bandtrees · 6 months
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varying recent oc arts ^.^
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sagesden · 6 months
Moon 82
TW: Death
Health update
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Greystripe and Swiftstep have a sergate outside the clans and are going to be dads
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The thought of retiring has always crossed Spottedleaf's mind but it's there more then ever as she thinks about taking one more apprentice before going to join her mate in the elder's
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Brightstar had taken out a patrol of warriors to explore the territory of their new territory when they came across a group of rouges that had came across the scent lines and after being asked politely to leave but the refused and the rouges attack the clan cats
They fight and attack and when its all said and done the rouges just walk off after killing everyone but Cinderpelt.
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bluiex · 2 years
Grian — Featherfoot (Windclan) small sandy colored tom
Scar — Cedarscar (Thunderclan) large brown tabby tom, scarred pelt and face. him and featherfoot are secretly mates >:)
Tango — Scorchfur (Shadowclan) golden furred tom, secret mate is Jimmy/Sunfeather because I love team rancher ^.^
Jimmy — Sunfeather (Riverclan) heavy, pale furred tom, deputy of Riverclan because sheriff lmao
Etho — Nettlestreak (Shadowclan) white and grey mottled tabby tom, scarred blind in one eye
Joel — Gorsetooth (Thunderclan) small brown and white tabby tom (mate is Blossomheart)
Lizzie — Blossomheart (Thunderclan) large calico she-cat
Pearl — Russetclaw (Windclan) small pale furred tabby (Featherfoots litter mate)
Scott — Dappleshine (Windclan) grayish blue and white tabby tom
Cleo — Leafstep (Shadowclan) large, dark mottled she-cat
Martyn — Littlewood (I named him Littlewood too lmao) (Thunderclan) sandy furred tom
BigB — Rootclaw (Thunderclan) small, dark mottled tom (mate is Oakfang)
Ren — Oakfang (Shadowclan) large brown tabby tom, white patched chest and muzzle, deputy of Shadowclan
Impulse — Thornstrike (Thunderclan) large, heavy, grayish brown tom (mate is Mosspebble)
Bdubs — Mosspebble (Riverclan) small, gray mottled tom
YOOO I love the names!!! Jimmy (Sunfeather) is my absolute fave
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Twistedfoot - black tabby tom
Family: Darkbrindle (mother, dead) Gender / Sexuality: tom / evil Personality: evil, cruel, ambitious, powerful Backstory: Twistedfoot was ambitious even as a kit. Apprenticed at his fourth moon, Twistedfoot was a rough and tumble warrior, often taking sparring too far during practice as an apprentice. Still, his skills didnt lack so when time came he was given his warrior name. Shortly after, the leader allowed him an apprentice, thinking having responsibility will help calm the rough edged warrior. It didnt help, and Spottedpaw became Spottedtail, and her crush on her mentor evolved into a relationship, and soon after she earned her warrior name, she was pregnant with his kits.  Proud of his upcoming heirs, Twistedfoot knew the time was now to make his move. He wanted to be leader for his kits, and train them to be strong warriors just like him. Twistedfoot wanted to take over Smokeclan, making it four clans in the forest rather than five. He killed Halfwhisker, the clans deputy, one late night, and demanded the leader give him the deputy position. He threatened the leader saying “i’ll kill you nine times over if that what it takes to become leader”. Luckily, senior warriors were soon upon Twistedfoot, and the warrior escaped with his life. He was taken in by Smokeclan has a prisoner, and with Thrushclan’s approval, he remains there to live out the rest of his days being cared for by apprentices.  Ideal Partner: none, hes evil pls Position | Clan: Exiled Thrushclan Warrior, Prisoner | Smokeclan
Spottedtail - pale calico shecat
Family: Oakfang (father, deceased), Cinderstep (mother, deceased), Dustfleck (brother, estranged) Gender / Sexuality: Shecat / pansexual  Personality: reserved, untrusted, defensive, secluded, quiet, snappy Backstory: Mentored by a then young Twistedfoot, when Spottedtail became his mate is first when eyes went to Twistedfoot. He had a small gaggle of young warriors at his attention, and his eyes on the deputy position were obvious. Spottedtail saw a strong warrior who would give her strong kits. She of course had a crush on her mentor so it wasnt so surprising that within six moons of being a warrior, she had moved to the nursery. It was only after the birth of her kits, that trouble came. Twistedfoot murdered their deputy in cold blood, and threatened the leader for the deputy position. Twistedfoot’s words still haunt the Thrushclan warriors.  Now a young mother, Spottedtail was fiercely protective of her kits, snapping at anyone who dared to say anything bad about them. When her then three kits became apprentices, and Witheredpaw said he wanted to leave the clan, Spottedtail was heartbroken, snapping at the clan for making her son feel so unwelcomed. When Fallenpaw died during a yellowcough epidemic, Spottedtail became even more reserved. By the time Jaggedhawk received his warrior name, she had stopped talking to most of the clan. They dont trust her, and she blames them. She only speaks with the medicine cat, elders, and young cats, sometimes speaking to queens since she refuses to leave the nursery. Ideal Partner: someone to help her heal from twistedfoot, maybe the warrior who mentored Jaggedhawk? Or Jaggedhawk’s bff? Maybe the deputy who took the position from the person that Twistedfoot killed? Position | Clan: Queen | Thrushclan
