#One of these days I’ll get to write something proper and my rambling will make more sense
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purplecatghostposts · 3 months ago
*Holds up Félix and Chloé* It’s not obvious because it’s all WIPs and very little has been posted but I care them so much. I love putting them in a room together and locking the door to see what happens. They’re two somewhat territorial cats who are fighting one minute, then totally chill the next. They’re judging each other. They like to hang out and judge other people. They’re mocking each other one minute and then planning each other’s parents’ (Andre and Audrey’s/Colt’s) murders. Amélie invites Chloé over and treats her like a daughter. Chloé is breaking down crying in Amélie’s arms because she feels loved one moment, then smirking at Félix because she’s stealing his mom five minutes later. Sabrina knows Félix by his full government name due to Chloé’s ranting but has never formally met him. They both love Adrien so much but they’re not the greatest at remembering to tell him. They both have so many issues. They complain about each other. They have blackmail material for days. They would kill for one another if it came down to it. Do you feel me. Do you get me. Did any of that make sense. I know I’m taking a five second interaction and allusions to what their relationship was before and blowing it up out of proportion but they interest me so MUCH and I WILL make headcanons about it.
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glamourscat · 3 months ago
Literally love your Tim Drake works 🙏 so good to see him get some hype!!
Can I please request Tim Drake with Gn!reader teasing him about essentially being his sugar baby? Not using him obvi, but like as a broke college student myself, I know he would simply not be able to witness our conditions without stepping in. Idk if he's ever canonically gone to a dorm, but I think explaining the concept of having to wear a "shower shoe" to avoid communal shower fungus would be enough for him to just buy you an apartment for the next 4 years 😭 or looking in the fridge only to see the takeout box, bread, and ketchup combo cause groceries are toooo expensive 😭 The "damn bitch you live like this" meme personified
Sorry this became off-topic ramble-ly lol I just think it's funny how stressed he would be by his partner's early 20's ✨ broke era✨
a/n: when I tell I saw the request and immediately my fingers started writing😭 loved this! thank you so much, I hope it’s what you were looking for <3
cw: slightly suggestive towards the end
── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── ♡ ── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── ♡ ── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
“For the love of—babe?” Tim’s voice rang through your college dorm room.
You looked up from the bed where you were working on some assignments, meeting his eyes as he crouched near the mini-fridge under your desk.
“Yeah, hun?” you said, eyebrows furrowing.
“What in the actual hell is this?” he exclaimed, holding up a few boxes of Chinese takeout and random half-open sauce packets—most definitely “borrowed” from fast food joints and restaurants alike. His face was a mix of shock and genuine concern for you.
“Ah, yeah. That was my dinner yesterday, my lunch the day before yesterday, and my breakfast… yep,” you said casually, shrugging as you went back to your work.
After all, it’s not like you’re the only one in this situation. Sure, you would have preferred to eat a proper meal, but broke students have to survive somehow, right?
“Babe… you are seriously surviving off of scraps? This can barely keep you fed, not to mention the—” he stopped as he looked over at your desk. “Now what in the hell is this?” His voice was slightly high-pitched as he stared at the shower shoes on your desk that you had forgotten to put away before he came by.
“Those? You’ve really never seen shower shoes?” you said with a hint of an amused smile. “Those are shower shoes, Tim. I use them in the communal showers since we don’t have individual ones. To avoid getting shower fungus or athlete’s foot, ya know? Stuff like that.” Your words were so calm, so… like you were used to it.
Tim stared at you with his eyes almost bulging out of his skull, genuinely trying to make his last remaining brain cells understand how this way of living was even possible on college grounds. But more importantly, how the hell were you supposed to live like this for the next four years?
“Where are you going?” you asked, confused, seeing him rush to put his jacket on.
“Put your jacket on. We are going to look at apartments right now. I think I caught something just by thinking of you living here for the next four years, malnourished and worst of all, using communal showers. What if something happened to you? Yeah, fuck that, c’mon” he said frantically, almost dragging you out of your dorm by the hand as you tried not to laugh.
“Don’t you think you’re overreacting—”
“No,” he cut you off. His expression was almost comical in how genuinely frantic he was. But, despite that, it was also cute seeing how much he cared for you.
“Tim, I know you’re concerned but, I mean—an apartment is a big thing. I—”
He stopped, turning you to face him in the empty hallway. His hands rested on your waist. “I have the money. You can’t live like this. Let me help my lover, okay? I will still do it, you know that. If not now I’ll gift you an apartment for Christmas since it’s around the corner.” His voice got lower. “Besides, we certainly can’t do anything in here, one moan from me—”
“TIM!” you said, flustered, a small embarrassed chuckle escaping your lips.
“What? It’s the truth. Everyone will be all up in our business…” he whined quietly as he got closer, his soft lips leaving a warm kiss on your neck.
“Besides—” he whispered in your ear, causing shivers to run down your spine, “I can’t sneak in with my Red Robin costume here. And you bet your ass I’m coming over after patrol so we can be together. Soooo, an apartment it is,” he hummed proudly, leaving another kiss, this time a soft peck on your lips. He pulled back with a soft smile that just made you want to squeeze his cheeks for how cute he looked.
“Still, I mean…” you sighed softly. “I feel like your sugar baby, hun,” you said half-jokingly.
“Yeah?” he said with a cheeky twinkle in his eye. “Then that just means I need to spoil my baby more. That’s the bare minimum I can do after all hmm?” He wrapped his arm around your waist, keeping you close as you two walked off giggling to yourselves like fools, yes, but fools in love.
© GLAMOURSCAT (all rights reserved. do not share, modify, translate and re-upload my work outside of tumblr)
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deardiary1899 · 1 year ago
king of new york is a catchy af song but i like to think it emphasizes something about race
i always found it as something that represented their wants and are somewhat expressions of them internally--
Race: A pair o' new shoes with matchin' laces <- Race wants something practical? I mean, in some productions, his socks don't even match!!!!!
Romeo: A permanent box at the sheepshead races <- Surprisingly, Race was supposed to have this line but was changed in the Broadway production. It's one of the main things I found interesting in the lyrics.
and, honorable mention to Davey:
Davey: A regular beat for the star reporter!
