#Older but not Wiser (College Verse)
pcrfectstorms · 2 years
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[ @usawfulfew​ gets a stater for billy + max : college edition ]
College was great, for the most part, escaping Neil and her mom was certainly an added bonus, she loved her mom, she really did, but there was part of her still bitter for the years she watched her husband beat the shit out of her step-son without saying a word, guilty by complacency - they were divorced now, thank god, that came her freshman year, she was junior how. Part of her had been a little bitter when her brother left, a couple of years before Max, but glad he was getting out, free from his piece of shit excuse for a father, but she visited, like she promised she would. They kept in touch, on the phone, in visits that didn’t happen as often as Max would have liked, which yeah, she could drive, convincing Susan to let her take the station wagon for a weekend was another story entirely.
She shows up at Billy’s place before he gets off work, drove down later to avoid traffic, road rage was definitely a trait she inherited from her brother. She hadn’t told him she was coming, but she figures he won’t mind.  Ash lets her in, and they make dinner - instant ramen and something that might have once been chicken before Ash damn near cremated the thing.
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It’s almost 1am before Billy gets home, and Max greets him with a nod from the couch, “hey shithead, miss me?” she beams dragging herself up to hug him, “stole a beer, Ash said you wouldn’t mind.” not that she cared if he did anyway, eyes darting over to Ash who was now zonked on the couch, “Passed out about an hour ago, shitty host if you ask me - how was work? Would have called first, but you said I was welcome anytime... ” which, evidently, Max took quite literally.
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newkidramirez · 27 days
//Verses tag dump
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theneilstevenson · 2 years
Twenty One- Lyrics
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[Verse 1] I blow out the candles And make a wish That next year will be easier than this I'm at the bar the crying Cause I feel like dying I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired And I feel like I've been alive For a very long time Done enough living for the rest of my life Seen so much shit And been through the worst of it I'm a survivor, I'm a fighter, I am wiser, but now I'm tired [Verse 2] And so I'm hoping That this birthday Will start to make a change Bout to graduate college Get a job to line my wallet I'm just going through the motions of life Giving up my passions Cause I can't make it happen Throw my dreams into the trash And that brings me down But I look at reality now I am sad, I am hopeless, wish my brain would give me some serotonin [Verse 3] I still am single The sparks never kindled So I live in the past But I've been in love before It just hasn't been given back And I've never gotten over that I want to be loved I want to feel enough Tell me everything will be ok And I really hate this night Getting older gives me fright I am drunk, I am loaded, I feel like my brains been exploding [Pre-Chorus] It's now midnight The clock just struck the time Everyone's saying "Happy Twenty-One" [Chorus] Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday) Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday) Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Fucking Birthday) Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday) Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday) Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Fucking Birthday) Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday) Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday) Twenty-One (Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Fucking Birthday) Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday, Happy Fucking Birthday
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montanababe7 · 7 months
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Over the years, I’ve orchestrated and led princess purity conferences at different churches, been a camp camp counselor in 2007-where I mentored 13 amazingly precious and beautiful jr high girls. Where I saw Jesus do what only he could do. Transform once broken lives and make them whole🥹🥲🥺😭💜🙏🏼🤗.
I’ve stayed in contact with nearly all of them since that time, I’ve been a volunteer youth leader at several churches where I’ve prayed for and held in my arms as Jesus beautifully transformed their hearts-I’ve seen youth weeping and crying as Jesus dries their tears and completely change their lives, I’ve been in a worship band in college where the glory of Jesus was so strong that my fellow college students wept in the presence of Jesus and were undone in His everlasting awestruck wonder and glory, and was a co-worship pastor with my husband-where Michael Wolf 🐺 and I saw-untold numbers of hungry souls seek Jesus and become whole. All lifechanging. All amazing 🥳🤩
(I’ve been a spiritual mother since I was 19. I’m also a spiritual grandmother).
But being a mom to Mike and I’s, three absolutely incredible and radiant daughters has been the most rewarding and challenging moments of my life by far. Some days, I feel like I’m drowning. Other days, I’m on top of the world.
I’m just so humbled and thankful. And. Grateful that Jesus has entrusted me with so much. It’s truly humbling. I’ve never stopped praying also for all of my classmates when I was in high school and in multiple colleges.
You all mean so much to me. I pray for each and every one of you daily🥹😭. Jesus tells me how much he loves you. How much he’s always loved you. Jesus told me a years ago-he’s given me the mantle of the love apostle.
Many have said that I’ve been far older and wiser than my time. Than my current age. And, they’re right.
I remember sitting by my locker in my junior and senior years of high school-even in those moments when most of the friends that I thought were close to me had forsaken me and walked away from me. I ate my granola bar; while I was reading my Bible and reminding myself that one day I’d get through this. I clung to Jesus and to my Bible for dear life. Other times, I’d sob quietly in the bathroom stall or cry in front of the mirror when no one was around. Jesus would also lead me to read and type up Bible verses on suffering for Jesus. Being persecuted. Being th r o w n down. When I had no one but Jesus. Jesus always held me close. Jesus is the only reason I got through those years. I miss those moments. Those moments of my greatest pain when my heart was breaking I saw Jesus often face to face. Jesus was Reminding me that I was never alone. if I was remembered for anything back in high school. I, pray 🙏🏼 that the other students would remember the Jessica of those yeARs-who never let anything or anyone ever shatter her heart. Even the kids who taunted me in the locker rooms. Jesus was still there
And Jesus is here with me today. Each day is a beautiful treasure and an absolutely irreplaceable precious & a priceless gift. Remember to thank Jesus for today.
Even on the days of the unknown; Jesus is here 🙂
Jessica Wolf
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cithaerons · 2 years
sometimes I see posts that are like “nobody actually thinks these things in the real world. you can’t base things off internet trolls.” and usually I click and the author some sensible older wiser person who is 40+. my brother in christ, I wish you were correct, but you need to go to a college campus and talk to a few 25 year old phd students like I promise you logging off will not help you escape the tumblr / twitter-verse of what the fuck “leftist” views. they’re everywhere.  
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necrocoleum · 4 years
Some more info about my older au
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RIGHT so im not sure when ill ever be able to post a new page for my dp au comic, which still needs a proper name.... but I felt as though since a lot of you like my version of vlad i’d talk a little more about the premise of my comic and his role. 
The comic takes place just as Danny is finishing up college, so a few years into the future (he should be around 22 years old). He’s working on a engineering and physics degree with a focus on ghosts. His parents don’t know he’s Phantom and very much so intends to keep that secret as long as humanly possible. Maddie Fenton became head of a ghost research lab with Jack working alongside her. 
Now, to post-Phantom Planet in canon. Vlad was thrown into space and exiled from earth. Likely, he’s not very welcome in the ghost zone either. He’s a pariah and targeted by many not so friendly forces.
 Here’s where my comic starts to fill in the gaps- Vlad is sick of it. He’s been worn and torn and is now the wiser. He knows desperation. And he longs to go back before he fucked up his life completely. Luckily, he has the know-how to do it. Vlad is well versed in the mythology and legends of the ghost zone, of course he knows about Clockwork. Clockwork has been watching too. He knows everything and how things go. 
Vlad seeks an audience with Clockwork, and Clockwork is happy to oblige. We’ve seen Clockworks more merciful moments. He’s seen Danny do evil deeds and was gracious enough to save him from himself. Who says he’s not willing to offer Vlad this same kindness? Perhaps Phantom Planet was Vlad’s version of The Ultimate Enemy. 
Either way, after some negotiation Clockwork agrees to send Vlad to the moments before he catastrophically fucks up (as in before Phantom Planet), but not before his previous evil deeds. Vlad of course wants a completely fresh start, but he’ll take what he can get. 
Don’t get me wrong, Vlad is still a huge asshole- but he’s also more empathetic to struggle and understanding of how is actions have consequences. He’s far less of a looming villain in Danny’s life and more of a watchful hermit, only stepping in when he deems it necessary. He’s much wiser and far less malicious and he wholeheartedly plans to atone for his previous sins. Unfortunately, he’s not sure how and would much rather avoid his problems altogether. One day he will. Maybe.
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I told the stars about you
Summary: Derek and Spencer have their first date. They dance to Frank Sinatra and cuddle in an ice cream parlour, before kissing the hell out of each other at Spencer's front door. That's pretty much it.
Tags: first date, first kiss, pure tooth-rotting fluff, dancing, flirting, protective derek
Word Count: 2.1k
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid
Masterlist // Read on AO3
Companion Piece/Prequel to my heart talks about nothing but you
The cafe is warm and vibrant when they walk in together a little after seven in the evening. Derek had taken Spencer’s hand as soon as they left his apartment, and the warmth of his palm had shot up his arm as soon as they’d made contact. Spencer knows it’s simply his physical attraction to the other man talking, but it felt like something magical, like fate telling him his fingers were always destined to be intertwined with Derek’s.
“Are you sure you’re okay with coming here instead of a restaurant?” Derek asks, not for the first time this evening, as they weave between the tables, choosing one reasonably close to the gig stage where a band is setting up.
“Of course,” Spencer assures him again, taking his seat. “The chairs are far more comfortable here than they would be in a restaurant, so that’s one bonus.”
