#Oh wow the main girl is an omega
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oh man I thought I've been pretty good at choosing who to follow but now there's people recommending published het omegaverse on my dash purely because it's het omegaverse (and omegaverse needs more women). Like ugh, this is so not my thing. And obviously it's tagged as literature and whatnot, not "het omegaverse"
#Man I am /so/ not into het omegaverse#Oh wow the main girl is an omega#Who would have thought#Also if I wanted to read straight sex I'd just go read like het fanfic written by fic writers I /know/ are good#Not a book published on amazon that doesn't even have a synopsis#Other than “don't you wish omegaverse had more women? Here we have het omegaverse for you! Written by a queer person!”#I mean I'm adult enough not to complain about this on the post but it's like. C'mon.#“Here we're gonna perpetuate gender stereotypes but we'll call it omegaverse with women” is... Not it#Herr's personal tag#Yes I'm being irritated about absolutely inconsequential shit rn shut up it's my blog. I've had a shit week
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So I've been watching the Omegaverse anime out of curiosity...
It's the most overly sanitized thing I've ever seen in anime WTF like whenever the main pair even cuddle people are freaking out and blushing as if they'd walked in on them buck naked?? They never show the mom guy being pregnant? They barely even kiss. And there's all this background angst about how society is prejudiced against omegas and yet we only see a handful of micro aggressions so it doesn't really feel well backed up storywise. Also the boy child is supposed to be like 2 or 3 when the girl child is born and he is still drawn as being baby shaped, and his development is just weirdly uneven to my eye so my brain is like oh gosh this child needs a referral maybe someone should talk to his parents. Lol.
Why even make an Omegaverse show if you're gonna censor yourself though like this show is not sexy at all and it's so heavy handed with the BL sparkles and the character development is not grabbing me because it's barely there. The show does a lot more telling than showing in that characters will be like wow character A has changed so much! But we don't really get to see what he was like before. Or, wow, it's so hard to be an Omega! But we don't really get to see why it's hard we just see character A cry about... vague internalized self hatred? It's annoying.
#Rae blahblahblahs#Despite all this I will probably keep watching it for at least a little while longer just because#Slim chance they might pull a sudden plunge late in the season#Anime does that sometimes
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Tatort Zürich - Fährmann (liveblogging)
I fully didn't realise Lucas was the main baddie? (going by the trailer they showed just before it) Boat! Lucas!!! Hgbshahsh gloves He is so bond!villain coded And I love it God!!!! He looks so good Also hi creppy ferry man Christmas!!! D‘awww 'wiehnachtsfee' Ott is a lil grinch Oh wow filming at the opera place xmas market? It is pretty there but also so tight lol DuffiufudfjuruejekddLUCASDSS Helpppp ALSO HE WAS IN ZURICH???? Well like a year or two ago but Eexcuse me???? Lucaaaaaaadsssss 'ICH HAB KEINE ZEIT FÜR KORREKTES SOZIALVERHALTEN, NICHT MEHR ' dkskslfkfkfkksks holy fuck lucas And isabelle baby (Okay charcater name is marek. Maybe i‘ll use it instead of lucas. Probably not) Fjfkgjaösöfj God lucas I AM SCREAAAAAMINGGGGGGG Eurugjfudufuiwiqisoeoholy shitt????????? Fkfkdla what about…. The other guy??? (edit: milan. I constatly forget everyone's name except noah) Uedkdkkskqkslsld DAMN?! go get it girl Djfkdlalsls holy shit lucas Oh wait the chef has a wife?? 😂 forgot abt that Christ isabelle God, the chillsss ‚En guete negroooni‘ xD ;-; ‚reste calme‘ AAAHHHHHHHHHHHDLDLSKSKSKS Staatsahwältin. In the shiny ass dress Love it‚ 'Na eis lied vo dem chinderchor und ich leg mich zu ihne (leiche)‘ Lmao Hiii uniforms Milan baby Good boy </3 The prevelance of smoking is so hilarious to me Luuuuuuuuuucas ah he is actually suffering? noah!!!!! Ott and grandjean are fiiiiiighting Noaah :c still no one cares about his infos :( I'd listen to you yap His little apple? mug?? Adorable ‚Alpha und omega‘ 👀 God lucas God he‘s a good villain A mess of a cop, great villain xD Love how she just fucks off skg? It that general knowledge what business they do? Orrr is it a fake business? xD bank? am I dumb xD Christ lucas ‚Fahre nach hause‘ well she didn‘t lie I guess… quick trip through switzerland Wooffff Jesus fucking christ lucas. Imm dying He and his brain tumor against the world Would be fun to know if he actually understands swiss german Awww frenchie police lady likes isabelle as role model Isabelle took the coin?? God you really don‘t like team work huh xD WOW. Another tatort zurich with suicide (mention) We truly cannot get away from it Bahhaha ‚für 20 jahr hettetds sich au mal öppis neus chöne überlege‘ (als treuheitsgschenk) ‚Da het aber öpper gschmack‘ (wegem mantel) Bahahhaha ‚fashionista‘. I love her (I also cannot remember the staatsahwältins name for the life of me) Slsllslsksjsjshjs God the shot with ott and lucas passing behind her!!! Christ, ott is just such a horrible friend That guy needs a better buddy than her Grandjean gets to wreck shit again What the fuck is that outfit ott. Grey jeans shirt with a pinstripe blazer?! What the FUCK is staatsajwältin wearing as her bottoms? So wide and patterned and not fitting the tie Dkdlflskaöskfksksk I like that banker choosing to speak high german Cause the ‚nie‘ was very swiss Lucas is so good Sheesh Djdkksksk BAHAHHAHHAAHHHAAA NOAH WITH THE SHEESH LIKE FIFE SECONDS LATER I love you Lmao schribfehler für ‚singel‘. Good work guys, perfect paperwork ‚globalisierti wirtschaft, globalisierti serietäter‘ great line lol Milan with the holiday appropriate voice message xD Charlie… you deserve so much better…. Yeah, thank you. Talking to that with Marek???? What‘s wrong with you isabelle. Also the ‚who knows‘ love it Bahahaha ‚ich hab mich manipulieren lassen‘. Baby girl. I don‘t know how to tell you this…….. Boy you are not well ‚Du darfst diesen fall nicht aufgeben‘ aka love me love me love me Hump her leg already my guy Aww lights our for lucy (the christmas lights that have a name for reasons) sakldjadsdlk Aaaaah burkhalter vom landesmuseum BAHAHA I KNEWWWW IT WAS THAT GUY!!!!!!! The ‚i finger banged ott on the dance floor‘ guy 😂 Dlflfkfjfjdlalsls Bahaha the hair tuck!!!! Help I‘m dying Noah like 'jfc guys keep it in your pants'. you don't even know half the story my guy
My baby boy ;-; Bahahahahza isabelle going full cork board red string. But instead a whole wall. Overachiever I love how marek just loiters around that bank?? Awww ott and her french <3 same buddy Aber c‘est urgent wär noch gegangen xD Bahahha noah and his headphones and singing along They close in 10 minutes and let her have the huge ass folder? You‘re getting nowhere with tht in that time Aus zürisch xD Serge picard, sup buddy ‚Zu hundert pro gframt worde‘ love it Lucasssss Admiring the work SHE‘S DOING THIS IN THE RESTAURANT?!? Milan, you also deserve better friends Uff don‘t take a drink from him ;-; Isabelle ;-; Goood lucas Hi hello I feel like I can‘t breathe, kudos Ott ;-; Lmao the powerwalk towards the light The hospital ;-; djfkgjfkfjfkfkfjfjfk And face touching My bbys Does he still have her gun? TESSA!!!!!!! Babies D‘awww und ott mitm ‚hesch du mich grad duzt’ xD Bahahahhaah I love how shocked they both were at differents parts of the ‚we fucked‘ conversation What the fuck tessa What is that jacket Aww noah with xmas sweater The fashion choices in zurich are so strange. What is that necklace over tie from staatsahwältin
Love her high german Skfkfkdka i love her Godecki is pronounced godetzki? Skylfkkfkf SEK <3333 ‚Ich stürm jetzt denn grad en grossbank, geil oder‘ tessa bby ….you‘re gonna die together? Yeah wait the guy forgot that he never drinks huh Flglfldla god lucas Hot af unfortunately He did drink it Christ Aww singing christmas tree shown Oh she could have been fired? Oh yeah wait she stole evidence lol Power move against power move Ach charlie. You need better friends ;-; OoooOOOH. He gave his coin to her… Bahahahahahahaha isabelle. Fucking rude Here‘s useless money. (Just assuming he‘s gonna pawn it??) I liked that episode. Because lucas is fucking chef's kiss. Not like that weirdo from the twin murder one xD
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Ok had a long car ride so guess what EP11 THOUGHTS LETS GOOOO:
(plus a good amount of ep12 predictions cause uh i am very excited bkshsjjkssk)
Couple little things first, starting with WHY DID I HAVE TO SEE NALA SE AGAIN. I mean I knew logically we would see her again but that doesn’t mean I was ready for it >:( i do not forgive u for fives u cruel cruel long lady
Then the batch telling Cid off!!! Slay!! Absolutely slay get it that is so important, especially that Omega was directly calling her out for leaving them stranded. I’m really interested to see where that storyline goes and if they either end up leaving Cid (and probably adding to Omegas trust issues in the process cause WOW everyone is letting her down these days (echo i love u but ur girl is not ok)), or if they stay with her and she gets some sort of redemption arc? Idk, can’t decide which seems more likely, but all I can say is I hope next episode has absolutely nothing to do with it. Like it’s an interesting storyline but… yeahh…
And oh god, the boys walking around the ship, why was Wrecker the only one being smart??? Like Tech just ran off on his own, knowing full well the creature was most likely still on the ship, Hunter had his just mwah chefs kiss line of “Whatever did this wasn’t human,” like… HMMM HUNTER I HADNT NOTICED (“And where there’s a farm, there’s usually a farmer!”) But Wrecker was actually paying attention!! He picked up the volt-staff (which like yeah he was gonna anyways but it was still smart) and he made note of the walls being reinforced meaning whatever they were holding must be something strong. And later in the episode he sees the Empire snag the zillo beast and he takes note of how “They’re not killing it. They’re taking it.” Like I love those little moments where Wrecker just passively shows off how smart he is?? He plays the big goofy guy since it’s just kinda his personality, but he still knows his stuff. Hell, he made a rocket launcher out of parts from a separatist tank in less than a minute while under fire from the enemy?? And it worked perfectly? And repeatedly??? Anyway Wrecker spiel over but the man is a genius and I love him.
Tech and Omega’s moments in this episode, oh i lOVE THEM. Him messing up and scaring her then kinda not knowing how to fix it, Omega unplugging his datapad to make him get going, Tech immediately covering her while they ran from explosion omG I LOVE THEM. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH they are so wonderful and sweet and perfect and Filoni I swEAR YOU BETTER NOT TOUCH THEM (I feel like they’re safe for the most part but still, I do not trust. (like of all of them I think Hunter, Omega and Wrecker are the safest? They kinda can’t be taken out; you need the leader, you can’t lose the kid, and Wrecker is pretty much the majority of the comic relief. And Tech is safe-ish too cause he’s just such a character type that I feel like you can’t get rid of him. But uh… Echo and Cross are not safe. They are very much so in danger, maybe Echo most of all and oh god I am scared for him. And also Cody if he ever comes back. …where is cody..?))
OK and now for bigger things like oMG ECHO AND REX HOLY SHIBSJSBSJBSKZNZKDNOEBEKSNSKLSMSNSJXLDNSKNSKS YES YES ABSOLUTELY CALL ECHO AND REX I NEED TO SEE THEMMMMMM!!! The way Hunter did his little main character moment slow zoom when he said that? There’s absolutely no way that’s not important to this weeks episode or at least the one after that so AAAAAA I AM SO EXCITEDDDDD. The batch has needed Echo so much in every single episode since he left; Tech going off on his own in this one felt so wrong because Echo should’ve been right there with himmm!! (i mean he should 100% be with rex but like you get what i mean)
And at the end when Lama Su mentions kidnapping Omega again? That feels equally important. Not only is the Empire going to have to admit that Clone Force 99 isn’t dead, but they’re going to have to start hunting them down again to get Omega. And to me, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw Crosshair being ordered to hunt Omega down in particular, since he knows the batch so well and would know best how to snatch Omega from them. (Also like story-wise… who else would it be? …Boba?) Now would that be so incredibly painful and awful to see? Yes, yes it would. Am I still incredibly excited to see it? ALSO YES.
And with both of these things, the Echo and Rex mention and a target on Omega, as well as the fact that this next episode is (i’m pretty sure?) confirmed to have Crosshair in it, I’m really really hoping the episode follows either of them (Cross or Rex and Echo) and their paths end up crossing?? Like maybe Crosshair gets his orders to hunt down Omega, and in trying to track the batch he ends up finding a lead on just Echo? Or maybe it follows Rex and Echo looking into the zillo beast and in trying to find out more they run into Crosshair? And maybe they find out abt Cody??? And anD AND OOO maybe Echo has a moment where he finally decides, fuck it, I can’t leave my brother with the empire any longer and he like tries to reason with Cross? Idk but either way I am REALLY hoping they cross paths somehow plEASE ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE SEEN EITHER OF THEMMM 😭😭😭
like it is in fact womens history month and also my birthday on thursday so mr filoni is actually legally obligated to not emotionally destroy me thank you very much :D
#yes this is late no i am not ready for next weeks ep#also#pls pls join in w ep predictions i need to know ur thoughts for next epppp#it has been three weeks#three weeks since echo#and like months since cross??? omg??#i miss them so much filoni u better fix this rn#sw tbb#sw tbb spoilers#tbb spoilers#the bad batch#tbb s2
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~Alpha & Omega 3~ Levi
A/N: this is loooooong overdue, anyway enjoy; also links for the next and previous; chapters will be at the bottom; Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
Warnings: language;
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This was it. The last day in the forest. You had started to smell what you could assume to be a fire. The last conversation you had didn't really end well. You had asked if any of this would work between you both all he said was he wouldn't stop you from leaving if you wanted to.
You were a little hurt if you were honest. You had seemed to be making some kind of progress but it all seemed to regress now. You were nearing the village as you begin to see the tops of houses and muffled chatter.
"Alright. This is my village, we'll be going in and meeting with our pack leader and some other members. I know how you still feel so instead of scenting you, wear this and you'll still smell like me." he said handing you a cloak he was wearing before. It was true, it really did smell like him. It was warm and calming. You were still a little injured so you held on to Levi as he walked you both towards the village.
As you start to approach you, hear "Levi! You're back!" a girl with red pigtails runs towards Levi for a hug but he moves out of the way causing her to fall but come back up quickly.
"Oh is this her! Wow, she's really pretty!" she said giving you a big smile
"Why couldn't you just wait until I came back into the village instead of announcing us?" he asked as he kept walking and leading you closer to his village
"Well I got excited and you've been gone forever, plus I have to take her to your mom so they can meet remember?" she said, "Buuut, if you want more time alone I get it, I'll see ya later bro!" she waved as she ran off back into the village
"I have to meet your mother?" you asked
"She's the main medic here in the village, she's been doing it since before I was born. You have to go meet her and she'll have you cleaned up. She'll also explain how this will work." he stopped as you came to the gate. "If you don't mind I need to scent you. There are hostile alphas here and frankly, they don't give up easy."
"O-oh, you're not coming with me?" you ask a bit disappointed to be left alone as soon as you got there. He sighs and takes your wrist up to his neck and he scents the area. Next, he rubs his wrists long the column of your neck leaving you scented for the other alphas to smell.
"Come on, I'll walk you to her and from there I need to go and speak with my uncle before anything else goes along." taking your hand in his he leads you through the village as the people stop and look at you. Some were even whispering, you could feel the alphas staring holes into your body. You were glad he scented you when he could, or you probably would have been swarmed by now.
You keep up with his pace as he makes his way to a small cabin with different charms and herbs on the porch. He knocks on the door and walks inside.
"Mom, I'm back come and meet-"
"Oh, my baby! You're back!" a woman with long black hair came to an engulfed Levi in a hug. "Oh, I was so worried, I didn't know if you were okay, or if you would be okay with so many days without your daily cleaning- Oh my you must be Y/N!" she suddenly switches to you letting go of her son
"Mom, please," he said as his cheeks blush just a bit "I need to go and talk to Kenny, you get her settled in." he said "I'll see you both at sunset" and he takes his leave without another word.
"W-well it's nice to meet you, uh-"
"Kutchel, Kutchel Ackerman, come sit." she said with a smile pulling out a chair "Now this is how things will go, if you get lost just stop me" she then handed you a cup of tea, warm and smelled of fresh herbs. "This tea starts your initiation into our pack and cleansing of the body. After this, there will be a warm bath of water, milk, and flowers representing a newfound bonding between mates. Once you're out some of the girls will help you to dress in traditional robes and accessories. Once we're all done here I will take you to meet my brother, Kenny, he will initiate the ritual of you and Levi becoming mates and becoming a member of our pack."
"Wow...." you sign finishing the tea
"I know it can be a lot to take especially coming from a different pack"
"W-would me and Levi have to...?" you ask bashfully
"Hm? Oh no, dear! This will simply be a welcoming but also a bond initiation. Kenny is very traditional but he can't force you to bond there and then. Of course, I'm always here if you need anything at all."
His mother was so kind, patient and so so sweet. If anything you would stay with her for a while instead. After the tea, she leads you to a tub being tended by Isabell and another ginger girl. The steam rose from the tub and looked warm and welcoming. You strip and step inside, petals and flower heads float around you as you absorb the warmth of the water.
After scrubbing in washing yourself off from such a long journey you get out of the tub and dry yourself off. You are then taken into a room where a beautiful white dress hangs by the mirror. It looked to be homemade, with flowing materials making it look graceful and elegant. It was honestly very beautiful, you would have mistaken it for a wedding dress if you are honest. The girls help you to zip up oh, and get things in place, and even prep your hair.
They even talked to you about Levi "don't let his looks fool you, he's a clean freak and will probably show you how to 'clean properly' " Isabella commented
"He's very popular especially with the women here. He always treats them with respect and never sees them as weak. So you might have a few admirers for Levi." the ginger giggled
You learned he loved black tea, clean spaces, and even had a cat. Isabella was one of his best friends along with a young man called Farlan. You were ready for what was to come but as you looked at yourself in the mirror you thought long and hard about what was going to happen. You were about to combine your tribes and packs, but also become the mate of an alpha. You could feel your omega yearning for him, but you didn't want to give in so easy.
But...he made you feel safe and warm, and important. Feelings are a funny thing, they can be your enemy or your best ally.
Kutchel comes into the room and takes you in "oh, You look so beautiful. Are you ready? Levi and the others are waiting" she asks
"I.....I guess I'm ready as I'll ever be" you shift from side to side picking up your dress and following the black-haired woman. You head through the backdoor onto a path that is connected to a much bigger-looking hut. Opening the back door you walk in first and look up among a group of people who you assumed to be the heads of the pack.
There was one who wore a hat and a long beard, another with bold eyebrows and blonde hair, a woman with glasses and a messy ponytail, and of course Levi was there with a young blonde man at his side.
"Go sit in that seat next to Levi" Kutchel whispered to you. You could feel all the pressure as you walked by everyone and into your seat
"Wow, you're so pretty! If anything I thought Levi would have brought back an Alpha with the way he is-"
"Hanji, you're going to scare the poor girl." the blonde man cut off the brunette "Y/N I'm assuming, welcome to our pack. I am Erwin, this is Hanji and this is Kenny." he introduced himself and the other two sitting near him.
"I didn't think the little runt would find anyone, if anything I thought he'd leave the pack and just be a lone alpha, I guess fate had other plans huh," said the man with a beard and toothpick in his mouth "Anyway, Levi take your omega and stand there" he pointed to an area where a hole in the roof let in the moonlight from outside.
Taking your hand in his he leads you over to the said spot and stands with both of your hands in his. The moonlight bathed you in a white light that made you look heavenly. He thought he was looking at an angle. Who you assume to be Kenny came over with a book in hand and stood tall near you with a stoic look. If he was really related to Levi they both had the same serious look for sure.
"Alright, here we go. For over 100 years our pack has held the ceremony for new mates to seal them to one another and the pack. By the moon and stars, your bond will be what ties you together just as the moon is tied to the sun" he reads off the book and hands it to the blonde man who continues
"Y/N Repeat after me," he says "I will have no fear as my alpha is my protector., my sun and sky"
you repeat "I will have no fear as my alpha is my protector, my sun and sky."
"Levi, I shall know no unease as my omega is my peace. You are my moon and stars"
"I shall know no unease as my omega is my peace, you are my moon and stars" he repeats staring into your eyes. As much as you wanted to look away you felt almost chained into his gaze.
"Now with these necklaces as a symbol of you becoming each other half place them on each other" Kutchel comes to you with two necklaces that complete each other. You were given the sun piece and Levi the moon. When put together they completed a circle, half-moon, and half sun. It made sense coming together with the vows you had repeated to one another.
Levi turns and your wraps and link the necklace around his neck. Turning around, you move your hair and he does the same thing.
"Now because this is a bit out of custom you both will seal the ceremony with a kiss. Originally it was written that you both scent and mark one another however, we know this is all new so, marking will happen in your own time" Erwin said closing the book and setting it down. "As cliche as it sounds, you may kiss your...mate."
