#Oobleck Rwby
juanarc-thethird · 1 month
Guess what game I started playing again
Dr. Oobleck: Who can tell me the 4 states of matter?
Weiss: *Raises her hand*
Dr. Oobleck: Yes, Miss Schnee.
Weiss: The four states of matter are plasma, liquid, gas, and solid.
Dr. Oobleck: Correct!
Jaune: *Eyes wide open* What was that last one?
Weiss: Solid?
Sins of The Father begins to play.
🎶Wo-ho, wo-ho-oh-oh-oh~🎶
Weiss: *Covering her ears* Where the hell did that come from?! Jaune, did you have anything to do with!… *Looks at him* this?
Jaune: *Wearing the Diamond Dogs' sneaker suit, his hair tied back, an eyepatch over his right eye, and smoking a Phantom cigar looking into the distance*
Weiss: *Blushing* (Oh no, he's hot!)
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arc-misadventures · 1 month
Science Team!
Blake: Are you seriously watching porn by yourself? Cause… maybe I could…?
Jaune: No! I’m with the science team!
Blake: What…?!
Jaune, Ren, Neptune, Sun, Scarlet, Sage, Bolin, Nadir, Cardin, Russel, Dove, Shy, Fox, Yatsuhasi, Nora, Brawnz, Roy, Nolan, Ozpin, Port, Oobaleck:
Blake: What the fuck…?!
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howlingday · 1 month
Jaune Deals With Bullies
Jaune: (Sits at desk, Stares at rude grafitti)
Russel: Hahaha!
Sky: He looks so sad!
Dove: Ssshhh! He'll hear you!
Jaune: (Stands up, Walks over)
Cardin: Huh? What do you want?
Cardin: (Falls over from Jaune's punch) Agh...
Russel: ...
Sky: ...
Dove: Somebody call a professor!
Oobleck: Mr. Arc! I believe I made myself perfectly clear that I will not tolerate any violence within my class! You are in big trouble, young man!
RDL: Yeah! Tell him, sir!
Oobleck: (Falls to ground, Clutching nose) ARGH! IT HURTS!
Jaune: (Walking to RDL)
Sky: What?!
Dove: How did that happen?!
Russel: Waaagh!
Russel: (Falls over)
Sky: Take him! (Shoves Dove)
Dove: H-Hey! What the hell-
Dove: (Collapses into a heap)
Sky: (Running)
Jaune: (Running)
Sky: (Runs to Ironwood) SIR, PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!
Ironwood: Huh? Hey, you! Stop!
Jaune: (Runs to Ironwood)
Ironwood: (On his back) Aaaaah...
Jaune: (Sprinting after Sky)
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smokestarrules · 6 months
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the way my heart STOPPED
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Who You're Fighting
Oobleck: You know, there's an old joke from the Great War that goes as such. You can identify an unknown force by firing one shot and judging the response.
Oobleck: If the unknowns respond with precise, regimented rifle fire, they are Valian.
Oobleck: If they respond with heavy machinegun fire, they are Mistrali.
Oobleck: If they respond by charging your position, they are Vacuan.
Oobleck: If nothing happens for a few minutes, then your whole position gets leveled by an airstrike, they are Atlesian
Oobleck: But, if they respond by impregnating the entire female line of your family, they are an Arc.
The Class: ...
Jaune: ...I do have a lot of cousins...
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starredfishing · 9 months
yuo guys i'm going to sound insane for saying this but doctor bartholomew oobleck from rwby is one of the best professors i've seen in a fantasy anime .
he cares about his students. not just about their ability to fight, but who they are as people and who they will become. he's trying to set them on the right path (asking them why they chose to become huntresses). he might push them a little bit, but he knows that field experience can do wonders. he focuses on the humanitarian side of the huntsman world as an anthropologist, historian, and professor. and he makes sure to acknowledge the failures of his generation and the ones that came before him ("i see lives that could have been saved").
he understands grimm (to an extent) and how they move/live, making him a step above other huntsman. he knows that attacking grimm without reason will only cause more problems. he understands that not all grimm are mindless.
in the final battle for beacon he would rather see his students live than stay and fight (which, despite ironwood telling them that no one will fault them if they leave, he still has a militaristic mindset and would prefer to fight until the end), and he's a talented fighter in his own right due to his intelligence.
and to top it off, he's one of the only adults at beacon shown in v1-3 who cares about faunus rights. we don't see anything from glynda, ironwood or port, ozpin is a mandatory reporter concerning blake, but oobleck teaches an entire class about the lesser known history of a minority group -- specifically civil rights movements. i dont know where else in the show any human has cared enough to do that. hes an ally!
