wolfgirlstuart · 6 months
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Falls further into Warrior Cats phase (Part 3)
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Twistedfoot - black tabby tom
Family: Darkbrindle (mother, dead) Gender / Sexuality: tom / evil Personality: evil, cruel, ambitious, powerful Backstory: Twistedfoot was ambitious even as a kit. Apprenticed at his fourth moon, Twistedfoot was a rough and tumble warrior, often taking sparring too far during practice as an apprentice. Still, his skills didnt lack so when time came he was given his warrior name. Shortly after, the leader allowed him an apprentice, thinking having responsibility will help calm the rough edged warrior. It didnt help, and Spottedpaw became Spottedtail, and her crush on her mentor evolved into a relationship, and soon after she earned her warrior name, she was pregnant with his kits.  Proud of his upcoming heirs, Twistedfoot knew the time was now to make his move. He wanted to be leader for his kits, and train them to be strong warriors just like him. Twistedfoot wanted to take over Smokeclan, making it four clans in the forest rather than five. He killed Halfwhisker, the clans deputy, one late night, and demanded the leader give him the deputy position. He threatened the leader saying “i’ll kill you nine times over if that what it takes to become leader”. Luckily, senior warriors were soon upon Twistedfoot, and the warrior escaped with his life. He was taken in by Smokeclan has a prisoner, and with Thrushclan’s approval, he remains there to live out the rest of his days being cared for by apprentices.  Ideal Partner: none, hes evil pls Position | Clan: Exiled Thrushclan Warrior, Prisoner | Smokeclan
Spottedtail - pale calico shecat
Family: Oakfang (father, deceased), Cinderstep (mother, deceased), Dustfleck (brother, estranged) Gender / Sexuality: Shecat / pansexual  Personality: reserved, untrusted, defensive, secluded, quiet, snappy Backstory: Mentored by a then young Twistedfoot, when Spottedtail became his mate is first when eyes went to Twistedfoot. He had a small gaggle of young warriors at his attention, and his eyes on the deputy position were obvious. Spottedtail saw a strong warrior who would give her strong kits. She of course had a crush on her mentor so it wasnt so surprising that within six moons of being a warrior, she had moved to the nursery. It was only after the birth of her kits, that trouble came. Twistedfoot murdered their deputy in cold blood, and threatened the leader for the deputy position. Twistedfoot’s words still haunt the Thrushclan warriors.  Now a young mother, Spottedtail was fiercely protective of her kits, snapping at anyone who dared to say anything bad about them. When her then three kits became apprentices, and Witheredpaw said he wanted to leave the clan, Spottedtail was heartbroken, snapping at the clan for making her son feel so unwelcomed. When Fallenpaw died during a yellowcough epidemic, Spottedtail became even more reserved. By the time Jaggedhawk received his warrior name, she had stopped talking to most of the clan. They dont trust her, and she blames them. She only speaks with the medicine cat, elders, and young cats, sometimes speaking to queens since she refuses to leave the nursery. Ideal Partner: someone to help her heal from twistedfoot, maybe the warrior who mentored Jaggedhawk? Or Jaggedhawk’s bff? Maybe the deputy who took the position from the person that Twistedfoot killed? Position | Clan: Queen | Thrushclan
Jaggedhawk - fluffy dark tabby tom
Family: Twistedfoot (father), Spottedtail (mother), Witheredpaw (brother, assumed the name Ouselfleck in Brookclan), Fallenpaw (sister, dead) Gender / Sexuality: super sweet, trying to be independent, not defensive of his past Personality: happy go lucky, happy to help, good mentor, popular with the apprentices, a good young warrior Backstory: Youngest of the litter, Jaggedhawk’s mother tried to protect him, but her fierce protection didnt extend to Jaggedhawk’s social reputation. Known as the kit of a killer, Jaggedhawk did his best to become a good warrior. He wanted to help rebuild the clan that his father had done so much to destroy. With his father exiled, and Spottedtail defensive, Jaggedhawk was quick to separate himself from his family. He became friends with the deputys son, Owlflight, and will serve as his deputy when Owlflight becomes leader.  Jaggedhawk was recent tested by being given an apprentice; Springpaw. Springflame is now an energetic young warrior, who is still learning to follow direction, but does have belief and trust in Jaggedhawk. When a senior warrior wants to assign Springflame a task, they will often give it to Jaggedhawk and tell him to take his once apprentice along with him. When Jaggedhawk is kit sitting the young warrior, he is found hunting with Owlflight, or sharing tongues with his mother.  Ideal Partner: elder apprentice friend of springpaw/springflame, littermate of springflame, or someone who was in the nursery when he was, or someone who knew twistedfoot or the deputy he killed, or the kit of the deputy he killed Position | Clan: Warrior | Thrushclan
Ouselfleck - deep brown tom with light tortie marks
Family: Twistedfoot (father), Spottedtail (mother), Fallenpaw (sister, dead), Jaggedhawk (brother) Gender / Sexuality: tom / pansexual Personality: determined, loyal, smart, clever, healthily ambitious, just wants to do good, earn his place in starclan, fears he will be dragged to the forgotten forest thanks to his father, and even though he believes that, he will still be the best warrior he can be Backstory: Born Witheredkit, eldest son of the infamous Twistedfoot, Witheredpaw knew that his place would never be among the Thrushclan cats who judged him for his fathers mistakes. With an overprotective mother who made things worse, Witheredpaw left Thrushclan, and found a home within Brookclan. The leader gave him a new name for his new life, Ouselpaw. Now Ouselfleck, he is happy to be given his second chance. A little off-putting at first due to his dark pelt unlike most Brookclan cats, Ouselfleck is a skilled land hunter. He is a surprisingly good swimmer and fisher too, but there’s no doubt his Thrushclan blood makes him fast on dry land.  Smart and ambitious, Ouselfleck has no intention of trying for a leadership position. He just wants to do good for a clan who wont assume the worst of him. He struggles having his brother still in Thrushclan, along with his mother, but his loyalty lies with Brookclan. Ideal Partner: someone who was first to trust him in brookclan, or med cat, or maybe someone who was personally a victim of his father somehow, or someone who knows nothing about it, brookclan leaders kit would be cute too, or ooh interclan relationship maybe he had someone in thrushclan before he left Position | Clan: Warrior | Brookclan
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redux-iterum · 2 years
With names, let’s say… Morelfur is renamed to Brokenfoot or Twistedfoot. Or anything like that. Could she if she ever had kits theoretically call one of them Morelkit, if they fit the appearance? Or would she still be given a stink eye at the sly attempt of naming her kid after herself. Actually would anyone close to her (friends/siblings/etc) be given the stink eye as well?
