mazzystar24 · 3 months
Sit down
Actually no stand up
Walk with me
Okay so I just rewatched the Merder Elevator loveletter episode- for any who don’t cry for fun- derek proposes to Meredith in an elevator (a place that has had so many of their iconic scenes) by “decorating” the walls of the elevator with every surgery they successfully preformed together/ every life they saved like so:
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Don’t walk away okay listen!!! Also in the scene we get this really cute call back to some of their iconic cases
Whole scene here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kLl9CefDNgE
Are you still with me guys this is IMPORTANT
Okay so we have had the dramatic gesture vs domestic buddie proposal a million times
Compromise 🫡
So step 1: pick a venue- me personally I’m picking kitchen but firehouse also makes sense if you want
Step 2: a way to involve the found family in the scene is important to me so maybe they tell him where to go or something
Step 3: I feel like we can either make Eddie be a little freak who collects souvenirs from every save - which the only plus for me would be him pulling out THE red glasses and saying something similar to what derek said abt this being a “the moment that xyz” for him- orrrrr they have the actual people from past episodes show up (give a flower each?? Making a path leading into the kitchen if it is the kitchen- Idk I’m gay and sappy???) and it be a cute little thing of every save they had together AND they could still get Chris there for the tsunami call back and the “that was the moment that”
Omg and if he ends it with saying he saved HIM in more ways than one
I’m dead
Anyways these are my scrambled thoughts on a merder inspired buddie proposal thank you for walking with me and anyone with talent feel free to write anything remotely similar but just send it my way cos I wanna read this🫡🫡
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
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jacaerys velaryon x reader
summary: he mistakes you for a commoner but you are anything but.
warnings: none, ethnically ambiguous reader,
He has never seen anyone as exquisite as you. Your beauty was fey, or at least, different than the ladies of Dragonstone or Kingslanding.
He was sword fighting againts Lucerys, feeling proud of his three strikes so far, though some might say, too proud. His mouth slips an invitation to challenge him as Lucerys huffs and shoves him before walking away, annoyed.
What great suprise, when a woman answers his call. He hesitates at first, but your confidence piqued his interest.
"Don't worry my prince, I'll go easy on you." Your words had him baffled while the crowd chuckled.
"Don't bother my lady, I can take a bruise or two."
He smirks at the hint of blush on your cheeks as his swords clashes with yours.
"I know what kind of bruise I want from her!" A man shouted from the crowd, receiving a few hoots and laughs, and the crown prince's glare.
Taking the opportunity of his distracted state, you sling your sword upwards and grab it by it's sharp edge, slamming the holder againts Jacaerys' face before swinging the sword back and pointing the blood tinged sword to the neck of the prince, laid on the floor.
What you'd expect would be laughs and jests from the crows, were instead replaced with gasps and shocked whisperings.
You realized then that your hand was still bleeding.
"Well played my lady." He breathes out and you pull back your sword.
Standing up quickly, he wastes no time pulling your hand into his to inspect it despite his own bruise by your hit.
"You, are impulsive and insane, like a wild cat" he sighed, sounding more worried than anything.
"an accurate analysis for someone who's just met me, my prince." You teased and hissed as he wraps a bandage over your palm, handed by a guard.
"This is for temporary, the maesters can put some medicine and wrap it up better, come on." Your eyes widen as his hands move to link with yours.
"Oh no, this is quite alright my prince, My mother's waiting for me inside too, but I shall do directly to her before she worries. Thank you so for this..adequately done bandage." You manage to muster a smile before bowing and scrambling to another entrance inside.
He watches as you leave, mouth hung open, too distracted by the wonders of your being to not notice his brother and his idiot teasing smile standing beside him already.
"Ooo, you want to kiss her so bad, you like it when you're the bottom-" Jacaerys' snaps out of his daydreams and shove his brother to the ground as Luc bursts out laughing and rolling on the concrete.
"Shut it dimwit, or I'll feed you to Vermax."
The laughter of his brother doesn't die down as he stomps inside, frustrated with the accuracy yet mocking in his brothers initiation.
He was definitely not going to let this event die down for years.
The blissful taste of Jacaerys' defeat still lingers in your mind. Though you had to give him credit, he was a good swordsman.
As the queen hears of you little fun in the training grounds, she casually tells you that they use to train by the sea for a few years, before realizing how much the ground made of sand was holding them back from any improvement.
Your family had also found the queen more welcoming then expected, She had even chosen a chamber specifically with a sea view by the window for you.
As much as you enjoyed the entertainments of Dragonstone, you do miss your home dearly, the views here doesn't compare, but a beautiful comfort nonetheless.
Tonight however, the window view is not sufficient. Your thoughts mingle with one another's on tomorrow's plans. As you and your family rest from your journeys today, the next morning would be a packed schedule instead.
You walk closer to the large body of the water, your long nightdress hitting the sand before you sit close enough for the waves to hit your bare feet.
the moon shone brightly enough for you to be able to admirer the curves of the sea, waving and splashing gently alongside the push of the wind.
You could not name a better feeling than this.
As you drink in the solitude the night gave you, the sky wooshes above you.
Looking up, you were met with the picture of a Targaryen's mighty dragons.
You recognize the prince's ride, Vermax and smiles. It seemed you weren't the only one who couldn't sleep.
The wind blows harder as Vermax dives and lands a but further to your left. You could see his rider jumping off the beast and petting it like a cat before his eyes notices you.
He sprints towards you as a smile grows on his face.
"Hello." His voice breathy as he moves to sit crossed legged next to you.
You welcome his company with a smile of your own before responding; "Fancy meeting you here. Come here a lot?"
His smiles drops and he leans closer to whisper to you, "This is my house, my dear lotus."
Your eyebrows raises, "Didn't realized we were on nickname basis my prince." He flashes a cheeky grin at you.
"Worry not, I like it. Though I wonder what I should call you now." You say and fake ponder as he starts interjecting.
"I just know you're going to come up with something ridiculous." He groans.
"Nonsense, lord coconut head is an absolutely suitable name-"
He bursts out a laugh looking absolutely flabbergasted. You join him, unable to help yourself.
"Great, now I'm forever insecure about my hair." He jokes,
"No! Oh I meant it in a compliment you wuss, It's adorable on you." His laugh continues as you both realize you had called him a wuss.
"Well if the lady thinks so then I shall keep it this way." He winks and you roll your eyes againts the blush taking over your face.
He asks you what you are doing late at night awake once the laughter dies down.
"I like the sea, it reminds me of home." His interest was piqued.
"Home? Where you're from then?" You smile and indulge him with the name of your kingdom.
He takes as his memory loads with all he's read of your home. "Beautiful kingdom from what I've heard, though so far from here." You knew where he was going with that.
"Yes, yes we are" Your answer short.
He nods and doesn't push you to talk more.
"You know, when I first saw you, at the training yard, I thought you were a commoner." He informs with a chuckle.
Your smile blinds him as you ask, "What changed your mind? Or do you still think I am"
He shook his head. "No, I realized you couldn't be a commoner, Your features were quite... unique, compared to the other women if this kingdom. I knew you weren't from here then."
"Because I looked different?" You teased.
He immediately denies with a shake of his head. "Otherworldly."
Silence lingered between you as you froze at his words. He could be a subtle flirt at times, but the sincerity laced in his tone felt true.
You snapped out of the haze and gift him a a kiss on the cheek before excusing yourself to bed.
His eyes burns through your back as you feel his stare until you were out of his sight.
His mother has been lecturing him of his habit on arriving late to council meetings and feasts, that morning he almost didn't get to meet and greet with the lords that arrive for his nine and tenth name day feast, continuously avoiding his mother's glare, he goes on thanking the lords and their families that came.
