#P&P Au
funkytoesart · 4 days
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Redwall meets... Jane Austen?? Yes hehe. Finally decided to indulge a lil' in my ye old Jane Austen but make them woodland creatures au :>
Mr. Darcy is a badger, naturally, while the Bennets are all mice. But fret not!! This little mouse lady is not meek in the least ;)
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Hey llama, I was thinking about the p&p servant au, and I was wondering how would mc react to all of the guys attending a party she's serving at? Would it upset her to see Sans being haughty with other humans?
HOHOHOHO... I would assume at this point she's not yet one of Skull's servants. She belongs to someone else, someone who doesn't appreciate her like they do.
Sans: As much as he wants to immediately seek her out and take up all of her time, to talk to only her... he understands that it's a very busy party, and she's working. He steals her for a little bit of polite conversation, but he doesn't trap her- he doesn't want her to get in trouble. He's very kind to her, as he always is... admiring her from afar, catching her in quiet corners whenever he can, and openly scowling at anyone who comments about her. She enjoys finding ways to sneak a few hushed words with him in passing, and she loves the genuine delight on his face when he sees her in the crowd.
Would she be upset by Sans being haughty? No, not at all. Sans is only like that with people of his station or higher, never with servants. For her, there's honestly something really enjoyable about watching Sans be shitty to the kinds of people who are often the cruellest to her. He gets to say and do the things she wishes she could.
Red: She loves when Red shows up. All the staff do. Even before she knew him personally, she enjoyed when he appeared at events- Red is the life of the party, and often ends up causing some kind of scene that becomes talk of the town. Excessive drinking, ruinously beating someone at cards, pitting two idiots against each other until they get into a fight... all the servants knew that if Red was there, it was going to be a delightfully gossip-filled night in the staff quarters. Especially since Red was absolutely the type to woo any of the particularly eye-catching servants.
She likes him even more after meeting him. Because Red is excellent at distracting the other party members- most importantly, he distracts the host, usually immediately after shooting her a wink. Without her employer breathing down her neck she can get some rest in the middle of an otherwise completely action-packed night.
Skull: If Skull showed up to a party, that's a huge win for the host, and a ridiculous amount of social clout for them. So if Skull appears at the house, and expresses any open interest in Mc (which of course he will)... her employer will basically command her to be Lord Skull's personal entertainer for the evening. "Do whatever is necessary to keep our guest happy. Understand?"
If Red is there to third wheel and keep the conversations going, Mc and Skull would both probably actually have a lot of fun. Red knows his friend very well, and he can quickly and easily 'translate' for him to keep her engaged and relaxed. She likes getting to chat and eat, and Skull is just absolutely delighted that she's sat close enough for him to see her eyes.
If, for some reason, Red isn't there... it might be a bit more awkward. Skull will follow her around like an overly affectionate cat, but he gets overcome with shyness the moment she tries to start anything resembling a conversation. She'd still enjoy it, though- sitting with a silent guy who likes to stare still beats working.
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n01r-kn1ght · 2 years
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And then they got married
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I live for the pride and prejudice au
Au by @llamagoddessofficial
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roysmilkers · 7 months
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“I very much want to kiss you.”
“Please do.”
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showmey0urfangs · 13 days
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Rating: M | Words: 2.0k | Chapters: 6/? | Pairing: Loustat | AO3 Summary: After the passing of his father, Louis has to find a way to support his family, while warding off his eager Mama's relentless matchmaking schemes. Excerpt:
The rest of the morning proved to be an exercise in endurance for Louis. He stayed by Grace’s side as much as he could, reading to her when she was awake, or simply sitting with her as she drifted in and out of a fitful, feverish sleep.
He did his best to avoid Mr. Lioncourt, though the man seemed to coincidently appear in every room Louis ventured into. Louis found him in the library when he went in search of a book to occupy himself. He encountered the man again in the drawing room when he came down to request a cup of tea for Grace. He happened upon Mr. Lioncourt again when he briefly wandered out onto the veranda for some fresh air.
