#Officer Slater x reader
allforhader · 4 years
Our Little Secret
Officer Slater x (F) Reader
Requested by: @berkmansbabe
Warnings: Langauge, Some Smut
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“Hey, you finally fucking show up” Y/N laughs at the three finally joining her at the park.
“Well unlike you, we have a schedule that isn’t in our control” Seth states sitting on the picnic table on the bench while Y/N sat on the table itself.
Fogel sat on the other side of her with a nervous smile. Little does she know that he likes her. But Y/N only saw the three as friends, nothing more.
“I gotta get a new lighter if we’re gonna pass this shit around” Y/N smiles twiddling with a joint container before getting up. “Anybody wanna go to the liquor store on the corner with me or am I walking solo?”
“I’ll go!” Fogel got up from the table stumbling a bit making Seth and Evan groan. They know he likes her but won’t say anything about it.
“Alright. I’ll get drinks while I’m there as well. I know the owner” Y/N smiles walking with Fogel to the liquor store.
Y/N opens the door for them as the jingle of the bell caught the owner’s attention.
“Sup pops” Y/N smiles high fiving the owner over the counter leaving Fogel confused.
“Is he your actual...?”
“No my good man, no I am not. And thank god for that one” the owner laughs as Y/N rolls her eyes going to get what she came there for.
Fogel waited with the owner while Y/N not only went in the back to snag a few drinks without pay cuz the owner is used to it with her, but grab a lighter.
The owner’s attention draws to the two officers stepping in as he quickly grabs his permits and such.
“Oh hey! What are you doing here?”
“Beer run my guy” Micheals pays his shoulder. “Then yknow. The usual with cops on a break”
Fogel nodded pretending he knew what he meant.
“So what are you doing here McLovin? Not here for alcohol yeah?” Slater laughs with Micheals.
“No I’m here wi—“
“Y/N NOW YOU GOTTA BUY THE LIGHTER IF YOU’RE GOING TO USE IT” The owner yells as Y/N steps into the isle to the door lighting the joint already before freezing when she noticed the cops.
“I am gonna buy it old man...just uh. Who called the cops?”
“No one ma’am, we’re off duty” Micheals smiles as Slater locked eyes with Y/N while she took a hit with a smirk on her face.
“Take a picture it’ll last longer” Y/N laughs catching Slater off guard.
“OH! Yeah. Officer Micheals. Officer Slater. This is Y/N. She’s who I came here with”
“Oh is she a lucky lady?” Micheals teases while Slater straightens himself still getting a longing look from Y/N.
“Nope. I am very...single” Y/N smiles handing the owner the money she owes for the lighter. “Now, we are out.” She grabs Fogel’s arm pulling him out of there as the two watched them. “Later officers...”
“See yeah...”
“A college girl. He’s aiming high” Micheals laughs going to the beer with Slater.
“Yeah man. You didn’t seem the college lanyard hanging out of her pocket?”
“No...but did you get the name?”
A few days went by and Y/N sat outside of her class’s building finishing up a note from the previous class when a few whispers caught her attention along with a pair of black boots meeting hers.
“Well. I would ask where you get your boots but I don’t have to now” Y/N smiles looking up at Slater. “Now how did you know where my college is?”
“Officer Micheals has a great eye for detail” Slater points to her lanyard now hanging out of her backpack. Y/N laughs a little smiling.
“Anything I can do for you officer?”
“I uh, wouldn’t mind taking you out on a date”
“Oh?” Y/N smiles closing her notebook and leaning forward. “How about coffee first? See if you actually like me...cuz I really like you”
One coffee later...leading to four dates later...and they can official say they’re dating. Or well. Keep it to themselves.
“Sneaking off somewhere ma’am?” Slater smiles leaning against his cop car as Y/N had just reached the parking lot to her complex.
“No sir, my boyfriend awaits at his place. Or so I thought” Y/N smiles walking over to Slater and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Are you off?”
“You don’t see Micheals with me now do you?” Slater brought her close before kissing her lovingly.
“So, the cop car being here?”
“Mm. That one thing you told me”
In an empty parking lot, Y/N sat on the hood of the cop car smiling at Slater. He likes to admire for a moment and so does she.
“You gonna keep standing there looking pretty?” Y/N smiles grabbing the sides of his shirt the second he got closer to her.
“I’m admiring the beauty here, love” Slater smiles kissing her lovingly before getting more heated.
Y/N pulls away a bit to get her shirt off and Slater instantly planted his lips on her neck enjoying himself. She ran her hands through his hair smiling more.
“You going to make me feel good baby?”
“Mmm...yes yes I am”
A few moments later...
Y/N gripped onto Slater’s back with her nails and her legs around his hips simply enjoying themselves in the backseat of his cop car. He made sure not to go too hard with his thrusts since her bare back is against the door. But she didn’t care and begged for him to go faster.
“Slate I—“ Y/N moans getting close as Slater kept an arm wrapped around her waist and one pressed against the window while he thrusted.
“I’m almost there” Slater got rougher shaking the car.
“Kiss me, kiss me baby” Y/N begged grabbing his face the second he looked toward her pressing her lips against his.
Slater deepen the kiss the moment he climaxed along with Y/N both moaning into each other’s mouths. He parts from Y/N kissing her cheek and neck before calming down.
“Jesus Christ....”
“God you’re amazing...” Y/N pants laying back as Slater opens the door behind him knowing no one is out there those late slowly pulling out.
“You’re the amazing one here” Slater took a deep breath saying so, pulling the condom off and tying it off.
Y/N brought herself up taking Slater’s shirt and putting it on before seeing the mark ups.
“Well you truly like to show that I’m taken” Y/N laughs talking about the hickeys on her thighs, neck, and chest.
Slater laughs putting his pants back on before handing her her panties and shorts. “I want everybody to know you’re mine” he smiles sliding back in and kissing her once more. “You wanna head back to yours or mine?”
“Mine, since I’m hanging out with the three stooges tomorrow” Y/N says with a frown knowing she’d reschedule if he had the day off since it was hers off school and work.
“I can sleep over still right?” Slater smiles making Y/N’s returns with a nod. “Your cat isn’t allowed in the bed though”
“Awww come on Tiger bites you that ONE TIME” Y/N laughs kissing him once more.
The next day came around and Y/N sat on the hood of her car waiting for her fools to get out of school. She was a little upset that she had to give Slater his shirt back but she knew she’d seen him tonight so she has all the time to steal it back. But the only clean shirt she got was a tank top and it fully revealed what he left on her besides her jacket covering the few on her shoulders.
“Y/N! Yo” Seth smiles doing a handshake with her as did Evan.
The moment Fogel joined his eyes obviously trailed elsewhere. Y/N caught on but didn’t think it was toward the hickeys.
“Hey” Y/N snaps with a smile. “My eyes are up here Fogel”
“Oh! Yeah sorry sorry”
It didn’t take long for Fogel to find Officer Slater and Micheals that evening since he just checks where they’ve been before. Fogel practically can get into the bar without getting ID’d because they’ve been with him before and not every bar is smart enough to double check.
“McLovin what the fuck are you doing here?” Micheals laughs setting his beer down as Slater looks up from his phone over to the distressed Fogel.
“Dude you good?”
“NO I AM NOT!” Fogel got into the bar stool now having both of their attentions. “So you know Y/N?”
“We were hanging out earlier right? And she was like...a little revealing”
Keep it cool Slater
“Okay? Aren’t a lot of college girls revealing?”
Micheals you fucking bastard
“ANYWAY—She had all these fucking hickeys and stuff but like I didn’t know she was seeing anybody! I really like her and I don’t know what I’m going to do about it”
“Is there...anything you really can do? She’s seeing somebody” We can’t be subtle for shit.
“I mean you can jump the gun and think she’s...a whore but I know she’s not! She’s too classy for that”
“College does shit dude. You don’t know what she be doing” Micheals laughs again as Slater laughed along even if he wanted to punch his partner. “You should just be straight up with her if you really like the girl”
Y/N stares at Slater after he told her what happened. She couldn’t help it. She started laughing at the fact that Micheals would say that about her and that Fogel likes her. Like it’s cute that he has a crush on her but she thought the obvious disinterest in the three would’ve stirred that away but guess not.
“You take this super well”
“Well Slater, other than you. I’ve only slept with one other guy in my entire life. So the whore comment doesn’t affect me and you two are breaking up A LOT of college parties where some act like whores. You two see it a lot. But like I’m fucking smarter than that. I have a full ride through college, I have a decent job, good friends, and a boyfriend that I love. Yeah I get high sometimes but that’s about it” Y/N’s laughter calmed down as she moved her physics book off her bed along with her notes. She turns back to Slater moving himself to tower her. “Oh? Now what’s this?”
“You love me?” Slater smiles laying on top of her as Y/N brought her arms around him.
“I do, I love you”
“I love you too Y/N” Slater continues to smile getting many kisses from Y/N once he said that.
It didn’t take long for Fogel to find out. Well. It did. But it wasn’t...hard
Fogel one weekend went to Y/N’s school knowing she had a class on Saturday with the confidence to tell her but the second he spotted her, she was in the arms of Officer Slater.
So he did what was best in his mind.
Flip out.
Y/N’s attention immediately darts to the pissed off Fogel as she parts from Slater.
