#Oopsies wrote a ficlet
terezicaptor · 8 months
god i can't stop thinking of the angst of pac waking up tomorrow and finding out tubbo is dead AAAAAAAAAAAA
Do you ever think about how Pac realized Tubbo's fear of abandonment and took it so seriously. Like, he didn't have the right solution in mind, but he saw something and wanted to make it better.
I think Pac can see himself mirrored in Tubbo sometimes. Happy Pills Pac and everyday Tubbo are two of a kind. Putting up a hard mask while they spiral wildly out of control until it all crashes and burns.
Maybe he won't even realize at first. Think Tubbo is a little late waking up, and then he doesn't see Tubbo all day. Not even on the map. Not even talking in chat. But maybe he's taking a rest day. Maybe Valentine's was hard for him. Maybe he did or didn't care for the romance, but felt very alone all the same. So he is taking a rest day. Maybe he is cuddled up with Sunny, napping happily, messing up their sleep schedules together.
Pac doesn't see him the next day either, but that's okay, friends don't see each other every day. Tubbo has been more distant since he made Town of Fobo with Foolish. Maybe he's working on a cool underground base that he'll show Pac and Fit later. Or maybe he's grinding to get coins for Create. It's fine, Pac will see him tomorrow.
Or tomorrow.
Or tomorrow.
Or tomorrow.
Where is Tubbo?
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meebles · 1 year
Obi-Wan knows he’s being rather old-fashioned about this.
Cody Fett is his own man, and he certainly doesn’t need his father’s permission to get married. But Obi-Wan figures it’s still the courteous thing, to at least make his intentions known before he proposes.
After Obi-Wan tells Jango as much, the man stares at him silently for an unnerving amount of time, before he sighs.
“You don’t need my blessing, if that’s what you’re asking… it’s the rest of them you need to worry about.”
Obi-Wan blinks. “The rest of them?”
“So,” Fox starts, sitting down on the chair across from him. “You think you’re good enough to marry my brother?”
“Fox, please,” Obi-Wan says, pained. “You know me. I’ve been dating Cody for years. Is this all really necessary?”
Fox just raises a brow. “I hope you cleared your schedule. You’re going to be here awhile.”
Obi-Wan looks to the door, behind which he knows the rest of Cody’s brothers are waiting. All nineteen of them.
He turns back to Fox, who takes that as his cue to fully launch into what’s likely meant to be a speech, but feels more like an interrogation.
Obi-Wan bites back a groan. For Cody, even this particular brand of torture is worth it.
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bluiex · 2 years
Idea in my head of Scar having a pair of golden scissors that can cut the strings of a soul mate. And he keeps staring at the strings that bind him to Grian… the days Grian says he doesn’t want to be with him… and seeing him with BigB… and starts to find himself holding the thread wanting to just cut them loose.
Question is would Grian fight him when he tries to cut them?
Oh god imagine, if Grian could feel it when he starts to do it. He feels a sharp pain when Scar grabs the string, it happens a lot more. Yes Grian knows about Scar having the scissors. One night when he is off with BigB the pain, it hurts SO much more than normal. He doubled over heaving, quickly excusing himself and running as fast as he could to Scar, where he finds him at the jellie pandas sanctuary sitting on a rock, scissors halfway through the thread.
"Scar! Stop it!" Grian yells as he pushes past the sleeping fuzzy creatures.
Scar laughs, loud and bitter, "What, Grian. I thought you wanted BigB no?" forcing the string against the sharpedges once more, Scar bites back his own cry of pain as Grian trips making his way closer to Scar.
"That has nothing to do with this-"
"It has everything to do with this!" Scar all but yells, anger burning in his eyes as he glares down at Grian from his perch on the rock. "I'm not good enough for you, I will get us both killed. That's what you said, so you kept me close, you tried to keep me locked up. I'm sick and tired of your games Grian."
Grian huffs out a breath, looking up at Scar, eyes pleading. "I want you Scar, I- I'm afraid to lose you.. I'm trying to help us win Scar!"
Scar scoffs, pulls the scissors away gripping the tightly at his side, "So you thought going off and cheating on your soulmate was the best way to do it? To hurt me and break my heart doing so?"
