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vigilante-bardock · 29 days ago
Omake: Death by Smelting Pit
Cybertron, 783 AD
General Obsidia hovered down Cybertron's halls as he entered the throne room. Before him, sitting on her throne with a bored look on her face, was the Empress of Destruction, Megaempress. "Lady Megaempress," he announced his presence, kneeling before her. "I have news from the front lines."
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"General Obsidia," Megaempress acknowledged, "What is your news?"
"Our army of Ninja bots and newly created Combiners successfully conquered the planet Remnant." General Obsidia reported.
"As expected," Megaempress smiled softly, musing about how she would use this "Dust" to finally crush her archenemy, the Gaian female named Solus Prime(or Aitō Hahaoya, as she called herself, but who really cared about that?). Obsidia wasn't done reporting, it turned out.
"Our Elite Vehicons sustained heavy damage, unfortunately," he continued somberly. Everyone in the throne room became silent, taking a moment to mourn the loss of their comrades.
"Such is the price of war..." Megaempress whispered, tearing up somewhat. She then stretched out her left servo, pointing at Obsidia. "Have them sent to the repair bay secured with the knowledge that they have earned my eternal gratitude."
Obsidia nodded as he obeyed, "At once, my Empress..." He transformed and flew to the troops to notify them of the news. Megaempress smiled softly as she sat on her throne and caressed her pet turbofox on its head.
Meanwhile, the wounded Elite Vehicons limped towards the door that read "Repair Bay" on it, opened, entered, and realized too late that they were inside a smelting chamber. They were quickly melted into slag.
"Commander Obisdia!" Megaempress replied, turning her attention toward him with a soft smile on her face. "I trust our Vehicons have recovered well?" Obsidia swallowed a lump that was lodged in his voicebox. "What is it?" She asked, noticing his anxiety. "Speak your mind,"
"That's just it, my lady," he began, already nervous and unsure of his fate. "It would seem that the door to the infirmary is in fact, the door to a smelting chamber... So the Vehicons are no longer online, they're now offline because they got turned into molten slag..."
Megaempress' optic grew wide at this revelation. "What?!" she exclaimed with shock and horror. "How could this have happened?" She looked at Obsidia with an enraged look. "I order you to investigate!"
"At once, Lady Megaempress," Obsidia turned to leave only to have some lingering doubts. Being the high-ranking General he was, he voiced them. "You.. wouldn't have wanted them offlined would you, ma'am?"
Megaempress stared at him with subtle distrust in her optics. "What are you implying?" She asked, her voice shifting into a dangerous tone along with her pet turbofox growling.
"I'm saying that maybe it's easier for you to kill them... than to heal them?" Was Obsidia's answer. He was now sweating energon from his frame, scared of what might become of him.
Megaempress gasped, surprise on her face still present. "General," She began, "I am aghast!" She then sighed in resignation, "If you think I should be investigated, then take it up with the impartial investigation committee."
General Obsidia nodded. "At once, My Lady..." He transformed into his altmode and quickly flew off, intending to get to the bottom of this mystery. It was a quick flight, as he noticed the sign that led to his intended destination. Now to see what's going on... He thought before opening the door.
Upon entering, the door behind Obsidia suddenly locked itself, making the former General realize too late that he was inside a smelting pit just like those Elite Vehicon troops, ultimately being reduced to molten slag. _____________
"Well, that about does it!" a Constructicon named Wideload exclaimed, a bright smile on his smile as he rubbed his hands. "71 mismarked doors, all of them leading directly into a smelting pit!"
A dark smile emerged from Megaempress as she heard this news. "Excellent work, Wideload," she replied, "Now even these very walls cannot contain my cruelty!" She let an evil cackle, lightning seemingly appearing from out of nowhere.
If he were unnerved by this, Wideload would not have shown it.  "So..." he coughed, "About my paycheck..."
Megaempress snapped from her thoughts, looking at Wideload before realizing what he had just asked. "Oh!" she exclaimed, momentarily thinking, "You can pick it up at Accounts Payable!" She replied with a supposedly friendly smile.
However, unlike the late General Obsidia, Wideload seemed sharper than he looked. "Lady Megaempress, ma'am" he began, "I don't wanna sound suspicious but 'Accounts Payable' is one of the doors that I redirected toward a smelting pit," he raised an optic ridge at her, "You wouldn't be trying to cheat me out of my hard-earned pay, would you?"