It was as if the man was loitering in hallways and dark corners, waiting for any chance to engage Louis in trivial conversation or worse, simply to stare at him intently. Louis was sure some sort of game was at play, but he was not certain what Mr. Lioncourt’s end goal was other than to embarrass and ridicule him.
Read the rest of the fic AO3
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dreamyelectronicmusic · 4 months
Sunday Snippet
In honour of pride month, here's me making it sad and angsty 😭💔 (from a giant mess of a draft based on this idea, previous snippet here)
That summer, Wille and his princess made an appearance at Oslo Pride Parade. Simon stared at one of the official pictures from it, unable to determine how it made him feel. He couldn’t tell if Wille was there for himself or as a public figure expressing support. It didn’t count as a political statement anymore, apparently. Not when Wille had an unobjectionable girl by his side, at any rate, and if he was queer, then it was in a way that was easy for everyone else to ignore. They looked good together, Simon had to admit that, both of them beautiful and windswept and grinning at the camera, a rainbow flag wrapped around both their shoulders like a cape. It was the first photo of Wille Simon had seen where he was smiling for real, not his tight society smile, and he actually looked happy. For a moment Simon couldn’t figure out why the smile still seemed wrong, until he realised that Wille’s teeth had been straightened. He didn’t know why that, of all things, made him want to cry.
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unpufblandito · 1 year
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Aziraphale's ball fantasy
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imlostontheinternet · 2 years
EYO, YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS! @llamagoddessofficial 's brain is so big and juicy, I just had to draw something for their Pride and Prejudice AU!
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((And because I have no self control, have some doobles for a little story I'm writing based on this AU. I've given Reader an adorable younger sister for drama~ ))
Please enjoy :]
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astaraels · 6 months
You just gave me a prompt idea. Pride and prejudice but gallavich??????? If you would be so kind as to indulge me with a ficlet I would love you most ardently 🥺
Okay so anon you're in luck that I've been rereading a lot of my queer historical romance so if you'll pardon me the indulgence, I'm gonna have so much fun with this. You're gonna get a ficlet AND a whole lot of world building, so buckle up, m'dear 😘
(tagging @callivich and @holymurdock since they both cheered me on with this one, y'all're the best~)
Ian and his brother stood in the corner of the room, each of them with a drink in hand and feeling marvelously out of place. At least, Ian certainly did—he wasn't sure how he ended up being dragged along to a soirée like this, but his little sister had begged and pleaded because "if nothing else I'll need someone to dance with, and you're so much better at it than Phillip." The row that had started lasted them until Fiona bustled them all off for morning chores. Everyone had to pitch in at the estate, except for Liam, of course.
He took another swig of the cloying champagne, hiding his grimace; he'd rather be drinking a decent stout at the village tavern. Everyone minded their own business there; here, it was as if one's presence was all anyone needed to justify striking up a conversation. There were more unfamiliar faces than he'd expected at this party, although it was crowded enough that he felt safe to let his eyes wander a little.
The dance floor was positively flooded with young men and women, smiling pleasantly at each other as they tried to converse through the steps of a lively quadrille. Both of his sisters had been claimed for a dance; Deborah looked positively thrilled, while Fiona seemed as if she'd prefer to be somewhere else. Ian couldn't help but laugh when he saw how enthusiastic Fiona's partner was compared to her own bland smile. At the very least, their family had to keep up appearances, what with their father's reputation.
A young woman in a pale purple dress walked past them, her matching gloves strangely pushed down her arms until they bunched up at her wrists. When Ian looked again, he realized it was the same girl who'd asked him for a dance earlier, but he'd had to turn down—politely, of course—although he was quite impressed by her approaching him. Not many young gentry ladies would be willing to break convention in such a way. A shame Ian felt nothing for the fairer sex; she might have been someone he could have made a match with.