You look from your feet up to Levi and slightly bite your lip. Levi cups your face in his hands and pulls you in gently for a kiss. His lips softly collide with yours in a loving yet soft kiss. It wasn't rough, but there was pressure, it didn't feel as though he had to do it...more because he wanted to. After pulling away, his hands drop to hold your own, a small round of applause filled your ears as well as congratulations.
For the rest of the night, it would only be you two in your new shared home. You both walk quietly to what was once his cabin, now would be yours to share. As soon as you walk in your take your shoes off and stand near the door not sure what to do or say.
"You can sleep in the bed, I'll take the sofa." he said loosening the shirt he wore that night. You caught a small glimpse of his bare skin bringing a bit of heat to your cheeks.
"W-what no, you stay in bed I can take the sofa really I don-"
"Go to bed, I won't argue with you on this. Either way, you're my omega and I need to keep you comfortable" you would have argued back but he had let off a strong scent, claiming his dominance. You guess this was part of being an omega huh, your alpha had some kind of grip on you.
"I..Okay, thank you Levi," you say making your way to his bedroom. It was simple yet comfortable. A queen-sized bed, with crisp white sheets and a nightstand on each side. There was vanity on what you assumed to be your side of the bed. He had even set up some clothes for you to change into. After changing your go back outside and say goodnight and thank you once again to Levi. However, when you had entered the living room he had fallen asleep on the sofa already.
You quietly walked over to his and covered him with a blanket for the night. You carefully push a few strands from his face and lay a gentle, soft kiss to his temple.
"Thank you, Levi, sweet dreams"
Tag; @cxcxlxlee @awkwardllama1 @thedragonsbirthgiver @greenfurret @pytbeautiful
#levi ackerman x reader#attack on titan x reader#attack on titan#levi ackerman#levi x reader#levi x you#aot#snk#levi x y/n#shingeki no kyoujin levi#anime#anime x reader#au#alpha levix omega reader#aot omegaverse#aot levi#aot x reader#snk levi
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A performance| Omega
Note: Recently there have been no new missions, and Omega starts to hang around you more on Ordo Mantell, turns out, Omegas has been busy at Work with the help of Y/n.
Warnings: none, fluff, we love good a good old platonic Omega and Reader
Reader: male
Part: 1 | 2 (wip)
"And a one," Y/n spoke, legs together and pointing his feet outward as Omega watched intently, "two."
Omega watched Y/n change positions, "Three and four, and finally-five."
"Mhmm." Omega thought aloud, this was easy enough? Right? Dancing? Ballet as Y/n had called it.
"Those are your main positions," Y/n smiled, "Want me to run through them with you again? You can do them with me?"
Omega nodded standing up. Y/n smiled, "Ready?"
Omega nodded once more with a look of determination on her face, Y/n smiling as they stood in front of the mirror.
"Position one," As he fell into position Omega copied, "Nice, not bad."
Omega smiled, "And two."
Y/n was proud, Omega following in his footsteps almost perfectly as they went through positions.
"Okay, let's go into a pile," Y/n smiled looking over at the young woman using the bar, "Ah, uh, maybe let's try a tendu,"
"A what?" Omega questioned, causing Y/n to chuckle, "A tendu- so watch just real quick,"
Y/n extended his foot, it bent and his toes were straight to the ground, "See how my foot is arched? It's important, so when you go into a degage, basically a tendu in the air, my foot will still be arched and pointed."
Y/n now with the leg in the air, with near-perfect balance, she looked at him in wow.
"So, like this?" Omega questioned as she tried to go into a Tendu, yet her leg and foot looked stiff.
"Oh, you have boots on..." Y/n commented, Omega nodding, "Take your shoes off, we'll go barefoot together, and later we can go to my favorite place! Madame and Monsieur Duponts! Oh, you'll love it Omega! I'll buy you your own pointe shoes!"
"Really!? Can I dance with you then!?" Omega questioned happily.
"There is a professional and young teens show coming up soon! I'm sure I can pull strings for you! But you gotta work hard!" Y/n encouraged.
"I will! I promise!"Omega cheered.
"Well? What are we doing standing here! Let's get these shoes off and get at it!"
Hunter sighed, cleaning his armor, Omega had been off with Y/n for over a comfortable number of hours, six hours to be exact, and he was starting to worry about the small girl.
"What's got your tail cut off," Cid spoke, pouring herself a glass of Whiskey, doing the same for Hunter.
"Omega and Y/n have been gone for a while now," Hunter spoke, "You know where they are?"
"Y/n's always been one to go out late," Cid spoke, "Reason Im open all day every day, kid will come stumblin in."
"Like he's drunk!? Or got in a fight?"
"No the guys a nighttime explorers, just his thing, he's most likely just entertaining the kid" Cid spoke taking a drink from her class.
"Hunter! Hunter!" Omega cheered rushing down the steps, the biggest smile on her face.
"I had the best time!" She smiled.
"I see, you're covered in a cold sweat." he spoke, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it was just a bit chilly outside, but I was too hot to put on a jacket! I had the best time!" She repeated, "Look!"
Omega showed Hunter the brand new shoes, baby pink in color.
"They're uh. pink." Hunter spoke, Omega nodding in response.
"Y/n got them for me! I'm a few inches taller when I stand on them!"
"What about your boots? I thought you liked them." Hunter questioned, shit, was he doing something wrong.
Omega slowly brought down her arms, had she done something wrong, "Oh, no. I like the boots! I really do!"
"Ah! Good. Good..." Hunter spoke rubbing the back of his head.
"I'm uh, going to show the others my new shoes," Omega spoke.
Omega rushed off to the three boys who were currently playing a game of Sabbec.
"What are they?" Echo asked.
"There slippers," Tech spoke.
"Actually their pointe shoes," Omega said all high and proud of herself.
"What do they do?" Wrecker questioned.
"Yes I am too now intruiged." Tech responded.
"For Ballet!" Omega smiled.
"Ballet?" Wrecker questioned as the two boys looked towards Tech.
"a type of dancing." Tech informed, "why do you have ballet shoes?"
"Because I'm doing a ballet class!"
"Wow!" Wrecker spoke shocked, this new thing sounded fun.
"Y/n's teaching me! He got me into a class! They're doing a performance with advanced people like Y/n! He even got us to be partners!"
"A ballet performance?" Echo questioned, "And, you're going to be in it?"
Omega nodded happily, "You guys have to come and see it!"
"Did you tell Hunter about this?" Tech questioned.
"Well- no-" Omega spoke, turning her head to look at Hunter who was too busy getting chewed out by Cid to listen to their conversation.
"Just, keep a secret?" Omega questioned as the boys looked at her with a cocked brow.
"Very well." Tech responded, a hand falling into her hair to ruffle it, "Ugh, go take a shower, you're covered in sweat."
"Yeah! Workin' Hard Omega!" Wrecker cheered as the two high-fived, Omega rushing up to their apartment Cid had lent them, that's how they met Y/n, he in the apartment across from them.
She set her shoes down in her room, the one she gladly shared with Echo and Hunter. Tech, and Wrecker in the other room with a hopeful bed for Crosshair sooner than later. In the refresher the boys trickled into the apartment little by little ready to turn in for the day.
"Tech," Hunter commented.
"Hm?? Tech responded, reading lesuirely on the sofa.
"What are those shoes for that Omega showed you?" Hunter questioned.
"She didn't show me any shoes," Tech fibbed, returning to his book.
"Do you know Echo?"
Echo looked up from his book as well, "no."
Wrecker looked over from the small kitchen and shrugged, busy making dinner, "Nope."
Hunter sighed, walking towards the room where he knocked just in case.
"Yeah?" Omega questioned as Hunter walked in, the girl in her pajama bottoms and a tank top, drying her hair.
"Want me to brush it?" Hunter questioned.
Hunter smiled, walking over as Omgea handed him a hair brush, sitting on the floor Hunter sat on the bed.
It was silent as Hunter pulled off his gloves to as not get them wet, "So...where did Y/n and you go?"
"Oh, uh, just around town, he took me to an animal shop, and a shop his mom use to like a lot." Omega smiled, "We had snacks and everything, it was fun."
Hunter started carefully brushing through Omega's hair, "I see, I'm glad you had fun then."
Omega was silent as she picked at her short fingernails.
"What happens, if I...if I had a hobby," Omega commented, "Where, Where I hang out with Y/n a lot?"
Hunter stopped brushing her hair for a moment, oh, he was being replaced?, "I don't see why not, you have fun with him, just, be safe."
Truthfully he didn't like the idea of Omega hanging out with a young man in his twenties, but it wasn't like they didn't know Y/n, they knew he was a good guy, and has stuck his own neck out multiple times for the batch on small occasions, and helped Omega feel like a kid. Who was he to stop her from being happy and having fun?
The two were silent after Hunter's last comment, Hunter finishing brushing out her knots but still continued to brush through her hair anyways. Atleast he'd still have these small moments with her, small peaceful moments where they both sat in silence. Yet those small moments faded, less and less Hunter was asked to do her hair as the days went on, Omega quickly hoping over to Y/n's place where he did her hair all cute, bows and pins whatever Omega picked out from Y/n's stock. The two could be heard laughing from Y/n's apartment all the way from the apartment, and it didn't help when Y/n had taken in a stray tooka cat.
It was like the bad batch was non existant to Omega from Hunter's point of view, and it saddened him, greatly. It only worsed when he seen Omega talking to the others for help, instead of him. Suddenly it became clear to Hunter that it wasn't the batch that was unrevlivate, it was him. He was being left behind. He felt his heart breaking a little each and every time she waved him off with a quick hi and bye as Omega left with Y/n.
"y/n." Omega spoke, the two just finishing with practice.
"Hm?" he asked handing her a water bottle.
"I." She stared, "I can't get the one part down..the small stepping on my toes."
Y/n rubbed the back of his head, they had been practicing there pointe work constantly and Omega yes could do it, but had trouble moving.
"Lets see it again?" Y/n questioned setting his bottle down, luckily he hadn't taken his own pointe shoes off and Omega quickly followed.
"Stay again?" The teacher questioned.
"Yes Madame Dorian." Y/n replied, "Shes having a bit trouble on her en pointe moves, and I can always use the extra practice."
"Lets see it one more time then," She smiled.
Omega nodding as she easily moved into en position, the teacher walking towards her.
"Mhm, you're cores nice and tight, but your chest, come out more with it."
Omega settled on her feet watching the woman, as she raised to en pointe, "My chest is out, Y/n."
"Yes Madame." He raised to en pointe.
"Yes it is a more advanced move, but I believe you can do it for the 15 second interval." Madame Dorian confirmed, "please, go through the whole dance for me."
Y/n fell flat on his feet as he and Omega stood next to each other.
"And begin."
The woman watched intently as they dance, she shaking her head in thought and in note. Y/n as usually was a bit tight in the shoulders, but he knew that was one thing he had to constantly work on. On the other hand for a beginner she was impressed for Omega, but was from the start, Omega had become one of the most hard working students in her young teens class, way behind, she came to class the next day with something down and almost perfected. Then came there pas de bouree, something that had been simplified and as a challenge for the teen class.
She watched as the two raised en pointe, a nice smooth transition, Omega's once happy face went sour, and the two started, but about ten seconds in Omega started to buckle, stepping on her own shoe she fell backwards and onto the ground.
"Are you okay!?" Y/n called rushing over to help her.
"Im fine," Omega spoke rubbing her shoulder.
"Finish the dance first." Madame Dorian spoke as Y/n helped Omega up, a quick one two three was counted and they returned to there routine.
Yet soon it ended, as the two fell into final position.
"Very good Y/n, work on the shoulders."
"Yes Madame." Y/n responded.
The woman looked back at Omega who looked down shamefully at her feet, "You're scared of disappointing someone, it's why your face goes sour, isn't it?"
Omega nodded in silence, Madame Dorian looking at Y/n and nodding as she left without another word. Y/n with a frown looked towards Omega.
"Hey lets go to Madame and Monsuiers Duponts for tea and cakes ." Y/n spoke, "Thats always a nice pick me up!"
Omega only nodded as Y/n frowned the two getting ready to leave, they making there way to the shop in silence. When got there Y/n opened the door a bell coming into ear shot.
"Ah! Y/n darling! How are you?" Monsuier Dupont questioned.
"Very well sir, thank you." Y/n smiled, "Me and Omega here need a bit of a pick me up after practice."
"Ah! My darling you know where to go! And I know what to bring!"
Y/n thanked him and lead Omega over towards the the corner knook, the walls decorated with live plants and flowers, the two took there seats as Omega stayed silent.
"Macaroons and tea my darling, cakes are on the way."
Y/n smiled and thanked him once more, the tea set set down with two plates of macaroons as Y/n poured them there cups of tea.
"Wanna talk about it?" Y/n questioned.
Omega shrugged messing with the edge of a napkin, "I. I don't know."
Y/n set the cup in front of Omega, "It's Hunter isn't it?"
Omega nodded, "I'm sure he knows you're trying your hardest."
Omega looked up at him, "he...doesn't know...about any of this."
"Omega," Y/n spoke firmly, "How come?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise! but if I can't even do it right it's not a good surprise." Omega scolded herself.
"Omega, at this point in your life it's about having fun, not talent, and I know you wanna surprise Hunter, but you being frustrated isn't going to be a good surprise." Y/n told her softly, "You have to let go of that, and I know, it'll never fully go away, but he's going to love it either way I know that."
Tags: @monako-jinn-stories @reader3
#star wars#the bad batch#star wars: the bad batch#the bad batch x reader#tbb omega#omega tbb#tbb x male reader#tbb x reader#platonic#omega gets another bro lol#omega the bad batch#the bad batch omega#sw x reader#sw x male reader
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Friends: Platonic Omega x Mechanic Reader
-sorry, I was supposed to write more, but idk what happened
-sorry I'm late to finishing this. Hope it's not too disappointing.
-i had MCAS and a lot of other stuff to do, so I got soooo busy
It started out as a one-tine thing. You had gotten hurt on a mission to the Outer Rim, and despite only being a simple mechanic, the 501st had an insane liking to your skills. They were nice boys, and you enjoyed hanging out with them. It wasn't like you minded.
Anything was better than an old, greasy hanger.
But then it wasn't. You had been caught in a stray volley of blasts, and somehow, ended up with a hole in your shoulder. The last thing you remembered was yelling at Kix, then Jesse, and finally a sea of darkness.
This one-time volley of stray shots became another incident. Then another. And another. Sometime during your visits to the med bay, you met a young girl with bright eyes and blonde hair. She had the toothy-est smile, the most enthusiastic words, and the best laugh that made you feel like life wasn't so bad.
"And then I walked past Nala Se. She told me to stay close, but you know me, I can't stay close because what else am I supposed to do?" Omega ranted with a dramatic sigh.
Three months ago, this little girl would have been all smiles and nervous laughs. Now, she talked like she had known you for years.
"The boys always give me these weird looks. I don't really care though. They're all Melanie's because I'm different...!"
Whenever Omega had nothing to do, she came to your room. The girl always said it was to run 'tests', but you knew better. She just needed someone to talk to.
"Hey, (Y/n)?"
You hummed in acknowledgement.
"We're...friends right?"
You raised a curious brow. Omega wasn't one to openly show doubt unless asked about it. Her enthusiasm and natural curiosity always kept that part of her in check. Yet the look in her eyes was different today.
Those orbs swirled with uncertainty, worry, and so much doubt you couldn't understand. You were a simple mechanic, not a top-tier psychologist. "Where is this coming from, Omega?" you inquired.
Omega fiddled with her thumbs. "Well...someone said to me today that I annoy you and that you'd prefer talking to a protocol Droid over me because we're fake friends." That was nonsense. Whoever said that to your dear Omega would have to watch their backs because...
...where in the Universe would you be without little Omega?
"Stop right there." you firmly stated. "Whoever said that is going to have a long talk with my trusty wrench over here. As soon as I can walked again, I'll be sure to make sure everyone knows we're the bestest friends."
A smile rose to your lips but Omega didn't return it. "If I hadn't met you, then I'd be so lonely here every single day. Who else am I supposed to make friendship bracelets for anyway?"
Omega blinked. "Friendship bracelets?" You dug a hand in your pocket and pulled out two braided bracelets. "I worked all night on these." One was a marvelous (colour) while the other a dazzling (colour). You helped put one on Omega's wrist before doing the same with yours.
The frown painted on Omega's lips disappeared in an instant. She beamed, and it was so bright it could have rivaled the sun. "Wow!" she exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "You made this? It's so pretty! I love it!" Omega opened her arms and tackled you in the tightest hug she could muster. "Thank you!"
You ruffled her hair with a grin. "Don't go doubting the power of our friendship because one measly kid says it's 'fake'." Omega pulled away and matched your grin. "You're right. I don't know why I listened to that kid anyway. He's always been known for being mean."
"Then why did you listen to him?"
Omega blinked and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. It was as if she debated between telling the truth or making up a white-lie. If there was anything you knew about clones, it was that they were all terrible liars. Omega was no different.
"I...I guess it's because I'm not used to talking to people much. I've never really been lied to, so it's sort of new to me." You nodded thoughtfully. "Because it's not something you'd think of doing."
You ruffled her hair again, watching as her eyes darkened and lightened like a passing patch of cloud. "For a mechanic," Omega scratched her cheek sheepishly, "you're really sharp." You shrugged. "Sometimes you have to be in order to guess the parts that need fixing in a pinch. You learn overtime."
"Oh, that makes sense."
A small chuckle left your lips. You planted both hands on Omega's shoulders firmly. "Listen here, no matter what anyone says, we're friends for as long as I'm breathing. Don't listen to the extras, because you're the main character of your own story."
Omega smiled, taking one of your hands and giving it a good squeeze.
It was funny to imagine how these talks remained a one-tine thing. After various other visits, you got to know Omega on a personal level, as well as how she was as a person.
If there was am author writing your book now, you hoped you were a main character too.
#star wars#star wars the clone wars#the clone wars#clone troopers#star wars x reader#star wars the clone wars x reader#the bad batch x reader#the bad batch omega#the bad batch#platonic
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bc i love dean “momwife” winchester, could you do either rapprochement or — and this is a deep cut — ch. 12 of fic for fighting back? 4, 10, 11 and 23?
oh wow -- I will do ch12 because that is a deep cut and I've been talking a lot about the deanjohn of it all today, let's go to mommy dean instead :)
ch12: wincest, mommy!kink
4. How would you remix/change/add to this fic?
This was back when I was actually trying to stick to the hour for the fills, so there's LOTS of room to change/add here. I actually like how this one builds for the point I was being asked to make, but it'd be interesting to see from Dean's POV. (Which the next q asks, so I won't go too deep into it yet.) What'd be more interesting, from Dean's POV, for me, is him seeing Sam's very deep embarrassment-shading-to-shame over being found out and dealing with his own shock -- but handling Sam, because Dean knows how to do that. Mommy that he is. A little like the post-revelation moments in the the archivist, if you happen to have read that. Dean taken aback, but -- he can handle this. It's just Sam.
10. Pick a scene and explain what the other main, non-POV character is thinking.
...that said, Dean's POV, lol. Dean's okay with this because it's Sam and it's sex and he knows how to do Sam-and-sex and has since whenever they started this thing. But... he's not a girl. I like Dean being uncomfortably aware-not-aware of the feminized way he's treated in a lot of circumstances, but he's still very much literally a guy, and that's why it's interesting that this fill is Boy Dean, not Deanna or a halman/omega. After all that pussy talk and pie and making Sam mac&cheese, idk how Dean doesn't smile and go take a shower and... freak, a little. Dean hums thoughtfully but he's thinking, he has to be thinking, "seriously? you kidding? You're not kidding." ...But he'll help Sam get his orgasm, and deal with the freakout on his own time.
11. What happens to these characters 2, 5, 10 years later?
Five years later would be around the time Mary shows, wouldn't it? ...Dear god. I don't think they could, either of them, handle that at all. How could they? Especially with the bitterness and sorrows that Mary brings with her. That said, by the time Mary kind of... emotionally divorces from them, around the end of s13, I wonder if they could do this, once in a while. Renting some cabin somewhere states away from wherever she is, and Dean cooks something (pie, comfort), and wears something soft, and cups Sam's head, and Sam -- bereft of whatever he hoped for, with his real mother -- takes this semi-twisted version, and then... creams him(her) up. Say it with me: oof!
23. What would be the highest form of praise you could receive for the fic?
Oh, bud. How many times can I say that anyone thinking of these at all is about the best praise I can think of? That someone might care more than just a quick consuming bite before they move on? It's that, that.
#logged in to find surprise new asks so getting to this late (?)#really tho#mommy kink is one of those things that...#i can't see being viable while the mom is present#mary needs to be dead or on the other side of the country#luckily she often delivers both#writing meme#answers
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Different but the Same (pt 5)
tw: Mention of blood, implied dubcon
Word count: ~2.6k
Rating: R18+/M
Omegaverse AU, Rating: 18+/M
Pairings: Iwaizumi x fem!reader, Ushijima x fem!reader
Summary: An unexpected encounter at the Inter-High tournament tossed you into a whirlwind. Being tugged between two males, two different packs, who will reign supreme in this battle for your heart?