Davey's kindness is shown here. He prefers to move the attention to Katherine, and what he wants is never really mentioned
Anyhow, Ive read from another post that the boys are sharing these things according to what the other person likes, and that, is very cute and i love it, but I unfortunately cannot see it that way myself when it's with Race. Romeo may have said that line for Race, but, the lines Race sings in Carrying the Banner sort of correlates with his lines in KofNY. The said Race's lines in CtB are as follows:
Curdled Coffee / Concrete Donuts / Sprinkled with mold / Homemade / Biscuits / Just two years old
I am a true believer that the lines characters are chosen to sing are important to who they are, and I will find it endlessly curious as to why these are the specific things Race would list out, when most of the newsies at this part, something they want/that's currently happening/general observations or whatever. It's just so,,, curious to me how he speaks of THOSE things?? they're definitely not something they want, and it's poetic as FUCK??? like WHO hurt you mr higgins
It makes me think of Race as someone who is somewhat practical. I mean, outside of being sort of rowdy, excitable and the like, he's, without a doubt, smart af and like his historical counterpart, quite aware.
Race: Am-scray, punk / She's the king of New York!
Katherine: Whod'a thunk! I'm the king of New York!
Newsies: We was sunk, pale and pitiful
Katherine: Bunch'a wet noodles
Katherine & Newsies: Pulitzer's poodles!
Les: Almost about to drown in the drink
Buttons: When she fished us out
Race: And drowned us in ink!
Am-scray is one of my favourite parts here. Maybe because it was sung by Race but It’s Pig Latin.
I have NO Idea how common it is to learn that in the 19th century– but considering in Newsies (not as historically accurate) the boys don’t get a proper education other than Davey (but in a more historical perspective, they did. somewhat.), It’s EXTREMELY important to me how he knows such words like ‘Hoi-polloi’ (GREEK!!!), Am-scray and Gratis (LOOK i dont know how common words like that are, because im not a native english speaker and DAMN i don't know the usual 19th century lingo, but to me, it was a big big word)
Even more, his wit is shown well in the line ‘and drowned us in ink’. I’ve been obsessed with that since I heard it, and I’ll never get over how it is a BEAT that you can skip to in writing. It’s such a smooth and witty way to say that Katherine’s writing had helped them, and that ‘drowning in them in ink’ led them to get the fame they got (front page of the papers).
It’s also bitterly sweet to note that seeing their faces on the front page was more than enough to have them all tap-dancing, and although they may be forgotten the next day, it was all the worth.
this is all over the place, and moreso a ramble, but I REALLY wish we got more of Race because these specific things keep repeating in my mind ALL the time. I would ALSO like to state that Race was a HUGE driving force in this. I could write a WHOLE essay about him but kiss his ass and slap it because after getting hit around by oppressors and police, he knew they needed at least a moment of relief !!!!!!
TL;DR: I have a crush on Race Higgins and I need him real NOW
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therapy could've saved her 😔 (me about Will, he's my boy and your writing is actually the most thing ever and ever <3)
Awwwww, thank you!!!!
No but fr, my original intention was genuinely a happy ending. But as I outlined the story, I kinda realized how unrealistic that was. Truly, the odds are stacked against Will in every way, and my boy is holding up the best he can.
It’s interesting to me to see how the original story I had in mind changed and became the fic it is today. My original outline was all from Nico’s point of view, with 11 chapters, and it ending with Will and Nico running away together and living happily, and Naomi being alive and well. When the idea came for the Point of View switch to Will, the fic got longer and the character of Will got a lot more complex.
I thought the point of view switch really set it apart from the original source material; Lucy Gray in the books is meant to be a person of mystery; we never really know her “true” intentions, and since Snow was an unreliable narrator, we never got to know her as a character (which is INTENTIONAL on Suzanne’s part, and to this day, I am obsessed with her writing of Lucy Gray. Give me an excuse, and I’ll talk about it for HOURS.). But by giving Will his own voice in the story, I ended up learning a lot about him that made me realize that the only “happy” ending Will could get could not be achieved in this fic; it would need a sequel to really make it feel real and earned.
The POV switch changed the entire fic, basically. But good news! Without too many spoilers, in the sequel (as yet untitled) we do get to see Will receive proper treatment and take real, tangible steps towards recovery. Speaking from experience, recovery from dark mental places is something that can take years; to me, the original “happy ending” I had in mind made less and less sense the more I dug into Will’s character in this universe.
I ended up doing an inverse of the original book ending, which I thought worked best. I received a lot of comments/asks/etc being like “wait! Is Nico going to turn evil like Snow?!” I thought it was a cool narrative flip to have Will be the one who breaks down and tries to leave, and for Nico to beg him to stay. Idk. I like the inverse.
Thank you so much for your ask! (And sorry for the rambling lmao I love talking about the writing process for this fic lmao)
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deadbuys · 30 days ago
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#DEADBUYS is a selective, independent mutual-exclusive dual rp blog for SEONG GI-HUN & HWANG IN-HO from NETFLIX’S SQUID GAMES, as orchestrated by perce. (she/her, 23) Untagged spoilers ahead. BLOG IS 18+ TO FOLLOW. Duplicate friendly! Extremely low activity until the end of the quarter 03/26.
VIPS (affiliates): @pavlovianpanic / @grievedifferent @ottersden @absolventiia @thessence @okkanai
Alter-egos: gunstruction (Arcane solo muse), cataschism (Multi muse)
GUIDELINES BELOW THE CUT. credit for all things.
I. FOREWARNING This blog contains dark, mature themes. I don’t tag subjects such as minor character death, profanity, textual blood, mild gore/injury. My tagging style for triggers is “fear /” not “phobia /”. I tag “spiders /” not “arachnophobia /”, as an example. I also tag implied and in tags in their proper contexts. “Drowning implied /” is an example. Please tag seizures resulting in death and hoarding due to mental illness for me.
II. DRAMA:  This mod does not support callouts or drama, leave me out of it. I hardblock liberally to those who spread drama and/or talk about it often. I am a full-time student with a part-time job helping take care of a toddler. I am just too busy. 
III. REPLIES & FORMATTING:  Replies and starters tend to be long unless I specify otherwise. You never have to match my length, just give me something to work with. I like to really in-depth explore my character's inner thoughts and may ramble. I sometimes write with color, big and small text, or with large gaps. If you need any aspect changed, I can do that. I can always change my formatting to best suit your needs as they change. Just tell me. 
IV. FOLLOWING:  Please give me a couple days/week to see if you followed me. I have another blog and I'm also in school, working part-time, and I have a toddler I partly take care of at home. I usually see these things, but I may miss someone. If I don't want to follow you back, I'll sb. It's never anything personal or against you. If you want to make sure I see a follow, follow my multi. I don’t tend to follow people outside of the Squid Game fandom unless a) I know you from another blog, or b) I can see our characters interacting. I am a little more selective here than on other blogs due to the nature of my characters and them not having much interest beyond their main timeline fixations. I am likely to sb, but it’s nothing personal and never will be!
V. EXCLUSIVITY, MAINS ETC I practice mains and exclusivity with major selectivity, as well as affiliates. Affiliates follow me all across my blogs (as well as mains to a lesser degree), and exclusives are exclusives with that character. I don’t practice exclusives easily and we have to get along very well OOC. If we vibe, I’ll follow you on the rest of my blogs as well.