He wonders which one of these are the one with the daughter he'd wed. He wasn't stupid, Though his mother insisted he'd know soon enough, he knows that soon meant tonight, what better else time if not tonight, maybe even a public announcement, Daemon's idea definitely, that man loves to take Jace by surprise to tease him.
He finds himself seated with his family as the guests arrive with their family, names announced.
Arryn, Stark, Tyrell, all commonly known names, but all he came to know has had their proposal's rejected.
He scans the ongoing guests and their house names trying to figure out his betrothed.
His eyes stop as he sees you walk down the stairs, walking behind your mother and father did not make you any less of the centerpiece of your family. The guard announces your family name and everything clicks.
It has to be her. He knows well enough he wishes it was you for his affections, but also for it made most sense.
You family has had you own books of history, your kingdom reigns the sea, making velaryons look like nothing more but puddle.
Not only is your house powerful, but also proud.
There would be no reason they'd attend a name day celebration unless there's something in it for them.
He immediately turns to his mother and stepfather who was already sharing a smile at eachother.
"It's her isn't it? You're binding out house with theirs?" He was falling over his words, stuttering and his mother just shrugs.
"If you think it's her, then go see to it yourself." Daemon suggests.
He shakes of the doubt his stepfather planted, knowing all well of his pence for trouble and got up from his seat.
"Maybe I will." He announces as he walks to your family's table.
Your father, seeing him walk towards him, immediately stands up and shook hands with the prince. Of course he wouldn't bow.
"My prince, send my thanks to the Queen for the honorable invitation." Your father starts politely.
Jace nods and says he will, insisting it is them that is honored, kissing right up your father's arse.
His eyes slowly move to meet yours. A knowing smile already gracing your face.
"Ah, and of course, Such an honor for our families to bind eachother together, so much history and strength in both our houses, I am sure this is the best of alliances." Your father speaks again, noticing him looking at you.
His suspicious confirmed, he grins deepen as he moves back to look at your father, thanking and agreeing with him.
"I promise I will do right by your daughter, my Lord." Your father waves him off, "I don't doubt you would, my prince."
Going impatient, Jacaerys glances back at you, "If I could my lady, have a dance with you?"
Your mother seems enthralled by this and pushes you up. "Can you stop- Yes! yes, of course." You smile at him before glaring at your mother.
He takes your hand as he pulls you the center surrounded by dancing guests.
"It's you." He grins.
"It's me." You assured. "Why my prince, you seem disappointed?"
He laughs and shakes his head. "Oh shush, you're just boasting." He says, calling you out.
You mirror his smile as he spins you as your arms link together.
"Maybe, I do love seeing you lose." You tease.
"Oh yes I've noticed, well at least now you'll have a lifetime to beat me." He jokes and you raise your eyebrows.
"Already planning our future together are you? What a systematic man."
"I do love being prepared." That brings out a laugh out of you.
He revels in your beauty, there was nothing more enchanting than your laughter in his eyes.
"I do wish for you to have you to know, I'm glad it's you." You say after calming down from your fits of laughter.
His smiles widens as his movements slows down.
You look at him confused as his hands pull you closer to him.
As your gazes take eachother in, he leans in and let your nose touches. "I'm glad it's me too."
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kabukipopink · 3 months
@/omahe appears to be a scammer. they previously were @/zaynab-omary-omahe and linked to a paypal account that says “Emergency: Help Zaynabu Family to evacuate from Gaza,Organized by Victor Omahe” and then they switched usernames to @/omahe and edited their fundraiser post to instead go to a gogetfunding account. the family pictures and the pictures of destroyed homes shown on their fundraiser are found on other gofundme accounts. they blocked @/kyra45 (a scam buster here on tumblr) without her ever having interacted with them
they block users that ask if they’ve been verified
please familiarize yourself with the posts of some current scammers while they are still under these usernames: agneskebwariii, beatricergiveer, omahe, lovelysparklychild, futuristicbouquet, v-700n, rasher-9, tacofriends, reallydelightfulfury, waywardpeacejellyfish, honestlyholieallie, coolsublimewolf, emmilyy3
i really recommend looking at their pinned posts in order to better recognize scams, not just using this list as a blocklist, because once they are terminated they each will immediately remake their scams under a new username
Ooo that’s a shame. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll be more observant in the future.
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 11 months
Oooo ooo I love me some Diaz parent drama! the diaz parents against buddie
This is one of my favorites in my WIP list!
here’s the sneak peak!
Buck stood a step back as Bobby patted Eddie on his shoulder and squeezed it as they talked. Buck didn’t need to listen to know Bobby was telling Eddie that he could lean on Bobby whenever needed, that he could take as much time needed off work, or just reminding Eddie that he has been in his exact shoes before. Eddie nodded his head and scooted Christopher up his body more, Christopher readjusting his grip on his father. Eddie exchanged more words with his Caption, before his eyes found Buck over Bobby’s shoulder. It didn’t take much for Bobby to realize he lost Eddie’s attention. Bobby bid a quick goodbye to both men, and headed off towards his car.
Eddie made quick movement to stand in front of his best friend. Buck opened his arms, and Eddie didn’t hesitate to take another step closer and place his forehead to Buck’s collarbone- the best he could do with the seven year old boy in his arms. Buck wrapped his arms around them, and held them in silence for however long Eddie needed.
Christopher, being able to feel and smell his Buck, picked his head up and sniffled through more tears. The two men separated just a bit, letting Christopher rub his eye with the back of his hand before extending his arm out to Buck. Buck smiled at the sad boy and the three adjusted to another silent hug.
Buck tried not to think too hard about how Eddie was letting his son touch someone else. Judging by how Buck had watched from afar during the whole Mass, Eddie hadn’t let anyone touch his son.
The three stood there for an unknown about of time before they heard someone clear their throat. They broke apart to find the Diaz Parents there, everyone else gone. “I think it’s time to go.” Helena said.
“Right, yeah.” Eddie cleared his throat and stepped back again. Losing contact of Buck, Christopher immediately curled back into Eddie and tucked his head on his shoulder. Eddie watched Buck bury his hands in his pant pockets and step further away. “Buck?”
He perked up hearing his name and his eyes went straight to his best friend again. “You’re coming, right?” Buck blinked and licked his lips as he tried to think of the right words to say, but he noticed the certain looks Eddie’s parents gave him before he could say anything.
“Actually, it’s probably for the best that this stay family only.” Helena said, Ramon nodding in agreement.
“Oh.” Buck let out at the same time Eddie glared at his parents. “Buck, no-”
“No, it’s okay, Eddie. I wouldn’t want to interfere.” Buck said. Eddie tried to speak again but Buck cut him off. “Don’t worry, it’s okay. Go be with your family.” Buck hesitated before moving to hug the father and son duo. They both tried to convince him to stay, but Buck didn’t budge. He said a fast goodbye to the parents before leaving. Eddie watched, then glared at his parents. Walking right past them to his car without a word.
this one will be a bit of a longer fic! it will include the Diaz Parents nudging their way into the canon trauma events staring our favorite firefighter duos. including (but not limited too( Shanon’s Death, the tsunami, and the shooting!
here’s the link to my WIP list and i will be posting a list of my ideas for another ask post for anyone to leave me an ask to let me know which idea i have you’ll like to read!
if you want to see that post please leave me whatever username you’d like me to add to the tags and i will do so!
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le-morte-d-belle · 10 months
Wow, how have I not posted this oneshot on here yet?