Derek laughs fondly at that. They’re not quite comfortable with one another yet, the inherent awkwardness of first dates crackling in the air around them as they sneak heated glances over at one another, but Spencer’s just happy to have Derek in his company. He’s spent almost two years pining for the older man, he could hardly believe it when he’d finally been asked out on a date.
“What would you like, pretty boy? I’ll go up to the counter and order.” Derek smiles over at him and his focused attention feels like it’s branding itself on Spencer’s soul.
“Uh— a pesto panini and a mocha?”
“Not a black coffee with six sugars and caramel syrup?” Derek quirks a brow. “We’re branching out. I like it.”
Spencer can’t help the light blush that settles on his cheekbones. Derek’s had that effect on him since the first day they met, and he’s not about to start feeling embarrassed by his body’s response to him now, so he just looks down for a moment before resuming eye contact. “Shut up,” he murmurs teasingly. “Go and order the food.”
Ever since Derek had picked him up, his stomach has been swimming, head dizzy with the heady anticipation of a date with the man he’s been crushing on since he joined the bureau, and he takes the small reprieve of Derek’s absence to breathe deeply. He can do this, he promises himself. He deserves love, he deserves Derek, and he’s going to have a lovely evening, damn his anxieties.
When Derek returns a few moments later with his order, he doesn’t waste a minute tucking in. If they’re not going out for dinner, he’s at least going to enjoy all the snacks he can milk out of this date.
“What prompted the mocha adventure?” Derek asks curiously as he picks at his own panini, his filled with bacon and mozzarella.
“I like mochas,” he laughs, holding his hands up defensively. “I just usually go for a more caffeine heavy option on days when I have to solve time sensitive murder investigations, often on very little sleep.”
“That makes sense.”
“Anyway, what made you take me to this cafe?”
They chat idly and comfortably for over an hour to the backdrop of the happy hum of the other patrons and the cheerful music of the cover band, and it’s nice to have such uninhibited time with one another. Time outside of work is usually shared with others on the team, and one-on-one conversation is sort of a foreign concept in a group of seven people all familiar with one another, and all craving catch-ups and conversation with each and every member. Spencer can feel his insides slowly melting into a nice puddle of mush as Derek talks about his current renovation projects and his dream house he’ll build one day, before asking him about his latest documentaries and books, allowing him to ramble to his heart's content.
The feeling of validation that hums through his chest as Derek listens and asks questions and talks about all these intimate facts about himself Spencer was none the wiser too despite already being so familiar with him is euphoric. God, he’s going to fall in love with Derek so quickly. That’s if he’s not there already.
The band takes a quick pause after singing Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock before starting the next song, playing the opening chords to a melody Spencer recognises as Frank Sinatra’s The Way You Look Tonight. It’s always been one of his favourite songs. He’s not really a musical person, but old classics had been a keen interest of his mother’s and they always bring back good memories. He used to play them at college to remind himself of her.
“Let’s dance,” Derek says suddenly, as though he’s read Spencer’s mind. A slow grin spreads across his lips, and it would have distracted him if he wasn’t so caught-off guard by his insistence: it’s a late night cafe, not a club, there’s not even a dance floor.
“No, come on,” Derek continues enthusiastically. “I want to dance to Frank Sinatra with you, Dr Spencer Reid, right here, right now.”
“Derek, everyone will stare at us,” Spencer giggles, but he can already feel himself being persuaded.
“As they should.” Derek waggles his eyebrows as he stands up, pulling gently on Spencer’s hands to try and get him to stand up.
It works, and before the first verse is even over, Derek has him on his feet, dancing in a terribly embarrassing, uncoordinated fashion, but Spencer doesn’t care. The feeling of Derek’s big hands dwarfing Spencer’s small waist is addictive, and he moves his body in a way that feels right, no matter how ridiculous he might look. Derek twirls him around and moves them around the small space they have by their table with an adoring expression on his face, one that goes straight to Spencer’s heart, warming him from the inside out.
They sway together as they sing along quietly to one another, ignoring their horrible voices and inability to carry a melody, and it hits Spencer that this isn’t really first date behaviour. He feels like he’s been with Derek for years, like this one dance has transcended all the awkward adjustment of a new relationship, propelling them years into the future. The collapse into fits of laughter as the song comes to an end, the ridiculousness of the emotions swelling in their hearts and dancing in a coffee shop to a mediocre cover band, but they’re completely wrapped up in one another.
“Alright,” the lead singer of the band cheers as the last chord is played and held, “credits to our dance troupe over there. Y’all have something real special.”
They snap out of their trance and Spencer looks sheepishly at the clapping patrons of the cafe, most of them wearing fond smiles on their faces. Derek bows comically, sending Spencer back into a peal of laughter, but they calm down quickly and retake their seats as the band transitions into their final song.
“That’s the most fun I think I’ve ever had,” Spencer grins, feeling like he’s on a high as he takes in the man across from him, trying to wrap his head around what just happened and how Derek feels about him. His emotions are written across his expressive face and it winds Spencer to see someone look at him like that.
“Baby, just you wait for date number two.” Derek grins cheekily as he reaches across the table for Spencer’s hand. “Let’s get going. I want to buy you an ice cream, pretty boy.”
“I like strawberry best,” Spencer says, a little shy but feeling safe and protected under Derek’s warm gaze, his arm snaking around his waist.
“And I like you enough to forgive you for such a crime,” Derek chuckles, shaking his head as he guides him to the door of the cafe. “Having any other flavour than mint chocolate chip as your favourite is simply unacceptable.”
“Well, you accept it when it comes to me.” Spencer’s preening under the adoration from his date, and he can’t even be bothered to hide how pleased he feels. He’d wondered for so long how it must feel to be Derek Morgan’s partner, to be subject to his flirting, his intense gaze, his love, and it feels better than he ever could have imagined.
“That’s because you’re special, baby,” Derek whispers in his ear, and Spencer shivers. It has nothing to do with the cool November breeze.
Derek is true to his word and buys him a strawberry ice cream cone, not saying another word about it as he makes his way through his, a scoop of mint choc chip in a bowl. He’d insisted at the counter that cones are disgusting and nobody should be subjected to them, and Spencer had only laughed fondly and kissed him on the cheek. “Spencer, I’m so damn happy you went out with me this evening,” Derek says once they’ve finished their treats, voice earnest and eyes sincere. Spencer’s sat next to him in a booth in the parlour, tucked up against Derek’s side with his head on his shoulder.
He lifts it to look him in the eye, trying to convey the same amount of sincerity right back at him. “I’ve wanted this date for a long time. The first time I realised it was during the case in Alaska, do you remember? When we had to share rooms? You said ‘I’m not sleeping with Reid’ and my first thought was no, but I wish you were. My second thought was that that was kind of an asshole thing to say.” He nudges Derek in the ribs with his elbow to convey his jest, giggling quietly as Derek grins back.
“That was an asshole thing to say,” he concedes. “To be honest, the reason I didn’t want to share a room with you is that I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you. In a small bedroom, possibly sharing a bed, cosied up for a night… I was going to break and confess my feelings, so I deflected.”
“You realised before me,” Spencer muses, he hadn’t expected that. “But I suppose it doesn’t matter. We’re here now, aren’t we?”
“We are indeed, pretty boy,” Derek sighs, tugging Spencer closer with the hand glued to his waist, “and I never want to leave.”
Of course, they have to eventually, leaving the ice cream parlour and heading back towards their apartments. There’s a little rain in the air, and the wind is crisp and cold, so they huddle close together as they walk the streets, silently agreeing not to get a cab despite the nasty weather just to spend a little more time together. But their walk comes to an end, and Derek drops Spencer off at his apartment first, insisting on walking him all the way to his front door.
“Spencer Reid, you have no idea how much I enjoyed this date,” he murmurs, standing close enough to raise Spencer’s heart rate noticeably, his breath hitching as he takes in the intense expression on Derek’s face.
“I bet I enjoyed it more,” he breathes, but he doesn’t know what he’s saying really, because all he’s focusing on is how close Derek’s lips are to his, and before he can talk himself out of it, he closes the distance and kisses him. His stomach flip flops immediately at the sensation, the feeling of one of Derek’s hands wrapping around his waist and spanning his lower back while the other comes to his jawline, holding him securely as he kisses back.
“That was,” Derek whispers as they pull apart just barely, “and I am not exaggerating, the best kiss of my life.”
Spencer believes him, his deep brown eyes promising him nothing but the truth, and his heart pounds in his chest, pulse beating loudly in his ears as he tries to catch his breath. “Me too.” It’s all he can think of to say, and it’s completely true, as well — not that there’s much competition. “Please tell me I don’t have to wait long for date number two.”
“Baby, I’ll go for breakfast in the morning with you if that’s what you want,” Derek says, and everything about him screams that he’d give Spencer the world.
“That’s what I want,” he replies quickly. He doesn’t want the world, he just wants Derek. And breakfast. He wants Derek eating breakfast with him in a downtown diner tomorrow morning, and he wants as many breathtaking kisses as he’s willing to give.
