#Oc: Hatake Hikari
Obsessed with the mental image of kid Kakashi passed out on hus grandma Hikari’s lap after a long day of learning Hatake Clan Jutsu’s.
Hikari reading a story to him and letting him read some of the lines because he sometimes wants to read and sometimes would rather listen to her read. (He prefers her reading voices and used to think he was tricking her into doing it. Bow it’s just the standard)
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wireddreams92 · 1 year
Hatake Hikari is trying to get home working on her experimental space-time seal, and finds herself in a new world, but familiar thanks to her friend Momo-chan from our own world.
I have no time to dedicate to my multi-chapter stories, but I found a doc I wrote last year and decided to edit and rework it so I could post something new. Part of a series of drabbles about an OC.
Hope some will enjoy it 😁
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
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@flashfictionfridayofficial Prompt: #FFF 118 Yonder Hills
Happy birthday Hikari Hatake! I felt inspired @depressedhatakekakashi! 😁
I mean she was created today so it is technically her birthday right? 😂
And I love the idea of her birthday only being two days after Kakashi's!
Warnings: None.
"I must admit Lord Sixth; when you said you stated you had a; gift; for us all on your daughter's birthday," Shino turned slightly to indicate the rather ragtag group of shinobi and soon-to-be-shinobi in their party. "I was very much; confused."
"By that, he means you make no sense at the best times," Anko threw Kakashi a mischievous grin before crossing her arms. "What is this big surprise?"
"And why does everyone get presents on my birthday?!" Hikari yelled before pouting openly.
Kakashi calmly lifted his right hand out of his pocket and pointed to his right. Then, almost as a single being, the five other group members looked to their left.
"The Hokage mountain?"
The thought of his plan involving the Hokage mountain made his stomach drop.
"No, my gift is behind the mountain."
The group looked a mix of interested and puzzled.
Kakashi began walking, pointing that same free hand's forefinger in front of him. "Follow me."
After a lengthy run through the village, over the Hokage mountain and far into the abandoned Gainen mountains behind the town, the group's three women turning the run into the race, Kakashi told them to drop down into the rough terrain valley below.
Hikari gasped so loudly, shaking Shinja's arm.
The youngest Aburame voiced his thoughts. "That is impressive looking."
Tenten pointed to the area in front of them before looking at Kakashi in open amazement. "Did you build this?"
Kakashi nodded, only making his daughter squeal in excitement louder.
He had modelled the area after Konohagakure's chunnin stadium with its high encasing walls and level ground, but he had added many extras. For example, he had added multiple level areas for running over and hiding inside. Also, a jungle gym type construction for agility and balance training, taking inspiration from playpark climbing frames and even a small lake for walking on water chakra control practice.
The best, Kakashi thought, was because the mountains were uninhabited; they had the entire area to work with.
"You made us a training ground!"
"I know you two are looking forward to being fully-fledged shinobi in only a few short months," Kakashi gave Shinja and Hikari individual looks before standing tall again. "So, this is my gift; you two can practice here whenever you want," he quickly added. "As long as you bring at least one of us boring adults along."
Tenten and Anko both gave sharp yells and dismissive scoffs at even the joke of being boring.
His hands slipped into his pockets, and his eyes scrunched up in amusement at his daughter already bouncing on the spot. Even Shinja looked at him in vaguely concealed awe.
"Happy birthday Hikari."
"This is awesome! Thank you, daddy!" Hikari jumped up Kakashi catching her instinctively silently beaming when she gave her father a firm hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
She jumped down, grabbed Shinja's coat sleeve and started pulling him towards the jungle gym section.
"Come on, bug boy!" The silver-haired girl also threw over her shoulder. "Mom! Auntie Tenten! You need to come too!"
"What? And miss this party? No chance."
Anko only gave him a grin before giving him a firm kiss through his mask; when she stepped away, she winked at him. "You get your proper kiss later."
Kakashi only chuckled.
"Mom! Come on!"
At their daughter's impatient shout, Anko grinned and ran off.
Tenten placed a far calmer kiss on her husband's cheek. "Wish me luck?"
Shino caught his wife's hand in his for only a second. "You know my feelings towards luck; but you have it anyway."
"Auntie Tenten!"
Hikari's shout made the weapons mistress give an amused smile before sprinting off to join the others.
Shino followed Kakashi when he left the created training field to take a seat on a hill strategically overlooking the area.
"A brilliant idea; I must say; Lord Sixth."
"Drop the title Shino."
"A brilliant idea; Sensei," Shino corrected, making the older man nod. "But I must ask; is this not a little; extreme? Creating a brand-new training ground in the middle of these uninhabited mountains. Would one closer to home not be; wiser?"
The loud bang that rang out shook the ground beneath them violently.
"You feel that?"
Shino nodded.
"That's a little one. Anko and Hikari have been increasing the strength of the flash bombs and combining them with all sorts of stuff," the Hokage sighed. "They destroyed the kitchen a few days ago."
