#Otto Gutenberg
frimleyblogger · 8 months
A Measure Of Things – Part Fourteen
The #Richter scale and how #earthquakes are measured #Science #geology
When an earthquake strikes, it is assigned a rating on the Richter scale. The recent Sea of Japan earthquake was assigned a rating of 7.6, but what does this mean and how much more powerful is an earthquake with a rating beginning with a 7 than one with a six? The Richter scale was devised by Charles Richter and Otto Gutenberg in 1935, after the duo collaborated to produce a standardised scale…
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mysterysimblr · 3 months
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Fairy (sobbing): Such a good party… ruined…
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zagreuses-art · 1 year
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a poster/cover for The Truth I designed in printing class. It uses risograph printing, relief carving, and typesetting.
[ID: a black and white relief print in the style of the illustrated police news. At the top inside the title "The Truth" is printed in bold . Below, in a room a photorealistic Gutenberg press is highlighted by a spunky halo of news print. Gunilla Goodmountain, a dwarf with a black beard and medieval style clothes, is standing with a hand on the press. His husband Boddony, another bearded dwarf, is holding a box of lead type. In the foreground William deWorde, a man with long-ish hair in a collared shirt, is sitting at a desk with a hand in his har, editing something with a pencil, he looks stressed. Sacharissa Crisplock, a woman with long curly hair in a vaguely Victorian dress, is leaning over the end of the desk with a sheaf of paper. Otto chreik, a dracula style vampire in a tailed waistcoat, is holding up an iconograph. At the bottom of the illustration "Pratchett" is printed in a border in smaller bold text. End ID]
Easter eggs:
- the printing press is a reconstructed Gutenberg press
- the news text behind it features an apology from the Oxford Gazette (arguably first newspaper) about the last edition being delayed due to The Great Fire Of London; a letter to the editor of the London Times by Charles Dickins; a page of ads from the 1800's; and a article from the Illustrated Police News about a 'orrible murder
- i based the art style on the Illustrated Police New's more cartoon-y illustrations
- I based Gunilla Goodmountains design on a illustration of Gutenberg
- I meant to have the text be in Boddoni (because that's the other dwarfs name) but I mixed up font trays and it ended up being Weiss I think, the "Pratchett" is in sestina I believe
- it was really hard to line up all three layers of this
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weimarhaus · 3 months
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Otto Rudolf Schatz (1900 Wien – 1961 Wien), Kneeling, 1930, Oil on wood, 120 × 92 cm. Via Wien Museum.
Otto Rudolf Schatz was born on January 18, 1900, the son of a post office family in Vienna. From 1915 to 1918 Schatz studied at the Viennese Art Academy under Oskar Strnad and Anton von Kenner. In 1918 his studies were interrupted by military service in the First World War although he graduated in 1919. In 1923 Schatz became friends with the Viennese gallery owner Otto Kallir who became one of his most important patrons. Kallir continuously presented Schatz’s works in the Neue Galerie. In 1927 Schatz contributed woodcuts to the volume The New Town by the Berlin Büchergilde Gutenberg. From 1928 to 1938 he was a valued member in the Hagenbund in Vienna. When the National Socialists gained power in 1938 Schatz was forbidden to work. In 1938 he lived with his Jewish wife Valerie Wittal in Brno and in 1944 in Prague where he painted landscape miniatures. In 1944 Schatz was imprisoned in the Klettendorf labor camp and then transferred to the Graditz and Bistritz concentration camps.
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gwendolynlerman · 1 year
Deutschribing Germany
During most of its history, Germany was divided into several duchies, principalities, free cities, and ecclesiastical states.
Prehistory and ancient history
Germany is famous for the discovery of Homo neanderthalensis bones, as well as for having the oldest complete set of hunting weapons in the world, the oldest figurative work of art (Löwenmensch figurine), and the oldest figurative object (Venus of Hohle Fels). The latter two are attributed to the Aurignacian culture.
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The country’s ancient history is characterized by the expansion of Germanic peoples, including the Alemanni, Franks, Goths, and Saxons. Around the same time, the Roman Empire started to invade Germanic lands, creating the province of Germania between the Rhine and Elbe rivers. Eastern Germany was inhabited by Western Slavic tribes.
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Middle Ages
The most powerful Germanic tribe, the Franks, eventually conquered many of the others, and in 800, their king Charlemagne founded the Carolingian Empire, which was later succeeded by the Holy Roman Empire, absorbing northern Italy and Burgundy.
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Meanwhile, north German towns in the Hanseatic League prospered thanks to trade. This dynamic climate was the background for the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg.
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Modern history
Germany’s modern history is characterized by division, first due to religion and then as a result of the fight for political power. Following Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation in 1517, religious conflict between Roman Catholics, Lutherans, and Calvinists devastated the country, especially during the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648). The Peace of Westphalia ended religious warfare by allowing each state in the Holy Roman Empire to choose their official religion.
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During the following two centuries, the Austrian Habsburg monarchy and the Kingdom of Prussia fought for dominance, eventually annexing free cities and ecclesiastical territories. Together with France and Russia, they competed for hegemony in present-day Germany during the Napoleonic Wars.
Following the fall of Napoleon, the 1815 Congress of Vienna founded the German Confederation, with the Austrian emperor as the permanent president. The revolutions of 1848 led to the rise of the German question, and King Frederick William IV of Prussia was offered the title of emperor but rejected it. In 1862, Otto von Bismarck was appointed as the Minister-President of Prussia and eventually defeated Austria and France. After the latter defeat, the German Empire was founded in 1871, with Prussia as the dominant constituent state and Bismarck forging alliances with Austria-Hungary and Italy.
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Contemporary history
When Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, triggering World War I, which ended with Germany’s defeat and the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, because of which it lost many European territories and all of its possessions in Africa and the Pacific. The humiliation brought about by the Treaty is seen as influential in the rise of Adolf Hitler.
After the war, the Weimar Republic was established, during which there was a period of political instability and hyperinflation. The Nazi Party led by Hitler rose to power in 1932 as a result of high unemployment levels caused by the austerity and deflation policies put in place following the Great Depression. In 1933, Hitler obtained unrestricted legislative power and Germany became a totalitarian state. The regime created concentration camps for the internment of minorities, such as the Jews, Romani people, disabled people, homosexuals, and political opponents, rearmed its army, and implemented a program for economic renewal. In 1939, Germany invaded Poland, a move that started World War II. Following Hitler’s suicide, Germany surrendered, and the war ended.
The Allies, which had won the war, divided the country and its capital city into four occupation zones. In 1949, the western sectors, controlled by France, the United Kingdom, and the United States merged to form the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) or West Germany. The Soviet zone became the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) or East Germany. Konrad Adenauer was elected the first federal chancellor that same year. Both German states were reunified on October 3, 1990, following the fall of the Berlin Wall. East Germany joined the European Union as part of united Germany.
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In the 2005 elections, Angela Merkel became the first female chancellor. She ruled the country until 2021.
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wirinformieren · 8 months
Teil 2 von 2: Welche Universitätskliniken in Deutschland gibt es?
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Die medizinische Versorgung in Deutschland wird maßgeblich von Universitätskliniken beeinflusst. Diese Einrichtungen, die eng mit Universitäten verbunden sind, spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Ausbildung von Medizinstudenten, der Durchführung von Forschung und der Bereitstellung hochspezialisierter medizinischer Versorgung.
Jena – Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Jena ist eng mit der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität verbunden. Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen medizinischer Ausbildung und Forschung. Die Klinik in Jena ist bekannt für ihre Expertise in verschiedenen medizinischen Fachrichtungen und spielt eine bedeutende Rolle in der regionalen Gesundheitsversorgung.
Kiel: Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein – Campus Kiel
Das Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel ist eines der größten Krankenhäuser in Deutschland und fungiert als bedeutendes Lehrkrankenhaus. Die enge Verknüpfung mit der Universität Kiel ermöglicht es, innovative Forschungsergebnisse schnell in die klinische Praxis umzusetzen. Die Klinik ist besonders bekannt für ihre herausragende Patientenversorgung und ihre führende Rolle in der medizinischen Forschung.
