#Otis oc
cheekylittlepupp · 7 months
spawn kiss 🤍 ahh..the way he looks at you and holds your cheek...man...MAN
he's so...dfjkhgbdjhfgbj
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demon-lover-669 · 2 years
Slashers: *puts Y/N in an escape room to test their skills*
Y/n: *happily kissing the security camera when they notice it*
Slasher: *smiling the talks over the speaker* baby you have to try and escape….
Y/n: but it’s so cozy in here
Slasher: *sighs and goes to get their partner*
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simphic · 9 months
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Santa's little Rockstars
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wildgirllz · 2 years
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Slashers x bubbly!girlfriend:
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literallybyronic · 2 months
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creepedverse · 3 months
how would crv react to meeting their closest creepypasta counterparts
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nico's got the hots for bitches like jane.
Tobin and Toby would probably get on well if they could keep their egos in check. After getting over the initial weirded out phase of being so similar, they'd have their fun. They'd work together to be the most annoying duo on the planet and would make it their lifes goal to piss everyone off. Cuz its funny. And they have nothing better to do... Then when they get in trouble they'd both go back to their girls and both be scolded with a "Well what did I tell you?"
Tali and Clockwork would bond over their art, and mutual interest in dumbasses. They're both relatively laidback so they'd be good casual acquaintances. But nothing more than that. Tali would feel a bit relieved she found another girl who understands her, she's always struggled with that. She'd think the clock eye is badass.
Tommie and Tim/Masky aren't exactly 1:1 characters, but they have a lot in common. They probably wouldn't talk to each other, though. They'd do a lot of staring. Tommie would probably think Tim is cool, though. They could get along well enough.
Im really uncertain about it, but Shannon via concept could be closest to Toy Maker? This ask made me think myself into a ditch of who in the Creepypasta roster would be her counterparts.
Bonnie... might align best with Lulu? That or a very subdued version of Nina. She'd get along with both just fine, cuz they're all generally sweet girls... She'd just feel really awkward with Lulu and skeptical of Nina, but I think she could become friends if Nina is persistent
Dia and Bloody Painter would be very confused by each other but afterwards they’d definitely hit it off. Sharing their works with each other and giving tips and tricks when it comes to working with blood as a medium
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bra1nrot-exe · 18 days
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ltsmoving · 3 months
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is it really possible for an alien boy and a country boy to be in a relationship??
SILLY OLLY TIME. oliver and his big human farmer boyfriend otis and a few extras on the way ;0
(also ty for 600 followers, idk if i should do something special and if so what but i'm so surprised that so many people like my stuff sdofgh)
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nokonomi · 5 days
CreepyPasta OC. Yes guys I know I know I know I KNOW ANOTHER ONE WHY?!
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So uh, meet Louise/Luise, and SHE IS NOT EMO GUYS TRUST ME! (She is emo lol)
Okay so Uhm she basically grew up in a part of a rich neighborhood honestly to say, spoiled kid, but she didn’t like the attention she was receiving. Her parents always abused her to be “pretty” her mother had said to her that “beauty matters, nothing else!”
I So she was basically ripped of her childhood and instead forced to be a child diva which she didn’t want to be. What did she want to be? All she wanted to be was a lawyer or medical surgeon. Her father passed away and it was just her and her mother, which her mother was very abusive and always despised her, shrugging off that her supposed “depressive state” is caused by her lack of confidence and beauty.
is beauty all that matters though? She doesn’t know. Know hated and bullied, she constantly roams through the hallways of her school, being shoved for who she is now. She had to take pills at the age of 13 for some disorders she had before (which I will name later) when her mother found out she had disorders, her mother basically said she was a nobody. Instead of listening to her, Luise fought back and tackled her mom, got spanked a few times, and showed her the pain she grew up with being pressured to be pretty. She doesn’t care about being pretty. All she wanted was to have loving parents who could eventually tell her that they loved her for who she is. But she never got that. Murdered her mom and escaped the house into the woods, leaving a trail of her mom’s blood. There she met the strange faceless figure of the man who had been haunting her. The Operator/The Slenderman.
“Louise. You do not have to live in constant pain of being pressured to be pretty. Come and live with us, and you shall be free.”
Louise was horrified, but had the horrible decision to either go back or stay with this monster. She obviously panicked and over thought, and ended up passing out. Slenderman took that as a yes and took her in to the mansion, where she met the rest of the residents. From 17 to 23 now. Been at the mansion for 5 years. Now a proxy that works for Slenderman.
now for some facts! who does she target? well she targets cruel and abusive parents who force their kids to be pretty. She calls it “freedom”
why did she do this? To escape the torture of being pressured and abused to be pretty. When she had pimples, her mom basically tried giving her surgery by her own hand. Which meant she gave her surgery without any doctors or anything. It didn’t disfigure her skin but it did leave a gash she hides on her left eye.
what’s one of her disorders? PTSD, and Dissociative Amnesia Disorder. She cannot remember her past anymore, but for some reason when someone calls her “pretty” it causes her to go into a panicked state. Maybe because of her ruined childhood, that is. So avoid calling her pretty. so she won’t suffer.