Realizing her intentions had been found out, Megaempress quickly came up with another idea. She laughed, playfully waving a finger at him, "Wideload," She commented, "You are a clever mech!"  The Empress of Destruction giggled. "You got me!" She pulled out a small cloth bundle, placing it into Wideload's hand, "Here you go!"
Wideload, not one to leave it to chance, opened it, seeing nothing but electrum coins with the letter C on them. "These are Cybercoins," He pointed out, showing them to Megaempress, "They're only good at gift shops!" A frown formed on his face as he looked at his leader, questioning her sanity and validity as a leader.
"Do spend them all in one place!" Megaempress added, a seemingly friendly smile plastered onto her face.
Widload grumbled as he rolled down the halls, feeling like he had just been cheated out of his payment. "That no-good..." He transformed into his robot mode as he reached his destination, a door that held a sign reading "Gift Shop"
Continuing to grumble, he entered the Gift Shop, "Why did I have to get the Gift Shop..." The Constructicon mumbled before closing the doors, only to instantly scream his Spark out as he was painfully turned inside out due to an unfortunate encounter with the former Autobot Mnemosurgen-turned-serial killer: Sunder.
However, Sunder was currently locked up, his limbs restrained. So how did Sunder turn Wideload inside-out?
See, Sunder had a unique skill ability as he could gaze into his victim's optics and do remote mnemosurgery surgery of the most advanced tasks, even shutting down basic functions such as transforming. And forget Wideload did, for when he tried to escape he used his Conversion Cog, snuffing out his own Spark by turning himself inside-out.
A passing ST3VE heard Wideload's screams and briefly considered investigating. Then, he came to the reasonable conclusion that his life was more important than some unfortunate soul. He quickly shook his head before the Vehicon sped off to resume his work.
"Well, that about does it!" Another Constructicon said, "The Gift Shop is now a room that leads directly to Sunder's cell!"
Megaempress clasped her hands together, a smile on her face, "Excellent work, Wideload!" she replied.
The Constructicon raised an optic ridge and corrected her, "Buckethead," he said, confused as to whom Megaempress was referring.
"-I mean Buckethead!" The Decepticon leader caught on, realizing what she had just said.
"Who's Wideload?" Buckhead asked, scratching his head. Then it clicked: " Are you working with my brother?" he inquired.
Megaempress looked to the side, "Not anymore..." She answered, doing anything not to meet the Constructicon's gaze.
If he was suspicious of his Empress of Destruction, Buckethead did not show it. At all. As in, he didn't suspect that the Camien in front of him knew something that he didn't. "That's a bit ominous," Buckethead pointed before shrugging it off. "But, no matter. How's about my paycheck?"
"Oh!" Megaempress went, realizing he wasn't going to press further. Even better, She thought as her pet Turbofox purred while being petted. I can do what I originally wanted to do with Wideload!"You can pick it up at Accounts Payable!" She replied, knowing full well, what would result from that.
Still not suspicious of his leader's intentions, Buckethead smiled, "I see no issue with that, my lady," He replied, leaving the office and traveling down the halls. After many twists and turns, Buckethead found the door that led to Accounts Payable. Oblivious to what awaited him, Buckethead opened the door and entered, only realizing too late that he was inside a smelting chamber when the door slammed shut. "That rotten Glitch-AAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!" His last words would be before his processor was fried.
"Lady Megaempress?" A Vehicon named R0B3RT went as he stood in front of Megaempress's throne.
"Yes?" Megaempress replied, acknowledging her soldier's presence. "What is it?"
R0B3RT scratched his head, searing for a way to not get slagged. "Rumor has it that you're sending random Cons into Smelting Pits and turning them inside out," He took a deep breath before asserting himself. "I think I speak for every Decepticon when I say that..." He looked into her optics doing his very best to not leak some transmission fluid. "This is bad for morale," He shuddered, shutting his optics and expecting to be shot on the spot for his bold words.
Instead, the Decepticon Leader nodded, listening intently to his statement. "I see," she finally spoke after being quiet for a few clicks. "Why don't you take this coupon, and head on towards the newly installed Acid Pits Spa?" She gestured to her turbofox, who grabbed a few slips of paper with her jaws and gently placed them into R0B3RT's servo.