“Okay I’m not a prized possession—“
“Woah Fogel. Calm down don’t make a scene—“
“MAKE A SCENE?! YOU’RE A BACKSTABBING ASSHOLE” Fogel tried punching Slater as he has already kept pushing him back before he can even get in a “good punch”. But the more aggressive Fogel tried to be, Slater cant let it slide when he’s in uniform.
“Okay okay. No. This is assault of an officer and you’re under arrest” Slater states knowing this triggered Y/N at first since she didn’t know what was the plan here.
Fogel tried to fight the restraints aka the handcuffs being put on him. Slater immediately bringing him to his cop car as Y/N looked at everyone who watched anxiously before quickly following the two.
“You need to calm down”
“No. Seriously. You need to calm down” Slater states putting Fogel in the back and taking the drivers not letting Y/N in until this was settled. “If she shows no interest you shouldn’t force it at all. And before you say “that’s what you did” I didn’t. She had every right to rejected me when I asked her out but she didn’t. The two of us got close and we fell in love. It’s not rocket science and I know you care about her. But shouldn’t you care more if she’s happy or not more than if she’s with you or not”
Fogel didn’t really think that hard into it. Yeah, he has the reasons for liking her. But he didn’t think of how she’d feel about it. Only wanted to tell her everything. And after hearing what Slater said, he’s happy he’s with her. She’s got someone that loves her and will always put her first.
“Wow...I’m sorry Officer Slater, I didn’t even think about that”
“It’s fine Fogel. You’ll learn one day with the love of your life. I say that as a friend. But as an officer...don’t come throwing punches at me again or you will actually be arrested”
“Yes sir”
“Good” Slater faces forward gesturing Y/N to join the two in where Micheals usually sits. “We worked it out”
“Good. Cuz Fogel, he can’t do it because it’s wrong on so many levels. But I’m not afraid to kick your ass for throwing punches at my boyfriend” Y/N threats through the mesh cage separating the front from the back.
“It’s okay, now let’s take you home”
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captaindodson · 4 years
Being High-School Sweethearts with Officer Slater would include...
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A/N: I’ve been on a Bill Hader deep dive and I have fallen for our guy Officer Slater from Superbad. I will credit @fangirl-imagines​​ with most of the inspiration for this and future works involving our favourite officer. I got a bit carried away with this one so I hope you enjoy!
Paring: Officer Slater x F! Reader
Warnings: Fluffy and a bit of angst
Being High-School Sweet Hearts with Officer Slater would include...
- Now this is a little bit different then what you might think so just hold onto your hats.
- I feel you you guys would have met in your senior year through a group project in second period history. Your class wasn’t always so well behaved so your teacher ended up splitting everyone up into groups.
- You and Slater never directly interacted before but you have mutuals friends between each other. So when the teacher told everyone to stand up and meet in their groups it was still a bit awkward. You shuffled across the classroom to your partners who decided to sit in the back corner of the class sitting in silence while the rest of the class got organized.
-  The teacher comes around to hand out the instructions for the assignment, sliding a double sided piece of paper onto the desks in front of everyone. You, of course wanting to elevate the awkwardness goes ahead and introduces yourself to everyone and starts reading out the instructions on the paper. 
- While you read aloud Slater was sneaking glances at you out of the corner of his eye. What you do not realize is that Slater has been meaning to make any sort of move since he saw you in freshman year. 
- On the first day of school you were wearing beautiful baby blue jeans, a white, slight worn out MTV t-shirt, some tennis shoes, and maroon bag, and Slater thought he had seen heaven as he watched you get off the bus and towards the high school. He proceeded to see you everywhere in school (not that he would complain) whether it be in the library, school cafeteria, sitting on the bleachers as he walked by with his friends. Everyday for three years he would always look for you, even just for a second because it brightened his day. 
- He never approached you because he felt that you were out of his league. You were in the popular crowd but, you didn’t partake in sports or cheerleading or anything sterotypical popular kids would do. You were a floater,  a confident, kind, (did I say beautiful yet) floater that everyone wanted to be around. You had friends in just about every cliche there could be except his. 
- His friends always gave him shit (but also support) and tried to embarrass Slater in front of you knowing of his major crush. One time, during a school football game his friends spotted some empty seats on the far end of the bleachers but, also noticed you sitting in-between their walk to their seats. So, when they squeezed past you they jabbed Slater’s side to make him squirm to drop some of his popcorn on your lap. 
- His face became red with embarrassment but you just laugh lightly and say thank you for the snack. Slater just smiles nervously and pushes his friends to hurry up as they laughed loudly. 
- Or another time during the year when the schools drama club was doing their last performance before heading out of state for NYC for a competition, and Slater and his friends were going to go to shit on the drama kids. When they got to the theatre, you were siting by yourself next to the only empty seat, so they came up with a new plan. They told Slater to go find them some seats and when he spotted the only empty seat next to you and he panicked. He turned around to confront his friends but they all left smiling and laughing silently.
- He pondered whether he should leave or stay until he thought this was going to be the opportunity to finally introduce himself to you and have you fall in love with him. Except, as he walked closer, his throat starting closing up and he felt at a loss of words. So when he had to squeeze past you he squeaked out a quick, “excuse me” and sat down. The lights of the theatre dimmed and he proceeded to sit through 90 minutes of Hamlet and didn’t say a word to you. He basked in the scent of your perfume as the play continued on and after the final bows you left unaware of Slater next to you. 
- So after reading the assignment aloud the bell rings almost instantly causing everyone to collect their things and rush out the door. Slater watched you collect your bag and wave goodbye to the group to head off to your next class. Slater sat there for a minute deciding what to do, make his move or continue to admire you painfully from afar until you disappear from his life forever?
- He sighed in defeat and was willing to live in this hell for the rest of the school year. He sluggishly gets up, head hung in defeat, and heads out the door. What he didn’t expect was you leaning on some lockers outside the door and greeting him with with a shy smile before asking him if he wanted to eat lunch with you later to go over the assignment. (at first he didn’t say yes due to shyness, but then quickly changed his answer because he would have been kicking himself if he didn't). 
- You had noticed him staring, and to be quite frankly you’ve been watching him too. You had seen him in the library reading comic books in the farthest row, pushing up his glasses when he read, looking out the window in French class and seeing him and his friends messing around on the football field during free period. For a guy that most girls that you knew considered him scrawny and ‘unattractive’ you could not disagree any faster. You loved his floppy, shaggy hair, his blue eyes, his dimples, and most importantly his laugh. You saw how he was with his friends and you just wanted him to look at you. 
- So after that moment you two started spending more and more time together. You would stop hanging out with most of your friends to eat lunch with Slater in a stairwell or out of the bleachers. You two would read StarWars comic’s in the library while trying to prank his friends, you also had dates at the local theatre, and you were Slater’s first kiss. You both couldn’t be happier. Everything so pure, so innocent about young love, nothing could take that away. Except one thing, insecurity. 
- As graduation came closer Slater suddenly became more distant and cold. You tried to ask why but he just shut down and then out of the blue he broke up with you. You cried for days, wondering what you could’ve done different, what you did wrong,  but you were never given an answer. You left LA shortly after for NYC and Slater had to sit with his choice but eventually got over it.  
- It isn’t until 2007 rolls around when your back in LA working as a waitress in a bar called Baileys which so happens one night to have a special visitor. 
- When Slater was sitting at the bar where he met his ex-wife with Micheal’s and McLovin, having fun watching the security tape from earlier, a woman comes up next to him and leans up against the bar. 
- A much older women whose beauty from high school has not wavered is asking the bartender for the time and if it is okay for you to clock out of your shift and go home for the night. 
- Slater stares, almost frozen in time and watches your lips move in slow motion. Just like when he was staring at you all those years ago in that history class, the love he felt for you makes his heart beat a little bit faster and cheeks become a little bit warmer.
- You don’t even notice the staring as you’ve grown to ignore the stares of guys. You smile at your boss when he tells you can leave. You rip off your small apron and run around the bar into the backroom to get your stuff. When you leave the backroom with a thin coat over your shoulders and your purse in hand, out of the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of a familiar pair of ocean eyes hidden behind sliver glasses and a police uniform.
- Your breath hitches for a moment but you keep walking. You walk through the messy kitchen to leave out the back door which leads to the street where your car is parked. 
- Slater just stares at the kitchen door blankly, watching as his heart continued to beat faster as the memories of being told how he grabbed your heart and ran it over with his shitty car resurface. He knows he doesn’t deserve a second chance, but he can’t live knowing that you don’t know he’s sorry, so he dashes after you to the surprise of Micheal’s and Mclovin.  
- You just make it to the drivers side of your car when you hear a stern, “wait”. You pause and think for a minute. You haven’t done anything wrong so it is not like he can force you to stay here. You stab your key into your car door and just as your ready to turn it and open up your door this voice lets out a more masculine “hold it right there”.
- You halt your movements and slowly turn around the face the man you haven't seen since he broke your heart. Under the streetlight he is much taller than he was all those years ago and his boyish charms still haven't wavered even though he attempts to make himself look taller and more ‘manly’. 
- You speak before he can open his mouth to say anything else, ‘I don't know who you are, but can you please leave me alone.”
- Slater cringes slightly at your tone. He lets his body rest in a more comfortable posture and he puts his hands up in a defensive pose. 
- “ Okay, I deserve that. But before you leave let me say this, I left you because I got scared and I’m sorry. I thought you’d be better off without some loser attached to your arm when there are a millions of guys much better looking and more manly”. Your eyes soften at his claim as you approach him slowly and his arms drop to his side. 
