#a twisted snippet (not sft snippet)
Breeding gif 1D Glynda and Jaune
Jaune didn't realize when he was hired by the powerful arch mage, Glynda, for a mysterious job, that meant she filling her womb with his cum and making her a half-elf child.
Breeding: 1D
It had started innocent enough. As stated on the request form, he was to meet with the archmage in her tower to discuss the details of the quest. Though serious and severe, she was surprisingly hospitable, and had even offered him a cup of tea on arrival. The drink had a unique flavor, and he’d found himself asking for seconds and thirds of it as they discussed.
And then…she had stood, crossed the room to stand before him…and let her robes drop to the floor.
In that instant, Jaune didn’t know what had come over him, but his body acted before he did—lunging up and grabbing the gorgeous blonde by the waist, crashing his lips to hers before shoving her back and pinning her onto the coffee table in her lounge. In the back of his mind, he shouted in shock, stunned by his own actions, but the archmage only groaned with approval.
“Yes, Sir Arc, yes~” Glynda groaned with desire, her deep green eyes staring deep into his as she lay back on the table, her hands moving to drag across his back. “Let it all out~ all those desires, all that lust~ give it to me~”
And like that was the command phrase, Jaune’s body groaned with desire and he flipped her onto her chest—when his clothes had disappeared, he hadn’t the faintest clue, but his cock smacked onto her ass, and only rested there a moment before he reared his hips back and slammed every last inch of it into her folds. The blonde high-elf groaned out, before gasping as she felt his fingers tangle in her hair, jerking her head back as he leaned close.
“This body was made to bear children~” the knight murmured, in a voice that surprised even him, and he bucked his hips harder down into the plump pillows of her ass. “Let’s find out together just how many it can~”
The archmage groaned and bit at her lip, nodding eagerly—happy that her spell had worked so well.
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shortythescreen · 4 years
Things That Have Been
Summary: They were just kids when they fell in love. 
Pairing: Bloodhound/Reader. 
Author’s Notes: This is a prologue to Chase and Leave! Also can be read on AO3. SFW/SFT. Bloodhound and the reader are babbies! Meaning under 18. Friendly reminder not to follow if ur age is not in ur bio. SFT stuff is a rarity for me and I’d prefer everyone that follows be 18+! No serious warnings here other than the Epicenter blowing up + some human/animal deaths are referenced. Also some religious themes having to do with the tribe/village that Bloth is seen in! Enjoy! 
Twilight never lasts long enough for your liking.
The Elders tell you it is the time when it seems the veil between realms is the thinnest, when you can hear the spirits laugh and play and dance across the winds of the valley. It seems harder to believe it is the time closest to the gods, and yet…
It’s one of the few beauties that still captures your interest. As a teenager, not much does, though you’re forced to concentrate far more than what is probably normal. You watch the stars appear overheard, the sky coloring them shades of violet and crimson. The sun still warms your face even though you can see the double moon of World’s Edge in your peripheral, just barely visible in the quieting day.
You’re perched on a boulder at the edge of a cliff, watching the city you once called home. It feels like a lifetime ago that you were there. You can just barely remember the little apartment your family lived in, the room you shared with a sister whose name you’ve long forgotten. All the toys strewn about your room, the soft, heavy quilt your mother had taken the time to sew. Your father’s chair that he would slump in after a long day’s work, a water dangling from his palm, you on his lap. You wonder if any of those things are still there, frozen in time. If those moments still exist at twilight.
“Hey!” You hear from behind you. You look over your shoulder then snort as you see a familiar face trekking through the snow, a big smile stretched across their lips. Oh, Allfather.
“What do you want, Bloth?” You mumble, turning away, resting your chin on the knee you’re hugging to your chest.
“You’re supposed to say hi back,” they tell you and the quiet crunch of snow slowly stops. You look from the corner of your eyes, finding them standing just to the right of your boulder. Their arms are behind their back, big grin on their face, and you sigh. You know them well enough to know they will not disappear, no matter how long you ignore them.
“I don’t feel like saying hi. Twilight is not the time for hi,” you tell them, “and besides you said hey, not hi.”
“Then say hey,” they tease and you huff, turning your gaze back to the city. If you squint, you can see the building that your father worked at. You have distant memories of it, of accompanying him, seeing the smiling faces of his coworkers. You only remember one of them, whose name you can only recall because Artur speaks so highly of him. Johann was a good man, one that loaded you on a train when the Epicenter began to shatter.
“Hello,” they try again and with a loud huff, you drop your knee, then twist to face them with a dour countenance. You’re forced to look down, much taller than them on your boulder.
“Can’t you see when you’re not wanted?” You bite, glaring.
“Nope,” they say, popping the p. They offer a gloved hand out to you. “Come on. Uncle says it isn’t wise to look upon the past for anything but lessons.”
“Since when do you listen to your Uncle?” You grumble, hopping down, ignoring the outstretched hand. Still, Bloth doesn’t take it back, though their grin has softened into something gentler, kinder. Even a little understanding.
“Since right now, when it benefits you to heed that advice,” they say, biting their lip to suppress a giggle. You roll your eyes, pursing your lips. “Besides, I don’t like to see you mope.”
“I wasn’t moping,” you mumble, crossing your arms over your chest. You stuff your hands into your armpits, looking at them with a little pout.
“Your smile is far more pleasant than whatever that is,” they say, “come on. I want to show you something.”
“I do not want to see another animal pelt,” you tell them, scrunching your nose, “they’re gross.”
“It’s not that,” Bloth says and, wow, hasn’t their arm gotten tired yet? “Don’t you trust me?”
You huff noisily, throwing your head back and looking at them over your cheekbones. They don’t flinch. You and Bloth came to their Uncle’s tribe together, small children who were forced to flee a disaster. You can still remember the day you met, shaking hands as your fathers introduced you, complaining about having to accompany them to work. You remember arriving in the village that same day, burying your face between their shoulder blades and not letting go, clinging to the only familiar face you had.