VI. SHIPPING: I love shipping, but I want to be clear that In-ho does not date other muses, he at the very most obsesses without loving. I don’t write In-ho participating in romantic relationships as one would in real life, and often will not reciprocate feelings unless he was obsessed first. I will still ship Gi-hun because, despite being divorced, is capable of being in a relationship with others. I want to develop them in every possible way, but I don’t want to allow any false expectations to fester. If this bothers you, please don’t let me stop you from pursuing dynamics with other In-hos or Gi-huns and not interacting with me. I am uninterested in pursuing other dynamics with folks who don’t want my portrayals without shipping.
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blaithnne · 10 months ago
So I was just curious as I’ve noticed you’ve made reference to your 60s au (which I absolutely adore btw) so I just wanted to ask if the 60s au is just a drawing and reference on tumble kind of thing or if it’s a work in progress so in other words are you writing fic involving those versions of the characters? —and if your not you totally should your ideas and writing is fab and I’d love to hear more about them :)
First of all TYSM ANON!!
Second of all basically yeah the AU is just art stuffs! It’s something I’ve had floating around in my brain for a long time, and I decided to just combine it with a general ducktales rewrite type of thing and start posting my designs bc it’s fun !! I love character design so creating a lineup of characters is a great time :)
Unfortunately no there is no overarching fic, or really any extended story stuff out there. I’m just drawing stuff as it comes to me! Maybe one day I’ll scribble out some one shots, but I don’t want to start any new writing stuffs until Plenism is complete (for my ducktales followers, Plenism is my long running Hilda fanfic! It’s currently on hiatus but it’s a project of mine I’m very passionate about lolz). At some point though, maybe after I’ve got some more designs out there, I’d like to sit and write out some of my ideas as bullet points or something, and there’s some wee doodle comics I’d love to whip out sometime!
I have a LOT of lore ideas for this lil universe but, I don’t want to put pressure on myself if that makes sense? In the past I’ve quickly burnt myself out on projects like these and I don’t want to do that here, so I’m just doing whatever peaks my fancy in the moment! The only “rule” I’ve got going currently is that I want to get my character designs out in era appropriate order, so I wanna finish my main 60s designs before moving onto 90s era or present day ones, just so it’s not too confusing for you guys. But hey I might end up breaking that rule, I’ve already got a couple present day designs complete and I don’t wanna hold onto them forever, so I’ll just see how it goes!
In conclusion I am THRILLED people are enjoying my little AU, but I’m just drawing whatever I feel like and not putting pressure on myself to do something big like a fic or a proper consecutive comic, lest I burn myself out. With that in mind, if you guys have any questions about the AU send em in and I’ll see if I can answer them! Either with lil doodles or with rambly explanations lolz
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meganlpie · 4 months ago
So, as I posted a few months ago, my old laptop decided to poop the bed as far as writing goes. I have been trying to recover all the fics that I had started and lost. Unfortunately I was not able to recover all of them and I do not have the emotional capacity to restart all the ones after all the work I put in.
Below the cut is the list of requests that I was able to recover. If you don't see your request, I'm afraid it is lost and I am so, so, so, sorry! If your request is listed, you can still feel free to take it to another writer if you wish!
Recovered requests:
*What’s Your Poison?: Hello, I saw that requests are open and wanted to ask if you would be willing to write something for Gabriel from Supernatural. Something were you always see him eat sweets amd just can’t help but wonder if there is a treat he loves and something he absolutely hates, which leads up to getting him to just try sooo many different sweet treats. Maybe him finding one that he absolutely hates and just teasing at the end. Hope this makes sense! If you don’t feel like writing it, it’s no problem. Thank you anyways and have a good day! from curious-trickster
*Battle Scars: Hi! I hope you’re doing alright. May I request a Beorn x Human!Reader who accompanies Thorin on his quest and Beorn takes a liking to them. Possibly with some angst during the Battle of the Five Armies and maybe a glimpse of life after the war? Thank you! AND May I request a Beorn x reader fic? Beorn saves the reader from Orcs or they’re part of the company and he’s intrigued by them, even suggesting they could stay. They meet again during the battle (imagine the angst). After the battle they consider visiting his cottage and after some a couple of days decide to stay with Beorn. Thank you very much 😊 by chaostwinsofdestruction
*I Feel Safe With You: May I request an Aragorn x reader (platonic) fic? I was thinking he took her under his wing for a while as Strider and they got separated and she was taken from him. She escapes but doesn’t know how to find him. She’s on her own for a while then as she’s wandering the forest alone some men come and attack her. She gets knocked out or wounded then Aragorn shows up and saves her. He’s been tracking her the whole time. When she comes too or the danger is gone they have a sweet reunion and she finally feels safe again. As always feel free to tweak it or take it where ever you’d like. by iwillbeinmynest
*I Can’t Marry You: Do you think I could request one where the reader is engaged to Boromir but she and Faramir are in love? Denethor doesn’t care and expects Boromir to marry her. Angsty with whatever ending you choose?
*A Fevered Proposal: Hi meg!! I saw your requests are open and here I am again!! If you could, could you please write a post Azkaban Sirius (exonerated sirius, idk how but it happens ok!) Taking care of a fever delirious reader, who in the height of her delirium asks sirius to marry her. He says something along the lines of “darling, we’ve talked about this, I wouldnt make a good husband” to which she replies with “you already have, if just like it on official paper” then she goes off the ramble some nonsense but it leaves sirius thinking. That yeah they are committed to eachother in every sense of the word and he has often seen the look of longing she gets when she sees Molly and Arthur together being all wifey and husbandy. So once shes sleeping soundly, he pops out for a bit, buys a ring and keeps it in his pocket so that as soon as her fever breaks he: (A) hands it to her so that she can propose to him proper Or (B) proposes to her I’ll leave the ending up to you!! Thanks in advance meg and hope you’ve been well!! by gollyderek
*What We Have: Did I read that right? You’re writing for Hogwarts Legacy characters? If that’s the case, may I request either a Professor Sharp x reader(f) where reader is the new professor taking over Professor Fig’s class and the two hit it off, but it’s like sunshine and grump trope mixed with a little “I like you, but don’t want to ruin what we’ve got going on” trope?
**How Wrong You Are: OR a fic where, after the events of the game, reader(f!MC) is the center of gossip like is she dating someone and her besties are curious?(continued) and she is dating someone, but they’ve been enjoying the secret. Like MC gets a kick out of how wrong people can be. I’ll leave it to you to who she’s dating, but I was thinking either Sebastion, Ominis, Gareth, or(and please don’t hate me) Leander. Whichever request interests or inspires you more. Thank you!!
