#PC Assembly
aerink-vt · 2 months
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Things have been a little quiet cause I've been really busy lately.. including building my first ever PC! It was really nerve-wracking, and it's been a bit of a journey, but it's been such a dream now to have a PC + ethernet. Hoping to return to streaming by this weekend! 🤞🩵
(I've since moved the wire away from the fan, this is a pic from the other day lol)
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Empowering Yourself Building Your Own PC
Unlock the power of building your own PC with this comprehensive guide! Learn how to choose components, assemble, troubleshoot, and optimize for peak performance.
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lemontartmart · 6 months
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I can't find the post but i was inspired by the person who drew their PC as a robot so here's Miku PC!!! Miku PC just wants to have a good time and be your friend!
Irl Miku PC pics
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biveii · 6 months
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hello fellow elevator regretters. throwing my bive design at you. this is mostly for me, while i figure how to draw her, but i wanted to share :-)
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anonymocha · 5 months
nothing more intimate than operating on a robot girl… checking up on her sensor systems by connecting her to your computer… and then unscrewing her head plate to see the physical state of her controls, seeing the entanglement of her wires and rows of circuited boards… or opening her chest to clean the dust off her power systems… you need to keep your hands covered with anti-static gloves to touch her delicate structures, be gentle with the cables in her body… whatever
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maibabbling · 3 months
An Essay About Kousuke
Sharing it here too because why not.
I’m a sucker for grey characters.
He’s really interesting and personally, he’s my favorite. I love him so much.
And to all of the Kousuke haters who’s going to come at me.
No, I’m not saying he’s innocent. He did do horrible things, treated those around him horribly, teared Nol down, tried to sabotage him at every opportunity and the list goes on.
Neglect, abuse, and trauma do NOT justify his actions. But you’ve got to understand that from his point of view, they WERE justified. In his mind, he did the right thing. He was protecting himself, his family, and the company.
From a young age, Yui told him that everyone is out to get them, everyone will use them, take advantage of them, that he can’t trust anyone but her. She ingrained this sense of fear, of paranoia inside him ever since he was a kid. She crafted in him this twisted belief.
She took advantage of his starving for love and turned it into something so devious, so harmful. She made sure that Kousuke saw Nol as an enemy, an intruder who wanted to leech off them with his mom. A competitor who wanted to take what was rightfully his. She made him fear the only person who ever gave him the healthy, unconditional love he always earned for. She made him think that he was unworthy of his father’s attention and love, that he needed to work harder in order to deserve it, that he needed to be just like him.
So he stuffed down these needs, these passions, these emotions and worked as hard as he could to reach Rand, to make him look his way.
And now look at him as he is an adult, he’s paranoid of everyone, always on edge, anxious,  can’t adapt to stressful situations, unable to manage healthily his emotions and can’t function properly on his own.
You can placate the person, but not their emotions, nor their needs, and certainly not their mental state.
I’m worried for what’s coming for him, his future is nothing but bleak.
With the way it’s heading, I can assure you that Kousuke will go THROUGH IT. It will only go downhill for him from now on. How will he manage to cope? How can he? He doesn’t even know HOW TO. The only coping mechanism he thought worked (aka eating sweets) wasn’t actually ever one.
How will he cope with the realization that it wasn’t the sweets that calmed him, but the drugs that Yui, his own MOTHER, fed him through it? How do you even manage to come in term with the knowledge that your own MOTHER, the one who’s supposed to love you, to protect you, has been drugging you for many years, if not your entire life? That she’s been manipulating you and using you all this time? Add to that the fact that your reality is based on an entire lie.
The utter betrayal at him finally realizing what a wretch Yui actually is is crushing him and will continue to do so.
Now WHO is he supposed to trust?  How does he know they’re not in cahoots with his mom? Even his chef was on it. If he can’t trust his own hired help, then who can he?
I really hope he won’t distance himself from Hansuke as an attempt to protect him from Yui because he's the only one he has right now and I don't want to see what will happen if he isolates himself from him.
I do believe that he’ll move to Japan to take up the CFO position during the 4 years timeskip as a way to get himself away from Yui. But OF COURSE she’ll use this as a mean to isolate him further, to make him rely solely on her. His vulnerability will make things easier for her to play the perfect role of “Mother Dearest”.
Honestly I won’t be surprised if she decides to pay him “surprise visits” with the fake pretense of “checking up on him”. That’s so messed up because that means that in addition to the self-hatred, guilt and emotional turmoil, Kousuke will have to live in literal fear and paranoia of his mother popping out of nowhere in his house, even in Japan.
