brujaluas · 28 days
How can you be successful?
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pile 1
When you stop being a person who lets themselves be dominated by pettiness and destructive and negative thoughts about other people and yourself, some here have a strong connection to depressing themselves and comparing themselves just to feel insignificant, a self-punishment. And stop letting anxiety lead you, stop suffering for things that did not happen and most likely will never happen the way you imagined, the future can always be surprising. You are so stuck in this mud at the moment that you do not realize that you are a person highly guided by higher beings who are by your side, guiding and caring for you and can even send you signs and in some cases, signals that you may unintentionally ignore. If you allow yourself to be helped too, go after connections, social circles, not the kind of using people but knowing that you can build beautiful bridges for yourself through good relationships, the more people, the better for you.
pile 2
hm definitely the problem here is more of others than you, you are in a way living in a survival mode, always looking to the sides, a growing tension in your shoulders, the kind that has an instinct to never let your guard down. For many, these obstacles come from family and people in your immediate circle. To be successful, you need to move away, not look back. I know it's hard, but you need to free yourself from these people, this energy and this place, and go live somewhere else. If you can't, spend as little time as possible at home and with these people, so that they don't affect you. Protect your energy.
Pile 3
Pile 3 is always something… I think many people can relate to it? That's why there are so many energies here, with different messages. For some, you need to have more responsibility and maturity and focus on something. It doesn't have to be in the literal sense, but you need to make a serious commitment to something and not let yourself be contaminated by fear, because that's what can make you run away from certain commitments. For others, you need to let things flow and not regret so much. You have a relationship that leaves you very stagnant. Take control of the situation.
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
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STARTING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT! (Pile 1 & Pile 3 On the left (Top/Bottom) ; Pile 2 & 4 On the Right (Top/Bottom)
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PILE 1 - Recognition & Reward / Intuition
If you picked this pile, you are on your way to a new romantic partnership. This could be your big one. Past decisions have led you to receiving better and your confidence has gotten better over time. So congrats. This handsome/gorgeous person will sweep you off your feet. Crushes in this group are significant so I will say if you have someone you've had your eyes on why don't you tell them how you feel? Again, confidence is key here, and you'll be rewarded for your bold energy. Trust your gut, it'll lead you to the right direction.
PILE 2 - Solar Plexus / Fulfillment Of Wishes
So this group needs to relax and take a chill pill. So your love life has gone through a few rough edges, but that doesn't mean you're the problem. The real reason why love has been a bit pesty, is because you haven't fully accepted yourself in all your glory. You're very special, so it takes a special someone to see it. You aren't for everyone. And nor should you let yourself be.
PILE 3 - Shadow / Awareness
Paying attention to your behavior is key with this group. Not everyone is going to like you, so don't make yourself out to be everything for anybody. You have gifts in sensual abilities. Meaning you can manifest the lover(s) you like with just your charm alone. Not everyone has a romantic aura that shapes the perception of everyone around them. You're a dream come true for many, yet aren't being who you are meant to be. Focus on self-love at this time in order to attract the partner you're aspiring to have. That's the way to make things worth it. You're charm is admirable, but it takes you to see it.
PILE 4 - Accelerated Motion / Firm Foundation
You have to let go of everything you thought you knew about love and more importantly about the love you see in yourself. Everything doesn't have to make sense in the matter of love as love is the highest vibration to connect to. Which isn't based on pure logic alone. Struggle love may have been something you've had in the past or just accepted because you didn't know what was out there. But I am telling you there is more out there, you just have to look and see. For this group, you gotta let go of the old you, and make room for a new one. Change your look, do something different your hair, smile more. Make yourself presentable when out to the public, and dress. your. best. That love you're looking for is around the corner. You just gotta keep yourself looking good and feeling good for you, and yourself ALONE. You're security in self needs to be the focal point in all love relationships moving forward, because in the past the focal point of the relationship was bended do to not fully supporting ones own needs, but for the needs of others.
