sanvees · 2 months
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P'San chose me.
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bl-bam-beyond · 3 months
And This Is For A School Project...yeah that's it. A School Project
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Episode 1: The Falling Embrace
Vee (KANTAPON JINDATAWEEPHOL aka OFFROAD) showers unable to forget P'San (PITTAYA SAECHUA aka DAOU) a century year old hottie.
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incorrect-tharntype · 4 years
P'San: What do you even see in him?
Tharn: Me
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milliondollarhoe · 4 years
This might sort of be Unpopular opinion I guess idk
I have seen a lot of post about loving/obsessing over or hating Tharntype's relationship saying it is toxic. I wanted to state few things about this tbh.
If you felt that TharnType's relationship is perfect and "they are meant to be with each other sorts" or you love their relationship, then you're wrong.
If you felt their relationship was completely toxic, then you're wrong too.
Let me elaborate. Keep in mind they're barely 17-18 in the story and the fact that Type has gone through sexual assault/r*pe by somebody of his same gender at a very tender age. As somebody who has gone through what Type has, I related and could empathize with his character alot. As I was still discovering the fact that I am bisexual, I wasn't able to just accept it because of my internalized homophobia due to trauma. Type's violent behaviour is because of his trauma. It's his coping mechanism. I get it, y'all didn't like the way he treated Tharn but think about it, The cast barely had 12 episodes to cover and they had to not only make Type get over his internalized homophobia but also develop the relationship between them. If they were to show a whole ass process then it would have taken like 10 more episodes. What I really liked is, Type understanding and admitting the fact that his homophobia is wrong and trying his best to change it. And he does. If you see Type character development, you would see how much he changed. He is still foul mouthed but he isn't violent towards Tharn(or anybody really for that matter) and genuinely cares about him and tries to understand him. P'San's character was the cherry on top for his character development because although he was realising it, P'San stating it out loud just fixed it in his head that he is indeed wrong. So to the humanos who don't like P'San's character because he came to "break off" your precious TharnType's relationship, 🖕🏾.
Although toxic in the beginning (majorly because of Type) the development is what I genuinely liked considering the number of episodes they were given.
Another thing I really want to talk about what Tharn did to Type in the bathroom. And the first episode kiss. Alot of people liked it and made memes of "mosquito bite" but y'all do realise that it's non-consensual right?? Right?? Type's PTSD was shown as the reaction of it. And Type crying and telling Tharn about his trauma made Tharn realise that it was valid for Type to feel that way and it also showed that sexual harrasment does happen in LGBT+ community and the fact that our sexuality doesn't define us as humans. It was the guilt of what he did to Type that made him take care of him during his fever and help him when the two seniors made his photo viral for being homophobic. And that he didn't ask anything in return. Type forgiving him however, is completely Type's choice. Periodt.
What I absolutely did not like is Llhong not going in Jail. I do not think the that the special episode for Llhong was to "sympathize" him or like a "redemption" episode in fact the director himself said that he made it because he wanted people to understand why he is obsessed with Tharn and why he is the way he is. It is not to justify his actions but to show the audience why he is like that. What he did to Tar is completely unacceptable but let's not forget the fact that nobody, literally nobody has any right to say anything other than Tar. So I hope the writers make Tar to file a police complaint or something that would put Llhong in jail with a death sentence or some shit. But if they don't then I won't be surprised, I would just think of it as a way of them showing that alot of assaulters are free as birds after doing heinous crimes simply because we are afraid to voice out or file a complaint because of how trashy the police and court system is.
In the end all I want to say is, Please don't "obsess"/"over love" or think that they're relationship is completely "toxic". Please don't justify Llhong's character and finally don't hate on P'San or even Puifai for that matter.
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tharnstype · 5 years
p’san: i-
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ithappensoffstage · 3 years
So I’m rewatching TharnType the Series again (no surprise there) and while in the tag I saw a comment where someone called it “the rape show.” 😤  I wanted to discuss that a bit, particularly why it’s a completely inaccurate and upsetting way to approach the series.
First of all, referring to TharnType that was completely ignores the nuance of the narrative and its extremely complex approach to consent and compulsory behaviors. One of the most interesting elements of TT for me is that Tharn plays up the "predatory" stereotype just to get Type to move out and dials it back IMMEDIATELY when he finds out that Type was assaulted as a child. Before that point, all Tharn is aware of is how awful the stereotype of the predatory, hypersexual gay man is, and he "uses it" as a defense technique against a roommate who is invasive, hostile, and approaching violently homophobic.
Tharn’s other problematic actions after Type opens up to him and shares his trauma are a result of behaviors he learned from P'San, a genuinely terrible person whose behaviors Tharn also imitated with Tar. Tharn of course has his own issues to work on--the jealousy, possessiveness, and lack of communication--but the majority of his worst behaviors (that he fixes) resulted from toxic relationships and homophobic social environments. 
That first kiss scene is a mess and it is a problem. It’s not like it's a good thing Tharn's idea at getting back at Type was to pretend they'd slept together while Type was drunk, but what it also was was a product of Tharn reacting to a social environment that told him a "gay experience" would be the worst possible event for Type, and it would force Type to move out.
I won't argue that the book author fully understood consent, but the series fixed a lot of the worst of it, and to call it "the rape show" sincerely bothers me. I've said it often but the reason I love TharnType so so very much is because it is challenging, upsetting, dramatic, and not afraid to highlight social/personal flaws as well as troubling content. Reducing that down to some idea that people who watch the show think that "men getting raped is hot" is infuriating, especially considering the entire purpose of the show is to show just how much two people can learn from and grow because of a relationship.
