#Oc rambling
starrysharks · 2 days
Would Octavia ever get real piercings and if so how would dr Krankenstein react? <:D
octavia can't get real piercings, unfortunately - because her scars/injuries heal quickly due to perfect pendant, any piercing hole would close within seconds lol ( ´∀`) that's why she settles for fakes! but if she was able to get real ones, i think krank wouldn't mind too much seeing as he had piercings when he was younger too.
in terms of the piercings themselves, i think she'd probably have angel fangs and eyebrow piercings, and surface piercings on her hips! (so basically the piercings i want irl lol) she actually has regular ear piercing holes from before she died too, so she can wear earrings, just not any other piercings.
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mysticarts · 22 days
silly little Gunntech Au oc
(ft me about to ramble, be ready yall-)
Soo, I've become obsessed with @elmushterri Gunntech Au (context: Gunntech AU is a AU where the show PJ masks is a show for more mature audiences for teens, think owl house!) They also made a video about this, just look up 'What if PJ Masks' and most likely they're video will pop up first!
(Note I'm using they them pronouns for Elmuehterri cause idk their pronouns and I wanna be respectful-)
And I remember from Elmushterri's video, they mentioned Octobella, and how she could be a failed experiment. Now, I belive Gunntech aren't quitters, so I think they'd try again to recreate what Octobella was supposed to be, and actually succeeded. Thus, introducing my oc....
Kailani 'Kai' Whitlock
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Now, I made Kailani here like any other of the PJ masks charater's.
Kailani's dad (who I have not named yet) worked for Gunntech. so when Octobella failed, Kailani's dad offered her as a test subject. And since Kailani wanted to get proper attention from her father she didn't mind. Hence the truama that impacted her
Considering Kailani is a octopus, I had to do a lot of studying. I mean, she has to have some Octopus traits. So I do have some, I shall state it in a list
The first thing I did was give Kailani some height, I tried to atleast. Considering how long octopus's tentacles are, I imagine in replacement, it really long arms and legs, hence her height
2. I Made Kailani colorblind! Octopuses are color blind to, but make up for it with their color changing bodies, odd pupils, color sensing arms, so I'm Applying that to Kailani. Kailani did see color before she was taken in as a test subject, then she became colorblind
3. Google states that Octopuses usually live in tropical areas so I made Kailani born in Hawaii! (She moved though when she was born)
4. From studying, I have found out that Octopuses have three hearts. I don't know if that should be applied to Kailani or not. I'm just going with that her heart is just bigger than most others, so Kailani can be a little more athletic than her peers.
5. Due to the experiments, Kailani's blood is blue (yes, Octopuses actually have blue blood) because of this, Kailani never tries to get hurt. She dosent want to make her dad angry
(Here's a concept sketch of younger Kailani during her test subject days)
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as for Personality, I made Kailani very shy. Sure, she's extremely smart for her age, not to mention very creative. Mention something Kailani likes and she'll be willing to yap about it hours on end. However, she has extremely strong loyalty, all she wants is to be accepted and actually loved, so if helping Gunntech means she can earn her father's love, she'll put all of her energy for Gunntech
As how she works for Gunntech, I imagine they call on Kailani if they need someone to be held down or need help moving things (considering with Octopuses strength they can lift more than 700 pounds)
but, when not being a person who could fight someone off, I imagine they'd use Kailani as a strategist. Octopuses are actually very smart, and considering the human mind plus Octopus traits, Kailani would be making or hashing out ideas or theories to take down the 'villans' not realizing she's working for the bad guy.
Anyway, here's her concept suit design
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Now I shall relax before I have to suffer at school tomorrow
Edit: I forgot to mention this, but I made Kailani have the hugest crush on Greg (she hasn't made a move cause she's too shy)
Now, if you guys have questions or want to know more about Kailani, I'm glad to give you answers!
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cry-ptidd · 2 months
Yoooo I got a Laura question for you - if Laura could be cured of her lycanthropy, would she go for it or nah??
Ooh that's a tough one.