It's not inherently against the law, but it is considered a poor decision to name your kit a prefix that you yourself had or someone close to you had, even if the prefix isn't in use right now. It was still in use by someone who is alive, so your kit will not get to stand out with their own name. Raggedstar did the same thing with his son (using Alder-) and no one approved. ShadowClan saw it as rather conceited. Most cats would.
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“Don’t interrupt a deputy.”
I don’t know why, but nothing brings me more joy than to hear Bluefur constantly berating poor Fireheart XD Their first interaction had me cackling!
A scene from Book Two, Chapter 3 of @warriors-fireandwater‘s amazing AU!
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mbloginfo · 3 years
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Kitten Missing a Leg Shows Everyone What He Can Do with the Help of Kind Family A brave kitten with three legs is det... https://mblogs.info/kitten-missing-a-leg-shows-everyone-what-he-can-do-with-the-help-of-kind-family/?feed_id=13679&_unique_id=60eb3dd3add9d #Family #Kind #Kitten #Leg #Missing #missingaleg #savingonelife #Shows #specialneedskitten #tabbykitten #tripodkitten #twistedfoot #fashion #food #lifestyle #tech #politics #business #travel #animals #celebrities #vip #hollywood
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sorrelstream · 5 years
more rewrite thoughts bc thats all i do apparently! under a read more
anyways. i wanna follow like a theme for the chosen journey cats in tnp and originally it was just gonna be two representatives chosen from each clan and i always kinda like. struggled with who should go from thunderclan besides squirrelpaw and then i noticed a pattern: all the other chosen cats are cats related to current or previous clan hierarchy (in this au at least), being:
Tawnyheart and Brambleflower - Kits of the former ShadowClan leader Tigerstar
Stormstripe and Feathertail - Grandkits of the former RiverClan leader Crookedstar, as well as kin to the former ThunderClan leader Bluestar (as graystripe was whitestorms son and whitestorm was bluestars nephew)
Crowpaw - Son of the former WindClan deputy Twistedfoot (Deadfoot)
Nightpaw - Daughter of the current WindClan deputy Mudclaw
and lastly Squirrelpaw - Daughter of the ThunderClan seer Fireheart, and niece (via marriage?) of the ThunderClan leader Sandstar (as Sandstar and Fireheart's sister Plumtooth are mates)
i thought itd be neat if i followed that trend so i think the other thunderclan representative should be Whitepaw, the daughter of Cloudtail and Brightheart, and thus the niece to Fireheart and Plumtooth (and again, niece via. marriage?? idk ill think of a better term for it snnfks ANYWAYS to sandstar). in this au cloudtail is from nutmegs second litter of kits and fire+plums little brother instead of nephew/son (just bc like. plum wouldve been freshly into warriorhood and then IMMEDIATELY pregnant to have cloudkit by the second book and thats uhhh. weird. anyways). i rambled but anyways yeah whitepaw goes on the journey in this au alongside squirrelpaw >:]
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paintedpawcat · 6 years
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revamped an old warriors OC of mine. her name is twistedfoot, later she becomes twistedstar
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Chapter Nine
Fireheart awoke early the morning of his final day in WindClan. He rolled in his nest before he sat up and stretched for a long few moments. He yawned loudly before he sat down and leaned back on his haunches. Today’s the day, he thought. Gorsepaw and Eaglepaw are apprentices now, and it’s time for me to go home.
Home… Fireheart smiled to himself. I hope everyone is well.
Fireheart quickly spotted Ferretstar sitting alone under the Tallrock. He lifted himself from the nest and padded towards the Clan leader. Ferretstar noticed his approach and dipped his head. “Good morning, Fireheart.”
“Morning, Ferretstar,” Fireheart replied. “How are you?”
Ferretstar smiled warmly and purred, “Doing well, Fireheart.” He sighed deeply. “WindClan has its strength back. There’s nothing better to see as a leader.” He straightened up. “How are you feeling about going home? I’m sure you’re excited—”
“Ferretstar!” an urgent hiss cut the leader off. Plovertail, the Clan medicine cat, came racing from the camp entrance straight towards Ferretstar. His fur was standing on end, and his eyes were wild with fear.
Ferretstar blinked in surprise. “Great StarClan, Plovertail, whatever is the matter?”
“A sign!” Plovertail breathed. “I saw it… I saw it in the clouds! The sun was rising… and they were stained with blood! This day will bring an unnecessary death!”
The severity of Plovertail’s tone made Fireheart shiver. An unnecessary death? Fireheart swallowed. The last time he had doubted a sign from a medicine cat, Sunwhisker had been killed.
Ferretstar blinked. “What do you mean?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Plovertail meowed. He kneaded his paws anxiously, tearing at the grass with his claws. “But the sign was clear!”
Ferretstar looked hesitant. “We can’t be sure it means a death in WindClan,” he meowed. “We carry on. I don’t want to upset the Clan when we have only just regained our hope.”
Plovertail flicked his tail about for a few moments. Eventually, he nodded. “You’re right, you’re right…”
Fireheart twitched his tail, still feeling uneasy. How many signs like that do leaders keep from their Clan? He wondered. I understand why, but… he shuddered. What if it is a WindClan cat that dies? A more worrying thought popped into his head. But what if it isn’t? Could it be someone in RiverClan? His gaze travelled towards Bluefur and Snowtail, who were beginning to rouse themselves. What if it’s one of them?
