#One Piece 892 – Review/Thoughts
anarchycox · 6 months
AO3 Year in Review
Saw a bunch of people doing this so thought I would too. Here we go (info based the ao3 stats page):
Words written: 491, 892
New fics: 43
Kudos: 10,904
Comments: 1,012
Hits: 104, 730
Big changes: I archive locked my fics.
I switched to mainly writing One Piece fics.
Across the board all my numbers are down and there are three reasons. One going full time to work and pinching a nerve, this fall I had a month where I didn't post anything at all. Two, anime fandom - anime and video game fandoms are bad for commenting. Three, I archive locked. That is the biggest. For context in 2022 my kudos were 29,626 and my hits were 306,079. By a combination of all these things I lost about 2/3rds of my numbers.
So do I regret any of it that lead to the changes? NOPE. I mean, okay regret the pinched nerve. But anime fandom has smaller response than witcher yeah, but also getting less hate than I did there. I'm writing more variety of ships which I really enjoy doing. Archive locking has also cut down the bit of hate I did get because 9/10 it was on guest (shout out to the person who had 1 eight year old fic posted telling me how juvenile my writing was and as a writer they would want to know why people didn't finish their work - god bless you ao3 block button).
Right now no intentions of un-archive locking my fics. Because there is no reason to not have an ao3 account. Gives me an extra layer of protection that I like.
Plans for the upcoming year. Write. Remind myself it is okay if it isn't a lot writing in even 15 minute bursts makes me happy so do that. Continue writing One Piece, some ATLA, maybe finish that Dragon Age fic. Who knows? No exchanges or bangs. They take a lot of time and energy I don't have to spare.
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sanjiafsincedayone · 6 years
One Piece 892 – Review/Thoughts
I am back with a review for chapter 892 – Recognized as a strong enemy, because how could I not? A lot of things happen in this chapter, and I think it was a really good read despite being quite short. Also a lot of small interesting choices made by Oda that has me curious to see what he’s up to next. On with the review!
Now, of course there will be spoilers under this cut.
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The chapter starts with the strawhats seeing the ship with Sanji and the cake. He brings them hope where they barely had any left, and once again I love Sanji getting to be a last minute savior.
Of course Mama also notice them, or rather the cake, and she turns her attention away from the strawhats. Meaning the plan of the cake has at least for now gotten Big Mom’s threat away from them. Tthen we get to Bege who is commenting on the rather horrible situation the strawhats are currently in; being chased by the whole fleet. He also comments on the Sunny being in horrible shape, something I hope won’t come back and get even worse. Just having Bege comment on it makes me nervous for some reason. Please leave Sunny alone, she has suffered enough!
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Anyways, Bege is preparing his men, and meanwhile what is Sanji doing? Well, he’s turned into a love-struck noodle of course. Personally I found the contrast between serious Bege and dancing Sanji very funny, and I think it’s completely in Sanji’s character to act this way. He’s been thinking about Nami while they were separated and now he’s coming to her (and the others’) rescue. 
However, it also takes away a bit of the edge from the serious situation. Sanji at this point can see and hear Bege talk about how bad the situation is. Though I suspect Oda might have done this to intentionally lighten the then chapter. I don’t know, I thought it was funny (for once), but it feels a bit out of place. But I guess Sanji’s job in bringing the cake is done and Big Mom is already be heading that way, so I guess the situation is temporarily already calm enough for him to act like this. Of course he’s also very very excited to finally be with Nami again, something I don’t think anyone could miss.
This is Sanji finally acting like himself again, and to quote Luffy from chapter 857, I guess I am oddly relieved. Especially since Sanji’s love-cook side has been very toned down around Purin, almost weirdly so. And I suppose that is another point here, that Oda might want to show that Sanji won’t forget his nakama and Nami just because Purin seems to like him.
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What I find interesting is Nami sensing Sanji’s love from afar. Jinbei says it’s not haki, so I guess that means Nami sensing it isn’t haki either (though one can always hope). I do realize this is most likely just a joke, but at the same time it is not the first time that Sanji and Nami has been connected through feelings. But it is the first time that Nami has been the one sensing something. It probably means nothing, but I still think it reflects this arc and the developments of Sanji and Nami as we have started to see much more of a response from Nami’s side compared to before. The amount of hearts from Sanji and Jinbei’s reaction is also funny. I look forward to see serious Jinbei react more to the strawhats’ dorky sides.
