#One of my fave animes/mangas and another fandom I chill in
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fantasticalchaos · 5 months ago
With each day getting closer to the TWST Halloween 2025 Event, the closer for my funeral is because my fave TWST character Leona and to another extent Umehara, his Va is in it OTL
If the VAs hosting this stream is the roster for the SSRs, I can’t wait to see the card art and trailer!
And while I can’t wait to see who the new guy’s VA is, if it is one of the guesses (from Twitter) I think he is, IM GONNA CRASH AND EXPLOFE
Anyways, I’m so excited and normal not normal for the upcoming stream (even tho I’ll be asleep lol) 🙂
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hanjo-love · 4 years ago
Now I became selfish and I hope the shard is showing Hanji being saved by Kiyomi or something. She go the worst treatment and if Isayama was afraid of the backslash like you said why make it even worse with those parallels with eremika? Is he preparing the Fandom for another levihan moment? I'm tired of EVERYONE surviving but her, Kiyomi's kindness really??? And Onyankopon, while I don't hate him, he survived a plane crash and he doesn't add much yet he is there for being the editor's favorite, Yelena is there after all she did and she adds even less, and the people titanized will revert to human (or at the very least Isayama's favorites will).
Oh anonie, you and me both my friend, you and me both 😔 Beware, a long rant-ish meta is ahead of you lol
I have absolutely no fucking idea why Yams decided to treat Hanjo like shit. You know, after a long time of denying her death, I was starting to accept it, because she was finally free, free of the burden and pain and finally reunited with the people she missed and longed for the most. But then Yams decided to slap us all in the faces saying there's no happy & peaceful afterlife in snk and Hanjo was probs only hallucinating because of her 4 years long depression? Well then, fuck you Yams! What was that even for? Isayama never backed off of showing us the horrors of death in snk, no matter how important the characters and how brutal their deaths really were. Still, he never showed us Hanji's actual death or dead body. He kept it misterious and his vague answers only made it worse. So it's only natural for us to expect a plot twist, right? That's the reason all of us gathered various hints in the manga, anime and his interviews. And lemme tell you, these theories are far more logical, better explained and have less plot holes than the entire final arc smh (yes I'm salty, fight me lol)
I hate to admit it, my inner self is still in denial and fighting, but Hanjo ain't coming back folks. We won't get any background story and the misterious shard will never be explained to us either. Yams had more than enough time to bring Hanjo back, if he truly wanted to. But he didn't. And now with only one chapter and so many unanswered questions left, there's no time for Hange's return. Why would he even do that anyways? Hanjo isn't important to him or to the story anymore. To us she is, always was and always will be ❤️ You know, I'm so fucking desperate to see her again, I'll even take one last panel of Levi remembering her, just like in ch136. Yams just let us see Hanjo one more fucking time 🙏🏻 I need to say my proper goodbyes to my one&only comfort character, who's influenced my life like no one else ever did ❤️
Back to Levihan (I don't think I can answer an ask without my biased and trashy shipper ass butting in lmfao): the question why Yams confirmed Levihan as canon if he didn't intend to bring Hange back and reunite her with Levi to make us him happy again? Well, isn't it obvious? This man is the devil incarnate. THIS MAN HAS NO FUCKING CHILLS lmfao JK y'all before someone declares war on me and my blog haha Well anonie, I feel like Yams really wanted to confirm his initially planned ships as canon, before the manga ends. And he chose the safest way possible. Easy as that. Also he said he is going for a bittersweet ending and what's more tragic (in this literal hell) than separating lovers, ergo Eremika and Levihan.
Now to something else, that's been bothering me for a while now and I'll use your ask anonie to share my thoughts with the world even though nobody asked lmao tbh I'm a bit disappointed with Armin. I love him, I really do. He's my precious cinnamon roll and my fave 104th kiddo. But honestly, I was expecting a bit more of the alleged "hero who will safe humanity". In fact, I'm sure Hanjo only died for Armin to become the new commander. That's it. That was the reason she had to die. Yams glossed over her to make Armin shine. But in fact, Levi's the one who's giving orders ever since Hange has left them. I might me salty, but I really hope the talk with Zeke (and probs Ymir as well, we still might have a chance to see the dialog that made Ymir change her mind) and his titan nuke weren't the only things he did as "humanity's hero" in this final arc. For some people this might me enough, for me it isn't. It wasn't worth Hange's sacrifice. Also what made me really sad was Armin himself glossing over Hanjo when he remembered Erwin Danchou, but not her. Like she didn't just pass away an hour ago to save their pathetic asses. Ugh this is making me hella mad, ngl. Hanjo didn't deserve this treatment! She gave her all for this! To save the alliance, to "pay the price" for her "sins" as the SC commander and to save humanity. I can't deal with how all of them and the fandom apparently forgot about that.
Now on to "Kiyomi's kindness" lol I wasn't really mad at Gabi for saying this as most of the fandom was. I won't go into detail why she isn't really a rationally thinking character (yo guys, you do remember she's a 12 year old kid, right?), but it's a fact that she didn't care for Hange enough to mention her. I mean, why would she? She barely even knew her. Also we don't really know what's gonna happen with Yelena, Kiyomi and her delegation. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I feel like Kiyomi accepted her death with saying "that's not enough atonement for what I did anyway". I mean they don't know if the alliance will win (they probably think they won't) and they're in the middle of literally nowhere. So I feel like Gabi said that because Kiyomi sacrificed herself (and the others on that ship) willingly, for Gabi, Falco and Annie getting a little chance of surviving and helping the alliance. But I get the rage of the fandom. Especially because no one, except for Levi, remembered Hange after her noble sacrifice.
As for Yelena and Onyankopon, there obviously has to be someone from outside of Paradis to survive the rumbling, otherwise it wouldn't make a lot of sense, I guess. I like Onyankopon a hecking lot ❤️ precious boi was literally crying for Hanjo 😭 Yelena on the other hand deserves what she got. Death would be too easy and kind for her tbh. She has to live with the consequences, just like Kiyomi, so I'm actually glad they survived. So my guess is, it's not really about who's Yams' favorite and what these people are contributing to the story, but it's rather about a logical ending and a good conclusion of the story.
I agree with you about the ones who have been titanized. They'll for sure revert back to humans. It's not really Yams' style to kill of an important character like Gabi, whose character development he's been forcing on us for quite a while now lol. I'm pretty positive about an ending with the titan curse being broken and bringing the titanized people back to human beings (probs also the millions of colossal titans?). It's only natural for Yams to end the story with the titan curse being lifted. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense to end his story at this point. But let's not forget what a big ass troll Yams is lmao you never really know what he's up to, so let's prepare for the unimaginable lmfao
I'll probably never forgive Isayama for what he did to Hange, his best written character, how he completely ruined her and threw her away as disposable, just to make other characters "shine". HER DEATH WAS POINTLESS AND IT DID NOT FUCKING CHANGE ANYTHING! That's the harsh truth y'all. Yams betrayed Hanjo and us AND FOR WHAT?
Thanks for the ask anonie and sorry I turned this into my personal rant lmao hope you still enjoy reading my thoughts on this ❤️
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animesllut666 · 4 years ago
Hello! I love Blood Lad, so I'd like to request any headcanons you have for Beros & Goyle's relationship (bc them & Braz are my faves)!
((The fact this show has practically no fandom is borderline CRIMINAL, so I'm glad to find another fan-)
Hiya!! I love Blood Lad, (remarkablly) has such a small (if not no) fandom. Cuz to be honest, it is a great anime! And the reviews for it were great, but it didn't get picked up for another season! :(
I hope you like it! And that it fits what you wanted, I really need to read the manga to get a better grasp of the two of them!
(Wolf, Braz, an belle are my favs.)
Anime: Blood Lad (If no one has watched it, plz watch it! It's really good and funny!)