"You would've ruined the plan Scar if I told you. It's better if you didn't know-" Grian tries to explain again, cutting off when Scar jumps down off the rock right in front of Grian glaring at him.
"All you think about is yourself." Scar says, pushing Grian back roughly making him trip back and land onto the side of a sleeping Jellie with an oof.
"I'm leaving, going back to the jungle with the Jellies in the morning. Go have your fun, Don't get me killed."
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justabigoldnerd · 3 months
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Thank you so much for the tag @the-golden-comet !!! Here's another banner made with another (slightly illegal 😅) picture I took!!!
You guys remember yesterday when I said that the Operation PIMLICO fic was taking priority in my brain?
Here's the last line I wrote of a ficlet I FINALLY started writing for @huggiebird 's DnD AU!!! 💕💕💕
“Warm,” Illya justified, still wearing a glare, “Is warm. Doesn't hurt.”
No pressure tagging @pippinoftheshire @too-young-to-fall-in-love @times-up-alone-tonight @heytheredeann @huggiebird
@cha-melodius @yallwildinrn @thattripleabattery @nicijones aaaaand anyone else who wants to join!!
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Ghoulette Appreciation Week 8
Week 8: Coffee Shop AU & Sickfic
I've been excited for this one! Back to the Midwest Emo Ghouls AU, because they just won't stay outta my head for long!
When Mist doesn't show up to Aurora's coffee shop, she gets worried. Or, Mist and Aurora are hopelessly crushing on each other, but neither seems to realize their feeling are mutual.
Rating: G Content: Fluff, secret crushes, Rory taking care of Mist when she has a cold. Words: 2651
It would be remiss of me to write a Midwest Emo Ghouls Coffee shop AU and not mention @midnight-moth's ficlet (which I think technically they said is only adjacent to this AU? but I wrote this before double checking, oopsie!) with coffee-shop!Aurora and record-store!Mist, the og fic that had me sold on Mistrora! (go read it!)
As with anything I've written for this AU, all credit goes to @herbal-quintessence and friends for its creation, I've picked and chosen my favorite hcs for the ghouls when there are multiple, and for any other inconsistencies with the original creators's hcs and timeline let's just say I'm operating on a different branch at an indeterminant point in time, haha..!
Read below, or on AO3!
The screech of the coffee machine snapped Aurora out of her daydream. She shook her head slightly to dislodge her leftover thoughts, still drifting around about her favourite customer. Aurora kept expecting Mist to walk in the door any second, and she didn’t dare try to meet her eyes while simultaneously imagining herself staring into them under greatly different circumstances.
The door to the shop remained closed however; no tinkling of the bell to herald Mist’s arrival to the coffee shop, and the subsequent arrival of a swarm of butterflies into Aurora’s stomach. For the umpteenth time that day, Aurora squinted out the window to the record store opposite. The lights were still off, the sign still reading closed. Where was she?
Aurora had worked in the coffee shop for several years now. She had applied when she first moved to town as a broke student struggling to pay rent, and had loved every second of it. The coffee shop, it turned out, was the beating heart of this rural town: a social hub for almost all the denizens both ghoul and human. She had taken great delight in getting to know her new community and neighbours, and beginning to recognize people outside of the coffee-scented air of the café.
From her connections at the shop, Aurora had learned about the existence of the dark church, and in particular its close community of ghouls. She had found many of her new friends here, and even her new home. Aurora had got talking with two lunchtime regulars she recognized from the church: one the owner of the hardware store down the street, the other his husband joining him in town for lunch. She had quickly learned that they farmed the fields east of town, and when Aurora had mentioned in passing that she was looking for a place to stay over the summer semester break to keep working, they had offered their spare room. They were looking for a lodger, anyway.
Another regular was Zephyr: church organist, GP surgery receptionist, and one of the first people Aurora connected with in town. They always came in during the afternoon slump, and happily tried the newest and strangest flavours of tea the shop had ordered. Aurora would scribble notes on their thorough yet honest reviews, before they left with an extra-large, extra-strong black coffee for Omega, the surgery’s GP.