Shino hummed in his throat in understanding. "Yes; it was hard to miss; so this is your attempt at stopping your home from; future; injury?"
Kakashi made a few hand signs before slamming his hands into the ground, a mud wall forming around the back of the one closest to them when a blast from Tenten's paper bomb blew a hole right in the centre.
"I just don't want my house to blow up anymore," he watched Hikari release a barrage of senbon at Shinja; when his hive blocked the attack, the senbon fired small bursts of light before exploding. "Or the entire village."
The Aburame heir made another understanding noise when he saw his son use his hive to pick up and throw a piece of the broken surrounding wall at Anko.
"I can see only one flaw; to your plan."
Kakashi had to grip the tree behind them to remain sitting upright at the following collection of bangs, flashes, battle cries, and entertained laughter followed by one giant explosion that sent them both rolling sidewards.
"Oh?" The silver-haired man sat up, shaking grass out of his hair. "And what's that?"
Shino righted himself shaking off a large amount of dirt from his green coat. "We have no medic."
The sound of his wife and daughters entertained cackles flooded the air before another large flash went off.
Kakashi sighed; he knew he would forget something.
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
Hikari and Haru
A gift to @wingbladeweaver1357 in return for the beautiful fanart. You made my day. I hope I make yours. :)
The song for one Haru? Over here.
The song Tomoko plays for one Hikari? Right here. From one of my favorite YouTube pianists.
The little brunette girl was the first unexpected guest in my day. She could’ve easily blended in with the other customers at Nagareboshi Cafe, but the small tug on the ribbon tying the back of my dress was enough of a sign that things were different.
Thankfully, the song that was at my fingertips was already coming to a close once the tug happened, so I let the notes fade into the air before carefully turning around in my seat of the piano bench to look in that direction. “Yes?”
I was not expecting to see sparkles.
“Hi, nee-chan!” Bright teal-green eyes were beaming up at me, and I blinked. “You play really beautiful music!”
Ohmigosh, she’s cute, when did she get there? From her light blue hoodie and matching white-blue collared shirt, she certainly looked like a child any parent would grow to love. The side ponytail held up by one bright green scrunchie simply added to the charm. And the smile… 
Awwww. I could’ve sworn I could see a reflection of myself in those big green eyes.
She is absolutely adorable. Hisako agreed with a solemn nod. Wanting to be a ninja maybe? She did sneak up on us.
I blinked. You didn’t notice her either?
My Nobody shrugged, the handle of Oblivion barely hanging onto her fingers. Your music is nice to listen to, Tomoko-chan.
Huh. Compliments were going all around today. I took a breath to calm the sudden onslaught of heat about to flood my face, putting on a kind smile. “Oh, really? Thank you, dear. Just when did you sneak up on me?”
“In the middle of your performance!’ The girl grinned at me, exposing what looked like bright white baby teeth, and I could already guess my newest companion was somewhere between 4-5 years old. “And I knew it!”
“Eh?” I inclined my head at the girl putting her hands together. She rubbed them for a few seconds.
I was also not expecting the small puff of smoke. Blinking, I rubbed at my eyes as the new pink rose made its appearance in the sweetie’s hands, and she offered the flower to me. “With that melody and that voice, you must be an angel sent from Heaven, nee-chan!”
Oh. Oh my. Oh my gosh.
She called you an angel. An angel. Wow. She one-upped Kakashi and took the words out of my mouth!
OHMIGOD, HISAKO. And, wait a minute. What do you mean by “one-up Kakashi”?
My Nobody simply threw her head back, long brown hair swishing and all, to cackle loudly.
Gosh darn it. The blush was hard to even fight back at this point because of how much my heart was pounding. From the bright grin being flashed towards me, I couldn’t deny that this little girl meant every single word. And I was supposed to be the one on the cafe job. Compliments were still something to get used to. “Th-Thank you?” I stammered, putting a hand to my chest as I could feel my voice crack just as much as my ribs from the happy juice. “I’m just a mere pianist though, dear.” A giggle left my lips as I reached over to lightly boop the top of her head. “As happy as I am to be called an angel, I’m just as human as you.”
“Ehhh?” The little girl pouted and scooted back a bit so I wouldn’t poke her again, puffing her cheeks while still offering the rose. “It’s true, though! Every time I hear you play, I get lost in your beautiful music, nee-chan~!” And with that hum in the air, the grin from before was back, and the rose was still sitting in her hands. “This is for you as thanks for the songs!”
“Oh dear…” the grin on my own face was unmistakable as I reached over to gently take the flower, gripping it as delicately as I could. I had no idea where it came from, but roses were just like any other flower — beautiful and deserving of quiet respect. “Thank you, ojou-san.” I sniffed the rose softly, taking in the scent of the sweet pollen before looking at her with a warmer smile. This was turning out to be quite the pleasant surprise. “Do you want me to play another song for you?”
