#Oxygen Gas Generator
What is an Oxygen Gas Generator Used for ?
PSG Engineering Company stands out as a premier manufacturer and supplier of Oxygen Gas Generators in India, dedicated to delivering top-tier solutions for diverse industrial and medical applications. Our Oxygen Gas Generators are designed to provide reliable, efficient, and cost-effective oxygen production, catering to a wide range of needs from healthcare facilities to manufacturing industries.
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At PSG Engineering Company, we leverage cutting-edge technology and engineering expertise to produce oxygen generators that ensure high purity levels and consistent performance. Our systems utilize advanced pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and membrane separation technologies, offering scalable and customizable solutions to meet specific customer requirements.
Quality and reliability are at the core of our operations. Each oxygen gas generator is rigorously tested to meet stringent industry standards, ensuring long-term durability and operational efficiency. Our team of skilled engineers provides comprehensive support, from installation to maintenance, ensuring seamless integration into your existing infrastructure.
Choose PSG Engineering Company for your Oxygen Gas Generation needs and experience the benefits of state-of-the-art technology, unmatched reliability, and exceptional customer service. Let us help you achieve optimal oxygen production tailored to your unique requirements.
For more details, please contact us!
Website :- www.psggasplant.co.in
Contact No. :- +91–8126173604
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airox12 · 10 days
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Onsite Oxygen | PSA Oxygen Generator - Airox Technologies
In PSA Oxygen generator oxygen is been produced at 4.5 bar pressure. To fill cylinders this oxygen need to be boost at 150 bar. This is possible by using oxygen booster. The oxygen is collected from PSA oxygen receiver tank, from there it is been boosted through oxygen booster and with the help of Manifold it is been filled in Cylinders.
Applications of Oxygen Gas Boosters
The following are a few well-known applications of oxygen gas boosters
Laser Cutting
Gas Transfer and Charging in Defence and Aviation
Life Support
Fire Fighting
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing
Medical Resuscitation
Oxygen bottle charging
For more information » on Airox Technologies Ltd, Visit us & give us a call now » at +91 9764634964 or mail us at [email protected] »
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arolesbianism · 4 months
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Ive been waiting for ages in oni for my future industrial block to be vacuumed out so I decided to doodle some furry women while I waited (it’s still not done)
#keese draws#oxygen not included#olivia broussard#jackie stern#trying to hold strong and main tag doodles even if I don’t like some of them#anyways I definitely made my industrial brick Way too big for the things I currently plan on using it for#the main reason I made it so big is that I have two minor volcanoes in it that I may or may not unplug at some point to experiment#I’ve never used magma before so I think it’d be a good thing to try to get comfortable doing#even if I doubt it’ll work out in my case since I imagine having the volcano in the sauna itself could cause problems#mainly that I can only fit so many steam turbines so overheating could still be a problem#I’m hoping that it’ll be balanced out by me not currently having too much stuff in there but idk#in the future once I start digging through my second planet I might use that sauna for natural gas generators#I’d have to adjust some stuff but I think that could be a decent use of my time#especially given that currently I’m relying on a hydrogen vent and coal generators for power#which tbf I am on like cycle 200 smth so that should suffice for a while but eventually I’m going to run out of coal#I’ve been ranchinh sage hatches and pips but I just don’t have the space or resources to farm enough of both to keep up with the coal demand#the main problem with the pips is that almost everywhere is just too cold for arbor trees#and I’m currently using my warmer spaces for bristle berries#now I do have a cool steam vent which I could in theory try to use to warm up a large area for pip farms#but that would be tricky to balance well and I think I’d be better off just trying to work towards space travel and getting access to oil#maybe I can go for slicksters in the meantime? I do have a lot of carbon dioxide sitting around#anyways uhhh doomed toxic yuri on the mind happy pride month or smth idk#the real take I need from everyone is if gravitas goes rainbow for pride month of not
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psgengineering · 8 months
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psggasproject · 8 months
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trident-3 · 2 years
Compressed air nitrogen gas generator
The Industrial nitrogen generators and compressed air nitrogen gas generator are ideal for heat treatment, chemical blanketing and electric industry.
