#OOC//absolute morons i tell you
ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Hello what if in sagau the reader thinking about the idea to make big shelter for tramuatised creatos of alternative tevyat this time reader one night drinking with other archons (of course zero alcohol for nahida only some strawberry jucie or something) and in drunked state reader comes to idea of creating shelter for creators of alternative trvyats the archons thinks that just reader begin drunk.....but no reader is serous and day after the archosn must help reader establish the shelter for goodly victims of the cults and like that zhongli venti ei nahida and foclaors relaized how some of thier alternative version are insane(yandere cult au) or morons( most impostors au)
Oohhh, interesting, interesting...I'll see what I can come up with!
So...You may have had a little too much to drink when you decided to hang out with the archons, and you spilled your idea of wanting to create a shelter for alternate teyvat universes where the Creator gets treated like absolute crap.
At first, the archons present (there's only 5) were shocked—who would dare try and hurt their own creator in their own universe? Then, right after you pass out from alcohol consumption, the archons convince themselves that it was just the drunk-ness speaking and not actually your idea.
Boy, were they wrong when you showed them your latest creation.
Venti, Zhongli, Raiden Ei, Nahida, and Furina Reacting to Reader's Shelter for Other Creators.
(Warning! Might Be OOC & Using the General Sagau!Imposter!AU Stuff For This!)
Man really thought you were joking. When you weren't, safe to say he wished he wasn't trying to get himself wasted during that time.
He was very cautious not to trouble the residents of the Shelter you created since yk PSTD and all that, even if it is annoying that you spend all your time there and he wants to barge in and drag you out to go and have a drink or two.
He isn't sure how he feels exactly, knowing what the other versions of you went through...so safe to say that he tries his best to keep his distance. He personally finds it awkward, and he tries to excuse himself from the situation whenever you try to invite him to greet the other versions of Creator.
"Ehe, I'm honored, Your Grace, really! Unfortunately, Sir Captain Kaeya promised me a drink today at Angel's Share in trade for my latest song. I can't miss out on that, you know?~" You can barely tell nothing's wrong with how well Venti hides his emotions and tactics on a day-to-day basis.
He may eventually get along with the residents of your Shelter area, but as it stands right now...he's keeping his distance for them to cope.
Same as Venti, he really was not expecting this. Sure, he had only a cup of alcohol unlike a certain drunkard bard he knows, and he had contemplated whether or not you were going to do it...but seeing things and speculating things were two different concepts.
He is polite to the residents that have the courage to come close to him, smiling and politely keeping a good distance while also making sure he is not seen as a threat.
He tries his best not to do anything suspicious—he always makes tea in front of their eyes, the tea leaves freshly picked, dried, and then boiled in hot water. The last thing he wants is for any versions of his creator to pose him as a threat in your world. You especially help reassure others at the Shelter that Zhongli's tea isn't poisoned either, so that's good.
"Fear not—Your Grace has been with me these past few weeks, inspecting my tea before I bring it before you." Zhongli sips his own cup, and you follow suit, grinning because you know for a fact it ain't poisoned one bit. "Please rest easy, knowing you will not be harmed here."
Overall, he becomes this sweet grandpa who tells stories while also respecting other people's boundaries. If ever there is a threat, he's already shielding everyone with his ever-famous geo shield, but that's the furthest he does as you insist you take care of the threats yourself. After all...most versions of the Creator have major PTSD from seeing Zhongli wield his polearm.
Raiden Ei
She feels incredibly guilty, knowing that other versions of her raised their blades against their version of the Almighty Creator than to protect.
She practically froze when you drunkenly mentioned about the other versions of you, and it got Ei thinking how bad it was. Though she was reassured by the other archons present, she now wishes she had followed her gut. She was not prepared to meet the Other Versions of the Creator.
Very similar to Venti, she tries to distance herself. Unlike Venti, however, Ei directly declines your invitations to meet any of the residents at the Creator Shelter, thinking her presence would only do more harm than good. In a sense, she goes back in this similar trance during the Inazuma Archon Quest. While she's present in Inazuma, she doesn't step a foot near the Creators' Shelter.
"I apologize, Your Grace....It is best I tend my duties here instead of meeting the Residents of your protective Shelter. If, however, they ever wish to visit Inazuma, I will ensure they meet no harm whatsoever—and do my duty that which the other versions of me failed to succeed in—to protect them with my blade." Every single time you try to invite Ei, she makes this very long speech similar to this. Ei feels awkward, to say the least. After all, she doesn't know how to deal with emotions...
Though it may be irritating that you can't get her to see them, you respect Ei's wish and openly invite others to Inazuma. Safe to say that Ei keeps her word and does indeed protect the other versions of the Creator with her Misou No Hitotachi.
Nahida, Nahida...With the General Imposter!Sagau AU idea, Nahida is the only one of (when there was only 4) the archons available that would not attack you, but would rather help you instead. However, due to unpopular Sagau AU ideas, Nahida is also a part of the team that wants the Creator dead. So, in a sense, Nahida is a 50/50 amongst the residents, but it's safe to say that she's by far the archon most versions of the Creator would approach freely.
When she first heard you talk about the Creators' Shelter and their lives (albeit drunk), she found it both scary yet curious. However, since there was no proof of whether this was true or not, Nahida had turned a blind eye on the possibility for the time being, as it could have just been you drunkenly seeing and knowing things.
She was pretty much half-prepared to meet the Residents of the Creators' Shelter...but at least most of them like her? I mean, they allow her to hug her...that's a good start, right?
"It's okay, Your Grace's Guests! I promise, our world would never hurt you, no matter what!" She tries to use this opportunity to try and have the other versions of the Creator open up to other people—after all, their world of Teyvat was different, and vast! She didn't want them to miss it!
You know Nahida's Skill line, "Everyone Hold Hands!" ? Yeah, she wants everyone to get along and smile and be happy!
I am proud to say that Nahida keeps the Creators' Shelter up-to-date with the stuff happening in your Teyvat while also trying to coax them to meet other people. And she's doing a great job!
From the very little research I did, it seems that Fontaine's Stance in the Imposter!Sagau AU ideas is more sophisticated—but, if Reader turns out to be "guilty," then that could possibly mean public execution. In this case, with the knowledge gained, Furina's stance in this is the same as her personality likeability: 50/50.
When Furina first heard you talk about it, she thought that this entire thing you were going on about was interesting! She loves herself a good opera, and she would gladly play a role in your show! She just didn't like how it was versions of you from the Imposter!Sagau aus (she's the only one who'd probably remember what you called them and use the same terms), as it makes it hard to really prove to others that Fontaine was the best nation of Teyvat! Not that she wants to flex or anything (she wants to flex)
As it stands right now, Fontaine is pretty new. Most likely only a few recent versions of the Almighty Creator would have some form of PTSD with Fontaine, but most of general residents at the Creators' Shelter are from when Fontaine was yet to be released. This means that many people would cautiously approach Furina to ask what Fontaine would be like, while the very recent versions of you might be more frightened to go near her.
"Ah, yes! Fontaine has the best places to view the grandest and most extravagant buildings you will ever see! If ever you wish to visit, I shall personally escort you to the Nation of Hydro, and we may feast on both the justice we place put, and the opera we present to please! Now, I shall go and ask Your Grace if I may bring you Desserts from Fontaine—toodle-loo~" Furina gladly lets the other versions of the Creator see her enigmatic personality, not afraid to present herself as she usually does.
However dramatic and ever-flamboyant she may be, Furina isn't stupid. She can see wariness and suspicion seeping in to some of the most recent Imposter!Sagau yous, so she immediately yet cleanly makes sure she takes her leave, her curtain call with a promise to return in the near future.
She's probably the second-most visiting archon the Creators' Shelter sees, but Furina's visits are always short. At least she brings desserts from Fontaine to share with everyone!
And we're done! Boy, this took longer than expected...I hope you guys enjoyed it, though!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I have not been keeping up with what's going on in the Sagau Genshin Community, so Furina's bit may be very off on what is actually going on in the general Sagau Community. Sorry on that part.
I was originally tempted to try and do my own interpretation of Fontaine's stance in the Sagau!Imposter category, as they are known for their justice and love of good plot story. If you think about it, Fontaine might be more intrigued with the idea than be heavily offensive about it—after all, Fontaine loves their opera. I vetoed the idea though bc this request needed a focus on the generic stance of an Imposter!Sagau Au so I scrolled through a few posts to see what others were up to.
But yeah, I'm alive! I honestly love how like—no one has made the "sagau furina" tag yet and I had to make it myself LOL. Man, I've really been dead on Tumblr, huh?
If you're still on the radar for The Lost Shining God of Celestia, don't worry—it's not being cancelled. I'm still on hiatus due to writer's block (it only has two paragraphs im sobbing at my inactivity), but I'll get there eventually! Sorry for testing you patience lol—
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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agentqv · 2 years
So if I had “hypothetically” written a five-part fanfic about Binx and Andhera’s first day in the Mortal Realm after the ACOFAF finale in which they have an encounter with the Queen of Air and Darkness that gets super emotional and dramatic, would anyone here want to read that? It’s like 7000 words and it’s chock full of dialogue, angst, survivor’s guilt, imposter syndrome, familial confrontations, familial violence, Andhera being a beautiful moron, and maybe some romantic confessions and cuddling. 
