#Ontario election 2025
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bryanharryrombough · 1 month ago
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forevertrueblue · 24 days ago
I'm obviously not happy with the overall election result but I partook in strategic voting this time (as did some others I know) and for my riding it worked! Only a few hundred votes made the difference, though in another riding there's currently a difference of 14 and it's still too close to call. I'm disappointed with how many seats the PC party won but I'm glad my riding flipped our PC incumbent seat out and that my vote mattered today.
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There is an Election in Ontario, Canada on Feb 27 this year. Our Premier Doug Ford, who you have may seen recently sporting a "CANADA IS NOT FOR SALE" hat (while he gets a point from me for not being a total sell out traitor to the country, I still don't like his policies), has called an early election 'cause apparently having a Majority Government isn't enough for him to keep us out of the tiny grip of the Cheeto in Chief to the south. Anyway. while his motivations are illogical, we have to take this as a chance to do better for our province and elect someone who gives a fuck about all it's residents, the environment, and of course keeping us from having the War of 1812 Part II: Electric Boogaloo.
Please check out the sources above, you can find information on how to register to vote, check your riding, advance voting, mail in voting, pretty much everything.
Also, please don't let yourselves fall for any misinformation or disinformation during the campaign; or lead with your emotions. Think critically, go to the party websites and read about their policies, this is more important then you know.
If you are from Ontario yourself, have family or friends here, please inform them of this if they don't always pay attention to the news.
If you're from Ontario and currently live outside the country or are on vacation or deployment, there are still options to vote (info in the sources above).
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gay-autistic-bitch-boy · 2 months ago
The premier of Ontario has called an election fifteen months early that will be held on February 27th, 2025. Things are going to be moving very quickly for the next month. This decision does not give parties a lot of time to campaign and this is by design. Here’s a crash course on Ontario government and a very quick breakdown of what you need to know.
Ontario’s parliament has 124 seats. Each represents a riding, which elects an MPP. The names on your ballot are the people running to be that MPP for your region.
Each MPP represents a party. Each party has a leader. The leader of the party with the largest number of the 124 seats will become the next premier. This means that your vote counts towards two things: the MPP who will represent your region, and the party of the premier you are voting for. These two things may not naturally line up, in which case you have to decide which one matters more to you.
Once all votes have been counted, if the leading party has the majority of seats (63 or more), they form a majority government, meaning that they do not need as much support from other parties to pass legislation. If the leading party does not have the majority, they get a minority government, where they need more agreement from other parties. Either way, the runner-up becomes the official opposition, whose main task is to be critical of the leading party and what they propose. Coalition governments, which are minority governments where one or more parties band together to combine their seats to get the highest proportion of legislature, are also possible, but this is very unlikely as none of the three biggest parties get along with one another. We currently have a PC (blue) majority government with an NDP (orange) opposition.
I’ll reblog this post with my argument as to what you should consider doing with your vote, but for now, regardless of how you’ll vote, you should confirm your voter registration at the elections ontario voter registration website. You input your name and address and if you’re on the list, it’ll confirm it for you and tell you which riding you’re in. Ridings were redrawn recently and your riding may have changed, so I recommend checking your status even if you’ve been registered for years. If you don’t come up on the list (or this will be your first time voting), you can register on the same site.
Why did Ford call an election fifteen months early? The short answer is that he’s pretty sure he can win it with another majority, securing another four years of majority power for the PCs. This decision is heavily impacted by the threat of increased tariffs from the United States under their current president. I’ll link some articles under the cut for further reading on why this is happening.
Keep an eye out for campaign advertisements and be aware of what agendas they’re trying to push on you over the next four weeks. Figure out a plan for election day, or if you’re making alternate arrangements. Make sure you’re registered to vote, and make sure you know what (and who) you’re voting for.
Sources are under the cut.
official announcement: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1005670/ontario-election-to-be-held-on-february-27
parliament explanation: https://www.ola.org/en/visit-learn/parliament-government/about-ontarios-parliament
electoral process explanation: https://www.ola.org/en/visit-learn/parliament-government/electoral-process-elections-ontario
majority versus minority governments (note that this is the federal explanation but it applies at the provincial level too): https://learn.parl.ca/understanding-comprendre/en/how-parliament-works/majority-and-minority-governments/
voter registration site: https://www.registertovoteon.ca/
elections ontario site: https://www.elections.on.ca/en.html
why is this happening? (be aware of media bias as you go through these): https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/doug-ford-calls-early-ontario-election, https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjde17pmljdo.amp, https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7442723, https://www.national.ca/en/perspectives/detail/ontario-premier-doug-ford-calls-for-a-february-27-snap-election-why-now-and-what-s-next/
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forasecondtherewedwon · 24 days ago
I! Feel! Sick!