Title: Kiss Me
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Main Characters: Reader/YN; Gojo Satoru
Pairing: Gojo x Reader
Warnings: RomCom
Notes: A one-shot about Y/N's feelings for Gojo and her need for clarity. Primarily Y/N focused and features a female Jujutsu reader but doesn't have any specifying characteristics other than "she." Reader's ability is created by me, but feel free to ask me more about it.
Possibly will turn into a story, but for now, it is a stand-alone story.
Summary:  "She hated that her heart was so enraptured at the thought of this man. It disgusted her knowing that one smile would cause her mind to shut down." Gojo was a tease. One minute you could be flirting with him, and the next, he'd have you at arms link. Y/N had been paired with Gojo for months now, and she still hadn't figured him out, yet. There was only thing she knew for sure: She wanted him to kiss her.
"Kiss me."
     "Ooo, I like it when you make commands."
     "That's not what— never mind. Just...just kiss me, okay?"
     "And, if I say no?"
     "What? I thought...are you...wait! Wait! God, this is already embarrassing enough. Just, stop teasing me already, Satoru!"
     "Man, you're no fun tonight."
     "Fun?" Y/N huffed, visibly flushing further in her discomfort, "Fun? Really, that's what you're taking away from all this? I literally just asked you to kiss me and all you can say is I'm not any fun? You know what, forget I asked."
     She had made to turn away and leave Gojo to his own devices— there wasn't any point in continuing to go back and forth with him if all he was going to do was tease her. Besides, why stay when this whole interaction, their relationship, was apparently nothing more than some form of entertainment for him. Gojo made her out to be some sort of toy. Y/N was here to perform for her "master" whenever he wished for her to and she was sick of it.
     "Aw, come on! Don't be like that." Gojo laughed, "I can't help it. I have this love for seeing you all riled up. Once I catch a glimpse of those flushed cheeks, I can't stop myself from chasing that high!"
     Y/N rolled her eyes at that. Gojo was the best Jujutsu Sorcerer and smooth talker in all of Japan. He had a way of making people feel like the most important thing in the world, while somehow still being able to mock them in one way or another. He didn't love seeing her "all riled up," Gojo loved seeing everyone riled up. This wasn't something special they shared. It wasn't even something he exclusively did to her. Y/N had been warned, scolded and harassed for her involvement with him— told numerous times to try and avoid him at every cost. Yet, as much as she tried to apply the advice given, Y/N didn't really get a choice on who she was sent on missions with. That was the fault of all those old, stuffy sorcerers and their compatibility in Jujutsu.
     Yet, Gojo was a god.
     He was the only man in this generation who could control the space between and manipulate cursed energy any way he saw fit. An untouchable being with the knowledge of just how untouchable he was. Gojo could act like a jester all he wanted but in the end, even a god seeking some fun was still a god when everything was said and done.
     Y/N was nothing compared to a god.
     Sure, the Elders here in Japan might have deemed her a Special Grade, but back in the States, she barely passed as a Semi-First Grade. There was nothing special about her. The technique gifted to her hadn't done more than allow others to bring up her shitty family as an afterthought in most conversations. Honestly, what was so great about being able to temporarily "dampen" someone's cursed energy usage or completely exorcise a cursed spirit without the use of other Jujutsu techniques? It wasn't worth the "Special Grade" title, not when she was pretty sure the latter part of her Jutsushiki was a common ability among the Sorcerer world.
     Nevertheless though, Y/N found herself stuck with Gojo as a partner and mentor who was suppose to be helping her nurture her abilities. Everyone could talk all the shit they wanted about Satoru Gojo, but none of them had to deal with him like she did. And none of them would have been able to stop her from falling for him like she had.
     God, she hated it.
     She hated that her heart was so enraptured at the thought of this man. It disgusted her knowing that one smile would cause her mind to shut down. Y/N wanted to rip her eyes out so they'd stop seeking him, and maybe sow her mouth shut in the process because it wasn't like talking was doing much for her anyways. How hard was it to not be affected by every little thing he did? How much more of a fool was Y/N to become before she could finally be herself again?
     "I hate you."
     "Hey, hey! I thought we were having a moment here?"
     "So did I but ya' know, no. The only thing that's happening here, is me leaving your ass to deal with that First Grade by yourself. Not that you needed me anyways. Have fun, asshole!"
     "Now, now, there's no need to be upset. I wasn't trying to embarrass you or anything. However, how does one respond to being told to kiss someone?"
     "Huh? Oh, uh, well...I...that's no—"
     "Not what you meant? But you did tell me to kiss you, right? And here I thought consent was very important!"
     "What? No! Wait! Yes! Hold on! Yeah, I mean yes! Consent is very important but that's...that's not what I was trying to get at and you know it!"
     "Do I?"
     "You know what? No. Just stop. I wasn't trying to force you to kiss me, okay? I just really, really wanted to stop playing these games with you. God! Like one moment you're flirting with me and the next you're treating like I'm the butt of all your jokes. I don't even know what you want from me half the time! Are we flirting? Is this a thing? Is what I think happening actually happening? Like is there really a thing going on between us or am I just trippin' out? Because let me tell you, I rather it be the latter so I can go ahead and bury these feelings I somehow developed for you and call it a day?"
     "Whoa. That's kind of a lot to take in."
     It was. It really was a lot to take in and Y/N desperately needed someone to tell her why she thought unloading all this information while the two of them were supposed to be hunting down a First Grade cursed spirit was the perfect time to do so. This wasn't how she had planned to approach the topic. It definitely wasn't what she had wanted to tell Gojo. Or, well, yes? She did tell him to kiss her but Y/N thought the two of them were having another "moment."
     What, with the moon full and blooming with light. Or with the gentle breeze that seemed to be pushing the two of them closer. It didn't help that Gojo made her feel like she was the center of all his attention, even though she subconsciously knew she couldn't be— would never be. Except, Y/N couldn't stop herself from allowing Gojo to make her feel that way or allowing Gojo to be the center of hers. For god's sake, the man even saved her from falling flat on her face like the cliché romcom she had thought they'd found themselves in.
     But maybe it was all in her head? Maybe she had really imagined things? It wouldn't be the first time, and while she might have been younger when those instances happened, it didn't mean she couldn't make the same mistakes now as an adult. Sure, it would have been a lot nicer and less embarrassing if she could have avoided this mess but, you know, growth. Or some shit like that.
     It was probably best to stray away from all these thoughts now, though. Y/N was starting to look like a lunatic the more she continued to let her mind reflect on the situation she found herself in. As well, being crouched on the sidewalk with her head in her hands might have not helped either. She just needed to muster up the energy to pick her dignity off the floor and maybe that would hopefully give Y/N a chance to pull through this all. As of right now though? Yeah, she was going to lose it. Unless the ground beneath her could swallow her up faster.
     "Hey," Gojo interrupted softly. "I think there might be some miscommunication here."
     "You think?" Y/N retorted quietly.
     "Hey," Gojo said once more. "Don't hide yourself from me. If I'm to be honest, the thing I love to see the most— are your eyes."
     Soft laughter poured out of him then. And when she finally looked up at Gojo, crouched right there before her with his blindfold raised, Y/N couldn't help but believe the sincerity in his words. While there might have been a very high chance this was just another attempt at Gojo trying to be "human", there was that small little tug from her pinky finger urging her to believe.
     "They're always so expressive."
     "Your eyes."
     They crouched there for a moment longer in silence. A part of her could feel the heat warmly sitting on her cheeks and while her heart was beating up a symphony, everything was so quiet around them. For a moment Y/N thought Gojo might have put up a Curtain to hide them away from the rest of the world, but there wasn't really a moment he could have. There was that nagging fear again that she might have been reading too much into this, yet, there wasn't any way she was, right? He had to feel it too. There was no way Gojo could ignore the string pulling at his thumb. This, this had to be real. It just had to be.
