bibleofficial · 1 year
jamie loftus … my beloved bestie …., i just listen to the bechdel cast & become reinvigorated ‼️
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jedie · 2 years
darth vectivus should’ve been anakin’s mentor
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asuyaka · 8 months
Eyyy it's been a while since I've requested anything, and since I'm back to my JJK brain rot how about a good old request for my favorite dead divorced gay couple?(how are we copin', manga readers?)
So idk if you've ever seen or heard of the "Missing Halloween" animation on YouTube, BUT--
What if satosugu found out that Reader(who they were very close with) was actually the spirit of an past special grade student that died in a mission by the hands of curse users (maybe they raided the school or something, idk it's like- 1AM in here my brain will not remember all the shit that happens in the JJK lore to make a coherent plot point) and now just roams around near the school, and that explains why everyone just seemingly ignored Reader's presence completely and gave the three weird looks whenever they hung out together. Also I like to think that these two idiots found out about reader's situation after fooling around during detention and accidentally tripping on some dusty old boxes that had some old stuff in it, finding one of those group school year pics from when Yaba was the boys' age and Reader was also in the pic from when they were still alive.
In much simpler words, Satosugu x ghost!reader that they didn't knew was a ghost until they found a picture of Reader's academic years.
-🌈, Anon.
★ - JJK brainrot 's so real f' me too !! (Satosugu once 'm get m grubby lil hands on you... >:(( )
☆ - Satosugu x Ghost! Reader !!
♡ - 's nice ta see you again, 🌈 nony !! ヾ(^▽^*))) hope you're doin' well <33 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ | 'm have seen Missing Halloween! made me s'sad (◞‸◟;) but s sooo bittersweet! m nota huuugee animation fan, but Missing Halloween 's one of m favs! (๑≧▽≦)
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Being a ghost is interesting, to put it simply.
You get to see things you never got the chance to when you were alive, like the top of Mount Fuji and the vast streets of Shibuya. Sure, you missed what it was like to eat your favorite food or speak to people, but it's the price you have to pay for your naivety.
You thought you'd be alone, wandering the hallways of Jujutsu High forever until they came.
Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru.
The strongest sorcerers in the modern era.
Shock is an emotion you haven't felt since your death, but you feel it again when you notice that those two can not only see but touch you.
It's an odd feeling. Having someone touch your skin after years (it's only been two) of being dead. Weird, but nice.
"Suguru, back me up here!" Satoru whines, holding his friend by his shoulders and shaking him back and forth.
You and Satoru were arguing about which ice cream flavor was the best. Granted, you haven't had ice cream —or any food for that matter— in a long time, but there was no way you would let Satoru get away with saying Birthday Cake.
"This is your argument, and I like Vanilla." Suguru shrugs and the betrayed look on Satoru's face causes you to giggle.
Satoru turns to face you, chest out and voice boisterous. "Well, [Name], since we can't agree, I guess that means we'll have to go to an ice cream store to find out!
Suguru's face turns blank. "Where in that argument did going to an ice cream place happen?"
"Right now, duh." You huff, rolling your eyes dramatically.
"No, guys, I don't have money, and I'm not taking you dumbasses to an ice cream place at this hour." Suguru's voice is stern; like there's no room for back-and-forth bickering.
You three were now at a small ice cream shop a few minutes away from Jujutsu High.
You tried not to talk to Suguru and Satoru much, so to bystanders it wouldn't look like they were talking to literal air, but they didn't get the hint and kept talking to you anyway.
Sometimes you wonder if they even know you're a ghost.
The way Satoru uses you as a headrest (you're putting spiders in his bed tonight) and how Suguru tends to maintain eye contact when he talks to you (earning a couple of odd stares from some in the store), you’re 99.9% sure they think you’re a real person.
Which you are, obviously, but you’re only technically real to them. Why that is, you aren’t exactly sure yourself.
Before you three get to the counter, you make up a fake excuse of having to use the bathroom. You tell them the flavor you want, make sure Satoru doesn’t do anything weird, and order the flavor with the most sugar (you aren’t 100% sure if you can even eat but it’s worth trying) before you excuse yourself. 
You make your way to the roof, sitting on the edge and looking out into the city. It’s calming. 
You’ve always enjoyed how relaxing it was to be able to see people going about their lives, the soft breeze sounding through your ears accompanied by the smell of ice cream and bread from nearby stores.
It’s nice. 
From the corner of your eye, you spot Suguru and Satoru sitting at an outside table. They were talking amongst each other as they presumably waited for you, an empty spot only held by a cup of ice cream filled with your favorite flavor.
You drop down at the back of the store, brushing the dust off your body and making your way to where Suguru and Satoru are sitting.
“Jeez! Took you long enough.” Satoru rolls his eyes and immediately starts eating his ice cream. 
Suguru rolls his eyes. His posture is the same as always, a man spread and his arms crossed only breaking whenever he needs to eat his ice cream as well. 
Huffing, you kick Satoru underneath the table. Blowing a raspberry before taking a bite of the ice cream.
Good news, you can eat.
Bad news, you don’t taste a single thing.
Well… they don’t need to know that. They’re having fun, your inability to taste shouldn’t spoil that for them.
“Satoru, Yaga’s going to kill us if he finds us, you know?” Suguru huffs, keeping watch as Satoru looks through the yearbook of past students in Jujutsu High.
“Oh, hush!” Satoru kicks him in the knee, gasping when he finds a book tucked away behind several (thankfully sleeping) cursed corpses.
Satoru grins. “Found one.”
Suguru takes one final glance at the hallway before turning to see what Satoru dragged him here for in the dead of night (or early in the morning depending on the way you look at it).
They flip through the yearbook, snickering when they see what Yaga looked like two years ago. His buzz is shorter — if that’s even possible — but he still has his stone-cold resting face.
They make it to the back of the book, where there’s a special section dedicated to students who died before the year is over.
Really, Satoru was looking for what [Name] looked like when he was younger. He’s suspected you were older than the two of them since he never sees you during school.
“Satoru… is– is that…?” Suguru’s voice is weary as his finger points at a photo of some dude he recognizes.
A boy he recognizes.
It’s your picture, you look the same as you do now. “What’s he doing here? We see him all the time– right Suguru?” 
Suguru pales. “Is that why Shoko calls us crazy? [Name] isn’t alive—”
“Yes, he is!” Satoru almost yells. The book drops from his hands with a thump! small colors of blue peeking out from the bottom of his sunglasses.
“We can touch him, we can see him!” Satoru stomps his foot. “How is that possible if he’s dead, huh?!”
“He might be a cursed sp—”
“Then the curse alarm would’ve sounded!” Satoru’s voice sounds like it’s tethering over an edge. He’s confused– he’s known [Name] for as long as his first year, you, him, and Suguru are inseparable so why can Suguru accept the fact that you’re (supposedly) dead?!
“Let’s ask him then, is that okay?” Suguru puts his hand directly on Satoru’s shoulder, moving his thumb slightly for comfort. 
The albino takes a deep breath to calm himself. He shouldn’t be mad at Suguru, he loves Suguru.
So, he does what Suguru says. He lets Suguru lead the way to where they found you the first time. Close to the artifact warehouse but closer to the forest that surrounds Jujutsu High.
You’re there. Sitting on the grass as you stare longingly at a bird.
The sound of rocks crunching under their feet must give them away because in a second you lock eyes with Suguru, a soft smile on your face.
“Suguru!” Your voice is warm– comforting even. “What are you guys doing here? Aren’t you guys breaking curfew?”
“Are you dead?”
Satoru’s blunt question causes your body to freeze. He sounds angry. Maybe it’s because you didn’t tell them that you were a ghost, and they somehow found out themselves.
You weren’t all that popular when you were alive. You were an adequate sorcerer with mediocre abilities. Nothing that puts you out there– not like the two in front of you anyway.
“Y-Yeah?” You avert your eyes sheepishly. “I mean, I died a few years ago so—”
“Why didn’t you tell us anything?” Satoru cuts you off, the hand still holding Suguru’s tightens slightly.