- “Slater, You were the best thing in that shitty high school. I only left because I could not live in a place where you existed because I would be reminded of the pain of you not being in my life. I loved you ever since I met you, and I never stopped. Why didn’t you talk to me Slater?” You say with pleading eyes. 
“I didn't know how to. Ever since my first wife turned out to be a whore I realized that I could never love anyone again because I didn’t deserve to be loved. When I spotted you inside, it felt like my heart was about the burst. When you left for NYC I thought I got over you, but I never did”. 
- Slater’s breath slows as you get closer, he can start to feel the heat radiating off your body. He looks at you with the same awe, admiration, and love he did all those years ago. Blue eyes twinkling under the shine of the streetlight through his sliver glasses. 
- Slater breaks the silence with, “You can hate me for the rest of your life, just know that I’m sorry-”.
- But before Slater can get your name through his lips you lean up without warning to plant a soft kiss on his which he gladly returns.
- “Take notes Mclovin, Slater is showing you how to kiss a lady.” you both break apart and see Micheal’s, smirk on his face and Mclovin standing along side him looking confused. 
- Slater straightens up with his shoulders with a deep cough trying to appear composed, but the pink tint on his cheeks say otherwise. You ignore the new presence and you drag your hand over his uniformed shoulder to the back of his soft hair where you gentle push his head to meet your lips once more. 
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Stenbrozier’s Masterlist
Last Updated: 10/2/20
IT (2017 + 2019)
Bill Denbrough: 
Mixed Emotions (Part 1|Part 2)
Flirty!Reader Headcanons
Secrets (Uris!Reader)
Making Out Headcanons
Knight In Dull Armour 
Missed Dates and Missed Opportunities 
Nickname Headcanons 
Stumbling Hearts (Current!Bill Denbrough x Reader) 
Jealous!Bill (Headcanons)
Richie Tozier: 
Mixed Emotions (Part 1|Part 2)
Loving Is Easy
Nickname Headcanons 
Step Away (Kaspbrak!Reader)
Teen!Richie x Reader Headcanons 
Adult!Riche x Reader Headcanons 
Someone New (Adult!Richie)
Eddie Kaspbrak: 
Blue Eyes (EMT!Adult!Eddie) 
First Kiss Headcanons 
Nickname Headcanons 
48 Hours 
Young, Dumb Love (Punk!Eddie) 
Curse Words and Butterflies (Platonic!Eddie + Reader + Stanley) 
Stanley Uris: 
Picnic Date Headcanons
Clingy (Adult!Stan) 
Nickname Headcanons
At Least I Have You 
Stumbling Hearts (Past!Stanley Uris x Reader) 
Curse Words and Butteflies (Platonic!Eddie + Reader + Stanley) 
Protective!Stan (Headcanons) 
Ben Hanscom: 
Movie Nights (Adult!Ben) 
Loving You Is My Biggest Priority (Adult!Ben) 
Mike Hanlon: 
Mornings of Tranquility
Beverly Marsh: 
Protective!Bev (Headcanons)
Poly Losers’: 
Adopting a Kitten Headcanons (Each Loser x Reader)
Anxious!Reader Headcanons (Losers x Reader) 
Modern Losers’ Club Headcanons
Members of the Losers’ Club as My Favorite Songs from 2019
Members of the Losers’ Club x Reader: Your Guys’ Song 
Scott Lang: 
Stomach Bug
Steve Rogers: 
Sleep Talker Headcanons 
Bucky Barnes: 
Defending Jacob
Jacob Barber: 
Seaside Lovin’
Making Out Headcanons
Andy Barber: 
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington: 
Dustin Henderson: 
Mike Wheeler: 
Billy Hargrove: 
Jonathan Byers: 
Bill Hader CU
Milo Dean: 
Dave (Hot Rod): 
Barry Berkman: 
SFW Alphabet 
Officer Slater: 
I Am Not Okay With This
Stanley Barber: 
Ugly Floral Couch 
Late Night Drives (Headcanons) 
Why Me? 
Sydney Novak: 
The Lodge (2019) 
Aiden Hall: 
Dating!Aiden Hall Headcanons
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haderberkman · 4 years
I’m Sorry, Please Come Home
Officer Slater X F Reader
Warnings: Smut, Language
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Requested by: @unlikelybeardsublime1212
Y/N didn’t like fighting with Slater. They have only fought a couple of times since they got married. Their fights were never gentle either.
Y/N slammed the front door behind her and began walking down the street. She didn’t know where she was going, but she walked anyways. She approached a park, and she sat down on a bench.
She put her head in her hands and tried not to cry. She shouldn’t have left or said the things she said. Slater said some things also, and they knew that they didn’t mean them. They truly loved each other, but they had their moments.
Y/N lifted her head out of her hands as she heard a car approaching. She saw that the car was Slater’s police car, and she sighed as she saw him get out of the car. He walked over to the bench and sat down beside her.
They sat in silence, and Y/N looked over at him and saw that he had tears in his eyes. Slater looked at her, and she was crying too. They really hurt each other this time.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. Please come home. I love you, and I need you. Please, baby.”
“I’m sorry too, Slate. I love you, and I need you too. Let’s go home.”
They stood up, and Slater pulled her into a tight hug. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled back a bit connecting their lips in a reassuring kiss.
They pulled away from each other and got into his police car. Slater parked the car in their yard, and they walked hand in hand to their door.
As soon as they made it into their house, Slater suddenly turned and pinned Y/N to their front door, kissing up her neck till he reached her lips. He passionately kissed her lips, and she missed into the kiss. He pulled away slightly and looked into her eyes.
“I think we’re in dire need of some make up sex. What do you think?”
“I totally agree.”
“Well, in that case, jump.”
Y/N jumped up, and Slater caught her legs and wrapped them around his waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he reconnected their lips as he lead them to their bedroom.
He kicked the door closed, and laid Y/N down on the bed. He pulled his shirt over his head and climbed on top of her. She sat up, and he helped her pull her shirt off. He unhooked her bra and began kissing her chest down to her waist.
Slater unbutton her jeans and pulled them and her panties off of her body. He stood up and pulled her over to the edge of the bed. He dropped to his knees and threw her left leg over his shoulder.
He lowered his mouth and began licking and sucking her clit. Y/N moan and arched her hips off the bed. He slid his hand up her leg and pressed her hips back down onto the bed, keeping his hand firmly on her hip.
“Fuck, Slate. You’re so good at this. Oh shit.”
Slater hummed against her clit as he slid two fingers into her entrance. Y/N moaned louder as he began pumping his fingers into her faster. He felt her clench his fingers as she came chanting his name like a prayer.
He stood up and leaned over her to kiss her. Before he could, Y/N flipped them over and sloppily kissed his lips. She kissed her way down his chest to his jeans. She unbuttoned them, and she pulled them, along with his boxers, off of him.
She got down on her knees between his legs and grabbed his member, stroking him slowly. Slater lifted himself onto his arms, and he moaned as he watched her every movement.
Y/N lowered her mouth and took the tip of his dick into her mouth. Slater moaned again and placed a hand in her hair, gripping it lightly. She took more of him into her mouth and began bobbing her head. Slater gasped and moved his hand from her hair to her shoulder. He pushed her away from him and attempted to catch his breath. She looked at with confused eyes.
“Why did you make me stop?”
“I would have came if you didn’t stop, and I’m not coming unless it’s in you.”
He reached up and pulled her back down onto the bed beside him. She moved herself up the bed to the pillows, and he moved across the bed to her. He crawled on top of her and connected their lips together.
Slater pulled away and sat up on his knees. He positioned himself at her entranced, and he looked up at her. She nodded her head, and he slid into her. They both moan as he bottomed out. He leaned over her and placed both on his hands on the bed beside her. She snaked her arms up his and gripped his biceps.
He began moving, and Y/N moaned at the feeling of him inside of her.
“Fuck, babe. You feel so good around me. God, you’re so hot.”
“You feel so amazing in me, Slate. Kiss me, please.”
Slater leaned down and kissed her, and he began moving his hips faster against hers. She moaned into his mouth as he quicken the pace. She moved her hand up to his shoulder and pressed her fingernail into him. He groaned and moved his hips faster. Y/N gasped as he hit that special spot.
“Slate, baby. Please, I’m close.”
“Me too, baby. Me too.”
He moved a hand down, and he began rubbing circles on her clit. Y/N clenched his dick as she came around him, morning wordlessly. Slater pushed into her at a fast pace, and he came into her shortly after she did, morning her name.
Slater pulled out of her and fell into the bed beside her, pulling her knees to his arms. They were both gasping trying to catch their breaths.
Their breathing slowed, and Slater kissed her lazily. They pulled away, and U/N snuggled her face into his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and rested his head on top of hers.
“Please, don’t ever leave me. I don’t what I’d do if you weren’t here beside me everyday and night.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I regret walking out of the house after our fight. I’m sorry I left you alone.”
“It’s okay, baby.”
Y/N snuggled closer into him, and a smile came to his face. Sure, they had their ups and downs, but what married couple didn’t. At the end of the day, they had each other, and that’s all that mattered.
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chompachompa · 4 years
Bill Hader characters as John Mulaney quotes:
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Richie Tozier:
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Officer Slater:
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Vinny Vedeci:
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Devin (The Californians):
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General Custer:
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Seth Dozerman:
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fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Nerdy Slater Headcanons
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A/N: Look at this man and tell me he isn’t a total nerd? I love him. 
