#Orophin x human!reader
elfy-elf-imagines · 1 year
▹ Masterlist .ೃ࿐
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☾ Prompt List | Askbox ☽
- Elven Instinct - Lost in the Labyrinth of My Mind - Epiphany - Courting a Human (Headcanons) - Fear of the Future - Adventurer from Earth (Headcanons) - First Kiss 
- Out of the Woods - Don’t Leave Me - Don’t Care If You Leave - Stop Pretending - Jealous - Light in the Dark - Jealous Headcanons
- I’m pregnant - You Come and Wake Me Up at 4am, To Cuddle - Finrod x Pregnant!reader (Headcanons) - Used to Be Mine | Part 2  - Choose Me
- Tolerate It - To Meet Under the Stars - In the Fields of Poppy - Same Spirit, Different Body - Too Late - Begin Again
- Don’t Cry - Small Surprises  - You Wake Me Up to Cuddle
- Champagne Problems | Part 2
- Lovely to be Rained on with You - Is that my Shirt? (Drabble) - Not so Hopeless (Drabble) - You’re Mine and I Don’t Share (Drabble) - To Lose is to Die
 - Please Don’t Cry. I Can’t Stand to See You Cry (Drabble) - Stop Biting that Fucking Lip (Drabble) - Meeting Haldir (Headcanons) - Rewrite the Stars 
- Being in Love (Headcanons) - The Fickleness of Mortals - Return to Me | Part 2
- General Headcanons - Bite Me - Cruel Summer 
- High Fever
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Scary Stories
Fotfictober Prompts: 7 - Scary Stories
Summary: Rúmil and Orophin start telling some scary stories around the campfire that there Patrol was camped around little did they know the story the told was true no it wasn't it was just you coming back from collecting fire wood deciding to scare them
Pairing(s): Haldir x Reader
Characters: Haldir, Reader, Rúmil, Orophin, Faelyn, Faeron, Valkor
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You had gone off to collect some more firewood for the fire, your brother Faelyn and Haldir both advised against it, but you ignored them Rúmil and Orophin thought it was a good time to tell scary stories, given October had fallen already they thought it was the perfect time, the wood was dark save from the moonlight and there fire.
"As the tale goes, the wendigo was once a lost hunter. During a brutally cold winter, this man’s intense hunger drove him to cannibalism. After feasting on another human’s flesh, he transformed into a crazed man-beast, roaming the forest in search of more people to eat. or that is at least what my friend from the race of man says, The Fëanorian Faeron seems to fit it perfectly, the Lost prince of the Noldor is a wendigo" Rúmil said there was a deep gutturally animalistic scream, Rúmil jumped at it, making Faelyn laugh
"Are you scared of your own story" Faelyn said not noticing what was behind him, Rúmil screamed at the glowing red eyes and the dark mist coming from the creature, of course the creature was not real
you watched from a tree with Valkor and Faeron at Rúmil succumbing to Valkor's illusions of his Wendigo story
"It's real, it's real, can't you see it" Rúmil said pointing behind Faelyn Orophin, Haldir and Faelyn looked behind Faelyn to see nothing
"Nothing is there" Haldir said
"Your acting isn't convincing us of anything" Faelyn said, Valkor shared the illusion to orophin
"No he is right it is real" Orophin said watching the blood drip from the Wendigo's mouth
"No it isn't it is just a false tale from the race of men" Haldir said, you jumped the twins from behand
"RAWR" you yelled at them making them yell in fright they looked back to where the wendigo was to see nothing there.
"Thats not funny, Y/n, you shouldn't play a prank like that again" Rúmil said
"Says the one who does it even when asked to stop, don't be such a hypocrite Rúmil it was only a bit of fun" you said
"How did you even do that, it looked so realistic" Orophin said
"My Mellon Has the ability to cast illusions and dreams into some ones mind, all I had to do was Talk him and his boyfriend into scaring you, his boyfriend was the growl and scream you heard, and alas you had my girlish scream to convince you" You said laughing and Rúmil pushed you
"Your mean and cruel" Rúmil said
"I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine and cheering my friends up playing a childish prank like they used to do two birds one stone" You said
"It's Rúmil idea, all the pranks are his, he just drags me into them, why must you do it to me as well" Orophin said
"Stop lying, dumping those leaves on Y/n was your idea" Rúmil said the twins argued with eachother
"Worth it" you said sitting down besides haldir
"Did you really have to do that, now i have to deal with them" Haldir muttered to you
"Hey maybe they will stop and think the next time they prank one of us, or they will rope me into there pranks" You said placing a kiss on your lovers forehead, Haldir sighed as he rested his head on your shoulder, your brother was trying to stop the two from injuring each other, you stroked Haldir's hair and put it behind his ear
"You and Faelyn are twins right how come you never fight" Haldir said
"When a dark lord separates you, you truly realize how much the other means to you, I don't wish to harm him whenever we have an argument due to the fact he was taken and he doesn't wish to harm me with what happened there on accident" you said as you started to braid Haldir's hair while watching the three cause chaos
"We could try and sleep this away" Haldir said making you chuckle
"You are free to if you wish" You said.
Elvish Translation:
Mellon - Friend
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heilith · 2 years
2 and 13 for the fic ask, please <3
Thank you! :D
2. Favorite piece overall?
Of mine? For now it's a tie between Touchy Feely (for us Boromir simps) and Dragon's Share (a modern settings AU, Thranduil x reader, Human!Smaug x reader)
Also, Sing, Princess (Orophin x reader) holds a very special place in my heart.
13. Are there any things that might have happened in any of your stories, but you changed them at the last minute? (So-and-so dies, they don't actually kiss, main character has long extended ballet-based dream sequence, etc.)
In the Middle (Elrond x reader, Lindir x reader) wasn't supposed to be a dramatic love triangle - just another random kiss. Absolutely nothing was whispering it. And then it just happened, literally 1/3 of the total word count in. You never know.