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
P'San has a good actor but i am more pissed off at the writing that says he is ok because he isn't threatening Tharntype's relationship right now and is played off as a thing to motivate and make Type jealous of because he ******** Tharn at 8 years old. But no let's completely villainise and torture Fiat who really should have been given a slap and then ignored
What the fuck.
villainizing Fiat was the dumbest move of the season lol.
I'm glad they didn't bring San back. That plot was too traumatizing, especially the way he and his actions were downplayed like you said. And yes he would've made a strong antagonist for ss2 but I prefer a delusional child like Fiat over someone as repulsive as him tbh.
But also they should've just gone with a story that doesn't revolve around jealousy lol. I know I might be in the minority but I thought the story around Type's work was super interesting. And I think the concept of them balancing their relationship and their worklife would've been realistic and efficient enough to create a nice dramaturgy. It might've not had the dramatic effect that a jealous/breakup story has but at least it would've been something different.
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sanvees · 2 months
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P'San must have used the Five Colored Stone to heal me. I'm so stupid. Why didn't I realize that sooner.
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the-wayside · 5 years
I sat and thought about this for ages.
Type has been acting from the moment he first met Tar. He's known the whole time that he and Tharn were going to break up. So he's laying the foundations of that with his bad attitude in that first fight scene that we all disagree with.
But that's the whole point, isn't it? He's preparing his reasoning but he's also saying to Tharn, look, look how terrible I am for you. I am the worst. I will hurt people. I will hurt you. He has to have a reason to break up, but even then, Tharn was never going to let him go. Type showed an exaggerated version of himself of how he was in the beginning and Tharn barely flinched. Which is why we all winced, however, Type is so clearly not that person anymore. Type then in the episode and Type when he breaks up with Tharn are two vastly different people. He holds it all together until Tharn gets on his knees and begs and that rips Type's heart out. Type doesn't 'maybe' love Tharn. He does. He's sobbing as silently as he can because he has to do this. He can't let Tharn know how much this is hurting because if he did, he would probably fold. That's not angry/aggressive Type. Type learnt from P'San. He is possessive but he doesn't think for a second Tharn was going to cheat on him because otherwise he would have never have had to do what he did earlier in the episode. He did that because they're so in love that nothing makes sense about them breaking up, so he has to force cracks into what they have been building together and even then. Even then. It's not enough to tear them apart. Tharn still won't say goodbye. Tharn may be willing to accept all of Type's worst traits but in this episode he actually proved he's gone beyond them. That his love is selfless and Tharn is no longer the only one who gives. Type is giving everything to see Tharn freed of this horrible person and to be able to love him well and truly.
And you know what, the last time Type excessively and unintentionally hurt Tharn, he got down next to him and held his face. Just as he did before he left. It's the only way Type can let Tharn know in any real sort of way that he's sorry. That he didn't mean to cause Tharn pain. It's just whether or not Tharn can hear it.
My smol but tol son has grown so much. I'm proud.
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chaptersinprogress · 4 years
hurricane (take my breath away)
Bright walked over to join them, balancing a tray of fresh drinks easily. Sliding them onto the table, he carelessly sat on the edge of the table.
"He still hasn't caved?"
Knot shook his head. "Nope."
Rating: T
Warnings: swearing
Pairings: Arthit/Kongpob
Prompt: ‘i didn’t want to tell my friend who my real date last night was so i just pointed at a random stranger (you) but now they’re storming over to interrogate you and you’re playing along??? okay’ au - by @mraculous
Prem, Knot and Toota stared at Arthit.
Their one-sided staring match carried on even as the person being stared at fidgeted awkwardly and looked everywhere but at them. Bright walked over to join them, balancing a tray of fresh drinks easily. Sliding them onto the table, he carelessly sat on the edge of the table.
"He still hasn't caved?"
Knot shook his head. "Nope."
Bright shoved his face into Arthit’s, who immediately leaned back to avoid the scrutiny. Bright boinked him on his head.
"Ai'Bright!" the latter yelled in exasperation and annoyance.
"Why aren't you telling us anything, Ai'Arthit?" asked Prem, finally having enough of his friend's stubborn silence. "Did something happen?" His eyes narrowed. "If they did anything you didn't want, you know you can tell us, right? We'll make them pay."
The others stiffened at the implication and loudly expressed their support in helping to kill the person and hide the body. Arthit buried his head in his hands, unsure whether he wanted to laugh or cry.
They were attracting a lot of cautious and scared looks with their rather vocal plans of gruesome murder. Bright might own the bar they were at, but that wouldn't help them if they had the police called on them.
Then again, what exactly could he tell the others to dissuade them from their plans? Certainly not the truth.
'No, they didn't hurt me. It was just that the guy - P'Fan? P'San? - arrived over half an hour late, spent the entire time talking about his ex and how his current date couldn't compare to his angel, and then pulled a dine-and-dash, sticking me with the hefty bill.'
Arthit grimaced at the reminder of the awful experience. He was never going to go on another date ever again. Blind date? More like blind robbery.
"Ai'Arthit, you still with us?" asked Toota.
Arthit sighed before lifting his head up and downing his drink. "Yeah. I just don't want to talk about it, ok? Drop it."
"We're just worried because every week you've never failed to complain about how terribly the dates have gone. So it's a bit strange that you've been so quiet about this one," said Knot.
Well sue him if he didn't want to rehash the same old story of not being able to make it through a single first date successfully! He'd had enough of humiliating himself over and over. Now if only his friends would get the fucking memo…
Maybe the alcohol had finally gotten to him because the words fell off his tongue without permission. "I don't want to say anything 'cause the person is here!"