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techmomma · 1 year
look. they're dead if they're not on the surface. if they're not, they and everyone else will wish they were. an implosion is the kindest death they could have down there.
here are some things to keep in mind:
the deepest operational depths, meaning the safest depth that a manned crew could, potentially, rescue a submersible, is 300 meters. 980 feet. just under a 1000 feet. classified subs may be able to go deeper but that limit is like maybe 100 feet more. submarines cannot go trawling around sea floors unless they're relatively close to the coast
the titanic is 2.4 miles deep. 3840 meters. 12,600 feet. 12 times the operational depth of even the best naval submarines.
this tourist submersible's greatest operating depth? 13,000 feet. they're already at 96% of their operating depth. there's about a 4% margin before shit goes sideways, in normal circumstances
96 hours of oxygen is what OceanGate has told everyone this submersible has. this unregulated, untested sub. that they made. 96 hours of oxygen is probably being very, very generous.
there's only like a handful of submersibles, in the entire world, that can reach those depths. there's more ROVs that can reach deeper, but what percentage could help pull an entire submersible that can fit five people? their best bet is going to be getting some kind of remotely-operated flotation device attached to the submersible.
descending and ascending in a submersible is an incredibly delicate process that takes careful monitoring and delicate instruments. if they attach the flotation device then they're going to need something to monitor the internal and external pressure of the submersible. expanding gas could create a leak, which would instantly implode the submersible on the way up. not to mention gases and ballast must be monitored to prevent the occupants from getting the Bends, which can be fatal of itself.
all of this going to be made infinitely harder if the submersible is, as some suspect, tangled in the wreckage itself, which presents a hundred more problems such as zero visibility, structural collapse of several thousand tonnes of rusting iron and steel, punctures, etc..
all of this is assuming they are still conscious inside, and even have power. no power? even more difficult.
none of this is including the numerous defects the submersible is suspected of having, such as a CO2 filter. this is all assuming this submersible had zero defects--unlikely, considering their own words on why they didn't wait for inspection.
There is a goddamn reason they send ROVs down to the Titanic. There is a reason it should only be done by non-profit groups. There is a reason there should be oversight from the Navy and Coastguard. There is a reason that any human visitation is a carefully coordinated and monitored effort, where the majority are trained technicians inside the submersible and out. There is a reason that submarine crew and research crews also go through psychological evaluations, go through training to understand what to do in life-threatening situations. All of them, not just one dude at the controls.
Because they understand that, like Mt. Everest, when things go wrong down there, it is so hazardous to even any would-be rescuers that you will be on your own, and you will, almost certainly, die. And they may not even be able to retrieve your body, because that too is life-threatening to rescuers. Frankly, emergencies at the top of Mt. Everest are less dangerous than emergencies at the bottom of the ocean.
The ocean is actively trying to kill you down there. It's safer to visit space right now than it is to visit the bottom of the ocean. People haven't gone down there just to get a looky-loo. People are sent down there because there's certain things that only human eyes and senses can do, when it comes to research.
The deep ocean is not a place for fucking rich tourists to live out their James Cameron fantasies of seeing the prow come out of the darkness like in the movie. Whether you believe it's a gravesite that shouldn't be disturbed at all or not, tourists should not be goddamn down there.
Money won't save you at 12,000 feet at the bottom of the sea, motherfuckers. A divine miracle won't save them. But a miracle of human ingenuity, if there's some merciful force out there, just might.
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How an Oxygen generator is used in manufacturing ...
In various manufacturing industries, oxygen plays a crucial role in enhancing product quality, reducing costs, and improving overall efficiency. PSA Oxygen Gas Generators have emerged as a game-changer, providing a reliable and cost-effective source of pure oxygen. Here's how manufacturing companies leverage oxygen generators to streamline their operations:
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1. Cutting and Welding: Oxygen generators supply high-purity oxygen for cutting and welding applications, ensuring cleaner cuts, reduced oxidation, and improved weld quality.
2. Surface Treatment: Oxygen is used to enhance surface treatment processes like blasting, cleaning, and coating, resulting in improved product durability and appearance.