Köln – Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Köln ist integraler Bestandteil der dortigen Universität und spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der medizinischen Landschaft Nordrhein-Westfalens. Mit modernster Ausstattung und hochqualifizierten Ärzten bietet die Klinik eine breite Palette medizinischer Dienstleistungen und nimmt aktiv an nationalen und internationalen Forschungsprojekten teil.
Leipzig – Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Leipzig, angegliedert an die Universität Leipzig, zeichnet sich durch ihre Vielseitigkeit aus. Von der Grundlagenforschung bis zur klinischen Anwendung deckt die Klinik ein breites Spektrum ab. Insbesondere in den Bereichen Onkologie, Herzchirurgie und Neurologie hat die Klinik einen exzellenten Ruf erworben.
Lübeck: Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein – Campus Lübeck
Ein weiterer bedeutender Standort des Universitätsklinikums Schleswig-Holstein befindet sich in Lübeck. Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der dortigen Universität ermöglicht es, modernste medizinische Technologien einzusetzen und innovative Behandlungsmethoden zu entwickeln. Die Klinik in Lübeck ist insbesondere für ihre Arbeit in den Bereichen Infektiologie und Immunologie bekannt.
Magdeburg – Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Magdeburg, angegliedert an die Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, spielt eine bedeutende Rolle in der medizinischen Versorgung von Sachsen-Anhalt. Die Klinik zeichnet sich durch ihre Schwerpunkte in der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, der Inneren Medizin und der Chirurgie aus. Die enge Verbindung zur Universität fördert eine integrative Herangehensweise an medizinische Herausforderungen.
Mainz – Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Die Universitätsmedizin in Mainz, Teil der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, ist ein wichtiger Akteur im Gesundheitswesen von Rheinland-Pfalz. Die Klinik ist bekannt für ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte in der Krebsmedizin, Immunologie und Transplantationsmedizin. Die enge Kooperation mit der Universität ermöglicht es, neueste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse direkt in die Patientenversorgung zu integrieren.
Mannheim, Universitätsklinikum
Das Universitätsklinikum in Mannheim spielt eine Schlüsselrolle in der medizinischen Versorgung der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar. Die Klinik, eng verbunden mit der Universität Mannheim, zeichnet sich durch ihre Schwerpunkte in der Psychiatrie, Orthopädie und Inneren Medizin aus. Die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit fördert eine umfassende Patientenversorgung.
Marburg – Philipps-Universität
Die Philipps-Universität in Marburg beherbergt eine renommierte Universitätsklinik, die in der medizinischen Forschung und Lehre eine herausragende Rolle spielt. Die Klinik in Marburg ist besonders auf die Bereiche Gastroenterologie, Hämatologie und Endokrinologie spezialisiert. Die enge Verzahnung von Wissenschaft und klinischer Praxis prägt die herausragende Qualität der Patientenversorgung.
München – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Innenstadt
Die Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München ist stolzer Träger einer der führenden Universitätskliniken in Deutschland. Die Klinik in der Innenstadt Münchens genießt internationalen Ruf in verschiedenen medizinischen Disziplinen, darunter Neurologie, Kardiologie und Onkologie. Die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit fördert innovative Ansätze in der medizinischen Forschung.
München – Klinikum rechts der Isar
Ein weiterer herausragender Standort in München ist das Klinikum rechts der Isar, das eng mit der Technischen Universität München verbunden ist. Die Klinik zeichnet sich durch ihre Expertise in der Chirurgie, Urologie und Radiologie aus. Modernste Technologien und eine patientenzentrierte Versorgung prägen das Profil dieser renommierten Universitätsklinik.
Münster – Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Münster, Teil der Westfälischen-Wilhelms-Universität, ist eine der ältesten und traditionsreichsten Einrichtungen ihrer Art. Die Klinik ist national und international für ihre Forschung in den Bereichen Immunologie, Genetik und Pädiatrie bekannt. Die enge Verbindung zur Universität ermöglicht es, wegweisende wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in die klinische Praxis umzusetzen.
Regensburg – Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Regensburg, angegliedert an die Universität Regensburg, spielt eine bedeutende Rolle in der medizinischen Versorgung Ostbayerns. Die Klinik ist besonders auf die Bereiche Dermatologie, Gynäkologie und HNO-Heilkunde spezialisiert. Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität fördert die Ausbildung zukünftiger Mediziner und die Integration neuester Technologien in die Patientenversorgung.
Rostock – Universitätsklinik
Die Universitätsklinik in Rostock ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der medizinischen Infrastruktur Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. Die Klinik, angegliedert an die Universität Rostock, zeichnet sich durch ihre interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung aus. Besonders in den Fachgebieten Augenheilkunde, Orthopädie und Geriatrie leistet die Klinik einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Gesundheitsversorgung der Region.
Saarland – Universitätsklinikum
Das Universitätsklinikum im Saarland ist eng mit der Universität des Saarlandes verbunden und spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der Gesundheitsversorgung des Saarlands. Die Klinik zeichnet sich durch ihre Schwerpunkte in der Onkologie, Rheumatologie und Nephrologie aus. Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität fördert die Ausbildung von Medizinstudenten und die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung medizinischer Standards.
Tübingen – Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Tübingen, Teil der Eberhard Karls Universität, ist eine der ältesten Universitätskliniken in Deutschland. Die Klinik genießt internationalen Ruf in den Fachbereichen Neurochirurgie, Pneumologie und Gastroenterologie. Die traditionsreiche Geschichte der Klinik spiegelt sich in ihrer exzellenten Patientenversorgung und ihrem Beitrag zur medizinischen Forschung wider.
Würzburg – Bayerische Justus-Maximilians-Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Würzburg, angegliedert an die Bayerische Justus-Maximilians-Universität, ist ein bedeutender Akteur im Gesundheitswesen Bayerns. Die Klinik ist besonders auf die Bereiche Hämatologie, Onkologie und Transplantationsmedizin spezialisiert. Die enge Verbindung zur Universität ermöglicht es, neueste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in die Patientenversorgung zu integrieren.
Ulm – Universität
Die Universitätsklinik in Ulm ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der medizinischen Versorgung in Baden-Württemberg. Die Klinik, angegliedert an die Universität Ulm, zeichnet sich durch ihre Expertise in der Herzchirurgie, Nephrologie und Psychiatrie aus. Die enge Verknüpfung von Forschung und klinischer Praxis prägt das Profil dieser renommierten Universitätsklinik.
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berlinmindmap · 1 year
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Marshall McLuhan
The mechanical bride
Gutenberg galaxy
Understanding media
Medium is the massage
“The global village”
“Extension of man”
Figure ground relation (gestalt psychology) medium operates through its ground
Medium is the massage 
Focus of media and not just their content
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Example : electric light
History of light 
Modern night life
Otto dix metropolis 
Dark matter 
Gentlemonster shop shanghai interior -They admire such things, but I don't know, I see it from a different perspective. It might be worthless, but I have a different viewpoint.
Erwin Piscator
F. W. Murnau
Typophoto ?
Bauhaus museum want to go so bad !
