lonelyvomit · 2 years
I would actually really like to know more about your world view and spirituality, I find beliefs really as long as people don't use them to be assholes
lmao let me get some key points I guess
main thing are the 3 powers that run the universe. not gods, as they're not sentient beings of any kind, they don't think nor have morale to judge people on, they're just energies - Fate, Time and Balance. I said my main teaching was "shit happens, roll with it" which is not far from the truth. the way I tend to phrase it more often is "what is meant to happen, will happen when the time is right, and the universe will always balance it out and make sure it fits in with everything else." that's why I have a star, an hourglass and a scale tattooed on my collarbone. these 3 energies work in a harmony with each other to make sure the world runs as it should and stays in balance. you cant fight them, but since they're not sentient, they also cast no judgement nor require any kind of worshipping. they don't know if you waste your time doing that or not. tho I do find it amusing that a "holy trinity" has been a thing in many religions throughout history and somehow ended up in mine too lol.
staying on the energy path, I do believe in souls, and I believe the reason we don't have scientific proof of this is because it takes a soul to detect another one. you know how you can sometimes feel someone looking at you or being there even if you didn't hear them? that's your soul feeling theirs. but since machines don't have souls, they cant find ours either. trying to get scientific evidence of souls is like trying to photograph a smell. our technology cant detect them, but it does explain why so many people believe in angels, ghosts etc. because people can. furthermore, the soul is like a cloud of cosmic energy, and it's running through us and in and out of us all the time instead of being a specific bundle of it that's just chillin inside you, and when a person dies, their current energy is freed into the world. and that specific soul will never exist again cus like. you cant pour a cup of water into the ocean and then try to scoop up the exact same water you had before u know.
which brings me to reincarnation. which is technically a thing but also not cus like. obvs the specific souls dont reincarnate, and the soul energy gets released into the world and might end up running through a new being at some point, but also we're talking about like, the entire universe/existence of everything, so the amount of cosmic energy that is ever actively inhabited by living beings at one time is like a teaspoon (or less) of water out of the pacific ocean. so a lot of it also ends up just floating out who the fuck knows where cus we humans sure as hell haven't discovered the limits of the world yet.
last but not least, what's the point of life then? simply to make things better. learn. love. understand. make others happy and let them make you happy. find your own way to make the world a better place, to turn the energy in you and around you more positive. humans are like purifiers, and what we do affects the energy around us and the world we live in, and our actions can either make the world better, or we can act all moldy and rotten and make things worse. we will never be able to purify all the energy that there is out in the world, both because there's too much of it and because bad and ignorant people do exist and do their fair share in making it all harder, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try and do as much as we can. after all, it's not that hard. just do your best to be kind. in the mushiest way I can possibly say this, it's all about love. the purpose, the secret, the journey and the destination. the point is to love.
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desperatepleasures · 1 year
oh no it's theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
unexpected urge to cry!
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I tend to be. A little unfair to Kazuaki kun. Mostly because I see all the things i hate about myself in him. He is my second favorite character in the series but I can't express that with anything but disdain. But be assured, I love him.
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My Ukranian friend told me that she supports israel because she thinks that it's in a similar situation to Ukraine. Like Palestinians are these evil terrorists like russia who attacked first and poor little israel is just defending itself like Ukraine. Am I insane. Am I going insane. Am I actually fucking insane.
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having one (1) moment of rest after. gestures vaguely to All Of Today and i really am just that last pic. sprawled out on hotel bed fucking freezing bc its cold in here headphones turned up real loud listenint to smfsd for what must be the 20th time today
#trying not to decompressjon cry because my family is here lmao we r all packed awkwardly into a single hotel room#aughhhghghhj#sorry im oversharinf but ljke. moving fucking sucks btw i hate it so much i get SO anxious not knowing where all of my stuff is#+ i feel like im forgetting things + im getting stress daydreams of one of us either.#a) crashing on the highway and losing everything or b) the back of the uhaul coming undone and all of my stuff spilling across the road#<< i get this literallt every time i moce this is notbing new but like thay doesnt make it suck any less#anyway. oversharing. idk. i wanna play minecrsft but my laptop is in the car >:|#aaughhhhhhh head in fucking hanfs. anyway new fall out boy huh#whats ur favorite song. mine is so much for stardust AND hold me like a grudge#it has not been 24 hours and i have already gotten shit for Showing Symptoms of . whatever tf is in my brain lmao#got real fuckin uh. panic stress angry snf had to walk away from my apt and my parents were sooo annoyed w me lol#but ! imagine this! when i put on my soundproof headphones ans spent like 30 minutes vaccuuming the stairs and not being. pressured#i was suddently. feeling so much better. huh. imagine that#walking arou d all day like i feel like i am going to explode. my mom bejng like what the fuck does that even mean.#digging fingernails into the palsm of my hands and shaking my fists like GIRL I DONT KNOW EITHER I JUST AM#eating my hoodie strings n pulling my fucking hair out its FINE#im FINE this is fine. im going 2 watch new stampede episode in the car tomorrow and nobody can fucking stop.me
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transmascaraa · 9 months
gaming headcannons!
he's liked you for a while now...
crush!gaming x gn!reader
author's note: sorry this took a while lmao i was too lazy to write anything. it might be ooc but oh well i js really like him and he's so skrunkly omgshhfhs and i wanna do a gf furina x reader FANFIC for a christmas special or smthn😍 i'm too insecure abt my writing skills like for fanfics but i hope it comes out good🤷 anyways, enjoy👍
"so you see, i've been dealing with a strange feeling ever since we've met..."
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-he would be all over you already at the first eye contact you two made
-he was really energetic when he met you
-oversharing about himself, talking constantly and giving you a compliment every now and then
-you kinda fell for him too, but didn't think much of his actions(you were a little blind)
-he tried flirting a couple of times and it made you blush but again, you were a pessimist.
-but he had high hopes on you loving him just by the look you gave him
-so after a while of knowing eachother, you guys met at the lantern rite, a small place near a little lantern shop
-"hey y/n!" he waved and smiled brightly at you
-"oh, hey gaming!" you replied, walking towards him and smiling in return
-he was head over heels for you, trust me.
-not like you weren't for him.
-the two of you chit-chatted for a little bit, just enough for him to get comfortable in the conversation.
-"hey, also, i see the people getting prepared for launching the lanterns, do you have yours?"
-"yup, let's go!" you exclaimed as you unconsciously grabbed his hand, making him blush a bit
-getting to a place with not too many people there, you finally started lighting up your lanterns, whispering your wishes to them and slowly allowing them to fly high up in the sky, making your wishes come true.
-the sky was covered in lanterns.
-little lights.
-little yellow dots.