Why didn’t you tell them? Because they’d stop hanging out with you? Were you scared you’d lose the only people who know you’re still technically here?
Because you’re bound to this school and have only ever left because your attachment somehow shifted to Satoru and Suguru.
Ah, that’s why.
You were scared to be left alone. That’s why every time you could, you’d rush over to where they were. Engage in conversation with them, and do mildly illegal things with them because they make you feel wanted.
“I guess… I was scared you two would stop hanging out with me..?” You let out a laugh even though nothing is funny. “You two are the only people who know I still exist, so I thought if you figured out I was a ghost…”
“— that we’d stop talking to you altogether?” Suguru finishes for you and you can’t help but nod.
“That’s stupid! We fight curses, why do you think being a ghost is going to stop anything?!” Satoru grabs you by the shoulder. You’re sure his grip hurts, but you can’t exactly feel pain anymore.
“Yeah, I know…” Your hand touches Satoru’s forearm. “Now that you know… it doesn’t change anything between us… right?”
The longer the silence stretches the more anxiety swallows you whole. If they stop talking to you or start avoiding you, you aren’t sure what you’ll be bound to.
Maybe that spot by the artifact warehouse. You’ll be forced to stay there– alone, with no one to talk to, no one to make you feel alive.
“Of course, not.” Suguru’s voice is warm, it makes something well up in your eyes.
“Sure, it might be weird since sorcerers can’t see you, but you’re our friend. You just have to promise not to keep life-altering secrets from us. Right, Satoru?”
Satoru huffs, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. “You owe me, stupid ghost boy!”
A smile stretches across your face and you’re unaware of the warmth rolling down your cheeks. “I’m glad.”
You won’t be alone.
You’ll be able to talk to them, now that they know your biggest secret.
You’ll have Satoru and Suguru, and they’ll have you.
Maybe being dead– or being a ghost isn’t so bad after all.
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profoundbondfanfic · 20 days
do you have any destiel horrorfic recs?? (prefferably longfics with little to no smut but i can skip smut scenes)
also i love ur account ive found some of my favs on here/gen <33
Here are a few that came to mind (most with very skippable smut):
A Complete Kingdom by komodobits (Explicit, 85k words)
The sea; it swallows me. It comes up to my knees and it swallows me. The boys owe Jody a few dozen favours, and so when her niece goes missing near an old fishing village on the coast of Maine, Dean, Sam, and a newly human Castiel agree to take the case on. They settle into an old abandoned lighthouse-keepers' cottage, and slowly the tide comes in. (post-s8)
Between Love and Agony by Duckyboos (Explicit, 53k words)
Dean Winchester is in love. Like, bonafide heart eyes and deep sighs, hung-the-moon love. There's just one problem: the lucky guy is his husband's identical twin, Castiel. The two of them have been having a kinky affair for years, burrowing under each other’s skin and setting up camp. Which is why, after Castiel goes missing, Dean’s about ready to tear the world apart looking for him. When Castiel eventually returns to him, he’s been through literal hell, managing to drag himself out, bloody and raw, for Dean. Together, they discover a way to make Castiel whole again — though the price will be gruesome… and there will certainly be hell to pay.
empty places by dothraki_shieldmaiden (Mature, 71k words)
There’s something outside the house. Something is moving outside the house, moving inside the house. Maybe moving inside him. Something is outside the house, and it wants in. After tragedy derails his life, Castiel Novak needs to escape. He flees to Lawrence, Kansas, where he answers Dean Winchester’s ad for a roommate. There, he tries to mend the shattered pieces of his life. But as he starts to become closer with Dean, Castiel finds that escape isn’t so easy. The past doesn’t want to be left behind, and there’s something inside the house. Something hungry. And it won’t be appeased until it has him.
Every Part of the Animal by Askance (doomcountry), komodobits (Mature, 47k words)
It’s their first case after the Trials, after Heaven has collapsed: playing back-up to another team of hunters taking out some werewolves in the mountains. It's a routine job, an easy job - at least until the radio goes silent. Sam, Dean, and Cas follow after, but the caves into which the hunters have vanished wind deeper and darker than they could have expected, and something is wrong. Cas can feel it. The Winchesters may not believe what he’s hearing, but there's something down here with them—and it's not the people they came here to find, and it's not the werewolves they've been tracking. It's something else, something older, something violent, and it knows they're here.
Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies by Ariasune (Teen and Up, 13k words)
"Look, Charlie thinks the Men of Letters have something that can help you actually, you know, find this monster.” “Good,” Dean licks at his thumb to get the last of the chicken salt clean. “Cause right now it seems like we’ve got a monster that’s some 20, 000 leagues under the sea…” He stops. “This isn’t some 20, 000 leagues shit is it?” “It’s a submarine, actually.” Fuck, that sounds like a yes.
Good Bones by emmbrancsxx0 (Mature, 39k words)
An apple pie, white picket fence American Nightmare. Dean and Cas, married and semi-retired from hunting, move into their first house together in a sleepy, secluded town. After a few run ins with the ghost that haunts the place, they must come face-to-face with the house's grisly past.
like a thief in the night by kingdumbass (Mature, 28k words)
Plagued by nightmares since the death of his mother as a small child, Dean Winchester is no stranger to grief. After the sudden death of his brother and the unexplainable disappearance of Sam’s fiancee Jessica leave Dean reeling, the former detective turns towards alcohol to cope with the loss, but when the news of another missing peron’s case all the way out in Pontiac, Illinois jogs Dean’s memory of an old unsolved case with possible connections to the mysterious note his brother left behind, he feels compelled to pick up where he left off. Though once he rolls into town, he encounters more questions than answers. Namely: what’s real and what’s delusion? And how is the creature from his nightmares tormenting the residents of this small, suburban town?
On the Cutting Room Floor by callsigntango (Mature, 23k words)
In an Arachne hunt gone wrong, Dean "wakes up" in an AU style world as what he'd gone undercover as for the hunt: a journalist. But when he shows up to cover what should be a routine story on a suspicious death in Kansas, the world around him starts to unravel in horrific, painful ways. The appearance of a man claiming to be an Angel sends Dean into a tailspin -- but just as something about Cas begins to spark very real memories in Dean, Cas seems to be losing his own grip on what's real and what isn't. And as they struggle to free themselves from this distorted web of reality, something sinister is lurking just beyond their reach.
The Elevator Game by bexgowen, xfancyfranart (Explicit, 88k words)
The game is simple. Get in an elevator, and follow the rules. If you follow them correctly, the elevator will rise and when the doors open, they will open onto a world that is not your own.
the gardener by captcas (Explicit, 17k words)
Dean loves the gardens at 918 Westview Lane. And if that has something to do with the gardener there that just so happens to be easy on the eyes? Sue ‘em. Too bad he hasn’t had the guts to actually talk to the guy. Cas doesn’t take too kindly to people who disrespect the objects of his affection but he does love gardening. AKA the one where Castiel gives us all a lesson in ultra-specialized begonia fertilizer
the inexhaustible silence of houses by Askance (doomcountry) (Teen and Up, 31k words)
Almost two years after the world doesn't end, Castiel falls from grace—and loses his voice in the process. It is the impetus for confession and change; before long, he is settling into a loving relationship with Dean, the Winchesters are tired, and hunting for a place to land has taken precedence to hunting anything else. Dean and Castiel fall in love with the strange little house on the end of Swallowtail Drive, and for a little while life is as it should be—sweet, affectionate, and beginning afresh. But more and more Castiel sees and hears things in the house that beg the question of whether or not a place itself can be alive. The walls and rooms seem to shift and grow and breathe, and one night, Dean comes home from a hunt changed in a way that Castiel cannot explain. In the months that follow, their domestic bliss takes turns for the dark and sour, and the confusion of their circumstances will ultimately test everything Castiel knows about the man he loves, and everything he believes to be true.
