have a healthy diet, a proper sleep cycle and exercise, besides taking a proper dose of DIM pills.
Related: The gym supplements you need to know about reviews
source https://greenfiy.com/best-dim-supplements-of-2020-buyers-guide/
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gothify1 · 5 years
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Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is one of the buzziest ingredients in the beauty industry at the moment. New CBD-infused serums, supplements, bath balms, and more are hitting the market at such an overwhelming rate that for those of us new to the stuff, it can feel intimidating to start figuring out how CBD might fit into your beauty routine and what products to buy. Let's begin with a quick-and-dirty rundown of what CBD is and what it does. "CBD is one of over a hundred active compounds (or cannabinoids) in the cannabis [aka, hemp] plant," explains Cindy Capobianco, president and co-founder of Lord Jones , one of the current most popular CBD beauty brands. CBD is super versatile: It can be ingested in various forms or applied topically and can have a massive variety of different benefits depending on how you consume it. "When used topically, CBD has been used for centuries to successfully provide pain relief and aid to skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea," says Capobianco. "When ingested, CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, providing pain relief, mood stabilization, relief from anxiety, and promoting an overall calm sense of well-being." As cannabis laws become laxer around the country and studies of CBD's benefits gain more support, the beauty industry—and Hollywood—is beginning to rally around the ingredient. CBD has become such a mainstream cultural phenomenon that over the past year or two, celebrities like Mandy Moore, Olivia Wilde, Alessandra Ambrosio, and Jaime King have all openly endorsed CBD-infused beauty and wellness products. In fact, a few months ago, I ran into Jaime King at an event for MedMen (a California dispensary) celebrating the launch of one of the brand's issues of Ember (its quarterly cannabis journal), where she told me: "I've seen the way that CBD works for people who are suffering from all different types of conditions and diseases, like epilepsy, cancer, PCOS, and endometriosis—but without getting high. And it has beauty benefits too. We have so much more research to do, but it's an exciting time to see what kind of properties in this plant can be healthy for people." Bottom line: CBD is legit. But not all CBD products will be equally effective or right for you personally. That's why we tapped a few trusted CBD experts to put together this beginner's guide to CBD, including what to look for and what to buy. One of these experts is Kerrigan Behrens, co-founder of CBD wellness brand Sagely Naturals , who says "Oils, tinctures, gummies—the options for CBD in today’s landscape seem endless. So if you are feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone. And although there is no one-size-fits-all recommended dosage or timing , there are ways to maximize the efficacy of CBD by mindfully selecting your delivery method . Understanding the various ingestion methods available and your personal needs can help you feel better placed to decide what’s right for your personal wellness journey. " If you're looking for those ingestible CBD benefits (aka, the pain and anxiety relief, mood stabilization, etc.), a capsule is a great option. When shopping for capsules, Behrens offers this tip: "The best way to ensure you’re getting the most CBD absorbed into your body is to look for capsules that are formulated to be water-soluble (avoid gel caps)," she says. "Because even if something has a high dosage of CBD, that doesn’t guarantee your body will be able to absorb it all (or even most of it) if it’s not made to be 'body-ready.'" You also want to look to confirm that CBD product has been tested by a third-party laboratory and that it comes from hemp grown in the U.S. "The reality is that the CBD industry is relatively new, and quality control systems are still being put in place," says Drew Todd, co-founder of CBD supplement Feals. "A valid certificate of analysis (lab report) provides detailed insight into what the product actually contains. If a company is reluctant to share lab reports or doesn’t have any at all, stay away. Also, the U.S. enforces some of the highest cultivation standards, and with the federal legalization of hemp this past December, even higher standards, transparency, and quality controls are in the works." CBD suspended in oil is the most common form of CBD you’ll find on the market. These tinctures come with an oil dropper that you either put under your tongue (or in a beverage, like your before-bed chamomile tea) or a