(blows you a kiss) <3
Oh, and there was more smut instead of murder in A Stand In, lol. :)
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deep-space-elf · 3 years
Haldir x Reader Masterlist
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Masterlist: Desktop  On Ao3: Haldir x Reader Collection || The Reader in Middle Earth Series
⦃Relaxing⦄ - [Read on Ao3] Summary: Haldir relaxes after spending a long time at the borders. Y/N comes along and keeps him company. Word Count: 255
⦃Stargazing⦄ - [Read on Ao3] Summary: Haldir and the Reader spend the evening stargazing Word Count: 206
Come Back to Me ⦃Part One⦄ - [Ao3 Link] Summary: The Reader, Rúmil and Orophin worry about Haldir when he leaves for Helm’s Deep. Word Count: 1.385 Warnings: Angst, mention of possible death, injury (NO detailed description), blood   Come Back to Me ⦃Part Two⦄ - [Ao3 Link] Summary: Haldir is back from Helm’s Deep, but has suffered a terrible wound. The Reader tries her best to be there for him Word Count: 1.173 Warnings: Angst, mention of possible death, Injury (no detailed description), character being in pain
One Shots:
⦃Jealousy⦄ - [Ao3 Link] Summary: The Felloship arrived in Lothlorien and Y/N is happy to see her friend Legolas again. Haldir isn’t so thrilled about they reunion… Word Count: 845
⦃Unwanted⦄ - [Ao3 Link] Summary: Y/N is fed up with her crush on Haldir, thinking he’d never return her feelings for him. She plans on doing everything she can to stop this stupid infatuation but thanks to Rúmil her plan is doomed to fail. Word Count: 1770
★ Meeting Haldir and slowly falling in love  [Ao3 Link] ★ Having a Rough Time  [Ao3 Link] ★ Starting a relationship with Haldir [Ao3 Link] ★ Haldir proposes to you [Ao3 Link]
★ Imagine Haldir trying to teach you how to use a bow  [Ao3 Link] ★ Imagine overhearing Haldir asking Legolas if you’re taken  [Ao3 Link] ★ Imagine being friends with Rumil and having a crush on Haldir   ★ Imagine Having breakfast in bed with Haldir  [Ao3 Link] ★ Imagine Haldir consoling you after you had to cut your hair short   [Ao3 Link] ★ Imagine Haldir showing off in front of you  [Ao3 Link]
★ Thranduil, Haldir & Lindir when the human!Reader is ill  
If you want to be tagged, let me know! :)
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
Next to You
Prompt: Injury + angst (Content Challenge Day 3)
Pairing: Haldir x Female Reader
Rating: T
Word count: 1086
Warnings: Angst, serious injury (non-graphic), near-death
Challenge participants: @game-ofthe-company @grunid @themerriweathermage @errruvande @the-reformed-ringwraith 
A/n Hello! Welcome to Day 3 of my content challenge! You can find the challenge’s masterlist here and my personal masterlist here. While planning this fic, I listened to “Next to You” by Little Big Town, so that’s where I got the title from. As always, likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated, and let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list. Okay, happy (or sad) reading :)
Translations: Melethronen - My beloved (masculine form) // Meleth e-Guilen- love of my life
The moment I hear the creak, I’m on my feet. Whether it be friend or foe on the other side of those doors, I’m getting out of here.
I still cannot believe he tricked me into getting locked in the cave. Sure, I’m not as experienced a fighter as he, but it is not as if I am without skill. I came with the armed company for a reason, I should have been at the battle.
The human women regard me curiously, wondering if my ears have picked up on something theirs have not. Ignoring their questioning and fearful stares, I plant myself at an angle to the side of one of the large doors, knives at the ready.
The doors push inward, and gasps of joy fill the air — for it is men who greet us, not orc.
Retuning my knives to their scabbards, I run past this group of battle-weary soldiers in search of my own. I catch fleeting glances of various ellyn who traveled with us, though I can’t let myself relax or share in the happiness of their safety. Not until…
Aragorn’s voice travels from my right, and I whip my head in his direction. He is filthy, soaking wet, and covered in various cuts and bruises, but he is alive.
My sigh of relief is stolen the moment I see his face.
“Oh gods,” I whimper, my body seizing with dread. I do not remember how to take in breath, and my lungs ache for it. Sharp pain shoots up my knees, and Aragorn’s rough hands grip my shoulders, pulling me from the ground.
“Come quickly,” he mutters, dragging me through the crowds.
I break through the initial shock, and my mind puts the pieces together. Aragorn said to come quickly which means he’s not dead…not—not…not yet. With that, I break into a sprint, and Aragorn, exhausted though he must be, speeds up too, leading me to the Halls of Healing.
I burst through the open doors, turning my head violently to see every angle of the room. Any spot that can be used for triage is occupied, and the hall reeks with the smell of the dead and dying. Just when I think he is not here and am ready to accuse Aragorn of taking me to the wrong place, I see three heads of perfect blond hair, and I choke on a sob.
Stumbling over bedrolls and piles of medical supplies, I push through the cavernous room, stopping just behind the two straight-backed ellyn I know as well as my own family.
Orophin turns first, and when he realizes it’s me, his face contorts in pained grief.
I don’t want to go any closer.
I don’t want to see my husband, my favorite person in all the world, the only one I’ll ever love, lying lifeless and in pain.
But I will not abandon him now. Tears blur my vision as I step forward—
And nearly collapse again.
It is only Rumil’s arms that keep me upright, and I bring a shaking hand to my mouth, trying to force back the cries ripping from my throat.
Haldir’s head sways, and he flutters open unfocused eyes.
“Oh,” I gasp, pushing myself from Rumil’s hold and trying to pull myself together. Haldir needs you right now. You can do whatever you have to do later. For now, focus on him…focus on him while—while you still can.
As gently as possible, I sit on the edge of his bed, careful to avoid causing him further pain. He looks so exhausted, so weak. I’ve never seen him like this before. I trail my eyes over his body, assessing the extensive damage. When it becomes too much, I make myself focus only on his face—on the curve of his lips, the dark lashes brushing over pale cheeks, the strong jaw. It brings me a small measure of peace and allows me to find my voice. “Melethronen?”
With effort, his eyes meet mine, and the clouds in them recede slightly. “Meleth e-Guilen,” he rasps, managing a small smile.
I can’t stop myself from reaching a hand to hold one of his. “Haldir, I forbid you from dying.” My voice wavers, and with my free hand, I try to wipe away the rapidly-falling tears. “I am quite angry with you for keeping me out of the fight, and I need you to get better so I can yell at you.”
