shegottosayit · 1 year
Andrew and Ruth were doing partner yoga.
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samadhiyogaashram · 2 years
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Acroyoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics. Acroyoga includes many types of partner and group acrobatics in which at least someone is lifted. As such, it also draws on traditions of circus arts, cheerleading, and dance acro.
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tempusaurayoga · 5 months
THIS WEEKEND: Celebrate moms with a playful partner yoga session at Yogi-Fam Studio!
335 Pine Lake Drive - Suite D101 - Ponte Vedra, FL 32081
Strengthen your family bond with a fun yoga session at Yogi-Fam Studio! Saturday 10:00 AM & Sunday 11:00 AM.
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soulfulmindtribe · 2 years
Hello Happy People,
I just uploaded a new yoga flow on my YouTube channel 🧘🏻‍♀️ it’s a fun & energizing vinyasa flow and I encourage you to practice it at least once a week for best results. Let me know which pose you liked most and based on which I should do one of my next videos. Namaste 🙏🏼
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adamtilford · 2 years
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Some partner yoga/stretching between Adam Novus and Sharon Amare from Shattered Heaven.
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pynkhues · 8 days
It is interesting with Antoinette. I could see it being that Lestat genuinely had affection for her, even if he would certainly have killed her had Louis personally asked him to -- or it could be that she was just familiar, and he wanted the closest thing to intimacy he could get, so someone who knew him was better than someone who didn't. And the whole possibility that she reminded him of Gabrielle in some ways...
Yeah, I totally agree, anon.
I actually unfortunately suspect that Antoinette isn't a character the show will really come back to, and I think I'm one of three people that cares about that, haha, but where I tend to land on her relationship with Lestat is the fact that neither Lestat nor Louis actually have any friends.
That's not to say that I think Lestat and Antoinette were just friends, I don't, they obviously fucked a lot (which like, also comes down to the fact that Lestat doesn't know how to have friends he doesn't fuck, haha), but I do think the reality is that Lestat and Louis have very different racial and cultural contexts, hobbies and areas of interest which aren't things they can easily share with each other, especially not in early-1900s America, and I think that's a bigger factor in their relationship breakdown than either will admit to.
It's why Louis' able to reconnect with Jonah so quickly - they might be leading different lives, but they have more overlapping factors than they don't, whereas he and Lestat have less than they do - and for Lestat as a white theatre kid, he needs to be around other performers. I think with Antoinette, she's obviously a talented vocalist and an ambitious artist, and I can see that genuinely just being company that Lestat wants to be close with. They probably talk shit about crap theatre they've seen and do vocal runs together and fuck, and honestly for a part of Lestat, that would lowkey be a dream relationship, haha. Do I think they have a deep emotional connection? No, but given even Louis' willing to admit she's talented, and his own complex relationship with not succeeding as an artist, I wonder how much that factors in to his portrayal of her and his insecurities around their relationship (to say nothing of the fact that she's both white and a woman).
This feels like it's going on a hundred tangents, haha, but my point is maybe they'd step out on each other less or descend into unforessen levels of chaos and destruction if they both had a few friends they could talk about their identities and niche interests with!!
#this is not actually related to your ask but i've been thinking a bit about different family make ups lately#and while i was hungover this morning after yoga and getting breakfast with my mum#i told her about how one of our production coordinators at work - let's call her A - had a baby last year with her wife#and they had a very good friend who's gay who became their sperm donor#and he's like#LOVING being fun uncle and A and i were talking about it the other day at work because she was genuinely shocked because he's#been very open about how much he does not want kids of his own and it caused a lot of hesitancy with her and her wife taking him up on offe#but how much he's stepped up#she said he's been amazing#and he's been so helpful and supportive and done so much running around for them when they've been knocked sideways with having a newborn#and he loves being with his little niece who's actually his biological daughter and getting to give her back#and A was like we were close before but now he's my daughter's uncle and now he truly feels like my brother#and A and her partner and him are already talking about having another baby in the next year or so#idk why your ask made me remember this#maybe i was just thinking about it still after talking to mum about it over breakfast#but idk maybe it comes back to this whole idea that queer family units are inherently unconventional in our current structure#and applying conventional tropes to them doesn't work#which again has nothing to do with your ask haha just something i'm thinking about#lestat asks#iwtv asks
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awaylaughing · 4 months
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Venetia Blue, my MC from @barbwritesstuff very wonderful werewolf action-adventure-romance, Blood Moon. It has amazing characters who are dynamic, flawed and deeply lovable with a variety of personalities and beliefs; it has paranormal politics of several flavours; it has magic and amazing side characters that are impossible not to love; and it has a terrific end-game showdown that is very satisfying. I've been kicking my feet and giggling, gasping in outrage, and generally enjoying the variation within the story for a few days now, and Venetia's been the winner of "most canonical run". A slightly babbly profile under the cut
Name: Venetia Jaqueline Blue
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 155.5cm/5'1"
Age: 26
Appearance: a short, curvy woman with fair, freckled skin and green eyes. Her hair is a natural light blonde, slightly wavy, falling to about her collar bones. She usually wears in a single braid or if she takes the time, vintage waves.