It was through Zephyr that Aurora had learned of their lodger Mist, who had recently opened a record store directly opposite the coffee shop. Mist was cool. Seriously, effortlessly, cool. Throughout the weeks that she had started coming to the coffee shop at Zephyr’s suggestion, her visits had become longer more regular. At one point, after Aurora brought over her third drink of the morning, her curiosity had got the better of her, and she had asked Mist if she actually sold any records, seeing as she spent more time in the café than her own shop.
It turned out that Mist had not only been an art student at Aurora’s college several years previously, but had also taken several courses in online business and marketing. She made most of her sales from her website, explaining how her shop kept running with seemingly few customers. Aurora thought she was amazing: smart, arty, stylish, cool... She felt like a schoolgirl with a crush on the homecoming queen. Mountain and Swiss thought this was adorable and frequently teased her about it, reminiscing on their own tentative courtship many years previously.
Mist had started bringing her laptop to the café, sitting by the window to keep half an eye on her own shopfront for customers while being plied with coffees and “free” cakes. She had quickly realized that no café had that good of a loyalty scheme, and that Aurora was instead buying them with her tip money. Secretly, she had started keeping track of what Aurora was spending on her, the notes tucked into the tip jar at the end of each day always covering the pastries, and then some.
As the frequency of Mist’s visits increased, Aurora had become deeply attuned to her presence. Mist was a welcome sight in her window armchair, a source of charming smiles and words which made her heart flutter. And so, on this day in the middle of a cold February week, Aurora had felt Mist’s absence before she consciously noticed it. All day, she had been distracted; one eye on the door or the conspicuously dark record store opposite.
She was so distracted, in fact, that Zephyr had cottoned onto it immediately when they entered for their afternoon break. They caught her eyes flickering to the empty shopfront opposite three separate times while ordering.
“Missing Mist today?” Zephyr asked kindly. Aurora blushed deeply; was it that obvious? “She’s at home sick today, she’s feeling pretty under the weather.”
Aurora’s concern must have shown on her face, and she started pressing herbal teas and cake upon Zephyr to bring to her.
“You could bring them yourself, if you want?” Zephyr smiled warmly: young love was such a precious thing. “She’s not contagious, Omega took a look at her this morning. She just needs some rest and TLC.”
Aurora nodded earnestly, not trying to hide how keen she was.
“You could meet us at the surgery after you close here? I can give you a lift once the Omega sees his last patient.”
“Thank you Zeph, that would be lovey. I’ll meet you there–”
Aurora’s eyes instinctively flickered to the door again as the bell chimed the arrival of a customer. She waved Zephyr and their good-natured smile goodbye, heading back behind the counter.
Before Aurora cashed out and locked up, she also gathered a selection of coffee beans and teas to bring for Omega and Zephyr. She closed the door the minute the clock hit six pm, and resisted the urge to run down the road to the Doctor’s surgery. They were a ten minute walk away at best, and Omega’s last appointment was at quarter-to-seven.
She decided to make a quick detour past the small grocery store. Tea and pastries were fine, but nothing beats the winter lurgy like hot soup. And crackers. Oh, and maybe chocolate, Aurora thought, throwing everything she could think of into her basket. At least with Mist living with a doctor, she would be well taken care of with painkillers and cold medication.
Her bag weighing heavily on her shoulder, she greeted Zephyr as she got to the surgery, perching on a chair in the waiting room while Omega finished seeing his last patient. Her feet swing nervously beneath her.
Aurora sat in the leather backseat of the silver saloon car, as Omega drove back to their house in the suburbs. As they pulled off the road, she saw Mist’s familiar ice-blue bicycle leaned against the side wall of the garage.
“Let me know when you want to go home, I can drive you back.” Zephyr offered, before directing Aurora to Mist’s room at the top of the stairs. She knocked shyly, it was too late to be scared of overstepping now.
“C’m’ in!” a croaky voice called from inside. Aurora gently opened the door, smiling cautiously at Mist and offering a small wave.
“Rory?” Mist’s eyes were rimmed with red, matching the colour of her nose, but they seemed to light up as the smaller ghoulette hovered in the doorway. “What’re you doing here?”