Jaggedhawk - fluffy dark tabby tom
Family: Twistedfoot (father), Spottedtail (mother), Witheredpaw (brother, assumed the name Ouselfleck in Brookclan), Fallenpaw (sister, dead) Gender / Sexuality: super sweet, trying to be independent, not defensive of his past Personality: happy go lucky, happy to help, good mentor, popular with the apprentices, a good young warrior Backstory: Youngest of the litter, Jaggedhawk’s mother tried to protect him, but her fierce protection didnt extend to Jaggedhawk’s social reputation. Known as the kit of a killer, Jaggedhawk did his best to become a good warrior. He wanted to help rebuild the clan that his father had done so much to destroy. With his father exiled, and Spottedtail defensive, Jaggedhawk was quick to separate himself from his family. He became friends with the deputys son, Owlflight, and will serve as his deputy when Owlflight becomes leader.  Jaggedhawk was recent tested by being given an apprentice; Springpaw. Springflame is now an energetic young warrior, who is still learning to follow direction, but does have belief and trust in Jaggedhawk. When a senior warrior wants to assign Springflame a task, they will often give it to Jaggedhawk and tell him to take his once apprentice along with him. When Jaggedhawk is kit sitting the young warrior, he is found hunting with Owlflight, or sharing tongues with his mother.  Ideal Partner: elder apprentice friend of springpaw/springflame, littermate of springflame, or someone who was in the nursery when he was, or someone who knew twistedfoot or the deputy he killed, or the kit of the deputy he killed Position | Clan: Warrior | Thrushclan
Ouselfleck - deep brown tom with light tortie marks
Family: Twistedfoot (father), Spottedtail (mother), Fallenpaw (sister, dead), Jaggedhawk (brother) Gender / Sexuality: tom / pansexual Personality: determined, loyal, smart, clever, healthily ambitious, just wants to do good, earn his place in starclan, fears he will be dragged to the forgotten forest thanks to his father, and even though he believes that, he will still be the best warrior he can be Backstory: Born Witheredkit, eldest son of the infamous Twistedfoot, Witheredpaw knew that his place would never be among the Thrushclan cats who judged him for his fathers mistakes. With an overprotective mother who made things worse, Witheredpaw left Thrushclan, and found a home within Brookclan. The leader gave him a new name for his new life, Ouselpaw. Now Ouselfleck, he is happy to be given his second chance. A little off-putting at first due to his dark pelt unlike most Brookclan cats, Ouselfleck is a skilled land hunter. He is a surprisingly good swimmer and fisher too, but there’s no doubt his Thrushclan blood makes him fast on dry land.  Smart and ambitious, Ouselfleck has no intention of trying for a leadership position. He just wants to do good for a clan who wont assume the worst of him. He struggles having his brother still in Thrushclan, along with his mother, but his loyalty lies with Brookclan. Ideal Partner: someone who was first to trust him in brookclan, or med cat, or maybe someone who was personally a victim of his father somehow, or someone who knows nothing about it, brookclan leaders kit would be cute too, or ooh interclan relationship maybe he had someone in thrushclan before he left Position | Clan: Warrior | Brookclan
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gamingkilledthecat · 6 years
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robinflight’s favorite pastime is annoying her horrible father
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marshjster · 7 years
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an ot3 in grayscale - rootwing, fawnshade, and oakfang of @murder-cats
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woodsandsea · 3 years
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Oakfang - Pinestripe
Maplesky, Redfang, Tigertail
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lntermundane · 4 years
FULL NAME : Zeean Moonbow
TITLES : Priest of Prospera, Priest of Mirenthia
AGE : 28
PARENTS: Alys Oakfang && Edex Moonbow
ZODIAC : Capricorn
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION : Since they are the Priest of all of Prospera, they worship and support every god. They are tasked with spreading the rhetoric of the Gods and keeping peace and they take this very seriously.