sprayer that you spritz directly into your mouth. "This is the fastest way of ingesting CBD and impacts the body quicker and maintains higher availability," says Behrens. (The taste can be a little overpowering for some, which is why I recommend mixing it into a drink.) As for how much to take: "The right dose of depends on the person, but most people need a significant dose of cannabinoids to experience the full benefits," says Todd. Though if you're brand new to the stuff, go easy. "For first-time CBD users, it is best to take the recommended dosage (i.e., one dropper of tincture) without any alcohol in your system to serve as a baseline to see how your body reacts," adds Capobianco. "Everyone's endocannabinoid system is different and dosage can vary by individual." Topical CBD products can help with everything from localized muscle tension to acne and rosacea. For soothing body aches, Todd recommends looking for products that are infused with complementary ingredients, like essential peppermint oil and menthol, which can "help CBD’s natural ability to return balance to the body." Some important things to look for in your CBD lotions body oils, face oils, and serums: "Consumers should seek 'broad-spectrum' or 'cannabinoid-rich' hemp oil, which contains not only CBD but retains many of the plant's original compounds," says Capobianco. "We recommend against purchasing any product utilizing 'CBD isolate'—it is a cheaper and more heavily processed powder form of CBD that is derived by stripping away all of the plant’s natural compounds, vitamins, minerals, and isolating only one." Also, no matter what delivery system you're choosing, you want to make sure the products explicitly say "CBD," which is not to be confused with hemp seed oil. "If it says 'hemp seed oil,' 'cannabis sativa seed oil,' or anything with the word 'seed,' without reference to hemp oil or cannabis sativa oil, it is a hemp oil product v. a cannabinoid-rich hemp oil product," says skincare expert Derek Chase, founder of CBD skincare brand Flora + Bast. This can be a tricky distinction for consumers to navigate. As Capobianco says, "Unfortunately, there afd a number of brands cynically cashing in on the cannabis trend and misleading consumers by photographing their product next to images of cannabis leaves or making false claims about it containing CBD when in fact there is none. There is zero CBD found in the seed of the hemp plant." Also, plain and simple, if a product "doesn’t smell reminiscent of cannabis, it probably isn't," says Chase. Next: 7 French Women With Particularly Good Skin on the Products They Swear By
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amj2101 · 6 years
CLICK Here for a Discount -->: Dr. Emil DIM Select 250 mg DIM Supplement with BioPerine - Estrogen Balance, Menopause Relief, Hormonal Acne, PCOS & Weight Loss for Women & Men (30 Veggie Capsules)
CLICK Here for a Discount –>: Dr. Emil DIM Select 250 mg DIM Supplement with BioPerine – Estrogen Balance, Menopause Relief, Hormonal Acne, PCOS & Weight Loss for Women & Men (30 Veggie Capsules)
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List Price: $22.95
MENOPAUSE SUPPORT & MORE – DIM has been clinically shown to metabolize harmful forms of excess estrogen &…
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theextraspoon · 6 years
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While we all wish mother nature would just send us a text once a month, rumor has it she never upgraded to a cell phone! Until she gets with the 21st century, there is an all natural CBD product just for our women's monthly "gift"! Women's Monthly Wellness CBD Hemp capsules are specifically designed to provide relief, and help ease the discomforts around your period! http://bit.ly/2QoV2uY #PCOS #wellness #women #pain #endometriosis #health #natural #healthy #cbdoil #hempoil #period #CBD #Hemp #capsules #womenshealth #relief #female #cannabis #organic #holistic #woman #green #420 #alternative #mothernature #nature #womanpower #body #pink http://bit.ly/2QHlS1u
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greenfiy · 4 years
Best DIM Supplements of 2020 Buyer’s Guide
Are you wondering what in the world DIM supplements are? DIM, or in other words diindolylmethane, is a compound that is commonly found in cruciferous vegetables. The broccoli you always hated to eat, and other powerful veggies like cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts etc. are cruciferous vegetables.
They sound quite legendary, don’t they? Nutrition-wise, they really are packed with powerful goods that regular vegetables can’t provide for you. Now imagine all of that goodness coming in a bottle that boosts your health in just one or two doses per day.
That is why we’re here today—to talk about DIM supplements and explain how to find the best ones for you!