He watched with passive interest as the girl dispersed into the crowd, letting his gaze follow various other party goers as they engaged in conversation or found new partners for the dancing. Just another country party for eligible young people to meet, after all; there wasn't much else in the way of distractions, unfortunately—not even a room where men might play at cards. That had come as a disappointment for Ian. He'd been teaching the younger ones, and Deborah in particular had quite the knack for it. She might have been all of fifteen, but were young ladies allowed into the gambling hells that Ian and Phillip frequented, she'd clear them all out in a night.
Ian was still amusing himself with the image of his young sister taking the coats off of gentlemen's backs to pay off debts of honor, when he heard an angry voice call out from the crowd.
"Oy, you! Gallagher! You damned blackguard! That's right, I've some goddamn words for you, you piece of shite!"
Several of the ladies nearby gasped at the language; Ian, who had learned worse from the Army men stationed in the village, only looked up at the man advancing on him and set his glass to the side. He stuck his chin out stubbornly and crossed his arms, using his height to his advantage.
"There's quite a number of Gallaghers here," he said. "You might need to be more specific."
"I'm talkin' about you, bloody ginger bastard! You tried takin' advantages with my sister!" The man's accent was rougher than his language, which was almost impressive. He cracked his knuckles, and Ian could see the distinctive blue ink of tattoos peeking out from under the man's coat sleeves. "You admit what you did, and maybe I won't have to drag your apology out your mouth along with your back teeth!"
"I did nothing of the sort," Ian said, immediately putting his back up. Next to him, Phillip set his drink down on a table close by, standing shoulder to shoulder with Ian in a show of brotherly solidarity. "A young lady requested a dance from me earlier. I declined, but I said nothing insulting, much less took advantage."
The girl in question stood behind her brother; they were both quite striking, with pale skin and dark features, and the brother's intense blue eyes caught Ian off-guard. He regained his composure quickly, however, determined not to let himself be caught on the back foot by some do-nothing rogue. He's only defending his sister, a voice said in the back of Ian's mind. You'd do the same for yours. Which was true, but he might at least pull the offender to one side instead of starting a confrontation such as this.
"You callin' my sister a liar, are you?" the man said loudly, which only made the sister scowl at Ian. His face burned hot at the offense—he'd turned down a dance, for heaven's sake, not besmirched her virtue. "In that case-" he took two steps forward and punched Ian square in the jaw. "Come near her again and it'll be a bloody pistol next time!"
"Oy!" Ian shouted, blood suddenly boiling. It was one thing to put off insults to his character, but this was a step too far. He moved forward until he was in the brute's face, and damn his eyes because they were indeed far too good-looking than a man like this deserved. It only served to make him angrier. "I will not stand by and let you continue to speak lies!" He knew this was an idiotic idea, but sometimes one had to do very stupid things and apologize for them later.
The shorter man nodded, looking as if he were sizing Ian up. "Right, then," he said, voice rougher than Ian had expected, and damn if it wasn't a sound that hit him in the best—worst—way. "Outside with you. We settle this here and now."
Phillip finally deigned to step in, putting an arm out to push in front of Ian. "This is a party," he said, in that condescending voice of his that set Ian's teeth on edge. "I'm sure our hosts wouldn't appreciate a fight between guests as a way to end the evening, lively as it might be."
The dark-haired man started to speak, but his sister reached out and grabbed his arm. She spoke in a low voice, low enough for only her brother's ears, and then he turned back to Ian. "This is your one and only warning, then, Gallagher," he practically spat. "Next time we meet you won't be so lucky. Or have your brother to take your lumps for you."
Ian moved forward into the other man's space, using his greater height to crowd him in. "There won't be a next time," he said through gritted teeth. "If I never see you again in my life, I'll count myself damn lucky. But if I do, you'd best hope we're in decent company, or we'll see who's a quicker shot."
(And here's the world building, under a cut because it got really long)
So the Gallaghers are in the business of coal (because that was a Big Deal at the time, finding coal deposits with the Industrial Era making a big wave) because their great grandparents came from Ireland and established themselves in England. Frank is a wily bastard with a nose to ferret out how to steal shit from under people's noses, so he's a master scam artist but has to move around constantly to run different schemes so the Gallaghers rarely see him. Monica is dead, either in childbirth when she had Liam or from taking too much laudanum.