Refuses to admit he is a nerd but absolutely is a textbook nerd.
He is a huge Marvel Comics and Star Wars fan. 
If you ever want to see him have a melt down, tell him there’s no difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.
He and Michaels have a running debate over who would be Han Solo. 
More than once he has responded to you saying “I love you’” with “I know”. 
Almost every summer he makes the trip from Los Angeles to San Diego for comic con.
His ex-wife always made fun of him for being a nerd and thought it was ridiculous for a grown man to like comics and Star Wars. 
So when Slater and you got together he was so grateful to have a partner who loves and supports him and lets him be as geeky as he wants. 
He thinks it’s really sexy that you’re a nerd too. 
Couples cosplays! Every Halloween party and convention the two of you plan matching costumes. 
His favorite was when the two of you went as Scott Summers and Jean Gray. 
If you ever dressed up as Princess Leia he would lose. His. Mind. 
This cheeky bastard would definitely make fun of you for being a nerd though. 
“Haha, babe you look like such a dork!” “Slater, you’re in costume too!” 
He has an impressive amount of superhero shirts mixed in with his band shirts. 
Movie nights curled up on the couch making your way through the MCU with a bowl of popcorn. 
His idea of couple goals is the upside down kill from Spider-Man. 
Which you two defiantly have tried before. 
10/10 would recommend. 
He pretends he doesn’t get jealous when you talk about your favorite male characters but every time you mention how hot Captain America or Thor are he jokes about how they’re way too overpowered and their costumes are ridiculous. 
Low-key wants to name your future children Luke and Leia. 
High-key will and has debated the difference between action figures and dolls.
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broadwayandnetflix · 5 years
Meet Cute - Officer Slater x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: Fluff
Summary: After you get robbed you keep finding yourself meeting up with the cute officer you met at the police station. 
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: I just want to clarify that I don’t know jack shit in regards to how police officers do things. If I butchered anything, I am so sorry in advance. If any constellation, I don’t think Slater or Micheals do either. Also, I’m so sorry in advance I feel like this could’ve gone a lot better, or into two parts, but I hope you enjoy! @wltz-bby​
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A soft hum escaped his lips, fingers tapping rhythmically to the beat of a faint stereo song playing in the background. There he sat, in uniform, kicking the ground one foot at a time to twirl his office chair around and around.
The small and dingy office fan blowing weakly in his face, while sweat dripped down his forehead in response to the heat.
Heaving a big sigh, he runs his hands through his hair, instantly cringing at the dampness of his disheveled locks.
Let’s face it, summer within abnormally warm cities sucks, or more specifically summer in Los Angelos sucks ass. He can’t tell what’s worse, the daily humidity or the fact that he has to wear his uniform and act like he’s not sweating to death.
Whoever decided that police uniforms should be pitch black, were obviously not thinking correctly. That shit attracts heat, and if Slater dies on the job from a heat stroke, he’s going to sue from the beyond.
So when it was devastatingly announced that the air conditioner within his unit broke, Slater knew that his day was ultimately going to be a long one.
That was until Jennifer called him down to the front desk, he stood up rather too quickly as the chair below him shot out, causing him to stumble backward. Catching himself, he straightened his sweaty uniform and strode out.
Jennifer, a woman in her mid 50’s, always seemed to carry a slightly sour disposition with her. So when he witnesses the reason why he was called down, he can’t help but feel bad for the poor thing.
In front of the front desk resides a somewhat frazzled woman, her eyes widened and body all staticky. If there’s one thing that Slater notices despite her current state, is that she is quite the looker.
Now one didn’t have to look long at Slater to tell that he was not as smooth with the ladies, so when dealing with a pretty woman, while simultaneously looking like a sweaty, hot mess was not ideal.
“How can I help you, ma’am?” thoughts aside, he was at work here.
“Oh, uh, I think I was robbed!” you blurt out quickly.
“You think?” he hums, quirking a brow.
“No! I know! I’m sorry, this has never happened to me before.” you admit quickly, silently cursing yourself.
He smirks at you, emphasizing that he’s teasing, to which you deflate slightly, before pulling out a notepad and a pen to which he promptly points towards you.
“What apartment complex do you live in?” he asks procedurally.
“Nansen, I’m in apartment 7B.,” you reply, watching as he jotted it down.
“Can you give me any reasons or details that may revolve to you getting robbed?” he questions, no longer looking at the pad but at you.
You could feel your face begin to heat up under his pressing gaze, as you have never had much experience with Police Officers prior.
Especially not attractive ones.
He seems to catch on before softening his gaze, deciding to give you tips about the questions prompted.
“Did there appear to be any forced entry?” he starts.
“Uh, yeah, there did, I think. I came home from the grocery store, and my door was wide open. I know for a fact that I didn’t leave it open, and I don’t have a roommate.” you explain quickly.
He nods in response, muttering the words under his breath while he quickly scribbles them out on his pad. This allows you to get a quick glance towards his name tag, Slater.
“They definitely took a few things, nothing that I really need back. You see, my neighbor told me to call the cops, but the precinct is down the street, and the guy already left, so.” you look down at your feet.
“No that seems about right, I’ll check in with your complex in regards to any security cam footage. In the meantime, I’d like you to fill out this report so we can contact you if needed,” he informs, clearing his throat, causing you to glance up at him once more.
In his outstretched hands contains the form, the paper rustling gently under his slightly shaky grasp, to which you take it before pulling it down to your side.
He looked a tad bit flustered and quite sweaty now that you’ve gotten a better look at him. It doesn’t surprise you in the slightest, the weather outside was boiling, and the precinct was littered with fans.
“Sound good?” he asks, breaking your train of thought, you nod quickly.
He smiles, sweetly at you for a moment, causing you to feel your cheeks heat up once more. Until a muffled voice erupts from his side pocket, his smile faltering and eyes widening as he reaches down to pull out a walkie-talkie.
“Slater, Micheals, 10-16, I repeat 10-16.” a male voice omits from the speaker to which he dramatically groans.
“I gotta take this,” he juts out quickly, looking at you hesitantly, to which you promptly nod, smiling awkwardly, watching as he walks away to talk to another officer.
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding, you walk over to a section with a table and discarded chairs, filling out the form to get it over with.
“Hey, sweet thing, whiskey neat, would ya?” A customer calls out, his voice gruff and slurred.
Forcing a smile, you nod, biting back a witty remark as you grab a clean glass and a bottle.
You don’t know what exactly prompted you to become a bartender, but it paid the bills and gave you desirable hours. Despite the usual filter of drunken men, you enjoyed the company of your coworkers and regulars.
Sliding the glass across the counter towards him, he gives you a wink and scoots his barstool around to face his friend. You cringe slightly, before turning back to meet your coworker, Julie.
“Hey, Y/N, can you do me a favor and grab another bottle of tequila from the back? We just ran out, and some asshole wants shots,” she asks, rolling her eyes slightly at the drunken calls coming from behind her.
“Yeah sure, Avión, right?” she nods quickly as you shuffle towards the back.
Slipping into the back, you quickly secure an unopened package of tequila, walking back out only to stop at the sound of loud commotion within the bar.
Hunched over the front counter are two police officers and one scrawny kid, you catch the eye of Julie as she rushes over to grab a case.
“What’s that about?” you whisper, noting the familiarity of one of the officers.
“I don’t know, thanks, though.” she shrugged before rushing off to the other side of the bar.
Eyes widening as you walked closer, the officer you had spoken to earlier that morning sat delved in some conversation with his partner.
“How may I help you?” you ask as nonchalantly as you could, shifting nervously on your feet.
His eyes flicker upwards towards you, before forming a slight “o” with his mouth. Out of the corner of your eye, you note his partner nudges him in the side.
“Oh, hey?!” he stammers before clearing his throat, sitting up straighter.
You shyly smile before leaning against the counter, a silence settling between the two of you.
“So we actually wanted to ask if you could play this tape for us,” his partner begins, you quickly glancing down to his name tag that read Micheals.
“Oh yeah, robbery at a local store, and we need to check the security cameras,” Slater adds in, never taking his gaze off of you, holding the tape out for you to consider.
“Oh yeah, of course,” you reply.
Your fingers brushing against each other as you grasp the tape, you feel your breath hitch, before turning around to slide it into the television behind you.
“Can I get you guys anything to drink in the meantime?” you ask as you play around with the remote.
“Of course, three Coronas?” Slater replies you look back at him eyebrow raised in response to the kid beside him.
You watch sympathetically in response to the kid, eyeing him as he gulped nervously under the sudden set of attention on him, looking anywhere else but you. It makes you feel almost nostalgic, being a teenager again wanting to sneak a beer. You’d certainly done it with friends at parties, but never with cops.
“Can I see some ID please?” you inquire while reaching down to get three beers at the ready.
One by one, they slide them out towards you, including the kid with quite the peculiar name. You bite back a smile, before reaching up to slide their ID’s back along with a beer for each.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Slater wink at you, you press play on the remote and lean back to watch the tape.
The footage containing the robbery that Slater had mentioned prior, which included the kid getting the brunt of the attack.
Slater and Micheals finding the ordeal very entertaining, you couldn’t help but giggle at their antics, replaying the video to get the perfect timing of the hit.
After a while, the commotion between the three died down, Julie often making her way over to take orders, and you began clearing tables. The bar was a tad bit smaller than a typical bar, so clean up wasn’t so bad.
