#Ordained Minister
a-vampire-moth · 6 months
I forgot that I was an ordained minister until like..... 3 minutes ago
Does anyone want a moth vampire therian/otherkin to officiate a wedding/funeral?
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sliceoflifebear · 4 months
I have officiated Gaia Online weddings and Real life weddings! But soon I shall officiate my first Minecraft wedding!!
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confusedraven1 · 1 year
i officiated my friends’ wedding yesterday and let me tell you, i had the best fucking time. the entire weekend was perfect and i don’t think a single thing went wrong. i love them so much and i’m so happy for them 💙💙
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h8ani · 1 year
Random note but I forgot I became an ordained minister last year for funsies
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pwrn51 · 1 year
His experiences with Tourette's Syndrome
  Today’s guest is J. Edwards Holt a Best-selling Author, Writer, Ordained Minister, Mental Health Advocate, Novelist, and Children’s  Author. J. Edwards Holt discusses how he became a writer, his writing process, and some of the messages he has in his books which are inspired by his Christian faith. We discussed one of the several books which J. Edwards Holt has written. BARRENWORLD: RISE OF THE…
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dagrahamsblog · 2 years
In 2001, Dr. D.A. Graham received the Chaplain of the Year award from the Military Chaplain Association for the United States Marine Corps. He is a certified facilitator for Development Dimensions International as well as a certified facilitator in nonviolent communications. Dr. Graham served as Founding President of the Alabama Student Society of Communication Arts. He is the proud parent of his daughter, Diedre, who graduated from the University of Alabama
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tastytoastz · 5 months
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bugflies00 · 1 year
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
The recent Dicktim ask about Dick cheating on Tim with Babs!!! It hurts so bad 😭😭😭.
I want Tim to get together with either Jason or Damian after. I don't know which would hurt more, Tim getting together with the man he once thought as his little brother or the one he slightly thinks of as his own child.
I want everyone around them having a difficult time moving on from the relationship. They really thought Dicktim would be endgame. Everyone thinks the moment will pass and they'll go back to being disgustingly in love with each other. Everyone except Jason or Damian.
Tim doesn't tell anyone about what happened because he doesn't want it to get away from their mission but Jay or Dami is just so mad for Tim. Babs eventually breaks down and admits why Dick and Tim broke up and Tim is frustratingly right in that it had affected their mission. They don't trust Dick or Babs. And it's causing conflict in their planning for missions.
So Tim decides that maybe the only way for everyone to move on is to show that he has moved on. He decides to put himself on the market again. But nothing sticks and it just makes things worse because now they think, Tim is so heartbroken he has taken to sleeping around and is afraid of opening himself up again.
Jay or Dami, misguidedly tries to help Tim by telling him that sleeping around won't heal his wounds and he shouldn't rush it. Tim is pissed because he is NOT sleeping around but since everyone thinks so, he should just sleep with Jay or Dami, then.
It starts a very messy affair where Tim kinda proves everyone right to Jay or Dami that he's been hurt really badly because of how low his self-esteem is now. Tim also can't trust Jason or Damian because those two tried to kill him and Dick is their brother first. They have sex a lot. And slowly but surely, Tim moves on. They prove to Tim he's worth everything. They fall in love.
At first, they keep it from the rest. They are proven right by their decision because their relationship garnered skepticism. But slowly Nightwing and Oracle's relationship with the Bats improves. They don't get together. Tim is kinda confused why. A part of him is rightfully angry. They ruined his esteem and broke his trust and they can't even be end game? His relationship ended for a fuck? But he stops caring.
And one day, Tim and Jay or Damian go to Bruce bearing two good news. They're getting married and Tim is pregnant with their child. The wedding was beautiful. Everyone was happy.
Everyone but Dick.
He watches as someone else gets his happy ending. He watches as Tim moves on from being his lover to just being his friend. He wasn't even a part of the wedding party. He was just an ordinary guest in the wedding. Everyone but Tim knows he's still in love with Tim and they don't want to give him a chance to ruin it even if he wouldn't.