Buying Guide for the Best Dim Supplements
We’re assuming you’re here because this is your first time hearing about DIM supplements. Not only is it easier to sprinkle DIM supplements over a bowlful of veggies daily, it also gives magical results, improving health for the long term.
Identify the Cause
The problems that DIM supplements solve to are many in number. It solves problems in both men and women, and it helps with hormonal issues. This natural compound helps with cancerous cells in breasts, which is perhaps why it’s most popular.
Furthermore, it works significantly for weight loss and mental health issues such as depression, it enhances mood and overall is great for the memory cells. If you’re looking to have a more vibrant health, these supplements absolutely boost you.
DIM for Women
 Cancer is a devastating disease, and so DIM is one of those supplements that help curb its effects on the body. For women, these supplements help to deal with breast
cancer. It also restores natural hormonal balance. Starting from with the menopause and those annoying hot flushes, a routine dosage brings relief.
DIM for Men
Are you sick of hearing about your man boobs? Do you want to regain your sexual health and energy to feel more confident and lively? DIM supplements are truly a miracle! As we have already mentioned, this works to keep chemical balance in your bloodstream; it keeps the hormone/testosterone ratio appropriate.
Understand the Side Effects
No matter how natural, any medicine causes unintended reactions in the body. The usual side effects are vomiting, nausea, headache and it can cause gastric issues.
Consult with a Physician
Before buying a DIM supplement, it’s always safe to consult with the doctor so that they can run a routine checkup on you. This way they can safely prescribe the appropriate dosage according to your age, gender, hormonal levels and medical history.
Best Dim Supplements
Smoky Mountain Naturals DIM Supplement
Product Description:
 Easily the best DIM supplement out there comes in a 200g bottle that is “elite for a reason”. It is a vegan certified product that helps both men and women to deal with their hormonal imbalances and any such related health problems.
Made ethically, it takes care of estrogen levels, and they say it’s a must-try if you want real relief from menstrual issues, hormonal acne, night sweats, excess weight gain, and especially stress.
Estrogen blocker
Balances bodily function
What we like:
Takes care of PCOS
Improved skin
Great alternative to antidepressants
Check Price Here On Amazon
Nutricost DIM Plus BioPerine
Product Description: 
A doctor’s choice can never go wrong especially when Nutricost did DIM justice with this product. Infused with extra BioPerine, this is effective on women who have a hard time dealing with endometriosis, PCOS, the menopause, and stress.
Hearing all these, you’re probably thinking this must be a lifesaver! The way it works, you will feel like it’s taking off years from your body.
Infused with BioPerine, rice flour, veggie capsule.
Natural estrogen blocker
What we like:
No need for synthetic hormones
Contains effective DIM
Check Price Here On Amazon
Effective Nutra DIM Supplement
Product Description: 
Want incredible change in just 60 days? With Effective Nutra’s DIM Supplement, you get buffed with extra strong, pure DIM and BioPerine. This eases absorption and digestion, and quickly helps your body gain energy.
This product is effective in both male and female bodies. Taking care of prostate health, discomforts during menopause and improving sexual and overall energy are the highlighted benefits you will notice after a few doses of this.
Estrogen balance
What we like:
Two-Month Supply
Reduces estrogen levels
Helps prostate health
Check Price Here On Amazon
Natures Craft DIM Supplement
Product Description: 
Have you been spending sleepless nights worried about your hormones sabotaging your lifestyle? It’s best to buy one of the best DIM supplements on the market from Natures Craft because this needs to end.
These supplements will produce visibly faster results as your skin feels better from within. At the same time it assists in hormonal balancing, while you’re getting treatment to keep them regularly functioning. In men, this may act like a natural aromatase inhibitor while getting testosterone shots.
Improves skin
Improves sleep
What we like:
Great absorbency
Fights cystic acne
Check Price Here On Amazon
Pure DIM Supplement 
Product Description:
 Why let the effects of menopause hold you back after turning 40? Tender breasts, sudden sweaty pits and terrible acne will not bring you down anymore, because Pure DIM Supplement truly makes a big difference!
