#OoT Rewrite
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pov you are watching ocarina of time: the animated series on vhs bc you were feeling nostalgic for your favourite cartoon from the nineties
part 1 / part 2
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shummthechumm · 2 years ago
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assorted (rewrite) designs that i never posted here? das crazyyy
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javaskullz · 2 months ago
Thinking abt an au type thing, where Dovewing (at the time Dovepaw) gets lost in the territory. And she’s all alone and crying because she’s lost. And then this black shape comes out from this fucking hole in the ground and is like. “Why are you crying?” And she helps her home. So then Dovepaw keeps visiting this shape and getting to know her. She finds her often drying herbs for her to take home and helps her with hunting practice and becomes a secondary mentor to Dove. And Dove begins calling her “The Shadow”.
Dove tells her all about her clan and such. One day she brings up the idea of bringing her to camp and giving her a place to stay. The Shadow bristles at this. “No, I will not visit your clan. All I’d bring is misery.” Dove questions why, and The Shadow is like “Well do you think they’d be happy to learn about a cat who’s been living under their paws, and eats their prey?” And Dove is like “ok.”
She tells her about the lonely she-cats, Squirrelflight and Leafpool. How their fur is dull and they’re graying early. How they only have each other and their parents. The Shadow presses on about Squirrelflight specifically, asking if she is okay. Dove asks why she cares. “She helped me once. A long time ago.” Dove asks why she doesn’t meet with her again. “It is better if she doesn’t. I bet she doesn’t even remember me. She’s helped so many cats in her life, I bet, it would be hard to remember one specifically.”
She tells her about her mentor, Lionblaze, who is bossy and too gentle in battle practice, and who hates thunderstorms. She tells her about Jayfeather, the grumpy healer who always asks her to get herbs while she’s out. She tells her about Tigerheart, the handsome tom from ShadowClan (not that she’d know what that is!) She tells her about her sister Ivypool, who feels so far from her despite sleeping next to her every night.
One night, Ivypool and Dovewing are fighting. “You don’t even know me! All you do is follow Lionblaze and Jayfeather, do you even have any thoughts of your own?”. Suddenly, the ground weakens beneath them and they fall into the tunnels, cloudy dust swirling around them. The Shadow appears, offering to help.
The Shadow leads them into the light, and just as she’s about to disappear back into the caves, a patrol lead by Lionblaze and Cinderheart catch her.
They pause, and with a single name everything shatters.
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ganondoodle · 2 years ago
okay i got an idea, do you think this works?
sages past:
fire = goron water = zora wind = rito thunder = gerudo spirit = mineru light = rauru time = sonia shadow = / earth = / - ((ganondorf)) (the plan wasnt yet finished so the search for someone suitable was still ongoing when the end started)
sages present: fire = yuno (fire boom thing) water = sidon (long range attack/ or just adding element on weapon + damage boost) wind = tulin (wind gust) thunder = riju (lightning strike) spirit = purah (guardian laser? or sth related to tech) light + time = zelda (she has a shield, you get time gimick) shadow = koga (teleport)
((earth = ganondorf, cataclysm + general tree theme with miasma))
keep in mind i just want to make it seem plausible, theres no way to put anyone into a clear role and im taking the enigma stones as just a power boost to whatever magic someone wields rather than anything super divine (in this game)
so again its just supposed to be believable, i could match koga for almost every single one of the powers tbh, im taking feedback on this of course, but still theres no perfekt solution sadly
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bonefall · 2 years ago
DOES FIRESTAR KILL TIGERSTAR FOR GOOD????? SPILL PLEASE ELDER BONE. (Also, in sweet Nothings, where Firestar has flaming chains of retribution, can he use those on Tigerstar in the Great Battle?!?)
Of course he does!! I can't end off OotS without having Firestar axe the guy who caused his death in this rewrite! I can't just NOT have something cool as shit!