3. Chemical Processing: Oxygen generators support chemical reactions, oxidation processes, and water treatment, enabling companies to produce high-quality chemicals and materials.
4. Food Processing: Oxygen is used to preserve food freshness, extend shelf life, and maintain quality during packaging and storage.
5. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: High-purity oxygen is essential for pharmaceutical production, ensuring the quality and stability of medicines.
By integrating oxygen generators into their operations, manufacturing companies can:
- Reduce reliance on costly oxygen cylinders
- Lower energy consumption and operating costs
- Increase productivity and efficiency
- Enhance product quality and consistency
- Improve workplace safety
In conclusion, oxygen generators have become a vital component in various manufacturing industries, driving growth, innovation, and sustainability. By adopting this technology, companies can stay competitive, reduce costs, and contribute to a cleaner and more efficient future.
For More Information –
. Contact Us -  8126173604
. Email Id - [email protected]
. Address - 493, Devlok Colony, Swarg Ashram Road, Hapur - 245101, Uttar Pradesh, India
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jpitha · 26 days
The Oxygen Breathers: Sales Pitch
It wasn't until Late Summer Storm was being strapped into the small human ship that he realized that it was really really happening. Sure, he had seen the extremely small ships the humans had brought out to show off; a resurrection of a very old design, they said. And sure, he had noticed that one of them had two seats instead of one. They had said that one was for training or ride alongs, would he like to try it out? And sure, in a moment sans sanity, Late Summer Storm had agreed to the ride.
That as going to be it, right? They'd find some incompatibility, or there would be some political fallout and he wouldn't have to go. Face would be saved by all.
But no. The humans were so excited about the prospect they - to use one of their own strange idioms - 'moved heaven and earth' to make it happen.
First was political. Summer had hoped that Innari high command would balk at the idea of one of their own being wedged into a prototype human ship, but to his dismay, they were excited about the idea. They were so excited in fact that several members of the Isolators had paid him a visit and informed him in no uncertain terms that he was to be cooperative, polite, and above all, interested in what he was being shown. Interested enough to recall it, and write a report on the state of humanity's technology. His feathers fluttering nervously at a visit from the secret police, Summer agreed. He would report back on what he learned about their singleship, the one they called a fighter.
Next was logistical. Innari don't breath the same gas mixture as humans. It's not as dramatic a difference as say, the Von, who have much more methane hexafluoride in their breathing gas, but humanity's breathing mixture has frankly an irresponsible amount of oxygen in it. Oxygen narcosis occurs for Innari who breathe human concentrations and pressures of oxygen, and they die shortly after. The Innari medical community has published research papers stating that they are pretty sure that the humans suffer from oxygen narcosis too, they're just... used to it. 'Fortunately' for Summer, the human fighters had plumbing and fittings for hardsuits and supplemental breathing gas. Summer would wear a pressure suit and bring a atmosphere generator and his human pilot would do the same.
When the appointed day arrived, Summer stood in the too bright lights of the ship bay of the human Nullship Kon-Tiki. His pressure suit - a brand new one, printed up by the Innari navy, tailored and form fitted to his body - felt heavy and squeezed his feathers uncomfortably because of their higher gravity and atmo pressure.
Among the human workers bustling around without pressure suits - or really that much in the way of clothing either - someone walked in wearing a heavily armored pressure suit. Made of segmented pieces of reinforced coropolymer, they looked like they were headed to the front lines of a war, not a joyride.
"Late Summer Storm?" The voice said over his radio. He could speak their language, but he had his suit translate with subtitles in the bottom of his vision. It helped when they got going and spoke too quickly, or used some obscure idiom that needed translation. They translator also helped with body language. "I'm Captain Meghan Delrin, I'll be piloting today." They saluted sharply, and Summer noticed how maneuverable their suit was, even though it was quite heavily armored.
"Thank you, Captain. Please, call me Summer. My full name is unnecessary now." He said, turning to look at the fighter. "I am... interested in our upcoming flight."
"Are you now?" Captain Delrin laughed. Summer was surprised at the sound. He hadn't heard a human laugh before. The staccato pulses of sound were much different than the more musical Innari laughter. "You look like you're on your way to a funeral."
