#Or any other historical time period for that matter
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Imagine your Otp
Person A: “If I were rich, I wouldn’t hesitate. If I were rich I’d marry you as soon as the courthouse doors opened. I would change my name. I would change my face. I’d come back to you as a king. How could they refuse our love then?”
#For my regency fans#Or any other historical time period for that matter#wlw prompts#fanfic inspiration#otp ideas#fanfic things#fanfic prompts#otp prompt#tag your otp#otp things#fanfic inspo#imagine your otp#otp inspiration#happy pride 🌈#pride 2024
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this is your periodic reminder that for all the artifacts and errors and "tells" one could possibly list, the only reliable way to actually determine if an image is ai generated is to investigate the source. it is becoming increasingly common for "fake classical paintings" to circulate around curative aesthetic blogs, and everyone should be using this as an opportunity to not only exercise their investigative skills but also appreciate art more in general. you're all checking out the artists you reblog, right? 🫣
so what are some signs to look for? let's use this very good example.

what a lovely late-impressionist piece blended with evocative leyendecker-esque themes! why haven't you ever heard of this artist before? surely tumblr would be all over an artist like this. who is justin brown?
your two options from here are to do a search for the name, or a reverse image search. i prefer reverse image searching, particularly when it comes to a common name like "justin brown". so what does that net?

Immediately, without looking at any text, something is wrong: it barely exists. an actual historical piece would turn up numerous results from websites individually discussing the piece, but no such discussions are taking place. Looking at the text, though, does show the source-- and at least in this case, the creator was honest about their medium.

But let's also look at the "exact matches", in case a source doesn't make itself apparent in the initial sidebar results like this.

This section will often tell you post dates of images, and here it can be seen that the very first iteration of the image was posted 15 days ago. It did not exist online prior to that.
Seeing how long an unsourced image has been floating around is a skill applicable to more than just generative images! See a cool image of an artifact or other intriguing item with a vivid caption? Reverse search it! If all the results are paired with that caption and only go back a few months, you might just have viral facebook spam.
Sometimes generative creators are dishonest about their medium and do not tag it like in the example, so that's when establishing "jpeg provenance" becomes important. While it can be a little trickier to determine if someone is using generative images and not admitting to it if they aren't trying to pass it off as a classic, something to consider is the age of their account and the frequency with which they post. Here are some account red flags:
-Did they only start posting art after 2022, or if they did before, did their style/skill level WILDLY change? Not gradual improvement-- I'm talking amateur graphite portraits straight into complex digital renders. Everyone starts somewhere, newness is not a red flag alone; it's newness combined with existing in a vacuum away from any community.
-Do they post fully-finished paintings several times a week? -Do many of these paintings seem iterative of a similar theme or subject matter ("three well-dressed young men face each other under shade and dappled sunlight")?
-Does their style change in inconsistent ways? An artist that can swap between painting like Drew Struzan and Hokusai should be pretty well known, right? Why is no one hyping this guy?!
-Do they have social media besides the source instagram? If so, what are they posting about? Are there any WIPs? Doodles? Interactions with other artists? Gallery dates? 3am self-doubt posts? Or is it all self-promo? Crypto? Seemingly nothing art-related at all for someone pushing out 3 weekly paintings?
Basically, if it's important to you to omit this stuff when you curate, please don't just smash reblog if the source doesn't seem to be the OP themselves. Seeking out sources was important even before this became an issue, now it is more than ever.
peace n love
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School sucks!

Minatozaki Sana x female reader
Warnings: Loser reader, popular girl Sana, awkward talks, history class (if that's a warning for anyone), reader is like super nerdy, some self-doubt, mentions of presentation anxiety
Story: Reader and Sana are paired together for group work. Sana flirts, reader blushes.
Authors note: This was quite fun as someone who has history advanced class. Sometimes, I feel like an absolute nerdy loser during school. Anyways, enjoy the read♥︎
The school bell rings as the clock strikes eight o'clock. School has started, and the students of the eleventh grade wait patiently for their history teacher. Monday first period was always reserved for history. A few students quickly shove some snacks into their mouths, and others spend the time on their phone for as long as they still could.
The door slides open, and the teacher walks inside. Measured steps walk towards the front of the class.
"Good morning, class." Greets the history teacher. Everyone gets up and bows down while mumbling a 'Good morning'.
"I've planned a class project for the week. The project will include a presentation, a handout, and a test on all of the presented topics. The timeline for preparation as well as presenting will take about two and a half weeks. I will choose the groups. Every group includes two students."
Groans and complaints roar through the classroom. Nobody seems to be in the mood for such a time-consuming project. The mentions of a test seemed to wrap it up nicely.
One student, though, was all excited for the project. Y/n. Her love for history was indescribable. Always top of the class with a perfect score. Her love for history started at a very young age. Most of her free time was reserved for researching historic events. On top of that, she is also class president. A trustful student at that.
Y/n smiled brightly while already planning out the structure of this project.
There is another person in this classroom. Her excitement was on the bare minimum. Minatozaki Sana. She is one of the most popular girls at school. Everyone is head over heels for either her or one of her friends. Hirai Momo and Myoui Mina are always on her side, the Japanese girls never seen separate.
Sana groans and glances out of the window. She wasn't exactly stupid or not good in history. The subject just didn't matter to her that much. There were better things she could spend her free time with. Such as shopping.
The teacher had already started putting together the pairs. Some students are happy while some others try to hide their frustrations. Y/n patiently waited for her turn.
"Y/n, you will be in a group with Sana."
Y/n smiles and turns to glance at Sana. The two never spoke much. The class president waves joyfully and nicely greets Sana. The Japanese girl, on the other hand, did not react that excitedly. She almost rolled her eyes and turned her head away.
After class, Y/n makes her way to Sana.
"Hello, Sana. Since we're in one group, I wanted to discuss some things for the start. When do you have time for meeting up after school? I already planned some things for the presentation and hand out-"
"First of all, I don't have any time for this project. I really need some new clothes, so I'll be spending my free time shopping. Secondly, I think you can handle this perfectly on your own for now. I'll tell you when I'm free, just get started and I'll help you later on. What's even our topic?"
"Oh, um, our topic is Napoleon and him taking over Europe. Please text me when you're free. Here's my number."
You hand her your phone and watch her type in your number into her contacts. She smiles and hands you back your phone.
"Thanks, Sana, I'll be looking forward to our work together."
You smile back and leave the classroom to get to your other class.
A week has passed. Sana hasn't texted you yet, and the project is due in three days. You did most of the research yourself as expected. People mostly let you do the work since you're the class best. Sana isn't an exception there.
You thought she would have messaged you by now, but the contact between the two of you stays silent. Sana doesn't even talk to you at school. You feel really frustrated about this. She didn't even talk to you in history class.
You never minded being the nerdy outcast, but sometimes it was just lonely. Nobody would want to pair up with you. Many would just use you for good grades. You didn't think Sana would be the same. She actually looked so sweet.
A notification from your phone interrupts your train of thoughts. It's a text message from Sana.
'Send me your address, I'm coming over wince I have some free time. Can't leave you all alone with the project ;)'
You sit up and look at the message for a few seconds. That was quick. You didn't think the odds would change this fast, but here you are. You type in your address and see her reply with thumbs up. She's quite silly if you think about it.
The wait for Sana is uncomfortable and embarrassingly long. You get a light stomach ache, which is quite normal in stressful situations. Everything related to the topic is laid out on your desk, sorted neatly. Your right leg bounces on the stop to relieve some stress.
Your parents aren't home for the night. They went out for dinner. You often told them that you wouldn't be eating with them since you were so caught up in studying. School is something very important to you, and you take it very seriously.
The door rings, and your body almost explodes with nervousness. She's here, at your house. This is weird. Nobody's ever been at your house. You apparently take too long for her liking, so Sana rings the doorbell again.
The sounds of your footsteps are muffled due to the carpet. You carefully open the door and glance at Sana. She looks nice, maybe a bit overdressed. You, on the other hand, are dressed in casual clothes.
Sana smiles at you and moves past you inside of your house without even asking for permission. You look after her in confusion, but quickly close the door to catch up with her.
"Where's your bedroom?"
Sana asks. You lead her to your room and close the door after the two of you enter. Sana takes a good look at your room. She grins at the decor and the posters.
"Kpop? Really? Didn't think you'd be this nerdy."
You blush and look down at your feet.
"It's actually really nice to listen to. You should give it a chance."
Sana shrugs and picks up some other items. She often giggles to herself. You can't really do anything else other than watching her inspect everything in your room. Maybe this was a bad idea.
"How about we start on the project? It's due in three days, and there are still some things we need to do."
Sana nods and looks at the already gathered papers on your desk.
"Did you already start with the hand out?"
You shake your head and walk over to your desk.
"No, I focused on the presentation first. It's the most important thing about our project. All of the information I gathered should be helpful for the handout, though."
Sana nods and takes some of the papers. She reads through the information and nods to herself.
"Wait, wasn't Napoleon like active during the first world war?"
You stop with what you're doing and slowly turn to look at Sana. This question was not expected.
"No. Napoleon's era was during the late eighteen century up to the early nineteen century. World War One happened in 1914 until 1918. Why did you think Napoleon ruled during world war one?"
"I don't know. My concept of time is not that great."
You nod and get back to the information. Sana grabs a paper and starts with the handout.
"I can start on the handout. After I'm done, we can copy this and print it out a few times. What do you want on the handout?"
"Uhm, maybe Napoleon's way of taking over Europe, and we should definitely bring in the code civil."
Sana just nods and raises her eyebrows at what you said. Her knowledge of history could be compared to the intelligence of a potato. This was just not her strong suit.
"Wow, you're really into the topic. It's a shame that you're this nerdy. You're actually kinda cute."
Sana winks at you, and you blush. Why is she acting like this? At first she didn't want to talk to you, and now she is flirting with you? What is this behaviour?
The evening goes on with the two of you working on the project. Sana is surprisingly very good at making handouts. Her questions on Napoleon, on the other hand, have you in a state of shock.
During the work, Sana makes some flirty comments towards you. It's weird since she doesn't really talk to you, like ever, but this seems to be different. You don't know what has gotten into her.
Sana leaves after two hours. She winks at you and then walks off into the night. Your face is beet red. Nobody has ever acted like this with you before.
You sit down in the cafeteria to eat some food. While munching on some rice, you finish some English homework. You're so deep in thoughts that you don't notice three girls walking over to you.
They put down their trays and sit down at your table. You lift your head to see who it's is. It's Sana and her friends Mina and Momo. Sana sat down next to you while the other girls obtained the seats across from you. Sana smiles and clings onto your arm.
"Hi, I hope you don't mind us sitting here. We just thought you were a bit lonely, all by yourself. What are you working on, honey?"
You stop in your tracks and look at Sana. Your face heats up, and you stammer for words. Momo and Mina are suddenly very interested in the food, but you can see the smile on their faces.
"Uh, uh, I'm working on English homework."
Sana coes and presses herself against your body. You side eye her and get back to your homework.
It is really hard trying to concentrate, while Sana distracts you from homework. She would squeeze your arm and whisper flirty stuff in your ear. Momo is too interested in her food to even notice the commotion between Sana and yourself. You sometimes think she's in a different universe, deeply engaged in her thoughts. Mina, on the other hand, did notice the little situation between Sana and you, yet she did not comment on it.
You really ask yourself why this is happening. Yesterday, you were a lonesome loser with nerdy interests, and now you're apparently the hottest thing in school, according to Sana. This didn't make much sense.
Though you had the idea that this would hold on until the final test on all of the projects was written. Many people feigned a friendship before, only to leave you after they got a good grade. It was sad that no one was really interested in your personality and rather your intelligence. Maybe this was Sana's plan. Use you for good grades and then leave.
Finally, presentation day arrived. You were quite nervous about your end result. There was always a certain fear inside your body when it came to presentations. The thought of people laughing over your mistakes hunt you in every nightmare.
You sit beside Sana while watching another group present. Your leg bounces up and down in a fast rhythm. The pressure of presenting in front of the entire class presses down on you. Anxiety fills your mind and body. Your hands start shaking too.
Sana is focused on drawing a cute little figure into her notebook. She barely pays attention to the group that's currently presenting. What does catch her attention is the way you're behaving. The fast-paced leg bouncing and the shaky hands as you try to take notes on what the other students are saying. She glances at you for a few seconds before she gently puts a hand on your knee. She presses down onto your leg so it doesn't bounce anymore.
You look at Sana. Shock and confusion spread across your face. Sana smiles and caresses your knee with her thumb.
"It's fine, Y/n. Try to focus on something else. It's just a presentation. The others won't throw rotten tomatoes when you make a mistake."
You nod and try to calm down. Sana's gentle gestures helped a lot during the process. The group came to an end, and you raised your hand to give some feedback. Everything felt more at ease now that Sana was silently comforting you.
It's now your turn to present. You get up and walk to the front of the class. The PowerPoint starts, and you go over the agenda and explain the different topics. Sana notices a slight shake in your voice. She grabs your hand and holds it while you're presenting. The action is hidden so other classmates don't notice the affectionate gesture.
The presentation goes smoothly with no mistakes. The feedback is good, and the teacher seems pleased with the final product of your research. You give the teacher as well as some classmates the handout.
After class, you stop Sana and thank her for the help. She smiles and gives your hand a gentle kiss before disappearing into the crowded hallway.
Sana asked you to study with her for the upcoming history test. To you, the topics and different timelines were easily understandable, yet to her, it was a disaster. Sana had not made any notes on the presentation, so you both decided to research the different presented topics.
You would give Sana a topic, and she should research about it and write down notes. At the end of your study session, she should present everything she researched. You did this four days in a row. Between researching, you also asked her questions about the different historic events. It helped her memorising everything, from dates to persons active during the historic eras.
Also, Momo and Mina started getting closer to you. The trio overall warmed up and took you in, almost like they adopted you. Momo was hesitant at first. She was always a bit introverted, so she got to know you at a slow pace. Mina was about the same. After a few days of sharing a table at lunch, the two of them started talking to you like you've been friends for a long time.
Sana kept her clingy energy with you. She used every opportunity to be close to you and seek your company. She even asked to be seated next to you in most classes.
All of this did not make sense to you. Yes, you enjoyed the company and the maybe promising friendships that could evolve, but on the other hand, you knew what happened. After the test, Sana would disappear with her friends and leave you alone.
The days went by quickly, and the ache in your stomach grew bigger with every passing hour. You did not want them to leave you. The time you had with these three girls was awesome. You have never met people like that before.
After the test was done, you thought Sana wouldn't even talk to you. To your surprise, she still hung out with you. Why's that?
You open your history textbook, and a note falls onto your lap. Your name is written on one side in neat handwriting. Nobody usually got access to your books, so this is weird. How did anyone manage to slip a note in there?
You take the note and open it up. Inside, there is a small text.
Dear Y/n, I've been admiring you over the last month. I was so happy when our history teacher paired us together for the project. You are such a caring and fantastic person. I really like you. Would you meet me after school for more clarity? Yours sincerely, Sana.
Your eyes widen. Sana wrote a confession letter to you? How is this possible?! You always thought she was annoyed when you were around. Well, she did get closer to you over the last two weeks, but you never expected this.
You carefully fold the letter and put it into your pocket. One thing was clear. You definitely needed clarity on this. Everything is so confusing right now. How long has she liked you? Or is this only a trap? The anticipation for the meet-up after school grows with every second.
Sana leans against the school wall while waiting for you. You take small but firm steps into her direction. She looks up and meets your gaze. A shy smile spreads across her face. You have never seen Sana this unsure in your life. Usually, she is always this confident girl, but right now, it seems like she's scared for your reaction.
You smile back and still in front of Sana. Silence fills up the space. Neither of you is sure how to start this conversation. You don't know what to say or how to open up this topic. Sana, let's out a deep breath.
"So you've read the letter?"
You nod and pull it out of your pocket as proof. Sana nods and looks at you curiously.
"Well, what do you have to say?"
"I, uhm, I honestly don't know. All of this is new to me. I've never had anyone confess to me. If I'm honest, I don't know why you're into me. I mean, there's not much to like about me."
Sana stares at you in disbelief. She steps closer and takes your hand. Her eyes meet yours. Her brown orbs sparkle a little.
"Are you kidding me? You're such a wonderful person, I don't get how people don't like you. There should be people standing in a line to date you. Even if you're nerdy or if you're not that popular. I think you're perfect. You're just right the way you are."
Your eyes fill up with adoration. Sana has just the right words to swoon you. Butterflies errupt in your stomach and spread a tingly feeling in your body. You giggle and hide your face in your hands.
Sana grins and takes your hands from your face again.
"So what do you say? Are you up for a date?"
You take a moment to think about it. After some consideration, you nod slowly. Sana excitedly jumps around and laughs happily.
"I honestly thought you would dump me after the project. Most people did that, so I was unsure about you and your friends staying."
Sana stops and frowns.
"I would've never done that. That's just low. Anyone who did that should be ashamed of themselves."
You smile. Sana takes your hand. The two of you start walking. Sana chats about all kinds of things while you listen carefully. It's a nice combo. You notice after some time that Sana is walking you home. The path, too engraved in your mind to not notice.
You stop at your house and turn to Sana.
"Thank you."
You shyly smile again. Sana grins and looks at you.
"For asking you out or walking you home?"
You giggle and glance at her. Sana leans in and kisses your cheek. The kiss is gentle and soft. It could also be mistaken for a peck with how delicate it is. Your cheeks heat up and turn into a rose pink colour. Sana steps away from you and winks before walking off. She waves one last time before rounding the corner.
You step inside your house and hold the cheek she just kissed. Your other hand reaches for the letter. A smile spreads across your face as you soak up the lovely feeling of Sana's adoration for you.
#twice#twice imagines#twice x y/n#twice x you#fluff#twice fluff#sana#minatozaki sana#minatozaki sana x reader#sana x reader
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nocturne (interlude) — mizu x f!reader

