sad4ppleart · 2 years
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day 28: double trouble! and what's more trouble than a double headed ogre about to blow you up?
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dravatti · 2 years
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Trolltober2022/20 - Rastakhan’s Rumble
Bethekk’s champion has the best/worst Gurubashi fans to cheer him on in the arena. 
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yiseonhye · 1 year
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"God that last one was awful." she commented as the next round was served a half fild glass still in front of her. "Exprimental is really starting to become the new word for bad"
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ did you see my name on the seating chart and decide the wedding wasn’t for you ? i didn’t think you’d be so cowardly. ” [ ;; @okcyo​ ]
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uriahzakuani · 2 years
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“ WHEN ASALI DECLINED THE INVITATION, i thought i was gonna have a mwezi-less party... which is no party at all. thanks for coming. ” he pushed a drink into okeyo’s hand and gave the man a few slaps on the back. “ did she find something better ? ” [ @okcyo​ ]
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nut4shuri · 2 years
could you please do angst where reader and shuri get into an argument and reader takes off in one of the aircrafts and shuri goes looking for her? (but pls with a happy ending)
Lose you🤍
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I really would like someone to explain what angst is to me? Is it like smut,without the smut or some shit? Like what is the diffrence. Cause i really don't know.
You couldn't believe what you just witnessed... shuri kissing riri in the lab,and shuri had the nerves to defend her and riri's actions saying it was in the "heat" of the moment and wasn't their fault. She even had the nerves to call you "embarrassing" and said you where "being difficult".
your eyes began to tear up even more. You really couldn't believe what she was saying,you didn't believe it at all. This wasn't your shuri,it just couldn't be. She would never...something was wrong.
she stopped her rant as she seen the look in your eyes and the look of utter dissapontment flashed her face.
"babe i.."
"Babe nothing. Its over we're through."you said as you rushed to leave the room hearning shuirs screams bebind you.
"Y/n!" She yelled as you heard footsteps you sped up and rushed to get away.
You could feel shuri on your tail as you quickly looked seeing no other exit but the aircraft sitting on the building.
"Ms.Y/N you can not-!" Okeyo sounded as she seen you climbing the aircraft to get in.
You sped up as she she raced to get to you but she was to late as you closed the door.
Others ran behind her looking up as the aircraft began to lift.
"Shit!" You heard as Okeyo ran over to another aircraft you the quickly pressed the auto pilot button.
"how do you even fly this shit.."
It sped off into the wind as you sat back and thought about the argument you and shuri just had..
I understand all the pressure she's been under and the Queen's passing but I just didn't understand was I not enough? did she not love me anymore? who was I? I was questioning myself so much more than I ever had before because really. Who was I without Shuri?
Was I really worth her love was I really worth the time and affection Riri was so much smarter than me she was pretty and she had more potential and her and sure got along really well more than we ever did every time I felt like we bonded with sexually..
"Ms.Y/N" Groit spoke out through my kemoye beads..
"Yes.."i said silently as i took them off my wrists placing them to the side.
"The queen requests for you to return to the palce expeditiously."
"The Queen can politely shut the hell up."
"Ms Y/N-"
My beads began to vibrate rapidly as a small hologram of shuri surfaced from the beads.
I groaned taking the beads and open a small window on the side of the aircraft and tossing them out.
"Im going home." You whispered to yourself.
Placing an address in the gps of the aircraft i sat back in my seat and looked out at the view.
Reminiscing on all of our happy moments together,me meating tchalla,and the queen herself.
She saved you...in your darkest moments she was their.....You being known as a "criminal" ..but she saw the good in you and she helped you find your self again.
You wished you never met her. This old you wouldn't feel so much,the old you wouldn't cry and she definitely wouldn't run away from her problems. But thats all you could do,if you talked face to face you were burst out in tears and wouldn't be able to control yourself you wouldn't know what to say I had to feel your feelings will be all over the place.
You sat back staring into the horizon watching the sky as birds flew,passing by the sparkly blue water shined from below the sight of wakanda was just so beautiful.
Slipping off your shoes you made your way inside of your apartment,you always had a back up plan. Nobody knew about this apartment but you. You knew that you needed something to fall back on if this happened,you just hoped it never did.
You slipped of your coat and made your way to the bathroom running some hot water,adding in some bubbles and epsom salt you lit some candles and let the water run walking out grabbing a bottle of wine and a wine cup.