Again, I am so very sorry I've lost so many requests, but rest assured I am working on the ones I was able to save. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Lots of love!
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rodolfoparras · 6 months ago
Gonna ramble for a second
So I smoke weed (it's illegal in the US at my age) and my older brother asked me yesterday if I wanted a hit off his bong before our parents got home. Because despite having done every drug to permanently damage their brains (mostly my dad, he was an alcoholic and addict before and when I was born), smoking weed as a minor is bad 🤬🤬🤬
And he joked that my younger sister exposed me, because he had no idea I smoke. Everyone in the house, except my sister, thinks I would never smoke weed. (It's because of the smell cuz my dad would blow it in our faces and laugh. I'm more inclined to enjoy something when it's not being shoved down my throat.)
And I brought it up to my sister this morning to joke about, but we were whispering because my mom was in the other room. And now she's mad at us and being short with us because we didn't include her 😐
42 year old woman being mad that her kids don't tell her everything, and for good reason. We literally can't tell her anything because she'll rat to father even tho we ask her not to. One time, I told her I tried alcohol at a graduation party and found out I have Alcohol Flush Reaction (I'm basically allergic) and told her not to tell my dad, and I found out she told him because he made a joke about me being allergic to alcohol in front of my friend 🧍‍♂️I also told her I was bisexual and asked her not to tell him and then I found out she did because he made a joke about me liking aliens or something.
But he's her best friend, so it's okay 🙄 girl we ask you not to for good reason!!! We hate him!!! And he's an asshole!!! If we wanted him to know, we'd do it ourselves!!!!
Anyways, sorry 😞🙏 I needed to bitch for a moment
In a different note! How have you been doing?? I know you said you were sick recently. And how's the job 👀👀 are you enjoying it??
Unfortunately a lot of parents like this. However this doesn’t make it okay and I’m sorry she betrayed your trust at multiple occasions and I’m sorry you have to put up with this nonsense behavior. You are completely in the right for setting boundaries and upholding them. I know there’s a lot of guilt you feel inside bc at the end of the day that’s your mom and you want her to feel happy and be included but she’s proved time and time again that she doesn’t care about your feelings so you shouldn’t take hers into consideration
Also I’m good my love!! Still getting used to working in schools again but I love it!! I love my job! I love working with my students I love the staff there are so many hot teachers around (and parents) 🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️ I think I’ll be signing an official contract this Friday or I hope at least djdjd and I’m so excited to see the type of pay I’ll get, I’m excited to get a proper schedule because now im currently floating from class to class trying to gauge where they would need a student assistant but like I said I love it I don’t dread going to work I mean it sucks being tired after because I want to come home and write much more than I do now but that will come in time!
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chloedanvers13 · 9 months ago
Y’know, what? No time like the present…
First and foremost, Happy Pride!!! 🧡🤍🩷
Second, I suppose a more-proper introduction is in order…
Hi! My name’s Chloe! (I suppose the username tipped you off to that, but I digress.) I am a 30-something trans-femme demi-sapphic woman living, begrudgingly, in the American MidWest.
I am a massive nerd (pop-culture, DC Comics, Music, among others), and well… as you can see also, my chosen last-name is Danvers… so I’m not even gonna lie when I say that my personal inspiration for the kind of person I want to be is Kara (Zor-El) Danvers herself. [Doesn’t hurt that I dumb-lucked into finding my personal Cat Grant… tis the silver-est of linings.💜☀️]
I am a fledgling writer, though I have largely been in a 10ish year slump of writers block… currently trying to claw my way out of it starting with what has been my brain’s salvation these last few years: fan-fiction.
And in that vein, I figure, how better to get to know me, than to talk about my favorite ships, and why they resonate with me. So, let’s do this. :)
Bechloe: My first ship, even though I didn’t realize it at first. I’ve come a long way as an individual, so much so I watched Pitch Perfect the first time and saw 0 sapphic subtext between Beca and Chloe. (That is VERY much not that case now, I assure you. Lolz) So, why them? I’m a sucker for a grumpy/sunshine dynamic (we will revisit this later, I assure you. Lolz) between two women, and especially watching the sunshine warm up the grump a little. ❤️
Also doesn’t hurt this ship’s chances that this Chloe is THE Chloe that my name comes from… aspirationally, that kind of girl is inside me, but life has made me a bit more of a Beca, if that makes sense. Lolz
SuperCat: I could go on for days about them. Once again, Grumpy/ Sunshine, and I mean, I am literally a Danvers, so… lolz. Suffice it to say, they are a pair put on my radar by ‘My’ Cat…. And I have not shut up about them ever since. Seriously, the fact my partner still encourages it is a Raosend. Lolz I won’t go into much more detail, because my writing will do that for them, in spades.. whether it’s SuperCat, or AstraCat…. (No, not Aunt Astra… but consider this a tease for my SG-rewrite. ;) )
Chenrich: “Life is Strange: True Colors” is my favorite game, of all time. I’ve platinumed it, and I’m working on the perameters of a playthrough that gives me different challenges. But all that being said, when I see Steph and got her vibe, I burst out in a laugh and called it my “discount Beca Mitchell dating simulator”.. and I was not disappointed. ❤️ (btw, my canon ending? Alex and Steph stay in Haven Springs, and get the Black Lantern and turn it into a nerd bar… maybe one day I’ll write it. Who knows? Lolz)
Avalance: this is my semi-unexpected one… my brain is almost always in National City.. but these two, they grew on me, so hard. It doesn’t hurt that my partner broke my brain by telling me she saw a lot of Sara in me… and it took me years to finally see it too. (Though I will always, shamelessly, be a Kara… lolz) Co-Captains for life, babe. 💜☀️
Alright, that just may be enough to prolly not tell you all that much. But I’m an open book! And my asks are actually open now. Lolz
Alright, one more random thing, because why not? So… when I world build, I sometimes go to weird tangents… like, I may not have fleshed-out plot-lines… but I have 3 seasons of villian progression, and I’ve created the ice cream flavor made for her by a grateful National Citizen… (it’s “Swirl From The Stars”.. Fic is a lifesaver, swear to Rao. ☀️)
Alright, I’ve rambled on enough. I hope this finds all of you well, and once again, today and every single day ever…. Happy Pride!! 🧡🤍🩷
El Mayarah,
Chlo. 💜☀️
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surfingkaliyuga · 2 years ago
Surfer: Year Ten
And the day has come. Ten years of my humble blog and of a slogan that has taken on a life of its own. A decade is a long time, and the occasion puts me in an introspective frame of mind. Even in a relatively quiet existence such as mine, a person can amass a sizable collection of milestones over that time. Not to mention the gray hairs. I taught myself a new language, learned how to draw somewhat competently, took up 3D modelling with a modest degree of success, I helped a friend create a commercial computer game, at one point I took up writing and had a blog which was fairly popular in its political niche. Some of the things I made had appeal broad enough that a prosecutor and some local three letter agency really wanted to get to know me. That counts as an achievement, right? I got much better at my job, but I'm trying to change trades. I was also fortunate enough to have spent most of the last 10 years with one woman, this was a "big one" on the list.