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yoursghouly · 1 year
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“Lunar Oracle” by Wyld Raven
(Black and White Version)
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publishinggoblin · 1 year
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The Alleyway Oracles by Publishing Goblin — Kickstarter
It's time. The Alleyway Oracles are live.
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Three new decks. The 100-card, mismatched Alleyway Tarot. The 60-card, bright and joyous Oracle of Play. The 60-card, dark and brooding Oracle of Secrets.
Which oracle are you listening to...?
The Alleyway Oracles by Publishing Goblin — Kickstarter
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cosmousee · 1 month
Hey folks!!
I hope everyone is okay, hope being the keyword. I felt like everyone around me is in a crisis and decided to do a mercury retrograde reading, because we need to make it make sense!!
I still have a lot of asks left to do, but this felt important so here I am!!
Okay with out further ado, pick a pile from 1>>2>>3
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For all three piles, the moon cards are Full Moon cards, which basically means energy is peaking. And at times, when energy peaks, your mind and body does not understand how to cope with it and hence, it comes out as frustration and anger. So just know, its not you, its just the energies and it's gonna be okay very very soon!!!
Pile 1
Your Dreams Need a Practical Plan (Full Moon In Taurus)
Your tarot cards are so much in sync with the oracle card, I honestly love when it happens.
Anywho, you have a goal in your mind, but you don't have a proper plan of achieving it.
You know, you fantasize about your goal, that you've achieved it, how amazing it feels and everything. Which is great and it literally feeds energy into your manifestations as well!
However, you got to atleast make a very starting, list of baby steps you will take in order to achieve those goals.
Currently, through the tarot cards, its clear that if you pursue your goals you'll end up as the King of pentacles, at the highest level of abundance. But, with the reversed 10 of pentacles, you aren't working with a well defined plan. The retrograde might be trying to pull your focus towards this, and with the full moon energy of the card, you would feel frustrated with as well. but take a breath, you know what you have to do. Start moving towards it and hopefully mercury will start being a little gentle with you!🫂
Pile 2
Its time to release negativity (Full moon in Scorpio)
You are good enough (Full moon in Virgo)
Cards are telling you to look at the bigger picture, you've got the world in your hands with the two of wands. Appreciate all that you have and look forward to the future with a lot of love. Also, be mindful of where you are putting your energy and from where you are receiving it as well. If there's anything which is not serving you, learn to let go of that and be intentional with it. The full moon is in Scorpio, which is a water sign, so you can try washing away the negative energies through water baths/shower, or whatever works for you.
The retrograde might also be pushing you to see how good and amazing you are. Its telling you to celebrate yourself more and love yourself more. You may have difficulty seeing that during this time, or whatever is happening in your life is exactly opposite to what the cards are saying, but that is just for you to realise how wrong all of it is, and reinforce your faith in your own self, and being confident with what you are and what you are becoming.
I'll give a little example of what happened with me recently, in my university. Basically my morale and motivation took a hit because of some seniors saying that my whole batch of '26 is not performing upto the mark. Which, personally, I know I am lacking over all, but whatever I am doing is my best. After stewing in that feeling for a day, I went to my club/committee seniors and they told me how well I was working and… everything was bright again.
So.. yeah, it sucks, but this is your sign to fuck the negativities out of your life, and focus on the better things, and make yourself a priority!!!💌
Pile 3
Show the world the Real you (Full moon in Aquarius)
I think you have been conforming, or living according certain rules in your life, which you dont necessarily enjoy or resonate with. It might be easier to just follow the traditions and the rules, rather than being yourself and acting against it, while having to defend yourself for embodying your true self.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, this retrograde will be hella pushing you towards breaking out of these norms, and finally emerging into the world as the real you. You might be feeling fueled up with a lot of inspiration and a lot of energy, because retrograde and the full moon energy of this card.