Ultimately, she wouldn't.
She might be go through a harsh dilemma, since she sees her lycanthropy as the curse it is, transmitted to her without her consent, but in the end she'd refuse.
She's way too far gone now. She can't go back to human society, nor could she ever see herself as one again even if she was cured. The beast she is is her identity now, and she's basically forgotten a lot of what she was like as a human (aside from the fact that she was naive). She's also a very self-aware creature, so she couldn't just brush off her sins and accept salvation. She punishes herself a lot, unofficially.
In the end, I think she'd actually be too afraid to turn human again.
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(^ ~1750)
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wilanserulia · 1 month
Something said in a conversation earlier today got me thinking... I have to imagine there's been an intimate moment for my FFXIV couple at some point where they just... indulge their curiosity about each other's body. And I don't mean as a matter of gender but rather race; they've both been in other relationships before, but both with members of their race.
Like, as an Eorzean Hyur you probably know auri people exist, and even if you've maybe not seen a lot or them because they're not really native to Eorzea you've probably interacted with travelers and refugees, so the idea of Au Ra as a race is not exactly weird. But at the same time... you never really touched one. Like, you don't just walk up to people (even those that you know well) and go "hey can I touch your skin?"
And auri skin is quite peculiar. Some scales on the body look very soft, like on the cheeks, neck or calves, while others appear a little more chitinous, like on the hips or forearm, but still not exactly rigid. What do they feel like to the touch? Do they bend? Are they warm or cold? Unless you happen to lie in bed with an auri lover you just keep your questions (and your hands) to yourself.
At the same time I'd imagine an Au Ra would be curious to touch Hyuran ears, of all things. Like, we give ears for granted but I'd imagine they'd be bewildering to a race that listens through their hollow horns. Ears have such a weird shape and structure, and they're unlike anything else on the body. They look rigid and wrinkly but they bend a lot, and they're really sensitive for some reason? They're surprisingly warm, they get red when you blush, and you can poke a finger right inside them? Seems very dangerous and inconvenient.
Not to mention body hair. This isn't really stated anywhere in canon to my knowledge, but I tend to imagine Au Ra don't really have body hair beside their head and eyebrows, as scales seem to manifest in a somehow similar pattern. I can easily picture an Au Ra closely examine a Hyuran arm, taking note of the body hair that's a little too thin or too sparse to be called fur or in some cases to be noticed at all from afar.
I don't know, when I think about it it seems like a cute bonding moment from the intimacy of a mixed race that I hadn't really considered before.
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blubrryy · 8 months
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Ata’ni rambles because I need to talk about her or I'll explode.
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Ata’ni would generally have similar feelings to Nor. Albeit expressing them in a more reserved manner. She'd just escaped TAP. After enduring decades of abuse and witnessing the erasure of her own culture. So it’s understandable she’d initially be wary of these new humans’ claims to want to ‘help’.
While she isn’t the talkative type, Ata’ni is not one to hold her tongue. Though her remarks may come off as cold.
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Ata’ni lived primarily in the cave below the base for a long time before she finally felt comfortable with the resistance. Despite her time there, she remains cautious of new recruits. Maintaining a heightened sense of observation.
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She thinks of her sister every day. Thoughts of her lingering longer in her mind now that’s she’s finally escaped. Ata’ni feels a yearning to have traded places, mourning the reality that after all Aha’ri had done for her and the others, she would never be able to come back to her home.
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Ata’ni has a large burn scar on her right palm after a gun backfiring incident back in TAP. It still gives her trouble when gripping a bow, so she’s more drawn to spear throwing whenever she has the option.
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bunbunbunni · 30 days
God a Ballas Noggle would go so hard, after every mission gone bad Namid comes home and shakes it and throws it across the room to calm down
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slapfish-oc-blog · 4 days
One of my favorite things ever is making really complicated family trees, for example here’s liane + Rope (cowboy)s family trees
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synnthamonsugar · 4 months
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Midlife Crisis Selene with the DIY bangs
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glitchyko · 3 months
Silly thought time!