“Oh you poor thing!” Aurora cooed, dodging the question of why Mist’s casual workplace acquaintance was suddenly knocking on her bedroom door. Mist really did look terrible; her face was tired and haggard and her skin even paler than usual. “Can I come in?”
“’F course.” Mist sniffed, hauling herself upright in bed.
“I’ve brought you cake, and tea, and you’re not going to sneak money into my tip jar for once,” Aurora chattered nervously. “Can I run you a bath? Or fluff your pillows? Are you hungry, I brought soup?”
Mist smiled weakly at Aurora’s enthusiasm, a little overwhelmed at the small ghoulette’s whirlwind of fervent hospitality.
“A bath would be nice, this cold’s making me feel disgusting. So would some soup, I haven’t eaten since yesterday night…”
“A bath is is then!” chirped Aurora, “And I’ve got tomato, chicken noodle, or vegetable broth?”
“Tomato, please.” Mist rubbed at her red-raw nose with a tissue. “Zeph could do all this y’know? Or Meg. Did Zephy drag you here?” Conniving scoundrel, Mist thought to herself, anything to win that silly bet with Omega.
“I wanted to.” Aurora shrugged, trying to conceal just how eager she’d been to visit, “Zephyr just drove me.”
Mist struggled to pull herself more upright and swing her feet out of bed, and Aurora made a move to assist her. As she did so, she looked down at the armful of goodies she was still clutching, before whirling around to find somewhere to put them. Mist’s room wasn’t at all how Aurora had imagined: every available surface seemed to be covered in clutter and trinkets, the opposite of the cool, minimalist personality she exuded. The walls were plastered with artwork, lending everything a warm and cosy feeling. Aurora eventually made space on the desk, moving a few mugs – some with pencils in, some with leftover tea – and stacking the assortment of sketchbooks into a rough pile.
While Mist sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for the dizziness in her head to abate, Aurora headed into the en-suite and turned on the taps to warm up and begin to fill the bath. She looked around at the bottles on the windowsill, and poured in some blue bubble bath alongside the stream from the taps. Ocean Breeze, whatever that was meant to smell like.
“Thanks, ‘Ror,” rasped Mist, as she leaned against the doorframe, clean pyjamas in hand, “I can take it from here, unless you want to stay?” The exaggerated wink as she spoke told Aurora that she was only joking, and that despite Aurora secretly longing for more, this was just Mist’s normal flirtatious banter. At least she was feeling well enough for her usual wit to come through.
Aurora closed the door behind her as she left, and hovered in the bedroom until the taps turned off and the splashing sounds of Mist getting into the bathtub safely and without falling had quietened down. She grabbed some of her care package from the stash on the desk and headed back downstairs to make some tea and heat the soup.
Entering the kitchen, she found Zephyr at the table with a mug of the tea she gave them, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Omega paused where he was slicing vegetables and directed her to the kettle and microwave, grabbing a bowl and mug for her too. Aurora hovered awkwardly as she waited for the various liquids to heat, aware of Zephyr’s eyes burning a hole in her back the whole time. Out of the corner of her eye, she even thought she saw them making a gesture at Omega, like rubbing cash between their fingers and thumb. She put the bowl of soup and mug of tea onto a small tray Omega also presented, adding a few napkins and a spoon, before escaping back upstairs.
Balancing the tray in one hand, she knocked on the bedroom door again, entering when she got no response. The gentle sloshing sounds of water told her that Mist was still enjoying her soak, so she set the tray down on the desk and took a seat.
“I’m back!” she gently called at the bathroom door, “Let me know if you need anything else!” Mist hummed in acknowledgement.
Aurora took a look around the room while she waited, admiring the mishmash of colours and styles. Each item so clearly told a story, she wished she could ask about every single one. A small photo on the bookshelf made her smile: a younger Mist, probably round Aurora’s current age, was dressed in dungarees and pulling an uncharacteristically silly face at the camera from her seat atop a hay bale. A handsome dark-haired ghoul she recognised as the previous youth pastor Ifrit leaned against it, while Mountain and Swiss stood to one side, arms loosely around each other’s waists. Aurora couldn’t help the pang of jealousy she felt looking at the picture. Even though she knew they had only ever been friends, she was reminded that Mist had lived a life before she moved here, that there was no way she would ever fall for her young barista with a silly crush.