These Violent Delights by SomethingBlue42, xfancyfranart (Explicit, 43k words)
Dean Winchester, war vet and functioning alcoholic with a life that’s going nowhere, takes a job at Baltimore Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Dean had never heard of Dr. Castiel Novak notorious serial killer and cannibal given he’d been dodging bullets and performing field triage during Novak’s sensational trial. Seasoned orderly Rufus lays out the rules: Do not touch the glass. Do not approach the glass. You pass him nothing but soft paper - no pencils, no pens. Use the sliding food carrier only, no exceptions. If he attempts to pass you anything, do not accept it. And most importantly: don't tell him anything personal. But Dean was never much for following the rules and Castiel has a way of making Dean feel like he isn’t the grade-a loser his hot-shot FBI agent brother thinks he is. Then, a senator’s daughter goes missing, setting forth a chain of events that put Dean on a path that forces him to choose where his loyalties lie and just how far he’s willing to walk into the dark.
There's also our horror tag which you can check for more fics like these.
Additionally, there's the DeanCasHorrorFest filled with amazing destiel art and fic that might interest you.
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andorsnewhope · 2 years
Some of my fav quotes from ANDOR 1.10 “One Way Out”
“They just killed a hundred men to keep them quiet. What would you call that?” // “I’d call that power.” // “Power? Power doesn’t panic.”
“I’d rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want.”
“I’d feel far more comfortable paying you for your trouble.” // “A drop of discomfort may be the price of doing business.”
“I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m pretending to be dead.” // “Don’t die until you put up a fight.”
Kino saying “If we can fight half as hard as we’ve been working, we will be home in no time.” followed by “I can’t swim” stop i-
“Whatever happens now, we made it.”
Luthen’s speech about sacrifice. Literally. The. Entire. Speech.
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hello fellow reader!! my name is Mor, and this is my beautiful blog!!
this blog is just straight horny…
and I reblog shit I like!
fav fics/drabbles recos: (IN PROGRESS)
Smut Levels (💚/💛/❤️‍🔥)
Call of Duty
“Bone Deep” by @the-californicationist
Pairing: John Price & Fem!Reader
Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Married Life
Smut Level: 💛
Personal Notes: The writing style is sooooo well done, angst was top tier, groveling from Price was also very top tier.
Any Fic by @ceilidho
Pairings: Price & Fem!Reader, Ghost & Fem!Reader, Soap & Fem!Reader, Ghoap & Fem!Reader, Ghost & Soap
Smut Level: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: I’ve linked their master list above because all of their fics ARE SO FUCKING GOOD. Oh my god. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve reread some of them.
“Permission” by @bi-writes
Pairing: Ghoap & Fem!Reader
Tags: Dark Fic, Power Dynamic (D/S/S), Possessiveness (kinda?)
Smut Level: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: This thread had me BARKING. That’s all I have to say, anyways…
Any Fic by @charliemwrites
Pairings: TF141 & Fem!Reader/GN!Reader, Nikto & Fem!Reader
Smut Level: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Another one of my all time fav writers!! I linked their master list because everything is so FUCKING GOOD. I reread their fics all the time!!
Any Fic by @makoodles
Pairings: Gaz & Fem!Reader, Price & Fem!Reader, Ghost & Fem!Reader, Avatar & Fem!Reader
Smut Level: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: You want plot? Done. Angst? Done. One of the best fucking writing styles ever? DONE. Oh my god. I’ve linked the whole master list because Jesus Christ. I would recommend starting off with this…you’ll understand why, (I was frothing at the mouth).
Any Fic by @kneelingshadowsalome
Pairings: Ghost & Fem!Reader, König & Fem!Reader, Price & Fem!Reader
Smut Level: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Some of the most well written fics I have ever read on here, all of them deserve a looking at! Please pay attention to the warnings posted, some of them cover dark topics!!
“Tired” by @cordeliawhohung
Pairing: Pornstar!Gaz & Pornstar!Reader (Fem)
Tags: Comfort, Exhausted Reader, Faked Orgasm, Blossoming Relationship
Smut: 💚
Personal Notes: So cute and fluffy. Def a pick-me-up read!!
“Apocalypse” by @bi-writes
Pairing: Ghoap & Fem!Reader
Tags: DARK FIC. Attempted SA. Please read tags!!
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Literal fucking poetry. Nitty Gritty. 10/10 as always.
“Double Date” by @shotmrmiller
Pairing: Ghost & Fem!Reader
Tags: Good sex. Slight Dubcon?? (in the beginning, but don’t worry girl, they’re both def into it 🤭)
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Literal drool seeping from my mouth hole. That’s all.
“What Binds Us” by @imperihoe-writes
Pairing: Soap & Fem!Reader
Tags: Divorce. Angsty Angst. Happy ending.
No smut!!
Personal Notes: Kid you not, I’ve reread this work of art three times. It’s so good if you’re craving some angst and a pick me up!! Such a good read!!
“The King” by @groguspicklejar
Pairing: RegencyEra!Ghost & Fem!Reader
Tags: Angsty Angst, Arranged Marriage, Emotional Neglect, Simon is a dickhead at first…(but everyone can learn from their mistakes 😌)
Smut: 💚 (brief, and not enjoyed on either side — martial duty thing)
Personal Notes: FINGER. LICKING. GOOD. Call me KFC cause I’m about eat this SHIT UP. But on a real note, so excited for this fic!! I just know it’s about to be DELECTABLE.
“Wherever You Go, I Shall Follow” by @heavenbarnes
Pairing: OlderBf!Ghost & Fem!Reader
Tags: Fluff, Domestic Life
No smut.
Personal Notes: So well written and so fucking cute!! I reread this twice in one sitting, and it’s so cute to think that he’d follow you around everywhere in yalls home. Super cute and def recommend!!
“Simple Math” by @peachesofteal
Pairing: Ghoap & Fem!Reader
Tags: MENTIONS OF PREVIOUS DOMESTIC ABUSE. Hurt/Comfort. So much Positive Reinforcement I could get a toothache from how sweet and gentle this fic is. PTSD. Panic Attacks. Angst. Fluff (There are tags on each chapter, please read them.)
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Absolutely fucking amazing. The writing is SO well done and formatted, the world building, the relationship building — all of it is top-fucking-tier. I HIGHLY recommend this chaptered fic if you (1) need a good, long read, and (2) want some fluff and angst. Words cannot truly describe just how RICH this fic is.
“Soap Soulmate AU” by @all-purpose-dish-soap
Pairing: Soap & Fem!ShadowReader
Tags: Angst, Interrogation, Meanish!141, Reader is a Shadow
Smut: 💚 (so far)
Personal Notes: Girlllllllllll — this shit is fire. The pining?? Deadass has me in a chokehold. God bless.
“A Helping Hand” by @void-my-warranty
Pairing: Ghost & Fem!Reader & Soap
Tags: Established Relationship (Ghost & Reader), Voyeurism, Ghost asks Johnny to help his gf cum
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: I’m a slut for a good relationship that involves great communication and soooo much affection. Absolutely love the premise of this fic, and I can’t wait for more!!
“Cool Girl” by @peachesofteal
Pairing: Ghoap & Fem!Reader
Tags: ANGST, Hurt/No Comfort, Meanish Soap and Ghost (for now, them bitches better grovel), [UPDATE] SIMON WTF
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Anytime you read a fic by @peachesofteal, you already KNOW it’s about to be fucking great. Can’t wait for the updates!!
“The Nanny” by @moondirti
Pairing: Ghoap & Fem!Reader
Tags: Established Relationship, A Tiny Human, Reader is a Nanny, Voyuerism
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Homegirl has these boys fIENDINNGGGGG — like?? As you should. The second parts ending made me audibly gasp, can’t wait for the updates!!
“That Man is a Dog” by @luvit
Pairing: TF141 & Fem!Reader/GN!Reader
Tags: TF141 are dog shifters, #no I don’t support bestiality and this is not that, Reader is a Trainer
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: The writing is so fucking good, smut is mouth-watering — girl just read this damn fic. So excited for more updates!!