“Eh? Really!?” Her mouth formed a surprised “o” for the briefest moment, her hands going back to rub the back of her head. “Is it okay, nee-chan?”
“Please, dear,” I took a page from Mama’s book, putting the rose down in a safe crevice near the piano stand to face her. My newest customer. She was certainly young, but for some reason, those green eyes reminded me of someone. “Call me Tomoko.”
“Tomoko-nee-chan?” she ducked her head and spoke the syllables slowly, and I held back the urge to squeal, feeling my smile grow to the point of stretching my cheeks. She was cute. So cute.
Was this how Kushina-nee felt when she first met me?
It was a nice thought.
“Hoshino Tomoko, ojou-san,” I said gently with a small waggle of my finger. “And you’re my customer now, and I’m your pianist for the day. So,” the girl’s teal-green eyes sparkled as soon as she raised her head to make eye contact. “Could I get your name?”
“Fujino Haruka!” The newly dubbed Haruka-chan beamed, swaying back and forth on her chair all the while. “Haru is fine too!”
“Haru-chan it is then,” I decided with a giggle back, not even minding the sparkles flying off her anymore. It was warm. “Then, for the sweet Haru-chan, Tomoko-nee-chan has a job to do, just for you.” I pressed the first key on the piano and closed my eyes, recalling the childish drawings of pink and blue dumplings coming together to raise one tiny yellow dumpling.
“As pianist of Nagareboshi Cafe, I welcome you to the Big Dango Family.”
I already decided with the first chords that I’d do what I can to make sure this little girl kept that smile on her face for the day.
There was no way I could allow the Third Shinobi World War to take another smile from my job. I couldn’t let it steal the innocence from another little girl who deserved better.
Kakashi was surprisingly sulky as soon as Haru-chan left with that bright grin on her face. Even if his mask was hiding the bottom half of his face as always, the slight furrow of his eyebrows and narrowing of his eyes said otherwise.
I made sure to wipe some dust off the piano keys before facing him with a wry smile. “What is it, Kakashi?”
My best friend didn’t respond, simply getting up from his chair to instead plop himself down onto the piano bench next to me. I did my best to not move as soon as he leaned over to rest his head against my right shoulder. “Nothing,” he grumbled quietly. His silver spikes, if I leaned in just enough back, were close enough to tickle. “Just let me rest like this for a bit.”
Huh. He was sulking.
I decided not to question it and reached over with my left hand to gently pat his head. “Want a song?”
“…That’d be nice.”
I gently nudged him with my shoulder, holding back the urge to giggle. “Love you too, Kakashi.”
“Hn.” A pause. “Love you too.”
“Hee hee.”
“What should I get around here…? Munny doesn’t really work as currency.”
Another unexpected guest around these parts. My Nobody casually shouldered the Oblivion Keyblade again, not even minding the books flying around her head. I get ninja, but it’s not every day we get new faces outside of the village.
Yep. Though, is she okay?
Don’t ask me. Ask her.
I couldn’t help but find myself fixated on the newest oddball sitting near the piano. Unlike my first unexpected guest, she was definitely not a child. Teenager, maybe even my age or older. She wasn’t even sitting in a chair near my piano bench, simply seated at one of the many tables surrounding the stage, her blue eyes frantically scanning the menu in front of her. Her short brown hair seemed to frame her face in a way that reminded me of Sora from Kingdom Hearts, and if the plaid blue-white pattern on her waist sash was any indication, Tetsuya Nomura must’ve had a hand in her clothing design. There was no other reason I could attribute the belts and zippers to.
Still, her eyes. Even if they were blue like Mama’s, they shined behind that menu like Haru-chan’s. Similar sparkles, even.
I gently got up from my piano bench to walk down from the stage and approach her, my voice already coming out in the waitress tone I’d been used to for years. “Excuse me, miss?”
She startled, putting her menu down just slightly to meet my eyes. Her blue eyes were wide with surprise. “Whoa! Uh, hi?” She scratched her cheek with her apparently fingerless gloved hand, looking sheepish. “Sorry for taking too long, I just don’t know what to get.”
I smiled and shook my head, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “There’s no trouble. I was just thinking of offering something instead.”
“Offer?” She gave me a questioning stare, her mouth caught between a frown and a pout. “What kind of offer?”
“It’s not too much, you’re just new around here, right?” She nodded, and the smile grew on my face. “Well, I’m Hoshino Tomoko, your pianist for the day in Nagareboshi Cafe. And it is my policy to play a song for any new faces. So, how do you feel about sitting next to me on the stage to listen?” Those blue eyes widened again once I gestured to the grand instrument sitting behind me. “Maybe the song could give you an idea of what you’d like to eat.”
What looked like a conflicted smile passed over her face. “Tomoko-san, I wouldn’t want to trouble you—”
“Nonsense,” I said immediately, finding myself fondly rolling my eyes. With the way her shoulders were tensing and the simple stunned, fish-like look on her face, she definitely reminded me of Sora. And, for a childhood hero… “You’re a customer. I’m the pianist. And,” I winked at her, “the pianist has to serve the customer first, no?”