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ch 5: the college team
It had been weeks since she had started as the Omega Manager of Shiratorizawa Academy’s boys volleyball team. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened so far. There had been an incident the first week or so that involved regulating her pheromones which caused Coach Washijo to yell at her and almost kick her out, but thankfully Saito and Ushijima were able to step in and help defend her. It helped her case when she’d broken up a banter-turned-fight between Goshiki and Shirabu that same day. Since then, though, Goshiki followed her like a lost puppy to the amusement of his senpais. “(Name)-san, can you please give me tips on how to receive better?” Her eyebrows raised at the passionate youngster as she waved him off.
“I’ll help you later, Goshiki-kun. I have to take care of something right now.” She had been half-way out the door in order to meet the college team that was coming to play them.
“You know you don’t have to always help him.” Maple washed over her as the ash-blonde alpha towered besides her.
She chuckled, “I’m the manager, I have to help take care of this pack!” He walked out with her as she made her way to the gate. She glanced at her wrist, looking at the rose-gold watch that she wore. “They’re running a bit late.”
“Not everyone shows up 15 minutes early,” he laughed. They reached the gate and stood in silence. She surveyed the alpha, taking note of his taped up fingers. “You’ve been doing really well.” Their eyes met as her eyebrows raised. “As our manager!” Semi added quickly. “Practices have been a lot calmer since you’ve joined, and you’ve been really helpful with all the tips and side practice that you’ve been giving. I know Goshiki and the other underclassmen appreciate the extra attention.” A flush warmed her cheeks as she adjusted her jacket.
“Don’t get all cheesy with me now, Semi. I know you just like my company,” she winked playfully, ignoring the glow. He laughed and agreed just as a bus pulled up. “This must be them!” A tall dark-haired man got off of the bus, walking over to greet the duo as his team unloaded. “Good afternoon, my name is (L.Name) (Name), the manager for the Shiratorizawa Academy male volleyball team. Thank you for traveling here to play with us!”
“Well hello to you, doll,” the captain’s drawl cut across the professional precedent she set. “I didn’t realize there were such beautiful girls here, makes me regret going somewhere else for school,” he chuckled darkly.
“Hello, I’m Semi Eita. We appreciate you coming. If you’ll come with us, we’ll escort you to the gym.” Semi interrupted, taking a step so that he blocked her from the new alpha’s vision. The other alpha scoffed slightly, calling for his team over his shoulder. Semi bent to whisper into her ear, “stay by my side, I don’t like the looks of this guy.”
With a soft nod, a forced smile made its way to her face. “If you’ll follow us,” she said, turning around to walk towards the gym. She thanked her lucky stars that she was wearing her loose sweatpants and t-shirt for this game. She would’ve hated to see what the college alpha would’ve done if she was in anything more form-flattering.
“Kirishima-san, welcome,” Ushijima stood at the gym’s entrance, nodding at the other captain. “Thank you for bringing your team out here.”
Kirishima waved him off, “Ushijima,” the drawl returned, “it’s always a pleasure to come play with our kouhais. I know my boys were just aching to show you guys up again.” Ushijima only smiled, nodding in appreciation. The young Omega stepped away, feeling uncomfortable at the tension. Semi jerked his head in the direction of the coaches, and she headed to stand besides Saito.
“Is everything alright?” Saito looked down at the Omega, noticing a slight tremble in her steps and the barely noticeable bitter tang in her scent. She’s done a lot to learn how to better manage her pheromones, the coach thought.
“I can’t wait to see Ushijima wipe the floor with that team,” she grumbled, eyes narrowed on the opponent. “Speaking of which, I prepared some onigris for our boys.” Her scent immediately brightened at the thought as she turned to grin at the coach. Dark eyes surveyed her in the distance, glowing at the scent change.
“You’re too kind, (Name)-kun. You can set up a table so that they can have it during their break,” he smiled, pointing to a space on the opposite side of the room. Nodding eagerly, she made her way over, taking careful measures to avoid the courts as the teams began their warm-ups.
“Watch out!” A whistling filled the air as a ball flew towards her. Her eyes widened as it approached. In a flash, she dropped to her knees as she put her arms up, successfully receiving it and sending it back the direction it had come from. A sigh of relief as she stood back up, brushing off her sweats.
“I didn’t know you could receive like that.” Her back tingled as she turned to face Ushijima who had stopped in front of her. It was apparent that he had tried to stop the ball from reaching her. Besides him, Semi’s jaw was dropped.
“Wow, (Name)-san! Did you play volleyball before?” Goshiki appeared besides her, bouncing in excitement as his fists trembled at his sides.
“Nothing as exciting as that, Goshiki-kun.” Another giggle. “I’m just around volleyball a lot.” Her catchphrase. (E/C) eyes met olive ones as he nodded at her. “Now go finish your warm-ups! I’m looking forward to seeing you win,” she winked at the ace before turning on her heel to continue towards the table.
“That was pretty impressive,” Semi muttered under his breath as the trio went to rejoin the team. Silently, Ushijima agreed. He already knew the Omega had some prior experience with volleyball considering the advice she’d been giving out, but to think she had relatively good reflexes like that...he would have to ask her about it more later.
The practice game proceeded, with Shiratorizawa taking the first set, losing the second, and eventually winning with the last set. It was a close game throughout. Males scattered around the room as alumni chatted with guys they knew. After receiving the ball, she hadn’t had a chance to set-up the table. She wiped her forehead; she had been running around the room as she took notes. For players who weren’t involved in the game, there was individual practice littering the other courts. The college students were working with the first years and certain second years while the starting line-up played the college students. Washijo had her running between the individuals to make notes of what they were working on, while Saito had her come back to the main court here and there to have her examine techniques. It was almost like Washijo was trying to get her to quit by the way he was working her. She was completely, utterly exhausted. “Omega-chan~!” A hand clasped over her shoulder, and she grimaced before looking up at a beaming red-headed male. A sigh of relief left her, at least it wasn’t the college captain. Throughout the game, she had noticed his eyes on her as he sent her not-so-subtle winks. “You look exhausted! Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Do you mind running to the club room? There are trays of onigiris in the fridge there that I made for the team.” He cheered in delight, clapping his hands together. He saluted her before spinning on his heel, darting out of the gym. “And don’t eat any before you get back here!” She shouted after his retreating back. Another deep breath of relief. She had just been wondering how she was going to carry all of the onigiri into the gym. Looking around the gym, a rush of satisfaction filled her. Though she hadn’t been manager long, it was still nice to see how the boys in her temporary pack had improved in the short amount of time she’d been observing them. She closed her small notebook, tucking both it and her pen into the belt-bag slung over her chest.
“Where’s your manager at?” Her ears pricked, noticing Taichi and Hayato standing with some of the college students. Kirishima heard the question, approaching the group while laughing loudly. The college students exchanged looks.
“Yui is a bit...preoccupied.” The older libero replied just as Kirishima threw his arm around him.
“You don’t have to hide anything from them. Especially now that they have their own Omega manager.” His eyes glinted as his eyes focused on the Omega. “One of our players is going through a rut.” Her movements froze as she paid even closer attention.
“That’s so cute that your manager is mated to one of the players!”
Kirishima laughed, his eyes darkened hungrily. “Oh no, they aren’t mated. It’s the duty of the Omega to take care of all the Alphas in her pack, including during their ruts.” She froze, those words washing over her and echoing.
“You mean (Name)-san will be there for our ruts?” Goshiki had joined the group now, catching the last bit of the conversation. His eyes looking at the Omega, the sparkle of interest and a hint of lust burning through them.
A hand clasped her shoulder sending sparks flying through her spine as she shivered at the contact, “That may be the case in your pack, but we respect Omegas in this pack. It’s up to (L. Name) whether or not she wants to.” Ushijima’s deep voice soothed her, eyes darkening as he challenged the other Alpha. He took a step forward, his chest almost pressing against her back.
Kirishima just put his hands up, shrugging. “That’s such a...modern perspective Ushijima. That definitely wasn’t that case when my packmates went here.” He was about to continue when a sharp growl cut him off. (E/C) eyes blinked up at the Apex Alpha, feeling his grip tighten on her as his lips began to curl. “No harm, I wasn’t trying to imply anything.”
“Ushijima-kun.” Coach Washijo joined the group now.
Ushijima stiffened against her. She could feel his muscles tighten and a flicker of desire and perhaps even something more coursed through her before they both relaxed. “Of course, Coach.”
At this point, Tendou rejoined the group. “(Name)-chan! These onigris are phenomenal~! We need you at our camp, your food would be amazing.” Tendou had the tray over his head in on hand, the other holding two onigiri as he bit into one.
“How many did you eat, Tendou?” She exclaimed, pulling away from Ushijima as she tried to get the tray. The red-haired middle blocker laughed, holding it higher mockingly. With a playful growl, the Omega jumped, kicking him in the stomach causing him to bend over slightly just as she grabbed the tray. “I told you not to eat any,” she scolded, smacking him again as he groaned in pain.
“I couldn’t help it, we had a long practice and it smelled delicious,” he gave her puppy eyes as she sighed. Turning on her heel, she made her way over to the table, and soon enough, both teams were swarming around her.
“I’d mate that Omega in an instant.” Ushijima’s eyes snapped up, meeting Kirishima’s golden ones as the older Alpha smirked at him. “She takes such good care of the pack, and I’d just love to feel that body against mine. If Shiratorizawa doesn’t use her, then we’d love to have another manager.” Kirishima continued, his tongue darting out to lick his lips as his eyes glowed. He had just begun to describe what type of things he would do to the Omega when he noticed how black Ushijima’s eyes had gotten.
Ushijima’s loud snarl interrupted the otherwise happy atmosphere when he lunged at Kirishima. “Ushijima-san!” An onigiri fell onto the floor, slipping out of her loose fingers as she ran towards the conflict. The strawberry scent interrupted his concentration, his eyes snapping to her just as Kirishima upper-cut him. Ushijima grunted before he turned back to Kirishima and went on the offensive. “Stop!” She grabbed onto his arm, frantically trying to tug him away. Arms wrapped around her waist, swinging her away from the conflict. Agitated chirps blended in with the snarls and growls of the Alphas. Anxiously, she tugged at the arms struggling as the potent sour strawberry scent filled the gym.
“(Name)! Calm down and let the Alphas take care of it. I don’t want you getting hurt.” Semi’s gruff voice was in her ear, arms tightening as he pulled her away. She blinked away tears from her eyes, her scent souring even more as she witnessed with horror as Ushijima delivered a powerful blow to Kirishima’s face. Kirishima crumpled onto the floor, nose bleeding. Just as he was about to jump back up onto his feet, his pack-mates grabbed his arms and pulled him away. Tendou, Soekawa, and Reon were grabbing onto Ushijima, but the massive Alpha remained primed to fight as he glared at the wounded Alpha.
“You should show some respect to Omegas, especially ones you supposedly want to claim,” Ushijima growled. With that, he pulled away and stepped outside. Semi’s grip relaxed, and the Omega darted out.
“Ushijima-san!” He froze, looking down at the young Omega. Her eyes softened as she looked at his hands. “You’re bleeding.” Her hands cupped his, soft fingers lightly tracing the bloody knuckles. Pulling out a small first aid kit from her bag, she escorted him to a nearby bench. He followed silently, taking deep calming breaths and letting her scent wash over him. As he took a seat, he closed his eyes, letting her gently wipe the blood away with a disinfectant wipe. “Mind telling me what that was about?” A hum left his lips as olive eyes met (e/c).
A soft sigh escaped him. “He was being...disrespectful towards you.” Her eyebrow pulled up, letting her silence egg him to speak further as she began wrapping his hand up. A loud sigh left him. “He wanted to claim you as his mate and do...vulgar things to you.” He inhaled deeply, letting her scent soothe him. Just the mere thought of Kirishima’s comments had his blood boiling. His head dropped to lightly land against her shoulder, nose brushing dangerously close to her scent gland. Ushijima was relieved that the bitterness had faded back to her soothing sweet scent.
A soft laugh left her. “Well, thank you for protecting my virtue.” He stiffened slightly before straightening up, unsure of the subtext of her comment. At his face, she began to laugh earnestly. “I’m serious!” She brushed away the tears of mirth from her face. “I know things happened between us, but that was out of our control. At the end of the day, you’re my Alpha.” His heart skipped a beat at those words; Ushijima straightened up completely, olive eyes scanning her face intently. She flushed red as she brushed her hair away from her face. “I mean, you’re the Alpha of this pack,” she corrected, “and I know you’ll do whatever it takes to keep me safe.” Maple scent engulfed them as they were joined by Semi. Relieved by the interruption, the Omega turned to face him. “Is he alright?”
“Yes, Kirishima’s fine,” Semi rolled his eyes. “Their team left though, practically fell over themselves at the door.” She giggled, that would’ve been a sight to see. “C’mon, coach wants you to take down the nets and mop. We gotta clean up the blood too.” Standing up, she gave Ushijima a nod before she stepped back into the room with Semi trailing behind her.
Ushijima stood, making his way to stand in the doorway as he surveyed the Omega and the rest of his pack. His heart stuttered as she laughed while ruffling Goshiki’s hair. This is where she belonged.
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Ben Gen 10 - Live Reaction Review
Right, so since I’ve finally got my hands on the new crossover episodes, and since my favourite show of all time is Generator Rex, I thought I’d watch it and write down things along the way. Mostly just reactions to things happening as they go, and then probably a simple review at the in another post of what I liked, didn’t like, and maybe what other ways this episode could have gone.
Spoilers! Kind of, for those who haven’t seen it yet! But onto the watching!
Should probably mention I haven’t seen a whole lot of the Reboot Ben 10. Not awful from what I’ve seen, some interesting and well-done aspect even, but certainly not my cup of tea. But I’m here for my boi Rex anyway so…
This is actually quite a cute theme song intro, not gonna lie
Ah, yes, a very American opening in a very American location.
Lol, of course they use Heatblast as the first alien in the episode, got the same voice actor as Rex, nice touch.
Evil...trees? Are these actually villains in the show?
Also, that little girl is precious.
Ben, are you trying to start a forest fire in the middle of the park?!
Ha, Gwen gets it!
Ah, yes, more American stuff.
“Don’t wreck the precious monuments” should have seen what you did to Mount Rushmore in your past, Ben.
Sup, Hex.
Music is evil, got it.
So Ben’s aliens are pretty famous already, at least being treated more like celebrities than monster sightings.
“Burn the flute!” A.K.A nearly burn Hex in the process.
And that’s why Ben never passed music class.
And why exactly do you want the world, Hex?
“Hopefully the last one of the summer” Don’t jinx it Max!
Time goes by so fast, doesn’t it Ben? Especially with aliens, villains and timetravel.
Max is secretly an EVO with that kind of growl.
Yes, because as we all know, villains will stop trying to take over the world once summer is over. They must hibernate for the winter.
Also, Max, did you steal those marshmallows?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….Ben, you good there?....Did Hex do something to your brain?
Who thought this would be great to animate!?
We all have those existential crises and talk to smores.
Jesus, Rex, got ninja skills I see.
Some homeless kid and his monkey stole my food? Time to kick some ass!
My favourite alien, Canonballoon.
I’ve missed my boy and his chimp.
Awwwww they’re sharing! Also just….feel so bad for them already. Homeless and struggling for food, my poor boys.
So EVOs do exist here? Wonder how that will be explained.
Ben out here really trying to beat up some other kid, lol. What a great hero.
Bobo, you are great.
I feel like...Ben’s going through some issues.
Ah yaaaaaaaaaaa, bring on the EVO powers! BFS!
Look ma, no hands!
Rex 1, Ben 0
Ben really wants to commit murder or assault here, wow.
Overboard is the word I’d use, yes.
The life of a background character.
Nanites confirmed! And now they’re in the watch, that ain’t good.
Huh...not what I thought was gonna happen.
The little girl is still precious.
This would be fun to explain to Azmuth.
This ain’t good.
On the run from Providence I see.
Awww, poor Rex. Really doesn’t want to hurt anyone.
I can’t tell if these people are angry because of the DNA affect them, or they’re really just being angry in general.
See ya, Gwen and Max.
Interesting to see that the Providence aircraft looks straight out of the show.
Evening, Six.
Still a badass like normal.
He said Omega, he said the word!
Also, nice blame game there Ben. It’s not like you provoked Rex by, ya know, trying to crush him like a grape.
Um...Six...did you just….try to kill a kid? He didn’t know Ben had powers, that pillar could have easily crushed a normal human.
“This is how you try to convince me you’re not a threat?” Say the dude who just tried to murder a kid!!”
Oh no, he Naruto runs!
Oh, hello Hex.
Also, what is Providence in this world? What are EVOs and Nanites in this world? None of this has been explained yet.
Ok, so that’s what Providence is...You’d think we would have seen them before based on all the aliens showing up who want to destroy the world.
EVO Generator....I wonder if that means that there aren’t very many EVOs, like maybe there is only a set group from the same lab, and Rex is considered the most dangerous because he can make EVOs.
Ben, do you even know what an EVO is?
Jeez, I know Six is like, the sixth deadliest man on the planet, but he just tackles alien Ben like it’s nothing. This guy should take on Vilgax.
Did he say nib libs?
My boi’s back!
I’m not liking this Six...very much not the character I’ve come to love. Who are you and what have you done with the real Six!
Lol, gotta make sure the kids at home know these aren’t real guns!
Using a net on one kid, and about to beat the crap out of the other, nice.
I do have to ask why Hex was picked to me the main villain, beyond whatever the hell Providence is doing. Why the magic dude and not a tech based villain? Someone who could be both interested in the watch and nanites.
What a covenant spell you have there, Hex.
Again, why do you want to take over the world?
“No, those are my aliens!” I think that’s the least of your concern there, Ben.
Bobo 1, Hex 0
Why is Bobo one of the best-written character’s here? Not that I hate Bobo, but just…
Lol, Rex did you just lay there, the entire time? What was that net made out of?
Ah, right. Let’s attack the children rather the magical manic who clearly stated he wanted to rule the world.
Those nets are fireproof apparently.
Ooof, ah….quite the sore spot there, Ben.
Just let me hug Rex, please…
Are there EVOs are are there not!?
I know this is supposed to connect with older fans, but most of this info would fly over the head of anyone who hasn’t watched Generator Rex. They act like everyone knows what EVOs and nanites are.
Still with the blame game are we, Ben?
Judging by that look, Rex’s parents are also dead in this world. Guess he’s not allowed nice things in this universe either.
That flashback was….so latching in the dramatic department.
Now ya wanna help, Ben.
He’s so scared of himself, noooo!
Ya, but the different between you and him, Ben, is that he lost his parents, his home, got mutated, his memories became hazy, got locked up and called a monster, and now lives on the streets stealing smores. I think Rex has more of a reason to feel scared at being new with the hero business.
Bobo gets it.
Gotta love they added details on Gwen and Max’s alien forms to make them stick out from the rest. Don’t want to confuse anyone lol.
Thinking of a clever comeback on the spot is hard, not gonna lie.
Yes, Ben, drown him.
Again, with the American music, lol. It ruins the fight scene here.
What is this fight scene?
Original Providence agents would have died on screen rather than ditching the fight.
God, everyone’s made Rex feel like everything is his fault, poor guy.
Rock 1, Ben 0
This message and heartfelt moment falls flat, the build-up wasn’t there and it just...kind of happens. It lacks a lot of flavour and impact, and it doesn’t help with how most of these characters are written.
Old people jokes.
Now we shift the blame to Kevin.
Is Fourarms Gwen bigger? Because if so, nice touch, since we know female Tetramands are stronger/bigger than the men.
Ok, so attempted murder is fine when Six and Ben try to do it, but not Rex, got it.
Get in line Hex, you’re not the first who wants to ‘recruit’ Rex. You’ve got Providence, Van Kleiss, Quarry, Black Knight, that one band, and so on so fourth.
Why is this heartfelt moment suddenly happening now? This feels like it could have been placed back when Rex refused to fix the watch.
Ben…”I’ve already tried that!” Bruh, you tried beating him up, telling Six and Providence you saw him, basically acted like he wasn’t a good hero because he refuses to get over his trauma, and reached out your hand once because it benefited you....I get what they’re trying to do, but it just makes Ben look like a jerk. I get he’s ten, but still…
Just...slap him Bobo, please…
Why are we so nervous about Rex’s sword? Ben you have aliens that can burn, cut, smash and so on, and you barely care what you do. Remember how you nearly started that forest fire at the start?...
Yo, what!? What kind of logic is that, Providence? “Whelp, guess earth is screwed, might as well burn it”
Ya, remember that time when EVOs infected the whole world, and Providence decided to just burn everything down with lasers?
Extendo blade.
Huh, so Six’s blades can break down Rex’s builds.
Salamander...don’t you mean...Skalamander?
One ship? What is Providence packing!?
Yasss, Punk Busters!
Rex is crying, how dare you!
Now we got Smack Hands, you’re in for it, Hex!
Ooooooooooooooonnnnn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttt!
Ah yes, the sixth most beautiful man on the planet.
Again...what is with the nuking?
Magical cloth fixing, just what I need.
Pure chaos with my boy.
Cracking his neck made me cringe.
Also why the sudden change in heart, Six? This feels out of character for the character who is out of character.
Look, Rex, you’re either gonna fix the watch, or you’re gonna start the self destruct countdown. Everything is going to hell, so might as well take that 50/50.
And it worked!
Ah ya, about that missile.
See’s missile inbound “I can handle it!”
Iron Giant vibes around here.
Screw ruling the world, I’m gonna murder this one child!
