#Octyl Alcohol
kunalp1234 · 1 year
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sinolandchem-leo · 25 days
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Dear Friend,
I'm Leo from SinolandChem , we are Chemical suppliers in China.High-quality chemical raw materials from China We don't just provide chemicals, if you need other products, I would be happy to help you.
I think you will be interested in the most cost-effective chemical raw materials from China, Please feel free to contact me via the business card below. please check our product list.
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Below are some of our high-quality chemical products
emulsion explosives, detonators, detonating cords, detonators, industrial ammonium nitrate, porous ammonium nitrate
Ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵 6484-52-2 3102300000 【PPAN、CPAN】 硝酸铵 6484-52-2 3102300000 Sodium nitrate 硝酸钠 7631-99-4 3102500000 Sodium nitrite 亚硝酸钠 7632-00-0 2834100000 Ternary molten salt 三元熔盐
Iodine 碘颗粒/粉末 7553-56-2 2801200000 Bromine 溴 7726-95-6 2801302000 Benzene 苯 71-43-2 2902200000 Sulfur 硫磺 7704-34-9 2503000000 Liquid chlorine 液氯 7782-50-5 2801100000 Hydrogen peroxide 双氧水 7722-84-1 2847000000 hydrogen 氢气 1333-74-0 2804100000 nitrogen 氮气 7727-37-9 2804300000 Aniline 苯胺 122-98-5 2921411000 Phenol 苯酚 108-95-2 2907111000 Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素 9004-70-0 39122011 Acetone 丙酮 67-64-1 2914110000 Sodium cyanide 氰化钠 143-33-9 2837111000 Morpholine 吗啉 110-91-8 2934 99 90 Sodium azide 叠氮化钠 26628-22-8 28500060 Sodium sulfide 硫化钠 1313-82-2 2830101000 Sodium hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢钠 16721-80-5 2830109000
Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素 9004-70-0 3912200000 Activated carbon 活性炭 7440-44-0 3802101000/3802109000 Coal, barbecue coal 煤炭,烧烤炭 125612-26-2 7321890000 Glass powder 玻璃粉 14808-60-7 3207400000
Titanium dioxide 钛白粉 13463-67-7 3206111000 "Pharmaceutical intermediates" 医药中间体 96-53-7 Resins 树脂 201058-08-4 3506990000 Coatings 涂料 3208901011 Formaldehyde 甲醛 50-00-0 2912110000 Cresol 甲酚 1319-77-3 2907121900 Styrene 苯乙烯 100-42-5 2902500000 Stannic octoate 辛酸亚锡 301-10-0 2915900090 Tetrahydrofuran 四氢呋喃 109-99-9 2932110000 Trimethylamine 三甲胺 75-50-3 2921110090 Dimethyl ether 二甲醚 115-10-6 2909191000 Butyraldehyde 正丁醛 123-72-8 2912 19 00 Glutaraldehyde 戊二醛 111-30-8 29121900 Petroleum ether 石油醚 8030-30-6 2710123000 Methylal 甲缩醛 109-87-5 2911 00 00 Xylene 二甲苯 95-47-6 29024100 Adhesives 胶黏剂 Xanthan gum 黄原胶 11138-66-2 32139000 Lime nitrogen 石灰氮 156-62-7 31029010 Sodium fluoride 氟化钠 7681-49-4 2826192010 Diethanolamine 二乙醇胺 111-42-2 2922120001 Caprolactam 己内酰胺 105-60-2 29337100 Melamine 三聚氰胺 108-78-1 2933610000 Bisphenol A 双酚A -80-05-7 2907230001 Plastics 塑料 9002-84-0 39046100 Glycerin 甘油 56-81-5 29054500 Furfuryl alcohol 糠醇 98-00-0 2932 13 00 Furfural 糠醛 CAS: 98-01-1 2932 12 00 Paraformaldehyde 多聚甲醛 30525-89-4 2912600000 Polyphosphoric acid 多聚磷酸 8017-16-1 28092000 Acid dextrin 酸性糊精 9004-53-9 35051000 Nitrobenzene 硝基苯 804-36-4 2904201000
Hydrochloric acid 盐酸 7647-01-0 28061000 Nitric acid 硝酸 7697-37-2 28080000 Sulfuric acid 硫酸 7664-93-9 2807000010 Phosphoric acid 磷酸 7664-38-2 2809201100 Oxalic acid 草酸 144-62-7 2917111000 Acetic acid 醋酸 64-19-7 29152100 Formic acid 甲酸 64-18-6 2915110000 Propionic acid 丙酸 CAS: 79-09-4 2915501000 Iodic acid 碘酸 7782-68-5 28111980 Sulfuric acid 硫磺酸 107-35-7 29211980 Tartaric acid 酒石酸 526-83-0 2918120000 Industrial oleic acid 工业油酸 112-80-1 29161500 Adipic acid 己二酸 124-04-9 2917120001 Isooctanoic acid 异辛酸 149-57-5 29159080 Methanol 甲醇 67-56-1 2905110000 Ethanol 乙醇 64-17-5 2207100000 Propanol 丙醇 71-23-8 2905121000 Butanediol 丁二醇 19132-06-0 2905399002 Octyl alcohol 辛醇 111-87-5 2905161000 Propylene glycol 丙二醇 57-55-6 2905320000 Ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯 141-78-6 2915310000