synopsis: it seems as if you've always managed to bump into your father's regular in untimely situations. it also can't be helped that you think he's absolutely handsome.
content: reader is a daughter of a medic and an apothecary, golden retriever x black cat trope, might contain historically inaccurate terms (not that well versed in the edo period or japanese culture. forgive me), mizu will be referred with he/him pronouns, mizu being emotionally constipated ig, slight mention of violence and gore, fluff, pre-relationship, meet cute, sfw.
a/n: heyaaa :D its been awhile since ive posteddd. considering this as a break from comms and sch!! ill try to be more active in posting as my xmas break is approaching hehe <33 current hyperfixation is mizu from blue eyed samurai. (I HIGHLY SUGGEST WATCHING IT !!!) enjoyy part 2!! (my love mine all mine)
You can still remember the first time you met him.
It was quite easy to recall the memory with ease. It was after all one of the nights where there weren't many customers fluttering about to avail your father's services in medicine due to idiotic accidents and miscalculated duels. You watched your father pull out herb after herb, vial after vial, stitch after stitch as more and more swordsmen of all ranks came in and out of the shop.
You were quite well-known around town as the daughter of the medic—often smiling and huffing about. Some say you were too naive to be comfortable and accommodating to your father's customers but others also claim you were elegant and a ray of sunshine due to your approachable and easygoing nature. None of that mattered anyway, not when the field of medicine was your only focus in life.
Your father doesn't like to call you his apprentice but you knew you were his. After all, with all the knowledge he's passed down unto you, you might as well run your own apothecary but alas, you still had much to learn.
It was also a quiet agreement among men that no one pays too much attention to the daughter of the skilled medic and apothecary. You suppose it's because of your father's standing and reputation that most men would rather cut off their arms than get on the bad side of one of the only medics who can actually do a decent job in life-threatening situations.
Which brings us to the current topic at hand.
It had been a cold winter that night. Your father had been busy making fresh medicine at the behest of a high lord in one of the rich provincial states up north. It was up to you to man the front and be alert in case any wanderers might walk in asking for help.
The harsh breeze of that winter night was your first cue. The doors had swung open which left you scrambling off your seat then a second later, a man with a lean stature stumbles his way through—arm clutching the side of his stomach.
Your breath hitches as he props himself against the wooden pillar. He looks up at you, blue eyes clear and intense that it left you speechless from where you stood.
"I-I," He gasps for air, eyebrows scrunching from the pain. "Help-I need—"
You wasted no time in aiding him as you took wide strides to his injured form, arms holding out to keep him steady as he began to wobble back and forth. You scream for your father, worried that the man before you would pass out at any moment.
Thankfully aware of the situation, your father prepares the receiving area. You look back at the injured patient with worry in your eyes as you further assess all sorts of damage on his figure.
However, you can't help but find yourself entranced by his clear blue eyes. Despite being on the brink of utter exhaustion, he has managed to keep himself awake perched up on your shoulder.
He locks eyes with you, blinking slowly, and just as you begin to get lost in those blue hues of his, his body begins to fall.
"Sir, wait—!"
Then he's out like a light.
The next time you met him had been purely coincidental.
After that night, the man left quietly like the leaves falling gently along the stream. He left quite a hefty sum of money on your father's desk and kept the bed clean at his departure. It's safe to say that your father was overjoyed by the payment.
Your father had sent you on an errand to town to gather some supplies from a supplier he trusts. He had been busy attending to patients and manning the counter to be the one to get the package himself.
"You have nothing better to do anyway, might as well be useful to your old dad," Your father scrunched his nose playfully as he placed a bag of money on your palms. "And if a man approaches you, remember to use that knife I gave you and make clean perforation at the jugular vein—"
You had stopped your father right there.
It didn't bother you that much and this also was an opportunity to get some leisure time. You did as you were told and saved a bit of money for window shopping.
Stumbling upon an artisan selling hair ornaments, your eyes immediately dart toward a golden hairpin with imitations of sakura leaves. Upon reaching out to inspect it, a hand collides with your own causing you to let out a gasp.
"Apologies—" Your eyes dart up to look at the stranger but is met instead with familiar blue eyes, this time under the disguise of orange tint sunglasses. "Oh! It's you."
The man furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Are you Mr. Gojo's—?"
"Daughter?" You perk up with a smile. You shift from heel to heel at the intensity of his gaze. Somehow, you're feeling quite nervous with this gentleman. "Yeah. I caught you that night."
"Ah," The man nods, awkward in his stance before turning back toward the array of ornaments in front of him. "Thank you."
"I-It was no problem," You stammered, hands smoothing out the fabric of your kimono. "It's what we do after all."
There's a hum of response coming from the man before silence ensues between the two of you. He had gotten back to analyzing other items that the vendor was offering and you could only stand there, discreetly watching his every move.
You didn't have the opportunity to take a good look at him besides his eyes that night. Your father seemed like he had recognized the man before you and ushered you out of the room before you could have the chance to offer help. Though, now, you could see that he had a proportionate height—a few inches taller than you but still tall nonetheless. His shoulders evoke confidence with every move of his body but his face talks of the mystery hidden under the guise of his kasa. He was pretty, yet... handsome. You've never come across a man who could embody both sides of the spectrum.
"Do you need something?" His voice had startled you out of your daydream causing your cheeks to flush. He raises his eyebrow with his ever-perpetual glare. You give him a sheepish smile.
"I've never gotten your name, sir." You purse your lips, tilting your head as he squints his eyes at your request.
"My name? Why?"
Your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water at his response. Why? What does he mean why? This man was truly cynical, you think.
"Well, I saved you, didn't I?"
"Correction. Your father did." The man deadpans. You giggle at his tone, eyes crinkling in amusement.
"Alright, no need to get so philosophical with me," You jest, trying to get him to lighten up to you. You take a step closer, trying to gauge his expressions as you give him a lighthearted smile. "Is getting to know people a crime now?"
The man sighs before looking at the array of hair ornaments to your right. He then grabs the hairpin you were looking at and tosses a bag of coins toward the vendor. He places it within your palms before adjusting his cloak. You flinch at the sudden gesture, unaware of his intentions.
"It's Mizu." He says before turning and leaving without further explanation. You stand, agape as the man further blends in with crowd with each step he takes away from you.
This man—No, Mizu, surely is interesting.
This next meeting was one you were thankful of.
Now, it wasn't as if your meetings were solely limited by chance. He became a regular after your father's incredible work on him. You watch him arrive usually at the end of every week, either looking to restock the medicine that your father gave him or get himself treated for an unwanted injury.
You tried interacting with him during his visits but Mizu always either cut the conversation short or grunted in annoyance. He never tried to entertain much of your whims and only left you grasping at straws for whatever possible chance of interaction he might give you.
Although, despite being cold towards you, he still has the heart to help you in mundane tasks whenever he encounters the chance. For instance, upon seeing you struggling with the basin, he immediately walked over and carried to where your father is with ease. He also grabbed your freshly bought basket of fruits and guarded you on your way back home. He even thumped the back of your head lightly with his hand on his way out while you were fixing up the front.
He was an enigma. A puzzle you desperately tried to solve but always failed.
The thought of his gentlemanly actions had always left your heart thumping faster and louder within the confines of your chest. Wanting to know him, get closer to him, see the corners of his lips upturned—anything to see a version of him only you can keep.
It also seems that your father is familiar with his master. You hear talks between them, asking about the well-being of a man named 'Master Eiji', the one whom Mizu calls his swordfather. You ought to know better than to eavesdrop but somehow your attention has always been led towards his very existence.
Your father had always been strict about you ever since you were but a wee girl. He had expressed the importance of having a fruitful marriage with someone who is of your deserving. He, after all, was in a true love marriage with your mother and was together for at least 25 years before your mother succumbed to her illness at the age of 45.
It also didn't help that you were deemed the sunlight of the town, often getting several interested looks from promising men. But all your suitors couldn't take the intensity of your father's expectations. It's safe to say that you won't be getting married for awhile.
"Just stay here, my daughter," Your father sighs as he serves you seconds of your favorite food. "Who the hell cares about marriage anyway."
You laugh, reaching out to pat your old man's hand. "It's going to look bad for you if you don't marry off your one and only daughter, y'know?"
"That's precisely why I don't want to do any of that," Your father grumbles, taking a sip of his soup. "Work here, eat, sleep, go have fun. That's what your mother would've wanted anyway."
You were grateful for your circumstances, yes, but you've always wanted to help out as much as you can for your dad. His reputation as a skilled medic can only take so much before others will come to expect more. So as long as you're in his care, you try to help out around his shop as much as you can.
Although you wonder if your father would allow him to—
Ah, forget it. Convincing your father was a lost cause.
Back to the current task at hand, your father had tasked you to gather some herbs from the forest near your humble abode as it is less taxing for your finances when you have easy access to one nearby. Gearing up for the coldness of winter, you stepped out of your house in pursuit of such herbs. With a hop on your step, you wish to finish your task sooner than later to prepare for a certain gentleman possibly visiting later at night.
The only you thing you didn't account for was the possible danger you'd be encountering.