Summer's eyes flicked down to the translator for help with the phrase. She thinks you look despondent it said, helpfully. "Oh, please don't misunderstand Captain. I am grateful for the opportunity and I am excited to learn what your fighters can do, it's just..." He struggled for the word in their language. "Scary." That was probably closest.
To Summer's surprise Captain Delrin lifted her glass face covering, revealing her own face squeezed tightly in the foam of her helmet, surrounded by wires and blinking lights. He had no idea they were crammed into their suits so tightly! They moved so fluidly he had assumed their suits were much more loose fitting. "Summer, I want to make this crystal clear. We are doing everything within out power to make sure that this flight goes without incident and is even boring, but-" she raised a gauntleted finger "-we're scared too. If we weren't, we would run the risk of making mistakes. Scared is good. Scared means you're careful." The glass folded back down. "Come on, Summer, Let's get seated and belted."
The fighter was so small that there wasn't a door, per se. The clear canopy slid open and flipped up, revealing the two seats, side by side. Captain Delrin sat on the left, and Summer's seat was on the right. His seat was filled with pieces of closed cell foam, to fill in the gaps and hollow spots making up the differences between their bodyplans. Summer had spent a few hours in the fitting room with some very terse engineers sitting down and standing up, sitting down and standing up, until they were satisfied. As he sat, the seat was comfortable and he was belted in by more engineers. When they were finished, they looked at him for confirmation. He nodded and made the gesture he was taught - his outer manipulators and sensory feathers curled around into a fist, except for one pointing straight up. The human returned the gesture, saluted, and backed down the ladder.
As Captain Delrin was belted in, she had been pressing buttons and flipping switches. The fighter began to hum and throb as it came to life, motors rising in pitch and maneuvering jets puffing. Summer's sense of balance was thrown off for a moment, and then it recovered. "What was that?" he asked as Captain Delrin continued to start the fighter.
"Gyro" she said without stopping. "We can spin the ship for free with it. Good for tracking targets and maneuvering. Why? Did you feel it?"
Summer nodded, and then realizing she wouldn't be able to see the gesture said "Yes, I felt it. Is it magnetic?"
"It is suspended in a mag field, but the gyro itself is not, why?"
"We're sensitive to electromagnetism. It was how our ancient ancestors navigated our world."
"Huh. That makes sense I guess." She said, looking at him now. "Will it be an issue?"
"I don't know" Summer said. "But, I don't think it's enough of a reason to stop the ride."
"Fair enough."
Eventually they were warmed up and at power, and a small tug wheeled them to the launch tube. Captain Delrin explained that during a battle, the fighters could be launched every few minutes "But the ride is rough" she added.
Summer wondered what 'rough' was to a human when he heard the launching clamps grab the ship. Captain Delrin looked to an officer on the side, saluted, they returned the salute, and they launched.
Much later, Summer had to watch the video playback to see the launch. The fighter was shot out of the Nullship at a withering five gees. Captain Delrin grunted and took sharp breaths but was otherwise unharmed as Summer regained consciousness. "You made it Summer! Glad to have you with us once again." Delrin said, laughing. "We made it a light launch in deference to you. Normally we launch at twenty gee with the compensator set to ten."
"These fighters have a compensator and you didn't activate it?" Summer's whole body ached from the launch.
"What fun would that be? You have to feel some of the forces, it keeps you honest. Now then." Delrin flipped some switches and the color of her screens changed. "Let's see what we can see."
They spent the next solar hour flying around, showing Summer what the fighter was capable of. He had to admit, the maneuverability of the teeny ship was impressive. "But why?" he finally asked.
"Why what?"
"Why-" he gestured at the console "-all this. You have your Nullships, and they are more heavily armed than one of our Battlecruisers. They can travel farther, faster, and hit harder than anything in the Coalition. Why do you need fighters?"
Delrin reduced the throttle until they were practically coasting relative to the Nullship. "That's a good observation Summer. We have a few reasons. One, fighters will help us to engage multiple targets at once. The Coalition knows that our Nullships are powerful, so if they were ever to attack us, they would come at us en mass. A swarm of less powerful ships could overwhelm our targeting, and could do damage. Fighters could engage them, and divide their efforts."