Bright almost fell over in shock. "Wait, like right now?!"
Arthit froze. Shit, shit, shit, why did he say that?! Of all the lies to have gone with, his brain chose that one? What the fuck was his brain-to-mouth filter doing?! And he called himself an engineer! From the eager looks his friends were shooting him, the only kind he was was an engineer of his own demise!
Prem scowled when Arthit refused to respond. "So, where are they?"
"Promise that you won't go near them," Arthit demanded, scrambling to buy time to come up with a plan.
His friends exchanged heavy glances. With a meaningful nod, Bright spoke up, raising three fingers. "Fine, I promise I won't go near them. Now point them out."
Shit! He hadn't expected an agreement!
Arthit hastily searched the bar for someone who looked like they had come alone to pass off as his date, since the actual one was most certainly not there (not that he'd ID him to his friends anyway). His gaze fell on a lithe man in a suit who was idly swirling his glass, seated at a counter in the far corner of bar, tucked away from everyone else.
Arthit jerked his head in that direction. "That guy."
Knot, Prem and Toota immediately stood up and made a beeline for him.
"Wait, wait!" Arthit yelled after them, almost knocking his chair over in his haste to stand up. "You guys promised not to go to him!"
Bright laughed from where he was still seated on edge of the table. "Ai'Arthit, you're losing your touch. They didn't promise you anything. I did."
Arthit snarled at him, baring his teeth for good measure, before turning around and running after the other assholes he no longer considered friends to do some damage control.
But Fate seemed to be holding a grudge against him because by the time he'd managed to make his way over to the other side, his so-called friends were surrounding the guy and had already started their interrogation.
"You fuckers!" shouted Arthit. "Leave him alone!"
The four men turned to face him. Arthit's breath caught in his throat as he finally got a good look at the person he'd pointed out. Clad in a form-fitting dark grey suit with the first two buttons of its blood-red dress shirt undone, the man looked like he'd just walked out of a fashion magazine spread.
His hair was artfully mussed - the long fringe pushed up and to the side, the tips just falling into his eye - and the two studs in his ears glittered in the dim lights of the bar.
Arthit's eyes trailed over the man's high cheekbones, the sloping nose, his chiseled jaw, before finally stopping at thin, pale pink lips that were parted just the slightest. Desire pooled deep in his belly as he found his thoughts wandering down the dangerous path of imagining what they would feel like under his own.
"Ai'Arthit, so this was why you didn't want us to meet him, huh?"
Prem's amused voice dragged him back to the present. Arthit frantically tore his gaze from the man's mouth to meet the eyes of his friends, who were watching him with a mix of mirth and exasperation.
He flushed, the embarrassment of having been caught unabashedly ogling the man he had supposedly gone on a date with making itself known. His eyes widened in horror. Oh fuck, they thought he'd gone on a date with this guy!
"I can't blame him though," said Toota, grinning like a cat that had caught the canary. "If I were Arthit, I would want to lock him away so that only I could see him too."
Knot raised an eyebrow. "From the way he was drooling, I'd say they'd be doing a lot more than just looking."
Arthit was sure he resembled a tomato from how hard he was blushing. He didn't dare look at the man his friends had descended upon. Who, surprisingly, had yet to say anything about that fact (since his arrival at the very least).
"Please leave," he gritted out, painfully aware of his proximity to the other. "Please stop embarrassing me any further. I'll do anything if you just let this go, I swear it on my gear."
A warm hand wrapped around his wrist and gave a sharp yank. Yelping, Arthit promptly found himself trapped between the guy's legs, his hands braced on strong thighs which pressed against his hips with an unyielding pressure.
"Looks like the game is up darling," the man chuckled. He nuzzled Arthit's hair and murmured into it, "Just play along."
Arthit shuddered as the man's breath fanned over his ear. Struggling to process the sudden turn of events, he could only nod slightly in agreement.
The man pulled back. "I assume these are the friends you mentioned?" he asked, squeezing Arthit's waist pointedly.
Just barely catching on, Arthit replied dazedly, "Ah yes, meet Toota, Knot, and Prem."
The respective people lifted their hands in acknowledgement as their names were called. With thinly-veiled interest, they watched as Arthit made no move to disentangle himself from the man who had so casually maneuvered their PDA-aversive friend as he liked.
"I'm Kong," the man introduced himself. "I'm not sure how much Arthit's told you about me."
Knot leaned forward, resting a forearm on the counter. "That's the interesting thing. He's told us absolutely nothing."
Kong laughed, sliding an arm around Arthit's waist and turning him in his hold such that Arthit's back was flush against the former's leg. The movement seemed to shock the latter back to reality.
Arthit flung his hands off the man's legs with a squeak he'd later vehemently deny letting out. But when Kong pressed his thigh against the small of Arthit's back warningly, Arthit smartly decided to shut up and follow his lead.
"Mmm, Arthit did say he wished to spare me for as long as possible," Kong replied good-naturedly. "But looks like Fate insisted that I meet the family."
Prem barked a laugh. "That's right." He stared at Kong unwaveringly. "So, tell us about yourself."
"Well, my name's Kong and I'm 25 this year. I hold a master's in Economics and work in business. I also have 2 older sisters and a si sawat named Smoke." (A/N: si sawat, aka Korat, is a cat breed native to Thailand)
"Where did you study?"
"I studied at BU for my bachelor's but finished my master's at Stanford."
"What are your hobbies?"