“That’s not fair,” you mumble but you take their hand anyway. Bloth grins and you’re certain if they’d ever take off their goggles, those pretty, copper colored eyes would be crinkling at the corners. Your eyes unwillingly fall to their dimples.
“It worked,” they reply, humming a jovial tune as they pull you along. They lace your fingers together, squeezing your hand, and your face warms with something that isn’t the cold. Though it’s been ten years, you’re still not quite used to the snow.
“Why can’t you let me stew in peace?” You ask as you trek away from your cliff. The elders say that no one has any claim to land, which is a sign that the old corporations, with their technology and claims, were evil. Yet, you can’t help but think of that little ledge, with the large boulder only you care to climb, as yours.
“Because you’re my friend,” they say, “and stewing isn’t healthy.”
“Says you,” you mumble though the venom behind your words has drained. You clutch Bloth’s hand and they return your grip.
You two hike through the snow for what seems like forever. Twilight has faded and now only the moons show overhead, both halves. The Elders say when both are full, those who train with the Wise Women will be able to see snippets of the things that have been, things that are, and things that have yet to pass.
“Your Uncle is going to worry,” you tell them, though the ground has evened out, and the trees overhead begin to blot out the moon. You draw a little closer to Bloth, your chest near their back, as your gaze flickers around the dank forest.
“Uncle knows I planned to take you here,” Bloth says and you sigh. It’s so rare they don’t cover their bases, that they don’t have an answer. It’s as frustrating as it is endearing.
“Why would you tell him that?”
“Because you were moping.”
“I was not moping!”
“You only go to that rock to mope.”
“I got to that rock to think, thank you, and maybe if you ever stopped to do it, you would know-”
You stumble into Bloth’s back as they come to an abrupt halt. You huff at them, opening your mouth and preparing to complain again, only to stop as your eyes land on the sight before you.
“Oh…” you breathe.
“Yes.” Bloth says and you can hear the smile in their voice.
You release their hand and walk forward. The waterfall before you is frozen solid, ice glistening silver like a freshly forged sword. Snow surrounds the edges of what was once a river and as you draw a little closer, you’re certain you can see the silhouettes of fish, dancing and playing like the spirits at twilight. Protected by the heavy stronghold of ice that comes and goes with every passing winter.
The trees around you are as they always are in winter, topped with snow like a fine powder. Yet, somehow, with the magnificence of this great body of water, its roaring stream tamed by the cracking whip of winter, it somehow seems even more magical. You peer up as it, at the way the forest has somehow parted for this brilliant, natural beauty.
“How have we never known this was here?” You ask, moving a little closer, crouching down to watch the fish beneath the frozen lake. Your breath puffs out like a ghost before you, but you don’t care, far more interested in the way in which nature has gone still on this snowy night.
“Uncle knew. So did the Elders,” they tell you, boots crunching the snow to join you at the river’s edge. “But I found something new about this place.”  
You twist your head to look at them and this time, when they offer their hand, you take it. They pull you up and bound closer to the waterfall, which only gets more massive as you draw near. You look up at it, slowly smiling, fascinated with the way the water has sharpened into deathly looking icicles, glittering in its frozen standstill.
“Pay attention,” Bloth teases and you snap back as they release your hand. They climb onto a rock, adjacent to the waterfall, and the way they’re looking at you is a mystery with those goggles. Yet you recognize the affectionate twitch of their lips, the earnest smile, and your heart thumps a little more loudly in your chest.
“You pay attention,” you finally huff out, flustered as you move to follow them. You’re careful to copy their climb as closely as you can manage, feet finding the spots that theirs had previously been in. You wonder how often they’ve climbed up here, if they’re used to it by now and moving slow for you, or if this is one of the first few times they’ve come here.
Finally, beneath what seems to be a gap between the stone it’s fallen over and the fall itself, Bloth climbs through. They have to squeeze a little but when they finish, they turn to you, and offer you their hands. You grab one of their forearms, your other hand still holding onto the stone and you cast a glance over your shoulder.
“It doesn’t seem wise to look down,” they tell you and you turn to glare at them.
“Shut up and help me,” you say and they snicker, reaching down to meet your other hand as you swing up. Now, they hold onto your forearms, firm hands closed tightly around the space just beneath your elbows.  
As they pull, your feet skitter on the stone, and you gasp, trying to find your balance.
“Hang on,” Bloth says, though you hear the edge of panic at their voice. Which definitely doesn’t help because if they’re panicking, they’re definitely worried about you falling. You squeeze their forearms so tightly that they hiss though they continue to yank you up.
“Bloth!” You squeak.
“I have you, I have you,” they say, and you clamber onto a more stable stone, your heart finally beginning to slow its stampede. One of your knees find the opening that Bloth is trying to pull you through. You’re forced to twist your body, shoulders too wide as you hang onto Bloth. They plant their feet on the cool ground beneath them, then lean back, using their weight to pull you through the gap.
With a loud thud, you finally manage to get through, careening forward and taking Bloth with you. You two slide back and, disoriented, your hands landing on either side of Bloth to catch yourself. You blink, trying to regain your bearings, only to realize just how close you and Bloth are.
Up close, you can see the shine of their goggles, their lips chapped by the winter chill. The markings on their face only serve to emphasize their skin and you hurry to pull away.
You flop onto your rear, then scoot back a few paces and Bloth immediately sits up, hands behind them to support their weight.
“Are you-” Their voice cracks and they clear it, shaking their head, “are you okay?”
“Yeah, fine- I’m- yes- this is, wow, what a place this is,” you say, trailing off as the little cave catches your attention. The light that had been reflecting off the ice outside pours into the cave as though taking the place of the water, casting a silvery sheen across the long cavern. It mixes with blue, like the water can’t decide if it should shines its light or the skies. You hold your hand up, flexing it in the dim light.