"Listen, I-I don't want any trouble," You slowly backed away as a group of men began surrounding you. It was uncommon to encounter bandits around this area as this was situated near the town. You're not so sure as to what prompted this criminals to stage a robbery in broad daylight.
"Oh, c'mon little miss," One of the bandits chuckled. He twirled a knife in his hand as he approached you menacingly. "We just wanna know what you're up to."
Your breath speeds up as one of his companions playfully advanced with a jump in his step. You flinched back, heartbeat thumping as the crunch of leaves around you signified their slow advance towards your figure. You clutched the knife your father gave you within your hands, ready to use it in case one of them tries something.
Jugular vein. Neck. Neck. Vein. Keep it fast. Right side.
"Perhaps we could do something fun, darling? I'm sure you'd love it." Wide grins and loud laughter erupted from their lips.
Vein. Lethal point. Could head straight through the liver. Artery. Perforation.
Your head had begun to ramble, your father's words echoing within the depths of your mind. Just as you adjusted your grip on your knife and one of the bandits had began to finally get whatever they aimed for in the first place, a breeze of wind suddenly alerted you of a new presence.
You shut your eyes in fear as one of the men at the far back screamed.
"What the fuck?!" The leader bellowed as he watched his man crumple to the ground, holding what was left of his dismembered arm. The other bandits begin turning towards the new opponent, swords ready as they watched him step over their comrade.
You open your teary eyes, locking gazes with the familiar hues of blue hidden under orange tint. There's some sort of hardened glare as Mizu looked at you up and down, assessing your well-being within a matter of seconds.
"This is Takayama's jurisdiction," Mizu's deep voice bellowed as he placed his hand on the scabbard of his sword. "I suggest you leave."
The leader lets out a scoff as he widens his shoulders to appear more menacing to him. Mizu only looks at him under the guise of his kasa.
"You are outnumbered, samurai," The man smirks. It might've been intimidating with the number of men that surrounded Mizu but you were well aware of his prowess as a swordsman and completely had faith in his abilities. "Your talks of dominance do not affect me."
Mizu chuckles, one hand reaching up to push back his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"We'll see about that."
"Thank you," You smile widely, eyes crinkling as you grab his extended hand.
The bandits groaned in pain as they crumbled to the ground. Some have even passed out from the harsh hits that Mizu had inflicted. You watched him twirl and move with elegance, slicing and hitting with precise angles that left you in awe at his performance.
It took at most 15 minutes for him to finish all of them and another 3 minutes for you to pick your jaw off the floor and fix yourself up.
"It's no problem," Mizu nods at your gratitude. He holds your hand firm as you wobble back and forth to stay back in balance. "Although, I advise that you venture towards areas within the town vicinity. This area is bordering outside of Takayama, thus the bandits."
"Ah," You let out a soft laugh. "There were more herbs here. I thought it was safe."
Mizu doesn't reply back as he gazes at you from the comforts of his glasses. You flush at his stare, still not being able to handle its intensity. You look down to busy yourself with, staring at your conjoined hands before finally taking notice of a scratch on the side of his hand to his wrist.
"You're injured," You whispered as you pulled his hand close to yours. You hear Mizu's breath hitch as he stumbles slightly at the pull of your hand. You look up at him as he furrows his eyebrows.
"I-It's fine, it doesn't hurt." He tries to reason with you but your grip on his hand remains steady.
"You saved me so I'll repay you by treating this. Alright?" You give him your best smile and suddenly the samurai doesn't have the heart in him to say no. At the sound of his reluctant silence, you enthusiastically pull out your satchel filled with medicinal tools. It was handy that you always kept your tools with you no matter where you went.
You applied antiseptic, brushing it with a clean cloth along the wound. Whether Mizu felt the pain or not, he only remained as still as a rock while you worked.
"You're early today," You try to make conversation as you clean his wound up. Mizu stays silent for a few seconds before replying.
"I had free time," He says. "I... was also out of medicine so..."
You hum, nodding along his words as you make gentle strokes to ease the pain (if he ever felt it).
"If you ever need to go out like this again," He picks up the conversation making your heart skip a beat. There's a pause of silence before he continues. "Let me—If I'm there, let me know. You don't need to endanger yourself like this."
You let out a quiet laugh as you finally wrapped his wound with a white strip of cloth. You look at him with softened eyes, reveling in his slightly flushed cheeks and gaze dulled by sincerity. There's a pause of comfortable silence between the two of you, only lost in each other's gazes.
You slowly reach out, hands pausing as you communicate a request for consent. Mizu only gives you a small nod before you reach out to pull off his glasses. Those same beautiful blue orbs stare back at you as you revel in their gaze.
"You're more handsome like this," You whisper as you take a step closer to him. Snow gently falls around you, cascading in gentle flow as you breathe out puffs of air. Mizu tilts his head with an upturn of the corner of his lips.
There it is.
You flush in his gaze as he reaches up to brush a stray hair away from your face. "You're jesting," He says with a quiet tone.
Your gaze at him doesn't waver. "I'd say yes if you asked me to marry you."
Mizu let's out a chuckle, eyebrow raised at your bold response. "You are one dangerous lady, Y/N. Does your father know that?"
You roll your eyes at him. "How could he know when all he does is keep men away from me," You tilt your head playfully, "Although, I do wonder why he often keeps you close. Perhaps, he's found you to be worthy of a man."
Mizu laughs at your praises, shoulders shaking as the two of you stand close to one another, basking in the soft breeze of the winter sky. He lifts his hand up and flicks your forehead. You flinch back, holding your forehead in pain as you give him a glare.
"Ow?!" You frown as he looks at you with a smirk on his lips. "What a way to turn off a lady!"
"You're too adorable to be a lady," Mizu teases as he crosses his arms over his chest. He tilts his head as he looks at you with squinted eyes in thought. "Kind of like a.... puppy."
Your jaw drops at his comparison causing him to release a few chuckles. It wasn't fair that he was out here causing poor things to your heart and raised by a father who was direct and determined to achieve the things he wanted in life, you didn't allow yourself to back down.
With wide strides, you easily reach where he stands before standing on your toes and grabbing his face as you placed a chaste kiss on his cheek.
"Wha-?!" His face flushes a deep red as he moves back holding his cheek. You flash him a cheeky grin as he looks at you with wide eyes.
"I'll be waiting for your proposal, Mizu," You giggle, swaying back and forth with your hands tucked behind you. You put on his glasses before leaning slightly forward with eyes squinted playfully. "Or shall I be the one to propose, hm? Seeing as your blushing from just a kiss on the cheek."
Mizu takes a few seconds before collecting himself. There's an unreadable look on his face before makes careful steps towards you. You watch him, curious as he stops in front of you—hand reaching out to pull his glasses off from your face. You expect him to start berating you for invading his space but what you received after was certainly something you never took into account.
He leans down and gingerly places a kiss on your lips. Your breath hitches as he presses himself close before pulling away all to fast. Your lips tingle as you watch him put on his glasses back with a smile.
"I'm no coward, Y/N," He adjusts your cloak as you remain speechless in front of him. "I don't make promises I can't keep."
And just as he enters, he walks off with quiet footsteps, leaving you grasping at whatever was left of your brain after what he just did. Your face flushes a deep red as your fingertips touches your lips with shaky movements.
Did this man just—
"Are you coming?!" He calls over from the dirt path back to your house. You stumble in your footing as you rush over to him.
"I-I'm coming!" You stammer as you gather your things and rushed towards him. He greets you with a smile and this time with his glasses tucked away. Blue hues greet your flushed form and suddenly an overwhelming realization washes over you.
Oh, I'm definitely not going to let this man go.
a/n: MY WIFE MIZU MY WIFEEE,,,,, planning to make a pt2 idk lemme guys know if u want one. will also fix my archive, tumblr's getting messy. NOT PROOFREAD but will fix if ever i do go back on this after my finals. HOPE YALL ENJOYED THIS!
#arthenaa#mizu x reader#mizu blue eye samurai#blue eye samurai x reader#the blue eyed samurai#Spotify
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Recent article on NPR about the history of artificial light somewhat frustrated me -- they portrayed all of pre-kerosene history as dark and heinously expensive at all times. Thing is, the writers based their findings solely on tallow candles, & ignored oil lamps, beeswax candles, clever use of refraction & outdoor light including moon/starlight... Also seemed to ignore the ubiquity of hearths / cook fires. Was wondering if you'd be willing to talk about non-tallow light? This isn't to ignore that truly, artificial lighting WAS much more difficult & expensive for much of human history, but acting like tallow candles were the ONLY light source seems very silly! (Plus your other lovely post about bottles of water used to make those candles more efficient via refraction & focus)
I'm betting the article you mean is this one - which refers back to this one.
For matching reference, my own posts about period lighting are here, One and Two, including observations about painting walls white, how to light candles and lamps without matches, and several other matters.
It didn't take too much listening before I got tetchy, because the first half of this podcast seems more about mocking how WEIRD and PRIMITIVE old-time people were, than passing on any useful information.
Despite the presence of Jane Brox (author of "Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light") whale oil only gets touched on in passing, and olive oil isn't mentioned at all.
Instead she starts talking about using oily seabirds (stormy petrels) as "candles", despite this scholarly study concluding that it was something talked about far more than done, besides being so very, very localised that its relevance to the history of lighting is very, very small.
But hey, WEIRD and PRIMITIVE, right?
By contrast, making candles was so commonplace that it was another of those jobs which created surnames. Fletcher once put feathers on arrows, Cooper made barrels, Fisher, Miller, Baker and Farmer are obvious, and Chandler used to make candles.
Lampier, of course, made lamps, which helped keep those naked candle-flames away from anywhere they shouldn't touch. The man on the left is making the lantern bodies, the one on the right is shaving sheets of horn as windows.