Because this is naturally sourced, it has no abrupt and harmful side effects as long as your doctor deems this appropriate for your lifestyle. If you want an affordable and high quality DIM complex, this is one to go for!
Estrogen blocker
Libido regulator
What we like:
Helps with PCOS and ovarian cysts
Youthful skin and health
Check Price Here On Amazon
Final Words
Just because we’re recommending you the best DIM supplements, doesn’t mean you should stop eating your veggies. So whether you want to balance your hormones, or slowly age and curb weight gain, or you want to tackle cancerous issues, make sure you have a healthy diet, a proper sleep cycle and exercise, besides taking a proper dose of DIM pills.
Related: The gym supplements you need to know about reviews
source https://greenfiy.com/best-dim-supplements-of-2020-buyers-guide/
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h0n-ey · 5 years
11 HOME BASED TREATMENTS for Ovarian Cyst Symptoms
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1. Take an over-the-counter (OTC) pain, killer
Pain medications you will get at your neighborhood medication store may temporarily assist with pain from ovarian cysts. You can purchase many without prescription, including ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), and acetaminophen (Tylenol).
You might take these medications once you feel pain for several times. Discuss taking painkillers long-term or prescription medications with your physician. you can also check ovarian cyst miracle
2. Use heat treatment to help ease cramps
A heating system pad is another option that will help ease cyst pain and menstrual cramping. Applying a warm water container or heating system pad to your lower stomach could even be as effectual as using OTC drugs. You'll find electric heating system pads online or at your neighborhood pharmacy or store.
You can also make your own by submerging a soft towel in water, putting it in a big plastic material zip-close bag, and microwaving it for just two minutes. Make sure to leave the handbag open within the microwave. Once you carefully take it off from the microwave, seal the handbag, cover it in another wet towel and heat should last a good 20 minutes.
3. Take an Epsom sodium shower to help relax muscle tissue and simplicity cramping
The same idea applies to go for a hot bath. Heat can convenience pain from cysts or cramps. Adding Epsom salts - magnesium sulfate - to your shower may take this alleviation to another level. Epsom salts have been used for a long time to help ease aching muscles and other aches and pains.
You'll find packages of Epsom salts at the pharmacy, discount buck stores, and online. Simply attract a shower and add two mugs of Epsom salts. Allow it to dissolve completely before soaking in the shower for approximately 20 minutes
4. Treat on almonds, that are saturated in magnesium
Almonds boast high degrees of magnesium, which might assist with distress. Natural almonds contain around 270 milligramsTrusted Source per 100-gram providing. You’ll find this ingredient on many “what things to eat throughout your period” lists because of this. And in more formalTrusted Source studies, supplementing your daily diet with magnesium has been proven to assist with chronic pain.
A lot of people can eat almonds without interactions. They make a good treat to consume simple or flavor great when sprinkled over a salad. However, if you’re sensitive to tree nut products, you’ll want to miss this suggestion.
5. Take dong Quai supplements to help simplicity cramps
You might have heard that the main dong Quai can help with menstrual cramping and pain. This historic Chinese language medication is often within supplements or integrated into teas.
However, studiesTrusted Source is combined upon this herb’s effectiveness. Experts in one research found the plant to be inadequate at combating hot flashes. More research is necessary on this main, and also other complementary and alternative therapies.
You shouldn’t take dong Quai if you:
are pregnant
are breastfeeding
have a bloodstream clotting disorder
take bloodstream thinners
Supplements aren’t regulated by America Food and Medication Administration (FDA), and that means you should only purchase them from reputable manufacturers. Follow the dose directions on the label.
6. Drink chamomile tea to help you relax and convenience anxiety
Cozying up with a mug of warm chamomile tea is another option. Chamomile can be a plant that’s been used since historic times. They have anti-inflammatory properties to assist with cramping and could help reduce stress to boot. Not just that, but chamomile may also allow you to get a much better night’s rest. The very best part? It’s something you can simply find at your local grocery store or online.
To steep store-bought tea, simply boil drinking water and place your teabag in a mug for a few moments. Many teas will have instructions on the product packaging.