“Yes,” they say, “this is my boulder.”
“So, you mope here?”
“I knew you were moping.”
You smirk at them and they grin back. The tumble is long forgotten and Bloth scoots a little closer to you, bringing their knees up to their chest. They rest their cheek on their knees, cheek twisted to watch you.
“I found it a few weeks ago,” they tell you, “and it’s so nice and quiet… Uncle says it’s a sacred place. One of the only ones that wasn’t touched by the evil.”
“Right. The evil,” you say, sighing as you drop your hand. You slouch over, legs crisscrossing beneath you and your elbows rest on either one of your knees. You look at the beautiful, glittering ice before you, bright azure and ivory and silver.
“…I don’t think it was all evil,” Bloth tells you just as you think it. You look back over at them, noticing they haven’t looked away from you. “It might have killed my mama and papa but... Not all of it was bad. Not the way I remember it.”
“Do you remember fans?”
“How can I not, during the summer?” Bloth snorts and you grin, sighing as you look at the waterfall again. It’s hard not to feel solemn when you talk to others about things that were. Bloth is the only one you truly feel free to do so with, that you feel like won’t judge you for your beginnings in a world of technology. “And heaters.”
“And ovens,” you laugh, laying back on the cool cave beneath you. You stare up at the ceiling, breath hitching as you see the twinkle of gems at the very top.
You hear their coats shift before you see them lay down, joining you, staring at the mineralized ceiling. Even though you miss all those things, ovens, and heaters, and fans, and Allfather, TV was really nice from what you remember of it, there really is something magical about a place like this. A place that hasn’t been touched by the world, hasn’t been tainted by time.
“I think I miss my parents most of all,” they say and you turn your head to look at them. Their gaze is focused on the ceiling and you study the slope of their nose, their round cheeks that have slowly been carving away to something slimmer, sharper. When they sense you staring, they turn their head.
You hum, wishing you could see their eyes. Bloth’s eyes tell a story that their lips will not, though Artur doesn’t ever seem to be able to hear it the way you do. You reach out, cautiously slow, giving them time to pull away. When they don’t, you gently grab the edge of one of their goggles with your forefinger and thumb.
They don’t stop you, don’t even flinch and you slowly pull the goggles off. You scoot them to rest on top of their head so you can look at those pretty, copper colored eyes, so dusty brown they’re almost red.
“There you are,” you whisper, and their lips twitch up in a little smile. You drop your hand, a little colder than before, letting it rest between you two.
“It’s almost the anniversary of the explosion,” they remind you.
“I know,” you say, “I don’t want to go to the memorial. It’s always the same thing. The evil overlord corporations killed those that we loved and now we should scorn them. Like, come on.”
“We could just… Come here.” They say and you raise an eyebrow.
“Your uncle would be angry.”
“He’s usually angry about something.”
“I don’t think that’s true.”
“Then you don’t know Artur as well as I do.”
You roll your eyes though stop arguing. The relationship between Artur and Bloth is no business of yours – you’re only here to listen when they get to be frustrated with the lack of pride they see in the old man. Silence passes between you two and neither of you look away, staring at each other between the narrow space of the cavern.
“I’m serious, though,” they finally say, “we could come here for the day and remember all the good things. Even if it ended badly.”
In your periphery, you see their fingers slowly inch out. They cover yours for just a moment before they slip their palm under yours, tangling your hands once again. Your lips twitch upwards and they return your smile, bashful. Bloth is sometimes reckless where they needn’t be. It’s one of the many things you like about them that also frustrates you. As confusing as it is endearing.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you tell them, “but we could have our own memorial one day and do that.”
“I’d like that,” they say, and you hum, gripping their hand tightly. You turn your gaze back to the ceiling, eyes flickering across the gems, like stars twinkling in the dim light from the moon shining through the frozen fall.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” you murmur. They thumb your knuckles gently.
“Now you can come bother me when I mope,” they say and you throw your head back with a laugh, neck arching away from the cold floor. You roll onto your side, preparing to remind them that you only admitted to moping once, thank you very much, only to realize the look in those pretty copper eyes. The story that no one can seem to hear.
“There you are,” they say back to you, reaching out with their free hand to touch your cheek. There your heart goes again, stumbling along in your chest, and your throat bobs with how hard you swallow. You two observe each other for a long time, skin silvery from the moon outside, and right now, you think you can hear the spirits, their giggles carried on the wind that blows through the cavern. They only seem to grow louder as Bloth uses their grip on your cheek to guide you to them, copper eyes fluttering shut.
Your lips brush just barely. Before you can tilt your head and stumble along to the beat of your heart, you hear shouts of your name and Bloth’s. You two jerk apart and Bloth’s face is bright red, the tips of their ears the same colors as the markings they choose to don.
“I’m so sorry-”                                                                          
“No! No, I’m- I’m sorry-”
“You didn’t do anything, why are you sorry-”
“I don’t know! I just-”
Someone calls your names again and you twist to look over your shoulder at the opening, Bloth raising their head to join you. You two look at each other again, then at the opening, and you loudly sigh.
“Oh, Allfather,” you groan, before leaning down and connecting your lips with theirs. They squeak against you, hands shooting up to touch your face, yours on either side of their head. It’s messy, neither of you quite sure of what you’re doing, and your teeth clink, noses bumping as you seek your footing in this.
You pull away, heart racing again, and they stare up at you, equally discombobulated. Then, after another long moment, they smile at you, thumbs running over the apples of your cheek.
“Uh,” they begin intelligently and you grin back.
“Come on,” you say, scooting back, and they scramble to join you, pulling their goggles back into place.
“I, um. I really- We should-” they lamely continue and as you hit the opening you giggle in their direction.