"I like to read fiction. I also dabble in photography."
"What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?"
"Ai'Prem, what's with all these questions?!" Arthit exclaimed, having had enough and about to combust from embarrassment. "This isn't a fucking interview!"
Knot smirked. "That's exactly what it is, Ai'Arthit. Your Kong here is being interviewed for the position of your faen."
These fucking friends of his! Arthit buried his face in his hands and screamed. Kong chuckled and ran a hand soothingly through Arthit's hair, the other rubbing circles on his hip. He shot the group a wordless plea for mercy, for the latter’s sake.
"Ok, ok, one last one," Toota laughed, taking pity on his poor beleaguered friend. "How many exes do you have?"
Arthit's head shot up and he half-shrieked. "Ai'Toot!"
Pressing a light kiss to the side of his head, Kong answered. "Just one. A girl I used to date in high school but broke-up with in the middle of my freshman year in university."
"Why haven't you dated anyone else?" questioned Knot. "You seem to be quite the catch."
Arthit groaned and buried his head in the crook of Kong's neck. "For fuck's sake, just kill me now and be done with it." Maybe if he closed his eyes it would all just go away.
Kong smiled down at the beautiful man in his arms. He was too adorable for words. Heck, even his angry grumbling was cute.
"Well, I had no time for a relationship because I focusing on my academics, and later, on my career. But my parents decided that it was high time I considered settling down and sent me on my first ever blind date."
Kong turned an adoring gaze towards Arthit, "That's when I met Arthit. After our date, I was absolutely sure that he was the one. But we both agreed not to rush into things and just take it slow. Though this meeting certainly sped up that timeline."
He turned back to Arthit's friends. "Do I pass?"
Prem and Knot looked at each other and then nodded.
"For now," said Knot.
Toota however, was frowning and muttering under his breath. "Kong, business, economics… and the si sawat… it all sounds really familiar, but why?" A few seconds later, he gasped in recognition and asked slowly. "By any chance is Kong short for Kongpob?"
Kong stiffened, before grimacing and nodding.
"Then… you wouldn't happen to be Kongpob Suthiluck, would you?"
Looking like he'd rather be anywhere else, Kong answered, "The one and only."
"No way!" Toota exclaimed.
Knot and Prem's jaws dropped as they stared at the man their friend was cuddling up to in a new light.
Arthit lifted his head off Kong's shoulder with a sigh. "Now what's the problem?"
His three friends turned incredulous gazes towards Arthit.
"Ai'Arthit, there's no way you can possibly be this dense…" said Prem.
Knot shook his head. "Ai'Prem, you forget. This is Arthit we're talking about. He literally has no connections to the outside world beyond us and work. He doesn't have a clue."
"Oi, I'm still here you know!"
Toota decided to put Arthit out of his misery. "Your faen's one of the heirs to the third most successful company in Thailand, a formidable businessman in his own right, and voted the most eligible bachelor of the year."
"Yeah, right," Arthit snorted disbelievingly.
Did his friends really think now was the time to try to pull one over him? What were the chances a guy like the one Toota had described was hanging out in Bright's bar of all places and playing along as the last person he'd gone on a date with?
Zero. Nada. Zilch.
Kongpob spoke up sheepishly, "I think Arthit and I need to have this conversation in private."
"Yeah," added Arthit. He narrowed his eyes at the others. "Scram."
To Arthit’s surprise, for once in their lives his friends actually obeyed him with no protests whatsoever. Though they did shoot the pair concerned and encouraging glances as they went.
Once they had left, Arthit finally relaxed. 'At least that's one problem solved,' he thought.
And then realised that he was still caged between Kongpob's thighs, the latter's arms comfortably draped around his waist. The blush that had finally died down came rushing back.
With yet another squeak he'd deny making until his last breath, Arthit attempted to lunge out of that grip. Not that he managed to get very far since Kongpob immediately grabbed him and pulled him back into an even stronger embrace.
"Kong!" he hissed.
"Sorry darling," replied Kongpob cheerily. "Can't have you running away before we even start our talk."
"I'm not running away!" he denied forcefully. "And stop calling me darling! I'm 2 years older than you so address me properly!"
"Ok P'Arthit," Kongpob agreed easily, making no move to release the man.
"Are you going to let go of me or not?!"
Kongpob hummed consideringly before whispering in his ear, "Only if you give me a kiss."
"What?!" Arthit shrieked.
"I'll let go only if you give me a kiss."
"No way!"
Kongpob pouted, leaning back to look at Arthit. "You wouldn't be so cruel as to reject your faen after he saved you from your friends, right?" He puffed out a cheek. "Just one over here."
"No! Let me go, bastard!"
"Nope. Not until I get my kiss."
Arthit looked away, ears turning red. It was clear that man holding him would not be easily deterred. Fine, Arthit had already been embarrassed plenty over the last few minutes, what was one more thing if it made his life simpler?
Gathering all his courage, Arthit dropped a quick peck on the offered cheek before pointedly staring anywhere but at the person in front of him.
"There! Are you happy now?!"
Kongpob grinned at the elder before releasing him. "Very happy. Thank you P'Arthit."
Arthit scowled and took a few giant steps away, staying carefully out of Kongpob's reach. "Now what's this about you being Kongpob Suthiluck?"
Kongpob cocked his head. "Um, not sure what you want to hear, but that's my name."
Arthit narrowed his eyes. "Do you take me for a fool?"
"No! Not at all!" replied Kongpob hastily. "That really is my name."
He pulled out a business card and handed it over to Arthit. Accepting it, Arthit studied it carefully. The gold letters on the pristine white matched everything that Kongpob had claimed to be, at least professionally.