The wide look in her eyes was back before she threw her head back to laugh. “Okay then! I don’t know what else to do, so sure!” She swayed forward to grin at me, offering her hand. “I’m Leonhart Hikari.”
Wait, isn’t that—
I held back a giggle.
Hikari-san sat there, blinking. “Tomoko-san?”
“I-I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you,” I took her hand and shook it, feeling myself smile back. “It’s just, you share the same name as my Mom. Just as pretty and sincere.”
“Oh,” she said, blinking. Once the handshake finished, she took her hand back to rub the back of her neck. “Does that make it awkward or—”
“No no no,” I reached over to gently grab her free hand. “It’s just funny. Now I know just want to play for you.”
“What’s that?” Hikari, thankfully, didn’t seem to mind my guiding her to the piano, so once I was back on my familiar piano bench with Hikari taking a seat next to me, I could feel the smile on my face start to stretch my cheeks.
That pink rose from Haru-chan was still sitting on the piano, just in a small vase thanks to Papa. It was enough inspiration.
“You’re Hikari, another bit of light, sooooo…”  I uncovered the piano keys to take a breath, “why not play a song such as Hikaru Nara to honor that light?”
I never got to play the song before. It was well about time to honor that pianist-violinist duo who made smiles out of a shared lie.
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cyhyr · 3 years
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On the Second Day of Whumpmas my writer gave to me
Reunions (and first meetings!).
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: T
Pairing: Kakashi & Iruka
WC: ~1460
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: omegaverse, mpreg, omega!Iruka, alpha!Kakashi, baby OC, not-so-pleasant reunions,
A/N: If y'all remember Whumptober prompt #16, On a Need To Know Basis (Rated E), this is in the same 'verse!
Konoha’s front gates have never looked quite so wonderful. Successful information gathering plus multiple assassinations, all while keeping a civilian cover for just under a year? Kakashi asks and thinks, he’s due for a little break. Just a little one—maybe a day or two.
He signs in, pleased to be able to pen his own name again, and the two beta shinobi at the gate welcome him home.
“It’s good to be back,” Kakashi says with a grin.
One of the two is… frostier, so to say, than the other. “Hospital, room 214,” he says. “You’d better hurry.”
Confused, Kakashi gives a, “Hmm?” But then the other shinobi nods and says, “That’s right. Congratulations are in order, I suppose, but you gotta go make your claim before the Council snatches up that pup.”
“Go now, Hatake,” the first one says. Kakashi’s still reeling from pup, but he’s going on to say, “Iruka’ll never forgive you if you let his pup be taken by the village. Go claim them now.”
Iruka! Pup…?
Oh, shit; he’d helped Iruka with his heat almost 11 months ago, that would mean…
He’s two months late, and he didn’t even know he had something—someone— to be late for.
He’s gone, flickering across the rooftops to get to the hospital. He hears a few people try to say hello to him, but he has to—to get to Iruka and claim their pup because the Council would love to get their hands on a Hatake pup and—and why didn’t Iruka abort when he found out—but he’ll make a great mother it’s Kakashi who has doubts about being a parent—and—
He finds an open window on the second floor and slides in, ignoring the shouts of surprise as he quickly assesses that he’s not in room 214 and skids out into the hallway. Left, right, left—Left, down the numbers, 226, 224, 222, he hopes he’s not too late, fuck, 218, 216, 214! He stops for just a moment, just for a breath, and then opens the door.
“I will rip your throat out if you come near us again,” Iruka snarls as Kakashi steps inside.
Kakashi pauses and holds up both of his hands. Everyone knows not to mess with a newly birthed omega, and Kakashi’s no exception. “Iruka-sensei, it’s me. I’m… I’m here to claim the pup?”
He steps around the privacy curtain slowly, hands still up, and finally, finally, sees Iruka again for the first time in almost a year and—and he’s perfect. Maybe his hair is matted and the circles under his eyes are darker than they once were, but he’s clutching the pup—their pup!—close to his chest, one hand under their rump and the other covering the back of their head. He can see a tuft of silver hair between Iruka’s fingers, sticking out from the edge of the yellow knit cap, and the whole room smells of fresh, clean pup, and it’s doing things to him.
Namely, claiming and packing things. He inches forward, heedless of Iruka’s low, rumbling growl, and stops inches from the bed. He’s only ever seen Iruka so fierce once before, back when he stood up to Kakashi over the chūnin exam nominations; but this is… this feels so different.
If he wanted to, Iruka could indeed rip Kakashi’s throat out, and no one would blame him. He was absent for the entire pregnancy and birth, and then some. If Iruka wanted him gone, he has that right.
The Council.
