#Oh lord they coming
ask-pam-sdv · 19 days
meet me at the saloon parking lot. -george
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Alright bet. I bet you I’m gonna win, though. I may spend all day drinking beers, but that doesn’t mean I can’t body slam you into the ground!
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(Elara would get a ping)
so…. The boys heard it was a full-body maintenance check and got super paranoid super fast… me and them will be over in a second or two so I can show him nothing’s wrong, ok?
pretty sure the paranoia is trauma-based, by the way. They’re… incredibly spooked.
Elara smiles nervously and replies.
[You um may want to delay them a bit... full body maintenance requires one to be in a certain state of... undress...and I do not want them to jump to conclusions... it would not end well if that happens.]
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desperatecheesecubes · 6 months
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This man is so delighted to see misfortune fall upon his enemies
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mellpenscorner · 3 months
Modern Writing Advice: don't load your readers down with a bunch of different names! Keep things simple so they can remember what you're talking about.
JR²T Himself: And here are these three mountains. Now listen to Gimli wax poetic about them and their names and histories in three different languages, then refer to the Extra Educational Material at the end of your volume to see what he's talking about.
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dlldior · 1 month
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i apologise in advance for the person i become when these panels get animated next year
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Danse Macabre
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dearabsolutelynoone · 9 months
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Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey for ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3
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animentality · 5 months
controversial hot take of the day:
game of thrones fans deserved what they got in 2019.
they deserved it.
nine years.
NINE years.
NINE YEARS they circle jerked themselves all over the rest of us, with the "omg game of thrones is the best story ever written in the history of humanity" and "it's so dark and there's so much sex and violence and it's so hot and it's sooo mature, it's not boring and sexless like lord of the rings-"
yeah well, Lord of the fucking Rings stuck the landing, didn't it?
it also had a fucking ending.
game of thrones fans probably won't see a novel ending. so the TV show ending is their canon ending.
and they deserve it.
they talked it up for nine years, acted like it was this perfect beautiful thing that would go down in history as the greatest story ever to grace this earth, and if you didn't like it, then you were called some kind of moron.
by fucking soccer moms with the literary comprehension of a tortoise, and cis white men who think anything with tits, rape, and people being beheaded is "deep" and intelligent.
I remember being pestered nonstop by my peers and my coworkers to watch it, because it's part of the "cultural zeitgeist" and it was a "part of history."
Well, well, well.
Icarus called to tell you your time was up, but you didn't listen until you hit the ground.
But those wax wings sure were beautiful while they existed, weren't they?
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kaiserouo · 7 months
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i can't survive in crucible for more than 3 seconds without healing and dash
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riuuneon · 4 days
headcanon designs🔥🔥🔥
(except they're in stick form... I made gijinkas/human designs first but i need to redraw them... So take these first...!!!!!)
[Alt text contains a few design notes ^_^]
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loonaink · 4 months
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When Falin gets the mace, it's over...
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violetsquare111 · 2 months
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(me getting into a new fandom) oh yeah. you could make classpects out of this
phew i've had this in the works for a lil over a week!! ava/m characters as homestuck godtiers! had to get the drawings out there yanno.
i will put more thoughts and the titles for everyone under the cut, because i did some minor redesigning to the outfits + you probably won't care about the classpect thoughts if you're less insane than i am lmao
Orange: Heir of Hope (a case could be made for them being a muse as well, i just liked how heir looked a lot better and it fits neatly i think)
Green: Witch of Light
Yellow: Maid of Mind
Blue: Maid of Void (maid bros! this is the title i'm least sure about though, it was a 5 minute pick based on vibes + matching class with yellow is a cute idea)
Red: Rogue of Life
Purple: Bard of Breath (obviously wasn't gonna use the canon outfit, i'm pretty ok with this redesign i think. purple as passive destructive class <3 could see them being a prince too)
Chosen & Dark: matching Lords of Space and Time (tbh i think dark fits better as a lord of rage, but passing up the opportunity to give them aspect duality of the two most reality-based aspects that MATCH THEIR COLORS? you think i'm NOT gonna go for that???)
this is also my first time drawing, uh, most of these characters, so i had to nail down designs right here (...and by designs i mean hairstyles)
bonus: i also put down king as a prince of doom and victim as a thief of void, but i was drawing So Many Guys already so i opted out of drawing em. i think in an actual au scenario they wouldn't be players anyway so it fits it's okay i have an excuse here guys. and i think king wouldn't look great in a prince of doom outfit lol
if you read all this, i hope you enjoyed the brainrot!! this may flop but if one other person sees+enjoys this then that's a success to me :D
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evilminji · 11 months
A Moral Dilemma! Question!