(Seriously imagine how traumatic it’ll be to go home and find the very person who drugged you, whom you were trying so hard to get away of sitting on the couch of your living room with a cup of tea in their hands.)
She could use this fear as a mean to keep him under check, as a way to remind him that no matter how far he’ll try to run away, she’ll always manage to catch him. He’ll never be able to escape her grasp. Nothing good ever comes out of fighting against her. (That woman belongs in a horror movie hands down)
After all, the end justifies the means. For her, the final aim is so important that any way of achieving it is acceptable, any actions needed in order to reach that goal are justified, be it moral or not. Be it even drugging her own son, controlling every aspect of his life, and playing everyone around her like a fiddle. Even having Kousuke was probably in her own interest. She doesn’t feel an ounce of love for him. To her, he’s nothing more than a way to achieve what she wants, a pawn that she’d discard like nothing if proven useless.
I do wonder one thing. How is he going to hold on for 4 more years? Like HOW??? It hasn't even been one week and look at the state he's in. Wrapped up in a blanket like a wet cat. He can't cope. He doesn't know how to, so he's leaning towards alcoholism. (He'll parallel Sim-Han in way.)
He'll likely fall into depression, and live the next 4 years of his life miserable and haunted by his horrid and unjust treatment of Nol, by the fact that he caused someone's death, although indirectly, by not believing the girl who got SA'd.
We still don't know what EXACTLY happened back in his college days but we all agree that Yui had a big hand in it and is probably the one who staged it all in an attempt to bring back Kousuke, who started to get loose and act like a person of his age. She needed him to work for her, to become her loyal little knight again. To rub salt into the wound more effectively , she also released Nol from the mental health institution at the same time, reminding him that he can't let go. He doesn't have the right to.
How can he, when there's a threat to his position as the heir, to his father's attention and love?
So he came back to her, like a dog returning to its master. Everything turned out as she wanted, still, she needed to keep up the act, to feed him lie after lie. So what if she had to drug him in order to placate him? What of it? After all, she can do MUCH worse. She'll do anything to keep control.
What has me worrying the most is his reaction to the fact that he is not Rand’s son. He is not Nol’s brother. He tormented Nol out of jealousy, fear that he’ll take his position as heir. Turns out that HE is the one who never even had the right to take up Rand’s position.
HE never even had the chance to have these features he desired so much.
HE is the one who tried to take something that was not rightfully his. HE worked towards an empty goal.
HE has no value without others approval, without his family’s name and the company’s.
HE is nothing.
He’ll have an identity crisis.
Am I able to see him go through all that? NO.
I want to protect him from that bald witch and throw him in therapy ASAP.
But yeah we’re not getting that anytime soon are we? Not until we pass all of our time skips.
It gets worse before it gets better. But that’s another level of worse.
I hope that in the end, once he’s been through it back and forth, and once he’s gotten years of good therapy, he’ll be able to heal and find his very own self. I hope that he’ll retake piano, an activity that he enjoys not for others; but for himself, something that’ll allow him to feel like a real person, something that’ll help him unleash his repressed emotions.
My lifelong wish is to see him SMILE again. I want to see him happy, I want to see him laugh and have fun from the bottom of his heart.
As for now, I guess I’m only going to see that in my dreams.
I'm going to excuse myself and cry in a corner.
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cloud-ya · 3 months
I feel the pain of laptop memory, I mostly play on laptop cause my phone isn't great but I had to buy an external SSD to play with it since I otherwhise wouldn't be able to use it for much at all, tho mine isn't even a gaming laptop
gaming on laptop is such a scam 😔 but that's all I could afford for now as it was starting to be a real emergency with my old laptop choking more and more on anything
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bloodpen-to-paper · 10 months
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segadriven · 2 years
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retrocgads · 1 year
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USA 1990
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brutalgamer · 6 months
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Thrones of Decay brings the rot, new DLC coming for Total War: Warhammer III
A mixture of free and paid DLC is on the way for Total War: Warhammer III, headlined by Empire, Dwarfen, and Nurgle heroes.
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aoitakumi8148 · 6 months
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[Left behind] 𝟙 of 𝟙.
𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓐 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓮, 𝓝𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓜𝓪𝔂 𝓑𝓮.