R0B3RT blinked, confused by this action of generosity. "I'm uh... not really the spa type," He protested.
"I insist," The Empress of Destruction spoke, this time with a seemingly more threatening tone in her voice.
The Vehicon knew better than to press his luck further.
R0B3RT cautiously explored the western wing of Decepticon HQ, not wishing to find a very poor end. He was paranoid. Why wouldn't he? His leader, the femme that every mech and femme in the Decepticons looked up to, had just bribed him and subtly threatened him to take said bribe. What if she's going to make an example of me? R0B3RT thought as he drove down a street.  For all I know, this is a trap! Stopping at the spa, the Vehicon transformed. Looking down at his coupon, he took a deep breath and gulped as he quickly pressed the door, expecting death on the other side.
Instead, R0B3RT got a very pleasant surprise. Decepticons of all shapes and sizes were talking to each other as they dipped themselves into the weak  Acid pits, cleaning them of rust and any other ailments that would be plaguing them. R0B3RT saw Captain Leozack getting a massage from one of the femmes that looked a lot like that Camien Nightbird that had recently left on that secret mission.
That new recruit D-16 was there as well, sitting in one of the acid pits, having the time of his life.
R0B3RT sighed with relief as he entered the spa, realizing that he wasn't going to die. I need a little privacy. He thought to himself. But where to find something that can do that? He noticed a room that read "Private Bathroom" I could use a leak. R0B3RT thought as he approached the door. If he had a face, R0B3RT knew that he would be smiling with joy. Opening the door, the Vehicon entered before seeing nothing there. "Oh FRAG!" He screamed before the door suddenly closed and proceeded to melt him into slag.
Steam Hammer put his hands to his hip and scowled. "I ain't finishing no spa until you tell me what happened to my fellow Constructicons!" he demanded.
Megaempress groaned as she banged her head against the backrest of her throne. The one time I tried to be merciful and giving, She thought. this scrap happens!
Being a leader was tough.
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beansproutsong · 10 months ago
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[Proxy] Nijisanji EN Animate Cafe
I’ll be in the cafe on 19th May. If anyone wants me to get goods, please make sure to place your order before 18th May
Goods list:
- Big acrylic standee: 1700JPY
- A4 portrait: 1300JPY
- Collota (acrylic block keychain): 950JPY
- Tapestry: 4000JPY
- SD mini standee: 850JPY
- Trading can badges: 500JPY
- Flavor tea: 1000JPY
Random photocard will be given for purchase above 2000JPY
Price do not include shipping and proxy fee
DM me here or at my twitter (angelic1408) to place your order
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fruitypieq · 2 years ago
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Weird lil thing
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aerillaya · 7 months ago
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Sooooo that convo was tense, huh?
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asexxxualerotica · 6 months ago
OC Muse List
~Dungeons & Dragons Muses~
Asterion Labrynthia: Minotaur prince in banishment from his kingdom. Quiet and gentle despite the great power and strength he wields. On a path of vengeance to avenge his killed parents.
Branwen Black: Ranger from the far north, raised and taught by an elite squad of mercenaries and huntsmen known as the Blackguard. Has a strangely innate connection to ravens and wolves.
Clover Brandyburke: Lagomore knight in service to a powerful archfey. On a quest to avenge his honor after his fiance left him on the altar. Serious and severe, and also naive to the mortal world.
Dariax Dendarrow: Goliath former bandit chief, abandoned after a disgraceful defeat to a young adventurer. Seeking to grow stronger to challenge the young adventurer again and defeat him.
The Devils of Emon: Based out of the Exandrian city of Emon, a band of adventurers named such for the surprisingly high number of tieflings in their crew.
Aquamarine: Tiefling rogue with ambitions to be the best thief in the region. Came to Emon and was immediately arrested for pickpocketing. Has an affinity for gems and trinkets.
Gamora Great-Bear: Orc warrior woman on a mission to find love, but just finding powerful monsters to defeat. Was similarly arrested, this time for exhibitionism, which she will do again.
Jeanne Ironwood: Woman driven by losses in her childhood to dragons. Trained by Percy DeRolo as an expert gunslinger and markswoman, and known for her cold and calculating demeanor.
Kyrie Targana: Tiefling performer who lost her arms to an abusive slaver. Was previously in a circus troupe with Omega and Thorne, and is now in a romantic relationship with Scourge.