Except, the very circumstances that they were in screamed otherwise. Which also meant that the stupidly attractive man he'd met barely 10 minutes ago was a conman of some sort. Considering how easily he’d pulled the wool over his friends’ eyes, a very skilled one too.
But why did Arthit feel so disappointed by that?
Dropping the card onto the counter, he crossed his arms. "Look, I don't know what kind of game you're playing, and frankly, I don't care. This farce ends now. Thanks for helping me out with my friends but I should really get going."
Kongpob frowned and grabbed Arthit's arm. "Wait, why are you so convinced that I'm not me?"
"Because there's no way a guy like the one Ai’Toot described would be in a place like this!" Arthit exclaimed, waving his free hand around to encompass the bar. 'Sorry Bright,' he apologised mentally.
Running his other hand through his hair, Kongpob replied frustratedly. "That's precisely why I would come here!"
Arthit froze. Ok, that did kind of make sense in its own way.
"It's fine if you don't believe me right now," said Kongpob, releasing his hold and drawing away. He pulled a fountain pen out of his pocket and scrawled a number onto the card he'd handed Arthit earlier.
Sliding it back to the other, he continued. "I'll prove it to you over and over until you're finally convinced. Are you free the whole of tomorrow?"
Arthit eyed the card cautiously before replying. "I guess?"
"Good. Be outside this bar at 10am sharp and I'll take you out on that date we claimed to have gone on," said Kongpob with a boyish grin. He stood up, smoothing out the wrinkles that had formed on his suit.
Walking up to Arthit, he stopped beside him and whispered in his ear, "I look forward to seeing you then darling." He pressed a fleeting peck on Arthit's cheek before disappearing into the crowd.
Stunned, Arthit raised a hand to his face, fingers brushing against where the faint press of Kongpob's lips still burned, before staring blankly at the card that had been left behind on the counter.
Just what exactly had he gotten himself into?
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Could I request a delightful story from you? I keep coming back to this in my mind (especially now I feel like P'San took major advantage of a young and naive Tharn) but I'd love a story where Type comforts Tharn and is the emotional pillar of support for a change? Thanking you!
My dear this didn’t turn out to be a delightful story?  Honestly, I don't know what this is, but I hope you like it anyway: 
Type surprised himself when he wiggled out of Tharn’s arms without waking him. Realizing though that he had been Tharn’s warmth through the entire night he grabbed the blanket on the back of the sofa and covered him up. He smiled and kissed him on the forehead. His stupid mouth dodged a bullet again, but he wondered how many more they’d dodge before it’s a fatal blow? Type shook his head. Breakfast. Let’s focus on breakfast. Type puts on pants and a shirt. Sometimes if the clothes were on the floor, mainly the shirts, he’s not even sure it’s his. He shrugs and quietly slipped out the door. 
He comes back with breakfast to find Tharn sitting on the floor against the sofa, heavy sobs riddling his body. Type drops the bag of food and is kneeling beside him in seconds. “Tharn?” Type gently wrapped arms around. Tharn seamlessly fell into his chest, heaving sobs now only occasionally rattling him. “Tharn?” Type said with a tad scolding in his voice. 
“My Dad called,” Tharn mumbled, gripping Type’s pink shirt sleeve. “There’s been a car accident. My mom, Thanya, Thorn.” Type’s eyes widened. Tharn fell back into his chest and Type tangled fingers into hair, wishing he had a magical cure to stop the shaking. 
“Should we go to the hospital?” Type was flailing. He wasn’t even sure what to do. Tharn squeezed him tighter, making himself look small inside his arms. Type resumed running fingers through his hair and for a moment he thought Tharn would fall asleep again when suddenly Tharn was stumbling to his feet. 
“Whoa!” Type quickly stood, steadying him. “I’m driving.” He grabs the keys off the dresser. Can’t believe I’m about to drive an Audi. Shut up. This isn’t about you. He told himself. He turned his eyes back to Tharn and realized that he wasn’t dressed. “You have to put pants on.” Type tried to joke. Tharn didn’t register it, but like a robot he rifled through the dresser for some lounge shorts. The tank top he slept in will have to do. He didn’t have the dress to impress anyway. They were heading to a hospital where part of his family was hurt. 
Once there Type realized the first person he’d meet is Tharn’s father. This is still not about you, you self-centered shithead. Type scolded himself as the hospital doors whirred open. 
“This way,” Tharn’s father quickly said. Type just followed. No, actually, Type’s hand was in a vice grip so he was dragged and couldn’t argue that it just happened in front of Tharn’s father. They stopped in front of a room. 
“Harrowing news first. Your mother is in a coma.” Type couldn’t believe how calm Tharn’s father was. It was impressive and it must be where Tharn got his patience from.  “Thanya and Thorn have a few bruises, cuts and bumps. They are mostly fine and just worried about Mom.” Tharn let out a deep sigh of relief for the better news about his siblings. Still Type knew they were not through this yet. Suddenly, attention was put on him. “You must be the roommate,” Tharn’s father glanced at the hand holding. “Tharn talks about you a lot. It’s a shame we had to meet like this, but nonetheless, it’s nice to meet you.” His father held out a hand and with his free one, Type shook it. The three of them entered the room and Type was finally let go because Tharn ran to Thanya and Thorn. He scooped up Thanya and he fell into his big brother and hooked an arm around his shoulders as the three siblings fell into a forehead hug. Type never witnessed anything like this before. It felt painful and relieving at the same time. Type hadn’t noticed the lump in his throat until now. Tharn set Thanya down and then he held out a hand and said, “Hey, roomie, come here.” 