Potassium nitrate 硝酸钾 7757-79-1 2834219000 Magnesium nitrate 硝酸镁 10377-60-3 2834299090120 Copper nitrate 硝酸铜 3251-23-8 2834299090129 Aluminum nitrate 硝酸铝 13473-90-0 2834299090122 Iron nitrate 硝酸铁 10421-48-4 2834299090126 Zinc nitrate 硝酸锌 7779-88-6 2834299090114 Strontium nitrate 硝酸锶 10042-76-9 2834299090110 Barium nitrate 硝酸钡 10022-31-8 28342990 Lithium nitrate 硝酸锂 7790-69-4 2834299090104 Lead nitrate 硝酸铅 10099-74-8 2834299090118 Rubidium nitrate 硝酸铷 13126-12-0 28342980 Cesium nitrate 硝酸铯 7789-18-6 2834299090108 Chromium nitrate 硝酸铬 13548-38-4 2834299090124 Cobalt nitrate 硝酸钴 10141-05-6 2834299090 Silver nitrate 硝酸银 7761-88-8 28432100 Manganese nitrate 硝酸锰 10377-66-9 2834299090125
Potassium chloride 氯化钾 7447-40-7 3104209000 Sodium chloride 氯化钠 7647-14-5 2501001900 Magnesium chloride 氯化镁 7786-30-3 2827310000 Ferric chloride 氯化铁 7705-08-0 2827399000113 Calcium chloride 氯化钙 10043-52-4 2827200000 Aluminum chloride 氯化铝 7446-70-0 2827320000 Zinc chloride 氯化锌 7646-85-7 2827399000124 Ammonium chloride 氯化铵 12125-02-9 2827101000/2827109000 Cobalt chloride 氯化钴 7646-79-9 2827393000 Chromium chloride 氯化铬 10025-73-7 28273985 Cesium chloride 氯化铯 7647-17-8 28273980 Silver chloride 氯化银 7783-90-6 2843290090102
Sodium sulfate 硫酸钠 7757-82-6 28331100 Magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁 7487-88-9 2833210000 Ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 7783-20-2 3102210000 Potassium sulfate 硫酸钾 7778-80-5 3104300000 Calcium sulfate 硫酸钙 7778-18-9 28332980 Silver sulfate 硫酸银 10294-26-5 28432900 Chromium sulfate 硫酸铬 10101-53-8 2833292000 Chromium formate 甲酸铬 27115-36-2 2915120000 Cobalt sulfate 硫酸钴 10026-24-1 2833299010
Sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠 1310-73-2 2815110000 Potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾 1310-58-3 2815200000 Magnesium hydroxide 氢氧化镁 1309-42-8 2816100090 Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙 1305-62-0 2825 90 19 Iron hydroxide 氢氧化铁 1309-33-7 2821100000102
Sodium carbonate 碳酸钠 497-19-8 2836200000 Potassium carbonate 碳酸钾 584-08-7 2836400000102 Calcium carbonate 碳酸钙 471-34-1 2836500000 Silver carbonate 碳酸银 534-16-7 28432900 Sodium percarbonate 过碳酸钠 15630-89-4 2836999000 Sodium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠 144-55-8 2836300000 Sodium arsenite 亚砷酸钠 7784-46-5 2842909013
Ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 1066-33-7 2836994000102 Diammonium phosphate 磷酸二铵 7783-28-0 31053000 Sodium phosphate 磷酸钠 7558-79-4 3105300090 Trisodium phosphate 磷酸三钠 7601-54-9 2835291000 Potassium phosphate 磷酸钾 53006-98-7 28352910 Potassium pyrophosphate 焦磷酸钾 7320-34-5 28353990 Tripotassium phosphate 磷酸三钾 7778-53-2 2835240000104 Aluminum phosphate 磷酸铝 7784-30-7 2835299000103 Calcium phosphate 磷酸钙 7758-87-4 28352600
Potassium chlorate 氯酸钾 CAS: 3811-04-9 2829191000 Sodium chlorate 氯酸钠 CAS: 7775-09-9 2829110000 Barium chlorate 氯酸钡 10294-38-9 2829199000 Sodium hypochlorite 次氯酸钠 7681-52-9 2828900000 Sodium chlorite 亚氯酸钠 7758-19-2 2828900000103 Calcium hypochlorite 次氯酸钙 7778-54-3 2828100000
Sodium perchlorate 高氯酸钠 7601-89-0 2829900090103 Potassium perchlorate 高氯酸钾 7778-74-7 2829900020 Ammonium perchlorate 高氯酸铵 7790-98-9 2829900090 Potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾 7778-50-9 2841500000 Sodium dichromate 重铬酸钠 10588-01-9 2841500000
Tellurium Te 碲 Te 13494-80-9 2804500001 Indium In 铟 In 7440-74-6 8112 99 70 Gallium Ga 镓 Ga 7440-55-3 81129290 Cadmium Cd 镉 Cd 7440-43-9 8107 20 00 Antimony Sb 锑 Sb 7440-36-0 8110102000 Phosphorus P 磷 P 7723-14-0 28047000 Arsenic As 砷 As 7440-38-2 2804800000 Aluminum Al 铝 Al 7429-90-5 7603100010 Beryllium Be 铍 Be 7440-41-7 8112120000 Copper Cu 铜 Cu 7440-50-8 74081100 germanium Ge 锗 Ge 7440-56-4 28053090 Zinc Zn 锌 Zn 7440-66-6 7904 00 00 Tin Sn 锡 Sn 7440-31-5 8003000000 Mercury Hg 汞 Hg 7439-97-6 2805400000
Copper oxide 氧化铜 1317-38-0 28255000 Iron oxide 氧化铁 1309-37-1 2821100000 Aluminum oxide 氧化铝 1344-28-1 2818200000
Niobium pentoxide Nb2O5 五氧化二铌 Nb2O5 1313-96-8 2825904910 Zirconium dioxide ZrO2 二氧化锆 ZrO2 1314-23-4 2825600090 Tantalum pentoxide Ta2O5 五氧化二钽 Ta2O5 1314-61-0 28259085 Titanium pentoxide Ti3O5 五氧化三钛 Ti3O5 12065-65-5 2823000000 Zinc sulfide ZnS 硫化锌 ZnS 1314-98-3 28309085 Silicon dioxide SiO2 二氧化硅 SiO2 14808-60-7 2811229000