These might be huge transformations, changing your appearance, your hair colour, getting a new piercing. Or even mental changes, you might create new boundaries, or let go of old ones, revise new ones etc etc. You might even start questioning out loud about the norms and the regulations you used to follow. This would give you a good reality check of your likes and dislikes, and then you can start your transformational journey from there!!💓
Okay! This is all I have for you today <3.
I have tried my level best to give a proper reading, but it might get a little incoherent at some places (I am burnt out from uni assignments).
I hope this helps and you feel better during the rest of the retrograde🥺🫂
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chthonic-sorcery · 2 months
Direct Vision Spell for an Oracle 𓂀
A 2000 year old Greco-Egyptian magic spell
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[PGM V 54 – 69]
So sick of all these fake bs Tumblr and Pinterest spells-
"what color candle means what lol" with zero cultural or historical significance, it's like they just pulled things out of their ass.
So, here is a real 2000 year old Greek and Egyptian syncretic spell from Thebes to receive a direct vision from the beyond....WITH cultural and historical context.
Because, yes, history is important, and anyone giving you "spell tips" without telling you where the fuck they're from or what they mean is bullshitting you.
Ancient Greek oracular spells were rituals and invocations performed to gain insights or predictions from the gods, the Theoi, as well as Daemons and the Dead, particularly through seers known as oracles.
The Spell: PGM V 54 – 69 from the Greek Magical Papyri
Context of the Spell:
This spell is an interesting blend of Egyptian and Greek oracular practice: the use of Coptic or Egyptian eyepaint, kohl, here is interesting– as well as it's mixture with water from a sunken ship. Water from such locations are normally reserved for love spells, as we see previously in the PGM. The relationship or correspondence between a literal sunken vessel and sinking into the throes of passion. However, here, with its use in an oracular spell, it seems to correspond more to the chthonic or otherworldly realm, giving te wearer the ability to see past the normal, mundane world; past the ‘veil’ so to speak and into the beyond.
The use of the magical mystery word or voces magicae “Akrammachamarei” here is also notable; it is quite often seen throughout the PGM, and is associated with the God/Daemon/Archon of both Gnostic (Jewish-Egyptian) as well as Greek origin, Abrasax.
In spell PGM V. 96-172, Abrasax is identified as part of the "true name which has been transmitted to the prophets of Israel" of the "Headless One, (also known as the Egyptian god Bês) who created heaven and earth, who created night and day ... Osoronnophris whom none has ever seen ... awesome and invisible god with an empty spirit"; the name also includes Iaō and Adōnai, the ineffablenames of the Jewish god. "Osoronnophris" represents Egyptian Wsir Wn-nfr, or "Osiris the Perfect Being.” Another identification with Osiris is made in PGM VII. 643-51: "you are not wine, but the guts of Osiris, the guts of ... Ablanathanalba Akrammachamarei Eee, who has been stationed over necessity, Iakoub Ia Iaō Sabaōth Adōnai Abrasax."
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After you have purified yourself (through ritual bathing and declarations) you must put on your clean linen robes and sandals of Papyrus.
Then, taking a purified bronze censer, place the laurel leaves inside and light them until the smoke fills the room. Walk clockwise around the room, and your workspace, Chanting the Ephesia Grammata:
“askion kataskion lix tetrax damnameneus aision”
Then, taking the olive oil, pour it into the waiting bronze dish.
With your right hand, anoint your right eye with the prepared water from a shipwreck.
With your left hand, mix 1 part kohl with 1 part water until it is a viscous paint, from the same dish, and anoint your left eye so that it is completely surrounded by the paint.
Then, pronounce the incantations:
let the god who prophesics to me come and let him not go away until I dismiss him,
Once the incantations are finished, present any offerings and ask over the prepared olive oil dish what your question(s) are. Stare into the oil, lit only by candle or oil lamp light, and you will receive a direct vision.
─── ⋆⋅𓂀⋅⋆ ──
For more information & how to pronounce the incantations, check here.