You made your way back into the bathroom turning off the water and slipping of your clothing.
You sat in the water,your body settled and stilled as you took in the quiet atmosphere,your eyes began to tear up as tears started to fall.And they kept falling,you brought your knees up to your chest and began to silently break down.
After a while you opened the wine bottle and started to drink,and kept drinking.All your worries went into a blur as you sipped from the whine glass and steadied your breath.
After your bath you washed your hair and cleaned,slipping on some silk pjs and began to dry your hair in the mirror.
As you looked in the mirror your eyes widened as you slipped the earlings from your ear watching them light up in your hands.
*knocking sounds*
"Fuck." You said and groaned you walked to the door hesitantly.
Grabbing your gun form the dresser you opened the door and their stood shuri.
Her hands in her pockets,her eyes where swollen and red,her hair was everywhere and she wore grey sweats and a hooddie to match.
"Y/N-" she said as she let out a shaky breath and pulled you into a hug.
"What- shuri-"
You heard faint sobs as you shut up instantly,holding her up as she began to break down in your arms.
"Im sorry please,please please don't go."
"I love you so much,i just dont know why i didnt that- i- i wanted you to feel the hurt i was feeling and i reflected pain from me to you,i felt like you didn't care and all you cared about was your won wishes,but i was so wrong. I shoulda talked to you because i love you and-"
You slapped your hand over her mouth and sat her up.
"Shuri breathe."
"your all i have y/n.."she spoke silently
She sucked up her crys and began to whipe her face.
Pulling her into the apartment you grabbed her a glass of water and sat her on the couch.
"I can't live without you,i can't breath without you,i fell apart at the thought of you and me no longer being together i love you with my whole soul,every bone in my body,every inch of myself i gave to you,and i love and care for you and you do the same for me like no one else has ever done..and i don't wanna lose that..
I don't wanna lose you."
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jay🤍-yall seen that video with letitia and kehlani? 😩
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arayamahidol · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i hadn't rped since 2017 and during the pandemic around dec 2020/jan 2021 i was sooooo bored since all my work turned remote so i went through the "royal rp" tag and hshq was the only rp other than like one other in the tag at the time. i don't remember any specific plotlines, i just remember being thrown into the nye event on the yacht or something? and that's when hijacking was first introduced iirc. and now i'm trying to buy a house and that makes me want to vomit!
which characters have you written over the years ?
haera, san, io, araya, meixu, okeyo and inna
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
i think meixu's life in general. i thought she would have found someone and gotten the family she wanted and the happy ending ( w a few struggles ofc ) but she ended up alone and more jaded about life! something more comedic would probably be when araya and ireti got tattoos during the monaco event and she thought her tattoo said ja rule instead of jaurel. and def lawnchair gate.
what about other people's plotlines ?
when matilde pushed arnauld into the pool. the english plotline was supes fun to watch unfold.
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
meixu because she's the most different from me personally. she deserved the most and the best, but always ate shit asjfhsadkf araya was the easiest to write. she had some good one liners. going to miss my flat assed baddie ♡
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
lawn chair or the lunch thread with the solets. evy, kit and i were in shambles about it. we still bring it up every now and then and idk why it's still just as funny to us as it was back then.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i don't think so
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
probably meixu, she feels the most incomplete. i wish i could have wrote more on how jianguo's death affected her and how that changed her relationships. the other one would be auraya since i honestly did not think they'd last, but here they are, still sharing a single brain cell ♡ if the africa plot actually took off, that would have been fun.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
when e and i were writing lawnchair gate, giggling nonstop beside each other. we tasked ourselves to a challenge where if i wrote a two word reply, she'd have to write a three word reply, and then my next reply would have to be four words ( you get the idea ). we would count how many words the other person wrote because we'd lose track and then mess up and have to count again. whenever there would be a red carpet event like the oscars or during fashion week, j and i would always play this game of who in hshq would wear it. it was fun. when kit and i spent an entire night trying to pronounce all the characters names and we'd attempt it at first and play the actual pronunciation after and die about how inaccurate we were. and ofc, throwing tomatoes at jo in the disc chat ♡
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
discord, but i'll probably not be that responsive sdfhsdf i'm not that great with keeping in touch with people 😭
what else would you like to say ?
i know i joined a bit later and haven't made as big of an impact as others, but i honestly thought i would last two weeks and end up becoming inactive because established groups are intimidating! i'm glad i gave it a chance, i met some really good friends on here that are beyond just "rp friends"! this feels like a high school graduation since this will be the last time we all see each other on the dash like this and it's very bittersweet! hshq was a great distraction for me during the pandemic and i feel honoured to have wrote alongside you all and i'm happy i was able to make so many gifs of so many different faceclaims. loved seeing you all use them.