Gallium antimonide GaSb 锑化镓 GaSb 12064-03-8 2853909029 Indium antimonide InSb 锑化铟 InSb 1312-41-0 3818009000 Cadmium telluride CdTe 碲化镉 CdTe 1306-25-8 2842902000 Bismuth telluride Bi2Te3 碲化铋 Bi2Te3 1304-82-1 2842909090 Gallium telluride Ga2Te3 碲化镓 Ga2Te3 12024-14-5 8106001091 Zinc telluride ZnTe 碲化锌 ZnTe 1315-11-3 CdZnTe 碲锌镉 CdZnTe 8107900000 Indium Phosphide InP 磷化铟 InP Germanium phosphide GeP 磷化锗 GeP Cadmium selenide CdSe 硒化镉 CdSe 1306-24-7 2842909023 Germanium sulfide Ge2S3 硫化锗 Ge2S3 12025-32-0 8112991000 Steel gallium tin InGaSn 钢镓锡 InGaSn Antimony dioxide SbO2 二氧化锑 SbO2 2025820 28112900 Indium trioxide In2O3 三氧化二铟 In2O3 Germanium dioxide GeO2 二氧化锗 GeO2 1310-53-8 2825 60 00 Bismuth trioxide Bi2O3 三氧化二铋 Bi2O3 1304-76-3 2825902100 Tellurium dioxide Te02 二氧化碲 Te02 2025820 28112900 Gallium trioxide Ga2O3 三氧化二镓 Ga2O3 12024-21-4 28259090
Urea for vehicles 车用尿素 57-13-6 31021000 Urea for agriculture 农用尿素 57-13-6 3102100010101 尿素硝酸铵溶液 3102800000 PCU 控释氮肥 3105590000 NPK 氮磷钾复合肥 66455-26-3 3105200010 MOP 氯化钾肥 7447-40-7 3104202000 DAP 磷酸氢二铵 7783-28-0 3105300090 MAP 磷酸一铵 7722-76-1 3105590000 MKP 磷酸二氢钾 7778-77-0 2835240000 magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁 7487-88-9 2833210000 ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 7783-20-2 31022100 sodium sulfate 硫酸钠 7757-82-6 2833190000 soil conditioner 土壤调理剂 38249090 water-soluble fertilizer 水溶肥 3105909090 organic-inorganic fertilizer 有机无机肥 3105901000 compound fertilizer 复合肥 3105901000301 Ammonium nitrate calcium, 硝酸铵钙 15245-12-2 3102600000 Calcium nitrate 硝酸钙 10124-37-5 3102600000 Urea compound fertilizer 尿素-复合肥-各类 58069-82-2 38249090 trace elements Amino acids 微量元素氨基酸肥 31052000.01 other fertilizer products 其他肥料产品
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myphamreviews · 4 months
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dips-123s-blog · 1 year
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Devriz Cream Review for Dark Spots and Pigmentation
About Devriz night cream: your solution for pigmentation is the one-stop solution to reduce Dark spots and pigmentation. It is a revolutionary outcome of devriz healthcare to treat dark spots, uneven skin texture, and discoloration. The potent formulation of active ingredients makes it an ideal night cream for all skin types. 
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Kotils skin Science take on the product - Let’s understand 
To provide the complete and best review of the product. It is essential to analyze the viewpoint of the Kotil skincare clinic that recommends this product to its esteemed customers for its effectiveness in treating dark spots and pigmentation. So, we will do a review of the product in the words of what Kotil skin science says about the product. 
Devriz night cream is a revolutionary night cream and is a breakthrough from Devriz healthcare that, according to Kotil skin professionals claims to lighten, whiten and brighten the skin. 
Lightens skin tone by minimizing uneven pigmentation 
Whitens by unveiling visibly fairer skin by minimizing dark spots 
Brightens by enhancing skin’s radiance naturally 
 Why devriz professional night cream: Devriz night cream is a technologically advanced triple-action formulation of rare fruit and plant extracts that nourish and lighten the skin, overnight. It minimizes dark spots, dullness, and the appearance of pores. Works to improve uneven skin tone and increase skin moisture balance. The obvious result is fresh, radiant, fair skin when you wake up. The best part is that it is free from harsh chemicals having side effects. 
How does the cream work? 
Clinical trials carried out by Kotil professionals show that the underlying plant extracts lighten, whiten, and brighten the skin within 10 days of regular use. 
Mulberry extract: Is regarded as the best tyrosinase inhibitor. 
Milk enzyme: works to block melanin pathways. 
Saxifraga Extract: Might be regarded as a free radical scavenger and tyrosinase inhibition 
Grape extract: exfoliator -it helps the active ingredients to penetrate the skin. 
Simple and easy-to-use product as per Kotil 
Kotil says you can use the devriz night cream in four clear-cut procedural steps as highlighted below : 
Cleansing: The first step is to cleanse the face thoroughly, thereby eliminating major traces of makeup and impurities.