“Then I will pick you up at 8.30.” He leans in to press one last gentle kiss to Spencer’s lips, lingering a second too long before reluctantly pulling away. “See you in the morning, my prettiest boy.”
taglist: @strippersenseii @criminalmindsvibez @drinkingcroissants
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dubious-signs · 3 years
This girl is a bit older and wiser, so here’s where she’s at currently in my main verse. I’m still super open to AU’s and other verses, and those will have their own specific info as needed!
no longer a college student!
has a house!!
this house can walk around
she travels to other universes to collect data for her grandmas in their mission to catalog the different streams
her cat travels with her in the walking house
Cass can create magical barriers/shields with her runestones 
this isn’t actually an update but she’s still very much going to try and adopt more people/aliens/robots/etc into her giant extended family
sorry I don’t make the rules
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inxspacetime · 3 years
Character Verses ... Dewey Riley.
Dewey is a character featured in all five films of the Scream series. And cause of that, I decided to make verses corresponding to each film. There are:
NORMAL: all canon muses will have a ‘normal’ verse, a.k.a one not heavy on specific lore, can be tossed into any sort of situation. kind of like an original character. the verse that will be used if we don’t discuss a specific one. dewey’s default verse is more go a ‘general’ verse; a loose mixture of the verses mentioned below. it can span anywhere from a little before the first spree of murders took place to present day. the first spree would still be canon no matter what, but any beyond that would be thread dependent. faceclaim is present-day david arquette, with younger david also available.
DEPUTY DEWEY (tag) : this verse takes place before, during and after the first woodsboro murders. dewey’s a man of the law who just can’t get taken seriously, thought he does try. he doesn’t let it crush his spirit though, and does what he can to help anyone in need and to bring justice. the months following the murders send him into a bit of a depression, as his younger sister fell victim to one of the killers. he would eventually get out of this rut, but the guilt is still something he carries with him. he also had to complete physical therapy due to a severed nerve in his back after being stabbed. faceclaim is younger david arquette.
WINDSOR SECURITY (tag) : this verse takes place during and after the second spree of murders, at windsor college. he still works as an officer for woodsboro police. however, after two college students (classmates of sidney and randy) were found dead he feels obligated to go out of his way to be there for the two survivors. the same dewey as before, just a year or two older and a little wiser. faceclaim is younger david arquette.
DEWDROP (tag) : this verse takes place a little before and during the third murder spree, in hollywood. dewey is working on set of ’stab 3’, a film series based around the first murders. a little hardened by the celebrity lifestyle he is surrounded by,there’s no changing who he really is deep down though. and it doesn’t take a long time of being around him to realize that. when the murders start up yet again, he does what he can to protect sidney and the others. faceclaim is younger david arquette.
SHERIFF DEWEY (tag) : this verse takes place a little before, during and after the fourth murder spree, back in woodsboro. dewey has returned home and went back on the force. sheriff burke retired, and so he took his position. he’s more mature, enough to be respected by the deputies he’s in charge of. however, he still has that almost goofy way about him. faceclaim is david arquette.
SACRIFICE (tag) : this verse takes place a little before and during the fifth murder spree. his life has taken a bit of an unexpected turn. he's retired -- not by choice, and he's drinking more and more. that optimistic, almost boyish charm he once possessed has died, and in its place is a weathered man. One who has been through the things he has and finally had some time to process it all. realistically, that boyish charm isn't too far beyond the surface -- it is still dewey, and no matter what life threw at him he would always be the one to lend a helping hand. faceclaim is david arquette.
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anneshirlxy · 5 years
AWAE Fic Recs- Full List
Hi! Here is the full list of all the fics I recommend. I will post a more organized way to look at it later tonight, but for now, here are all the fics! On here you can find the author, rating, length (word count and chapter) and a summary directly from ao3. These fics are in no particular order, and everything in italics is my dumb comments! Also, I am hopefully going to keep updating this so please send me fic recs!
Rating Key- G: General Audience, T: Teen and up, M: Mature 
1. Still He Offers the Sea Shell  By: Chash (@ponyregrets) Rating: T Length: 5.1k- 1/1
Summary: Gilbert Blythe is back from his semester abroad, and he wants to meet this Anne Shirley he's heard so much about.
First fic I ever read. A classic modern au (book verse) 
2.Strangely Are Our Souls Constructed  By: Fandom_freakout, vocallywritten Rating: G Length: 8k-2/2
Summary: In a desperate attempt to get Charlie Sloane to leave her alone, Anne posts a notice of her own. Or,Anne and Gilbert abuse the Take Notice board, much to the amusement, and frustration of the people around them.
Best take notice fic ever! Anne and Gilbert get into a take notice board battle and at first, it’s snarky and sarcastic, but then they start complementing each other and it’s beautiful.
3.say my name, don't ever stop  By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 13.5k-5/5
Summary: The gossip in Avonlea is insidious, making Gilbert think it's a good idea to initiate a fake courtship of Anne. Anne makes him promise it won't affect their relationship (because, obviously, they're just friends).Plot twist: it affects their relationship.
Also has a sequel you can read it Here
4.Mistletoe Madness By: avonleaace Rating: G Length: 3k- 1/1
Summary: To bring a bit of fun to the classroom on Christmas Eve, Miss Stacey hangs up some mistletoe. Anne and Gilbert have a bet that Gilbert can make it through the day without getting kissed. Will he succeed? cuteness ensues
5.The Secret of Distance  By: Lil_Readhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: T Length: 26k- 7/?
Summary: Anne and Gilbert embark on their journeys, but stay close to each other at heart. Courting across 1000 miles isn't easy, but they're more than willing to step up to the task. (A post s3 story).
I consider this fic canon. This is season 4. 
6.Avonlea's Summer of 1880 Great Game of Capture the Flag! By: christah88 (@christah88) Rating: G Length: 14k- 1/1
Summary: Moody Spurgeon has gathered all the boys in Avonlea between 12 and 18 at the softball diamond for a game of capture the flag. Subterfuge, reconnaissance, undercover missions, and just a dash of chicken-coop-climbing combine to make this a game they will not soon forget. Why? Because Anne Shirley-Cuthbert wants to play, of course, and she demands that the rest of the girls be allowed to play, too.
This one reads like it could be a part of the show. There is also a prequel that you can read Here
7.Limerence By: Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: G Length: 12k- 2/2
Summary: Limerence (n) - The state of being infatuated with another person. Gilbert and Anne featuring paint, photography, mutual staring, glitter and a very supportive Diana Barry
8.truth or dare  By: thearkdelinquents Rating: NR Length: 7k-1/1
Summary: “Anne, truth or dare?” Josie smirked at Anne, a devious glint in her eye. Lifting her chin and looking Josie in the eye, Anne chose, “Dare.” She could take whatever Josie had to throw at her.The smirk on Josie’s face grew larger and Anne was sure she had picked the wrong thing. Without breaking eye contact or even taking a second the think about it, Josie said, “I dare you to go behind that door and kiss Gilbert Blythe. On the lips.”
I love the show New Girl with all my heart so I had to put this one.
9.When the Sun Begins to Fall By: megs368 (@onedayiwillflyfree) Rating: G Length: 76k- 13/14
Summary: "Long time no see Carrots."After nine months of studying at The Sorbonne, Gilbert Blythe felt that he was ready for his upcoming graduation and wedding. That is until his brother arrives, informing him his childhood best friend is gravely ill.
this fic hurts you 
10.wishful thinking (mindless dreaming)By: bruadarxch  (@rootedbutfl0wing) Rating: G Length: 12k- 5/5
Summary: “She didn’t mean to, but a comment led to a friend of a friend’s profile and then she sees it. She sees him. Gilbert Blythe. Her old archnemesis turned friend turned... nothing.” Anne is bored for the first time in her life and falls down the Instagram rabbit hole. She finds a familiar face.
Anne finds Gilbert’s Instagram and they end up reconnecting at college and then drama ensues. It’s really cute then it gets kinda sad and angsty and then it’s really cute again. I love it.
11.wonderstruck By: bruadarxch ( @rootedbutfl0wing) Rating: G Length: 14k-4/4
Summary: Delphine Lacroix raves about Miss Shirley and her crazy lessons. Her uncle Gilbert thinks his niece surely has an overactive imagination, but one day he has to pick her up from school and a certain redhead covered in paint from head to toe crashes into him. OR: Gilbert Blythe puts his foot in it when he meets Anne in every universe. Luckily for him, she didn't have any heavy objects around in this one.
Modern au where Anne is Dellies teacher and Gilbert fall head over heels in love with her. Soooo cute, I love. Also, cue Diana berry being the best roommate ever. 
12.Imagining Something Worthwhile By: remylebae (@remylebub) Rating: T Length: 148k-3l/36
Summary: “Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worthwhile”- Anne of Green Gables. 
Anne is struggling through her mid-twenties, living with her two best friends from high school and starting a new job as an eighth grade English teacher. Just as she's starting to figure this whole teaching thing out, she finds an unexpected someone thrust back into her life.
This is the boy I spent 7 hours reading. It’s a modern au where Anne is a struggling teacher and Gilbert is a struggling med student and they fall back in love. Honestly, the best part of the fic is the best friend relationship between Cole, Anne, and Diana. It’s some pretty wholesome and domestic stuff.