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sasasafeier · 11 months
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If professors come to perform a play~
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strqyr · 5 months
if tai is guarding the crown of choice i'm not even expecting him to fight cinder or anything, quite the opposite; this is the same man who said that instead of tackling an obstacle by going through it, why not find a way around it:
"but if you just take a second look, then maybe you see... ("perhaps there was something that you just weren't seeing?" - maria) there's a way around as well. come on—one more before dinner."
like at this point he might as well go "are you hungry? i'm already making dinner so would you want to eat something?" he keeps cooking for multiple people even tho no one else is at home bc he's so used to it and now he's just like please somebody eat this food. like he knows who cinder is but by gods will he play dumb just so he has some company other than zwei for dinner.
(and cinder gets to eat a home-cooked meal for probably the first time in her life. i need this to happen okay, hunger is her thing, let her eat!!)
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bobauthorman · 21 days
How to Muck the Nuck
I wanna talk about how the final battle against the Nuckelavee went. This monster has been terrorizing Anima for a decade, maybe longer, and when it first shows up it is clearly a force to be reckoned with. But once Team RNJR (Mostly Ren) get their heads in order they take it down semi-easily. This might seem like a bit of an anticlimax, but consider this.
In Mountain Glenn, Dr. Oobleck states that older Grimm are more dangerous because they've developed the ability to recognize threats and pick up on patterns, using the line of elephantine Goliaths as an example. The Goliaths don't attack Vale because they that if they do, the Huntsmen defending the kingdom will wipe them out. They only attack when the surge of pent-up negativity is release, drawing in so many lesser Grimm to help overwhelm the kingdom's defenses.
Now, let's look at the Nuck's attack patterns (Spelling out the name every time is a pain, so I'm abbreviating it)
The first time the Nuck''s presence is felt, it's in the aftermath of Shion Village's destruction. Said destruction was also caused by the raid of the Branwen Tribe, so it's most likely the Nuck taking advantage of the bandits distracting the village's defenders to launch its own attack.
In Ren's flashback, the Nuck attacks his village, a place where hiring a Huntsman was seen as the final desperate move, not the first instinct. Ergo, it was a place that was outside the regular sphere of protection from the kingdoms.
In the present storyline, the Nuck attacks Team RNJR because, from a purely superficial view, they are no threat. Teenaged, runaway students, and Qrow is slowly dying from poison. So it attacks without fear.
But while Team RNJR may not have the strength advantage, they make up for it by fighting smarter. Ren's Semblance allows people to become invisible from a Grimm's negative-radar, giving them the opening to take it by surprise. And then they pin down the Nuck's arms, taking away its maneuverability. This allows Ren to finish the beast off.
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So, yeah. I like it when characters win by acting clever.
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pilot-boi · 2 months
Knights In time
RBY:*points to the left
Weiss and Jaune:*Catching up on all the kisses they are going to miss while she's on the mission
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They’re both very clingy, so they get very mopey when they’re separated
Also, trauma, so it’s very much an insurance tactic in case something happens to one of them. They’ve been separated from the people they love before, and they didn’t tell them how much they care then. So they’re sure as hell gonna do it now
Something that team RBY doesn’t realize, but that Dr. Oobleck probably does. Dude is more canny than he lets on
ALSO also, Jaune knows what happens on this mission, or at least what CAN happen. This is when the Breach happened, and time line be damned, they’re going to prevent it. Which is going to be VERY dangerous for Weiss, and Jaune is a worrier by nature, hence the goodbye kisses
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juanarc-thethird · 4 months
The light went out.