     "As much as I love them though," Gojo whispered, "Do me a favor and close them real quick, yeah?"
     Another moment passed in silence before Y/N sighed and complied. She kept them closed even though cold hands sought out her burning cheeks. She kept them closed, even when a cool puff of air tickled her face. And as much as she wanted to ingrain the sight of him with her eyes, Y/N still kept them closed when Gojo finally kissed her.
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legendling · 1 year
Wowowowo I finally decided to make an intro post!
Hi! You can call me Leg!
Free Palestine. 🇵🇸
dont forget to click daily for aid
tutorial to purchase e-sims here
I don't really have a coherent posting schedule, but I do really like posting fanarts from the various things I fixate on (which will change from time to time)
I also make lotsa OCs, AUs and other cringefail content that I often times get too scared to post so if you also like that or find it interesting then i will GLADLY beam it psychically directly into your mind.
Art tag: #legend's art
Me saying stupid stuff tag: #leg rambles
Ask tag: #leg asks
My askbox is always open and collecting cobwebs so if you have something silly or cursed to say or you just wanna be friends please feel free to drop something in!!!
I recently opened commissions!!!!!! and info from that can be found in the link below!
Info about my interests and other things can all be found in my Carrd!
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ghostt0wns · 1 year
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(Meaghan Rath) [THE KIND-HEARTED]. Please welcome [ELIANA "ELYA" KAPUR (SHE/THEY)] to Huntsville, WV. They are a [33]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as an [MANAGER AT FAMILY VIDEO]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. 
NAME: eliana "elya" kapur
BIRTH DATE: march 3 1990
GENDER: demigirl
PRONOUNS: she/they
ORIENTATION: lesbian, but in the "anyone not male aligned" way
OCCUPATION: manager at family video
BIRTHPLACE: huntsville
FAMILY: dead
FACE CLAIM: meaghan rath
EYE COLOR: brown
HAIR: brown
HEIGHT: 5′6″
TATTOOS: large floral thigh piece and under boob piece [link], a simple heptagon on her wrist
ZODIAC: pisces
MBTI: infj
ENNEAGRAM: 2w1, the companion. self preservation/social subtype
ALIGNMENT: neutral good
TEMPERAMENT: phlegmatic
ELEMENT: earth
ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS: adora (she-ra), uraraka (mha), willow rosenburg (buffy), more to come i have 2 braincells
AESTHETIC: warm coffee and slightly burnt toast, the smell of fresh soil in the sun, the urge to save everyone but yourself, gay yearning, happy tears, cooking extra food to trick your friends into letting you share with them, the words "i can fix them".
TW: death, homophobia (past)
Eliana Kapur was born and raised in Huntsville. She had a pretty regular and happy upbringing with her parents and two brothers. She was kind of just an average high schooler, quiet and kind. People knew her but she wasn't by any means part of a popular crowd.
When she was 16 she came out to her parents and they did NOT handle it well. She was kicked out of the house and had to stay with a friend (CLARA). Around this time she started working at the family video as a cashier, in order to make money and help offset the burden she placed on that friend.
Her family were among some of the early deaths after the paradox. She doesn't know how she feels about this, because she never got any sort of closure, though she visits her brothers' graves regularly to talk to them. This is something she's sort of ignored rather than working through, so it will likely resurface at some point.
With no home of her own, and a belief in the sharing system that was set up, Elya moved into the commune. When not working at the video store (now a manager) she can also be found in the woods doing work as a gatherer using her knowledge of plants.
top 5 theme songs:
Envy Green - The Arcadian Wild Cliff's Edge - Hayley Kiyoko The Village - Wrabel You Are Enough - Sleeping at Last Little Miss Perfect - Write Out Loud
-person she lived with after being kicked out (Taken- Clara and foster parents)
-guy who hit on her and she was like ooo yikes but now theyre friends (jasper, open to others)
-book club pals
-general friendlies (cara, open)
-people who went to school with her
-amicable exes
-one of them has/had unrequited crush
-flirtation flirtation (as a joke, as a joke... unless, listen i have eyes)
-idk how/why you'd hate actual angel elya but also i'm so fucking down (could be annoyed by her positivity actually glhdsfkhgsdf)
-actually so funny concept from reactions channel but a man she saw naked and is now unable to look in the eye (riley)
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I'll find you among the stars
Gwaincelot week Day 4- stars, "I promise"
Two children, both of around eight years of age, were rushing down a hill, giggling and playing all the way. They hadn’t known each other for long, but they had become fast friends all the same because, despite the differences in birth and family, they had a common goal: knighthood.
Though they knew, logically, that their friendship would soon be carelessly torn apart by status, families and swords, they still stood close when they walked and they still held hands when they were playing together. The boys, long past their bedtime, lay down on the grass among the daisies and gazed up at the stars like they had done countless times before.
“They are different everywhere you go,” One of them muttered.
“I wouldn’t know, I’ve never left.” The other boy answered, aiming for nonchalant but the hint of bitterness in his voice was evident. “I’d love to, but I’m no noble. You have better chances of seeing them than me.”
The first boy hummed, unbothered by his friend’s pessimism, and linked their hands together between them.
“Would you like to learn about them? The stars, I mean.”
“We could… we could always learn about the stars together,”
They looked at each other and the softness in the sky was reflected in their smiles.
“You… you promise you’ll wait for me?”
“Yeah, Lance. I promise.”
“Well, I promise too.” The other boy grinned.
It had been years since Gwaine had thought about his childhood friend. Deaths, threats, kings and nobles, then rogues, slavers, thieves and pirates. His nobility and dreams of knighthood had been long forgone and even despised, and he had taken to travelling as far as possible from the place that had watched him grow. He was content.
Well. As content as he could be.
As fate would have it, hsi wanderings brought him to the borders of his former home and, in the spur of the moment, he rode in. what he found, however, as he neared the place where his house once stood, was nothing but ruins. His heart dropped as he dismounted, gradually walking faster and faster until he reached Lancelot’s old house. It had been some time, but he still remembered the way: the streets, the corners, and the steps it took. The house was now nothing but a pile of rubble and blown-away ashes.
His jaw dropped. His fists clenched. His eyes watered. His knees buckled. He collapsed onto the ground because L, his childhood friend, his wonderful and gentle and kind and beautiful L was gone along with his childhood home.
It had been a harsh blow for Gwaine, who still cherished the memories of his long-lost friend, but years of hardships and adversities had taught him to keep a brave face in times of sorrow, so that is what he did. Sighing, he closed his eyes and turned away, not once looking back while he left.
Gwaine rode for a long time without stopping after that. In order to purge the happy memories of his childhood, as well as his friend’s cheerful smile, Gwaine took to visiting taverns and staying there, drinking until he got kicked out.
Time then passed relatively quickly. Despite having built up a fairly decent resistance to liquor during his time at sea, alcohol made his days blur in a haxe of dim lights, bright colours and endless nights. One day, among the stench of stale ale and the sound of misery, two new faces walked into the tavern and, as soon as his eyes met those of the other men, his smile widened.
They promised adventure, that was certain, and a good time if he played his cards right. The dark-haired man seemed younger, more cheerful, but there was an air of wisdom and loneliness to him, as if he had lived through more than anyone in the tavern combined. The other man, the blond, seemed to have an untrustworthy airl, like he didn’t really belong in a griny place like this, but he was good-looking enough for Gwaine to ignore this. 
He was about to approach them but they got into trouble saying the wrong thing (Gwaine was honestly surprised at how long it took them, truth be told) and Gwaine, ever the kind gentleman with broken dreams of knighthood, helped them out.
“What’s your name?”