My cat’s the same.
So that’s his full name?
I think you need to work on those vacation days with your boss, Six.
You are not Six, I will never accept you.
So the episode starts with Rex being alone, homeless and being chased by Providence, and ends with him being alone, homeless and being chased by Providence. What was the improvement here? Self Confident?
Ben even just lets him go, doesn’t even offer him to stay with his family.
Rex deserves better.
Another heartfelt moment that just...falls flat…
“Always be family and be there for you, Ben” Until you go to college without telling him before hand
So!...That was the crossover. Not...amazing sadly. I didn’t have high hopes to begin with, and mostly was just happy enough to have Gen Rex be acknowledged. But this Crossover missed a lot of points, and fumbles quite a bit. It reminds me a lot of the Secret Saturdays Crossover and what was wrong there. But I’m tired and will do a break down/proper review another day, if people are keen for that. Thanks for reading this if you did, it was a rollercoster!
#Interesting to analyze#But I am still disappointed#Welp time for fanfictions and fanart to save the day!#Generator Rex#Gen Rex#GR#Ben Gen 10#Ben 10#Ben 10 reboot#Ben 10 Generator Rex#Ben Tennyson#Rex Salazar
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Small Town Affairs
Summary: Hazel is an Omega in the small town of Tin Springs, Midwest America. She's trying to live her life after breaking up with the local sheriff, John Walker, and his mate, Brock Rumlow. New people aren't something that happens often, but when a new pack comes to town her whole life goes from a small mess to a complete disaster in the best way.
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Assault, Sexual abuse, Himbo Bucky, Misogyny, will update as story goes.

Chapter 1
It wasn’t often that people moved to Tin Springs, population 803. We barely had enough people to need a high school and a junior high school let alone more than a general store and gas station. There wasn’t even a Walmart for nearly 20 miles. You had to make a special trip to the larger town of Conway that had fast food restaurants and strip malls while the closest we had was a Dollar General and a ‘home style’ restaurant that was closed after 9. We did have a few bars and a strip joint, but those were just outside of town. Far enough that most people didn’t count them as being a part of town. It was very much a dying breed of Mayberry towns that used to thrive till people moved for better jobs and schools or to just get out of that small town headspace.
So when what looked like a whole fleet of moving trucks drove down the main road, everyone was talking. Turns out there was some guy with the last name Rogers that owned land that belonged to his pack that he was moving his new pack onto. The family had basically moved away or died off by the time I was 18. Most of the townspeople thought the houses on the land would stay empty till someone bought the land up for farming or to build new houses on. No one ever did and the moving trucks were telling us why it wouldn’t happen. Everyone and their dog would be gossiping and talking about who the new people were, where they came from, why they came back now, but I just ignored the whispers and gossip as I checked out folks at the general store.
“Hazel, would you be a dear and stock the shelves before you leave tonight?” The store owner, Peggy Carter, asked from her office. It sat just to the side of the register, making it easy to keep an eye on things. Her prim English accent was very much out of place in the small midwest town, but it wasn’t as crisp as it used to be when she first moved to Tin Springs.
“Sure. I’ve got my keys so I’ll lock up for you too,” I said, glancing back at her before the bell above the door rang. “Howdy,” I greeted the customers before going back to tidying my area. They were just a couple of women that were grabbing last minute items for dinner, which was the usual crowd so close to our closing time. I knew their faces, but couldn’t recall their names. I’d seen them around town, but I didn’t exactly interact with people outside of my job.
“Did you see the paper today? John Walker’s up for re-election again,” one woman said as they meandered towards the dairy section. While they sort of tried to stay quiet, the store was empty at that time of day and with it being so small that the voices carried easily.
“I saw that. He’s got my vote for sure,” the other woman said. “You know, he’s been such a good sheriff and I don’t think anyone’s running against him. It should be an easy win for him.”
“Hopefully. Things are just fine as they are now, why change them?” The first woman said. “Though, it is a bit odd that he’s with another Alpha and not an Omega.”
“I know, but Brock’s a good man. Both of them are. It’s just too bad things didn’t work out with them and that Omega girl.”
I should be used to it by now, hearing people talking about me and my exs. When you date the county sheriff and the only garage owner in town, things aren’t exactly secret. Even if they didn’t know your name or face, they knew your business.
“You know, John always said she was a good gal, but just had some problems. His mother and I play bridge at the church on Wednesday evenings and she told me that he was heartbroken over their split up. Him and Brock adored her, said they wanted to have kids too. I do hope she’s getting herself straightened out,” the second woman said.
I could handle the whispers and looks I’d get from the older Omegas in town, but this was a new low. They weren’t even trying to keep it quiet anymore.
“Just so ya’ll know, we’re closing soon, so if you’ve got some trash talking to do, do it outside where I don’t have to listen to it,” I called, earning small gasps from the women. They hurried to the front to check out, keeping their eyes down as I glared at them. If they were dumb enough to talk about me in front of me, I was not going to go easy on them. They didn’t say another word as they left, leaving me behind to glare at their backs.
“You should learn to ignore them. People will always talk,” Peggy said from the office.
“The least they could do was be discreet about it,” I mumbled. “Besides, it’s already been over a year and you’d think people would let it go and move on.”
“Well, with the new people moving in, you might get your wish,” she said. I could only hope.
The rest of the evening went by pleasantly fast. Peggy left me in charge to stock the shelves after closing. We closed usually at about 8:00 PM, no one showed up after 7:45 PM on a regular day. So to hear the door jostle as someone tried to open at 8:10 PM was odd. Frowning, I put down the pasta to look over the aisle to see a man trying to peer in. He had dirty blond hair styled back into a faux hawk of sorts, and dressed in ripped skinny jeans and a tight black tee. There were a few cuts on his face, a bandaid over his nose, and what looked like hearing aids hooks around his ears, the man stood out like a sore thumb compared to the locals. Seeing me, he put on a big smile and waved.
My first instinct was to ignore him, but since he didn’t look familiar I figured he was one of the new people in town. They wouldn’t know the hours of any of the stores in town. I decided to at least let him know the store was closed. If anything happened I had a bat under my register and pepper spray on my keys in my pocket. Going to the front, I unlocked the door before opening it.
“Hey, sorry, we’re closed,” I said as the muggy summer air came rushing in. “We close at 8.”
“Damn it,” the man hissed as he pulled out a cell phone. “Is there any other place to get groceries around here? My pack and I just moved to town and we don’t have any groceries. We’ve been working all day to get stuff into the house and didn’t realize the time.”
“Oh, uh not really, sorry,” I said. “Dollar General closes at the same time and you’d have to go to the next town over for Walmart and that’s 20 miles away.”
“What time do you guys open in the morning?” He asked, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“We open at 6:00 AM.” The way he looked when I told him was like witnessing a puppy being kicked. I could smell him, he was just an Omega. What harm could it do to let him in this once? Peggy had let a few people in here and there after hours, so what was one more? “Okay, so you can’t tell anyone or you’ll get me in trouble, but I can go ahead and let you in to shop. I’m just restocking shelves, so go ahead and get what you need.” Stepping aside, I let him in before locking the door behind him to keep anyone else out.
“Thank you so, so much. You’re a lifesaver, really,” he said as he grabbed a cart and proceeded to grab things off the shelf. I didn’t mind staying late, rent was going up and it was getting harder to pay, so a bit of extra time wouldn’t hurt. “I’m Clint by the way.”
“Hazel,” I replied as I went back to the shelves. Letting him fill his cart, I finished up my work before meeting him at the register. It was a lot of food, but then again how many moving trucks had showed up? “I really hope this isn’t just for you.”
“Naw, there’s 8 people in my pack. I’m hoping this will be good enough for at least dinner and breakfast, but there’s a few of us who can eat out a whole house,” Clint said with a chuckle as I scanned the items.
“Wow, that’s a lot. We don’t really have any packs at all around here. Maybe a handful, but it’s just three people at most,” I said.
“Oh yeah? We just moved here from New York. One of our Beta’s, Steve, used to live here. You might know him,” Clint said.
“Last name Rogers?” I asked, getting a nod. “Not personally. I know of the family and the land, but that’s about it,” I said with a shrug. “Alright, and total for today is $234.89.”
“Yup, sounds about right,” Clint said with a chuckle as he swiped a credit card. What did they do in New York that allowed them to buy that many groceries? Not to mention that was just for one night, I couldn’t imagine a full week’s worth. Maybe they should go to Walmart for groceries next time. “So is there anything fun to do around here?” He asked as I handed him the longest receipt I’d printed before.
“Eh. Depends on what you want to do. We have a restaurant that closes at 9:00 PM, a few bars around here, and a strip joint, but other than that there’s not much to be done unless you’re a fan of high school sports,” I said with a shrug.
“I’m going to have to give Steve a slap upside the head for bringing us to the most boring place in the world,” he sighed before looking at me wide eyed. “I mean, it’s just that it’s kinda slow compared to New York.”
“Don’t worry. I think it’s boring too, but like most of the folks that live here, it’s cheaper to stay than to move if you don’t have another job or family else where,” I said. “Sometimes the rodeo comes to the next town over and a lot of people go there.”
“Yeah, when he said this was a completely different place, I didn’t think he understood how all of us would find it so different,” Clint said as he started to load up the grocery cart.
“Here, let me help you take those out to your car. I’ll get the cart from you and you can head out,” I said, grabbing the keys to unlock the front door to let us out then relocked it.
“Thanks. You know, I guess small towns do have a lot of nice people willing to help out,” Clint said as he led the way to a black sports car.
“Sheesh, fancy,” I snorted as he popped the trunk.
“Yeah, it was a pain to drive it down the dirt driveway I have with my mate. I don’t want to part with her, but I also don’t want to ruin the undercarriage,” he said with a wince.
“That’s a bummer. There’s a car lot in town here, but I don’t know if they’d have anything your style,” I said, handing him a paper bag full of cereal.
“Howard, my mate, would shit his pants if I tried to go there,” Clint said with a chuckle. “He’s too posh to even think of buying anything pre-used. I’m pretty sure he’d have a heart attack.”
“Sounds like he’ll get comfortable real quick,” I said with a snort.
As we were finishing up putting the groceries in the car, there was a short honk and siren bwep before a sheriff’s car pulled into the spot next to Clint��s.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Clint frowned, unsure of what was happening, but I knew.
“Howdy friend!” A familiar voice called as a blond man with bright blue eyes and an irritating smile stepped from the patrol car. Dressed in his brown and khaki uniform, Sheriff John Walker approached us. “You must be part of the pack that just moved to town.”
“Uh, yeah. Just got in today,” Clint said, shifting his body again. “I’m Clint.”
“Pleased to meet you, I’m Sheriff Walker. Figured that since I saw you in town, I’d catch you real quick for an introduction,” the man said, holding out his hand for Clint to shake. Raising a brow, Clint shook the officer’s hand.
“Nice to meet you. You’ll probably be seeing the rest of my pack throughout the week,” Clint said before closing the trunk of his car.
“You’re on the Rogers property, yeah?” John asked, resting his hands on his hips.
“That’s the one,” Clint said with a nod.
“I think I went to school with one of the Rogers’ pack. Steve, I believe his name was. He was a grade above me. His family stayed in town a while before leaving. Didn’t think we’d see anyone come back to live on the property,” John said. I wanted to get away from this conversation as fast as possible. John hadn’t even addressed me, let alone acknowledge my existence. The last thing I wanted was for him to start shit with me in front of someone.
“Probably, I mean, he’ll be in town tomorrow to get all the paperwork fixed up with his mate,” Clint said. “But I should be going. We’ve been driving all day and everyone’s tired and hungry.”
“Alright, I’ll let you go,” John said with a nod, backing up to let Clint move. I kept quiet, trying to not look John in the eye as I moved the cart back to the sidewalk. “Have a nice evening, now,” he said, typing his broad brimmed hat to Clint.
“Thanks. See you around, Hazel,” Clint said to me with a tight smile and wave. I gave a short wave back before booking it back to the store.
Don’t follow me, don’t follow me, don’t follow me.
“Hazel, wait up,” John called as he jogged to catch up with me. I wanted to scream as I stopped at the front door to unlock it. “So, you’re talking to the new people now, huh?” He said as Clint pulled out and drove away.
“John, go away. It’s none of your business and this is not part of the agreement,” I hissed, getting the door open. Shoving the cart in front of me, I tried to shut the door in his face, but he’d stuck his boot in the way.
“Look, I’m just trying to keep an eye out for you, okay? Don’t get cozy with the new people. They might be interesting, but you never know what people are really like,” he said, pushing his way into the store.
“Ironic coming from you,” I snapped, glaring at him as I moved to the register. “I’m trying to close, leave.”
“Remember what I said,” John sighed. “Don’t trust those new people.”
“I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you and we both know it’s not far,” I snarled. “Now go away or I’ll short Brock this week.”
“Fine,” he said. “But just remember, I was the one that always looked after you. Even after everyone started those rumors about you, I stuck by you.”
“A lot of good it did me. Now go.”
John looked like he might say something else, but stopped himself. Instead, he shook his head before leaving the store. Quickly, I locked the door after him. Standing there, my hands shook as tears pricked my eyes. The asshole could always get under my skin. Just a damn look and I’d be nearly in tears. As much as I wanted to believe I was stronger now and could handle myself, that small interaction showed me that he still had a grip on my life.
Finished for the night, I headed home. There were no more encounters with anyone else thankfully, allowing me to relax for the night with a beer on my porch. My house wasn’t much, a one story two bedroom house that had a less than stellar paint job, but it was home. It was old, from the 20’s, but it was sturdy. I wasn’t there much but to eat, sleep, and shower anyways.
Sitting on the porch, one beer turned into two which turned into three. It was the fourth one that I finally felt like I could stop shaking completely. The last time I had seen John and talked to him was nearly a month ago. We’d been separated for almost a year and he was being his usual passive aggressive self just to push my boundaries. He’d come into the store and made a show of talking to me like I was a kid, letting everyone see he was the calm, collected Alpha that was trying to reach out with an olive branch to fix things between the unstable Omega who just needed some gentle handling to become a decent person.
I had nearly come unglued on him, but managed to keep my voice low and my eyes down. Peggy found me right after, sobbing out behind the store. No one, not even Peggy, knew what really happened between all three of us, but I wasn’t about to tell them and neither were John and Brock. We’d come to an agreement that they would leave me alone and not talk to me unless absolutely necessary and I’d stay quiet. As well as paying them off. It was nearly half of both my paychecks, but it was worth it if it meant they didn’t come into the store when I was there or tried to talk to me at all.
But John was starting to toe the line and push back. Brock kept his part of the deal, I was pretty sure he never really cared for me, but John was always obsessive. The deal was going to have to be revisited if John didn’t back off.
Done for the night, I tossed the bottles before heading to bed.
The last few days of the work week were about the same. Go to work, come home, go to work, come home. I saw Clint now and then who came in to grab a few things here and there, but that was it. He was nice and despite John wanting to tell me who I could and couldn’t see, it felt better to know that there was someone in town who didn’t know things about me without my permission.
While we weren’t best friends, we did send memes to each other when I was on break and he wasn’t busy. At one point he messaged me a picture of his shed full of cobwebs and wasp nests and asked if it was appropriate to burn it to the ground. I told him to be careful because there could be copperheads underneath or groundhogs. That led into me explaining what those were and learning that the man had lived 37 years thinking a groundhog was something made up by a city for a holiday and it was really just a beaver they were using.
It seemed that I would be teaching him, and probably his pack vicariously, what to look out for in their new homes. I still hadn’t met the rest of the pack, though I had seen one or two here and there around town.
Soon Friday rolled around. I woke up at about 4:30 AM. Friday would be busier than usual as it was a payday. I showered then dressed, sliding on jeans and a long sleeved shirt, I then made a pot of coffee before doing my makeup. Just enough to hide the bags under my eyes and a few marks on my neck that were visible above my shirt collar.
It was my regular dress for my job at the store, Peggy didn’t care too much so long as it wasn’t offensive. Which meant anything but plain clothing and no writing. After coffee, I fixed my hair so it didn’t frizz then grabbed my thermos of coffee. I locked up then headed to work.
The sun was peeking above the trees and clouds as I pulled into work around 5:15 AM. Peggy was already there when I walked in the back.
“Did you have any problems closing the other night? I forgot to ask,” She said as I stepped into the office to get my cash drawer for the day.
“It was fine. Had one of the new people stop in, Clint. The blond that comes by for snacks. He’d made it in just after we closed, but I went ahead and let him shop since they didn’t have anything at their houses,” I said, taking the drawer from the open safe.
“Houses? You mean they’re not all in one?” She asked, looking up from her book keeping.
“There’s not a big enough house for more than four people on their property. There’s like ten of them,” I said with a snort.
“Well I’m sure we’ll meet all of them at some point. We’re the only grocery store in town,” she said.
“Unless they need to buy in bulk. Clint nearly bought everything in the store,” I said, counting my drawer at the register.
“We can only hope. Next time you see them, let them know if they need more than a few things to get us a list and we’ll get them large amounts. We used to do that a lot when there were bigger packs in my hometown,” Peggy said. The woman was nearly 60 and had lived in England up until about 30 years ago, getting the general store from her uncle who had passed away. I was used to hearing the facts of ‘We used to do this in my hometown’ a lot.
“Will do.”
Finished with setting up, I unlocked the front door and turned on the rest of the lights at 6:00 AM. The usual rush of moms right after school starts as well as early rising elderly came in, making for the usual busy rush that Peggy would step in and help with at the second register. By the time 10:00 AM rolled around, things were tapering off. We’d have a lunch rush for those grabbing a quick something, then back to a nice slowness.
“I’m gonna take my break after this last person checks out,” I said to Peggy who nodded. I was starting to get hungry and I saw a bearclaw in the donut rack that had my name on it. A few cups of coffee could only hold me over for so long before I needed actual food.
Before I could clock out for a break though, two people walked into the otherwise empty store. They were part of the new pack, just the scent alone said that, and they were Alphas. Great.
“I got this if you want,” Peggy said softly as she caught the scent too. Peggy was a sweet Beta and she acted as a stand-in grandma for me, but I couldn’t just run at every Alpha that came in.
“I’m good,” I said, giving her a small wave and smile. It wasn’t long before the Alphas came to the register. One was taller, probably over 6’, with steely blue eyes and dark, earthy brown hair with a scruff on his face. He smelt of fresh rain and peaches with that Alpha musk. Dressed in an almost too tight tee with an extra sleeve and glove covering his left arm and hand, he looked out of place in the button up work shirts and plaid that was usually worn by the adult men around town.
The other was shorter, more tailored. His light brown hair had a bit of copper to it as it was swept back from his face as that held a neatly trimmed beard. His dark eyes stayed on the phone in his hand. He too was in a tee and jeans that were fitted tighter, making them look. . . Well almost foreign. A whiff of cedar and maybe smoke or tobacco swirled into the first Alpha’s scent. Both of them mingling and making something settle deep inside my belly.
“Is that all for you two?” I asked, holding back with every fiber of my being any scent or sign of them making me feel like a simple, needy Omega.
“That’ll be it,” the first Alpha said. It was standard groceries of meat, cheese, dried goods, condiments, basically anything to stock up a house after moving.
“Is your pack settling in okay? Clint comes by now and then,” I said, trying to make small talk. Usually I didn’t, but something about those two had me anxious. Not a bad anxious, but. . . I couldn’t put my finger on it.
“Oh, uh yeah. We’re getting there,” he said with a nod. “It’s different than what we’re used to.”
“What are ya’ll used to?” I asked, looking from one to the other.
“A lot more people and a lot less trees,” the second Alpha spoke up, his voice lilting into an accent I couldn’t place. “But it is lovely here. I quite like how peaceful it is without masses of people a hair’s breadth away.”
“Glad you like it,” I said, giving him a soft smile. “So are all of you from New York too?”
“A few of us, but not all,” the first Alpha said as he pulled out his wallet.
“Well, hopefully it doesn’t take you long to settle in. Today’s total is $87.56,” I said, tapping a few buttons on my keypad.
“Tell me, is there a nursery around? For plants that is,” the second Alpha asked, leaning onto the counter when I started to help pack up the groceries into the cart. “I am wanting to start a flower garden, but would like to see where the supplies are first.”
“A plant nursery? Um, there is one just west of the town. Just take the main road and it’s about ten minutes from town. It’s run by the Mennonites and they have a bunch of different plants to pick from. They’ve even got starter trees for fruits and some bushes for blackberries and the like,” I said.
“Thank you. I appreciate the information,” he said with a soft smile and a nod. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“You’re welcome, if any of your pack needs anything just ask around. We’re all pretty friendly here,” I said as I finished putting the bags in the cart.
“I will keep that in mind,” he said, moving over to the cart to hold out his hand to me. “I am Helmut. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Hazel. It’s nice to meet you both,” I said, taking his hand. It was warm and soft, different than the work roughened hands I was used to. Helmut rolled his eyes at the other, elbowing him.
“Hey,” he grumbled, shooting him a glare. “Oh, uh, I’m Bucky.” A quick wave and awkward smile was all I was given as he quickly moved to push the cart away.
“He’s house broken, I swear,” Helmut said with a wink. I couldn’t help the honest to God giggle that came out of me. “Have a good day, Hazel,” Helmut said, smiling as he shook his head at Bucky.