The morning passed without much incident, despite Plovertail’s warning. Fireheart tried to push the sign to the back of his mind. Though it continued to nag at him, the worry slowly faded, giving way to excitement at the thought of returning home.
Finally, the time came for Fireheart, Bluefur, and Snowtail to return home. All of WindClan crowded around the three, thanking them and wishing them well.
Fireheart purred as he said farewell to the cats he had spent his last moon with. He signed a goodbye to Quailpaw with a wave of his tail, nudged Lizardpaw and told him to keep up with his training, and touched noses with Twistedfoot.
Morningflower and Gorsepaw came to him next. Morningflower was looking far healthier than she had been a moon ago. Her eyes were bright as she dipped her head to him. “Thank you, Fireheart,” she purred. “I hope to see you again.”
Fireheart smiled and touched his nose briefly to Morningflower’s forehead. “I’ll look for you at the Gatherings,” he promised.
Little Gorsepaw blinked up at him, bristling with excitement. “I’m going to be just like you when I’m a warrior!” he swore.
Fireheart fluffed out his chest fur, feeling embarrassed and proud. “I’m sure you’ll be great,” he meowed.
The crowd parted to let Ferretstar through. The leader held his head high as he padded towards Fireheart, his eyes warm. “Thank you, Fireheart,” he meowed. He looked bashful for a moment before he leaned closer. “I’m glad I got to know Jake’s son.”
Fireheart moved closer and pressed his muzzle to Ferretstar’s shoulder. “I’m glad that I met you, too.”
Mudclaw grunted loudly. “If you want to get back to your Clans before moon-high, we ought to get going.” The tunneler was to be one of Bluefur and Fireheart’s escorts, along with a moor runner named Owlwhisker. Snowtail was to take another route back home to ShadowClan.
Ferretstar coughed awkwardly and nodded. “Of course,” he meowed. “StarClan light your path, Fireheart.”
“And yours, Ferretstar.” Fireheart blinked warmly at him before he turned and followed Mudclaw to the camp exit.
This is it, Fireheart thought. I’m going home.
The patrol travelled along the gorge, heading towards RiverClan territory. It had begun to drizzle since they left, but Fireheart hardly minded the wet.
Fireheart and Bluefur led the way. Even Bluefur seemed more lively than usual. A rare smile tugged at her lips as they walked.
Fireheart glanced at her. “Excited to go home?” he asked.
Bluefur dipped her head. “I’ve missed my kits,” she meowed. “It’ll be good to see them again.”
Fireheart blinked. “How old are they?”
Bluefur chuckled. “Oh, moons older than you. Sometimes, though, I look at them, and I still see the little scraps of fur they were when they were born.”
Fireheart hummed in response and turned his gaze ahead. They had been walking for some time, and he could finally see the human’s bridge down the gorge. His eyes widened. There it is! He thought. We’re almost there. The first thing I’m doing when I get home is eating a big, fat carp!
The cats picked up their pace as they neared the bridge. They stopped just a few paces short of it, and Fireheart turned to say goodbye to his companions. They were at the edge of both ThunderClan and RiverClan territory—a few fox-lengths past the bridge would take them into ThunderClan.
“Thanks for escorting us,” he meowed. He gave Mudclaw a friendly blink. “It was good to work with you.”
Mudclaw flicked an ear. Fireheart thought he saw a flicker of a smile from the grumpy tom, but it was gone so quickly that he wondered if he imagined it. “See you, Fireheart,” he meowed.
“See—” Fireheart stopped and jumped as a screech rang out across the border. He turned to see a RiverClan patrol racing across the bridge.
Fireheart lifted his tail. “It’s me!” he called. “I’m back!”
Leopardfur was heading the patrol, flanked by Frogleap, Shadefang, Whiteclaw, Petalstream, and Dawnwhisker.
Such a large patrol! Fireheart frowned. What’s going on?
Leopardfur took no heed of Fireheart’s presence. Her burning gaze was fixed upon Bluefur. “ThunderClan scum!” she shrieked. “How dare you show your face around here?”
Fireheart jumped aside as the patrol came racing off the bridge. They’re not here to welcome me! They’re going to attack!
They swiftly circled the smaller group. Every cat had their hackles raised and claws unsheathed, and each looked more furious than the next. Only Shadefang and Dawnwhisker acknowledged Fireheart’s presence, but they both only nodded briefly at him before hissing at the other cats.
“Leopardfur, what’s going on?” Fireheart demanded.
Leopardfur threw herself upon Bluefur. “These cats are intruders!” she spat, eyes blazing with fury.
“Get off of me!” Bluefur growled. “I’m traveling with your warrior!”
The RiverClan cats looked uncertain. Whiteclaw lashed his tail. “Leopardfur, what do you want us to do?”
“Attack!” Leopardfur ordered. “Don’t forget what ThunderClan did to us!”
“What are you talking about?” Bluefur demanded. “I’ve been working in WindClan, as all Clans agreed! I have no idea what has been happening in ThunderClan!”
“Silence!” shrieked Leopardfur. “You will be the first to pay for your Clan’s crimes! Fireheart, help us punish the intruders!”
“Leopardfur, please!” Fireheart pleaded. “I was traveling with these cats to the border! They were escorting us home!”
Before Leopardfur could reply, another screech rang out from the other side of the ThunderClan border. A patrol came charging out of the woods. Tigerclaw came leading the patrol, and he let out a mighty roar as he leaped for Leopardfur.
Lightning flashed in the sky. Fireheart narrowed his eyes as the drizzle picked up to a steady downpour. We’re too close to the gorge to be fighting like this! he thought. But it was too late to try and calm either side down. Something had clearly happened while Fireheart had been away, but what? Have they taken Sunningrocks? I don’t understand!
His eyes widened as he recognized Sandwhisker. The lithe ginger molly raked her claws down Petalstream’s side, and the older molly lunged for her. Sandwhisker jumped back and landed right at the edge of the gorge.