Kakashi lowers himself to his knees and rests his chin on the bed next to Iruka’s thigh. He purrs softly, trying to soothe his ire. “You’re amazing,” he says eventually. “A pup, Iruka, I—”
“Hikari,” Iruka says quietly. He shifts the pup in his arms, loosening the hold he had. Kakashi perks up. “I… I didn’t want to presume to give her your name… I can file the paperwork to—”
“Hikari,” he breathes. “A girl?”
Iruka smiles softly. “Your daughter, yes.”
“Is it…” he picks himself up. “Can I hold her?”
Iruka looks away and tightens his embrace the slightest bit, and then holds her out to Kakashi to take. He’s not looking at him, though.
Kakashi shuffles a little closer and puts his hands on Iruka’s arms. “It was a request, sensei, and requests can be denied. She looks plenty comfortable with you; keep her.”
He pushes Hikari back to Iruka’s chest. “Keep her," he says emphatically. “I hear that the Council is giving you trouble?”
Iruka settles back and snuggles and scents Hikari. Gods he’s beautiful with their pup but—
“Yes. Danzō in particular wants to claim her for the village, but I… I wanted to give you the chance to… to reject her, first.”
“Why would I ever—?”
“We’re not mated, Kakashi-san, or did you forget exactly how she was conceived?!”
Kakashi represses a shiver, remembering the heat Iruka went through and how amazing it was to be allowed to share that with him. He’s not sure he’ll ever forget.
But he’s right. They’re not mated. And as such… the village does have the right to claim pups from unmated omegas, it’s just not usually done.
“Do you want me to claim her?”
Iruka snaps, "I can take care of her myself."
“But if I don’t claim her, will you lose her? Iruka, if… if you don’t want me to be a part of your life—or hers— just say the word. But I won’t sit back and watch my pup be raised by Danzō into a killing machine, and I don’t think you want that either. Talk to me, tell me what you want me to do, and it’ll be done.”
“I…” Iruka’s confliction is clear in his downturned eyes, his frown, the worry lines on his forehead. He ducks his face to scent Hikari, and then looks up at Kakashi. “Claim her, so Danzō can’t. But I value our friendship and I want us to stay as we were, if that’s possible.”
Kakashi nods, pretending with every fiber of his being that hearing that Iruka doesn’t want to mate doesn’t hurt. He’s proud that he doesn’t choke as he asks, “Would you be interested in arranging a co-parenting situation?”
Iruka stops to think for just a moment, and then says, “We can discuss that. After you go and file the paperwork that claims Hikari.”
“Can I… can I scent her, before I go?”
Iruka swallows hard, but says, “Okay.” He tries to offer the pup back up to him, but Kakashi only takes his mask down to under his nose and ducks his head down to push his face gently into Hikari’s tiny neck.
She smells perfect. Clean and dry and crisp. Maybe pups are supposed to smell sweet—that’s how most books describe them—but he’s glad his pup doesn’t smell sweet. He takes one more deep inhale, and then looks up at Iruka before projecting his intent to scent her back. He gets a slow nod, and then Kakashi carefully rubs their cheeks together.
Hikari gurgles, and his heart melts. His pup knows him.
“It’s good to see you again,” he says to Iruka. “And thank you, for letting me be a part of this. She’s beautiful.”
Iruka flushes, and says, “She gets her looks from her father.”
“Hmm. We’ll have to agree to disagree on that.” He lifts his head and stands up. “She smells like you, and that’s the best part.”
The flush deepens. “That’s only because you weren’t here for it. She would have taken on both of our scents if—”
“I’ll go do that paperwork now,” Kakashi stops him. “You two look like you could use a nap.”
Iruka hums and kisses the top of her head and Kakashi’s chest aches even more. He walks out of the room and waves down a nurse to get the paperwork started; she welcomes him back, first, and then says she’ll bring it right to the room, if he’d like to wait inside with the mother and pup.
Would he ever.
He goes back in, and is ready to continue talking with Iruka, but he comes around the curtain to see that he’s already relaxed and settled Hikari on his chest, fast asleep. He comes to sit on the chair beside the bed, and notices that Hikari’s bright brown eyes are still open, she’s just laying down happily on her mother’s chest, drooling away.
“It’s nice to meet you, Hikari,” Kakashi mutters. He offers a finger to the infant, and she wraps her tiny fist around him and closes her eyes.
Iruka’s purring in his sleep. Hikari makes sleepy pup noises.
And Kakashi watches them both, hoping someday that he can have this for good.
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
For those that wanted OC commissions. Hikari-Hatake on DeviantArt is pretty good, but I don’t know if she’s still doing commissions.
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hikariarts501 · 5 years
My childhood husbandos
(And why I never talked about them)
Okay! Like every other person on this planet, I have had crushes on fictional characters in movies and tv shows, weither it's Legolas from Lord of The Rings or *cough* Kakashi Hatake from Naruto.
Though I never talked about them growing up because I was worried other kids my age would make fun of me.