“You too,” I called after as they left. It didn’t even occur to me that I was staring after them till Peggy came up next to me.
“You could always ask for a photograph. It would last longer,” she said with hum.
“Oh shush,” I said, waving her off. “They were just, ya know, nice. Most Alphas around here are curt and so loud and demanding. It’s a nice change to see is all.”
“Uh huh. Even if you weren’t letting them get a scent of you, you were definitely giving them eyes. I’ve never seen you do that for anyone. Not even when you were with ‘Those-Who-Shan’t-Be-Named.’ I think it’s cute and wonderful that you had that reaction,” Peggy said as she went to the other register so I could take a break. “Besides, when’s the last time you actually touched someone on purpose?”
“It’s nothing, I’m just being nice to new people is all,” I said, locking my register computer after clocking out for a break. Quickly, I grabbed the bearclaw before leaving the dollar and change for Peggy. “It was just a handshake. Besides, you always tell me to work on my customer service skills,” I said as I walked to the back door.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” She called after me.
#john walker/oc#brock rumlow/oc#john walker/brock rumlow/oc#bucky barnes#john walker#brock rumlow#bucky barnes/helmut zemo#bucky barnes/oc#helmut zemo/oc#zemo/oc#bucky/zemo#bucky barnes/helmut zemo/oc#bucky/zemo/oc#a/b/o#marvel#fanfiction
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Centerfold 3- Pink

Centerfold Masterlist
Author’s Note: Written for Meghan who requested some fluffy A/B/O smut and then I came up with an idea and ran with it. Smut will start after the plot is established. Also, this is gonna go toward my @spnabobingo squares. This chapter fills my First Time square and is rated E for Explicit.
Summary: Dean and Y/n can't get enough of each other.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Reader
Word count: 3104
Story Warnings: kissing, A/B/O dynamics, teenagers (16 and 17 years old) having sex, loss of virginity, 18+! HERE BE SEX!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!! , protected sex, no knotting, a bit of angst at the end
Dean felt disgusting. After three days of sweating and masturbating and punching walls, he was ready to feel like normal again...whatever normal was now that he was a presented alpha.
“Thanks for your help the last few days, Sammy.” He ruffled his brother’s hair as he walked out of the bathroom to get his clothes on. “Hate that you missed so much school.”
“It’s fine, Dean. I was already ahead of where the rest of these kids are. It’s not a big deal.” Sam moved to grab his backpack and swiped a piece of paper off of the table. “The girl you spent Monday with stopped by Tuesday after school. She left her number, said call between four and six.”
Dean groaned as he looked at the phone number. “Man...you think I could fool the school into letting me stay in the main building?”
“Nah. Probably not. These places always have an old lady with a nose like a hound dog. You’re gonna end up in the satellite building.”
“Damn it...I’m gonna end up in the satellite building at every damn school.”
“Get over it, Dean. You have two more years. Deal.”
Dean sighed. “Maybe not. Maybe I’ll just go ahead and quit that stupid education institution and get my GED, instead.”
“What? No, Dean. Just to avoid being taught by the alpha teachers, you wanna quit? Get your head outta your ass and deal with it. I'm not gonna quit when I present. Dad didn't quit when he did."
"No, he ran off and joined the Marines!" Dean exclaimed. "He ran off to fight, with a bunch of other Jarhead alphas because he couldn't handle living with regular fellas. I'd just be getting a jump on where I'm headed in the first place...it's not like I need a diploma to gank ghosts."
"Okay, but what if...one day you wanna have a real life?" Sam asked. "Away from Dad and hunting and all this junk. If you quit school-"
"I'm not ever gonna have a real life, Sam. Never have, never will."
“That’s your choice, Dean.”
Dean rolled his eyes. It wasn’t a choice, it was his life. “Let’s just go.” Dean knew he was going to have to go to the front office when he got to the school, have his classes moved to the alpha classes in the satellite building, but he wanted to see Y/n first. No...he needed to see Y/n. He sneaked in past the teachers to head to C-Hall. He was just about to head into Mr. Phillips’ class when the tall man stepped into the doorway. “Mr. Winchester. You shouldn’t be in this building.”
Dean’s nose crinkled at the scent coming off the teacher. No wonder the man was a pushover with a bad attitude. Omega. “Look, I just wanted to-”
“You need to go to the other building.”
Dean could feel a growl bubbling up in his chest and he could see Mr. Phillips starting to cower when a flash of pink caught his eye. Y/n bounced out of the classroom and put a soothing hand on Dean’s shoulder...which immediately sedated him. “I’m sure Dean just needs an escort to the Alpha building. He’s new so I’m sure he doesn’t know where he needs to go. I’ll take him!” she volunteered.
“No. Miss Y/l/n, I can’t let you-”
“Are you going to take him? You look like you’re about to roll into a ball like a pillbug. I’m not presented. It’s fine. I’ll walk him over and be back before the Pledge. Come on, Dean.” She didn’t wait for the teacher to answer, just pushing Dean down the hall away from Mr. Phillips’ room. She pushed him into the wall by the front office and went to her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, but you know you have to be in the satellite school.”
“I had to see you.” He leaned down and slotted his lips over hers. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“You coulda waited by my car after school.” Dean felt a little stupid. He hadn’t even considered that. He just needed to see her again. He needed to see her pink t-shirt and he needed to smell her flower smell and he needed to see her smile and hear her laugh and taste her lips and--He leaned down to kiss her again, hands going to her hips to pull her against him. She looked a bit flustered as she pulled away. “We can’t do this here! If we get caught, my parents will kill me! Go to the office, have your schedule changed and after school-”
“I get to see you after school?”
She bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Yeah. I’ll just have to shower your scent off as soon as I get home.” She leaned back in and took a deep breath, whimpering loudly. “You smell even better now.” She shook herself out of her stupor and sighed. “I’ll see you after school, Dean. I’m parked in the same spot. Meet me later.”
Dean watched her disappear back down C-Hall, wanting nothing more than to follow her. “After school. I’ll see her after school,” he reminded himself before turning and finishing his trek to the office.
Dean was leaning against her trunk as soon as the final bell rang. She was on his mind all day. He had an inkling feeling of need. He seemed almost empty when he was away from her...like something was missing.
She obviously felt the same because she ran out of the main school building and jogged across the lot, dropping her backpack and launching herself at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He twisted them, pushing her into the trunk of her car and licking into her mouth. “Need you,” she mumbled against his lips.
“Shit, wish your car had a backseat,” he said, pulling back.
“Well...we could...go to the park and...hang out in the jungle gym and...then...I…” She took a deep breath and put her hand on his chest. “My brothers have a competition in Spokane tomorrow. I’ll have the house to myself all day.”
Dean’s throat went dry as he looked down into her eyes. She wanted him to come over to her house while her parents were gone? He’d done a lot of things with a lot of girls, but this was different. He was alpha now...and she wasn’t omega yet. What if his knot popped? What if he hurt her? What if- “I’d love to come over.” She smiled and pushed him away, walking over to grab her backpack.
When Y/n dropped Dean off at Jefferson Middle, he was covered in hickies and had a hard on that just wouldn’t quit. “You gonna be okay by yourself for a few hours tomorrow?” Dean asked as they started walking toward the Charles. “I, uh, have a date.”
“A date? What, with her?” Sam gestured at the retreating Mercedes.
“Yeah, with her. I don’t wanna date any other girl. She’s...she’s mine, Sammy.” Sam rolled his eyes but didn’t argue it. He had homework to catch up on from his days off.
Dean didn’t care about catching up on his work. He only cared about Y/n. He only cared about her picking him up in her Mercedes and running her fingers through his hair as she drove toward the suburbs. He only cared about kissing her passionately as they entered her two-story home. He only cared about her leading him up the staircase to her bedroom. He chuckled when she opened her door. Her walls were pink, her bedding lilac, her bed covered in stuffed bears and bunnies. “Wow. You...have a very pink room.”
She smiled and swept her stuffed animals onto the floor. “I like pink.”
“I like you,” he said, immediately hating how cheesy that sounded...but she seemed to like it. She bit her lip and flopped down on the bed. “We, uh, gonna make out?”
She nodded, reaching over to pull open her side table drawer and grab a three-pack box of condoms. “And...more...if you...want?”
“Oh, god, yes,” he whispered, pulling his jacket off and tossing it to the floor. She looked nervous as he moved to sit next to her on the soft mattress. “You okay?”
She looked down bashfully. “I’ve never done this before,” she whispered. “I’ve never gone past...ya know...foolin’ around at the park.” Her cheeks were on fire. She wanted him more than anything, but she was definitely nervous to go all the way.
“Oh...baby, that’s okay. We...we don’t have to-”
“No!” she exclaimed, turning to him. “I want to. I want to so much. I just...don’t know how good I’ll be at it. I’m sure you’ve been with a lot of girls that know what they’re doing and-”
Dean reached over and grabbed her hand. “Y/n, baby, you...I’ve only been with two girls...and I’d…” He chuckled and reached up with his free hand to tip her head back. “I’m not the best at it. We just gotta, you know, take our time and remember it’s not a race. I want you to get there just as much as I want me to get there.”
She swallowed thickly and leaned closer. “And you can...get me there?”
“Oh, I’m sure gonna fuckin’ try, baby,” he whispered before leaning in to kiss her. They immediately moved to tangle themselves together on the bed, groping at each other and pulling their clothes off. He couldn’t help but think about what she was going to smell like when she presented because she smelled so fucking good now. Especially when he got his hand up the skirt of her dress and started rubbing at her through her panties. “Damn, you smell so good.”
“Dean,” she whimpered and he almost came right then and there.
“You ever been fingered, Y/n?”
She nodded. “It hurt. His nails were-”
“My nails are clean...and short. Can I show you what it’s supposed to feel like?” Dean wanted nothing more than to feel exactly how wet Y/n was, to find out what made her whimper and cry out and scream. God, he wanted to make her scream. But not until he heard her say ‘yes’.
Dean had never heard a more beautiful word.
He slipped his right hand into her panties and rubbed at the place he knew would make her moan, fumbling to find her clit. He’d seen enough porn in his almost seventeen years that he knew where to go. She jerked when he found it, gasping loudly and grabbing at his shoulder. “How’s that feel, baby?”
“So good!”
“Let me make it better.” He leaned over and kissed her as he slipped his middle finger down to her entrance. She was soaking wet and his finger slid in with absolutely no resistance. He started thrusting his finger in and out of her, licking into her mouth as he pressed the heel of his palm against her clit. “That good?” he whispered against her lips.
“Yeah,” she whispered back.
“I think I can make you cum like this. Just one finger in your pretty pussy. You think you can cum like this?”
Her cunt clenched around his finger. Seemed she liked dirty talk just as much as him. “I’unno,” she squeaked.
“I think you can, baby. Come on.” He put extra pressure on her clit and she whimpered as her body went stiff. Her eyes rolled back and her breath caught as her orgasm hit her. Dean’s jaw dropped at the animated way she reacted, how she almost arched off the bed. “Damn. That was awesome.”
“Yeah it was. Where’d you learn to talk like that?”
Dean shrugged. “I’ve lived in motels my whole life. Sometimes there’s skin flicks on the premium channels.”
She giggled and kissed him. “I’ve never watched a movie like that. I found my dad’s magazines in his dresser, though.” She pulled at his boxers as she nibbled on his bottom lip. “Put the condom on, Dean.”
He nodded and stood up, dropping his boxers to her floor and grabbing the box of condoms. When he turned back to her, she was staring at his dick, her jaw hanging. He couldn’t help a cocky smirk. “Well, you get in bed with an alpha, this is what you’re gonna get.” She looked away, embarrassed that she got caught staring. He looked down as fear filled her scent. “We don’t have to. I don’t wanna hurt you. You could just give me a handy j…”
“No! I want to. Just...make sure you go slow?”
“Yeah, of course. I don’t wanna hurt you,” he repeated, rolling the condom down his erection.
He laid his body over hers and kissed her slowly, grinding his erection into her mound as they made out. When he thought they were ready, he leaned back and reached down, lining his dick up with her entrance. Her eyes were wide with fear, but her pupils were wide with lust. She grabbed his biceps and looked into his eyes as he started pushing his hips forward...slowly, so slowly that it almost hurt him. Her nails dug into his arms, her jaw dropping as he pushed forward more, pulling back and pushing forward to get in most of the way. “Oh, my God,” she whispered.
He stopped moving and looked down at her. “You okay? I’m not hurting you, am I?”
“Yeah, it’s just...a lot.”
“Can I...can I start movin’?” he asked, softly.
“Slowly,” she reminded him and he nodded, rolling his hips to make her gasp.
He moved slowly, hands twisted in her pillow to keep himself from letting himself go. This was different from his other two, okay three but he didn’t last very long the first time, times. He really wanted her to enjoy herself, he really wanted to do this right, he really wanted to last more than five minutes.
Breathe. Penthouse said breathe deep and treat it like running a marathon.
“Fuck. You feel really good,” he groaned, kissing her jawline.
“Yeah. This is...I mean...you can go faster, I think?” He almost didn’t want to hear that...because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to control himself. But he moved faster, thrusting into her and loving the way she whimpered with each pump of his hips. “Oh, shit!”
“Too much?” he grunted into her ear.
“No! No, I love it!” she exclaimed. “Please, don’t stop!”
“God, you’re so perfect.”
He couldn’t last much longer. He tried. He thought about baseball, imagined his father’s disappointed face, but he couldn’t hold it back anymore. He dropped his forehead to her shoulder as his cock twitched inside her, an intense feeling stealing his breath away as he came into the condom. He pulled out of her and dropped to the bed next to her, ignoring the condom on his softening dick as he pulled her into his arms.
“That was amazing. So fucking awesome,” he whispered into her hairline.
“You didn’t pop a knot,” she whispered. “I was...scared of that.” She looked up and caught his eyes. “Thank you, Dean. This was...perfect.”
“You deserve perfect, Y/n.” He looked away from her to stare at the ceiling. “You’re gonna have to clean my scent outta your whole room or your parents are gonna lose their minds.”
“Yeah. Later. They won’t be back for another twelve hours.”
“You weren’t supposed to be gone all day, Dean,” Sam complained as soon as Dean walked into the motel room.
“I told you, I had a date, Sammy.”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t tell Dad. He called while you were gone,” Sam said and Dean’s eyes went wide. He was supposed to be at the motel. John was going to tan his hide for being gone when he called. “I covered for you, said you were at the corner store. He wants you to call him.”
Dean sighed. Sammy came through for him, but what did John want? “Thanks, Sammy. He tell you what he wanted?”
“No, but I think he’s coming to get us. He had that ‘new hunt’ tone in his voice.”
“What?!” Dean exclaimed. “We just got here! I can’t leave yet!”
Sam rolled his eyes. “We don’t have a choice. We never have a choice. Call him.”
Dean looked at the phone on the table by the bed with disdain. No choice was right...but he didn’t have to like it. In fact, he hated it. The idea of leaving Olympia, leaving Y/n...before she presented, before he got to have her as his omega...it was disastrous.
He had to fight himself to make himself pick up the phone and dial the number. “What took you so long to get back to me, son?” John asked when the phone connected.
“I got distracted while I was out. Sorry, Dad. Was it time-sensitive?”
“No. I just wanted to let you know I caught wind of what may be a werewolf in Connecticut. We’re gonna pull up stakes and head out tomorrow.”
“Connecticut? The other side of the damn country?” Dean whined.
“You wanna try that again, Dean?” John snapped.
Dean took a deep breath and shook his head. “Sorry. I mean...we just got here, Dad. Isn’t there someone else that can go to Connecticut?”
“I know you just got there...but it’s a wolf, Dean. There aren’t a lot of hunters who could handle a hunt like this. It has to be me.”
“Yeah, but why’s it have to be me?” Dean snapped before he could stop it.
“Excuse me?”
“Nothing. Never mind. We’ll get packed. See you when you get here. Bye, Dad.” He slammed the phone into its cradle and punched the wall in rage. “This is bullshit!”
“You should call her,” Sam suggested from across the room.
Dean sighed and nodded. “Yeah...but what do I even say? ‘Thanks for your virginity, you’re never gonna see me again’?”
“I didn’t need to hear that, Dean. But, come on, it’s not like you thought you’d get to stay with her.”
“I thought I’d get to stay a little while, ya know? We usually get a few weeks, a couple months, but this...a week?” He dropped to his bed and buried his face in his hands. “What am I gonna tell her?”
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @sunnyroadtrips @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you Hunter Tags - @atc74 @sandlee44 @spnbaby-67 @kalesrebellion @tumbler-tidbits @hoboal87 @stoneyggirl @kbl1313 @cookiechipdough @mrswhozeewhatsis @winchesterxfamilybusiness @holylulusworld @pretty-fortune @screechingartisancashbailiff @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits @imperiusimpala
Gaga For Green Eyes Tags- @typicalweirdbookworm @deanmonandnegansbitch @jadesupernatural @stoneyggirl @4fareader @squirrelnotsam @lyarr24 @akshi8278 @pretty-fortune @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits
Centerfold Tags- @mychemicalimagines @moron225 @ladyofmaidensandwine @that-one-gay-girl @roonyxx @teresa-67
#cassie writes stuff#spn fanfic#reader-insert#a/b/o dynamics#alpha!dean x reader#teenchesters#teen loving#loss of virginity
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Christmas Preemie - One Shot
Summary: Izuku smoothed a hand over Katsuki belly, smiling as it was kicked at rather viciously. “He’s been moving around a lot, hasn’t he? Wouldn’t it be crazy if he decided to be a Christmas baby.”
Fingers curling in Izuku’s collar, Katsuki brought their noses very, very close. “Don’t even joke about that, shithead. I’m not done baking this loaf yet.”.
Or where Izuku makes a joke and forgets to knock on wood.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T
Check out Coming Home if you haven’t already! It precedes this fic!
Author’s Note: So, I'm sure other places have Christmas Strolls, but I've never seen one outside my hometown. It's literally my favorite part of the entire year, but I haven't gotten to visit it in more than 5 years. I didn't mention the name of the street in the fic, but it is based on the actual Plumas Street and Christmas Stroll that's in my hometown. When you're imagining it, think of what main street for a small town would look like (except we haven't been a small town in many many decades). Also, before anyone mentions it, yes the tortoise from the pat store that's mentioned is an actual thing we saw often. They would tie a balloon to him to keep track or where he went. He was pretty freaking big (medium dog size), and if I remember correctly, he was over 100 years old.
It's Christmas day here in Japan for me, so have another Christmas fic. Anyway, enjoy! Stop by and tell me what your Christmas Stroll/Festival is like! (when there isn't Covid) Blessed Yule! Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Whatever you're celebrating, I wish you a happy day!
The whisper was just soft enough to wake him up, but not loud enough to startle him. Still, Izuku hoped if he pretended not to hear it, it would just end up being a dream. He let his face remain slack, his breathing steady.
A few seconds later before Izuku had even managed to doze off again, the whisper came again, closer this time. “Daddy, wake up.” Weight followed, two small hands pressing into his chest with all their weight.
“Sumi,” Izuku breathed quietly, still refusing to move and believe his daughter had woken him up, “It is very early and Daddy is very tired. Please go back to sleep.”
“But there’s someone outside the door. I can smell them.” The weight disappeared from his chest, but not the edge of the bed.
Groaning, Izuku pushed himself up and peeled his eyes open. Weak blue morning light crawled into the room from beneath the curtains. On the bedside table, blurry red numbers told him that it was only 6:22 AM. Katsuki was still dead asleep beside him, pillow covering his head while his hand lay protectively over his belly.
Sumi bounced anxiously on the edge of the bed, her protheses bare metal all the way down to her toes. She glanced between the door and Izuku. Her wild green locks were wilder than usual from sleep, a brush handle protruding over the top of her head at the back of her hair.
Before Izuku could move to extract it, a knock sounded at the door. Three short, but loud, raps. Both he and Sumi startled, glancing at Katsuki before each other.
With a heavy sigh, Izuku nudged Sumi off the edge of the bed and stood. He was just pulling a shirt over his bare torso when the knocking came again. Louder this time.
Izuku wasn’t someone who normally got agitated easily, but between the early hour and the jetlag, he was less inclined towards solicitude. Jerking open the door, scent flaring out strong and sharp, he growled, “What?” He felt Sumi press against the side of his leg, and glanced down to see her baring her teeth.
The man on the otherside was a burly looking alpha fellow with an overwhelming burning sage scent. Irritation made the scent sharper, less pleasant plant life and more like weed. His arms were crossed over his wide chest, murky brown eyes cut in thin slits. He was taller than Izuku by several inches, but Izuku had no doubts that he could still take the alpha down even without One For All. “Tell your wife to reel in her pheromones. I’ve got three alpha teens in the next room over, and she’s driving them nuts.”
Izuku glanced over his shoulder at the still form of Katsuki before pushing Sumi back into the room and stepping out to square up against the man in front of him. He smiled, sharp and dangerous, channeling every ounce of Katsuki he had stored in his veins. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that? My English isn’t that great. I thought I just heard you say it’s my omega’s fault your boys can’t control themselves.” His English was almost as good as his Japanese after four years with Sumi and Katsuki and Shonetta every other day.
The alpha huffed, glaring down his nose at Izuku. “That’s right. You know you can’t bring omegas in heat to hotels in the U.S.”
“Wow! Amazing! You can’t do that in Japan either, and my omega isn’t in heat.”