-until they couldn't be seen anymore.
-while you were looking at them, he was looking at you.
-your eyes shining in such adoration as you looked at them.
-his shined too, but not for the lanterns.
-for you.
-finally, you looked back at him.
-"wow, that was so beautiful..." you softly said to him.
-he only had a few seconds to think before replying.
-now or never.
-now or never.
-now or never.
-"but not more beautiful than the person standing right in front of me."
-one could say that there was a smile on his face.
-but a Mona Lisa type of smile.
-you blushed and hid your face.
-"w-what?..." you were too shy for this.
-no way he actually said that.
-you were dreaming.
-"i'm being serious... i've..."
-"i've liked you for quite a long time now..." he shyly said.
-"but it's up to you if you wanna try..."
-he was so insecure.
-he was looking down the whole time, not even realizing that you were ready to look him in the eyes and answer
-"gaming..." you said, voice barely above a whisper.
-"h-huh?" he looked up, his eyes meeting your eyes.
-eye contact.
-he trusts you.
-you trust him.
-"i like you too..." you put your hand on his cheek and gently caressed it with your thumb.
-he was left speechless.
-his face was burning.
-his heart going 1000 miles per hour.
-"y-you do?"
-"yes, gaming, i'd like to try this. only with you." you were looking at him with a hopeful look.
-"thank you, my dear..." and before you could say anything else, he had his forehead pressed against yours.
-so... close.
-"i love you..." he whispered, blushing so hard.
-"i love you too..." and with that, your lips met in a soft, true, kiss.
-your wishes came true.
-now you surely know what to wish for next year...
this won the poll and when i have the motivation i'll do this similar confession but with dahlia. BUT FURINA FOR CHRISTMAS FIRST.
ily all sm also this gaming guy is adorable omfg
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philtstone · 4 days
24. Showing up injured at their friend/mentor’s house: for shawn? :)
[emerges from writing this fic bloody and beaten and on the verge of collapse] ill explore karen vicks character in an overly complicated post-episode missing scene fic or die trying! set immediately post "right turn or left for dead". i genuinely dont know if im happy with this but i also cant figure out how to fix it. actually, it would have probably been easier to write if i was willing to rewatch the episodes its based on. which i am not, because i am a sensitive little soul. so i winged it. i think there are like 10 different ideas that crop up and theyre all equally fascinating as character threads but i have no idea if i tied them together in an even remotely coherent way. also, WOULD she say that??? i had to call my brother twice to ask. this is what yall get for sending me actually interesting prompts, huh
“Oh, it’s no problem,” Henry’s voice said on the phone. “I’ll send Shawn over with them on his way out. He's going in your direction, anyway.”
In her short tenure as the junior detective to Henry Spencer’s lieutenant, Karen Vick observed two things:
First, that he was a far more clever strategist than most people gave him credit for. Despite the ongoing wreckage of his impending divorce and a kid who was slipping through his fingers as everyone looked on, Karen didn’t agree with the other junior detectives’ impression of him as a smash-the-door-down old school hard ass with thinning hair and a worst attitude. The man played four dimensional chess right out of a bonafide Star Trek episode. When he really wanted something done, Henry Spencer could bullshit and bluff and battle plan with the pros, and half the time you’d get too caught up in the blustering misdirect to realize his game was intricately thought out three steps in advance.
It was how they caught the Shorttown Killer, and also how they got that idiot Trembley at the mayor’s office to finally replace their coffee maker. Karen went home to her then-boyfriend, now-husband, and, right before bed, pulled out an old school workbook and took notes.
The second thing was that Henry Spencer loved his son. 
Not a lot has changed since then, Karen thinks, staring down the weirdness that she now faces through her open front door.
“… Oh — Mr. Spencer,” Karen says, because it’s rude not to greet your employees when they show up at your home outside of work hours, and are also your old friend-slash-colleague’s kid. “Hello. Thanks for — bringing these over.”
“Dad said it was urgent,” Shawn says.
Urgent isn’t quite how Karen would describe it, but hearing through the grapevine that your department might be facing an audit sometime in the next quarter does light a fire under the proverbial ass. Karen would rather bend a few rules and make sure the last year’s i’s and t’s are dotted and crossed right than leave her detectives vulnerable to the whims of a mayoral stooge. 
In general, Karen prides herself on caring about the people under her command just enough that it inspires genuine friendship and loyalty. The just is important. Care needs tempering – it’s important to pull back, press pause, keep certain lines uncrossed. It’s especially important if you want to be successful as a woman in an authority position where lives are often on the line. 
What she’s saying is that she tries to make it none of her business what her employees get up to in their spare time. She really genuinely does. She’s shut O’Hara down gently midway through the twelfth sweetly-frazzled attempt to overshare about her dating life (or her efforts to befriend her next-door neighbor, or the endearing personality quirks of her last cat – rest in peace, Triscuit, you will be missed –) enough times to be well-versed in the art of I Won’t Ask, You Won’t Tell, But You’ll Probably Know I Care Anyway.
An invaluable rapport to maintain. In any situation, Karen thinks, but especially when you’re a person who regularly hires and works alongside Shawn Spencer.
She’s not sure whether what she’s looking at right now makes her want to second guess or double down on her usual policy. 
“Special delivery,” Shawn adds, like everything is super normal.
Karen narrows her eyes. She glances behind them into the quiet residential street.
“Shawn,” she says.
“Yes, Chief?”
“You didn’t drive here, did you?”
“Ha,” he says, half rolling his eyes to accompany a weird aborted grin. “No. Even I don’t think riding a motorcycle with a concussion is a good idea. What if someone who wasn’t me got hurt? That’s — that would be no good, then you’d have to arrest me. Wouldn’t that be a huge bummer for the whole team, Chief? Gus would cry. And my dad wouldn’t let me take his truck.”
Karen stares at him. Shawn stares at the ground.
“I got a cab,” he says.
“And you are … taking another cab – home?”
Shawn looks quite suddenly like he’s going to be sick.
“Sure,” he says. 
Shawn looks terrible. Bruised face, bags under his eyes, and a weird frenetic energy twitching in his limbs that doesn’t pair well with his general air of exhaustion. He’s holding his shoulders stiffly and can barely meet her eye. His t-shirt and sweatpants are rumpled, like he slept in them, even though it’s too early in the evening for Henry to have woken him up to send him here, and when he thrusts the promised files out into the air toward her, abrupt and, admittedly, Shawn-like, he only just hides the awkward wince that immediately overtakes his left side.
The last couple days have been a bit of a whirlwind, so Karen can’t say she necessarily blames herself for not looking more closely. 
Even so.