As for Surfing the Kali Yuga - I'm still amazed this slogan of mine (although I can only take partial credit for coming up with it) caught on as well as it did. Obviously it very much helped that Zentropa took a liking to it and produced a few pictures. My blog on its own wouldn't be enough to popularise, well, anything. In this little corner of the Internet I make more of a "mood board" than anything else. The funny thing is "I" even have my own entry on Know Your Meme. It is, as one could expect, rubbish and cites a random 4chan anon as the source, in a post that is well over a year younger than my original (damn the Tumblr purge of 2019) blog. But it is fun to see some form of "Surfing the Kali Yuga" on every social platform, t-shirt store or anywhere really. Some accounts are quite similar to my blog, some not so much. I even saw anarchists and hippies (I apply the term very loosely) using STKY in one context or another. The most unusual thing was the Bored Ape Yacht Club connection. Internet sleuths, and by sleuths I mean Twitter dimwits, decided that NFTs are a "Nazi subterfuge" and tried connecting the biggest company with "alt-right dog whistles". After bending over backwards and reaching so far up their own asses they could feel the stomach acid burning they connected those Damn Dirty Apes to our favourite catchphrase. Cue one hour long ramblings on YouTube about alt-right ape conspiracy which would make Alex Jones blush. On a more positive note my blog is a cited source, I wrote about it here. Sometimes I encounter people who know my blog when I really wouldn’t expect them to, it never fails to brighten my mood.
One of these days I'll do a proper deep dive into the diffusion of STKY, in the meantime I actually made something for the decennary. I don't often draw for fun, but this time I had to. I also have a bottle of kvass in the fridge waiting for me. Here's hoping I'll still be here in another year. Or ten.
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vacantgodling · 2 years ago
I have a burning question for you. One we all need answers to (only if you want to feel free to let this ask rot in your askbox for eternity you have my permission.)
is donut wip alive
KAT!!! i’m happy to see ya :’)
technically speaking donut wip & the entirety of the liminal space series as a whole are still alive! (i’m not a huge fan of killing off my wips i usually just shelve them indefinitely until i circle back to the idea) — couple of reasons it’s shelved rn tho
1. paramour brainrot >>>>>>>> like seriously this wip has made me insane idk what magical combination of tropes and ideas i managed to spark like 2 years ago but i have never been this abnormal about a wip ever i think lol. so a lot of my wips have been sidelined in favor of my Child.
2. i got Super Stuck. not just regular stuck where you get writers block for a bit then move on no, i mean Super Stuck as in i was stuck on donut wip chapter 15 i think for like a year and a half before i finally said “i cannot force myself to write more in this draft i have to take a break” so i stepped back from it and the series in general to figure out what was going on with me and my brain. and i think really what it came down to is at that time it wasn’t fun for me to write? it felt very much like a chore—despite all of its horror it seemed “safer” to write. it was the thing people were expecting out of me and i felt like i was writing more to fulfill expectations than to actually write this story because i enjoy it. AND I DO ENJOY IT!! that’s the crazy thing. i really like this story and the nuance i allowed to grow into it when it literally started as me being “fuck it write a horror novel just to finish something and don’t care about the characters” but i care about them so much now etc etc.
but because i don’t do well when i feel forced it just sucked the joy out of it for me. paramour in comparison, has never felt forced. it’s always exciting and stimulating to my brain because it is a wip that is so very Me all over it. and i wanted donut wip to have that same feel but i gotta give it more time. maybe i’ll try doing the outline to writing method that i’ve been doing and working for paramour so i can avoid getting stuck again.
however, i did actually rewrite donut wip’s chapter 1 proper back in may of this year—i wanted to see if i could come back to it and make myself write it Forreal and i could! i did! and i’m really happy with it! which is exciting! and as a treat you (and anyone else who reads this full nonsense ramble or remembers donut wip from eons ago) can read that revamped first chapter—first official piece of donut wip writing i’ve ever really posted. just cuz like tbh it means a lot to me that you care about that story weh ;3; and remember—
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so without any more waffling: here is chapter one, uncensored from spoilers so u get drawn into the mystery 👀
Chapter One
I groaned when my guitar string snapped again for the third time today, the discordant twang echoing in my large dorm, up to the rafters. I heard Andres laugh from Tiffany’s bed.
“Oh yeah, making faces at it will help.”
“Fuck off.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Toss me…” I waggled my pointer finger towards a stack of boxes between Tiffany’s bed and my desk. Opened and dangerously leaning was a box of replacement guitar strings, near empty and I’d only bought them a few months ago. “… Those.” Andres didn’t move though. I groaned again.
“Andre!” I snapped my finger and my voice at him. “Strings!”
“I’m not a dog. Besides, you’ve been at this for three hours. When are you finally gonna give up for the day and spend some time with your bestie?” He put emphasis on the word, but the trill of his voice was playful. “Hmm. I have been buggin‘ on this part a bit.” I pretended to think, tapping my thumb against my cheek. He seemed hopeful. I caved and laughed aloud. “Later!” I giggled at his groan. “I wanna make sure this melody’s flowin’ right before I break. Then we can play Spyro or whatever else ya wanna do.” Seeing as he couldn’t be bothered to give me my strings, I got up myself and toed my way through the mess that was steadily building up on the floor between the beds. I snatched up the box before Andres could knock it over with his outstretched foot.
“Oh, you watch it mister.”
“Sooooory.” He dragged out, but his grin told me he wasn’t sorry. I flipped him off, then flopped back down on my bed, quickly setting to work on restringing. More of them had begun snapping lately as I composed, but I chalked it up to stress. Finals wore me down this semester, more than they had in our first year, but it was bittersweet that they were over now. This year went by so fast, it’s like I blinked and it was December again. Beside me on the bed my bright yellow phone buzzed.
“Who’s that?” Andres asked. I flipped it open to look at the message.
from: vivi
Are you sure you want to stay for winter break?
from: vivi
Dad wanted me to ask again.
I tossed my phone back on the bed.
“Just my sister!” I said cheerfully. “Doing dad’s errands again. I told him I didn’t want to deal with him and Miss Borsche.” I wrinkled my nose. “He’s been buggin’ her to get me to come with them since I told him no.”
“Come with them… where?”