Take a pea-sized amount of the cream: Take a minimal amount of Devriz night cream and gently rub it on your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. 
Massage: specifically targeting pigmented areas, use an upward circular motion and massage the cream directly into the skin until it fully gets absorbed. 
Leave the cream to take effect overnight: Do not rinse or wash off the cream. Allow it to unleash its transformative skin rejuvenation power during nighttime. Also, simultaneously gives scope to the active ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin. 
Price: INR 790/- 
Net quantity: 15 g 
Product Shelf life:  counting 3 years from the date of manufacturing 
Sensitivity alert: Not sensitive to any skin type. 
Ingredients: Almond oil, D.M water, Milk enzymes, sodium lactate, Uva ursi (bearberry extract), Glycerin, Stearic acid, light liquid paraffin, wheat germ oil, Octyl methoxy Cinnamate, Lactic acid, Triter penoids, Ceto Stearyl Alcohol, Phenyl flavons (Mulberry ) Extract, Apricot, and Almond, Alpha- arbutin, fragrance, Titanium dioxide. Epigallocatechin ( grape ) . 
Consumer Experience with devriz professional night cream in Words of Kotil
The Kotil skin specialists recommend this night cream  as an aftercare treatment medication and highly appreciate the product thereby attributing its success rate amongst consumers in terms of its : 
Classy Packaging: The creme comes in a small metallic -circular golden-bordered, tub jar with all details printed over it. The tub jar is a broad base and wide mouth with a white-colored seal with a small protrusion that helps to take the cream out without any hassle. The seal prevents cream leakage, has travel-friendly packaging, and is easy to carry in handbags. 
Lightweight Texture: The cream has got a very smooth and creamy texture. It gets absorbed into the skin easily minus any patchy marks so that it does not resemble makeup. It is all-season friendly due to its smooth texture. 
Color: The color is golden white. Predominantly white informative packaging, with a circular golden open jar-shaped little cream container placed inside. The color is attractive and appealing to the users. 
Effectiveness: The product is made for long-term use. The active ingredient formulation performs best at night with the aim of skin rejuvenation and repair. It offers an instant skin glow and works to clean blemish marks and scars in the long run. 
Fragrance: The fragrance is very fresh, light, and pleasant. Most users, as per the Kotil survey, really like the flowery fragrance. The fragrance is quite captivating due to the unique blend of various botanical and herbal extracts. 
Kotils personal experience with the product: Kotil medical practitioners term the product as a harmless, lightweight night cream formulation. Favorite due to its affordable cost and easy availability. The lightweight texture of the cream leaves the skin soft, smooth, fresh, and hydrated. 
Proven results: the composition of the unique ingredient works well and provides exceptional results. Those who are actively using this product for a month or so, reported having found dark spots, blemishes, and acne marks fading out gradually. The products work so wonderfully on all skin types. Kotil specialists recommend users not expect any immediate results. The product shows results gradually and slowly. 
Final take on Devriz Cream Review for Dark Spots and Pigmentation
Overall Kotil skin specialists review the product as a useful, lightweight, non-sticky creamy remedy to get rid of dark spots and pigmentation. Provides a classy glowing look containing natural ingredients along with SPF 25 that serves the dual purpose of night repair and sunscreen. 
The devriz professional cream works as a viable fairness solution and its three unique features make it the top-recommended choice of Kotil dermatologists. Tends to spread easily on the skin, and the advanced formula allows for better delivery of active ingredients, Good for all skin types for oily and combination skin too. 
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imaec-digital · 2 years
Cidaltek Alcohol Free Surface Disinfectant Wipes
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In the dental clinic setting, the potential for pathogen transmission from staff to patients (as well as from patients to staff) is of main concern. Sources of infectious microorganisms include contaminated body fluids (e.g., saliva and blood), improperly sterilized equipment/instruments, and airborne transmission. The invasive nature of the procedures performed on behalf of patients by both dentists and dental hygienists, coupled with the high degree of potential exposure within the oral cavity, underscores the need for pathogen elimination from all potential sources. Dental hygienists in particular may serve as a vital link in the potential transmission of microbes in a dentistry, as they are in contact with all incoming patients, including those seeking only routine services (e.g., cleanings and X-rays) and those who require more complex procedures.1-3
CidalTek-Alcohol Free Surface Disinfectant Wipes having 3rd generation quaternary ammonium compound disinfectant wet wipes with having broad spectrum antimicrobial action and able to disinfectant all the hard surfaces which will be potential contaminated with pathogens.
Salient Features:
Alcohol & Bleach free formulation
3rd Generation QAC based advanced formulation
Pre-moistened disinfecting wipes eliminate up to 99.9% of surface germs,
Pre-saturated, low lint and non-sticky wet wipes
Bactericidal, Fungicidal & limited Virucidal
Effective against Candida Albicans & Aspergillus niger
Broad spectrum activity on multiple surfaces
Residual in action after surface treatment with CidalTek-Wipes
Environment friendly
Non-corrosive formula
Aldehyde free formulation
Non- Volatile Compound (VOC’s Free)
Very low concentration required
Excellent material compatibility
Single step cleaning
Best option for dental hospital, college, lab etc.
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barebodyseo · 2 years
Best Skin Care Products for Your Skin Type in 2022
Under Eye Gel, Say Good Bye to Puffy Eyes, Wrinkles and Dark Circles with Cucumber and Aloevera
Diminishes under-eye patches
Gel-based, super light surface
Diminishes dark circles and puffiness
Sustains and saturates under-eye skin
Fixes harmed skin
Normal cooling specialists like aloe vera and cucumber
Eases up dark circles and battles dryness!