“We’ll talk about it later,” you promise them. They stop their stuttering to beam, nodding along as they scoot around to climb down first.
You and Bloth hurry back to the others, all giddy smiles and crinkled eyes as you find the small group of villagers that had been looking for you – all hunters. They were very close to your hiding spot and Artur is among them, glaring at their brother’s child. He admonishes you both for being gone for so long, but you don’t hear bane in his tone.
Your eyes turn to the moon, both halves in the sky. Even though they’re not full, as you look at Bloth, the quiet grin stretched across their face, you think you can see things. Things that are, and things that have yet to pass.
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Fucked Stupid 7A: All of Pyrrha’s martial prowess is wasted as she finds herself helplessly dominated by her mind flayer opponent and his intent on making her his…
...why had she come into this cavern, again? Pyrrha's mind swirled as she tried to find the answer, to remember what it was. She'd come here with a purpose—on a mission, and not a peaceful one, either. Why else would she have brought her warspear and armor along with her? Even if she didn't have them on her, she had still brought them along...but why did she...
You needed to protect yourself~ on your way to me~
Pyrrha jerked as she felt something thrust hard into her, and she groaned as the words tumbled through her mind. Was...was that it? Her green eyes rolled in her skull a bit as she tried to remember—her hands grasping at the firm rocks and roots that ran along the cavern wall she was pressed up against, struggling to hold herself together. That...didn't feel right...
But it is right~ the voice replied, and she felt the thrusting plow even harder into her, and a firm smack suddenly as a hand came down to smack across her clit and hold her down. You came to join me, but these caverns are dangerous, so you brought your protection to keep yourself safe~ now that you're here, you won't need them again~
The former arena champion arched and groaned, a hand leaving the handhold she'd been gripping to instead latch her hand around the wrist of the one at her mound. Yes...yes, now...now it was making sense...she groaned again, her eyes still rolling a bit in her skull, before lifting up to focus on the being that was plowing into her. This...this was what she'd come here for...for him...
The tentacled visage of the illithid looming over her seemed to curl in and twisk in what she could only assume was a grin of approval, and she felt the being's powerful hips buck even harder into hers, the wet clap of flesh on flesh resounding through the darkened cavern. That's right, my dear~ you made it here, safe and sound~ and you'll never have to worry about anything else, ever again~
Pyrrha shuddered at his tone, but knew in her heart he spoke true—her lips parting in only the barest of moans as she watched his tentacled visage loom slowly closer and closer to her, the tendrils starting to swirl and surround her, and pull her into a blissful embrace.
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Fucked Stupid 8F: Hearing rumors of a minotaur causing trouble in the Parchwood, Vex’ahlia sets out to hunt it down, only to find herself clearly outclassed and at its mercy…
Normally, Vex wouldn't go out on a solo hunt, and especially not on simple hearsay, but even she had to admit that the rumors were intriguing. A minotaur in the Parchwood—the lumbering beastmen were an odd sight anywhere in Tal'Dorei, to say nothing of the cursed woodland that surrounded her home. It was certainly something worth looking into, and she'd been looking for an excuse to get out and stretch her legs a bit.
Something her quarry was all too happy to help with.
"Oh shit~ oohh, right there~ ohhh right there~" The words fell helpless and shameless from the huntress' lips as she arched her back against the soft loam of the forest floor. Her moans were rewarded with a firm thrust from above, the scraping of the enormous flared cock sinking ever deeper into her desperate folds, and she gasped out hard as she felt the tip kiss her womb again. Her eyes fluttered and began to roll back, her moans growing louder and more earnest.
She had underestimated the beast. Her stealth, for all her skill, had failed her, and when she'd thought to slip away he'd lunged at her. In a few short seconds, the powerful ranger had found herself with a broken bow, her armor and clothes rent from her form, and her body pressed down into the forest floor. She'd tried to fight—of course she had!—but between the strong hands holding her thighs down, and the cock that had shamed the memory of her husband's out of her...
Another sharp gasp escaped the elven beauty, and she moaned out hard as she felt the head of the beast's cock force itself into her womb. She bit at her lip, her body arching—every thrust making her twist with euphoria, her massive tits bouncing erotically for the beast's own pleasure. Her eyes locked with his—staring up into the face of the bovine monster that held her pinned—and she knew in her heart that there would be no going back.
She would be leaving the Parchwood tonight, a collar around her neck, dragged along by a chain, and with the beast's cum still dribbling out of her cunt...and she couldn't stop it if she tried.
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Smut snippet Punishing gif 7A
Desperate to please her boss. Emerald decided to steal from the head of the Lunar Rorts. However, she was caught by the elf himself, Thundove Liadon. And now she’s being taught who her new boss is.
Punishing Sex: 7A
“Now, what did we learn~?”
A wicked smirk spread across the elven crime boss’ face as he stared down at the would-be thief. She had some skill—he was humble enough to admit that much at least—but all that skill had been so wasted on a foolish bid for wealth. He shook his head, huffing in annoyance, and tugged harder on the braids in his hands. “Well~? Speak up!”
The thief in question could only give a strangled moan in reply, her hands gripping the silken bedsheets under her for dear life as her body jerked through the throes of passion. Her dark skin was already glistening with sweat from the countless rounds he’d been going at on her, and her phat ass wobbled, reddened with bruises from the constant smacking and bucking into her, over and over again.
Thundove made a sharp clicking sound with his tongue, tutting in annoyance—and his hips bucked harder into her ass again. “That’s not an answer, little thief—come now, I know you can speak common, so what did you learn~?”
“Y-you~ g-gah~ s-slowww~” Emerald tried to murmur, but it was so hard—not just from the ruthless fucking that had left her throat dry from all her helpless moaning, but also from the feeling of her twin braids wrapping tight around her slender throat. Her rose-colored eyes rolled back, lips parting in a sharp gasp as she jerked—gods, it was so hard to think straight when he did this. “F-fuuuccckkk~!”