The only sign that he hears me is the slight twitch of the fingers I hold in mine.
Panic sears through my chest, and I tear my eyes away from Haldir’s to turn to his brothers. “Where is his healer? Why is he left alone like this?” Distantly, I realize I must sound like a whining child. All around us, valiant soldiers fight for their lives, and those are the ones who were lucky enough to make it off the battlefield.
But they are not my world.
Rumil clears his throat, and I see that his eyes burn red from too long spent crying. “Um,” he sniffs, looking to the ground, then back to me. “The healer did what she could, and Orophin and I have spoken every elvish healing incantation we know. His wounds have been packed and disinfected but—” he shudders and lets his eyes fall to the ground, shaking his head and refusing to speak any further.
Orophin takes over, placing a steadying hand on his younger brother’s shoulder. “There is nothing more that can be done. The healers say — they say it will be a miracle if he survives the night.”
It is like I have been run through with a serrated blade.
I squeeze my eyes shut before turning back to Haldir, not wanting him to know the agony I feel. I do not want him to see me like this. When I have myself under control, I open my eyes once more, meeting my favorite lakes of ice-blue. Though he is weak and exhausted, his eyes hold the same determination they always do, and that strengthens me with a small flicker of hope. If anyone can pull through this, Haldir can.
I curl myself at the foot of the bed and rest my head on his thigh, not taking my gaze from his face. Following my lead, Orophin and Rumil kneel on either side of the bed.
Together, we stay awake, and wait for a miracle.
A/n I’m sorry 
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elfy-elf-imagines · 4 years
Cruel Summer | Orophin
Pairing: Orophin x Human!reader
Genre: Angst with some fluff at the end
Warnings: Heartbreak; unrequited feelings...??
Words: ~5,222 (oh boy is it a long one)
Note: If you’d like to be added to a tag list for any of my works, there’s a link on my page! I hope you all enjoy this one, it was a real treat to write! ♡
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“I didn’t realise a forest could be so beautiful,” you whispered, staring in awe at the towering trees that shined like silver. The night sky was nothing new to you, nor the moon and the stars, yet they seemed more captivating in Lothlorien than anywhere else. The moon burned as bright if not brighter than the sun, illuminating everything in its silvery glow. Stars dotted the sky, glistening like bright torches in a dark room. 
Lothlorien had been beautiful during the day time, the golden leaves so vibrant and unreal, you could swear someone painted them. You’d thought that beauty would be unmatched until night fell. Everything once golden and blinding is now soft and silver, the trees glittering like fine jewels. And it was perfect, the inner peace and calm Lothlorien brought to you was unmatched. 
The sound of footsteps came from behind, gaining your attention. Turning around you see Orophin, still wearing his grey cloak that marked him a Warden of Lorien and the light armor all the rangers wore. His silvery hair that would’ve put any Targaryen to shame was pulled back in its typical fashion. He was beautiful-- well all elves were beautiful, something you’d learned rather quickly, but Orophin radiated another type of beauty. His beauty was more akin to a predator luring in it’s prey of choice with enchanting words and a pretty face, luring you into a thrilling game you always lost. 
You knew he was dangerous, an alarm in the back of your mind going off every time he gets too close or graces you with a look that was lethal to your wellbeing. But instead of sending you running like it should have, it lured you in closer and closer, like a moth drawn to a flame. It’s dangerous-- he’s dangerous. 
But you never seem to listen.
“I ithil a elena thind in ennerion na i er nin,” he said, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. A smile that promised nothing but pain and heartbreak, but also the thrill that comes with gambling, even when you know you’re going to lose. And you will lose, it’s just a matter of when and not if. 
“That’s not fair, you know I can hardly understand Sindarin, especially not when you speak it so fast,” you said, your eyebrows furrowing the slightest as you scowled. Orophin raised an ashen eyebrow at you, and you couldn’t help but feel envious at the lack of lines on his perfectly smooth forehead. His grin widened as his eyes glinted with mischief, and slowly like a prowling lion, he moved towards you.
 “I said, you are beautiful my dear, but you would’ve known that if you would pay attention during our lessons.” he said, eyes noticeably tracing your form. Your face flushed red immediately, images of you and Orophin, tangled together in your room, nothing but a sweaty flustered mess in your bed. Heat spread through your body as you remembered his icy lips on your hot body. 
And he knew it, that bastard knew the effect he had on you. It was obvious in his expression, like a cat that got the cream. 
“Or maybe you aren’t as great of a teacher as you like to think?” you shot back, mentally throwing ice cold water on yourself. Get a grip you idiot! 
“Oh? My lady wounds me! How will I ever hope to recover from such harsh words? Please, tell Rumil I’ve never enjoyed his singing and tell Haldir ho na burui hon in a adaneth,” he proclaimed, snickering towards the end. You pinched the bridge of your nose and exhaled loudly. 
“Orophin! How am I supposed to tell Haldir what you said… if I can’t understand you?” 
Three steps.
Orophin waas close enough that you’re sure he could hear how rapidly your heart was beating against your chest, how uneven and shallow you breathing was. His eyes glanced down your form, slowly travelling back up to your face. His pale blue eyes glittered like sapphires as his soft hand reached out to touch you. His long fingers delicately traced your body, leaving you a shivering mess as you attempted to maintain a calm composure. Your head was nothing but static as your face grew hotter with each passing second, despite the cold air hitting you.
“Well then perhaps we continue those lessons?” he asked, the smirk on his face growing wider with each unsteady inhale of air. 
“Right now?” you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
He simply nodded his head, his smirk turning into a full blown grin. It was wicked and fatal and positively sinful. You attempted to pull back, your mind screaming at you to not fall back into what you knew to be a honey trap. But instead of backwards you moved forward, desperate to get as close as physically possible to him, but even then it wasn’t enough.  
“But someone could see, the Warden’s heavily patrol this close to the city,” you said, eyes widening a fraction as you stare up at Orophin. His finger moves up your body and to your face, tracing your cheekbones with a phantom touch. 
“Let’s hope they have enough courtesy to not interrupt, these lessons are paramount to your stay here in Galadhrim.” 