It's cheaper than glass, less easily broken yet is translucent enough, when shaved properly thin, to give quite adequate light.

The podcast has a digression about measuring the light output of a reproduction Ancient Babylonian lamp. Here's an original and a repro.

Yet that too says nothing about what fuel the lamp is or should be burning - olive oil, traded all over the Mediterranean by ancient olive-growing cultures.
These are Roman oil-lamps, from simple and cheap to elaborate and costly.

As for beeswax, so far as the podcast is concerned might as well not exist, despite being a by-product of honey, which was THE principal pre-sugar sweetener for centuries when not being made into all that mead whose existence, production and quaffing nobody questions.
Oh yeah, and then there was the amazed discovery (2:40 / 1:25, depending on which you're listening to) that melted beef fat "...smells really nasty, like, ANIMAL nasty,"
Why is this guy surprised? It's part of an animal!
It's the same sort of infotainment ignorance as displayed by this TikTok twit, right up to complaining about the effort involved in preparation of anything because not having powered appliances was so labour-intensive, oh woe. Yes, it was, welcome to any historical period before about 1920. That's where "the daily grind" originates.
However the implication (listen, it's there) that cattle were raised just to provide fat for candles is ludicrous. The fat was a by-product, not a main one, and was often a butcher's side-line, while members of the Chandlers' Guild only worked with superior beeswax.
I don't think you could make candles like these with tallow:

...and you definitely couldn't make one meant to be hand-held.

Picture evidence shows, by their clothing, the class of society who bought these, and tallow-greasy fingers would have been a no-no.

A Chandler didn't make individual candles. By the time that fresh batch is hung up, the first batch away down at the end is cool enough to be dipped again.

A chandler's shop in a medieval city would look very similar, and often had a horizontal wheel on which to hang each batch of candles, rotating them up and around to cool, then back to the dipping pot. Non-modern people may not have had modern tech or time-and-motion studies, but they weren't stupid.
By contrast, the podcast's disparaging attitude of WEIRD and PRIMITIVE is emphasised by what seems a deliberate avoidance of anything which counters it (examples of that in my own posts) and finally at 11.24 / 9:50 came this:
"Even when you get all the way to the 1700s (...) most people are still subsistence farmers, living in some kind of hut, trying to grow enough food not to starve to death (...) and light? Light still comes from finding stuff that's lying around and just lighting it on fire."
Some kind of hut...
Stuff that's lying around...
After making such a declaration, I'm surprised - since they'd been implying it for half the podcast - someone didn't just go ahead and announce that "there's some lovely filth down here..."
That's when I stopped listening.
Enough is enough, and I'd had it.
cc: @asmuchasidliketo :->
Here's a photo of what purports to be a Petrel (not petrol, that's something else) Candle, held in the Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford. It's mentioned in that scholarly article I linked above.

Just as "one swallow doesn't make a summer", so one - and only one - known example of this, which may have been a fake-up to spoof the Southerners, doesn't prove it was a common or even rare practice.
There's another reason to take this with a big pinch of salt, so maybe Jane Brox was on a low-sodium diet when she wrote her book.
Creatures with a layer of fat or blubber for insulation all have it like any other form of insulation, on the outside, where it does some good. A wick passed through the inside couldn't draw on it for fuel since there's a layer of muscle and another of internal organs for the oil to get through first.
The cropped-off bottle just visible to the left is a far more likely way seabirds became lamp fuel: by rendering out their oil. This oil is from the Northern Fulmar, Fulmaris glaciaris (or glacialis, I've seen both. Same bird regardless).
Incidentally, the Wikipedia article on European Storm Petrel mentions a supernatural connection, that the petrels were the souls of drowned sailors, and killing them is unlucky.
Not just killing them but making them into candles sounds like A Bad Idea, and is yet another reason why, IMO, the candle thing may be a folktale, or a deliberate leg-pull, or...
Let's just say "improbable" and leave it there. :-P
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Gotham-Amity Co-op AU Part 3
Part 1 | Previous | Next
“Hola beauties, and welcome back to Fashionable History, I’m Paulina,”
“And I’m Star, and on this channel, we teach you how to be at the height of fashion, no matter what time period you find yourself in.”
“Now for our long-time viewers who missed our community posts, you might be wondering about the change in location. Well, we are moving up in the world. That’s right, fam, we are officially-
“College girlies!” The two shouted into the camera.
“Ah, such a big step,” ‘Star’ sighed.
“Indeed it is. And to celebrate, let us dress up like we’re going to meet the queen of fashion herself: Marie Antoinette!”
“So you would think it would be hard to demonstrate Amity Park’s weirdness while no longer living there, but you would be wrong,” a black man said into the camera while walking down a hallway, his glasses fallen ever so slightly down his nose. There were voices in the background progressively getting louder. “You see, Danny’s mentor popped by this morning, and apparently, he decided that the perfect way to tutor Danny and piss off his bosses at the same time was to allow a bunch of college kids to summon a historical figure of their choosing to discuss their area of expertise. Once a week.
“Jazz got to go first.”
The black man stopped in a doorway. Much clearer in the background was a woman’s even voice. “And Jazz, being the future psychologist that she is, picked the most sex-obsessed man in history.”
The camera flipped to show a young red-head sitting across an older man with a white beard in a blue three piece suit. In the background was a younger man, his blue eyes glazed over as he sat there sipping from his mug, his head of black hair bobbing as he fought to stay awake. Really, it wouldn’t gather a second glance, except for the tiny detail that the older man’s skin was as green as a sunburnt person’s was red.
“-indeed homosexuality is not an illness, and in fact the only link between it and mental health has been observed to be caused by familial and community reactions.”
“That is good to hear. Indeed, many people throughout history were homosexual, and a lot of them did not show any other signs of mental illnesses.”
“It is. However, with the recent pushes for public acceptance of those not heterosexual, many have come forward with sexual orientations beyond just hetero and homosexuality, including those that are attracted to both men and women at the same time, as well as those who experience no sexual attraction or are completely repulsed by the idea of anything sexual.”
The camera flipped back to the first man. “She is explaining how psychology has developed in the last 100 years without trying to rip apart Freud’s work.
“This isn’t even the first time something like this has happened. Occasionally, we’d get guest speakers that would turn out to be some famous author or pioneer in their field. It’s how our English teacher got his copy of the Tempest signed by the original author. I think this might be the first one that won’t end in a raid by government idiots in white, though.
“So yeah, we occasionally get to talk to dead celebrities and don’t bat an eye at it. Amity Park is very weird.”
“Danny! You left your cups in the sink again!”
“How can you tell it’s mine?”
“They’re glowing green and you’re the only one that drinks ectoplasm! Now take care of them before you bring the food to life again!”
The camera pans over to a goth woman giving the camera a flat look. On screen, there’s some text that reads: ‘When your boyfriend forgets to clean off his dishes after his mildly radioactive smoothies.’
“Urgh!” Just die you stupid, lazy skeleton!”
“How long is this attack going to be!”
“I don’t care, because when it’s finally my turn, I am going to stab the dust out of this depressed sack of bones!”
On screen was a couch, and on that couch sat 3 young adults, two women and one man. One of the women was Valarie Gray, US National Taekwondo Silver Medalist, was jabbing her thumb down on the d-pad of her controller, lips pulled back in a snarl. The other was Samantha Manson, more known for the TikTok channel Our Strange Lives. The man was a muscular blond. All three were focusing on the screen, their eyes emitting faint light and Valarie’s teeth seemed to be getting sharper.
Quietly a blond woman walked on screen, a backpack slung over her shoulder. The woman was Star Strong from Fashionable History.
“You guys are still streaming?”
“This boss is stupid difficult and Manson and Gray are the only ones willing to play.”
“What happened to the guys?”
“Fowley, Wes, Singh all had work. Fenton got to the first boss and then lost it because ‘Goat Mom just wanted to protect us’ before getting a call from his lil sis asking for help. Kwan is working on a lab with a guy from his chem class, and Kyle passed out a couple hours ago.”
“Stop dodging!”
“Wanna play?”
“Can’t. Going to the library to study for a calc exam I have coming up. See you guys later.”
“And so, with this polaroid image, we have evidence to prove that-”
“Hey, Wes, do you have something I can use for a collage? Oh sweet, thanks bro!”
“What? No! Kyle! Get back with that! That was the proof I was going to use to prove the existence of Yetis!”
“Oh damn. This is some nice creature work! Danny, your friend has an incredible costume, man!”
“Thanks, Kyle! I’ll pass it on!”
Tim paused the video right as Wesley Weston stood to chase his older brother.
The red-head’s eyes had a slight glow to them. Tim clicked over to the other images he had gathered of the Amity Park teens, all with their eyes glowing or other signs of something inhuman.
Tim had been introduced to this group by Stephanie when she found a martial arts demonstration Gray did that involved breaking multiple boards, all several feet above her head. Stephanie had meant it as a ‘check out his cool person doing what we’re doing,’ but Tim noticed something. All the boards were being held by seemingly the same person- or at least people dressed very similarly. And not in a way where they’re sitting on a ledge above Gray and are switching out the board each time she broke one. More that there were multiple companies of the same white glove all holding a board and all floating several feet above where they should have been. That was already a little weird, but it could’ve been some special effects or just a uniform.
No, what caught Tim’s attention was the quick glimpse of the face of one of the board holders. It was youthful- late teens- but with paper white hair that showed no signs of bleaching. Now these features would have been a thing to cement the mysterious person in Tim’s mind. But it wasn’t that.
No, what got Tim to do some digging to find out about a previously unknown supposed hero from a small town that has been blacked-out by the US government, was his eyes.
His calm, glowing Lazarus green eyes.
So we finally get a taste for the shenanigans our liminals are up to. Sam, Tucker, and Danny all share a TikTok where they show off how weird the other two are and how weird their town is. Wes is trying to prove cryptids exist, which Kyle ruins. Dash has a gaming stream that most often Kwan joins in on, and Paulina and Star do dress history. Oh, and Valarie is a national taekwondo because karate has only been an event for one Olympic games, but taekwondo has been an event since 2000 and Val seems more like a kicker than a thrower. Plus, I actually took taekwondo when I was younger.
We do get another Bat showing up at the end. There is absolutely no plot, however, so who knows where this is going. Certainly not me!
I'm still looking for names (please, I need them). As for majors:
Jazz-Psych (obviously)
Kyle- Liberal Arts (I wanna put him in accounting, but Liberal Arts works for now)
Tuck- Comp Sci
Danny- Poly Sci, minor in Astronomy
Sam- Double Poly Sci and Environmental Science
Val- Criminal Justice
Dash- Undecided (both me and him)
Kwan- Pre-Med for now, though he wants to do Child Development/Education
Paulina- Fashion Marketing
Star- Sports Science
Mikey- Music
Wes- Journalism
#liminal amity park#dp x dc crossover#danny fenton#paulina sanchez#dash baxter#sam manson#jazz fenton#tucker foley#valarie gray#star strong#wes weston#kyle weston#mikey#tim drake#finally some more dc#also our kids acting liminal#or at least they glow#danny drinks ectoplasm smoothies#amity park is weird#amity park/gotham co op#no beta we die like danny and jason#part 3 of idk how many still
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Short sample clip because Tumblr is being a butt and refusing to upload the full video without crashing (hellsite my beloved and beloathed)
Here's the link if you want to see the full in-hand spinning demo video with captions (you don't have to subscribe or download anything to watch...I mean it's lovely for me if you do subscribe obviously, but don't let Substack bully you. It's a link. You can open it with no strings, no matter what they say lol.)
More about the textile history inspiration behind my historical fantasy novel Wyrd Weaving below the cut!
When I first conceived of the idea that is now becoming Wyrd Weaving, an historical fantasy novel set between Northumbria and Svealand in the tumultuous early 9th century, I only knew two things for certain. I knew I wanted to write a story centering the lives of women, queer people, and gender-nonconforming people in the 800s. So often stories set in the “Viking Age” center only the pursuits of men (wealthy men especially), and I wanted to dig for what other stories were buried there, waiting to be told. I also knew without doubt that fiber arts would somehow comprise a significant portion of the story’s magical realism elements.
I’ve knitted since my late teens, and have harbored and interest in all sorts of fiber arts for even longer than that. When I decided to get serious about writing a story centering the lives of medieval women (in Europe primarily, though several other unique period cultures factor into the story as well), I knew I had to do a deep dive into historical spinning and weaving. Women at all levels of society spent more time on aspects of cloth production than any other chore during this period, yet arts like spinning and weaving are almost never shown in novels, movies, or TV set in the early Middle Ages.
That wasn’t going to fly for Wyrd Weaving, a story inspired by the countless forgotten fiber artists who quite literally wove the history of our society. This first short video about my (mis)adventures in historical textile research gives you a glimpse at how and why I learned in-hand or “twiddle” spinning, the style of spinning prominent in early 9th century northern Europe. Enjoy!
#historical fantasy novel#historical fiction#historical fantasy#textile history#spinning#in hand spinning#spinning yarn#novel research#fiber arts#womens history#medieval history#early medieval#my writing#wyrd weaving#shannon purdy jones#authors of tumblr#queer author
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Bankruptcy is very, very good