Any Fic by @391780
Pairings: TF141 & Fem!Reader, Nikto & Fem!Reader, Kate Laswell & Fem!Reader, Nikolai & Fem!Reader
Tags: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT — please read each fic’s respective warnings, some of them cover very dark topics.
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: I’ve been spamming the fucking reblog button girl. All of their fics are so well written, the character building and scene building are literally fucking insane. Not to mention the smut?? Girl?? My vibrator is about to say deuces, grow legs, and leave my horny ass alone in my bedroom.
“Feast” by @ceilidho
Pairing: Ghost & Fem!Reader
Tags: Ghost is a construction worker and really fucking unhinged, Reader is an elementary school teacher and is unhinged as well, god-tier smut, I’m a slut for a good cunnilingus scene
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Jesus-fucking-Christ you’ve done it again. Good lord. This is just so filthy and desperate and I’m SO here for it.
“Bury Me Beneath the Basswood Tree” by @vanderilnde
Pairing: Ghoap & Fem!Reader
Tags: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, please check their tags.
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Literally so well written?? Hello?? And the smut?? Oh my god?? Girl I ate this shit up, no crumbs left. CLEAN FUCKING PLATE.
“Fields of Elation” by @charliemwrites
Pairing: Captain John MacTavish & Fem!Reader
Tags: Persephone/Hades Dupeeeee (funny reference, laugh pls), toe curling smut, fated soulmates
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE — TURN IT UP!!! Love love LOVE the premise of this!!! So excited for this story!! Writing is on point, as always!!
“Soft” by @all-purpose-dish-soap
Pairing: SoapGaz & Fem!Reader
Tags: Gaz & Soap are curious, mentions of a bite, attempted drowning (unsuccessful bc Gaz gives Soap a slap on the wrist)
No smut
Personal Notes: Literally fulfills my childhood dream of merpeople except it features two of my favs. Love this!!
“Royalty” by @cadotoast
Pairing: Knight!John Price & Fem!Reader
Tags: Meet-Cute (Damsel in Distress type shit), John is in the background (for now), Eventual smut?, Medieval Time Setting
No smut rn
Personal Notes: The writing is so well done?? Hello?? Love love LOVE when writers do time appropriate language so this is such a slay girlboss. World building and setting are so WELL DONE. CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS!!!
“Body Electric” by @yeyinde
Pairings: TF141 & Fem!Reader, Rudy & Fem!Reader, Alejandro & Fem!Reader
Tags: Gangbang
Smut: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: I have been thinking about this fic for fucking MONTHS!! So glad to have found it again!! Oh my fucking god. This is such a horny, depraved read and I fucking LOVE IT. Thank you for this gift you’ve bestowed upon us.
“Can’t Stop Thinking About” by @a-b-riddle
Pairing: Poly141 & Fem!Reader
Tags: ANGST ANGST ANGST, Hurt/Some Comfort, Walk them boys like a dog, they were in a relationship but things fell apart bc the boys treated reader like shit
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: this should have been added LONG ago. I’m absolutely in love with this fic. Writing is so good, I love to read about men groveling and a woman not being quick to forgive. I seriously cannot state how much I am IN LOVE with the premise of this fic. SO SO SO excited for future updates!!
“Here’s Hoping Things Look Better on the Other Side” by @ghouljams
Pairing: Cowboy!Ghost & Fem!Reader
Tags: Filthy Panty-Wetting Toe-Curling Smut, the sexual tension between them both is fucking insane
Smut: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: if you already cannot tell, I fucking LOVED this. Oh. My. God. World building was insane, description of Ghost and the readers sexual tension? Hello?? And that’s even BEFORE the smut happened. Good lord. This is a sweet treat that I will have to repeat.
“Threshold” by @rememberwren
Pairing: Ghost & Fem!Reader
Tags: Ghost is a Virgin and doesn’t inform reader, cute soft sex, I’m a SLUT for a cute cunnilingus scene, Ghost briefly gets head
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: This is so soft and well-written, it genuinely put a smile on my face. I absolutely loved the premise of this fic, and loved the way the author wrote Ghost as soaking up every moment and trying to extend things, (read it and you’ll know what I’m talking about). This will def be a reread in the near future, and from then on. HUGE recommend. (Side note: another fav of mine from this author is Skin Deep. So fucking good, also another huge rec.)
“Soft Spot” by @cordeliawhohung
Pairing: Ghost & Fem!Reader
Tags: They’re a cute couple, they go through some shit together so plz pay attention to the tags on each chapter, they make it out
Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Personal Notes: Core fucking killed it again. I CANNOT stress enough how fucking great a read this was. The emotional depth of both characters was so well-written and thought out — and the complexity of their relationship?? Girl. It’s such a good fucking read. #SoftSimonForever.
“Cherry Bomb” by @swordsandholly
Pairing: Poly!TF141 & PlusSizeFem!Reader
Tags: shit is finger licking good, 141 owns a tattoo parlor, reader becomes the front desk person (I forgot the name, I’m tired, sue me ig)
Smut: ?
Personal Notes: Two chapters so far, and I’m fucking hooked. Good lord. Well-written as always, but that’s not really surprising with this author, is it?? Character building and depth so far is fucking insane, literally so fucking good. SO SO so excited to see more of this!!
Barry Sloane. by @staytrueblue
Personal Notes: This is literally solely for me, but just for context, there are listed video scenes of Barry Sloane (who plays John Price) kissing and making out. That’s all. #MorIsAHornyBastard — but seriously, fucking props to this beautiful soul for putting this together. And they involve character analysis of his roles?? Def more to dive into if you’re interested.
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thdramas2 · 7 months
I just wanna rant about the most stressful thing that happened ever happened to me on TH lmao
This happened a little more than a year ago,,,
I’ve had my account since 2017 but didn’t use it until 2021. I’ve never uploaded my sona who I bought from a popular artist back in 2014 on Furaffinity since i have so much art of them from back in the day and can’t seem to find majority of the artists and I just never bothered to upload them. One day I’m browsing TH and I look up the pop artists name to see what other designs of theirs was on TH and I see my sona under some random persons account with over 300 favs and 46 artworks that I have not commissioned/drew of my character. I looked at the OG Image and it’s watermarked with the original auctions prices (it looks like it was cropped from the auction post) + it was poor quality
I looked at the ownership log and the character was uploaded by that person and didn’t have any transfer history. I immediately message them asking wtf is this all about
After some stressful back and forth basically they said they couldn’t find the owner (me) and since it’s been so long they thought the character was “abandoned” and thought it would be ok to “claim” the character. They had the audacity to compare it to squatters rights and basically since I wasn’t using the character and they’ve “owned” it for a year it’s theirs. Which funny thing is I have a suit of the character that I wear to cons and there’s literally multiple pictures of me in my suit at these conventions that happened only a few months ago, I commissioned multiple pieces of art and had a plush in the making,,, all of this at the time of the incident. So the character wasn’t “abandoned” and after some more back and forth and them trying to guilt trip me into doing a co-own and getting the admin involved my character was taken off their account and I now got +46 art works of my character. I did pay $50 for the art cause at the time I did feel a little bad but ultimately they are the one who got themself in this situation. I now have all of my characters uploaded and heavily watermarked so hopefully this doesn’t happen again :’)
theres no such thing as an abandoned chr if it ISNT uploaded somewhere
its like trying to steal undertale chrs bc toby fox "hasnt done anything" with them
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog June 23, 2023
When I used to post on LJ I would often have a post called Tidbits, that is what I think today's post will be like. A lot of unrelated things, but then again some are. Hope you enjoy.
What I'm Reading:
The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound. It's 4 chapters and around 81K. I'm close to finishing chapter 3 and will do so later tonight along with the last chapter. Family and house responsibilities intruded on my fandom fun. LOL I'm so enjoying the story. I really really like reading and writing about older H/D (meaning not Hogwarts or 8th year). Here, I think they're in there late 20's. The fic is canon divergent at some point in HBP where a potion accident happens that effects them greatly, however, the main part of the story takes place 13 years later.