What if I mashed this silly
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With this
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And this
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moonferry · 1 month
hello fsioy nation.
so this is going to be rambly and probably will not make sense but stay with me. here's some facts/background info about danny and lee!! but first: there's their designs since i. never shared those.
mentions of bullying, homophobia, absentee parents
(created with this picrew bc i was too lazy to draw)
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NOW onto the lore *explosion*
- real name is "daniel sawyer," though he's most commonly known as danny (or dan)
- 19 years old
- the 3rd of jodi's brothers & the closest to her in age.
- he and jodi were inseparable as children.
- he's also the closest one of her siblings to her in general. he and jodi spent the most time together (since there was a greater age gap between their older brothers & them)
- danny has rbf & constantly gets asked if he's angry or upset (he's not. his face just looks like that) however, the only time he genuinely smiles is when he's around kent & lee (more lee than anyone 🥺)
- you probably guessed this from context clues but danny is a closeted gay guy (the only people who danny WILLINGLY told this are lee, kent, and jodi.) [his earring is also an homage to this & is a reference to the 1970's concept of the "gay ear" where having a certain ear pierced to allow other people to understand your sexuality. typically it's the right ear, however it looks like it's in his left because of the way the image is oriented]
- prefers "cool" colors (like green/blue)
- has stubble along his chin/lower half of his face & has more "angular" features & a straight nose along with prominent worry lines between his eyebrows
- he's almost constantly worried (and with good reason, have you met kent and lee??) and often prefers to keep himself
- incredibly neat & tidy
- sharing the "middle child" role with his older brother, danny and said brother were often over looked & this caused danny to become very self reliant (and even one of the main care takers of jodi when he was old enough)
- danny has a strong sense of justice & feels a need to stick up for the "underdog" - it's how he made both of his friends.
- however, when danny first arrived at the army camp, he didn't have anyone looking out for him. everything was going fine until the usual changing routine occurred . danny was immediately embarrassed and turned a bright shade of red. unfortunately, his stammering was noticed by none other than ray & (this behavior was typically frowned upon publicly at the time) received some very nasty comments - most of which were taunts & jokes relating to him being a quote unquote "penis sniffer" <- rays own words btw . he could handle the jokes and would simply shrug them off. what he couldn't handle, however, was the influx of slurs that seemed to follow.
- since this incident, danny made it his life's mission to leave the soldiers quarters before everyone else so he wakes up extra early & changes to avoid more embarrassment or harassment.
- when new recruits joined & began receiving similar awful treatment from ray, danny stepped in & put an end to it.
- by the way the "last time" danny refers to in the chapter about kent's arrival refers to lee's arrival (ill touch more on that later)
- danny lived in the city his entire life & likely ran into kent before they officially met, though neither would remember it.
- real name is "vincent leegland" but he's most commonly known as "lee" or "leegland"
- 19 years old
- is named after his father, whom he dislikes, and absolutely hates being called "vincent" or any variation of the name
- his father left when lee was about 5 years old, leaving lee in the care of his mother (and later his grandmother once his mother remarried.) lee doesn't have the best relationship with either of his parents & was primarily raised by his grandmother.
- he has faint vitiligo & it can mostly be seen around the corner of his mouth & the entirety of his right eye
- he has dimples!!
- he has a broken nose (from being incredibly clumsy) and it's permanently crooked because it never set properly. lee is self conscious of this fact & often wears a bandage to cover it.
- chronically late & the clumsiest person on earth. covered in more bruises than you can count.
- lee arrived a week after danny & a year before kent.
- his arrival was quite similar to kent's, with the taunting and whatnot, but lee had attempted to write to his grandmother (whom he calls his oma due to her german heritage) & ray was not having it. so, danny decides to step in, and essentially tells ray that harassing other people didn't make him "more manly" and ray responded "like you'd know anything about that" to which danny replied "oh yeah? if you're so big and manly, then kiss anyone in this room" (<- room full of other male cadets) and ray went so pale and was like fine i'll leave him alone just get away from me.