On THURSDAY (June 20) I'm live onstage in LOS ANGELES for a recording of the GO FACT YOURSELF podcast. On FRIDAY (June 21) I'm doing an ONLINE READING for the LOCUS AWARDS at 16hPT. On SATURDAY (June 22) I'll be in OAKLAND, CA for a panel and a keynote at the LOCUS AWARDS.
There's a truly comforting sociopathy snuggled inside capitalism ideology: if markets are systems for identifying and rewarding virtue, ability and value, then anyone who's failing in the system is actually unworthy, not unlucky; and that means the winners are not just lucky (and certainly not merely selfish), but actually the best and they owe nothing to their social inferiors apart from what their own charitable impulses dictate.
It's an economic wrapper around the old theological doctrine of providence, whereby God shows you whom he favors by giving them wealth and station, and marks out the wicked by miring them in poverty. And like the religious belief in providence, the capitalist belief in meritocracy is essential to resolving cognitive dissonance: it lets the fed winners feel morally justified in stepping over the starving losers.
The debate over merit and luck has been with us for millennia, and even the hereditary absolute monarchs of the Bronze Age had to find a way to resolve it. For the rulers of antiquity, the way to square that circle was jubilee.
Bronze Age jubilees were periodic celebrations in which all debts were canceled. Different kingdoms had different schedules for jubilees, but imagine some mix of "every x years" and "every time a new ruler takes the throne" and "every time something really portentous happens." To modern sensibilities, the idea that we would simply wipe away all debts every now and again is almost inconceivable. Why would any society practice jubilee? More importantly, how could a ruler get the wealthy creditor class to countenance a jubilee, rather than seeking a revolutionary overthrow?
The best answers to this question can be found in the scholarship of historian Michael Hudson, who has written extensively on the subject. Hudson doesn't just write for a scholarly audience, he's also a fantastic communicator with a real commitment to bringing his research to lay audiences:
Hudson's most famous saying is "debts that can't be paid, won't be paid." It's in this dense little nugget that we can find the answer the the riddle of jubilee:
Let's start with a simple model of debt and credit in an agricultural society. In agricultural societies, everything exists downstream of farming, which is the core activity of the civilization. If the farmers succeed, everyone can eat, and that means they can do all the other things, all the not-farming work of your society.
To farm successfully, you need credit. Farmers enter the growing season in need of inputs: seed, fertilizer, labor; they need still more labor during the harvest. Without some way to acquire these inputs before the farmer has a crop that can pay for them, there can be no crop.
No wonder, then, that the earliest "money" we have a record of is ancient Babylonian credit ledgers that record the debts of farmers who borrow against the next crop to pay for the materials and labor they'll need to grow it. Debt, not barter, is the true origin of money. The fairy tale that coin money arose spontaneously to help bartering marketgoers facilitate trade has no historical evidence, while Babylonian ledgers can be seen in person in museums all over the world.
Farming requires an enormous amount of skill, but even the most skillful farmer is a prisoner of luck. No matter how good you are at farming, no matter how hard you work, no matter how carefully you plan, you can still lose a harvest to blight, drought, storms or vermin.
So over time, every farmer loses a crop. When that happens, the farmer can't pay off their debts and must roll them over and pay them off with future harvests. That means that over time, the share of each harvest the farmer has claim to goes down. Thanks to compounding interest, no bumper crop can erase the debts of the bad harvests.
That means that, over time, "farmer" becomes a synonym for "debtor." Farmers' productive output is increasingly claimed by the rich and powerful. No matter how badly everyone needs food, the whims of the hereditary creditor class come to dictate the country's agricultural priorities. More ornamental flowers for the tables of the wealthy, fewer staple crops for the masses. "Creditor" and "debtor" no longer describe economic relations – they become hereditary castes.
That's where jubilee comes in. Without some way to interrupt this cycle of spiraling debt, society becomes so destabilized that the system collapses:
In other words: debts that can't be paid, won't be paid. Either you wipe away the farmers' debts to the creditor class, or your society collapses, and with it, the political relations that made those debts payable.
Jubilee is long gone, but that doesn't mean that debts that can't be paid will get paid. Modern society has filled the jubilee gap with bankruptcy, a legal process for shriving a debtor of their debts.
Bankruptcy takes many forms. The most important split in bankruptcy types is between elite bankruptcy and the bankruptcy of the common person. The limited liability company was created to allow people with money to pool their funds to back corporations without being responsible for their debts. This "capital formation" is considered "efficient" by economists because it creates the backing for big, ambitious projects, from colonizing and extracting the wealth of distant lands (Hudson's Bay Company) to spinning up global manufacturing supply chains (Apple).
Limited liability means that companies can take on debt without exposing their investors to risks beyond their capital stake. If you buy $1,000 worth of Apple stock, that's all you stand to lose if Apple makes bad decisions. Apple may rack up billions in liabilities – say, by abusing its subcontractor workforce – but Apple's owners aren't on the hook for it.
Economists like this because it means that you can invest in Apple without having to be privy to its daily management decisions, which means that Apple can accumulate huge pools of capital, "lever them up" by borrowing even more, and then put all that money to work on R&D, product development, marketing, and, of course, "incentives" for key employees and managers.
But limited liability also does a lot of work in the political sphere. Once an individual crosses a certain wealth threshold, they become an LLC. Accountants and wealth managers and financial planners insist on this. For freelancers and other sole practitioners, the benefits of forming an LLC are modest – a few more tax write-offs and the ability to get a business credit-card with slightly superior perks.
But for the truly wealthy, transforming yourself into the "natural person" at the center of a vast pool of LLCs is essential because it allows you to accumulate and shed debts. You can secretly own rental properties and abuse your tenants, accumulate vast liabilities as local authorities pile fine upon fine, and then simply dispose of the LLC and its debts. Plan this gambit carefully enough and the debtor LLC will have no assets in its bankruptcy estate apart from the crumbling apartment building, and its most senior secured creditor will be another of your LLCs. This lets the slumlord move an apartment block from one pocket to another, leaving the debt behind.
For the corporate person, shedding debts through bankruptcy is an honorable practice. Far from being a source of shame, the well-timed, well-structured bankruptcy is just evidence of financial acumen. Think of the private equity looters who buy a company by borrowing against it, pay themselves a huge "special dividend," then wipe away the debt by taking the company bankrupt (which also lets them shed obligations to suppliers, workers, and especially, retirees and their pensions). As Trump (a serial bankrupt who has stiffed legions of contractors and creditors) would say, "That makes me smart."
The apotheosis of elite bankruptcy is found in massive corporate bankruptcies, in which a corporation kills and maims huge numbers of people, then maneuvers to get its case heard in one of three US federal courtrooms where specialist judges rubber-stamp "involuntary third-party releases" that wipe out the company's obligations to it victims for pennies on the dollar, while the company gets to keep billions:
This process was so flagrantly abused by companies like Johnson & Johnson (which spent years knowingly advising women to dust their vulvas with asbestos-tainted talc, creating an epidemic of grotesque and lethal genital cancers) that it is finally generating some scrutiny and pushback:
But the precarious state of elite bankruptcies has more to do with the personal corruption of the small cabal of judges who run the system than public outrage over their rulings; like that one judge in Texas who was secretly fucking the lawyer whose clients he was also handing hundreds of millions of dollars to:
Certainly, we don't hear much about the "moral hazard" of allowing the Sackler opioid family to keep as much as ten billion dollars in the family's offshore accounts while walking away from the victims of their drug-pushing empire, no matter what bizarre tricks they deploy in pulling off the stunt:
But when it comes to canceling the debts of normal people, the "moral hazard" is front and center. If you're a person who borrowed $79k in student loans, paid back $190k and still owe $236k, we can't cancel your debt, because of the message that would send to other people who want to (checks notes) get an education:
The anti-jubilee side also wants us to think of the poor creditors: who would loan money to the next generation of students if student debt cancellation was a possibility? Of course, these are federally guaranteed loans, risk-free, free money for people who already have money, a kind of UBI for the people who need it least. The idea that this credit pool would dry up if you were limited to only collecting the debts that can be paid – rather than insisting that debts that can't be paid still be paid – elevates the hereditary creditor class to a kind of fragile, easily frightened, endangered species.
But the most powerful arguments against bankruptcy are rooted in the idea of providence. In an efficient market, anyone who goes bankrupt was necessarily reckless. They were entrusted with credit they weren't entitled to, because they lacked the intrinsic merit that would let them manage that credit wisely. Letting them walk away from their debts means that they will never learn from their mistakes, and that their fellow born-to-be-poors will learn the wrong thing from those debts: that there's an easy life in borrowing, spending, and discharging your debts in bankruptcy.
As it happens, this is an empirically testable proposition. If this view of personal bankruptcy as a personal failure is correct, then people who go bankrupt and live to borrow again should end up bankrupt again, too. On the other hand, if we accept the jubilee view – that debt is the result of accumulated misfortunes, often including the misfortune of birth into poor station – then bankruptcy represents a second chance with an opportunity to dodge misfortune.
In a new study from IZA Institute of Labor Economics's Gustaf Bruze, Alexander Kjær Hilsløv and Jonas Maibom, we get just such an empirical analysis. It's called "The Long-Run Effects of Individual Debt Relief," and it examines the lives of people for a full quarter-century after a bankruptcy:
The study follows Danish bankruptcies following the introduction of continental Europe's first modern bankruptcy system, which Denmark instituted in 1984. Prior to that, the Danes – like most of Europe – did not allow for a discharge of personal debt through bankruptcy. Instead, a debtor who went bankrupt would be expected to have about 20% of their lifetime wages garnished to pay back their creditors, until the debts were repaid or they died (whichever came first).
After 1984, Denmark bankruptcy system imported features of US/UK/Commonwealth bankruptcy, including the ability to restructure and discharge your debts. Not everyone is eligible for this kind of bankruptcy: there's a bureaucratic system that verifies that people seeking bankruptcy discharge don't have a lot of assets that could go to their creditors.
But for the (un)lucky people who qualify for bankruptcy discharges, there's a fascinating natural experiment in which the fortunes of people who see debt relief can be compared to bankrupt people who couldn't get their debts wiped out.
It turns out that the Bronze Age has a thing or two to teach us. Here's the headline finding: people who discharge their debts in bankruptcy experience "a large increase in earned income, employment, assets, real estate, secured debt, home ownership, and wealth that persists for more than 25 years after a court ruling."
After people are given the benefits of bankruptcy, they are less likely to rely on public benefits. They get better jobs. Their families live better lives. Their creditors get some of their money back (which is all they can realistically expect, since "debts that can't be paid, won't be paid").
As Jason Kilborn writes for Credit Slips, "the benefits of debt relief are not only substantial but robust, as debtors learn their lesson (if there was one to learn) about managing their finances, and they capitalize (literally) on their fresh start."
Score one for the luck-based theory of wealth, and minus one for the providential meritocracy hypothesis.
Americans should take note of these findings. After all, Danes are insulated from the leading American cause of bankruptcy: medical debts. In America, breaking a bone or getting cancer or even kidney stone can wipe out a lifetime of hard work, careful planning and prudential spending. The US refuses to seriously grapple with this problem. The best we can come up with is the (welcome, but tiny) step of banning credit bureaux from trashing your credit score because of your medical debt:
Millennia ago, everyone understood that debts that can't be paid, won't be paid, and they created a system for discharging debts and freeing productive people from the tyranny of accumulated liabilities, to the benefit of all. Dismantling that system required us to invent an elaborate theological system and dress it up in economic language.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
#pluralistic#debt#debts that cant be paid wont be paid#jubilee#denmark#great danes#bankruptcy#second chances#scholarship#economics#iza#Gustaf Bruze#Alexander Kjær Hilsløv#Jonas Maibom#michael hudson
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mini yap but i think the big thing about the censorship discussions is that to a lot of people, they seem really hypothetical and conceptual. like some distant far aware threat but really you can't open a comment section about snape/regulus/barty/DE characters on tiktok without seeing at least three comments calling the creator a facist or a nazi sympathiser. no grey space, no understanding, no critical thought just "snape post? you're a massive racist facist"
and of course, there's personal preference! you can say you don't want to engage with these characters,,, but censorship isn't some far away monster - it's already here.
it isn't just incest or teacher/student or any of the other things people complain about, it's all these smaller examples of you not being able to separate fiction from reality and immediately assuming that those engaging with this content are idiots who also can't do this separation.
we also have this same movement against period-typical attitudes. where a marauders fic writer will include misogyny in their fic set in the 70s, and their ask box/comments will be flooded with people saying they hate women and that the text was so misogynistic. "this line was so misogynisti-" it was meant to be. that's why the period-typical attitudes tag is there.
i beggeth you to understand how important these talks are??? like yes, we're writing about wizards but if you ignore that and break it down to the crux of the issue: you are saying that we are awful people for writing and engaging with these things, whilst books like the handmaid's tale and 1984 are pulled off of shelves. you are saying that these things shouldn't be in literature. something that has always been and will always be political, and you don't think the political things should be in it? in a time where these are on the rise and our education of them is being restricted?
we Need to be able to write about these things. politically and historically, we NEED to be able to write about these things, we need to be able to write about discrimination. about hierarchies, about awful morals and hideous acts. that's irrefutable - we need that evidence and that exploration and that critical analysis of society.
and you need to be able to separate fiction from reality. because censorship isn't some metaphorical threat, it's here and you can get on your moral high horse and say it's just the "really bad things" you want gone, but (1) no one is every going to agree because there's no universal morality or legality and (2) it's not just that. and it never will be.
you are in a queer space, i beggeth you to understand censorship will find its way back to your ships, no matter how "morally right" you feel for starting these talks.
#robrauders yap#its so frustrating like#'we only mean inces-' NO YOU DONT !!!#and it doesnt matter if you do!!!#because it wont end there and it hasnt ended there
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Fantasy Guide to Royal and Noble Marriages