Draco has been trained as an Auror in the US and specializes in creating spying instruments and other things that help Aurors (think of Q in James Bond). Harry is training Aurors since he was waylaid by an injury, which I've yet to discover what happened to him. Draco returns to the UK to find out Pots and Pans (I love this so much), who are Harry and Pansy are best buds. And Draco also returns with his huge crush on Harry fully intact. The interplay between H/D is top notch with lots of sparks, hilarious banter, but also soft moments. Truly lovely. Oh and the acronyms!!! Highly recommend! Can't wait to finish it tonight.
Tumblr Posts of Interest:
Francesca Coppa, one of the original OTW founders, made a post about joining @fanhackers (A place where fans, academics, aca-fans and all manner of enthusiastic fannish people can come together and squee over cool research.) If you enjoy meta and fandom research definitely give a follow, too.
2. The the @thedrarrylibrarian hosts Happy Hour on Fridays with friends of the Library. I'll do a separate post later about @thedrarrylibrarian because they're awesome! But what caught my eye is their hosting @phdmama. Usually, the person they select recs a story that they love that hasn't gotten much play. @phdmama, however, chose to discuss re-reads. This is the way she so artfully stated her reasoning, "Reading, quite literally, has saved my life and transformed it. So I thought I’d highlight of few of those fics that have impacted me so profoundly. These fics are comfort food for my brain. These are fics I come back to, over and over and over again. They live in my soul." And I nodded my head reading her choices. I hope you check out the post and her selections.
What crossed my mind while reading the post was that there are fics that are in my top 10 favs, that I've only read once. I call them my Saving Private Ryan fics. Seeing that movie was an experience, one I'll never forget, but I don't think my heart could handle a second time. I put Frayach's The Price We Pay for Wings in this category. I will never understand how that fic is only 13K. It was written in 2007 for hd_holidays, and remains one of the most beautifully written h/d stories bar none.
Add-ons for yesterday's blog:
For Fan Fair, @phoenixacid heavily promotes commenting on Fair's fics, artwork, and podfics. There is a contest where you are put in a group of random folks who've asked to be involved. And the groups compete against each other for points. Points are given for comments and more points for a rec. So I'm not the only one commenting on all the fics. LOL @caroll-in and I were on the same team last year, I don't think that will happen again. We killed the competition!
@snowingalway commented on my blog yesterday with further clarification of what art is archived and what is reblogged. I found it very helpful. Here's the link with her comment at the end
Older Fic Rec:
So as I mentioned above, I hadn't re-read The Price We Pay for Wings, but when I went to get the link, I discovered something I didn't know existed...a sequel. I didn't know that Frayach had written one, I had left fandom just before. A Flame Undampened is as beautiful as the first, though I do think I could and will read it again. Scorpius had loved and is loved. And that candle, yep, it's a symbol. The fic is around 5K and was written in 2012 in honor of the Newton, CT slaying of innocents.
Oh FFS how can The Price only have 46 comments and Flame 25 ?????? sorry, just got to me. This is a subject for a later blog. :)
Have a good weekend! Rom
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bunnihearted · 25 days
sorry but ppl on the internet are so naive when they genuinely believe the majority of people "hate capitalism".... that isnt anywhere near the truth. most people are sheep that just go along with what society says is right. when im out there and talk to "normal" people and listen to their convos they are literally pro capitalism. they talk about how the 8-5 work day 5/week is GOOD bc they get to work a lot and make "a lot" of money. many people will complain about unfair work hours and too big of a work load but they dont do anything more than complain... they wont vote for the left, they wont join unions, they wont stage protests or demonstrations... most ppl are like "omg fuck capitalism lmao ahhhaha fuck capitalism am i right???" but they still dont actually do anything to change it... because the entire point with capitalism is that it is comfortable and convenient. netflix and spotify is capitalism. ordering takeout is capitalism. having packages arrive to your door or close by is capitalism. concerts by your fav artists is capitalism. flying a plane to resorts all over the world is capitalism.... ppl only say "fuck capitalism" bc yes they're overworked and underpaid, but they dont actually want to live in a society without capitalism. it would mean a profound change of our entire reality as we've known it for centuries. it would be extreme. it would actually feel like it does in movies where the world is ending and society resets. it's too scary to actually go through with, and no one wants to do that. saving the planet and tearing down capitalism... would mean an extremely different world and life. no more driving your car to work and to the store and to the gym and back and forth to your parents or friends. no more going to multiple concerts every year. no more going to luxury resorts in ibiza or greece. no more online shopping. no more ordering takeout. the truth that nobody wants to admit, because no one wants to admit that they would choose to continue living in comfort even if it means destroying this planet, is that no. you dont hate capitalism. not truly. most people do not hate capitalism. if most people did... we wouldnt have the world we have now and always have had since capitalism was introduced. humans make this world. we get the world we deserve. and nature trying to kill us is what we deserve. it's like when we're sick and our bodies get fever to burn the virus. we are a virus. we could choose to stop. but we dont. only a small handful of people are willing to actually do what it takes to save earth. most ppl who make silly comments about oh my god fuck capitalism tihihihihi are not part of that small amount of people. it is sad, especially for the people who do get it, who do want to save earth, because we are such an extreme minority we have no power at all. the masses win. and the masses have chosen to live in greed and consumerism and comfort even if we'll pay the highest price thinkable.
#it's funny that it is called 9-5 when it is in truth 8-5 and many ppl work longer.....#not expecting anyone to read but i need to rant#i feel so alienated because i truly cannot relate to anyone#i wish i could find people like me in this world#but there seem to be so few of us it pains me to be this alone#i just dont respect people#people LIKE online shopping and owning things and travelling and going to concerts and and and and#they like it so much they think it's worth to sacrifice literally everything for it#i could live without any of that if it meant not hurting humans or animals or earth#i dont think humans need to have millions of concerts or every artist needs to have a concert#im just going on abt concerts bc that's one of the things that are the worst for the environment#and one of the things ppl conventiently forget to talk abt when it comes to environmental damage and capitalism#and like fireworks.. and bombs.. and nuclear power. we dont NEED any of that#but literally 10/10 ppl of you who read this will think that ummm u are dumb#ofc we need fireworks and bombs and nuclear!!! that's all profitable and fun and useful#so like yeah idk i truly cannot connect with any human i come across#and i dont respect any of the empty bullshit ppl talk abt everywhere#'fuck capitalism' 'save the earth' .. none of y'all give a fuck if it means u have to give up things u like and find fun#but yeah sure if it makes u feel better abt urself to parrot empty mantras go ahead#y'all have already won and we're on borrowed time#it's cute watching y'all plan for the future as if u have one#at least im not alone in dying bc we're all gonna suffer for what we've chosen#and also at least i have my mom to talk to bc she gets it and agrees#she doesnt agree fully when i talk abt how eco fascism is the only real thing we can do#ppl cannot be trusted to be given a choice#we need to declare martial law and force everyone to reset#no more capitalism no more waste no more environmental damage#but yeah my mom says fascism is always wrong but the way i see it.. we either do the hard thing to save us all#or let all the millions of fuckheads choose to kill the earth and us all with it for literally nothing#after manyy years we could start going back to 'democracy'...