Summer nodded to himself. His own government had decided that If anyone were to attack the humans, a swarm of a huge number of ships was just about the only way to have any chance of success.
"The second reason, is we're hoping to sell them." Delrin said matter-of-factly.
"You're what?" Summer stared dumbfounded. He couldn't have heard that correctly.
"We're going to offer them up for sale. The Coalition's defenses are woefully underdeveloped. Something like this is just what they need to help defend themselves.
"You'll give the other Coalition peoples weapons?"
"Not for free, but yes, why not?"
"It's just..." The Innari never shared technology. The idea of such a thing was too dangerous. Sell a weapon today, and tomorrow it could be turned back onto you. "What if the people who buy it use it against you?"
"That could happen, yes." Delrin said thoughtfully. "But history shows us it probably won't. Fighters aren't standalone things. They need parts, maintenance, upgrades, ships to haul them, printable matter, all kinds of ancillaries. If someone buys from us and then attacks..." She shrugged. "They'll find it very hard to keep their new fighters supplied and maintained. Also-" She looked out of the canopy into space. "It would be nice to have an opponent that was more our speed."
Summer was sure she was just playing a trick on him now. "Ha ha, sure thing Captain Delrin. You're telling me that you want to fight?"
"No Summer, we want to fight a good opponent. Someone who thinks on their feet, has close to our level of training and technology, someone who makes it worth while. Do you remember when you came to us and asked for our help? How we brought our ships out of Nullspace and defeated the Felimen almost instantly? It was boring."
"Boring. I was on one of the Nullships, Summer. It was practically a drill. People didn't even run. Didn't have to. We slipped out of Null, shot up a few Felimen cruisers, did a little light planetary bombardment, and slipped back into Null."
Summer was stunned into silence. The Felimen were a fierce enemy that had driven all of the Coalition people back for more than a year, winning battle after battle, claiming more and more space until the humans traded entry into the Coalition for defeating the Felimen.
It took the humans one solar day.
"If we sell some fighters to some of the Coalition who knows? Maybe in a few decades or centuries we'll finally get a good battle. Something really worth going all our for." Delrin said, wistfully. She really sounded like she wanted all out war.
Delrin took them through some more high gee manuvers - with the compensator turned on this time - and demonstrated the weapons; two missile racks, two slug throwers, one exawatt laser and enough printable matter to keep them in consumables for an impressive amount of time. She had fired at some drone targets that the Nullship had launched, and even let Summer have a go at the weapons suite. She ordered a new wave sent out and Summer took over. It was intuitive, and easy to use, and frighteningly effective. As the last drone evaporated in an orange puff of exploding missile Summer looked down at his hands. He had - without any official training - destroyed more targets quicker than any Innari ship he could think of, and this was just a single human fighter!
The demonstration over, Captain Delrin took them back in. The landing was more gentle than the launch, but only just. As they rolled to a stop, the canopy popped open and Delrin's face mask opened again.
"So! How many fighters can we put you down for?"
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apas-95 · 4 months
Capitalism is a state of social behaviour possible on Earth approximately once every 100MY. It is an extractivist state that relies upon the consumption of highly-energetic, but slowly geoproduced, biofuels such as coal, crude oil, and natural gas, generally resultant from high-pressure decomposition of algae (and other fossil material) within the Earth's crust. Because the production rate of these fuels are so low, and the rate at which they are consumed (while variant on atmospheric Oxygen content, species size, etc), Capitalism is a short-lived social stage, generally only lasting 500-1000Y before either developing into Socialism, or collapsing, leading in most cases to extinction.
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chemblrish · 2 months
Chemistry video recs!!
Okay so here's a new ~project~ of mine (we'll see how long I can stick to it whoops): every once in a while I want to make a compilation of cool chemistry videos. I also want to keep it strictly chemistry-related (as much as that's possible... and I don't promise to be totally objective lol*). I watch a lot of science videos in general, but the way I see it, chemistry just doesn't get enough hype. Physics and biology can fend for themselves, they're very popular. Chemistry is notoriously underappreciated and overlooked, and it makes me sad.