Before you could even breath, he brought his face down towards the crook of your neck. And when his face was only a few centimeters away from making contact with your skin, he paused. The warm breath that hit your skin felt like a frost storm compared to the heat building in you.
“Im innas na harno cin, nin lend lóth” 
“Im innas na harno cin, nin lend lóth.” The phrase felt jagged and rough, the elven dialect still foreign from your lips, while Orophin’s were smooth as silk. 
“Good, it seems you’ve learned more than originally thought,” he muttered, the vibration of his voice sent a shiver up your spine, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. You couldn’t do anything, your mind nothing more than a pile of mush.  All you can do is nod, anticipating the next move Orophin made. 
“What does it mean?” you asked, voice so quiet you were sure he didn’t hear.
After what seemed like eternity, but in reality was only a minute, Orphan placed his soft lips against your neck, leaving behind feather light kisses as he moved up your neck, onto your jawline, and up towards your cheeks. He pulled away just a hair as you watched him with wide eyes, desperate for him to do something. 
“It means, my dear, we have a long night ahead of us.” he whispered. He graced you with one more wicked grin before closing the gap between the two of you, his lips firmly pressed against yours.  
The pillow beneath your neck was plush and soft, your body nearly melting into a puddle, sinking into the heavenly mattress that supported your tense body. A silk blanket was haphazardly strewn across your body, crumpled and bunching in places. As was usual in Lothlorien, the night sky was beautiful. From your location, the moon was out of sight, but the stars burned so bright you hardly noticed as their light trickled in from the open roof of your talan. The air was cooling against your hot skin, a welcomed change in temperature. 
The soft melody of elves singing in the distance would normally lull you to sleep, their angelic voices drawing out your thoughts, but tonight it grated against your ears. You clenched the delicate blanket in your hands, finger causing crinkles in the soft fabric as it threatened to tear. But you weren’t mad at them or their heavenly singing that was without a single flaw, no it was something unrelated to singing, but very much including elves. 
“Are you trying to ruin your duvet, meril nin,” 
And like clockwork, the very source of your anger and confusion waltzed into your room as if it was his. The lighthearted easiness he carried himself with was a matching set to the smirk that always seemed to be tugging on his lips. But his eyes, his eyes were different this time. You were never good at reading people, even worse when it came to elves who’ve had hundreds of years to practice controlling their emotions. Yet even you could tell there was something different in them tonight. Maybe it was the starlight and the way it shined down upon him, casting a halo atop his beautiful silvery hair. A part of you wondered if you could cut a piece and sell it off to an unsuspecting merchant and pass it off as silver that’s been turned to thread. 
“What do you want Orophin, it’s late?” your tone was exasperated and tired. It always seemed like one thing or another with Orophin that would just leave you more confused than sated. 
“To see you of course!” he exclaimed, a jovial expression perfectly placed on his face. His eyes were alight with wonder and excitement, his lips curling into a grin filled with promises of fun and bad ideas. 
“Well I need to sleep.” 
He just raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at you, but otherwise seemed undeterred. He took long strides towards your bed, closing the already miniscule distance between the two of you. Before you could even blink more than three times, he sat on your bed, languidly leaning back until he was lying atop your thighs. He looked at you with wide eyes and fluttered his lashes at you. 
“Why are you so grumpy, meril? I thought humans had fun,” he teased, lifting his hand and tapping the end of your nose with his finger, booping you like a cute pet. You couldn’t tell if it was demeaning or downright adorable. 
“I’m not grumpy.”
“Yes you are my dear.” He pushed himself up just enough to swing one leg over you, now straddling your thighs. He began crawling up your body until his knees were flesh with your hips, hands resting beside your head. He leaned down, until there was only a few inches in between. 
Your skin was on fire, burning hotter and hotter with each second that passed. Your eyes searched his face for anything to clue you in on his motives, despite already knowing them. Maybe you were just hoping for something different than the usual procedure. 
“Perhaps I can offer some assistance?”
A smirk appeared on his face, eyes shining in the pale light streaming in from the open rooftop. It was trouble, you knew that, but maybe the fallout wouldn’t be so bad. So against your better judgement, you leaned forward, connecting your lips with his. 
His lips were as sweet and soft as they normally were, the scent of him lulling you deeper and deeper into euphoric bliss, like a wave pulling you deeper and deeper into the ocean. All reason left your brain, the only thing it could focus on being him and the feeling of his body pressed against you. You reach a hand up, tangling it in his silver hair. It slides through your fingertips like silk, falling from your hand like a waterfall. Your hand wandered up until you met the braids that held the front pieces of his hair back. You scrape your fingers along his scalp before trailing your hand down. You graze the very tip of his ear, light as a feather. 
He lets out a gasp, the sound swallowed by your mouth. He pulls away for a moment, migrating his lips from your mouth down and down until he’s leaving angel kisses along your neck. 
Then like being woken from a deep sleep with a piercing scream, your eyes shot open. You pull your hands away from Orophin, cradling your hand as if he burnt the flesh. You sit up and attempt to catch your breath, feeling like you ran 10 miles without a break. 
“We need to stop.”
“Why meril?” a sly smirk appeared on his face, as he began to crawl towards you to close the new distance between you two, only pausing when you held a hand out. 
“I’m serious, Orophin,” your voice was stern and confident, the opposite of the chaos that was in your brain. Worldesly, he moves off of you, opting to sit on the other side of you, feet hanging over the side of the bed. 
“What is it?” 
“What are we?” you said, he opens his mouth, but you cut him off, already not liking the glint in his eyes. “I’m being serious.”
A sigh escaped his mouth, causing your heart rate to increase and your anxiety to kick into overdrive. 
The dreaded conversation you always knew would come. 
“I thought we were just, you know, having fun.” The words cut into you like a knife, the pain almost physical. 
“It’s just, it’s difficult, I thought you knew that.” he said, some frustration leaking into his voice, whether it was directed at you or him, you didn’t know. “Us together would just be too difficult.” The knife embedded in your heart twists. 
“How can you say that when we aren’t even trying?” you exclaimed, the words rushed and your voice crackling at odd spots. 
“Because I know it to be true.” he said. His voice was short and cold, something you never associated with the warmth Orophin usually radiated. 
You stutter, your brain short circuiting as you attempt to process everything. 