Characters: GOYLES and BEROS
Warnings: little possessiveness, sexual undertone, fluff or at least my attempt, not proof read
I made this gif for her, but I can't find any clips of Beros :(
Tumblr media
First thing FIRST
It's canon already
Did ya see what happened with Braz? And when he thought she was dead
Home boy in the beginning of the relationship I feel like was over (helicopter) protective of her
Like sure she IS clearly a badass
Can handle her own
But she seems to get easily flustered and overwhelmed
So that just drove him to the edge
It actually kind of put a strain on there relationship for a while
But then she said something about it
It was difficult for him to tone it down
But then he started standing back abit, and only comes in when he really needs too
I feel as though they both are affectionate
But Beroz more
Not that goyles isn't affectionate she just more low-key
With sweet touches here and there, hand holding to the T for this one
Just subtle affection, where Beroz notices and has caught on too it
the kind of hug that gets picked up and kind of shock around
Kissing her just to see her get flustered
Patting her head when he walks by
I think goyles likes to anger Beroz just to see his wild side come out
She think it 🥵
That and kind of entertaining, to see him get so worked up
Like I said in the beginning of there relationship he was 100% over protective
Someone accidentally bumped into her one day knocking her over
You would have thought the guy, stabbed her, spit on her and cursed her with how he reacted
But anyways
I see her being a book nerd, just chilling in a little nook that Beroz crafted for her one day
He likes to read but I don't think its anything major or over the top, idk I just.. don't get THAT kind of vibe from him
Like sure maybe for work but idk
She finds it to be an outlet
He'll ask her what she is reading, and what it's about, and will honestly be listening and later in the week asking how it was going for main characters adventure
They both like to play desktop games, they have some consoles here and there but it's mainly desktop
He had built them both a PC one day
Idk how but he did it, and goyles lost her MIND
They go on cute dates here and there, might even go over to the human realm (if they are able too, or just sneak there)
One day had a picnic in a cemetery
Ya know couple shit like that
Whenever they go over to the human side, Goyles always gets stopped and complimented on her outfits
At first she was like "... What...??"
But once she got use to it
She goes all out
Even has Beroz get dressed up
Sometimes they don't leave the demon realm because they both LOOK THAT GOOD TO EACHOTHER
But Idk I see them as a very healthy, cute couple, it was kind of rocky in the beginning.
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animatedarchives · 4 years ago
HEY SOPH !!! HOW AM I ?? I COULDVE BEEN BETTER BUT ITS ALL GOOD AHAH but yeahh in all seriousness,, im doing finee hehe im alive and healthy and i hope you are too 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️ im currently on school break and the weathers been rainy here but im loving it SO MUCH !! its always so hot so its nice to have it cooling every once in a while,, esp now that its nearing christmas !! i dont celebrate it and idk if you do but merry early christmas 🎄☃️ oh man the weathers so perfect to cuddle up against someone IM SO TOUCH STARVED 😭✋🏽
and omg yes !! i saw that youre writing for so many more fandoms aND IM SUPER EXCITED !! ESP FOR JJK !! when i first viewed your acc yest night and saw your new layout with gojo as your pfp and everything MANS FREAKED OUT HAHAH i was like "an opportunity to talk to someone about it ?? not just anyone but literally ONE OF MY FAVE 🤩🤩 WRITERS ?? YES PLS !!" i cannot wait for tonights ep !! but waiit i heard someone on tiktok saying "last ep of haikyuu and THAT ep of jjk tonight" AND IM TOTALLY FREAKING OUT !! WHAT DO THEY MEAN BY "THAT EP" ?? WHATS GONNA HAPPEN ?? i havent read the manga and im so scared 😫😫
also yeapp i saw that youre doing a prompt event but if im not mistaken, all of them are taken? idk i didnt see any left so i wasnt sure if i should request or not ☹️☹️ but if youre feeling up to it and have time,, i was wondering if you could write anyth for kenma? idk its just hes kinda like my comfort character ig,, along with suga and yams !!
bUT OKAY YES I READ THE IWA FIC JUST THIS MORNING AND SJSJSPSB NO WORDS i just cannot believe that you thought of me when writing it 😢🥺 and i literally dont mind i died HAHAAH I LOVE ANGST ITS LIKE MY FAVE TYPE OF GENRE ?? idk if its a genre but yeah !!! i know hes just a fictional character but when you included the necklace i was like "omg he gave that to me,, im literally y/n" AS IF I WASNT DELULU ENOUGH 🤢🥴 I LOVED IT SM BUT OKAY I KINDA TEARED UP sO after that i went to read your jjk one about gojo at the theatre and so cute OMFG and then i went to read like the facts about you omg youre so cute !! but i can write more about that in another post im rambling too much here 🙊🙊
as for the emoji,, i think i wanna use this one: 🌊 !! its in my fave colour blue and i love the ocean !! even though i cant swim 😬😬 i hope its not taken 🙏🏽🙏🏽 but yeah thanks for taking your time to read this,, hope we can talk more !! love ya !!🥰❤️
oH NOOO im sorry you werent doing super well but im gLAD THAT YOURE MUCH BETTER NOW!! im on my school break rn and im chiLLiNG so i am doing vERY WELL HEHE and omg SAME its so damn hot where i live (but it has been raining more often so it’s cooler LOL) but yES I DO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS AND I LOVE IT A LOT TOO christmas is truly my favourite time of the year because it just gives me sUcH cozy and loving vibes and i just- 🥰🥰
oh yAA my prompt event was first come first serve and unfortunately kenma didnt get a slot bUT im planning to write some fluff for him soon for my friend’s long overdue present LOL so look out for that 👁👅👁
I SNORTED WHEN I READ “i literally dont mind i died” HAHAHAHAHAHHA I DIDNT MEAN IT AS IN I KILLED YOU JUST WHEN I WAS WRITING THE NECKLACE PART I WAS LIKE omg i remember that anon i wrote for 🥺🥺 but yes bb i could never forget you especially after you were so incredibly sweet to me 🥺🥺🥰🥰
thank you for sticking around for so long it truly means so much to me and the fact that i’m one of your fav writers and you even remembered my lil ol blog and came back to check on it when you got tumblr again mAKES ME WANNA TEAR UP 😭😭 i love you sO MUCH i hope you’re having a wONDERFUL DAY and pls come back any time you like okay mWAH 😙❤️
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sleepymouses · 5 years ago
tagged by @littlepetbee, thank uuuu <3 i spent way too long thinking about htis lol,
Rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, tag a bunch o ppls to do it too (if y’all want to, supes no pressure or anything!)
Natsume yuujinchou  (a teenage orphan who sees spirits/monsters sets out to free the spirits who were bound in magical contract by his grandmother after he inherits a powerful book, aided primarily by a spirit who appears as an exasperated fat cat (who is just as fun as he sounds). Titular character is like my Fave boy in the whole world, he’s so kind and soft despite all the hardships he’s faced, the series has very gentle pacing/character development, and each episode is a carefully crafted lil story that have often moved me to tears, chuckles, or outright chinhands of fondness as u watch natsume slowly find a home in the world and amongst the humans &spirits around him. big focus on friendships, there’s like no romance with any of the main characters, lots of cool different creatures (most of whom arent all that scary once u get to know them), its just literally everything i could ever dream for in a show and it exists! <3)
Leverage (team of modern day robin hoods ruin rich peoples’ lives via  delightfully crafted spy cons to give back to the regular folks the rich people hurt. Extremely good, strong found family vibes, and v cathartic)
Brooklyn 99 (follows diverse cast of character who make up a NY precinct. Hilarious, immensely wholesome & groundbreaking, & probs the most lighthearted crime show besides like psych tbh)
Blackspot/Zone Blanche (spoopy french/belgium crime series set in a small village way out in the mountains surrounded by misty, mysterious and murdery woods. eerie and atmospheric, but also like one of my fave characters (everyone calls him teddy bear) keeps a pet guinea pig at work, so it’s not entirely grim and bleak)
Longmire (a modern western crime drama centering around the titular sheriff and others in their small town wyoming county, well written and lot of chracter development revealed alongside some really good case mysteries bc i love trying to figure out whodunits apparently based on a book series well adored by dads btw)
who is your favorite character in 2? (leverage) ahhh,,, this is hard... Eliot maybe? like Hardison is baby ofc, but i relate to elliot a ton (i think if i was on a team i would want to be the hitter tbh?) and love the subversion of so many action hero tropes that he is, also endlessly amused by how very put upon he is despite all his rad/random skills
who is your least favorite character in 1? (natsume yuujinchou) oh seiji matoba for sure, he can go eat a mouldy tree stump. absolutely evil nasty dude
what is your favorite episode of 4? (blackspot) the end of the road. great opening, didnt end up too devastating unlike a lot of the cases, Hermann was gr8, cool twist i hadnt super expected in the plot which was neat.