Media ecology 
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gazeta24br · 2 years
Fevereiro de 2023 será cheio de eventos e comemorações. Na terceira semana do mês teremos o carnaval, com feriado na terça-feira (21). Além disso, fevereiro conta com várias datas importantes para conscientizar a sociedade e homenagear grupos e pessoas. No dia 2 será comemorado o Dia de Iemanjá, também conhecido como o Dia de Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes por causa do sincretismo afro-brasileiro. No ano passado, o Viva Maria, da Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, celebrou a data. Já no dia 4 será celebrado o Dia Mundial do Câncer, uma data importante para conscientizar sobre a importância da prevenção e diagnóstico precoce da doença. O Revista Brasil, da Rádio Nacional, falou da data em 2022. O dia 7 é o Dia Nacional de Luta dos Povos Indígenas, instituído pela Lei Nº 11.696 de 12 de junho de 2008. Já no dia 13, será comemorado o Dia Mundial do Rádio, uma celebração internacional proclamada pela Unesco. Em 2021, a Agência Brasil explicou a importância da data. O dia 20 é o Dia Nacional de Combate ao Alcoolismo. A data foi tema de matéria do Repórter Brasil em 2020. No dia 24, será lembrado o Dia da Conquista do Voto Feminino no Brasil (que também foi tema do Viva Maria em 2022). Duas figuras célebres também são lembradas em fevereiro de 2023. No dia 16, completa-se o 50º aniversário de morte do maestro, flautista, saxofonista, compositor e arranjador fluminense Pixinguinha. No ano passado, o Músicas e Músicos do Brasil fez um programa de homenagem a ele. Já no dia 19 é celebrado o 550º aniversário do nascimento do astrônomo e matemático polonês Nicolau Copérnico. Sua teoria do Heliocentrismo, que mudou a forma como a astronomia era entendida, é considerada uma das mais importantes hipóteses científicas de todos os tempos. Confira mais sobre o assunto: Confira a relação completa de datas do Hoje é Dia do mês de fevereiro de 2023: Morte do empresário circense paulista João Batista Sérgio Murad, o Beto Carrero (15 anos) Primeira apresentação da ópera “Manon Lescaut”, de Giacomo Puccini, no Teatro Reggio, em Turim (130 anos) Ônibus espacial Columbia se desintegra ao entrar na atmosfera (20 anos) Dia do Publicitário Dia de Iemanjá - também conhecida pelo sincretismo afro-brasileiro como Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes Dia Mundial das Zonas Úmidas - consideradas pela ONU um dos ecossistemas mais produtivos e ameaçados do mundo. A maior zona úmida continental do planeta fica no Brasil: o Pantanal Morte do cantor e compositor carioca Sílvio Caldas (25 anos) Morte do inventor, gravador e gráfico do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico Johannes Gutenberg (555 anos) - considerado o “Pai da Imprensa” Nascimento da atriz fluminense Dulcina de Moraes (115 anos) - criadora da Fundação Brasileira de Teatro (FBT), depois transformada na Faculdade de Artes Dulcina de Moraes, em Brasília Morte do ensaísta, jornalista, crítico literário, crítico de arte, crítico de música e historiador austríaco Otto Maria Carpeaux (45 anos) Morte do cantor, violonista e compositor fluminense Cícero Nunes (30 anos) Dia da Navegação do Rio São Francisco Proclamada a independência do Ceilão, atual Sri Lanka (75 anos) Dia Mundial do Câncer Nascimento do organista, professor e compositor fluminense Antônio Silva (115 anos) Dia Nacional da Mamografia Nascimento do filósofo, escritor e orador português Padre Antônio Vieira (415 anos) Acidente aéreo de Munique com a equipe do Manchester United (65 anos) Nascimento do cantor fluminense Paulo Fortes (100 anos) Nascimento do jornalista, crítico musical e pesquisador musical paulista José Ramos Tinhorão (95 anos) - o acervo de Tinhorão foi comprado pelo Instituto Moreira Salles, que o digitalizou e o disponibiliza abertamente na internet Dia Nacional de Luta dos Povos Indígenas - instituído pela Lei Nº 11.696, de 12 de junho de 2008 Dia Nacional do Trabalhador Gráfico - data criada em 1923 por causa de uma greve dos profissionais gráficos, que reivindicavam melhores condições de trabalho e salários mais justos
Nascimento do escritor francês Júlio Verne (195 anos) - autor de “20 mil Léguas Submarinas” e “Viagem ao Centro da Terra” Nascimento do compositor e pianista paulista José Antônio Rezende de Almeida Prado (80 anos) - membro da Academia Brasileira de Música, considerado um dos maiores expoentes da música erudita no Brasil Morte do cantor e compositor paulista Otávio Henrique de Oliveira, o Blecaute (40 anos) - atuou na Rádio Nacional. Era também conhecido pela alcunha de “General da Banda”, devido a seu maior sucesso, a marchinha de Carnaval homônima Nascimento do dramaturgo, poeta e encenador alemão Bertolt Brecht (125 anos) - seus trabalhos artísticos e teóricos influenciaram profundamente o teatro contemporâneo Papa Bento XVI anuncia que renunciará ao pontificado (10 anos) Dia Internacional das Mulheres e Meninas na Ciência - data aprovada pela Assembleia das Nações Unidas em 22 de dezembro de 2015, por meio da Resolução A/RES/70/212, para promover o acesso integral e igualitário da participação de mulheres e meninas na ciência Dia Internacional da Internet Segura Nascimento do cantor e compositor fluminense Martinho da Vila (85 anos) Morte do instrumentista, regente, arranjador e compositor fluminense Astor Silva (55 anos) Sanção da Lei Ambiental, pelo ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, que dispõe sobre as sanções penais e administrativas derivadas de condutas e atividades lesivas ao meio ambiente (25 anos) Nascimento do cantor, compositor, arranjador e produtor musical pernambucano Alcymar Monteiro (70 anos) Morte do compositor, arranjador, regente e pianista gaúcho Radamés Gnattali (35 anos) Morte do músico, compositor e arranjador gaúcho Romei Seibel, conhecido como Chiquinho do Acordeom (30 anos) - em 1953, passou a fazer parte da orquestra da Rádio Nacional Nascimento do maestro, compositor, diretor de teatro e ensaista alemão Wilhelm Richard Wagner (210 anos) Dia Mundial do Rádio - é uma comemoração internacional, que foi proclamada em 3 de novembro de 2011 na 26ª sessão da UNESCO e que tem o aval da Assembleia Geral da ONU Nascimento do músico carioca Jacob Pick Bittencourt, o Jacob do Bandolim (105 anos) Morte do matemático alemão David Hilbert (80 anos) - um dos mais notáveis matemáticos, e os tópicos de suas pesquisas são fundamentais em diversos ramos da matemática atual Morte do intelectual afrodescendente e baiano Manuel Querino (100 anos) - aluno fundador do Liceu de Artes e Ofícios da Bahia e da Escola de Belas Artes, pintor, escritor, abolicionista. Considerado pelo professor Jeferson Bacelar (UFBA) como um dos fundadores da Antropologia brasileira Morte da Ovelha Dolly, primeiro mamífero a ser clonado com sucesso a partir de uma célula adulta (20 anos) Nascimento do ex-jogador de basquete potiguar Oscar Daniel Bezerra Schmidt (65 anos) - o “Mão Santa”, considerado um dos maiores jogadores de basquetebol de todos os tempos Morte do regente, instrumentista e compositor Benedito Lacerda (65 anos) - compositor de carnaval premiado e fundador da União Brasileira de Compositores (UBC) e dirigente da Sociedade Brasileira de Autores, Compositores e Escritores de Música Morte do maestro, flautista, saxofonista, compositor e arranjador fluminense Alfredo da Rocha Vianna Filho, o Pixinguinha (50 anos) Dia do Repórter Nascimento do cantor e compositor paulista Aroldo Alves Sobrinho, o Peninha (70 anos) Nascimento do astro do basquete estadunidense Michael Jordan (60 anos) Morte do jornalista, escritor, folclorista e empresário paulista Cornélio Pires (65 anos) - foi um importante etnógrafo da cultura e dialeto caipiras Nascimento da artista multimídia japonesa Yoko Ono (90 anos) Nascimento da ex-Presidente da Argentina Cristina Kirchner (70 anos) Nascimento do radialista, compositor e cantor Henrique Foréis Domingues, o Almirante (115 anos) - em 1947 criou o programa “Incrível! Fantástico! Extraordinário!”, apresentado anos a fio