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canuck-off · 23 days ago
So, we have for more years of Ford… again
It’s taken me some time to process from this recent election and I have some thoughts… many Ontarians probably have the same thoughts:
I’m not surprised. Disappointed? Yes, but not surprised. With the snap election, it didn’t seem like there was enough time for the opposition to properly campaign, even with the Ontario PCs doing the BARE MINIMUM! Yes, I’m aware we had the same amount of time, but usually we knew in advance when there was an election coming up and candidates can probably campaign. Also the timing didn’t make things better (most people were distracted about Orange Man tariffs, threats to our sovereignty, DoFo was playing ‘Captain Canada’, it’s been a helluva winter)
I don’t have the solutions, but something needs to be done about our abysmal voter turnout… it was the same as last election, around 45% of the eligible population. Whether that is incentivizing voting, fining for not voting, people need to vote, and not just at the federal level! We even have mail in ballots for those who can’t get to the polls.
We need more civic/government literacy. Many people don’t know what each level of government (federal, provincial, municipal) does and they are typically only concerned with the Federal government (even though that level has the least amount of influence in our day-to-day lives). Guess which level DOES impact most of our lives? Municipal, and those elections have the lowest amount of voter turnout. People blame the Federal Government for hospital wait times, even though hospitals are provincially-run. I’ve also heard accounts of people unable to find PARTY LEADER names on their ballots, when they didn’t live in their riding. We vote for our local member of (provincial) parliament to represent us, not the Premier/Prime Minister directly!
Party/electoral reform: again, I don’t know how we accomplish this, nor do I understand it completely, but we desperately need this! People have voted for any one party simply because they a) hate another party (often this is PC/Liberals), or b) have always voted for that party even though they don’t agree on platforms anymore. Hell, my mother, who has often voted PC in my youth, voted NDP in the last two elections because she couldn’t stand DoFo! There’s also the split left vote (Liberal/NDP/Green) while there is only one main right wing party (PC). I don’t think the 2-party system is the answer, but we almost need another right/centre-right party to balance things out. Maybe we need ranked ballots?
Whoever is in power should NOT be able to call an election when there is a national crisis. Trudeau did this during the COVID-19 pandemic, DoFo did it while our sovereignty is being threatened. Also, a majority government should have to govern their full term, and call the election at the end of the term. Of course, if a minority government has a no-confidence vote, then an election should be called. AFAIK, the governor general (Federal) and lieutenant general (Provincial) are the ones to officially call the election, and should be wary of reasonings for doing it sooner than the term.
You might also be thinking, ‘Okay, HOW do we survive another 4 years of DoFo?!’ And honestly, I don’t really know. The best we can do is write our MPPs now that the election results are official, and let them know our concerns in our province (healthcare, education, etc.). Also contact your MPPs when Provincial Parliament introduces a controversial bill. Yes, some MPPs are more active than others, and others are downright useless, but WE ELECTED THEM TO REPRESENT US!!! The more of us who write them, the harder it is for them to ignore us or them ignoring their constituents becomes more noticeable.
Again, our apathy for our government got us here, if you give a damn, write/email your MPP! (Yes, this applies to Federal MPs as well!) I know, things require effort, and many of us don’t want to put in more effort into existing than we already do. But each of us has a voice, and we have a right for that voice to be heard!
TL:DR; Not surprised but disappointed at the election results. People need to start giving a damn at all levels of government and need to do research on parties/how elections work. We need some form of Party/Electoral Reform to fix our system also pre-mature snap elections from a MAJORITY government during times of crises should NOT be allowed. Also make your MPPs (and MPs) work for you, and let them know of your concerns!
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myclutteredbookshelf · 25 days ago
Hey, Ontarians! Go vote today if you haven't already!
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crowofjudgements-blog · 2 months ago
A Conversation with Canadians (Ontarians)
This is a pivotal moment in Canadian politics for Ontario and our decision as to who will take up as Premier of Ontario will affect who is elected to the office of the Prime Minister and will be instrumental in surviving the next four years. I want to also point out the evident flaw in our system before we begin. Canadians have been forced into what is essentially a two-party system where both the Liberals and the Conservatives respectively have denied the will of the people and imposed the will of the government on our country. The people have been so far removed and uneducated on politics and the workings of our government and this is because it is much easier for a government to act in its own interest when the citizenry is left ignorant.
Do not misunderstand me when I say that the Conservative and Liberal agendas are mirrors to one another, they use the fear of inescapability to make gains from taxing essential goods and services and offering breaks to large corporations, to name a few transgressions. The priority of the government has been to maximize profit even at the expense of compassionate policy for as long as I have been alive, they may say they have separate goals and objectives, however the nurses and medical workers continue to suffer, the poor and struggling citizens of Canada continue to struggle, the education system continues to struggle, we the people continue to struggle. Don’t get it twisted; the Conservative Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Canada are two in the same wearing a different mask each.