“Hey, I just wanted to thank you for being so understanding about Mc’Lovin and everything.” A voice calls out from behind you, you spin around becoming face to face with Slater once more.
You smile softly, shaking your head as you set down your tray of empty glasses. His taller figure towering over your smaller frame, you couldn’t help but pay closer attention to how good he looked in uniform.
“Oh my gosh, don’t worry about it, I trust that you guys know what you are doing,” you reply, casually leaning against the table, eyeing him.
His stares blankly in response, tilting his head to the side, you gesture to his uniform, watching it click within him.
“Oh yeah,” he stammers, “probably the beer kicking in,” he smirked, raising his drink up for you to see.
Chuckling softly, you make your way over to another table, motioning for him to follow you. He does, watching you curiously while you worked in your element, making sure everything was precise and orderly.
“So,” you hum, “what’s it like being a police officer?” glancing back at him briefly before wiping down a dirtied tabletop.
“Oh, it’s the shit, Micheals, and I get to do all the badass shit like stop robberies, car chases,” he pauses, prompting you to look back at him, his finger pointing towards you, motioning for you to come closer.
Just between you and me,” he whispers practically pressing against you, the scent of his cologne filling your senses.
“Micheals and I skip red lights, just for the fun of it,” he smirks at you, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
“Okay, sounds like someone’s a little tipsy.” you chuckle before pressing away to grab your tray.
He shakes his head defensively, even though the scent of his beer still lingers on his breath. A smile forming at your lips, watching as he tries to sober up to prove a point.
“No,” he sighs, “I just haven’t done this in a long time.” you eyed him curiously, “I haven’t flirted with a pretty girl in a long time, I’m afraid I’ve lost my charm.” he murmurs dejectedly.
Now, this surprised you, looking up at him with wide eyes, now it’s you who are shaking your head in disagreement.
“Trust me, you haven’t,” you reply quietly, smiling softly at the thought.
A small grin meeting his lips, the two of you taking each other in, that is until Micheals calls out from behind breaking the moment.
“Buddy! Apparently, there was a fight that broke out at a party, we need to check it out.” You watch as Slater almost deflates at the prospect of leaving, to which you chuckle softly.
“Go get ’em, tiger.” you wink before gently shoving him off.
“That’ll be $38.25 for your total, and just sign here please,” you say as you slide the receipt out towards them with three extra beers.
Slater nods before doing so; his script messy and signature tremendous in comparison to the line.
“Thank you.” you murmur as you grasp the receipt from his outstretched hand, and then hand him the final one with a little something extra.
Your phone number.
You watch as he looks down at the total and then towards the extra slip in his palm, giving you a huge grin, before being promptly shoved out by Micheals.
This was going to be interesting.
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[Bill Hader]
Falling Again
Secrets Pt1 & Pt2
The Wall
A Starry Night
The Life They Had Set Themselves To Live Pt1, Pt2 & Pt3
And That’s When She Snapped.
The Maze.
[Barry Berkman]
Dead Man.
Cross My Heart And Hope To Die.
[Officer Slater]
McLovin. Pt1, Pt2 & Pt3
A Few Drinks.
[Aaron Conners]
Not Her. Pt1 & Pt2 
297 notes · View notes
wltz-bby · 5 years
I watched superbad again. I really need some new officer Slater headcanons/ x Reader. He's such a baby
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allforhader · 4 years
Officer Slater x (F) Reader
Warnings: Language
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“SLATER IN MY OFFICER NOW” The chief yells in the station as Micheals started snickering that Slater could possibly be in trouble.
Slater gets up from his desk punching Micheals in the arm on his way over to the chief’s office. He walks into the chief’s office spotting Y/N from the corner of his eye confused.
“This is Y/F/N Y/L/N, she’s new to the station and the police force. So since you and Micheals are one of the best duos” Funny. “You two should show the ropes to the rookie”
“Yes sir” Slater smiles as Y/N got up from her seat smiling happily. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to Micheals”
As the two walked over to Slater and Micheals’ desks. Micheals starts laughing and pointing at Y/N which confused Slater until she did the same.
“You fucker”
“Y/N why the hell are you here”
“Excuse me?! I was top of my class asshat and I was recommended to come here. And since you and Slater here, are best of the best here. You guys are my chaperones”
“Uhh....” Slater looks at the two confused as they both exchange a glance before laughing.
“Sorry Slater man, you already know her name but our parents are friends. That’s how we know each other” Micheals smiles as Y/N takes Slater’s seat. “Damn. It’s been fucking forever”
“Well, do you still have the hots for my sister?”
“Oh shut up Y/N....” Micheals laughs as he lowers his head. “Is she still single?”
“Sorry bud”
“Damn it” Micheals slams his fist into the table jokingly as Y/N looks up at Slater who was being respectful letting two friends catch up. But now it’s his turn to talk.
“So, how long have you known Micheals?”
“Ever since he’s join this station. So a few years” Slater smiles as Y/N gave Micheals a look for a second before turning back to Slater.
“Has he tried hitting on any of your friends yet?” She smiles laughing with Slater as Micheals gave them both a look before hearing his radio.
“Let’s go”
The three ended up in a liquor store and Y/N stood beside the two as she mainly wrote everything down being told by the victim and preparing the report as she listens to the two ask way too many questions. A few confusing and stupid ones in her opinion. Micheals pats Y/N’s back indicating they’re on their way out as she seem to have trailed off.
“You alright there Officer?” Micheals laughs as Y/N rolls her eyes heading out with them.
“So, drinks tonight?”
“I’m down, how about you Y/N?” Slater asks as Y/N shrugs like why not. “Not taking that as a no”
After filing the report and the end of the work day, the three ended up in the bar sitting in a booth. Micheals started talking about the girls passing in and out of the bar along with stories about Y/N.
“Hey, do you remember the time I asked your sister out to the dance and she bailed on me for this falls scrawny guy”
Y/N snorted choking on her drink as she started laughing.
“She married that guy dude”
“What!! What the hell?!”
“Yeah yeah. I’m also an aunt. So sorry bud. You lost that opportunity” Y/N laughs as Slater couldn’t look away enjoying her laugh. But the staring was caught on and Y/N decided not to say anything. “So. Do you have anybody on e mind Slater?”
“He’s single as fuck Y/N, you have no idea how I try to take him out to meet people”
“Micheals. Really?”
“What? You can only be honest with Y/N. She is a cop” Micheals laughs a bit as Y/N rolls her eyes before getting up going to grab another round.
Slater gave Micheals a death stare as he caught on quickly before smirking.
“You fancy her”
“Really gotta say it like that?”
“Yeah buddy. I do”
A month and a half on the job went by...
“390 in progress...Why do we get all the drunk cases?” Micheals pretended that it bugged him as he got up with the two heading to their vehicle. “Sorry Y/N but you’re gonna have to sit in the back again”
“Fine with me” Y/N doesn’t object as it wasn’t her first time in the backseat of a police car.
Once they got to the scene, Y/N steps over the few passed out drunks as Micheals and Slater interview a hungover teen.
“God. Partied too hard. But why was this reported as a 390 in progress. Who’s still dru-“ Y/N was cut off and the other two were startled by the glass sliding door breaking behind her.
Micheals immediately armed himself aiming at the drunk who shot his hands up. He stumbled into the keg by the back door (sliding glass door) and it broke.
“Goddamn fucking serious” He snaps as Slater knelt down by Y/N who was bleeding in a few spots.
“Hey stop fidgeting” Slater frowns watching Y/N try to handle things herself but he wouldn’t let her. “Micheals—“
“I already called it in Slater” Micheals states handcuffing the drunk who caused the glass breaking. “Is she alright?”
“I’m..fucking fine Micheals...” Y/N frowns as Slater rests his hand on her cheek looking at her with worry trying his best. “What a great day...”
“Not funny Y/N” Slater frowns as the back up needed finally came.
A few hours went by and Slater exits his car walking over a small grassy patch up to an apartment complex. He checks his phone as he maneuvers his way to find the right apartment.
Y/N jolts up from her couch pushing her hair out of her face before getting up slowly to go answer to the knocking. She opens the door staring up at Slater as he scanned her person seeing her with a few bandages on her arms and about a four inch one on her thigh. Y/N grabs her jacket off the coat rack mainly to cover herself up more since she was comfortably in her pajamas.
“Sorry for coming out of the blue”
“I uh...am a little confused on how you know where I live but, Micheals probably told you”
“He did...w-when I asked because I wanted to come to check up on you” Slater admits as Y/N laughs a little before moving out of the way gesturing for him to come in.
“Do you do this for all the rookies?” Y/N asks as she closes her door after he makes his way in. “Or just the friends of friends who happen...to be rookies?”
“Well, if Micheals would want to come and check on you. He’d do it himself.”
“He did. He stocked my fridge. I don’t know why, I’m not yknow. Seriously hurt”
“To us you are”
“Is it because I’m a girl? I’m fragile?” Y/N laughs before stopping when she watches and feels Slater rests his hands on her cheeks.
“You’re fragile, yes. But you got hurt, on duty. And it scared the fuck out of me” Slater states watching Y/N give off half a smile before resting her hands on his cheeks.
“I’m fine Slater”
“You sure?” Slater frowns feeling Y/N remove her hands before grabbing his shirt keeping her gaze on her feet. “Y/N?”
Y/N didn’t say anything more as Slater watches her start to tear up in front of him.
“Y/N...” Slater frowns bringing her into his arms holding her protectively. “It’s okay to not be okay...”