what is your favorite season of 5? (longmire) probs 1, walter reeally started to piss me off being Such A Man in later seasons, also me being extremely anxious about Henry and his life choices later, that creepy stalker storyline starting up with Someone and when Someone else in the main cast got died really suddenly and upsettingly later on as well, also when a weird relationship started between some of the characters that i really aint feeling so. before all that happened was nice (also sorry if this is super vague, im trying to avoid spoilers)
who is your favorite couple in 3? (B99) Besides Jake/Amy and Holt/Kevin (bc oviously theyre gr8) uh.. i know it was a long time ago and didnt last very long, but i thought rosa and marcus were really sweet? it brought another layer out to her character, even when they broke up that helped rosa starting to show emotional vulnerability and all, even tho it ended it was still just, idk, i liked them.
who is your favorite couple in 2? (leverage) Does trio count, cos Parker/Eliot/Harding 4 life yo
what is your favorite episode of 1? (natsume yujinchou) i have sooo many faves ahhh!!! i dont think i could pick just one on pain of death, every episode is acrefully cosntructed gem all on its own and i have too many that i love and adore to pick jsut one :((
what is your favorite episode of 5? (longmire) Dog soldier!! ive rewatched that one a ton, so so many good bits, really satisfying resolution of the case despite the shitty system that was revealed, and i rmr getting chills by the end the first time i saw it.
what is your favorite season of 2? (leverage) i guess season 1? just, idk, everything being set up and watching all these grumpies/less grumpies who have no plans to stay together start working together as a baby team, and just the joy of seeing their first heist together with the first plot twist, just.. such a delight, but all seasons that ive seen so far were all excellent, it’s a stellar show
how long have you watched 1? (natsume yujinchou) oh idk exactly, like years and years man... defs the longest out of all on this list
how did you become interested in 3? (b99) i think it was just on netflix way back in season 1 and i started watching it, loved it and never stopped? i think that might have even been before it got rlly popular lol
who is your favorite actor in 4? (blackspot) i dont rlly know any of these french peeps? but teddybear’s one of my fave characters, so hopefully the person who plays him is also cool, in which case hubert delattre (if not, Suliane Brahim does a v good job as the lead)
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? (natsume yujinchou, leverage or longmire) um... real torn between natsume and leverage here, they’re both such lovely gems that do found family so, so well.. leverage is a team of modern robin hood-esque spies with brilliant writing and exciting heists and multiple delightful plot twists every episode and great character building and so much catharticism in ruining evil rich peoples lives.
but natsume’s title character is one of my very favorite characters ever, hes been through so much but he becomes the most kindest and thoughtful boy ever, and its so, so soft and gentle in its development of characters and their slow build of getting to know each other and becoming friends, and the interactions with the paranormal world are very rarely entirely malicious/scary, and there’s pretty well no romance, at least like no romance for plot/with the main characters anyways, and there’s lots of female characters who have important roles but arent sexualized/killed off for man feels/exist for romo (which sadly cannot be said about a lot of media, especially manga/anime tbh, even leverage does not win entirely on that front).. its defintiely my favorite anime ever (i dont watch loads, but literally no other one can ever come close to topping its perfection),
i guess tho, leverage is over, and natsume is still technically ongoing, so i guess for that then i have to go with natsume?
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? (natsume yuujinchou or b99) Natsume for sure, they’re so short its easy to power thru like half a season in an afternoon
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? (blackspot) i would probably want to be someone who didnt live in villefranche actually haha uh, it’s a pretty spoopity place.. even some of the characters i do like make some Bad decisions that are v bothersome. Dr. Leila barami seems to have a good head on her shoulders tho, so if i Must be a character here then let’s go with her
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? (b99 or blackspot) oh god... the cheery upbeat department at the 99 meet up with a grim, misty tiny mountain forest village with bleak day to day life, solving crimes amidst small town paranoia and weird maybe cult-related conspiracies and honestbhly something/s paranormal and menacing going on in the woods?? i just... cant see any of the characters even interacting lol, im just picturing jake’s confused befuddled face when he hears something weird but like x 10000
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? (natsume yujinchou) hm... i mean, one of the things i love about Natsume is that there arent really any romo relationships tbh? at least not with any of the main characters in the main storyline (so far), just like the odd one-off of minor characters (and takashi’s adopted parents ofc, but that’s different). so, yeah, i cant really think of one (although i think the big fandom fave ship of takashi and his worst enemy is rlly.. nope, and i dont know what’s going on there? takashi and tanama however, that would make sense, tho it is not unlikely so i cant answer this question with them)
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? (b99 or longmire) b99! cos ya know my annoyances with some of the stuff happening later on in longmire lol, b99 just got better n better as it went along, and it’s still going :’)
which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? (leverage or blackspot) blackspot has a real good eerie atmospheric theme which is gr8 and i love it <3 (leverage’s tune is like, elevator music/cheesy jazzy spy tune, which does suit it tho lol)
and idk, anyone bored and stuck at home who wants to do this? no pressure if ur like nah but if u wanna go ahead.... @creepy-friend-of-darkness @anna-wa @rhinky-thingz @rexbasileus @aeolian-harp @warrenkoles @softbrobarnes @damnitttana @cluelesswolf @moondoggiestyle @blloodorangeisthenewblack @my-nail-beds-suck @frankiecolours @savvylikeyeahhh @lake-effectkidx @justhugharry @casualmisandry @j4ya @galaxygalpals @thesecondwarm @dealwright @knipperdollin @curlycombover @kaspbrakeddie (and if i didnt tag u and u still wanna do this, consider yeself tagged)
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 5 years ago
Prince of Tennis (2019) meme
I was tagged by @hardworkingprocrastinator aka @rupru-russiaxprussia whom I do believe I ranted with about the Imperial Pair ship, and the unexpected potential of Si Yang x Qi Ying… so thanking you kindly for another excuse to rave about ChinaPuri… sooo uhhh time for some fun times!!
Tagging: I have 0 idea who to tag because we a smaller fandom
Warning: I have not watched or read the original manga/anime soooooo I’m in an even smaller subset of the fandom babeyyyy!!! It has also been a couple months since I watched the show, so there is a strong chance I’ll have forgotten names and situations, and just general thoughts I have... BUT WHATEVER time to rant to the thirteen people who’ve watched ChinaPuri!!!
1. Favorite character(s)? 2. Favorite school team(s)? 3. Favorite coach(es)? 4. Favorite supporting cast member(s)? (characters who aren’t regulars, aren’t on tennis teams etc.) 5. Favorite original character(s) in the adaptation? 6. Who do you think enacted their role best? 7. Favorite singles match? 8. Favorite doubles match? 9. Favorite story arc? 10. Most amusing tenipuri scene(s)/moment(s)/running joke(s)? 11. What did you like most about the adaptation? 12. What do you think the adaptation could have improved on? 13. Any other thoughts you want to share?
1. Favorite character(s)?
MU SI YANG BABEYYYYY!!! I already love a stoic glasses boi, but Mu Si Yang (again not TeniPuri Tezuka, just ChinaPuri Si Yang) may be one of my favourite takes on the stoic glasses boi… like I don’t often enjoy live action versions of anime, especially because the acting is never the best (and granted this one too, had some okay performances) but the guy who plays Mu Si Yang melted my heart… he was the stony-faced serious captain, who could deliver a subtle joke that left you snickering… but he was also the determined, earnest, crazy talented leader with his own hidden struggles who just wanted to take his team and friends as far as they go into competition… which is an essential part of any good sports drama… and he captured it so perfectly… and I love him.. he’s so beautiful too… I would fall in love with him in a heartbeat, and I don’t often say that about characters (like I love them but never in love ya dig?)
