#Oc: haruki
qnerdi · 1 year
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Since I beat Endwalker and pride is right around the corner, I thought I'd make a cute little Elpis YCH to celebrate!! Fill out this form to claim one of your own - slots are unlimited!
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sasdavvero · 2 years
ask me stuff about some of my OCs
here they are:
(gen OCs) taller is The Controller, Eyes is The Guardian
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(BNHA OCs) man on the left is Takamatsu Isao, woman sitting is Takamatsu Haruki and the other woman is Takamatsu Durah
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(BNHA OC) Takamatsu Oomi
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(CSM OCs) in order of meme: Sofia Lombardi, Niccolò Gentile, Sabrina Roggero and Salvatore Losacco
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(CSM/BNHA OC) Takami Fumiho
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howlofhades · 11 months
Haruki "do not punish my teammates for something I suggested." Ikari
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mooechi · 4 months
the fuyutsuki siblings 😯😧😦😲😮❄️✨
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larz-barz · 3 months
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tagging: @hotelcaliforniaenbydancer @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @kimetsu-chan @shycroissanti @slayfics @night-mince0 @zenitsustherapist @frostburn-shoto @floofgryph @aceofstars0 @pulim-v
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x-emeraldsky-x · 3 months
Neji Bingo: Day 1 - Forgiveness
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// @nejiweek24 @gerardwayissexah
// This based on a previous post featuring my oc Haruki, below is my bingo card!
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froggiesir · 5 months
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mha ocs but i dont tell u their quirks coz i dont feel like it rn
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intoloopin-archive · 8 months
FOR THE 12 DAYS OF @venusvity (a full combo of the challenges of day 3 - web weaves + day 9 - credit where credit is due.)
Myah has one of the most creative minds I’ve found on the internet, so this is my very humble and direct homage to one of my favorite posts in fic of all time: ‘The Wolf and The Lamb’ edit featuring Yoonah and Jinhwa.
On a more personal level, I would like to take this little opportunity to say that you’re a delight to have around on the tag and outside of it, Myah, and I hope you never doubt my admiration for you and every single one of your blogs. More than just talent, I look at you and see a passion and effort that keeps inspiring me to never stop doing what I need to do to have fun on Tumblr. And for 5 more years of Venus, cheers!
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r0achezz · 2 months
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Haruki oigawa and shinya Okugawa!!!
if he had stayed a human/demon slayer, I feel like he’d be strong enough to climb up the ranks to hashira. Also if they ever met he’d probably befriend Shinya because their last names are so close together and joke about how their “long lost siblings XD)
SHINYA BELONGS GO @love-stvrs !!!!!1!1!^_^
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zakurohampter · 23 days
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rinne4112 · 3 months
Started making Utapri yume artworks recently, so I'll start off with my character's intro via Live Emotion style!! 💪
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More info ↓
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Bonus sketches:
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theherooverthere · 2 months
Haruki Anakoku - Updated
A master detective who is light on his feet... is that alluding to his forte? Mhm. HR and Financial Department Lead of the WDO, he only seems close to one guy...but they're TOTALLY just friends (they're not they're dating)
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zuccki · 9 months
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I was working so hard on this, really hope someone will like it! My precious rodydeku lovechild, Haruki-kun, in bnha-style! I don't like everything I managed but so far this is my maximum.
Some background info: Haruki's quirk is emotion manipulation - his animal, similar to Pino, reflects his own mood, but when it's touched by someone else, their emotions get translated towards Haruki! He can slightly influence how the person is feeling, and it's very suiting, because he is very kind.
After a faithful encounter with a broken support item in the support department, where Izuku took him to have a word with Hatsume Mei about his gear, Haruki decided he's gonna be the best inventor to help all those heroes outside and make their lives easier.
He also has a freepass into the dynariot's support department agency, but he doesn't feel that he is good enough to work there yet, so after graduating from UA he is still mostly spending time under Hatsume's wing. I hope you like him as much as I do!
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kingly-genderfluid · 2 years
“No worry. I get it. Inupi is unpredictable when it comes to things like these. He can either choose to ignore you, or he can snap back. Teenagers are just a lot to handle. Genya over there seems like he’s not been spared from the teenage drama. He looks as if he’s been cut badly. He’s got a huge scar on his face. Is the kid okay? More importantly, he sounds like Sanemi Shinazugawa. Looks like him too. Acts like him as well. They related? Ah. I’m being to nosy. Never mind. You don’t have to tell me. It’s his secrets. But seriously, I think they need some sort of leash. Those two might go feral if they see each other again. I doubt Dango is going to stop my brother from going off on Genya the next time he sees him.” Inui sighs. “I’m no teenage expert, but I think both of them were just trying to defend their own pride. They should just stick to working on themselves, little by little. I admit. I was worse than them at that age, so I don’t get to say anything, but I kicked a guy in the place where the sun doesn’t shine because he called me an attention seeking brat. I had to carry three bags of sand while climbing a mountain 20 times before the sun came down as punishment. I never knew back pain until then.” Inui shudders. “Inupi is lucky he didn’t get Shuji as his main trainer. He’d have made Inupi wear weights and made him drag a cart full of cow manure by now. Effective, but traumatising. How did you train? Did you have a mentor?”