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gillyvor · 27 days
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Tried to take a break from working on the comic and ended up sketching this boy anyway 😔❤️
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recklessfiction · 1 year
What to Know if You are Gifted the Sight of the Oracle
Be mindful to whom you lend your talents. The gift of foresight is coveted by all, warlords, priests, and paupers alike. The Queen of Caverns, that great dragon, has been known to steal oracles in order to advance her reign. There is talk that her current one has died. Be careful.
Very few can change the future but it is possible. These individuals are very dangerous to those like yourself. There are tales of augurs driven to madness by the ever shifting threads of fate, the endless possibilities brought about by the dissatisfied and the ambitious. Kill them, should you have the chance, lest your mind be played by their whims like an instrument.
Your eyes, in truth the eyes of any seer, are powerful and sought after ingredients for a wide range of potions, rituals, and spells. Isn't that wonderful? Many years ago, when those cloying gods of Heat and Summer, arose from their satin sheets and began their war with us, the bodies of oracles were found littered across country sides, their eyes torn out. At that time, every man, woman, and child was desperate to know what fate had in store.
There are those that you can learn under; sages and sybils who have whetted their talents beyond anything remotely understood by the common man. The great giant Bodi, on whose hands are grafted the eyes of thousands of augur. Sister Pleasant, a silent priestess of the Winter; her great paws have crushed the heads of many a tyrant and king. Then there is the Liar who lies beneath the lake, exiled for her gifts by her god and lover, and the Mad Gargoyle, trapped on the brow of the Castle King for millennia.
I would warn you not to look too deeply into your own future. The temptation, I understand, is a powerful one but to look where one's own strings will lead will bring only premature despair or an unearned confidence that will, more likely than not, lead to your downfall.
It would behoove you to find out from where your powers came. Most oracles receive their gifts from gods, looking to relieve their own lethargy by causing chaos and confusion, but there are some whom the gods cannot claim, some who found their eyes in the light of swamp lanterns, or who were cursed by the sky to see infinitely. It would be beneficial to know what manner of creature might one day come looking for repayment for their "gift."
Many will take your word as truth, remember this. Armies will fly into battle, confident in your assurances of their victory. People will burn their homes, turn killer, heratic, humanitarian, or acolyte, all under your advisement. I am not telling you to manipulate the world around you, I am only saying that you can. Your word is worth its weight in gold, as is every other part of you. Use this gift, for it is a gift. I look forward to seeing where it will take you.
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astrolocherry · 7 months
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This annual splendour marks the final Full Moon night of the astrological year. -The Virgo Full Moon is a lunar elixir filled with magical healing properties. I chose this pic because the chart of Sydney, where I live is Virgo Moon.
-The Virgo Full Moon is the passage that reunites you with her thoughts. You can call her this way.-The annual Full Moon in Virgo is the Healer’s Moon. Virgo is the Great Mother, our Mother Sophia, Mother Maya and our Mother Mary. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and the first sound a baby makes is usually ‘maaa’, it sounds similar to the ‘mar’ or ‘Mer’ of ‘Mercury’, ‘Maya’ and ‘Mary’. It is a call this Goddess who can always be summoned to one’s presence. 
-The solar water of Pisces can cleanse the mind of the contaminants collected in the past zodiac year and let them drift out to sea. It's Now time - Let it all go.
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free readings
Starting now…
✨ Ask the Oracle! ✨
I'm here for the next hour! Free Tarot readings just for the first two people joining today!
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malky-tea · 1 month
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Another picture in WoDzine, though I don't remember if it was in the first or second issue :D
Whoever I consider in the World of Darkness, vampires, demons, changelings and so on, I will ALWAYS have fortune tellers or necromancers (if the setting allows for such) at the top of my list. When it comes to ghosts, necromancy falls away on its own for obvious reasons. But fortune-telling is much better. I love the Spooks guild immensely, with the Oracles guild coming in a close second place.