The time has come to give your under-eye region the sustenance it needs! With the integrity of aloe vera, cucumber and rose extricates, the Exposed Body Basics Under eye gel cream is the ideal answer for dark circles and under-eye patches. With each utilization, it steadily eases up the murkiness under your eyes. Its profoundly feeding and saturating characteristics can assist the skin under your eyes with recuperating from the impacts of extended screen-time and stress.
All Ingredients: Aqua, Disodium EDTA,Glycerin,Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP copolymer,Aloevera extract,Rose extract,Cucumber extract,Orchid extract,Jojoba oil,Almond oil,Vitamin E oil,Natural preservative,CI 19140,CI 42090,Fragrance.
Stretch Marks Cream, Prevent Stretch Marks and Reduce Existing Stretch Marks with cocoa Butter and Shea Butter, 50gm
Profound skin entrance and peeling
Saturates and helps fix the skin immediately
Reestablishes the skin's flexibility and mends
Reasonable for all skin types
100 percent Vegan and Mercilessness Free stretch mark removal cream in India
Express farewell to extended skin
Stretch imprints can make you cognizant and keep you from wearing your #1 outfits. They can occur with pregnancy, abrupt and extraordinary weight reduction or gain and because of hormonal lopsided characteristics that can deny the skin of dampness and versatility.
The Exposed Body Stretch Imprints Cream is figured out to reestablish flexibility to the skin, lessen stretch stamps and forestall their repeat. Loaded with the decency of Glycolic Corrosive, Shea Margarine and Cocoa Spread, delayed utilization of the Uncovered Body Fundamentals Stretch Imprints cream has shown brilliant outcomes and it is best stretch mark removal cream.
All Ingredients: Aqua,Disodium EDTA,Glycerin,1,2-Propanediol,Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer,Stearic acid,Cetyl alcohol,Glyceryl Stearate(and) PEG-100 Stearate,Almond oil,Calendula oil,Lavender oil,Chamomile oil,Argan oil,Mineral oil,Cocca butter,Vitamin E,Glycolic acid,DMDM Hydantion (and)Methylchloroisothiazolinone(and)Methylisothiazolinone,Triethanolamine,Fragrance.
Sunscreen Gel with Vitamin E, SPF 30, Protect, Brighten and Nourish
This gel Sunscreen is lightweight and non-greasy to skin
Shields your skin against the harmful effects of UVA, UVB and pollutants
Contains SPF 30 to protect the skin from all forms of sun damage
It also nourishes your skin with Vitamin-E and anti-inflammatory properties
Got a long day in the sun?
Protect your skin from all forms of sun damage with Bare Body Essentials Sunscreen Gel. This broad-spectrum sunscreen has SPF30 and works against UVA, UBV and pollutants. It's lightweight, grease-free, non-irritating and enriched with anti-inflammatory Vitamin E to give your skin a soothing relief and also provides a burst of moisture to the skin.
Use liberally ten minutes before stepping outdoors as well as indoors. A non-greasy, tinted formulation that blends easily with the skin tone. It protects the skin against premature ageing & tanning with a broad spectrum protection against sun’s harmful UVA & UVB rays.
All Ingredients: Aqua, Homosalate, Octyl Methoxycinnamate, Titanium dioxide, Glycerin, propylene glycol, Undecane (and) Tridecane, SodiumAcrylate/Acryloyldimethyltaurate/Dimethy lacrylamide Crosspolymer & Isohexadecane & Polysorbate 60, DMDM Hydantoin (and) Methylchloroisothiazolinone (and) Methylisothiazolinone, Vitamín E, Fragrance
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maanav07 · 4 years
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kunalp1234 · 2 years
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insightslicelive · 3 years
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Octyl Alcohol – Demand and Sales Forecasts, Market Share, Market Size, Market Trends Octyl Alcohol Market Report Pro Market Statistics published a new research publication on “Octyl Alcohol Market…
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sinolandchem-leo · 25 days
Dear Friend,
I'm Leo from SinolandChem , we are Chemical suppliers in China.High-quality chemical raw materials from China We don't just provide chemicals, if you need other products, I would be happy to help you.
I think you will be interested in the most cost-effective chemical raw materials from China, Please feel free to contact me via the business card below. please check our product list.