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Meanwhile Prospero is freaking out not sure what to do. To destroy the cake or not? Is it poisoned or not? It’s a bit funny with his spiral eyes, but honestly I don’t like Prospero at all, so I’ll be happy to see him mostly gone from the main action... At least Big Mom stopped her attack and it’s a good thing looking at Chopper’s damaged state.
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Then we have some more serious interactions between Sanji and Bege, and I must say I love them a lot. I’ve always loved how Oda writes them to have this calm respect for each other despite not liking one another, ever since Zou. Bege is an unlikely ally, and as a person or even character I don’t really like him that much, but I do love his talks with Sanji. I am a bit sad that we didn’t get a final fanboy moment from Vito though, as this is their last interaction from what I can tell.
Also, I am a bit curious about Bege’s comment about Big Mom, but I’ll talk more about that further down. 
Sanji feels his part of the mission is done and I must say I think it says a lot that the mission was simply to calm Big Mom down, and not kill her. I think Chiffon and Purin still have some attachment to their mother, despite how horrible she can be. I feel this also points at the possibility of Big Mom turning “good”.
Then Purin (who keeps being her split self) calls for Sanji and they head off to the Sunny together.
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Big Mom goes after the cake and we can say that Sanji, Purin and Chiffon has partly already succeeded by simply getting her away from Sunny. I must say I am pretty happy with the cake part being over (mostly), but I look forward to seeing her reaction to eating it though. Also, Big Mom looks pretty creepy in this panel.
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Sanji’s entrance as he finally (after years!) is back onboard the Sunny is great! I really love this panel of him. And the Guruwara crew are all really happy to see him of course. I do think it’s interesting that Brook is so friendly towards Purin though, I mean the others didn’t make a big deal out of the things she have done earlier either, but at least they seemed cautious. This is Brook’s first meeting with her since she turned good again. He wasn’t even there when she came back and got Sanji to bake the cake. I guess the others simply told them she is on their side and he took their word for it, but still a bit odd.
So Sanji is back, and they all feel relieved to be saved from Big Mom. Then what happens? 
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Well he gets jumped by the Guruwara crew and it’s so nice to see them all hug it out. What’s nice is Oda showing just how much they have all missed Sanji as well as how happy they are to be saved by him. I think Oda’s done a good job in showcasing their bond to Sanji throughout this arc, especially in Brook and Nami’s case. Of course Nami hugging Sanji is quite a big deal for him, so his reaction is to be expected. That shocked face is hilarious.
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Sanji is sweating, and having Nami looking up at him like that I can’t really blame him. Nami is really cute in this panel. Also it’s something that hasn’t really happened before (at least not since Baratie when they didn’t know each other yet), so I’m not surprised that he would react this strongly from getting a hug from her.
We get a “I love you too Nami” from Sanji, which reminds me of his old “do you love me Nami?”. It’s a small step, and might mostly be a gag, but none the less it’s moments like these and things like the hug itself that keeps happening more and more that makes it seem that Oda might have some intentions with them. I would expect Purin to react to it, considering she seems pretty smitten with Sanji, but this chapter she didn’t really show any reactions. I guess we’ll see if this is something Oda will bring up at all later on.
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Then Sanji is back in serious mode and tells the others that Bege and co are planning to lure Big Mom away. Acting as bait more or less. What I am curious about is why they want to get her to an island for eating the cake? Wouldn’t it be better to give it to her directly? I am guessing it’s for the safety of their ship?
Anyways, Sanji was told earlier that they might still plan on assassinating Big Mom, but I think it’s pretty clear that’s not Bege’s intention. I’m not sure why they lied about it to Sanji, but perhaps it’s because of the usual tsundere reasons that male characters doesn’t want other male characters to show they care/are kind? Or perhaps because they don’t want to worry the strawhats? Who knows. More on Bege in a moment.
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Now, it’s interesting that Brook lied about Pedro (and Carrot). Especially since it seemed as if Nami was about to tell him. I assume it’s because he doesn’t want Sanji to blame himself and pushes it off for later when things have calmed down. We know Brook knows Sanji well and simply wants to spare him the guilt he would probably put on himself. Even though it was Pedro’s own decision to come along I think Sanji still will feel bad since they only came to WCI to get him. I also suppose we can’t really put in a proper emotional (sad) moment in the chapter without it feeling a bit sudden, but still… I wonder what Oda will do with this.