Zhou Zhi was a close favourite…basically I just love the two genius senpais…
2. Favorite school team(s)?
Oh god… Yu Feng maybe? We spend the most time with them, they have the most screen time of all the other teams…we have a whole training arc where they’re continuously winning against the struggling to evolve Yu Qing…very reminiscent of the Karasuno-Nekoma rivalry in that they help each other get better… I would’ve loved to see the rivalry/camaraderie develop even more so that when Si Yang leaves, the relief at having this network of tennis friends would’ve been that much more powerful…
Also I really enjoy Xu Ziping’s hustle… I love the story of Yu Feng…they had a shitty coach and had to make a deal to keep winning in order to even remain an official team… and when Yu Qing faced Yu Feng, I really couldn’t tell who I wanted to root for because I knew there was real weight behind every loss for Yu Feng…
After that, maybe No. 6… they’re so chill, they’re not straining for each win and just enjoying their time on the court…and the Old Coach dude was a great character to introduce...
3. Favorite coach(es)?
Maybe No. 6’s coach… I legit can’t remember his name but he oozes skill and experience without all the stress of younger coaches who bend over backwards for success… and while, again, the circumstances surrounding his appearance was a bit waffle-y in execution (which is about par for live action adaptations), I love that he serves as a sage outsider who can assess in three seconds what kind of player Lu Xia is, and what he needs to do to improve… I love me a good wise character who still knows how to inspire people in a fun way but you never, for a second, doubt that what they’re saying is legit advice, even if their mannerisms are goofy…
4. Favorite supporting cast member(s)? (characters who aren’t regulars, aren’t on tennis teams etc.)
Oh I mean…Stretcher Bros for life amirite? They were great…they were just hanging out, trying out.. Huang Jing is kinda jerk-ish, but he’s the starting antagonist who turns out to have a pure heart and a genuine love of the sport (kinda like Tsukishima Kei from Haikyuu!! or the GoMs from Kuroko no Basuke)… and Xiu Wen is such a soft boi who wants to shower in peace without girls being in the locker room…
Put these two besties together forever…and I just love how cuddly they are with each other…no hesitation to hold hands or hug…it’s gooood
5. Favorite original character(s) in the adaptation?
Um…idk who’s an original character??? Again never watched the original anime/read the manga!
5.5. Favourite ship? (Get ready my friendsss issa long one)
Si Yang x Qi Ying my friendssss… a super unexpected pairing that came outta nowhere!!! Because the trailer clearly shows (or maybe it doesn’t and I forgot) that Lu Xia and Qi Ying are gonna be THE THING but then we get hit with the surprise senpai-kouhai/team manager ship and I’m like uhhh were you planning this or am I reading into it too much???
Like y’all they were flirting right in the beginning… that whole bit where she stands outside the change rooms and Si Yang confronts her, and she begs him to add Lu Xia to the team (even tho he already did) and he was weirdly teasing her about the roster when he had no reason to, and she was kinda bantering back with him and she fully called him out later on… i was like, umm this is a vibe
They just kept getting thrown together in weird ways…aside from Lu Xia, she’s probably had the most interactions with Si Yang of all the other team members… she’s the only one he calls Xiao~ like the boys in the tennis club have their nicknames like Dachi, Ah Mu, Ah Yan, but only Qi Ying is Xiao Ying!!  he’s not a nickname guy… and maybe if it were a girl/cheerleader thing, you’d think he’d call Peng Xiang, Xiao Xiang BUT NO… only Qi Ying gets called Xiao Ying!!!
AND ANOTHER THING: other than Lu Xia, he’s the only one concerned for Qi Yang, despite what he says, when she gets caught in the rain and gets sick… he fully visits her in her room, and receives the call about her health after they send her to the hospital… he says everyones worried BUT YO they’re straight up just bored and end up having a pillow fight…sooooo can’t be that worried…
AND ONE MORE THING: Qi Ying, I get she’s this weird mascot/team manager figure on their team (even tho she’s meant to be a cheerleader but they never invite Peng Xiang to any of their team dinners or their training camp) BUT WHEN SI YANG RETURNS HOME, THEY SEND IN QI YING TO GREET HIM and they have this whole charming convo where she teases him...and they were chatting as if they always had this banter going on but they’d only talked like 3 or 4 times on screen before then, so there’s this whole relationship she has with the tennis team (not just Lu Xia) that is implied but we don’t really see it! And when she teasingly calls him Captain Si Yang after he returns to China, he had the softest smileeee!!! HE TOTALLY DOES HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR HER!! He didn’t want her to think he wasn’t happy to see her... and then she leads him to their surprise party in the club room and he just keeps saying Xiao Ying…  like damn you keep trying to establish the Lu Xia x Qi Ying ship (and it is a decently strong ship) but Si Yang x Qi Ying is soooo good!
After this Rival Pair, and then Golden Pair - our resident married couple
(POST Here: all the gay faves they didn’t even try to hide)
(POST Here: almost confirmed ships by the end)
6. Who do you think enacted their role best?
I…I think this is obvious… NEXT
Jk… other than Si Yang, I really enjoyed the guy who plays Lu Xia - Peng Yu Chang… he played the typical “stoic, super talented/genius sports idiot” type prolific in sports anime (like Furuya from Daiya no A, Kageyama from Haikyuu!!, Midorima from KnB)… but he was never too stuck in his head, and he was never mean… too often there’ll be a moment where this type of character is played too seriously, gets stuck in their own head, and lashes out at anyone they deem getting in their way, especially when they feel they’re stuck in a rut… which Lu Xia is in, for essentially the entirety of the show, in one form or another…
But PYC played Lu Xia as this mildly cocky, but still incredibly enthusiastic young genius who is looking for the next big challenge so as to further himself, but is so obsessed with this one opponent (his dad), that he can’t see the bigger picture and realise his entire way of playing is a mirror of the very opponent he’s trying to overcome… but even at the height of his stagnation, he’s never mean to Qi Ying, who tries her best to support and encourage him… while he does distance himself from the team, it’s not an active dismissal of their assistance or support… he can play a straight faced comic when embarrassed/discombobulated (like Si Yang when faced with Yan Juice), but also always participates in most of the weird antics his team is up to… and it never feels OOC and thats clearly a result of Peng Yu Chang’s subtle acting…
7. Favorite singles match?
Oh pfft… please… PLEASE IS THERE EVEN A QUESTION it was arguably the best match of the whole show, it was what we were all waiting for, a super tension filled, super hyped up match because it features my favourite character, who has simultaneously been promoted as THE BEST PLAYER ON THE TEAM but also super injured and avoiding over-exertion… MU SI YANG…against his personal rival, whom had never tasted defeat before, and subsequently trained like crazy, throwing all of the money at professional players, FOR A YEAR, in order to be ready to face him… JI JING WU
That’s right baby, its the Imperial Pair Match (I do hope I’m using all these nicknames correctly..I just tried to pick them up from the anime/manga to save time writing out their names XD)…
This match is everything you ever want in a match…it’s a gritty, no-holds-barred, all-out, clash-of-titans-style face-off between probably the two most talented players in that whole (province? Prefecture? Idk China regional names) BUT YEAH THESE TWO ARE CLEARLY TOP TIER PLAYERS WHO FINALLY GO HEAD TO HEAD… it’s a year in the making, Ji Jing Wu is in peak physical condition, but Si Yang is not…and yet we see Si Yang powering through the literal agony of an arm injury that threatens complete destruction of not only his tennis career, but his general usage of that arm… and for glory and to bring his team to the national stage, Si Yang lays it all on the line… and he still gives Ji Jing Wu a run for his goddamn money… he matches him hit for hit, and at one point he was even WINNING…and had it not been for his arm, I swear up and down that he would’ve beaten Jingwu…
BUT THAT’S NOT EVEN THE BEST PART… i mean, all sports anime and just shounen anime in general have those moments where the characters are down and out and summoning the power of friendship and determination to their side to go above and beyond the physical limitations of their bodies… NO THE ACTUAL BEST PART WAS JI JINGWU’S RESPONSE TO THE WHOLE SITUATION
The goddamn respect he gave Si Yang.. this is his rival, the only person he’s ever viewed as equal and even superior to his own skills (at least as far as people the same age as him go)… Jingwu wants to beat him so bad… and he’s heard the rumours about Si Yang’s injury, and he even sees for himself how bad the injury is… but as a skilled player who recognises skill himself, he does not do Si Yang the disrespect of going easy on him… what kind of arrogant prick has that kind of nerve to give less than their best to someone who is giving them 120% effort… no, Ji Jingwu doesn’t hesitate to hit back full power, even as he’s yelling at Si Yang to stop before his arm is utterly destroyed… because the last thing any person of talent would want, is to see another person lose such an incredible gift… but even worse than that, have that person realise someone was going easy on them... it was so goddamn beautiful… and when Jingwu grips Si Yang’s hand and raises it high because he and everyone there knows who the real winner of that match is…they all know that they just witnessed something incredible, and he wants everyone in the stands to not only acknowledge it… but remember it…
And then he proceeds to fund Si Yang’s surgery, his flight, his meals, his rehabilitation, AS WELL AS take care of his team… and if that isn’t love, idk what is… like they don’t even disguise the hard core DEDICATION AND LOVE... Jingwu has obsessed over Si Yang for a year and it goddamn shows
Honourable Mention: I really enjoyed Zhou Zi versus the demon child whose eyes go red…we finally get to see Zhou Zi stretch his legs and push himself and I LOVED THAT… like he’s actually trying his best and that’s dope… also the match against the captain of the team his little brother his on… he basically led this cocky motherfucker by the nose for 5 games, pretends to be losing, and then destroys him in the following 7…
OH AND I GOTTA SHOUT OUT MY OTHER GLASSES BOI YAN ZHIMING VERSUS HIS BEST GUY FRIEND FROM YOUTH… that was a beautiful evolution of Ah Yan transcending but also evolving his data tennis against his childhood friend and it feels good ya know?