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Below are some of our high-quality chemical products
emulsion explosives, detonators, detonating cords, detonators, industrial ammonium nitrate, porous ammonium nitrate
Ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵 6484-52-2 3102300000 【PPAN、CPAN】 硝酸铵 6484-52-2 3102300000 Sodium nitrate 硝酸钠 7631-99-4 3102500000 Sodium nitrite 亚硝酸钠 7632-00-0 2834100000 Ternary molten salt 三元熔盐
Iodine 碘颗粒/粉末 7553-56-2 2801200000 Bromine 溴 7726-95-6 2801302000 Benzene 苯 71-43-2 2902200000 Sulfur 硫磺 7704-34-9 2503000000 Liquid chlorine 液氯 7782-50-5 2801100000 Hydrogen peroxide 双氧水 7722-84-1 2847000000 hydrogen 氢气 1333-74-0 2804100000 nitrogen 氮气 7727-37-9 2804300000 Aniline 苯胺 122-98-5 2921411000 Phenol 苯酚 108-95-2 2907111000 Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素 9004-70-0 39122011 Acetone 丙酮 67-64-1 2914110000 Sodium cyanide 氰化钠 143-33-9 2837111000 Morpholine 吗啉 110-91-8 2934 99 90 Sodium azide 叠氮化钠 26628-22-8 28500060 Sodium sulfide 硫化钠 1313-82-2 2830101000 Sodium hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢钠 16721-80-5 2830109000
Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素 9004-70-0 3912200000 Activated carbon 活性炭 7440-44-0 3802101000/3802109000 Coal, barbecue coal 煤炭,烧烤炭 125612-26-2 7321890000 Glass powder 玻璃粉 14808-60-7 3207400000
Titanium dioxide 钛白粉 13463-67-7 3206111000 "Pharmaceutical intermediates" 医药中间体 96-53-7 Resins 树脂 201058-08-4 3506990000 Coatings 涂料 3208901011 Formaldehyde 甲醛 50-00-0 2912110000 Cresol 甲酚 1319-77-3 2907121900 Styrene 苯乙烯 100-42-5 2902500000 Stannic octoate 辛酸亚锡 301-10-0 2915900090 Tetrahydrofuran 四氢呋喃 109-99-9 2932110000 Trimethylamine 三甲胺 75-50-3 2921110090 Dimethyl ether 二甲醚 115-10-6 2909191000 Butyraldehyde 正丁醛 123-72-8 2912 19 00 Glutaraldehyde 戊二醛 111-30-8 29121900 Petroleum ether 石油醚 8030-30-6 2710123000 Methylal 甲缩醛 109-87-5 2911 00 00 Xylene 二甲苯 95-47-6 29024100 Adhesives 胶黏剂 Xanthan gum 黄原胶 11138-66-2 32139000 Lime nitrogen 石灰氮 156-62-7 31029010 Sodium fluoride 氟化钠 7681-49-4 2826192010 Diethanolamine 二乙醇胺 111-42-2 2922120001 Caprolactam 己内酰胺 105-60-2 29337100 Melamine 三聚氰胺 108-78-1 2933610000 Bisphenol A 双酚A -80-05-7 2907230001 Plastics 塑料 9002-84-0 39046100 Glycerin 甘油 56-81-5 29054500 Furfuryl alcohol 糠醇 98-00-0 2932 13 00 Furfural 糠醛 CAS: 98-01-1 2932 12 00 Paraformaldehyde 多聚甲醛 30525-89-4 2912600000 Polyphosphoric acid 多聚磷酸 8017-16-1 28092000 Acid dextrin 酸性糊精 9004-53-9 35051000 Nitrobenzene 硝基苯 804-36-4 2904201000
Hydrochloric acid 盐酸 7647-01-0 28061000 Nitric acid 硝酸 7697-37-2 28080000 Sulfuric acid 硫酸 7664-93-9 2807000010 Phosphoric acid 磷酸 7664-38-2 2809201100 Oxalic acid 草酸 144-62-7 2917111000 Acetic acid 醋酸 64-19-7 29152100 Formic acid 甲酸 64-18-6 2915110000 Propionic acid 丙酸 CAS: 79-09-4 2915501000 Iodic acid 碘酸 7782-68-5 28111980 Sulfuric acid 硫磺酸 107-35-7 29211980 Tartaric acid 酒石酸 526-83-0 2918120000 Industrial oleic acid 工业油酸 112-80-1 29161500 Adipic acid 己二酸 124-04-9 2917120001 Isooctanoic acid 异辛酸 149-57-5 29159080 Methanol 甲醇 67-56-1 2905110000 Ethanol 乙醇 64-17-5 2207100000 Propanol 丙醇 71-23-8 2905121000 Butanediol 丁二醇 19132-06-0 2905399002 Octyl alcohol 辛醇 111-87-5 2905161000 Propylene glycol 丙二醇 57-55-6 2905320000 Ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯 141-78-6 2915310000
Potassium nitrate 硝酸钾 7757-79-1 2834219000 Magnesium nitrate 硝酸镁 10377-60-3 2834299090120 Copper nitrate 硝酸铜 3251-23-8 2834299090129 Aluminum nitrate 硝酸铝 13473-90-0 2834299090122 Iron nitrate 硝酸铁 10421-48-4 2834299090126 Zinc nitrate 硝酸锌 7779-88-6 2834299090114 Strontium nitrate 硝酸锶 10042-76-9 2834299090110 Barium nitrate 硝酸钡 10022-31-8 28342990 Lithium nitrate 硝酸锂 7790-69-4 2834299090104 Lead nitrate 硝酸铅 10099-74-8 2834299090118 Rubidium nitrate 硝酸铷 13126-12-0 28342980 Cesium nitrate 硝酸铯 7789-18-6 2834299090108 Chromium nitrate 硝酸铬 13548-38-4 2834299090124 Cobalt nitrate 硝酸钴 10141-05-6 2834299090 Silver nitrate 硝酸银 7761-88-8 28432100 Manganese nitrate 硝酸锰 10377-66-9 2834299090125