In class
Dr. Oobleck: Well students, today we will talk about the revolution of-
Suddenly the light in the room went out, leaving everyone in darkness. Some of the students scream out of fright and others out of amusement.
Dr. Oobleck: Calm down students. The light just went out.
Jaune: Pyrrha?! Where are you?!
Pyrrha: I'm right next to you.
Jaune: Take my hand!
Pyrrha: Ok!~💕
Ruby: Where is Weiss?! We have to sacrifice her so that the light returns!
Weiss: What?! Why me?!
Yang: You're only 4' 11" tall and a millionaire.
Weiss: Huh?!
Nora: Everyone starts praying! So that the devil does not take your body. This happens when you are non-believers! Repent of your sins before it's too late! Or the devil will come to touch your butt!
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Dragon Faunus AU: We see that Jaune has fire breath. But could we see something where after he learned how to use aura, maybe get something akin to aura breath? That or some godzilla traits and have him glow when he uses it now.
Gorjia eh?
Who Will Know?
The log was ripped to shreds as, Jaune’s razor sharp talons tore through the hunk of would like paper. Ripped apart wood chips, and torn up metal plates littered the floor as a result of, Dr. Oobaleck’s rampant testing of his abilities.
Oobaleck: Excellent! Well done, Mr Arc. These test will prove highly valuable at testing the limits of your faunas abilities.
Jaune: Thanks for helping me with this Dr. I’m sure my friends could have help, but I’m not so sure about the whole data collecting aspect of it all.
Jaune, and his team, along with team RWBY made their way to the, Emerald Falls in order to run a series of test to determine, Jaune’s faunas ability. Considering his rather unique nature as a faunas, tests needed to be done. The only reason they were doing it outside was to be away from prying eyes.
And, potential property damage.
Oobaleck: Think nothing of it ! Why, this research opportunity is unlike any other I have been tasked to do. I relish the opportunity!
Jaune: Well, glad someone enjoying themselves, bar Nora…
As if on cue, Nora slammed another log before him with her usual wild eyed maniac gaze within her eyes.
Nora: Again!
Jaune: Must I? I mean, I’ve already shredded an entire tree. Possibly more than that.
Oobaleck: No, we have gained enough research on your talons, now it is time to test you ability to breath fire!
Yang: Whoo!
Ruby: Yes!
His friends suddenly drew out sticks with marshmallows at the end of them, Jaune couldn’t help, but stare at his friends dumbfounded.
Jaune: Serious?! Is that the whole reason you’re here; For smores?!
Yang: Yes.
Ruby: Absolutely.
Nora: Hell yeah!
Jaune sighed as he turned his head as he looked towards the rest of his team.
Jaune: Can you believe…?
Jaune saw something that surprised him, but really shouldn’t have surprised him. The rest of his friends with marshmallows on sticks. What surprised him the most however was that, Weiss had several of them on the end of her rapier.
Jaune: Really? And, seriously, Weiss? I thought you would find smores too pedestrian for your refined pallet?
Weiss: I thought so too, then, Ruby shoved one in my mouth, and I became hooked to the taste of it! Now, less talking, more smore making!
Jaune: Oh gods…
Oobaleck: Now, now students! There will be time later for smores, class is still in session!
Jaune: Yay!
Oobaleck: Now then, since we already know the much control you have on your flame. Lets see what happens when you let loose with your fire breath.
Jaune: Uhh…?
Jaune nervously looked around him, before addressing his teacher again.
Jaune: You want me to let loose with my fire breath…
Oobaleck: Yes.
Jaune: In the middle of a flammable forest?
Oobaleck: Worry not, Mr. Arc, Ms. Schnee’s surplus of, Dust should prevent any accidents from happening.
Jaune: Will it?
Weiss: Depends on how strong the fire is.
Jaune: Oh… Okay… Haa… Let’s do this then.
Oobaleck: Direct your fire to the tree in front of you. This one is relatively father away from the rest. This will prevent the fire from spread. Hopefully.
Jaune: I heard that.
Nora: Lest talking, more fire!