“Watch out!” Fireheart yowled.
Sandwhisker’s eyes widened as the ground began to crumble out from beneath her paws. She shrieked desperately, and as she fell, she latched onto the edge with her claws. Her hind legs churned as she tried to pull herself up, but she was only slipping farther over.
There was no time to think. Fireheart darted to her, heart racing. “I’m going to pull you up!” he quickly meowed. “You have to push!”
Sandwhisker stared up at him, eyes wide and round with fear. All traces of her usual bravado were gone, and Fireheart could hardly blame her. He crouched down and sank his teeth into her scruff, then, using all his might, he hauled backwards. Sandwhisker grunted and pushed up with her paws. With great effort, he managed to lift her from the edge and pull her back onto solid ground. The two cats collapsed on the ground and stared at each other, both panting heavily.
Before Fireheart could say anything, he heard a chilling wail and stiffened. He looked over his shoulder in time to see Graystripe leaning over the edge of the gorge, reaching desperately, and the tip of Whiteclaw’s paw disappeared over the edge.
“No!” Graystripe yowled. He quite nearly leaped off the edge after him before Tigerclaw hurried over and shoved him aside.
“There’s nothing you can do now!” Tigerclaw hissed.
Whiteclaw’s final caterwaul could be heard as he plummeted down the gorge. A loud splash marked his demise.
“I didn’t mean to!” Graystripe wailed. The soaked gray warrior crouched against the ground, looking pitiful despite his massive size. He seemed truly distraught as he glanced around at both patrols. “We were fighting, and we kept rolling closer… I didn’t realize how close we were to the edge…” his voice trailed off as Leopardfur fixed him with a burning, hateful glare.
The deputy whirled around to face Tigerclaw. “First your Clanmates murder Sedgestream, and now your warrior kills Whiteclaw!” Her voice was thick with rage and grief. “How much more must your bloodthirsty Clan take from mine?”
“Wh-what?” Fireheart choked out. Sedgestream is dead? He stared at Tigerclaw. ThunderClan killed Sedgestream?
“I didn’t mean to!” Graystripe cried out. “It was an accident, I swear!”
Tigerclaw looked sickeningly calm. “ThunderClan, it’s time to return home,” he meowed. “Come, Bluefur.”
Fireheart expected Leopardfur to order them to attack again, but her shoulders only slumped hopelessly. She had never looked so defeated before.
Sandwhisker stood and padded past Fireheart. She stopped for just a moment, and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “Thank you,” she whispered.
Fireheart nodded quickly. He glanced at Bluefur. The old queen looked tired, and she simply shook her head as Fireheart caught her eye. This is bad for both our Clans, he thought.
“Come on,” Leopardfur whispered hoarsely. “We need to go home.”
Drenched RiverClan cats huddled around in the rain to mourn Whiteclaw. The mood was even more somber than Sunwhisker’s vigil, for this time, there wasn’t even a body to bury.
Few cats spoke to Fireheart when he returned. The mood in the Clan had already been bad before the news of Whiteclaw’s death. Whatever had happened to Sedgestream had clearly been bad.
Beechflower brushed against Fireheart as his friend moved to sit beside him. “Welcome back,” he murmured.
Fireheart nodded numbly. The excitement of his return home was gone, and now he only felt weary. “Is Sedgestream really dead?”
Beechflower sighed softly. “Yes,” he said. “It was terrible. It happened in a fight at Sunningrocks. We were vastly outnumbered, and we had to retreat… we didn’t realize Sedgestream was missing until we returned to camp. By the time we made it back, ThunderClan… well, they disposed of the body.”
Disposed? Fireheart frowned. “What do you mean?”
Beechflower’s voice took a hard edge. “They threw her body in the river. It took another day for us to find it. It had gotten stuck against a rock downstream, but… Oh, it was just horrible to look at.”
Fireheart dug his claws into the soft soil. He understood Leopardfur’s rage now. That’s… horrific. He hadn’t known Sedgestream well, but she had always been a cheery and friendly cat. And Whiteclaw… Fireheart held no love for the sharp-tongued tom, but he was a Clanmate, and both deaths weighed heavily on him. Neither of them deserved this.
Mallowtail’s wails of grief could be heard from the edge of camp. She buried her face into Dawnwhisker’s shoulder. Her three kits sat around her, ears flat and eyes dull with grief.
“I didn’t think it would come to something like this,” Fireheart murmured. But, suddenly, he recalled Plovertail’s warning—This day will bring an unnecessary death.
Fireheart felt sick. What’s the point of sending a sign if there’s nothing we can do to stop it?
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My first Warrior cat OC was a med cat named Remedyleaf. She was originally a warrior apprentice called Tanglepaw but she was a crap apprentice and sucked at everything she did. She fell when she missed a jump and messed up her paw, earning her the new name Twistedfoot. While recovering in the med cat den she found that she had a natural talent for herbs and Starclan blessed her with a fully new name- Remedyleaf. She is now the Medicine Mom of everyone a very good girl
that’s such a good name and i love the concept
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forestwithnostars · 3 years
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meet Twistedfoot, formerly known as Stormsong! he's the boy who dragged me back into creating warriors ocs again, working with my cousin (Snaketeeth on toyhouse and WA, Water-breather on dA) to bring him to life through art and design!
"A ratty gray tom who is much leaner than he once was, but still rather bulky. His once fluffy gray fur is much less impressive than it was before, and his striking blue eyes now seem to have lost a bit of their spark. One of his back legs is heavily scarred, and he has an obvious limp, along with a crooked tip of his tail. His previous name comes from his deep, rumbling voice, but it seems to have a slight croak to it now."
You can read more about him, his past, and the story he has in progress on his toyhouse profile linked below!
Art is a custom by my cousin Snaketeeth, who helps run our toyhouse and can be found on both dA and WA as well! She has customs and commissions open, so feel free to dm me if you wish to get in contact with her!