Slowly, Karen reaches forward and divests him of the case files. They slip a little bit, because Karen can’t seem to stop peering shrewdly at Shawn’s face while she does it, and on instinct he reaches forward to stop the stack from toppling. 
It does help, but the autopilot he moves on makes it harder to mask what is to Karen’s eyes a very obvious flinch. 
“Alright,” is all he says. “Well, good to see you. Time to head back to the old hay stack.”
Like a needle in a haystack and time to hit the hay, Karen supplies needlessly in her own head. Aloud, she says, in many ways against her better judgment, 
“Mr. Spencer, are you okay?”
Shawn sways on the spot for a second, one fist clenched, mouth half open. For a strange moment, Karen gets the impression that he’s trying really hard not to say the wrong thing.
“... As rain,” he finally manages, then nods to himself like he achieved some great feat. “Okay. Well –”
“Did something happen to your shoulder?” 
“What? No!” Shawn’s eyes flutter closed and he shakes his head, “I’m – fine, Chief. It’s not – I mean, I’m – normal, fine. Fine in a normal way.”
“That’s not something an individual who’s fine in a normal way would say,” Karen says. 
“Uh, is it not! It is. I would know, because I am that individual. It’s – I was – there’s just mild – pfft … stab wound – or something, who would even …”
Is Shawn broken? is the unhelpful thought that pops into Karen’s head. She’s never heard an attempt to bullshit collapse so quickly into pathetic nothingness before – certainly not from Shawn.
Perhaps even more than his father, the kid’s a pro.
And then the rest of the sentence catches up with her.
“A mild stab wound?”
Oh boy. She watches Shawn’s eyes widen with the panic that proceeds an unquestionable blunder.
“Chief –” 
“Chief, I really, really don’t think –”
“Inside my house. Now.”
He’s certainly uncoordinated enough that he doesn’t put up much of a fight. Karen herds him  through the door as firmly as possible and leads them in a beeline past Richard’s office toward the bathroom, ignoring the reedy stream of consciousness that spills out of Shawn’s mouth as they go.
“Oh, hey, woah, it’s been like forever since I was in here. Did you redecorate? I swear that lamp wasn’t there the last time we visited. It could be the tacos I had earlier, but I’m sensing a distinct neo-modern Chinese aesthetic going on here, Chief, which calls to mind the merits of cultural appreciation in suburban home decor – hey, is that your husband’s office? Can I meet him? Is he home? That man is a true enigma to us, Chief, and it’s leading me to believe that he must possess all the facial and personality qualities of the pop superstar Mr. Pitbull Worldwide –”
Richard is home, actually, and Karen needs to alert him to the fact that they have an unexpected house guest, so, ignoring Shawn completely, she calls out,
“Honey? Shawn Spencer’s here for a couple minutes about a work thing! I’ll go up to put Iris to bed in a second!” in the finely-honed There Are Many Layers Of Complicated To This secret married tone that Richard should probably be able to catch through the closed office door. 
“Alright,” floats out her husband’s pleasant voice. “Tell him hi from me.”
Perfect. There’s about a ninety-three percent chance he understood.
They make it to the bathroom, only stumbling slightly. Shawn says,
“-- or The Rock. Does your husband look like Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson? I really think that would make so many things about the Chief Vick family make sense –”
Karen closes the bathroom door with a snap and crosses her arms.
“Sit,” she says, in a voice that even he knows brooks no argument.
Shawn does. He looks – well, beyond uncomfortable, and more than a little bit miserable, and probably closer to completely dissociating than either of them are prepared for. Karen wonders belatedly if he's gotten any sleep at all in the last forty-eight hours.
“I’m assuming you have not been to the hospital.”
He gives her a baleful look, like he really expected better of her. She only just stops herself from rolling her eyes in response. And there’s that huge goose egg on his forehead, too. What, exactly, he got up to in between Carlton’s wedding reception and oh-eight-hundred hours this morning Karen has no idea, but he looks like someone’s run him through the world’s most aggressive industrial tumble dry cycle and spat him mercilessly back out. 
Or maybe over with a truck.
Sending a silent prayer to the universe that Iris never hit puberty and remains a sweet-tempered six-year-old forever, Karen gets to business.
“Well, I had to at least ask. Shawn. Does it need stitches?” He mumbles the answer the first time, and then looks beyond startled when she grabs him under the chin so he’ll look her in the eye. “Listen. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. But you’re going to tell me the truth. Got it?”
Shawn grimaces so hard at her words it’s almost a flinch. 
“No,” he says finally, clearly enough that she hears him. Karen raises an eyebrow. “No, I don’t think it needs stitches,” he articulates, but doesn’t meet her eye.
“Hm. Alright. I have gauze and tape in the medicine cabinet. Can I … is it alright if I pull up the sleeve of your t-shirt?”
Released from her hold, he groans and presses his face into one palm. “Chief –”
“I don’t really know what you expected, coming here! It’s not like I’m any less of a hardass than your father.”
“Yeah, but I can bitch back at my dad,” Shawn says, sounding like he’s finally realizing the magnitude of his mistake. Karen smiles grimly.
“Tough. Now pull your shirt up while I get the first aid kit.”
While Shawn proceeds to wrestle awkwardly with his t-shirt in a muted shuffle against the toilet seat, Karen rummages efficiently through the cabinet and eyes him through the bathroom mirror. He seems oddly reluctant to expose himself. In fact, in a stark contrast to his usual insistence on making his presence and contributions as obtrusively obvious as possible, Shawn seems intent on shrinking into the aforementioned Asian-flavored floral wallpaper (which does need an update, unfortunately) with all the equanimity of an anxious chameleon. Karen feels her eyebrows crease. Taking the first aid kit in hand, she brings it over and deposits it into his arms, ignoring his small startle.
“How about you hold that,” Karen says. Shawn does, against his chest, like a pillow. She walks around him and surveys the damage, antiseptic gauze in hand.
He wasn’t lying about the severity, at least. It’s a shallow thing, already mostly congealed, and has only stained his shirt in a small smattering spot of crusty brown blood.
Karen swabs at it with the alcohol using light careful fingers.
“Ow, ow ow ah –”
“Don’t be such a baby. It’s hardly a life-threatening injury.”
“Super insightful, Chief,” Shawn snaps, as genuinely sarcastic as he’s probably ever been with her, “never thought of that myself. Totally the reason why I just had to go to the hospital.”
He doesn’t pull away, but she can feel the tension radiating through his back. She blinks, one eyebrow crawling up her forehead. 
Alright then. So that’s how it’s going to be. 
“I’m assuming your father doesn’t know about this,” she says.
Shawn grunts, noncommittal. Huh. Maybe he does know, then, and has just been disallowed from doing anything about it right now.
She tosses the first used antiseptic wipe into the trash.
