rasput-in · 3 years
A starry night ensues
Two undeniably apparently, hidden smiles.
Arms held in a tight clutch
Lest the darkness pull us apart.
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rasput-in · 3 years
I'm just going to call days I get nothing done - a mental day. I can't choose between calling it a mental health day and a mentally insane day because it's usually both and that's everyday. Stay mental yall
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rasput-in · 3 years
Having a s/o isn't bad, it's beautiful and if you have one, you are so lucky and I wish you the best but also; we cannot deny the fact that we do romanticize relationships way too much. It's important to recognize that life isn't all about relationships. Many people equate being in a relationship to being loveable, and when they set themselves up with this mindset it's quite damaging on their own self worth. They begin to wonder if they are even deserving or capable of being loved.
I can't lie and say that having a s/o sucks, because honestly, who wouldn't want someone that understands them and is willing to love them unconditionally. But also - finding that love isn't limited to just romantic relationships. It's also friendships, and passion for our hobbies that can be so fulfilling. We can find love through our platonic relationships and within ourselves.
I just find it so sad when i see people desperately wanting to be in a romantic relationship and complain about not having a s/o or people who are conditioned to think that having a s/o means that u are worth loving. It's even sadder because I used to be exactly like that until I found good friends, worked on my self confidence and realised there's so much more to life than just finding someone. We are all worthy of love, even if we are single and have been for a long period of time. That doesn't undermine our capacity to love and be loved.
When we see a couple and wish that we had that; of course romance is beautiful. But being single is always seen as a negative thing when it's not. Being single is fun and focusing on loving yourself is so so good for you. Prioritizing yourself and being okay on your own is so fullfilling and powerful; it might actually lead you to a relationship itself.
I see so many people in relationships but be miserable because they have so many insecurity and intimacy issues and that's exactly what happens you haven't really developed and matured enough to properly maintain a healthy relationship and it ends up in toxic behaviour and eventually heart break. Learn to be okay with yourself and love yourself, have confidence because you are frikin' beautiful and leave all those toxic behaviours in the past before blindly jumping into a relationship.
Anyways sorry for that long rant. Tldr: relationships are romanticized too much, being single İs underrated. Love your friends and yourself instead of worrying about not having a partner (just my 2 cents, you're welcome to disagree).
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rasput-in · 3 years
Extremely cliche at this point but nevertheless, here's your reminder that NOTHING MATTERS, which means YOU MATTER. We're a tinnnnyyyyy speck of dust in this unimaginably large universe. We humans aren't going hang for long and at the end of everything, the universe doesn't give a shit if you died a sad hero or a happy villain. Now it's upto you how and what you want for YOU. Nothing matters to the universe and everyone's going to die. What makes you happy doesn't have to make sense to others. Stop overthinking asking that girl out or eating that one last slice and just try to make yourself the happiest and best you can be in your little bubble of space-time.
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rasput-in · 3 years
An Embrace.
Gentle, presistant waves lapping at our feet,
slowly dragging us away;
grasp onto me before we sink
deeper into the endless sands of time.
Take me with you,
Racing away with the wind in our hair.
With no bounds holding us
lets leave together without a care.
The world is devoid of color
Without you as my splash of vigour.
I will hold you till we wither
before we pass into the nether forever.
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