So! Here are some great chemistry videos I've watched recently.
Under 15 minutes:
How does evaporation REALLY work?
Making Singlet Oxygen
Technetium chemistry - synthesis of Lanthanide Pertechnetates - nuclear chemistry
Making table salt using sodium metal and chlorine gas
Making Chloroform
White Phosphorus - Explosions&Fire
Making fuming nitric acid
The End of Haber Bosch
NCl3: a terrifying yellow abomination
Making Prussian Blue
The experiment that revealed the atomic world: Brownian Motion
Chirality is Just Turtles All the Way Down
Over 15 minutes:
Chemist Breaks Down 22 Chemistry Scenes From Movies & TV
Hydrogen Peroxide: going all the way
Does cyanide actually smell like almonds?
Cosmic Chemistry with Kate the Chemist & Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Hidden Chemistry of Everything with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Kate the Chemist
How DO Molecules Store Energy?
applied quantum mechanics
A Chemist Explains the ENTIRE History of Atomic Theory (in 48 Minutes)
*for example, I consider some of thermodynamics to be chemistry-related, as well as some aspects of quantum mechanics. When I say I don't promise to objective, I mean I'll make rather liberal decisions on the intersection of sciences. And you can't stop me.
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psgengineering · 8 months
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - June 20, 2023
🐕 - Meet Sheep Farm's Newest Employee: Collie Hired After Ejection from Car!
1. Border Collie ejected from car during Sunday crash found on sheep farm, herding sheep
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Tilly, the 2-year-old Border Collie who was ejected from a car Sunday during a crash, has been found. He was found on a sheep farm, where he had apparently taken up the role of sheep herder. 
According to Tilly's owner, he has lost some weight since Sunday's crash and is now drinking lots of water but is otherwise healthy.
2. After 17-Year Absence, White Rhinos Return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) recently welcomed the reintroduction of 16 southern white rhinoceroses to Garamba National Park, according to officials. The last wild northern white rhino was poached there in 2006.
The white rhinos were transported to Garamba, which lies in the northeastern part of the country, from a South African private reserve. In the late 19th century, the southern white rhino subspecies was believed to be extinct due to poaching until a population of fewer than 100 was discovered in South Africa in 1895, according to WWF.
3. UK to wipe women’s historic convictions for homosexuality
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Women with convictions for some same-sex activity in the United Kingdom can apply for a pardon for the first time, the Home Office has announced.
The Home Office is widening its scheme to wipe historic convictions for homosexual activity more than a decade after the government allowed applications for same-sex activity offences to be disregarded.
It means anyone can apply for a pardon if they have been convicted or cautioned for any same-sex activity offences that have been repealed or abolished.
4. Study shows human tendency to help others is universal
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A new study on the human capacity for cooperation suggests that, deep down, people of diverse cultures are more similar than you might expect. The study, published in Scientific Reports, shows that from the towns of England, Italy, Poland, and Russia to the villages of rural Ecuador, Ghana, Laos, and Aboriginal Australia, at the micro scale of our daily interaction, people everywhere tend to help others when needed.
5. In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S.
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Wind and solar generated more electricity than coal through May, an E&E News review of federal data shows, marking the first time renewables have outpaced the former king of American power over a five-month period.
The milestone illustrates the ongoing transformation of the U.S. power sector as the nation races to install cleaner forms of energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.
6. Iceland becomes latest country to ban conversion therapy
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Lawmakers in Iceland on June 9 approved a bill that will ban so-called conversion therapy in the country.
Media reports note 53 members of the Icelandic Parliament voted for the measure, while three MPs abstained. Hanna Katrín Friðriksson, an MP who is a member of the Liberal Reform Party, introduced the bill.
7. The temple feeding 100,000 people a day
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Amritsar, the north Indian city known for its Golden Temple and delicious cuisine, is also renowned for its spirit of generosity and selfless service. The city, founded by a Sikh guru, embodies the Sikh tradition of seva, performing voluntary acts of service without expecting anything in return.