Grappling and twirling, Tigerstar snaps and bites air, Firestar slashes and catches solid muscle, a paw collides with his face like a stone and he tumbles over and back onto his feet, Tigerstar pounces like a panther
Burying his teeth into his scruff, shreiks of pain, echoing like the death rattle of a star, and Firestar... fades! Orange smoke dissapates in thick plumes, a firey haze surrounds the tyrant king.
At first, he's in disbelief. A silence settles over the crowd... his laugh breaks it. Wild eyed and cheshire grinned, he cackles maniacally, lashing his tail as the fog clears, licking his lips and bathing in his glory
Only to be joined by the incredulous chuckle of Graystripe. It snaps Tigerstar back, suddenly. He whips around at him, "What do YOU have to laugh about?"
And the old cat coos and shakes his head, "For someone who spent so many seasons thinking about fighting Firestar, you're sure quick to forget his favorite trick..."
The mist thickens like a cloud in the sky above. The crowd yowls in shock as it swirls and puffs, forming fur and whiskers and glowing green eyes. Like an arrow, sharp claws plunge straight towards their target, slicing clean through Tigerstar's neck.
The last thing he hears is Graystripe's excited cry, "He plays dead!"
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lionblaze, hollyshade, jaylight
these are my versions of them, i'm changing up the events of po3 and oots by compressing them into a single arc, which changes a bunch of stuff about them
also i put in their genotypes for fun. hmm, where could lion's rosettes and holly's charcoal come from...
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troutfur · 2 years ago
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wc-wild-rewrite · 1 year ago
ok, so it occured to me that i have a plot hole. In the first arc, fireheart gives up family rite of Cloudkit to Brindleface, making brindle's family cloud's family in the eyes of Starclan. however, this now means ivy and dove wouldn't fit the kin of your kin thing. so, i need to change their parentage.
Reasonings for options under the cut
Jayfeather has so many kits later on so he can't have any more.
Lionblaze's six were fused into three so he could be an option, but i don't want both jay and lion to have a ton of kits
Hollyleaf has no kits, perhaps she has them in the tunnels? i refuse to do fallenholly, but maybe their cinderheart's? will have to adjust things if its her
Breezepelt. he'll still have his canon 4 daughters way later, but maybe he has 6 daughters. but again, shit ton of kits for one guy.
Raven or Bracken's, the other two parts of the power of six (eight, counting ivy and dove), who are loners raised by sol
or one of Scourge's four kits, though i have kits prepared for them already, i could probably fit those two in
There are technically other options, but those are stretches at best and acrobatic feats at worst
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sillspore · 1 year ago
alright guys we have a decision to make…. i don’t want to condemn squirrel to unhappiness, so while she will have her moment with bramble she ends up with crow, who will join tc to be w her. this is after their bio kits (breeze and holly) are full grown, probably right after the big reveal of the three’s parentage. SO. crow is good. but, breeze’s bad childhood is essential to his character “arc” (if you can call it that, they gave up on it after oots)
so we have two options. 1) awful nightcloud. this keeps the integrity of breeze’s backstory, but allows for crow to be a good guy. 2) neither crow or night are cruel to him, breeze is loved by his parents but the clan subtly shuns him. his emo backstory is lessened, but he can still have an arc. what do we think?
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long time no see! was working on a lot of oc stuff. got in the mood to draw Malon :) she's my sweet potato pie my everything... <3
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curseofpower · 1 year ago
Writing WW Ganon is such a ride. The overwhelming sorrow and the sheer fucking madness. The loneliness that will have him talking to anyone who will listen in hopes of them understanding even just a fraction of the shit he's been through. The uncontrollable rage setting off in bursts that can leave entire islands shredded (even before regaining all his power) and manifests in him snapping in ways that would be jarring like a lighting bolt and gone just as fast.