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Heavyshade - big boned dark grey/brown tom
Family: Loudstep (father), Marigoldleaf (mother) Gender / Sexuality: tom / bisexual Personality: honest, brave, confident Backstory: Even in the harshest of bare-leafs Heavyshade never lost his shape. A big boned tom, Heavyshade has always been an admired warrior. His big body makes him any enemies worst nightmare. He’s not going to go running easily. Often scary to kits at first, Heavyshade’s indifference grows on the clan. Honest and well mannered, Heavyshade isnt overly popular, but no one would say they hate him. Heavyshade often is put on patrols, his presence often soothing to the rest of the patrol when he’s there. Heavyshade just rarely feels scared or frightened since most cats are smaller than him or his size. He hasnt come across an enemy he hasnt been able to take down.  Ideal Partner: the smol one, the pretty one, or gimme the lithe fighter, or the main good hunter, or maybe a fellow big boi Position | Clan: Warrior | Thrushclan
Shimmerveil - black tabby queen with white undercoat
Family: Wolfwhisper (father, deceased), Brightstream (mother, deceased) Gender / Sexuality: shecat / bisexual - tom leaning  Personality: sweetheart, you just want what’s best for her Backstory: Losing both her parents during her apprentice moons, Shimmerveil had no proud smiling parents at her warrior ceremony. Instead who she had there was her overly proud mentor; Heavyshade. Now as a warrior, Shimmerveil had gotten pregnant seasons ago, but lost her two kits before their third moon to kitten cough. Of course she didn’t blame herself, but threw herself into her warrior work. Distracting herself with hunting and patrolling, she finds herself spending time in the nursery with the kits even though she doesn’t have any.  Shimmerveil would love to have another litter, but worries if she chooses the wrong Tom, Starclan will take her kits again. Her heart feels empty without having kits though, and she’s obviously so good with them. Sometimes one can find her staring longingly at the apprentice den, as kits she slept in the nursery with, become little warriors while hers remain kits hunting in Starclan. Ideal Partner: father of her first litter, or maybe someone who also throws themselves into their work, someone with strong beliefs in starclan Position | Clan: Warrior | Thrushclan
Pricklepelt - very fluffy white tom with pale calico patches
Family: Birchroot (father), Birdscreech (mother), Spottedtail (younger sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / bisexual Personality: loyal, very pro-thrushclan, distrusting of those with a bad past Backstory: When his predecessor, Halfwhisker, was killed in cold  blood by a fellow warrior Twistedfoot, Pricklepelt was chosen as the next deputy. With big paws to fill, as Halfwhisker had been an ideal leader, Pricklepelt does his best to serve his clan well. An average warrior in his youth, Pricklepelt has always remained loyal to the clan. He was absolutely bewildered when Twistedfoot attacked the clan, and became cautious of those who were friends with Twistedfoot when he was in the clan. He was cautious of his younger sister, and his niece and nephews by extensions. When Witheredpaw left the clan, he thought it was better off that way, let him be another clans problem. Overly cautious of his apprentices relationship with Jaggedhawk, Pricklepelt wants to see Owlflight as the next deputy of the clan, but the dark tabby best friend of his apprentice makes him worry he will have a bad voice in his ear.  Ideal Partner: an equally loyal cat to the clan, like rowanclaw type bitch, or mudclaw, or even gimme like the leaders kit, or leaders apprentice ooh Position | Clan: Deputy | Thrushclan
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cazvincent · 6 years
| Book Review | Novella | Venetian Lives - Brendan Gisby
| Book Review | Novella | Venetian Lives - Brendan Gisby @twistedfoot
  Come with me to beautiful Venice, the city of culture and love! But wait.. wouldn’t you like to know about the people living in Venice? The ones who belong to the city of over a hundred islands and as many canals? The ones who hurriedly pass the Piazza San Marco, packed with tourists, and disappear? Follow me and enter Brendan Gisby’s Venetian Lives…
| Introduction |
This novella contains four…
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strikkodrene · 7 years
Short description of all my warrior cats ocs
Nightspark - The main dude. A shitty medicine cat who took a mate and had a kit and was then exposed by his apprentice.
Twistedfoot - WindClan Crookedjaw ripoff. Twisted hind foot.
Mouseheart - Fucking coward. Everybody hates him.
Fishleap - A child in an adult's body.
Willowfur - Beautiful lady who hates children.
Ashclaw - A murderer who hates being underground and the dark. It scares her.
Mapleheart - The last SkyClan warrior.
Heatherpaw - Boy with a girl's name. Everybody makes fun of him.
Jaggedpaw - Cute guy with two fangs sticking out of his mouth.
Crimsonpaw - Takes shit from nobody. Serious military-ass motherfucker.
Silverpaw - Beautiful young lady who's way too mature for her age. 
Echopaw - A boy who thinks his name isn't manly enough. Heatherpaw's only friend.
Darkpaw - Gay immature fuck. Halloween is his favourite holiday.
Tigger - Disney character ripoff. A kittypet who was allowed to train with warriors once. He is never mentioned again.
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Chapter Eight
Fireheart crept through the dark tunnel. His ears were alert for the sound of prey. After nearly a moon of working in the tunnels, he had begun to learn how to hunt underground. Although his contributions to WindClan were relatively small, it was clear that the Clan was beginning to recover.
The warriors were beginning to gain weight once more—though they were certainly still slim in comparison to any other Clan, they no longer looked like bony rogues. Two kits were due to be apprenticed by the end of the day.
Fireheart stiffened as he heard the thumping of heavy paws far down the tunnel. A rabbit was coming his way fast. It won’t be expecting me.
The distant thump became a thunder of racing paws. There were two sets now—the heavy feet of the rabbit, and lighter paws of a cat.
Fireheart shot forward as the rabbit came into reach. He collided with it, and the rabbit let out a shrill scream as Fireheart sank his jaws into its neck. The other cat skidded to a halt and waited as Fireheart held the rabbit until it went still.