Goddamn four dimensional chess.
She supposes she’s never been bad at the game. She may as well work her way backwards through the moves: Guster, the most obvious node in Shawn’s turn-to-in-a-crisis-system, would never voluntarily abandon his friend in a time of need, so Karen assumes that whatever this is has either already included his support or not been made known to Gus at all yet. Henry’s likely exhausted his own usefulness in the situation, and Detective O’Hara is …
Karen has to work very hard for her hands not to pause in a way that gives away her hard-earned mental sleuthing. A bad feeling wholly unrelated to her ill-advised hangover of the day before begins to bloom at the back of her gut.
“You have really small hands, Chief.”
Shawn’s voice is notably more subdued than before.
“Do I?” 
“They’re like … little kangaroo hands. Like the mom kangaroo from Whinnie the Pooh.”
“Didn’t you know?” Karen says, not unkindly. “They’re given out at the hospital when all first-time moms leave with their baby.”
He lets out a tired little laugh, more boyish than he probably means it to be, and in spite of herself Karen feels her heart clench. She isn’t blind. In all her last seven years as the leader of their chaotic little precinct, she has never seen Juliet O’Hara look as ill as she did yesterday morning. The usually sweet-faced young woman had all the pallor of a Victorian ghost, and stood so far away from Shawn in any given room that to an unassuming observer he might have had the plague.
There are only a handful of things, Karen thinks, that could have invited that particular evolution in their dynamic. She rips the surgical tape from its canister a little bit more harshly than is strictly necessary and fights the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose between her fingers.
“So,” she says conversationally, laying the tape down in neat, gentle little strips, trying not to pinch the wound too tightly. “Any fun plans for the evening?”
Shawn sniffs. She can see him gripping his hands together over his knee from where she stands above him.
“Um, yeah, uh –” he clears his throat, “you know me, Chief. We’re working our way through a Robert Guillame marathon, which means some good old fashioned Benson, running commentary on the quality of that child acting, naturally.”
“Then Gus and I were gonna hit up the new, the new chili cheese joint up by Hermosa, you know – they’re doing sliders –”
“Chili cheese sliders?” Karen hums, contemplative.
“Buy ‘em by the pound,” Shawn agrees. “Then I was thinking of getting a tattoo, maybe a belly button piercing, I’ve been really – really needing a change – would you let Iris get one, if she asked?”
“A tattoo?” Karen clarifies, cutting off the next piece of tape. The skin around the cut is warm to her touch but Shawn’s arms have goosepimpled. The hair at the back of his head sticks up unstyled, like he slept weirdly and couldn’t be bothered to fix it come morning.
“Of a marmoset. That’s what I’m thinking. With distinctly effeminate vibes.”
“Well, Dick hates marmosets. So I’d probably encourage her toward something else. Perhaps a sea lion.”
“Like Shabby.” The nervous note has bled into his legs again, and his earlier subdued tone has gone back to sounding strained. “Yeah, that’ll – that could be it.”
“All in one night, huh?” Karen says.
“I –” Shawn doesn’t even hiss when she presses down with a cotton gauze to cover the last of the thickened blood. His legs are properly jittering again. “I was – yeah, y-you know me, Chief, total night owl.”
“What about going home?”
Silence. Shawn doesn’t answer for a moment long and pregnant enough that Karen wonders if her question will be ignored entirely. 
“Chief,” he says finally, in an awful, tiny little voice, “I really, really fucked up.”
Finally, her hands do falter in their ministrations; as emotionally exuberant as Shawn often is, she doesn’t think she’s ever actually heard him close to tears. For a horrible moment she wonders if Shawn Spencer will suddenly start crying atop her toilet seat for reasons neither of them are capable of discussing honestly. Then she wonders if her horror makes her a terrible boss.
Boss – mother – person.
Oh, dear.
She sets down the surgical tape and lays a ginger palm over the newly-bandaged gouge in his shoulder. It’ll probably scar, but not at all badly. She doesn’t like to think about the far more obvious one just below, puckering in a violent yet unassuming divot. Another narrow miss for Henry’s boy. 
At this point there are so many of them to count, Karen has to question the statistical likelihood of the whole thing. Becoming a mathematical anomaly is, Karen can attest with confidence, not exactly the future the Lieutenant Spencer she knew dreamed of for his increasingly unmanageable teenager. 
Doing what he loved, on the other hand – absolutely. Being with a person he loved, even more so. Karen grits her teeth at the irritating web she’s spent the last six years constructing around herself and wonders if this evening right here is some kind of cosmic karma for leaving Iris in the care of nannies for the first three years of her life.
That sounds like the kind of thing those horrible parenting magazines and Karen’s mother-in-law would claim, anyway.
“Shawn,” she says slowly, because she has to at least knock this possibility off the list before risking her career in an attempt to mediate her detectives’ love lives, “did you … you weren’t – unfaithful, were you?”
Shawn yanks his shoulder away and whirls around to face her with such a look of horrified betrayal on his face that it’s almost comical. 
Thank fucking God, Karen thinks. Aloud, she says,
“Well, I’m sorry, I had to at least ask!”
“No! No! What the hell, Chief!”
“Oh would you be quiet! I’m gathering my evidence here!”
“How could I – I would never – you’d even think that I could –”
“I know! Shawn, for God’s sake –” He’s scrambled to his feet in the cramped bathroom space, glaring, and has probably messed up all that surgical tape in the process. The half open first aid kit and his crumpled shirt press lopsided against his front and her garbage can is now full of oxidizing bits of cotton. Karen officially gives in to the urge to press her palms against her forehead. “I had to ask!” she repeats finally. “You and I both know you’re not gonna give me much else to work with, and you sounded so – so sad!” 
Shawn barks out a hysterical little laugh. Karen almost growls in frustration. 
“I am not going to risk all the very hard-earned rules I have in place without knowing for sure that my instincts aren’t wrong. Is that so hard to appreciate?”
Does it count as sound police work when the framework for your investigation is an unacknowledged lie? Karen doesn’t really know. Probably there’s another math metaphor to be made in there (you screwed your proof from the very beginning, maybe, Richard the professor would definitely have thoughts), or just a straight up joke. How to solve a case that’s cold before it ever has the chance to go live; a cover-up if she ever saw one. Unlikely that O’Hara will peep a word, and things will be a true mess for a few weeks, if she can’t make an educated guess about it. And no one will be explaining anything to Carlton, either …
Right before their goddamn audit, Karen thinks, aggrieved. She wonders if Henry considered this in his calculus. Send Shawn over, have her deal with him. Offer a huge unspoken you’re gonna be walking into a shitstorm tomorrow canary for her perennially chaotic mess of a coal mine. 