My title for it is: “We Will Speak Again After” (as a reference to ACOFAF Ep8)
I’m a bit rusty in terms of writing fiction (I haven’t been in college for a long time), but I connected really hard with ACOFAF and Binxhera, so due to sheer withdrawal I’ve focused my energies into writing a story that I thought would be cool and accommodate the character arcs that Aabria, Surena and Omar had set up for their characters (though there is an inevitable degree of OOC to it as hard as I tried to resist). Grandpa Dog is also in there and I think his part of the story is very funny because Binx does not like him but Andhera does-
I’m mostly asking because it’s finished, but I gotta wait a while longer to get an AO3 account setup, so I’d be open to posting parts here (though I don’t know if that’s accepted and liked protocol). And someone here might potentially hate it and my interpretation of the characters so in many ways this is absolutely terrifying to me, I don’t know why I’m doing this to myself. 
So would you like to read it?
(This fic isn’t intended to be the potential Grabalba wedding fic I discussed earlier, but I could see it happening in the same continuity.)
Edit: thank you all for your kind words. I’ve been posting the story on my feed, please take a look and tell me what you think.
Edit: It is now five parts.
Edit: The whole fic is now live on AO3
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gordonradiotv · 4 years
{ okay its not fixed and im too fucking tired to wrestle with tumblr to get it to work, im just going to link the previous cutscene in the next one bc this website is too goddamn frustrating to try and get to function correctly bc staff cant do their goddamn jOBS }
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rozcdust · 3 years
My love is a sniper
Pairing: Kakucho Hitto x gn!reader
Genre: Crack, fluff, a little bit of angst
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Canon divergent, violence, murder, profanity, Reader is killer for hire, probably ooc
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
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As much as you loved and trusted your dumbass ex, you weren’t too sure in his capabilities to keep a bunch of criminals in check and make sure they stayed still, so you resorted to some makeshift blackmail.
Grabbing the old bastard's rifle, you checked his scope, and sure enough, he had a laser.
You scoffed. Fucking amateur.
Angling the rifle in a way so the laser was trained on the short blond one’s face, you let out a satisfied hum.
Why did you want them to stay still and wait?
So you could have some casual conversation, of course, brag about how you saved their lives, maybe tell them they’re fucking morons for not checking their surrounding.
Definitely not because you missed Kakucho, wanted to see his stupid face and this was a perfect opportunity.
Absolutely not.
Packing your rifle in its bag as fast and gently as you could, you unlocked your phone, scrolling through the contacts.
Bingo, you grinned, pressing the call button.
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The ringing of Taro’s cracked cellphone filled the silence in the warehouse.
Cautiously glancing between each other, Kokonoi slowly picked up the phone off the ground, glancing at Mikey one more time before pressing “Accept.”
“Put me on speaker.”
Kokonoi obliged the voice on the other end.
“You’re on.”
“Well hello boys~ Hands up where I can fucking see them. Until I get there, do what you do best, stand there and look pretty. I won’t take longer than a minute or two.”
Click. Line went dead.
Kakucho’s stomach dropped. It was definitely y/n on the other side.
If this were any other situation, Bonten wouldn’t have listened, would have gotten out of there in a heartbeat.
But the red dot trained on Mikey’s forehead made sure they stayed put.
“We’re fucked.” Ran chuckled, holding his hands behind his head.
Kakucho felt sick. He understood nothing, confusion clouding his every sense. You weren’t who you said you were. Were you affiliated with anyone? Did you know he was with Bonten all along?
Were you just using him?
Was it all a lie?
He had no answers, every question just making more form. All he could do is stare at the floor, dumbfounded, his hands locked behind his head.
“Stay calm boys. It’ll be fine.” Mochi’s calm voice would have been soothing if Kakucho wasn’t able to see his hands shake.
The heavy doors of the warehouse opened, and the sound of heavy steps echoed.
“You know, for being the ‘top gang in Japan’ or whatever, your self preservation abilities are pretty shit.” You added finger quotes, hoping to get your opinion of how stupid they are for not checking surrounding buildings across.
Kakucho kept his gaze down, and the other 6 pairs of eyes were trained on you, each one glaring daggers in your direction.
Now, you could understand why someone would be panicked at a sight of a random stranger waltzing in, covered in blood, carrying a rifle, but they were doing a bit much.
“Y-“ Kakucho tried, but you cut him off.
“You, don’t fucking talk to me right now. We’ll discuss your stupidity later.” Turning away from your ex, for who you already planned an entire monologue, two hour lesson and a PowerPoint on exactly how stupid he is, you glanced at the rest of them.
You were kinda surprised at how accurate the file photos were.
“If you hurt Mikey, I’ll fucking skin you.” Princess Bubblegum wannabe hissed, hatred dripping off of his every word, his blue eyes wide open and manic.
Fuck, you were right, he is cute!
Not as cute as your ex-soon-to-be-next, but close enough.
You pouted. “Oh come on, I save your asses, breach my contract, and this is how you repay me? Threats? Rude.”
“What?” Ran mirrored everybody’s confusion.
“Who are you?” Mikey’s tone was calm, but you were sure he wanted to kill you right then and there.
You almost cooed at him.
Maybe you really should take some time to unpack your tendency to find homicidal men cute.
“Name’s Trickshot.” You responded smugly, winking at him. Ignoring his further questions, you made your way to your client, who was laying on the ground, clutching his chest.
You left him alive for a bit longer on purpose, mostly to toy with him just a bit more. After all, you never missed your mark, and every bullet you put through someone is exactly where you wanted it to be.
You were just a teeny tiny bit pissed he tried to make you kill your beloved, and hired some old fucker to kill your beloved.
Like, sure, it was half on you for not checking the files, but why would you blame yourself?
“You- You bitch-“ Taro could barely speak, coughing up blood. You chuckled as you approached him.
“Oops, sorry boss. Looks like I missed every single shot.” You mockingly responded, an apologetic smile on your face as you crouched down to the man’s level.
“We- We had a deal! Where’s- Where’s Yasou?”
“Who the fuck is Yasou?”
“The- the guy who- who was with you! On the roof!”
“Ohhhh, that prick. Yea he annoyed me so I kinda, uhhhh-“, snapping your fingers, you tried to think of how to break the news, “oh, yea, bashed his face in. Accidentally, of course. I’m just full of accidents today it seems.” You sheepishly smiled, scratching your neck.
“Wha- You psycho- I paid you, you said you’ll do it, you’re Trickshot dammit! Everyone recommended you! Said you’re- you’re” He took a second to spit out some blood.
“I’m- I’m- I’m what? Huh? Come on, flatter me, I like to hear it.” You looked way too giddy for someone who just shot 6 men dead, and watched the 7th one bleed out right in front of you.
“Fuck you.” He spat out.
Wow. Rude.
“Didn’t anyone who recommended me warn you that sometimes, I like to do things my way? I’m pretty well known for that.”
“Wha- What are you-“
You were tired of him by now.
“God, just shut up.” You mumbled, putting your boot through his face.
The crack of his broken nose was as satisfying as his wheezing falling silent.
A gagging noise made you look up, staring at Kokonoi.
“Bro, for real? You’re a part of a gang and can’t handle some face stomping? Weak shit.” You shook your head, genuinely disappointed
“Y/n, what the-“ Kakucho was interrupted.
“THAT IS Y/N?! YOU TOLD US THEY WERE A CIVILIAN-“ Sanzu was screaming. You could basically see his blood pressure skyrocketing.
Good. There was no greater satisfaction than stressing men out.
“EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Mikey’s command did the trick.
You were kinda disappointed, not gonna lie. Their screaming match was pretty amusing, you rarely saw Kakucho lose his composure.
Mikey’s eyes were boring into you like he was gonna skin you alive.
You may have been afraid, but you’re used to being around “Oh look at me I’m so scary and fucked up” type of guys all the time.
And with his small build and white hair, he kinda looked like an angry, severely depressed kitten. You wanted to smush his face.
Deep breath in, deep breath out, y/n.
You will under no circumstances smush the cheeks of a big shot gang leader.
“So… Wanna sit down and talk about this?” You asked, trying to break the awkwardness.
“Get the gun off Mikey and we’ll consider it.” Rindou let out through gritted teeth.
“What gun?”
“Oh, the red dot? It’s a laser with no one behind it. Chill out, Princess Bubblegum.”
Grabbing one of your handguns, you looked up to see 6 pointed back at you.
You huffed.
“I go to do you fuckers a favour, I even take out your rivals, and this is what I get in return? The audacity.”
Shaking your head, you turned to the building you were previously stationed at.
Like, sure, maybe turning your back to gang members pointing guns at you wasn’t the brightest idea, but it was your fuck around and find out day, sue me.
Closing one eye, and sticking your tongue out in concentration, you pulled the trigger.
You saw the old fucker’s rifle fall down, merely a dot at this distance.
Fuck, you were so cool, you had to restrain yourself from giving yourself a pat on the back.
Mikey blinked, looking up. The dot was gone. Kokonoi’s jaw was on the floor.
God, you loved leaving people speechless and shook with your gun skills. Made you feel cool and sexy.
“How’d you do that?” Kakucho exclaimed, while Mochi muttered a small “Impressive.”
You grinned.
“I’m called Trickshot for a reason, pretty boy.”
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“You’ve never heard of Bonten?”
“Deadass, before like three hours ago, no.”
“We even tried to hire you before!”
“I don’t pay attention to what happens in the crime world, okay? Hop off my dick.”
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“Y/n? We… I want to… Apologise.” Kakucho looked nervous, looking anywhere but your face.
“Mhm? Yes, man who I definitely never met before?” You couldn’t help being smug.
Well, that opened a floodgate.
“I’m so sorry for breaking up with you like that, and I’m sorry for not telling you about Bonten, and I’m so sorry that I said we’re not good together, I thought I was keeping you safe, please forgive me, I missed you so much, pleas-“
You pulled him closer, cupping his face.
Feeling your light, gentle touch on his skin, and the loving look in your eyes, he knew he was forgiven.
“Just shut up and let me kiss you already.” You whispered against his lips.
And what could he do but oblige?