And today I'm going to show you a soothsayer. Alas, he was not a member of the guild and is actually a renegade. But his main Arcanos is Fatalism, so that's fine. His name is Jonas and he has been wandering the Shadowlands for over a hundred years. A long time ago he suffered at the hands of the Oracles guild. Driven by revenge, he founded a renegade circle called "The Eye". There he takes in similarly unfortunate wraiths with a similar fate. His style of divination is divination by the wraith's Corpus and their Plasma. Yeah, it's a little violent. Often, however, when we struggle with someone, we become like them, if not worse. There is an attractive drama in that.
Jonas has appeared twice as an antagonist at my games. Oh, the players had to hate him a lot, because it was the Oracles who starred. Strangely enough, despite all the misfortune they caused each other, they found common ground with him and became buddies. Amazing result, I thought he would be destroyed.
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fkartcreations · 27 days
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
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If you picked this pile, you have to go with source on this one. Your path isn't linear, and neither are you. Protection is granted whichever path you choose to walk. Gifts will start to show itself more soon for people who picked this one. These gifts could be known but you've kept them hidden, or they are starting to grow and you can feel and see them much better. Boldness is a theme for this group because it helps you shine bright like a light bulb, you'll stick out like a green thumb and the soul mates and partnerships connected to your life path/ hearts desires will become a growing opportunity. Work on this, and by the spring/summer months you'll see a noticeable difference in your income and your way of life as a whole.
Themes: Bunnies, River banks, Walks at the park, Cool outfits, Divine ephiphanies.
Numbers: 333, 211, 316, 411, 414, 666, 999
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If you picked this pile, you'll be having a soul mate connection of a life time. This isn't no ordinary love, this person has known you from many different worlds besides this one. It's an opening of the heart for this group. It's asking you to take a leap of faith as there is a sense of newness coming around the corner with this partner. Enjoy the experience with bonding with a soul just as deep as you. There is nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. Bliss is an ethereal feeling that makes the high feel worthwhile. This is a strong partnership ready to overgo intense feelings of the path they've chosen in order to grow on a deeper soul level.
Themes : Lovers, Channeler, Divine Timing, Peace of Mind, Glory, Special Occasions, Romantic
Numbers: 444, 212, 222, 333, 555, 999
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Going outside and getting some fresh air. Bonding with nature and the tides. Exploring the open zones in your area. There's so much to see if you look around. Traveler. Take that train or that bus, where will you go next? Seek for more. The journey is in the pineal gland (third eye), you have to want this. You have to focus and just go for it. Be bold and be righteous. In times of traveling, you will have protection around your aura. Mystical experiences could be noted during this time as the veil is insightly thin right now.
Taking a trip can help cut off old ends and dying partnerships will seize to exist in the next few months. You have to go within and just go with the flow my love. Take the chance, it'll be worth it in the end.
Themes : Adventure, Travel, Oceans, Beaches, 'Narley dude', Making a move, Going slow, Captivating energy.
Numbers: 616, 555, 777, 888, 909
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If you picked this pile, it is necessary for you to lay low for a while. Your vibration is a little more sensitive than usual. If you picked this group you could possibly be an empath. Also take note that you should consider doing any energy cleanses as needed for your energy to get a boost. Just stay out of drama, gossip and focus on journaling any emotions that make you feel stagnant, sad, depressed, angry, etc. Working on your shadow and inner needs will be substantial for your growth in the later years. So being more secretive on this type of work will be the best choice. You could be a light for other people and could be called into the spotlight for healing. Sensual energy is in your aura waiting to be fully tapped in. You are gracious, please remember. Venus energy is surrounding your being. Look at the stars, and look back at yourself. Remember you are your worst enemy at times, but you can always be better than today.
Themes: 'Shhh, I heard she's got problems', gossip, hear say, crying out loud, making space for yourself and for others, being insane.'