13.You're such a big mess (And I love you) By: gayrefrain (@gayrefrain) Rating: T Length: 6k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Jerry get arrested.
This is one of the first fics I ever read and I loved it so much I read it 2 more times. Modern au where Anne and Jerry get arrested, they bicker like siblings and Gilbert is so worried for her!!! It’s a pre-established relationship and it’s so fluffy and cute ahh. An all-time fave.
14.five days of Christmas  By: thearkdelinquents Rating: N/R Length: 4k-1/1
15.Drive Me Crazy By: serendipitous_rambles(@carrotsofavonlea) Rating: G 
Length: 18k-15/15
Summary: Anne Shirley Cuthbert and Gilbert Blythe are next door neighbours, but they despise each other. It didn't used to always be this way, in fact at one time they were best friends. But things change following a personal tragedy for Gilbert, and by high school the two are practically strangers. Anne's life seemed to be going well: she was in charge of organising the school Centennial dance, she was accepted into college, and she was dating one of the most handsome boys in school: Roy Gardner. Only he breaks up with her mere weeks before the dance. When Gilbert's girlfriend Winifred also breaks up with him, Anne comes up with a crazy scheme to get their ex's back: pretend to date to make them jealous. Simple right? If only they don't kill each other first...
The modern fake dating au of your dreams. Includes an iconic scene from 10 things I hate about you. 
16.ours are the moments I play in the dark / wild and fluorescent / come home to my heart By: anbethmarie Rating: T Length: 8k-3/3
Summary: Avonlea, August 1914 – England declares war on Germany. Anne Shirley shows up rain-drenched on Gilbert Blythe’s doorstep and learns her fiancé is due to leave for the Western front in a week’s time.All Anne wanted was to have the memory of a few quiet moments alone with Gilbert. The fact that she would get wet through on the way to his house and have to wear his shirt while waiting for her clothes to dry did not enter into her calculations.
This one is basically an episode of a drama tv show and I’m not complaining.  Anne ends up pregnant with Gilbert’s baby and then he goes to war and they lose touch and he doesn’t know he has a child. It’s a whole thing. It’s mostly angst but reunions are chef's kiss (especially ones when they find out their father). 
17.Trippingly, on the tongue By: meals Rating:G Length: 8k-1/1
Summary: Gilbert goes to Paris, Anne goes to Queens, and years later they both return to Avonlea and meet again. They should be older and wiser, but when neither of ever admits to their mistakes and misunderstandings, will they ever sort themselves out?
Such a good season three “what if” fic. I’ve read it so many times and I can’t get tired of it. 
18.shy daydreams & stardust By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 16k-3/3
Summary: She can't help how he makes her magic spiral out of control whenever he's around, but maybe she can help him when his own abilities bloom out of nowhere like a lily pad in a teacup. Magic AU!
Anne and Gilbert are both magic and she teaches him about his powers. Very cute!
19.The Post-Exam Ritual of Merriment and Ridiculousness By: wanderinginthewoods  Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Anne, still slightly tipsy, tries to focus as she runs after Gilbert to give him a piece of her mind--but that's not the easiest thing to do when she can barely get her own thoughts in order.
The characterization of Anne drunk is so good and the funniest thing
20.I Belong to You  By: hoddypeak (@shirbertndisney) Rating: T Length: 30k-12/?
Summary: Arranged marriage AU. Anne always wanted to have her own love story, but not one that's decided for her. She doesn't want to fall in love with Gilbert, but after being thrown into many awkward situations with him, the walls around her begin to tumble down. It certainly isn't an easy ride for either of them.
21.Little White Lies… By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 16k-10/?
Summary: When Anne agrees to doing Gilbert a favor, she has no idea what she's getting herself into...
A modern fake dating au where Anne and Gilbert are best friends and college roommates that have to pretend to date. Mostly angst so far, but well written. Also, Gilbert seems like a bit of a douche but we will look past that. 
22.All my stumbling phrases never amounted to anything worth this feeling By: moonlightconstellations (@leiaslightsaber) Rating: T Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: Anne realizes she's in love with Gilbert. In typical Anne fashion, she reacts by yelling.
I just really love Anne yelling at Gilbert
 23.Anne of Hogwarts By: serendipitous_rambles (@carrotsofavonlea) Rating: G Length: 24k- 14/14
Summary: Muggleborn Anne couldn't believe her luck when at 11 she is adopted by the Cuthberts, who introduce her to the world of magic and Hogwarts.Her wild imagination gets her into trouble more often than not, but she doesn't let that stop her. She sparks up an academic rivalry with classmate Gilbert Blythe, and finds a kindred spirit in Diana Barry.However it's not all smooth sailing, with trials and tribulations throughout the years as Anne seeks to discover everything Hogwarts has to offer. It may not always be easy, but life at Hogwarts becomes the greatest adventure of Anne's life.
As a potterhead I am required to put one of the best Harry Potter x AWAE fics on here. Also the only one that (in my opinion) gets the sorting right (gryffindor!Anne, Hufflepuff!Gilbert). 
24.This Home is Vast By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: G Length: 6k-1/1
Summary: Delphine Lacroix wants to write a tale of adventure and romance, so naturally she writes the story of how Uncle Gil and Aunt Anne fell in love.
This one is so creative! Fics starring Dellie? Sign me up 
25.i picture it, soft, and i ache By: boos (@boosfic) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Gilbert accidentally end up snowed in at Green Gables
Pure and perfect fluff 
26.the world is brighter than the sun (now that you're here) By: blujamas (@kyleslei) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1
Summary:  Long-lost family offers Anne Shirley-Cuthbert a chance at education in a prestigious university across the sea. Before she can go, however, there is one last loose end to tie up: Gilbert Blythe.
27.more myself than I am (whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same) By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 6k- 2/2
Summary: Anne and Gilbert have not seen each other since the fateful night of the Queen's entrance exams. She assumes he must by now be engaged to Winifred. He still assumes her drunken babbling meant she doesn't care. A chance encounter forces them to revise the truth of these assumptions.
28.a ridge of lighted heath By: peterstank (@peter-stank) Rating: T Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: He’d overheard her talking once with Diana Barry. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but it couldn’t be helped given their proximity. He’d heard it, the bride of adventure, the wife of nature. And how fitting is it that she who has chosen nature as her most fitting suitor is more beautiful than any earthly thing he’s ever known? The freckles on her face are fit to rival all the stars in the sky. Her eyes are oceans overflowing, they are rippling streams and shining waters. She could torch him with her hair and he would happily turn to ashes, to be the Earth, to be loved by her just once.
29.One Iced Green Tea Latte for Ann  By: rosesonraindrops Rating: G Length: 6k-2/2 
Summary: Anne Shirley Cuthbert lives for three things: her family, Diana Barry, and Iced Green Tea Lattes. However, Gilbert Blythe, the barista at Anne and Diana's favorite coffee shop, never seems to spell her name correctly, no matter how many times she's told him the right way to spell it. Or, Diana and Anne get coffee, and Gilbert tries his very best to charm Anne with his latte-making skills.
30,but when he walks in i am loved - i am loved By: nosecoffee (@nose-coffee) Rating: T Length: 24k- 1/1
Summary:“Marry me.” Anne drops a plate. She barely reacts to that - Marilla can berate her later, for now Anne has a very good reason to have broken her expensive china. She whirls on him. Gilbert’s not kneeling or anything. He's just standing there, in her kitchen doorway, with a painfully earnest look on his face. “Are you kidding?” She says, laughing nervously. He shakes his head. 
Fun story: I once spent hours looking for this fic and almost started crying when I didn’t think I could find it. So you know it’s good. 
31. from friends to this (you're the one i want) By: cressisaqueen (@cressisaqueen) Rating: T Length: 4k- 1/1
Summary: new message from 1 (489) 5987 - 2351 
1 (489) 5987 - 2351 [3:29 pm]: hey, it's gilbert blythe from professor stacy's class 
GiLbErT bLyThE [3:30 pm]: when should we meet up to work on the project?
A fic told entirely through text messages! Really creative and good. Paper Rings is my favorite Taylor Swift song, so that also helps. It also has a sequel where Anne and Gilbert get married that you can read Here 
32.Anne of Nova Scotia By: coffee666 (@frappuccinio) Rating: G Length: 32k- 5/?
Summary: In an alternate life, neither Anne nor Gilbert were orphaned. Yet, they still found their way to one another.
I’ve never seen a tag better than “I’m not claiming to know how boats work” 
33.If the Sea Should Part  By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 35k-6/6
Summary: Anne finds herself caught up in whirl of romance and adventure after rescuing Dr. Gilbert Blythe from the sea during a storm. She should let him go, but when she finds out Billy Andrews is plotting to take Gilbert's life and estate, she realizes there's nothing that can keep her from protecting him.
34.charity (who is helping who?) By: antspaul Rating: T Length: 10k- 1/1 
Summary: AU in which Anne is a little more poor but just as vivacious while Gilbert is a lot more wealthy and a little more cowardly. 