“Oh usually dad goes on some sorta cruise or vacation for the holidays. But, he never invites Vi. So I never go.”
“Why doesn’t he invite her?” The question was posed nonchalantly, and I looked over at Andres, who was looking down at his smartphone.
I’d venture to say that we’d become near best friends now after the past year and a half of knowing each other, yet there was still a lot we didn’t know about each other. I knew he had siblings, but not their names, and he knew about Juvia, but not anything more than that. I knew his family wasn’t rich but they worked extra to push him through school. He knew that mine was, but I had loans out the ass. We played guessing games every now and again—to get to know each other. But whenever there was some real-life line we went to cross in our blossoming friendship, he was always open and I always hesitated. It’s just how it were.
“She…” I tilted my head back and forth a bit. “It’s a bit complicated, I reckon.”
“Then take your time telling me. I’m not rushing you.” Our eyes caught, and he gave me a tiny smile that I couldn’t not return back. But things fell quiet after that, and I turned back to my strings.
Winter break was here, and the freedom that came with it curled around our slowly emptying building like the fresh blanket of snow that dusted our sleepy little college town. On the telly earlier, there were talks about a blizzard rolling in sometime between today and tomorrow. The snow for now was peaceful, and inviting. It crowned even my windowsill when I woke up this morning, and even if I wasn’t with Juvia in person, the holiday buzz still felt strong in the air.
A rap on the door drew me out of my thoughts.
”It’s open!” I called. The handle clicked then pushed open a crack, just enough for someone to poke their head in.
“Kelley.” Andres acknowledged the second I breathed out “Joaquin!” Our R.A regarded us with a lazy smile, and my eyes traced the curve of his handsome mouth. A flush of heat shivered through my body, and I darted my eyes away when they met mine.
“How are you two holding up here? Your folks coming soon?”
“Negativo.” Andres leaned back on Tiffany’s pillow, stretching one leg out into the air. I heard something pop and I made a face. “They’re back home and I don’t have enough money for a plane ticket there. So I’m staying.” Joaquin nodded easily, then he turned to me again. “Julissa?”
“Just Juls is okay!” I said quickly. I coughed. “Um, no, I’m also staying. If that’s alright?”
“No rules against it.” Joaquin flashed me a smile. “I was checking to see who’s still going to be here so I can send a final count to the director.”
“Is it just gonna be us?” Andres asked.
“No, there’s,” Joaquin paused to pop open the door a little further, and leaned against the wall. He counted on his fingers. “The three of us. Then, Daisy Kennedy, on the third floor. René Edwards, down the hall and….” He looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember. “Ah, Saul…Carson, I believe. Top floor.”
“Didn’t know you had someone named Saul on your floor.” I said, looking over to Andres. He snorted. “Me either. Aside from my roommates, I only really talk to you Juls.”
“You’re such a loner.” I teased, as though I was any better. Andres chucked Tiffany’s pillow at me.
“Actually Kelley?” Andres started. I threw the pillow back and nailed him in the torso, making him choke on his next words. Joaquin’s quiet huff of a laugh distracted me for two seconds—enough for me to let my guard down. Andres jumped from Tiffany’s bed to mine and grabbed me in a headlock.
“Andre!” I shrieked, but he was merciless. His freehand dug into my side and began to tickle at my sides. It wasn’t long before I was howling with laughter, trying to desperately shove him off me. Amused, Joaquin waited patiently with his arms folded loosely over his chest.
Andres finally relented and let me go and I kicked his shin for good measure. “God, I can’t breathe.” I wheezed. Andres laughed jovially, then turned back to Joaquin. “I was going to ask if we had to stay in our dorms while we were here?”
“Well,” He looked between Andres and I, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t think you need my permission, you’re both adults.” I felt heat swarm my dark cheeks and next to me Andres sputtered. “It’s nothing like that!” He snapped. “I just mean, I got a leak in my room and Juls offered to let me crash here. I just don’t know if the break protocol is different than during the school year.”
“A leak?” Joaquin frowned, reaching for his phone. It was similar to Andres’s, clear and sleek. He tapped a few buttons. “From the roof?”
“Yeah. I woke up this morning to snow dripping down my face.” Andres shrugged. “I don’t know how long the leak has been there, it’s been pretty dry this year. But I don’t want to deal with it, it’s literally right above my bed.”
“Like I said, you don’t really need my permission to stay wherever you’d like. But thanks for telling me, I just scheduled a maintenance request.” Joaquin tucked his phone back into his tight jeans. “Should be a few days but it should be fixed.”
“If it wasn’t snowing, I’d get up there and do it myself.” I hit Andres with my hand lightly. “That’s dangerous.”
“Wouldn’t want you falling off.” Joaquin hummed. “Now that I would be held responsible for.”
“Are you staying too, Joaquin?” I asked. Andres elbowed me. “He just said that. Earth to Juls, get your mind out of the gutter.”
“It wasn’t there in the— Oh, I hate you!” Andres and I began squabbling again and from the door Joaquin laughed. “I’ll leave you all to it!”
“Thanks for coming by!” I called after him as he moved from the doorway. Before I turned fully back to Andres, from the corner of my eye, I saw… something follow after Joaquin. I couldn’t get a good enough look at it, but what I did see looked like a cream colored tail.
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bookwormscififan · 8 months ago
He Listens
Read on AO3!
A/N: The hopeless romantic in me wanted to write a thing based on a sequence in season 3 of Bridgerton that I absolutely loved. I just think it's beautiful when someone listens to your opinion to the point of gifting you something that's perfect from that opinion.
Mad strolled down the street, picking at the hem of his shirt while looking through the store windows. His thoughts were interrupted by the collision of himself into someone, and he muttered apologies as he glanced up to see who he’d walked into.
“Mare,” His cheeks flushed as he looked into the amused face of the lecturer, smiling kindly as he held Mad’s shoulders to steady him. “H-Hello.”
“Hey, Mad,” Mare replied, brushing off Mad’s shoulders before stepping back, pointing a thumb behind him with a crooked smile. “How do you like the music?” Tucked under one arm was a satchel, treated leather with a gold clasp, the same one Mad had bought him as a joke gift years ago.
Mad tilted his head in confusion before he registered the busker playing an accordion down the street, out of tune and too fast for Mad to properly process. Biting his lip, Mad turned his attention back to Mare, taking a deep breath before answering.
“The tempo isn’t right. They’re playing too fast for anyone to appreciate the music, and the tune isn’t right. For that instrument, the song should be played in a B Major scale, but the musician is playing it in C. There isn’t enough time for the tune to surround you before they’re on to the next bar.” His flush darkened when he realised he’d been rambling, turning away from Mare as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Interesting. I have to go,” Mare stated, touching Mad’s shoulder lightly before walking away, leaving Mad to marinate in embarrassment before deciding to walk home.