Then we cut back to Bege who is taunting Perospero to make him follow them instead of the strawhats. And as a person who hasn’t really liked Bege I must say these two latest chapters I’ve quite enjoyed him. 
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So the strawhats are out of the clutches of Big Mom and Perospero, but then enters Smoothie! Thank you Oda for giving her more time! We also get introduced to what I believe are her triplet sisters, Citron and Cinnamon. I like their designs though Smoothie is still my favorite, and Citron seriously looks like a lemon, lol. But I’ve always liked the long-leg tribe so the more the merrier. All I’m worried about it an all female crew chasing them, since Sanji obviously can’t fight them, he can only defend. This must be an intentional choice by Oda, so maybe he also has some more plans for Sanji’s inability to fight women to be explored even further?
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Sanji and the crew talks about their situation and I honestly can’t believe that Jinbei is surprised that the Big Mom pirates are taking them seriously. I mean, earlier sure, but not at this point and after everything that has happened. But oh well… Oda is really building up the hopeless situations here.
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Then back to Bege and Chiffon again. Is it just me or is this chapter jumping back and forwards a lot? Seriously though, Chiffon is not surprisingly the one behind the Tank Pirates helping the Strawhats. She also calls Sanji awesome. I think it’s nice how Oda shows that Bege really loves his wife, because it’s things like this that make characters more fleshed out. He’s not just a bad person that happens to help the strawhats for the sake of a common goal, he does it for his kind wife.
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Sanji has a plan! It’s so nice to see him immediately step in, take charge and already have a plan of action. I these small moments get me really hyped for what’s to come. I just hope the plan isn’t to abandon ship temporarily (they have the means to since Jinbei can swim/summon whalesharks, Sanji can skywalk and Purin has Rabian with her.) 
It could also perhaps involve contacting the Germa66? But I doubt Sanji would be very keen on seeing them again. But no doubt would it make sense in a story perspective to have them back, considering Sanji’s family otherwise seem to fade away a little too easily without proper resolution if they truly have no further roles in this arc. Either way I’m excited to see what the plan is!
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Honestly, the fleet here impressed me. Even though they’re most likely not exactly the top fighters. But I really don’t know how Oda is planning to solve this in a satisfying manner. Everyone has pretty much gathered at Cakao Island, and even though Oven haven’t impressed that much he’s not a weakling, and he’s not the only one there.
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The idea of there being only one mirror makes me feel that Luffy might get out while Katakuri gets trapped inside...
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Luffy gets shot in the leg, and even though Katakuri lets us know that Luffy’s haki is getting closer to his own I really doubt that Luffy can defeat Katakuri in his state. His best option in my opinion would be to flee out the one mirror. But on the other hand Luffy himself was the one stubborn enough to say he wants to beat him and not just run away. I don’t know… I feel this fight is going to require a power-up that might seem a bit forced from Luffy. Either that, run away or somehow he gets help.
Because look at this!
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That wound is not a joke. I mean, Luffy has surely gotten worse through the years, but this is still a big deal. Also I know some speculate this isn’t real, but I really see no reason for Oda to draw it like this and make it a cliffhanger just to show it was only a premonition by haki in the next chapter. He also had Flampe laugh about it, so it feels like it definitely happened. My guess is that the next chapter will show us more of Luffy vs Katakuri and hopefully tgat will bring us clearity to the situation.
Things doesn’t look good for Luffy, but I personally thought this was a really good and entertaining chapter if perhaps a little bit jumpy. What it really succeeded with was to get me excited for what’s to come, something I personally haven’t felt in a while (which is partly why I had to write a review for it), so I really appreciate this chapter a lot. Thanks for reading! :)
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wepositivepsych · 6 years
The Confirmation Bias
The Confirmation Bias
Previously in one of my posts I referenced a task designed by Peter Wason in the 1960’s that showed participants 3 numbers and then asked them to find a rule that these 3 numbers followed. An excellent video can be found here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKA4w2O61Xo.
Wason’s experiment highlighted a prevalent bias that impacts us all, The Confirmation Bias. The Confirmation Bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favour, and recall information in a way that confirms one's pre-existing beliefs or hypotheses (Plous, 1993). It works such that imagine you are putting together a jigsaw puzzle, you have in your head what the jig saw puzzle should look like and therefore you jam the puzzle pieces together, so they match your predetermined imagined image.