Type looked around as if it weren’t him that was being called upon. “Yes, you, Type.” Tharn almost smiled and that made Type so excited that he stepped forward to grab his hand. P’Thorn let out the loudest groan he ever made in his life (too bad it couldn’t wake his comatose mother). Everyone looked at the big brother. 
“What’s that about?” Dad beat Tharn to the punch. 
“You see what’s happening Dad,” Thorn gestured to Tharn and Type holding hands. “It’s just I wish my little bro would tell me these things because then I could’ve had a way to stop my asshole friend last night...sorry, Thanya.” Tharn had never seen his big brother so angry before. He was always so gentle, calm and collected. Now, he was just holding it together by the fringes of a thread. He grappled with that thread and then exasperatedly confessed, “If I had known that your roommate is clearly your boyfriend Tharn then I could’ve told San to back off.” 
Tharn made eyes at him because their father didn’t know about any of this. Frankly, he didn’t want either of his parents knowing about it. “Dad, could you maybe take Thanya for something to eat?” P’ Thorn asked. Sensing that this was a thing between brothers, Dad of course obliged. Thanya loved her Dad, yes, she did, but sometimes it took some persuading to tear her away from her big brothers. She reluctantly made it out of the room with her father when he promised her some hot cocoa. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” P’Thorn questioned his little brother. “Clearly, you have no feelings for San.” 
“Why is that so important to you now?” Tharn asked. 
“Not going to tell you the exact words he said to me a couple nights ago at the bar, but if I had known you were with someone, I’d have told him to back off.” 
“All right, I’m still confused,” said Tharn rubbing his face with his hands. Thorn sank into the chair near his mother’s bed and tears started streaming down his face. Type made a fast exit without a single word. 
About twenty minutes later, Tharn was attempting to persuade Type back into the room. “Come on,” he said while tugging a hand. Type planted himself against the wall. That didn’t matter. Tharn put a hand on the wall and leaned in close. “Come back in the room.” Of course, what would make everything better is if his mother woke up, but for now he’d take every single second he could get with Thanya, Thorn, his father and Type. To his surprise, lips pressed against his. Type felt the small smile tugging at the corner of Tharn’s lips. Tharn let his head fall against his chest. “Please,” he begged. “Come back in.” Type twisted some hair. 
“Uh, okay,” Type nodded. Tharn looked at him. Type didn’t hesitate to give him another quick kiss. For the last visiting hour, the room echoed with tears, laughter and games. Type wondered to himself if their mother could hear everything despite her condition. 
Type gripped the steering wheel as they pulled into the driveway of Tharn’s house. It’s not about you. Stow it away though the appearance of this jackass pisses you off. Not about you. Type took a deep breath and got of the car. He managed to quell his anger, but P’Thorn didn’t. 
“When I texted you that didn’t mean I wanted you to show up at the house.” Thorn was starting to realize that a traumatic car accident had a way of clearing the mind. Or it just bubbled a subconscious anger and feelings to the surface, either way Thorn was suddenly pissed off at the sight of his best friend, when in fact, in times like this many people wanted that comfort from a friend. “Please, leave.” 
San looked taken aback. Then he noticed Type. He took a deep breath knowing that given the circumstances he couldn’t deck the guy. “This is how you’re going to treat me?” Type felt grateful that he’d been chiding himself for being self-centered so yeah, San be a self-centered prick right now. 
“Go away,” Thorn repeated through gritted teeth. Tharn saw fists clench. His Dad did too so he whisked Thanya away as quickly as possible. “Please, don't make me do it.” 
San cracked his neck. “Fine, fine, I’ll go away for now.” He started to walk back towards his car. 
“Actually, no!” Thorn exclaimed, making San turn on his heels. “We’re done! So stay the fuck away from my little brother and my family. If I see you in this driveway again I will punch you in the face!”  
“Your mother wouldn’t like this,” San spat. 
“When she says, where’s San? What’s he doing? I haven’t seen him in weeks. What’s going on? I’ll tell her, Mom, he’s dead to me. We’re no longer friends anymore because I’m tired of his fucking bullshit. That’s all she needs to know.” Tharn had never seen this before in his life. These two had been so close for so long, but suddenly Thorn had enough. Seemingly it had to do with San’s feelings for him, but Tharn still felt confused by the spectacle. Proud but confused by his big brother’s emotions. 
San left it alone and got into his car, because in truth he observed that the odds were against him. It wasn’t one versus one; it could turn into three versus one if punches started flying. As he got into his car, he clocked the amused look on Type’s face. When he was backing out of the driveway Type couldn’t resist so he lifted a hand and mocked a little wave goodbye. He hoped it pissed him off. 
Thorn wanted to be left alone and so they left him alone. Dad, Tharn and Type spent part of the night entertaining Thanya by singing and dancing like silly fools while she played the piano for them. A yawn suddenly overcame her and sleepy eyes kept drooping closed. Tharn had sat next to her to play and so she slumped against him. Type smiled. Tharn’s family was the best. He’d have to remember to tell Team that all his assumptions about Tharn are wrong. This is not your typical rich family full of flaunting and arrogance. No, this family felt warm, safe and loving. Type felt like a fool for not attending Tharn’s birthday dinner a couple of days ago. If he had been at that dinner he’d have properly met Tharn’s mother.  Type was whisked back to reality when he heard Tharn insisting on being the one to carry Thanya upstairs to her room. 