Omega: Tiefling magician in a heated relationship with his succubus patron. Younger brother of Thorne. Definitely the most problem-attracting member of the crew.
Captain Scourge Maelstrom: Tiefling pirate captain and champion of the seas. Unofficial leader of the Devils, and the founding member. Captain of The Sea Devil, and tends to stay on his ship.
Thorne: Tiefling brawler known for getting drunk and getting into fights. Older brother of Omega. The most bristly member of the crew, often gets into fights with Jeanne late into the night.
Varris Alwyn: Tiefling warrior in loyal service to the Everlight. Seemingly ageless, and has a constant bet in the background by the rest of the Devils over whether he's really a dragon or an angel.
Verdant Wilde: Tiefling huntsman trained personally by Vex'ahlia DeRolo. Sent to Emon to keep an eye on things in Greystone Keep. Ended up forming a new adventuring crew alongside Jeanne.
Galatea the Golden-Scaled: Gladiatrix known for her gleaming golden battlekini. Left her life in the arena after repelling a raid on the city, seeing she could set out and do good elsewhere.
Jade Higurashi: Tiefling monk who was previously training to become a powerful sage for a local temple. After being thrown out, she turned to drinking and fighting to fill the gap they left.
Jaerik Aldraeyds: Changeling on a mission to find her true father in the Feywild. Unfortunately, her own naturally high libido and trend for falling to her enemy's lusts has delayed her quest incredibly.
Khadamori the Unbroken: Ulitharid warrior who was held in bondage by his own kin for most of his life. Eventually broke free and became a liberation leader, fighting to free slaves throughout the Underdark.
Korrin Vasailiis: Elven sorceress who made a deal with a demon to survive a horrible fate, and became a vampire in the process. Now on a quest to find new purpose, as her life is even longer than expected.
Lorelei Astolas: Tiefling lady of the night based out of Emon, a long-time rival and long-distance friend of the Ruby of the Sea. Known similarly as the Lady of Pearls for her pearlescent skintone.
Onyx the Shadowhand: Black Dragonborn rogue whose talents for theft and throwing down with thugs has been turned to aid and protect the less fortunate. Has a soft spot for children.
Peregrine Weis: Tiefling warrior woman who was once a faithful weapon for a zealous church, but left when they murdered her wife. Now trying to make up for her loss, and find who she is without faith.
Riot Doomthighs: Goblin bard with a love for heavy metal music and a wild devotion to the death god Xyrnyxrys. Also known for wearing very suggestive (but still protective) armors during her performances.
Serena Clyffe: Former noble lady who fled her home after accidentally frying her would-be betrothed with lightning. Now on the run from the law, and experiencing the world for the first time. Absolutely loves storm chasing.
Terra Verdell: Wood elven druid who has never lived in high society and wants to experience all that she can of it. Left her home in the forests to seek fun. Has found plenty by way of encounters with monsters along the way.
Twilight Obsidia: Tiefling from the Shadowfell who left her abusive family to seek a better life. Currently trying to live her life as a witch in the woods, doing good for the locals and farmers.
Variax Frosthollow: White dragonborn warrior, strongest in his clan, with a destiny to become a true dragon. Was the son of a dragon himself, but was only a dragonborn rather than his true heir.
Velvetina Gingersnaps: Lagomore witch from the Feywild with a desire to see the world. Also with a desire to avoid all of the felonies and fines waiting for her in the Feywild for her past antics.
Wilder Evergreen: Tiefling-orc huntsman with a bone to pick with an archfey. Grew up in woods that neighbored the Feywild, and his sisters were taken when wandering in them. Out for blood.
Willow Wellmeadow: Lagomore druid settled in the mortal plane. Protector of the dense woodlands and warden of a portal to the Feywild. Tends to be kind and welcoming to visitors.
Xakos Duskwalker: Half-orc gunslinger and gunmaker. Studied in ancient artificing and restoration of mythical mechanisms. Had his research stolen and spread out, and is out to take it back.
Yora Vor'ziira: Dark elf rogue who was kept as a slave by her own kind and forced to fight in bloody combats. Was eventually helped free by a human slave, and now wanders the surface world seeking a home.
Zhekhar O'Shevaqt: Efreet lord, master of slaves and of coin in the City of Brass. Known for being incredibly charismatic and devilishly handsome. Also known for spoiling his toys utterly rotten.