She can’t help but feel begrudgingly grateful, but that doesn’t mean she and he won’t be having words about this later.   
“Jesus, Karen,” Shawn mutters, pressing his face back into his free hand. Karen shakes her head and squares her shoulders.
“Well then! Back to the issue. You fucked up.”
“You know what? I can’t talk about this with you.”
“Oh, Mr. Spencer, I assure you I am more than well aware.”
Shawn blinks at her between his fingers, looking genuinely confused for the first time since he showed up at her door. 
Karen does not bother to clear up his confusion; it’s better this way, anyhow.
“Will you be sleeping at Gus’s place or your father’s?” she asks, crossing her arms.
“I’m – I don’t –” Shawn doesn’t meet her eye. The earlier thread of anxiety is back. “I wasn’t …”
So, neither. 
“Put your shirt back on,” she says. “We’re relocating to the living room.”
“Chief –”
“That was an order, Mr. Spencer.”
The living room is as quiet and mundane as it was an hour ago. It’s past Iris’s bedtime – she’ll have to go up, and soon at that. Karen seats her guest, retrieves a mug and a bag of chamomile from the kitchen, and removes the fluffy throw blanket from the basket behind the couch on her way back in. He’s deflated completely by the time the tea and blanket are set in front of him. Small and exhausted. Caught. It’s a horrible way to think about it. But she can’t avoid the hundred yard stare – Karen has seen it one too many times in people only just realizing they’re about to go away for life.
“Shawn,” she says, firm as she can make it. “Drink the tea. You’re dehydrated.”
“I’m … what?”
“Your lips are dry. You shouldn’t be dehydrated with a concussion.”
He doesn’t say anything for a minute, and Karen suddenly wonders if he’s going to get up and leave. She has experience with these things – she knows a runner when she sees one.
“I might as well have,” Shawn finally whispers.
She doesn’t catch it the first time. “What?”
“I – I might as well ha – Chief, I …” Deep shuddering breaths. He’s finally shutting down, she realizes. She can’t send him back out like this; Henry would give her the stink eye for a month.
Goddamn Spencers and their goddamn irritating overcomplicated lives.
Karen pushes the tea directly into his hands and tilts her chin so she can meet Shawn’s eye. He’s still lucid enough that she doesn’t think he’ll start hyperventilating, but now that the outrage and adrenaline has worn off, the symptoms of shock are pretty hard to miss. “Shawn,” she says again, and wills for him to understand.
“What if she – what if I never –” He can’t get the full sentence out. He looks at her, eyes wide and terrified.
Life sentence, Karen thinks again. The messy stack of files Shawn brought over sits almost unimportantly on the coffee table between them and a memory comes to her, unbidden, of words penned carefully in the corner of a modified police report that she pulled the minute the door closed on the McCallum case seven years ago. 
Date: May 4th, 1995. Reporting Officer, Spencer, Lt. H. Perpetrator a caucasian male, brown hair, five foot nine, insists on wearing those stupid earrings just to spite me. What the hell do you want me to write here, Chief? Spent two hours in the fucking principal’s office convincing them not to expel him one month off from graduation. All that effort, and I still booked the kid. It’s gonna follow him for life, and it’s gonna be me that did it to him. For life. You think he’ll ever forgive me? He’s the greatest thing in my pathetic little world and he keeps breaking my heart, and I can’t even properly accept that it’s my fault. 
How’s that for a fucking crime.
She needs to go put her daughter to bed. It’s the thought that keeps running through her head, oddly enough, like a strange antidote to the impotent anger and heartbreak and frustration she’s feeling for the people under her care.
With all the notes she took in that little workbook, she still let herself become complicit in the painstaking, convoluted resolution of Henry’s mistakes without accounting for all the variables.  
Richard’s footsteps sound muffled in the next room; he’s made his way upstairs in Karen’s absence. She needs to go. She wants to hear the soft and sleepy love you Mama that with her unpredictable hours and regular long nights isn’t nearly routine enough.
“Shawn,” she says evenly. “Do you love her?”
It’s hard to reconcile the smarmy kid who tried to barter with her for twelve hundred a day with the devastated young man sitting on the couch in front of her.
“Chief …” he starts, barely above a whisper.
“Good. Then she’ll see that. Detective O’Hara is a smart and observant woman. What she chooses to do next is her decision, but … you might be – well, comforted by the fact that she’ll know that – truth.”
Shawn stares at her. The tea steams in front of him, cooling in increments. She takes a deep breath and gets to her feet, patting his uninjured shoulder brusquely. 
“I have to go check on Iris. When I come back down, I can drive you to the Psych office.”
Iris is fast asleep when she gets there. A library book lays open face down over her stomach, and her soft brown hair fans out against the pillow, silhouetted by the soft glow of the unicorn nightlight in the wall above her. Karen turns off the bedside lamp, tucks her daughter in, and kisses her forehead. Just before she leaves, she hears it: murmured, half-awake.
“Love you, Mama.”
“I love you too, baby.”
Karen goes back to her living room, car keys in hand. She’s planned her next move in the driver’s seat enough times throughout her career that it shouldn’t be too hard. 
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eggcompany · 7 months
Deangasms and Cascorders
Benny gets Dean off for a long time. Dean really just wants to be fucked by Castiel Novak. A phone camera, a big vibrator, and Bad Boy Castiel. Bubba Benny really plays matchmaker
Dean Winchester: Comic geek and movie nerd, Loner, Oversharing expert.
Dean wasn’t known to be a very social person. He kept to himself and his best friend (who had a strange relationship with the Geek) Benny Lafitte. Benny had almost zero in common with Dean. Benny had a sweet southern tang to his voice and had a rough way with people while Dean spoke clearly and purposefully and always backed down from everything and kept out of trouble.
People didn’t really know what went on between Benny and Dean. Benny had a sweet little Hispanic spitfire as a girlfriend named Angelina and Dean had… a right hand. Dean was openly bi, meaning he had a bi pride pin on his backpack. He had been out since fifth grade to Benny and out since freshman year to everyone else.
However no one would have bet that behind closed curtains and with Mrs. Angelina’s permission Benny sometimes ‘helped’ Dean. Dean had once asked Benny to come to his house and help him because he was too embarrassed to go to the hospital when a certain vegetable got...stuck. He’s invested in some toys that cannot get stuck since then though. Sometimes Dean just needs to be topped out of his head. Sometimes he needs to be embarrassed and degraded and told what to do. That’s where Benny fits into the picture.