8. Favorite doubles match?
Oh pfft anything with the Rival Pair… they bicker like cat and dog, but then you put them on the court together, and suddenly their chemistry is through the roof… also Baiyang and Qiao Chen are a stronger couple than Qiao Chen and Yu Xing Zi and that’s the damn tea
(Same two posts for why that tea)
9. Favorite story arc?
Oh man… ummm training arc with Yu Feng was fun but it was definitely beaten out by the “village raises a child” arc when Si Yang leaves, so literally all their previous opponents step up to encourage, train, or otherwise intimidate Yu Qing into giving it their all, improving, and ultimately winning the finals… plus this arc gave so much depth to the network of teams who all have the same aspirations, in the end, and want to push forward the people who beat them to not let their loss be in vain…and that’s pure…
10. Most amusing tenipuri scene(s)/moment(s)/running joke(s)?
Yan Juice... especially the first time NEXT
Honourable Mentions: When Lu Xia gets stood up by Xinglong Lu Xia running interference on Qi Ying’s admirer in the final ep When Zhou Bros run into Lu Xia in the dressing rooms Stretcher Bros trying to become Painter Bros
11. What did you like most about the adaptation?
It captured the essence of a good sports anime: power of friendship, ridiculous action sequences of outrageous moves that would never be allowed in real life, determination and guts is all you need to succeed, that all-or-nothing mentality of high schoolers who suddenly have tunnel vision and no future thinking whatsoever, and decide to risk life and limb for one match… plus it kept a charming and comedic beat running throughout, really endeared you to the characters, and their struggles... AND NO ONE WAS MEAN... well I mean Ya Jiuxin was an angry bitter jerk for a hot second, but he ended up being endeared towards the lil fluffball kouhai of his, and we all know he loves Xinglong in his heart of hearts... other characters like Jingwu, or demon child, or Zhou Yu’s captain were cocky or arrogant, but they were never mean to each other, and respected each other’s game play even if they were defeated.. a couple were poor losers, but they didn’t throw a fit or try to get revenge or anything like that... everyone, in general, had some decency to them, and in fact all of Yu Qing was a super nice...sometimes too nice and self-deprecating that you wanted to smack them...
12. What do you think the adaptation could have improved on?
This is mostly just a consequence of live action adaptations of sports anime where they have to condense a whole lot of story that is already condensed from the manga into a palatable show that anyone, not necessarily pre-existing fans of the original source, can enjoy… the story around the characters seemed waffle-y and disjointed… sometimes things would happen but wouldn’t connect smoothly to the next thing that happens… there was this whole implied close relationship between Qi Ying and the team that just was never shown… I would’ve preferred they made her an official manager, so it would make sense that she’d be so close to the team, when for whatever reason, Peng Xiang wasn’t…even tho they’re both cheer captains…
The match sequences were cut down a little too much (tho I get why)… I would have loved that final training arc to be extended, to fully flesh out how discombobulated Yu Qing was when Si Yang had to leave, and how forcefully the other teams picked them up and got them better… so to develop the dynamic between the teams before this would’ve been good, but obviously they can only got the core actors of each team at a time… hence that barbecue scene… but if they’d pulled off something like the Haikyuu!! Tokyo training arc, or even something like in KnB where the teams were thrown together in wacky hijinks or impromptu match situations to develop their camaraderie (and they sorta tried to but nothing really came of the interactions), it would’ve made the final training arc THAT MUCH MORE heartwarming and I would have cried..
13. Any other thoughts you want to share?
I’ve already said enough. The end.
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awkwardtaco056 · 7 years ago
Okay so all about me, the 2018 edition
What’s my name? Call me Ray!
Race? I’m Black/African American
Pronouns? They/Them/Their is best!
Orientation? Pan with a strong female preference and demisexual
How old are you? 18 years old, though I could pass for 12 or 13, lmao. My birthday is May 15 (Taurus for the win)
Personality? I’m lowkey really shy lel so if I’m awkward it’s not personal, I’m just Big Introvert
Music I listen to?
Childish Gambino
Ariana Grande (I’ve adored her since her Nickelodeon days)
Fall Out Boy
Panic! At the Disco
My Chemical Romance
Twenty One Pilots
Ed Sheeran
All Time Low
Mac Miller (I love The Divine Feminine)
Big Sean (Love Dark Paradise)
Atlas (underground rapper on YouTube and Soundcloud, he’s great!)
Lo fi hip hop (really calming music genre, 10/10 would recommend)
Do you like muscials? Yes!!! My #1 fave is Hairspray, but I also adore Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and I’m causally into Be More Chill and Heathers 
Youtubers I Like?
Game Grumps (another fave!)
Thomas Sanders (my fave!!)
Steven Universe
Gravity Falls
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
South Park
Other shows I like?
Voltron: Legendary Defender
I Am Jazz
Adam Ruins Everything (Really eye opening show about life’s misconstrued views)
1000 Ways to Die
Animes I watch?
Sailor Moon (I’m a hardcore moonie)
One Punch Man
My Hero Academia
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Manga I Read/Have Read/Started Reading?
Sailor Moon
Dragon Ball
Kitchen Princess (finished)
Chi’s Sweet Home
Death Note
One Punch Man
My Hero Academia
Love In Hell (finished)
Assassination Classroom
Haganai! I Don’t Have Many Friends
Dragon Ball Z
Things I tag? Definetly triggering things, politics, LGBT things, just about anything! Ask me and I’ll totally tag it for you!
What Do I Do? Don’t be fooled by my lack of a theme; I’m an aspiring artist!
Favorite Ways to Art? I usedgood ol pen and paper for years, but recently I’ve gotten pretty decent at digital art. I also found that I enjoy charcoal, though it is very messy. A solid percentage of the work by me overall is traditional, but I do mostly digital now
Trusy Bag? Yep!, although that picture is a bit dated. I still have that bag though
Other Social Media?
Twitter: I’m gonna try really hard to be more active on here
DeviantART: where you can find most of my art that does and doesn’t make it on here (plus really old stuff I wince at blargh)
Instagram: My main IG account that also lacks a theme where I post memes, multifandom stuff, occasional selfies, my personal life, basically anything I please! My art on IG can be found under the hashtag #disneyfan056
Patreon: This is new territory for me honestly, so I haven’t really used it lol
YouTube: I post occasional nightcore videos and lo fi mixes! You can also look at my playlists to see what I jam to when drawing  
AO3: Not only do I draw, I write! Here you can find my older fanfics from FanFiction.net, and newer ones!  
Spotify: My other music go-to other than YouTube, here you can find my OTP playlists and see other music I love!
I also have another Tumblr blog! My aesthetic blog is @ my-heart-is-a-kaleidoscope056
Do you take requests? Recently not so much, I’d much rather get commissions, but I’ll take suggestions occasionally :0
Do you accept art trades? We’ll talk about it
Do you take commissions? Yes! I take them through PayPal; message me for more info!
