#Oregon Coast Weims
owyheestar · 4 years
No Costume for Me
No Costume for Me
~Hello –it is me, Bart
Breeder Comment: We had a couple of blogs (about vaccine reactions) in the works when we received this lovely note from Bart, who lives on the Oregon Coast. It was a different kind of Halloween for many of us. Thank you, Bart for writing to us.
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No costume just a pumpkins, bats & corn candy halloween scarf.
Trick or Treat! Bart 🎃
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owyheestar · 5 years
~With their Newest Family Member
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The journey begins–and these two are already forging an excellent bond. That look–it is almost as if he is saying, “and what did you expect?”
This Blue Boy will not replace ‘Salty’ the much-loved Gray Ghost Weimaraner that made his home in their family until his recent departure. But we are positive that Salty is looking down with approving eyes, and…
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owyheestar · 5 years
Remember Bart?
~ Friday Marks Five Months
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This Friday Bart will be 5 months old.  Tuesday will be 6 weeks with us.  I haven’t needed a band aid for 3 days and today Dan was able to put on his shoes and socks without any chewing or helping. Bart also napped next to me, curled up at my hip, 2 days in a row for 3 or 4 hours. Today our farmers market was very busy 100+ people and lots of dogs.  There was…
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owyheestar · 4 years
~ Oregon Coast Celebrity Status
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We have been enjoying the puppy pictures; you must have very crazy and busy days.
The other day a woman stopped Dan & Bart on the 804 trail during their morning walk.  She told them that she is a dogsitter and has seen thousands of dogs, then she said that Bart was the most beautiful dog she had ever seen.  Bart weighed 88 lbs last week while having his mani…
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owyheestar · 5 years
~A Few Days
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Today (May 23rd) Bart is fully recovered from his travels and has come out of his shell.  He has discovered every nook and cranny of his new home and has become quite confident.  Everything he does is now at a hundred miles an hour.  He can jump up on the bed, he kind of slides to get down.  He can hop on and off of the couch. Anything with corners is a “target.”  Bart needs a…
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owyheestar · 5 years
~ Her Birthday and Life
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First Birthday
Maelee has brought much joy to our family. She loves to run, play, fetch and go on hiking adventures with the whole family. Not much time in the water, yet (still a little chilly on the coast).
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Yes, she still tries to test us now and then (normal for puppy stage), mostly when it comes to leash walking. She prefers the running free with voice…
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owyheestar · 6 years
The Early Stage
Our Maelee ~Enjoying Life
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She loves playtime with the kids, fetching & retrieving every day. Introduced her to the sheds, though we’ll wait a little longer due to height and she can still be a bit clumsy at times.
She is very smart & likes to test us (repetition is key); we’ve used hand signals along with voice commands throughout her training (helpful for hunting later on, we prefer this method…
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owyheestar · 5 years
~Memories and His Departure
Saturday we had to say goodbye to Salty. We had 14 amazing years with him full of adventure and love. He has been my shadow for all of those years and the house and my heart feel empty without him. In honor of Salty I’m naming today (and everyday) Kiss Your Dog Day.
Breeder Comment Christmas 2019
Salty could be seen on this family’s Facebook wall–that…
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owyheestar · 4 years
Social Distancing
~On the Oregon Coast
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Bart practicing social distancing on the Oregon coast, he’s not a big fan of not seeing his friends. He spends his day on the couch, playing on the beach, lying the deck (he looks like Stackhouse) or getting wet/dirty. Everything is very slow here. We live in a tourist town and it’s deserted. Hope this finds You, Cliff and the Weims safe and sound.