Ale, pots and plates flew everywhere.
“Gwaine,” He shook Merlin’s hand with a flirtatious smile. “Nice to meet you.”
Gwaine had grabbed Merlin and Arthur (whom he learnt the name of later) and sped out of the place, stealing three horses and sprinting away as quickly as the horses’ legs could carry them.
“So,” He began after a large distance between them and the tavern was ensured. “What brings a couple like you to a place like that?”
The pleasant blush that had coated the younger man’s face quickly died at his companion’s curt reply.
“We’re not a couple.”
Gwaine raised his eyebrows and wisely decided not to comment on the clear fondness in both their eyes whenever they looked at each other. His self-preservation instincts may be weak, but they were still there.
“My mistake, mate. I’m not one to judge, in any case,”
He shot Merlin a wink and received a playful shove in response. Arthur cleared his throat, shot them both a scathing and mildly embarrassed look and urged them to continue their journey.
It wasn’t until later that he found out that he had unknowingly saved the Prince of Camelot’s life (and gotten wounded in the process), and even later when he saved it again willingly and for some godforsaken reason. He got exiled for his troubles, unsurprisingly, but being somewhat of a knight for a few hours caused an onslaught of bittersweet memories to invade his mind. His eight-year-old self. His eight-year-old friend. Their quickly shattered dreams. 
“I had a friend once,” He commented offhandedly the next time he met Merlin.
(And wasn’t that a thought. Even in exile he could play knight for people who didn’tn care for him as much as for his skills, and he would do it not only willingly, but without second thoughts too.)
“He was kind, hardworking. Dreamt of being a knight.”
“What happened to him?”
“I don’t know.” He answered, truthfully for once. “I hope he’s happy- I mean, he’s determined and I don’t doubt that anything he puts his head into he’ll achieve, but…”
“You lost track of him?”
“You could say that, yes. And… I suppose it scares me,”
He saw Merlin and Arthur not long after that and got pulled into yet another life-threatening adventure. An immortal army had taken over Camelot and Arthur needed help. He needed friends, and apparently Gwaine was one of them.
They had set up camp in a cave, but he had wandered off. Merlin was calling him now, but he was quite comfortable sitting on the grass in a meadow he had found, staring at the sky.
“Gwaine, there are a couple of new people joining us!”
He lay down among the daisies, counting his breaths and the constellations he could find out loud. It had been a long time since he had had some time alone among the stars, so newcomers be damned.
“Bit far off from the North Star, but you’re doing well,”
A new voice, much closer this time. He scrambled to sit upright and his eyes widened at the voice that, though it had changed, undoubtedly belonged to his childhood friend.
“Hello Gwaine. It’s… it’s been a while,” He smiled. “I see you learnt about the stars without me,”
“Well,” Gwaine began, slightly irked. “So did you!”
“That’s good,” Lancelot smiled, seemingly ignoring Gwaine’s rebuttal. “That way we can teach each other, right?”
Gwaine’s heart raced and his grin widened when Lancelot laced their fingers together.
“Of course, Lancelot."
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anadorablekiwi · 2 years
Another LU Family AU, Chapter 2
A Late Night Adventure
Word count: 1787
Legend/Fable. Fluff, humor, flirting
Legend sat up in bed and glanced at the clock on his bedside table.
Good, everyone should be asleep by now.
As quietly as he could manage, he got up and put on his adventuring gear, finishing the ensemble off with the treasure map he found in the woods behind his house this morning.
Slowly, he opened his door and made his way down the hall, carefully avoiding the floorboards that creak (mom keeps telling dad to get them fixed, to which he simply replies ‘they add character and personality!’). After what felt like forever, Legend reached the family room and let out a sigh of relief.
He pulled out the map from his pocket and studied it again. Let’s see here, it looks like this leads me to the abandoned dungeons beneath the castle. Those old things are hardly ‘secure’ anymore, and the castle guards keep it monster free. This will be a piece of cake.
Link froze.
“And where do you think you’re going at this hour, young man?”
Link stuffed the map into his bag and turned around.
Behind him stood his dad, arms folded across his chest and not even trying to hide his smirk. His hair was tousled, and he was wearing his pink and blue fairy pajamas.
“Um… a walk?”
“You’re wearing your entire adventuring gear, just to go for a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, at one in the morning.”
“Uh… yes?”
Legend’s dad leveled him with a scrutinous look.
After what felt like ten years of silence, his dad finally spoke, eyes twinkling with mischief. “Stay safe, don’t get caught, and be home before sunrise or your mother will kill us both.”
Legend let out a breath of relief, then pumped his fist. “Yes!! Thank you dad, love you!”
His dad chuckled. “Don’t mention it, I love you too kiddo. Have fun on your ‘walk’, I’m going back to bed.” With a wink and a smirk, Sir Raven turned and walked down the hall (also avoiding the noisy floorboards).
Fable glanced at the clock on her nightstand.
One o'clock should be late enough. Let’s see where that new secret passage leads.
She slipped out of bed, already wearing one of her travel dresses, and grabbed her bag with a few things she prepared earlier that day before slipping out into the hallway.
She snuck into the throne room and slipped behind one of the tapestries hanging on the wall, moving the door to the passage aside as quickly and quietly as she could. Once inside, she lit her torch and returned the door to its original place.
The passage was surprisingly nice for having not been in use for many years. There were old lanterns lining the walls, and the first one to her right was even half full of oil still.
Wait, that oil looks new. Probably Tetra’s doing I’ll bet.
At the end of the passage was an old wooden door, and as Fable swung it open the door moved with surprising ease. She inspected the hinges to find they had been oiled.
Yep. Definitely Tetra’s doing. I wonder just how often she uses this passage?
The door opened to what seemed to be some old dungeons, which had clearly gone unused for a long time. The only evidence for recent activity was numerous footprints along the dirty hallway leading outside, which were suspiciously Tetra sized.
She used the fire of her to light the lantern on this end of the passageway that Tetra had no doubt filled with oil and put out the light of her torch, setting it aside.
Most of the cells were open, although a couple were closed. Fable walked towards one of the open ones, hand running along the cast iron of the door. She entered the dark cell and walked towards the back wall, where something seemed to be etched into the stone.
Fable held her torch closer to the wall to get a better look. Ooo, maybe this is a message left by one of the prisoners held here? Is it some riddle, or the location of a treasure?
In messy handwriting (hand carving?), it read, “Tetra was here”
Fable brought her hand to her forehead. “I don’t know why I ever expected otherwise.”
Suddenly, she heard metal creaking and whipped around. Just in time to watch the cell door slam shut. Fable rushed forward and pulled on the door, dread spreading across her face when it didn’t budge. Uh Oh.
As it turns out, the entrance to the dungeons was behind the castle. The map was a little vague, but it was nothing for Legend, particularly considering his experience in adventures and treasure hunts.
The dungeons were nicer than he had anticipated. Lanterns lined the walls, one was even lit at the far end, there was the occasional cobweb in a corner, old cells and a hallway with lots of footprints. Huh. Wonder who left those.
As he slowly made his way down the hallway, his own lantern in hand, he made sure to look in each of the cells. So far he hadn’t seen any treasure, but surely there was some somewhere. There can’t be a map without-
As he peeked into the next cell, Legend froze. Staring back at him was a blonde girl who seemed about his age. She had her eyes narrowed and was glaring at him, not that he could presently figure out why.
She folded her arms and leveled him with a suspicious glare. “Who are you and what is your business in these dungeons?”
“Uh…” it took him a moment to collect his thoughts. He straightened and flashed a smile. “Link Fountain, also known as Legend, adventurer extraordinaire. At your service, mi’lady.” He gave a half bow, for added dramatic effect.