That being said, Doug Ford seeks reelection as Premier of Ontario - a province which he himself has sought to ravage throughout his two-term tenure. His policies have destroyed systems and structures like healthcare, education, welfare, and more, focusing primarily on reforming social compassion and essential services that underprivileged Canadians, specifically Ontarians, need in order to access this country and life in equity. I have been in public school and watched the damage he has inflicted on the basic structure of classrooms. Teachers do not have the resources nor the capacity to teach and raise 30-40 children at the same time. That is unreasonable and unacceptable to expect of ANYONE. I am the sibling, child, and grandchild of three generations of nurses who have been systematically overworked, underpaid, and undervalued beneath Ford’s government. He is not qualified to lead the people because he lacks basic compassion and understanding of what the people want and actually need. He has abused the Ontario citizens. He will continue to abuse the Canadian citizens unless we do something about it.
In order to escape cyclical, systematic governmental abuses we as a citizenry must impose the will of the people once more and assert ourselves in the decisions the government believes they are better equipped to make. We must not allow ignorance to make our judgement for us; we are not a two-party country. We are not bound to a government which is either Conservative or Liberal, especially not when they have had 209 years to do what is right for the people and they have missed the mark every single time.
You and I have power. Our voice in this country does matter, so tell the government. Ontarians vote in the 2025 snap election on or before February 27. This IS important. You DO have a say in what happens. It DOES matter. Make a good choice, Ontario, and don’t anyone pigeonhole you into a decision you will regret. Know your democratic rights. We cannot have another election where 56% of voters choose not to enact their right to vote. We are telling the government they can use and abuse us with our silence. We need to learn from our mistakes, and listen to politicians when they tell us that they do not care about the people they hurt.
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canuck-off · 2 months ago
Reminder that the last provincial election had a voter turnout of 44%!!!! LESS THAN HALF OF US VOTED!
Please, please, PLEASE! Make sure you are registered to vote on the above website! AND THEN ACTUALLY FUCKING VOTE!
Turned 18 since the 2022 election? VOTE!
Moved? Update your info and VOTE!
Do your research into the different parties and remember: you don’t need to vote for the same person your partner/parents/family/friends vote for. NO ONE ELSE WILL FIND OUT WHO YOU VOTED FOR!!
hiiiii so, to my ontario followers all three of you, you probably know this but the provincial election is on FEBRUARY 27TH!!! If you need to register to vote, or update your information, this site is here (it takes like 2 minutes, you need a piece of ID): https://vreg.registertovoteon.ca/en/home
PLEASE get out there and vote I do not have another four years of doug left in me
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wine-sluts · 24 days ago
I’m so fucking sick of people preaching we need to change our society but electing the same leaders over and over again.
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bryanharryrombough · 24 days ago
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magicalbuttertarts · 1 month ago
If you live in Ontario, and can legally vote in the upcoming general election, and you do not.
You do not deserve the right to complain about what is going on in the Province if you had a chance to vote.
Just go out and vote.
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canuck-off · 1 month ago
^All this, and Doug Ford literally does the same thing in Ontario! He's currently playing the part of 'Captain Canada' while trying to turn Ontario into a mini-America (fuck private healthcare!)
Also, CANADA FIRST! Vive le Canada!
trump is pulling all the "charismatic hero" stunts and it's not fucking working thankfully
Don't be fooled, all. He "banned" TikTok without even being in office yet (they shut down all on their own, there was no law forcing them) and he gave himself credit for bringing them back (and they praised him, too). He was ready for a trade war with Canada and Mexico, but since TRUDEAU bowed down and did something for him, now he's hailing himself as a savior once again, taking all the credit for pausing the tariffs HE implemented in the first place
Continue to boycott USA products! Canada first. Trump is unstable. The tariffs may come in a month - or tomorrow. Uncertainty and fear are weapons.
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taecasadilla · 30 days ago
February 27th may be Pokemon Day, but it's also Ontario's Provincial election.
It's open from 9 am to 9 pm and you only need your ID to elections ontario to see where you need to vote is. Here is the link.
We can't have another election where only half the province shows up
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forasecondtherewedwon · 26 days ago
If you haven't already voted in advance polls, you better get the fuck out to a polling station tomorrow, Ontarians!!! Do NOT let Doug Ford get back in!!
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canuck-off · 1 month ago
Ontario! (Again!)
Hi, hello! Just a reminder that Advanced Polls are open now (I think they close tomorrow)! So if voting on election day, aka NEXT THURSDAY, is inconvenient for you, I STRONGLY encourage you to go to an advance poll!
Unfortunately, the deadline to apply to vote by mail was earlier today (February 21) but there is still the advanced polls AND the polls on the 27th.
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