Numbers: 808, 222, 111, 777, 711, 303, 313
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k-tarotz · 9 months
Our new Oracle deck arrived!
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As for paid readings:
Get to know how many spirit animals you have, or if some of your spirits can transform to an animal and what kind
Get to know more about your spirit animals itself (all of them!)
What impact do they have on you / on your life?
Channeled message of at least one of them, includes pictures of all cards / animals that get pulled!
It will be as detailed as possible! The pictures will be included in the reading! <3
As for free readings:
Get to know 1 of your spirit animals
If you tell a (fun)fact about yourself we will add a small fact about your spirit animal~
We will be answering requests around/after Christmas! <3
P.s feel free to send normal requests as well, related to kpop or yourself~
As for paid readings send us a dm!
As for free readings send us an ask in our inbox!
No anons allowed for this!
Only 1 request for everyone
No spamming
Follow us, like and reblog this post for a free reading!
- Hun & Candy
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Margaret Atwood - Lady Oracle - Bantam Seal - 1977 (cover illustration by Charles Hamrick)
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Exploring the Depths of Swords Arcana
~ Insights and Interpretations
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Introduction to Swords Arcana
The sword's essence truly manifests itself within the crucible of combat and dueling. Envisioning "lightweight" scenes would undermine its inherent purpose, for the sword's function thrives in battle and warfare. These blades seek conflict, striving for victory on the battlefield. Crafted with dual blades, the metal embodies a cutting edge and a dualistic universe. These symbols of warriors endeavor to convey their perspective, even enduring pain, where survival often hinges on a kill-or-be-killed mentality.
Disclaimer: The way I learned to read tarot cards does not involve the use of upright and reversed positions. Instead, they rely on their symbology, positive and negative meanings, and the readings depend more on the spread rather than whether the card is upright or reversed. Also, the Court Cards will also have its separate post and I’m using Rider-Waite as reference.
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Ace of Spades
Symbolism: The ace, denoting unity and the inception of concepts, is entwined with the Air element (yang). This synergy births the genesis of ideas, showcasing the active force behind their inception and their influence on our mental realm. Such ideas arise from fleeting moments, mirroring the sword's grasp, connecting to the phallic symbol, signifying assertion. It exhibits agility and fluidity through its form, accompanied by nobility represented by the crown.
Positive Aspects: This card signifies the emergence of impactful ideas and noble intentions. It encompasses words, plans, and ethical principles vocalized by individuals. Illuminating thoughts underscore its essence, driven by persistent contemplation. The ace heralds the commencement of fruitful conversations, dialogues, or even disagreements. A quest for righteousness is evident, guided by the urge to express what is perceived as right. Engaging in argumentation and asserting one's will takes center stage, underpinned by the necessity for courteous, direct, and noble communication.
Ace of Spades: In this context, the negative connotation reflects unfulfilled principles and groundless ideas. Such fleeting concepts are akin to a "flash in the pan," lacking in substance. Dishonorable and deceitful words accompany these notions, sowing disorder and distress. Antagonistic ideas fuel endless debates, potentially leading to harmful intentions or superficial propositions. The inability to wield a sword metaphorically signifies a lack of defense or empowerment.
2 of Swords
Symbolism: The number two emerges from the unity of one, representing a dualistic, opposing nature. The delicate equilibrium is disrupted as divergent ideas contend for supremacy. Depicted is a figure bearing the weight of swords, symbolizing the challenge of decision-making. The moon and water elements evoke emotional detachment, urging logical discernment. Blindfolded, impartiality prevails, underscoring the significance of thoughtful positioning.
Positive Aspects: This card embodies truces, agreements, and harmonious resolutions. It underscores the value of diplomacy, facilitating consensus and informed choices. The card encourages steadfastness in decision-making and the careful balance between emotional and rational faculties. Diplomatic interactions with diverse individuals and groups, along with honorable conflicts, are encouraged. Well-crafted competition and stimulating rivalry fuel intellectual growth, fostering teamwork and camaraderie. The card suggests favorable judgments and well-reasoned decisions.