Kind of a sugar daddy au, but not really. Told through letters which is really cool.
35.i found my voice (in her sweet melodies) By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordelia) Rating: G Length: 2k- 1/1 
Summary: Christmas with Gilbert has never been traditional, but it always manages to steal Anne's breath away.
36.Welcome to Toronto By: simonsjumpers Rating: G Length: 13k- 4/4   
Summary: Anne visits Toronto, buys trousers, charms everyone she meets and engages in a book-duel with Gilbert... And Gilbert can't help but, kind-of, accidentally, propose.
A very good awae after season 3 continuation fic. Anne is a complete badass and Gilbert is hopelessly in love with her. 
37.it goes on and on  By: morebooksplease Rating: G  Length: 3k- 1/1 
Summary: in which Gilbert lists all the reasons he loves Anne.
38.bless the broken road (that led me straight to you) By: cornerinthepouringrain Rating: G Length: 3k- 1/1 
Summary: She said she’s never been to the coast, and he volunteered to take her, because he’s an idiot with no filter and because he selfishly, despicably, wants (needs) all of her firsts to be with him. Or Gilbert Blythe decides to take Anne Shirley on a road trip, and hates himself for it.
ON GOD I love this one shot so much!! It’s just Anne and Gilbert on a road trip. It’s Gilbert POV and my man is whipped. After I read this I immediately read it again I love it! 
39.your glow (against the burning embers of my fiery soul) By: abigaylefayth (@pterparkcr) Rating: T Length: 13k- 2/2 
Summary: the enemies to lovers fake dating shirbert au nobody asked for  
Another really good modern fake dating au!!! This author also wrote one of the best awae twitter aus, that you can read Here 
40.Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same By: Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: T Length: 1k- 1/1 
Summary: Look, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert wasn't heartbroken. She was, for like a day, but then she had mustered all the power a Marilla glare could contain and got over it. Did she still love Gilbert? Sure. But alas, she was a summer storm, and he a winter sun. In which Anne tries to move on, but a certain hazel eyed boy won't let her.
41.the road not taken By: melissa13 (@annesurelyblythe) Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Years after the events of Season 3, a chance encounter in a bookstore brings Gilbert face-to-face with an old flame causing him to reflect on his new marriage. Features Anne and Gilbert being adorable newlyweds.
Winnies a darling and Gilbert is such a proud husband. When Winfred says “love looks good on you Blythe” l lose my mind 
42.Maybe The Universe Has Other Plans By: Cones_McMurphy Rating: G Length: 2k- 1/1 
Summary: Four times Gilbert Blythe tries to propose to Anne Shirley and fails, and the one time he doesn't try and succeed
This one is actually green gables fables which is a modern au told through vlogs and social media that you can watch on YouTube right now! Anyway, even though it’s not Anne with an e it’s just Gilbert trying to propose to Anne and it’s very cute! 
43.be still my foolish heart (don't ruin this on me)  By: theatrythms (@fairrobb, @smearclouds) Rating: G Length: 5k- 1/1
Summary: (The idea was always, always, always a bad one, but it sounded so romantical, so whimsical; to throw a stunt for all of her friends and get to spend time with Gilbert in the process.) Or; fake-dating, and the aftermath.
44.one look in your eyes and i found my favourite colour  By:  simonsjumper  Rating: G Length: 5k- 3/? 
Summary: au where everyone can only see in black and white until a moment between them and their soulmate triggers colour gradually appearing into both of their worlds (and yes, it happens during dance practice)
45.Of Tongue and Pen By: piperholmes Rating: G Length: 5k- 2/2 
Summary: When Gilbert returns Anne’s pen, he is reminded of what’s important and what it means to live a passionate life. He finally understands he needs to ask the right questions. Now featuring an epilogue!
46.this, and my heart beside By: fruitwhirl (@ametroepya) Rating: G Length: 6k- 1/2 
Summary: It’s three months in Toronto before she runs into him. Or rather, he runs into her. Well, okay, there is very little running involved at all.
Gilbert and Anne becoming friends in Toronto together!
47.Those With Wit and Learning Will Always Find Their Kind(red spirits)
By: WideScopeofImagination Rating: G Length: 126k- 5/7 
Summary: Anne Shirley thinks its a dream beyond her wildest imagination come true when she learns she's a witch and can attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.There are still challenges, of course.Or: How Anne has to keep solving magical disasters with muggle common sense, and finds her kindred spirits along the way
48.all of the dreams that get harder, all of the things that I offer you By: anbethmarie Rating: G Length: 7k-3/3 
Summary: Anne receives proposals of marriage from various and undesirable quarters. Gilbert Blythe naturally happens to stumble upon her immediately afterwards every time.
49.Time and Tide  By: jacksparrow589 (@js589) Rating: G-M Length: 35k- 8 works 
Summary: The Modern AU that nobody wanted and nobody asked for that just keeps on spawning new tales.
This is a series of 8 works (all fantastic) so i just put the entire thing here. Modern au set in college. Check the author's recommended reading order! 
50.a rose amongst thorns  By: not_so_weary_pilgrim Rating: G Length: 7k-3/3 
Summary: Anne swallows, so hard that it hurts. His head is bent over her hand, and she suddenly realizes that with all the growing he’s done in the past year or so the top of his head is an uncommon sight for her. In fact, the last time she saw those dark curls from this vantage point was when he bowed after their dance practice at school.She nearly flinches away from memories of that golden afternoon, when Gilbert’s eyes never left hers, when she was only vaguely aware of anyone else being in the room, when he pulled her closer than the dance required but it still wasn’t close enough.
Anne gets hit on the face and doctor gilbert in action!!!! He is way too worried about her but it’s very cute and well written. 
51.doctor's visit  By: seashel  Rating: G  Length: 1k-1/1 
Summary: turns out, gilbert isn't the only one afraid of needles.
Short modern au where Gilbert takes Anne to the doctors. High key the main reason this fic is on here is because he calls her baby. 
52.Takes the Cake By: bookwormforalways (@bookwormforalways) Rating: T Length: 2k-1/1
Summary: Anne and Gilbert, finally happily married, bake a cake to celebrate two months of being married.
53.to look in somebody's eyes, to light up the skies (to open the world and send it reeling)  By: lovishq Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1 
Summary: Anne Shirley's imaginary friends, fanciful names and women carved out of magic and fairytales are remnants of past lives, and they are all drawn to every Gilbert Blythe like moth to a flame. 
Ok, this one is like really cool. It’s this whole idea where Anne and Gilbert keep falling in love in different lifetimes but it’s always tragic until it isn’t. It’s really well written and just cool.
54.I don't have a choice (but I'd still choose you)  By: writergirl8 Rating: T  Length: 6k-1/1 
Summary: Anne knows now what it feels like to have someone looking at you like you are the most beautiful thing in the world.
I had to shorten the summary because its just so long, but basically this is a beautifully written fic that's just shirbert being fluff after season 3
55.everything you wanted, everything you don't  By: theystayalive Rating: G  Length: 2k-1/1  
Summary: And finally, when everything in his life quieted for just a moment, his heart molded his million thoughts into one word: Anne. In which Gilbert finds his way home.
56.that's the kindof love (i've been dreaming of) By: metsuryuogi (@natsujpg) Rating: G Length: 12k-1/1 
Summary: In which Anne and Gilbert spend their first year together, and apart. 
A really cute post season three fic! It also has a sequel that you can read Here
57.A Very Tragic, Romantical Secret (Understanding of a Pre-) Engagement  By: christah8 Rating: G Length: 5k, 1/1 
Summary: Post 3x08 AU where Gilbert avoids Anne for the summer and attends Queens College in the fall.
It's got a scavenger hunt and they are just so cute!
58.A Christmas gift By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1  
Summary: Gilbert comes home for Christmas. Set after season 3.
59.The reality of baking Christmas cookies  By: writingshirbert Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1 
Summary: Anne really wants to win the neighbourhood competition over who has the best Christmas decorations, however her neighbour is making it really hard for her to do so. 
60.the one person who makes me feel like i can take a fucking breath ( i can't have without completely destroying you ) By: softmullen Rating: NR Length: 5k-1/1 
Summary: IF THERE WAS ONE thing you needed to know about the cuthbert-baynard family, it was that the two and only children did not get along. and it wasn't the 'not getting along' like constantly arguing, no, they just didn't speak. it was like they absolutely hated each other and no one quite knew why. especially gilbert blythe, who had been best friends with jerry since before he could remember. it's always just been the two of them, until jerry's father remarried, moving them three streets down in a rather large house.
An “Edge of 17” au. Anne and Jerry being siblings- 10/10
61,you're already home where you feel loved By: c19 Rating: G Length: 11k-1/1 
Summary: Soulmate marks were only for special people, everyone kept telling them, but Anne and Gilbert both felt decidedly unspecial. Soulmate AU where the soulmate part isn't all that important.
62.The Language of My Unwavering Heart  By: bravebatgirl (@bravebatgorl) Rating: T Length: 70k- 7/15 
Summary:Anne Shirley-Cuthbert is attending college, exploring the excitement of entering womanhood beside her friends, and has even achieved a not-so-tragical romance. Everything is finally settling into place for the bride of adventure, but there are others still in dire straits. How is it that so much pain can be caused in a world about to turn a new century? 