“Okay, okay, fine. You, her and your brother are so attached at the hip. Right now, I was only trying to give you a chance to spend time with your boyfriend,” Tharn’s Dad winked at him. Tharn lifted a sleepy Thanya into his arms and gave his Dad a glare. His Dad shrugged. Before he let Tharn go though he whispered, “One day you and Thorn will have to sit down and explain some things to me, because I’d very much like to know why your brother kicked San out of the house.” Tharn took a deep breath. 
“When Mom is well we can have that conversation.” His Dad patted him on the shoulder. Tharn turned to Type. Thanya was already asleep on his shoulder. 
“Follow me,” Tharn said. “We’ll drop her off and then…” Tharn wiggled his eyebrows.Type sheepishly smiled. As they went up the stairs, Tharn grabbed his hand. It felt like the hundredth time that day. 
“Thank you for not leaving me alone,” Tharn said once his bedroom door closed. The room was just as clean, sparse and full of posters much like his side of the dorm room before they moved off campus. Tharn really was a simple guy. Minimal seemed like the best route for him. It’s probably why he got so annoyed when Type started to clutter their condo a few days after moving in and still to this day. Type shook his head at the memory. Type would let Tharn believe that the aftermath of any situation was punishment but it really wasn’t. Even if it was, Type yearned for it. 
“Earth to Type,” Tharn said in a sing-song voice. Type’s hands fell to the one’s around his middle and he leaned back, his head falling into a shoulder. Tharn gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Did you hear me? Thank you for not leaving me alone. I really needed you today.” 
“I know,” Type murmured as another kiss pressed to his cheek. Tharn was about to give him another when Type grabbed his chin to stop him. Type stood and turned to face him. He pressed a kiss to his forehead, then his nose, to his cheeks and finally his lips. Sooner or later, Type would have to learn how to keep control, because though he’d initiate a kiss he never stayed the one leading it. Type felt his eyes rolls. Tharn broke away. 
“You know I never got to use my birthday presents.” Type gulped. He really put himself in an awful position with that damn gift. Well, not entirely awful. 
“Not going to happen right now.” Type firmly stated. 
“Do you just like goading me? You say that as if you can resist.” Type had wiggled away from him and was on the other side of the room. Tharn lunged for him, Type jumped onto the bed and over it. They both stood at either side, standing there daring one another with looks to make a move. Type caved first. He groaned and jumped the bed again, placing himself just between it and right against Tharn. Type placed a hand to his cheek. Tharn smiled. Type kissed the toothy grin. Tharn tried to lay him down, but Type resisted. When a confused Tharn stopped, Type suddenly flipped him onto the bed and pounced on him. Tharn burst into laughter. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Just when I think you couldn’t be any sexier.”
“Can I have my way with you all night?” Tharn sensed the real question behind this one. It was shifting positions. 
For the first time, in five years, Tharn curiously wondered if he could. There’s only one way to find out. “Suit yourself,” he said with a smirk. Type crashed lips into his boyfriend’s and damn, it felt absolutely amazing to have control of a kiss.
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min-kit · 5 years
This is how I believe Lhong feels in EPLhong
((I posted this in a youtube comment in a reaction but I felt like posting it to tumblr too) Unlike most people, I can understand long. Rather than sympathize, I can... empathize? I can get him. It doesn't mean that any of what he has done is okay but I can understand things from his point of view very easily (and it really goes for any of the characters. I can put myself in their shoes and think what I believe they'd be thinking and feeling). So I'll give my thoughts on what I think Lhong is thinking and feeling. (And props to Kaownah. He's an AMAZING actor and played such a good, interesting villain. I do love Lhong's character a TON, even if I want him to get his ass beat)  To me it seems, from the short clip, that Lhong grew up as a child with absent parents. He was eating on his own, no sign of any one else, I'm guessing he even made his own food. Growing up he was incredibly lonely, so lonely that it felt as if he had no purpose. He clearly felt depressed, probably listened to a lot of music on his own (and discovered a love for it). If there's no one in the world who cares for you, it makes you not care about yourself. As much as we try to tell ourselves it doesn't matter what people think, if no one thinks literally... nothing of you, then that's going to hurt.  And he met Tharn. In that scene I can't tell how long they've known each other but I'm going to guess for a bit. Tharn probably treats him nice, but Tharn is clearly a nice guy. He treats everyone nice. It doesn't make Lhong special, Lhong knows this but he feels so empty... *lost* (like his name--Lhong means 'lost') and in that moment he just wants to know, why is it that no one cares for him? Is he really such a useless, unlovable person? But Tharn, being a good person, tells him he wants him, just as you would tell any friend who is clearly depressed. Tharn wants him around--of course he does, because they're *friends* but this is one of the first times, if not the first time, that Lhong has heard someone call him a friend and he latches onto it, latches onto Tharn. This handsome, nice guy, full of talent and also love for music, a thing that they share in common. And they bond over it and get their band going and all of Lhong's insecurities are still present, but he can bottle them up because there's at least one person who cares for him. He develops a crush, who wouldn't? But because of how Lhong feels for himself (unlovable, useless...), he is frightened that if Tharn were to care for someone else, then Tharn will leave him. They'll grow apart, but he's also scared to tell him his feelings because of what if it ruins their friendship? And then Lhong will be left with absolutely no one.  So there's P'San, a nice, older student. But Lhong has to do nothing there because Tharn clearly isn't interested and this is why, to Lhong, all of Tharn's exes are "assholes" (as he told Type in ep 10). P'San is the one person he doesn't have to worry about because Tharn doesn't want him in that way. But then he starts getting boyfriends. People Tharn obviously want. So Lhong does what he does, gets in their heads, probably blackmails a few with something and they all break up with Tharn or he orchestrates it like he did with Tar, but not to that level. There's no need. He gets rid of them easily.  