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elo-kodon · 5 years ago
Pass the happy! ❤️🌈 When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications.
Aw hello :3 i'll try my best :) 5 things that make me happy: 1. Good stories!: Stories are the one thing that really connect us all as people in this world. Good stories are so dear to me, they make me happy, make me laugh, make me cry, and are such an inspiration! And not to mention a soothing escape in these troubling times. Some of my fave stories, manga, and animes: -Haikyuu!! -Bungou Stray Dogs -FMA Brotherhood -Yuri on Ice -K Project -Psycho Pass -Acid Town -Harry Potter -Thief Lord -Peter Pan -Anne of Greene Gables -X Men -Stranger Things -Akira -Neon Gen -DuRaRaRa! -Naruto -Kiki's Delivery Service -Spirited Away -Castle in the Sky -Summer Wars -Black Butler -She Ra -Life is Strange -Case Closed You get the idea lol. 2. Music! Oof, music really helps with everything. It seriously gives me so much life and warmth when i need it the most and there's definitely a song and artist out there for every single mood for every single day! Also a great source of inspiration, Some of my fave musicians, bands, and artists: -Tove Lo -Florence and the Machine -Charlie XCX -The Decemberists -TORRES -Banks -The Strokes -Lil Peep -Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac -Lil Skies -GOT7 -Sunmi 3. Art/Color As an art/design major, i cant deny that all art that i see every single day leaves an emotional impact on me, whether it's just made me smile, made me think, made me day dream. be filled with wonder, etc. There are so many wonderful artists and creators on this site that i will need to come back and make a masterlist of my fave artists/creators so y'all can check them out! Worry not, it's on my to do list! 4. Fan Fiction No lie, fan fiction and fan works of my fave series has seriously made me so happy these past few years. I can honestly say it's left so much a positive impact and outlook on my life and I will probably continue to read fanfiction til the day i die, no lie. There are SOOO many talented people who can use words and other stories to create some of the most beautiful visions and stories and scenes that I've ever got the honor to read. There have been many times where fan fiction has made me resonate so much more with a particular anime or characters from said animes and it's amazing that people can create new worlds from a fandom and turn it into something super meaningful to others reading it out there. Sometimes i feel like fans understand their characters just as much, maybe even more, than the original writers/animators/manga artists. And that is truly a beautiful, awe-inspiring thing. And dont let anyone tell you otherwise, keep writing and sharing your silly stories and au's and one shots that you think wont matter cause i guarantee you that they mean so much to all of those reading it! -I also need to make another masterlist of my favorite fanfiction/one shot/au creators cause just saying a general thank you is not enough lol. Some of y'all have gotten me through some lonely nights and some of y'all have definitely made me lose sleep pouring over your stories but wow, it was so worth it, i haven't ever regretted reading any of your stories lol. 5. And finally...y'all! People in general! I know we all joke about tumblr being a shit show and our fandoms being our hellscapes but i dont regret ever making any of my blogs. Everyone's so nice and chill in every fandom i've been a part of, especially the Haikyuu and BSD fandoms and we all encourage one another do our best and keep creating content :) Thanks so much to everyone who leaves nice comments on my work, or who add thoughts to my manga posts! Or to anyone who followed me in the first place, lol. I know im not the best content creator/fanfic writer out there but I do appreciate every single comment/notification i get on this blog and on my work! It really drives me to push myself creatively and inspires me to continue making fandom content on things that I love. I am not good at remembering who all to tag so I will either make a second post tagging the ten people for this challenge or I might just send it individually to y'all inboxes. Shout out to @semdere for tagging me in this positivity chain! #elo speaks
Aw hello :3 i’ll try my best :) 5 things that make me happy: 1. Good stories!: Stories are the one thing that really connect us all as people in this world. Good stories are so dear to me, they make me happy, make me laugh, make me cry, and are such an inspiration! And not to mention a soothing escape in these troubling times. Some of my fave stories, manga, and animes: -Haikyuu!! -Bungou Stray Dogs -FMA Brotherhood -Yuri on Ice -K Project -Psycho Pass -Acid Town -Harry Potter -Thief Lord -Peter Pan -Anne of Greene Gables -X Men -Stranger Things -Akira -Neon Gen -DuRaRaRa! -Naruto -Kiki’s Delivery Service -Spirited Away -Castle in the Sky -Summer Wars -Black Butler -She Ra -Life is Strange -Case Closed You get the idea lol. 2. Music! Oof, music really helps with everything. It seriously gives me so much life and warmth when i need it the most and there’s definitely a song and artist out there for every single mood for every single day! Also a great source of inspiration, Some of my fave musicians, bands, and artists: -Tove Lo -Florence and the Machine -Charlie XCX -The Decemberists -TORRES -Banks -The Strokes -Lil Peep -Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac -Lil Skies -GOT7 -Sunmi 3. Art/Color As an art/design major, i cant deny that all art that i see every single day leaves an emotional impact on me, whether it’s just made me smile, made me think, made me day dream. be filled with wonder, etc. There are so many wonderful artists and creators on this site that i will need to come back and make a masterlist of my fave artists/creators so y'all can check them out! Worry not, it’s on my to do list! 4. Fan Fiction No lie, fan fiction and fan works of my fave series has seriously made me so happy these past few years. I can honestly say it’s left so much a positive impact and outlook on my life and I will probably continue to read fanfiction til the day i die, no lie. There are SOOO many talented people who can use words and other stories to create some of the most beautiful visions and stories and scenes that I’ve ever got the honor to read. There have been many times where fan fiction has made me resonate so much more with a particular anime or characters from said animes and it’s amazing that people can create new worlds from a fandom and turn it into something super meaningful to others reading it out there. Sometimes i feel like fans understand their characters just as much, maybe even more, than the original writers/animators/manga artists. And that is truly a beautiful, awe-inspiring thing. And dont let anyone tell you otherwise, keep writing and sharing your silly stories and au’s and one shots that you think wont matter cause i guarantee you that they mean so much to all of those reading it! -I also need to make another masterlist of my favorite fanfiction/one shot/au creators cause just saying a general thank you is not enough lol. Some of y'all have gotten me through some lonely nights and some of y'all have definitely made me lose sleep pouring over your stories but wow, it was so worth it, i haven’t ever regretted reading any of your stories lol. 5. And finally…y'all! People in general! I know we all joke about tumblr being a shit show and our fandoms being our hellscapes but i dont regret ever making any of my blogs. Everyone’s so nice and chill in every fandom i’ve been a part of, especially the Haikyuu and BSD fandoms and we all encourage one another do our best and keep creating content :) Thanks so much to everyone who leaves nice comments on my work, or who add thoughts to my manga posts! Or to anyone who followed me in the first place, lol. I know im not the best content creator/fanfic writer out there but I do appreciate every single comment/notification i get on this blog and on my work! It really drives me to push myself creatively and inspires me to continue making fandom content on things that I love. I am not good at remembering who all to tag so I will either make a second post tagging the ten people for this challenge or I might just send it individually to y'all inboxes. Shout out to @semdere for tagging me in this positivity chain! #elo speaks
Aw hello :3 i’ll try my best :) 5 things that make me happy: 1. Good stories!: Stories are the one thing that really connect us all as people in this world. Good stories are so dear to me, they make me happy, make me laugh, make me cry, and are such an inspiration! And not to mention a soothing escape in these troubling times. Some of my fave stories, manga, and animes: -Haikyuu!! -Bungou Stray Dogs -FMA Brotherhood -Yuri on Ice -K Project -Psycho Pass -Acid Town -Harry Potter -Thief Lord -Peter Pan -Anne of Greene Gables -X Men -Stranger Things -Akira -Neon Gen -DuRaRaRa! -Naruto -Kiki’s Delivery Service -Spirited Away -Castle in the Sky -Summer Wars -Black Butler -She Ra -Life is Strange -Case Closed You get the idea lol. 2. Music! Oof, music really helps with everything. It seriously gives me so much life and warmth when i need it the most and there’s definitely a song and artist out there for every single mood for every single day! Also a great source of inspiration, Some of my fave musicians, bands, and artists: -Tove Lo -Florence and the Machine -Charlie XCX -The Decemberists -TORRES -Banks -The Strokes -Lil Peep -Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac -Lil Skies -GOT7 -Sunmi 3. Art/Color As an art/design major, i cant deny that all art that i see every single day leaves an emotional impact on me, whether it’s just made me smile, made me think, made me day dream. be filled with wonder, etc. There are so many wonderful artists and creators on this site that i will need to come back and make a masterlist of my fave artists/creators so y'all can check them out! Worry not, it’s on my to do list! 4. Fan Fiction No lie, fan fiction and fan works of my fave series has seriously made me so happy these past few years. I can