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“And that,” you exclaimed, clicking the projector to go to the last slide, “is why you’re an idiot.”
“When you said you had a presentation prepared, I didn’t think you were serious.”
“You underestimate me, baby.” You giggled, making your way to straddle your boyfriend’s lap, planting small kisses along his neck.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer until his chest hit yours.
“I missed you, baby.” He murmured, leaning his forehead on your shoulder.
Running your fingers through his hair, you couldn’t stop the smirk forming on your face.
“I know darling, Sanzu told me.”
Kakucho groaned, buried his face in the crook of your neck fully. You chuckled.
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, pretty boy.”
A small hum you received in response made your heart swell.
“I missed you too,” you whispered, kissing his neck.
He straightened up, gently grabbing your chin to look into your eyes.
With the softest smile on his face, he spilled everything he’s been thinking about while he was without you.
“I knew I loved you, but God, being away from you hurt so much, y/n. I thought I could just get over you, I was fine before you, I’ll be fine after you sort of deal, but I was wrong. I was so, so wrong.”
Gently kissing your forehead, he continued.
“I can’t even describe how much I missed you. I missed seeing you, missed kissing your pretty face, missed waking up next to you, missed every time you curled up next to me to warm up, I missed midnight drives with you. I missed calling you mine, y/n.”
You smiled, softly, softer than a person like you should be able to. And truly, it was ironic, two murderers in love, whispering soft love promises to each other in early hours of the morning, ignoring the blood on each other’s hands.
Kakucho wouldn’t have it any other way.
Planting a soft kiss on you lips, he promised a promise he wasn’t sure he’ll be able to keep, but fuck it, for you he’ll try.
For you, he’d try anything.
Because you were too good for him, and he knew it, but he was back in your arms again, back to where he felt at home.
“You’ll never spend a day without me again, darling.”
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@eriskaitto @annonymous-writer-wannabe
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tedesquire · 3 years
i love how u write the characters! im not sure u would be into doing something like this but, if u would, could u do a ray/reader/egon? if ur not interested in doing that, u can just ignore this ask. thx!
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A/N: Kind of short, maybe OOC! Egon, but I really enjoyed the challenge of writing this one. I did some research on poly!relationships and tried my best but I’m open to feedback! A few Golden Girls references too for your own enjoyment. Hope you like it nonnie!
Based off the prompt: OT3s where they’ve all been friends for a long time, but when Muse A and Muse B start dating they both realize that things aren’t the same without Muse C and they both want to date Muse C too. from @rpmememaker OT3 list.
“Do you mind bugging your boys to bring up their paperwork from last week’s bust?” Janine ran her fingers through her hair, one more day of overtime away from ripping the copper strands from her head.
“They’re not ‘my boys’.” You sighed playfully, snickering as Janine rolled her eyes. She had a point: you, Ray, and Egon were like the three musketeers, practically inseparable. You spent every evening together, whether it was at your apartment, the firehouse lab, or Ray’s bookstore. “But I’ll go pester them for you.” She mumbled a ‘thanks’ as you headed down, not feeling the need to announce your presence as the metal stairs groaned.
“Hello, hello!” You bounced downwards, slowing as you took in the scenery.
Ray’s hair was mussed, more so than usual, and Egon’s glasses had fogged up. They were standing quite close towards each other, Egon sweating slightly and the tips of Ray's ears flushed pink.
“You guys looked like you were caught making out.” You snorted, quieting once you saw their cheeks pink in embarrassment. The silence in the lab had never been louder.
“Oh my god… were you really?” You asked incredulously, eyes flickering between the two as they tried to compose themselves. “When did.. Uh, when did,” you gestured between the pair. “...This happen?”
“A few weeks ago when Ray and I were testing out the updates on the reverse tracker beams we just.. Well, one thing led to another and we kissed.”
“When did you guys have time to go out, we’ve hung out just about every night since then?” Your fingers traced the rim of an empty coffee cup, watching their brows furrow.
“What do you mean, we’ve gone out quite a few times! You were there.” Ray defended, much to your horror.
“Those were all dates?!”
“Well… yes.” Egon nodded.
“But we enjoy your company!” Ray tried to convince you. “We were happy to have you come along.” You rubbed the back of your neck, heat radiating from your cheeks.
“Man, guess I really am thick, huh? You guys should have told me sooner or... something. I feel like a moron.”
“There’s no such reason to feel like one.” Egon attempted to quell your negative thoughts, but it was too late, you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“You know,” your throat had never been more dry. “You guys should go out tonight, on a date. This time without me. Yeah?” The pair looked at each other hesitantly.
“I don’t see why not.” Egon nodded.
“Are you sure?” Ray asked, eyebrows furrowing. He could tell something was off.
“Yes! Absolutely! Go to dinner, have a glass of wine, tell someone ‘don’t wait up,’ all that jazz!” You rambled nervously, fiddling with a stack of papers they had been working on. “I should probably file these before Janine tears me a new one, you know how tough she is, always cracking the whip…” You trailed off, unsure of how to make a smooth transition out of this situation. You had never felt so awkward around them before.
“Okay… have fun you two, not too much fun, unless… unless you want. Or not. I don’t know what I’m saying. Okay, bye!” You clambered up the stairs, the door slamming behind you.
The only way you could describe how you were feeling was magenta. All kinds of feelings were tumbling over themselves, too many to focus on just one and combining to be one whole mess. You were green with envy, jealous at how Ray and Egon were able to find love and you weren’t. You were yellow with fear, worried about how you were going to occupy yourself now that your two best friends were dating each other. Most importantly, you were blue.
Not that anyone would know, but you just so happened to be in love with those two science geeks. Ray was so sweet and compassionate, always down for cuddling and watching romantic movies. He almost always knew exactly what you were feeling and how to fix your bad moods.
Egon, on the other hand, was patient and humorous. He always made you laugh, to the point you could just crack up looking at his half-cocked smile. Egon was also willing to listen to all your problems and give solutions when asked. He seemed to remember almost everything about you, surprising you with little gifts on bad days.
You couldn’t just pick one of them, you knew you wouldn’t be fair to confess to one of them and always pine for the other, so you were content to stay friends. You had been totally cool with living in that constant pain.
Until now.
The fancy restaurant was different from what they were used to, but Egon and Ray figured you had a point, they needed to go out, just the two of them.
It was weird, they both thought, not to have you sitting there with them, stealing a half of each of their entrees, making fun of other couples across the room, or asking them for their coats, since you always seemed to get cold.
Topics of discussion flickered between previous busts, the current sad state of Ecto-1, and Occult book sales, causing Egon chuckled to himself, taking a sip of his drink.
“What's up, Spengie?”
“If y/n was here, she would chastise us for talking about work.” Ray smiled warmly.
“Not really romantic, huh? I bet she’d be telling us we need to flirt a bit more.”
“She knows us well enough to know our capacities to flirt, which is to say we have none.” They both laughed softly before falling into an awkward silence.
“Did she seem a bit.. off this morning?” Ray sighed, wondering if he was in his own head too much.
“Yes, she appeared more flustered than usual, though I’m positive it was mostly due to shock.”
“I guess we didn’t really make it clear that we were dating…” Ray admitted.
“It was clear to us. We do all the things average couples do, watch movies, eat dinner, an occasional drink or two, we just happen to do those activities with y/n.”
“Remember last week when she tried to have us watch Nightmare on Elm Street? Golly, I bet I still have indents of her fingernails on my arms, she was so terrified!” Egon let out a chuckle through his nose.
“Oh please, Ray, anyone with half a brain can observe how much you enjoy when she’s draped all over you.”
“She’s just so warm, and soft.” Ray grew a dopey grin. “And it’s our tradition at this point, like your nightly debriefings.” Now it was Egon’s turn to smile. Though he was a man of science, he enjoyed gossip quite a bit, a guilty pleasure, if you will. He wasn’t the best at socialization which is why he enjoyed you explaining it. You always seemed to know the latest between previous clients or celebrities, waiting until you saw him to share.
“I wonder what she’s doing right now.” Ray wondered.
“It’s 8pm on a Saturday, she’s most likely viewing Golden Girls at her apartment.”
“I can’t believe she likes that show.”
“She says it makes her feel normal in a paranormal world.” Egon recalled, smirking at Ray’s little giggles. Only you could make him laugh like that, it was something Egon loved about you.
There was so much to love. Both Egon and Ray admired your loyalty to the Ghostbusters and your confidence. You stood up for them when everyone was against them, and spoke whatever was on your mind. You were funny, gorgeous, generous, kind, the list was unending.
“I’ll admit, it feels queer not to have her here.” Ray looked around, as if you were going to appear out of thin air. “It’s just not the same.” His face paled as he realized what he said, opening to try to explain.
“I understand.” Egon placed a reassuring hand over his. “I enjoy being your boyfriend, and you know I care for you.”
“I do!”
“It just feels like….” Egon struggled to come up with the right phrase.
“Something’s missing?” Ray finished, hastily fumbling for his wallet and throwing a few large bills on the table. “Let’s go get our girl.”
You didn’t have it in your heart to snicker at Dorothy’s dramatic insults, Blanche’s sexual innedous, Rose’s long-winded stories, or Sophia’s quick quips. You couldn’t shake that ugly magenta feeling off of you.
Of course you were happy that Ray and Egon found love, it was a hard thing to find; but the bitter feeling, knowing that this wasn’t going to be the last night that you were by yourself while they were out on dates, knowing you were always going to be held at a distance from the two, it was a crushing weight to bear.
You were sure that you would be able to get past this feeling eventually, with a lot of help from 4 old women and two men named Ben and Jerry. It just hadn’t started to help...yet.
You were startled by a knock on your door, setting the melting pint of ice cream down and wrapping your robe tight around yourself. You weren’t expecting anyone and had nowhere to be, getting in your pj’s as soon as you got off work and staying firm on your couch.