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highsocietyhq · 1 year
☾ ° › update 9:00 am !
the sun rose and the comfortable and safe darkness was set aside. this was bad news for our escapees. klaus and ronan had fought valiantly against fate but not even they could fight against two search parties dedicated to catching royals. 
the other groups did not have much luck either max, sylvie, aurel and julien could not outrun well rested men despite their best efforts. uriah, araya, nikolai, sergi & kurakin were slightly luckier — or at least nikita kurakin was. he was the only one who did not get caught. 
new day, new rules ! at the break of dawn the men began moving people around. first the monarchs were picked out: alexei, anneli, max, sergi, jianguo, lixue & catherine were taken to the room with arnauld and michael — matilde and levente were removed. only one was missing: verona di savoia. but instead of seeing that particular blonde get pushed into the room, fanni croÿ was escorted into the room. 
the monarchs ( and a poorly identified blonde ) were informed of the reason behind their capture: each monarch had a demand to respond to. inability to act would lead to being eliminated. 
it was the chinese’s turn to start. they were told to end the blockade on the bohai strait. they were given four hours.
in the same building ronan, maitê, matilde, wiebke, robbie, xiuying, vitya, layla & aslan were contained in the same room.
ana maria, andrew, daisuke, hafiz, freja, marisol, art & okeyo were locked in a room in the building close to the docks. 
ilija, sol, ireti, jelani, aurel, klaus, helena, araya, effie, silje, sylvie, gwen, gabriel were all moved to a room in the building on the west coast.
in a different room meixu, uriah, nikolai, elyse, julien, giselle, olimpia & alessandro were held captive.
ariel, bash, reggie, yasmin, levente, ines & tekla were placed in the building in northwest. as were  giovanni, natalia, manon, johannes, samuel, barbie, leo, verona, dianna & sasha.
the building in the middle of the island:
group one: alexei, anneli, max, michael, arnauld, catherine, fanni, sergi, jianguo, lixue
group two: ronan, maite, matilde, vitya, layla, aslan, wiebke, robbie, xiuying
the building close to the docks:
group three: ana maria, andrew, daisuke, hafiz, freja, marisol, art, okeyo
the building on the west coast:
group four: ilija, sol, ireti, jelani, aurel, klaus, helena, araya, effie silje, sylvie, gwen, gabriel
group five: meixu, uriah, nikolai, elyse, julien, giselle, olimpia, alessandro
the building in northwest:
group six: ariel, bash, reggie, yasmin, levente, ines, tekla
group seven: giovanni, natalia, manon, johannes, samuel, barbie, leo, verona, dianna, sasha
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goalhofer · 4 days
2024 olympics Kenya roster
David Kapirante (Nairobi)
Kelvin Tauta (Mombasa)
Ferdinand Omanyala-Omurwa (Tongaren)
Zablon Ekwam (Todonyang)
Emmanuel Wanyonyi (Kapretwa)
Wyclife Kinyamal (Kilgoris)
Koitatoi Kidali (Namanga)
Reynold Cheruiyot (Bomet)
Brian Komen (Nakuru County)
Timothy Cheruiyot (Bomet)
Jacob Krop (West Pokot County)
Edwin Kurgat (Eldoret)
Ronald Kwemoi (Kapsokwony)
Daniel Mateiko (Kapsokwony)
Nicholas Kimeli (Eldoret)
Benard Kibet-Koech (Kericho)
Wiseman Mukhobe (Trans-Nzoia County)
Amos Serem (Uasin Gishu County)
Simon Koech (Kericho County)
Abraham Kibiwot (Uasin Gishu County)
Eliud Kipchoge (Kapsisiywa)
Benson Kipruto (Tolilet)
Alexander Munyao (Kiteta)
Samuel Gathimba (Nyeri)
Boniface Mweresa (Nyamira)
Julius Yego (Cheptonon)
Mercy Chebet (Nakuru)
Maureen Thomas (Nairobi)
Mary Moraa (Obwari)
Vivian Kiprotich (Nairobi)
Lilian Odira (Migori County)
Faith Kipyegon (Keringettt)
Nelly Chepchirchir (Kapsabet)
Susan Ejore-Sanders (Nakuru)
Beatrice Chebet (Kericho)
Margaret Kipkemboi (Nandi County)
Lilian Rengeruk (West Pokot County)
Faith Cherotich (Kericho County)
Beatrice Chepkoech-Sitonik (Kimulot)