na Rádio Nacional; possuía enorme biblioteca e discoteca sobre música brasileira, que foi doada para o Museu da Imagem e do Som RJ Nascimento do astrônomo e matemático polonês Nicolau Copérnico (550 anos) - sua teoria do Heliocentrismo, que colocou o Sol como o centro do Sistema Solar, contrariando a então vigente Teoria Geocêntrica (que considerava a Terra como o centro), é considerada como uma das mais importantes hipóteses científicas de todos os tempos, tendo constituído o ponto de partida da astronomia Fidel Castro renuncia à presidência e o comando das forças armadas em Cuba (15 anos) Inventor Thomas Edison patenteia o fonógrafo nos Estados Unidos (145 anos) Nascimento da cantora e compositora barbadiana Robyn Rihanna Fenty, a Rihanna (35 anos) Dia Nacional de Combate ao Alcoolismo e início da Semana Nacional de Combate ao Alcoolismo Dia Mundial da Justiça Social - comemoração internacional, que foi instituída pela 62ª sessão da Assembleia Geral da ONU Nascimento da estadunidense pianista, cantora, compositora e ativista pelos direitos civis dos negros Eunice Kathleen Waymon, a Nina Simone (90 anos) Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels publicam “O Manifesto Comunista” (175 anos) Dia Internacional da Língua Materna - data da Unesco que visa a preservação das línguas locais como patrimônio imaterial das nações Dia Nacional do Imigrante Italiano - a escolha da data é uma homenagem à expedição de Pietro Tabacchi ao Espírito Santo, em 1874. Este evento ficou marcado como o inicio do processo de migração em massa dos italianos para o Brasil Morte do cantor e compositor pernambucano Luís Bandeira (25 anos) - autor de um dos maiores sucessos da MPB, “Na Cadência do Samba” Filme “Central do Brasil” leva o prêmio Urso de Ouro no Festival de Cinema de Berlim (25 anos) Lançamento do espetáculo “Eles não usam Black-Tie”, de Gianfrancesco Guarnieri, pela companhia Teatro de Arena (65 anos) Dia da Conquista do Voto Feminino no Brasil Nascimento do músico inglês George Harrison (80 anos) - guitarrista da banda britânica The Beatles Morte do projetista, astrônomo, geômetra e arquiteto inglês Christopher Wren (300 anos) - é considerado o maior arquiteto da Inglaterra. Projetou a Catedral de São Paulo, uma das obras primas da arquitetura europeia, e outras 50 igrejas em Londres Nascimento da cantora paulista Isaurinha Garcia (100 anos) - artista de alcance nacional no fim da década de 1940, quando era convidada para se apresentar na Rádio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro e na boate do Hotel Copacabana Palace Dia Nacional do Livro Didático Nascimento da cantora fluminense Teresa Cristina (55 anos) Nascimento da historiadora paulista Emília Viotti da Costa (95 anos) Banda U2 lança disco “War” (40 anos) Dia Mundial das Doenças Raras
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greatsitedotcom · 2 years
Know All About Collecting Ancient Bible Pages
People looking to acquire a rare Bible page are driven by diverse reasons. Some believe it’s an unparalleled joy to possess a historical piece of the “Word of God” and share it with others while for others, such a page could be an antique item worth buying.
A handful of people also want to get hold of a rare Bible page to honor those martyrs who were imprisoned, tortured, and burnt at the stake just because they decided to help the common people get easy access to the “Word of God.” For these people, possessing an antique Bible page is a way to show they respect those who worked fearlessly and untiringly to translate, print, publish, and make the published copies accessible to the commoner.
Whatever be your reason, knowing a few things will help you make an informed choice.
Ancient Bible Page Collection -Who Started It?                                                                  
Ancient Bible page collectors typically look for pages from celebrated Bibles with certain characteristics that make them historical pieces worth possessing. Francis Fry, Gabriel Wells, and Otto Ege are some notable names who helped collectors acquire old and rare Bible pages.
An interesting incident regarding the collection of such pages is linked to Gabriel Wells, an antiquarian bookseller based in New York. After he got a fragmented copy of the renowned 1455 Gutenberg Bible in 1921, he took the book apart completely and sold individual pages for $150 each. This gave collectors a chance to get hold of the pages of the first book (a Latin Bible), which was the first thing ever printed with a moveable typeface by the inventor of the printing press.
Now that you know a bit of history about old and rare Bible pages, here are some things to remember when buying such a page.
Checklist for Buying Old Bible Pages
Novices may not be able to distinguish pages from an authentic rare Bible and one that's relatively new. To avoid being duped, it pays to buy from places that specialize in antique Bible pages.
You should also exercise extreme caution when buying from individuals or online auctions. Individual buyers often have no idea about their Bible page’s edition and blindly trust those they bought it from. If their buyers had sold a fake Bible page claiming it to be authentic, you can get ripped.
Online sites that let you bid and buy an old Bible page could sometimes misrepresent facts or hide the real facts. This too could be dangerous and cost you dearly if you aren’t cautious.
Wrapping Up
It will help to keep the above pointers in mind and buy an authentic ancient Bible page from a reputed dealer to ensure it’s worth every dime you pay.
Original Sources:
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korrektheiten · 2 years
Leserbriefe zu „Studie der Otto-Brenner-Stiftung zu Berichterstattung deutscher „Leitmedien“ über Ukraine-Krieg: Tendenziös, einseitig und oft „sehr einheitlich““
NachDenkSeiten: »In diesem Beitrag weist Florian Warweg auf eine von der gewerkschaftsnahen Otto-Brenner-Stiftung finanzierten Studie von Wissenschaftlern der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München hin. Die Ergebnisse würden aufhorchen lassen. So seien z.B. Beiträge aus russischer Perspektive sehr selten. 93 Prozent aller Beiträge von FAZ, Süddeutsche, Spiegel, ARD, ZDF etc. hätten laut der MedienanalyseWeiterlesen http://dlvr.it/SfkLRs «
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vorticimagazine · 2 years
Il Museo della Bibbia di Washington
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Questa volta, Vortici.it torna a parlare di cultura e arte proponendovi un argomento particolare: il Museo della Bibbia di Washington
Il Museo della Bibbia di Whashington dedica ben otto piani al libro che più di tutti ha influenzato la storia dell’umanità.
Washington ha pensato in grande decidendo di aprire il museo più grande al mondo dedicato alle Sacre Scritture. The Museum of the Bible è stato inaugurato ufficialmente, il 18 novembre 2017 e si estende su una superficie di quasi 40mila mq. Scopo per l’appunto è raccontare la storia meravigliosa della Bibbia. L’obiettivo è di invitare le persone a interagire con il libro attraverso un approccio sopra le parti, ossia accogliente verso tutte le tradizioni o scuole di pensiero.“Questo è il museo privato della Bibbia più grande al mondo - è stato realizzato interamente con fondi privati e ha un unico scopo, quello di far dialogare le persone con la bibbia” – a esprimersi così è Steve Bickley - vice presidente per il marketing. Il museo si trova in un ex magazzino non lontano dal National Mall e dal Congresso. L’imponenza dell'edificio e del messaggio insito è visibile già dall'ingresso chiamato Gutenberg Gates (i cancelli di Gutenberg), una sorta di Porta Santa, in questo caso sempre aperta, realizzata dall’artista Larry Kirkland il quale sulla sua opera ha inciso le prime 80 righe della Genesi in latino come quelle originariamente stampate nella Bibbia di Gutenberg. Varcata la soglia d’ingresso, un lungo il corridoio ospita pannelli in vetro con una traduzione del Salmo 19 (attribuito a Re Davide) in 16 lingue. All’interno il museo è diviso in sezioni che affrontano principalmente tre temi: l’impatto della Bibbia, le storie della Bibbia, ossia il Vecchio Testamento, Gesù' di Nazareth e il Nuovo Testamento, reperti e manufatti della Bibbia. Non mancano le mostre, sia a rotazione, sia permanenti. “La Bibbia - spiega Cary Summers, presidente del museo - influenza le nazioni a livello globale da oltre duemila anni, per questo abbiamo pensato che si doveva costruire un grande museo dove raccogliere e custodire tutte le storie che riguardano questo libro”. La Summers ha inoltre aggiunto che anche se nel mondo esistono tanti musei della Bibbia, nessuno come quello di Washington mette insieme tutte le tradizioni. C’è stata anche l’Italia con Cecille e Alessandro Iovino, tra i paesi in prima fila in occasione del V Anniversario della sua fondazione. Cecilia Sordoni, in arte Cecille, cantante e corista, già protagonista al decennale commemorativo di Giancarlo Bigazzi, più volte al fianco di Andrea Bocelli, ha, infatti, preso parte, insieme al giornalista e saggista napoletano nonché rappresentante europeo del Museo della Bibbia Alessandro Iovino, agli eventi celebrativi della tre giorni organizzata a fine Ottobre, per festeggiare i primi cinque anni di vita del museo. Un vero e proprio debutto americano per Cecille che ha incantato, con la sua eccellente esibizione di un classico come “Amazing Grace”. “Ho provato un’emozione mai vissuta prima - ha affermato al termine della performance - esibirmi in un contesto così prestigioso è stata un’esperienza indimenticabile”. “L’Italia è sempre più protagonista di questo grande museo - ha rimarcato Iovino -. Questo non ci sorprende, però, perché nessun Paese dopo Israele può vantare una cultura ed una tradizione artistica legata alla Bibbia più del nostro”. Immagine di copertina: - Museo della Bibbia di Washington - ANSA -Sito museo: https://www.museumofthebible.org/ Read the full article
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hyperwave · 4 years
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Longitudinalwaveme Reviews More Old Comics (and One New One), Part 1
I’m going to be doing these reviews in chronological order, starting with the oldest of the bunch. 