You opened your door and relaxed at the sight of Ray and Egon, a brow raising in confusion. “What are you guys doing here? And panting nonetheless- what happened to the elevator?”
“We thought- it would be more romantic if we climbed the stairs.” Ray panted. “Like in… Oh, Egon, what was the name of that movie?”
“I have no idea. I’m exhausted beyond the point of rational thinking. I didn’t believe that 15 floors would be quite this exhausting.” Egon hastily rubbed his glasses against the fabric of his button up.
“Romantic?” You sputtered, letting them come inside. “You both were supposed to be on a date! Did you get possessed by a ghost or something?”
“Better!” Ray cried, placing his hands on your shoulders. “We realized we’re in love with you!” Your heart stuttered in your chest, peering over his shoulder to meet Egon, who nodded just as enthusiastically.
“I… I don’t know what to say…” You honestly didn’t. You kept thinking that they had to be joking. How would this even work between the three of you, or did you have to choose? How did they even come up with the realization? “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”
“Y/n,” Egon tried to explain, his heavy hand cupping your cheek. “We would like for you to be in a polyamorus relationship with us. We know it isn’t conventional but when have we ever been like anyone else? We love you. We love the way you make us feel, like you complete us. Please, consider it.”
Your heart thumped violently, practically melting in their embrace. How long had you waited for something like this?
“Come ‘ere.” You whispered, leaning close to Ray to kiss him, your thumbs cradling his chubby cheeks. He kissed just as you imagined he would, lovingly and gently, like he was memorizing the way you felt against him.
When you both separated you noticed a soft smile on Egon’s face, his eyes filled with affection.
“I didn’t forget about you.” You cooed, causing him to look down at the floor, his cheeks flushing. “Don’t get all shy on me now!” You teased, gasping as his arm snaked around your lower back, pulling you in to plant one on you.
While Ray was tender and slow, Egon was fast and rough, making your head spin. Each searing kiss made you moan, too caught up to even notice that Ray had made his way over to the couch until his laughter caught your attention.
“He’s going to need someone to hold onto.” Egon suggested, letting you tug him over to the couch.
As you laid between your two boys, you slipped your fingers between theirs, letting a wave of happiness wash over you.
You were no longer, green, yellow, blue, magenta or any other color. You were completely happy and whole.
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aesopsbaby · 3 years
may i requests hcs for yandere dottore with his s/o trying to escape him ? :) thx in advance
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: Il Dottore
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: You should've known that he will always catch you,no matter where you ran nor where you hid.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Dottore,,,,our beloved.. ANYWAYS,this might be badly written as I feel that I didn't portray his character correctly...<\3 Dottore might be ooc
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Kidnapping,use of profanity,non-con touching, reader is kinda idiotic and sort of weak-,Manipulation/gaslighting,degrading
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: 🌹Cat and Mouse
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Surprisingly,Dottore wouldn't be pissed off about it. Nor would he be annoyed/irritated AT FIRST. To be frank,he would find it amusing,seeing you scatter around,tiptoeing towards the door thinking you're so close to freedom,thinking you're oh so smart!
Oh he absolutely adores the expression you wear when he creeps up behind you,bending down to whisper a soft "Boo" next to your ear. Seeing that look of terror and hopelessness just riles him up.
Back to the topic of him not getting irritated by this behaviour,,,, If you weren't his soulmate,and if he didn't love you so much,you would've been dead within seconds. However,Dottore has a soft spot for his darling and he genuinely thinks it's cute that you think you have a chance at escaping.
Your little stunts keep him so entertained. But,we are talking about Dottore here,he's incredibly intelligent so he would've predicted your every move and every escape route.
Although he finds it endearing,Dottore's patience runs on a thin line. He may love you oh so much but your constant hope for freedom would definitely make him a little bit pissed off. He's a really busy man and he needs to focus on his experiments,he can't keep babying you and preventing you from leaving!
You should be thankful for even being kept alive this long so why were you being such a brat! Dottore is frustrated sometimes with your behaviour,but it's usually when he's running on a tight schedule.
We know Dottore is a perfectionist as seen that he doesn't favor repeated mistakes. Dottore would keep a small note and count how many times you have tried to escape. And when he's finally had it,he would grip your chin roughly,forcing your gaze to meet his as he has a menacing smile.
"Oh darling oh..how much of a fucking MORON can you be??"
"22 times. 22 god damn times that you've tried escaping within just this week."
"Honestly Love, this is getting pathetic by the moment."
He would let out a raspy laughter when he sees you wincing from the pain from his harsh grip on your cheeks. He will roughly pull you towards his face,his fingers gradually pressing into your jaw to cause you even more pain.
"What's this? Where did all your fight go? Huh?"
"Come on,don't tell me you're gonna cry just from this!"
"I've told you a thousand times,my dear,just how dangerous it is out there."
"God. How pathetic. You can't even handle something as small as this,what makes you think you'll be able to survive in the outside world?? I'm keeping you safe,so stop being so ungrateful."
It always makes him want to laugh whenever he sees that look of fear in your eyes and the tears clouding your vision as you fight to force those pesky tears to stay in.
Dottore would surprisingly never get tired of you nor your behaviour. Although he sometimes gets pissed off but that's because he was busy! He could never get tired of you.
However,if you persist with this attitude,Dottore will genuinely feel a little bit hurt. However, he doesn't show it,nor does he want to admit to it because he thinks of it as a vulnerability.
Dottore,although adores you,he wouldn't hesitate to punish you. He has multiple techniques but I won't elaborate on them so much here,,,
Isolation,with no human interaction and only minimum food supply(Probably one meal a day)
Tying each of your limbs to each ends of the bed and leaving you there with no food/water/human contact.
Forcing a shock collar onto your neck to keep you in place.
Threatening you(Probably to be his next test subject)
He wants you to come to him for forgiveness after all your escape attempts. He adores the look of embarrassment on your face as you're forced onto your knees as you beg for him to forgive you. The apologies that spew from your lips are like sweet, sweet honey to his ears.
Dottore would definitely be really smug when you have the shock collar on. He would have a small smirk tugging on his lips as he sees you tense up and back away from the door when he presses the button on the controller.
"Oh? Where do you think you're going,love?"
Dottore absolutely enjoys tormenting you whenever you tried to escape. He would wave the controller infront of your face while he has a huge smile on his face. He would also probably force you to beg for him not to press the button.
Dottore has a huge ego,all this begging just fuels into his ego even more-
Anyways,,,,Dottore would actually feel hurt from seeing how desperate you're trying to escape. He doesn't show it,but when he's alone,he will sigh and just think about what he's done for you to have so much fear towards him.
Dottore would try to be more affectionate with you. Keyword:TRY. It's more of him forcing you onto his lap as he's doing his paperwork. Don't even try moving,Dottore would grumble and probably insult you for moving-
Dottore would drag you around to just force you into his hold. He would hold you "affectionately" against your will.
Hes still soft for you though- Even though it's horribly hard to tell,Dottore just really wants to love you and for you to love him as well :((
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake- Cheeky
Hey author-chan how are you? Well I saw that your requests are open and I would like to know if you write to Naruto and if the answer is yes, could I get a Kakashi x f!reader imagine/oneshot with prompt #19, please?
I ended up asking her to choose a couple more prompts, aaannnd here they are!
#19- Hmm, who you tryna’ look sexy for babygirl?
#20- Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you
#27- I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day.
#30- Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay?
 #47- You’re too cheeky for you own good, kid.
warning.....I will fuck up your day. Might be OOC but almost all my shit kinda is imo lol Does anyone really care?....he spits in your mouth..... I am sorry for absolutely nothing.
“Watch it, Kid!”
“Why don’t you walk where you walk!” you caught the throwing star between your two fingers as it was hurled back at you. “You’re cutting into my training time.” you rolled your eyes.
“Damnit Y/N you could have taken my eye out.” Kakashi groaned. “Be careful with that thing!” 
“Like that would have been a bad thing.” you scoffed. “Get out of the way next time.” you rubbed your shoulder. “If you weren’t in my line of vision, you wouldn’t have almost got caught in the crossfire.”
“You know you love looking at me.”
“How can I when no one ever sees your face.” you burst out laughing. “What kinda mug you got under than mask, huh?” you challenged. 
“You’re too cheeky for your own good kid, someone outta bring you down a few notches.”
“And just whose gonna do that.” you rolled your eyes, turning away from him.
You ignored his answer and bent over, stretching to touch your toes. “My back.” you groaned. When you stood up straight again, he was staring at you. “You need something?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” he blinked(...or winked?) at you.
“I can’t tell if that was a wink or not...” you raised a brow.
“You’re a real-”
“ Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you “
He walked off, undoubtedly wearing a self-satisfactory look on his face.
“How does she put up with him?”
“Damn, I thought she was really gonna kill him for a minute.”
“You’d think those two liked each other with how much they argue backed and forth.”
“It’s not nice to gossip.” you called behind your back to your comrades. You shoved the throwing star back into your pouch and walked off. Kakashi Hatake and Y/N L/N were always the talk of the town. One was always getting on the nerves of the others.
You were relaxing in your house after a long day of training. It was good to work out your skills while nothing was going on. You never knew when something was gonna happen. You stretched your arms over your head as you walked into your kitchen. 
“God I’m starving.” you sighed. Before you could dig through your fridge, there was a knock at the door.
“I’m coming!” you called, knowing they could hear. As you neared the door, the knocking only got louder. “Geez Hold on-!” You yanked the door open to see Kakashi awkwardly standing there. He wore his authoritative demeanor.
“Y/N, may I come in?” he spoke. You almost peaked behind his shoulder, people were walking around outside. ‘We must talk.”