Jackline Chepkoech (Olenguruone)
Peres Jepchirir (Kamagut)
Sharon Lokedi (Burnt Forest)
Hellen Obiri (Kisii)
Veronica Mutua (Makueni County)
Alexandra Ndolo (Bayreuth, Germany)
Zeddy Cherotich (Uasin Gishu County)
John Okoth-Okeyo (Nakuru)
Lamech Ambetsa-Kokoyo (Bungoma)
George Ooro-Ngayo (Nairobi)
Vincent Onyala (Nairobi)
Brian Tanga (Busia)
Kevin Wekesa (Nairobi)
Tony Omondi (Nairobi)
Herman Humwa (Nairobi)
Samuel Asati (Nairobi)
Nygel Amaitsa (Nairobi)
Patrick Odongo-Okong'o (Nairobi)
Chris Ojwang (Nairobi)
Denis Abukuse (Eldoret)
Anthony Mboya (Nairobi)
Ridhwan Mohamed (Mutum Biyu)
Maria Brunlehner (Potsdam, Germany)
Esther Mutinda (Nairobi)
Veronica Oluoch (Nairobi)
Pamela Owino (Nairobi)
Belinda Barasa (Nairobi)
Emmaculate Misoki (Nairobi)
Trizah Atuka (Kakamega)
Loise Simiyu (Uasin Gishu County)
Juliana Namutira (Kakamega)
Lorine Kaei (Mt. Elgon)
Edith Mukuvilani (Nairobi)
Leonida Kasaya (Kakamega)
Agripina Kundu (Nairobi)
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realjaysumlin · 1 month
Melanesian Africans; Fiji, Solomons, Vanuatu Okeyo Jumal, September, 2019
This is the story of the migration out of Africa and many of our Beautiful Black Indigenous People globally still remember the stories that were passed down from generations to generations about our Black African History.
People didn't get to these places by accident and we migrated to these places long before colonization and slavery. Our people share the same fate as so many Black Indigenous People globally who came in contact with the Christian Colonizers who almost wiped out our ancestors.
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kumarseo · 1 year
Canada rugby sevens men post dramatic win to escape World Series relegation
LONDON — Alex Russell scored with a minute remaining to give Canada a dramatic 12-7 win over Kenya in a relegation playoff final Sunday, preserving the Canadian men’s status as a core team on the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series. Kenya, which had been reduced to six men with John Okeyo in the sin-bin for an international knock-on, drops out of the elite sevens competition next season. Canada lives…
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
USA open RWC Repechage with lop-sided win over Kenya
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/usa-open-rwc-repechage-with-lop-sided-win-over-kenya/
The Daily Rugby
USA open RWC Repechage with lop-sided win over Kenya
The USA opened the World Cup Repechage tournament with a 68-14 win over Kenya on Sunday. Sticky conditions in Dubai contributed to some sloppy play from the Eagles in the first half, but they were always in control with their dominant scrum wearing down the Simbas pack.
It was a scrappy start to the game from both sides, and Siaosi Mahoni was then sent to the bin for a reckless clearout at a ruck. The USA regained possession and Paul Lasike crashed through the defense, with Jamason Fa’anana-Schultz powering over but his grounding was deemed a second-movement and the try was waved off.
A cross-kick from Luke Carty resulted in a yellow to Geoffrey Okwach for dangerous play, the Kenyan winger leaping feet-first into the air. At last a score came for the Eagles through hooker Dylan Fawsitt, who peeled around the back of a lineout and charged through the line.
Darwin Mukidza attempted a long-range penalty goal for Kenya that was off-target. At the other end Fawsitt got a double on a straight-forward lineout drive. Before halftime Fa’anana-Schultz muscled over to redeem his earlier miss and make it 19-nil to the Eagles after 40 minutes.
Fawsitt got his hat trick not long into the second half from another lineout drive, and then Christian Dyer’s inside line caught the defense wrong-footed for another USA try. Kenya found a burst of inspiration and broke down the field, with Brian Juma on the end to get the Simbas on the board.