Stay Healthy–Dan,…
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owyheestar · 3 years
Maizie at the beach again
Maizie at the beach again
(Livee X Blue) We didn’t go last year (pandemic) and maybe even not the year before….but—when Maizie’s paws hit the sand today, it all came back!  She knew just what to do! She’s a puppy again‼️ (At age 9 years, 3 months)! Breeder Comment I live vicariously through your Weimaraner–all these trips to the beach fill me with envy. (Haha) Maizie and her parents were at the beach at the end of last…
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owyheestar · 7 years
One Year
With Our Leo Good morning! We have now had Leo a whole year! He is a wild boy, loving and thinks he’s one of our kids! I thought you’d enjoy this silly photo of him I took yesterday, he was loving rolling around in these morning glory vines in the heat. We sure love this goofy baby! Breeder Comment You may or may not remember Leo’s previous posts. Here is a couple if you wish to look back. Leo—At…
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owyheestar · 6 years
    ~NOVEMBER 10, 2018
  I am not sure what the official low temperature for Ontario and the surrounding area registered at yesterday, but our thermometer read 15 degrees. We are ever so thankful to find our low temp much higher than the Burns reading–which last I heard was hovering around zero. This type of coldness is what I expect for January. I think if someone had their tomatoes covered it was not enough. (OMG) Thankfully it is warming up again. We are in no hurry to find ourselves in single-digit cold winter-like weather.
Despite the colder temperature, farming continues. Our back hayfield is in the process of being plowed for the spring plant. We hoped to get it planted this fall. It was not possible. Anyhow, they pulled in yesterday. We were glad to see them. We are positive the local farmers want to finish up the field work and to put away their equipment. They are ready for a well-deserved break.
We are busy with the stuff of puppies. Nevertheless, we have found ourselves scrambling a bit to prepare for these colder temperatures. Winterization is always a thing. Cliff has made some changes at the shop where he stores paint and chemicals that must be kept above freezing. There is that kind of thing, plus the adjustment to watering the Weims, etc.
This Week on the Blog
Once again, I find myself ever so thankful for folks who took the time and effort to update us–especially with a story as well as a photo. Did you notice Jeanne’s creations? If not, check out the Zeus and More link below. She can make any breed or put words, names, or whatever sentiment you are looking to get on a sign for you. Her price is very reasonable. Check it out! We want to support our Weimaraner folks, right?
Cliff and Stackhouse got out to hunt and collect a couple of birds along with all too many cockleburrs. (OMG) It had been a while since I had the joy of picking them out of a Weim. Bella made her first trip to Brookings–I am so envious. I love the Oregon Coast–the beach experience. Loki and Moxie delighted us with their fun news. It was all such a blessing to share. Thanks again!
Sunday— November 4 — Pheasant Finally (Stackhouse reporting)
Monday–- November 5 — More From (Bella and Levi)
Tuesday — November 6 — Training Update (Loki)
Wednesday —November 7 — Zeus and More
Thursday –-November 8 — Finds and Whatnot (Bella at Brookings)
Friday — November 9 — Sealed with a Kiss (Moxie)
On a very personal note
Cliff has been busy keeping the Weims tended as well as making a few small repairs. I suppose the big news of the week was that we both had had our annual wellness with our Primary Physician. We have received a phone call about the blood work results. Overall they were good–Cliff’s white cell count is up, but it has been. Nonetheless, it is nowhere near where treatment would be required. We are very thankful for that news. I anxiously await the full results so I can compare numbers. I am like that. (Haha)
You might have read the Facebook comments on the Boise State -Fresno game that took place late last night. If not, I will make a quick comment here. It was a spectacular win for the Broncos–despite being down their long-distance threat and three excellent defenders. If this game is any indication, I see some of these current players will be making it to the NFL. It was an outstanding effort for the younger players to step up and bring home the win. Stackhouse did his usual Boise State Mojo-thing. It was a late night, but a lot of fun.
2018 Weekly Synopsis GREETINGS FROM FAR EASTERN OREGON     ~NOVEMBER 10, 2018 I am not sure what the official low temperature for Ontario and the surrounding area registered at yesterday, but our thermometer read 15 degrees.
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