Fiona, being the eldest, has to get them all presentable to Society and keep up maintaining the house and property along with Lip. They'd likely be at least lower gentry, so they've got land and a few servants, but they're not tenant farmers. Lip may be the one who gets to inherit but everyone knows Fiona is in charge of the household. (p&p fans, I'm imagining them in a similar situation as the Bennets—things aren't great but they're doing their best.)
The Milkoviches immigrated from the Russian empire probably either during the reign of Empress Elizabeth or Tsar Peter III (just before Catherine the Great), and they're still considered outsiders due to their heritage, but Mickey has worked hard to get Mandy a Season so she might make a good marriage and thus have a good life. Mickey makes his money off of wealthier men because he's damn good at gambling and wins a great deal of money playing cards.
As in the ficlet, Ian and Mickey ofc meet ugly like in canon, and they'd have a few run-ins until Mandy and Ian come to an understanding, which is when she tells Mickey to apologize to Ian (he's just trying to stand up for his sister's honor, okay, it's not his fault she keeps changing her mind!)
Also there are ~lingering looks~ and ~fingertips brushing~ against each other when they finally shake hands and call it a truce after getting into a few dust ups. After they do so, Ian thinks hmm and starts to like, seek out Mickey when they're at the tavern in the village or society gatherings for the gentry, and he's pretty certain that they share the same "proclivities" and it all comes to a head when they get into a heated discussion and Ian ends up shoving him against a wall and notices how Mickey reacts and then they fuck nasty in an empty room, but Mickey says not to kiss him, because that's something ladies expect and he's anything but.
Ian ofc is disappointed but at least he feels smug about being right, even if Mickey still calls him a damn Irish bastard and Ian shoots back that he's some Muscovite imbecile (Muscovite being what they used to call people from Russia ofc because I'm pretty sure Ukraine wasn't even on a map at this time in history), but yet they still seek each other out for ~assignations~ while constantly sniping at each other to the point where their rivalry becomes well known in Society. Rivals to lovers is delightful, I can't help it!
They play at hating each other in public but behind closed doors they're fucking nasty and Ian absolutely gets swept off his feet. Mickey does too, obviously, but he has to hide his feelings so Ian doesn't get too attached and ruin a good thing. (Spoiler alert: this fails miserably.) Terry Milkovich, by the by, is currently rotting in debtors' prison awaiting transportation to Australia and good fucking riddance to him (sorry aussies!).
I also love the idea of Debbie wanting to mix in Society and Fiona trying to run the Gallagher estate (which may not be a large one but it's their home) and Carl having dreams of joining the army—Ian wanted to as well but he probably had to stay home and take care of the younger ones, and it's not like he's going to make a Society marriage, anyway. Also Debbie thinks she wants a season to get a husband but ends up being like 👀 at all the fine young ladies—I also just love the idea that she's great at cards from playing with her brothers and learning how to fuzz the cards 🤣
Ian still has bipolar disorder in this au—it's a family secret. Whenever he starts to have an episode—by this point they all recognize the signs—he stays at home and the siblings just say he has a "weak constitution" and ofc he knows the staff gossip about him but better than being sent off to a sanitorium and away from his family. And he hates not being able to control his own mind but his siblings love him and they all promise to take care of him no matter what (it's why he never got to join the army like he'd hoped for, but he still helps Carl learn how to use a rifle, and practice drilling, and all that such like).
This kind of got away from me and I don't have a solid concept beyond all of...this. I know you asked for p&p, anon, so I tried to at least keep to the spirit of the thing, and I hope you like it regardless?? <3 I'd love to hear what other people think about this one, so please share your thoughts!
Eventually there would be, y'know, plot—probably something to do with land inheritance, Frank scamming people and it coming back to bite the Gallaghers in the ass, and both Lip and Debbie end up finding out about Ian and Mickey; Ian would have a bipolar episode and instead of running away, Mickey gets worried about him and is like, oh no I'm having feelings this is Not Good, but at this point he knows he's in too deep. Also he and Ian will have to work together for some reason or another and put their public rivalry to bed (lol).
