#Oregon OwyheeStar
owyheestar · 3 years
~Reporting from Chester Headquarters It was so nice this weekend! The sun was shinning and it was perfect for sun bathing on the back deck. Mom and dad sat outside with me and they read books. After mom was done reading she gave me a nice cold treat because I am a good boy. My mama says I’m spoiled but I think she could spoil me more and I wouldn’t even complain. Talk to you again soon!Love…
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owyheestar · 4 years
Where Has The Time Gone?
Where Has The Time Gone?
Our Lu – turned 10 a month ago. WOW, hard to believe.  She still is ecstatic about snow, runs 2 hrs or so every afternoon, and we currently have 7″ of snow – more the better, to her. She LOVES hunting for the ball, burying her face in it. First pic was just taken, second pic was from 2019 when we had several feet of snow – and she could smell where it entered the snow and just stuck her nose in…
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owyheestar · 4 years
Friendly Bart
~ His Voice and Tail make a Statement Thank you for Bart, once more.  Bart will be two tomorrow, Feb. 5th and it has been a wonderful journey.  You made the perfect choice for us.  Bart has lots of friends both canine and human.He barks a lot but is otherwise awesome!  Cheers to you, Cliff, Christina and Atti X Stackhouse.Hope you are feeling better. Dan, Polly & Bart PS: Early AM…
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owyheestar · 4 years
~ previously known as Rose (new home, and new name) I promised an update on the 10-month old we got from Teal in Seattle. She had a plush life with Teal, so it is hard to call it a rescue.  Dutch is doing well. She has gained muscle, either through natural growth or from getting out more, and confidence. She is quite content out in the back yard for hours at a time which is a change from our…
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owyheestar · 4 years
No Costume for Me
No Costume for Me
~Hello –it is me, Bart
Breeder Comment: We had a couple of blogs (about vaccine reactions) in the works when we received this lovely note from Bart, who lives on the Oregon Coast. It was a different kind of Halloween for many of us. Thank you, Bart for writing to us.
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No costume just a pumpkins, bats & corn candy halloween scarf.
Trick or Treat! Bart 🎃
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owyheestar · 4 years
~Perfect Fit For Us
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Maverick is now 7 months old and is the perfect addition to our family. Although in the beginning Mav was an irritation to our 9 year old Silver Weimaraner, Mav is now Tebow’s best friend. Tebow always watches out for Maverick.  Our family loves to be out doors and so does Maverick. We have taken him fishing, riding at the dunes, deer hunting in Eastern Oregon and today…
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owyheestar · 4 years
~Television Appearance
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Fans of Tango may remember how much time we spend at the local dog park. Last week, one of our friends, Lucy the German Shepherd, showed up with “mom”, Beth, who told us that Tango had been on the local news. Fortunately, her husband got a photo of the TV screen, or else we would have missed it entirely. It turns out that at some point, I had commented on one of their…
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owyheestar · 4 years
~ Dog Park Chance Meeting
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Tango arrived at our local dog park on Wednesday, and immediately spotted a long-haired Weimaraner. There are very few Weims in our area, so we took an immediate interest.
We soon learned not only that they were both Owyheestar pups, but that they were the same age as well. As her “parents” described getting her as an older puppy two months earlier, I realized that…
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owyheestar · 4 years
~Reducing exposure to TSP (total suspended particulates)
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Hello from the smoky Willamette Valley boasting the worst air quality in the world.  To help reduce Porsche’s exposure to TSP (total suspended particulates), this simple fix should work.  Take a six inch coffee filter cone (a vacuum cleaner HEPA filter would be even better); cut enough off folded edge to miss eyes; open large part; stuff…
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owyheestar · 4 years
Nicki and Annie--part two
Nicki and Annie–part two
~ Road Trip–when are we leaving?
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This last winter we took both girls to Diamond Lake, we were concerned because Nicki gets car sick every time she goes in the car.  Bob and I placed bets of when Nicki would get sick on the way.  She made it a little over an hour before she vomited which is longer than either of us expected.  She did very well the rest of the way and all the way home.  We took…
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owyheestar · 4 years
Nicki and Annie--part one
Nicki and Annie–part one
~the Dixie Cup Sisters
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Waiting For a Treat Here
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Both girls love ice cream, peanut butter and laying out in the sun.  When we brought Nicki home Annie was not thrilled, she laid on our bed every day and would only come out to potty and eat.  Nicki could not jump up there because she was too little.  Of course, Annie put on weight and the vet wanted the extra pounds off. Happy to report…
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owyheestar · 4 years
~And Snuggles
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Sasha has been an adorable ball of energy since the moment she got home. She loves all her new toys, and has been taken on daily romps around a large field. She is not shy, but definitely likes to assess the scene before diving into something new. She is so snuggly and I’m overjoyed to have her home with me.
Breeder Comment
We are thrilled to hear the two of you are doing…
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owyheestar · 4 years
~The Ladies’ Man — Part Two
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Tango’s “girlfriend” moved into the house across the street at the end of March. She’s three quarters Border Collie, one quarter Miniature Australian Shepherd. Her “dad” and I enjoy cracking a cold one in the field down the street, so if the weather is cool enough, one of us will text the other: “Field?”
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Lily has a definite speed advantage on Tango, and a…
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owyheestar · 4 years
Weim Privilege Denied
`Maizie Gets her Chair
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Maizie, age 8, has lived her life without being allowed full access on human furniture and beds.  (She has no idea other Weims get full privilege).  (She has numerous comfy beds and fleeces of her own in every room of the house). About two months ago, she weighed the situation and took a gigantic risk.  She stepped right up on the comfy recliner chair in our bedroom and…
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owyheestar · 4 years
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(June 7, 2020) Ruger turns 4 today!  He has added so much love and joy to our family. I can’t imagine our lives without this quirky, hilarious guy! It’s hard to capture action photos because he is either laying down or running!
We spend our days doing lots of walks through the rolling hills across from our house, where he chases bunnies, digs out whistle pigs, and flushes pheasants.  I run into…
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owyheestar · 4 years
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Kenzie will be 13 and is still very active. He isn’t showing any physical signs of slowing down. We feel now is a good time to explore the idea of bringing in a new family, puppy into our household later this year.
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We would like a hunter, we will not hunt animals but we do like to play hunting games, hide and seek. Our dog, Kenzie was selected as a hunter and we love that about him. We camp…
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