Zurrak Hellbellows: Red Dragon, often in a human guise. Considered the King of Dragons, and reigns from a long-dormant volcano he has fashioned into a castle. Intent on conquest, and claiming more wealth.
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generalluxun · 7 months ago
Chloe Travels back in tie AU question, but what is her Akuma like?
I always feel Akuma re meant to reflect the person changed, with those who have notably strong but distinct drives, despairs or obsessions (Or just a lot of character growth) having more than one, while more stagnant people end to return to form so to speak.
Anyway, my mind, with a Chloe in this kind of head-sace would be Obsidia (She's dropped the Queen theme cos Audrey sucks too actually) Despite her new and well established standard of "Audrey sucks" the powers are annoyingly similar, but Chloe's are a vastly improved variant.
IE, her body is made of obsidian class, she is constantly cracking and reforming (A reflection of her disintegrating mental health She can swiftly alter the shape, form and density of the glass which is primarily used to make blades, claws and other cutting implements given Obsidians sharp nature.
So for example she could point her finger and then boom, its suddenly a super long blade piercing whatever is on the other side of a given room.
She can also turn herself into glass particles to fly and dodge, as well as grow her form by absorbing and converting the glass or even sand around her to increase her material mass or make herself giant, or otherwise shape shift, ETC.
This is also meant to reflect the fact Chloe is sharp, dangerous but frankly very fragile, IE, Obsidian is a supreme cutting implement but can shatter. Chloe's form is constantly shattering but she's reforming it just as fast, its sheer willpower and rage keeping her together at this point and that is all that keeps Obsidia from disintegrating.
Okay first off-this is a very cool akuma design! If you are writing you should definitely use it! I could see working it into a different fic, but it might be too much for this particular AU. The focus here is on emotional trauma not physical danger, and since it's a season 1 throwback I'd like to keep it less 'lethal' overall.
So perhaps... 'Miracle Queen' suits our usage with a face lift, minus the bee theme. It's less 'look at me' Queen and more 'I am better than you!' Queen. Her power is 'Queen's Battle'(with a nod back to the S2 name) which isolates her and one other person in their own little pocket-dual dimension. Since she thinks she can beat them H2H(like with Mayura) she's cutting them off from their friends, just like she is cut off and alone.
This also neatly explains why LB couldn't find her partner in time to intervene. And upon winning it finally sinks in that... She's not the hero right now, she's the badguy. Hence, breaking the akumatization and fleeing.
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gayandangery · 2 years ago
Honey: "We didn't even have a real wedding, we just went down to the courthouse on a Thursday."
Guy: "The judge sentenced me to life with no chance of parole."
Honey: "You begged me to marry you."
Guy: "It's true, I did."
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judesmoonbeauty · 8 months ago
I know it’s Chev’s route and gosh am I gushing with giggles with how much he LOVES Emma, but Gilbert his literally stabbing my heart……
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Maybe. MAYBE.
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majorpepperidge · 2 months ago
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I'd love to read a side-story or smth similar about Ghust's time in Sludgestone Ridge as a one-bot army against Obsidia and her Combots before the player shows up. But for now, a finished piece!
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
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@velcryons asked: You could be a Queen- Valaena to Obsidia
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"You   are   kind,   but   your   son   had   made   it   clear   he   has   no   intention   to   take   another   wife."   Not   after   Queen   Rhaenys   passed   away.   He   had   come   to   Westeros   with   two   sister   wives   and   now   he   only   has   one.   For   what   she   had   heard   from   her   father,   the   king   has   no   interest   in   taking   another   bride.   Mistresses   and   perhaps,   someone   to   entertain   him,   yes,   but   no   queen.
  "House   Celtigar   has   always   been   denied   a   seat   beside   Velaryons   and   Targaryens   despite   our   shared   blood.   My   father   had   hopes   with   the   Conquest,   things   would   change.   A   triad,   a   shared   front.   The   seas,   the   skies   and   the   lands."   Obsidia   remains   with   a   smile   upon   her   features   but   the   prospect   does   bother   her   to   no   end.   She   is   seen   as   a   mistress,   but   not   good   enough   to   be   a   bride?   She,   who   settle   Claw   Isle   to   be   a   fortress   alike   those   in   Valyria,   with   a   cargo   of   ships   on   her   own.   "I   shall   be   his   mistress   but   the   only   crown   on   my   head   will   be   that   of   a   tourney."