“Mm, not the answer I was looking for, little gem~” Thundove tutted again, even as he slammed balls deep into her. The two of them groaned as he pumped his hot elven seed into her, before immediately shoving forward, forcing her face-down into the bed spread and smacking her roughly on the ass once more. “Looks like you need a bit more re-education~ let’s start from the top again, shall we~?”
Emerald could just whimper in reply, before she lost her voice again in shameless moaning, helpless to escape the fate he had for her.
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Punishing Sex 5E: While trying to hunt down her old mentor, Anko ends up stumbling upon one of his labs, and finds out it isn’t as abandoned as she’d assumed…
She felt the wall hit long before the hand that had wrapped around her neck and thrown her against it. She hadn’t even noticed the towering flesh golem creeping up on her—for a shambling mass of recycled body parts, it was deceptively silent, and even with all her skills she hadn’t noticed it. Nor did she notice its extra arms grabbing and ripping the clothes from off her figure, leaving the rogue helpless and nude.
Dazed, Anko groaned pitifully, her head spinning from the harsh impact. She’d been too distracted looking over the remains of her old mentor’s work, but the second she had her faculties again—
Another harsh impact hit her, and Anko’s eyes went wide. In her dazed state, she hadn’t noticed the golem grab her by the legs and fold her up like a pretzel, pinning her by her ankles against the wall—but she had noticed the pillar of cock that smacked against her abdomen and curved up to rest between her breasts. Evidently Orochimaru hadn’t only used humanoid body parts for this monster, and as the flared horse cock dragged down her figure, she gasped and shuddered. “O-oh shit…~”
The flesh golem snarled with what Anko could only describe as a lustful fury, and before she could even try to wriggle free, the flares tip smacked against her folds and rammed forward. Her eyes went wide at the sudden impact and her body bucked—as much as it could, at least, before a hand not holding her by her ankles over her head snapped around her throat and began to squeeze. Her body stiffened and her voice broke in a wheezing gasp, and her hips jerked as it thrust harder.
“N-no~ o-oh n-nooo~” Anko managed to squeak out, but the words were barely more than a whisper. She gasped, the world starting to go dark and blurry. Every thrust, every buck of the golem’s hips into hers, was one more blow to her cervix—her body unable to resist it, her walls crumbling and giving way for its brutal conquest. Her eyes rolled up—catching the sneering grin of the monster over her, panting with pleasure and delight—before rolling fully back, moaning out shamelessly as she climaxed hard.
She wouldn’t be leaving this ruin, she realized with sinking dread, before her whole world turned dark.
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Fucked Stupid 7C: After failing a wager she’d made in a bit of drunken fun, Yang finds herself at the mercy of the orc that she challenged and close to losing her whole self…
In hindsight, perhaps jumping into a drinking game that she only barely knew the rules to wasn’t the best of ideas—but, in Yang’s defense, she was already a bit tipsy when she’d decided to jump in, and it really hadn’t seemed that hard at first. Toss a silver into a mug at the end of the bar, and every time you miss you had to take a shot. Surely it wouldn’t be too difficult—and even if she missed a bunch, she bragged that she’d still drink him under the table.
Thirty minutes later, and a heavily inebriated blonde brawler finally dropped in defeat…and the still mostly sober orc flashed a tusky grin, scooping her up off the bar and carrying her to his room to cash in on her drunken bet.
“You said I could do anything I wanted to you if I won~” he chuckled over the groans of pleasure and lust that tumbled from Yang’s lips. He grinned down at her, his hands clenching and squeezing roughly at her doughy backside as he held her pinned to the bed, his hips bucking and rutting roughly into her as he drilled down into her. “Then I’m going to make you my personal whore, you dumb blonde bimbo~ get used to this being your nightly routine~”
Yang groaned at his words, but it was the only response she could really give. Too drunk to resist when he’d ripped off her clothes the second they’d stepped into the room, and now too aroused to deny it. Every thrust was remolding her in ways she could not recover from—her eyes rolled back as she bit at her lip, whining and groaning with wanton desire. “Ohhh fucking goddd~”
The orc chuckled and gripped her hair tight—coaxing a sudden gasp from her lips as he tugged her head back, and leaned over her pinned and prone form. “There’s no gods in this room, Blondie~ just me~ so if you’re gonna pray to anyone, pray to your new master that he’ll treat you like the good slut you are~”
And with a lustful chuckle, his lips dropped to hers in a breathtaking kiss—Yang moaning more desperately as she leaned back and kissed back harder, melting as she gave in to her new fate.
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Fucked Stupid 7B: Though she only intended to turn them away so her mother could rest, a disguised Jester finds herself a bit overwhelmed by her mother’s regulars…
"Oh, come now, Marion~ certainly you can stay with us just a moment longer~?" The nobleman, a rather handsome genasi hailing from down the coast, offered a charming smile to the gorgeous tiefling before him, his hand firm as he guided her down onto the guest room's bed. "You did promise us the evening, after all~"
The gorgeous Ruby of the Sea gasped as she felt the soft mattress under her, and she glanced between him and the similarly ruggedly handsome man beside him—both of them staring at her with such wanton desire. She swallowed hard—this was going much further than she'd intended, but they were so insistent. "M-my dears—I-I really am not feeling like it—"
"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, love~" the genasi simply murmured in reply, his hand reaching down to caress her cheek...while the other dropped to tug at her dress. "Just leave it to us~ we'll make your night so much more wonderful~"
The ruby-skinned beauty glanced nervously again between the two men, her heart pounding in her chest—before finally she lay back submissively. "Very well—just promise to take it easy, alright~?"