Benny isn’t attracted to Dean and Dean isn’t attracted to Benny… much. Dean however is very very very interested and even more attracted to one of Benny’s ‘bad boy’ friends. Castiel Novak. Tall, pretty, strong, pretty, mean, snarky, pretty. Castiel had a tongue piercing and his ears done about four times each and an eyebrow ring that always caught Dean’s attention. Castiel was one of the fellas who cursed at the teachers and skipped school all the time. But what really got dean were those perpetually black lined eyes. Gorgeous blue that seemed to shimmer and glow. Yeah Dean was head over heels but he never did anything about it.
The only thing Dean did ever do was rant and bitch at Benny for hours on end about how he loves Cas and how Cas is so hot and how Cas is way out of his league and how he’s sexually frustrated and how he wishes Cas would bend him over a desk. Dean has cried on Benny’s shoulder more times than Benny could ever count because Dean only ever wants Castiel, he doesn’t want silicone.
Benny always helps his friend though. He’s tried talking the dirty blonde into asking the raven haired boy out but Dean is just a big chicken. He’s rough with Dean and always says that if Dean wasn’t such a pussy then he’d already have Castiel.
One day Dean asks Benny to do something irregular for him.
“Will you tell Cas I like him? Hell, you could tell him to come use me for all I care. Just… Please?” Dean said one night while he ate a container of ice cream out of frustration. This sparked an idea for the hick man.
“Of course I will.” Was all Benny told him.
Soon enough that same night Dean begged until Benny had his biggest vibrator cramming against Dean’s prostate. Thing is Benny had set up his phone to record everything that was happening. Everything Dean was saying.
The camera caught the tears rolling down Dean’s face as he cried out loudly. It caught every “FUCK BUBBA HARDER” and every “PLEASE”.
It even caught-“Fuh- fUCK BUBBA!!! Fuck me harder! I need it so bad! Bubba please!”
“Why do you need it Dean? Huh? Why do you need your bubba to screw you over?” Benny said so calmly and clearly as Dean almost thrashed against the bed. Laying face down ass up like some whore.
“Cause- cause Cas wo-won’t do it! Need you to! Need to get used but Cassie won’t- FUCK- won’t do it!” Dean sobbed out. This caused Benny to stop moving the toy completely and just let the violent vibrations sit on Dean’s spot for a moment. Dean screamed into the mattress.
“I know you know that’s not the reason. Why don’t you tell the truth? Why don’t you just say why?” Benny said and didn’t move until Dean shakily said.
“I’m just a dumb whore who doesn’t have the balls to ask Castiel to fuck me full… OH GOD BUBBA PLEASE! I’m a COWARD! GOD I'M A COWARD!” Dean would finish screaming because Benny started moving the toy so that it hit exactly where Dean wanted it to.
“Bubba yes please fast harder wreck my cunt PLEASE Bubba please!” would be the final words said before the recording ended and the final few seconds would be of Dean screaming out into the mattress while cumming hard onto the towel under him. His muscles drew tight and sweat dripping off of him.
Benny put away the toy and went and grabbed his phone. He cut the video down a bit and walked back over to a panting Winchester who was wiping himself down. “Whatcha got there Bubba?” Dean asked as he folded up the Jizz Towel and put in the hamper.
“I got you a one way ticket into Castiel Novak’s pants right here.” Benny answered as he turned the screen toward Dean who watched wide eyed. Dean automatically gave permission to send it before he had a chance to back out.
He went to school that Monday and he had a certain pierced boy pinning him to his locker.
“Winchester. I’ve been lookin for you.” Is all Castiel said before he did something that Dean didn’t expect. Dean thought he would get punches or beat up. Not kissed in the hallway.
They did fuck in the janitor’s closet. And in Castiel's car during lunch. And Dean’s after school. And in Dean’s bedroom that night. And in the shower that morning. Dean got everything he ever wanted! He even learned that Castiel and him actually had some in common and had a good dynamic and relationship.
Benny never heard the end of it after that. He heard every little detail but at least Dean baked him cookies and brownies and so many cookies as a thank you.
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yaz-the-spaz · 1 month
snippet #2
snippet numero dos of my soon to be posted buddie fic (feat. rentboy!buck) - to be posted later tonight!
“Eddie,” Buck repeats, like he’s testing out the shape of it in his mouth. “That short for something? People ever call you Eduardo?” Eddie fights back a smile, strangely amused by the intrusive question. “No. Just Eddie,” he says, only narrowly holding himself back from revealing that his family calls him Edmundo because the part of his brain that’s still half-aware knows that would definitely be an overshare. It’s the same part of his brain that’s still valiantly attempting to keep half an eye on the game even though he knows it’s a futile effort at this point that he hasn’t got a prayer in heaven in succeeding with Buck in front of him. “So, Eddie. What do you do?” “I’m a probie firefighter with the LAFD at the moment. I’ll be graduating to full status soon though.” Buck smiles, somehow managing to look both soft and excited at the same time, an endearing mix of awe, excitement, and reverence in his eyes as he thumbs at the neck of his drink. “Firefighter, huh? You know, I always kinda wanted to be a firefighter. Or something involving helping people.” He shrugs, takes a swig of his beer as his gaze casts down toward the counter. “I even tried out to be a Navy SEAL when I first moved out here, but it didn't turn out so well, so I figured why push my luck.” “Oh, well, if you’re still interested maybe I could put in a good word for you at the station,” Eddie offers. “I mean you'd still have to get through the academy first obviously, but you look like you're in pretty good shape for it, so I doubt you'd have much of a hard time qualifying.” “What are you, trying to Pretty Woman me?” Buck says, laughing, and Eddie swears it’s the sunniest thing he’s ever heard, which doesn’t even make sense, but his brain doesn’t seem to care in the moment. Buck’s laughter feels contagious and Eddie finds himself laughing with him even though he doesn't quite get how the joke applies here. But the conversation soon veers to other topics and he doesn't have a chance to ask before he forgets all about it...
once again shameless(ful)ly posting my own favorite snippets from my fic as self-promo cause I’m embarrassing like that
full fic will be live on ao3 in just a few more hours so watch this space!
ETA: now live on ao3!
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desperatepleasures · 6 months
well I chose today to start a Caffeine Hiatus so needless to say I am probably not getting any writing done today 😵‍💫
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greengay · 1 year
I used to be on tumblr in the Green Day fandom back in 2011-2016. I lived through the 21st Century Breakdwon release, the iHeart Radio meltdown, rehab, Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction. I made some great friends that I still keep contact with to this day. I used to make edits and gifs and write fics…. I just stumbled on your blog by accident and you made me feel all the things I felt back then. Thank you. I’m 30 now and my 20s are long gone, but you made me feel 20 again.
Oh, wow, we just missed each other! I got into Green Day in 2017 after seeing them on their club tour at the end of 2016!