But we're getting right into it, so let's go! :D
1. Legolas Greenleaf, from Lord of the Rings
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I formed a crush on Legolas when I first watched Lord of the Rings when I was around five or six yrs old. I think it was his voice that captivated me from the start. And the fact that he was played by Orlando Bloom. Like, yes please.
When I was in elementary school, I was talking with one of my few friends about what characters I had a crush on from movies and tv shows. When I brought up Legolas, a boy from our class overheard and started teasing me and saying things like "Hikari likes fake characters!".
But seriously, how many of you out there fell in love with Legolas after watching Lord of The Rings?
2. Peter Pan
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Like all little girls, I absolutely LOVED Peter Pan. I don't think I need to go into detail as to why, since I'm pretty sure everyone knows already.
3. Loki Laufeyson (Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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Oh god. This handsome man. I actually first fell in love with Loki after watching most of the animated cartoons (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Avengers Assmeble, etc.) It wasn't long after that watching Thor:God of Thunder and seeing Tom Hiddleston for the first time that I was just smitten. Also, Loki is very relatable in so many ways.
The reason I never talk about Loki is because...well when I say he's my favorite character and one of my husbandos a lot of people would give me crap about it. Mostly those hardcore(if not a rather obessive and just flat out mean) loki/tom hiddleston fangirls on here would start calling me names and saying that I have no right to be liking him and yada yada yada. It's the same in real life too.
4. Captain Rex of the 501st (Star Wars the Clone Wars 2008)
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This one. Like everyone else, when Star Wars the Clone Wars aired on tv in 2008, I was ecstatic and watched every episode I possibly can. Seeing Rex for the first time made me head over heels in love with him and most of the clones.
I mostly kept this crush to myself until around middle school/ high school when I discovered a website called Quizzazz (now known as Quotev. To anyone who has an account there knows me as Ren Leonhart. :) ) From there I found as many star wars fan groups as I can and ended up meeting tons of wonderful fellow Clone Wars fans and I became more opened up about my husbandos, and started creating my first set of ocs and fanfics. A lot of people were supportive and so sweet about my choices.
However, there was the toxic side of the fandom who immediately started leaving negative comments on my stuff, saying how my oc is killing their Rex/Ahsoka, Rex/Cody, etc. ships. Like...dude. You got your own taste in ships and opts and I have mine. I honestly don't want to hear it, you know?
5. Kiku Honda, Japan (Hetalia)
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This one is a bit more of a platonic love than a romantic one. The reason I say that is because ironically, my dad kinda reminds me too much of Kiku. Which I found extremely weird since when I first watched Hetalia I was all like "Awh, Japan's a freaking cutie." until I started seeing a lot of similarities between him and my dad.
6. Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko (Star Wars Rebels)
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In the Rebels community we all have our favorite Rebel, and our favorite Imperial. For me it was Commandant Aresko. I joined the Rebels fandom a bit late into the series, Season 2 at best, but quickly got caught up after getting Disney plus a few months ago.
Seeing Aresko, there was no doubt in my mind that I freaking loved him. I think I say it alot in the tags of every artwork of him I post on here. Just how he goes from acting all high and mighty to a nervous wreck in a short amount of time is adorable. Also I'll admit it I have a thing for guys with british accents, dark hair and blue eyes.
I don't talk about him as much as I do about the others, because when I do, people will immediately say that I'm not valid for liking him, or will immediately be talking trash about him. And to be honest, I never asked for anyone's opinion on him when I just decide to go and spread love about him or any other character.
7. Jotaro Kujo (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure; Stardust Crusaders)
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So like I said in a previous post of some fanart, I just recently got into JJBA, and fell inlove with Jotaro. I've always loved the delinquint characters who have the hearts of gold.
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demonbutterfly95 · 6 years
50 Day Challenge - Hatake Sakumo
Prompt 1: Use the lyrics of your favorite song as the basis for a short story.
Pairing: Sakumo x Tsubaki Hikari (OC)
*Edits: I didn’t like how I portrayed the third confession and fleshed it out a bit more. Sakumo isn’t that creepy I promise. Also added the lyrics of the song that inspired this drabble. I’m In Love - Bobby (iKon)
When I’m next to you The world plays a song for me sometimes
The first time Sakumo asked her out Hikari had saved his squad.
It wasn’t the first time they met but it was the first time Sakumo actually saw her. He had been badly injured and watching her heal him while her fire and wind manipulation kept the rogue nin at bay left him in awe. She made quite a sight with the green glow of her healing but to add the light of the flames around them with her long brown hair dancing in the wind, he knew at that moment she was special.
The first time Hikari rejected him she didn’t give any reason. Simply shook her head as she rushed him into the operating room.
Baby I’m in love A love that won’t ever come to me again I’m in love yes I’m in love with you 
The second time Sakumo asked her out Hikari had been sleeping in a tree.