The girl raised an eyebrow, arms still crossed.
Legend cleared his throat. “I found this old treasure map that led me here. Just looking to see if there’s any spare rupees or fun treasures laying around that nobody’s using. You know, for the adventure.”
“Uh huh. And why should I not be suspicious of you?”
“Because you’re cool like that?” He offered hopefully.
She gave him another deadpan glare.
Legend brought his hand to his chin in thought. “Hm, how to prove I’m trustworthy… Oh! My dad is a knight, war hero and everything! He’s Sir Raven Fountain. Look, our family crest is on the band of my hat. See?”
He took off his cap and held it close to the bars of the cell. The girl inspected it, then nodded. “Alright, I believe you. My name’s Fable. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Legend.”
“The pleasure is all mine, mi’lady Fable.” Legend did another half bow. “Now, I’m guessing you’d like some help getting out of that cell?”
“Yes please.” She averted her gaze for a moment, cheeks tinted light pink. “If you go down that passageway it’ll lead you to the castle. Quick, find a guard or someone! Someone is bound to have a key-”
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. I’ll just take the door off.”
She froze and stared at him. “… you’ll what?”
“These are half-pin barrel hinges. With the right leverage and application of strength, the door will just lift free.” He set his lantern down on the floor. Subtly, Legend slipped a power bracelet out of his pocket and onto the wrist not already containing one. He then grabbed a nearby bench, lifting it with ease and propping up one side of the legs against the cell door.
“Stand back. I’ve got this.” He shot her a wink, rolled his shoulders, and with one big push the door lifted free, clanging to the ground loudly. “There! Piece of cake.”
“Thank you so much.” Fable walked out of the cell, arms still folded and shivering slightly.
Link unclipped his cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. She looked up at him, a surprised and questioning expression on her face.
He smiled warmly. “You looked cold. You can go ahead and keep the cloak, I have plenty.”
“I- Thank you, Link. You don’t need to give me your cloak though, really-”
He shrugged and grinned. “Just keep it. If you’re really determined to give it back, I’m an apprentice at Blacksmith and (grand)son’s. You can drop by sometime maybe?” He added hopefully.
Fable smiled. “I just may have to.”
Legend flashed a bright smile, then quickly schooled his facial expression once more and cleared his throat. “So, uh, you came from the castle I’m guessing? Would you like me to walk you back through the passageway?”
“Oh! Um, sure! I-if you want to.”
One short and slightly awkward walk later, and they were at the secret door. Fable turned to him and smiled. “Thank you for your help today. I don’t know what I would have done had you not been there.”
“Not a problem, any time. Although, probably not a good idea to get trapped like that again,” he added with a chuckle.
Fable laughed. “Probably not.”
She glanced at the wall, and his eyes pointed at the ground. Finally, she straightened up and grinned. “Farewell Sir Legend, knight of the house of Fountain.” Fable winked, and Legend’s cheeks flushed a lovely shade of pink.
“Farewell, Lady Fable, maiden of Hyrule Castle.” He gently took her hand, brought it up to his face, and kissed her knuckles. Her cheeks flushed a matching pink to his own. They smiled one more time, then both turned and went their separate ways.
Bonus scenes
Once she was back in her room, Fable unceremoniously flopped onto her bed and resisted the urge to scream into her pillow. She didn’t want to wake or alert anyone, much less at this hour.
She turned over and wrapped the cloak around herself, totally not taking in the scent or dreading the idea of actually giving it back (visiting him would be fun though. Maybe I could just sneak out? I’ve been wanting a small dagger…)
Now the trick was finding a time during the day to sneak out. And keeping all this a secret from her inquisitive and teasing sisters, of course.
Legend quietly walked back into his room, closing the door behind him and setting his stuff down on the desk. He picked up a pillow and shoved it in his face, screaming silently.
He quickly changed back into pajamas and crawled back into bed, replaying the night’s events in his mind.
Once comfortable under the blankets, Legend froze.
I forgot to look for the treasure. He brought his palm to his forehead and sighed. Oh well. It was probably only a few rupees anyways.
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
Ooo wait didn't see the ask game
Neo. Do you realize the floodgates you have just opened?
LUZ! LUZ LUZ LUZ LUZ LUZ!!! Oh my GOD I love his dynamic with Luz. That's his little sister right there! Who saved him from his uncle and helped him realize he was being abused and got him out! I mean of course the others helped as well, but Luz was the one to start him down that path. She was the first one to reach out and connect with him, the first one to actually look at the person beneath the mask. She never stopped trying to reach him and it paid off! And then he turned around to support her when she needed it!
Flapjack. No I am not crying, yes I am okay, shut up. It's just- that was his first real friend. I mean, Flapjack was the first one that Hunter truly trusted, even before he really trusted Luz! Flapjack was just so unconditionally loving towards Hunter, which he really, really needed. Flapjack understood Hunter the best, probably because they shared some sort of mental link. I mean, Flapjack was basically his emotional support animal. And fucking... I just... his death made me not okay.
I'm gonna go with Darius for this one, although my 3 and 4 are basically interchangeable. I mean, I really just love parental dynamics. Enemy to caretaker is a personal favorite trope of mine, I really wish I knew more examples of it. They got so little screentime together and yet I was instantly hooked. Hunter just needs to many parental figures and I love how Darius stepped up to be one of the first. His reaction to finding out Hunter was in the emperor's mind was adorable. I just really like grumpy older men who slowly become attached to a child against their will, okay?
Gus. I think their friendship is adorable. People call them brothers, but honestly I don't really see it? They're really good friends for sure, and they're part of one another's found family, but they're not siblings. Not like him and Luz. I think the episode they had together really was just so sweet. The creators did such a fantastic job of demonstrating both of their traumas and expanding on it. Especially for Gus, who got relegated to the background more often than not. I just think it's so cute how they always have one another's back.
Willow, of course it's gonna be Willow. Gonna be honest with you? Not a huge fan of Huntlow. It's a cute ship, a really cute ship and I'm honestly not sure why I don't like it more than I do, I mean it almost feels tailor-made to suit my tastes. But Idk. Maybe it's because I saw someone headcanoning Hunter as aroace and I latched onto that and refuse to let go. I really love their friendship though. I think "Any Sport in a Storm" is really really cute. And I think their personalities work really well together. I just don't think that it needs to be romantic. Again, no actual problem with the ship, it's cute and I do enjoy the occasional fanart. But overall, it just feels kinda meh to me.
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idkfitememate · 2 months
this little sprite cannot promise to be there always, but one would like to! if there is no trouble.
also have you looked into swsh found family fics in ao3 theres this one where the oc wakes up as a child in glimmerwood(? is that the name. i havent played in so long) and is raised by the wild mons there. can i. can i rec u its link
this little sprite is still finding other lost literature like it (°•°,)
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Ooo I don’t go onto Ao3 much anymore (👀looks at failed books👀) but I’ll def have to check it out!!
I’d love the link and don’t worry!! I love adding new anons to my list!! I’m pretty sure there are a few there I’ve only interacted with one hehe but I’d love to have you my little sprite!! No trouble at all!! <3
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allisonreader · 2 months
This is another thing that I found in my email drafts. I think that I'll be rewriting it at some point but I'll share it in it's rough form here. (It's for my Cars Titanic AU.)
“You wouldn’t believe this footage I found in my grandparents attic, if I didn’t show you. I don’t know where they got it from. Or if they or my dad filmed it. But it has Lightning McQueen singing an unknown sea shanty; or at least I don’t know anything about it, as he waits for either a race to start or continue. If anyone knows a little bit more about the context of what’s happening or what song he’s singing, please tell me in the comments. I don’t even know when this was filmed other than I think it’s older than the 80's. Since everyone is jumping into the sea shanty boat, this seems like a good time to post this and see if I can’t get some answers about this. Anyway, I’ll let  the footage play now."