CONNECTION TO THE GODS : Extremely strong
GIFTS : Anything you can imagine and more they have access to. However, using extreme power comes at an extreme cost, so they rarely use their abilities. 
GENDER IDENTITY : Agender (They/He)
PERSONALITY DETAILS : Chaotic Neutral, Entp, Ravenclaw
NEGATIVE TRAITS : Aloof, Indifferent, Removed, Afraid
POSITIVE TRAITS : Neutral, Agreeable, Witty, Intelligent
HEIGHT : 6′0
RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES : High cheek-bones, full lips, contagious smile, lean build, tall stature
REPUTATION : They are well respected in Prospera and their opinions are highly valued. They are a rare case for a Priest, seeing that they will live to see at the least 2 great rulers. This is uncommon, but they are expected to assist in choosing the next high ruler. They are also known to be quite a bit less stiff than some of the Priests that have come before them.
ASPIRATIONS : They wish to maintain peace in Prospera and to choose the right heir to the high thrones. They are looking to make more connections to the Gods so that they may better protect the lands they live in. 
Enemy: Someone who wishes to rid Prospera of the priest so that they may try to take the Priest’s power for themselves. 
Prodigy: Someone who convinces them to teach them the ways of the Gods, but is only using their naivety against them.
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warriorcats-rewrite · 5 years
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“The Void is a terrible place to be. Empty darkness with no prey, no water, no cats. Getting sent there is worse than getting mauled by a badger. You live your death over and over again until you repent or your spirit finally fades. And who knows what happens after that.”
- Goosefeather
The Void System is a tunnel system comprised of different ‘void squares’ where those who have done terrible acts will reside until they either become a better cat and getting to go to The Gray, or if their spirit finally fades away and they get sent wherever The Council wants them to go.
If you can’t read the names the cats are (left to right, top to bottom): Snowtuft, Darkstripe, Thistleclaw, Rushtooth, Ripplereed (Ripplestar), Shredtail, Houndleap, Silverhawk, Sparrowfeather, Maggot-tail, Ashface, Brokentail (Brokenstar), Tigerclaw (Tigerstar), Copperstripe, Snarlsnap, Oakfang (Oakstar), Tangleburr, Stumpytail, Deerfoot, and Hawkfrost.
(Please tell me if I need to add more warnings)
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zapiarty · 5 years
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The outfits of Nikephoros Rydel from year 1 (accompanied by their black cat Kore), year 2, year 3 (with the barn owl Jareth), year 4 (with Hades the Kneazle), and year 5 with the ghost cat Oakfang, year 5 also gets another outfit because it’s so fancy
Not pictured; Pythia the black Mexican kingsnake they get in year 2, Vulcan the Salamander from year 4, as well as Hades & Kore’s three kittens (Melinoe, Makaria, and Zagreus) in year 5.