Come close, and I will touch you. Talk to me, and I will relax. Bound me to your rules, and I will remain a volunteer. Punish me, and I will accept it. Take the organ along with the flower I give you, and your precious life will be saved. Vanish, and the eternity will make us more hollow than ever. We can't continue together, we can't die together, but perhaps the very power of this unhealable wound will help me to keep my bits of humanity...
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doctorwalrider · 9 months
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Xennie says hi!!
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c-kiddo · 2 years
I have NEVER seen the nein look so guilty and regretful as the time they made pumat upset and stressed. They were broken hearted about it. also no lie i would have lost my shit if a grown kiri showed up as a PC.
naur yea 😭 they looked like they were going to throw up . these guys especially...... the (gonzo themuppets voice) Guilt .
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n1ghtwarden · 10 months
see before this update i did toy with having the possibility of minth having multiple endings (i.e she will travel with some of the party and see the world) but with her family converging aboveground i cannot see her just washing her hands of them (esp since her sos'umptu has her daughter still in menzo) and walking away from that entirely. ALL ROADS LEAD TO MENZO (half of them are probably planning to betray each other to crown themselves leader of this free city state menzo is likely going to become)
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linuxgamenews · 6 months
Discover Thrones of Decay: New Lords, Units, and Features for Total War: WARHAMMER III
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Thrones of Decay is the latest game DLC pack for Total War: WARHAMMER III on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to CREATIVE ASSEMBLY and Feral Interactive for their incredible work. Due to make its way onto Steam. Big news for Total War: WARHAMMER III fans. SEGA Europe Limited and The Creative Assembly Limited just announced the latest DLC pack, Thrones of Decay, due to release on April 30th. It also adds a ton of fresh content for the Empire, Nurgle, and Dwarfs. Think legendary lords, battle units, campaign features – it's a fully packed game update. And Feral Interactive also continues to keep up with Linux ports.
Let's start with Elspeth Von Draken from the Empire in Thrones of Decay. She’s a powerhouse Amethyst Wizard, teetering on the brink of life and death. What's special is that she brings some unique campaign features. For instance, the Imperial Gunnery School in Wissenland & Nuln lets you upgrade units and get powerful abilities in exchange for Schematics you earn in battle. Then there's the Gardens of Morr, these are fast-travel points across Empire settlements, but they also come with a cost and cool down. In battle, Elspeth is a force to be reckoned with. She rides a Carmine Dragon and uses her magical skills to control the battlefield before diving into the fray. The Empire also gets a boost with new units like the Marienburg Landship, Steam Tank Volley Gun, and more. Theodore Bruckner, as a Legendary Hero, is particularly impressive.
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Thrones of Decay Game Trailer
Now, onto Nurgle’s champion, Tamurkhan, the Maggot Lord. A sentient maggot in a rotting Ogre Tyrant's corpse – that’s Tamurkhan. His goal? Spread death and disease everywhere. His campaign features include Tamurkhan’s Chieftains, where he gathers a warhost while dominating and recruiting warlords. In battle, he's also a juggernaut, riding a Toad Dragon and wielding a two-headed axe. His ability, Feast of the Maggot Lord, deals damage to enemies even as he’s down, keeping him in action longer. In Thrones of Decay, Nurgle's forces get support with new units like Plague Ogres, Rot Knights, and Toad Dragons.
For the Dwarfs, we have Malakai Makaisson, the Slayer Engineer. He's a mix of smarts and strength, looking for redemption through a valiant death. He brings things like the Spirit of Grungi, an upgradable airborne machine that also increases his combat skills. Malakai's Adventures let him test and improve his engineering inventions in dangerous battles. His battle style? A perfect mix of range and close combat, due to use everything from explosives to shotguns and even a huge spanner. Dwarf ranks are enhanced with new units like the Daemonslayer, Dragonslayer, and Doomseekers. And let’s not forget the Slayer Pirates – they sound like a blast! Thrones of Decay also comes with Patch 5.0, adding free content, quality of life upgrades, and bug fixes. So expect a new Legendary Lord, a Hero unit, the Nemesis Crown campaign feature, and campaign reworks for the Empire, Dwarfs, and Nurgle. This DLC can be purchased as a pack or individually, which is great for flexibility. Total War: WARHAMMER III is shaping up to be a solid update and I look forward to diving into new features and units. Stay tuned for more updates, and let's get ready to experience this epic expansion. Be sure to Wishlist each including Elspeth on Steam, Malakai on Steam, and Tamurkhan on Steam. Coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC on April 30th.
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