#Oracle Spread
coinandcandle · 1 year
Forward & Onward Spread
Having a hard time finding direction? Or maybe you need help moving on from something, a person, a place, or a situation.
Either way, this spread can help you out!
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The Forward & Onward spread focuses on various parts of the self, both physical and non-physical, and asks how you can best take care of these aspects of yourself in order to move forward or move on (perhaps both)!
Note: This spread can be done using any form of cartomancy, or really any type of divination.
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What does my mind need? It’s easier to tell when your physical self is struggling, the signs are less obvious for mental strain, though. What is it that you need for the sake of your mind? This will likely be a more straightforward, logical answer.
What does my body need? Our bodies know when we’re going through a hard time, what do you need to do for your body to help move forward?
What does my spirit need? Spirituality and your spiritual beliefs can play a big role in your life ventures. What do you need to nurture in your spirit in order to move forward?
What does my heart need? This is the feelings side of the reading. Perhaps there are feelings you’re repressing, or maybe you don’t know how to label the things you’re feeling, to begin with. What is it that you need in order for your heart to be on the same page as everything else moving forward?
Next step/action to take. This is more self-explanatory, what action (or even actions) should you take in order to move forward?
If you do this spread let me know how it went!
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saucemgosh · 4 months
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A tarot spread I made to better understand the dynamics between two people. Great for romantic relationships, friendships, etc!
*I like to use oracle cards for the first two to three cards, but that’s just me.
If you like the spread, feel free to heart and repost, would love to see the readings you get with this spread!
If you want a reading done for you, checkout my kofi in my bio!
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alexfromminecraft · 3 months
(closed as of 6/11/24, now offering for $2!)
i’m offering free tarot and oracle readings!! here are the steps :D
1. like my pinned post
2. submit an ask (? i think that’s what it’s called) with your name (or initials if uncomfy), zodiac, favorite color, and your question! specify if you would like tarot/oracle or both!
3. be patient!! not sure how fast i’m gonna do them tbh
i think that’s it enjoy!! :>>>
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hermitsmirror · 7 months
Spread: New Moon in Pisces
Making your dreams a reality
In 2024, we have the New Moon in Pisces (20º Pisces 16’) happening March 10, 2024 (5:00AM US Eastern Time), but you can use this spread for any New Moon in Pisces. The fundamentals are the same.
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Clearing: What future visions need to check in with present reality?
Transitional pause: How can my dreams for humanity nurture my empathy?
New seeds: How can I deepen my connection to the psychic realms?
Light in darkness: When does my inability to focus on the here-and-now provide an opportunity to dream, untethered?
Planetary boon: What hidden fantasy will help me to manifest good fortune?
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spectrowhirl · 8 months
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A Spectrowhirl Oracle spread. The deck is for sale here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1587059748/spectrowhirl-oracle-deck-54-hand-painted
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lightboundhellhound · 10 months
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wanna know how your year is gonna go? you’re in luck!
from December 20, 2023 through January 15, 2024, i will be offering a tarot or oracle reading that predicts your 2024!
13 cards, one for each month + an overall year vibes card, for just $15! dm or send an ask for payment method
if you don’t have the money, that’s perfectly fine! reblogs are just as valuable <3
thank you for reading!
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vacantwoodsenthusiast · 9 months
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The solstice is feeling like a very good day for being creative and in love with my art...
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oraclenerdmage · 8 months
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Make It Known
Is a spread I use when confronted with the unknown. This spread helps me navigate by focusing on what I already know, understanding what I don't know, and learning what I need to understand.
What I Know: The facts of the situation, the clear understanding and the intuitive messages received around it.
What I Don't: The facts unknown to me, The fears and limitations arising. The true energy around the situation.
What I Need To: The message needed to have clarity and ease of (stress/fear/anxiety) around the situation. The fact that will "Click" to understand what is happening and why this energy is showing up.
Throughout the reading, I rely on my intuition to guide me in interpreting the meaning of each card. I trust that I already have all the answers I seek within me.
If you find this spread helpful, feel free to share it with a friend who may benefit from it.
Save this post for later as it may come in handy in the future.
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hydrangeaintuitive · 11 months
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This spread was inspired by this quote, “It is foolish to believe in something to hurt or harm you. Remember, it is not the thing believed in that hurts or harms you, but the belief or thought in your mind, which creates the result. All your experiences, all your actions, and all the events and circumstances of your life are but the reflections and reactions to your own thoughts.”
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sacredsyns · 1 year
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New Moon at 22° Virgo 8:40p Central
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luna-x-mystica · 1 year
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Goddess & Moon Oracle Spread
You can probably modify it with any God or Goddess but I first created with a Goddess Oracle Deck and a Moon Oracle Deck. I think this will do well with any Gods & Moon Oracle Deck. ( I recommend practicing a few times to see if the decks have a flow or compatibility feel to them first. )
The first three or more cards are devoted to your God/Goddess Deck. Of course, read the message or think about their initial message.