And when your brain finally caught up, Orophin was gone, disappearing into the night.
“You lean too heavily to your right, did you know that?”
You jumped, not far, but enough to break the intense concentration you moments prior had. In your fright, the hand tightly gripping the bow string loosen and before you could react the arrow was released. It pathetically sailed through the arrow, bearing too far to the right. It only managed to get halfway through the training ground before it fell to the ground, like a limp noodle.
Whirling your body, a scowl overcoming your face, you saw Orophin. He was only a few paces away from you, holding a bright red apple that he brought to his mouth and took a bite from. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes when he started making exaggerated noises of delight, his eyes shut as if the apple was the most euphoric thing he'd tasted. 
“What was that for?” you exclaimed, your very short fuse exploding. “You ruined a perfectly good shot!”
 He finished chewing the piece of apple he bit off and then tossed it into the trees. One ashen eyebrow quirked at you as Orophin sauntered towards you, walking with the relaxed confidence only he could manage and a sly smirk on his face. Like clockwork, your heart began pounding in your chest and your face heated up. 
And he knew it too, you could see it in the way his smirk widened just a fraction and his eyes lit up with amusement. 
So you just scowled deeper, narrowing your eyes at him in hope of convincing not only him, but yourself that he didn’t have any effect on you. 
Biggest lie of the century. 
“If it was perfectly good it would’ve hit the target?” he said, his words teasing and light. 
“Well it would’ve if you didn’t distract me!” you replied. You were seething, not because of the arrow, but because of Orophin. He was confusing and infuriating, and perfect in every way. And you hated yourself, hated yourself because you couldn’t hate him, not really. 
“Are you saying I’m distracting? My lady, I am flattered that you can’t focus on anything just by merely hearing my voice!” he exclaimed, smirk contorting into a full blown smile. It’s blindingly bright and captivating, everything the sun shining down on Lothlorien was. 
“That’s not that I said you i-idiot!” 
“Really? That’s what I heard,” he replied, closing the distance between the two of you. He stopped a few inches away from you, close enough that you could hear his heartbeat and feel his breath fanning against you, and if you tried hard enough, you’d momentarily make contact if you breathed hard enough. The intoxicating scent of trees, rain, and something else that was distinctly Orophin. You hated how dizzy it made you feel and you hated that it was easily the sweetest smell you’ve experienced. 
He placed his hand on your tense shoulder and began to turn your body. With eyebrows that nearly touched your hairline, you opened your mouth, prepared to demand to know his intentions, but nothing came out except for a pitiful squawk. He turned your body until you were facing the direction of the training field, staring straight at the target you previously attempted to hit. 
“Relax, you’re as tense as Haldir when we’re on patrol.” He practically purred in your ear, the air from his words tickling your ear in a way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. 
“What are you doing?” You were cautious and on high alert, full well knowing how things with Orophin usually ended. 
“Fixing your form. it’s not bad for a human, but you’re with the Eldar now,” he whispered. Orophin wrapped one arm around your waist and brought the other one to rest underneath the elbow of your bow arm. His touch was light and delicate, feeling more like the caress of a ghost than a corporeal person. And like a machine, you brought the bow up into position, placing a fresh arrow into proper position with a single fluid movement. 
“I also wanted to apologize for last night. I should not have stormed out the way I did.”
“It’s okay,” you said, your voice hoarse and rough, like a sharp rock.
“It’s not, but I appreciate the sentiment. Now let’s get back to the archery lesson, mell nin.”
“Mell nin. That means my dear?” You turned to face him, eyes widened like a doe as you carefully watched his face. His eyes locked with yours, his grip on you tightening ever so slightly. He grinned at you with a look more radiant and shining than before. Gods, you could go blind if you stared at him for too long, but it would be worth it. Blindness wouldn’t be so bad if his face would be burned into your mind for the rest of your life. 
“You’ve been catching on”
“Sometimes I listen,” you replied, keeping your voice low so as to not disturb the quiet aura that encapsulated the two of you. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Orophin this soft with you, usually he was all mischief and sex appeal. But now he was… at ease and relaxed, like he didn’t have to put on any airs. 
It was… nice.
Your lips tilted upwards as your eyes shined like starlight. Your erratic heartbeat slowed until it was in time with Orophin’s. Your eyes flickered down to his lips then back to his eyes. He followed your movements, not eyeing you like a predator but with… something else. Something you’ve seen the elves share with their husband or wife, the type of softness and vulnerability only present with someone you really care about. 
And you know, without a shadow of a doubt where Orophin’s thoughts stood seeing as he verbalised them last night in your room. You knew he didn't see this going anywhere permanent. Yet the look in his eyes and the complete ease he has around you says otherwise.
And then it’s suddenly cold. And before you have a chance to even blink, Orophin is gone, again.
“You can come out now, you pointy eared dummy!” you yelled, flailing your arms wildly as you do so, the wine bottle precariously held in your fingertips slipping and falling to the ground. Your eyes follow it, watching with wide eyes as the bottle hits the forest floor, bubbly liquid pouring out of the open top. 
“Shit,” you muttered, but made no move to pick it up. 
“That’s not very nice,” a soft melodic voice said from behind you. It was beautiful and light… you hated it. Whirling around, your legs wobbled as you began to lose your balance. Orophin surged forward to steady you, but you slapped his arm away.
“Don-- don’t touch me. No means no Oro,” you said, stumbling backwards until you fell to the ground, landing on your butt. Pain immediately flared up in the area, a pathetic whimper leaving your mouth. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked, moving towards you with slow and exaggerated movements, treating you like a scared baby. The thought caused you to scoff. You probably were a baby to half of the people here. Stupid elves and their stupid immortality.  
“Yes, emotionally and physically,” you said, closing your eyes and holding your head up, attempting to keep a sliver of your dignity. “But mainly physically right now.” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t drink so much then.” Once he was close enough, Orophin sat on the ground, his knees ghosting your skin. It burned like hot coals, singing the skin. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t drink more!” You pointed a finger at him and scowled, attempting to appear menacing. And in your mind, you were, except your finger couldn’t stay still and your face looked more like a pouting puppy than a fearsome killer. It would’ve made Orophin laugh if not for the sorrow poorly hidden in your eyes and your current pathetic state. He didn’t have to ask, he knew it was because of him. 