Neither man acknowledged her request, both too eager as they stepped up, and with a firm hold on her dress, ripped it from her figure. Neither of them noticed how the fabric changed colors in the low light of the room, too busy casting it aside as they pressed the tiefling down onto the bed, the man moving to mount her and taking her by her horns as his cock smacked onto her face—and with little choice otherwise, she opened her mouth to let him in.
"Just leave it all to us, Marion~" the genasi repeated again, smirking as he watched her gag and moan around his companion's cock—his hands moved to guide hers to her thighs, forcing her legs spread for him as he rubbed his cock back and forth over her folds...then dipped lower to force his cock hard into her ass, and with a grunt of desire, held her firmly down as he began roughly and eagerly plowing into her depthy like he had a dozen times before.
All the while, Jester Lavorre simply moaned with desire, her eyes rolled back as she struggled not to let her disguise drop.
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Rough Sex 7C: While trying to flee her old life and lover, Blake finds herself pinned down by a werewolf in the woods which is all too eager to turn her into its breeding bitch…
She hadn’t heard the wolf—not at first, at least. While Blake normally had incredibly sharp perception, at that moment her heart had been pounding just a bit too loud in her ears. The elation and terror in leaving Adam with the caravan—and the guards that were certain to do their worst against him—was just too intense, and she panted with wavering relief as she stumbled to a stop in the forest clearing. She was finally free.
And that was when she heard the snapping of twigs…when she heard the low snarl of a beast even larger than her former lover, and felt a massive clawed hand snatch out and drag her deeper into the shattered moonlit forest.
The next moments were a blur for her—she’d tried to fight, but the adrenaline rush from her flight was already flagging, so she had little to offer. She’d felt the chilling breeze of the night before she realized her leather armor and clothes had been rent from her figure—felt the autumn leaves before she realized she’d been pinned to the ground, and felt the prodding of something massive at her folds before she realized what was about to happen.
She parted her lips, a protest building in her throat, but as the beast snarled and slammed its hips forward, all that left the gorgeous tabaxi was a scream. Pleasure, pain, pure ecstasy—it all crashed over her like a tidal wave, and she couldn’t help but jerk and buck back against them. With what little strength she had left, she pushed herself up onto her side, feeling the large claws squeezing at her thighs and hips, holding her down.
She should fight this…she should try…but the pounding pleasure after the exhaustion of running away was too much to bear. Her lips parted in another groan, and she arched her back as her arm lifted to curl around the panting beast’s neck. Pulling his snout in closer, lips snarling against her feline ears, and coaxing him to buck even harder into her, the wet slap of his knot on her folds filling the forest around them both.
And under the pale moonlight of the semi-shattered moon above, Blake knew it would be a long time before the werewolf was done with her, if ever.
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Rough Sex 2A: Not long after escaping Whitestone, Laudna was found by Sylas, who decided to bring his wife back to the forefront of her soul, by whatever means necessary…
Her heart had stopped the moment she saw him in the doorway of her humble little cottage. Of course she recognized him—his visage still haunted her, tortured her in the middle of the night as she thrashed her way to sleep. She had heard rumor of his death, and even more of his return, but had hoped above all else that it was nothing more than that. That he wouldn't find her again, like his wife somehow had.
And yet here he was, all the same. And he wanted her.
She'd tried to resist, but Sylas was a far stronger man than the half-alive woman—with barely any effort at all, he had pinned her down to the creaky thread-bare bed and ripped the clothes from her form. His voice was harsh, and rough, but also pleading and desperate. In an instant, she knew that he was willing to do anything to have her again...though her eyes widened as she realized just what exactly that anything included.
"Can you feel it, Delilah~?" the vampire lord's voice purred, the deep and bassy baritone rolling over Laudna as he held her pinned to her bed. His fingers tangled in the corpse girl's hair, holding tight to the top bun as he pressed down into her, his hips rocking and rolling steadily, roughly, rudely into hers. "Can you feel it, my love~? The devotion I have felt for you~ gods, come back to me, my beloved~"
Laudna could do little more than gasp and moan in reply—her pitiful strength was nothing compared to that of the dominating lord that towered over her. Even so, and even as she tried her best to resist his lustful assault...she did feel something twist and turn inside her. Something...awakening with his lustful assault. Her heart beating faster, her breath catching quick in her lungs—and her eyes fluttered as she gave in more and more.
Even if Delilah never did rise back to the surface again...Sylas would be walking away from this dreary little cabin with a loyal lady by his side all the same.
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Punishing Sex 5A: After failing their ambush on the Iron Shepherds, Nott finds herself receiving an even rougher defeat at the hands of Lorenzo as she’s stolen away…
Nott wasn’t sure how to feel about the failed ambush. On the one hand, the grief was overwhelming—Mollymauk had certainly dropped dead from that last glaive strike by Lorenzo, and last she’d seen of Caleb and Beau, it looked like they were about to drop, too. To add insult to their injuries, he had grabbed and thrown Nott onto the wagon with his crew—stealing her away to send her beat down band a message.
But on the other hand—god were Lorenzo’s fingers good~!
Nott whined and mewled like the helpless little plaything she was being remoulded into—the towering oni slaver had the goblin girl down on her hands and knees on his bed, her dark clothes and armor shed to leave her curvaceous green figure on full display for him. And he was all too eager to take advantage of that sensual form, one large hand around her throat to choke her out as he pumped one of his sausage-thick digits into her ass.
“A-ah~! Sir~! Sir, y-your fingers~! Th-they’re too big for me~!” Nott whined in protest—a protest that fell on even more deaf ears as her hips wiggled back into his ruinous fingers. She groaned, biting at her lip as she felt him push down to the base knuckle, his finger spreading her ass wider than anyone ever had before—then gasped sharp as the hand around her neck squeezed harder.