“Wait, tell me again. Mare just… left?” Jackie asked around a mouthful of his sandwich, popping up behind the couch Mad had flopped onto. “Like, no proper goodbye or anything?”
“He touched my shoulder,” Mad mumbled, looking at Jackie with an expression that could only be described as ‘pitiful’. “Said he had to go, and I just… let him.” Grabbing a cushion, he pressed it over his face before screaming into it, sounding utterly broken.
“Maybe he was running late,” Jackie suggested, leaping over the back of the couch to sit at Mad’s feet, laying a reassuring hand on his ankle. “He’s a teacher, right? He probably had a class or something. I’m sure he’ll call you soon.”
“Doubt it,” Mad shot down, lowering the cushion. “I went on a tangent. Not the short types that you tell me aren’t bad, but one of those where I point out all the issues with something. He’s not going to talk to me ever again. Idiot,” he finished with a smack to his forehead, groaning at the pain that registered.
“Alright,” Jackie patted Mad’s ankle before effortlessly turning him so they were sitting face-to-face. “Give it until the end of the week. If Mare doesn’t speak to you by then, I’ll watch those space documentaries you’ve been asking to watch. If he talks to you, you don’t get to feel bad about yourself for a month.”
As Mad’s luck would have it, Jackie won the deal. Mare knocked on the door of his and Jackie’s shared apartment at the end of the week, bright yet apologetic smiles and holding a violin case. Mad let him in with a furrowed brow, offering him a coffee before sitting in the seat opposite him.
“I’m sorry I rushed off the other day,” Mare began, carefully taking the violin out of its case. “After what you’d said, I wanted to make sure I did this right, and I couldn’t risk forgetting a single thing you’d pointed out.” Standing, Mare set the violin on his shoulder, giving Mad a gentle smile before beginning to play.
At first, Mad was confused, but then he began to recognise the tune, and his cheeks flushed. Every detail Mad had pointed out, every flaw in the busker’s performance, Mare had rectified and was now performing for him. Mad closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him as Mare continued to play.
It took a few moments after Mare had finished for Mad to open his eyes, looking at Mare with a dazed expression. Blinking slowly, he watched Mare pack the instrument away, startling when he sat beside Mad.
“You… played the song… exactly how I’d described it.” At a loss for words, Mad just stared at Mare, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. “Why?”
“Because you wanted to hear it played right,” Mare answered softly, “Because I wanted to see your face as you listen to the song played properly. I like watching you truly enjoy something.” He moved slowly, setting a hand on Mad’s knee before shifting closer, looking into Mad’s whiskey-gold eyes with a smile.
“I-I thought you were annoyed,” Mad mumbled, brushing his fingers over Mare’s hand on his knee, breath catching when Mare turned his hand to hold his. “People always get annoyed when I tell them things like that.”
“Mad,” Mare began, holding Mad’s hand tightly. “I’ll never be annoyed with you. I think you’re amazing. The greatest person I’ve ever known. I’m in love with you, I thought you knew that.” His teasing smile faded when he saw Mad’s eyes widen, moving to release his hand before Mad held tighter.
“Say that again.”
“I-I love you, Mad. I think I’ve always been in love with you,” Mare whispered, leaning forward as Mad’s lips parted slightly. “I use that satchel you bought me because it makes me feel like I’ve got you with me all the time. You’re perfect to me.”
The second Mad’s eyes darted down to Mare’s lips, he was being kissed, heart pounding in his chest as Mare’s lips pressed against his. Closing his eyes, he let Mare control the kiss, melting against him as his chest filled with warmth.
“Oh, good, you’re finally together. I was waiting for you to finally kiss. Mare, is there any way you can get Phantom to come over?” Jackie asked as he passed the living room, laughing when Mare threw a cushion at him before walking away.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @rattyboyisemo @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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zylophie · 1 year ago
halooo~ i saw the matchup event and i’d like to give it a try! may i request a project sekai matchup? (both matchups if it’s ok!! both normal and yan) thanks a lot and i’ll be awaiting my date 😋😋
preferred gender: both works!
personality traits:
im an ambivert that’s pretty emotional.(i cry easily…) i can be quite self-conscious and sensitive at times even if i don’t realise it myself. im also a nostalgic person that keeps memories dear in my heart!! i love looking back to the past to giggle about the stupid old times. i’d say im pretty lazy myself, but if i ever decided to do something, i’d try my best to do it well. i’m kind of the mum of the group, as i have a tendency to care for others around me. i show my childish side with those i trust however. i’m the type to live in the moment and it’s my motive to try not to leave any regrets.
im on my phone quite a lot ,, i like gaming and reading manhwas. i also write a diary and play the ukulele! idk i’m trying to find more hobbies but school doesn’t seem to allow me to.. (there’s. so much school work….)
love langauge:
quality time for both giving and receiving!! i think time is crucial in any relationship. i also give words of affirmation and i think physical touch is cute!
(not so) fun facts:
- i’m deathly terrified of insects. of any kind. the only one kind that i’m brave enough to kill are ants
- i love rollar coasters but hate haunted houses. i live for the excitement of rollar coasters but i hate being jumpscared..
- i love doing personality tests.. i kept sending them to my friends i think they’re done with me /joke
- i’m a realist but i’m also capable of making up tons of scenarios in my heart for my friends
- i love analysing ppl close to me
things u look for in a person:
i think i tend to get along with tons of ppl but id love someone that’s responsible! i want someone that will love me for who i am and accept my flaws. i wish that we can both rely on each other. i’d also like someone who’s treats me specially compared with the outer world ..?!?
things u don’t look for in a person:
irresponsible people. those who always wishes to be in control of a particular solution one-sidely. and people who takes things for granted idk😞
i’m sorry this is so long!! thank u for listening to my ramble fr and getting to know me 😭😭 my brain suddenly malfunctioned and i forgot how to speak proper english … but dear mods, i hope u both have a nice day and wishing u the best~ rmb to take care of urself!!
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"૮₍ •⤙•˶|💌 ᴮᵉᵉᵖ..! ᵒⁿᵉ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉˎˊ˗
✉! .•°⟡˚ ༘ ʸᵒᵘ ʳᵉᶜᵉⁱᵛᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ʸᵘᵉ !