Marriage is an important part of the life of both royal and nobles in any setting, either historical fiction or fantasy. Marriages are not only life long commitments but they are business and protection deals by families. These are strategies, not relationships. So how can we write them?
Why make a Marriage?

Marriage is at its heart, the seal on an agreement. Two families may come to an agreement to share resources, connections and support one another. For a noble family, it could be about elevation. For example, if the daughter of an Earl marries a Duke, her siblings can now make higher marriages and her family would be more important thanks to this link. It could even be about money. In the late Victorian - Early Edwardian period, many impoverished English peers married wealthy American women for their fortunes. In exchange, the women became titled aristocrats. Royal marriages are made for more universal perks. A royal marriage can change the political layout of the world, it could isolate a kingdom or be the starting gun or a war or end a years long conflict. For example, Kingdom A might be being threatened by Kingdom B. Kingdom C has a powerful military. Kingdom A might offer up a marriage deal to Kingdom C, with the caveat that C protect A from B. C would obligated to act if A gets attacked by B, since A is now an ally. A marriage cements the deal as it creates family ties, which is seen as a sort of permanent stamp on negotiations. After all, would you screw over family?
Marriages of Choice vs Arranged Marriages

Marriages can either be made on behalf of a royal/noble or made by themselves. An heir might be more restricted in this case whilst a younger children have a little more leeway especially if they are part of a large family.
Marriages are not always arranged. But that doesn't mean there aren't restrictions. Any royal or noble will have a list of certain attributes their spouse must have or certain attributes they cannot have. Marriages of choice have to be approved by parents (and the crown if you are a high ranking noble) and if you are royal, sometimes by the government itself.
Arranged marriages are agreements between two families. They might want each other's protection, support or they might simply want to do business together such as opening trade corridors or lifting embargoes on certain items. Arranged marriages are usually made on behalf of both spouses and they are expected to agree to the match for the sake of their family or country.
Screwing over the Deal

Making a marriage doesn't mean that the deal will last forever. Alliances change and circumstances shift. Whilst everyone may be all friendly during negotiations and for some time after, politics is the aim of the game. Treaties can be broken, war can break out and marriages can become unpopular choices. If a country has welcomed a bride/groom one day and then their country becomes the enemy, the bride/groom could become an enemy as well and face isolation and disrespect from the public - even their new family. However they are expected to be loyal to their new family and country, even over their own family and kingdom. These marriages have no promise of happiness. They are a job, a duty to ensure the family is taken care of and securing their futures.
Timeline of a Royal Marriage between Two Royal Families

Offer: The suggestion is made.
Negotiations: The discussion through ambassadors of what a marriage might entails, what each side is willing to provide or what they demand of the marriage. This can take weeks, months even years before a marriage is agreed.
Betrothal: Marriage is approved, treaty signed and the couple is engaged. Betrothals can last from anything from a few weeks to years
Wedding: If one spouse has to travel to their new home, they will travel to their new home and meet their new court, new family and their spouse. Once they arrive, the wedding will take place in a matter of days.
Married Life

These marriages are public, so it is expected for the couple to at least act civil. If they do not like one another or can't stand the sight of another or they just don't love each other, is irrelevant to society and their expectations. They are expected to attend certain events together, sire children and do their duty. There's no rules saying they must live together, so many lived separate lives. The higher ranking spouse is expected to provide their spouse with an allowance and a staff. For international marriages, spouses are not permitted to hire a large party of their own attendants even if they accompany them to their new country. They may keep one or two for company but a newly minted royal should not be waited on by foreign servants, they are a royal of their new kingdom now.
What makes a "good" marriage?

As mentioned above, marriages and relationships are expected to fall into certain perameters. Any spouse - chosen or assigned - should meet certain standards such as be of appropriate rank, follow societal norms and even sometimes be of the same religion. Marriages to anybody who falls out of these standards can be seen as a devasting move - the marriage of Edward IV is still remarked on as a contributing factor to the end of the Plantagenet dynasty. Making the wrong choice of spouse in society's eyes can lead to gossip, being shunned, being disrespected and even barred from succeeding to your birthright. Unequal marriages or morganatic marriages, can even bar children from succession, disallow the couple from attending events together and deny the spouse the style they ought to be entitled to - the marriage of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is a good example to study. A good marriage is seen as one that adheres to all the expectations of society - even if it is an unhappy one.
#Fantasy Guide to Royal and Noble Marriages#Fantasy Guide#Writing royal characters#Writing royalty#Writing nobles#Nobles#writing#writeblr#writing resources#writing reference#writing advice#spilled words#ask answered questions#ask answered#writers#Writing guide#Writer's resources#Writer's reference#Writer's research
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Apparently unpopular opinion, but what I can judge from the screenshots we got today, the Capital is not just St. Petersburg, it’s more of a melange between St. Petersburg and Moscow. (Tbh, we got just one shot of the capital, so any opinion here is not really objective, but whatever)
Okay, so there is this:

My first thought was “wow is that inspired by Nevsky or by Tverskaya?”. (i. e. Nevsky Prospect in St. Petersburg and Tverskaya Street in Moscow). Consensus on Twitter is that this photo stinks of Nevsky vibes, however, I would like to point out several things, e. g. there are no sunny days in St Petersburg from architecture of the two Russian capitals to game design decisions made to create an atmosphere of a certain time period.
1) Architecture
I recall some people seeing the picture above and instantly suggesting Nevsky as an inspiration behind. I would like to point out, especially to the people who’d never been to either of the cities, that Moscow and St. Petersburg partly resemble each other (dear people of St. Petersburg - I know, sacrilegious of me to compare you with greedy Muscovites, no I’m not sorry).
Moscow is not only the Seven Sisters and modern skyscrapers. Petersburg is not only 200-300 y.o. buildings. Both cities underwent major changes during 19th and 20th centuries, both cities eventually adopted a somewhat similar style, a mix of late empire (1910s) and early soviet rule (1920s-1930s). Moreover, in many cases, these are even the same buildings, with a ground level from say 1913 and other floors from e.g. 1927. I’ll do you one better, if you compare historical districts of major cities of former Russian empire (e.g. Kyiv or Minsk), you’ll see the same thing. Yes, they’re not identical, but you can clearly see this specific architectural style of 1910-1920s.
Coming back to our screenshot above, I definitely can see Nevsky Prospect influence. However, when I saw those little decorative towers, they immediately reminded me of Tverskaya. I did some digging, and hey, there is actually something similar there:

Yes, not identical, but again, imo design of the Capital is done with goal to remind you of something you saw, not a copy, but close enough to understand the influence, to get the atmosphere of the city.
2) Historical aspect
Okay, from now on it’s my deluded gibberish, but hear me out. Considering the technologies presented in Pathologic (antibiotics, that massive ass artillery gun from P1 which honestly suspiciously looks like Schwerer Gustav), the game can be placed somewhere vaguely in 1920s-1930s. Taking into account what kind of language characters speak (for instance, Dankovsky speaks in a very specific manner, such Russian is more found in literature, than in actual spoken language. The same applies for most of the Utopians), lack of soviet-specific abbreviations and vocabulary, we can say that apparently October Revolution never happened. To be honest, Daniil wouldn’t survive the Revolution or early Soviet rule (read about repressions against intellectuals or the infamous Philosopher’s steamer)
You can argue: “but hey, isn’t Pathologic just a theatre play where such details don’t matter?”. Yes and no. Because it’s a theatre play, many otherwise important details are omitted. However, developers drop hints here and there, to set the tone and visually convey what kind of country and society they’re talking about. No offence to non-russian-speaking fans, but I’m still convinced that IPL still considers russian-speaking countries their primary audience. This leads to certain design choices, including architecture of the Capital.
In my opinion, IPL had to mix visuals of Moscow and St. Petersburg in order to convey a certain vibe. You see, since it’s somewhat suggested that revolution didn’t happen, developers have to utilise aesthetics of 1910s culture to show that we are talking about “Russia” from works of Gorky, Chekhov, and Bunin. At the same time, IPL have to add elements of early soviet culture, so the game world doesn’t look like weird 1910s with antibiotics and far too much advanced technologies.
How’s that connected to the Capital? Russian capital in late empire was St. Petersburg. In later years - Moscow. Moreover, if we are talking about Dankovsky as a character, his design (among other things) is heavily influenced by works of Bulgakov. But in Russian mindset Bulgakov is tightly associated with 1920s Moscow, you just can’t escape it. So, consequently, IPL decide not to sacrifice one for another, and just mix the two capitals, stylistically, in order to create the desired impression on the player.
We’ll see if all that is at least partially true from P3. Hopefully, even from the upcoming demo.
#also note the pre-reform orthography!!#and the electrotheatre right there#do you know what’s also on Tverskaya?#you guessed it! Stanislavsky Electrotheatre!#pathologic#pathologic 3#daniil dankovsky#даниил данковский#мор утопия
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hi luvs! I made this post to give you superpower ideas, but it's not just any post... I SUPERCHARGED THE POWERS MUAHAHAHA! TRUST I ATE SO HARDD ! enjoy :)
⋆⛧┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈⛧⋆
Celestial Domination ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can dominate entire celestial bodies, from moons and planets to stars and galaxies. You can move planets, harness their energy, or even collapse them into black holes. With this power, you can control the heavens themselves, shaping galaxies and solar systems to your will. You could create your own planetary kingdom, ruling over entire star systems with the power to create life or destroy worlds.
The Power of Belief ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You have the ability to manifest anything simply by believing it to be true. Your belief is so strong it affects reality itself, turning thought into existence. You can bend the physical world with sheer willpower, creating your desires from thin air or reshaping existing ones, no matter how impossible they seem. The only limitation is the strength and purity of your belief.
Cosmic Awareness ♡ //
Supercharged Version: Your consciousness expands beyond your body to become attuned to the very fabric of the universe. You can sense cosmic events, celestial movements, or even the heartbeat of distant stars. This allows you to anticipate cataclysmic events, such as supernovae or black hole formations, and manipulate universal energies to either protect or destroy. You can commune with the stars themselves, unlocking cosmic wisdom and the ability to channel the raw power of the cosmos.
Divine Invocation ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can call upon divine entities from across the multiverse or create your own pantheon of deities, channeling their abilities directly into yourself. Each god-like being you summon grants you a unique and potent skill, from healing powers to reality-bending abilities. These deities can also manifest physically to assist in battles or otherworldly challenges, granting you unmatched celestial assistance. You can even ascend to the status of a deity yourself.
Eternal Rebirth ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can reincarnate at will, choosing the time, place, and form of your next existence. You can live through any historical period, assuming a new identity each time, or remain the same, allowing you to accumulate infinite knowledge and experience across lifetimes. Additionally, your soul is indestructible, and no matter how many times you perish, you will always return with a renewed body and soul, growing more powerful each time.
Molecular Reconstruction ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can manipulate matter at a molecular level, not just transmuting substances, but restructuring them on an atomic scale. You can create new materials with unique properties, like invulnerable metals or fabrics that can heal themselves. You can also alter the physical structure of people or objects at will, making changes as simple as enhancing a body’s strength or as complex as reconstructing entire cities with a mere thought.
Celestial Form ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can transform into a being of pure light or cosmic energy, granting you near invulnerability and the ability to travel across vast distances at faster-than-light speeds. As a Celestial, you can manipulate gravitational fields, bend the laws of physics, and even consume stellar energy to increase your power. Your mere presence can cause stars to burn brighter, or entire planetary systems to fall under your influence.
Fate Weaving ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can weave the threads of fate itself, manipulating the lives and destinies of people, creatures, or entire civilizations. You can twist the future in your favor, ensuring certain outcomes occur, while preventing others from ever happening. You can see the potential paths of everyone around you and actively interfere to create your desired timeline, either subtly or through grand cosmic events. You could make someone a hero or villain at your will.
Dark Matter Manipulation ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can control dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up much of the universe but is invisible to the naked eye. By manipulating dark matter, you can create destructive forces that defy all physical laws, create black holes, or bend gravity in ways never seen before. You can use dark matter as a form of ultimate defense, creating impenetrable shields, or as an offensive weapon, destabilizing entire regions of space-time.
Reality Reflection ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You have the ability to mirror alternate realities or timelines, bringing fragments of different worlds into your own. By reflecting pieces of other worlds, you can change the outcome of your own reality by choosing aspects you desire. You can take a memory or moment from another timeline and experience it in your present, or you can bring something (or someone) from another dimension into your world.
Energy Forging ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can manipulate and forge energy into solid forms. For example, you can create weapons, armor, or structures out of pure energy, which can then be used in combat or defense. These energy creations can be reshaped or dismissed at will and are as powerful as you desire them to be, from simple shields to massive, city-crushing weapons.
Ultimate Immortality ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You possess the true form of immortality. You do not just live forever; you cannot age, you cannot be harmed by any physical force, and you can never be mentally or spiritually broken. You are beyond the reach of disease, decay, and time itself. You exist as an eternal being, capable of observing, influencing, and interacting with all points of existence across eternity without ever diminishing or fading.
Space-Time Looping ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can trap yourself and others in a pocket of space-time, where time loops infinitely. In these loops, you can make alterations, experience the same moment over and over, or simply escape consequences. You can reset the loop as many times as you desire, changing outcomes with each iteration. With this power, you are a master of time and events, able to bend reality to your whim while remaining unbound by its limitations.
Omniscience ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You are all-knowing, but not only in the traditional sense. You have access to the infinite knowledge of the universe, understanding the past, present, and future with perfect clarity. You can pull knowledge from alternate dimensions or futures that have yet to occur, providing you with strategies and tactics that guarantee success. You also possess the wisdom to use this knowledge with perfect judgment.
Quantum Manipulation ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can bend the very fabric of quantum mechanics, affecting the universe at the subatomic level. You can teleport instantly across the galaxy, control atomic particles, and alter the probability of events to create infinite versions of yourself or objects, choosing the best possible outcome every time. You can even rewrite fundamental constants of nature, like the speed of light or gravitational forces, to your advantage.
Voice Mimicry ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You don’t just mimic voices—you can project any sound, manipulating voices, music, or even frequencies that trigger emotional responses in people, causing them to feel fear, joy, or love with a simple word.
Danger Sense ♡ //
Supercharged Version: Your danger sense is tied to the universe’s vibrational frequency, allowing you to perceive danger before it happens. You feel the change in energy or movement before it manifests, making you unbeatable in combat or in situations of risk.
Memory Perception ♡ //
Supercharged Version: When you touch someone, you don’t just view their memories—you relive them, experiencing their thoughts, emotions, and traumas as if they were your own, giving you access to all their knowledge and experiences.
Future Sight ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can see multiple potential futures, allowing you to alter reality based on the timeline you wish to create. You can step into the future, manipulate the variables, and bring the best possible version of events into the present.
Omnikinesis ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You control everything—matter, energy, time, space, and thought. You have dominion over all elements of the universe, bending reality at will, making you an unparalleled being of absolute control.
Ghost Form ♡ //
Supercharged Version: When you become a ghost, you can not only phase through walls but manipulate the fabric of reality around you. You can steal memories, influence the living, or create chaotic disturbances in the material world.
Paralysis Ability ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can freeze time, rendering everyone but you completely still. You can also alter the nature of time itself—pausing someone’s life or erasing moments from their existence.
Portal Creation ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can open not just physical portals to any place but also portals to any dimension, time, or thought. You can step into your dreams, enter historical events, or even create a portal that connects multiple realities.
Telepathic Communication Across Dimensions ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can not only communicate with people across universes but can also create a psychic network that transcends time, space, and existence, allowing you to share knowledge or manipulate events through the thoughts of others.
Gravity Manipulation ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You don’t just control gravity around you—you can shift the gravitational field of entire planets. You can create black holes, alter the weight of objects to the atomic level, or even reverse the pull of gravity entirely to lift structures with a thought.
Weather Manipulation ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You control weather on a planetary scale. You can summon thunderstorms that bend reality, create global hurricanes or freeze entire cities. You manipulate atmospheric pressure to create tornadoes or even alter the gravitational flow of the earth to shift weather patterns for centuries.
Mimicry ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can not only mimic voices or appearances but also gain complete access to memories and abilities of whatever or whoever you mimic. A single touch can allow you to gain temporary powers, knowledge, or skills at will.
X-Ray Vision ♡ //
Supercharged Version: Your x-ray vision goes beyond sight. You can see through walls, detect heartbeats, or even see energy patterns flowing through living beings. You can read an object’s molecular structure, allowing you to analyze or deconstruct anything.
Enhanced Stamina ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You don’t just have endless stamina; your body is constantly regenerating and adapting. You can keep going for centuries without exhaustion or injury, while simultaneously accelerating your healing to the point of regenerating entire limbs or organs in seconds.
Mythical Creature Form ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can merge with the pure essence of mythical creatures, not just vampires or werewolves but creatures of legend, like dragons with control over storms, or phoenixes capable of regeneration, or sirens who can control the ocean’s tides and command powerful elemental magic.
Super Speed ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You move not just faster than light but also manipulate the space around you. You can compress time so that everything slows down as you zip through it, appearing to freeze reality for yourself while you move faster than thought itself.
Flight ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can travel not only through air but also through alternate dimensions, hopping between planes of existence while flying faster than any aircraft or being. You can harness winds, clouds, or even solar flares to accelerate to speeds that break the sound barrier.
Aura Perception ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You can not only read the auras of people but can manipulate them. A bad colored aura doesn’t just signify an evil person—it’s a pathway you can influence. You can color a person’s aura to manipulate their decisions, creating a matrix of influence based on emotional frequency.
Spirit Vision ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You see beyond the spirit world; you can interact with, communicate, and even manipulate spirits. You can bind spirits to objects, extract knowledge from them, or create alliances with powerful entities from other realms.
Clone Creation ♡ //
Supercharged Version: When you create clones, they’re not just physical duplicates—they’re autonomous entities with independent minds, powers, and abilities. They can evolve, split into their own clones, or act outside your control when needed. You can even create clones that exist in parallel dimensions.
Power Mimicry ♡ //
Supercharged Version: You absorb not just powers but the essence of those powers, adapting them to your own body’s physiology. This allows you to evolve powers, combining them into hybrid abilities that have never been seen before.
⢀⡴⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠸⡇⠀⠿⡀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡴⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠑⢄⣠⠾⠁⣀⣄⡈⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡀⠁⠀⠀⠈⠙⠛⠂⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⡿⢿⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⡾⣁⣀⠀⠴⠂⠙⣗⡀⠀⢻⣿⣿⠭⢤⣴⣦⣤⣹⠀⠀⠀⢀⢴⣶⣆ ⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣷⣮⣽⣾⣿⣥⣴⣿⣿⡿⢂⠔⢚⡿⢿⣿⣦⣴⣾⠁⠸⣼⡿ ⠀⢀⡞⠁⠙⠻⠿⠟⠉⠀⠛⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣌⢤⣼⣿⣾⣿⡟⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣾⣷⣶⠇⠀⠀⣤⣄⣀⡀⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠉⠈⠉⠀⠀⢦⡈⢻⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣶⣤⣽⡹⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠲⣽⡻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣜⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⠻⠿⠿⠿⠿⠛⠉
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Once again, my thoughts are entirely occupied with War of the Rohirrim
Today's thoughts: marriage
So it's pretty obvious that Héra had no intention to marry Wulf, I feel the film makes that pretty obvious, at most she's more about just staying his friend (at least at the start) so I wanna ask, in a hypothetical situation where Wulf doesn't go batshit insane and start a war that kills…so many people. Would Helm make Héra marry the Gondorian Prince or not?
I'm squarely in the "he won't" camp. LOTR marriages are almost always about love first and foremost, the stark contrast to the historical history they base themselves on where arranged marriage is the norm as women and love have no say in the matter, it's entirely strategic considerations. If Héra doesn't love this guy, I think Helm would be…probably upset but accepting, he's smart enough to find another way to shore up the alliance between Rohan and Gondor, maybe Haleth or Háma meet someone from Gondor they love instead and they can get that marriage alliance that way, or just…simple pragmatism, I'm certain Gondor desires a secure eastern flank as much as Rohan wants a secure western one, they don't ever appear to have any overlapping claims on each others territory so the alliance is pragmatic for both parties regardless of marriage alliances.
I feel confident in this based on Haleth and Háma, they don't have partners. None that we see or are named and given their fates…it would be easier to really ram the emotional point home with a distraught partner. The boys are 30 and 22 respectively, that's quite old to not be married in the Anglo-Saxon world that Rohan is largely based on. Surely Helm if he was all about legacy and alliances would have organised marriages for them both by now, the fact he hasn't, kinda tells me that he doesn't want to force his children to do anything they don't want to do (within reason), he's content to let them find someone on their own and have that based on love rather that politics.
So maybe he might have been upset if Héra rejects the Gondorian Prince but I can't see him forcing her into it, if she's not down for it, she's just not. Based on the evidence of her brother's seemingly not being married or at least betrothed and that marriage in LOTR…is almost entirety love based rather than political based as marriage was in the time periods it's based on
#lord of the rings#lotr#lotr:wotr#lotr: war of the rohirrim#the war of the rohirrim#war of the rohirrim#baron rambles
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❝𝐖𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄❞ welcome to kentopedia's love through the ages collab. in honor of another lonely valentine’s day, i wanted to combine my two greatest loves: history and literature! so this is for anyone who wants a passionate romance and loves the aesthetics of the past. because i know that no matter when you live and die, your favs will always choose you ♡

submit a piece based off a time in history you find interesting. it can be an au of your favorite classic novel, a song you enjoy from a period before your own, a piece of art you enjoy, or something entirely your own. be creative!!
please reblog this post & send me an ask with the character you'd like to write about and the inspiration. for example: "nanami + renaissance" (which is what i’ll be writing teehee).