(Villain origin story: I had never really been into Green Day, but my dad was always really into punk rock and liked Green Day. I remember him telling me that it was lame that the East Bay Punk scene turned their backs on GD for wanting to be successful. I'm from New Jersey and my favorite venue in the whole state, Starland Ballroom, posted on their FB or IG or something that Green Day tickets were going on sale in a few hours and I was like, oh, huh, maybe that can be a birthday present for my dad! So la di da I easily got tickets, stress-free (AS OPPOSED TO NOW, WHERE IF GD CLUB TOUR TICKETS WENT ON SALE I WOULD BE SHITTING MY PANTS AND WORRYING FOR DAYS ABOUT GETTING ONE) and my dad and I went and it rocked my absolute socks off... and here I am lol)
I've made soooo many great friends through GD fandom also! Omg, you seem to have done a lot, I wonder who you are??? Haha. I've probably read your fic and reblogged your gifs/edits.
I'm glad I was able to trigger some nostalgia! Although, I would say, I don't think there's an age cap to fandom. Like, you don't just stop having interests and hobbies once you hit 30. I know there's a lot of 30+ people in tumblr GD fandom, and I have a lot of 30+ friends I've met irl from going to GD shows!
So I hope you drifted away from fandom because of your waning interest in Green Day/fandom, and not because you felt "too old" to be tumblrina, haha.
I'll admit, I haven't been throwing myself into tumblr GD fandom like I used to the past couple of years, but the pandemic was whack, and any sort of social media made me really anxious lol. Like I used to overshare a LOT on here, and maybe I'll go back to that, but I realized... that I sacrifice some of my "real" life to be online. Like, I'm personally not able to maintain my irl friendships and hobbies etc. while I'm obsessing over GD and posting about it online. HOWEVER, I don't think I would ever delete this blog unless I got famous or something lol... I would keep it up as an archive, cos I know I've always been really sad when online friends would delete ;-(
ALSO... idk if you've heard about the J**y situation... you can prob find my posts about it, but I think it led to BJA being less active on social media, which weakens the parasocial relationships which affects the Obsession™... Uhg, 2017/2018 was peak Bibbie.
Lastly... idk if you're still into GD fanfic, but the last couple of years have been a RENNAISSANCE... so go on AO3 lol
But anyways! Thank you for this anon, it was really sweet ;-;;;
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damelucyjo · 2 years
Okay, here we go!
Episode 2 - (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea
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Oh, I'm digging this remix!
Keeley's office is so cute
Keeley & Ted really are the same person, aren't they 🥰
I have a feeling I'm going to love Barbara
TED!!! That was very enthusiastic, even for this lot 😂
I'm glad we're gonna get more Trent this season
OMG, their collective 'no' for him to just agree. Hilarious
How can he honestly still be so clueless about the Football world? 🫣
"The fumes make me dizzy and I overshare. Please don't print that" Rebecca, you are so real 😂
Rebecca instantly changing her mind once West Ham is mentioned and Trent fully seeing it.... hmm... 👀
Zava dabba doo! OMG, control yourself, woman! 😂
The exact same thing switched between Ted & Rebecca? Brilliant move. And her admitting to it being because of Rupert? Yes!!
'Love that' spoken like a man who knows about shitty exes
Ted & Keeley bonding! I've missed it
Isaac scaring Keeley, amazing. Him wanting a shoe deal but just for shoes, amazing. He's moved on from his Rolos!!
Jamie stuttering around Keeley, boy's still got it bad, huh?
Of course Isaac is a body language boy!
'I use body science' oh Jamie
That pitiful hum. I love you Jamie!
'It's called empathy, you dusty old fart' I think Roy & Jamie are my favourite pairing in this show, after Ted & Rebecca, of course
'I forget how skittish elderly people could be cause of the war' please never change!!
“And don’t you say a fucking word about it either, William” OMG poor Will! 😂
Oooo he's reading a book. Beard, I'm as shocked as you
Beard's screams!!
He's saying football without thinking... he's learning!!
This banter about wishes is just Brendan & Jason doing what they do best. I love to see it
'I just wished for that 30 seconds ago' Dani, please never change 🥰
This confusion about what is going on is my type of comedy
The boys being collectively upset about Roy & Keeley, so true.
And Beard's scream, Ted fainting... I love my boys
The collective 'aww' Poor Roy haha
'What's a CD?' HOW OLD ARE YOU, WILLIAM?! My god 🫠
Of course Beard has a set of keys to Ted's
How many times did they have to film Brendan running back in screaming before they could do it without laughing?? I can't not laugh watching it!
Roy boy is so angry, bless him
I see you Phil, trying your best not to completely crack up in the background 🤪
'Woo! I mean, fuck off, Trent Crimm' we must protect Dani at all costs
Is this us being shown that more people don't trust or believe in Keeley yet? 🤔
She's so precious, still not understanding why people would be proud of her 🥰
Of course Deb doesn't camp. Who do you think she is?!
Ooo, Tish talk 👀
Nothing like being overly sarcastic with your mother. It's my favourite thing to do!
Her own mother telling her she should meet with her psychic because she's in desperate need of maternal guidance? Please never change, Deb! 🫡
This show is so good at the callbacks, Rebecca mentioning something about Rupert that she knows so well which we get to hear about later... more shows need to be like this!
Hannah & Jeremy together are just gorgeous! 'No, it's too late. Jinxed it' I could watch these two banter for hours
Everyone ignoring him, poor Trent 😕
Brett has been amazing in this episode, as with all the others, but a full scene where he doesn't say anything, but you understand everything... ALL THE AWARDS! The balloon popping is the icing on this scene
Babs is showing Keeley exactly what she thinks of her without saying it, that's cruel. Leave her alone!
I can see this relationship becoming something wonderful though
Believe, believe, believe. It's almost like that's what this show is about or something...
Mae & the bar boys are back! 🥳
Is that text foreshadowing that hiring her friend may not work out??? 🤔
I'm with Hannah, I could watch an entire show of just these three at games
'Jinxed it again' Hannah & Jeremy, again, marvellous!
The stadium being behind Roy may have made me tear up a little, not gonna lie 🥹
Rebecca grabbing Keeley's hand 🥹
Lip-reading massage therapists
I love backstories!!
Ted telling Roy like it is and him not blowing up at him?? Love to see it
Also perfect explanation of what a Hallmark movie is 🫡
Roy still being angry because of something written when he was 17? So real.
The boys being relieved they can talk again 😂
Them also not needing Ted to give them their pep talks at games anymore cause they're working it out themselves...I see what's happening... 🤔
Go on Rebeca! Be a boss bitch!!
I will say this everytime we see Rupert, but I fucking love Anthony Head 😍
I can never take my eyes off the screen when Hannah & Tony are on it
HANNAH'S FACE!! Truly a masterclass in showing everything without words
YESS! CHEW HIM OUT, REBECCA!!! We love an angry woman!!