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Pride and Prejudice au where Veritas (Ratio as Darcy) and Kakavasha (Aven as Bingley) are secretly involved, but must at minimum seem to be seeking wives for appearences. I can see Ruan Mei and Jelena (Topaz) perhaps being Jane and Elizabeth respectively?
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fuck-goes-on · 2 years
My Dear Mr. Djarin
Chapter One: “To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.”
pairing/s: din djarin x reader, boba fett x jane equivalent oc
warning/s: NONE
note/s: i am so excited to start this series!!! i have no idea if i will be able to finish it, but i will try my best to deliver as much as i can! i tried to squeeze in another scene but honestly this took so much out of me i am so tired HAHAHAH
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You’re walking down a dirt path, reading a book centring on the relationship of two people who are in deep misunderstanding. It frustrates you to no end as page by page there is non-stop pining and pain that goes on with the characters. You silently root for the couple as you pass by numerous animals, sheep and cows alike, with the morning sun rising and birds singing in the trees.
As you finish your morning walk going back towards your family’s estate, you finish your book; The two main characters clear their misunderstandings and get happily married to each other. You clutch the finished book to your chest, skipping the rest of the way home, giddy that the characters you adore so much got their happy ending.
When you walk into your home, you hear the ruckus that your siblings are making, and you wonder what is going on. You approach your two little sisters, Adriemma and Monaliz, that are pressed up against your father’s study and say, “Adrie, I’ve told you multiple times not to listen by the door!”
Just as you said that, you hear the voice of your mother coming from the room, quite loudly you might add, saying, “Oh my dear Mr. Avre, did you hear about the upcoming visit of the Fetts? It was said they would stay in our quaint town at the Mos Eisley estate!” 
Your sisters gasp in excitement and chatter about how single Mr. Fett was and how exciting it would be to flirt with him. You listen more intently when your mother mentions the Fetts. They were known in the Galaxy as the most experienced and barbarous bounty hunter family, but also well-respected and sought after.
“Are they now?” Your father replied with an uninterested tone of voice as he set aside the books he was reading before he was rudely interrupted by his wife. 
“Yes! And don’t you want to know what they’re doing?” Mrs. Avre questioned.
“Even if I said no, you would still tell me, my dear.” You and your sisters giggled at your father’s response. From behind you hear your eldest brother, Kalton, asking what all three of you were doing. 
“Mr. Fett and his ensemble are going to a ball! Don’t you think it’s a good idea to introduce our children to him? He might choose one of them as his spouse!” 
Adriemma and Monaliz squeal in excitement as your mother mentioned a ball and marriage; Those two have always been keen on parties and flirting. You and Kalton share a look, you two being the eldest, and smile in amusement.
Mr. Avre then opens the door to his study to see four out of five of his children standing outside of it. He sighs, having expected that you and your siblings would be there. He then walks towards the living room where you're joined with Emijade, the youngest of your siblings, who was confused about all the ruckus.
Your mother keeps trying to convince your father to let all of you go to the ball, when he raises his hand to stop her from talking. He says to you all, "I have already spoken to Mr. Fett."
"You have?! Oh Mr. Avre, how you tease me!" Mrs. Avre exclaims. You sit down on the couch, still holding your book in your hands as you watch your father's eyes twinkle with amusement. "Don’t you have any compassion for my poor nerves?"
“You mistake me, my dear, they have been my companion all these years.” Mr. Avre says.
“Is he handsome?” Monaliz questions.
“He is sure to be handsome,” Adriemma quipped as she skips around the living room and lands on her knees near your father.
“Who is handsome?” Emijade asks all confused.
“So can we go to the ball, papa?” The question most had floating in their heads was asked. You wait in tension as your father slowly looks at all of you before him.
Mr. Avre smiles and says, "Yes, you can go to the ball."
Everyone screams, except for Emijade, ecstatic to be able to go to a ball. Talks of gowns and suits are discussed and you hear your mother thanking your father with kisses. With all the buzz of your siblings, it starts getting to you as well and you can't wait to go.