“Whatever she is, you need to get her to reel in her fucking pheromones. I’m sure we’re not the only family being bothered.”
“I think,” Izuku started sweetly, “maybe, you need to teach your boys some self control. If they get riled up just from smelling an omega, I think the fault lies with their parents and not a family minding their own business in a separate room.” His smile could have cut glass.
The alpha bristled, face going red. “Why you-”
The door opened behind Izuku, and both alpha’s startled as a disgruntled Katsuki stepped up behind Izuku. “What’s going on? Do you know what fucking time it is, asshole?”
Izuku hadn’t heard Katsuki get up, and assumed Sumi had made the decision to get him. His protheses were attached, metal bare to the morning chill. Katsuki was also shorter than the alpha, but his presence was far more intimidating as he glared at him in all his pregnant glory. At eight months, Katsuki was deep into his pregnancy, and deeply over it as well. He had begun to swell at five months and hadn’t stopped.
“I’m just giving this man some parenting advice,” Izuku said, glancing at the other alpha whose face had drained completely of color.
Katsuki shot narrowed eyes at Izuku. “Yeah, sure sounded like it.”
“You’re Dynamight-”
“Yeah, what of it?” Katsuki groused. His eyes turned back to the alpha, looking him up and down with a critical eye.
Katsuki, pregnant and tired, was not someone a lot of people knew how to deal with. They’d set up the trip to visit Shonetta and Cynthia before they’d had the pregnancy confirmed. Izuku had suggested they move it either one way or the other around the birth to provide his mate with more comfort, but the paperwork had already been in route and tickets purchased. On top of that, Katsuki had been sure he was going to be just as small as when he’d had Katsumi. He had surpassed that stage two months ago.
The alpha seemed to shrink under Katsuki’s steady anger. “I, uh, I’m sure you don’t remember me, but you might remember my daughter? She was kidnapped while we were at the zoo, and you saved her before the guy could throw her into the lion pit.”
After a moment, Katsuki said, “Little red headed omega. Freckles everywhere. Presented very early at seven or something like that. Wouldn’t let any of the alpha heroes near her.”
A smile split across the alpha’s face, and Izuku wasn’t exactly sure what was happening here. “Yes! You were the only one who could get her to calm down enough to come out of the crevice she’d wedged herself in behind the statue.”
Katsuki considered the guy again, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame. “Right, now what were you saying about omegas earlier?”
Sumi pressed between them, eyes still narrowed at the man before them.
Red bloomed in the alpha’s face again, but this time it seemed to be in embarrassment. “Oh, nothing. Nothing at all! Your mate was giving me some parenting advice like he said.” A door opened close by.
Izuku and Sumi glanced down the hall to see an omega girl of about twelve pop out of the door.
“Dad, Danny said- Mr. Dynamight!” She darted out, letting the door slam shut behind her. She gasped. “Katsumi!”
“Katherine!” Sumi shouted in return, wriggling out from between Katsuki and Izuku to jump around with the other girl, hairbrush still in her hair and all. “You’re so much bigger than me now! Do you talk to Ms. Bains anymore?”
While the little girls chattered excitedly with each other, Katsuki pointed at the alpha. “You, come here,” he growled threateningly, palm crackling quietly. Swallowing, the alpha stepped just a hair closer, and Katsuki snapped out a hand to jerk him forward until they were nose to nose. He hissed, “Get your fucking boys under control and stop blaming others for your short-comings. You’ve got a fucking omega daughter, and you’re spouting that rhetoric around her? Get your fucking priorities straight.”
“Y-yes, sir,” the man squeaked.
Katsuki pushed him away. “Great, now that we understand each other.” He turned, slowly making his way back into the room, but returned only a moment later with something clutched in his hand. “Hey, girl!”
Katherine perked up, trotting over to the three adults with Sumi’s hand still clutched in hers. “Yes, sir?”
“Here, something to make your brothers jealous.” Katsuki held out a bandana that their PR agents had specially made when Katsuki and Izuku had publicized their bond. Cut from one corner to the other, one side was green and black with Izuku’s signature bunny motif while the other side was black and orange with ‘X’ graphics. They’d brought a couple of the prototypes to give to Shonetta and Cynthia. “That’s the first like it. I sighed the ‘X’ in the corner, and I’m sure Deku would sign it too if you ask him.”
Katherine turned big brown cow eyes on Izuku, and he smiled as he turned to find a sharpie.
Behind him, he heard Katsumi shout, “I’ve got one too! We can match! We’ve got shirts too! I could send you one when we get home!”
“Would you?” Katherine asked excitedly. Izuku grabbed a pen and paper as well, returning. As he traded everything in his hands for the bandana, she asked, “Dynamight, can I feel your belly, please? I’ve never gotten to feel a baby move before.”
“Go ahead, kid.” If Katsuki Bakugou was anything, he was soft when it came to children and other omegas.
Izuku thought maybe it was something he’d never really completely get about his mate. He knew it had to do with biology, but he thought maybe it had to do with just Katsuki himself. He was gruff around the edges, but he had an ingrained instinct to protect those weaker than him. Then again, Izuku was softer than him when it came to children, so who was really to say.
Katherine stepped forward, pressing reverential fingers to Katsuki’s distended stomach before leaning to press her ear there as well. Sumi followed her lead, chattering all the while as the girls felt and listened. Katherine let out a high, girlish giggle as she pulled back. “He kicked me in the face! What a little bugger.” Still, she pressed her ear right back to where it had been. “You smell good, Dynamight, sir.”
“Well, heck, I hope so. How else am I supposed to keep this one around?” Katsuki jerked a thumb over his shoulder at Izuku who huffed out a laugh in response.
Laughing, Katherine took a few more moments before pulling away. She scribbled a cell number, email address, and physical address before exchanging the notepad for the bandana again. “One day,” she said very seriously, staring up at Katsuki with wonder in her eyes, “I’m going to grow up just as strong as you. I’m going to be a great omega hero like you!”
Her father seemed ready to protest, opening his mouth to say whatever had come to mind, but Izuku put his hand on his shoulder with another sharp smile.
Katsuki’s expression was soft as he patted her on the shoulder. “Hit us up when you’re about to intern in high school, and maybe I’ll be able to work something with Negative. Or if you choose not to be a hero in this sense, you can intern with her wife at the hospital as a nurse or a midwife. There’s a lot of avenues that you could take. Make sure you pick the one that makes you happy.”
Katherine nodded, just a quick bob of her head. “I will.” Before they could part, she wrapped her arms around Katsuki and then did the same to Sumi. When she pulled away, eyes finding her father, they went wide. “Oh no! I forgot. Danny said that the toilet is clogged and it’s leaking all over the bathroom.”
“Ah! What the hell!” The alpha threw his hands into the air, stomping towards the door she’d come out of.
With a giggle, she hurried after him. “Bye, Katsumi! Bye, Mr. Dynamight! Bye, Mr. Deku! Hope to see you again!”
As they disappeared into the room, Katsuki turned to Sumi. “Okay, little monster, time to get ready. Shonetta and Cynthia are supposed to be picking us up soon, and why is there a hairbrush stuck in your hair! Deku!”
Izuku gaped. “It was there when she woke me up! Don’t go blaming me!”
“And yet, I’m still going to.”
-7 months earlier-
“Izuku fucking Midoriya-Bakugou, get your ass in here!”
It wasn't often that Katsuki called Izuku by his full name, and he nearly dropped the plate he'd been holding as Katsuki's enraged voice thundered from the bathroom. He and Sumi, now a stunning nine-year-old and growing bigger every day, caught each other's eyes across the kitchen counter. It had been what felt like years since Katsuki had yelled at him so ferociously.
' Papa's mad !' Sumi signed helpfully, eyes darting to the bathroom door before returning to Izuku.
' Yeah, but the question is how much ?' Izuku signed back one-handed, soapy fingers moving quickly through the air, ' And why ?'
“Fucking Deku!”
Izuku startled again, this time actually dropping the plate as he darted away. Sumi's laughter followed after him, but it did nothing to calm his nerves. “K-Kacchan? What's the matter?” he asked tentatively as he pushed into the bathroom. He paused just inside the door.
Katsuki sat on the edge of the sink, head cradled in his hands, fingers pressed to his eyes. The scent hit him next, sweet caramel and all-spice spiked with the bitter tang of bile and urine. Last was the quiet growling hum Katsuki seemed to be letting slip.
“Kacchan?” Izuku stepped completely into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Whatever this was, he doubted Katsuki wanted Sumi in on it just yet. “What's the matter?”
“Are you fucking happy?” Katsuki growled, but the edges were softer and fonder than Izuku normally received when Katsuki was angry with him.
That made him wonder; was Katsuki actually angry or just trying to hide something? “A-a-about what? What's going on?” When Katsuki jerked his head toward the toilet, Izuku stepped around him and stopped again.
Right on top of the lid, four pregnancy tests sat. Four pink sticks with four pink plus signs on white faces stared up at him.
He was crying before he'd even fully comprehended the sheer magnitude of what the tests meant. Inhaling a shuddering breath, he whispered, “How long have you thought...”
“A couple weeks. About a month, but I wasn't sure. Didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. Had to check after I puked though.” Katsuki still hadn't lifted his head, and Izuku turned to press between his knees, leaning in to lightly scent the top of his head.
“Kacchan, you really are?” he asked with a hiccup, throat thick and voice choked, “Really? You're not messing with me?”
“Tell me, in what world do you think I'd joke about this?”
A sob slipped passed his lips. “Really? You're really pregnant? Are...” he trailed off, fear coiling in his stomach right alongside the excited butterflies, “Are you mad about it?”
Katsuki released a heavy sigh, and dropped his hands. A smile pulled up the corners of his mouth, and he met Izuku's eyes. "No. No, I'm not, Izuku. Maybe it's just my stupid omega brain, but... I love Katsumi and I loved when she was a baby, and I didn't think it was going to feel the way it did. I didn't think I'd get another chance to feel that again. It's different having a baby and that changed my whole world. And this time..." Reaching out, he gripped Izuku's hips and pulled him close. "This time you'll be here to experience it too."
A torrent of sobs fell from Izuku's mouth, and he covered his face with his hands. Pressing forward, he wrapped his arms around Katsuki's neck to press his face into Katsuki's shoulder instead. "Kacchan, I'm so happy! I can't believe- I didn't think- I'm so happy!"
"Yeah, that's obvious, nerd," Katsuki said fondly, threading his fingers into Izuku's hair to hold him close. "Get it all out now. You're not allowed to be emotional for the next nine months. Got it?"
"That's totally unreasonable." Izuku laughed, breath sticky and wet against his own face. "But I'll try my best." He let out a breath, finally calming as he pulled back. “I can't wait to share these next months with you."
"You won't be saying that soon," Katsuki warned, but his smile ruined the effect. He pulled Izuku back in, this time for a kiss. And even though his mouth still tasted hideous, Izuku couldn’t have been happier.
Sumi burst through the door, eyes wild, hair wilder, hands popping around a phone screaming with Shonetta's voice. "I'm going to have a baby brother?" she screeched, launching herself between Izuku and Katsuki to try and get closer. "Let me touch your belly, Papa! I want to feel Taiyo move!"
"Katsumi!" Katsuki growled warningly as he pulled back to glare down at her, "How many times have I told you to not eavesdrop! Or answer my phone!"
Izuku was laughing though, stepping back to hoist her into his arms. "Sumi, you won't be able to feel them move for a long time. And how long have you had that name picked out? Also, hello, Negative."
Shonetta wasn't paying attention, screaming instead at Katsuki to pick up his phone so she could congratulate him. He didn't comply, ears red and face buried in his hands.
"Since I was three!" Sumi announced, "And I told Papa I wanted a baby brother like the other girls in my class!"
"And I told you not to hold your breath, you little monster," Katsuki growled before groping blindly for the phone. Removing his hand, he glared down at the woman on the screen with red cheeks and curled lips. "You tell anyone, woman, and it'll be the end of you, do you hear me?"
"I've already texted Cynthia."
"You know she's not who I'm talking about."
Izuku could hear the grin in Shonetta's voice rather than see it. "Well, the entire agency is congratulating you. Don't ignore them when they text you."
"Katsuki," Izuku reprimanded quickly, but Sumi was already preoccupied as she chattered away at Shonetta.
“Katsumi Bakugou-Midoriya, get over here and put your jacket on or I’m going to leave you here, and you’re not going to get to go to the Christmas Stroll at all.”
Izuku popped his head into the little guest room that Shonetta and Cynthia had set up for Sumi to use for the week they’d be in America. There was an air mattress on the floor with a rumpled pink comforter in the middle surrounded by two desks and numerous filing cabinets. Sitting on the edge of the mattress was Sumi, arms crossed over her chest in consternation.
“No! It’ll be too hot!” she shot back, “I can dress myself!”
“Clearly not if I’m having to tell you to put on more clothes because it’s going to be cold!” Katsuki snarled, out of breath as he glared at his daughter. He was gripping the back of a computer chair with one hand while the other pressed to the small of his back, face contorted with as much discomfort as it was irritation. “I’m not asking. This is nonnegotiable, and I’m not in the mood to be arguing with you.”
Sumi turned up her nose, and Izuku got a very sudden and terrifying flashback to Katsuki when they’d been kids. “No. I’m not wearing it.”
Before either could snap back, Izuku stepped into the room with a smile. "Sumi, you know you're not supposed to be arguing with Papa right now." He turned to Katsuki with a smile that softened as that now familiar warmth of seeing Katsuki swollen with pregnancy filled his chest. "Kacchan, please sit down if you're uncomfortable."
"I'm fucking fine," Katsuki snapped, but almost immediately blanched and slowly sank into the computer chair. "Fucking kid." Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back and rubbed a hand over his belly. Once, twice, soothing circles.
When Izuku looked back at his daughter, he found guilt twisting her round face. "Wait here for me, Sumi, and we'll talk about the jacket. I'm going to help Papa outside."
"Okay," she mumbled, ducking her head and tugging at the end of her long braid, "Sorry, Papa."
Izuku gripped Katsuki forearm as he slowly stood back up. "Not your fault, little monster, your brother just has a lot of energy like Dad."
She didn't lift her head, and they both sighed as they made their slow way out of the room, and out to the living room.
"Shouldn't have yelled at her," Katsuki grumbled as he sat down and let Izuku slide and lace up the orthopedic boots from Cynthia on his feet.
"There was a better way to handle the situation, yes, but traveling always makes you irritable. And you've been doing really well handling your anger throughout your entire pregnancy." Task completed, Izuku pressed a kiss to Katsuki's belly and got kicked in the mouth for his trouble. "I'll talk to her, and then maybe you can talk to her about why you were frustrated later."
Katsuki made a sound above him, and Izuku lifted his head to find his husband scrubbing at his eyes. Izuku pressed gentle fingers to Katsuki’s wrist, but it only made Katsuki's breath hitch. "You're so much better at this parenting thing than I am. What would I have done if you hadn't wanted to stay with us?"
Pregnancy hormones. Even eight months in, Izuku was still surprised by how wildly Katsuki's emotions could vacillate in a few moments. Anger to guilt to tears. Tears weren't something Katsuki was predisposed to, so each time Izuku found Katsuki crying over something, he always had to stop and think about his next step. Sometimes Katsuki would cry over something that made sense; pictures of Sumi in the hospital, a news story about children being lost in a villain attack, the anniversary of All Might's death. Sometimes, they didn’t make sense; the time he'd knocked the dish soap onto the floor, doing paperwork at home instead of at the agency because he'd had an appointment that day, watching Winnie the Pooh by himself while Sumi was at school.
Everything about pregnancy fascinated Izuku, and he felt blessed every moment of it he was able to share with his mate.
Standing, Izuku pulled Katsuki into his body, rubbing a hand up and down his spine. "We're a team, love, we've always been a team. This works because we're together. Even if I weren't here, I know you'd be nothing less than amazing."
They remained like that until Katsuki’s shaking slowed. After a moment, he whispered, “Deku.”
“I want you suck your dick.”
Izuku felt his entire body flush from head to toe at the blunt word choice. He laughed, rubbing at his forehead. “How about we save that for later? I thought you wanted to go to this Christmas Stroll thing Sumi and Shonetta haven’t stopped talking about. Isn’t today the last night?”
Katsuki huffed against Izuku’s chest, fingers stilling where he’d pushed them up beneath Izuku’s shirt. “I would say ‘fuck it’,” he groused, using Izuku to stand back up, “But it’s Sumi’s favorite part of the season. The whole thing’s a fucking annoyance.” Which actually meant Katsuki enjoyed it, Izuku had discovered. “The things I do for that little monster and her godmothers.”
Izuku smoothed a hand over Katsuki belly, smiling as it was kicked at rather viciously. “He’s been moving around a lot, hasn’t he? Wouldn’t it be crazy if he decided to be a Christmas baby.”
Fingers curling in Izuku’s collar, Katsuki brought their noses very, very close. “Don’t even joke about that, shithead. I’m not done baking this loaf yet.” He pressed a quick kiss to Izuku’s lips before hobbling away towards the kitchen where Cynthia and Shonetta were singing Christmas carols at the top of their lungs. “Sumi’s still waiting for you.”
Izuku put on his own shoes before returning to the bedroom. Sumi was still sitting in the same spot he’d left her, scrubbing at her eyes with the sleeve of her long-sleeved t-shirt as she sniffled quietly. "I'm sorry," she whispered miserably.
Sighing, Izuku picked up the coat -barely a sweater really- that Katsuki had been trying to get Sumi to put on and sat down beside her. "Why are you sorry?"
Her shoulders hitched, just like her father’s a moment ago, and mumbled, “Because I’m being a bad girl.”
Running a hand up and down Sumi’s back like he’d done with Katsuki, he asked, “Why do you think you’re being a bad girl?”
“Because I was arguing with Papa and made him start to yell and now he’s mad at me. I don’t want to wear my jacket because it’ll be too hot, but I just get so mad when he starts to yell. I can’t help it.”
“You’re a lot like your Papa, baby. He’s like that too, and it took him a long time to learn not to let that be his first response.” Resting his hand on the side of Sumi’s head, he pulled her into his body, pressing a kiss to her temple. “He’s not mad at you, he just wants to make sure you don’t get sick. Papa shouldn’t have yelled at you, but you shouldn’t have yelled back, okay?”
“Okay.” Sumi hiccupped, tilting her head to rest on his shoulder.
Izuku let the moment stretch until he heard Cynthia’s voice coming down the hallway. “Alright, so here’s what we’re going to do.” Lifting her head, Sumi sat back to meet his eyes, silent and resolute. “I want you to put on your jacket before we go outside, okay. No, no arguments.” He put up a finger when her mouth automatically opened to argue. “You can take it off again in the car. You have to put it back on before you get out of the car. If it’s too hot after ten minutes of being outside, you can take it back off, but I want you to carry it just in case you do get cold. Okay? Is that fair?”
After a moment of puff-cheeked disdain, Sumi huffed and muttered, “Yes.”
When the others had said ‘Christmas Stroll’, Izuku had been expecting houses lit with strings of light and families marveling at them as they passed. Maybe a few groups caroling or selling hot chocolate.
Izuku was not expecting a full-on parade of floats and fire trucks and police cars with people dressed as Santa Clause and elves dancing to Christmas music over loudspeakers. He also wasn’t expecting an entire street to be shut down and blocked off to allow the crowd to walk from one booth or store to another. At either end of the street, live music played. One side seemed to be professional musicians while the other side seemed to be high school students and volunteers. Behind the makeshift stages, Christmas trees towered, dripping in tinsel and sparkling lights and handmade ornaments from the ornament making stalls off to the sides.
Each booth and store shone with lights, boasting their wares. There was a whole booth dedicated to olive oil, another to soaps made out of goat’s milk, another to hero merch that Katsuki wouldn’t let him linger at. There even seemed to be a gift wrapping stall every ten meters or so. The stores were all small family owned businesses of holistic shops, restaurants and one records shop.
Katsumi ran out in front of them in the jacket she’d been so against with Shonetta, laughing as they held hands and darted around other families. Cynthia paced Katsuki, close at his elbow to help at any moment.
“Papa, look!” Sumi shouted, pointing down the road, “The tortoise from Guisser Pets is out again! Oh, Cookie Tree has a booth! Can we please get some cookies and hot chocolate!”
“Sure!” Katsuki called back, “Go pick out what you want, and we’ll catch up in a moment. Do a baker’s dozen!”
Other patrons glanced curiously at him, the Japanese obviously foreign to their ears, but Katsuki didn’t seem to notice as Izuku pressed close against his side. “This is really nice. They do this every year?” Izuku asked.
“Every damn year. The agency usually helps out too,” Katsuki said, eyes scanning over the crowd, “Those idiots should be around here som-”
Izuku and Katsuki lurched forward on instinct, Cynthia’s hand shooting out to grip Katsuki’s arm, but they stopped as quickly as they’d started. Up ahead, a group of heroes lifted their daughter into the air as she screamed with laughter. “Katsumi! Katsumi! Katsumi!” they chanted, Negative already in the middle of the group not making a lick of difference.
For a solid moment, they stood watching. Then Katsuki strode forward, intent in every step. “Hey, assholes! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Izuku had heard Katsuki use English before -at the hotel, on the phone with Shonetta, to Katsumi when she got overwhelmed- but it was a shock every time. And every time it made him hot around the collar. He watched completely dumbfounded as Katsuki stopped in front of the group, hands on his hips, and subsequently as they engulfed him into their mist. “Ah, Kat!” they shouted, and Sumi popped from the group to dart to Izuku’s side, “It’s so good to see you! Where have ya been, fucker? Holy shit, you’re huge!”