“Sure.” you made room for him to walk in. Just as you closed the door, you were pushed up against the door. He yanked down his mask to show that daring smirk. You felt his lips brush against yours. Kakashi wrapped his arms around your waist, hoisting you up and pushing you even further against the door.
“ I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day. “ he moaned against your lips. “Shit you drive me crazy.” he growled.  “I bet you thought your little show was cute.”
“Got your attention didn’t it?” you giggled through the friction. “If we’re gonna sneak around, might as well make it fun for me too.”
For the last several months you had been more than casual with Kakashi. He trailed his hand down your spine, resting at the base of your back. 
“I have half a mind to punish you.” he began kissing down your neck. “But I missed you so much.”
“So does that mean you can stay for the night or do you have to wrangle those three morons again?” you melted into his tough as the thoughts of the Three Stooges getting into trouble that required Kakashi to clean up....again. 
“I’ll stay if you want me to.” he began kissing your cheeks, forehead, nose and lips. He kept rotating around each area of your face. To answer his question, you helped him out of his jacket. “Hm, okay then.” he smirked. 
“I don’t need to tell you where my bedroom is do I?” you stepped away from him.
... (Two days later)
Training in the woods wasn’t so bad. But training while Kakashi dragged his students along was gonna drive you absolutely crazy.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“Yes. Naruto.” you seethed. ‘What can I do for you.”
“I’m gonna be the best Ninja in the world! You just watch! I’ll be able to beat you one day!”
“That’s great buddy!” you tried to laugh. Cute. No one could compare to you when it came to throwing sharp things at a target. You walked by Kakashi sending him a harsh glare. You walked ahead of the group. No one could see it, but your annoyance made him smile a bit. You stopped in front of a three, pinning a target to it before walking a good 30 feet away from it. You went into your pouch and took out a throwing star.
With a single flick of the wrist you threw it, watching it slice through the air and hit the target right in the middle. You walked back another few feet and did it again. Good to know you hadn’t lost your touch.
“Wow. Miss Y/N sure knows what she’s doing.” Sakura whispered to Kakashi. “I can see why everyone raves about her,”
“Yes. She is very capable, Sakura. She has impeccable precision.” he commented. Although he was thinking something completely different. Everyone watched as you took out your annoyance on the bullseye target, When you had ran out of stars, you trudged back up to the tree and yanked each one out.
Later on, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto were all napping. All had passed out at some point after some extreme training courtesy of Kakashi. As for you, you were sitting by the lake, getting some much needed recreation. You had just gone for a swim. The ice cold water felt perfect. 
You stood up against the tree facing away from everyone. You were prepared to get back into the water when Kakashi came up, slowly ridding himself of his shirt as he did.
“Going for a-” you were cut off as he pushed himself against you, claiming your mouth in a kiss. Not that you weren’t totally happy, but his students were literally napping less that 50 feet away from you both.
“W-wha are you-?”
“Shhh.” Kakashi pulled down his mask then got down on his knees as he fumbled with your panties. “If we’re gonna do this, you gotta be quiet.”
“You’ve had some pretty dumb ideas but-...fuh.” you cut yourself off as you felt him trail his hands up your thigh. He pressed small kisses down your thighs. You were still soaking wet from the water, so your skin was slippery. He pulled your panties down, placing small kisses along your heat.
You dared peek over your shoulder. Everyone was still sleeping, but you found it hard to focus. Kakashi gently drove his tongue into your slit, causing a sharp gasp to escape your lungs. Your legs shook as his tongue flicked against your clit.
“Kakashi~” you shuddered. You found yourself running your hands against his silvery white hair. He grabbed your leg and hooked it over his shoulder. “We could get caught!”
“Exciting isn’t it?” he giggled. “You just have to stay quiet.” you felt his fingers slither inside you. “ Come on Y/N... Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay? “ he moaned, sloppily dragging his tongue up your slit. “Shit- You’re so fucking good, Y/N. You’re soaking.” he laughed evilly. 
“Whose f-fault is that!”
He slapped your ass, making you gasp again. You could just picture that shit eating grin on his face. 
You were made to stand up straight as Kakashi rose to his feet. He hoisted you up, wrapping both of your legs around his torso. You hadn’t noticed that his pants had dropped around his ankles. You felt his painfully slowly slide himself inside. 
“They’re still sleeping.” he grunted, slowly thrusting into you. “Fuck I needed this.” he moaned. “I need you~” he coughed. “Kiss me.” 
He, in a hurry, sloppily kissed you. Your tongues clashed. You faced heated up from the lewd sounds your mouths made as they clashed together. Kakashi pushed your further against the tree. 
“Kakashi..” you were able to muster. 
“Open your fucking mouth.” he cut you off. “Now...” he growled. 
You obediently did as he asked, sticking out your tongue as Kakashi let a line of drool go from his tongue to yours. He claimed your mouth again while he dug his nails into your thighs. His cock twitched inside of you as his thrusts grew sloppy. 
You couldn’t even talk through his kisses. Your insides clenched around him, feeling yourself grow more and more sensitive at his touch. You didn’t care how loud you were anymore and he didn’t either. 
“I’m gonna- I’m gonna fucking cum. I’m gonna- ARGH-” 
You felt him practically bottom out inside of you, cumming inside your depths. To avoid making any sounds, he kissed you again. With one harsh thrust, you came too. You heard those lewd watery sounds as liquids dripped out of your pussy, down your legs. Poor plants. 
“Kakashi~” you moaned again.
“It feels good?” he talked down to you in a babyish voice. “You like my cum inside you don’t you.” he spilled the rest of himself into you tightness. “And they’re still sleeping.” he smirked. “You were worried about nothing.”
“Shut up.” you rolled your eyes. You whined as he slowly removed himself from you. 
“It’s running down your leg.” he laughed. “Shit, you’re so sexy.” he dragged his tongue down your neck. “Shit-”
“You’re lucky we didn’t get caught.” you shakily spoke. “And you call me the cheeky one.”
“Hm, don’t be like that, babe...or else I might not to easy on you this time.”
(This one was not so much hardcore, but it was something, so I’m all caught up with requests I think! Does anyone here fucks with Haikyuu?.....Can I- Can I write for Haikyuu?)
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eirist · 3 years
In the Heat of the Moment
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: For Day 3—Nami’s Day—of the ZoNa Days event (at @zonamievents). I’m already late but still posting it. It’s unfair if it’s only Zoro who gets an entry.
In the Heat of the Moment is by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds. I still have The Umbrella playlist to thank for being such a good company.
Summary: "You're getting sappy witch. Sounds like you care about me."
The rain hadn’t let up from the moment it began to pour down.
Which should not have been a problem in the first place… the Straw Hats have their very own weather expert-slash-navigator extraordinaire after all.
If only said weather expert-slash-navigator extraordinaire didn't get distracted, arguing with a certain green-haired swordsman.
"This is your fault!" Nami complained, rubbing her arms with her hands in a poor attempt to keep the emerging chill away.
​Somehow satisfied, she folded her arms across her chest as she sulkily glared at the rain which has now completely turned into a steady downpour.
​Luckily she was able to pull the man with her towards an alcove in the town's wall before they got drenched. It was an uncomfortable fit, as they were almost pressed to each other, but it'll do.
​Zoro was snarling beside her. "This rain is MY fault?" He huffed. "Right! It's my fault coz I absolutely can make it rain on a whim!"
Nami turned sharply towards him, glaring daggers. "If you hadn't gotten lost—" 
"—like the idiot that you are," she continued ignoring Zoro's outburst, deliberately raising her tone and effectively drowning his retort with her shrill voice. "Then we wouldn't be stuck in here ZORO!" Her voice jumped another octave when she said his name. "In. HERE!" She repeated the words, making sure to emphasize them and hoping to drill it straight into his thick, dumb skull. 
"Tch! Then you shouldn't have followed me!" The former bounty hunter groused.
​"Besides, aren't you supposed to be good at predicting the weather?" He commented sardonically. "Shouldn't you have known that it’s going to rain today?" 
Nami gaped at him disbelievingly. ​And heat rose to her cheeks.
​She gave his shin a good kick for that.
​"I know that!" Nami practically shrieked at him. "That's why I followed you here to tell you about it! Is this the thanks I get from making sure you don't get your dumb self lost in this island while a storm is brewing?!"
"Again woman, I DON'T GET LOST!" Not the one to be deterred, Zoro raised his own voice to match hers. "And damn it! Stop kicking me!"
​"Bullshit!" The ever-feisty navigator exclaimed. "That a load of crap and you know it!"
​She angrily poked his chest with her finger. "If I leave you to your own devices... We. Would. Never. Find. You!" She punctuated each word with a prod on his torso. As if that would actually make the idea sink unto him. "I don't want Luffy and Chopper whining about how you are lost and that we should find you!
​Zoro grabbed her hand to stop her from poking a hole in him. Grasping it firmly he all but shouted back at her. "I will be fine! I will find my way back to the Sunny!"
“Hah! Fat chance of that happening!” 
​They were almost nose to nose by this time; all the while scowling at each other, both waiting for the other to back down.
Now only the sound of the rain falling heavily down the soaked earth can be heard as they continued their stare off. Along with the sharp intake of breaths coming from the two of them because honestly, their shouting matches can be quite arduous.
​As the glowering continued; Zoro thought he caught a glint, a spark from behind Nami's eyes before those warm brown orbs widened.
​In what could only be a realization that their current position is leaning towards… precarious. It was also not helping that his own eye had darted all over her face, taking in the flush on her cheeks. Despite it coming from indignation, she still looks...
 ... pretty.
​He almost choked at his thoughts. When did he turn into that shit cook?