Venetia prefers fairly practical dress, with a lot of purple, brown, and denim. She can be easy to spot on cooler days though, thanks to a strange and distinctly quirky patchwork jacket she likes to wear (she made it herself).
As a wolf, Venetia somewhat curiously most resembles a Husdon Bay Wolf, with a smaller build and light yellow-and-white colouring. The first time she shifted in front of the pack Marco declared her "barely toasted marshmallow" coloured.
Born on Oct. 31st, 1993 to a small but relatively wealthy clan Venetia's childhood was very pleasant. Owning a private fig farm, the pack managed to keep well funded without interacting much with the outside world, bar farmer's market's and deliver drivers come the advent of internet selling.
Venetia herself grew up relatively alone, a quirk of the pack's generations meaning she was born a decade behind the older children and a decade before the youngest. She spent much of her time with the pack elders, who were happy to encourage a voracious learner. They encouraged her so much in fact Venetia was the first in the pack to attend post-secondary school. She left school after only two years however, as the pack's official educator passed somewhat unexpectedly leaving behind several young students.
Venetia served as the pack educator herself for three years, a job that was a good fit as she's always liked children. It all came crashing down however one day when she returned from an early-morning hunt-slash-run. When she got back, armed with a couple of pheasants, she found only the smell of death and rotting flowers, an unusual heavy frost, and a damning silence.
Venetia spent the next three years as a stray, haunted by a formless loss. She preoccupied herself initially with dead-end investigations, which eventually gave way to her disappearing into a national park. She came back to herself after three months in her wolf form, when she found herself following not a deer or rabbit, but an unwitting camping family. Horrified, that was the moment that lead to her core conviction:
She's a person, not a monster and she will not the wolf of the moon win.
Not that Venetia is a self-hating werewolf, no she quite likes her wolf, so long as it's her and not the moon driving her. It's a balance she didn't really find until Alek and the pack accepted her in however, for the preceding two and a half years in fact Venetia resisted shifting except for moons for the most part.
During those years, she coped with her loneliness the only way she knew how: hobbies. Sewing, car repair, fixing radios, carving, learning French, etc. Venetia jumped from item to item, stubbornly conquering skills and projects before moving on to the newest thing. This does make her a very handy packmate: it's likely that even if Venetia doesn't have an exact skill needed for an odd job, she something transferable (and she's great at finding resources to help her learn).
In the city, Venetia saw it as a sort of job to really help out as her time as a stray often meant coming into bigger cities to avoid wandering into another pack's territory. Her decision to try for Alpha--and the reason she got it, was similar. Smart and patient, Venetia's only priority was keeping the pack together and thriving, even when she only had a handful of moons with the pack under her belt.
Fun Facts
her native language is Welsh, she didn't learn English until she was around 12 years old
her mother named for a novel she once read, despite hating the novel itself
grew up on the coast so has a taste for fish and shellfish
worked at over 32 different places during her stray-days, but the bulk of these (more than half) were "work for board" style planting/harvesting operations
her longest stray-days job was as a yoga instructor at a Wiccan run spa-retreat, they were very sympathetic to her need to take full moons off
is allergic to bug bites, to her IMMENSE frustration
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mellotronmkll · 7 months
Would love to work my way back up to being the type of person who can do more than 2 or 3 things per week and in fact possibly even does multiple things in the same day but boy I am not there yet
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janebonbon · 1 month
Trying to utilize my queue more often! I forget how useful it can be... I need to slow down more! I would like to, anyway. I want to stop and give a better appreciation to the artists I reblog on my side blog.
Today feels like a slow day... A bit of a pain day, but I hate sitting in bed all day. I think I'll get some sewing done today, maybe watch a show or a video essay on YouTube? Maybe even get some reading in.. I need to visit the library again soon!
I would have really liked to get some art or writing done today but I don't know how much it'll help me being in pain and cranky like this! Not much, I think. Bwaha!
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Making It Work (Chapter Four)
Even though Harry knew that he needed to apologize, he found himself incapable of doing so. Every time he looked at the other man, the words got swallowed by the sheer irritation he felt at being put in this situation in the first place.
It wasn't fair. And frankly, Harry had a hard time with anything that smacked of unfairness at this point, his mind healer would certainly tell him that was a trauma response.
Still, as the next three days wore on and they continued to either not talk at all or bicker with each other, as they came to verbal blows, if not physical yet, Harry knew something had to give. This wasn't sustainable.