It was a group of fumbling, laughing and crowing as they absorbed Katsuki into their ranks like he’d never returned to Japan in the first place.
Izuku stood with Cynthia and Katsumi, watching his husband interact with people in a way he never had before. Katsuki’s smile was wide and unrestricted as he wrapped one of the guys in a choke hold and rubbed his knuckles roughly over the man’s crown. As he playfully pushed at the shoulder of a small wolf-eyed woman with sharp canines, large triangle ears and grey bottlebrush tail. As a pair of twins with cotton candy pink hair and thin delicate claws pressed their ears to his belly to listen.
There was an instinctual need to ward off every person standing too close to Katsuki, especially the alphas he could smell in the air, but knew exactly how well that would go over. That didn’t stop him from pumping out pheromones enough to make others attending the stroll pass him wary glances before skirting as far around him as they could. Beneath his hand, Sumi giggled and reached up to grab his arm tightly.
“Calm down, tough guy,” Cynthia told him, hand on his arm as she pushed cinnamon dreads back over her shoulder, “You’re suffocating the crowd. They’re not a danger to your mate or pup.”
Izuku groaned, turning to meet her brown eyes. “I know that logically, but that doesn’t make me want to rip off their hands any less.”
‘ Protect mate. Protect pup. Mate close to birth. Vulnerable. Must protect. Run off threats. Protect .’ The litany of Izuku’s alpha was only interrupted when the group of Katsuki’s ex-coworkers started glancing around.
“Speaking of which, where is baby daddy? You brought him, right? Of course you did. No alpha worth his salt would let a mate as pregnant as you out of their sight. We haven’t met him yet! Let us meet the person who can handle you!” a burly man shouted to a crowing of assents from the rest of the group, “Come on, Kat, where are you hiding him?”
“My mate and husband , you absolute dickhole, is right over there,” Katsuki spat, jerking a thumb over his shoulder, “Can’t you smell him? Or are you as nose blind as you are stpuid?”
The group followed Katsuki’s motion, eyes landing squarely on Izuku. Immediately, his alpha went on high alert while his face flooded with heat at the attention. Their eyes stared at him for several long moments. Eventually, it was the woman with wolf eyes that spoke up first. “Honestly, Kat, I saw the news, but I thought it was a publicity stunt. I didn’t think you had your claws in Japan’s No.1 Hero Deku. Like what is that? Sumi, how could you keep this from us!”
“I didn’t! You just didn’t believe me!” Sumi shouted back, hands still wrapped around Izuku’s forearm as she bodily dragged him towards the group.
“Hey, assholes! He’s been mine since we were kids! And we switch between the top two spots all the time! Hey!” Katsuki’s teeth snapped viciously, a snarl splitting the excited atmosphere as he knocked aside someone’s hand who’d been reaching for Izuku. “Hands off. This is a no touch exhibition, fucking got it?”
“Ah, Kat, you’re too much like a territorial alpha,” the burly man said, setting a hand on Katsuki’s shoulder.
This time, Izuku didn’t stop himself. He slotted himself between the man and Katsuki, and very deliberately picked his hand off Katsuki’s shoulder to give it back to him. “Like Kacchan said, this is a no touch exhibition.” He gave the group his widest and most lethal smile that put his sharp canines in full view. “Please stop touching my mate. I’ve been very patient up until now.”
The heroes roared with laughter, unaffected by either Izuku’s or Katsuki’s displays. The conversation devolved from there. Introductions were properly made. Chatter shot from one side of the circle to another. Santa hats were shoved onto Izuku’s and Katsuki’s heads from the good-natured group. Eventually, Shonetta dispersed the group to continue with their jobs. Sumi took off with the twins as they promised her cookies if she danced with them. Shonetta and Cynthia pulled back, and then it was just Katsuki and Izuku holding hands as they wove slowly through the crowds.
At the end of the street where the professional band was playing a slow sweet Christmas song, Katsuki allowed Izuku to pull him into a crowd of couples of every age and orientation. He wrapped Katsuki up in his arms and swayed them gently to the beat. The twins turned passed them, Sumi held on their feet, and Izuku smiled.
When he pressed a lingering Katsuki’s temple, he muttered, “You’re being gross. Stop.” Despite his words, he leaned into the gentle touch.
“I’m happy. I like it here. I like the whole celebrating together and the lights and how happy everyone else is too.”
“It’s one of the more enjoyable things to look forward to here,” Katsuki agreed.
Giggles rose from around them, and for a moment, Izuku thought it was because they were so tightly bound up in each other that they hadn’t realized the song had changed. Only, the song was still the same slow beat. They pulled apart enough for Katsuki to give the surrounding couples a dirty glare.
They weren’t looking at them particularly, but at their feet.
Sumi swooped in, eyes worried as she whispered, “Papa, did you have an accident?”
“What? No, I didn’t have an accident. I’m twenty-”
“It’s just… your legs are all wet and there’s a puddle under you,” she interrupted.
Katsuki and Izuku reeled away from each other, staring down between their bodies at the puddle beneath their feet. Izuku couldn’t understand how Katsuki hadn’t felt the wet, but he also couldn’t understand how there could be so much liquid and it not smell like urine.
Color drained from Katsuki’s face. “Katsumi, go get Cynthia and ask Shonetta to run to start the car,” he said slowly and deliberately.
“Why? Are you hurt?”
Was he hurt? Izuku was as lost as Sumi seemed to be, but Katsuki didn’t seem lost at all.
“No. Just tell them my water broke, okay, little monster?”
‘ My water broke .’ Izuku was suddenly far less lost, and both fear and excitement thrilled through him at the same time.
“Are you going to be okay?”
Katsuki seemed to struggle to smile. “I sure am, little monster. Just go tell your godmothers that okay. Tell them to be quick.” His fingers tightened exponentially on Izuku’s forearms, and as soon as Sumi darted away, he spat, “You just had to open your fucking mouth, didn’t you, Deku?” Unbidden tears spilled passed his lashes. “I fucking told you I hadn’t finished yet. Now, he’s coming and-”
Izuku cupped Katsuki’s cheeks in his hands, quickly wiping away the tears. “It’s okay, Kacchan. He’s a little early, but it’ll be okay. It’s not ideal, but we’ve got Cynthia and Shonetta, and everything went well when you had Katsumi here. It’ll be alright.”
“I know that,” Katsuki grit out, eyes squeezed shut, “But so many things can go wrong with a preemie. I just want him to come out healthy and happy. What if-”
Izuku tapped Katsuki’s cheek lightly. “Hey, none of that now. No ‘what ifs’. Taiyo is going to be just fine, alright, but we’ve got to get him here first.”
After another few seconds of just breathing and couples staring at them in concern, Katsuki opened his eyes. He was back to himself, the same hero who had faced down more villains than a lot of heroes could even boast about. With steel in his eyes, he muttered, “Get ready. I’m going to end up breaking your fingers tonight. I broke Best Jeanist’s last time.”
Izuku laughed, and then Cynthia was at their sides.
Taiyo came into the world in the early hours of Christmas morning, and was almost immediately whisked away to the preemie ICU. They hadn’t even allowed Katsuki or Izuku to scent him before.
Now, with Katsuki fitfully sleeping under the sedative they’d had to administer to make sure he wouldn’t come after them, Izuku sat in silence. At first, he’d busied himself with making the phone calls he needed to. One to Inko, to Mitsuki and Masaru, to their agencies to inform them of what had happened so they would know that not only would they miss their flight, but also they’d be immediately beginning maternity/paternity leave. The last calls he made were to Ochako and Kirishima.
Hearing their voices, so cheerful and encouraging, made tears slip down his cheeks and words difficult as he explained to them the situation so far.
They both said the same thing. “Don’t worry, Deku, everything is going to be fine. Taiyo is going to be fine.”
He wasn’t so sure the longer he sat there without a baby in his arms. He didn’t even have Sumi there to hold, Shonetta and Cynthia taking her home and telling him to call when he finally had word on Taiyo. So, he sat and fidgeted and stressed and cried at the side of Katsuki’s bed. Eventually, he just crawled in next to him and snuggled close.
What felt like hours later, Katsuki began mumbling and shifting, eyelashes fluttering as the sedatives wore off. “Zuku. Zuku. Izuku,” he panted, eyes struggling to open, “Alpha- where’s my pup?” His fingers curled around Izuku’s already bruised digits again, grip slowly growing stronger as he came out of the drug induced stupor. “Where’s my pup? Alpha!”
Izuku sat up in the bed, quickly reaching to incline the head so Katsuki wouldn’t have to move. After jabbing his thumb into the call button, he settled back against the bed and ran shaky fingers through Katsuki’s sweat sticky spikes. “D-don’t worry. They’re just making sure he’s healthy. I’m sure they’re almost done.”
“I want my baby,” Katsuki whispered weakly, turning his nose into Izuku’s neck. He breathed out shakily, grip calming if only marginally.
“Me too. I called the nurse. I’m sure she has an update.”
When the nurse pushed opened the door, tugging a bassinet in behind her with the doctor in on the other side, it was deathly silent. There was no smile on either of their faces, and Izuku’s stomach dropped at the silence.
He could smell Taiyo. Spearmint and brown sugar. There wasn’t anything off about it, but the expressions on the doctor and nurse’s faces told a different story.
‘ Pup. Scent. Hold. Protect. Need to scent. Pup. ’ Izuku swallowed against his alpha’s rising aggravation.
“I want my baby,” Katsuki said immediately, struggling to push himself up straighter and reaching out his arms towards the bassinet, “Now.”
“Mr. Dynamight, we need to discuss something first-” the doctor started, but Katsuki wasn’t going to let him finish.
He snarled, loud and harsh, all protective omega mother. “Give me my fucking baby before I get out of this bed and hurt someone. You didn’t even let me scent him before you took him. You didn’t let me touch him or feed him. Give me my goddamn baby.”
The nurse and doctor exchanged a glance, but after a moment, the nurse carefully lifted the abnormally silent bundle into her arms and brought him to the bedside. Hesitantly, she passed him over.
Katsuki and Izuku reached for him at the same time, bringing him in close between their two bodies. His eyes were closed, but he snuffled quietly as if he could smell them as well. There was wispy blond hair on the top of his head, and when his eyelids fluttered, there was the barest glimpse of color. Newborn baby blue eyes.
Tears tracked down Izuku’s face as he pressed a kiss to Taiyo’s forehead and then Katsuki’s temple.
“Help me get this stupid gown open,” Katsuki muttered as he shifted Taiyo closer to his chest. Taiyo made a soft barely audible sound, tiny nostrils flaring as Izuku and Katsuki got him flush against Katsuki’s chest. It only took him a moment to latch onto the offered nipple. “Why was that so much easier than with Sumi?”
The doctor cut in before they could continue on ignoring the pair. “Mr. Dynamight, Mr. Deku, please, if I could have a moment of your time. This is very important.”
“More important than me feeding my pup?” Katsuki asked, voice saccharine as he smiled up at the doctor.
The doctor swallowed, but nodded and forged forward. “I need to discuss your options with you. I know that you two are very busy pro-heroes with one child already.”
“What situation are we talking about?” Izuku asked, “You failed to mention what the problem was when you took him from us. I understand that you had to make sure he was healthy, and I appreciate the good work you’ve already done for us, but if something’s wrong, we should have been told immediately. Not hours after the fact.”
Looking chastened and rather aggrieved, the doctor nodded. “Yes, but this is a rather delicate subject. We weren’t sure how, uh…” He cleared his throat, eyes flickering toward Katsuki.
“How I would react? Is that what you were going to say?” Katsuki sneered, mouth cutting a razor sharp line. “You think anything is going to make me not want my pup, is that it? Full offense, but you don’t fucking know anything about me. So tell me what you’re so worried I’m going to react badly over.”
Swallowing again, the doctor cleared his throat. Worry and fear pierced straight through his scent when before Izuku hadn’t even been able to smell the alpha. Katsuki really was marvel. “Your baby was born with a birth defect known as spina bifeda. Do you know what that is?” Katsuki and Izuku didn’t answer, eyes now trained solely on the doctor. Clearing his throat for a second time, he gave a brief explanation before saying, “From the tests we’ve run, we have determined that it’s not a severe case. His brain seems fully functional, no sign of water.”
“But?” Katsuki snapped.
“But... it seems the mobility of his legs is non-existent. As he grows older, the condition may worsen or it may remain the same. What we know for sure at this moment is that he’ll never walk normally. There’s only so much our healers can do, but if the nervous system just didn’t develop correctly…” The doctor trailed off, looking between the two silent heroes. “He is going to need a lot of care, more than two pro-heroes may be able to give him. There are resources-”
“Shut up.” The doctor went silent with a clack of teeth, and Katsuki sighed, running a finger over Taiyo’s chubby cheek. “Not even you’re normal, baby. Sorry, but you’ll fit right in. Between the four of us, we’ve got three legs, six and a half arms, three sets of working ears and four pairs of eyes. Welcome to this dysfunctional family. Merry Christmas, you little heathen.”
Izuku was sure he’d never been more in love with Katsuki than in that moment. Laughing quietly, he asked, “I get everything else, but why six and a half arms? I’ve still got both of mine.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, not looking up from Taiyo. “Yeah, and one of them barely functions. Hence, half.”
“Okay.” Izuku pressed a kiss to Katsuki’s cheek before turning to look back at the gawking doctor and nurse. “When can we take him home? Also, when can we get on a plane? We eventually have to go back to Japan.”
They could only sputter.
“Katsumi Bakugou-Midoriya, you are not taking your brother on to the jungle gym. He’s too small right now. Bring him to me.”
With a huff, Sumi turned on a heel and returned to Katsuki and Izuku where they were sitting on the park bench with Kirishima and Mina. Their little boy, a few years younger than Sumi, pouted impatiently at the swings while Sumi very carefully unstrapped Taiyo and his papoose from her front.
“I know you want to include your brother in everything, but you have to wait for him to get bigger. It’s going to be a while before he can really play with you, alright?” Katsuki explained patiently, holding Taiyo up so Izuku could remove his papoose and sat him in his lap. Taiyo waved his fists, but had yet to kick out. Just as the doctor had said, Taiyo seemed to have no control over his legs, though he could still feel pain. After returning to Japan, they’d immediately started him on neuro-therapy, but they had no illusions that he’d ever walk normally. Now, they just planned for what they could do for him instead.
Sumi leaned in to press a kiss to Taiyo’s nose, and he crinkled his crimson eyes at her before batting at her with a closed fist. She laughed, dancing back with a whirl of skirts. “I understand. I’ll play with him when we get home then.” Spinning, she tore off across the playground and tackled her friend to the woodchips.
Mina laughed, phone at eye level as she recorded the entire debacle. “Yeah, that’s your guys’ child. Poor, Dai.”
Kirishima sighed, though happily, running a hand through his ever lengthening red hair. “Honestly.” He cut eyes towards the trio as Katsuki began to bounce Taiyo on his knee, the baby babbling nonsense the entire time. Reaching over, he allowed Taiyo to grip at his fingers. “You know, a lot of people are surprised. I keep trying to explain it, but no one ever believes Chako or me.”
“Hah? About what?” Katsuki asked, glancing away from Sumi to throw Kirishima a scowl.
“You know, that you kept Taiyo.”
“Yeah, even after all this time there are people who thought you’d give him up for adoption or something for being disabled,” Mina interjected, leaning around Kirishima to get her eyes on him, “I know you’ve been staying away from the news and stuff while you’re still on leave, but some of the headlines are absolute bonkers. When they ask me about it in interviews, I tell them straight up that everyone’s being an idiot.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, eyelashes fluttering spectacularly, and Izuku sighed. “That would be kind of hypocritical of us, considering,” Izuku said, glancing at Sumi’s legs, bare metal because she’d refused to put on the synthetic skin or leggings that morning. “But that’s besides the point.”
“I mean,” Kirishima started, mouth skewing, “I don’t think they ever doubted you’d want to keep him, Deku.”
“And I’ll tell those vultures the exact same thing I told the doctor,” Katsuki interjected before Izuku had a chance to speak, “People don’t know fuck all about me.” He dropped his eyes back to the baby in his lap. “Taiyo was the best Christmas present I could have ever gotten. The only people who need to know that are the four of us. Everyone else can shove their opinions.”
Izuku felt heat press against his eyes, and he dropped his forehead against Katsuki’s shoulder as Mina laughed and said, “You’ve gotten soft in your motherhood, Kats.”
Instead of his usual response, Izuku heard Katsuki say, “Yeah, probably.”
Izuku laughed happily against his shoulder, grinning like the in-love fool he was.
#my hero academia#mha#bakudeku#dekubaku#decchan#bakugou katsuki#midoriya izuku#assorted ocs#omegaverse#a/b/o dynamics#alpha!izuku#omega!katsuki#disabled!katsuki#pregnant!katsuki#my writing#coming home#christmas preemie
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What Lies Within
Warnings: Non con, dub con, A/B/O dynamics, kidnapping, 18+
Word Count: 2,676
Pairings: Dark/Alpha!Thor x Beta/Omega!Reader
Summary: Reader was born and raised a rejected Beta female, finding comfort in the woods. One night she stumbles across a man who can see what lies within.
~ indicates a time change
Prompts: A/B/O woods
A/N: This is my submission to @imanuglywombat challenge. I enjoyed writing and I’m sorry for the day late submission. I was going to upload earlier this week but I wasn’t at home, this is my first full day at home, and I was going to upload last night but my internet was down. I won’t be at home next week either, but I will be getting some writing done for my two series and a part two to Small Price to Pay. I also will work on a few drabbles I have in mind and possibly some challenges I have coming up. Anyway, enough rambling. I hope you guys enjoy :)
The woods are where you felt safe, the place where you went to think and blow off steam. You never had a steady life, grew up in an orphanage. Behind it was the woods that accepted you when nobody else would.
It had been years since then and you had left the state you had once lived in, finding your place in the outskirts of the country. You could be alone, away from people who would never love you. Nobody to hurt you or hate you for not being an omega.
You were a rare occasion, a beta female. Most men were either alphas or betas, women were all omegas. Most of the time. You were looked at as “less feminine” and most guys refused to date you because of it. It made you angry, not just for yourself, but for omegas. They were looked at as property rather than humans and they were always expected to not have a say in a situation that concerned their alpha. It made you glad you weren’t one.
The music that was blasting from your earbuds suddenly stopped and you looked to your phone. No connection. It wasn’t too bad, you could still enjoy your walk without the voice of Adele belting in your ear. You stopped by a tree and slid down the trunk, reaching into your backpack to pull out your current read. Nature’s sounds would help calm you as you read.
The sun was going down and the breeze was picking up as you shivered, pulling the jacket around you tighter around you. You looked to your phone and saw it dead. When did that happen you thought as you got up, dusting the dirt from your butt. You breathed in deep, oak wood and pine filled your senses. It smelt like love, like home.
You started walking back to the trail to start your journey back home when you saw a man jogging. He had blonde hair pulled back into a man bun that sat low on his neck. He smiled when he saw you and slowed down and pulled an earbud out. No, you thought, don’t talk to me, please.
“Evening. Nice night for a jog.” His accent was thick but you couldn’t place it. Certainly something that wasn’t native around here.
You smiled and nodded. Men had never been kind to you. Especially alphas, and this guy was definitely an alpha.
“What’s a young thing like you doing out here? It’s pretty dangerous.” He looked concerned but it was just an egotistical alpha wanting to be the big strong man to help.
You put on a tight smile, trying not to start an argument. It would only make the unwanted interaction longer and a hot bath was currently calling your name. “Mhm, that’s why i was heading home now.” You turned to walk down the path but heard the loud steps of the mighty man behind you as he caught up. You could practically hear your eyes roll, didn’t this guy know how to take a hint? Alphas, they never did.
“I can walk you.”
You took a deep breath and shook your head. “Not necessary, bud, really. I think I know how to board a bus and get back home.”
At this the man frowned. “Bus? The last bus left an hour ago. Do you need a ride?”
What? How long had you been reading? The last bus left at 8:30 and you got there at 5. No way you’d been out that long, it only felt like thirty minutes. “N-no, I’ll call someone.” That was a lie, even if your phone wasn’t dead you still had nobody. You had no family or friends.
“No, I can’t let you wait out here in the cold. Please, I live in a cabin down that way,” he pointed to your left. “It’s not far and you can keep warm in there. Until your ride got there that is.”
You considered it a moment. You didn’t want to go with a stranger but you also didn’t want to walk an hour home in the dark and cold. Plus you could maybe call a taxi to come get you from his house. “Okay, thank you.”
The man smiled and his eyes twinkled with delight. Held out his hand to you,”My name’s Thor.”
Thor’s cabin was very woodsy. Taxidermied animals and brown glossy furniture attacked your vision from every direction. A fire was going in the main room and made you feel all nice and toasty. You clutched the bag on your back and turned to Thor as he kicked off his shoes.
“Make yourself at home.” He said with a smile and the wave of his arm, referencing his humble home. You looked down at your muddy boots but decided taking them off just to put them back on soon would be pointless, even if it meant tracking mud. He’d live.
You cleared your throat. “Uhm, Thor, could I maybe use your phone to call a taxi? My phone died.”