Off Dani's fucking face! 'My face scored a goal' 😂
A sour-yell. Perfect
Her popping back round the corner, Hannah you comedy queen
Twat - Ooo, I do love an angry Rupert 😏
'May I keep the pen' I think I'm gonna like this Zava
Another Beard yell, I'm in love 🥰
Zava and Jamie are gonna clash big time. I'm excited
Jane still finds them threatening 👀👀
Roy's whole speech being basically a parallel for what they're setting up to be Ted's journey this season... interesting 🤔
That's another one done! This was one of my favourites, I think. Got back to the humour of the show a bit more.
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chamerionwrites · 2 years
Oversharing hours/dysfunctional family dynamics
When my mother got remarried I walked her down the aisle, which at the time I thought was sweet and to a certain extent still do, but man in hindsight it does kinda highlight that whole "who is actually the parent in this relationship" thing huh.
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fff777 · 1 year
Watched the Exo corp role play lol (Part 1)
I have to split it into two posts because Tumblr won't let me post more than 30 pictures in a post anymore :x
So the hierarchy is:
Jongin: President
Junmyeon: General Manager
Chanyeol: Deputy Manager
Kyungsoo: Manager
Jongdae: Assistant Manager
Baekhyun: Senior Staff
Minseok: Staff
Sehun: Intern
Starting strong with the Seho are we
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Love being reminded that Chanyeol is just a giraffe among corgis
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Omg the intern is the president's son, Sehun is going to abuse the shit out of his privilege ToT And Junmyeon let him because he's going to be a corporate simp lol.
Junmyeon going from "where is the intern! 😤" to "hewwo viewers 🥰" real fast
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Everyone standing up for the intern X'D The nepotism is strong here X'D (maknae privileges even at exo corp)
I KNEW IT CORPORATE SIMP (corporate snake 😤)
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Junmyeon dropping "we're going bankrupt" real casually on Monday morning huh
Chanyeol being the annoying socmed oversharer 😭
Minseok wearing a penguin hand warmer on his arm uwu
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Doggy bag. Fashion baby as always
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Ok but Sehun looks big here
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"H-how could you forsake me?" or alternatively "Get it together!" My suchen uwu.
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Minseok wants to be maknae so bad
"Pick a partner" energy
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But then Chanyeol immediately going into hyung kink
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Minseok continues to play with stuffed toys :3
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I wished the subtitles translated the titles they were calling each other by instead of their Exo stage names. It would make the role play more fun.
Sehun leaving his team up to fate and then Junmyeon getting him~ <3
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Teasing Junmyeon hours is always <3 (Teasing him about getting Sehun on his team)
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Sehun is a lucky charm X3
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Lmao I'm loving these short team chants. I have no patience for the long cheesy ones and I guess these old men don't either X'D
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Just screenshotting because he's so handsome 😔
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Just a thought: I wonder if Exo is doing this kind of concept because they know that their fans are probably older and a good portion probably also work corporate :P Thanks for the shoutout Exos :3
They're dressed in suits but using markers. Office or kindergarten?
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Thinking faces. They're so serious X'D I think it's also because they were speaking very quietly so it felt like they were actually putting together a secret project lol
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Troublemaker Kyungsoo activate
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Intern Sehun lecturing about the importance of customer service ^^;;
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LMAO it is a mess X'D
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They do NOT care about games at all lmao. Sehun is going mad from the pain and Kyungsoo is just walking back
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Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are once again speaking quietly to each other hehe
Chaos for the towers
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Baekhyun and Kyungsoo won, both in time and in amount of water left :3
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twinkinspector · 2 years
you said you wanted attention??
I gotchu, babygirl <3
first off, I HAVE to agree with angel for plum- I have witnessed you unHinGED on my dash wayy past your bedtime, but it seems like you're having a good enough time and are only mildly aware of the impending consequences of having to wake up the next day xD
uuhhhghjdfhks meadow grass because suhbdjcbj i wanna be your friend and i swear i'm still working on an "about me" post cuz i want you specifically to give me a reading so so bad- hjsadhcgadwhfbjn <33
MAHOGANY OH MY GOD,, YOU ARE MAHOGANY SO BAD-- it doesn't look like a word now huh-- but please please I wanna listen to you talk for hours about things you think are cool,, like when I did my mutuals liquor store post and you just hopped right on that, i was so so into what you had to say <3 and like-- your wording when you write shit is just,, mWAH
annnddd lastly, outer spaaaceee; lil' bit of explanation for this one- space kinda translates to witchy in my head,, and like astrology and all that cool stuff that i don't know a lot about but would love to hear you talk about anyway- (all i know is that I'm a Taurus cuz of my birthday date hgjdbsng) and also i wanna go shiny rock hunting/gathering with youuu, i feel like that'd be super fun <3
uhh- yeah! I hope you can see all the colours properly,, i usually attach the original photo with my response but i'm on my laptop so i just have it in another tab- but i thought the coloured words might help with recall :D
oh my GODS this was so sos o sosososoooooo sweet to read!!! i am literally kicking my feet and giggling right now!! my heart is fizzy :3
u definitely gave me plum for being too high on the dash last night lmaooooooo i deserved that!!
ehehe i want to be ur friend too! i always smile when i see u in my notifs – i feel like our vibes are friends if that makes any sense
the fact that you think what i have to say is interesting makes me so so so happy aw;elsdfj i'm so glad :') i love to overshare hehe so we're a match made in heaven i think!!
ooh well if you ever have specific astrology questions, i'm always happy to answer or infodump about it uwu i would LOVE to go look for rocks with u omg <3
i am happy sobbing :) thank you!! eheheh this was the attention i was looking for skskskfjlasodijp
what color are my vibes???
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eryliareid · 1 year
Gotta love how I can do word vomit oversharing my weird fantasy here and be generally pretty unhinged 😬👍
I went back to this WIP I've had in my Archives and changed pretty much everything about it because I have another illustration working on that's more compositionally better in explaining what I wanna say.
This used to be Aeryn [OC] bathing in water full of stars with a hopeful expression and have tetrahedrons around like lanterns BUT last night's crippling angst made it like this BASICALLY how I feel on a daily basis if I would acknowledge my pain but we're delusional here so you get art stuff from the heart instead!! ヽ⁠༼⁠⁰⁠o⁠⁰⁠;⁠༽⁠ノ
Also, I edited one cosplay photo and it was kinda amusing because I did these two in the hour, the same night (yepp I shift between projects when I do stuff hehe)
Basically Aeryn on the outside vs Aeryn on the inside ✨
Oh also, kinda Artist vs Art huh.
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