Jaune: Haa… Okay, let’s do this…
Jaune turned towards the tree, and took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and a torrent of fire erupted from his mouth. Growing bigger, and bigger as it drew farther away from, Jaune. A huge cloud of fire engulfed the tree, lighting it ablaze in seconds. Jaune held his flame for a few seconds, until he stopped admiring his handy work in a stunned, but an oddly thrilled feeling.
Yang: Whoa… That was intense…
Blake: That trees still green; ‘green’ trees are harder to burn, and yet this ones going up in smoke…
Ruby: You think we should have done this inside?
Pyrrha: Well, the fire alarms would have been triggered because of all the smoke so…?
Nora: Yes. Burn. Burn the trees, burn the city, burn the world… BURN…
Ren: Okay, semblance time for you.
As, Ren said that he channeled his semblance into, Nora, removing her maniacal smile as she fantasied about the world being engulfed in flame. Ren, then turned to, Weiss giving her a pointed look.
Ren: Weiss?
Weiss: Huw, what?
Ren: The fire?
Weiss: Oh yes, the fire!
With a few flicks of her wrist a glyph appeared above the tree, before dumping gallons of water atop the tree, instantly putting the fire out leaving them to watch a cloud of steam rise up from the trees charred remains.
Jaune: Whoa… Did I do that…?
Oobaleck: That is quite impressive; Your ability to produce a controlled jet of fire is akin to a flamethrower. Though naturally produced in your body it behaves like most like natural fuels used in modern flamethrowers. While testing your abilities we have determined that you can control it like a blow torch, with same fine percussion, and intensity required to melt metal plates. Here when you ‘let loose’ the flame will burn at a high heat, a high rate of intensity, and seemingly sticks to the target’s surface. Even though you were breathing fire for a few moments, you managed to go a few cm’s deep into the wood. This is quite the impressive natural weapon you posse, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: And, deadly… I should probably refrain from using this in training bouts, and matches.
Oobaleck: I agree; While running some tests on human, or faunas opponents would be advisable to understand the extents of your fire’s effects. I will ask you to refrain from doing so, because of the unknown potential affects of said fire.
Weiss: Wouldn’t, Jaune’s fire behave like the, Fire Dust I use in training matches?
Oobaleck: The effects of, Mr. Arc’s fire is similar, but acts differently to the effects of your, Dust, Ms. Schnee.
Weiss: How so?
Oobaleck: While you’re aura would act as a protective blanket preventing the fire from burning you, the fire will slowly be chipped away as you are bathed in fire. You therefore could easily avoid your aura from braking by moving out of the fire. However, even if it’s only a glancing blast of, Mr. Arc’s fire, it would not only take off a substantial chunk of your aura. What’s worse, the fire would stick to you until it is set out.
Yang: Meaning if my aura broke, and he bathed me in his fire, it would still be on me, then I would get set on fire?!
Oobaleck: Correct. The results of which would be quite… severe.
Pyrrha: Uhh… Save the fire for the, Grimm then, Jaune.
Jaune: Will the fire go out with the, Grimm though?
Blake: You will have to test that out, Jaune.
Jaune: Should I?
Ruby: Carry some, Water Dust on you incase there’s a fire.
Jaune: That could work, so long as I don’t eat them when I get thirsty again.
Weiss: Wait, did you say you eat dust?
Oobaleck: On to the next test! Mr. Arc, I want you to breath fire until you run out!
Jaune: Testing my capacity?
Oobaleck: Exactly! Begin when you are ready, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Okay…
Jaune opened his mouth again, and a torrent of fire erupted from his his mouth settling the tree ablaze in seconds.
The others watched in stunned amazement as his fire burrowed deeper into the tree, creating a hole of fire from the shear ferocity of the fire.
Yang: Okay… I think the passing glance would incinerate you.
Blake: Least it would be quick.
Pyrrha: I don’t think that’s a comforting thought.
Nora: BURN!
Ruby: Uhh… Ren, she’s doing it again…
Ren: On it.
Weiss: Is he opening his mouth wider?
Pyrrha: Yeah, I can see his fangs.