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 tim gets his happy ending!!!! he's with someone who loves him and is moving on to start his own little family!!!
and dick...well dick knows he probably deserves it. knows he's learning a tough lesson in the worst sort of way. forced to watch as the love of his life, the person he was going to marry, the person who was going to be the mother to his child...he watches as they move on and start a family with someone else and dick...part of dick was almost delusionally optimistic in thinking maybe he and tim would get back together. it had happened before. with kori, with barbara even. with plenty of people. dick and someone break things off but then inevitably they find their way back to each other.
and dick hoped...maybe in time tim would take him back. dick would do better, he'd be better, he'd work as long and as hard as it took for tim to trust him again. dick just needed to show tim that he was serious. so he didn't pursue anything with barbara. he called it quits completely with her. he and her had always been too close for comfort and it should've meant something that he'd lost more than one girlfriend because they didn't like how comfortable barbara was overstepping boundaries when he was in a relationship. they didn't like that she wore his clothes that she kept from when they dated, they didn't like she had a key to his apartment, didn't like that she sometimes spent nights over and he didn't tell them. they didn't like how he and her often had inside jokes that they laughed about in front of them, they didn't like how she grabbed his arm and his shoulder, how she leaned in too close when he'd whisper to her. dick had told himself that it was just petty jealousy and insecurity. that barbara was just a friend, that boys and girls could be JUST friends, and their hyper-focusing on the fact that they used to date just made her seem like she was competition when she wasn't.
it's donna who smacks him over the head and asks if he's fucking serious. because they're friends. he's a boy and she's a girl and she sure as shit never did crap like that. not with him, not with roy, not with wally. none of their girlfriends ever felt threatened by the fact that she was a girl who was their friend. that she crashed at their places and that she borrowed their clothes. they never once thought there was something more going on and it was because theirs was a relationship that was actually platonic. if she'd tried some of the shit barbara did (whether consciously or unconsciously on her part) he would've tugged her aside and told her she was being weird because it was. it was fucking weird for dick and barbara to act like they were still dating when dick was committed to someone else.
and what exactly was his excuse for not listening to his partner's concerns and discomforts? because that was a shitty thing too. did dick think he was innocent in that regard in enabling inappropriate behavior while in a relationship?
they had history? yeah so did donna.
they'd been through a lot together? so had donna.
she was one of dick's closest confidantes? so was donna.
dick clearly had some hangups. either about barbara or about commitments because donna knew she'd heard wedding bells. after so long of seeing dick have the worst luck with dating and relationships, she'd truly thought he was going to settle down with tim. and tim poor tim her heart broke for him. to be betrayed and fucked over by two of his most trusted people like that.
she's disappointed in dick. she really is. but mostly she's sorry that tim is the collateral damage in dick learning that there is a problem with how he conducts himself.
talking to donna gave dick a lot to think about. more than he thought. and he thinks back to the moment leading up to...everything.
how barbara let herself in with her key like always how they got to talking and laughing and how it all just progressed so naturally. and dick thinks about how if that had been someone else. roy. donna. wally. it wouldn't have happened.
dick had just been so on edge and anxious when barbara arrived. the jewelry store he'd been calling about trying to get an appointment for a consultation for months suddenly had an opening in two days and...and it seemed so fast. so quick. dick had thought he'd be waiting months to see a jeweler about making the engagement ring his father had drawn on a little sheet of notebook paper to propose to his mother with.
now it was happening in 48 hours and...dick...fucked up. in the span of an hour he fucked up years of his relationships with tim. he fucked up his future with tim, he fucked up everything they could've had.
he watches as tim disappears from his side and his life.
then when donna knocks some sense into him dick realizes what he did. what he allowed to happen, what he'd been letting happen for years.
barbara is miserable when he comes to see her. cass texted him about how she hadn't been responding to her calls and asked him to go see her. its then that dick realizes that tim has told no one of what caused their break up.
dick doesn't use the key he has to let himself in. for the first time in years he knocks and waits for barbara to answer with one of her systems.
their talk is a tough one. barbara has been beating herself up for days. she's too ashamed to speak with cass who looks up to her so much.
dick knows he can't blame her. not anymore than he can blame himself but...they need to talk. the lines in their relationship have been blurred for awhile and he'd made himself blind to it because she was babs and maybe because he wasn't all that opposed to it. they can be friends. close friends. but that's all they can be. they've been dusting away the line in the sand for too long. they're not kids or teenagers. they're grown fucking adults and they need to own up and come to terms with the fact that they messed up and it was their fault.
dick should have never given barbara a key that she could use wherever she wanted. he should've specified it was for emergencies. he never should've left stuff at her place or her at his because it just...it just seemed like they were leaving a door open.
they hadn't been firm about only being friends and now it lead to this and now...honestly unless they were certain that they could only be associates and friends...maybe they shouldn't be around each other for awhile.
barbara agrees. the regret and guilt had been eating her alive and its only a few weeks later when the family keeps pestering dick with concern about tim 'moving on too fast' and 'sleeping around' that she blurts out and admits what they did.