- lee is a social butterfly btw . he loves people & he loves making friends.
- lee was instantly like woaw.... he's so cool... and introduced himself to danny. danny called him "vincent" and noticed lee cringed & asked him if there was anything else he'd like to be called. lee didn't have any nicknames that didn't correspond to that name (most commonly being called vin or vini by his grandmother) and shook his head no sadly. danny then suggested they take part of his last name (leegland) and eventually the nickname "lee" popped up and lee liked it much better than vincent. it stuck & lee couldn't be happier
- he was grateful to put the name behind him & with it, the memories of his father
- lee looked at this situation as a way to get a "new start" and a way to separate himself from his past.
- we know danny is from the city, but where is lee from? and the answer: he's from calico desert. his grandmother originally owned the oasis (the og "sandy", though it was spelled "sanndi" so to speak) & lee moved in when he was a small child, living there with his grandmother until her unfortunate death when lee was 18
- the death of his grandmother is what actually lead to his enlistment. he didn't have anywhere else to go and was now technically an orphan, so he asked the desert trader & learned about the ferngill republic's military.
- he is semi fluent in german (as that was the language his oma often spoke in when asking him to do things)
now some joint/misc things that i thought would be fun to add in:
- the two instantly became best friends, despite danny's introverted personality
- danny actually realized he had developed feelings for lee in a game of truth or dare:
it was with the other members of cabin five - about a month or two before kent's arrival, so danny & lee had known each other for almost a year at this point
w hen it was danny's turn, it was ray who decided to ask him the question. ray, being ever the bigot he was, decided to remove the option of "truth" entirely and asked danny "dare or dare".
danny protested, saying it wasn't fair, but eventually gave up when it was clear there would be no getting through to ray.
the dare was intended to be another jab at danny's sexuality (he had already come out to lee at this point) and ray ultimately wanted danny to chicken out & leave the game (he did NOT like danny at all)
after making danny choose dare, ray said something similar to the phrase danny had used earlier "kiss anyone in this room. unless you're not man enough, sawyer." & obviously danny was like wtf no??
but he knew that this meant he would leave the game - as they had a "do it or forfeit rule". however, lee wasn't having any of it. lee actually answered every question & did every dare asked of him, and enjoyed playing the game, but he didn't want to be a part if danny wasn't, yk, for solidarity reasons. so, as danny was getting up to leave the circle, a bright idea popped into lee's head.
"hey, dan?" lee asked as he grabbed danny's wrist, stopping him in his tracks before he could get too far away
"yeah..??" <- a very confused danny who was fine with leaving the game
"here you go." before grabbing danny's collar and pulling him into a kiss without thinking. what crossed lee's mind was simply that he wanted danny to have fun & continue playing, no matter what had to happen. lee promptly returned to the game and left a very stunned (and light pink) danny to his own devices.
obviously, having technically fulfilled his dare, danny was allowed to continue the game & lee even convinced them to implement a rule that banned anything like that from happening to avoid any further embarrassment. needless to say, danny was quite confused and also very grateful to lee that day.
- later, danny found himself thinking about it and soon realized his face began to heat up everytime he thought about lee.
- he actually confronted lee about it later, but was met with a wide smile (one that revealed lee's dimples) and a simple "i just wanted you to keep playing. you were having fun, danny. i wasn't going to let ray ruin that!" lee's caring nature & those dimples seemed to captivate danny .
- lee, of course, did not realize this or understand the effects of his action. after all, the only "kisses" he received were smothering cheek and forehead kisses from his grandmother, so lee associated them as "something you do to someone close to you" (lee is also demiromantic, i might add. which is probably why he didn't realize he was developing feelings for danny when he did. he just thought he really enjoyed his company and then slowly realized he enjoyed kent's company, but in a drastically different way)
- lees eyes are brown with green flecks & danny's are greyish blue btw that might be hard to tell from the image
anyway that's all i've got right now. thank u for reading teehee .