Batman #292: “The Testimony of the Riddler” 
This issue is actually the second part of a four-part story, “Where Were You On the Night Batman Was Killed?” Basically, everyone thinks Batman is dead, and a bunch of his villains are coming forward to claim the honor of being his killer. Catwoman’s claim was dismissed last issue; now it’s Riddler’s turn. 
The mock trial that the villains have set up to determine the identity of the killer is amazing. Ra’s al Ghul is the judge, Two-Face is the prosecutor, and the jury is composed of the Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze before B:TAS gave him a good costume, Scarecrow, the Signalman (*snicker*) and the Spook, who I only know as the D-Lister beheaded by Damian Wayne. 
The Riddler begins his testimony, regaling everyone with riddles (some of which seem more like jokes, but whatever), and telling them about a crazy criminal caper he launched, during which time he posed as Bruce Wayne in order to steal a ridiculous jeweled typewriter ( “made of gold, platinum, and ivory...its keys studded with diamonds and rubies...its ribbon made from a Ming Dynasty robe....and its case encrusted with emeralds!”). 
Amusingly, since Riddler doesn’t know Bruce Wayne is Batman, his Batman is not at all surprised to come across “Bruce Wayne” at the party. Batman ends up following the Riddler’s clues to find the Riddler and the ridiculously fancy typewriter in a quarry, whereupon the Riddler uses a knife he has to cut a rope that was holding some rock slabs. According to Riddler, the slabs fell on Batman, pinning him. Riddler then blew him up with dynamite (which he set off using a latern’s flames).
As soon as he finishes his testimony, Two-Face calls him a liar; gets permission to take the entire court outside, sets up a deathtrap using the dynamite Riddler claims he used to kill the Batman, and orders the bailiffs to tie Riddler to the trap and light it all on fire. 
They do, and the Riddler promptly passes out. Two-Face then walks onto the trap himself, and nothing happens. As Two-Face explains, “dynamite does not explode in fire! It can be lighted only by electric spark or percussion!” 
Riddler is eliminated as a potential candidate and escorted from the courtroom (with an apparent $25,000 fine for the dynamite display). 
Several other claimants retract their claims, and Ra’s adjourns the court for the day. 
Also, Bronze Age Riddler makes a surprisingly convincing Bruce Wayne, all things considered (this was back when he still had black hair; rather than red). 
Batman #293, “Luthor’s Testimony”
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This issue takes up immediately where the last one left off, with Lex Luthor of all people taking the stand in the costume you can see in the picture above. It’s...certainly something, all right. 
Cluemaster, Killer Moth, the Cavalier, and some random gangsters are also at the trial. Most are impressed by Luthor’s amazing(ly hilarious) new outfit, which I’m pretty sure he only ever wore once (for this trial).
Luthor does his usual grandstanding before launching into the story of his latest plot to kill Superman. 
Said plot involved a fake robbery to lure Batman into a trap that would allow Luthor to put Superman’s mind into Batman’s body. 
Luthor then punched Superman-in-Batman’s-body to death and launched the body into space. Luthor says that now he’s leaving to go back to Metropolis, where he’ll put his own mind into Superman’s body so that he may become Super-Luthor. 
Two-Face proceeds to demolish Luthor’s story, first by calling in one of Luthor’s goons to reveal that Batman had infiltrated Luthor’s gang by posing as a henchman, and then calling in Superman himself to prove that, in fact, Superman’s mind is still in its body.  Superman just dressed up as Batman and pretended to be Superman-in-Batman’s-body to fool Luthor. 
Exposed as a liar, Luthor storms out of the room, but not before yelling at Two-Face for “colluding with Superman” and insulting the criminal pretensions of everyone in the room. 
Also, Two-Face somehow managed to convince Superman to grant every villain in the courtroom amnesty. (Although if I’m remembering the fourth part of the story properly, I think “Two-Face” is really Batman in disguise, explaining why he was so easily able to get into contact with Superman and probably making the amnesty fake.)
The comic ends with the Joker’s signature laughter; he’ll be the last villain to give testimony in front of the kangaroo court. Sadly, I don’t have that issue, so I won’t be reviewing it here. 
Batman #296, “The Sinister Straws of the Scarecrow” 
Scarecrow has henchmen he calls “Strawmen”. They have weird costumes and exist to give him someone to deliver all his lectures to and test his fear gas on. As usual, his speeches to his underlings sound...well...like simplified college psychology lectures. 
Otto the burly henchman’s deepest fear is Batman. What a surprise. 
Phobias namedropped by the Scarecrow (and narration boxes): phobophobia (the fear of fear), pyrophobia (fear of fire), algophobia (fear of pain), pathophobia (fear of illness), taphephobia (the fear of being buried alive), inutilophobia (the fear of not being able to carry on one’s work) and “chiropterhomopobia”. The last is especially interesting since it’s not actually a real word; it’s a fictional one that manages to effectively follow the formula used for naming phobias. “Chiropterophobia” is the fear of bats. “Homophobia”, in this case, is the fear of men (homo referring to our species name, homo sapiens); therefore chiropterhomophobia would be the fear of bat-men. Good work with conjugation there, writer! 
Anyway, the Scarecrow uses a crook named Skibo’s taphephobia to convince him to give them the location of the turnpike bond money he stole from Gotham City’s National Bank several months ago.
The next day at the bank, the money is returned, puzzling Bruce Wayne. Wayne goes to interrogate a crook who talks in confusing criminal slang, who tells him that Skibo was the one who fenced the stolen bonds. 
Batman tracks Skibo down...and finds him being assaulted by the Scarecrow, who believes that the bonds he returned to the bank were counterfeit. This is problematic for the Scarecrow because it suggests that Skibo was able to withstand his fear of the Scarecrow and disobey his orders, which would interefere with his ability to intercept criminals who are obeying his orders to return stolent money and take the money for himself. 
Batman, Skibo, Scarecrow, and his goons get into a free-for-all that ends up causing an explosion. In the chaos, Scarecrow and the goons escape and Batman gets information out of Skibo about the Scarecrow’s plans. 
Scarecrow and his goons then go after a thief who stole a valuable Gutenberg Bible, but before they can use the fear toxin on him, Batman shows up and they use it on him instead. It affects Batman, but he shakes it off and manages to defeat the Scarecrow and his goons as well as capture the thief who stole the Guetenberg Bible. 
The story ends with Batman telling Commissioner Gordon that he found the case exhilarating. 
All-in-all, a pretty standard Scarecrow story. 
Batman #308, “There’ll Be a Cold Time in the Old Town Tonight” 
Some guy named Jacob Riker has betrayed Mr. Freeze. The man in question is promptly murdered by Freeze and his henchmen. 
In this issue, Mr. Freeze is wearing an outfit that’s reminiscent of Captain Cold’s, but with a bubble-helmet and pink shades. 
Catwoman shows up in Bruce Wayne’s office to tell him that she’s reformed and wants to invest money in Wayne Enterprises. Bruce agrees, and also agrees to meet her for dinner at some point next week. She also brings a cat with her to this meeting, because of course she does. 
Lucius Fox introduces Bruce Wayne to his daughter, Tiffany, who works in a drug rehabilitation program sponsored by the Wayne Foundation. After exchanging pleasantries, Bruce tells Lucius to give him a complete rundown on what Selina’s been up to, presumably so that he can know if she’s on the level. 