You may even make fresh tea using chamomile flowers. For one offer, you’ll need:
3-4 tablespoons of flowers
a sprig of mint
a glass of boiling water
Combine your ingredients in a mug and after 5 minutes, strain to take pleasure from.
7. Drink ginger tea in reducing inflammation and decrease pain
Ginger tea is another natural option for natural pain relief and cramping. Also, it has both antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. In a single study trusted Source, ginger halted the development of ovarian malignancy cells, leading experts to summarize that diet consumption of ginger may treat and stop ovarian tumors.
Like chamomile tea, you will get ginger teas on the racks at a supermarket or online. All you need to do is steep a handbag in boiling drinking water for a few moments and enjoy. If you don’t like the flavor, consider adding a press of lemon.
To create fresh ginger tea at home:
Peel and cut a 2-in. a little bit of ginger.
Boil ginger in 2 mugs of drinking water for ten minutes.
Then, remove from warmth and add flavorings like lime juice and honey to flavor.
How to simplicity symptoms in the long run
There are some things you can try at home that may help long-term with your ovarian cysts. These remedies can help lessen your cyst size or even prevent them from repeating. Still, there isn’t much research to aid these methods.
Use caution, keep an eye on your symptoms, and keep your physician informed.
8. Adjust your daily diet
Everything you eat may affect cyst development. For instance, some women continue to build up polycystic ovarian symptoms (PCOS). This condition causes issues like irregular periods or amenorrhea consequently of multiple cysts on the ovaries.
About 50 percent of women with PCOS are obese or overweight. There could be a link trusted Source between insulin level of resistance, rendering it hard to lose excess weight, and PCOS.
As a total result, you might avoid foods that donate to insulin level of resistance. Included in these are processed sugars and ready-made foods, like:
white bread
white potatoes
anything made out of white flours
pastries, sweets, muffins, and other sweet foods
Instead of filling on processed carbs, try adding foods that help regulate weight and battle insulin level of resistance.
Healthy options include:
high fiber foodstuffs, including broccoli, greens, almonds, berries, and squash
lean protein, including seafood, tofu, and chicken
anti-inflammatory spices and foods, including tomato vegetables, turmeric, kale, essential olive oil, and almonds
If you’re having difficulty slimming down or managing your daily diet, ask your physician for help or a recommendation to a dietitian.
9. Consider dark cohosh supplements to help control menstruation
Certain vegetation and natural herbs can help ease a variety of menstrual issues. Native People in America and Western settlers used dark cohosh to aid general reproductive health. Today, it’s often used to assist with symptoms associated with menopause, such as:
hot flashes
night sweats
heart palpitations
sleep issues
More research is required to see whether this natural herb will help with ovarian cysts.
Dark cohosh could cause part results like belly annoyed and rash. Beware, as a few studies are indicating dark cohosh may donate to liver organ harm. And other studies don’t support this plant’s intended healing properties. Dark cohosh may connect to medications, although research is bound. You should speak to your doctor before use.
10. Add floor flaxseed to your daily diet to help balance hormones
Help may maintain your pantry already. Flaxseeds might lower the body’s androgen levels. High degrees of androgens in women tend to be associated with trusted Sources with PCOS.
In one research, a 31-year-old female with PCOS supplemented her diet with 30 grams of flaxseeds every day. Over four weeks, her androgen levels reduced, as well as her testosterone levels. These results claim that seed products may help to modify hormone function.
This scholarly study is quite limited, as it only examined one subject. More research is required to see whether flaxseed can help with issues like ovarian cysts. At the same time, flaxseeds are abundant with omega-3 essential fatty acids and can participate in a healthy diet plan. You might try sprinkling surface flaxseeds atop soup, incorporating them into smoothies, or even supplementing your daily diet with flaxseed essential oil.
Flaxseed is normally safe to take daily. Before adding any product to your daily diet, it’s better to speak to your doctor.
11. Consider maca main supplements to balance hormones
Maca main is a herb grown in the Andes. It got some attention in the first 2000s because of its potential to help women who are peri- or postmenopausal. It’s thought that herb can help regulate hormone levels.