Gyomei hums as holds his prayer beads and tears start to form.
Genya is … my son, for a lack of words. I try to keep him level headed, anything of his past, I cannot tell you. As far as a mentor, no. Everything I’ve learned is all self taught.
(Tumblr is fucked up)
“Self-taught, huh. Wow. Himejima-san…you’re Awsome. I can see why Inupi admires you so much. I’m jealous. I can admit that. Actually…what do you say? Inupi is the type to overthink even the smallest mannerisms of people. Skittish. Like a water strider. The minute he sees or hears something he thinks is a hint of disgust or dislike, he’s off. I don’t say anything to him because I’m scared. I’m scared I’ll hurt him.” Inupi gives a shaky sigh. “Himejima-San…he’s still a boy. He didn’t deserve to be raised by a family that didn’t deserve to have any children. He didn’t deserve any of this. At this age, he should be playing in the mud with others. Finding a job to provide for his loving family. Hell, with his smarts, he could be a scholar. A governor. He deserves better. He deserves better than a brother that can’t do jack for him. He deserves a brother that can tell him he’s doing great. He deserves a brother that can tell him he’s doing well without overthinking about his reaction. He deserves to be happy. And I’d trade my life for his happiness. I’m not sure making him a demon slayer was the best solution. He begged me to make him a slayer. Even though I told him that he’d have to trade a normal life for one of pain, he told me, ‘But Aniki! My life has never been normal! I want to help others like you do! I’m okay with it. I don’t want others to go through what others did!’ That was when I realised he was a boy with such a pure heart. Too pure. Soon enough he’s going to be broken down to pieces by the world, and I’m never going to forgive myself for it. I don’t know what I can do or say. I’m even worse than him when it comes to doubting oneself. I don’t. I can’t. And when those thoughts start coming in, I know I can’t do anything to stop them. I want to say something. I want to encourage him with my words. The best I can do is pat him on the back. And every second I don’t say something, I feel like the worst person on earth.” Inui stares at his hands. “I know I can say something. I just…I don’t know what.”
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Ehy guys I just dropped the first chapter on AO3 (below is the link, but if you want you can also read it here on Tumblr)
Hope you guys enjoy it!
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In the beginning, there were trolls, magical beings born from the hearts of special stones and become alive by forces unknown to us, and humans, devoid of any kind of magic.
In time, these supernatural forces that we think of as magical, crept into the hearts of humans and thus wizards were born... But wizards were not well liked by either humans or trolls and only a few of them were accepted in King Arthur's court, two of whom were Merlin and Morgana.
Merlin was very powerful and worked for King Arthur following his every order, but Morgana... No, she was a real rebel. She found trolls to be wonderful creatures, unlike her king, and believed that they had just as much right to live on earth as human beings. Perhaps that is why she sided with Gunmar, a powerful troll born from the heart of a rotten Heartstone from within, certainly not the kindest of trolls or the most tolerant of the sorceress's human nature, which he by habit calls "fleshbag," but still smart enough to recognize great potential in her.
The two had a plan: to create eternal night, so that trolls, vulnerable to sunlight, could live on the surface without fear of being brushed by the sun's rays, but to do this, Morgana needed to create spies who would bring information to both her and Gunmar and who could mix among humans without being conspicuous. And that is what happened: Gunmar ordered the Gumm-Gumms to raid every troll village, capturing the cubs and killing those who opposed his rule. Many baby trolls were captured during those bloody slaughters and many more died as a result of that unrelenting violence. The baby trolls were thrown into cages and kept segregated in the deepest darkness of the caves, away from the light and their families.
The cage cave was large, very large, and cold. The humidity could freeze the stone skin of the little prisoners and scratch their wills better than whatever torture their torturers had in servitude for them. Not seeing the starry sky, being far from their families, and the knowledge that they would never again be able to taste the flavor of freedom often made them beg to be killed there and then, so as not to further prolong the torture that, without the sensor of passing days, seemed endless.
The Gumm-Gumm often enjoyed torturing, beating and abusing them, but no hero in shining armor would come to their rescue....
The "loveless," as they were called by their tormentors, would all die of starvation, hunger and fear after endless and unspeakable tortures, and only death, their friend and salvation, would come to grant them sweet eternal rest.