So, Harry set his alarm early the next morning and rolled out of bed, intent on apologizing for being an arse, on owning his part in their disagreements. He trudged into the kitchen, shoving his glasses up into his hair so he could rub his eyes as he went. 
He started by making coffee, hoping that Malfoy drank coffee in the morning, too. Then he pulled out eggs and bacon, grabbed chives, onions, and mushrooms, noting sadly that there weren’t any peppers. As the vegetables started chopping themselves and the beater scrambled the eggs, he started frying up the bacon. While the bacon sizzled away, filling the house with the delightful, comforting smell, he combined the veggies and eggs and set about making omelets. 
It was only another ten minutes before he’d plated omelets, bacon, toast, and orange slices. Breakfast didn’t look half bad, if he said so himself. He set their plates out on the table, along with their coffee and put everything under a stasis charm to keep it warm. 
Just as he was headed to knock on Malfoy’s door, motion from the deck caught his eye. He glanced over toward the windows to see that Malfoy was out on the deck, blonde hair (tied up in a loose topknot that Harry refused to admit was sexy as hell) glinting in the sun, bare chest glistening with sweat, and sweatpants slung low on his sharp hip bones as he held his body in a perfect warrior pose. 
He was undeniably beautiful from a purely aesthetical standpoint. Too bad his personality was so off putting.
As Harry watched, Malfoy arched his back and moved into a reverse warrior pose and Harry could see the definition of his tightly toned muscles in his lean stomach. He held the position for far longer than Harry could imagine that he himself would have been able to, before Malfoy's body effortlessly transitioned into a side angle, his arm reaching up high. 
From there he slowly, gracefully flowed through to a flawless triangle pose, then a half moon pose making it look like it was the most natural thing in the world to hold yourself on one leg, with your other leg at a ninety degree angle to your body. 
Harry held his breath as Malfoy moved into downward dog, pressing his heels flat to the ground, his (shapely) arse in the air. He couldn’t help the way his mind wandered as he watched Malfoy hold his body in that pose for long moments. 
Then he eased out of it and into chaturanga, holding his body in a perfectly straight line, the muscles in his biceps bulging as he kept his arms tight to his body. His hips slowly lowered to the floor and Malfoy pressed his torso up off the ground, his neck elongating into a gorgeous cobra pose and Harry watched as a bead of sweat rolled down his neck, along his collarbones, and into the divot at the base of his throat. 
After a long moment held in that position, Malfoy rolled his back up and folded himself back onto his knees as his arms stretched out on the mat in front of him and he was in the perfect child’s pose.  
Eventually, Malfoy gracefully rose from his mat and before Harry could even think to stop looking, Malfoy turned to come inside. He froze when he caught sight of Harry through the glass door.
“Sorry,” Harry managed to splutter, “Breakfast is... I should have... I-”
Malfoy raised an eyebrow, “Enjoying the view, Potter?” he asked as he stepped through the door and into the living room. 
“Err,” Harry said.
“Did you make coffee?” Malfoy asked with a sniff as he walked toward the kitchen and filled a glass of water from the tap.
“Yes,” Harry said, glad that he could say something that didn’t make him sound like an idiot. 
“Enough for two?” Malfoy asked before taking a long draw of his water. 
Harry watched him swallow before managing to get himself out of his stupor, “Yes. I also made toast and omelets if you’re interested.”
Malfoy raised an eyebrow at him, “Well that’s unexpected.”
Harry followed him to the table and sat down in the seat he’d taken that first night when Malfoy had held out an olive branch that Harry had squashed. “Yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Listen, Malfoy,” he started, “I wanted to say sorry-”
“There’s no need,” Malfoy said shortly as he bit into the omelet. “Thank you for breakfast but honestly, there’s no need for you to apologize. I knew this partnership would be hard for you.” He looked up, then dipped his head as he amended, “For both of us, really. There is a lot of history between us and I know I will need to earn your trust as you need to earn mine.” 
“Still,” Harry said. “Those things I said, well thought,” he corrected since he’d never said them outloud. “It wasn’t fair of me. I’m sure the past five years since the war have been complete hell for you. And I’m sorry.”
Malfoy nodded once, “Apology accepted.” He set his fork and knife down as he looked at Harry, “I don’t expect us to be best friends or anything, Potter, but I do think we might be able to work together.”
Harry shrugged, “Maybe,” he said. Then he cleared his throat and changed the topic, “So, you’re pretty good at yoga.”
Malfoy snorted, “Enjoyed that, did you?” Harry skin heated but before he could say anything stupid Malfoy continued, “It’s very centering for me.”
“Where did you learn?” Harry asked around a bite of his omelet. 