For example, ladies in one studyTrusted Source generally felt that they had a much better standard of living after taking it. Their soreness lessened, as well as symptoms like hot flashes, night time sweats, center palpitations, and emotions of depression.
Can maca main prevent or treat ovarian cysts? Maybe. More research is necessary, but maca is normally considered safe to increase your diet. Many people add maca to smoothies or even espresso.
You can purchase maca in capsule or powder form. Dosages vary, so make sure to learn the instructions on the label.
Potential aspect results and dangers of using herbal treatments
Discuss with your physician before adding herbal products and other supplements to your day to day routine. Some may connect to medications you’re taking or have part effects. Your physician can also help you determine appropriate dosages and present you with other instructions for use.
The FDA doesn’t regulate herbs, so you’ll do some research to ensure you’re buying from reputable manufacturers. How will you know if the health supplement you have is safe? You might not at first glance, so browse the label. The FDA will require that brands contain all things that are in the dietary supplement.
If you still have concerns, ask your physician or pharmacist for assistance.
Underneath line
Different at-home steps can help ease any discomfort you have or perhaps regulate hormones to assist in the future. However, there’s no proven way to avoid future cysts from developing.
There are other notable causes of ovary pain which sensation may be confused with mittelschmerz, the pain some women feel during ovulation. It happens monthly and is normally short.
If you’re experiencing severe or elsewhere concerning symptoms, see your physician. They can diagnose any cysts or other conditions that may be inside your ovaries, as well as help, create a treatment plan suitable for your needs.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/menstrual-cup-how-to-use-one-for-a-healthy-eco-friendly-period/
Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period
Periods can be a big problem. But not for the reasons TV commercials try to convince us they are.
Sure, some women have uncomfortable and painful periods (see info on that at the bottom of this post), but there are some other big problems with the “norm” when it comes to periods. Mainly:
Risks of Tampons and Pads
Most feminine hygiene options like pads and tampons contain harmful chemicals and pesticides that aren’t good in general. While unhealthy, they are especially problematic for the delicate and highly vascular area like the vagina. With once a month use for all of a woman’s child-bearing years, the chemical exposure builds up!
There are also health concerns like Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) from tampons.
Unhealthy for the Planet
Health ramifications aside, options like pads and tampons aren’t good for the planet. Each woman will use an estimated 16,000 pads or tampons in her lifetime. These products end up in landfills, taking years and years to break down.
Most also contain plastic, which isn’t good for humans, but is also pretty terrible for the environment too.
Let me guess, right now, you may be thinking that you are just one person and you only contribute a small number of pads or tampons to the landfills.
But did you know:
Each year, more than 12 BILLION sanitary pads and 7 BILLION tampons are dumped into landfills?
An average woman menstruates for over 40 years, leaving hundreds of pounds of disposable products in landfills.
Natural Period & Tampon Alternatives (That Work Better)
Fortunately, there are some great, organic and green alternatives to toxic, plastic containing disposables now. Most women shell out $5-14 per cycle on disposable products, so these options can save a lot of money over time!
If you haven’t already, consider switching to one of these. Not only are they healthier… but all of these options work better and are more comfortable than traditional pads and tampons. Plus you’ll save money too! A win:win for sure!
Menstrual Cups
It took me a while to try these, but I’m so glad I did! Here’s my review of popular brands:
The Diva Cup
As you may gather from its name, the Diva Cup is a silicone cup that is inserted vaginally and it takes the place of tampons and pads during your period. There are two sizes, one for pre-childbearing years and one for after you’ve had a child (or two or three or six…).
Unlike tampons, there is no danger of Toxic Shock Syndrome with the Diva Cup (or any menstrual cup) and it is completely reusable. It can be boiled to sanitize or washed with drinking water. Many women also report that it is much more comfortable, and most only have to change it every 8-12 hours, which is more convenient.
Luna Cup
The Diva Cup was the original, but there are now dozens of great menstrual cup options. Recently I had to purchase another menstrual cup when I was traveling and forgot to pack my Diva Cup. I got this Luna Cup and I have to say I actually like it a little better than the Diva Cup.