According to American Psychologist Raymond Nickerson, ‘if one were to attempt to identify a single problematic aspect of human reasoning that deserves attention above all others, the confirmation bias would have to be among the candidates for consideration’ (1998).
In a literature review conducted by Rassin (2008) it discusses how our perception is influenced by the Confirmation bias. For example, the expectation that a certain stimulus is present can lead us to see that stimulus, while, in fact, it is not present at all (an illusion). Also, ambiguous stimuli are perceived in a hypothesis-congruent way (Risinger et al, 2002). Lastly, confirmation bias can lead us to concentrate so strongly on confirming evidence that disconfirming and peripheral information is literally overlooked (Deffenbacher, 1980).
It has also been found that the Confirmation bias influences judgement and decision making. A study by Lord, Ross and Lepper (1979) concluded that if people cannot avoid disconfirming evidence, they tend to give less weight to such information than to the confirming information. In this study, 24 students in favour of the death penalty and 24 against it were exposed to a number of short research reports. The reports were fabricated for this study in a way that they were all of equal quality. Some of the reports produced results supporting the crime-reducing effect of death penalties, whereas others produced opposing findings. Participants were instructed to rate the quality of all research reports. Indeed, participants rated reports producing results in line with their personal opinion to be better than those describing conflicting findings. In addition, at the end of this study, participants were even more pronounced in their opinion compared with the beginning of the experiment. Hence, the confrontation with disconfirming evidence was not merely ineffective but even counterproductive.
 Another manifestation of the confirmation bias dictates that it is very hard for people to change their opinion, even when faced with clear counter-evidence. Ross, Lepper and Hubbard (1975) asked 60 participants to differentiate between 25 actual suicide notes and 25 fabricated ones. Participants subsequently received false feedback about their accuracy. Some of them were told that they had performed well, while others were told they had performed badly. After a short delay, participants were informed that this feedback was false and that it was part of the experimental procedure. Participants were asked to verify that they understood that the feedback had in fact been false. Nonetheless, participants’ responses to subsequent questions indicated that the feedback still influenced their self-perceived accuracy as well as their self-efficacy as to future performances in similar assignments. In other words, the original feedback could not be undone by subsequent overriding information.
In understanding the origin of the confirmation bias there are many viewpoints. From a cognitive perspective it can be due to the reliance on heuristics (brain short cuts) such as the availability heuristic that leads to easy retrieval of confirming information. From a motivational perspective it can be the desire to have pleasant thoughts (confirming our beliefs) opposed to unpleasant thoughts (disputing our beliefs). From an evolutionary perspective it could be the result of weighing up the cost of accepting a false hypothesis opposed to rejecting a true hypothesis (eg. I can see my partner is selfish, but I see her as altruistic to preserve the relationship).  
Looking for falsification of every perception, judgment and decision we make is time and resource consuming. Whilst it’s our best defence against the confirmation bias it is just not practical in all situations. An efficient but not always accurate process coined “positive test strategy” by Klayman & Ha (1987) reasons that a scientific test of a hypothesis is one that is expected to produce the most information. This means that a positive test or a falsification can be useful, just depends on the circumstances and what is going to yield the most data.
In the current information climate, the confirmation bias has never been so prevalent and powerful. As we transition to a personalised technological future where social programming employs algorithm to target users with deliberate information, we see that objectivity can quickly become eroded. As the amount of confirming evidence becomes overwhelming we have to consciously take time to look for falsifications as often a “no” is much more revealing than a yes”.    
Deffenbacher, K A. (1980) Eyewitness Accuracy and Confidence - Can We Infer Anything About Their Relationship? Law and Human Behavior Vol. 4 (4): 243-260.
Klayman, Joshua; Ha, Young-Won (1987), "Confirmation, Disconfirmation and Information in Hypothesis Testing" (PDF), Psychological Review, American Psychological Association, 94 (2): 211–28, doi:10.1037/0033-295X.94.2.211, ISSN 0033-295X, retrieved 2009-08-14
Nickerson, Raymond S. (1998). Confirmation bias: A ubiquitous phenomenon in many guises, Review of General Psychology Vol. 2, (2): 175-220.