Potassium chloride 氯化钾 7447-40-7 3104209000 Sodium chloride 氯化钠 7647-14-5 2501001900 Magnesium chloride 氯化镁 7786-30-3 2827310000 Ferric chloride 氯化铁 7705-08-0 2827399000113 Calcium chloride 氯化钙 10043-52-4 2827200000 Aluminum chloride 氯化铝 7446-70-0 2827320000 Zinc chloride 氯化锌 7646-85-7 2827399000124 Ammonium chloride 氯化铵 12125-02-9 2827101000/2827109000 Cobalt chloride 氯化钴 7646-79-9 2827393000 Chromium chloride 氯化铬 10025-73-7 28273985 Cesium chloride 氯化铯 7647-17-8 28273980 Silver chloride 氯化银 7783-90-6 2843290090102
Sodium sulfate 硫酸钠 7757-82-6 28331100 Magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁 7487-88-9 2833210000 Ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 7783-20-2 3102210000 Potassium sulfate 硫酸钾 7778-80-5 3104300000 Calcium sulfate 硫酸钙 7778-18-9 28332980 Silver sulfate 硫酸银 10294-26-5 28432900 Chromium sulfate 硫酸铬 10101-53-8 2833292000 Chromium formate 甲酸铬 27115-36-2 2915120000 Cobalt sulfate 硫酸钴 10026-24-1 2833299010
Sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠 1310-73-2 2815110000 Potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾 1310-58-3 2815200000 Magnesium hydroxide 氢氧化镁 1309-42-8 2816100090 Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙 1305-62-0 2825 90 19 Iron hydroxide 氢氧化铁 1309-33-7 2821100000102
Sodium carbonate 碳酸钠 497-19-8 2836200000 Potassium carbonate 碳酸钾 584-08-7 2836400000102 Calcium carbonate 碳酸钙 471-34-1 2836500000 Silver carbonate 碳酸银 534-16-7 28432900 Sodium percarbonate 过碳酸钠 15630-89-4 2836999000 Sodium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠 144-55-8 2836300000 Sodium arsenite 亚砷酸钠 7784-46-5 2842909013
Ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 1066-33-7 2836994000102 Diammonium phosphate 磷酸二铵 7783-28-0 31053000 Sodium phosphate 磷酸钠 7558-79-4 3105300090 Trisodium phosphate 磷酸三钠 7601-54-9 2835291000 Potassium phosphate 磷酸钾 53006-98-7 28352910 Potassium pyrophosphate 焦磷酸钾 7320-34-5 28353990 Tripotassium phosphate 磷酸三钾 7778-53-2 2835240000104 Aluminum phosphate 磷酸铝 7784-30-7 2835299000103 Calcium phosphate 磷酸钙 7758-87-4 28352600
Potassium chlorate 氯酸钾 CAS: 3811-04-9 2829191000 Sodium chlorate 氯酸钠 CAS: 7775-09-9 2829110000 Barium chlorate 氯酸钡 10294-38-9 2829199000 Sodium hypochlorite 次氯酸钠 7681-52-9 2828900000 Sodium chlorite 亚氯酸钠 7758-19-2 2828900000103 Calcium hypochlorite 次氯酸钙 7778-54-3 2828100000
Sodium perchlorate 高氯酸钠 7601-89-0 2829900090103 Potassium perchlorate 高氯酸钾 7778-74-7 2829900020 Ammonium perchlorate 高氯酸铵 7790-98-9 2829900090 Potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾 7778-50-9 2841500000 Sodium dichromate 重铬酸钠 10588-01-9 2841500000
Tellurium Te 碲 Te 13494-80-9 2804500001 Indium In 铟 In 7440-74-6 8112 99 70 Gallium Ga 镓 Ga 7440-55-3 81129290 Cadmium Cd 镉 Cd 7440-43-9 8107 20 00 Antimony Sb 锑 Sb 7440-36-0 8110102000 Phosphorus P 磷 P 7723-14-0 28047000 Arsenic As 砷 As 7440-38-2 2804800000 Aluminum Al 铝 Al 7429-90-5 7603100010 Beryllium Be 铍 Be 7440-41-7 8112120000 Copper Cu 铜 Cu 7440-50-8 74081100 germanium Ge 锗 Ge 7440-56-4 28053090 Zinc Zn 锌 Zn 7440-66-6 7904 00 00 Tin Sn 锡 Sn 7440-31-5 8003000000 Mercury Hg 汞 Hg 7439-97-6 2805400000
Copper oxide 氧化铜 1317-38-0 28255000 Iron oxide 氧化铁 1309-37-1 2821100000 Aluminum oxide 氧化铝 1344-28-1 2818200000
Niobium pentoxide Nb2O5 五氧化二铌 Nb2O5 1313-96-8 2825904910 Zirconium dioxide ZrO2 二氧化锆 ZrO2 1314-23-4 2825600090 Tantalum pentoxide Ta2O5 五氧化二钽 Ta2O5 1314-61-0 28259085 Titanium pentoxide Ti3O5 五氧化三钛 Ti3O5 12065-65-5 2823000000 Zinc sulfide ZnS 硫化锌 ZnS 1314-98-3 28309085 Silicon dioxide SiO2 二氧化硅 SiO2 14808-60-7 2811229000