I should also put in my personal plug for menstrual cups in general. I’ll admit, when I first found out about them, I thought they were odd and couldn’t imagine using one. Now, I can’t imagine not using one. I’ve worn them overnight, on international flights, while scuba diving, while hiking 20+ miles, and in many other unusual situations. I have never had a leak or a problem and it has never been uncomfortable. Really.
In fact, since my periods are pretty light, I only have to dump the cup once a day, which is super convenient. In many ways, I don’t even notice being on my period now as I can go from gym to swimming to bed without having to change anything.
The first couple of uses it does take a little getting used to, but after that, it really is easier. Give them a try if you haven’t already!
Tips for Using a Menstrual Cup
Here’s the cheat sheet I wish I’d had on how to use a menstrual cup without the learning curve:
Fold it first. There are dozens of ways to fold a menstrual cup to make it easier to insert. I squeeze mine in half and then fold it into a “C” shape so it easily pops back open once inserted.
Insert Like a tampon. Insert the folded cup like a tampon, angling it to the back of the spine. Make sure it fully unfolds to create a light suction. This suction keeps it from leaking. Check this by running your finger along the side to make sure it has unfolded completely. Pull down slightly if needed to make it more comfortable.
Learn how long. How long you can wear a cup depends on how heavy your cycle is. The good news is that many women find their cycles get lighter and easier when they start using a cup. Like I said, I can wear mine for 24 hours, but the average seems to be about 12.
Remove, clean and reuse. Wash your hands really well and pull down on the stem of the menstrual cup to release it. Once you’ve pulled it down slightly, gently push on one side to release the suction and carefully remove. Empty into the toilet and wash well with warm water before reinserting.
When in doubt, turn inside out. This is a tip I learned from my midwife. If it is uncomfortable or you have trouble with leaks, turn the cup inside out. It works like a charm, and is really comfortable this way. It is slightly harder to remove, so just use your pelvic floor muscles to gently push it down to remove it.
Cloth Menstrual Pads
If a menstrual cup is not your thing, there are also a lot of options for cloth menstrual pads. These are more comfortable than plastic based pads! They have a waterproof liner so they don’t leak through clothes and are washable so they are eco-friendly too.
My favorites are these handmade cloth menstrual pads from a local family-owned business  (they can ship them worldwide!). They’re handmade by busy midwives and are great cloth pads that have lasted me for years and years!
Organic Menstrual Pads
If the idea of a menstrual cup or cloth pads isn’t your thing, it is possible to find organic disposable tampons or disposable pads so you can at least avoid the chemicals in the conventional versions.
Sea Sponge Tampons
Another great completely natural option is Sea Sponge tampons. They work similarly to a Diva Cup and collect flow. When removed, they can be easily rinsed out a re-used. These are the ones I’ve tried. I personally found them less comfortable than cloth pads or a cup though.
Natural Period Pain Relief
Tylenol and other acetaminophen-based pain relief options are chemically based and emerging research is finding that they are toxic to your mitochondria (you need those little guys!). Luckily, there are a lot of natural options out that, and you can also address the underlying problem and not just mask the pain.
Vitex – A fertility aid that also helps ease menstrual cramps by balancing hormones. It is also used by herbalists for increasing fertility, though it should be discontinued when a woman becomes pregnant. When not pregnant, it can be taken daily in capsule form or tincture form. For a full explanation of vitex and its benefits, see this post.
Red Clover – Another herb that is supportive of menstrual health and function. It has been known to ease endometriosis and PCOS and is helpful for cramps. It should also be discontinued when a woman becomes pregnant. When not pregnant, it can be taken daily. I’ve tried this brand.
Progesterone Cream – A natural progesterone cream is perhaps the best remedy, long-term for many menstrual problems. I’ve had many clients conceive by adding progesterone to their regimen, and it also helps ease cramps. Many menstrual problems can be caused or exacerbated by too much estrogen in the body, and progesterone helps balance it out. If used, it should only be used in the second half of the cycle (ovulation until start of the period) and applied to the skin of fatty areas of the body like the thighs, buttocks, stomach, breasts and upper arms. I’ve used this brand in the past but recently switched to this one on Dr. Anna Cabeca’s recommendation in this podcast.