The upbeat music is loud as the chamber orchestra plays their instruments on the floor above. The town’s dance hall is flooded with people, both on the dance floor and on the benches to the side. Joyous shouts are heard as the people dance and clap in the middle of the room, synchronised in their well-practised dance. Drinks and food are served all around for the people waiting their turn to spin and whirl across the room.
You stand with Kalton and your friend, Mellai, chatting and watching your sisters dancing together. Emijade is standing bored next to your parents, who are talking to the persons next to them with civility. 
“Not one of these people in this room is not in love with your beauty, Kalton,” You say to your brother, who just shakes his head. “They are far too easy to judge.”
“Not all of them are bad,” He answers.
“They’re all a bunch of womp rats in my limited experience.” You jest.
Kalton chuckles, “One of these days, you’ll find a person that catches your fancy and fall in love with them.”
As the dancing comes to an end, the hall's doors suddenly open and three people step inside. Everyone pauses in their doings and watches as Mr. Fett and his friends start to walk inside the hall. The people make way for them to roam around the floor and bow when they pass by.
You ask Mellai to remind you which one is the dear Mr. Fett your mother has been talking about. She points to the one dressed in green armour, with his matching helmet under his left arm and his bald head shining under the lights. Mellai also tells you of the woman, Ms. Kryze, who is practically a princess under all her blue armour. The other woman was Mx. Shand, Mr. Fett’s personal guard.
"And the one with the shimmering helmet?" You question quietly, and Mellai sighs in exasperation at your cluelessness.
"That's Mr. Djarin. A good friend of Mr. Fett's."
"My, what a cold looking figure," You observe as the man in glinting armour walks frigid and stiff, as if he was not used to the attention.
"He's also a renowned bounty hunter," Mellai adds. "So please be careful of your words around him. Your wit might anger him and have you killed!"
You chuckle as you bow your head when the three people pass by you. Tilting your head up, you see the silver helmet turned towards you. It only took half a second for Mr. Djarin to sharply look away from you. You ponder if he was truly looking at you underneath that helmet of his.
When the group reaches the end of the room, the music resumes and everyone goes back into the rhythm of the dance. Across the room, Mrs. Avre tells her husband to immediately introduce Mr. Fett to his children. She crosses the dance floor over to you, Kalton, and Mellai, grabs Kalton, who then grabs you, who you then grab Mellai, to briskly walk all the way to Mr. Fett and his two friends.
Mr. Lactra, Mellai’s father, is talking to Mr. Fett when you arrive in front of them, your father and Emijade join you from behind. Mr. Lactra introduces the lot of you to the esteemed guests, each one of you curtsying at your names.
“I’m delighted to have made your acquaintance,” Mr. Fett says with his deep, raspy voice. He glances over all your faces, before he stops at Kalton for a split second and looks away. You can’t help but notice, however, how Mr. Fett continues glancing towards your dear brother, and you giggle in silence. You nudge Kalton to make him notice, but to your surprise, he stares quite intensely at Mr. Fett with a small smile on his face. Good heavens, you think to yourself.
Mr. Lactra introduces you to Mr. Djarin as well, but the man in silver does not say a word and only bows his head.
As the group breaks, you and Kalton are joined at the side with Mr. Fett. It is surprising to you that the distinguished bounty hunter that is the man in green himself would be so inclined to small talk with you and your brother, but here you are, talking with him. Not long after, Mr. Fett bravely asks Kalton’s hand for a dance, and your brother unequivocally says yes. They join hand in hand towards the middle of the room where the next dance is about to begin.
You linger behind where Mr. Djarin was standing, not too far from where you were originally with your brother and Mr. Fett. Glancing at the shiny armoured man, you nonchalantly question, “Do you dance, Mr. Djarin?”
“Not if I can help it,” He sharply says, and that’s the end of it. You stand next to him in awkward silence, not knowing how to continue the conversation when said company seems so disagreeable. Deciding to move away from Mr. Djarin, you walk towards Mellai, not without sparing a glance at Kalton and Mr. Fett, who are locked in dance together. 