The Eagles fired back with three tries in quick succession. Nate Augspurger touched down after a Mitch Wilson break, then Dyer grabbed a brace at the end of a long attacking sequence that started at the USA’s 22-meter line. Dyer would match Fawsitt’s triple on a miss-out pass from AJ MacGinty.
Mike Sosene-Feagai was next to find the line from a driving maul, and then Wilson himself slipped through to make it an even 10 tries for the Eagles. A late consolation score went to Kenya as the loose forwards combined to free Joshua Weru for a breakaway try on debut.
Hong Kong will take on Portugal next to wrap up the first round in Dubai. Next week will see the Eagles playing the Dragons, while Os Lobos will square off against the Simbas.
  KENYA 14 Tries – B. Juma (55′), J. Weru (78′) Cons – D. Mukidza 2/2 (56′, 79′) Pens – D. Mukidza 0/1 YC – G. Okwach (16′)
  USA 68 Tries – D. Fawsitt 3 (20′, 31′, 47′), J. Fa’anana-Schultz (38′), C. Dyer 3 (51′, 61′, 65′), N. Augspurger (58′), M. Sosene-Feagai (69′), M. Wilson (76′) Cons – L. Carty 4/5 (32′, 39′, 48′, 52′), A. MacGinty 5/5 (59′, 62′, 66′, 70′, 77′) YC – S. Mahoni (7′)
KENYA 1 Patrick Ouko (17 Andrew Siminyu 50′), 2 Eugene Sifuna (16 Teddy Akala 56′), 3 Ephraim Oduor (18 Joseph Odero 56′), 4 Malcolm Onsando, 5 Thomas Okeyo (19 Brian Juma 50′), 6 George Nyambua, 7 Daniel Sikuta (capt.) (20 Martin Owilah 56′), 8 Bethuel Anami (23 Joshua Weru 47′), 9 Samuel Asati, 10 Geoffrey Ominde (21 Brian Tanga 47′), 11 Jacob Ojee, 12 John Okoth, 13 Bryceson Adaka, 14 Geoffrey Okwach (22 Timothy Omela 50′), 15 Darwin Mukidza
USA 1 Jack Iscaro (17 David Ainu’u 52′), 2 Dylan Fawsitt (16 Mikey Sosene-Feagai 52′), 3 Paul Mullen (18 Nathan Sylvia 56′), 4 Siaosi Mahoni, 5 Cam Dolan (19 Greg Peterson 53′), 6 Vili Helu, 7 Cory Daniel, 8 Jamason Fa’anana-Schultz (20 Moni Tonga’uiha 62′), 9 Ryan Rees (21 Ruben de Haas 58′), 10 Luke Carty (23 AJ MacGinty 58′), 11 Nate Augspurger, 12 Paul Lasike (22 Bryce Campbell 52′), 13 Marcel Brache (capt.), 14 Christian Dyer, 15 Mitch Wilson
Referee: Tual Trainini (France) Assistants: Damian Schneider (Argentina) & Eoghan Cross (Ireland) TMO: Olly Hodges (Ireland)
The post USA open RWC Repechage with lop-sided win over Kenya appeared first on Americas Rugby News.
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jclvni · 2 years
asali › okeyo.
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“ we have plans for the december holiday, don’t we ? okeyo, you have that uh... ” he waves his hand in the air, grasping for their input, “ you know. help me out here. what was it again ? ”     * / @okcyo​ · @asvli​
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mincnhlc · 2 years
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“ oh jesus ! ” minenhle gripped her chest by the heart and took a deep and dramatic breath. “ they really let all sorts of people join the program nowadays. ” [ ;; @okcyo​ ]
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nipashe411 · 4 years
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Covid-19: Seven in 10 cases are asymptomatic, ministry says Seven in 10 cases (71 per cent) of those who have tested positive for Covid-19 do not show symptoms, the Ministry of Health said Friday as 15 new cases raised the national tally to 411.
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cheta776 · 4 years
Nigerian hip-pop star Peter Okoye exceeds transfer limit as he shares and renders help with money to fans
God definitely have his own ways of doing things. Through this pandemic, Nigerians have been know the true patriotic Nigerians. The lockdown ordered by the government affected plenty citizens of the country; But God have definitely revealed the true son of the soil.
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The covid-19 pandemic has definitely shown the wide margin between the rich and the poor as plenty people have been affected by…
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