honestly say it’s left so much a positive impact and outlook on my life and I will probably continue to read fanfiction til the day i die, no lie. There are SOOO many talented people who can use words and other stories to create some of the most beautiful visions and stories and scenes that I’ve ever got the honor to read. There have been many times where fan fiction has made me resonate so much more with a particular anime or characters from said animes and it’s amazing that people can create new worlds from a fandom and turn it into something super meaningful to others reading it out there. Sometimes i feel like fans understand their characters just as much, maybe even more, than the original writers/animators/manga artists. And that is truly a beautiful, awe-inspiring thing. And dont let anyone tell you otherwise, keep writing and sharing your silly stories and au’s and one shots that you think wont matter cause i guarantee you that they mean so much to all of those reading it! -I also need to make another masterlist of my favorite fanfiction/one shot/au creators cause just saying a general thank you is not enough lol. Some of y'all have gotten me through some lonely nights and some of y'all have definitely made me lose sleep pouring over your stories but wow, it was so worth it, i haven’t ever regretted reading any of your stories lol. 5. And finally…y'all! People in general! I know we all joke about tumblr being a shit show and our fandoms being our hellscapes but i dont regret ever making any of my blogs. Everyone’s so nice and chill in every fandom i’ve been a part of, especially the Haikyuu and BSD fandoms and we all encourage one another do our best and keep creating content :) Thanks so much to everyone who leaves nice comments on my work, or who add thoughts to my manga posts! Or to anyone who followed me in the first place, lol. I know im not the best content creator/fanfic writer out there but I do appreciate every single comment/notification i get on this blog and on my work! It really drives me to push myself creatively and inspires me to continue making fandom content on things that I love. I am not good at remembering who all to tag so I will either make a second post tagging the ten people for this challenge or I might just send it individually to y'all inboxes. Shout out to @semdere for tagging me in this positivity chain! #elo speaks
0 notes
pinkheichou · 8 years ago
Lolol!! I can't believe that you remembered me~ Yep I'm the snk anon from a few weeks ago~ pfft haha. I just love snk so much. Been a fan since the beginning (of the first season) and never left the fandom. So I'm always getting hyped up about important scenes finally getting animated!!! And then I just pull all the fellow manga readers with me into this never ending hype hole. Lol 1/2
I just watched the 11th episode and oh my god!!!!!! It’s amazing. I don’t want it to end. Can’t believe that next week will be the last episode. I just hope that we don’t have to wait another 4 years for season 3. I loved this season. Just hoped that we could squeeze the “Ackerman revelation” into season 2. But I guess it would be too rushed. Meh… idk. Marcos death was squeezed in. So idk about that.
This episode was…………. SO FUKCING LIT AND AMAZING AND EPIC woah it has become my second fave ep. Fuuuuuck I’m screaming and crying and I feel wrecked, I loved the scenes they were done well, the animation of the manga scenes was again fucking flawless SO GREAT! I got emotional when it was the 104th Squad vs Bertholdt on Reiner’s neck, Mikasa was amazing (don’t anyone of you dare call her an annoying clingy bitch, she isn’t!!), Armin’s moment with Bertholdt fucked me up more than I’d have expected it, that fucking twisted kid I love him. And then the Titans. How they all attacked the soldiers. Erwin’s command, the deaths, the fights, the epic rescue of Eren because daaaaaamn look how close all of them were going to die! And then Erwin again…… saving Eren, the determined madness in his eyes, proof that he hadn’t given up not even for one second. 
Ok but since you’re a manga reader too I can tell you about the thing I felt during some scenes: Idk if I’m the only, but knowing about the outside world now  and what the outside people’s goal is, I was feeling so many things when 1) Ymir claimed the outside world is better than the inner of the walls and 2) Bertholdt told them that he and Reiner were forced to do all this. As a manga reader we all understand what they’re meaning and tbh that feeling of understanding everything is mind-wrecking and mind-blowing to me it gives me chills hhhh
Btw I hope don’t think they will take another 4 years for a third season. I guess I understand now what their reasons were for this long wait was (I’m not sure tho, just an assumption) but I’m positive next season will start sooner.
What a true and loyal fan you are let’s stay SnK fans for a long while! You have to stay because s3 will be about all the good shit ;)
Talking to you is really pleasant, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me ^^
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hawkeyedflame · 8 years ago
tag, i’m it!
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
I got tagged for a fullmetally thing by @ladywiltshire​ ~ thanks!!
[readmore because this got really long .-. ]
Do you remember your first time watching or reading Fullmetal Alchemist? What was your first impression? I watched it just this past December (i know, i know) and the second episode made me cry. I proceeded to scream about it to Robyn for the next week and a half. At first I was like “this is kinda weird but it’s cool,” and then by episode 19 I was like “this is the best thing I’ve ever watched and I can’t believe I didn’t listen when my ex tried to make me watch it three years ago.”
Tell us about The Fave™. Do you mean my queen Riza Hawkeye? *deep breath* I...I just...I love her so much. Her strength of character, her commitment to making the world a better place, her realistic attitude, her motherly attitude towards the kids. She’s such a good goddamn person and it physically pains me to know how much blood she has on her hands and how it eats away at her soul. She is so kind and gentle in spite of all the things she’s been through, all the unforeseen and unintended consequences of her choices. Christ, this girl permanently wore one of the most dangerous secrets in the world on her back by the time she was ~16/17. She grew up lonely and estranged from her relatives, had to care for a rapidly deteriorating father, had to find her own path after he died, entrusted her tattoo to Roy in hopes of helping him achieve his dreams (an incredibly serious decision for someone so young), joined the military hoping to make a positive difference, was sent to the front lines of a war by the time she was ~20 to participate in a mass genocide, had to live with the fact that she killed hundreds with her sniper rifle and thousands more indirectly because she gave the deadliest alchemy in the world to a dog of the military. She had to live with all of this pain and suffering that the world forced upon her and she still chose to be by Roy’s side as he made the climb to the top, protecting his back and ensuring that he remained virtuous. She still chose to work every day to make the world a better place. When everything she went through showed her that the world was an ugly, unforgiving place, she chose to make it better instead of laying down and accepting the abuse. I cannot find words to express how much I love and respect Riza Hawkeye. She’s honestly such an inspiring person and if I could have an ounce of the backbone that she possesses, I would feel accomplished.
Do you have a favorite fan work? Fanfics? Comics? Oh god fucking Here Dead We Lie by mebh will haunt me for the rest of my life and probably beyond the grave too. No other work of fiction I’ve read has come close to how badly that fanfic fucked me up. I love anything super angsty, especially with Royai. God I have way too many fics I loved to even begin to list them. I also love literally everything that the artists on here draw.. Everyone is so talented and I am so thankful and inspired. I don’t want to call out specific people because I don’t want anyone I forgot to mention feel bad so suffice to say I LOVE ALL OF THE ART AND FICS.
Hit me with an analysis/opinion you have on the series or characters! Ooh I have one criticism that still irks me! I love volume 15 of the manga, okay? Love it. I wish more than anything that Brotherhood had focused more on Ishval because holy shit that volume made me cry so many times. But Brotherhood did do something I like better than what Arakawa did in the manga, and that’s scattering a few of the scenes from V15 into other episodes of the anime. The scene that really sticks out to me is the one where Riza asks Roy to burn her back. It’s in Volume 15 of the manga but episode 54 of Brotherhood. The reason I prefer Brotherhood’s version is implied audience. Volume 15 is a flashback to Ishval as told by Riza, to Edward. That means that everything we read in that volume is assumed to have also been told to Edward. And I simply cannot believe, not even for a second, that Riza would have told Ed about her tattoo. She may be a realistic and honest person (ex. she told Ed and Al straight up about Shou/Nina Tucker being murdered, while Roy and Armstrong lied about Hughes), but the flame alchemy secret is highly confidential for many reasons, not the least of which it suggests a potential for fraternization. I just really cannot see a situation in which Riza would willingly tell anyone, most especially a volatile teenager, about the array on her back. Brotherhood excised that scene (where she asks Roy to burn her) and transplanted it into episode 54, where there is nobody else around except the viewer to bear witness to that intimate (and frankly, chilling) moment. Placing the scene there, right before That One Big Scene between her and Roy really drives home how deep and complicated their past together is and puts all these emotions fresh in the viewer’s mind, and if you ask me it made That One Big Scene all the more raw and devastatingly powerful.