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...yue is typing... ♡
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
꒰ʜɪɪ ʜɪɪ, ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ?꒱ 🎐~*
❛❛,,𝐎ᵖᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃⁱˡ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉᵉ ʷʰᵒ ⁱˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ!,,❜❜
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▶• ılıılılılılıılılılılı. 0 ⁿᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸ���ⁿᵍ... Project Sekai!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡ɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴜᴘ♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖᵃⁱʳ ⁱˢ... Aoyagi Toya!♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Toya adore your caring and hard working nature but he also thinks it's cute that you seem to have a childish side like he just wants to cuddle with you all day if he could!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Game Night is one of your night dates with him, being competitive in a fighting or racing game while leaning on each other with a blanket wrap around you two? Definitely one of the best sweet moments!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He saw that you write a diary for personal use, he thought it's would be great if you two share a diary and leaving comments for each other to read later on
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He like reading like a lot, so if you would recommend some good manhwa to him, he would definitely try them out since it's your hobby, it's definitely mean it's an interesting read if it's coming from you!
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴜᴘ♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖᵃⁱʳ ⁱˢ...Otori Emu!♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Emu is always quick to notice your moods, her first idea was trying multiple methods of cheering you up because when you're smiling is the moment your beauty shine the most !
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Amusement park dates are a must!! It's practically her second home and the fact you like roller coasters? Even better! She always wants to drag you to many thrilling rides because it's so much fun when she hang out with you the most
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Emu love taking pictures with you every single moment you two are together, she wants to cherish those sweet little memories with you so the two of you can look back on those memories with so much fondness !
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ You can play an ukulele ?? She freak out because she didn't know you were good at playing the instrument, Emu would definitely keep bothering you to teach her how to play so she get more quality time with you, it's a win win for her!
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✿ — ↠ NOTE : It's okay xD I don't mind rambling at all ! I personally like rambling since it's help me with your matchup results hehe~ I hope you like the results <33
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burnt2ashleys · 2 years ago
It has come to my attention
that I titled my hole here on Tumblr™ “Ashley’s dlob”, instead of what I (presumably) intended, “Ashley’s dlog”. Well how about that. The (presumably) is because I have the terriblest of memories, and I cannot recall where my mind was when I typed that out, but I’ll assume it was a typo. In any case, time for an update, as it has been a while!
I haven’t posted here as much due to the simple fact that my computer’s cooling fan decided to crap itself, and as such I spent the last couple months without one. Had I not my tablet... I might’ve gone insane, in the membrane even!! (⊙_⊙;)
But, I have it with me now, in proper working order. In that interim, I was drawing traditionally, and that really got me thinking about some stuff. Drawing really isn’t like riding a bike at all; if you don’t use it, you lose it! But, even though I am currently a NEET, it’s tough to go and draw every single day, the act is a whole body-mind-soul kind of deal, you know? If you have a poor night of sleep, you’re not gonna draw as well!
Of course, some forcing must happen, as (at least for me) I find that thinking about doing something can lead to a wretched feedback loop of thinking about X and how oh, I’m totally going to do X, I’m so ready to do X, you have NO IDEA! and I never actually do that thing. Sometimes you just have to throw yourself into the cold, open ocean at 6AM, as I did once on a trip when I was young.
All that written, I felt I was really getting somewhere with my traditional endeavors. It really goes to show that getting a tablet shouldn’t substitute drawing on paper: Though the experience of drawing is different, the skill passes over from one medium to the other, and that’s a two-way street, baby!
Typing this out makes me wonder, though. Was this really a “log” at all, digital or otherwise? I mean, it is my page, it is mine to do with as I see fit, but as it stands I’m just sort of rambling about random stuff, aren’t I?
Well, I started reading The Lord of the Rings in my exile. Still haven’t finished the first book, but I’m really liking what I’m reading! Not that I could gather much of the lore from what I read, given the abundance of names and places, but I’m sure there are resources that distill the info down to lesser intellects such as mine. ᵀᵒᵐ ᴮᵒᵐᵇᵃᒄᶦᴵ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵉˢᵗ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ ᒄᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵃᵗ ᵐᵉ
Whew, that was a lot of writing, wasn’t it. Lots of rambling I’m probably not gonna remember once I hit “Post”. But, if all goes well, I’ll be doing a lot less typing and a lot more drawing! And a lot more painting!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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PS: I didn’t even address the “dlob” situation, did I.
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theliesyou-toldher · 3 months ago
Call me a slut and a whore all day in bed.
Just don’t treat me like one
I am not a hole
I’m worthy of affection , care, thoughtfulness kindness and understanding like any lover should expect to be treated.
I don’t ask for anything, I try to not burden you with my shit, I never get upset when you have to spend Time with her while we’re talkiny(although you’re always apologetic which is thoughtful, probably assume I’m as jealous as you were ) I wish you guys happiness and enjoy seeing you together and being a family. He was never supposed to be mine fully. I prefer it this way.
He’s too pretentious and jealous and would throw every dude I ever slept with in my face if we were together. I’d never be able to be my full weird autistic self cause he finds it to be a lot which is is, but a lot of guys fall in love with my extra and rambling and art and tumblr that I made him that he didn’t care for. Rude
I put work into that and I knew as I was writing it that he’d be like omg get to the point . You’re so long winded and yes I am and I need to stop explaining myself to him. He will never really get me fully.
I hope someday. I hope and pray that tonight is the night things change. That he’ll realize how far he went loving me in bed anyway and it’s hard to go back to stonewall and no flirty or cute names or compliments. I’ll be fine if I only get compliments in bed. Better than not knowing how they feel
That’s why I’m not so anxious. Cause no matter how wild and magical the sex was, someone who doesn’t care doesn’t make you keep making eye contact. Or kiss my tears. Or tell me I’ve got you and hold me. Or remember to kiss me goodbye. Thanks for that babe. I didn’t have you go and feel sad or ashamed or lonely. I felt like something important just slid into place and that’s so nice after the year I’ve had and since the election how scared and stressed I’ve been. If I need emotional support I need to stop texting and just say come fuck. Cause it fixes the same problem better. Curse he lacks empathy to most sad or emotional stuff I share and go thru. Problem solved immediately. Or makes me feel not good after I share like I’m draining him which I probably am. So slow the roll. Control yourself. You can do it girl
Prove your the best he ever had but also the best side girl cause I’m not going to make him do much . But will expect him and train him to treat me like a proper mistress;) flowers , doing boy stuff at the house a bit down the line lol, stop at the store and get drinks and snacks etc. just considerate stuff. And I’ll make art. But if he’s not appreciative it doesn’t matter, still a great way to cope. It’s always been for me. He’s a muse but that doesn’t mean he needs to get the art. He needs to inspire it
How to be romantic without scaring them that you want more or are in love? And when does it go from chick your cheating on ur wife with, to I love them both.. how much perfect lovemaking can you make without falling in love? Hopefully it’s just love him but not in love like where it hurts that I can’t have him. I don’t ever want to get there.
Just keep this beautiful thing the way it is
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fluffy-critter · 5 months ago
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