Until Tar. Tar and Tharn were head over heels for each other, and there was the whole thing with the fact that Tar is Tum's step-brother and Tum is in the band with Lhong and Tharn. Tar is not easy to get rid of. Lhong is having trouble doing it without exposing himself. He gets desperate. And then he does something despicable. But it works. And he forces Tar to break up with Tharn. Everything is right again and Lhong is once again there to pick up the pieces just like he is after every one of Tharn's breakups (and I'll get to this soon).  And then Type comes around. Lhong doesn't worry about Type and Tharn getting too close at first. Type is obviously homophobic, they'd never become a thing--but then they do, and this is why at first Lhong is so shocked. He's shocked and he's hurt because he had no idea. Had no clue that this was going on and normally it's easy to spot because he's Tharn's best friend. He probably felt hurt and betrayed and then he felt angry. Someone else was trying to steal Tharn from him.  And then he does what he does and Type breaks up with Tharn.  And now to the part we see here. Lhong is definitely not faking the emotions he felt while 'comforting' Tharn. And I do think he was truly trying to comfort him. Lhong hates seeing Tharn in this way. He knows he causes it but instead of feeling bad for that, he'd feel angry because these people (in his eyes) keep leaving and betraying Tharn... so easily. Except for Tar, he barely had to lift a finger. Even Type was easy to get rid of. All he had to do was use Tar. How *dare* they say they love Tharn and then just abandon him like that? To Lhong, none of them are worth anything at all. They don't love him like Lhong does. Lhong is the most loyal. If he were in their shoes, he would *never* abandon Tharn and he knows this. But Tharn is crushed after each break-up. Tar hit him hard. Type hit him even worse and Lhong has to watch (what he feels) is the love of his life in terrible pain and seeing that hurts. But it also hurts because Tharn doesn't want him there. Lhong is his best friend, why won't Tharn let him comfort and take care of him? And then he has to use Type to get Tharn to agree to let him stay and that's probably tearing him up inside. Probably makes him want to vomit because it forces him to confront the fact that Tharn loves Type and deep down Lhong knows that Tharn will never love him in that way. And that just reiterates, to Lhong, that he's this unlovable person because why won't Tharn love the person who has stood by his side through all of this? The one person that has been there through it all and never abandoned him? Tharn doesn't know he caused all this, but to Tharn everyone leaves him. But Lhong hasn't left, so why can't Tharn see that? And those are Lhong's thoughts (at least that's how I read him while watching all of this) and I think Kaownah did an amazing job of portraying it through the screen. I could easily feel for him, but none of what he did was okay. He has let his own insecurites and what he thinks is love twist him into something dark and he's okay with that, because as long as he can be there with Tharn, nothing else matters to him. And he wants to be the one Tharn depends on more than anyone else and he won't stop until that's what happens.  Sorry for the rant but I see so many people are unable to really get Lhong (which I understand why) but as someone who can easily empathize and put myself in a character's shoes (no matter how messed up), I wanted to give a rundown of Lhong's thoughts and feelings.
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You know what's also a little surprising? No one in Tharntype has a tattoo either. I knew this, but when I was thinking about who might have a tattoo, I realized I could so see Tharn having a tattoo somewhere. Or P'San or maybe Long. Or the dorm mates.
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nonician225 · 5 years
Mew Suppasit and Gulf Kanawut
TharnType Special Episode / January 19, 2020
AA Pattarabut (P´San) talks about his role and  MewGulf 
This part is missing in the clip:
Tg: Yes, that’s right. Before I met Tharn, guys, I met Thorn first, you know? I didn’t fool anyone though. 
MC: *ask P'May* Did you forget to write that part?
P'May: No, kha. In the end, P'San didn’t end up with either Tharn or Thorn na kha 555
Translation:  @net_drifter
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tharnstype · 5 years
a psa
hey y'all! i wanna talk about something important today so please listen up.
i've received a whole lot of asks, messages and comments lately asking me to spoil the future episodes. the thing is, i really don't wanna spoil y'all much. the future episodes are the ones which are going to revolve around the main drama and bring light to the main plot of the show.
if you think puifai, p'san and all the other past characters were major problematic asses then wait till you see tar come into the story because trust me, real shits about to go down.
but that's the thing! i really want y'all looking forward to it; anticipating it; creating your own theories and ideas.
as i've said many times before, i'm not thai and i haven't read the novels myself but i know the main plot and in quite detail.
i know y'all can't wait to know what the future episodes are going to bring to us but that's how i want y'all to feel! trust me, the wait will be worth it.
thank you x
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tharnkirigun · 5 years
Type's comments and his internalized homophobia was something that bothered me a lot when i first watched TT. I tried to understand him because of his past but there were times that it was just too much... Looking back at it now he is the character that had the best development on the show. Sure he was an asshole at most of times and it looked that if he said the word 'sorry' it would hurt him but the development was there. I guess the most notable was when P'San appeared. It brought the worst of him but also made he realize that he wasn't the only one on the relationship non the only with valid feelings. After that he also expressed how he doesn't like the feeling of jealousy, basically hate to be the way he is but he doesn't know how to control it and i think that it was valid and we -as viewers- could at least simpathyze with him. Then finally his final form after 3 years -on contrary of what some people believe- he didn't stay as a homophobic but rather an understanding guy who out go out helping everyone's relationship as we can see in LBC.
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