A couple of minutes of Lightning singing, looking a little bit bored, tapping his leg as he sings.
"There you go. A young Lightning McQueen, singing something of a sea shanty, looking like he’s waiting to race."
{Who knew that Lightning McQueen could sing. Can he still sing today?}
{Wonder where he learned those from}
{His grandfather was a ship captain, so probably from him I would expect.}
{He actually wrote a book about how his family survived the sinking of the Titanic. His great uncle and grandfather were sailors on the ship and the pair ended up becoming a rather notable pair themselves if you’re interested in maritime history at all. His grandfather became a sought after captain while his g. uncle remained his grandfather's right hand man.}
{he should stick to racing it’s what he does best}
"Dad, you and mom have to see this."
"See what?"
"You’ve gone viral."
"What? Why?"
"Someone found some old racing footage of you singing sea shanties. It must be from the 60's or 70's because you are YOUNG."
"Are you calling me old?"
"If the shoe fits. Seriously though, someone has posted it to YouTube and since sea shanties have hit mainstream with the Wellerman one that’s been making the rounds. I’m sending you the link so you and mom can watch it. Some have even remixed it."
"Huh.... I didn’t even know that there was any footage of this out there....
"Huh... I hadn’t thought there was any footage of that floating around... I blame Uncle John and granddad. They used to sing sea shanties as they’d cut wood. Some of them got sung as lullabies to me. It was a way to pass the time while waiting...
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sarilolla · 8 months
Ever read Just Got Up and Ran Away by Laptopsticker87 on AO3? That fic has just about what I'm looking for in fics starring Floyd and Veneer: found family. In that fic, Floyd is such a dad! ☺️
Recommending it to you because I figured maybe you might enjoy it.
Ooo, just finished the first chapter, it’s real good! Not what I would have clicked on on my own, but recommendations are fun so had to try, and I like it :)
Here’s the link if others want to read it!
Thanks for the ask ^^
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kudosmyhero · 11 months
Marvel Team-Up #50: The Mystery of the Wraith!
Read Date: February 26, 2023 Cover Date: October 1976 ● Writer: Bill Mantlo ● Penciler: Sal Buscema ● Inker: Mike Esposito ◦ Dave Hunt ● Colorist: Janice Cohen ● Letterer: Gaspar Saladino ◦ Karen Mantlo ● Editor: Archie Goodwin ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Spidey goes to Dr. Strange to see if he can figure out if Brian DeWolff actually died or not ● ooo, so Jean doesn't think her brother is the Wraith--she actually suspects that it is her father, Phillip DeWolff. ● Spider-Man also doesn't believe that Brian is the Wraith… but if Brian's body was never found… which begs the question, how was he declared dead after only 2 years? Usually something like 7 years has to pass before a missing person can be declared legally dead by the family ● except now Jean is going to check the family crypt… so was his body found or nah? ● Spider-Man and Dr. Strange go to where the ambush happened, and his amulet conjurs up specters to re-enact what happened ● someone shot Brian DeWolff, and Phillip DeWolff shot that shooter before carrying off his son ● Tony Stark's analysis of one of Wraith notes also seems to point toward Phillip DeWolff being the Wraith ● the entrance to the Wraith's lab is in the DeWolff family crypt ● grr Phillip DeWolff is such a misogynistic pig! Please tell me he dies. ● it seems that the Wraith is the brother… but we already know the Wraith can make the mind see things, so can we trust anything going on? Short answer, no. Long answer, noooooooooooo. ● Iron Man on his way with a helmet he hopes will protect against mind manipulation
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● still explaining what happened on that day 2 years ago, Phillip says that the link between Brian's nervous system and his mind had been permanently severed. He called on two men he thought he could trust--Karl Bonn, a banker, and Max Vorster, a wealthy landlord. though what he thought they could do just because they had money, I have no idea ● police-commissioner-turned-evil-scientist accidentally fused his mind with Brian's, but now he could control Brian's body with just a thought ● he sent Brian to seek revenge on Vorster and Bonn ● I see the family resemblance via facial expressions…
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● aaaaand Phillip blames Jean for her mother dying while giving birth to her. Seriously. Fuck this guy. ● "Never turn you're back on a pair of heroes…" - you're? sigh ● Iron Man puts the helmet on Phillip so that he cannot send his thoughts to Brian's body ● Dr. Strange vows to Jean that he will do what he can to restore Brian to his old self ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Spider-Man, Jean DeWolff, and Iron Man recruit Dr. Strange to help them solve the mystery of the identity of the Wraith, believing there to be a supernatural element when evidence suggests that the Wraith is possibly Jean's deceased brother Brian. As Spider-Man and Dr. Strange go back to the scene of Brian's death, Iron Man reviews the forensic evidence and Jean DeWolff goes to investigate her brother's tomb. As Spider-Man and Dr. Strange learn that Brian wasn't killed on the scene, Iron Man finds that the fingerprints on the Wraith's notes match that of Phillip DeWolff, and Jean is shocked to find her father and the Wraith hiding out in a secret laboratory where she is captured. When Dr. Strange and Spider-Man arrive they too are incapacitated and taken over. Phillip then explains how he pulled his son off the scene of the crime and invested money on inventions that might restore him to life, and save him from the bullet wound to his head. The last experiment instead linked their minds, so that Brian, in his trance-like state, was able to be controlled by Phillip. Phillip created the Wraith identity to take revenge on criminals using lethal force. When the heroes break free, Iron Man also arrives with a specially prepared helmet. Iron Man puts the helmet on Phillip, incapacitating both he and the Wraith. Although they defeated their foes, Brian's health is still affected by the bullet. (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Marvel_Team-Up_Vol_1_50)
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Fan Art: Iron Man and Spider-Man by JoinSpider
Accompanying Podcast: ● Untold Talks of Spider-Man - episode 09
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rohansdisciple · 2 years
i just remembered there was this one diluc x fem!reader i found on ao3 that was heavily inspired by spy x family, it was super angsty and a pretty heavy read but it was also written amazingly well ! i really enjoyed it pahaha
LMAOOO i get you, it's like girlsgogames all over again HAJSKDKSKFKSKF
and i'd appreciate if you sent me the channel ! hehe my faves are kazoo, boba man, diluc and alhaitham, if you know any good ones pahaha
thankies in advanced ! 🫶
and btw i sent you the dawn winery turorial in dms!
also are you ok with platonic pet names/affectionate terms like love or hun? i was about to call you one but decided against it and i just wanted to ask haha
~ ness ♡
ooo i’m definitely interested ! could you send the link to that as well 🫣 .
no because i remember getting in trouble for playing them and still doing it anyways 🤪💀 .
i’ll send the links now ! and i’ll keep that in mind as i’m listening to them 🤭 ! no problem at all lolol
thanks ! the video will definitely give me a rough idea as to what i should do 😭
i’m perfectly fine with those terms ! thanks for asking 🫶🏾 .
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ayo!! congrats on 666 <33 I'm not sure if its much of a request but I love how you wrote the demon kids personalities! I was wondering what kids of personalities you would see the other brothers kids having? Hypothetically of course (unless 👀)
BRO- I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while! Fan kids are fun to think about, what can I say? Now, these kids aren’t canon to the Awfully Familiar series, the HOL is crowded enough as is… but I hope you enjoy anyways!