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bandtrees · 3 years
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war crimes
attempted murder of a priest
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sagesden · 6 months
Moon 80 and a small journey
Health update
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As Brightstar called a meeting Raindew and Sootleaf were sitting by the high rock and Brightstar had announced that they were chosen to go on the journey and will go to find their new home before disaster hits the clans
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The journey cats
Thunderclan: Raindew and sootleaf
Riverclan: Reedwhisker and Stormfur
Skyclan: Hollowpelt and nettlepoppy
Wind: Gorseleaf and Breezepaw
Shadow: Rowanclaw and Juniperleap
The first week the cats hunted well and had made good progress
Another week and the group was doing good as they came up to an abandoned twoleg place and a nice group of loners that have made that place their home they rest their for a bit and left to continue on their journey
Week 3: they had finally made it to a place that would be their new home and it was beautiful
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hey stayed and rested for a few days and started to make their way home and it had only taken a week since they knew where they were going When they returned home they saw that the destruction of the forest was beginning and they had returned home just in time
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bluiex · 2 years
Okay then, :D
Keep in mind, I'm still going by the canon of the first series, and like to ignore the ones after lol
Russetclaw = Pearl Featherfoot = Grian Dappleshine = Scott Coldstar = False Voidstar = Xisumi Oakfang = Ren Vinestar = Doc Frostwings = Cub Thornstrike = Impulse Leafstep = Cleo Flowerspark = Gem Brightstar = Welshknight Sunfeather = Jimmy
Russetclaw was made a warrior since she was young, but, if she was honest, she never liked being a warrior. Her mother pushed her through, stating with time, she'd be like her and her father. Yet, even though she passed her warrior assessment, and gained her name, she never felt truly at home or comfortable being a fighter.
Hence the days she spends in the Medicine Cat's den, helping out Silversong and doing whatever she needed. Fetching herbs, helping the sick, and organizing. She liked this part more than patrols, and Silversong, old as she was, was a conversationalist with a flighty attitude and silly jokes.
Both liked each other company... and Russetclaw was wondering on some days if... She sighed heavily, it felt wrong to ask such a thing of Voidstar. Surely Silversong was already looking at the newest kits for an apprentice. She was named and trained a warrior, too old now to be a medicine cat.
Her eyes gazed up at the cloudless sky of stars, Featherfoot was now deputy. And she could already see Dappleshine's annoyance and anger at that, having been as shocked as all of them. It took all willpower in her not to claw her previous mate's face. Her brother would make a fine deputy and maybe even leader, a lot less harsh and biased than he could be.
Most others were gone to bed, she could hear them breathing and some snoring behind her. Her brother was having a fitful sleep, her ears twitched lightly. Watching the stars silently, her brother would have much to face ahead of him.
As Russetclaw stared up at the sky, she paused when she saw one of them glow in the darkness. A deep brownish color at that, and in that moment her fur stood on end, and a rush of cool air ran through it.
The echoes filled her ears, chattering loudly as they chanted a name that was distant and echoed.
'Featherstar! Featherstar! Featherstar!'
She saw her brother, standing tall above them all, her pelt gleamed with 9 stars on it. Beside him stood another, tall and strong, licking his ear, and she too stood there at the base near the den where Silversong stayed in. The clan was chanting loudly, the voices of others as above was the glowing shapes of other cats.
Russetclaw's eyes widen as the chanting faded away with the wind, still ringing in her ears. She was back in front of the warrior's den. The star was gone though, nothing strange about the sky. She felt breathless, like the moor took her breath with it. Her pelt burned with warmth, despite the cool air. She didn't take her eyes off the glow of Silverpelt above her, as confusion settled after the shock.
Was that... a vision?
Featherfoot felt unease, he hadn't had time to go speak to Cedarscar in a long time. Though his litter mate had passed on the message that something came up, he had hoped to be the one to tell him before the gathering!
He picked up fast on making patrols and making sure everyone was accounted for and got sleep and food was fresh. But it had been met with some... opposition from Dappleshine and his friends. While they did as they were told, some made snide remarks, and others just scoffed at him.
Honestly, Featherfoot was still too in shock these past few nights to care too much. He had too much on his mind to bother with Dappleshine's annoyance and jealousy. His litter mate had offered to tell Cedarscar before the gathering started. Which he took up, he doubted he could in secret with many watching him. He hoped his mate would understand.
Winding down the scent of other cats filled his nose, Thunderclan and Shadowclan were already here. The moon was glowing in the sky as they sat around the trees. Voidstar climbed up to sit beside Vinestar and Brightstar.
Featherfoot honestly felt small near Vinestar, the man was terrifying as was his deputy, Oakfang. Both were massive compared to his size.. and he'd be the... lucky one to sit near Oakfang. He decided to wait to do that, for Voidstar to tell everyone. And Oakfang was currently talking to Flowerspark, the Thunderclan's deputy. She also scared Featherfoot, guess the only one he felt comfortable around in terms of height was Sunfeather, the Riverclan's deputy... despite how er... corrupted he could be.