“Thanks,” the other warrior grunted. It was Mudclaw. “It was just out of reach of my claws.”
Fireheart dropped it and nodded. “I wouldn’t have caught it if you hadn’t sent it this way.”
Mudclaw grunted again and sniffed at the rabbit. “We should head back to camp,” he meowed. “I don’t want to miss the ceremony. I swear, if Ferretstar makes both of those kits moor runners, I will make him eat snails.”
Fireheart snorted, amused and surprised. Mudclaw was always gruff with him, and it was rare to hear anything resembling a joke. “Let’s head out, then.”
Mudclaw picked up the fresh-kill, and the two toms padded back the way Fireheart had came.
When they arrived in camp, the Clan was bustling with excitement. Every cat was there, chattering excitedly amongst themselves. Snowtail was sitting with the WindClan apprentices, while Bluefur was talking quietly to Doestep and Stagleap. Sorrelcloud and Rabbitfoot were sharing tongues in the shade of the Tallrock.
Ferretstar and Twistedfoot paused in their conversation as they spotted Fireheart and Mudclaw padding into camp. Ferretstar stood quickly and leaped up the Tallrock.
We must have been the last cats out, Fireheart thought. It’s time for the ceremony, then?
Ferretstar sat down and let out a yowl. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting!”
Fireheart was about to pad towards Bluefur and Snowtail to join them, but Mudclaw jerked his chin towards the other side of camp. “Come on,” he grunted. “You might as well be an honorary tunneler. Come sit with us.”
Fireheart blinked, surprised again. He had never before been invited to sit or eat with the tunnelers. “Alright,” he meowed. “Thank you.” He followed him towards one side of the Tallrock, where they sat. They were soon joined by Sorrelcloud and Wrenfoot, and a few moments later, Lizardpaw came hurrying over.
Fireheart glanced over the rest of the Clan. He had never noticed before how much of a clear divide there was in the Clan—the tunnelers were all clustered with him, and on the other side of the camp sat the moor runners. Bluefur and Snowtail were both between the groups, seemingly oblivious to the split warriors.
“Today marks a proud day for WindClan,” Ferretstar meowed. “Two kits are becoming apprentices. WindClan is finally beginning to recover from the pain caused to us by Brokenstar and his followers.” His gaze briefly flickered towards Fireheart before he continued. “We are especially grateful towards the three cats who have stayed with us to help WindClan in our time of need. Tomorrow you return to your Clans, but you will forever be friends of WindClan.”
Bluefur seemed to shift uncomfortably at that. Fireheart nearly rolled his eyes. Are ThunderClan cats always so suspicious? He wondered. I’m glad to be a friend of WindClan’s.
“Now, for the reason we are all gathered—” Ferretstar smiled widely. “Gorsekit and Eaglekit, please come forward.”
Fireheart watched as Morningflower and another queen, Ashfoot, nudged their kits out of the nursery. The two tom-kits hurried towards the Tallrock, bright-eyed. Both were groomed neatly and had their tails held high.
Ferretstar waited until they were standing at the base of the Tallrock. “Gorsekit,” he began. “Until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Gorsepaw.” He looked towards the tunnelers. “Sorrelcloud will be your mentor. Sorrelcloud, your first apprentice was lost in battle, and you still have many skills to pass on to this young cat. Train him well.”
Sorrelcloud sat up straight and blinked, before she dipped her head gratefully and padded towards Gorsepaw. She touched noses with him, smiling.
“Thank StarClan!” Mudclaw whispered. “Another young tunneler.”
Ferretstar turned his gaze towards Eaglekit. “Eaglekit, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Eaglepaw.” Ferretstar paused briefly, looking hesitant. “Wrenfoot will be your mentor.”
Fireheart raised his brows. Both tunnelers? From the sound of it, Mudclaw had almost expected that they would both train as moor runners.
A collective gasp came up from the moor runners.
“What?” demanded Doestep. “But that’s—”
Twistedfoot shot her a sharp look. “Wrenfoot is a capable mentor,” he snapped. “Any issues can be brought to Ferretstar or I privately.” His words were pointed.
Fireheart shifted uncomfortably. They still are trying to keep tunneling a secret from Bluefur and Snowtail. If they let the moor runners complain openly, they’d have to admit to having tunnelers in the first place…
Mudclaw was grinning from ear-to-ear. “Ferretstar never would be so bold to do that if you lot weren’t here,” he whispered. “Any other time and the moor runners would be yowling!”
Fireheart glanced towards the other side of camp. Each moor runner was bristling with indignation, while Bluefur and Snowtail looked completely perplexed.
Wrenfoot hurried towards her apprentice and pressed her nose to his, as though she were afraid Ferretstar might quickly change his mind.
“Eaglepaw!” called Mudclaw. “Gorsepaw!”
The tunnelers were the first to cheer. “Eaglepaw! Gorsepaw!”
Fireheart called out with them. He watched the moor runners, feeling deeply uncomfortable. Though some were shouting, like Twistedfoot and Rabbitfoot, the rest were deadly silent. How mean! Fireheart thought. This is their apprentice ceremony, and they’re too bitter about not getting more moor runners to cheer for them.
Ferretstar lashed his tail. He looked displeased as he stared down at the moor runners. “This meeting is over,” he meowed.
The Clan broke apart into small clusters. Some of the moor runners were glaring towards the tunnelers, tails flicking with frustration.
Fireheart shifted awkwardly. Is it always like this? He wondered. How is WindClan supposed to be strong when they’re so divided like this?
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cazvincent · 6 years
Monsieur Zola's Funny Valentine - Brendan Gisby
#ValentinesDay #ShortStory Monsieur Zola's Funny Valentine - Brendan Gisby @twistedfoot
On Valentine’s Day 2019 I feel privileged to share with you this poignant, romantic, and yet heartbreakingly sad story of love – for every sentence in it shows us the special love Brendan Gisby felt and feels for his departed wife, Alison – a story written in her honour.