Slaters walks out of the station after a shift the next day, he found Y/N sitting on the hood of their cop car.
“You know you can get arrested for sitting on a cop car”
“Oh do arrest me” Y/N laughs as Slater sets his bag down before sitting beside her. “How was work?”
“I should be asking you that, you stayed at your desk all day”
“Yeah cuz captain won’t let me out until next week”
“You’re still healing so it’s understandable” Slater smiles feeling Y/N rest her head on his shoulder causing the blush to subtly appear on his cheeks.
“I didn’t pay you back for coming over last night to check up on me”
“You don’t have to-“ Slater was cut off by Y/N pressing her lips against his.
Y/N smiles when she pulls away feeling the blush creep upon her cheeks as Slater couldn’t help but smile after.
“Want to come over Officer?”
“I’d love to, rookie”
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xsevenwondersx · 5 years
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12 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓝𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓚𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮
𝐃𝐚𝐲 1 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝖭𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖽𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖺 𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁. 𝖨 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝗉𝗉𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝖻𝖾𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝗋𝗌 𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗎𝗌 𝗌𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝖾 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗌𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗆𝗋𝗌 𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗎𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖺 𝗆𝖾𝗍. 𝖨 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗃𝗎𝗆𝗉 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗇𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝖺𝗅𝗆𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝗋𝗎𝗇 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾𝗌. 𝖳𝗈𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝖭𝗈𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖭𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗀𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗆𝗇𝖾𝗒. 𝖧𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗀𝗀𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗍.𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗆𝗇𝖾𝗒 𝖨 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗇𝖾𝗋𝗏𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖭𝗈𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖾 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺 𝗉𝗎𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗆𝗇𝖾𝗒. 𝖨 𝗀𝖺𝗌𝗉𝗌. 𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗇𝗈𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗌.
𝖨 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗉𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝗈𝗇 𝖭𝗂𝖼𝗄'𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗌𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗄𝖾𝗌 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗄 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝗅𝗒.𝗉𝗈𝗈𝗋 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒 𝖨 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝗅𝗒. 𝖧𝖾 𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗌 𝗆𝖾 𝖺 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍 𝗌𝗆𝗂𝗅𝖾.
"𝖨'𝗅𝗅 𝗀𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝖼𝗈𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗉 𝖼𝗈𝗈𝗄𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖾𝗀𝗀𝗇𝗈𝗀 𝗈𝗄𝖺𝗒 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗂𝖾 " 𝖨 𝗌𝗆𝗂𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗆𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗌.
"𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎" 𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝗅𝗒
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Trying for Two
Part of my 500 Follower Celebration set in my SHAPE OF YOU AU
The Prompt: You and your husband begin talking about if you’re ready for baby number two. Steven, being the sneaky little shit he is, does everything he can covertly to make sure you conceive so he can get your milk-filled tits back
Requested by: a few lovely fellow heathen nonnies and the wonderful @fangirlfreakingout
Pairing: Steven x afab!reader, with background Marc x afab!reader and Jake x afab!reader, Reader is married to the system
Word Count: 2k (short but horny I promise!)
Spice-o-meter: 🌶🌶🌶, Rated Explicit, Minors DNI!
CW/TW: Talk of pregnancy, breastfeeding, lactation and conceiving, p in v sex, nipple play, lots o’dirty talk, daddy!kink, breeding kink, mention of bondage, unprotected sex, a smidge of unprotected cumplay
A/N: THANK YOU EVERYONE for the amazing response to last full, hope y’all enjoy this fun romp!! Our 🍈🍈 loving daddy!Steven is back in full force in this one, using his big brain and…other things for horny purposes!!
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It couldn’t have come at a more unexpected moment. You and Marc had finally wrestled Nyla down for bed and collapsed on the couch with the telly on, watching 8 Out Of 10 Cats of all things. Perhaps something on the quiz show had prompted Marc, inspired him to share with you, but you nearly dropped your wine glass when your husband remarked, seemingly out of nowhere, “It’d be good for Nyla to have a sibling.”
Out of the four of you, Marc had been the hold out on Baby Number Two. Steven had wanted another kid basically as soon as you’d popped Nyla out, and when you mentioned it to Jake about a year ago, he was on board. Understandably, Marc had his reservations. He was so protective of your daughter, and you knew however irrational it may be, Marc was petrified that a similar fate would befall his children as he and Randall. 
It was almost a blessing in disguise that Nyla had been a surprise, since she drastically reduced the potential overthinking about kids. Once you’d discovered a baby was already on the way, both of you knew wanted her without much doubt. 
You schooled your face to appear cavalier and casual, the last thing you wanted to do was spook him. “That’d be nice wouldn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” he agreed. 
“I’ll give Doctor Slater’s office a ring in the morning.” 
Your statement was a test. If Marc walked it back, then you knew he really wasn’t ready. But he didn’t say anything, so you took his lack of protest as confirmation. It was downright strenuous to keep your cool for the rest of the night and quell any urges to rejoice now that Marc had finally caved on another baby. 
It was not a surprise however to wake up next to Steven since he lectured on Wednesday mornings. When your alarm went off and you rolled into his arms, the first thing he whispered to you was “We’re having another baby.”
“We‘re having another baby,” you echoed with a wide grin. 
The two of you shared a chaste kiss, then Steven pulled you closer to him, no doubt for you to feel his morning wood. “What do you say we start trying right away?” 
It was a tempting idea, but it was also a miracle that Nyla hadn’t burst into your bedroom yet. 
“Later baby,” you promised him. “She’ll be up any minute.” 
Steven surrendered with another kiss. He was willing to wait…for now. 
This time conceiving was so different than with Nyla. There were cycle tracking apps, appointments with Dr. Slater, and not to mention a two-and-a-half year old to manage in the midst of everything. 
Most experts said the best way to ensure a pregnancy ASAP was to have sex everyday, which of course the boys were thrilled to hear. Even though you had no trouble getting hot for each other still, the difficulty was finding the time and energy. You had been back at work for a while now, and Nyla was non-stop. 
So Steven decided to take things into his own hands to help the process along. He started waking up extra early to jog on the mornings he fronted, since exercise supposedly helped sperm count. He threw out Marc’s beer and Jake’s “secret emergency” pack of cigarettes due to a study he’d read about them compromising one’s virility, royally pissing off his alters in the process. Your husband wouldn’t let you so much as move after sex either, fetching everything you’d desire to keep you still and try to increase conception. 
Disappointment was inevitable when you got your period the first month after you and your husband started trying for Baby Number Two. The last thing Steven wanted to do was put pressure on you, stress was the worst thing for fertility. Besides, he loved you and didn’t want you to feel like you were lacking in any capacity. 
He did however, intensify his covert conception efforts. He read that yams increase one’s chance of fertility and added it to the weekly shop. You were slightly puzzled that Steven was suddenly so keen on having sweet potatoes at least once a week for dinner, but Nyla liked them and your husband always offered to cook when you had them so you weren’t going to complain.
He also learned that morning sex was marginally better for conceiving, so he began waking you up with head so you’d be all pliant and open to sex first thing. Though that was no great effort on his part, his favorite thing to eat was your pussy. 
Obviously, Steven wanted to have another child with you because you were his soulmate, and the vision of two little pairs of feet pattering around your home never failed to choke him up. But there was another, more selfish, more horny reason he was so eager for you to get pregnant again. 
He’d hidden it well until you two had a date night. Nyla was at home with your trusted sitter Sam, and Steven took you to a restaurant on the river you both loved. Despite his steadfast commitment to veganism, your husband insisted on ordering oysters for the two of you (another fertility-friendly food, not to mention an aphrodisiac too). It hadn’t helped that you’d worn a low cut top that perfectly framed two of his very favorite parts of you. 
When you’d gotten home, you wanted to check on Nyla even though Sam had reported she’d fallen asleep a few hours ago without much fuss. Steven undressed in your bedroom while you kissed your daughter in hers, sporting a very prominent hard on by the time you joined him. 
“Mmmm, is that all for me, Doctor Grant?” You purred as you climbed on the bed and reached into his boxer-briefs. 
He answered you with a groan and crashed your lips together. 
“I think I’m feeling the effects of those oysters,” you lilted while you stripped out of your top and jeans. 
A devilish smirk spread across his lips. “Let’s hope so.” 
Steven had tremendous willpower, but all bets were off when he was inside of you and you talked dirty to him. 
“Oh yeah Daddy,” you moaned as he hammered his throbbing cock into your slick cunt. “You gonna fuck a baby into me?” 
“Mmhmm,” he responded, his tongue darting out to wet his lips while he pounded you from above. “Gonna shoot so deep in your pussy.” 
You whimpered, “Make me all big and swollen with your baby.” 
“Fuck…ungh, yeah,” he assented, and you clenched down around him, which short-circuited his brain “Can’t wait to watch you grow so big with Nyla’s little sibling.” 
You dug your fingertips into his biceps. “You’ll have to take good care of me when I do.” 
“Going to take the best care” he vowed. “I’ll rub your feet and shoulders, lick this tight little cunt whenever you want…and-ah-I’ll drink from your titties when they get too full.” 
There it was. Steven was bloody desperate to get your huge, milk-filled boobs back, and in his opinion, they couldn’t return soon enough. Thankfully, you were turned on enough to go with it without asking any questions for the time being. 
“Wanna start as soon as your milk comes in,” Steven revealed, cupping your boobs in his hands, trying to recall the size they’d grown to when you were breastfeeding. “We wasted so much time before.” 
“You can have as much as you like,” you told him, mewling when he licked over a nipple. 
