#Odd Obsession
audiemurphy1945 · 1 year
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Odd Obsession(1959)
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Tatsuya Nakadai in Odd Obsession (Kon Ichikawa, 1959) Cast: Machiko Kyo, Ganjiro Nakamura, Junko Kano, Tatsuya Nakadai, Tanie Kitabayashi, Ichiro Sugai, Mantaro Ushio, Jun Hamamura. Screenplay: Keiji Hasebe, Kon Ichikawa, Notto Wada, based on a novel by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki. Cinematography: Kazuo Miyagawa. Music: Yasushi Akutagawa. As with so many foreign-language films, the English title Odd Obsession seems to miss the mark a little, but the Japanese title, Kagi, which means "The Key," also seems a little off-target, even though it was taken from the novel on which the film was based. If I were retitling it, I'd call the film something like "The Jealousy Cure," which is not only in keeping with the plot but is also supported by the way the film opens, as if presenting a case study: We see a man (Tatsuya Nakadai) in a physician's white coat standing before an anatomy chart, speaking directly at the camera. He describes the various effects of aging on the body before turning away to enter the action of the scene. We learn that he is Kimura, an intern in the clinic of Dr. Soma (Jun Hamamura), who is treating a post-middle-aged man, Kenji Kenmochi (Ganjiro Nakamura), for sexual dysfunction. The doctor advises Kenji that the injections he has been giving him are probably ineffective, and that he should try to find other ways of dealing with the problem. Kimura has also been dating Kenji's daughter, Toshiko (Junko Kano), and he has let slip to her that her father is seeing Dr. Soma. She passes the information along to her mother, Ikuko (Machiko Kyo), whom we then see visiting Dr. Soma to find out if there is something she can do for her husband. It's an awkward encounter: Ikuko is rather embarrassed by the subject of their sex life, but she resolves to do what she can to help. Kenji then discovers that his libido is stirred by the thought of anyone having sex with his much younger wife, and when Kimura comes to dinner, Kenji begins to plot ways of bringing his wife and the young and handsome intern together. As Kimura and Ikuko begin an affair -- the key from the Japanese title is the one she gives Kimura to the back gate -- Kenji's sex drive reawakens, with the added consequence of dangerously elevating his blood pressure. Odd Obsession is not so much a case study, however, as an ironic dark comedy, one in which the follies of the various characters lead to what might be a tragic conclusion if viewed from another angle than the one Ichikawa chooses. It's also a showcase for the versatility of Nakadai and Kyo, who reteamed seven years later for the more serious The Face of Another (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1966). I think Ichikawa is a little too interested in "trying things out," such as the opening segue from breaking the fourth wall into starting the action of the film, or the freeze frames that interrupt the action in the opening section, tricks that don't feel consistent with the rest of Odd Obsession.
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doctorhomo · 4 months
no one gives rose tyler enough credit for being a proper fucking weirdo. obviously her and the doctor are completely deranged about each other from day 1, but i mean just as a person she’s a weirdo. she saw the sky was full of zeppelins and her instinct was “oh that’s beautiful 🥹” girl it’s BLIMPS ???
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
frank is such a fucking ICON. gets caught in a pit trap at 10 AM and by 5 he’s already convinced bill to let him into his compound, feed him, bathe him, clothe him, sing to him, and fall in love with him. all before he even asked bill’s NAME
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 Kon Ichikawa - Odd Obsession, 1959
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winxys · 1 year
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ODD EYE CIRCLE Air Force One (2023)
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themortaldraw · 6 months
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to rewind by @soybean-official is required reading. sorry i make the rules now
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darknessangel · 5 months
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A Vrisrezi drawing from the summer that I never posted for some reason
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epikhightechnology · 2 months
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Pete for @lu-sn 🖤
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never-looked-so-good · 6 months
📷 @/scuderiaferrari
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appleleef · 9 months
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celestie0 · 3 months
ellie’s millionth gojo x reader idea
i rly wanna write an au (have sort of already started) where gojo works as a babysitter (idk for why yet, maybe another au where he just really needs the money or something haha) and he starts babysitting yuuji (who is just five years old) and the kid’s an absolute MENACE so gojo is ab to rip his hair off tryna keep an eye on him. and then you’re yuuji’s hot older sister who’s in grad school and is incredibly off limits bc gojo’s so screwed if your mom finds out he has the hots for you n she would kill him (then fire him) if he made a move on you. also did i mention he really needs the money 😔
i’m just picturing gojo not knowing how to cook anything for yuuji other than microwaved dino nuggets and he has to write yuuji’s allergies on the back of his hand w marker so he doesn’t forget he’s only allowed to give the kid almond butter and not peanut butter or else he WILL GO INTO ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK. also he’s always staring at the pics of you that your mom hung up on the fridge (your 4-year uni grad photos) n he knows he’s not supposed to contact you unless it’s an emergency bc you’re a busy woman but he texts you all the time anyways (stupid shit all day like “hey where does yuuji keep his light up sneakers he really wants to wear them to school today” n you’re at your wits end like “…second cabinet from the left”)
for christmas you come down to visit and he’s biting his fist to make sure he doesn’t flirt with you in front of your mom n all your relatives at the table during the family holiday dinner (kiddo yuuji begged for gojo to be invited too) n then things get hot n heavy when gojo goes upstairs to grab something for your mom n he accidentally runs into you changing in your old bedroom n idK I ONLY HAD ONE SENTENCE PLANNED BUT I KEPT TYPING THIS OUT PLS
idk basically lots of “no way, your mom would kill me if i laid a finger on you” but he has a death wish so he does it anyway
🧍🏻‍♀️adding to my very long list of wips
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ryuubff · 5 months
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band room practice (oblivious yearning edition)
hes slowly getting there !!!!!!!!!!! really..... slowly........!! but it's something !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this happens like a little bit after the frog comic thing . they're friends but also not really? they can't really get a gauge on each other just yet
close ups below the cut :3
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they're just two puppies....
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don't forget the kitty !!!!!!!!!!
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girlscapitalism · 10 months
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ODD EYE CIRCLE Singles Magazine, Sept. 2023
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aromantic-diaries · 9 months
You know. I'm personally not that annoyed with allo people who are obsessed with romance. Yeah, romance is an emotional need for the majority of people but not me and that's okay
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neosatsuma · 2 months
I love to imagine how exactly John might use Arthur's eyes that's so odd; both the policemen at the lighthouse and the Butcher on the train note something unusual about his gaze. Does John look at things for the "wrong" amounts of time? Move his eyes in unusual patterns? Not move his eyes much at all, using them more like clear windows?
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