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flamechasr · 3 months
i want to know every single thing in the world i swear
okay. bladie info dump because i am thinking of him and i wanna yap rn (tw suicide and self harm because of how he is.)
he suffers from ptsd, chronic pain, and psychosis: mara fucked him up both mentally and physically as he is often constantly in pain, and it is worsened by the ptsd as symptoms of mara flare up when he remembers too much of his past. besides the fictional illness though it's also the wounds that couldn't be healed, as he does have a past where jingliu stabbed and killed him 1000 times over in a torture-brainwashing method until he was so fucked up that he just can't think about anything anymore besides his revenge and the pain and rage he feels, specifically for the three that needs to pay the price ( dan feng, jingliu, and himself ). and speaking of the reason confuses dan heng for dan feng is because he quite literally can't make the distinction between them. due to the hallucinations. jingliu made him believe that dan feng is responsible for his pain and, faced with his reincarnation, he only sees him as the person he once loved but brought him all this suffering. his mara flares up just by seeing dan heng and there's never really a moment he can even think about him without him hurting and going literally crazy.
his relationship with death: he grew up very close to death, with how his homeland was destroyed and his parents and everyone there was killed, only to then live among immortals as the only mortal. he was very aware of his own mortality and embraced it, yet, faced with death, he feared it too. when he was given the curse of immortality, jingliu tortured him by killing him over and over until his mind was literally broken. on one hand, death is his final escape from the never-ending torture of mara and the pain and the Visions, and yet death is now the furthest thing away from him, a paradise he can't reach, and his only motive to stay alive right now is the revenge he seeks. what's more, even temporary death is a comfort to him. it numbs him, removes him from his pain. kafka killed him and he is so attached to her, he asks jingliu to kill him one last time in her story quest, and she did so as a mercy instead of as torture this time because he's reached the point where that brief moment and feeling of death was almost like a high for him, catharsis.
his relationship with himself: among the long-lived species, yingxing grew up to be very arrogant in spite of his mortality. it's true that he was a talented and famed craftsman at his time, and he prided himself to be basically better than all the immortals despite having such a short life. he even swore that he would never give up his mortality, it was all of this that gave him the sense of individuality, and yet tragedy happened where he was reborn as an empty husk, infected with life. his eyes burned red, his hair regained vitality, his body will forever be intact despite the damage it suffers. he walked through life aimlessly, destroying civilizations in his wake because he has no purpose, he can't craft anything anymore, he can't think anymore, everything that made him feel alive was ripped from him and yet he can't just choose to die. more than that, he is incredibly dependent on kafka to keep him sane as her spirit whisper temporarily suppresses the mara. something something consensual mind control. she tells him not to think about anything and he doesn't. it's the one kindness that the universe gives him, and yet he will never have "himself" back. he's going to live like this forever until he meets his ultimate end.
his relationship with the stellaron hunters: he looks after silver wolf as seen in the lightcone 'before the tutorial mission starts' ( one of my favs ever ). he is also considerably gentle and indulgent with her, letting her use his phone to game and promising her that he would game with her one day although he doesn't know when. he is noted to get along with elio, it's not explained why but i believe it has to do with his own dependency on elio's promise that he will give him a proper burial when he dies permanently. he is very attached to kafka in several ways. he is often exasperated of her and is prone to chiding her due to her nonchalant fearless behavior, but his character story made it a point that he understands kafka ( no one understands her ), he lets her call him 'bladie' ( he threatened the traiblazer when they did that ), he allows himself to be vulnerable with her ( seeks her when he is in pain ), he goes out of his way to look for and protect her, and he is never under her control in those moments - kafka never makes him do anything for her, it's of his own volition that he does things for her, if only to save her from her own recklessness. he fears her mortality as she puts herself in dangerous situations for fun and he wouldn't fare quite as well without her.
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his signature lightcone 'the unreachable side' features the story of how he would go to a certain place with the swords of his victims and wonders when someone would bring his sword here, and it's actually the same place as seen in the trailer 'nightmare' where there was his sword, dan heng's spear, and jing yuan's glaive put together. likely foreshadowing an "end" that they will all meet together.
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speaking of his sword, it is called the shard sword and it used to belong to jingliu. yingxing specifically made it for her and it ended up in his hands after the whole torture-brainwashing when the sword shattered and jingliu would from then on use a sword made of pure ice, meanwhile blade picked up the sword he created and made it his own, broken like himself.
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one of his idles is him hugging the sword and i just think it is so cute that he finds it comforting, as there is also a chibi art where he's sleeping while hugging it and silver wolf and kafka mess with him.
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if you look closely his technique is literally him cutting himself to use his blood as sword fodder which is why he loses hp. the sound effect is really eugh to me. least to say i don't use it a lot.
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the chinese instrument suona is featured in his trailer, which is commonly used in funeral processions. it's the screeching kinda sound at 1:16. his talent name 'shuhu's gift' references how he got his self-healing ability from consuming the flesh of shuhu, though to him it's more of a curse than a gift.
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cmgirlie · 10 months
I'm gonna be honest here. I hate to say it, but the only thing that's making this situation sadder than Punk getting fired itself, is the behavior of his own fans. I get being upset, I'd be upset too if it was one of my faves who lost their job. But a lot of you are not helping in the matters and are making it worse.
Instead of celebrating Punk, looking back on all the good memories and all the things he got to accomplish, and concentrating on the positive things, you're using this as an opportunity to be hateful, bitter, spiteful, and malicious towards other fans and to further create a divide within the wrestling fanbase, when the truth is, it really doesn't have to be that way. And to hate on other wrestlers (some of whom have nothing to do with the situation at all and weren't even involved), making jokes at their expense and saying all kinds of mean and nasty things about them.
How do you figure that's supposed to help in anything or make anything better? How do you figure it's fair that the other talent, who are gonna be at the PPV tonight, have to feel the affects of this and that their work is gonna get overshadowed and ultimately have to suffer and pay the price, because of this? None of that is gonna get Punk his job back. The Elite or Jungle Boy or any of the talent aren't who made the decision to fire Punk, TK did. Why aren't you pointing the finger at him and throwing all the criticism at him? That's who your anger should be directed at, that's who you should be blaming for all this.
this blog has 60 followers. i made it specifically to interact with other punk fans. eveything about it makes clear that's what im here for. my posts complaining about people who I think screwed him over (including TK btw) have gotten on average 5 notes. why are you here??? my opinions have no reach and no impact and there's no reason they should matter this much to you
do me a favour: if for some bizarre reason you're following me, unfollow. if you follow people who agree with me enough to put my posts in your dash unfollow them. if (as im guessing) you actively went out looking for punk fans complaining to confront, please drop the "im just trying to be fair and punk fans are so hateful" act and then leave. go support the people you think deserve support tonight at the pay-per-view cuz coming to bother me isn't gonna help them either. take the W, enjoy your favs, and leave me to be 'hateful, bitter, spiteful, and malicious' where i literally cannot bother unless you want to be bothered.
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potaetopic · 2 years
naeun's reading update —April 2022
Tags : a - angst, c - crack, d - dark, f - fluff, s - smut, y - yandere ☁️ - fav
a/n: hello! for authors that seen me before, im sorry for tagging yall again as im in a process of renewing(?) my page atm, but i promise this is gonna be the real one. no more take backs :]
lost (myself) & found (you) @taephilia —jjk f (soulmate!au) ☁️ i love You @moonlightchildz —jjk f (established relationship!au)
The Price We Pay @shadowofahope —bts a (mafia!au)
lover @jeonfrvr —jjk c f (established relationship!au) Written in the Stars @ —jjk a f (soulmate/werewolf!au) ☁️ Let’s get married as a joke @burningupp —ksj f (marriage!au) twice upon a christmas catastrophe. @artaefact —myg a f (office!au) como la flor @dragunjk —myg a f (hanahaki!au) A Royal Engagement @cloverwritessometimes —pjm a f (royal!au) I Have Questions @cutaepatootie —jjk a (break up/exes!au) ☁️ Vow @vin-taege —ksj a (wedding!au) ☁️ brother’s best friend!jungkook —jjk s (secret relationship!au) Lack of Apathy @threeletterslife —jhs a (break up!au)
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Invisible Strings @likeastarstar —jjk a f s (soulmate!au) (4) Salvage @btssaysstudy kth,jjk a f (college/athlete!au) (6) exposed @lysjeon (idol/social media!au) (24) You Broke Me First @minbbyy —pjm,jjk a f (fake dating!au) (68) ☁️
Cut Me Open @hayjeon —myg a f s (marriage!au)
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Don’t Look Back @threeletterslife —ksj a (mafia!au) ☁️ “You two were literally biting each other’s heads off yesterday, why are you so smitten now?” @taeshobipop —jjk f (established relationship!au) Rise and Fall @illneverrecover —myg a (demigod!au) Boys With Luv @ewwboys —pjm,kth
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protecting you from another man @leefics
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You'll Save All Your Dirtiest Jokes For Me @waitimcomingtoo —tom holland c f
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moonilit · 2 years
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wanted to do this for a while now, it was really fun, and now I kinda want to elaborate on some of these choices because I feel bad for leaving some of my favs out lol
favorite 4-star: well definitely Kaeya all the way! but if kaeya is an 11 for me there are 10s, both rosaria and yanfei are also excellent and I love them so much! rosaria Is just a very reliable unit (very effective for freeze AND melt + the crit rate sharing + the assassin's skill ) and a really moving story and personality, like life literally spit in this women face and kicked her in the stomach and her response? "I will make sure no one ever lives the same fate as me even if I had to kill for it", HOW BIG OF A HEART DOES THIS WOMEN HAVE?? *cry*. Yanfei is my newest favorite since she took a long time to come home and I'm building a friendship with her naturally since I don't want to spoil it and read/ hear everything for the wiki, but she is definitely a fav!