Zoro inhaled sharply and realized what a wrong move that was. He caught a whiff of Nami’s signature scent. Sweet with an undertone of zestiness that reminds him of her mikan fruits at their peak of ripeness—that certain moment that makes you want to steal one so you can taste them...
​The color on her face deepened and Zoro wasn't sure if it was because she was getting angrier and angrier by the minute.
Or... If it was because she saw that his stare lingered for more than a second or two at her lips. ​"Screw this!" He grunted, instantly averting his gaze. He felt his face heating up and to get out of their rather 'awkward' situation, he immediately resorted to his favorite defense mechanism whenever he faces off against this orange-haired devil incarnate.
Losing his temper on her. 
"You are not my keeper woman!" He snapped at her before immediately stepping out of their sanctuary and into the rain.
That made Nami snap to attention. "Hey!"
​Without another word Zoro turn around and started walking away from her despite the torrential rain.
While it’s raining cats and dogs. 
 "Zorooo!!!" He heard Nami screeched his name, horrified that he would actually leave her alone. There was no way he was getting back in there with her. Not when it occurred to him that he was only a second away from grabbing her...
...and kissing her.
​He walked in faster strides when she called him again. He had to get away from her. He needed to get away from her.
Far away.
​Because honestly she was driving him crazy lately with all these thoughts of wanting to kiss her surfacing every moment whenever he was with her.  
And who knows what the repercussions are? This is Nami they're talking about. She would probably sic ero-cook and even Luffy if he dared to even try. Or rat him out to either Robin or Usopp or both.
Or charge him more than what his current bounty is.
He winced at that.
​For now he needed to get away and calm himself so he can reflect...
​There was no warning as something collided at his back, almost making him stumble down the wet ground.
Did someone just attack him?
​But the presence wasn't threatening, even if its arms were wrapped around his neck in a chokehold, throttling him.
"YOU DID NOT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE THERE RORONOA ZORO!" Nami deliberately yelled at his ear, probably making his ear drum shatter and rendering him forever deaf. In a split second the Supernova realized that Nami… had jumped him.
​"Hey! Get off witch!"
"No!" "Get off!" "I said no!"
​"Get off now or I'll--"
Her hold around his neck tightened. "Or you'll what?" Nami hissed right in his ear in a tone so dangerously low that an actual chill ran down Zoro's spine. He gave her arm a light slap, a silent gesture to loosen her hold because she was cutting off his air. When she didn't relent, he effortlessly bounced her up his back.
​With a squeak of surprise, her arms slackened and he was able to finally draw in some air.
Nami’s hands grabbed at his shirt in an attempt to prevent herself from slipping from his back. Zoro tried to shake her off him. But the cat burglar swiftly clung onto him by locking her legs around his waist.
His remaining eye widened at that. 
"Nami!"  ​ "Stop trying to shake me off Zoro!" Nami protested as she held on to him tightly. Her knee knocked against his katanas and he scowled. "Then stop strangling me damn it!" "You deserve it you ass! Leaving me alone like that! Wait until the others hear about this you brute!" ​ Zoro muttered an expletive under his breath. Nami is a real witch!
He can feel her sliding down his back again. She was having a hard time clinging onto him because his shirt and her arms and legs were all wet from the rain water.
"I'm charging you for all these Zoro!" She muttered against his ear, her breath hot against his skin… a stark contrast from the cold rain water falling down on them. "The hell you are!" He managed to retort. She was speaking from his blind side and even as he tilted his head, he cannot see her face or her expression.
The next thing he knew… her fist had descended on his head.
“The hell! Why did you hit me?!”
“Because you are a moron.”
“That’s it get off me!”
​They continued struggling against each other, right in the middle of the rain that was soaking them to the bone.
​And Zoro realized then and there that Nami was quite nimble. She had quickly managed to change her position from his back to his side with her legs still locked around him.
He really didn't know what to do with that information, except it's going to be really handy once he gets the chance to...
​​​Fuck! ​​ She had hit him on the head with her fist ​again.​ That’s twice already.  Why are her punches hurting him so much? Was it clad in haki?? "Argh! Nami stop it!" He tilted his head towards her so he can growl and glare at her all at the same time.
She just gave him a haughty serves-you-right grin.
In retaliation he bounced her against him again. 
​Which was a wrong move. Because all it did was rubbed her breasts against him and press her closer to him.
It was a good thing the rain was drowning them.   Though it did made her yelp in surprise. He’s good with that.
​"Argh! Stay still Zoro! I swear if you drop me down I'm going to—"
“To what?” His steely eye met hers. This time it was his turn to challenge her.
Nami’s hold around his neck tightened, probably because her grip on him was slipping again because she was just as wet as he is and also because she still wants to choke the shit out of him for leaving her alone earlier.
She lifted her chin slightly so she could gaze back at him even as the rain water continued trickling down her face.
Was it just him or Nami’s quite comfortable where she is right now?
He knew she was trying to give him the evil eye. But it was hard to do that when the droplets of rain keep clinging to her lashes and she had to blink them away in a manner that affects him greatly.
And there was it… that familiar glint, that spark he saw when they were back in the alcove taking shelter from this rain.
“Look Zoro,” she finally sighed. “I just wanted to make sure you will come back to the Sunny in one piece and not get stranded in this weather."
​Zoro blinked. He was not expecting that.
​Then his face broke into a smirk. "You're getting sappy witch. Sounds like you care about me."
“Y-y-ou!” She stammered.
He grinned at her as she sputtered, her face turn absolutely and adorably red.
To think, he actually high-tailed it out of there earlier with his tail between his legs all because he can't face the realization that he wanted this woman.
But there was no denying it now. Amidst this rain it was very clear. That was all he needed.
He finally decided to take a chance instead of running away from it like a coward. ​
He tucked a strand of her wet hair behind her ear. "You can punch me or charge me later Nami," was all he said before he pressed his lips on hers.
Her body jerked in surprised. His arm instantly wrapped around her waist to secure her as one of her hands grasp at his shirt tightly.
​He swore he heard and felt her murmur 'oh fuck' against his lips before she deepened their kiss.
​They pulled apart slightly for air. Zoro hauled her up a little and Nami was about to lean down to for another kiss…
They looked at each other in surprise. Nami’s hand automatically covered her mouth as her face turned red again… this time for a very different reason.
They both turn their heads towards the sound and saw an elderly man standing a few feet away from them under an umbrella.
He was shaking his head as he looked at them.
“You youngsters should just get a room you know. You risk getting sick doing things out here in the open that should be done privately.”
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The Gotham Prince (A DC Comics fanfiction)
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Hey everyone!
Here’s for you a little fic about Roman Sionis aka Black Mask (I love McGregor’s performance), and his son.
Yes, I’ve read that Black Mask has a son, but the latter is only mentioned.
So, I tried to explore their relationship, as I’m pretty sure Roman would not treat his own flesh and blood like his parents did with him.
So, here’s the story! Enjoy!
TW: Might be a bit OOC, mentions of murder, swearing.
I, Roman Beauvais Sionis, can boast to myself of having done something honorable in my life.
"What good could a criminal like Sionis have done in his life?" you ask me.
The answer is simple because my most celebrated achievement is in front of my eyes.
There he is, sitting on the couch, reading one of his favorite books, a slight smile on his face. And this boy, ladies and gentlemen, is my son.
Alexander Lorenzo Nathaniel Sionis-Falcone, that's the name of the best thing that ever happened to me. I needed one, and it was him.
Getting married to Sofia Falcone, the beloved daughter of the mobster Carmine Falcone, allowed me to consolidate my network and increase my fortune.
Even though our marriage did not last long - 7 years at the most - it left enough time to give both the Sionis and the Falcones an heir. While she and I could never really get along, we all agreed to make sure our only child would be loved.
If you know me well enough, you know that I did not have the best parents in the world, far from it. They would rather keep up appearances than worry about me. They who liked to wear a mask so much in society ended up being ridiculous.
Of course, with such parents, I didn't really have a good model. But at least, it made it possible to see what ABSOLUTELY shouldn't do with children.
So when I'm with my son, I'm not the gangster everyone calls Black Mask: I'm his dad. And, at least, I can pride myself on not putting on a mask with him: I love him 200%.
Since he was little, I take him in my arms, I kiss him, I spend time with him, I encourage him ... without forgetting to tell him that I love him.
No, I don't love him: I adore him. For my Alex, I would be capable of anything; and God knows I do not perceive my limits.
No matter how many people say that a criminal can't be a good parent, I don't care. Nothing matters more to me than his smile when he sees me or the sound of his voice when he calls me "Dad."
And what about my pride when I see people turn around in its path? 
I can clearly see in their eyes the admiration they have for him. It must be said, my son is a very handsome teenager: he is quite tall, he has fair skin, impeccably groomed brown hair, large black eyes that shine brightly, a charming smile, and a confident walk. To sum up, a perfect mix between the beauty of the Falcones and the charisma of the Sionis.
But nothing is limited to physical appearance: Alex is a smart, polite, kind, and very creative boy. Any parent would sell their soul to the devil to have a son as great as mine.
And then, he doesn't know it yet, but he will be at the head of one of the greatest fortunes in the country: even that moron Bruce Wayne can not compete!
But all that will be for later: in the meantime, he should take advantage of his youth.
As long as he is happy, so am I.
I hope one day, he will take over from me and that he will succeed. And he will probably do much better than his asshole grandfather. Old man Falcone. This jackass never loved me, and my divorce from Sofia is the ideal opportunity to piss me off.
And among that, he loves to repeat that his cherished grandson, the "light of his life" will be the next leader of the Falcone family. 
This old dodderer lacks ambition: why focus on your only possessions when you can aim higher? Because my Alexander will be the best of all. He will be the Prince of Gotham ...