63.I'll See You in the Orchard By: wanderinginthewoods Rating: T Length: 20k-3/3 
Summary: An alternate final, where Gilbert has to leave for Toronto later on, and doesn't bump into Diana. Meanwhile Anne--after meeting Winifred--finds herself on a spontaneous journey to Avonlea to confront him for not telling her about his lack of engagement--amongst other things. 
64.The Many Faces of Gilbert Blythe By: Purple_Slippers_18  Rating: T  Length: 50k-10/10 
Summary: Anne was looking forward to meeting Avonlea's new schoolmaster, and if she could only stop herself from being distracted by the memory of a tall, dark, handsome stranger that she knows she'll never meet again, she was sure she would make an excellent impression on the new teacher, no matter what Minnie May had to say
65.Into the Sun By: goldinavonlea (@goldinavonlea) Rating: T  Length: 5k-1/1  
Summary: Summer had arrived in Avonlea. In all truth, summer had arrived in Avonlea several weeks earlier, but the inclement internal weather of Anne’s life of late had rendered the view rather cloudy from her window for a while there, and so perhaps it was better to say that summer had arrived—finally—in Anne. And what a summer it was. Or, Anne and Gilbert spend 5000 words ignoring all rules of Victorian propriety in favour of becoming the human embodiments of warm syrup.
Pure fluff, and written so well!
66.life is momentous, indeed  By: bruadarxch (@rootedbutfl0wing)  Rating: G Length: 2k-1/1 
Summary: "She turns around trying to wipe off her tears and there he is, galloping down Lovers’ Lane in his horse, like a brooding hero in a romance novel. Bastard."Anne mopes and Gilbert finally does what he has to do.
67.something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue By: lxstdreams Rating: NR  Length: 1k-1/1 
Summary: how to propose to someone the moody spurgeon style(ruby x moody) 
One of the very few not shirbert centric fics, but sooo cute! 
68.oh i swear to you (i'll be there for you) By: cornerinthepouringrain Rating: T Length: 9k- 1/1 
Summary: They sort of become a family, her and Jerry and Ruby and Gilbert (after she forgave him for the thing they don’t speak about), and they were annoying little shits who ate all her food and trashed her apartment, but... she was happy. It was a slow realization, one that didn’t really strike her until she was sitting on the floor in her pajamas, watching Ruby smack Jerry repeatedly after catching the boy stealing her Monopoly money as Gilbert rolled around in tears clutching his stomach. 
Friends Au! I just love it so much
69.you don't have to say nothing - you don't have to say you're mine By: goddessbeltane Rating: M (warning: rape/non-con) Length: 27k-1/1 
Summary: I hate this asshole. Asshole! The nerve! Anne rose from her chair abruptly, striding over to the counter to meet an obviously frightened Gilbert – though she couldn’t blame him for being scared, the last time she looked at him like that was about five seconds before he was violently doused - before folding her arms across her chest. “And just what would you know about soulmates, Blythe?”
The Office Au! If you can't tell, I love sitcom aus. Mentions of rape (not graphic)  
70.If You're Wondering If I Want You To  By: teal_always Rating: T Length: 16k-1/1 
Summary:  Princess Cordelia cordially invites Princess Delphine to join her on the playground to witness Sir Gilbert's courting of Princess Cordelia's mother, Queen Anne. Or Gilbert Blythe will piss off Anne Shirley-Cuthbert upon meeting her in any and all universes.
Single parent au! Just so good!
71.A Little Crazy By: YumKiwiDelicious Rating: NR Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: They’re eight and she’s got the knobbiest knees Gilbert has ever seen. || 5 times Anne tells Gilbert she loves him +1 time he actually takes her seriously||
72. we can leave the christmas lights up till januaryBy: Alice_Prongs Rating: T Length: 17k-3/3
Summary: the boys are throwing a christmas party before they leave for the holidays. that's fine. it's fine, really. all anne needs to do is stay sober throughout it and nothing will go wrong. like, you know, blurting out all of her feelings for gilbert blythe in front of him.
Modern + Christmas + Angst = a fantastic fic! (also sequel Here)
73.silence is the blood whose flesh is singing By: ashleykay Rating: NR Length: 4k-1/1  
Summary: Anne Shirley does not believe in soulmates. And she will not be swayed otherwise. She believes only in love freely given. Soulmate AU. Timers.
74.The 10 Rules of Anne and Gilbert's Fake Relationship By: anexistence Rating: G Length: 18k-4/11 
Summary: She’s kissing Gilbert Blythe, who is surprisingly eagerly kissing her back. Ew, she’s kissing Gilbert Blythe. Anne pulls away, and masks her horror by smiling sweetly up at him. He has that warm yet bemused look on his face. “Hey, there” he smirks, and Anne wishes she could just wipe the smirk away. “A favour for a favour,” she whispers. “You owe me some brownies, Carrots.”
75.thin ice  By: antspaul Rating: T (warning- eating disorder)  Length: 30k-7/7  
Summary: "She still has a long way to go. Frustration builds in her throat and she wishes she could eat what she wanted and still stay slim and beautiful and perfect like Anne or Ruby. But things are the way things are. Nothing can be done about that. Diana will be beautiful. She just has to stay in control." When her world seems to be falling apart at the seams, Diana Barry finds power in the strict regulation of food. At the same time, her friendship with the Cuthbert's farm boy grows into more than she could have expected. And so she spirals.
The other not shirbert centric fic (but they are mentioned). Whether or not you like Diana x Jerry it's still really interesting to see a fic from Diana's perspective. Mentions of eating disorders are VERY graphic. Stay safe kids. There's also an (uncompleted) sequel Here
76.All This Time, I Was Waiting For You  By: MeggieB Rating: M Length: 2k-1/1 
Summary: Five Times Gilbert Blythe says "Carrots"
Pure fluff! Includes young shirbert and married shirbert! 
77.Dream a Little Dream of Me  By: PhoebeDillard (@gilbvrtblythe) Rating: G Length: 8k-1/1  
Summary: Anne Shirley had been fascinated by the very idea of a dream her entire life. So imagine her surprise when she finally has hers and in it appears a prince that looks suspiciously similar to Gilbert Blythe. A Soulmate AU where everyone has one dream their entire life, and in it they see the face of their true love.
78.real or not real By: thearkdelinquents Rating: NR Length: 11k-1/1 
Summary: a fake dating fic but it's basically just a shirbert To All The Boys I Loved Before au.
79.Flowers in His Heart By:  Ephemeral_Joy (@lydias--stiles) Rating: G Length: 1k-1/1
Summary: ‘Don’t be,’ he said, shaking him head, ‘I was dreaming.’ Anne carefully smiled, placing her chin on her palm. ‘About?’ Gilbert paused for a moment. How could he reply to that? (“I dreamt about pinning you against the grass and kissing you”, wasn’t exactly an acceptable answer.) Or, he weighed the option, he could work with it. (or: Gilbert and Anne hang out and they definitely do not like each other. At all.)
80.Strawberry Tarts By: carrotsblythe Rating: G Length: 3k-1/1
Summary: Anne refuses to take part in another game of Spin the Bottle. And naturally, so does Gilbert.
81.Pretty Injuries  By: novahainn Rating: G (warning: PTSD, child abuse) Length: 5k-1/1 
Summary: Gilbert spent his childhood covered in flowers. Anne spent her childhood covered in some injury or other. Their meeting involves both. Soulmate AU where flowers appear on a person's soulmate when the person is injured.
82.From Red to Green With Love Between By: PhoebeDillard (@gilbvrtblythe) Rating: G Length: 7k-1/1
Summary: Gilbert Blythe was born with a tuft of red hair sticking out from amidst his unruly dark curls... until the day it turned green. A Soulmate AU where everyone has a streak of hair that matches the color of their true love.
 83.you belong somewhere close to me By: georgiestauffenberg Rating: G (warning: mentions of child abuse)  Length: 20k-1/1
Summary: “I know, son. I know. But if you feel what your soulmate feels, it is likely that she feels what you feel.” He raised his eyebrows. “Do you understand? If you are happy, she will be happy, too. Do you think you can be happy for her?” He nodded. “Yes.” He would think happy thoughts every possible moment if he must. AU. Gilbert is one of those rare, lucky souls who has a soulmate.
84. Shirbert One Shot + Drabble Collection By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: G-T Length: 43k’
I could have individually put every single fic on this list, but I thought it would be better to put the entire collection. You can find everything you're looking for here. I recommend them all but here are my personal favorites 
In the Blue Haze, The Peace, The Storm, She Has Brains Enough for Two , A Sweet Heart Won, Take Notice, Here is the Echo of a Sound I Wanted, things that fall (i, for you), Lifemate,when the sun goes to sleep
85. Time Turns to Amber By: Lil_Redhead (@royalcordeila) Rating: T Length: 42k-7/?
Summary: The line between universes is blurred when Anne Shirley of Green Gables suddenly switches lives with Ann Cuthbert, a university student living in the contemporary world. Suddenly Anne must learn how to navigate the modern world, one which contains a boyfriend, a part time job, and another year of university. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to tackle corsets, farming, and a world without electricity. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but most people can't tell the difference between the redhead they know and the girl who replaced her. Anne (and Ann) have to learn to live as the other and try to find a way back to their own homes.