Steven straightened up and hoisted your hips to wrap your legs around his waist, effectively putting you into a version of a bridge yoga pose. The switch in position made him even more frantic as he watched your boobs bounce harder from the force of his thrusts. 
“Good, because Daddy needs his milk,” he rambled. “Need to bury my face between your huge, dripping titties, suck all of your sweet milk down.” 
You keened at the image your husband described as he speared you on his cock, the incline allowing his pubic bone to grind against your clit just right. “Ohhh honey, gonna come.”
He spurred you on. “Yeah? You gonna come for Daddy?” 
“Uh huh!” You shrieked as your climax surged through you, the force of it strong enough to white out your vision for a moment. That didn’t stop you from babbling, “Come on, Daddy, fill me up with your cum…give me that big load.” 
“Bloody hell,” he swore. Steven was so aroused by your back-and-forth he could hardly keep his grip on your hips while he hurdled toward his release. “Want me to pump you full?” 
“Please,” you whined through the haze of your post-orgasmic fog. 
Steven came so hard he was sure that he triggered a switch, since he had no memory of flopping down on the bed next to you. As soon as he came back to himself and waved a thank-you in the mirror toward Jake who presumably laid him down, Steven scrambled upright in bed, fighting off the lethargy that always followed a particularly good orgasm. 
“Don’t. Move.” He whipped back the blankets to make sure none of his cum had leaked out of you. 
Your husband did in fact spotted a little drop trickling from your hole, and swiftly collected it on his finger to push it back in. A little whimper escaped you when Steven did, still sensitive from your climax. “Sorry babe, but we gotta make sure it takes.” 
“We only just started trying,” you countered. 
“True, but we’ve already waited ‘cause of Marc,” he pointed out, rising from the bed to grab both of your pajamas. “We’re also not getting any younger, you know?”
Part of you wanted to slap Steven for making even the faintest reference that you were aging, but it was then you started to put two and two together. “Is that why you wanted to try out bondage last week? Because if you tied me to the bed I wouldn’t move after sex?” 
“No!” he denied while pulling on the old UCL t-shirt and boxers he slept in. 
Your husband was a lot of things: brilliant, nurturing, incredible in bed, but one thing Steven was not was a good liar. 
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed. “The morning runs, the oysters…it’s all to make sure you knock me up!” 
Steven blushed. Come to think of it, his body was in great shape for its age, and most people were having kids later. Doctor Slater didn’t have any concerns on your end either. So when the source of his enthusiasm dawned on you, you couldn't believe you hadn’t reazlied it sooner. 
Unlike your husband, you weren’t in a tremendous rush to get pregnant. “You want my big boobs back as soon as possible!”  
“I…” Steven had no leg to stand on. 
You obscured the breasts in question when you pulled on your nightie. “Steven Grant!” 
“Shh!” The last thing either of you two needed was Nyla waking up. “I’m sorry, alright? And no, I don’t want to conceive as soon as possible only because we’ll get to…you know…revisit everything we enjoyed when Nyla was born. I do truly want another kid.”
It was impossible to stay cross with Steven when he spoke to you like that, his eyes so earnest and vulnerable. “I know, I know. But, you just…you didn’t need to be so sneaky! I’d expect that shit from Jake, but you?”
“I’m cunning too!” he protested. Leave it to him to get defensive about the strangest things.
“You are, but in other ways usually,” you relented, pulling the blankets back up again. Steven followed suit when you settled yourself against the pillows, turning off the lamp on his nightstand. You laid next to him in the dark for all ten seconds before you asked, “do you think it took?”
He shrugged “Dunno, but I can’t remember the last time I came that much.” 
It more thoroughly debauched sex, but soon you, your husband, and Nyla were celebrating the confirmation that Baby Number Two was well on their way. 
Taglist: @twwcs @rmoonstoner , @hot-mess-express1 @murdickdocked @toracainz @saahmi @unspokenmoon @winterbiipp @avatarofseshat @ilikeoldermenhelp, @losers-club6 , @harrys-tittie , @ninebluehearts , @lucianadraven32 , @dawnsutopia , @strawberry1042 @nikitawolfxo @stormkobra-5
A/N: It’s baby number two time!! This one came out quickly and while it’s not exactly the 10k fuckfest my last one was I know it was a popular fill so I hope everyone enjoyed!!
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haderberkman · 4 years
Officer Slater Masterlist
All Thanks To McLovin
It’s Just A Crush
Can I Buy You A Beer
You’re Alright New Girl
I Want This
I’m Making You Breakfast
I Can’t Do This Anymore
I’m Sorry, Please Come Home (smut)
Get The Hell Outta Here
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chompachompa · 4 years
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None of Bills characters can cook, and you know it.
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porkbumh · 3 years
the thought of the shadyside killers being able to see what harm theyre causing has been super heavy on my noggin recently aka i have no other excuse for writing this for — fear street 1978, gender neutral reader x tommy slater
There was always this unspoken secret about Camp Nightwing, and the feeling that something was missing to the story. It was a known tale around Shadyside — the massacre that happened in 1978. People still talked about it and the other horror stories that surrounded their town.
But, still. Pieces weren’t exactly coming together, and no one could figure out why. But, she knew. C. Berman knew the truth.
So, when two kids and their possessed friend-slash-girlfriend stumbled into her house, frantically going on about the things they’d seen, she decided to tell them the truth.
“I’m not the only survivor,” she said. Her hands were already trembling, voice shaking with the memories that always flashed in her mind when she closed her eyes. Deena and Josh looked at each other then back to her. “I’m not the only one who escaped death that night.”
And then she began to tell them about you. Y/N Y/L/N — a Camp Nightwing survivor that was hidden away from the world.
“She just attacked you out of nowhere?” You were holding an ice pack to Thomas Slater’s head as he and Cindy Berman spoke to police. You paused your movements at his wince. “Sorry, I know it’s still tender.”
“S’okay, Y/N,” he opened his eyes slightly to smile at you. Tommy let out a sigh of relief — you looked down to see that Cindy had grabbed his hand. You bit your lip but moved your gaze when he spoke again. “I don’t know what happened. She just came out of nowhere, and…”
Tommy took in a shuddering breath, eyes fully open as he stared at the ground. Cindy took over for him then, telling the officer everything she witnessed. Confusion was prominent in her eyes as she recalled Nurse Lane’s attack.
You patted the ice pack onto Tommy’s head gently once more, attempting to soothe the ache you knew was present. He let out another sigh, leaning his head against your shoulder briefly as Nurse Lane was lead away from the scene.
“She said something that bothers me.” Tommy spoke up. Cindy’s mind was still wandering, but they were still holding hands — you tried your best to avoid looking at that. He sat up, looking at you now with a scared expression. “Said that I was going to die tonight.”
“Not on my watch, you won’t,” you argued. Your lips pursed into a pout automatically, eyebrows falling into a scowl at the words. “Thomas Slater is not allowed to die until I do. We made that promise when we were younger, remember?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, “yeah, I remember.” He squeezed Cindy’s hand as his eyes stayed on you. “I’m not breaking that promise anytime soon, don’t worry.”
You simply muttered out a, “better not,” as the bell for dinner rang. The three of you stood up, heading to the mess hall.
A flash of red hair caught your attention as you watched Ziggy Berman stomp away from the dining hall. You paused, exchanging looks with Tommy and Cindy. You nodded your head in her direction, “I’ll check on her, you two go ahead.”
“You sure?” Tommy asked immediately. He looked between you and Cindy, frowning at you briefly. “You don’t have to go alone.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’ll be fine. You two go eat and I’ll see you before the Color War. Got it?”
Cindy nodded, sending her thanks through a smile. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to talk to her sister — Cindy wanted nothing more. But, recently, she and Ziggy weren’t seeing eye-to-eye and argued every time they were together.
Sometimes, all Ziggy needed was someone to listen. And, that’s what you did — you listened to every complaint and whine she spewed out and left it at that. Sometimes you’d give her advice, but you didn’t lecture her like Cindy tended to.
Tommy unlatched his and Cindy’s hands, reaching out to pat you on the head. His pointer finger tapped your nose, a habit he picked up when you were both younger. Tommy smiled before saying softly, “see you soon.”
“It’s exhausting to watch you, you know.”
You paused, hand still on the door to Ziggy’s cabin as she stirred something in a bucket. You blinked as she looked up at you quickly with a smirk. She spoke up again, “with Tommy. It’s getting a little ridiculous at this point, Y/N.”
Sighing, you rolled your eyes before stepping all the way into the cabin, shutting the door behind you. You sat beside her on the bed, peering down into the red substance in the bucket. You raised a brow, “Carrie?”
“She’s lucky I don’t have actual blood.” Is all Ziggy said. She glanced at you again, “and don’t change the subject. You can’t avoid this forever.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Zig.”
“Oh, please,” she rolled her eyes. Ziggy stilled her stirring so she could stare you down. She might’ve been younger, but the red-head was far more intimidating than you let her know. “You have the hots for Tommy and you always have.”
“Uh,” your throat felt parched. Maybe it was no secret — the little crush you had on your best friend — but it was still jarring to hear someone else mention it. “You know he’s dating your sister, right?”
“And?” Ziggy poured a different color of red into the bucket, making the pigment darker. “No one ever said they were in love, or whatever.”
“And who said I am?”
“In love?” Ziggy let out a snort at that, rolling her eyes again. They’re going to stuck like that one day, you thought in annoyance. I hope they do. She turned her attention back to you again, fully this time. “You look at Tommy like the world could stop at any minute and you wouldn’t notice. You’ve got it bad, Y/N.”