He moons over Catwoman for a bit before getting called into action by the Batsignal, and he subsequently arrives at the scene of Riker’s murder. The guy is frozen solid and very dead. 
Some rich guy name Mr. McVee comes to Mr. Freeze; he’s exchanging all his wealth in exchange for the promise of immortality. 
Unfortunately, the process turns the man into a Popsicle zombie. His body is alive, but his brain is dead. 
Also, Mr. Freeze has a girlfriend named Hildy, whom he loves and is planning to make immortal (as he himself effectively is). Unfortunately for him, she does not reciprocate his feelings and is using him solely as a means of staying young forever. Interestingly, she’s blonde, just like Nora usually is (Nora, of course, didn’t exist at the time this was written). 
Meanwhile, at STAR labs, a medical treatment goes wrong and kills somebody. 
Batman finds and breaks into Mr. Freeze’s hideout...and is promptly attacked by Mr. Freeze and his Popsicle zombies. Mr. Freeze dubs them his “Ice Pack”. 
Mr. Freeze manages to take Batman out of the fight by freezing his legs, which causes him to fall to the floor. This allows him to be captured by the Popsicle Zombies and put inside Mr. Freeze’s immortality machine. 
Batman is apparently turned into another mindless Popsicle zombie as Mr. Freeze exposits about how lonely his life is and how much he loves Hindy. 
Mr. Freeze leaves Hildy in the room with the Popsicle zombies, at which point Hildy starts to talk to Batman about how she thinks he’s cute and she’d rather be immortal with him rather than with Freeze (who she’s planning to kill in any case).
Unfortunately for her, Mr. Freeze overhears her and is predictably furious, pointing his Freeze Ray directly at her face. 
Batman saves her from an icy fate by attacking Mr. Freeze, revealing as he does so that he had only pretended to be frozen by the machine (having disconnected several of the building’s extra power lines). Cue another fight with Freeze and the Popsicle Zombies. 
Batman uses a piece of ice to break Freeze’s bubble helmet; preventing him from giving any more orders to the Popsicle Zombies. He then fights Freeze some more. The Freeze Ray goes flying and gets grabbed by Hildy, who plans to kill both of them. Unfortunately, the gun backfires on her and she’s killed instead. Mr. Freeze is arrested. 
Meanwhile, we learn that the dead guy was the Blockbuster, Mark Desmond, and that he isn’t quite as dead as the people at STAR Labs think. 
Justice League of America #167, “The League That Defeated Itself!”
The splash page is of Superman punching Hal Jordan Green Lantern in the face.
The explanation is pretty quickly forthcoming: the Secret Society of Super-Villains has swapped bodies with the Justice League. The Wizard from Earth-2 is in Superman’s body, Professor Zoom the Reverse-Flash is in Green Lantern’s body, Plant-Master is in Wonder Woman’s body (ew), Star Sapphire is in Zatanna’s body, and Blockbuster is in Batman’s body.
The real Justice League are trapped in the bodies of the villains and locked in a cube-shaped cell. Superman guides Hal into using his new super-speed to help them break free of the cube.
The Joker stars in a Hostess Fruit pie ad!
The villains have left for Earth, leaving the heroes (who are trapped in their bodies) alone on the JLA Satellite, along with an unconscious Red Tornado, whom they promptly wake up.
Naturally unaware of the switch, the Tornado attacks them and they fight. Zatanna manages to bring the tornado down using Star Sapphire’s powers, and the JLA go off to find their bodies on Earth, with Batman telling Zatanna that she’ll have to reverse the spell as their only magician.
Green Lantern gets some information out of Hijack (who I think is a member of the Royal Flush Gang) by pretending to be Reverse-Flash. The information helps them locate the Society’s HQ.
As soon as they break into the building, however...they’re promptly incapacitated by Green Arrow (except for Zatanna, who remained outside). Green Arrow is suspicious of the way Superman is behaving and decides to keep an eye on him and the others who “located” the HQ of the Secret Society.
Justice League of America #168, “The Last Great Switcheroo”
This issue picks up where the last issue left off. Ollie and Hawkman are supsicous about the behavior of their allies, while Black Canary ad the Elongated Man don’t think anything unusual is going on.
Eobard traps the “villains” in a diamond cell, and then the Wizard chucks the diamond into another dimension!  
The Wizard covers for himself by claiming that the “villains” have been put into “time-stasis” by “Green Lantern”’s ring. “I just tossed the diamond into an orbit around the solar system! They’ll remain there until science perfects criminal rehabilitation.” For some reason, everyone except Green Arrow immediately accepts this excuse.
Red Tornado breaks free of the trap Zatanna-in-Star-Sapphire’s-Body had to put him in last issue and criticizes the decisions he made in the fight with them.
Zatanna then arrives on the satellite and convinces Red Tornado of the swap that’s taken place.
Meanwhile, in Mexico, the Secret Society and the remaining members of the Justice League are, at least allegedly, guarding some jewels for the Mexican government. Elongated Man, Hawkman, and the Flash are also becoming suspicious of their supposed allies.
And then Eobard ruins everything in the most Eobard way possible: forcing a kiss onto Black Canary!
The real Justice Leaguers fight and defeat the impostors (except for the Wizard, who left to “patrol the city”)...but before he can step in to salvage his plan, Superman uses the Wizard’s own magic to take his body down.
Zatanna reverses the mind-swap, and the day is saved.
Was it this story that later got retconned to include more mindwiping thanks Identity Crisis, or am I thinking of a different storyline?
Flash #275, “The Last Dance” 
In this issue, Iris Allen dies! 
The story starts with Barry in the grip of a teenaged girl with ESP powers (no, really. Cary Bates, the issue’s writer, really liked the paranormal). His marriage with his wife Iris has been struggling, and she fears that he might be cheating on her. 
She’s also spying on him by bugging his costume rings with “micro-mini homing signal devices”, which just goes to show that literally anyone in the DCU can invent amazing technology at the drop of a hat. 
Stalking the stalker is Clive Yorkin, a character from the plot thread that’s been building up to this issue. He’s kind of based off of the brainwashing scene in A Clockwork Orange and hates the Flash and Barry Allen. 
The teenager uses her mental powers to force the Flash to meet her at a motel and take off his mask, which he does. She’s apparently disappointed by the results, complaining that there’s nothing remarkable about him, and promptly storms out. 
Iris arrives in her car just as the girl storms out, and discovers that she’s coming from the room that her tracker has Barry in. She storms inside and accuses Barry of cheating on her, then runs out in tears.
Also, right before she storms out, Barry looks at himself in the mirror and thinks “ “Ordinary”? What in blazes is that supposed to mean? I may not be Robert Redford...but I always thought I was sort of sexy...at least, that’s what Iris told me.” It’s mildly hilarious. 
Iris promptly gets into a car wreck with a tanker truck. Barry manages to save both her and the two truck drivers from the massive explosion that this causes. 
Barry convinces Iris that he wasn’t cheating and the two promptly make  up. 
Meanwhile, Mysterious Shadowy Man on the Phone tells someone to kill Barry Allen at a philanthropist’s upcoming costume party for all of the employees of Central City’s government (e.g., police officers, firefighters, etc.) The Mysterious Shadowy Man on the Phone will eventually be revealed to be the corrupt police chief of Central City, Chief Paulson.  
Iris and Barry decide they want to have kids, then kiss. D’awww! 
Iris’ costume for the party arrives; she’s going as Batgirl. Barry was planning to rent a Batman outfit, but it was already rented, so Barry ends up going to the costume ball dressed as himself (that is, the Flash).
Clyde Yorkin is still stalking both of them. 
Barry’s friend from work, Frank Curtis, arrives to pick the couple up. Hilariously, he’s also dressed as the Flash. 
The theme of the party is “Dress as Your Favorite Super-Character”. Iris comments “it’ll be interesting to see whether we get more heroes or villains!”...which raises a question: Namely, why is everyone totally okay with people dressing up as people who are, in their world, real costumed criminals? That’s always seemed odd to me. 