This spirit of giving extends beyond the temple walls, as the Sikh community has shown immense compassion during crises, such as delivering oxygen cylinders during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the heart of Amritsar's generosity is the Golden Temple's langar, the world's largest free communal kitchen, serving 100,000 people daily without discrimination. Despite a history marred by tragic events, Amritsar continues to radiate kindness, love, and generosity.
That's it for this week :)
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I know this is totally missing the point of everything you do but………any tips for oxygen not included?
Same as any management sim, the most important thing to control is your population. It's gonna be tempting to get as many lil guys as you can. Don't. Only get what you can support.
Algae Terrariums seem like a good deal but they're not. You'll be forever refilling the stupid things. Just rely on diffusers until you can move onto electrolyzers, which you should do as soon as possible.
Find a water or steam geyser and both natural gas geysers as soon as you can, and use them to generate oxygen and power. You can set up 'self-powered' oxygen generation by using the hydrogen produced by the electrolyzers but personally I don't think it's worth the trouble. Once you have both natural gas geysers (and can build natural gas generators), electricity won't be a problem for the rest of the game; if you ever need more, it'll be after you have solar panel tech. You can just pump the waste CO2 directly into space (or stick it in bottles for now if you haven't dug that high).
Don't train your dupes in skills they don't use or need, or you're just making it harder to keep them happy for no reason. You only need one artist, for example.
I like to build a dusk cap farm as soon as possible and feed them just mushrooms for most of the game. It takes 3 dusk cap plots to feed 1 dupe (1.5 plots if you fry the mushrooms). My farms look like this:
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The farm naturally fills with CO2 and is very low-maintenance. I like to put my kitchen directly above it if I'm not bothering to cook so dupes can grab food and eat right away. These farms do use slime so you'll run out eventually but by then you're very late into the game and can just harvest all the various plants naturally around the map for free.
I play a very chill game so this probably isn't great advice. There's a lot of strategies out there created by people who pay close attention to gas pressure and the thermal insulation of various materials and I am not one of those player.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
words to use instead of air/wind?
Air—the mixture of invisible odorless tasteless gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen) that surrounds the earth
Wind—a natural movement of air of any velocity
Airflow - a flow of air; especially: the motion of air (as around parts of an airplane in flight) relative to the surface of a body immersed in it
Airstream - a current of air
Billow - to bulge or swell out (as through action of the wind)
Blast - a violent gust of wind
Blow - an instance of air moving with speed or force; a blowing of wind especially when strong or violent
Bluster - a violent boisterous blowing
Breath - a slight breeze; air inhaled and exhaled in breathing
Breeze - a light gentle wind
Buran - a northeasterly wind of gale force in Russia and central Asia usually identified with sandstorms in summer and blizzards in winter
Chinook - a warm moist southwest wind of the coast from Oregon northward; a warm dry wind that descends the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains
Current - the part of a fluid body (such as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction
Cyclone - a storm or system of winds that rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure, advances at a speed of 20 to 30 miles (about 30 to 50 kilometers) an hour, and often brings heavy rain
Draft - a current of air in a closed-in space
Eddy - a current of water or air running contrary to the main current; especially: a circular current
Flatus - gas generated in the stomach or bowels
Flurry - a gust of wind
Gale - a strong current of air
Gas - a fluid (such as air) that has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely
Gust - a sudden brief rush of wind
Headwind - a wind having the opposite general direction to a course of movement (as of an aircraft)
Mistral - a strong cold dry northerly wind of southern France
Northeaster - a strong northeast wind
Norther - a strong north wind
Northwester - a strong northwest wind
Puff - an act or instance of puffing; whiff
Respiration - the movement of air or dissolved gases into and out of the lungs
Scud - a gust of wind
Sigh - the sound of gently moving or escaping air
Slipstream - a stream of fluid (such as air or water) driven aft by a propeller
Southeaster - a strong southeast wind
Southwester - a strong southwest wind
Squall - a sudden violent wind often with rain or snow
Storm - wind having a speed of 64 to 72 miles (103 to 117 kilometers) per hour
Stream - any body of flowing fluid (such as water or gas)
Tailwind - a wind having the same general direction as a course of movement (as of an aircraft)
Tempest - a violent storm; a disturbance of the atmosphere accompanied by wind and often by precipitation (as rain or snow)
Tornado - a violent destructive whirling wind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud that progresses in a narrow path over the land
Updraft - an upward movement of gas (such as air)
Uprush - an upward rush (as of gas or liquid)
Vapor - a substance in the gaseous state as distinguished from the liquid or solid state
Ventilation - circulation of air
Waft - a slight breeze; puff
Westerly - a wind from the west
Whiff - a quick puff or slight gust especially of air, odor, gas, smoke, or spray
Whirlwind - a small rotating windstorm of limited extent
Williwaw - a sudden violent wind
Windblast - a gust of wind
Windflaw - a gust of wind
Windstorm - a storm marked by high wind with little or no precipitation
Zephyr - a breeze from the west
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fishenjoyer1 · 5 months
Fish of the Day
Happy Thursday, everyone! Today's fish of the day is the Australian lungfish!