Abruptly, Aurora stood up and walked to the bed to straighten the duvet and fluff the pillows, perhaps with a little more force than was necessary. As she was tucking the foot of the blankets back in, Mist finally emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of fresh, ocean-scented steam. She looked to have more colour in her cheeks already, the worst of the pallid complexion she had worn before now gone.
“Feel better for that?” asked Aurora, smoothing the duvet with a final flourish, and moving out of Mist’s way.
“Much, thanks Rory,” Mist climbed back into bed, sighing as she sat up against Aurora’s carefully arranged stack of pillows. Once she was settled, Aurora brought over the tray, moving the mug to her bedside table so it didn’t spill. She tried not to stare too intently as Mist ate, smothering the protective fire that burned in her belly at seeing her devour the soup.
Instead, Aurora distracted herself by chattering at Mist about the daily gossip from the street. How Mrs Bloom from the flower shop had come in half an hour earlier than usual, coinciding with Mr Phipps from the jewellery boutique, and did this mean the elderly shopkeepers were finally getting together or not? And the teenager with the purple hair had been back to remove her Missing flyer from the noticeboard, as her pet cat had just been hiding in her neighbour’s garden shed the whole time, much to everyone’s relief.
As Aurora nattered away, she took Mist’s tray back to the desk once when she finished the soup and moved onto the tea, before lying back down under the covers. Aurora continued quietly recounting the day’s events until Mist’s breathing gradually slowed and evened out. Asleep. Aurora silently returned the empty mug to the tray, before grabbing a pencil and a scrap of paper to leave Mist a note in case she woke up wondering where her visitor had gone. She debated for a few seconds, before finally scribbling her mobile number on the bottom of the paper. Given how much time they spent together during the day, it was strange they hadn’t exchanged them yet, right?
She propped the note up on the bedside table and, in a moment of impulsivity, kissed two of her fingers before pressing them into the pillow, feeling Mist’s cool breath curl around them. Aurora shook her head, and grabbed the empty tray to leave before she made any more reckless confessions.
Zephyr drove her home in a comfortable, yet knowing, silence. Aurora felt slightly like she was the punchline to some joke she wasn’t aware of, but tried to think nothing of it. Surely spending your evening taking care of your favourite regular customer who might also be your friend but also might not be wasn’t that weird?
Aurora thanked Zephyr for the lift, choosing to slink off to her room as Swiss immediately invited them inside with promises of a fresh jar of honey from his bees. As she settled down for bed herself, mind still racing over the events of the day, her phone buzzed. Aurora felt her heart skip a beat as she read the message: Hi, it’s Mist. Thanks again for coming today, I’ll have to repay the favour sometime. xx
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anyway, during 12 days of Christmas, I wrote a fluffy ficlet/story for Billy for the snowman prompt so I could make a joke about when ELP called him the love child of one of the Paul brothers and the abominable snow man. And another with Jay for ice skating where I made him say Oopsie Whoopsie. And in my brain are no thoughts, only thots named Billy and Jay.
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zwowow · 3 years
can’t remember if i’ve already asked but em and kells’ fans react to them being together
Not that I remember, and if u did oopsie (this ended up being more like a series of hc’s than a ficlet my bad)
I think the reaction of Everyone at first would be that of like... complete shock. Whether they come out through a press release, a song, Instagram, or just letting the paparazzi catch them in a position that couldn't be described as anything but, erm compromising, it's gonna be news that shocks the whole fucking world.
When the news breaks it's complete pandemonium. People are searching back before they were even together looking for clues they might have dropped in their music. Some people are trying to find proof that their relationship ship is fake. Some are looking for proof the beef itself was fake because who would actually date someone you wrote a disstrack about? Shock and disbelieve take over a broken internet because who The Fuck could've guessed?
People dig into Em's old homophobic lyrics and think pieces come out on the quarter hour with titles like "Inside Eminem's internalized homophobia" and "Homophpobia or reclamation? Breaking Down Eminem's Use of Slurs".