is she Emo? YES SHE IS EMO. well she’s planning on dying her to hair to a more 2000s style but I LITERALLY CANNOT FIND A HAIR COLOR TO GO WITH BLACK RAAA. BE FAIR GREEN OR PURPLE? what an Emo girl. so Kawaii.
who does she get along with most? Honestly she gets along with people who make sure to give her a safe distance. She doesn’t really talk to anybody except for Liam/Cody (X-Virus) She warms up to the guy. (HE’s MY FAVORITE) Cody and her talk about trauma they had, so they both traumadump onto each other. For right now she is not ready for a relationship until further notice, but she still has a little (BIG) crush on him. Toby? He’s fine. Jeff? she doesn’t like him. but she still talks to him. just doesn’t like his behavior or anything at all. hates whenever he tries to bring up “OMG YOU ARE SO PRETTY!”
sexuality? she’s dated a few girls and boys back to back in Highschool, maybe if they weren’t such bitches she wouldn’t have ended up like this in the first place. Considering dating Liam/Cody maybe? but her sexuality is bisexual/straight. she had a little crush on Nina but realized she was probably taken by Kate so yeah no.
Ooooo! she looks up to Liu as a father figure since he is much older than her. he’s like the father she’s never had before. begs for him to make her cereal in the morning but her lazy ass is too lazy.
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loviatarsluv-old · 9 months
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puts him in my mouth and swallows him whole!!!!!!!!!!
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whumpsoda · 2 months
We Search For Stolen Personhood - A Hard Day
cw: pet whump, box boy universe/bbu adjacent, Institutionalized slavery, conditioned whumpees, collar, whumper turned whumpee, sick whumpee, recovering whumpee
Blowing dark, bouncing curls out from his line of sight, Florence sighed, shifting around in his bed to study the wooden planks that held up the top bunk. As expected there wasn’t exactly much to really see, but at least an hour had passed of simply struggling to sleep, and he was less interested in thinking. 
In remembering.
Sometimes - and he knew Isaac would disagree but occasionally he didn’t much care for what Isaac thought -  it proved bad for him to think. And that’s where it got confusing because Florence also knew now that it was bad to think that it was bad to think, but a good amount of time in his case thinking hurt, and it always hurt even before the safehouse, and if he thought too hard it would hurt so bad-
Shutting his eyes tight he sipped in a breath and held it, mind calming blank and empty. The whole day for him had been spent either falling in and out of consciousness, or down a rabbit hole of trying not to think but inevitably doing so. He needed to quiet his mind to silence, even if for only a second.
Maybe… just for a minute.
After a moment he released the air in his lungs, carefully sitting up in his bed for the first time that day. A pair of plaid pajamas were still draped around his body, a reminder of how good a spot he was in now. A spot he didn’t deserve, and never would. He knew well that fluffy pajamas were a luxury for him.
Striding to the closet he dug behind his neatly folded pile of clothes, bringing up an old memory he wasn’t supposed to have. Florence shook it off.
Stopping as his fingers brushed leather, he swallowed.
He spit a shaky breath as he strapped the collar around his throat, eyes shifting to the door and lingering there, just waiting for someone to walk in and catch him. Secretly he hoped someone would, just so he’d have something else to beat himself up about.
Kneeling down, just as he would before Mr. Franklin and Mistress Charlotte, he curled his hands in his lap. Closing his eyes tight, he sat silently. Like he would when no one needed him, when he had no duties to fulfill.
He itched at the numbers tattooed across his arm. In his mind, when he was a pet, he couldn’t be a handler.
As soon as it had began, it was over. Gracefully he took it off, setting it back into place where no one would find it. He took one more deep, filling breath, shaking the nerves out from his hands, and turned to the door.
The path toward the living room proved oddly difficult, Florence constantly debating whether he really should, or shouldn’t, even when he knew the correct answer. He would take a step to the door, then two steps back, then one step forward. Like he always did. 
Eventually he made his way out though, to find the television on as a distraction for the other rescues as all of the real adults made their ways about the kitchen.
Atop the couch were all the pets sitting huddled together - and by all of them there were only two because the newest ones were surely not ready to venture out just yet - with Calvin by their side. Like some babysitter. He didn’t know why that irked him, why stinging heat rose from his chest, but it did. 
“Oh, hello dear.” Edith greeted with a weak, half smile as he made his way into the kitchen. The lines of her face were deeper that day, telling him all he needed to know about how the new pets were doing.
“Can I do something to help? Anything?” Florence met her expression, exhaustion scrawled across her face. “I’ve been slacking off today.” He laughed a little, sheepishly, playing it off like a joke. He knew they took it better that way, even if everyone - including him - was well aware he wasn’t really kidding.
Edith never laughed back. She only patted his shoulder with a solemn smile. “How about you just join the others on the couch. You’ve had a hard day.”
Belly tensing, Florence bit his lip. 
A hard day.
As if. While everyone else was probably taking care of chores and the new rescues, worrying about him even, he was sleeping the day away with the pathetic excuse of his mind. 