He hadn’t seen her in months since she lived outside of the village. As soon as his nose found her scent he took to the roofs and ended up at a large willow just outside of the village. Muting his chakra he moved until he was on the branch next to her. She began to stir from his movements and her lashes fluttered gently against her light complexion. Sakumo was stunned and at that moment wanted nothing else but to see that very sight every morning for the rest of his life.
The second time Hikari rejected him she clearly and firmly declined but still didn’t give any reason.
I might give you a hard time baby But after time, when you look back I hope you’ll be smiling, my baby So I can be your last that no one else was So come and take my hand
The third time Sakumo asked her out he was desperate.
He had been venting to his civilian childhood friend Chi at her family’s store when he caught whiff of her scent. Scanning the crowded marketplace he found her staring at them with the gentlest look in her eyes. For as long as he had known her, Sakumo had never minded the mask she wore on her lower face. At that moment he desperately wanted to see what kind of expression she was making. Then she disappeared.
Days, weeks, than months passed before he saw her again. He had been meeting Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru for drinks in the Village of Tea when he saw her at the bar. In seconds he was caging her in his arms and asking her to give him a chance. Since the first day they had met she had never left his mind. If she truly had no interest in him and asked he would leave her alone forever. But he didn’t feel that was the case at all. 
She was the one treating him each time he was at the hospital. The nurses had gossiped how if she wasn’t the one leading the surgeries, she would come in half way, or be waiting outside to step in if needed. Their hushed whispers included nightly vigils during critical monitoring and frequent checks on his file seemingly to track his recovery. With such vested interest in his health and well-being he couldn’t help but believe she held some feelings for him as well. 
I’ll hold onto you When you’re about to collapse I’ll be your shoulder So you can rest I’ll walk with you When no one’s there I won’t let go of your hand I’ll keep telling you Baby I’m in love with you 
The first time Hikari agreed to go out with him there was confusion in her eyes. Sakumo didn’t mind. He only needed a chance to show her he was completely in love with her.
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Hatake clan lives AU! Like there are clan members around, Yua lives, no bad mission for Sakumo, maybe Kakashi gets to meet Hikari? Would Kakashi be one of those genius kids who is too proud of his clan and lineage growing up, or would his parents being dorks in public make him a little embarrassed and tone down his arrogance back then?
Ok, hotaru is Madara’s age and madara was 100 when he ‘found’ Obito. That means he was around 70 when Sakumo was born.
Meaning Hotaru is 70 and living well when Sakumo is born until he’s maybe five, and some of Sakumo’s first memories are of this really silly adult who seem’s to thrive iff of chaos and will be the only one to openly insult Madara in the dumbest ways (never his skill or personality)
I think Sakumo would be a little bit more silly if that were the case. Not just ‘anxious dad’ but anxious openly happily silly dad who thrives off of embaressing his wife and son (and oh boy does he)
Hikari and Ayame getting to meet Yua and loving her 😭😭😭 they want to make her feel at home and will have WORDS with anyone who makes their daughter in law feel like she doesn’t belong.
Hikari and Ayame getting to love their grandson and perhaps feeding a little into his ego because he got that from somewhere and I think Ayame would be able to refrain from getting excited when he excels. Hikari is a lot more chill about it and will bonk him on the top of the head if he starts getting arrogent.
Kakashi getting to know his mother, see his father grow old, meeting his grandparents. Learning Hatake Clan jutsu’s from his family and hearing stories about the clan.
Urge it hurts i love it so much 😭😭😭
No no no WAIT!
Obito talking about the sharingan and Kakashi smuggly reminding him that He could ALSO unlock it since he has Uchiha blood. (He can’t that got cut off through Ayame because she didn’t inherit it and neither did Sakumo. kakashi’s just being RUDE)
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Hotaru dies in Madara’s arms, a sword through her chest and a smile on her face. She has just enough strength to put a hand over his eyes so he doesn’t see her take her dying breath with his Sharingan.
Hikari and Ayame die side by side. They’ve won the battle but the injuries they’ve sustained are too great. They lement over not being able to go home and see their son (Sakumo) one last time. The two of them die side by side, just as in love as they have always been
Yukio dies alone. He takes a hit for Danzo, to protect him, and watches as Danzo rushes off after the enemy to complete the mission, no care given for Yukio laying there in the dirt bleeding out
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The Hatake Mud wall has a history now with my OC’s and i just realized XD
Hotaru formed it and made it diffrent from the standard mud wall jutsu. Stronger than ever before, but still breakable
Hikari improved upon it and became known for near impenitrable walls.
Then Kakashi come’s around and thanks to a smart scientists decides to play around with it and learns to form parts of the mud wall into glass to divert lightning attacks before reverting back to being mud.
Hotaru created a wall she wanted to be impenetrable. Something that would always protect her
Kakashi managed to make it as close to that as it could possibly be
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From all three mothers... what would each of their top piece of advice for parenting be??
Yua: don’t tell your kid they’re wrong, ask them how they can solve a situation better. Kids make mistakes, even genius’. But they don’t like being told they’re wrong and they’ll double down on their mistake instead of fixing it. If you guide them towards a better solution though they’ll learn how to dig their way out of their own mistakes and think in other ways.