This poignant little gem of a short story is part of Brendan Gisby’s new – seventh! – collection of short…
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Chapter Four
“This way,” Mudclaw grumbled. Fireheart couldn’t see a thing underground, so he relied on Mudclaw’s scent and the sound of his paws as he navigated the twists and turns in the tunnel system.
Mudclaw’s communication was limited to grunts and growls. Fireheart followed dutifully despite his growing annoyance. He’s just like Silverthorn! He thought. A big grumpy furball.
Eventually, the tunnel widened out, and Fireheart heard voices and loud scraping ahead. He pricked his ears curiously.
Mudclaw called out to them. “Hey!” he meowed. “It’s Mudclaw.”
There was a brief shuffling, and the scraping noise stopped. “Mudclaw!” a molly replied. “I hear more than your paws. Who’s that?”
“Fireheart of RiverClan,” Mudclaw muttered. He stopped, allowing Fireheart to stand beside him.
Fireheart tasted the air. The fresh scent of dirt muddled things, but he could make out the scents of two mollies and a younger tom. The molly who had spoken was the closest—her whiskers brushed Fireheart’s as she leaned in to sniff at him. “Hm.”
“Why is he here?” Another voice demanded. Her voice was rougher, and Fireheart got the sense that she was a senior warrior. “The tunnels aren’t meant for outsiders!”
“I know,” Mudclaw growled. “But Twistedfoot insisted. So he’s working with us now.”
The younger tom finally spoke, though his voice came from further inside the tunnel. “Then let’s work!” he exclaimed. “Or are you going to sit around gossiping like starlings?”
“You cheek!” the younger molly exclaimed. “Lizardpaw, keep digging. We’ll join you in a moment.” She turned back towards Fireheart. “I’m Sorrelcloud. My companion here is Wrenfoot, and that upstart further in the tunnel is my son, Lizardpaw.”
“Nice to meet you all,” Fireheart replied, though he wished he could put faces to the names.
Mudclaw shoved his way past him. “He can scrape the dirt,” he grunted, before he strode down the tunnel to join Lizardpaw at what seemed to be a dead end. Fireheart heard his claws score down the wall of the tunnel, as the warrior began to dig.
Scrape the dirt? Fireheart wondered.
“He means drag what we dig up back down the tunnel,” Sorrelcloud explained. “When we dig, we dig wider than we need so that as we keep going, we can kick the dirt back and have it spread out and flattened. That way, it doesn’t pile up behind us.”
Fireheart nodded. “Okay,” he meowed. “Where are you digging your tunnel to?”
“None of your business,” Wrenfoot retorted. Fireheart got the sense that she was about as excited as Mudclaw was to have him down there.
Sorrelcloud’s tail brushed against the tunnel wall as it twitched. “She’s right, unfortunately,” she meowed. “I guess it makes sense for Twistedfoot to give us an extra set of paws, but… this kind of thing isn’t for other Clans to know about. The less we tell you, the better.”
“That’s fine,” Fireheart replied. Despite his curiosity, he understood. I’m not a Clanmate of theirs, he thought. Just an extra set of paws to help.
Sorrelcloud turned away to retake her place and dig with the others. Fireheart waited behind them for dirt to start piling up.
Well, he thought, sighing softly. I guess I’m going to be dragging dirt around for the next moon.
Fireheart padded slowly back into camp, dragging his paws along as he went. The work proved to be exhausting. Dirt clung to his limbs and was stuck between his claws. He was sore and ready to flop into a nest and pass out… but the sun had yet to set, and he was still uncomfortable sleeping out in the open like WindClan did.
Ferretstar lifted his head as Fireheart headed into the camp. The tall tom padded towards him quickly. “Fireheart!” he called. “How did it go?”
Fireheart dipped his head to the leader. “It was good,” he lied. It hadn’t been horrible work, but it was mindless and the other cats barely spoke to him. The soreness and messiness of his pelt didn’t help, either.
Ferretstar twitched his whiskers. “Would you mind walking with me?” he asked. “I have a favor to ask of you.”
Fireheart bit back a tired groan and nodded. Despite his exhaustion, he was curious about the cat who had apparently known his father. He turned himself back towards the camp exit and followed Ferretstar as the leader led him out.
They headed away from camp. Fireheart glanced at his companion. “So?” he asked. “What’s this favor?”
Ferretstar sighed softly. “I wanted to ask… that you not tell Bluefur and Snowtail about the tunneling. I’ve broken a very old tradition by even allowing you to know of it, let alone work the tunnels.” He lowered his head. “They’re an important part of our Clan’s life, and that is part of why they must be kept a secret. If Brokenstar had succeeded in his last attack on us, we may have had to flee into the tunnels to escape. And if ShadowClan knew about the existence of the tunnels…”
“...Then they would be able to follow,” Fireheart finished. He took in what Ferretstar had said. “I see.”
Ferretstar glanced at him, a pleading look in his eyes. “I know this another big ask,” he meowed. “But I also beg of you not to tell your Clan about it. I know that ultimately, I cannot stop you, and I would not blame you if you chose to. But… we keep them a secret for our own safety and survival.” Before Fireheart could speak, Ferretstar added, “You don’t need to make any promises. I know it isn’t possible to demand that of a cat who is not of my Clan. But I only ask that you consider it.”
Fireheart nodded. “I will, Ferretstar.” Leopardfur asked that I listen, he thought. But does she really need to know about the tunnels? It’s not like they can dig through the river to get into our territory.
They walked along slowly. The sun was beginning to set behind Highstones, casting a warm orange glow across the sky.
“I love the views in our territory,” Ferretstar murmured. “Every day, we can see the sun rise and set from anywhere on WindClan soil. It never stops amazing me.”
Fireheart glanced at the WindClan leader. “Ferretstar?” he meowed. “May I… ask something of you?”
Ferretstar blinked and looked over at him. “What is it?”
Fireheart scuffed his paws awkwardly. “You said you knew my father,” he meowed. “Would you… tell me about him?”