Negative Aspects: On the flip side, hesitation, doubt, and emotional indecision take center stage. The impartiality, when taken to an extreme, fosters unethical behavior and truce-related challenges. Disregarding empathy for differing perspectives hinders harmony, leading to superficial interactions and a lack of understanding. The card cautions against evading responsibility and shying away from comprehensive evaluations.
3 of Spades
Symbolism: The number three signifies the synthesis of unity and duality, birthing new ideas through opposing forces. In this context, the card portrays a novel notion arising from these forces, akin to the formulation of a decisive sentence. Despite potential pain or discomfort, consensus remains crucial. The heart symbolizes the challenge, as emotional attachments might hinder logical resolution.
Positive Aspects: The card signifies relief following a resolute decision-making process. It encourages embracing responsibility, prioritizing collective well-being over personal privilege. Delving deep into the core of issues and resolving them swiftly is urged, emphasizing direct and efficient approaches. The card celebrates the courage to stand by one's values and the willingness to engage in benevolent actions, even if they entail personal sacrifice.
Negative Aspects: Anguish and despair arise from indecision and the burden of responsibility. Ineffectual attempts at problem-solving lead to mental agony. The absence of creativity, failure to achieve consensus, and inability to focus on a singular idea impede progress. The card warns against neglecting diverse perspectives, resulting in missed opportunities for growth and understanding.
4 of Swords
Symbolism: The number four introduces order to the realm of ideas, a challenge for the airy element. To become a productive force, air requires motion and direction. Thus, the card conveys a hushed tranquility, analogous to a serene church setting. It serves as a pause for strategic contemplation, a call to hone one's skills, and an invitation for introspective reconfiguration.
Positive Aspects: This card encourages introspection, thoughtful analysis, and strategic reorganization. Taking a break to rest and restore mental clarity is advised. Meditation and silence facilitate deeper reflection, allowing ideas to crystallize and insights to emerge. Prioritizing observation over discourse fosters efficient idea generation and encourages the development of practices that enhance cognitive clarity.
Negative Aspects: Stagnation, repetitiveness, and a lack of innovation permeate the air. The card warns against fixating on static, unproductive ideas. It discourages excessive sleep or detachment, which hinder effective communication and constructive action. The chasm between intention and execution is evident, underscoring the importance of aligning thoughts with tangible efforts.
5 of Swords
Symbolism: The number five signifies an attempt to transcend limitations, often leading to inexperience and failure. The card depicts a scene of defeat, where an individual encounters more adept adversaries, resulting in loss. The pursuit of reasoning with others reveals the unpreparedness, leading to a fallen argument. The imagery portrays a thwarted endeavor, highlighting the ephemeral nature of such endeavors.
Positive Aspects: Amid defeat, there's resilience and partial preservation. Although the battle is lost, the war remains. The card advises relinquishing harmful ideas, recognizing the potential for future success. Lessons learned from failures guide future actions, urging meticulous evaluation and adjustment. The card emphasizes persistence and growth despite setbacks.
Negative Aspects: Unprepared and futile attempts mar the landscape, leading to loss, frustration, and difficulty. The card cautions against hasty actions and irrational pursuits, promoting negative outcomes. Pessimism and self-sabotaging tendencies hinder progress, reinforcing the importance of measured, strategic endeavors.
6 of Swords
Symbolism: The number six embodies reparation and reconciliation, offering a chance to seek refuge and new perspectives. Depicted is the act of rescuing individuals from shame and guiding them toward safe havens. This card symbolizes the quest for harmony among conflicting ideas, advocating introspection and the mending of one's convictions.
Positive Aspects: The card heralds a period of healing, restoration, and finding solace. It encourages seeking alternative paths and viewpoints, striving for inner and external harmony. Support from others aids the journey toward clarity and resolution. Embracing change and transformation facilitates growth and renewal.