no fandom limitation, but i will cap it off at 2 entries per character (i won’t count mine in that limit!). and you can join as many times as you want.
this is a historical au collab, so i will not accept any submissions based in the 21st century :) but it can go back as far as you want!
there is no deadline. minimum of 500 words, but no maximum. i love long fics! please use the read more feature on your posts.

anyone can join, this is not limited to followers. no age requirement, but you must be 18+ to submit nsfw pieces, with an age indicator. make sure to follow the rules of all creators involved (including me!).
submissions can be as historically accurate or inaccurate as you want them to be, and could include fantasy elements too! this is all about capturing the aesthetics of a time period, but i will never limit anyone’s creativity. it can be extremely niche too!
all forms of art are welcome, not just writing, as long as they are of your own creation.
nsfw, sfw, dark content, etc. is all acceptable. be sure to tag accordingly!

tag me in your submission so i can also add you to the masterlist. also, link this post on your submission to spread the love to other readers! i will be reading all the submissions and reblogging with feedback as well. let me know if you have any questions!

bungo stray dogs . . .
nakahara chuuya and post wwii yakuza by @cheriiyaya
nakahara chuuya and the 1800s italian mafia by @osaemu
dazai osamu & fyodor dostoevsky as rival painters in the renaissance by @aureatchi
dazai osamu & fyodor dostoevsky in the trojan war by @fyorina
fyodor dostoevsky and victorian era royalty by @verlainepaul
dazai osamu as a fallen angel by @chuuyrr
jujutsu kaisen . . .
nanami kento and the renaissance by @kentopedia
okkotsu yuta as an edo period samurai by @anqelically
gojo satoru & geto suguru and the medieval period by @flowerpersephone
geto suguru as a nineteenth century vampire by @todorokies
nanami kento and the victorian era by @starsinmylatte
gojo satoru and orpheus and eurydice by @forest-hashira
geto suguru and the american old west by @forest-hashira
geto suguru and phantom of the opera by @mynahx3
geto suguru and ancient greece by @mochimooon
nanami kento and the heian period by @purpleqilinwrites
fushiguro toji as a medieval bandit by @honeybleed
true form sukuna ryomen and ancient greece by @girlwithsharpt33th
okkotsu yuuta and post apocalyptic 1600s by @atsquie
nanami kento as a medieval knight by @mynahx3
nanami kento and the regency period by @kentopedia
nanami kento and ancient japan by @mynahx3
attack on titan . . .
reiner braun as a wwii soldier by @thel0v3hashira143
levi ackerman and the impressionist era by @be-co-me
armin arlert and the early 20th century by @crazychaoticizzy
eren jaeger and the age of piracy by @bloompompom
demon slayer . . .
shinazugawa sanemi and antony & cleopatra by @mitsuristoleme
tengen uzui and the roaring 20s by @forest-hashira
haikyuu . . .
kuroo tetsurō and the space race by @ktsumu
kuroo tetsurō & iwaizumi hajime in regency era inspired japan by @jarjarwinx
persona 5 . . .
akira kurusu and the prohibition era by @clubkira
genshin impact . . .
albedo as a renaissance artist by @clubkira
dainsleif in the greatest showman by @rubysm
blue lock . . .
noel noa and indonesian colonization by
#𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓫 ❤︎#painting in graphic romeo and juliet by frank dicksee :)#if no one joins … pretend u never saw this.#jjk x reader#aot x reader#csm x reader#jujutsu kaisen#attack on titan#haikyuu#x reader#jjk x you#aot x you#haikyuu x you#haikyuu x reader#bungo stray dogs x reader#bsd x reader#bsd#bllk x reader#bllk x you
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I think I agree with you giving GRRM half points in the Question of Small clothes. While medieval women didn't wear pants, a lot of textual evidence points to them using rags during their period. This lady has done some experiments and has found that wearing rags tied to a belt to be the comfiest:
That scene between Jamie and Cerci would work if you visualised rags tied to a belt ("laced" underwear), but the GRRM would probably have mentioned period blood as an edgy moment. I think he would have also made a big deal of free bleeding too though
Honestly, given some of the quotes people brought up, I want to lock GRRM in a room with some paper and a pencil and say "okay, draw smallclothes."
Because at times they're described like briefs, boxers, or panties- IE "shit his smallclothes" or "he ripped her smallclothes away" -but other times like a shift/smock or a pair of 19th-century combinations? like saying that people of any gender who were cold wore "two layers of smallclothes?" I don't know about boxers, but two layers of panties wouldn't do anything to keep you warm
Honestly it sounds like he gave this no cohesive thought and SmallclothesTM are just whatever form of underwear he needs them to be in the moment. Which, as multiple people have said, is mostly annoying because he makes such a HUUUUUGE deal about figuring out societal minutiae
"what are Aragorn's tax policies?" I don't know, George; how do his undergarments function? who makes them? what are they made OF? what properties of that material make it useful for undergarments? if it's not the real-life "using linen to wick sweat and body oils away from the body and protect unwashable outerwear from it," what are over-garments made of that they CAN be washed frequently without damage or weakening the fibers? if men and women are both wearing a brief-like lower garment called "a pair of smallclothes," why is it sometimes described as being layered for warmth?
for that matter, why are women in conventional clothing wearing them in a setting where Skirts For Women is the norm, when historically that made more sense for people wearing trousers (to prevent chafing and/or Crotch Sweat Damage to said trousers)? at least, outside of their menstrual cycle?
in conclusion, clothing history and general broader understanding of how garments/garment production and care systems work is radically undervalued in fiction. probably because of misogynistic negative associations with women and therefore "triviality" because Nothing Women Care About REALLY Matters (even though Men Wear Clothing Too). but that's another conversation
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hi ice! im sorry that you're dealing with other stresses, please don't feel any pressure to answer this quickly or anything.
im wondering if you have any advice for a Black person overcoming a lot of internalized anti-Blackness? especially pertaining to feeling like a disappointment specifically for being Black (i struggle with feeling like i will ever be attractive to a partner because of it, even if theyre also Black), and presenting in a way that makes me happy (i want to grow out an afro but i get afraid of looking "too Black", same with wearing my durag and similar things). also are there any books that you would recommend for working through that, or even just learning about Black history (reading often helps me to logic myself out of negative thought patterns and feel inspired)?
thank you! sorry if this ask is too complicated/encompasses too much
Hi! Well first, I am sorry that you've lived a life and in a world that reinforces you to hate yourself. You do not deserve that, and I'm proud of you for asking for more, and I hope you one day live a life where you love yourself and recognize how much you deserve.
If it's okay, in addition to some resources, I could give you some pointers that I gained from my own life experience unlearning internalized antiblackness. It's not an easy or short process, and there's plenty of hard truths and happy truths. I am not the sweetest advice giver either, but I promise I mean well:
1. Release the Shackles of Respectability Politics!
I was already starting to really grow into my Black identity by undergrad (my family had at least tried to help me get there through my childhood) but what really cinched it for me was the state murder of Sandra Bland. Sandra Bland was everything "right"- multiple degrees, pretty, educated, in a historically Black sorority, a college educator, a woman who spoke up for justice. Respected in her community! She was everything I thought I was supposed to be!
And the police still captured her, beat her, and murdered her in her jail cell (and lied about it, and potentially posted a picture of her dead body as her mugshot) for the audacity to question them. She's still dead! She still wasn't "good" enough to live!
No amount of being a "good, well-behaved" Black will save you in a society where being Black itself is deemed a sin. So every time you get a thought where "this isn't what society wants" or "I'm embarrassed" or "if I do this, I'll look like a bad-" cut it off! Fuck em! IT'S NOT TRUE! Recognize that you could be the finest, richest person on the street and you'd still be just a n***a in many people's eyes. 🤷🏾♀️ Point blank. They don't like you for your racial identity. They can be racist to Barack Obama and Beyonce, and they sure can be racist to you lmao.
It's not about you, you are not the problem! James Baldwin himself once said that racism is the white man's problem. It's not your responsibility to make them "like" you and "not be disappointed", it's their responsibility to respect you as a human being regardless!
2. Take Back Your Autonomy
This ties into the first one. Let's all thank Lil Nas X for this one, bc he did for my bisexuality what I had to do on my own for my Blackness. 🙏🏾
If they hate you anyway, you might as well be your most authentic self 🤷🏾♀️
Don't die disappointed because you wanted to reach white acceptance. Don't do it. If they're gonna hate you suppressed, they might as well hate you out loud 🤷🏾♀️ it's your life! It's why I don't shut up about racism lmao. You already hated me, now we'll both be uncomfortable and imma speak 🤷🏾♀️
So when you wear that durag, or wear your afro, recognize that 1) there are people just like you who love how you look because you look like them, 2) you should love how you look period because you're who matters, and 3) the day I receive a check with an undisclosed amount of reparations on it is the day I'll sit and discuss allowing whiteness to designate how the fuck I'm suppose to wear my hair lmao (and the answer will still be no). 😤
3. Accept that you're worth it
It's going to be hard. Even by wearing your afro, your own natural hair, you are making a statement of pride in your Blackness, and everyone won't understand or respect that. That was one of my first steps in high school, was cutting off all my permed hair and loving my afro. I had to write affirmations that I read daily to love myself, I was so scared. But it was worth it. My hair is healthy and happy. I had to learn brown skin was beautiful. But once I did, I couldn't stop fawning over it, on myself and others.
There are people who live their lives told by society they are perfect. Why do they get to think they're beautiful, and you don't? They're not better than you, yet they can tell you that you should hate yourself. What gives them the right? Who do they think they are? Fight back! Accept that the fight is hard, but you're worth it! Your Blackness is beautiful, and it fought hard as fuck to make it this far- honor that by honoring yourself!
4. Find some community; dive deep into Blackness
This one is self explanatory. You're gonna have to be around Black people that love themselves. Surround yourself with it. Find things they do that you like. Learn to find love in it. It could be creative, political, hell even finding a hairstyles group that shows cute ways to wear your hair. That can be a way to grow more confident and try new things. (All skinfolk ain't kinfolk though, so be aware.) But being around Black people, who care about the same things you care about, and make you feel heard, will help break that... Mind space where you feel alone and wrong. Trust, if I didn't have other Black people on this site, I would go mad from people gaslighting me that the racism I was seeing wasn't real. You need some more of us around you that reinforce your love for us, and yourself.
Here is a long paper discussing internalized antiblackness; you said you like to read lol. It admittedly focuses on Black women, BUT it might also help to use the sources that they cite to go on your own journey regardless! You could also just surround yourself with bloggers and beautiful poems and Black creations. There's beauty in all of it, you gotta let yourself find it.
I hope this helps 🙏🏾
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