adding these bc i thought they were funny 😭
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interstella-eyes · 3 months
✦ Cordelia and Flynn Gryffin
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You can probably tell from their proportions, but Cordelia is like a head taller than Flynn, that's why their refs next to each other look so goofy lmao
I somehow managed to do real quick references for Cordelia and Flynn before Art fight, so I’m using this as an opportunity to talk about their lore!! Long ass ramble ahead 🫡
Cordelia 🦚
Cordelia is a peafowl puenymph! Specifically a male one because they look especially beautiful and noble, which fits her heritage of “rarer“ puenymphs. When it comes to animals with sexual dimorphism, these features usually match the sex of the person, which makes Cordelia intersex because she is female! She is also unable to transform at all because she lacks the hormones needed for transformation, meaning she is “stuck“ in her hybrid form (which can get inconvenient with her long tail)
She is considered a very beautiful puenymph and gets a lot of attention for her heritage. A lot of pressure lasts on her to maintain her family’s image, meaning she got a lot of backlash from the public for having children with a “common“ puenymph which would “poison the prestigious bloodline“ (YIKES!!!). This only got worse when the public found out that Robin turned out to be a “commoner“ too.
During the time Flynn was lost at sea, she was helped with raising Samuel and Robin by her close friend Pascha, becoming very close with her and developing romantic feelings. They got together and Pascha and her daughter Noctua became part of the family. After Flynn came back home and they got to know each other and fall in love again, Cordelia, Pascha and Flynn enter a polyamorous relationship.
Flynn 🦈
Flynn is a great white shark puenymph with a passion for sailing. He likes exploring the undocumented parts of the sea in the puenymph realm, which becomes detrimental for him when his ship gets caught in a storm and is destroyed. He is the only survivor, with the rest of the crew being sent to the demon realm and unable to contact him. He was straying around in the ocean in his shark form for TWENTY YEARS until he got home (arriving around 3 years after the beginning of my actual oc story).
He had a very hard time readjusting, seeing that everyone he loved thought he was dead and moved on, and on top of that not having much human contact for two decades. Though he was able to rekindle most of his relationships after a lot of time and effort, his relationship to Robin is extremely distant and strained, as Robin has next to no memories of his father and believed he had left for so long on purpose.
And yeah that’s it!! (she says after rambling for ages)
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starrysharks · 7 days
Since Octavia is a reanimated zombie does that mean she can like remove her arms and still use them when there removed?And is all her parts from her or just from a bunch of other random people's part? <:0
(Sorry if this doesn't make sense)
yes, octavia can remove pieces of her body! not both her arms, just her left hand and right arm due to where the stitching is.
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also, i'd think some of her isn't really her! (probably a few parts from fresher bodies too)
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tiredghostness · 2 months
qiu with a pet turtle me thinks
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cry-ptidd · 2 months
Laura random lore dump
- She dislikes coffee, chocolate and grapes.
- She really likes puzzles. Not the hard, sophisticated ones, just the (preferably colorful) ones that distract her brain.
- She is the one that goes out and gets groceries because Integra wants to resocialize her a bit.
- She can be spotted napping in the kitchens sometimes.
- Her favorite alcohol is absinthe.
- She doesn't remember the faces of her family, except her father. However, even his is a bit blurred in her mind.
- On the same note, she can remember the personalities of the different monks that stayed at the abbey, but their faces are all mixed and mushed together in her memory.
- She is uncomfortable around children for a number of reasons (when she doesn't get to see them as prey).
- She likes the scent of lavender and of the forest.
- She has personal beef with a number of other animals, especially cattle. She dislikes them and they dislike her.
- She's not allowed to transform within the Hellsing estate (except for her room) or anywhere where witnesses could be found, and she wishes she could do it more. Integra refuses because of the increased risk of her temper getting out of control.
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pr0cyon-lotor · 9 months
A swordsman having a favorite sword and it their pride and joy. It's basically a part of them, they can't even think about replacing it. It's them, it's a part of them, a part of their soul. They're insulted if you even try to touch their sword because it's them
And the swordsmith. The poor swordsmith. They've made blades for as long as they could lift a hammer. It's their lifeblood. Whenever someone asks what their most prized sword, they smile longingly and reply that they don't have it in their shop but they're sure everyone had saw it.