(I’m giving all the kids names just so no one gets confused with which kid is whose)
Levi’s Kid
Uh let’s use probability to figure out how rare children of our snek boy are. The Otaku left the house (unlikely), spoke to a human being (very unlikely), did the devil’s tango with them (impossible)
I’m kidding, but seriously what the fuck why did this human exchange student look so much like Levi? Was that a tail? Hehehe… what a weird practical joke…
(I’m calling this MC Percy. Three guesses as to why)
Okay, onto the kiddo’s personality. I’m picturing them being REALLY hyped and REALLY enthusiastic about their hobbies and isn’t afraid to yammer about them. They’re good at what they do and they’re damn proud of it! They turn their envy into *~inspiration~* and get better at the things they enjoy doing!
In all fairness to Levi, it’s a bit easier for his kid because Percy isn’t literally being eaten alive and consumed by this sin every waking moment of his life… perks of being half human! :D
Percy loves swimming, and the ocean, and fish, and they brought a shark back from the beach- wait hang on a second-
It’s not uncommon for Levi to be hardcore gaming while Percy swims around in the fish tank.
The pair of them have a very good relationship, Percy is kind of Levi’s hero with how eager they are to get better at the things they love doing and how they almost never self pity spiral. The one issue is… ugh… Percy is a 🤢…. Sorry. Percy’s a 🤢 🤢-
Other than that, the two get along swimmingly. (Ba dum tisssss)
Percy’s reaction to Levi’s cool military titles is basically “WOAH! YOU HAVE BOATS?! CAN I GO ON ONE?!” And Levi would be a monster to decline.
Percy wore a pirate hat despite Levi telling them numerous times that they were a part of the navy, they CATCH pirates. Which are apparently still a big problem in the Devildom…
Also, Percy and Lotan absolutely adore each other. It makes Levi very happy
Satan’s Kid
Satan’s a pretty charming guy, and it’s canon that he’s amazing at seductive speech craft so it’s no surprise that he was able to seduce a human.
You know what is a surprise? The fact that Satan, the smart one, didn’t think to use protection! Like- DUDE I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU.
Whatever, anyway, when this kid slammed onto the floor of the assembly hall no one had time to react when the kid suddenly grew horns… and fangs… and a tail… OH FUCK THE KID WAS GOING THROUGH THEIR FIRST TRANSFORMATION WHAT THE FUCK-
(For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to call this kid Lyssa, mainly because of the meaning of the name)
The first thing Lyssa did was launch themselves straight at the first person they saw, and I ask you to guess exactly who sits in the middle seat of the assembly hall. That’s right… Satan… yay…
This kid nearly clawed his face off in the span of two seconds and it took Lucifer and Beel working together to drag them off of him and then Asmo had to step in to use his powers to calm them down. Well. That was eventful.
So Lyssa has a volcanic temper and they’re honestly really bitter and upset at everything, which is something that’s supposed to come in adult life, not so early. So what’s up with this kid? Well, when you’re born with a burning rage deep inside you that can be set off at even the slightest inconvenience and because of that everyone around you immediately assumes you’re dangerous or crazy can really do some damage to a kid.
So who oh who is Lyssa going to blame for this…? Hmmm… who is responsible for the anger? *Side eyes Satan*
“Wow, this kid is blaming me for passing down my wrath even though I couldn’t control giving it to them and if I had the choice I would have made sure they wouldn’t have to live with it and they’re mad at me for subjecting them to existence itself… wow this feels so bad :( who would treat someone like this..?” “*Dad sigh*”
The two of them do eventually get along. It’s actually Satan who extends the olive branch and offers to help them control their anger. As the two spend time together, Lyssa’s intense hatred slowly subsides.
So… what’s Lyssa going to do now? They’ve spent so much of their life being defined by their anger… who the fuck are they????? U-uh… cats! Cats! Lyssa likes cats! Is liking cats a personality? No? Okay… um… Music! Music is relaxing! Lyssa likes music! Um… um… ooo- look at that! They like space! And stars!
You knew what they don’t like? School. Lyssa doesn’t like learning in a controlled environment where they’re being told what to learn. Leave them alone so they can go read about space.
Beelzebub’s kid(s)
*munch* *munch* *chew* *chomp* huh, *chomp* why does the takeout- I mean the human look so much like him…? They’re his kid..? *choke* *cough* *cough* …Huh. Want some chips?
Surprisingly chill first meeting. Well, Beel and the kid were chill, everyone else was freaking the fuck out.
I’m calling this kid Pepper. Why? Fucking guess.
Pepper themselves is just… chill. They’re sort of like a capybara, their vibes are just so immaculate that everyone wants to hang out around them.
Unlike Beel, Pepper’s penchant for food mainly comes from “food is good.” instead of “my body is literally eating itself alive every second of the day and I need to be eating something at almost all times in order to stave off a rampage.” Beel is very happy that his kid doesn’t have to live with food constantly on the brain.
All was well until three days into the exchange program when Pepper asked at the dinner table “so when are we bringing my twin down here?”
…twin genes man… twin genes…
Second kid, I’m calling them Cane. (CANE PEPPER, GET IT?! GET IT?!) this kid is less like a capybara and more like a honey badger. They don’t give a shit.
Here’s the thing though… they’re identical twins.
Cane is basically Beel but smaller. They follow Beel to the gym and usually get stopped at the door. “Kids aren’t allowed in the gym.” Ha, the rules don’t apply to Cane, they just cross their arms and raise their eyebrows and whoever is stopping them just steps aside. Don’t fuck with the honey badger kid.
Pepper and Cane are super close though, but don’t ask if they have a telepathic link or something, Cane will fuck you up and Pepper won’t be able to stop them. (I know a pair of identical twins, and the amount of times they’ve been asked if they can read each other’s minds is enough to make anyone homicidal)
Belphegor’s kid
*squints* how’d this happen..?
Whatever. When Belphie’s kid woke up on the floor of the assembly hall everyone took one look at this kid and collectively went “shitballs”
Belphie was in the attic and his kid was wandering around the house like they ran the place! What the fuuuuuuuuck was Lucifer supposed to do with this????
Anyway, meet Arien.
Arien, how does one describe this little hellspawn? Well, one would call them the brood of Lucifer or the spawn of Satan but that would be false because this manipulative evil devil-child that crawled straight out of a teacher’s nightmares is BELPHIE’S kid. And it fucking SHOWS.
This kid won the demon/human genetic lottery and they’re going to make it everyone’s problem. Basically, they’re sin is sloth, but unlike Belphie, Arien’s is more voluntary, if that makes sense. They sleep and slack off because they like not doing work, not because they’re always tired. They have this sort of lazy relaxed facade that vanishes the second it’s not needed, it’s honestly kind of terrifying.
They quickly learn that if they just pretend to be having troubles with being constantly tired, the rest of the house will go easy on them if they miss their chores and schoolwork.
Jeez Louise when this kid met Belphie…
They both just stared at each other for a solid five minutes before anyone said anything. Belphie somewhat nervously started up his “oh woe is me get me out of here :(“ charade, and the kid played along for a few weeks, until of course, they got suspicious.
You remember how Belphie guilt spiralled with L!MC? Yeah imagine that but 40 times worse, and he hadn’t even done anything yet.
But yeah, blah blah blah Arien breaks Belphie out, they don’t die, family’s back together, happily ever after. But not quite. Arien’s “oh no I’m sorry I’m sleepy…” charade was found out and boy howdy was everyone pissed.
Surprisingly, it was Belphie who gave Arien the wake up thwack, but Arien called Belphie out on his laziness so Belphie was forced to become a better example.
The way they fixed Ari’s behaviour? Extra chores, extra schoolwork, extra everything, and the boys did nothing to help. Basically, “this is how we felt! Deal with it!”
It worked… thankfully.
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