And maybe that was true. Maybe you were a little more than in love with Tommy Slater. A little too eager to be around your best friend. A little too attached to someone who had a girlfriend.
You couldn’t deny it, though — you never did. You always knew about your feelings but you never acted on them — probably never would.
“I hate you.” You said with a scowl.
Ziggy let out a harsh, barking laugh as she threw her head back. “Yeah, sure.”
“They’re good for each other,” you decided to say. Because they were — Tommy and Cindy were picture perfect and you’d do anything to keep him happy. You twirled your fingers around a stray string, not meeting Ziggy’s eyes. “And they like each other. He’s happy and that’s enough.”
Ziggy paused, elbows leaning on her knees as she sat hunched over the paint bucket. You still wouldn’t meet her eyes, but you could tell she was staring at you. “You’re a lot nicer than I am. I would’ve taken what I wanted with no thought.”
“Yeah, well, you’re not me and I’m not you.” You nudged her playfully before standing. You stretched, letting out a sigh as you patted your tummy. “I’m going to go have a late dinner. Catch you at Color War?”
“Maybe,” Ziggy called as you exited her cabin.
As you left, Nick Goode passed by you. A shiver ran through your spine as he glanced at you. Out of all of the Sunnyvaler’s, the Goodes always had a strange aura around them.
It felt evil.
A dark blue t-shirt was tucked into your high-waisted shorts, the words Shadyside in blocky, white letters. The socks you wore were a faded green, but they were mostly covered by your white shoes, so you didn’t really mind.
The woods were quiet as you traveled through them. As the sun settled, a small chill ran through the air. You found yourself wishing you’d brought your hoodie with you — the orange one you’d stolen from Tommy years ago. The thought of him made you smile before it faded into a frown — where’d he go, anyways?
Faintly, you thought you could hear the bell ringing at the mess hall. But, that couldn’t be right. That bell didn’t ring unless it was time for food, or an emergency.
Then you heard the screams.
Pausing, you stood quietly and as still as you could. Another scream rang around the woods followed by the sound of panicked, scattered footsteps. What the hell was happening?
Shuffles could be heard by you — staggering, heavy footsteps that seemed like they were coming right towards you. You didn’t move an inch, hoping it was just a wild animal that would zoom by you.
And then you could see a red flannel with a yellow tank-top underneath. The same yellow  shirt you’d bought him for his birthday. You relaxed, the sigh you let out sounding strangely like his name. “Tommy.”
He staggered closer slowly, eyes vacant but held focused on you. That was when the moonlight caught the shine of the double-ended ax he held. The smile dropped from your face at the red that was splattered on his figure.
“Tommy?” You gulped. He charged, backing you into the tree behind you. Eyes — bluer than any sky you’d seen — were void and empty and barren. It hurt to see him like this, hurt to think of what could’ve happened to cause Tommy to break. “Jesus, fuck!”
You held your breath as the ax brushed against your throat. Terror rolled over you as you kept your gaze locked on Tommy’s, staring him down as he held the weapon to your neck.
The ax shook in his hold, his eyes glitching to a brighter color as a tear slipped down his cheek.
“Go,” he choked out. Fighting against himself, Thomas Slater dropped his arms so that you were no longer facing the ax. “You… have to leave.”
You trembled against the tree, the bark digging into your back as the tears of fear and dread slowly crept down your cheeks. “Tommy, what happened? What’s going on?”
It was dumb, you knew, to just stand there. But, you had to know — had to get answers. Your sweet, kind best friend wouldn’t just decide to go on a killing spree. Especially at the camp he adored.
“Go,” he repeated. Slowly, Tommy’s right hand raised. He tapped the tip of your nose with his pointer finger, smearing God knows who’s blood onto your face.
Even slower, he slid that same hand to cradle your cheek. Another tear left his eye as you choked on your own sobs. The last words Thomas Slater spoke to you echoed as you did as you were told and ran.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
You had ran from Camp Nightwing all the way back to Shadyside. Of course, you had to go to Sunnyvale to report the crime, but there was still a familiarity of being home.
Once white shoes were painted with red as they scraped against the concrete. You had stumbled onto a few dead bodies as you ran, the screams Tommy caused still echoing from the woods. It made you nauseous — knowing who was causing the camp’s terror.
Is Ziggy alive? You thought as you trudged on. Cindy? Alice? Is anyone still alive? Did anyone get away? What happens now? What about Tommy?
That one question repeated in your mind as the police station popped into view — what’s going to happen to Tommy?
You were there. You were there and you were present. But, nothing felt real. Not the ringing phones or the overlapping voices.
You couldn’t even tell if the tears sliding down your face continuously were real.
“...help you?” You blinked, coming back from the haze in your mind. An officer was standing in front of you now. “Can I help you?”
Finally lifting your head, you sniffled. The person in front of you gasped, seeing the splotches of red scattered across your face. Most of the blood was gone, anyways. Traces of tears had replaced it, but the gentle touch of Tommy still lingered.
“I’d like to report an accident.”
C. Berman — Ziggy, as she revealed — looked at the two teens as her story came to an end. Deena had a new perspective of the killers of Shadyside and more questions she wanted answers to.
It was Josh who broke the tense silence. “How do you know all this?”
Ziggy smiled lightly, staring down at the journal she held. She traced a picture of you and Tommy smiling at each other, tears briefly frosting her eyesight.
“They call on the anniversary. July 12th is the hardest day of the year for all of us,” she admitted. You’d be calling soon, she knew. Because Tommy’s birthday was soon and that was also a bad day for you. Ziggy sighed, “no one else remembers Y/N, though. But I think that’s a good thing. Allowed them to leave — to get away from this hellhole.”
Deena glanced into the bathroom where her ex-or-maybe-her-girlfriend was chained up. “He remembered them. He was possessed, under the curse, but Y/N brought him back. Even if it was just for a second.” She looked back to Ziggy, “how?”
Letting out a small laugh, Ziggy couldn’t help but smile through her tears. “Like I said, Y/N was head over heels for that boy.”
“And he felt the same?”
“How couldn’t he?” Ziggy’s smile grew remorseful. She often thought of what could’ve been — thought of what should’ve happened between you and Tommy. You deserved a happy life with him, more than anything. She looked down at the journal, “I’ll help you stop this. For Y/N and Tommy. For Cindy.”
Deena and Josh exchanged looks again before nodding. This was no longer just about Sam — this was personal. This was for Shadyside; for the ones like you and Tommy who weren’t allowed their happiness.
“For Y/N and Tommy.”[part two]
— im sad now bye
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years
Domestic Slater Headcanons
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A/N: Requested by @softcore-satan
Slater would be ready to ask you to move in after only a few months. Michaels ends having to convince him to give it more time. 
Michaels likes you but he is extremely protective of Slater and doesn't want to see him get hurt again like he was in his first marriage. 
In the end there's no real conversation about moving in together, you two just kind of start cohabitating. 
 Like at some point you both realize that you've spent the last three weeks straight at his apartment and your makeup is on his bathroom counter and he gets this warm feeling because of it. 
Slater really likes to cook and he's not half bad at it either. He doesn't usually have a lot of time for it though. 
He loves cooking dinner for you though. Like on your birthday/anniversary/you just had a bad week you can expect to come home and find him making your favorite dinner. 
You usually make his lunch though and put notes for him in with his food. Michael's roast him about it and Slater acts like he puts up with it but really he loves it and would be very upset if you stopped. 
He is the kind of guy who acts like he puts up with soft things to get laid but really he loves them. 
Hot tea with honey? Only because his girl buys it. Bubble baths/bath bombs? Only if it means he gets to see you naked. 
You both know he loves soft things but you let him use you as his excuse because you know how insecure about it he gets. 
His dad and his ex use to make fun of him for being soft and now he has a masculinity complex so you give him a safe environment to be himself in. ;-;
FYI he loves when you guys take baths together and he especially loves when you wash his hair! 
Actually he loves when you run your fingers through it or just generally play with his hair anyway. It relaxes him. 
Outside of work Slater wears lots of soft flannels and band shirts with old blue jeans. He is a comfy man. 
And of course you can't help but steal his shirts/flannels all the time. He acts like it annoys him but really he can't get enough of seeing you in his clothes. 
He is not a morning person at all! It takes the smell of coffee brewing in the kitchen to drag him out of bed.
You guys try and split housework evenly but he works such changing hours that who does what changes just about every week. 
The two of you don't fight very often at all but when you do fight you fight! Like screaming, crying fights and Slater will end up going to Michaels to drink and talk it out. By the time he gets home you're both crying again and apologizing. 
There isn't one room or piece of furniture in the apartment that you two haven't had sex in/on. Sorry, I don't make the rules. 
Slater is pretty handy around the house, or at least he tries to be. He refuses to admit if he can't fix something for days until you finally just have to call someone behind his back to fix it. 
You try and have at least one night a week where the two of you just stay on the couch with take out and watch movies after work. 
Slater loves shows like Ridiculousness and South Park but he also loves to watch true crime shows so he can make fun of the cops on the shows. 
He and Michaels also have a guys night every week or so though and always end up calling you at 2 or 3 am to come get them because they can't drive home. 
You'd be correct in thinking that Michaels knows every detail about your relationship. 
But it's okay because its just part of being with Slater and you wouldn't give that up for anything.
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