Magnesium – Taking magnesium regularly may also really help ease cramps (and there are a lot of other benefits to taking magnesium too!) My favorite brand by far is this time-release formula. Read more about magnesium in this post.
Do you have any natural tips for dealing with feminine health? Ever used any of the suggestions above? Please let me know below!
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/4668/menstrual-cup/
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ghaw2007 · 6 years
7 Mint Leaf Benefits
7 Mint Leaf Benefits
1. Improve Digestive Health
Many people reach for mints at the first sign of tummy troubles, and for good reason. Mint is well-known for its stomach-soothing properties thanks to the presence of a compound in peppermint oil called menthol, which helps relax the muscles in the digestive tract to provide relief. (1)
Studies show that mint may be especially beneficial for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that causes IBS symptoms like abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, bloating and cramps. In fact, one double-blind, placebo-controlled study out of Italy gave people with IBS peppermint oil capsules for four weeks and found that symptoms were slashed by 75 percent. (2)
2. May Relieve Cold Symptoms
Flip over just about any over-the-counter cold or flu medicine and you’ll likely spot “menthol” on the list of ingredients. Menthol is one of the primary compounds in peppermint oil, and although there is conflicting evidence about just how effective menthol may be at relieving congestion, several studies have found that it could help improve airflow to reduce cold symptoms. (3, 4)
3. Help Oral Hygiene
Popping a few mints or a stick of mint-flavored gum is a well-known natural remedy to freshen up bad breath, but did you know that it could also help promote oral hygiene as well?
One of the main benefits of peppermint tea is its powerful antimicrobial properties, which can help kill off bacteria to optimize oral hygiene. (5) Brew up a cup or two of peppermint tea using mint leaves, and pair it with proper oral hygiene practices to keep your mouth healthy and fresh.
4. Boost Brain Function
Interestingly enough, some research shows that even the mere smell of mint could be enough to bump up brain power and improve cognitive function. One study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, for example, showed that the aroma of peppermint was able to enhance memory and increase alertness. (6) Similarly, another study published in the North American Journal of Psychology also showed that peppermint scent was effective at reducing fatigue and anxiety while improving alertness, thanks to its ability to stimulate the central nervous system. (7)
5. Soothe Breastfeeding Pain
Cracked, sore and painful nipples are some of the most common side effects of breastfeeding, many of which can be difficult to effectively soothe and treat. Some research shows that mint leaves could help relieve pain caused by breastfeeding by causing a reduction in these serious symptoms and side effects when applied topically.
A study conducted by the Alzahra Teaching Hospital in Iran showed that applying peppermint gel was significantly more effective than lanolin at preventing nipple cracks in nursing mothers. (8) Another study published in the International Breastfeeding Journal found that daily use of peppermint water could prevent nipple cracks, noting that women who used it regularly also reported less pain. (9)
6. Reduce PCOS Symptoms
Some studies have found that mint tea benefits polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition in women that is characterized by excess levels of male hormones. This is because it has anti-androgen effects, helping to reduce testosterone levels to keep hormone levels in balance.
One 2010 study published in Phytotherapy Research showed that drinking spearmint herbal tea was able to significantly decrease testosterone levels and improve subjective assessments of hirsutism, or irregular hair growth, in women. (10) An animal study also showed that drinking peppermint tea led to a reduction in testosterone in rats compared to a control group, suggesting that it could be beneficial for those with PCOS. (11)
7. Decrease Indigestion
Also known as dyspepsia, indigestion is defined as impaired digestion, resulting in recurrent symptoms like heartburn, nausea, belching and abdominal pain. Studies have found that peppermint oil speeds up the emptying of the stomach, which could protect against indigestion to prevent symptoms. (12) Using peppermint oil as a treatment for indigestion has also been shown to be effective, especially when coupled with other ingredients like caraway oil.
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