Clive Yorkin sneaks into the trunk of Curtis’ car and slips out as the other three head for the party.
Inside the mansion, we see a huge number of people dressed up as famous DC characters, including Hawkgirl, the Calculator, Heat Wave, two Green Lanterns, Zatanna, Aquaman, Green Arrow, two Black Canaries, Abra Kadabra, Batman, Wonder Woman, Professor Zoom the Reverse-Flash, Star Sapphire, Supergirl, Pied Piper, Poison Ivy, Captain Cold, the Golden Glider, the Top, mustachioed Superman, some guy in a purple costume I can’t ID, Mirror Master, the Golden Age Sandman, and Captain Boomerang. 
The Golden Age Sandman is actually an assassin in disguise; he was hired by Chief Paulson to get rid of Barry Allen before he discovered his corruption; he drugs Barry by “shooting” him with his Sandman gun. One of the Green Lanterns is actually Hal Jordan, who pops up to say hi to Barry and Iris. A later story will reveal that the Captain Boomerang in this issue was the real Captain Boomerang, and that some of the other Rogues were also actually at the party so they could, quote, “party and pick pockets”. Yet another subsequent issue will reveal that the Reverse-Flash at the party was in fact the real Eobard. So...which of the other Rogues do we think were at the party? We know that the Captain Cold isn’t real; he’s “Phil from Vice”.  That means that the Golden Glider alongside him is probably not the real one either, and it seems unlikely that the Top here is the real one, since he was dead at this point. So that leaves the Pied Piper, Mirror Master, and Heat Wave as possible candidates. 
Chief Paulson calls Barry to meet him in his office at 9 AM the next day; Barry agrees but notes that the man seems oddly tense. 
Curtis, still dressed as the Flash, goes outside for a smoke break and gets jumped by Yorkin, who mistakenly believes him to be Barry (until he rips his mask off, at which point he just throws him off the balcony.)
Barry sees a Green Lantern making the moves on Iris and gets upset until Hal reveals that he’s the real Green Lantern and congratulates them on their plan to become parents. He then flies out the window, and somehow all the party goers are fully convinced that it’s just a really elaborate costume. Huh?
Iris tempts fate by saying that “this might be the happiest moment of my life!” The two go off together to get some privacy...but then Barry begins to feel dizzy, as though he’s been drugged. Iris goes into the bathroom to get him some water...and then Barry hears her screaming! He bursts into the bathroom to see Iris on the floor, with Yorkin standing over her. Yorkin then jumps out a window as Barry runs to his wife. 
A bunch of the guests, including Mustachioed Superman, burst into the room to see what the commotion is, and Barry passes out. Curtis bursts in a few seconds later to learn that one of his friends needs a hospital....and that the other is dead! It’s a very effective cliffhanger. 
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shivanshublog · 3 years
Best inventions of all time-final part
Technology is an integral part of the human experience. Since the earliest days of our species, we have developed tools to tame the physical world.
Any attempt to count the major technological inventions is certainly questionable, but here are some key advances that should likely be on such a list (in chronological order):
list of best inventions of all time 
1. FIRE - It can be argued that fire was discovered rather than invented. Sure, early humans watched fire incidents, but it wasn't until they figured out how to control and produce it on their own that people were really able to take advantage of all that this new tool had to offer. The first use of fire dates back two million years, while a popular way of using this technology dates back around 125,000 years. The fire gave us warmth, protection and led to a variety of other inventions and key skills like cooking. The ability to cook has helped us maintain the nutrients needed to support our expanding brain and has given us a clear advantage over other primates.
2. WHEEL - The wheel was created by the Mesopotamians around 3500 BC. Invented for the manufacture of ceramics. About 300 years later, the wheel was put on a chariot and the rest is history. Wheels are ubiquitous in our daily life and make our transportation and trade easier. 3. NAIL - The first known use of this very simple but very useful metal clasp dates back to ancient Egypt around 3400 BC. If you like screws more, they've been around since the ancient Greeks (1st or 2nd century BC).
4. OPTICAL LENSES - From glasses to microscopes to telescopes, optical lenses have vastly expanded the possibilities of our vision. They have a long history, first developed by the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians, with key theories about light and vision given by the ancient Greeks. Optical lenses were also instrumental in developing media technologies for photography, film, and television.
5. COMPASS - This navigational device was an important force in human exploration. The first compasses were made between 300 and 200 BC. Made from Freestone in China. 6. PAPER - Paper was used around 100 BC. Invented in China and was essential for us to write and share our ideas.
7. PISTOLS - Invented in China in the 9th century, this chemical explosive was an important factor in military technology (and, more broadly, the wars that changed the course of human history).
8. PRESSURE PRESS - This device was invented in 1439 by the German Johannes Gutenberg and in many ways laid the foundation for our modern age. This enabled the ink to be mechanically transferred to the paper in a mobile type. This revolutionized the spread of knowledge and religion, as earlier books were usually written by hand (often by monks). . ELECTRICITY - The use of electricity is a process that a number of brilliant minds have contributed to for thousands of years. They come from ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, when Thales of Miletus carried out the first research on this phenomenon. The 18th century American Renaissance man Benjamin Franklin is generally credited with a significant improvement in our understanding of electricity, if not its discovery. It is hard to overestimate how important electricity has become to humankind as it controls the majority of our devices and shapes the way we live. The invention of the light bulb, while a separate contribution attributed to Thomas Edison in 1879, is certainly a major expansion in the ability to use electricity. It has fundamentally changed the way we live, work, and how our cities look and function.
10. STEAM ENGINE - invented between 1763 and 1775 by Scottish inventor James Watt (who drew on ideas from earlier attempts at a steam engine such as the Newcomen 1712), steam trains, ships, factories and the industrial revolution as a whole. 12. TELEPHONE - While he's not the only one working on this type of technology, Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell received the first patent for an electric telephone in 1876. This instrument has certainly revolutionized our communication skills.
13. VACCINATION - Although sometimes controversial, vaccination practice is responsible for eradicating disease and extending human lifespan. The first vaccine (against smallpox) was developed by Edward Jenner in 1796. A rabies vaccine was developed in 1885 by the French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur, who is credited with most of the vaccination of today's drug. Pasteur is also responsible for inventing the pasteurization food safety process that bears his name.
14. CARS - Cars have fundamentally changed the way we travel, the way our cities are designed, and brought the concept of the assembly line into the mainstream. They were invented in their modern form by a number of people at the end of the 19th century, with the German Karl Benz being particularly responsible for creating the first practical car in 1885. 15. AIRPLANE - Invented by the American Wright brothers in 1903, airplanes brought the world closer together and enabled us to travel great distances quickly. This technology expanded the mind through tremendous cultural exchanges - but it also increased the scope of the world wars that were soon to break out and the severity of any war that followed. 16. PENICILLIN - This drug was discovered by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928 and transformed medicine with its ability to cure infectious bacterial diseases. The era of antibiotics began.
17. MISSILE - While the invention of the first missile is attributed to the ancient Chinese, the modern missile is a 20th century contribution to humanity that is said to transform military capabilities and enable the exploration of human space.
18. NUCLEAR FISSION - This process of dividing atoms to release a large amount of energy has led to the creation of nuclear reactors and atomic bombs. It was the culmination of the work of a number of prominent scientists (mostly Nobel Prize winners) of the 20th century, but the specific discovery of nuclear fission is generally attributed to Germans Otto Hahn and Fritz Stassmann, who collaborated with Austrians Lise Meitner and Otto
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E’ possibile elaborare un metodo per codificare, comprendere e perché no, scrivere il racconto perfetto?
Le trame di tutti i grandi romanzi non sono altro che scherzi sublimi cui la gente abbocca senza scampo, ogni volta”.
Kurt Vonnegut
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Da pochi giorni si è conclusa la quinta edizione milanese di “Bookpride”, evento che anche quest’anno ha registrato un notevole aumento di visitatori, si parla di quasi 40.000 presenze in un solo weekend, una cifra che porta a pensare che forse il numero di “avidi” lettori ed amanti dei libri è fortunatamente più alto di quello riportato da tutte le statistiche.  