Ferretstar blinked, before he stopped walking. He smiled softly. “Yes… yes, I could. Why don’t we sit?” Without waiting for a response, the lanky tom sat down in the dry grass and wrapped his thin tail around himself. Fireheart sat beside him.
Ferretstar shifted his paws. “Where to begin?” he mumbled. He glanced towards Fireheart. “Did you ever know him?”
Fireheart shook his head. “Not really,” he meowed. “He visited us once, when I was very young. I don’t remember much. My mother talked about him, sometimes, but…” he shrugged. “It’s… different for kittypets. We aren’t with our mothers long and we rarely know our fathers well, if at all.”
“That’s a great shame,” Ferretstar meowed. “Jake was… he…” He cleared his throat. “He was one of the bravest cats I’ve ever known.”
Fireheart blinked. “Really? How did you meet him?”
Ferretstar chuckled wryly. “It all happened a very long time ago,” he began. “Certainly before you were born. I was an older apprentice at the time. My father had been a tunneler. We didn’t always get along, but… he was still kin. WindClan used to have some loners that would visit us from time to time, and one of them went into a tunnel with him.” Ferretstar narrowed his eyes. “Only the loner came back out. There had been a cave-in, and the tunnel collapsed. The loner claimed my father saved him, but I was young and angry, and I refused to believe it.”
“I blamed the loner.” Ferretstar’s hackles rose a bit as he spoke. “Sometimes I still do, though I suppose that doesn’t matter. Anyway… moons passed. I became a warrior, but I was still so… bitter. I was angry and lonely and I didn’t have any real friends in my Clan. I thought the only way I could give my life some meaning was to go hunt down the cat I believed had killed my father. So I left.”
Fireheart pricked his ears. Ferretstar left his Clan? He couldn’t imagine leaving RiverClan behind—sure, some cats were terrible, but it was his home. His Clan.
Ferretstar smiled in amusement. “I know what you’re thinking. Seems strange, doesn’t it? But…” he shrugged. “I wouldn’t be the cat I am now if I hadn’t left.” He shook his head a little. “Ahem. Jake… yes, Jake. I met him early on my journey. I was a bit foolish. I had a general idea of the loner’s traveling path, but I didn’t know the exact way he had gone. I ended up wandering a town trying to find a trace of him, and instead, I wound up getting chased by a dog. That’s when Jake showed up.”
Ferretstar let out a sudden laugh. “He wasn’t even a little afraid! I’d never seen a cat so easily charge up to a dog and tell it off. He started spitting in its face and acting like he was going to kill it, and the dog was at least twice his size.” He nudged Fireheart. “And you know what? The dog ran away! Cowardly thing, I guess.”
Ferretstar chuckled some more before he carried on. “Well, Jake took some interest in me. He was wondering what I was doing wandering around like a lost kit, and I begrudgingly explained my situation. I don’t know what compelled that furball, but the next thing I knew, he decided he was going with me. There was no talking him out of it—he wanted to come along and see what ‘being a warrior was all about’.”
Fireheart twitched his whiskers. “You let him come with you, just like that?”
Ferretstar nodded. “Just like that. I didn’t really want him along, not at first, but… I had no idea where I was going, and I knew I could use a guide. So I took him along.” Ferretstar smiled fondly. “We grew close quickly. He was always so cheerful and optimistic, even when I was just so… angry. He got me to tell him about Clan life and teach him a bit of hunting skills, and he enjoyed every moment of it. It was like having a big, happy apprentice with me.”
Fireheart purred softly at the thought of that. Kind of like Snowtail.
Ferretstar leaned back and looked up at the sky. “I’d never had a cat who seemed so interested in me. Not even my own kin liked me as much as Jake did, and we’d hardly known each other. One day, I finally caught up to the loner—the one I was planning to kill. I was ready to do it. I had myself all worked up, thinking about my father and how I had nothing more to lose, and…” his voice trailed off.
“And?” Fireheart prompted.
“Jake talked me out of it,” Ferretstar sighed. “He wasn’t angry with me. He wasn’t harsh about it. “Ferrettail,” he said. “I know that isn’t you. I know you, and you aren’t a killer.” I suppose he was right. I couldn’t do it.”
Fireheart felt himself relax without having realized he had been tense.
Ferretstar closed his eyes. “So we left. I didn’t know what to do. I’d failed to do the only thing I knew I wanted to do, and… I felt so empty.” He sighed. “But I had Jake. He led me back home. He told me that he knew I belonged with WindClan. He was right, but…” Ferretstar’s voice grew quiet. “I didn’t want to leave him.”
Oh. Fireheart blinked. Oh.
Ferretstar twitched his tail. “He was my best friend,” he meowed. “And I loved him. But… it would have never worked. We were part of two different worlds, and though it pained me to leave him behind… it was for the best.” He straightened up and glanced at Fireheart with a small smile. “And I suppose it’s a good thing we did, eh? I never would have been able to meet his son if things had been different, and you wouldn’t be here to help us in our time of need.”
Fireheart flattened his ears, feeling a bit embarrassed by what seemed to almost be some sort of praise. “Well, I’m not the only one helping.”
Ferretstar chuckled. “Yes, that’s true.” He leaned closer and touched his tail to Fireheart’s side. “But… a chance like this is a rare one. I never would have expected to meet Jake’s son, let alone like we have. StarClan must have wanted us to meet.” He pulled away and gave his chest an embarrassed lick. “And… well, if you would like to… I’d really, well…” He cleared his throat. “I’d like to be able to get to know you while you’re here. I cared very much for Jake, and… I’d love to be able to know his son.”
Fireheart purred. “I’d like that, Ferretstar.”
Ferretstar looked delighted. “Wonderful!” he purred. “Well, I suppose I should let you get back to camp. Tunnelling isn’t easy work, I know… come on. Hopefully there will be something good to eat on the fresh-kill pile.”
Fireheart followed him, feeling a new sense of warmth and hope as he padded after the WindClan leader. Perhaps things weren’t all bad here after all.
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