Thor’s head tilted. “Wow, you better be lucky I came along and invited you back to my cabin. An omega like you would’ve been hopeless with a dead phone and no way of getting home. Better also be glad it was me and not some other savage alpha.”
His words slapped you across the face. Omega? You? No, couldn’t he smell? Or see at least? You were obviously a beta, smelled like one, talked like one, and acted like one. Clear as day. “Omega? No, I’m a beta.” You chuckled a bit. He had to be joking.
Thor’s eyes squinted in confusion. “No, I smelled you on my jog and I smell you now. It’s faint so I see why most people would miss it, but you’re an omega. Embracing it could help the smell stand out more.”
You looked at Thor like he was crazy; did he really expect you to just believe him, a stranger, over everyone else in your life? Over yourself?
“Yeah? And how do you know this?” You challenged, folding your arms.
Thor scratched his fait beard with one hand before feeding the fire another log. “Where I’m from we are able to sense things easier. We’re able to look beyond the surface if you will. Sure, I can smell an omega, but I can also feel one. Everyone has a feeling to them, an underlayer, and yours screams omega while your scent is asking more of a question.” He pauses to look at you full on. “You’re not sure who you are, but there’s ways to help it.”
Thor’s eyes switch for just a second. It was so faint you’re surprised you didn’t miss it. The look was a way nobody had ever looked to you before, it was hungry. You suddenly remember the disadvantage you had, trapped in a cabin with a huge alpha, no phone, nowhere to run. You pushed your shoulders back and tried to bury the fear that crept up.
“Hey, where’s that phone?” You completely disregard his previous statement and looked around for a phone, seeing one in the corner. You start walking to it but Thor beats you there and picking up the receiver.
“Ah, bloody thing’s dead. Can you believe your luck?” Thor’s face split into a sinister smile, his canines on full display. Your eyes widen and your hand hurts from how hard you’re grabbing the bag on your back.
“Oh okay. Do you maybe have a neighbor…”
“Nope.” He was stalking to you like a fox. Like an alpha does an omega.
“Mmm, well I don’t want to disturb you if you can’t help. Besides, I live so close to here I think I could easily walk home, an aunt even lives close by maybe she can take me home…” You were spewing so many lies, anything to get you out of this situation. You were backing up blindly keeping your eyes on Thor, terrified of his next move.
“Now Y/n, don’t lie now. I know you have no family, no friends. And who said you couldn’t help me?” He licked his lips, eyeing you up and down. “I think there’s plenty that you could help me with.”
“Y-you know my name.” It was more a statement than a question. “I never told you it, how do you know?”
“An alpha knows everything about his omega, darling.”
“I’m not your omega. I’m not an omega at all!” You were getting flustered, you tripped over the side of his couch and fell to the floor with a thud. Before you could crawl away, Thor had grabbed you pulling you up to him.
“You are. Let me show you.” Before you could respond or react Thor threw you on the couch and climbed on top of you. You punched at his hard chest, trying to wiggle free.
“Thor, what are you doing? Get off me!”
“I’m showing you, my omega. Now stop struggling, you’re only making this worse for you.” He looked down and smirked at his tightening running shorts. “And harder for me.” Your stomach lunged at his innuendo. This couldn’t be happening, not to you. The girl so many boys ignored now being pursued by the hottest man you had ever seen? You had to be in some kind of twisted nightmare.
Thor ripped your shirt from you, leaving you in rags. He fumbled with your jeans before tugging them down your legs as well, leaving you in your blush bra and panties. You moved your arms to cover yourself but Thor growled, shoving your arms to your sides. “Never cover yourself, omega. Especially not to your alpha. He deserves to see you like this, pure perfection.”
Your stomach fluttered at his words and a voice told you to just submit. What the hell was happening to you? Thor grabbed your covered breast with his large hand and squeezed, hard. You whimpered in pain but you could feel your core start to pool.
“Omega, I can smell you. You like it when your alpha dominates you, hmm?” Thor tweaked your nipple through your bra, eliciting a moan from your chest. He slid his other hand to your underwear, leaving goosebumps down your skin. He reaches your band and teases you, pulling the band just to let it snap back and slap you. He tracked his long fingers down to the spot that was growing wetter by the minute
Your body worked against you when he touched the spot that has been neglected for so long, bucking into his touch. Thor looked you in your eyes and smirked. “What’s wrong baby? What do you need?” You wanted to slap that smug smile right off his face.
He pressed into your bundle of nerves harder and you arched your back, eyes rolling back. The sounds you were making were straight animalistic, nothing human left. Your hips were rolling in tandem with Thor when suddenly the feeling leaves all at once. You wine and shoot daggers at him, causing him to chuckle. “Aw, what’s wrong? You have to speak to me, omega. I have to hear you tell me what you want so I can show you what you need.
Your eyebrows furrowed together as a war raged inside, your mind was mixing like marble as your body was ready to give in. “Please, touch me. Anyway you want, just do it.”
“That’s all I needed, my omega.” Thor ripped your bra off, joining your shirt in shredded looks. Your panties were shoved down your legs with your jeans before both were thrown in the room somewhere. You were completely nude in front of him and your skin burned with desire; body ached in emptiness.
Thor pinched your nipple and slipped a finger into your wet cunt with ease. The burn caused you to jerk but the need was just fueled. You needed this. The desperate cries you were making would’ve made you cover your head in embarrassment, but you something primal inside told you to scream louder. Alphas liked to hear their omegas. The voice of reason sobbed out a “no, you’re a beta!” but you couldn’t hear it. And you needed more.
“Thor, please..” Thor was working at adding another finger when he looked up at you, cocking an eyebrow.
“Patience, omega. I will give you what you want after you cum for me. Can you do that?” You nodded your head before craning your neck on the pillow. Your eyes rolled back as your hips kept in pace with Thor’s magical fingers. You wanted to cum, not just for your own pleasure, but to make Thor happy. He needed you to cum too.
As Thor took a more vigorous tempo you felt the knot you’d come to know very well, yet this knot felt a lot more intense. Something you’d never get on your own. Your pants got more frequent and your words incoherent. Thor hit that miraculous place in you and you finally fell over the edge, screaming on your way down.
“Good girl.” Thor smiled, still working you through your orgasm. “That’s my good girl.” Your walls squeezed around his fingers at the doting words. When he removed his fingers you whined at the emptiness. The sound of rustling clothes could be heard as your eyes were still closed, as you were still not fully recovered from your high.
You felt a poke at your entrance and opened your eyes. Thor was stroking his cock between your slick folds as he smirked at you. Your mind finally cleared and your voice of reason slapped you internally. “Thor no, wait-” Before you could move away, Thor slammed himself into you. You screamed out in pain. Your hands shot to Thor’s chest to try to push him off as he leaned over you.
“Thor, please-”
“Shhh. It’s okay my omega, I’ll take care of you,” You hips snapped into yours and Thor snarled in your ear. “God, you’re so tight for me.”
Your eyes started to water as he continued his assault. He reached a hand down to your clit and rubbed, causing another moan. Your mind was becoming clouded once again.
Thor started to go faster and harder as his breath fanned over your neck. The pain was no longer there as you felt nothing but pleasure, your walls pulled at his cock in a way that had his head spinning. “Fuck, Y/n, you’re so good for me. Cum on my cock so I can cum inside this sweet cunt. So I can claim you and mate with you properly.” His words mixed with the way he hit your golden spot inside you over and over had you seeing stars. Your sweaty bodies moving in tandem with each other. One last plunge and you were spasming and clutching to Thor for dear life. Your mouth hung open as the pressure in your pussy was slowly fading.
Thor started whining into your neck as you came down from your high as he chased his own. He grunted before his thick cock just got bigger as he swelled inside you, forcing him to stop moving as he dumped his seed deep within you.
“Argh, fuck!” Thor yelled as he showed his teeth and ran it along your neck before sinking in. Your eyes widened and you squealed, slapping his shoulder. He pulled himself from your neck and you felt the pulse and blood drip from the two tiny holes he left. His mark. Your eyes started to droop as his claim started to flood your entire body. Thor heald you close.
A beta can’t be claimed by an alpha. They can’t even get pregnant by one, only another beta; just as a beta male can’t get an omega pregnant, only an alpha. Thor smiled before brushing a lock of hair off of your sweaty forehead and behind your ear, the romantic gesture made your heart flutter.
“I told you dear, you’re an omega. It just lays within.”
#dub con#non con#dark!thor#dark!thorodinson#dark!thor x reader#dark!thorodinson x reader#dark!marvel#dark!mcu#dark!fic
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Butterfly Into Chains, Chapter 1
Summary: Esme is an omega living in a quaint little town, the Alphas of the town are few but they are an asset to the place. Not like the dangerous and rogue-like Alphas that could be found elsewhere. But one day, a pack of Alphas turn up. And they turn Esme’s world upside down. Coaxing her to the ‘dark’ side and whisking her away… To use as their own omega, to breed and own, in every way possible.
Tom Hiddleston, David Tennant, Chris Evans, Michael Fassbender and Benedict Cumberbatch are the suspects in this fic! As usual Tom being the ‘main’ one. Though they’re all pretty involved in this fic. And I know they’re not in it a lot in this first chapter, but just setting the story up…
Rape/Non-con, manipulation, kidnapping, knotting, forced breeding over and over, gangbangs, emotional trauma, selling of babies, almost constantly pregnant, Alpha fights/violence. -
East Meadowridge was a quaint little town. Known for its tranquillity, and was a hot spot for tourists with it being a seaside town. So it wasn’t exactly suspicious when there were strangers going about.
Although, a certain pack of strangers that just arrived were certainly suspicious. They took residence in the most expensive hotel in town, the entire top floor. Albeit there were only two hotels in town, with plenty of B&B’s scattered around the place. It was still odd.
The pack was obviously an Alpha pack. Five of them, all wearing suits and sunglasses, they turned up in two jaguar cars. And they were the talk of the town.
The mayor of Meadowridge worked hard to try and keep the town as peaceful and friendly as possible. The population was mainly betas, with some omegas and some Alphas. But the mayor didn’t allow packs or gangs to form, making sure that crime was kept low.
It was no secret that Alphas could be dangerous and vicious, but not the Alphas of Meadowridge. They were able to coexist with fellow Alphas, betas and omegas peacefully. Even omegas in heat they weren’t bothered by, able to respect them instead of pouncing on them to mate, which most Alphas from elsewhere would do.
So the mayor was always on edge and quick to nip anything in the bud when strange packs turned up. But this was a first for him, having never dealt with an all Alpha pack.
- Esme burst in through the front door, she went flying past her Mum who was cooking dinner in the kitchen.
‘Woah, woah, where’s the fire?’ Her Mum, Wendy, called to her as she started running upstairs.
Esme stopped dead and ran back down, crouching she looked through the bannister at her Mum.
‘Haven’t you heard about what’s going on?’
Her Mum frowned, shaking her head.
‘There’s an all Alpha pack just arrived in town! They’ve rented the entire top floor of the Seaview hotel. Turned up in fancy cars. Katherine and I are away to go and see if we can get a glimpse of them.’ Esme explained quickly, still a little out of breath from running all the way home after work.
‘Esme, wait.’ Her mum said sternly, walking over to the bottom of the stairs with her arms folded over her chest.
Esme cringed, knowing what was about to come.
‘Your father and I have told you plenty of times, Alpha outsiders are dangerous. Especially for a beautiful young omega like yourself. You are not to go near them, do you understand?’ She said firmly.
Esme sighed and rolled her eyes. ‘Yes, Mum.’
‘Good. Now come and help me with dinner.’
‘I just need to get changed and message Katherine first, tell her I’m not coming.’ Esme said and her Mum nodded in agreement.
Esme went to her room and shut the door. She put her handbag down on the bed and went over to the window as she messaged Katherine, telling her she wouldn’t be meeting her anymore.
She went onto Facebook, and noticed on the towns group page that people had taken a few pictures of the Alpha pack arriving in their fancy cars. Esme zoomed in to get a better look at the Alphas, but couldn’t see their faces well because of the sunglasses. But they all looked well built, strong. Stronger than the Alphas that lived in town, that was for sure.
There were a lot of comments under the post. Many of the beta men and few Alphas were commenting that they looked dangerous, to keep an eye on them and protect the omegas of the town. But there were many omegas and also beta women commenting that they looked hot and should be welcomed like every visitor.
‘Well, this is going to cause a bit of a shit storm.’ Esme muttered to herself before getting changed and going downstairs to help her mum with dinner.
It was just about ready when her Dad, Richard, came home from work. He greeted his wife with a kiss and ruffled Esme’s hair.
‘Dad, stop that!’ She grumbled.
He chuckled and sat down at the table. ‘You’ll always be my little girl. No matter how old you get.’
Esme shook her head and started dishing up dinner.
‘How was work today? Busy I imagine, with the new guests.’ Wendy said cautiously as the three of them sat down to eat together.
‘Indeed. The mayor is going ballistic trying to find out information on these guys.’ Richard sighed, shaking his head. ‘But the names they gave at the hotel aren’t giving us anything. If they gave their true names, that is.’
Richard worked closely with the mayor, whilst it meant he got a hefty wage, it also meant long and sometimes gruelling days. Especially when they were dealing with something such as an Alpha pack in town.
‘Maybe they’re just here to enjoy the seaside.’ Esme shrugged.
Richard looked at Esme with concern, then to Wendy. Who looked concerned, too. They both knew there would only be one reason an all Alpha pack was on the move… To find omegas.
‘How’s your work going?’ He asked Esme, to change the subject.
‘We were pretty busy today, but it helps to pass the time more. Now that summer is starting, we are just going to get busier and busier.’ She smiled.
Esme worked down at the carnival, in the ticket booth. She enjoyed it because that’s where all the tourists would flock to, so she got to meet an array of people on a day to day basis. And she was great with people, so it was the perfect job for her.
‘Good, that’s really good.’ Richard nodded.
After dinner, Esme excused herself to her bedroom. She had decided to call Katherine.
‘Oh my god, Esme! You should’ve seen them, they are… wow. I have no words. They’re like Gods! The Alphas here have nothing on these guys!’ Katherine squealed down the phone.
‘Where did you see them? I’m so jealous. My parents wouldn’t let me out.’ Esme huffed as she lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling.
‘I just casually sat on the bench opposite the hotel, looking out to the sea so it wouldn’t seem suspicious. Three of them left and walked right past me, one of them smiled at me too!’ She giggled like a schoolgirl.
‘So not fair. I’ll need to wait until tomorrow to hopefully catch a glimpse of them.’
‘There’s a few of us going to the bar next door to the hotel in an hour, why don’t you come join us?’ Katherine asked.
‘I doubt I’ll be allowed.’
‘You’re not a kid anymore, Es. You’ve got a job and you are twenty for crying out loud! They can’t stop you. They don’t normally mind you going out for drinks.’ Katherine said. ‘Come on. You never know, they might even be there for drinks since they’re staying in that hotel.’
Esme paused, thinking about it for a moment.
‘Ok. You’re right. I’ll meet you there.’ She grinned.
It took an hour for Esme to get ready. She picked out a nice dress and did her hair up nicely. After grabbing her bag, she made her way downstairs and prepared herself for the questions her parents were no doubt going to ask. But she was pleasantly surprised.
‘Off out?’ Richard asked, looking over the back of the sofa.
Wendy paused the TV, waiting for Esme’s answer.
‘Yeah, meeting with Katherine and a few others for some drinks. I might be back late, but I have my key.’ She said, patting her bag as she made her way to the door.
Richard stood up and walked over to the door, meeting her there.
‘Esme. I’d rather you didn’t go out, not while this Alpha pack is in town… Though I won’t stop you meeting your friends. But I do ask, please be careful. And take this with you.’ He went to his jacket that was hanging by the door and pulled out some mace spray from the pocket.
‘Come on, Dad. I won’t need that! I’ll be with my friends.’ She whined.
‘I know, but please. Just take it.’ He grabbed her hand and slipped the mace to her. ‘It would make me feel better.’
Esme could never resist when her Dad pleaded with her and gave her puppy dog eyes. She was lucky and glad they weren’t making a bigger deal out of this.
‘Ok. I’ll take it. Thanks.’ She smiled and went up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. ‘See you in the morning.’
‘Or afternoon, no doubt.’ Richard chuckled, opening the door for her.
‘Yeah, likely!’ Esme laughed as she walked out.
Richard shut the door and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh.
‘Do you think she will be ok?’ Wendy asked.
Richard went back over and sat down. ‘Yeah, she’s a smart girl. Even when intoxicated she still makes good choices, I am sure she will be fine.’ Richard assured Wendy and gave her arm a squeeze.
Even though her Dad was an Alpha, Esme was super glad that he didn’t try and just make her stay home. She knew that in a lot of other places, omegas did obey Alphas without hesitation. Whether they were a family member or not. It was totally different to their town. But this was one of those times she was so glad for, because she was super excited and hopeful that she might catch a glimpse of these mysterious Alphas.
When she met up with Katherine and two other friends, Dani and Liz, the four of them went into the bar that was next to the fancy hotel.
‘Any sign of them yet?’ Esme asked.
‘Nope. I don’t even know if I’d have the guts to speak to them.’ Dani whispered.
‘I just want to see them. It’s so exciting!’ Esme said, beaming from ear to ear.
The four girls sat down at a table near the bar and not too far from the main door. They ordered some drinks and a few shots as well. They didn’t fail to notice that the bar was a little busier than it normally would be on a Thursday night. And it didn’t take a genius to figure out why. Considering it was mainly females that were occupying the seats.
‘Hey, imagine if one of the Alphas wanted our omega here as their own.’ Dani joked to the others, nudging Esme.
‘Don’t even joke about that!’ Esme said, glaring at her.
‘Yeah, poor Mason would be heartbroken.’ Liz said with a smirk.
Esme just grumbled and downed one of her shots. Mason was an Alpha who she had been matched with, thanks to her Dad and the mayor. That’s what happened with the omegas and Alphas of the town, because there weren’t as many, they were paired off. Keeping it all within the town.
It was rare for a Beta and an omega to have an omega or Alpha as a child. But an Alpha and omega were guaranteed to have either or. And if it was an Alpha, at least having both parents from the town meant the Alpha child would grow up to be a calm and caring Alpha, that would be a good asset to the town. In the mayor’s words, anyway.
‘He never even messages me. I’ve met him three times in the last four months and every time he’s just taken me for dinner and walked me home again. Not even a kiss on the cheek. I’m not even sure if I’m attracted to him or not.’ She said honestly.
‘It does suck that they’ve paired you up like that. So glad I’m not an omega!’ Katherine said, taking a sip of her own drink.
The other two agreed with her.
‘If it wasn’t for the test, I wouldn’t even think I was an omega. I have NO feelings towards him, or any other Alpha in this damn place for that matter. They say omegas are supposed to feel submissive and timid around Alphas, well I certainly don’t.’
‘To be fair, the Alphas here are more beta-like.’ Said Liz.
‘True. But still, I thought I would’ve felt something. Maybe the test was false.’
Just as she said that, the door opened and suddenly the place was filled with the most delectable smell she had ever smelled. It was like a mixture of oak and leather, a very masculine smell. Very… Alpha.
Esme turned her head to see who had just came in the door, her eyes widening.
‘Scratch what I just said… I am pure omega.’ She said in awe, watching as the five stranger Alphas strolled into the bar like they owned the place, and every single person in it.
#butterfly into chains#tom hiddleston#david tennant#chris evans#michael fassbender#benedict cumberbatch#fan fiction
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For the ships ask thing, Poly Red Sole x Headphones x N-Pacer x Omega?

Truth b told i really do appreciate the lesbian ships in this little fandom!! And this one? Hooh boy does it carry P O W E R
Tho not one of my mains i could definitely see it! They start out in either ends with pacer and headphones getting along super well and ofc red sole and omega getting along swimmingly and spending much time as a team, and heck, i feel that pacer would honestly invite the girls over for tea! Tho red doesnt like tea she totally will come for little tea snacs like macarons and lil cakes and stuff
Honestly pacer with the ultimate lesbian energy here gettin all the girls together they're just like wow,,,, i wanna smooch,,, and i know cuz i feel that way with my gf but BACK ON TOPIC
Another date Red takes em to get some cute as hell designer clothes and headphones is like "oh god i thought we were thrift shopping i dont have money for this" but really? All the girls want to impress her so they fucking spend on anything she looks st just for her and its very cute
Omega takes everyone to a concert for her date idea and its fun! They uave a super good time with getting merch and glowsticks and late night after they stop in a diner to get some food and headphones and pacer don't stay up this late so they're both passed out in the car by the time the night together has reached its end and they all crash at red and omega's place.... cozy in the living room...
Headphones's date idea? Just a little sorta calm day one, nothing too thrilling just a day together setting up for a sleepover with music and classic fucked up snacks (ex. Popcorn smothered in sweet stuff and other creative concoctions) and headphones has a little starlight projector she saved up for for when she turns out the lights and they sit under the stars together.... smoochin n stuff...
If i had to name this ship... girlbossx4? Knights&Melodies? (KM for short?) PHOR?(acronym using first letter of each's name, sounds like 4 tho) Hard to name but powerful nonetheless
All in all? This is awesome its an awesome ship and i just really adore what stuff you can do with it! I would definitely write stuff if i wasn't swamping myself with other projects!
Thank you for the ask ^.^ keep em comin!
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