“I haven’t had any wine today,” he said, using the same tone he did when he found you alone in the Lorien woods all those months ago. When he had to coax you out from behind the mallorn trees after narrowly escaping a pack of orcs that got too close to Lorien.  
“Not my problem.”
“Of course! I must bear this burden on my own, my lady.” His tone was overly exaggerated. Against your better judgement, a smirk pulled at the corner of your lips, faint chuckle escaping between your lips.
“There’s that smile,” he teased, reaching forward and poking your cheek.
“Stop treating me like a child you stupid dolphin fin,” you muttered angrily, swatting at his invading hand. “I’m an adult you know.”
“Of course you are.”
“And don’t you forget it, buster!” You pointed a finger in his general direction, eyes still firmly shut. 
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, allowing the quiet atmosphere to swallow you whole. Orophin sighed, moving so he sat beside you, careful to not touch you.
“What’s wrong meleth? Why did you drink so much? Normally it’s near impossible to get you to drink more than two glasses when we’re together,” His voice is quiet and serious. 
‘Don’t call me love like that, you fool. You don’t love me, not really,” you muttered, leaning your head against the tree behind you. The silver bark is softer than you thought it would’ve been. Certainly not as rough and coarse as the ones back home.
“And how do you know that?” His eyes burned into your skin, like the sun bouncing off of a magnifying glass and incinerating small ants. 
“In case you’ve forgotten, you’re the one who said we couldn’t be together.” you said, opening your eyes for the first time since he sat by you. You searched his face for anything, but you couldn’t read him, probably due to your state of intoxication. 
“That’s not wh--” he began but you promptly cut him off by placing your hand over his mouth.
“But it’s how it was received. I get it Orophin, I’m human you're an elf,--” you obnoxiously exaggerated the word. “--your oil and I’m water, I get it now, don’t worry. It’s cool, there were no rules, so it’s on me that I let it get this far,” You told him. 
And you tried. You really tried to sound unbothered and nonchalant, to be as cold as ice. But the words were hollow, exposing how hurt you really were. 
Stupid elf. 
“You have to understand how diff--” Once again, you cut him off, the words being swallowed by the palm of your hand. 
“No, you don’t understand. I’ve played your little game for months and I’m tired of it. You hear me? Tired!” you exclaimed. You leaned forward and attempted to stand from your sitting position, however as soon as you moved, the world around you grew fuzzy, Orophin multiplying into two. 
“Be careful,” he snapped at you as he reached out to grab a hold of you. He pulled you from the ground, but you violently ripped away from him. 
“Don’t touch me you-- you, you big dummy!” you yelled, pushing him away and onto the forest floor. The fall was broken by the lush greenery that covers the Lorien first floor, so he easily scrambled up. You stumbled away, in your mind moving at the speed of lightning, however you were only able to get five paces away before falling to the ground. 
Tears of frustration and sadness built up in your eyes, your hands clenching tightly into fists. Hot tears streamed down your face, as you lay there on the floor like a baby throwing a tantrum. You smacked your fist against the ground, the throbbing pain dulled by alcohol. 
“I hate you, you know that? I hate you because I really don’t,” you muttered, already knowing Orophin was standing behind you. He said nothing and you couldn’t decide if that was better or worse. 
“I just- I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to keep sneaking around like I’m some horrible secret. I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep getting small pieces of you.” 
You turned and looked at him, eyes tear stained and your face splotching and red. God you were a mess. And in the glimmer of the starlight, you saw a faint stream of tears falling down his cheeks, landing on the ground. God, they even cry pretty.
“Y/N--” he began, taking a single step towards you, causing you to scoot forward, sliding across the forest like a toddler who can’t walk right. 
“God, I love you, and that’s probably the worst thing you’ve ever heard,” you muttered. Your mind no longer felt foggy from the wine, your eyes glossy from tears and not a state of intoxication. You stood up, and walked away, leaving Orophin behind. And the hand he held outstretched towards you slowly fell limp as he watched you walk away. 
It had been months since you’d last spoken to Orophin. Time passed agonizingly slow, minutes becoming centuries, yet everything felt like a haze at the same time. Every day regret would beat against you, pushing you further and further into a never ending abyss. It was odd not having Orophin intruding on your day in some way, scarily enough, it was almost like Orophin was never there. The phantom of where he used to touch you burned like ice until you were nearly numb all over your body. 
God it was hell, trying to keep up with his whirlwind of emotions, trying to decipher if you were just having a fun time or if he truly cared for you. It was exhausting being in a constant state of turmoil, your heart bleeding nearly every second, only to be lazily patched up with every kiss. But at least you had a piece of him, even if it was just a sliver. 
You did everything to give off the illusion of being preoccupied. You went wandering through the forest collecting flowers, you practiced embroidering and then practiced again, you read the same three books over and over again, but everything always came back to Orophin. And for that you were glad he was gone with the other Wardens, patrolling the forest. The orcs were growing more bold in their attacks, so Haldir increased the watch and the Warden’s time away. You didn’t trust your self control, and if Orophin was just within your grasp, you would’ve caved long ago. Falling back into him and whatever he was willing to give you, only to begin the hellish cycle all over again. 
For once you were grateful for Haldir’s extreme dedication to his job. 
So now you lay in your favorite clearing, lazily flipping through a book you’ve already memorized, the grass cocooning you, leaving angel kisses on your body. The sound of grass crumpling beneath someone’s step brought you from your thoughts. Looking up, you saw Orophin, standing with the trees. He was wearing his Lorien cloak, weaved in every color of the forest to better conceal the wearer, and his leather armor with his bow loosely held at his side. 
You stared at him and he looked back. His eyes were wide and hopeful, nearly glossy in the light. His lips were pulled in a thin line, and you could see him chewing on the inside of his lips. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, slowly closing your book and placing it beside you. You sat up, but didn't stand. You refuse to be the one to leave. 
“You were wrong.” 
“What?” you asked, eyes narrowed at him as you purse your lips. 
“You were wrong.” he stated again, as if it would suddenly become clearer to you. 