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rosesjustdie · 4 years
🎵 ( kat + zoe )
I did warn in another answer that these were all going to be off Taylor Swift’s new albums for Katerina but this one I heard and automatically thought of Kat and two relationships that truly affected her in her life. Even to the point that I had to scream about it straight away (sorry Whisky) so naturally I have to talk about tolerate it. (side note this is also the song i’m using as inspiration for a self para prompt from like 3 months ago)
I sit and watch you reading with your Head low I wake and watch you breathing with your Eyes closed I sit and watch you And notice everything you do or don't do You're so much older and wiser and I
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid Use my best colors for your portrait Lay the table with the fancy shit And watch you tolerate it If it's all in my head tell me now Tell me I've got it wrong somehow I know my love should be celebrated But you tolerate it
Now this first verse makes me think the most about Isaiah. Katerina was just nineteen when she met him and he was 23. He truly was her first experience when it came to dating and she fell for him hard and it took a couple of years for her to realise that whilst she was trying and trying and trying to be the best person she could for him it wasn’t mattering. She would give all of the love that she could and he would just accept it as though it were owed without giving anything back.
I greet you with a battle hero's welcome I take your indiscretions all in good fun I sit and listen I polish plates until they gleam and glisten You're so much older and wiser and I
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid Use my best colors for your portrait Lay the table with the fancy shit And watch you tolerate it If it's all in my head tell me now Tell me I've got it wrong somehow I know my love should be celebrated But you tolerate it
While you were out building other worlds, where was I? Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire? I made you my temple, my mural, my sky Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life Drawing hearts in the byline Always taking up too much space or time
Now this next verse I transitioned away from Isaiah in my mind and went to one of the other important men in her life, Dimitri. From the minute she had understood what anything meant she had just wanted to impress her father but she never wanted to be involved in the family business. All this ended up resulting in for her was being cast off to the side as though she were nothing. Every achievement ignored and yet she still tried to look up to him as a parent where she could. Ultimately causing disappointment for her.
You assume I'm fine But what would you do if I, I
Break free and leave us in ruins Took this dagger in me and removed it Gain the weight of you then lose it Believe me, I could do it
Breaking free of both of these men ended up being the best thing that happened to her, even if it was both of their deaths that caused it. It took her snapping over Isaiah to realise that he was just like Dimitri though to her he was worse. At least Dimitri left her alone. And then Dimitri’s death not long after lifted such a weight off her shoulders. No longer was she spending her whole life trying to impress someone who didn’t care. She could finally do things for herself and she didn’t have to pretend to be fine anymore.
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Naturally for this next one I had to do the song I based Zoe off, her tag is one of the lines from this song so it’s going to be homecoming queen? by Kelsea Ballerini.
Hey homecoming queen? Why do you lie? When somebody's mean? Where do you hide? Do people assume you're always alright? Been so good at smiling most of your life
Look damn good in the dress, zipping up the mess Dancing with your best foot forward Does it get hard to have to play the part? Nobody's feeling sorry for ya
Once Zoe got into her teenage years she became that girl who was friends with pretty much everyone. She got in with the popular crowds though she wasn’t the head popular girl at all. She was just friendly with as many people as she could be. She was ultimately the homecoming queen (yes purely because of this song) and the rich girl that no one ever believed she might have trouble underneath everything.
But what if I told you the world wouldn't end If you started showing what's under your skin What if you let 'em all in on the lie? Even the homecoming queen cries
She was always smiling, being the best that she absolutely could be because at the end of the day Zoe knew how privileged she was and she didn’t want to take anything away from people. She threw herself into caring about everyone else and making sure that it looked like nothing affected her. It took college and really growing into adulthood to realise that she was allowed to have problems.
Hey homecoming queen how's things at home? Still walking on eggshells when that curtain's closed? Did your daddy teach you how to act tough? Or more like your mama? Sweep it under the rug?
Look damn good in the dress, zipping up the mess Dancing with your best foot forward Did you want the crown or does it weigh you down Nobody's feeling sorry for ya
Yeah, what if I told you the sky wouldn't fall? If you lost your composure, said to hell with it all Not everything pretty sparkles and shines And even the homecoming queen cries
She did everything she could to not let her life affect how she was around everyone and to not let people see how much her birth parents had in fact affected her. Her adoptive mother being the first people to see it and seek Zoe to get help but it didn’t stop some of the habits she had picked up. Put on a strong face and always look like she was tough and when she couldn’t hide things? Sometimes she would just pretend that it hadn’t happened. Much like what she’s done now with her PTSD and everything that happened to her.
She’s always felt like she has to be the pretty rich girl, head up, get on with the job that learning it’s okay to be vulnerable was enough and she’s finally taking time to focus on her mental health and thinking about herself. Hopefully able to put her chin up and let the crown stay straight again.
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
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redemptioninterlude asked: [ STRADDLE ] ― my muse sits down in your muses’ lap. ( marlene @ max )
[ MEME TAG || From: @redemptioninterlude ]
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College was filled with new experiences, new people, far away from the cursed little town she'd spend the last six years fighting for her life in. The gates were closed for good, for the last and final time, the world didn't end three years ago, El swears it up and down, no more bad things, but still even the smallest thing, a light flickering in the hallway, running up that hill blasting on a radio, the ringing of a clock bell, can set it all off and for a split second she's back there. Max swears her classmates must think she's fucking crazy, well, almost all of them. All except Marlene, who might just be as weird as she is, with her adorable English accent that had taken Max most of the first semester of college to figure out what she was talking about half of the time.
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Marlene who's in her dorm room right now insisting they go to this dumb Christmas party, "I dunno - I'm gonna look dumb." she groans, head shaking as Marlene empties out a makeup bag bigger than Max's book bag onto her bed, picking up what looks like some kind of medieval torture device, eyes wide examining it, "okay FINE you can put eyeliner on me but if you even try and come at me with this THING I will not be held responsible for my actions dude!" no bite in her words, laughter bubbling as she shakes her head, teeth sinking into her lower lip watching Marlene, yeah, Max is sure this silly little crush was going nowhere anytime soon, dammit Mayfield.
Flopping back on the mattress in surrender, not expecting for Marlene to straddle her hips, eyeliner in hand, and for a second Max thinks she's going to fucking pass out, hot girl on top of her, hot girl leaning in all smiles and laughter, stay still Marlene breezes like it's the most casual thing in the world for her MASSIVE GIRL CRUSH to be straddling her hips like it was nothing. Which, it was right? Like, she was just doing her make up, they were just friends, but holy shit did Max was to kiss her right now. Pulse racing, brain short-circuiting like crazy, "are you uh - done?" she asks pupils blown, pushing herself up on the elbows, Marlene still so fucking close she's sure she can hear her heart racing like she'd just run a fucking marathon.
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montanababe7 · 1 year
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Over the years, I’ve orchestrated and led princess purity conferences at different churches, been a camp camp counselor in 2007-where I mentored 13 amazingly precious and beautiful jr high girls. Where I saw Jesus do what only he could do. Transform once broken lives and make them whole🥹🥲🥺😭💜🙏🏼🤗.
I’ve stayed in contact with nearly all of them since that time, I’ve been a volunteer youth leader at several churches where I’ve prayed for and held in my arms as Jesus beautifully transformed their hearts-I’ve seen youth weeping and crying as Jesus dries their tears and completely change their lives, I’ve been in a worship band in college where the glory of Jesus was so strong that my fellow college students wept in the presence of Jesus and were undone in His everlasting awestruck wonder and glory, and was a co-worship pastor with my husband-where Michael Wolf 🐺 and I saw-untold numbers of hungry souls seek Jesus and become whole. All lifechanging. All amazing 🥳🤩
(I’ve been a spiritual mother since I was 19. I’m also a spiritual grandmother).
But being a mom to Mike and I’s, three absolutely incredible and radiant daughters has been the most rewarding and challenging moments of my life by far. Some days, I feel like I’m drowning. Other days, I’m on top of the world.
I’m just so humbled and thankful. And. Grateful that Jesus has entrusted me with so much. It’s truly humbling. I’ve never stopped praying also for all of my classmates when I was in high school and in multiple colleges.
You all mean so much to me. I pray for each and every one of you daily🥹😭. Jesus tells me how much he loves you. How much he’s always loved you. Jesus told me a years ago-he’s given me the apostle of the love mantle.
Many have said that I’ve been far older and wiser than my time. Than my current age. And, they’re right.