"Riverclan is running late then?" Leafstep commented beside him as Thornstrike walked over to them as well. Featherfoot smiled at the two Thunderclan cats, happy to see them.
"The river has been a little flooded lately," Thornstrike commented to them both, "Perhaps they had to go the long way around?"
That could very well be. Featherfoot looked over as his ears twitched, as Riverclan started down the sides, looking worse for wear with some coats being drenched and unhappy. One such was Frostwings, who looked miserable, and the medicine cat, Willowbranch, tended to him immediately. The Thunderclan medicine cat also came over to offer assistance.
"They look bad." Thornstrike grimaced as Featherfoot nodded looking to Sunfeather who looked exhausted. He was drenched also and soon was looked at as well.
Coldstar shook her head at the other leaders, "The river flooded the path, and almost took Frostwing with it. Sunfeather saved him luckily." she meowed calmly. Voidstar looked worried, "Is he alright? We can wait until he's tended to." he said as Vinestar grunted at that.
"he should be fine." Coldstar promised to take her seat, "Shall we begin?" she asked her fellow leaders.
Voidstar nodded standing up, "Let's begin the gathering!" he called out as cats started to hush down at that looking up. "Windclan does well this season, two apprentices having been made, Mothpaw and Beepaw." he looked proud at the two apprentices as they stood beside their mentors.
Cat cheered out their names as Featherfoot smiled at Beepaw, he was doing better than last time, along with his friend Mothpaw. Voistar waited then looked solemn, "however we have also lost... our deputy, Groundfoot, has joined Starclan a few suns ago."
Cats were now mummering as Leafstep looked at Featherfoot, "I'm sorry to hear such a thing Featherfoot,"
He looked up at that, "he was a good deputy, Windclan will miss him greatly." he said calmly, as he looked up at his leader. Thornstrike looked at him silently from the corner of his eye. He could also see Cedarscar watching him take.
"I have named a new deputy, however, and I think he will be a good fit for the role." Voidstar smiled at him, "Featherfoot has been named in his place as the next deputy of Windclan."
Featherfoot shifted as he sat beside Sunfeather now as the cats all stared, and some happily chanted his name. Oakfang looked at him skeptically as Flowerspark just seemed to give her nod when Featherfoot looked at her.
Though the welcome was warm, and people seemed pleased, for a moment Featherfoot could see Cedarscar staring at him in shock. Then looking to his sister, who said something back to him. Then green eyes gazed at him again, perhaps he thought she was kidding... he hoped to speak with his mate after the gathering...
For now, all eyes were on him, and Featherfoot felt unease at some of them.
Hehe, sorry rushed in some areas, not trying to make a fic, just small clips of ideas.
HHNNGNGN Such a shame Cedarscar learned at the gather- oof I really want there to be tension between them ngl *giggles* just a little bit until they work thru it
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speckeltail · 5 years
st-striktor and fuck it, warrior cats
give me a paring + an au setting and I’ll tell you all the headcanons I’ve made about that 
char. why do you keep making me do this.
They start... slowly. Rushnose has never been interested in romance or taking a mate, really? And Oakfang seemed to be in a tight spot that would send him to the elder’s den.
But it doesn’t, and he recovers. Rushnose takes him out on patrols while he heals. Oakfang doesn’t want to think about what life is like outside the clans, but Rushnose doesn’t give him a choice. He can’t imagine this brave, courageous cat ever being anything other than a warrior.
The story comes out over multiple moons, far after Rushnose has gone to Gatherings. He’s accepted easily by Shadowclan, by far the least suspicious of outsiders, though they were suspicious of everyone. The deputy of Riverclan seems to know him. Windclan... stay out of the affairs of other clans, and for that Rushnose is grateful.
Rushnose is found sneaking out of camp one night. Why, Oakfang asks. Why are you betraying your clan?
He finds out. Outside of camp, crouched against a tree trunk, are two of Nettlestar’s too-young apprentices, and Oakfang has to question everything he knows about what the clans mean to each other; and how tall a tree can grow when it’s rotting from the inside out, and how small the apprentices are, and he’s never felt angrier than when Rushnose tells him they’re warriors.
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gamingkilledthecat · 6 years
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father-daughter bonding time!!
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logarto · 7 years
idk what warrior cats but will u give me a wc name??? :0c
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