Jaune’s mouth had indeed widened, and his fangs popping upward as the force that he was breathing fire seemed to intensify. Causing the fire to burn hotter, and harder, reducing the tree to ashes in seconds.
Pyrrha: Hmm… His stance is becoming more rigid, and he seems to be flexing his muscles to maintain his posture.
Yang: Not to mention his flame is growing stronger since he started doing that.
Blake: How intense is his flame going to get…?
Nora: Oh cool! Jaune’s hair is glowing!
Pyrrha: Wait, what?!
As, Jaune’s fire breath was intensifying in it’s rampant destruction, his hair started to glow to a golden white hue that shined like a flashlight in the darkness. They watched that while his hair started to glow brighter, the blue flames erupting from his mouth started to narrow in its wide berth, but strengthen even more in its intensity until…
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A narrow beam of golden white fire erupted from his mouth, blasting through a dozen trees within fractions of a second. They watched in what could only be stunned horror as, Jaune’s head moved side to side, cutting a large swath of the forest in seconds.
Jaune continue to breath fire until his head suddenly shot up, and his mouth snapped shut. His fire was extinguished as steam seeming rising out from his mouth as his lips devolved into a deep snarl. The glow of his hair slowly faded as a deep guttural growl echoed deep from within his mouth as he servied the destruction he wrought upon the forest.
Jaune: Haaa…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Well… Ain’t that something?
Jaune turned to look at his friends, teammates, and teachers, all of whom seemed to look on in stunned horror at the raw destruction, Jaune had wrought upon a whole forest in a matter of seconds. Even, Dr. Oobaleck looked on in shear shock for a few minutes before he managed to collect himself, and continue on with the test.
Oobaleck: That was quite… Impressive, Mr. Arc, I did not expect your fire to… evolve as it did, and cause such rampant destruction within a few seconds.
Jaune: That’s putting it lightly…
Oobaleck: Indeed. Stay where you are, Mr. Arc, I need to add additional tests considering these new developments. Ms. Rose would you be so kind to measure the distance from, Mr. Arc to the end of his beam of fire? Ms. Rose?
Ruby, just like everyone else couldn’t help but stare on dumbstruck at the shear chaos, Jaune had inflicted on the forest.
Oobaleck: Ms. Rose!
Ruby: Huw?! What? Yes?!
Oobaleck: Could you measure the distance from, Mr. Arc to the end of the blast radius?
Ruby: Oh yeah, sure, on it!
Ruby placed the beacon at, Jaune’s feet, before exploding into a cloud of rose petals darting to the end. She was gone for nearly two minutes before, Ruby darted back with her head covered in a sheen of sweat.
Ruby: Whoa… It’s really hot over there…
Oobaleck: That is to be expected; The shear amount of damage, and the speed of which he did so shows the shear amount of heat was capable of producing. Now then; What was the measured distance you acquired, Ms. Rose?
Ruby: It was… 1.3 kms.
Jaune: Seriously?!
Ruby: Yeah… I checked it twice just to be sure.
Jaune: Okay, no letting lose with my fire then.
Weiss: Yeah, I think that would be a good I…? Hey… Have your horns grown bigger?
Jaune: Huw?
Jaune’s hands reached up to his head, and touched the bumps where his horns were only to feel two long bone’s extruding from the top of his head. They were two inches long, and one, and a half inches wide. They curved along the top of his head before moving upward to a peak of a crown at the end.
Jaune: Okay… That is an unexpected development… Do they… do they look good?
Blake: They look… great really.
Ruby: Yeah! They’re white with golden tips.
Pyrrha: It looks like you’re growing a crown.
Jaune: A crown? A natural crown… Sounds cool.
Oobaleck: And, yet they have grown at such an exceptional rate. It should have taken at least a month for them to reach this stage in their development. Perhaps it was due to the serge of power you were displaying during your blast.
Ren: Perhaps it was happening while his hair was glowing.
Jaune: My hair was glowing?
Pyrrha: A bright white! It was quite pretty really…
Jaune: Huw… We’ll have to check the film later then.