“I…  please? I need to.” Jaw working, his expression hardened. It was always odd to be pleading to have a task to do, when that had previously been his whole life. “I have to. I’ll do anything.”
“Alright then. Would you mind taking this to Isaac? She’s with the newest pair.” Her cheeks smushed her eyes as she smiled, wearily but kind as always. “And then you can join the others with their movie.”
Florence gladly took the medecine bottle from her. “Yes, ma’am.” He said, again, humorously but not. 
Edith playfully rolled her eyes, but he could practically hear the way it flipped to concern as he walked off.
“Florence!” Isaac whisper-exclaimed, eyes widening as he entered the blue room.
“Isaac!” He parroted, playing up the fake surprise as he jokingly mocked her. She huffed a soft laugh, taking the bottle from him before turning back to the task at hand. 
She was sat beside what looked to be a large roll of blankets, which he soon found to be one of the newest pets. He was curled up in a ball of disease, whimpering with affliction.
Putting on the same tone Edith always did, calm and soothing, Florence kneeled beside Isaac and the pet on the floor. “Hi there.” 
Gradually opening his squinting eyes, the pet growled, a low and animalistic whine, a mixture of anger and pain. Hugging his stuffed animal tighter he shifted away, shielding himself, back tapping against the frame of the bed.
For a moment Florence saw this pet as so many different ones, an array of them keeled over for so many different reasons. The root of it always him.
One of them he remembered well, floating to the surface among the others. With bright, skittering eyes and gritted teeth they had fought so well, screaming, biting, and kicking so desperately before he’d beaten them down until they broke. 
All of it with a smile.
A flicker of hot, a quick flash of white, digging his nails into the flesh of his arms as his two rows of teeth ground over one another. Florence swallowed, hard, taking in a shaky breath to stabilize himself. Isaac gently placed her hand over his.
Sticking his arms to his side as he stood to his feet, his gaze lifted with him, meeting that of another. The other pet, he realized, almost forgetting there were two. 
This one stared back, eyes wide and glimmering in the light of the doorway. He sat, tucked into a corner between the bed and dresser, wound in on himself. He held his head low, almost purposefully, hiding his face with his overgrown bangs. 
Florence could see himself in him, clear as day. He was the same when he’d first entered the safe house, holed up under his bed and not speaking a word. Most of the time he wished he could go back to then, when he knew how to keep quiet and do as he was told. When he didn’t know who he was, what he could be, or who he had been.
So he waved. Just a little one, catching the pet’s eye. And he waved back.
He gave a grin before he turned to leave, the pet digging his head further into his knees, and hiding his flushed face.
Flopping onto the couch, Florence fell right between Joey and Otis with a grunt. “Hey.”
“Hello.” Joey greeted, the pair turning to meet his gaze as he slumped down. After a moment she plopped back beside him, resting her head to his shoulder.
Otis cocked their head. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Not really.”
“Were you sick too?” Calvin asked, an innocent look of concern. Sometimes - well, most of the time - Calvin just didn’t get it. Sometimes he’d be plainly, annoyingly clueless, and Florence couldn’t help but grit his teeth.
“Nope.” He replied, keeping his eyes on the screen as he snickered. One of Otis’ favorite movies played, one they always chose when it was their turn to pick a film. No one ever complained about having to watch it over and over again. They’d always said it was a comfort movie for them back from before. “It’s a pet thing. You wouldn’t really get it.”
“O- oh. Sorry.” Calvin mumbled sheepishly, a half baked smile rising on his face, burning guilt in Florence’s belly.
Why was he always such an unnecessary dick? It only revealed his past peeking it’s way through, displaying the asshole in him wasn’t really gone. Just living on beneath Florence, rearing his ugly head whenever he felt fit. Maybe that’s why he was trained to keep his stupid fucking mouth shut.
It was definitely better that way.
Taglist - @softvampirewhump @ivymyers @taterswhump @octopus-reactivated @tippytappytyping
@distracted-obsessions @starfields08000 @bitchaknso @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
If anyone wants to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know! :)
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system-architect · 5 months
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dumping my silly little inquest biotechnics divison related doodlings/Book Redraws?? here before i have to move and potentially lose access to my computer lmao. they dont make sense to anyone but me and sasha but its fine im jettisoning them out onto the internet anyway
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demon-lover-669 · 2 years
Y/n: people flirt all the time!
Slasher: yeah I know.
Y/n: so that means! I-
Slasher: nope! Not you I own your ass!
Y/n: *looks around and at their hands*
Slasher: what are you looking for?
Y/n: my god damn wedding ring that says I’m yours!
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i-wanna-eat-ur-flesh · 3 months
Otis Driftwood<3
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Otis’s victim!!!
Ignore the shitty hand lmao
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finnmertenss · 4 months
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"You...you are full of surprises, aren't you?"
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justalilmiqo · 1 month
7.0 Spoilers!!
What if I took my Sphene redesign and immediately used it for evil (a roleswap au)
Despite my initial feelings about Sphene in MSQ I know she was right and Ari would have done something similar to her, she's too susceptible to feels and under different circumstances would want to keep her people alive no matter the cost.
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