Their assistants, publicists, managers, and agents field off more calls than they have in the entirety of their careers in just a few days. Everybody wants to hear them speak on their relationship. Everyone wants to hear about Machine Gun Kelly and Eminem from Machine Gun Kelly and Eminem.
But the fans?
Kells' fans I think would be more puzzled by the sheer absurdity of the situation. Like, whatever, Colson likes men yeah ok news to them, very surprising, but alright. Eminem though???? He's dating Eminem?
Eminem who banned him from his radio station and was tryna stifle his career over a tweet? Slim Shady, the guy who wrote Not Alike and Killshot? Marshall fucking Mathers? That guy?
Kells must be some kind of masochist.
Honestly, the way his fans care about him, they'd probably think the relationship was just another symptom of Kells' self destructive tendencies. He must be dating Em to like hurt himself in some weird way.
They'd only ever get on board and be sort of okay with it if and when they got to see how happy and healthy Kells would be with Em.
Em's fans though? Completely different story. The vast majority of his fandom are like toxic dick riders that would genuinely rather see Em unhappy and alone than with a man at all. And it kind of makes sense bc he's said some mad homophobia shit, so obvious he's gonna pick up homophobic fans, but still.
The fact that it was Colson would definitely hurt their feelings too. Because even if they could get over Em being attracted to men, his fans hold grudges so hard they would never get on board with the two of Em getting Machine Gun Kelly. Like, Em, Marshall, my guy, nobody thought you were serious when you told mgk to keep your dick in his mouth. Gross.
The harassment Kells would go though from Em's fans would be worse than what immediately followed Killshot. His comments on Instagram, all of his YouTube videos, and all of his Twitter mentions would be full of hateful Em stans appalled by his gall to ever seduce their Super Straight Rap God.
Em would get a lot of pushback too. There would be people that stop being fans and toss his albums. Just like with the Trump shit. There are bigoted people that have always thought he was on their side, and when proven wrong they'd be pissed.
And there would definitely be both Em and Kells fans that would simply... not believe it. Their pictures together are edited. The paparazzi are liars and are misconstruing what they saw. The statements are jokes. Whatever they can say to discredit the relationship, they'd say because they genuinely can't and don't want to wrap their heads around the two of them together.
Honestly, they'd probably end up being placed on pedestals by some people, too. They turn into a gay rap icons overnight and while Em would fucking hate it, Kells would definitely take a minute to ham up the "bi pride", especially while he's in a pretty fun era for it right now. People that didn't like or didn't care about them before would suddenly be fans, they'd be a celebrity 'it' couple for at least the first year they're out, and there would be at least five Buzzfeed listicles about "wholesome" fan and celebrity reactions to their coming out. Definitely would get praise where they never thought they would.
But at the end of the day, neither of them would really care what their fans would think. They're together. They love each other. They came out to be able to hold hands in public and go out on dates that don't require empty restaurants and staff that signed NDA's, not to prove or say anything to anyone. Gay icons? Definitely not. Two assholes in love? No doubt.
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ketzwrites · 7 years
so ketz
hey nonny
Well, I have feelings about that. Many feelings. soldier!Alec never fails to make me feel. However, I can’t come up with a plot for that. Like, with Magnus being in the army. He’s a powerful warrior in his own right, but Magnus is not a soldier. I can’t really see him following orders and a structure of command.
What I can think of is soldier!Alec and somethingelse!Magnus. Maybe a politician or a famous human rights lawyer. @stutterlightwood wrote a ficlet of sorts on soldier!Alec and professor!Magnus, and it’s hauntingly beautiful. 10/10 would recommend.
I guess at most I can think of Magnus leading an army in a medieval setting, as the king. Which will happen in A Dream of Peace, my medieval!au. Alec is definitely a soldier in that one (a knight, actually), but they are not fighting for the same side. Oopsie?
Sorry, I don’t think that is the answer you were looking for, nonny :/
Although, now that I think about, I could see Magnus being the prime minister or the president and some country declares war on his country. He goes to the strategizing meetings. There’s this young captain that always accompanies General Garroway. And in the middle of the meeting, that young captain chimes in with some actually interesting ideas and he catches Magnus’ eye. 
Nah, that’s just silly.
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