Negative Aspects: A retreat in shame, evading confrontation and hiding from self-awareness, becomes prominent. The card advises against avoidance and self-imposed isolation, which hinder growth and understanding. Dwelling on difficulties and resisting change further impede progress, promoting stagnation and personal loss.
7 of Swords
Symbolism: The number seven embodies persistence and belief, emphasizing the power of steadfastness. In the realm of air, believing is seeing. The card showcases the strength of persistence, rooted in logical reasoning and problem-solving. The imagery portrays selective focus, leaving behind unnecessary issues to address core problems.
Positive Aspects: The card urges vigilance and strategic thinking. It emphasizes using intelligence to one's advantage, remaining diplomatic, and asserting one's perspective with flexibility. The number seven symbolizes unwavering dedication to one's beliefs and employing diverse tactics to communicate and persuade.
Negative Aspects: Persisting in error or faulty beliefs takes center stage. Impulsivity and a lack of diplomacy hinder effective communication. Engaging in tangential arguments and altering points for convenience are discouraged. The card warns against adopting a cynical viewpoint, lacking trust in one's intuition, and attempting to appease others at the expense of authenticity.
8 of Swords
Symbolism: The number eight reflects a doubling of four, highlighting the establishment of order and productivity. However, it struggles to integrate effectively with the airy element. The imagery portrays an individual surrounded by diverse ideas, expressing a willingness to defend personal convictions. This card signifies a challenge to confront and assess one's beliefs.
Positive Aspects: The card emboldens one to face opposing opinions and challenges. It advocates stepping onto the stage of challenge, drawing upon inner courage to evaluate one's beliefs and actions. The number eight emphasizes introspection and self-awareness, encouraging the exploration of diverse viewpoints to refine one's perspective.
Negative Aspects: Fear-induced paralysis prevails, impeding growth and progress. The card warns against succumbing to false truths or succumbing to external pressures. Paralysis by one's own or others' opinions prevents open communication and hinders the authentic expression of thoughts. It calls for breaking free from self-imposed constraints to foster personal growth.
9 of Swords
Symbolism: The number nine symbolizes mature and evolved thought stemming from the unity of one. This card portrays an individual deep in thought, encapsulating a mature mental state where responsibilities and ideas carry weight. Astrological symbols on the quilt suggest celestial guidance, underscoring the connection between life's signs and profound inquiries.
Positive Aspects: Deep contemplation and profound meditation are the hallmarks of this card. It champions methodical problem-solving, offering a path to practical resolutions. Seeking guidance through prayer and introspection facilitates mental clarity and wise decision-making. The number nine signifies embracing responsibility and harnessing wisdom to navigate life's challenges.
Negative Aspects: The card cautions against clinging to outdated or immature perspectives. It signifies mental distress, phobias, and unsettling thoughts that hinder rational thinking. A lack of sleep, mental unrest, and a single-minded fixation on distressing thoughts pervade, hindering sound judgment and emotional well-being.
10 of Swords
Symbolism :The number ten encapsulates the culmination of experiences within the suit, often leading to a decisive outcome. The imagery depicts a figure pierced by swords, signifying a significant end or transition. While defeat may be apparent, a new day dawns, symbolized by the rising sun and a fresh sword, heralding renewal and potential growth.
Positive Aspects: This card signifies triumph and conquest, wherein opposing ideas succumb to one's convictions. Problems are resolved, and obstacles are overcome. The number ten celebrates the strength of will, organization, and focused effort. It signifies the ability to take decisive action and reap the rewards of perseverance.
Negative Aspects: The card symbolizes defeat, ruin, and the cessation of progress. Overcoming difficulties becomes a daunting task as obstacles pile up. The number ten cautions against tyrannical thinking, arrogance, and the risk of ignoring opposing perspectives. It warns against allowing fear and negativity to paralyze progress.
Extra Sources: Tarot images by comparativetarot
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