#Out of Place Podcast
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Done some podcasts recs with the ones I listened to and liked
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lunar-chaos-system · 10 months
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Just a couple season 1 OOP memes I've made. I'm hooked on this podcast, and I'm gonna make every episode count lmao.
Y’all! Check out @out-of-place-podcast!
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Ok fuckers it’s podcast time again
I’m going on a long flight tomorrow so I’m gonna download a few episodes from some podcasts and see which ones I like
So far I’m thinking Camp Here and There (maybe idk try to sell it to me tbh) and Archive 81
Gimme your thoughts, suggestions etc
(Preferably horror or smth similar, I’ll tag some podcasts I’ve loved to give some examples)
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rosered2018 · 1 month
Podcast Rec - Syntax
So, having gone through the podcasts of dubious quality that are Tanis and The Last Movie, I found myself something new and actually good to listen to. It is, of course, about a snarky academic who is in way over his head.
I know. It's a pattern in my listening. Jon Sims, from the Magnus Archives. Andrew Moss, in Out of Place. Even - god help me - Nic Silver in the PRA podcasts. (NOTE: Fuck you, Terry Miles. You need to learn how to write a fucking ending instead of dicking around with your audience's expectations.)
The main difference here is that the academic in question, one Silas Caldwell, and the people around him communicate and support each other.
It begins with Silas being recruited by an organization called VINCULA to translate a book. He ends up as part of a scientific team put together to explore the alternate dimensions (or possibly other planets) that became accessible when he opened a breach in reality using the information in the book he was translating.
I'm nearly all the way through the first season, and I like the adventure parts of it, as well as the question of just what VINCULA's motives are, but my favorite part is the relationship between Silas and the team's leader, Cassius.
TBH, I have been actively shipping these two since the second episode, where Cassius was introduced. There's been a low-key running plot about how there is apparently a couple amongst the team. Cassius and Silas are both dying of curiosity to know just who they are, and everyone else is just standing back and waiting for them to figure it out.
This is basically the same thing I did with Midnight Burger after I started listening to that. I am grabbing you by the shirt, shaking you until your teeth rattle, and yelling, "You HAVE to listen to this."
If nothing else, the first thing I did after I realized I was hooked was come on here to Tumblr to see what kind of fan discourse was going on.
There was basically nothing. Two fanart pieces and a lot of stuff from the creators, and that was it.
Honestly, I want someone to listen to this with me. This is a good podcast, and it would be nice to have someone to freak out with when something big happens in it.
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out-of-place-podcast · 10 months
Transcript Masterlist:
( will be linked once complete )
Season 1:
🔗 Entry #000 - Ritual
🔗 Entry #001 - Power
🔗 Entry #002 - Surprise
🔗 Entry #003 - Revolution
🔗 Entry #004 - Comfort
🔗 Entry #005 - Hope
🔗 Entry #006 - Love
🔗 Entry #007 - High
🔗 Entry #008 - Freedom
🔗 Entry #009 - Humanity
🔗 Entry #010 - Victory
🔗 Entry #011 - Glory
🔗 Entry #012 - Safe
Season 2:
🔗 Entry #200 - Betrayal
🔗 Entry #201 - Beautiful
🔗 Entry #202 - Bliss
🔗 Entry #203 - Divine
🔗 Entry #204 - Shine
🔗 Entry #205 - Up
🔗 Entry #206 - Progress
🔗 Entry #207 - Life
🔗 Entry #208 - Mirror
🔗 Entry #209 - Wish
🔗 Entry #210 - Peace
🔗 Entry #211 - Grandeur
🔗 Entry #212 - Dream
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t4tstarvingdog · 11 months
these sentimental teardrops (need to fall from time to time)
hiiii i just realised i never made an actual post for this, but here's thee first Out Of Place podcast fic ever <3 out of place is a horror podcast that deals especially with existential horror, and its episodes are fairly short with two seasons so far. the main character is an archivist and data analyst, is queer, and loves to overthink things all the time... you guys should totally listen to it! (<- if you're dedicated, you can finish it in one day)
ao3 link
wordcount: 1,107 words warnings: discussions of death / grief
"I talked with Lola about her mum for the first time last night. She said she misses her, but that she wishes she could cry properly. And I told her not to worry, that she would cry eventually and it would help her feel much better. That it would be diffucult, but there were people who loved her, who would always listen if she wanted to talk or would let her cry if she had to. "I didn't say I was one of theose people— I-I'm not quite there yet. But I hope she realises... I am."