They always think of the swordsman and their prized sword. The blade forged from an act of love, a piece of the swordsmith's heart was forged into the metal. So many sleepless nights were spent to ensure the blade was beyond perfect.
And it was. It was beautiful. It was a confession. A confession unspoken. A confession unheard. Yet, as the swordsman wins another battle with the blade forged from the swordsmith's very heart, he looks longingly at the warrior. Their love keeps the swordsman safe, and that makes them happy.
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noxiousr0se · 1 month
Shared Body AU
Totally decided my little idea from yesterday shall now be titled this. 2/10 for Creativity unfortunately.
Either way, this one’s a bit more self-indulgent, but bear with me if you can.
I’d like to think that Dan Feng is the kind of guy to tease Dan Heng about his friends, so what if we went one step further and had Dan Feng try to get involved in Dan Heng’s love life? Like Dan Feng sees that Dan Heng’s relationship with his lover isn’t going anywhere and is rather dull. When Dan Heng insists there’s nothing there, Dan Feng assumes the poor lad is being bashful and sets out to improve the relationship whenever he’s in control.
Even more amusing to me would be that Dan Feng completely missed the mark. Like turns out that Dan Heng and his “lover” are just really close friends and shit just devolves from there. I’d like to imagine that this person quickly becomes adept at figuring out the difference between Dan Heng and Dan Feng simply to try and avoid Dan Feng’s flirting.
Here’s the vision, as well as a brief introduction to my oc, Amara Ryuukou.
‘Here we go again.’ Dan Heng sighed as his best friend once again tried to hit him with a dagger. Well, hit his past self with a dagger. He and Amara had simply been updating the data bank when his other self took over. Within seconds of the shift Amara had gone from looking over his shoulder to standing on the other side of the room glaring.
One would think Dan Feng would take this as a sign to give her space, but her blatant animosity towards the previous high elder was like catnip to him. After realizing that there was nothing going on between the young woman and his reincarnation Dan Feng continued his flirtatious advances simply to watch her reactions.
“Now, now, there’s no need for that sort of violence, my dear I simply asked for a hug.”
“Go hug a cactus.”
“A cactus would be far less prickly than you, wouldn’t it?” Dan Feng smiled. Amara was such an amusing young woman, like a stray cat that refused to be domesticated. Sure, she would accept company and camaraderie, but the moment you attempted to initiate anything more than that she practically turned feral.
“Bring him back.”
“You know as well as I do that it doesn’t work like that.”
“Then stay still and let me hit you.”
“Aren’t you afraid of hurting him? I mean, this is technically his body.”
“I’ll take my chances.” Amara replies unsheathing her second dagger and lunging at him. Dan Feng simply chuckled and proceeded to soak the young woman with powerful torrent of water that sent her flailing into the wall.
‘Leave her be you’ve had your fun.’ Dan Heng sighs, worried Dan Feng was about to antagonize her more than he already had. To his surprise Dan Feng didn’t move, in fact he didn’t even seem to be thinking much, as if he was focused on something.
Dan Feng watched as Amara pushed her now soaked silver hair from her face, and glared at him. It was fascinating really, the way the blue in her eyes seemed to overpower the amber making her stare all the more frosty. He watched as water rolled down her skin, past her collar bone, and disappeared in the valley between her brea—
‘Stop staring at her like that!’ Dan Heng’s sudden shout snapped Dan Feng from his thoughts and made him turn away from the sight before him.
‘I wasn’t staring, I was simply… noting how terrible her reflexes are. She could’ve dodged that attack with proper training.’ Dan Feng replied back. It was a flimsy excuse, he was aware, but he wasn’t going to admit to anything. The woman was entertainment to him. He found her animosity amusing and nothing more. She wasn’t growing on him, he didn’t find himself looking forward to their little spats. Certainly not….
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