The Second Group is devoted to a Moon Oracle Deck. Usually, Goddesses are represented as a Moon Deity and Slash Unknown/ Hidden Knowledge, not all of course. When shuffling the second deck. Go to each Goddess Card and set the intention of finding what additional message she has to offer and say. Place that card above that specific God/Goddess and move on to the next repeating the same steps above.
Once done, read the Moon Oracle messages and contemplate what or why the specific Goddess wants you to think or tell you that specific message.
EX: 1 & 2
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saucemgosh · 4 months
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I made a spread for looking at what the month looks like! Can be used for tarot and/or oracle. I like the optional cards, as they usually give me something extra to think about.
If you like this spread, give it some love and repost! I’d love to see any readings y’all get with it!
If you’d like a reading done for yourself, I offer this reading on my kofi, link in bio!
I hope you have a wonderful day, and if it hasn’t been wonderful, just remember that the possibilities of tomorrow are always endless.
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alexfromminecraft · 9 days
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what do i need to know today?
the knight of swords tells me to focus on my goals with all my energy today. the star allows me to get into a creative flow today. healing energy is also present. the oracle cars nurture tells me to tend to my skills and my inner child. to show care along the way for the ones you love and for what you want to nurture. :>
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hermitsmirror · 9 months
Spread: New Moon in Capricorn
Planting seeds for steady growth
In the 2023–2024 season, we have the New Moon in Capricorn (20º Capricorn 44’) happening January 11, 2024 (6:57AM US Eastern Time), but you can use this spread for any New Moon in Capricorn. The fundamentals are the same.
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Clearing: What flights of fancy is it time to get serious about?
Transitional pause: What recent learning serves as the foundation for my future ambitions?
New seeds: What grand design am I ready to start building?
Light in darkness: How can my envy help me understand my ambition?
Planetary boon: What responsibilities am I encouraged to reward?
Read more about how I created the spread on my blog.
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cosmicwitchcourtney · 2 years
I pulled the Christmas Cross spread for myself with the Yule Oracle deck as a little present to me🎄 Don’t mind the shiddy pic I don’t have a good spot to take pics rn
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1 Where are you right now? Poinsettia
Beauty in darkness, transformation, shadow work
True, I’ve been going hard on shadow work all year. I def want to keep at it, but it would be nice to change my pace in 2023 and move back outward with my energy. I also see this as strong self care/self love vibes. 
2 Winter Storm: What challenges are you facing? Mistletoe
Fertility, protection, spark of ideas
This made me laugh bc I’m supposed to be getting my period any minute basically, and it’s making me not feel my best. Kinda bummed about it. But overall yea having trouble organizing all of my business ideas for the new year!! As for protection— yes, I do still need to do some work on my boundaries.
3 North Star: What goal should you focus on? Chills
Wake-up call, awareness, warning
Listening to intuition and gut feelings. I have started shifting into relying less on books and resources and more on what’s happening in the moment. Feels good that I’m on the right track! Also, need to pay closer attention if there are any red flags around. Recently I ignored a red flag and ended up in a very uncomfortable situation with a client. Lesson learned! 
4 Traditions: What strength do you already have? Gratitude
Acknowledgement, appreciation
Finding the good in the negative. Also, this struck me as my reiki, because I always notice gratitude makes it so much stronger. 
5 Ghost of the Past: One thing from your past that is influencing your future. Squirrel Medicine
Planning, secrets, trust
Setting intentions. Another nice message of confirmation. And I agree, setting my intentions clearly helped me do so much more than I thought I could! Also the trust message— I do feel like I’m at a place now where I trust the people in my life and they trust me.
6 New Year: What can you look forward to? Feasting
Having enough, nourishment, providing
Took this very literally. Haha yup, we are going to be feasting. I’m so excited to have the yummy Christmas treats! Feels like a message as well about worrying less in the new year about resources.
7 Self-Care: The best way to proceed. Merriment
Happiness, following your Soul
Need to follow what brings me joy! I’m excited to do more painting and also to connect with more people. 
8 Wisdom: Advice to help you navigate your situation. Candle Magic
Intention, prayer, hope
The book says I am heading for peaceful times, that the cosmos and Spirit are answering my prayers. Beyond this though, I kept feeling drawn to light a candle to connect with my Spirits and lost loved ones. I will do this tonight. 
9 Light: What do you need most at this time? Light
Hope, return of light
Faith in better days to come. I think I’m doing well with this, so I’ll continue to keep it up! Also a sign to do more reiki healing on myself. And even beyond that— I totally do need return of light literally so I can get back out on my walks!! 
10: Long Term Outcome. Silent Night
Meditation, peace, stillness
Taking time to meditate and gain perspective. Nice confirmation that I’ll continue on this track, and that I’m doing the right things. Also nice that I’ll have peace.
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thedarkmaidenn · 2 years
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A deck you didn’t know you needed, BUT YOU NEED IT.
This is one of my most treasured Oracle Decks. Woman Runes changed my life. Here are some samples of the pure poetic magic that this Deck holds. If you’re a witchy woman, add this to your collection.
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