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jonathan-swims · 2 years
the good thing about podcasts is you can just not color in a character in fanart and just caption it with “yeah i headcannon them as albino :p” and no one will bat an eye 
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the-slut-verses · 1 year
so, the main takeaway from out of place podcast is, you'll be happier if u drop out of college, which, as a recent college grad, am inclined to agree
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arthurdrakoni · 1 year
Out of Place is an audio drama that accomplished something I would have said was impossible: it combined alternate history and horror, and it did so frighteningly well. This is my review.
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I’m always grateful to have the r/audiodrama sub help to help me find new audio dramas to listen to.  I find my new shows to fall in love with.  Such is the case with Out of Place.  
Out of Place follows a man named Andrew Moss. He had been studying history in university, but wound up dropping out. Still, he's making the best of things. He's gotten as an archivist for a mysterious organization called The Carruthers Institute. He's cataloging historical artifacts, but there's something off about them. The artifacts seem to contradict recorded history. It soon becomes clear that the artifacts are from parallel worlds where history went differently. Andrew must examine the artifacts to determine how the history of their worlds differs from our own. All the while, Andrew ponders who his mysterious benefactor is. 
Out of Place is part of the Midnight Disease network of audio dramas. It includes several other fine show, like Theatre of Tomorrow. Out of Place is created by Ben Counter, who also voices Andrew. It is produced by @pacificobadiah, who is the founder of Midnight Disease. The episodes are presented in the form of audio logs that Andrew has recorded. This means that Ben has to carry the entire show all by himself. Well, with the exception of the final episode of the season, but we'll get to that in due time. Anyway, there's no music or sound effects; it's just purely him narrating. In situations like this the narrator is going to make or break the show. Thankfully, Ben's narration is all that Out of Place needed to succeed. 
Out of Place managed to do something I would have previously said was impossible. It combined alternate history and horror, and did so to great effect. It also did so without resorting to the typical Nazi victory or Confederate victory scenarios. Some episodes hint at supernatural elements, but for the most part, the horror is derived from down-to-earth alternate history. Much of the horror comes simply from the cruelty of humans to their fellow humans. The premise of a man cataloging strange artifacts for a mysterious organization reminded me of the SCP Foundation. In fact, I'd argue that Out of Place is almost a better SCP podcast than most of the actual SCP podcasts. 
I also appreciated the amount of creativity and originality put into the worlds featured in Out of Place.  They aren’t alternate host scenarios you tend to see very often.  I applaud everyone at Out of Place for going against the grain. 
Have you listened to Out of Place?  If so, what is you think?
Link to the full review on my blog: https://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-alt-hist-file-out-of-place-season-1.html?m=1
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videodrme · 2 years
listen to out of place podcast the main character is both gay and existentially depressed
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anerol152 · 2 years
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scrawnyghstts · 2 years
I only yesterday realised season 2 of Out Of Place (podcast) dropped because I forgot to follow it and I'm binging it all today :)) when I tell you I started happy squeaking at the beginning of #210. I don't know why are all sci-fi/horror archivist queer but I love it
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azraeldigabriel · 2 years
In waiting for my precious Malevolent to come back, I’ve started binging Out Of Place. Quite enjoying my existential crises.
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s-ound-wave · 2 years
out of place is so fucking good, really good sound quality, great writing and acting 10/10
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out-of-place-podcast · 10 months
Hi everyone! Intro post here!
This is a fan blog for everything Out Of Place related!
This blog is mostly for me to share both the things I make in relation to the podcast as well as any notes and things that relate to it.
I’ve started a database of sorts for this podcast, as well as transcribing the episodes, which hopefully will be posted here or something when I’m done with them as I go.
Link to the official page for it:
<< Out Of Place >>
Meanwhile here’s the link for the transcripts I’m writing for this podcast:
Transcript Masterlist
There’s not many places to listen to it, but both of these websites host them (even though there are ads at the first two minutes or so).
Out Of Place on Podchaser
Out Of Place on Podtail
It’s also available on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
That’s it for the intro post!
See y’all later!
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t4tstarvingdog · 1 year
i had an overwhelming desire to hug her. and tell her this is a good world, and that we just notice the bad things more than the good because they're so scary and we all want to be safe...
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