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The Australian lungfish, or barramunda, known by scientific name Neoceratodus forsteri is one of the 6 surviving lungfishes of the modern world. The other 5 lungfishes are scattered to other sections of the world, one in South America, and the other 4 all living in Africa. As the name implies, this lungfish is endemic to Australia living in South Eastern Queensland, or for those who don't know the general areas of Australia, the upper right corner of the country. Living exclusively in slow moving streams, still waters, and various waterside banks living entirely in freshwater systems. This fish is primarily nocturnal, and almost entirely carnivorous. Its diet consists of: frogs, larvae, bugs, plant material, earthworms, fishes, small invertebrates, and anything else it can catch.  They are primarily bottom dwellers, and prey is caught directly in the mouth and then crushed multiple times, being positioned correctly by a bone called a hydroid apparatus. Australian lungfish have the most primitive of surviving lungfish feeding behaviors.
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Australian lungfish are best known for their ability to survive dry seasons. However, unlike African lungfish, which can survive fully in droughts by submerging themselves into  This is done by submerging the body in the mud, and rising to the surface to swallow oxygen into a single dorsal lung. This lung is only supplementary, and the fish prefer to breathe through their 5 gills. Of the six lungfish, the Australian lungfish is the only one to not have two lungs, but rather a fold down the center of the single lung acting as a wall, which blood capillaries run through, allowing gas exchange. Unlike it's African counterparts, the Australian lungfish can not survive total water depletion, (other lungfish survive this by creating a layer of mucus around itself and living there for several years until water returns). Australian lungfish can survive several days out of the water, but can not do so unless it is in a moist environment, usually mud.
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Fossil records of lungfish tell us that some of their first fossils can be found from 410 Million years ago, being the closest living relative to the tetrapod. The last shared ancestor between the lungfish and tetrapod was 420 Million year ago. Originally, these animals started as marine creatures, but sometime in the carboniferous the species became freshwater exclusive, around the same time that the last common ancestor to all remaining lungfish lived.  Australian lungfish in particular appear to have split off about 380 million years ago, and have remained virtually unchanged from their ancestors for over 100 million years, giving them the title of living fossils! 
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Not only have they remained incredibly similar over the years, they have a long lifespan for individuals as well. A captive Australian lungfish named granddad was shown to live to 108 years (+- 6), with the expected lifespan of wild lungfish surviving at least 20-25 years after they reach sexual maturity. In Australian lungfish, similar to other lungfish species in the world, sexual maturity is reached in males after 17 years, and 22 years in females. Australian lungfish have elaborate courting rituals consisting of three distinct phases. The first phase is searching, where the lungfish will breathe loudly, making mating calls with its single lung. The second is called "follow the leader" where males will attempt to entice a female by nudging and rubbing snouts with her, often at the same time as competitors. The last stage is where two lungfish will descend to lay and fertilize eggs, females producing 2 eggs per spawning season. After breeding, the eggs are left to sink in the vegetation, as Australian lungfish do not nest or care for their young. This is unlike all other lungfish species.
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Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone!
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