The heartache of just knowing how desperate he must be, how hurt, how traumatized and alone. Imagine what he came home to, after breaking the seal to the sacred realm. Imagine him finding no one left alive because his actions made the Gerudo even more irredemable in the eyes of Hyrule, the only ones still standing now watered down and raised intentionally to forget their culture. If there even are any at all. After seeing Twilight Princess I don't have high hopes for the survival of the Gerudos, and it would explain his "red rage" that drove him to start immediately ripping Hyrule to shreds starting from the sages on up.
Not to mention their conspicuous absence in Wind Waker at all.
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that-one-loz-nerd · 2 years ago
Nintendo casually rewriting pieces of the timeline while us fans go insane pulling at our hair trying to figure out how it could all work
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rewritedesigns · 2 years ago
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Darkstripe with a gradient and Darkstripe with just flat colors
A black smoke tom (with ghost markings). (Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, LyLy|XoY, BB, DD, dmdm, aa, McMc, spsp, tata, bmbm, Ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, ww|acac, sfsf, JbJb, mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)
(More under the cut)
Clanmew Name:
Dark, dim of a color (Loerr) + Long thick stripe (Seek)
Previous Name:
Darkkit, Darkpaw
Son of Dappletail. Brother of Cricketclaw and Graystripe. Uncle of Stormfur, Feathertail, Bumblestripe, Briarlight and Blossomfall.
Ever since I’ve drawn Dappletail I’ve been wanting to draw him
He has a bandit mask. A bandit mask
What more could you ask for in a Darkstripe design?
His ears too
My favorite design by far
Bandit mask is now a family trait, I don’t (do) make the rules
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bonefall · 2 years ago
Oh my goodness I want to hear about the Tigerstar and Iceheart rematch
All battle long, he is UNSTOPPABLE
Earlier in the fight, he tried to kill Bramblestar to make way for Thornclaw to become leader, after making a final plea to Bramble to join him. He's only foiled by Goldenflower leaping in to save her son.
Later, he carves a path through the Dark Forest trainees taking a stand against him. This is when Hawkfrost is fatally wounded, Ivypool just getting him far enough to fade peacefully.
By the end, Tigerstar doesn't care that he's failed. He's committed to taking down as many cats as possible, and he will be remembered as a demon above all.
And he'll start with every weakling who's abandoned him over time. He's got Blackstar in a pin, biting down into the side of his neck, when Iceheart barrels into him.
"Scourge?? What a nightmare."
"It's rude to call a warrior by an old name, but for an old business partner I'll allow it."
"So the kittypet brought even more rogues into his Clan, then. Just when I thought ThunderClan couldn't lose another drop of dignity..."
"Says the tunnelbun."
Tigerstar doesn't make the same mistake as last time, refusing to let Iceheart unbalance him or get him on his side. Blackstar lurches up into the fight, slashing back and forth and pushing him back.
But age has made them weak and gray, where Tigerstar is the mighty foe of his prime.
Just when it seems like he's on the back paw, he slashes out at Blackstar's neck wound ripping it open, finishing the swipe with Iceheart's head in his terrible claws. He's slammed against the ground with a bloody crunch.
The Beast of BloodClan in a crumpled pile under one foot, and the Executioner of TigerClan black and white and red all over, Tigerstar stands between them, seemingly invincible.
And that's when the stars start to fall.
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ii-zi · 2 years ago
Incredibly sweaty. Tired. Aching. Five shades darker bc of the sun even with an umbrella. Hungry as fuck. Eyed swollen. Lips cracked. Dehydrated. Somehow at three pounds heavier. Haven't slept in like two fucking days. 80% snot 20% dirt I've inhaled even thru the mask.
But I got Tita spayed!!!
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troutfur · 1 year ago
There's something really special about thinking through an AU fic where you intend the beginning waaaaaay after the timeline point of divergence with canon. All those things that happened as part of the backstory, how their resolution or lack thereof bleeds into the point of focus, how familiar characters are the same and how they are different, but above all the knowledge you're going to have to convey them all in as concise of a manner as you can manage. It's a very stimulating little mental puzzle, particularly for me who likes writing strings of mostly self-contained short stories.
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