"What are you thinking about, Daddy?"
Taken from my thoughts, I turn to my joy and pride, who is watching me with attention.
I smile at him:
"I was thinking about how fast you were growing up!"
He starts to laugh.
"Didn't you realize that before?"
"I do, but it always gives me a funny feeling to see my little boy turn into a man."
"But I'm still your little boy."
"Of course. For me, that will never change!"
He closed his book and came to sit next to me. I put an arm around his shoulders and hug him tight to show him that I'm there for him.
I could stay there for several hours and never get tired of it. Because the boy I hold against me is the most precious person to me, and I could slaughter anyone who dares to touch him.
My Alexander. My son. My prince of Gotham.
You're the air in my lungs, You're the veins to my blood. Yeah, you, I'm nothing without you.
LANY - You!
Here’s the end! Thank you so much for reading!
Tell me what do you think about it and if you want another story about them!
Thanks in advance!
@redrosewritingsstuff, @empress-writes, @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321​, @cherryplasmids​, @knives-out16​, @ronaldrx​
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Hey, i just want to say first that i absolutely love your blog, your posts are amazing and i get to learn so much mlre about rinharu. However i just wanted to ask about a certain quote from the directors that peopoe use to invalidate rh, where they say that makoto is haru's half and that if it hadn't been for swimming rin and haru wouldn't be friends. I heard someone talking about how the novel changes this. Do you know anything about it? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
Hi:) Thank you so much, I’m glad you like the blog <3 LOL Firstly it’s most likely a lie, it’s been said already that they distort the translations but also who out of the directors of Free! could’ve said that in their opinion? Definitely not s1-s2 Utsumi, who is in love with Rinharu and was bashed for adoring them too much. 
So Dive to the Future that everyone wants to forget and Starting Days that wasn’t a good novel interpretation, and actually flushed all the moments important for character’s depth and development? I honestly wouldn’t listen to those, but I highly doubt it was Kawanami, cause I don’t think he cared even about their friendship in s3. So Takemoto of SD then? But SD is not good for MH either.. so who in their opinion said that... an imaginary Makoharu director?
Honestly, I of course, don’t know all the directors, just the main ones.
But I can tell it’s a fan quote just from your phrasing, cause no one from the directors would’ve called Makoto Haru’s half. The only one who dared to say something like that was Miyano Mamoru who called Rinharu a “destined pair”. Since then and the creators using the term of “red string of fate” about their relationships, the jealousy has started. And the second half sounds like “Rin loves Haru only for swimming” which is also the nonsense MH fans created, they’ve been throwing around since forever, and we’ve discussed it just recently.
Also “if it hadn’t been for swimming rin and haru wouldn’t be friends” is that the actual quote. Cause it’s hilarious then, bc in official characters interview there was a moment when they were asked what connects all of them and Makoto answered that without swimming they probably wouldn’t connect, it was Rin who said “mhhhh... probably” and added “if you say it like that”. So LMAO I’m just wondering, are they all ok?
It’s also been a problem several times already about Makoharu spreading the false translations, when it comes to anime subtitles too. And I know that japanese is hard and stuff can sometimes be interpreted differently, depending on the context, but many purposefully demeaned some scenes and translate it to their own benefit. It took me a while to get to all the subtleties in many scenes. 
It took forever and Netflix to translate Sousuke’s phase as “you’re in love with him”, but I still remember watching it back then with “you’re interested in him” which I might say “infatuated” can’t be translated as “interested in”. It’s an entire different feeling, and things like that changes scenes, just like when in “Untamed” they’ve translated “best friend” instead of “soulmate” it’s very different vibe of the scene, so it can actually change the whole feeling during the watching.
Tbh no offense to anyone, but I’m seriously tired of this already. I haven’t seen anywhere else shippers like that, who constantly spread so much idiotism around. And aslo legitimately pretend that it’s real. I mean, if you want to prove your ship, do it with canon stuff and if you can’t then maybe don’t try then. It’s the first fandom I see who just cause they don’t have canon proof use the opposite ship moments instead or come up with some nonsense to diss it, which doesn’t even make sense if you have brains. And the ammount of people, who believe it and don’t even check or too lazy to read is just incredible. 
Like recently my sister sent me a post from instagram with 1k likes where it described Makoto as a “protective af”. 1k people, who apparently need glasses and a hearing aid or they watched anime with their asses.
It’s Rin who loves Haru not just for swimming, canonically proven, it’s Rin who is protective over Haru, canonically proven, it’s Rin who’s obsessed with Haru’s smile and will do everything to see it, canonically proven, it’s Rin who made Haru see his future and made his dream come true, canonically proven. Not yours, can’t touch it. And no, Makoharu is not any of that. 
Last time I saw something idiotic was the creators of AOT who replaced the Armin/Eren manga scenes in anime with Mikasa. All that it proves is that Mikasa/Eren ship sucks balls. Still... look at all the shippers, especially boys, who if saw the same scene with Armin would’ve said it’s just bromance. Same with Makoharu who basically write fics about Rin and Haru, but replace his name with Makoto. Good luck with beeing a moron.
Just now talked to a girl under my RH vid, who said that she’s more into Makoharu, and how Makoto is the best for him and that she doesn’t understand why hating Makoto for not having any life goals (yeah, really why? lmao), the only thing she hates Makoto for is that he refused to persue swimming with Haru professionally... like... what? 
I’m honestly... I get mad at people’s stupidity so lets just pretend that basically everyone ships Rinharu, cause it’s really mostly like that, they’re just too dumb to realize it.
My point is if you ship something, ship it for what it is, if all you do is create the OOC stuff or try to imagine things that’s not even there then it’s not this ship anymore, it’s just two characters you created. And if you steal everything from other ship, maybe you just ship them then?
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
logan lark’s adventures in trying to appease his parents
CHAPTER 5: helpless
Summary: Logan Lark is a fairly average high school student. By all means, he should be impressing his parents on all grounds. Except...he doesn’t exactly have a social life. So after his parents give him puppy dog eyes, he decides to join the local theatre's youth production. Good grief...His life is about to get weird isn’t it?
Warnings: Potential ooc behavior, Roman is a teenager who makes bad choices, Remus being Remus, Emojis (If I miss something please tell me!)
Notes: This fic is based off an idea from @under-the-blue-moonlight. If you wanna be tagged in chapters, please ask!! Here’s the fluff before the storm!! Next chapter two chapters are Heavy.
Pairings: Intrulogical, Eventual Rociet, One-Sided Logicality, Platonic DRLAMP
Word Count: 3296
Tagslist: @under-the-blue-moonlight @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @im-actually-ok @hauntedturkeycalzonedreamer @croftersjam15 @rainbowsixth @snaketho 
His newfound appreciation for Patton didn’t change the fact that the idea of losing his first kiss to a stage performance sent shivers down his spine. 
It’s not like he didn’t like Patton! That wasn’t it at all! Patton has been sailing in the high numbers ever since they had hung out at his home, Virgil had even made a group chat for the three of them where they talked regularly. It’s just that Patton was Patton. And Patton was certainly not his type. They had tried to practice helpless, but Janus kept telling them they were missing something. Remus said Logan sounded like a “sexless moron”, and though Patton disagreed and blushed furiously, Logan knew he was right. He had never had a boyfriend, let alone a crush on a boy. He knew he was gay because he found certain boys attractive, but he had never liked a guy like that. Yet. 
He figured it would happen at some point, but until that point...he would have to be clueless. He ended up spending a lot of time with Remus as rehearsal continued. Though Patton wasn’t fond of him, he was Roman Repellent ninety percent of the time. Pretending that was all he wanted from Remus was easy. The other option was acknowledging how much he genuinely liked Remus. The whole time he’d known him, he’d told himself to steer clear of him. He’d never managed to do it, but he still told himself to. Something about Remus was interesting. He was a sort of enigmatic person who you could never figure out beyond the persona they portrayed. Logan was nothing if not inquisitive. 
Sitting in the tech booth with Virgil and Remus, watching the Schuyler Sisters vocal practice, he couldn’t really be mad when Remus’ legs fell into his lap. They were in such close proximity, and Remus always seemed to have a need to touch people. Remus is talking about something mindless, and Logan is listening intently.
“If they have the gun, why wouldn’t they just shoot him?” Logan asks.
“That’s what I said! It’s like they don’t care about efficiency! You don’t have to torture every character!” 
“Honestly, I cannot believe they would disregard the gun like that. Why introduce it in the first place?” 
Virgil looks at Logan inquisitively, “Logan, do you even watch that show?” 
“No,” Logan muttered, “Remus just tells me about it a lot.”
“I have no idea how you’re able to follow his train of thought, I have a hard time listening to him about regular stuff, let alone his favourite things.” Virgil says, and Logan knows he doesn’t mean it in a bad or mean way. Anxiety can make a person have a hard time listening, Logan just thinks it’s easy to listen to Remus. 
He’s called back to the stage, so he can practice Helpless with Patton again. Remus moves his legs and pulls Logan up to his feet. They are standing nearly chest to chest for a few seconds, and Logan notices each time they’re this close how tall Remus is. He’s a little over a head taller than he is, and it's jarring to him. Remus pulls him down the tech booth stairs by the hand, practically dragging him like a rag doll. Virgil should feel lucky that Logan didn’t catch his snicker at Logan’s expense. Once Remus is beside his brother in the audience, they begin. 
Patton’s performance is adorable, as usual. For Remus’ tastes it’s a little fluffy, but that’s the song for you. Much too full of innocence, he was about ready to beg for his chance to sing as Maria. He knew he had to wait his turn. Watching Logan’s performance was downright painful. His romantic face was a simple, deadpan thing, and he had flirted with enough boys to know you should never look that bland. Bland of emotion, not bland in general. No, absolutely not. Remus was well aware that Logan was hot, just in the way that cool anime boys are hot. All cold and domineering, but secretly an absolute angel. Remus planned on changing that angelic nature, but he had to give it time. Logan’s rap was abysmal in terms of emotion, and by the time it was over even Patton was cringing a little. 