Plous, S. (1993). The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making. p. 233
Rassin, E. (2008). Individual differences in the susceptibility to confirmation bias.Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 64(2), 87-93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF03076410
Risinger, D Michael; Saks, Michael J; Thompson, William C; Rosenthal, Robert. (2002) The Daubert/Kumho implications of observer effects in forensic science: Hidden problems of expectation and suggestion California Law Review; Berkeley Vol. 90 (1): 1-56.
Ross, L; Lepper, M R; Hubbard, M; (1975) Perseverance in self-perception and social perception: biased attributional processes in the debriefing paradigm. National Library of Medicine. Journal of personality and social psychology Vol. 32 (5): 880-892
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sanjiafsincedayone · 7 years
Masterpost - SanjiAFsincedayone
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All my Sanji and One Piece posts in one place.
One Piece 902 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 899 - Small review
One Piece 892 – Review/Thoughts
Semla~~~~!!! (OP ch 866)
One Piece 862 - Review/Thoughts         
One Piece 856 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 846 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 845 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 844 - Small review
One Piece 843 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 842 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 841 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 840 - Review/Thoughts
Chapter 840 and Sanji
One Piece 839 - Small review
One Piece 836 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 835 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 834 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 833 - Review/Thoughts …and Sanji!
This chapter… and Sanji’s past… (ch833)
One Piece 832 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 831 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 830 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 829 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 828 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 827 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 826 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 825 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 824 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 821 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 820 - Review
One Piece 815 - Review/Thoughts
What to do with Sanji? (ch815+)
Sanji theory and ch 814 review
The year of Sanji is killing me! (Ch 813)
It’s here! Episode 755
One Piece Ep.739 - SANJI IS BACK!
One Piece GOLD (movie review)
Character analysis:
Sanji~ Please come back soon!
All the Sanji hate…
Sigh, why so much hate towards Sanji?
More on the Sanji hate
Sanji is far from useless!
Sanji and Violet/Viola
This chapter… and Sanji’s past…
Happy Birthday Sanji~!
Regarding Sanji and Purin
Oda’s development of Sanji! Part 1
Oda’s development of Sanji! Part 2
Sanji as a leader P.1 - The Chef
Sanji as a leader P.2 - Disciplining the crew
Luffy – A “Brief” look
Nami – A “Brief” look
So many theories about Sanji.
Sanji’s future…
Crazy Sanji theory - Aliens
Sanji the Devil - Possible connections?
The Wholecake foreshadowing! Chapter 830
Chapter 672 - The tortoise and the hare - Sanji vs Zoro
Sanji x Nami:
My top 25 favorite SaNami moments – Part 1
My top 25 favorite SaNami moments – Part 2
Masterpost: Cover pages - Sanji x Nami
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.1
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.2
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.3
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.4
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.5
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.6
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.7
(Part 1) Sanji x Nami hints - 373
(Part 2) Sanji x Nami hints – Colors and symbols
(Part 3) Sanji x Nami hints - Thematic parallels
Sanji & Nami - When the rain stops
SanNami and Time
Crazy Sanji theory - Nami
My Crazy SaNami Thanks!
Hidden SaNami - Manga and filler
Sanji and Nami – Fights and danger
Top 10 weirdest choices if SaNa doesn’t happen.
SaNa is a good ship
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 1
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 2
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 3
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 4
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 5
Sanji x Nami Promo
My blog really ships SaNami
SaNami - Lucky nr 77
Sanji and Nami, hints or not?
SaNami + Numbers (again)
Nami thinks Sanji is stylish
Some possible SaNami clues? (Chapter 45 vs 845)
SaNami - In your arms collage
Happy Valentine’s Day
Cigarettes and Mikan
SanNami week Day 1 - Fashion
SanNami week Day 4 - Teamwork
SanNami week Day 6 - Sisters
Rants and other stuff:
Happy birthday Sanji-kun!
Happy Women’s Day
I need Sanji
One Piece character poll
Meme: 11 Questions
Sanji posts stolen.
All my love to Hiroaki Hirata
I love Sanji so much!
I got these when I watched One Piece Gold
One Piece Tokyo Tower
One Piece Tokyo haul~
THANK YOU!!! 1000 followers~
Sanji has come so far!
Romance in One Piece
Thank you reply! (ch845 review)
Ask - What do you think binding kiss means?
Ask - From your point of view, how do Sanji and Nami think about each other?
ART and collections:
The year of Sanji is upon us 2016
Sanji sketch by my sister
Sanji and Bellemere parallells collage
Sanji pre-timeskip collage
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