honorary 4-star : Ningguang! she should ascend to be an archon or something because I swear she is so powerful, so graceful, so smart she is everything! the more lore reveals on ninnguang the more I feel like I'm running out of vocabulary to describe her, she just -vague hand gestures- YK!???. her hangout event is just something, i will never forget the moment she shared with us how she felt grief after losing the jade chamber the first time, it humanized her in a different way, made you see all the real hard work she put, and the price she pays, yes she is very powerful and capable but it's not effortless or easy, even when she was griefing her 'friend' she still had to wake up the day after and pull through, and it just touched me in a way, also her VA (Erin Ebers) is just *chef kiss*. bonce is also what we know from Yelan stories! not a big spoiler but all the more for you to know she didn't build her power on nothing she know she need others, and she know how to pick. the only reason she is an honorary mention (it breaks my heart its that way) is that I can't get behind her mechanics
favorite 5-star: well obviously Jean lol -some people even think I main her lol but I don't I main kaeya- but since i cry about my love for Jean pretty regularly in this blog, i will jump to my next -right below jean- other favorite 5 stars, and that is Lumine! i know she is supposed to be self incest but i don't see it that way? to me she is a character too, and I really wanted xiao just for her, so they can be together, I love her determination to find her brother and sassy attitude lol also her voice lines are mostly cute and fun, and yes I meant Lumine and not Aether, not that I hate Aether or anything they just seem like different characters to me and I like lumine more
honorary 5-stars: kokomi ..... i don't want to elaborate on this one *jugs the whole glass up*
if you made it this far I'm standing and clapping for you, but yeah, I just wanted to get this rant out of my system lol thanks
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gamerey44 · 2 years
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if you know the RICH SPIRIT JOINT OFF OF MR MORALE AND THE BIG STEPPERS, THEN you should know that is one of my fav jams off of it and trust me in the process of releasing these tapes i just wanna show Kendrick love that's why i wanted to release it in the way i did by mimicking the drums but the sounds are completely different so with that being said here y'all go since Audiomack SAID NO
here's the thing during the process of the FVF.WAV RADIO TAPES creation, i get inspired by certain songs when i hear em and i can immediately hear how to make it sound like my own. that's how RAIN BY CASHBABEE (REYSCREW MIX) BY @ITISNICOLECASH & DMX SINGS YUNG RUDOPLH(REYSCREW MIX) GOT ADDED TO THE FVF.WAV RADIO VOL1
So here's the thing when i heard that Denzel, JID, Kid Cudi, and DOT DA GENIUS were all one track that shit took my breath away from the annoucement alone.
so the inspiration is moreso matching the energy that Dot Da Genius brought to the track cuz it's shifting to fit their energy
To me the song matches my nrg when i come online and create most of what i do really is just like enjoy the song a lot before i try to take it to where i want later
now in some cases, the creation takes forever due to me wanting to map the arrangement in my head which i do pay attention when i'm creating.
Now i don't blame audiomack or the contentID system for getting in the way of me wanting to release beautiful music to the world
i blame capitalism if we didn't have to sell part of ourselves as artist for the world to understand just a fraction of what we feel i wouldn't be releasing it this way because y'all woulda got the link but now i'm here typing on a sunday when i'm writing this to finish it up but that's the part that hurts me about twitter, facebook, ig, and YT. the way the algorithim as @theempresstrash said literally blocks the unfiltered representation of art. Like i love music a lot but almost everything i'm doing is for therapy(it just happens to have a price tag).
i saw a headline yesterday i think and it was an indie band saying oh we gonna sell 1 mill$ vinyl to protest streaming royalties.
my only promise to y'all whether it be cryptoart i sell or real art you can hold and vibe to
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nocasdatsgay · 4 months
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
My fav is when someone comments on niche things in my fics. Like in Price you pay for power, someone noticed the tells I was writing for Eris noticing something if off with Nesta and her comments. Or the two people who commented they loved the “My Star” nickname for Az. Seriously I have grown as a person about comments and not viewing them as a level of my fics worth but they brighten my day and I cherish each one like it’s the most favorite one. They fuel me to write more.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
The toughest thing I try to do with all characters is to a) make it believable canon wise and b) putting myself in their view points. If I write a limited POV everything I write is based on how I think the character would feel regardless of outside knowledge. Like From the Shadows, Eris thinks Rhys put Az up to flirting with Elain to keep her in court so Lucien would remain loyal to Night. We all know that’s not true but I think he would make that conclusion.
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
I literally spent five minutes making up a word and then googling it and translating it to make sure it didn’t mean something in another language 😂 so yea. Not always. Sometimes I’m lazy.
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mrkhan75090 · 7 months
DFY Traffic Review - 100% DFY Google FREE Traffic
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DFY Traffic Review – Product Overview
Creator: Chris X
Product: DFY Traffic (AI Edition)
Sales Page: Click Here
Front-end Price: $10
Bonus: Yes, Includes a substantial bonus
Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee!
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DFY Traffic Review – What is DFY Traffic?
DFY AI Traffic is the game-changing tool that catapulted my earnings to over $250,000 in just three months. The key to this remarkable success is quite straightforward – traffic. Fueled by Chat-GPT, this all-in-one Google AI software establishes a dynamic two-way conversation between Google and GPT, resulting in the automatic generation of free traffic.
Experience the enchantment as it dominates Google Keywords and SERP listings, streamlining the process to effortlessly generate free clicks for any niche or keyword. With a simple click, effortlessly publish meticulously crafted articles on your DFY website, all on autopilot. This revolutionary AI, complemented by comprehensive training videos and DFY resources, heralds a new era in online success.
DFY Traffic Review – How Does DFY Traffic Work?
Step 1: Run ⇢➤➤ *TIME-TRAVEL* A.I
Log into your account, select an opportunity, and let the Google A.I. bot hand you an UNTAPPED FREE TRAFFIC opportunity.
Step 2: Siphon ️ FREE Google Clicks
Instruct Chat-GPT to connect to Google, analyze the keyword & current articles (LIVE) and redirect the traffic to YOU..
Step 3: 100% FREE Means 100% Profit..
Now redirect the “DAY 0” Google traffic to your affiliate links & get started – FAST, with ClickBank, Amazon + 11 more…
Features and Benefits Of DFY Traffic
 WE MAKE GPT CASH – with Google AI
 GOOGLE + CLICKBANK pay us $493/Day
 100% FREE TRAFFIC! – ZERO writing
 3-IN-1 A.I App = 24/7 FREE Google Traffic
 GPT + GOOGLE  Loophole – for YOU!
 Chat-GPT DIRECTS Google “Send Profit”!
 Google SHARES ALL  With GPT AI!
 100% GUARANTEED Rank Top on Google,
FREE Traffic + Profits. 24/7. FOREVER!