“We’re just getting warmed up, little gob-bitch~” Lorenzo growled into her ear, his breath hot and making her shudder in return. “Once I’m through with you, you’ll be bouncing on my cock every second of every day for the rest of your life~ so better get used to my little finger up your ass real quick~”
Another pitiful whine left Nott’s lips at that, though it quickly turned into a moan as his words tumbled through her mind. That, and the feeling of a second fat digit forcing itself into her tight anus and thumping hard into her ass was just too much for the depraved little goblin to handle. With another short squeal, her whole body jerked as she suddenly climaxed hard, squirting over the oni’s bedsheets and trembling as she rocked her hips back into his hand.
And as she shuddered, her gaze tilted up to him…and a lewd glimmer filled her eyes. “M-more~ please~ ruin me more~”
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Passionate Sex 3C: Vex decides to be the one to go and sneak into the Briarwoods’ guest quarters, only to find Lord Briarwood already there waiting for her. And unfortunately for her, the feast did nothing to sate his appetite…
The moment her eyes met his, her fate was sealed. She felt it in her core, as a wave of bliss came over her mind. She had come here with a purpose—she knew that, and somewhere in the haze she knew what that purpose was—but as she stared into the lord’s deep crimson gaze, she hadn’t the faintest idea what it was. All she knew was that he wanted her…and she wanted him.
Somehow, the door was shut and locked once more. She stepped further into the room, pulled along as if by a thread. Her dress was ripped from her body, leaving her tanned figure bare for him to gaze upon—for him to grope and handle however he wished, and she almost begged him to handle her even more—but she could barely even summon the courage to whine.
“Yes~ you’ll be perfect~” he’d whispered in her ear, and Vex’s heart quickened with delight.
She got lost in his lips next—in the taste of the wine on his tongue, the way he stole her breath as he lifted her off her feet. She felt her body fly through the air—like a rag doll, she dropped onto the bed almost limply, before a gasp escaped her as she found herself once more in his arms. His lips claimed hers again—oh, how she could get drunk on his kiss alone—and she gasped as she felt something prod against her folds.
“Please~” she whimpered, and her hips rolled against his teasing tip. “Please, Master~ fuck me~”
The grin that Sylas Briarwood gave her made Vex’ahlia shiver with delight, and she couldn’t help but gasp as he flipped her over—forcing her down onto her hands and knees and dragging his lips across her shoulder to her ear. “As you wish~ my dear pet~”
Her heart hammered in her chest, her body trembling with excitement—before all at once, her world exploded with pleasure. The breath left her chest as she groaned with a desperate passion, her body arching and fingers clenching at the soft sheets under her as she felt his cock finally sink into her folds. This—this was what she’d come for. This was why she’d snuck into his room. This…this was where she belonged.
And as Vex’ahlia rolled her hips into the ruthless thrusts of the lord behind her, she didn’t even notice as he bit down on her neck, and began to feast.
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Passionate Sex 6C: Jaerik’s plan was to simply distract the noble, lure him away from his office and give her team the chance they needed to sift through his stuff—but perhaps she played her role a bit too well…
“Harder~ ohhh fuck, it’s so good~”
Jaerik panted, moaning as she writhed against the soft sheets under her. The pleasure was just so intense—the feeling of his hand on her chest, gripping so tight, his arms around her holding her close against him—his fingers were tangled in her silky locks, tilting her head back and letting her moan to her absolute heart’s content, and the way his hips bucked into her—
“Ohhh fuccckkk~” the Changeling shuddered with a breathless moan, her hips jerking back into him as she clenched tight around his cock. She bit her lip, her juices squirting hard around him, and she let out a soft whine as she felt his lips on the back of her neck. “Fuck~ you’re relentless~”
“I could say the same for you, my naughty little slave~” the noble chuckled into her ear, leaning down to press his lips to her cheek. Even as he felt her climax so hard around him, the man did not release her, and instead seemed to thrust even harder into her, the smack of his hips on her ass reverberating through the master bedroom. “This body just keeps begging for more~ and who am I to say no~?”
“A-a very~ good~ master~” Jaerik moaned in reply, though she could barely get the words out—even with her own incredible endurance and experience, she was finding herself a bit outclassed by the sheer relentless lust that the noble was pouring out onto her. She was finding it hard to catch her breath, and her mind was going hazy from the constant release. If she didn’t finish him off soon—
“Oh my~ now what is this~?”
Jaerik gasped as she felt the fingers in her hair tug hard, and her body arched back into his chest. She gasped, eyes flickering open—and froze as she saw herself in the mirror across the way. Herself…instead of the maid whose identity she’d taken for this little distraction. And over her shoulder, she could clearly see the lord’s face—a wicked smile on his lips and fiery anger in his eyes.
“Well now~ isn’t this a nasty trick~?” The hand resting on her chest moved up slowly, wrapping around her slender neck as he murmured into her ear. “I wonder what other secrets you have in store for me~ my naughty slave~?”
Her only response was a small whimper of concern, before the room was filled with her passionate screams.
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Rough Sex 4D: Unfortunately for Jester, the Crownsguard at the district entrance was a bit skeptical of her “completely innocent” reasons for going to the Tri-Spires, and decided to give her a very thorough interrogation back at the barracks.
“So, little devil girl~ care to explain what you were really doing in the Tri-Spires tonight~?”
The soldier smirked as he held the blue-skinned beauty down against the small cot that served as his bed while on duty. His hands squeezed and teased at her plump backside—so soft and juicy, and begging for even more punishment—a plea he was all too eager to accept as he bucked his hips downward and drilled his cock into her tight and desperate folds.
The tiefling arched as best she could with her body bound as it was. “I-I keep telling you~ a-ah~! I have a room in the Pillow Trove~!” Jester panted, her wrists tugging helplessly at the manacles that held her arms over her head, her legs jerking in the ones just beside them, her body folded in a deep mating press on the bed. “I-I’m supposed to be heeere~!!”