Hikari: Have fun. It’s ok to get down in the dirt and play with your kids, or to be silly with them. Being a parent doesn’t mean that you have to always be strict or tell them the rules. It means you help them grow to be strong and smart, and sometimes to do that you have to get a little dirty and laugh a lot.
Ayama: don’t let Hikari cook
Jokes aside, always bring a book, a game, and one more thing to do when you go out. It may feel like you’re bringing too much, but you’re not. You don’t want to get caught out with nothing for kiddo to do, but would much rather have options for them to get excited about. Example, she likes to have a book, a toy sword, and a notebook for Sakumo to colour/write in (as he gets older)
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1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 40. 1 question per OC :)
1) how good is their sight? - Ayame!
Surprisingly good, possibly because she never awakens the Sharingan so there’s no eye strain on her that deteriorates her sight over time. Hikari does have a bad case of far sightedness, so Ayame gets to see her wife in cute glasses whenever she wants to read.
7) Do they prefer crowds or being alone? Hiroki!
Being alone is preferred but Hiroki is often fine in crowds. He recharges from having alone time but is very good with people and loves spending time with his friends and family.
If he were to ever marry, he’d have a space in his home that’s just him. Where he can hide away and recharge after a long day of being around people
14) do they get sick on amusement park rides? - Hotaru
No, but that’s partially because she only goes on rides she knows she won’t get sick on. Hotaru doesn’t like making herself sick so if she knows there is a risk she will avoid
Madara teases her all the time for it, but she’s fine with that. She gets him back by over feeding him and watching him go on the one ride that spins a lot
This plan has only backfired once, when Madara got sick on poor Katsura during a date
Hotaru never heard the end of it
21) have they ever killed someone? - Hikari!
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Although she has killed her fair share of enemies, Hikari’s most memorable kill was when one of her clansmen went traitor and tried to attack Tobirama during his reign. Hikari didn’t think twice before ending his life but it really messed her up because she grew up with him.
They were part of the same clan
They were friends
And his blood is forever on her hands
28) How do they break bad news to someone? - Nakano
Bluntly. Nakano doesn’t muck about with trying to ease people’s feelings or be nice. If there’s bad news it’s bad no matter how she words it and she just wants to get it out of the way so she can support them if need be, or leave them alone if that’s what they want.
It gets her a lot of criticism but there are people who appreciate that she doesn’t sugar coat things.
35) would they take the chance to be immortal?
No. Although she has a deep fear of death, Yua still understands that is a natural part of life and all things must come to and end. She’ll fight tooth and nail to live as long as possible (and it’s the one thing her and orochimaru can agree on) but she’d never try to chest death.
40) Do they know that they are loved?
Tobirama has never been good at telling his kids they’re loved and honestly neither was Izuna. They loved them, they could just never vocalize it well.
Ayame became much like her parents and prefered to show love with time and connection, rather than words
Yukio needs words. He needs to hear someone say ‘i love you’ and because he never does, he assumes that no one loves him. That he’s not wanted.
This already crushing hurt is made worse when he falls for Danzo of all people. Even if Danzo does return his feelings (which i tbh like to think he does) he’s a dick who works with insults and judgement
‘I love you’ is not something Yukio will ever hear from him.
Thank you for the ask 💜💜💜
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Pokemon Au- OC Edition
Partner Pokemon
Hatake Yua - Mamoswine
Hatake Hotaru: Stoutland
Hatake Hikari: Houndstone
Ayame - Hounddoom
Hatake-Maito Nakano - Pawmi/Amphrose
Koji- Marpeko
Maito Hiroki - Togekiss
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i always had this little headcanon that shisui used to have a little puppy crush on kakashi (nothing big really i just thought it was funny) so when you once mentioned that hikari used to have a little crush on kagami i thought, oh my god the fates really said uno reverse dude-
If hikari and kagami were still alive theyd prob have thought its goddamn hilarious XD
Hikari would be laughing her butt off from the sideline. She thinks this is the biggest revenge the world could throw at Kagami (not that she’s upset with him. She got over it ages ago, she just thinks it’s funny)
Meanwhile Kagami’s sitting there like ‘yes shisui, i understand. Pretty Hatake. I know the pain, just please… please get over this crush of yours. For my dignity.”
Shisui does not and Kagami is going to never hear the end of it from Hikari 💜💜💜
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@elleifar asked me for an Oc prompt and i was dumb for a second and thought it was an OTP promot XD
So here is the correct answer
🧸 : Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
Hatake Yua
More reserved. Yua prefers simple acts to show she cares about people, and in public she’s more likely to show affection with very small actions that only her loved one can decipher.
Hatake Hikari
More public with her affections, Hikari likes to steal kisses, hug Ayame and show the entire village how much she adores her wife.
There are limitations, but Hikari does not shy away from showing her affections
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