Oobaleck: Indeed we will. But, we are not done yet! We still have one more test left to do!
Jaune: We have more test to complete?! What’s left?
Oobaleck: To test your capacity to withstand fire.
Jaune: My capacity to do what?!
Oobaleck: Ms. Schnee, at your nearest convenience.
Weiss: Sorry, Jaune. But, it has to be done.
Weiss spun the revolver on her weapon as she activated the fire dust, then she pointed at, Jaune and a glyph appeared under his feet, and his eyes went wide in shock, and fear. He held out his hand as panic flooded his face.
An exsplosion of fire erupted underneath, Jaune burning the ground beneath his feet. The blast last only half a minute, but the flame burned at a such a high temperature that when it stopped they were faced with three very prominent facts:
1: Jaune was indeed fire proof.
2: Jaune was absolutely furious.
And, 3: He was naked.
Ruby: EEP?!!
Ren: Uh oh…
Weiss: Ahh! Put that away!
Blake: Holy hell…
Nora: Hehe! Told you he had a zweihänder~!
Yang: Damn!!! You had that inside you?!
Pyrrha: Ha! Wait until you see it when it’s hard~!
Oobaleck: Impressive, Mr. Arc! You are capable of withstanding several hundred degrees! It may have only been a few seconds, but I hypothesize you could endure for several minutes, maybe even our since the fire had no affects upon your body!
Jaune: That’s… Nice…?!
Weiss: I-I-I’m so sorry, J-Jaune I didn’t mean to… Uhh…?! H-Help?!
Jaune snarled as a deep growl escaped his lips, he was furious, absolutely furious. He reached down and grabbed the chest piece, the straps burning off in the intense heat with the rest of his clothes. With this one piece from his armour, he coupd at least give himself a sense of dignity as he stared them down.
Yang: Uhhh… J-Jaune… E-Everything okay…?
Jaune: You ever… Any of you! Ever do that to me again; I will burn you… Okay…?
Ruby: N-Noted!
Weiss: S-Sorry, I just… Uhh…?!
Jaune: Now if you’ll excuse me… I need to… Redress myself… When my armour cooled, can you bring it to my room?
Nora: Can do fearless leader!
Jaune: Thank you!
Pyrrha: I-I-I’ll come with you, Jaune!
And, with that, the two members of, Team JNPR, leaving the others to deal with the aftermath of the tests. The other were left standing their many of the females of the group with a deep blush across their faces. For all, but one however; for, Dr. Oobaleck was having the time of his life with all the new found information he had gathered on, Jaune.
Oobaleck: Well, that was a resounding success! Wouldn’t you say so students? Students?
The inspirational music for this particular prompt.
It’s a great song.
Till later then.
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howlingday · 2 months
Pet Au: Overgrown Rover
*In the field one day*
Oobleck: Everyone be careful. The Goliths weren't supposed to be here. With all the grimm follow the Goliths we won't be able to make it back to Beacon safely so we need to bunker down until reforcements come.
Nora: Rover Gettem
Rover rushes past Oobleck and starts firing mupitle blast instantly killing the Goliths and any grimm near by. Quickly using a beam kills the rest of the remaining Grimm.
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He waddles over to Nora who picks him and cuddles him. Rover starts licking her face playfully.
Nora: Aww
Pyrrha: Whose a good boy?
Ren: I think we can trust Rover by this point. Guess I should make steak tonight.
Jaune: I wonder if we could get him to legally be part of the team.
Everyone else:...........
(Sorry about me keep using Overgrown Rover I just like the idea of Team Jnpr having a super overpowered pet and treating like a normal dog.)
Zwei: (Barks)
Rover: ???
Zwei: (tl) You think you can come into my territory and take what's mine?.
Rover: (tl) Just because you piss on something doesn't make it yours forever. You have to be ready to defend it.
Zwei: Damn you...
Ruby: Aw~! They're such besties~!
Nora: I know, right~?!
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rwby-confess · 23 days
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Confession #249
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They cute I stan
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thebunnyremix · 24 days
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RWBY Volume 2 Chapter 11: No Brakes
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