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the-twisted-tales-tavern · 1 year ago
Outdoor Sex 3C. Jaerik and Twilight.
The two woman had hired a guide to escort them through a rather treacherous area. Having arrived safely on the other side, the two women decide to reward their handsome escort in the best way they can think of...
Outdoor Sex: 3C
The sight was truly one to savor. The endless horizon to one side, the verdant and lush rolling hills of Caldemuir's coastline to the other—after weeks of toiling through the troublesome and terrible wilds, they were finally arriving at their destination. Even now, from their spot up on the cliffside overlooking the curling bay below, Twilight could make out the city sitting by the waters—hardly more than a mile more up the road.
It was so close...and yet, it could wait just a moment longer.
A deep, throaty moan drew Twilight's attention back to her companion, and the pale-skinned tiefling bit eagerly at her lip as she watched Jaerik slowly drag hers back up to the tip of the enormous cock that stood on display between the two of them. The Changeling, still in her half-elven form, panted as she pulled back, a long and thick strand of saliva connecting her back to the throbbing head, her bright erotic pink eyes fluttering upwards.
"That looks like fun~" Twilight murmured, and she scooted closer, a hand dropping to cup and fondle the massive, swollen balls that hung beneath—before letting out a soft gasp, then coo of desire as she felt a large, powerful hand drop to run through her hair.
"It is~ you should join in, too~" murmured the handsome figure before them both, their escort and guide grinning as he gently took the gorgeous tiefling woman by one of her horns and guided her once more—this time pulling her towards his massive shaft. "Before your friend there drinks me dry and you lose your chance~"
"Oh, even if I did drain your balls empty, stud, I'd still be sure to share~" Jaerik cooed in amusement, leaning in to press herself to the side. Her eyes glowing with desire as she watched her friend so eagerly take her place—taking his cock down her throat with just as much eagerness and desperation as she had moments before. The sight alone made her growl with desire, and she found her hands migrating to take Twilight's place in worshipping and fondling his heavy and handsome balls.
Yes, their destination could wait a while longer—because there was no way that either one of them would be done anytime soon.
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otter-byte · 2 years ago
not to be "that guy" but holy fuck I refuse to use literally any program with proprietary file types again. Basically the only thing that was left in my workflow that wasn't markdown/json based was powerpoint but I finally learned how to use obsidian slides and fuck it's good. If I can't interact with a programs files purely through the terminal if required, I don't want to use it.
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no-more-tales-tavern · 1 year ago
Tavern Regular: Escaping the Shadows
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NAME: Twilight Obsidia RACE: Tiefling CLASS: Sorcerer (Shadow)
STR 7 (-2)  INT 16 (+3) DEX 14 (+2)  WIS 15 (+2) CON 13 (+1) CHA 20 (+5)
GENDER: Female (She/Her) AGE: 20 HEIGHT: 5'9" BACKGROUND: Far Traveler PERSONALITY: Despite her gothic and troubled appearance, Twilight is a ray of sunshine—or at least attempts to be with those that she meets. She is warm and welcoming and greets everyone she meets with a bright and friendly smile and a few flowers from her garden. She is shy around newcomers, but opens up once they show they're not going to attack her for being a tiefling—a problem she has unfortunately had in the past. BACKSTORY: Twilight's life did not start of easy for her. Raised in a family of vile and wicked tieflings bound in service to the fiends of the Hells, she was trained from a young age on the nature of dark arcana. Despite her rearing, Twilight was opposed to the wickedness of her family, and during a trip to the Shadowfell for further training she managed to give her family the slip and use a Plane Shift scroll she'd stolen to escape. Now, hiding from her family, she seeks a life of quiet and peace as a witch in the wood, doing good where she can.
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aerillaya · 7 months ago
I am holding fingers crossed for people getting hyped up and excited for Obsidias/Xantheus the same way they did for Aridan/Lucius.
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years ago
Would Twilight sleep with Jaune the Paladin?
Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
She’d be bashful about it, but she would be interested. And she’d love every second of their moment together, and probably hope for more.
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gayandangery · 1 year ago
Between You, Me, and the Fence Post by @taelonsamada and Secrest Between Friends by @romirola have completely rewritten my brain chemistry and I think about those two fics CONSTANTLY. highly recommend everyone read them rn!!
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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