“Oh, I learned when I was a boy,” he said with a shrug. “When I was young, before Hogwarts,” he added, “I had a hard time controlling my magic. I was always vanishing things or setting things on fire,” he waved a hand, “so my parents hired a tutor to teach me to do yoga. I worked with the same man when I was home on breaks throughout my years at Hogwarts.”
“Wow,” Harry said, “That is a lot of dedication.”
Malfoy shrugged, “There are all sorts of strange things you’re taught when you’re a pureblood in lines like the one I came from.”
Harry tried not to bristle at the casual way Malfoy said it, “Like what?” he asked because maybe if he understood better he wouldn’t hate it so much. 
“Well,” Malfoy said carefully, “A lot of things come with privilege. I also learned to speak Latin, French, and Greek fluently, along with a handful of others well enough to be able to get by. I took piano lessons until I was fourteen. I was taught to paint as a child, taught classical literature, basic alchemy, things like that.” He tilted his head at Harry, “You went to a muggle school as a child, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” Harry replied. “And we certainly weren’t taught things like that.”
Malfoy laughed, “I imagine muggle private schools are similar, though. Or wealthy families who bring tutors into their homes.”
Harry nodded, “I suppose. Dudley went to private schools, I’m not sure what he learned, really, but he was never the brightest bulb in the box.”
“Who’s Dudley?” Malfoy asked, wrinkling his nose and sounding out the name as though it were a disease of some sort. 
“Cousin,” Harry said. “He was a few months older than me.”
“Why did Dudley go to a different school than you?” Malfoy asked, sounding genuinely curious. 
Harry rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, he didn’t talk about his childhood before Hogwarts. Still. If he was going to try to make this work a little bit of trust between the two of them was certainly required. “Because he was their son,” he said lamely, “and I was just a burden dumped on them.”
Malfoy stared at him calculatingly for a moment then opened his mouth but before he could speak, one of the tempus charms Malfoy had set alerted him. “Salazar,” he muttered. He flicked his wrist to silence it and turned to look at Harry again. “I have to get ready or I’ll be late to work, but I’d like to...” he trailed off uncertainly. “That is to say, if you’d want to...” he swallowed. “I would like to hear more about your childhood later, if you want.”
“Yeah, alright,” Harry said, even though he had no idea why. If you’d asked him yesterday there is no one he would rather talk to less about his childhood than Malfoy. But that was yesterday. 
Malfoy’s lips quirked in the corner and he nodded once before sending his plate and silverware to the sink with a flick of the wrist and picking up his coffee to take with him to get ready. “Thank you for breakfast.”
Harry shrugged carelessly, “it was the least I could do after-“
“I already said you don’t have to apologize,” he interrupted. 
“I was going to say after the dinner you made the other night,” Harry replied. 
“Oh. Alright then,” he opened his mouth as though he might say more but then closed it again as he toward his room. 
“Oh, Malfoy?” Harry called. 
“Mmhmm?” He hummed through a sip of coffee as he turned to look at Harry. 
“Maybe you could tell me a little bit about what it was like growing up with magic?” 
“Could do,” Malfoy replied. “If you’d like.”
“I would, I think,” Harry said. 
“Alright. Tonight, then.”
“Yeah,” Harry said as Malfoy turned and started toward his room once more. “Tonight," he repeated, a little uncertainly.
Chapter Three | Chapter Five
Read Making It Work on AO3 (where subscribing to updates is easier)
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fitforestfairy · 6 months
My partner told me last night while we were in bed that I'm getting hotter every day, and he doesn't know how that's even possible because I'm "so hot already"...
And honestly, yes, please! 🥺 That's the kind of energy I need in my life.
Excuse me while I have my matcha tea and get ready for Pilates and my daily walk in nature 💅🏻🍵🌿
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inthecityofgoodabode · 7 months
Valentine's Day & Surrounding Sights
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Yoga partner:
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Silverback & The Red Menace waiting for me to do a floor pose so they can lick my face:
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Every time my queen leaves the house they do this with her house shoes:
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The frilly daffodils in our front flower bed are blossoming out:
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Heading out to Valentine's Day dinner at Erling Jensen's:
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With my queen:
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The restaurant's Valentine's Day menu. It was delicious:
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rangerlake · 9 months
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non-un-topo · 2 years
How do you fight the demon inside of you that wants to snap and scream at everyone around you when you're in severe pain? 😔
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g1v3an1nch · 2 years
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me in my life
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fitmusclex · 3 months
Partner Yoga Poses for Beginners | Fitmusclex
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If you're looking to spice up your yoga routine with a partner, why not try some Partner Yoga Poses for Beginners! Not only are these poses fun to do together, but they also help build trust and communication. A great pose to start with is the Partner Tree Pose, where you and your partner stand side by side and support each other while balancing on one foot. These poses from Fitmusclex are perfect for beginners and can add a playful element to your practice!
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