No more wondering how to profit. With traffic you can learn on the job. Simply run the app, get the traffic.. then work out where to send it. Bottom line: there are 2x types of marketers. Those who get traffic & the “also-rans”. With FREE traffic on tap, YOU ARE KING!
I’ll save the secret-sauce for the members area, but we CANNOT rank for “every” keyword. Instead, the name of the game here is to run the AI to find HUNDREDS of ZERO competition keywords (literally NO exact matches), THEN use GPT to get us traffic.. then repeat! This is not your grandpa’s Google niche course!
Learn Loophole. Run AI. Burn Courses
Truth is, there are a million “SEO” and “niche site” gurus. I have no interest in their banter. What I *DO* know is a) AI b) profit. That’s why I skipped the 90-hour course + went straight for the Google jugular – DAY 0 TRAFFIC ON TAP. Thanks, GPT-4!
Promote ANY Affiliate Program & Niche
Did I mention there’s no human intervention? Heck! You can’t meddle in the Google-GPT convo if you tried. They’re locked in a padded room + NO AI LEAVES WITHOUT A BAG OF BUYERS, WITH YOUR NAME ON IT!
Quad-Distilled Google-Friendly AI
Another secret: since we target ZERO COMPETITION keywords, we always enter the “Google VIP corner” with no metal detector. But if Google asks us to pee in a cup, they see nothing but crystal clear pee!
Multi-Network. Launch Jack To ♾️
There are infinite variations of all your fav buyer keywords. With GPTs 3-step algorithm on tap, they are all finally within your reach!
DFY Traffic Review – Who Can Use DFY Traffic?
Affiliate Marketers: DFY Traffic provides a seamless way to generate free, targeted traffic for promoting affiliate products, allowing marketers to increase their affiliate earnings.
Website Owners and Bloggers: If you own a website or a blog, DFY Traffic can help you drive more visitors to your content, potentially increasing your ad revenue and engagement.
Online Entrepreneurs: Whether you’re selling products or services online, DFY Traffic can be a valuable asset in attracting potential customers to your online business.
Digital Marketers: Professionals in the digital marketing space can use DFY Traffic to optimize their online marketing strategies and boost the visibility of their campaigns.
E-commerce Store Owners: Those running e-commerce stores can leverage DFY Traffic to increase their online store’s visibility and attract more potential customers.
Content Creators: DFY Traffic is beneficial for individuals creating content, as it simplifies the process of driving traffic to their articles, videos, or other media.
Online Businesses: Any business operating online can benefit from the increased visibility and traffic that DFY Traffic can bring, helping them reach a wider audience.
How Does DFY Traffic Help You in Your Business? 
Free Targeted Traffic: The primary advantage of DFY Traffic is its ability to generate free, targeted traffic for your business. By leveraging Google AI and Chat-GPT, the tool identifies untapped opportunities and directs relevant traffic to your website or affiliate links.
Increased Visibility: By streamlining the process of dominating Google Keywords and SERP listings, DFY Traffic enhances your online visibility. This increased visibility can lead to more exposure for your products, services, or content.
Automated Content Publishing: DFY Traffic allows you to publish perfectly tailored articles on your DFY website with a single click, all on autopilot. This feature saves you time and effort in content creation and distribution.
Effortless Click Generation: The tool simplifies the process of generating free clicks for any niche or keyword. This can be particularly beneficial for affiliate marketers, online businesses, and content creators looking to increase their click-through rates.
No Writing Required: DFY Traffic emphasizes zero writing, making it an attractive solution for individuals who may not be comfortable with or have the time for extensive content creation. The AI-driven approach takes care of the content-related aspects.
Versatility in Affiliate Marketing: DFY Traffic enables you to promote any affiliate program and niche effortlessly. This versatility allows you to explore various opportunities without being restricted to specific niches.
No Human Intervention Required: The tool’s automation, driven by AI technology, eliminates the need for constant human intervention. Once set up, DFY Traffic works autonomously to bring in traffic and potential customers.
Clear SEO Advantage: DFY Traffic’s focus on zero-competition keywords provides a clear advantage in terms of SEO. By targeting keywords with minimal competition, you can achieve better rankings on Google, leading to more organic traffic.
Training and Resources: The inclusion of training videos and DFY resources further enhances the value of DFY Traffic. Users can benefit from educational materials that help them make the most of the tool and understand AI-driven strategies.
DFY Traffic OTO and My Special Bonuses
Incredible Bonus #1
“UNCAPPED Commissions” Software
For launch weekend ONLY we are included LIFETIME ACCESS to our commission-creating app which creates UNLIMITED content for all the top ClickBank, Warrior, Amazon and more niches… updated daily! It’s our AI CASHFLOW Google-Traffic AI with PRO UPGRADE. Join once and enjoy unfettered access to affiliate buyer traffic, forever. This is the same app we use daily which uses AI to snipe traffic from all the top marketing products – then redirect it to our affiliate links. This app sold over 600 units and with pro upgrade costs $62. BUT FOR LAUNCH WEEKEND ONLY (Sat/Sun) you get this included INSTANTLY with your Agent suite. The ultimate commission-getting app, now also included!
Incredible Bonus #2
And there’s more! For launch weekend ONLY we are also including LIFETIME ACCESS to the Google traffic tsunami that is the FREE GPT Google-Traffic AI with PRO UPGRADE. Join once and enjoy unfettered access to Google traffic opportunities, forever. This is the same app we use daily which uses AI to find the best keywords – ZERO COMPETITION keywords – then rank for them on Google. This app sold over 1,000 units and with pro upgrade costs $62. BUT FOR LAUNCH WEEKEND ONLY (Sat/Sun) you get this included INSTANTLY with your Agent suite. The 2x most powerful Google AI traffic apps – yours!
Incredible Bonus #3
Clickbank Affiliate-On-Tap” Software APP
When you see the free traffic appear before your eyes you will.. PANIC??? YES! Believe it or not, after years of chasing Google clicks.. when the reality suddenly dawns on you.. you will freeze up. And ask: WHAT NEXT?! Answer: quickly redirect the clicks to these ClickBank links. This ClickBank app will just hand these links – for ALL the niches – on a silver platter. Enjoy.
Incredible Bonus #4
$65k With Generative AI (+ Counting)
YES. We just crushed Google traffic. But.. this is actually just the tip of a very large moneymaking iceberg. See, through all 2023, we’ve been bullying any “old school marketing method” with our mastery of generative AIs. So, as a welcome pack, you’ll also get training on Chat-GPT (lots), MidJourney, Canva AI, Runway, ElevenLabs.. heck even Google Bard gets a look in! So why not..
Frequently Asked Questions On DFY Traffic
 Q: What Is DFY A.I. Traffic?
A: The world’s first cloud-based AI software that generates free Google traffic – for ZERO competition keywords. I’m talking ZERO competition, which means DAY ZERO results and ZERO human intervention.
 Q: Where can I send the free Google Traffic?
A: That’s for you to decide. We do include a ClickBank software which will let you copy-paste affiliate links that pay $100s. But once you get the traffic, it’s your call where the free clicks go…
 Q: What is SEO?
A: I have no idea. Hmmm. Better ask one of those guys who doesn’t have a Google loophole – or a 3-in-1 GPT-powered AI to exploit it. I haven’t heard good things about it, though…
 Q: Can I use it for any keyword or niche?
A: Yes, “Free A.I. Traffic” works with any keyword and any niche. The software runs in 3 steps, each involving a separate AI module. And the entire process begins when you enter a “seed” (this is the only time a human is involved, so enjoy this bit – after that, you’re basically redundant!)
 Q: Do I need to write any content myself?
A: Yes. You will need to copy and paste the email address you bought with into the login form, and choose a password. If you ever forget your password, you will need to enter your email again into the forgot password box. Oh, and if someone pays you, you will need to enter your name there, too…
 Q: How can I make money with Free A.I. Traffic today?
A: Simples. Click the button to get started then follow the instructions we give you. Enjoy the tool. Tell your friends. Thank us later. Do it now, before we pull this bad boy from the market.
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