Molti incontri ed eventi sono sati offerti nella “biblio-kermesse”, e in alcuni di questi si è tornati a parlare di uno dei più interessanti e controversi scrittori americani della seconda metà del secolo scorso: lo statunitense Kurt Vonnegut. Se non lo conoscete siete fortunati, avrete la possibilità di scoprire e leggere tutte le sue opere, ma per adesso accontentatevi di una vecchia e cara “Bustina di Minerva” scritta da Eco in occasione della sua morte nel 2007 e  della testimonianza che  Carlo Lucarelli dedicata al suo libro più famoso “Mattatoio n°5 o La crociata dei bambini”
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In una delle presentazioni di “Bookpride” si è parlato della sua influenza sulla letteratura contemporanea, non solo come scrittore, ma anche come saggista. Ovviamente sono stati citati i suoi otto arguti e ironici suggerimenti su come scrivere un buon racconto.
 1.    Fate in modo che i vostri lettori non pensino di aver sprecato tempo per leggervi.
2.    Date al lettore almeno un personaggio per cui possa fare apertamente il tifo.
3.    Ogni personaggio che si rispetti deve volere qualcosa, fosse anche solo un bicchiere d’acqua.
4.    Ogni frase deve fare una di queste due cose: rivelare il carattere di un personaggio o far progredire l’azione.
5.    Iniziate la narrazione il più possibile vicino alla fine.
6.    Siate sadici. Non importa quanto siano dolci e innocenti i protagonisti del vostro racconto: fategli accadere cose terribili, in modo che il lettore possa vedere di che pasta sono fatti.
7.    Scrivete per soddisfare un solo tipo di lettore. Se spalancate la finestra e vi mettete a fare l’amore con il mondo, per così dire, alla vostra storia verrà la polmonite.
8.    Date ai lettori più informazioni possibili, il più presto possibile. Al diavolo la suspense. I lettori devono avere una completa comprensione di ciò che accade, di come e di dove, al punto che dovrebbero essere in grado di terminare da soli la storia nel caso in cui gli scarafaggi si mangino le ultime pagine.
Ma il buon Vonnegut non si è limitato a fornire una lista di consigli per scrittori in erba. Da studente di antropologia all'Università di Chicago, elabora come tesi di laura quello che lui stesso anni dopo definirà: ”...il mio più bel contribuito alla cultura”.
In questo lavoro si ipotizza che tutte le storie hanno una forma che nasce seguendo lo sviluppo della felicità o disperazione dei protagonisti, e che queste forme possono essere disegnate graficamente su dei semplici assi cartesiani che riportano il grado di felicità/fortuna e l’evoluzione temporale del racconto.
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Esemplificativa è la fiaba di Cenerentola: si parte da una situazione molto triste, una serie di eventi positivi porta alla serata del ballo, poi con la perdita della scarpetta si ripiomba nella tristezza assoluta, e infine si ha l’inevitabile happy ending. Guardatevi un divertente filmato in cui è lo stesso Kurt Vonnegut a illustrare la sua “The shapes of stories”.
Nel corso degli anni questa congettura è stata accettata come caso di studio in molte università americane che ne  hanno sviluppato ed ampliato le premesse. Applicando il metodo a migliaia di romanzi e racconti  si arriva  all’inevitabile conclusione che i possibili modelli di struttura narrativa sono numericamente molto pochi, variano da un minimo di quattro ad un massimo di otto.
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Citiamo come esempio “Hedonometer”, un progetto internazionale di analisi dei Big Data, dove ricercatori australiani ed americani hanno analizzato i testi presenti sul sito del progetto gutenberg, isolando parole chiave indicative di felicità e tristezza e, trattandole in seguito con metodi di analisi dei gruppi, hanno identificato sei tipologie di trame.
L'immagine seguente è il risultato di questo metodo applicato a: “Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte” di JK Rowling.
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Probabilmente tutto questo vi sembrerà troppo arido poiché stiamo parlando di letteratura, ma converrete con noi che non lascia indifferenti.
Dimenticavamo di dirvi che alla fine la tesi di laurea non venne accettata, forse perché come dichiarò il suo autore “era così semplice e troppo divertente”, ma se abbiamo comunque suscitato il vostro interesse per quest’uomo, venite a conoscerlo meglio nelle nostre sedi dove potete trovare per esempio :
Mattattoio n°5, Il grande tiratore o La Colazione dei campioni
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ma anche i film tratti dai sui romanzi come   Confessione finale o Slaughterhouse-Five.
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Oppure approfittate di MLOL e leggetelo in digitale ovunque voi siate.
Prima di lasciarvi un ultimo consiglio: andate a leggervi un piccolo omaggio che zio Kurt ha dedicato a noi bibliotecari durante la presidenza di George W. Bush: “I love you madame librarian”.
 Buona lettura.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 9.7
Air Force Day (Pakistan)
Constitution Day (Fiji)
Feel the Love Day
Festa Della Rificolona begins (Paper Lantern Festival; Florence, Italy)
First Day of Peel Season
Fluidra International Pool Pro Day
Google Commemoration Day
Grandad’s Day
Grandma Moses Day
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies (UN)
Lusaka Peace Agreement Day (a.k.a. Victory Day; Mozambique)
Military Intelligence Day (Ukraine)
Miss America Day
National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day
National Buy A Book Day
National Grateful Patient Day
National Napoleon Day
National New Hampshire Day
National Threatened Species Day (Australia)
Neither Snow Nor Rain Day
Nijamati Sewa Divas (Civil Servants Day; Nepal)
Raggedy Ann Day
Roberto Clemente Day
Superhuman Day
Threatened Species Day (Australia)
Turn A Cartwheel in Public Day
Victory Day (Mozambique)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Acorn Squash Day
National Beer Lover’s Day
New England Apple Day
Porter's Porter Day
Salami Day
Independence Days
Brazil (from Portugal, 1822)
Feast Days
Alchmund and Tilberht (Christian; Saint)
Anastasius the Fuller (Christian; Saint)
The Apocalypse (Pastafarian)
Clodoald (a.k.a. Cloud; Christian; Saint)
Coulomb (Positivist; Saint)
Eunan (Christian; Saint)
Evurtius, Bishop of Orleans (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Durga (Goddess of Energy and the World)
Gratus of Aosta (Christian; Saint)
Grimonia (a.k.a. Germana; Christian; Saint)
Old Boyfriends/Girlfriends Remembrance Day (Pastafarian)
Stephen Pongracz (Christian; Saint)
Madelberte (Christian; Saint)
Marko Krizin (Christian; Saint)
Murray Monster (Muppetism)
Regina (Christian; Saint)
Susan St. James Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [26 of 32]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 41 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [43 of 60]
A Momentary Lapse of Reason, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1987)
Anna Karenina (Film; 2012)
Bad, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1987)
Buddy Holly, by Weezer (Song; 1994)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
Peppermint (Film; 2018)
Rock Star (Film; 2001)
SportsCenter (Sports TV Show; 1979)
3:10 to Yuma (Film; 2007)
True Blood (TV Series; 2008)
Video Killed the Radio Star, by The Buggles (1979)
Today’s Name Days
Ralph, Regina (Austria)
Marko, Memorije, Regina (Croatia)
Regína (Czech Republic)
Robert (Denmark)
Regiina, Reina (Estonia)
Arhippa, Arho, Milo, Miro (Finland)
Reine (France)
Otto, Ralph, Regina (Germany)
Casino, Sozon (Greece)
Regina (Hungary)
Grato (Italy)
Ermins, Regīna, Valdone (Latvia)
Bartas, Bartė, Palmira, Regina (Lithuania)
Regine, Rose (Norway)
Domasława, Domisława, Marek, Melchior, Regina, Rena, Ryszard (Poland)
Marianna (Slovakia)
Judit, Judith, Regina (Spain)
Kevin, Roy (Sweden)
Raegan, Raina, Rana, Rani, Reagan, Regan, Regina, Regine, Yale (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 250 of 2022; 115 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 36 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 12 (Gui-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 11 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 10 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 10 Aki; Twosday [10 of 30]
Julian: 25 August 2022
Moon: 90% Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Coulomb]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 78 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 15 of 31)
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