This went on for years. Every now and then a cub would be taken out of its cage never to return, and it only withered those little hearts that had now lost all hope as far as an escape or a possible return to their villages was concerned.
That was the case for everyone, including the Izit cub, a race of trolls accustomed to living in the thickest forests under the starry sky. A tenacious specie, but too weak to be able to escape the clutches of Gunmar and his army.
The little guy had lost so much weight that his arms were as thin as bone, and the bright spots on his skin that once characterized his coat had faded over time, blending with the dark blue that covered most of his body. His horns, still just small stone lumps on his head, trembled from the frost along with his tusks on that dark, cold night.
He was hungry, but there was no food for him. There was hardly any.
Looking around he could make out fellow prisoners in the cages hanging from the ceiling and those on the ground like his own. All were huddled together, some asleep, some crying, and still others seemed not even to be breathing, perhaps dead for days.
One of the few moments of respite for the Loveless.
The Izit cub tried to warm his paws by blowing warm air on them, but his breath was reduced to a gasp. So, trembling, he clutched his knees to his chest and hid his face against the cold stone skin.
He remained like this for a long time, until a song rang through the air.
The notes were sweet, the voice singing to her melodious.
Little Izit strained his long ears and listened intently; it was not the first time he had heard that voice, yet, each time it caused him a strange sense of curiosity and surprise.
With the witch's song also came light. A faint light of course, but still a light.
Many trolls raised their heads in search of that spark in the dark, others fled into the darkness, aware of what was about to happen: there was only one reason why the light chose to come and visit the captives, and it was nothing good.
Only one among the hundred or so awake cubs remained still: the Izit.
The woman, continuing to chant, moved forward looking ahead. She did not seem particularly interested in the contents of the cages or in assessing how Gunmar's prisoners were doing, rather she seemed serene. She kept murmuring the notes of a song in a language the little trolls had a hard time chewing: human.
The witch advanced until she passed the cage of little Izit, who meanwhile dared not look up or move even a muscle. He would have liked to see the light, but to what end? It would only remind him how much he missed the freedom and the starry sky that he had so loved to look at when things were not yet so hopeless.
The footsteps suddenly ceased and with them the divine singing.
There was a clang of metal and the cage door opened.
Not even at that moment did little Izit look up. It was only when a hand was extended toward him and the smell of living flesh permeated his nostrils that he let his four bright eyes wander until they met Morgana's green ones.
She was beautiful. The red hair, the thin lips, the gentle smile... she was so bright.
"Hey little one..." She whispered, cautiously. She tried to caress his face, but Izit's pet retracted his head slightly, startled by Jade's hand.
"I will not hurt you..." The woman continued in a melodious voice.
How could a voice sound so sweet?
"How long have you been here?"
The puppy did not answer, but his eyes spoke for him: He did not remember; he had forgotten what it was like to be brought to that place and thrown into a cage, he had forgotten what his name was and what his parents looked like.
His mind was a blank slate, perfect for what the witch was looking for.
Morgana's gaze softened incredibly, giving way on her face to an even warmer smile.
"Come here..."
The woman's arms picked up the troll's slender little body and lifted him effortlessly. He offered no resistance; after all, if his fate was really to disappear as the other "Loveless" before him had done, he might as well go along with it. Even if he had wanted to, he would not have had the strength to fight anyway.
As the witch stepped away from the cages, walking between two massive trolls with a creepy iron mask on their faces, she stroked Izit's head, running a hand through the blue hair and feeling the still-developing horns.
"Now that you have me, you will no longer be alone." She whispered into his animalistic ears. The troll cub snuggled up to her and let her song lull him as his eyelids grew heavier. Although he was afraid, Morgana's presence helped calm him and for a moment he wondered if indeed that witch would be able to make him feel loved again.
And so it was: Morgana gave that puppy all the love that only a mother can give.
She fed him, gave him a name, a warm bed, educated and trained him...
And then... She slaughtered him.
She broke his bones, changed his nature and made him unrecognizable in the eyes of the other Izit.
She transformed him into something that nature would never have combined: an impure troll, capable of walking among men in the sunlight.
She transformed him.
She turned him into a changeling.
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blackestnight · 4 months
unasked-for and unprompted Hagane Fact of the night: in a modern au, despite all logic, haruki is not and never has been a competitive swimmer. he's way more into team sports, and sports that don't demolish his dye job. he was definitely a cheerleader in high school and single-handedly responsible for every glitter-related incident in the hagane household.
hanami was a competitive swimmer, because a) no one can motivate her better than herself, and b) no one can talk to her while her head is in the water. she spent her school years wearing tank tops and leather jackets or over-sized button-ups because she was so sick of trying to find t-shirts that fit her shoulders without drowning her everything else.
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