the backlash is swift and severe and dick deserves every moment of it. he's fucked up the one good thing in his life and now tim was trying to cope by going out on dates and..dick knows he has no right to feel hurt.
but it had been almost a year of dating before he and tim got intimate. he'd been tim's first he'd been the only person tim had ever had sex with and now...
it stops for awhile and dick is relieved. he thinks of maybe visiting tim at his apartment but knows that wouldn't go well. he thinks of doing lots of things. finding ways to show tim that he will remain loyal to him, that he'll wait as long as it takes.
he and barbara hardly talk anymore and when they do they keep it professional. anything more and the rest of the family side eye them.
things get better. slowly.
and then it turns out that tim is dating damian. damian who'd been firmly on tim's side when it came out. who had followed tim around and taken to guarding him when he and tim were in the same area.
it hurt. to know that damian's opinion of him sunk so much.
but it doesn't hurt nearly as much as knowing that he and tim are together.
the family is...skeptical. concerned. dick knows bruce tries saying something but gets shut down by damian about how the two of them are free to make their own choices even if they may not like them.
there is some concern that tim is just using damian for company or comfort. but...then they see how they are together. damian and tim had always been snarky with each other but now it seems they've turned it more outward. the family ends up leaving a gala early when the two make a few of the guests cry for some stupid comment they made about damian's new animal welfare charity.
the two get along well they...look good together.
tim is wearing a slim fitting sleek dress and damian is wearing a nice suit with a bow tie complimenting tim's jewlery. they coordinated outfits to show a united front which is such a them thing to do.
but...the thing that really hitches dick's breath is the earrings.
both damian and tim are each wearing a single pearl earring. damian on the left ear and tim on the right. the earrings were from a single set that the two split between them and it was..such a romantic gesture.
it gave dick a pit in his stomach. but he continued believing...thinking that maybe this could be fixed. that he could have tim back.
but then....almost a year later. tim is pregnant. he's pregnant and he and damian are getting married and...and...dick cries.
god the night before the wedding he sits in the hotel room of where its going to be held and he just sobs. the rest of the family is busy with preparations, they're all members of the wedding party. jason is officiating, alfred is damian's best man, bruce is walking tim down the aisle. and dick...dick is going to be seated in the second row of the venue. behind damian and tim's close friends and...god it hurts more every time he thinks about it.
this isn't...this isn't what was supposed to happen.
some part of dick thinks about objecting, of standing in the middle of the ceremony and begging tim to take him back but...god the rest of dick stamps that down because he does not want to take more from tim than he already has.
dick is miserable as he watches tim marry damian. he feels like someone is carving his heart out with a blunt butter knife.
that could've been him. dressed up as a groom, smiling so softly at tim as his bride. tim glowing with joy and happiness while his sweet womb was full with their child.
that could've been him.
and now dick had no one. nothing. tim was going to marry someone else, start a family with someone else, love someone else and dick...dick would be stuck outside watching.
and he had no one to blame but himself.
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localcoffeeshop · 10 months
sisyphus of the corn
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sootsz · 11 months
that somebody on the qsmp during twitchcon vegas would livestream getting married by an elvis impersonator was frankly a foregone conclusion and it was never a matter of “if” but always just a matter of “when”. but what IS surprising is that it wasn’t tubbo
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overdressedcarp · 2 months
Realistically I know Ratio would have something akin to a Th.D. for his studies in natural theology (since his focus was almost definitely on research as opposed to ministry), but there's a part of me that wants him to have the space fantasy equivalent of an M.Div./D.Div. solely because I think it would be hilarious if he could canonically officiate weddings
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str1wberry7thyme · 10 months
The way that this would have literally murdered THOUSANDS back in the day is absolutely insane
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cinnamonsly · 1 year
Soul officiates a Minecraft marriage real? /silly -CJ
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this is the best thing i have ever been sent i love this so much HAHAHHAHA
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passive-poet · 10 months
ok I’m not an active member of the DreamSMP/MCYT fandom anymore, but I find it hilarious that Tommyinnit and Tubbo are legally married. And now Tubbo’s trying to get a divorce. And this is isn’t a joke, but an actual legal process they’re having to do because Tommy thought that it would make a good video for his YT channel.
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thecellandthestar · 1 month
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It's been so crazy at work these past few days so I made a 'shit's in retrograde' spell jar for work. Basil and rosemary (clean the space), lavender (calm down the vibes), black pepper (protection), adventurine (safe passage through the day), quartz(I like using it I feel it boosts the good energy), and amethyst (grounding and protection).
Then we had a pizza party, just for added measure. Pizza makes everything better.
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