“I don’t under--” you began but he cut you off. Like the wind, he rushed towards you, his bow forgotten on the forest floor where he used to stand. He slid onto his knees so he was level with you, grasping your hands in his and surged forward, the force knocking you to the ground. 
“What are you--” You started to say, face immediately turning red and your heart rate increasing. And then he’s kissing you. Not with his usual playfulness, or the lust that laced every touch, but it was nice and soft and sweet. More akin to an innocent first kiss rather than the fire he usually possessed. And as soon as his lips were on you, they were off, but he didn’t move, and you didn’t want him to. 
“You were wrong. It isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever heard.” he muttered, his breath tickling your lips. 
In that moment it clicked, the foggy memoires you have of that night coming back to you. You’d uttered that exact phrase to him, “I love you, and that’s probably the worst thing you ever heard.” Against your better judgement, a small smile forms on your lips and this time it was you closing the distance. 
“I love you, meleth nin. I. Love. You.” he punctuated each word with a kiss, causing your skin to burn where his lips touched. “And I’m sorry I refused to admit it for so long.”
“You better be,” you replied, pulling his body closer to you, if that was physically possible. 
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he asked, pulling away from your lips. You smirked at him, eyes alight with the mischief that was missing for so long. 
“No, but that could be earned,” you said, playing with the fine hair at the nape of his neck. 
“I must warn you, it’s going to be a lot of hard work,” you teased, pressing your lips to the corner of his lips. A small whine left his mouth as he attempted to capture your lips fully with his. 
“Then it’s a good thing I’m a dedicated Warden.”
“We’ll see about that.”
@kenobiguacamole​ | @aearonnin​ | @emiliessketches​ | @vibratingbones​ | @ranhanabi777​
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heilith · 3 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿)
Aww, that's so sweet of you to send me this, Anon! :) Thank you.
Sooo, my favourite fics of mine? How about these ones:
1) A Stand In (a Lindir x reader series, but most of my readers know this one) Am I evil for having enjoyed writing unrequited love and angst so much? :)
2) Dragon's Share (Human!Smaug x reader, Modern!Thranduil x reader) I'm very proud of this one, although it never had much attention. The settings were unusual for me, but I firmly believe I've done a great job with what I had. A kudos for me!
3) Sing, Princess (Orophin x reader) Dedicated to all writers, lovers of fairy tales and story-tellers. :)
4) A Life to Spare (Gil-galad x reader) The issues of immortality and how to deal with them.
5) For Heroes Only (Fili x reader) "Started writing it, had a breakdown". It took me almost two months, but the result was worth it.
I'd love to advertise my most recent works, but I'm still very critical and unsure about them, so...these oldies above are pretty nice on the eye and the mind.
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heilith · 3 years
🎤writer ask, if you want to do it of course! I was interested in the numbers : 4, 10, 15, 16 :)
Thank you, sure, I'd love to do it! :)
4. Comparing your first work to your current work, do you feel like you’ve improved any?
I cannot say whether something improved or not, really, I can't. I hope I started to handle it better, learned some new tricks. All I can say is that my writing did change, it's much less naive now, but, may be, I miss the times when it was naive.
10. What’s your favorite scene you have written?
There're quite a few of them, actually. :) A fair share of them comes from my unfinished Boromir!lives AU, "Troubled waters", like this one:
"In a flash the echoes of his last hour swelled manifold, as though the wraiths of demise whom his rebirth had once left empty-handed came back to revenge themselves at last.
…The blade of his sword, black with the putrid orc blood from the point to the hilt. The hissing of steel-ripped air. The twang of a bowstring…
Each arrow. Each wound. Each bit of that torture.
He was dead long before the remnants of the Fellowship stumbled upon him. A struggling carcass, counting inhales and exhales, trying not to breathe, not to waste the poor number of minutes left to him. A sheath for rusty arrowheads; meat, and bones, and pain, and fear when it started to recede, giving way to deathly numbness…animal fear, breaking from under the blessed mantle of rage…
She whispered what seemed his name into his aching chest. He would have howled for her to make herself scarce, hadn’t he all of a sudden forgotten how to utter a sound."
15. If you were going to create a prequel/sequel/spin-off to one of your stories, for which fic and what would it be about?
I'd very much love to write a sequel and a third part for "Sing, Princess" (Orophin x reader), with more fairy-tales, the issues of an Elf/human communication, hard choices, reckless choices. I don't want to divulge too much, because I'm still thinking of whether I want to venture into it all or not. In any case, I don't think anyone will read it. :)
16. What writing goals do you have for yourself this year?
Ohhh. To keep on writing? Knowing me, that's the only goal that can be called mildly achievable, and even here there's no certainty.
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elfy-elf-imagines · 4 years
Cruel Summer | Orophin | Preview
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Completed Version Here
Pairing: Orophin x Human!reader
Genre: Angst in the forms of heartbreak
Warnings: Heartbreak; unrequited feelings...??
Words: ~5k (oh boy is it a long one)
Note: Let me know if you’d like to be tagged when I post the full oneshot.♡
~ Also, I haven’t given this the full editing treatment yet, so things will more than likely be switched or changed when I post the full oneshot, so please ignore any mistakes :D ~
“You lean too heavily to your right, did you know that?”
The voice pierced through the silence that surrounded you, disturbing the intense concentration you held. You jumped, body instantly tighten at the intrusion. You stumbled forward like a child not capable of holding up their own body, only barely managing to not plant onto the ground. 
 And in your fright, the hand that tightly gripped the bow string loosed and before you could react the arrow was released. It pathetically sailed through the arrow, bearing too far to the right. It only managed to get halfway through the training ground before it fell to the ground, like a limp noodle.
Whirling your body, a scowl overcoming your face, you saw Orophin. He was only a few paces away from you, holding a bright red apple that he brought to his mouth and took a bite from. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes when he started making exaggerated noises of delight, his eyes shut as if the apple were the most euphoric things he'd tasted. 
He looked immaculate and radiant as ever, like a angel sent down to Earth. 
You hated it. 
“What was that for?” you exclaimed, your very short fuse exploding. “You ruined a perfectly good shot!”
 He finished chewing the piece of apple he bit off and then tossed it into the trees. One ashen eyebrow quirked at you as Orophin sauntered towards you, walking with the relaxed confidence only he could manage and a sly smirk on his face. Like clockwork, your heart began pounding in your chest and your face heated up. 