Tell us about a project you have going on! Or if you don’t have one, maybe something you’ve always wanted to write or draw? Oh god. Well I’m trying to teach myself how to draw and it’s...well it’s stop and go, mostly. As far as writing goes, I have a few one-shots kicking around and I’m now playing with the idea of an AU where Envy impersonated Riza instead of Maria Ross when he murdered Hughes. I don’t know if I can commit to that, but talking with a few friends has really opened up some crazy possibilities. I’d certainly like to write a longfic for FMA but my life is kind of hectic right now.
Favorite opening/ending number and why? My favorite opener is easily Rain (season 5). Even before I knew the English translation, the colors and imagery of it coupled with the singing successfully made me feel unsettled and nervous. SID is an incredibly talented singer and the lyrics, even in Japanese, just give me chills every time. I remember saying to Robyn the first time I saw this opener that the little snippet of Roy spiraling down/Riza hugging Hayate and crying made me feel this overwhelming surge of dread. It’s a very visceral opener and sometimes I watch it on its own because I just like it so much.
Tell me about a scene that really touched you or made you realize something about yourself. One of the scenes that still gets me every time is in episode 5 when Al punches Ed and then grabs him by his shirtfront and gives him that speech: “Survival is the only way, Ed. Live on, learn more about alchemy. You can find a way to get our bodies back and help people like Nina. You can’t do that by dying! I won’t allow you to abandon the possibility of hope and choose a meaningless death!” It chokes me up every single time. I mean there are a bunch of scenes that make me feel things but I’ve talked so much about Roy and Riza that I thought I should give Ed and Al a chance. ;)
OTPs! Who are they? Why are you WEAK FOR THEM?? ROYAI FUCKING RUINED ALL OTHER PAIRINGS FOR ME. I am so weak for how much they love and support one another and god the tragedy of their circumstances. It’s just devastating and it makes me feel so many things. I am so weak. I honest to god don’t have any other OTPs in FMA that I care about as much as Royai. I’m not even joking when I say they r u i n e d other pairings for me.
Funniest headcanon you’ve ever seen. Go! I rarely have the privilege of seeing a lighthearted FMA headcanon but if anyone has some I’d love to hear ‘em!!! 
What spurred you to join the fandom? My friend Maddy finally convinced me to watch the show (she was the fifth person to insist that I needed to see it and I finally caved) and then Robyn found out I had started watching it and asked me to talk to her about it as I watched and I sorta ended up in the fandom through her, which is honestly one of the greatest gifts anyone has ever given me. This fandom is absolutely incredible and I am very happy with the friends I’ve made in my short time here.
Definitely the same question… have a fandom meltdown here and tell me why you love your fandom or show/comic so much! I pretty much had like four meltdowns already in this post so I feel like anything more is like...really extra lmao. Although I noticed I baaarely talked about Roy in this and I just want to make it clear that I love Roy just as much as Riza. It was impossible for me to decide which of them to talk about for question number 2 and I ended up flipping a coin.
I don’t know who to tag because pretty much everyone has already been tagged! But if anyone reading this wants to do it too then feel free to recycle these questions (which are honestly really good ones and I definitely couldn’t come up with any this good) and consider yourself tagged.
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yichens · 4 years ago
check-in tag
i was tagged by @wuxien ♥ thank you for thinking of me ^^ it was so nice to read yours and your love for wwx made me smile a lot~
1. Why did you choose your url?
ok so i have explained the origin of my url a couple of times but! let’s hear it again! so while i was in high school, i was obsessed with j.r. ward’s black dagger brotherhood series and brother vishous was my favorite out of all the vampires of the brotherhood. the royalty theme also stuck with me and i liked “viscount” a lot. i made this nickname for one of my random nintendo ds games originally and then it followed me around lol (my original url on tumblr was in finnish. i have tried to leave that one behind haha)
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
nope. tho i sometimes consider making one? but i feel like that would put too much pressure on me so i just gather everything here like the trash collector i am
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
i made my account in 2013 so a while
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no. i just post stuff whenever i am around :’D i keep thinking about making one and actually using my queue but,,, i am lazy. also this blog is a mess
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
in 2013 i was living and breathing manga/anime. tumblr was a place for all the nice fanart and edits and i just went around looking at those. i can’t remember when i actually started posting anything for this blog bc for a while i just lurked here looking at things but it happened. then i slowly started expanding from there as i moved on from anime to different tv series and movies and kpop and now dramas 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
current one (and the previous one too) is bc this man lives in my brain rent free. it’s closing in on one year since i started watching reboot and i still cannot move on from liu sang and how much i love his character and the whole world of dmbj. this fandom really is a pit and i am shoveling dirt to get deeper each day 
7. Why did you choose your header?
this too applies to the previous one bc i associate liu sang with forests, especially foggy ones. i looooove the aesthetic of foggy hills and this feeling of mystery but also freedom it gives me. tho i’ve been thinking about making a new layout again bc the current green color reminds me of that foam we use for plastic flowers to stick them up in their pots lol 
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
my wangxian edit with lines from richard siken’s poem you are jeff  x it currently has almost 1.5k notes and i still have zero idea why it’s this edit specifically. i think i’ve made better ones but i am fond and very thankful of the love
9. How many mutuals do you have?
so many these days ;; i am so happy with all of you! everybody is so amazing and sweet and loving ♥
10. How many followers do you have?
way past 800 now and that’s nuts 
11. How many people do you follow?
i just unfollowed a bunch of inactive blogs and try to find new ones to follow instead (if you have any recs pls do tell?) :’D but currently it’s somewhere around 260 i think
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
uuuhhhh what is considered a shit post exactly
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
too often. i feel like am around all the time lol. i switch between tumblr and twt usually but tumblr has been my fave social media ever since i properly started using it. tho when i first got into kpop in 2017-2018 i was very inactive here and almost deleted my account but am happy i didn’t bc the untamed dragged me back here again :’D
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
nope, i don’t do drama. also am just chilling around, idk who would bother to fight me hhhhh and for what even???
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
if it’s for a cause then yeah, sure. tho am bad at reblogging anyway so,,, consider me just a moron 
16. Do you like tag games?
yes i adore them ;; i remember being so jealous at times when i was just chilling alone on tumblr, rolling around in my own corner, when i saw ppl doing tag games and never had any mutuals to do those with. and now i have a ton! of amazing ppl!! tagging me into things!!! it’s so much fun ♥
17. Do you like ask games?
sometimes? i don’t think am someone who really receives any asks but there are some amazing ppl who humor me every time ♥ also me and @i-am-just-a-kiddo sometimes play these “ask games” by ourselves on google docs :’D we just copy the whole list of questions and answer those and talk about our answers. we’ve done some writer questions especially bc we like to talk about writing and our projects and difficulties. 
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
there are a couple of ppl on our network especially who intimidate me a bit bc of this O.O also some of our dmbj crew haha (especially looking at you sierra @jockvillagersonly ♥)
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
hmm several. tho i easily develop all these friend crushes on ppl. odds are am in love with everybody at least a little bit! but what is friendship on tumblr dot com if you are not confessing your undying love to your mutual at least once a meme post
20. tags?
ah sure! am going to tag: @susuwatari-kompeito @jazthespazz @manhasetardis @jaecomments @humanlighthouse @cross-d-a @xiejie-liubo @foxofninetales @a-force-dyad-in-space @englishbunnyrocks and @justpostsyeet ♥ also the two ppl already mentioned among my answer can consider doing this if they want 👀 no pressure tho! have a nice day everyone ^^
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