“A likely story~” the crownsguard chuckled, but he didn’t let up in his thrusts—instead, one of his hands left her ass to instead drag down the smooth curve of her stomach to grope at one of her soft breasts—his fingers squeezing it hard and coaxing another moan from her lips. “But I haven’t seen hellspawn like you in the Tri-Spire before~ and on the night of the Harvest Close gala, too~?”
Jester bit at her lip, struggling to keep herself together—but another hard thrust from above made the young woman suddenly gasp out again, her body jerking from the roughness. “P-please~ n-no more~” she murmured.
“Oh no~ because I have a bet you were here to cause trouble for the fine residents of this district, and that’s just no good~” The soldier sneered down at her, his wanton gaze dragging up and down her sensual form, watching as her curves rolled and jerked with his every harsh thrust. He squeezed her breast again and grinned down at her. “So I think I’ll be keeping you here~ for the good of the city~”
With that, the guard gave her a firm smack across her tits—the tiefling crying out for mercy before screaming as she felt him shove hard down into her—folding her body in a pile driver on the cot, his hips drilling his cock relentlessly downward. Every thrust, punching at her womb—every thrust, coaxing helpless moans from her lips—every thrust, making her head roll back, eyes roll back, tongue roll out, as she cried for mercy.
Wishing her friends could find her…but knowing they never would…
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Smut snippet
Neo the mute Assassin made the mistake of taking a hit on Issei Hyoudou the dragonborn. Lucky for her, he was not in the mood to kill her, but make her pay in other ways. It helped that she could still use sign language while he made good use of her mouth.
It was supposed to be a simple job. She didn’t know why someone wanted the overgrown lizard man killed, and she didn’t need to—that wasn’t part of her contract. What was part of her contract was getting the job done, taking his head, and trading it in for the nearly ten-thousand gold she fully intended on using as a down payment on a lovely little cottage for herself somewhere on the Vale coastline.
A cottage she wouldn’t be seeing for quite a bit longer, she realized—as she gurgled loudly around the fat dragon cock shoved down her throat.
“Oh, don’t you complain!” Issei huffed, a puff of smoke bursting from his lips as he growled down at the shapely halfling between his legs. Long claws ran through her two-toned hair and gripped it firm like handholds, pressing down on the back of her head to hold her in place as he bucked his hips and forced his massive cock hard down her throat. “I could’ve gone to the authorities hours ago, but you have some use for me still~!”
The use being that she could take his monster cock down her throat without choking—and even as furious and humiliated as she was, Neo had to admit it was quite an impressive feat. The cock was easily as long as her own forearm—maybe longer now that it had gone fully erect from all his aggressive throat-fucking—and the numerous barbs and ridges along its length made it look more like an oni’s club than any reproductive organ.
And just feeling those bumps and ridges dragging down her throat as he thrust away into her—
Neo’s eyes widened as she heard herself moan, and she jerked back hard—only to immediately feel the hands press hard on the back of her head. One of them released her hair to instead smack her across the face, making her let out a muffled cry and wince, her eyes rolling a bit as they stared up at the dragonborn looming over her.
“No pulling away, shortshack~” the dragonborn snarled, and he shoved her roughly down again. “This is your purpose now~ so get to sucking, like the good slut you are~”
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Punishing Sex 5C Vex
Trying to sneak into Westrun ahead of everyone, Vex was caught and brought to Kevdak, who decided he had a better use for her than killing her.
Punishing Sex: 5C
Perhaps she'd gotten a bit cocky. Despite dying in the Temple to the Raven Queen, Vex had only proven herself to be even more of a risk-taker, and the overrun ruins of Westrun were too enticing to resist. While the rest of her party argued of the dangers and how best to approach, she'd gone off on her own—trusting in her own skills and unparalleled perception to keep her out of trouble.
But trouble found her all the same.
"O-o-OH GODS~!!" Vex's voice rang through what had once been the mead hall at the center of the city, but now stood as the new seat of power for the Herd of Storms. The elven archer sat crouched on her hands and knees at the far end of the main dining table—her clothes rent from her figure and left in just her boots, as a hand gripped tight to her luscious locks. "O-oh Gods~! GOd~!! It's so BIG~!!"
"Roigh' yeh are, yeh li'l fuck-sleeve~!" a deep and sneering voice crashed over her like thunder, followed by the harsh impact of flesh on flesh as the half-giant behind her slammed his cock even harder into her folds. The leader of the wandering tribe, Kevdak Thunderlord, drew his face into a wide grin, and he bucked his hips roughly to continue driving his cock hard and deep into her. "Feels good, don' it~?!"
"Gods YES~!!" Vex exclaimed, the words coming out unbidden—she was utterly helpless, every thrust was forcing the breath from her lungs. Any sign of resistance she might've given before now was long gone—the woman being plowed into the table was nothing like the proud ranger that had snuck in hours earlier. "Please~! Fuck~! More~!"
A chorus of leering laughter rose from her plea, as the other members of the Herd watched on in lewd interest. Behind her, Kevdak echoed their laughter with a chuckle, and he tugged tight on her braid, tilting her gaze back. "Oh, yeh'll get more, li'l fuck-sleeve~ jus' s'long as yeh tell all us where yeh came from—an' who else yeh came with~"
His words were emphasized by a firm smack to her ass, and Vex gasped in shock—before groaning as his cock slammed even harder into her womb. Despite the rough fucking she'd been receiving, his words did find purchase...he wanted her to sell out her team. Her nails dragged across the wood of the table—as fucked as she was, she couldn't turn over Grog, and Vax, and...and Keyleth...and...
She moaned, arching her back to stare up at Kevdak—the light in her eyes faded as lust took over. "I'll tell you~ everything you want to know~ just don't stop fucking me~"
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