And he knew it too, you could see it in the way his smirk widened just a fraction and his eyes lit up with amusement. 
So you just scowled deeper, narrowing your eyes at him in hope of convincing not only him, but yourself that he didn’t have any effect on you. 
Biggest lie of the century. 
“If it was perfectly good it would’ve hit the target?” he said, his words teasing and light. 
“Well it would’ve if you didn’t distract me!” you replied. You were seething, not because of the arrow, but because of Orophin. He was confusing and infuriating, and perfect in every way. And you hated yourself, hated yourself because you couldn’t hate him, not really. 
“Are you saying I’m distracting? My lady, I am flattered that you can’t focus on anything just by merely hearing my voice!” he exclaimed, smirk contorting into a full blown smile. It’s blindingly bright and captivating, everything the sun shining down on Lothlorien was. 
“That’s not that I said you i-idiot!” 
“Really? That’s what I heard,” he replied, closing the distance between the two of you. He stopped a few inches away from you, close enough that you could hear his heartbeat and feel his breath fanning against you, and if you tried hard enough, you’d momentarily make contact if you breathed hard enough. The intoxicating scent of trees, rain, and something else that was distinctly Orophin. You hated how dizzy it made you feel and you hated that it was easily the sweetest smell you’ve experienced. 
He placed his hand on your tense shoulder and began to turn your body. With eyebrows that nearly touched your hairline, you opened your mouth, attempting to demand to know what he was doing, but nothing came out except for a pitiful squawk. He turned your body until you were facing the direction of the training field, staring straight at the target you previously attempted to hit. 
“Relax, you’re as tense as Haldir when we’re on patrol.” He practically purred in your ear, the air from his words tickling your ear in a way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. 
“What are you doing?” You were cautious and on high alert, full well knowing how things with Orophin usually ended. 
“Fixing your form. it’s not bad for a human, but you’re with the Eldar now, mell nin,” he whispered. Orophin wrapped one arm around your waist and brought the other one to rest underneath the elbow of your bow arm. His touch is light and delicate, feeling more like the caress of a ghost than a corporeal person. And like a machine, you brought the bow up into position, placing a fresh arrow into proper position with a single fluid movement. 
“Mell nin. That means my dear?” You turned to face him, eyes widened like a doe as you carefully watched his face. His eyes locked with yours, his grip on you tightening ever so slightly. He grinned at you with a look more radiant and shining than before. Gods, you could go blind if you stared at him for too long, but it would be worth it. Blindness wouldn’t be so bad if his face would be burned into your mind for the rest of your life. 
“You’ve been catching on”
“Sometimes I listen,” you replied, keeping your voice low so as to not disturb the quiet aura that encapsulated the two of you. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Orophin this soft with you, usually he was all mischief and sex appeal. But now he was… at ease and relaxed, like he didn’t have to put on any airs. 
It was… nice.
Your lips tilted upwards as your eyes shined like starlight. Your erratic heartbeat slowed until it was in time with Orophin’s. Your eyes flickered down to his lips then back to his eyes. He followed your movements, not eyeing you like a predator but with… something else. Something you’ve seen the elves share with their husband or wife, the type of softness and vulnerability only present with someone you really care about. 
And then it’s suddenly cold. And before you have a chance to even blink, Orophin is gone. 
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elfy-elf-imagines · 7 years
Bite Me (Orophin x Reader)
Prompt: “Bite me” and “If you insist.”
Pairing: Orophin x Reader
Warnings: light smut??
Requested by: Anonnie
“Bite me.” the words flew from your mouth before they could be stopped. The situation was like this. Being the only human in Lothlorien meant many things, most of which included being teased endlessly by Rumil and Orophin, brothers of the Marchwarden Haldir. Unlike him, they were mischievous and devious. Worst of them being Orophin. Rumil was more dramatic, but Orophin was the brains behind each operation. It was infuriating how no matter what he did, Orophin still managed to crawl under your skin with his beautiful face and angelic laugh that you wanted to hear over and over again. Even when it was at your expense.
Somehow, you’d managed to find yourself in an argument with mention ellon in front of the Talen you’d been living in. You were losing your temper and getting heated while he remained cool and collected with an infuriatingly smug smirk on his face, which only angered you more. If you had been in a better state of mind, the words may have never slipped through your teeth, but they had and Orophin had heard them clear as day.
“If you insist.” those were the last words from Orophin, before he had suddenly pushed himself flesh against you. Your breath caught in the back of your throat, face bright red from your current position. Orophin smirked cooly at you, reaching around your waist to open the door. He pushes you into the small home, closing the door with his foot; not once did he miss a beat. He prowled towards you until he stood right in front of you, bodies barely an inch apart. The two of you stare at each other for a moment, the tension in the room building until it was unbearable for either.
You don’t remember which of you made the first move towards the other, all you know is his lips were on your in a searing kiss that turned you to jelly. He caught you by placing his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and closer until not even air could pass the two of you. He moved his mouth from your lips to your jawline until it found it’s spot on your neck. He bit down making you whimper at the pain, but he sucked and licked, soothing the wound before you could pull away. You gasp in pleasure at the sensation, one hand lightly pulling at his hair, the other delicately tracing his ears. You feel him shiver against your body, a small moan resonating on your neck. As you continue your ministrations, Orophin picks you up effortlessly, walking to where your bed is located and the placing you and himself on it, his body on top of yours.
Catching his lips in another kiss, now both of your hands are tangled in his hair, softly tugging here and there. You’re in bliss. There’s a heat in between your legs that grows the harder that Orophin kisses you. He pulls away and leaves you panting as he removes his tunic. The sight of his naked chest is truly a sight to behold. Fingers trace his abs as you stare in wonder at him. Quickly and nimbly, he rolls over and switches your positions. Now you straddle his hips. His hands wander under the flowy dress your wearing. What used to feel freeing and comfortable now felt tight and restricting. In a fluid motion, you remove the dress over your head and toss it somewhere in the room. You close your eyes as you feel Orophin’s curious hands wondering over your body. He pulls you to him, kissing you passionately. A promise for a night you soon wouldn’t forget and certainly not the last one.
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