I remember sitting by my locker in my junior and senior years of high school-even in those moments when most of the friends that I thought were close to me had forsaken me and walked away from me. I ate my granola bar; while I was reading my Bible and reminding myself that one day I’d get through this. I clung to Jesus and to my Bible for dear life. Other times, I’d sob quietly in the bathroom stall or cry in front of the mirror when no one was around. Jesus would also lead me to read and type up Bible verses on suffering for Jesus. Being persecuted. Being th r o w n down. When I had no one but Jesus. Jesus always held me close. Jesus is the only reason I got through those years. I miss those moments. Those moments of my greatest pain when my heart was breaking I saw Jesus often face to face. Jesus was Reminding me that I was never alone. if I was remembered for anything back in high school. I, pray 🙏🏼 that the other students would remember the Jessica of those yeARs-who never let anything or anyone ever shatter her heart. Even the kids who taunted me in the locker rooms. Jesus was still there
And Jesus is here with me today. Each day is a beautiful treasure and an absolutely irreplaceable precious & a priceless gift. Remember to thank Jesus for today.
Even on the days of the unknown; Jesus is here 🙂
Jessica Wolf
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flamecursed-a-blog · 6 years
V1: Main verse. Follows her bio (I’ll link it here when it’s written). Set modern day, and can be anywhere (though default is probably NYC). Diana is very old and very tired, but still determined to make the best of her circumstances. She works as a nurse (often in ERs, but also enjoys working in paediatrics and ICU), carefully using tiny amounts of magic to help her patients when she has the chance. She can’t stay in one place for more than a handful of years -- not without risking her lack of ageing being noticed, at least. Though always friendly and kind, she keeps to herself. Secrets are far easier to keep when no one can look too closely.
V2: Also follows her bio, but this one is pretty much a catch all for different points in her past. Diana is still a healer/nurse throughout most of this, but whether she does so professionally and/or is actually trained depends on the specific time period.
V3: Modern/Human. Similar to V1, but with a different backstory. Diana is in her mid-late 20s, and still a nurse. When she was young, her home went up in flames, killing her mother and destroying everything they owned. Her father raised her on his own for the next few years, until illness claimed his life too. Diana spend the rest of her years as a minor in the system, bouncing around different families and homes. She was lucky, she knew, because none of them were actually bad. But none of them were her family. None of them were her home. After high school, she throws herself into the pursuit of her long-time goal, nursing, which she reaches (with a truck of student debt in tow). She loves her job, she truly does, but she still longs for a home, for a family. Now, a little older and wiser, she wonders if maybe she can find a new one after all.
V4: University. Basically the same as V3, but set during her years at college.
V5: MCU. Pre-CA:TWS. Diana is a nurse working for SHIELD. She has advanced healing abilities (that is, her own injuries heal, not her healing others), which earned her the attention of SHIELD and a place on the index when she was young. After completing her nursing degree, she was approached by SHIELD again, this time with a job offer.
V6: MCU. Post-CA:TWS. When SHIELD falls, Diana manages to escape HYDRA, but now she’s on her own with no family, no work, and nothing to even put on a resume. Depending on what works better for the particular plot/thread/etc. Diana will either find work with Stark Industries or rejoin Coulson’s new SHIELD. This might eventually get split into two verses.
V7: HP. As a child, Diana moves to England with her father after they lose her mother and everything else in a fire. She attends Hogwarts as a Hufflepuff, training as a Healer after school and finding a job at St. Mungo’s. Can be set in Book era or First War era.
V8: Dragon Age: Inquisition. Diana is a mage who has spent her whole life hiding— being the child of a runaway templar and a mage tends to have that effect. Her mother died in a fire when she was a child, and her father of lyrium withdrawals just a few years after She joined the Inquisition almost immediately after the Conclave, hoping to lend her skills as a healer to the wounded and to maybe, just maybe, find somewhere she doesn’t have to run from.
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spacetimemuses · 3 years
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Dewey is a character featured in all five films of the Scream series. And cause of that, I decided to make verses corresponding to each film. There are:
NORMAL: All canon muses will have a ‘normal’ verse, a.k.a one not heavy on specific lore, can be tossed into any sort of situation. Kind of like an original character. The verse that will be used if we don’t discuss a specific one. Dewey’s default verse is more go a ‘general’ verse; a loose mixture of the verses mentioned below. It can span anywhere from a little before the first spree of murders took place to present day. The first spree would still be canon no matter what, but any beyond that would be thread dependent. Faceclaim is present-day David Arquette, with younger David also available.
DEPUTY DEWEY (tag) : This verse takes place before, during and after the first Woodsboro murders. Dewey’s a man of the law who just can’t get taken seriously, thought he does try. He doesn’t let it crush his spirit though, and does what he can to help anyone in need and to bring justice. The months following the murders send him into a bit of a depression, as his younger sister fell victim to one of the killers. He would eventually get out of this rut, but the guilt is still something he carries with him. He also had to complete physical therapy due to a severed nerve in his back after being stabbed. Faceclaim is younger David Arquette.
WINDSOR SECURITY (tag) : This verse takes place during and after the second spree of murders, at Windsor college. he still works as an officer for Woodsboro police. however, after two college students (classmates of Sidney and Randy) were found dead he feels obligated to go out of his way to be there for the two survivors. The same dewey as before, just a year or two older and a little wiser. Faceclaim is younger David Arquette.
DEWDROP (tag) : This verse takes place a little before and during the third murder spree, in Hollywood. Dewey is working on set of ’Stab 3’, a film series based around the first murders. A little hardened by the celebrity lifestyle he is surrounded by,there’s no changing who he really is deep down though. And it doesn’t take a long time of being around him to realize that. When the murders start up yet again, he does what he can to protect Sidney and the others. Faceclaim is younger David Arquette.
SHERIFF DEWEY (tag) : This verse takes place a little before, during and after the fourth murder spree, back in Woodsboro. Dewey has returned home and went back on the force. Sheriff Burke retired, and so he took his position. He’s more mature, enough to be respected by the deputies he’s in charge of. However, he still has that almost goofy way about him. Faceclaim is David Arquette.
TBA (tag) : This verse will take place before and during the fifth murder spree, once again in Woodsboro. The fifth film for the series isn’t out yet, so I don’t have enough information to complete think this one out. Plus I might wait a little bit in case I have to include anything spoilerish. Faceclaim will be David Arquette.
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slavy77 · 3 years
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Be Fit in Body, Mind & Spirit
For a few years I tried to be a college athlete…well I was a college athlete. I had most of the gifts, just needed a little more focus and confidence. I did play D1 football, just never really played. One thing I did get from those years is strong, and good worth ethic. I always enjoyed working out in the weight room. In fact I remember lifting weights in our basement growing up, then in high school, then college, then after college..then baby came. I’m getting back into it, but it’s challenge for me without a gym and much time to do it.
Now that I’m older and wiser, I’m realizing what fitness really is. It’s not so much about big muscles, but also cardio, endurance and strength. It’s about being able to live life fuller and being able to check out what God has given us on this spinning rock. Seeing the top of a mountain is amazing, but you’ll need to be in shape. Hiking to a lake where there are no roads, you’ll need to be in shape.
But it’s bigger than physical shape. I used to be so focused on the physical side of being in shape. I was close to a meathead, I read, but it was Muscle and Fitness magazine. Most important part of the day was the gym. I called myself a gym rat. These days I see the bigger picture. The older I get, the wider the frame gets. The bigger picture includes the physical fitness, but also the mental fitness and most importantly the spiritual fitness.
Mental fitness is more important as we get older. The older we get the more we are looked to for knowledge due to experience. For me, I look at an older person and usually think they have some wisdom, yet the older I get I realize that grey hair doesn’t necessarily mean wisdom. Some people are just “old”. Most of those people are people who just never learned from their mistakes. They just kept living. They didn’t try to better themselves. I am fired up about mental fitness these days. I’m reading more and moving towards learning. So instead of Star Wars novels, it’s marketing, finance and self help books. Instead of Bigfoot podcasts, it’s SEO, leadership techniques and economics. More documentaries and less Seinfeld. I just want to be mentally fit. I have no intention of being lead through life. I plan to be part of the leadership.
Most importantly for me (and it should be for you) is spiritual fitness. This is not an easy one to discuss, because it’s very personal, it’s much more strict and it goes against what society sells to us. I spend every morning reading the Bible in some way. The Bible App has made it much easier to do this. It might be a quick verse of the day or an hour and half reading and writing. There are more notes than just these posts. My faith is getting stronger and I do believe that there is something so much bigger than this life. And I do believe that we need to train our minds to focus on this, just like an athlete trains their body for the next game/match.
Once again, spiritual fitness is bigger than just the afterlife. Having good spiritual fitness helps us make good moral decisions. Spiritual fitness keeps us thinking about how we can help others, while still helping ourselves. It opens up our minds to a bigger picture and can train us to live our lives in harmony with others, not irritating others. Spiritual fitness leads to grace and will lead to blessings. I’m sure some people reading this are rolling eyes or is turned off, but I lived the life of just physical fitness for a long time. I felt good, looked good, but something was always missing. Now when I’m working on my fitness - physically, mentally and spiritually, I can feel things coming together. The big picture is getting more detail added, just like sitting in a tree stand as the sun comes up…the shadows give way to detail.
I love the path I’m on right now. I’m starting to feel growth again. I’m starting to feel more rounded. I’m starting to feel like big changes are coming. To anyone younger then me, start now and build the routine. To those as old or older than me, its never too late…take small steps. Let’s all get fully fit together.
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