Later on, after Mr. Fett had danced two dances with Kalton, you sit by quietly to observe the people with Emijade. You see Mr. Djarin to the side near you where he is approached by his good friend. Hearing their voices, you can’t help but eavesdrop on their conversation.
“Come now, Djarin. You must at least join one dance; There are many agreeable people in this room who would love to dance with you.” Mr. Fett says.
Mr. Djarin all but sighs, “You have the most agreeable and handsomest person in the hall.”
“Yes, Mister Avre is quite handsome and I am very much pleased to have danced with him.” Mr. Fett smiles, “Look! There is one of his siblings, Mx. Avre. They are quite pretty as well.”
“They’re tolerable, I suppose,” Mr. Djarin grunts out, “But not handsome enough to tempt me… Fett, I am in no mood to consider these people who are easily slighted by others. Go back to your partner, enjoy his smiles.”
And so ends their talk, which you most undeniably enjoyed listening to, as now you know the character of Mr. Djarin well enough. He is the most disagreeable man you’ve ever seen or met, and you are quite glad that he has not taken to you, for any person who will be would be miserable under his hands. You stand up abruptly and walk courageously by him to go tell your thoughts to Mellai, who you know will heed your every word.
“And Mr. Fett favoured our Kalton amongst all others! There was nothing like it!” Mrs. Avre’s shrill voice exclaims. You and your siblings sit in the dining room as your mother relays all the night’s events to your father, despite his attendance and account to said events. “Did you see him dance with Kalton, Mr. Avre? They danced ever so joyously!”
“I saw, my dear,” Mr. Avre says to your mother with an exasperated tone. 
“Oh and the two lovely women, Ms. Kryze and Mx. Shand! How obliging and lovely women!” You all giggled as your mother drones on and on about their manners and handsomeness.
“But the other man Mr. Fett brought with him; Mr. Djarin, he calls himself! He is not worth our concern and attention. The proudest, the most unpleasant man… And did you hear about what he said about our poor child?!” 
“He slighted my dear child, did he?” Your father quirks his eyebrow at you. 
You smile at him, “I didn’t care for him either, so it’s nothing.”
Your mother pauses in her story and turns to you with a pointed finger, “Don’t you ever dance with that man! Even if he asked you!”
“No, I promise you, Mama, that I may never to dance with Mr. Djarin.” You say, firm in your voice and tone. For it is true that you will never dance with the horrid Mr. Djarin.
tags: @brekkers-desigirl @snakkeskin​ @masks-of-beauty-blog @random-din-shit @sweetphilautia @randomnessfangirl @djarinterstellar @cafune-s @xakilicious 
(ask me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!)
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yourstory-teller · 1 year
Ok guys, so, I am currently obsessed with pride and prejudice and seriously thinking about maybe writing about it. Would you like that? Would anyone read it? Would you have any asks?? Or am I alone???
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What if servant!MC worked herself too hard? Impaired with at least tiredness and sore muscles, and at worst a broken or sprained limb? How would the kind lords react?
Sans: Depends on the severity of it. If she's just sore, or seems more tired than usual, he'll lure her into resting by pretending he needs her to do something for him. It's notoriously hard to pry Mc from her work. But Sans is sly- he convinces her she's still working, still doing something for him, he talks her into sitting down with a book she needs to 'check for errors'. Eventually she snaps back to her senses an hour later and realises she's just been tricked into sitting by the fire in his room and reading a novel.
If it's a bit more serious, he gets more hands-on. Sans is deceptively strong and he will gladly combine his aptitude at manipulation with a bit of manhandling. Mc has the 'just shut up and get it done' mindset so deeply ingrained after so long that she'll work herself into slightly feverish stupors... he distracts her with pretty words while he physically leads her away somewhere he can keep a better eye on her.