Gallium antimonide GaSb 锑化镓 GaSb 12064-03-8 2853909029 Indium antimonide InSb 锑化铟 InSb 1312-41-0 3818009000 Cadmium telluride CdTe 碲化镉 CdTe 1306-25-8 2842902000 Bismuth telluride Bi2Te3 碲化铋 Bi2Te3 1304-82-1 2842909090 Gallium telluride Ga2Te3 碲化镓 Ga2Te3 12024-14-5 8106001091 Zinc telluride ZnTe 碲化锌 ZnTe 1315-11-3 CdZnTe 碲锌镉 CdZnTe 8107900000 Indium Phosphide InP 磷化铟 InP Germanium phosphide GeP 磷化锗 GeP Cadmium selenide CdSe 硒化镉 CdSe 1306-24-7 2842909023 Germanium sulfide Ge2S3 硫化锗 Ge2S3 12025-32-0 8112991000 Steel gallium tin InGaSn 钢镓锡 InGaSn Antimony dioxide SbO2 二氧化锑 SbO2 2025820 28112900 Indium trioxide In2O3 三氧化二铟 In2O3 Germanium dioxide GeO2 二氧化锗 GeO2 1310-53-8 2825 60 00 Bismuth trioxide Bi2O3 三氧化二铋 Bi2O3 1304-76-3 2825902100 Tellurium dioxide Te02 二氧化碲 Te02 2025820 28112900 Gallium trioxide Ga2O3 三氧化二镓 Ga2O3 12024-21-4 28259090
Urea for vehicles 车用尿素 57-13-6 31021000 Urea for agriculture 农用尿素 57-13-6 3102100010101 尿素硝酸铵溶液 3102800000 PCU 控释氮肥 3105590000 NPK 氮磷钾复合肥 66455-26-3 3105200010 MOP 氯化钾肥 7447-40-7 3104202000 DAP 磷酸氢二铵 7783-28-0 3105300090 MAP 磷酸一铵 7722-76-1 3105590000 MKP 磷酸二氢钾 7778-77-0 2835240000 magnesium sulfate 硫酸镁 7487-88-9 2833210000 ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 7783-20-2 31022100 sodium sulfate 硫酸钠 7757-82-6 2833190000 soil conditioner 土壤调理剂 38249090 water-soluble fertilizer 水溶肥 3105909090 organic-inorganic fertilizer 有机无机肥 3105901000 compound fertilizer 复合肥 3105901000301 Ammonium nitrate calcium, 硝酸铵钙 15245-12-2 3102600000 Calcium nitrate 硝酸钙 10124-37-5 3102600000 Urea compound fertilizer 尿素-复合肥-各类 58069-82-2 38249090 trace elements Amino acids 微量元素氨基酸肥 31052000.01 other fertilizer products 其他肥料产品
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patimpexindia · 3 years
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riotmlllf · 4 years
i want an orange and we have no oranges
here’s the recipe 😋
benzaldehyde (≥98%, Food Grade [FG]), camphene (95%), (R)‐(‐)‐carvone (98%, optical purity: 98% [GLC]), β‐caryophyllene (≥80%, FG), citral (mixture of cis and trans, ≥96%, FG), decanal (≥95%, FG), D‐dihydrocarvone (mixture of isomers, ≥97%, FG), ethyl acetate (≥99.8%, anhydrous), ethyl butanoate (≥98%, FG), ethyl hexanoate (≥98%, FG), ethyl‐3‐hydroxyhexanoate (99.8%), ethyl‐2‐methylbutanoate (≥98%, FG), ethyl octanoate (≥98%, FG), geraniol (≥97%, FG), geranyl acetate (98%, FG), guaiacol (98%, FG), hexanal (≥97%, FG), 2‐(E)‐hexenal (≥95%, FG), heptanal (≥92%, FG), α‐humulene (≥96.0%, GC), β‐ionone (predominantly (Z), ≥97%, FG), (S)‐(‐)‐limonene (≥95%, FG), linalool (≥97%, FG), methyl butanoate (≥98%, FG), methyl hexanoate (≥99%, FG), methyl octanoate (99%, FG), 3‐(methylthio)‐propionaldehyde (methional, 98%, FG), myrcene (≥90%, FG), neryl acetate (≥98%, FG), nonanal (≥95%, FG), (E)‐2‐nonenal (≥93%), octanal (≥92%, FG), 1‐octanol (≥98%, FG), 1‐octen‐3‐one (50 wt % in 1‐octen‐3‐ol, FG), octyl acetate (≥98%, FG), (S)‐(‐)‐perillaldehyde (≥92%, FG), α‐phellandrene (not pure, FG), (‐)‐α‐pinene (≥97%, FG), (‐)‐β‐pinene (≥97%, FG), α‐terpinene (≥89%, FG), γ‐terpinene (95%, FG), (‐)‐terpinen‐4‐ol (≥95%, sum of enantiomers, GC), α‐terpineol (≥96%, FG), terpinolene (≥90%, FG) and undecanal (≥96%, FG), all purchased from Sigma‐Aldrich (St. Louis, MO), (‐)‐alloaromadendrene (≥98.0%, sum of enantiomers, GC) and (+)−3‐carene (≥98.5%, sum of enantiomers) from Fluka (St. Louis, MO), α‐cubebene (97%) from International Laboratory USA (San Francisco, CA), β‐damascenone (pure) from IFF (Union Beach, NJ), ethyl alcohol (absolute and anhydrous) from Pharmaco‐Aaper (Brookfield, CT), sabinene (70%) from Treatt (Lakeland, FL) and valencene (80%) from Bedoukian Research, Inc., (Danbury, CT). 
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jillskincare-blog · 4 years
Jill Acne Day Cream - 10ml
Jill Acne Day Cream – 10ml
Cream perawatan wajah berjerawat yang dilengkapi vitamin dan moisturizer yang menutrisi kulit wajah sehingga tetap sehat dan lebih elastis. Pemakaian rutin membuat kulit tampak lebih sehat dan bebas jerawat.
Cara Pakai: Dioleskan pada bagian kulit yang berjerawat.
Ingredients : Demin Water, Diethylhexyl Carbonate, Cetyl Alcohol, Octyl Methoxycinnamate, Ceteareth 12, Glyceryl Stearate SE,…
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