Let's say there is a trucker. An average man. Kind enough, did okay in school, loves his wife and misses her like you wouldn't believe every time he has to go. Misses his little girl even more. HATES he's missing the early years of her life. First day to school, getting her up and brushing her hair into pigtails, making pancakes like his Pa used to make. The works.
But the economy is shit. Him and his wife have to work. Make ends meet. They're DESPERATE to get out of Gotham. Move somewhere boring. Safe.
But... well, places like that cost money. Kids cost money. And he did OKAY in school. Not a lot of jobs out there for "Okay" guys from Gotham.
His cousin finds him a route though. A solid job. Really pulled through when push came to shove and things were looking bad. Like he might have to take up that offer to Goon. Now he's a trucker.
And his route? Well the half way point is Amity Park. He stops to stay the night every time. Never really STAYS, has heard they got themselves a Cape and such, but? It is what it is. He's from Gotham. He minds his business. Parks on the outskirts of town to avoid getting hit.
Doesn't realize, he's getting SOAKED in Ectoplasm every time he's in town.
And this trucker? Not the healthiest man. He wishes he could be. But life on the road is not exactly conducive to fresh fruit and leafy greens. He eats more grease and sugar then his doctor would EVER recommend. In fact, has specifically warned him not too.
But some days you just need a warm meal. You miss your kid, your wife, your bed. And you know it'll be days before you can see any of them. But at least there is pancakes.
You can pretend you're eating with your family. Or at least, let the coffee be warm enough for the two of you. God, but the poor man is tired.
And as he gets close to Gotham?
Breaking News!
The Joker. AGAIN. The trucker cringes, horror filling him. What poor soul has that mad man hurt NOW? When will it end? Him and his wife are so close to getting the hell out. Thinking Kansas. His wife has been joking about pie baking competit-
Oh God No.
There, on the screen, tears streaming down her beautiful face? Is the love of his life. His best friend. His EVERYTHING. And in her arms, trying so, so hard to be quiet. To muffle her terror born sobs... is his little girl. One pigtail torn from its srunchie, blood on her tiny face.
The trucker knows how this story ends.
Batman will try. He ALWAYS tries. And sometimes... sometimes that's enough. But he knows the odds here. His family are in front. Stars of this sick show. The trucker can't breathe. His heart is pounding, too hard for a man of his health.
He's not young. Should be on blood pressure meds he simply cant afford. Is panicked by a terror few should ever suffer. And? What runs in his family, strikes true. It feels so far away, the pain in his chest. He... No, he can't.
He can't.
His family.
He can't die. Leave them. They're in danger! They can't die like this. So close to freedom. Happiness. They... the..y.. ca..n..t...
So! Here in comes the QUESTION! As you sit, watching this terrified child call for her father, ripped from her begging mothers arms, you see a green opaque man full body tackle the Joker.
You watch his eyes visible glow and change color, fight a visible STRUGGLE, like jeckle and Hyde, for control of his body. Between the monster known as Joker and what seems to be? The little girl's newly Meta father.
The Father wins.
You watch the Bat arrive with the police. Thank the man and say he can release Joker into custody. See the EXACT moment the Meta realizes something. Turns to look at his daughter, then his wife. Looks back at the commissioner.
Says "No".
Is he right to do this? To Possess the Joker, as a life sentence, to insure the safety of others? He is perfectly will to sit that life in a jail cell. Knows he will never be allowed to roam free again. But! The Joker is contained.
Is this Right? Or merely emotionally satisfying?
Discuss :3
@hypewinter @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @nerdpoe
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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m0ss-png · 4 months
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Starscream my beloved,,,
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armand-dearest · 10 months
I am AGGRESSIVELY rattling at the bars of my cage, RTD, PLEASE. I COULD WATCH AN ENTIRE SEASON OF JUST 14 AND DONNA HAVING AN UNINTERRUPTED CONVERSATION ABOUT STUFF. In like a NORMAL context like a fucking bar or a coffee shop or in Donna's living room. DoctorDonna IKEA trip. I don't give a FUCK just let me watch these two communicate and talk and hug and gossip and shit forever I DO NOT CARE
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