Red: Unlike a lot of men his rank, Red isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. He knows that it's incredibly difficult to talk her out of work, so if she is visibly struggling, he'll just help out with whatever she's doing. She always appreciates the extra hands and strength. Red's presence is also just good for the Soul; he's witty, he's a big flirt, he halves the load while making it twice as fun. Whatever limb she's injured barely hurts by the time the jobs are done, she's too distracted giggling.
He's not quite as subtle or graceful as Sans, in his methods. But when it comes down to it, Red is probably the only one out of the three who could genuinely talk her into taking a break. Mc often feels like Red is the one who best understands the reality of being a servant- Sans is nice but he's kinda uptight, Skull is far too rich to ever get it. Red's as down-to-Earth as a nobleman could be. And if Red is expressing genuine concern, dropping his persona for a second...
... Maybe she does need to just rest for a while.
Skull: He doesn't have time for subtlety. When it's clear she's pushing herself, he gives her a 'gentle' warning.
He looms over her, covering her entire body with his shadow, with a face like he's about to eat her. He softly murmurs that if she doesn't stop working so hard... there will be consequences.
... It's a pretty clear message. But if she still refuses to stop? He literally just steals her.
He doesn't care what she's doing, what task she's in the middle of, who's in the room or how important what she's doing is. He gave her a warning. He'll grab her right in the middle of a task, throw her over his shoulder, and (ignoring her protests) carry her off to his chambers. There's a big comfy chair covered in blankets with her name on it... and if there's one thing you can say about Skull, it's that when he's determined, he's like a machine. She won't be going anywhere. Her protests don't matter.
Wife will stay and wife will rest. He warned her. She doesn't get a choice anymore.
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n01r-kn1ght · 2 years
Bonus content from the previous post
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Reader’s parents after she married Skull and Red
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Like sans would let that happen
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Also Hit’s outfit was based on @imlostontheinternet ‘s outfit for him
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pomegranate-belle · 5 months
For the "Random WIP Ask Game" for the P&P AU, 🎀 [Bow] How many named characters are in this WIP? How many do get a POV? 🐁[Mouse] Name three reasons why this WIP is horrible at being a horror fic. 🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence.
🎀 [Bow] How many named characters are in this WIP? How many do get a POV?
Uhhhhh... Hold on let me count. Right now I think there's 12, but there will be more. Only Matt and Foggy will have POVs though.
🐁[Mouse] Name three reasons why this WIP is horrible at being a horror fic.
Darcy!Matt is too busy being a bitch to get his creep on
Everybody's gonna live at the end
Too much pining
🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence.
Local rich idiot spends 10,000+ words wooing man he insists he is not actually interested in, and the only one who believes him is the man being wooed.
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showmey0urfangs · 24 days
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Rating: M | Words: 1.4k | Chapters: 1/? | Pairing: Loustat | AO3 Summary: After the passing of his father, Louis has to find a way to support his family, while warding off his eager Mama's relentless matchmaking schemes. OR:A Pride and Prejudice AU Excerpt:
I'm afraid none of these are worth the paper they're printed on, Louis,” Mr. Duran said, brandishing the copies of the deeds. He was a stout man in his mid-fifties, with a kindly plump face and wiry grey hairs on his temple. Louis was usually very fond of the man, but today not so much. “They are all obsolete,” Mr. Duran continued, “having either already been cashed out or resold by your father.”
Louis had found the deeds among his father’s things, as he had tried to sort through the mountain of paperwork his father had left behind. It was three months already since his father’s passing, but the family affairs were very much still in disarray and Louis was failing miserably to make any headway with it. Today’s visit to his father's banker had been his last hope, and it was proving to be an utter disaster.
“But surely with the income from the estate accruing for all these years,” Louis protested weakly, “And all of Papa’s other investments, there has to be—”
“The estate can hardly generate enough income to allow you and the family to live comfortably. Not to mention that your father had taken out substantial loans against the estate, and the house itself. It is a miracle that you will be able to retain the property at all.”
When he saw the look of dismay on Louis’s face, Mr. Duran’s tone gentled. “I’m sorry Louis, but I cannot find any assets from your father beyond the estate and the meagre contents of his bank account.”
Read the rest of the fic AO3
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