Roman nudged Remus, smirking as he whispered, “I think he’s hopeless.”
“I think he could use a good teacher,” Remus smiled at Roman’s wide eyed reaction.
“You can’t possibly mean you can you?”
“Oh, I absolutely mean me.” 
Bounding up the stage stairs, Remus forced himself between Logan and Patton who were discussing the performance. Grabbing Logan by the hands excitedly, Remus beamed at him. Logan knew he had a very stupid plan just from the way he smiled. 
“Logie-bear, let me be your personal coach on how to not be an absolutely sexless moron!” 
The entire theatre went quiet.
“Remus, shouldn’t I be the one to help Logan?” Patton asked softly, his smile was nervous and Logan didn’t know why, “I am playing Eliza, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, well, you aren’t exactly dripping in hoes, are you Patton?”
“Wha-That’s not very nice! No, I am not dripping in….h-o-es, but that doesn’t mean you should help him!”
“I wouldn’t mind the help,” Logan chimes in, “I really didn’t want to have to ask Janus or Roman. Remus seems like the best option. He can give me pointers.” 
Patton could argue that Janus and Roman were much better at romance than Remus could ever be, but if Logan really thought Remus was the best option he couldn’t say no. 
When they met up at lunch, the room they had found was empty aside from the three of them. This would prove to be a bit of a mistake. When Logan made a mistake and it was called out by Remus with a quip or a joke about his romance abilities, Patton seemed to get a little huffy. Logan enjoyed his encouragement from Patton, but the comments from Remus always made him force away a smile. He was brutally honest, and Logan liked that. He wanted to be told when he looked like a complete doofus. Patton seemed to not agree, and interjected a lot on Logan’s behalf. After the first few runs, Remus seemed to be getting agitated. All it took was one more comment from Patton before Remus dragged him out by the wrist and shut the door behind them. Logan couldn’t help but wonder why. 
“Will you stop that?” Remus hissed at Patton, they were around the corner but he was trying to be quiet in case Logan was eavesdropping.
“Stop what? Trying to support Logan? You’re just being mean to him!” Patton whispered back, obviously thinking the same.
Rolling his eyes, Remus let out a big huff of amusement, “You’re really dumb, aren’t you Padre? Look at him! He might be hot, but his whole face is like a dead fish when he’s trying to be romantic!” 
“Wait, what?”
Patton blinked slowly, staring at Remus like he had two heads.
“Patton, if I’ve suddenly grown a dick out of my forehead that’s stood at full mast and oozing baby goo, I’d love to hear about it.”
That made Patton recoil, but he raised his voice above an angry whisper to say, “You think he’s hot?”
“I mean...duh? You’re telling me you haven’t noticed?” 
“No! No-I’ve-I’ve noticed! I just-” Patton stops, and Remus is confused now.
With a nervous laugh, Patton mutters, “It’s fine, it’s not like you’re actually trying to...Maria him. Heh.” 
“Oh no, I am. I’ve been flirting with him this whole time, I think he’s just fucking dense.”
With that Remus watches Patton go pale, and force himself back into their practice room. Remus doesn’t follow. He’s pushed enough. If Patton decides to tell Logan though, Remus may have to kill him. He trudges over to the boys dressing room and throws the door open dramatically.
“What’s wrong?” Roman asks with a smirk, “Love confession gone wrong?”
“Pft. More like a bitchy third wheel.” 
Remus lays on the ground, gently bumping his head into Roman’s knee and keeping it there. Roman moves a hand to pat his brother's head, but ends up carding a hand through his hair. 
“Do you wanna pout about it or plan some thematically appropriate revenge?”
Remus lights up, craning his head up to stare at his brother, “I thought you hated Logan!”
“Oh, I do. That’s why I think he should date you.”
They both laugh, and then they get to work. 
After flashing puppy dog eyes to Janus, they manage to convince him to help set up their exclusive after hours group practice. Somehow they rope in Remy, Emile, Logan, and Virgil. They know Emile, Logan, and Virgil will bring Patton. They also know that this is the perfect time for both their agendas. If Roman perpetuates drama, maybe Logan will get stressed and leave. If Remus gets to act out seducing, and-or marrying, Logan, then maybe he’ll have a chance at getting his number. He’ll have to try and get Logan to practice romance with him, because if he waits until he’s Maria he may have lost Logan to the unthinkable. Patton.
The teenagers all meet at a public park picnic table at around six. Patton, Virgil, Remy, and Emile sit on a blanket Patton brought from his car. Roman, Janus, Remus, and Logan sit at the picnic table, though none of them are sitting correctly. Roman takes the lead, standing on the table and addressing the group. 
“My stupid brother and I have brought you all here today for an extra special practice session! We, the leads, have much work to do!” 
Remus nods excitedly in agreement, “I personally think our first order of business should be to help Nerdy McSpecks to not look like getting it on is his worst fear!”
Most people laugh at this, and Logan even smirks a little.
“I’m more than willing to work on that first! It sounds like fun!” Patton chimes in, getting a nod of agreement from Virgil who is splayed out on the grass with his hood pulled over his face. 
“So that Logan can be most equipped, everyone who wants to can try and be Eliza!” Remus calls out loudly, and Remy chokes back laughter.
“That’s totally not just for Remus.” Janus mutters, but Logan catches it.
He’s confused now. If Remus wanted to help him practice he should have just asked? He’s certain that a guy like Remus would ask, but he disappeared at lunch. Logan wonders whether he was embarrassed to ask, but that couldn’t be it. Remus was never embarrassed. Had Patton said something to him in the hall? No, no, he wouldn’t have! Logan is zapped into his own mind, not realizing everyone is looking at him for a response until Patton speaks up.
“Well, he doesn’t have to practice with Remus is he doesn’t want to,” 
He shakes his head, “That’s not it. I was only wondering why Remus hadn’t asked before. It’s out of character for him.”
Remus cackles like a witch and grips his stomach like that was the funniest thing he’s ever heard, “Worried about me, Logie-bear?”
“Should I be? If so, then yes.” 
The whole group was silent until Remus laughed again, giving Logan a playful kick. 
“Get on with your marriage to Patton, loverboy!” 
The practice with Patton went about as well as it did in the theatre. Virgil had a clear view now, and was trying desperately not to break into a fit of laughter at Logan’s expense. It really was funny, the lack of emotion in his face seemed like it was purposeful rather than a genuine lack of knowledge. When they were finished, Remus popped up, taking Patton’s place in front of Logan. 
“First step to flirtation!” Remus begins loudly, most of the group deciding to tune them out while he instructed, “Lose your self-respect!”
“...Absolutely not.”
“Logan, boobear, you need to lose something to get the emotional stick out of your ass!” 
Logan didn’t respond, looking away from Remus. That...that one did hurt. Even if he knew he wasn’t the most emotional person, it wasn’t exactly nice to hear. 
Of course, Remus noticed, “Hey-Uh-I didn’t mean it like that! Maybe...Maybe…” 
A light bulb goes off in his head and he grabs Logan’s hands, he beams as he drags Logan further out into the grass. 
“Remus, what are you-” 
He doesn’t get to finish, Remus places a hand on Logan’s hip and holds the other tightly. 
There’s nothing he can do but follow his lead, getting another very close look at Remus as he places his hand tentatively on Remus’ shoulder. Today his makeup is purple, and his eyes look a lot less wild. His shirt has the name of a band Logan’s never heard of on the front, and his leather jacket is covered in patches and spikes. There’s no mistaking the distinct scent of Roman’s rose perfume, surely he was doused in it after practice to make up for taking a bite out of his deodorant instead of putting it on. Usually it smells awful and makes Logan want to gag, but something about a scent so sweet on a person so wild almost makes Logan lose his grip. Dancing with him is mindless, he’s being led like they’ve danced together a thousand times. When Remus raises his arm and spins Logan out, his demeanor breaks. He smiles softly, not because of the dancing, but because Remus is looking at him with the widest grin he’s ever seen. His teeth are so sharp, and on his face it looks so right. 
He feels breathless when Remus spins him back in.
“You look happy,” He chimes into his ear, “Could it be that I’m already a talented seductress?”
Logan presses his head back into Remus’ chest and really laughs for the first time in a long time. 
“Eliza,” Logan starts slowly, moving back to dancing position, “I don’t have a dollar to my name.”
Remus is confused for a moment, then has to fight back his blush.
“An acre of land, a troupe to command, a dollop of fame,” Logan has no idea the group is staring at the pair. 
He’s wrapped up in dancing, a sweet smile on his face, “All I have’s my honor, a tolerance for pain, a couple of college credits and-”
“Your top notch brain,” Remus spins Logan again, and boops his nose before he returns a hand to his hip. 
He can’t help but laugh again, “Insane, your family brings out a different side of me, Peggy confides in me. Angelica tried to take a bite of me-”
Remus feigns an offended gasp at this which makes Logan laugh a third time, “No stress, my love for you is never in doubt,”
Now Remus can’t stop the blush on his cheeks, with the combination of the lyrics and Logan’s laughter there’s no way he wouldn’t. 
“We’ll get a little place in Harlem and we’ll figure it out,” 
The dancing has led them into a more secluded area now, and though the others are peering through trees to try and see the pair but they can only see their legs. 
“I’ve been living without a family since I was a child,” They stop dancing and stand and sway together. 
Logan and Remus stand chest to chest, “My father left, my mother died, I grew up buck wild.”
“That’s more of a me thing-”
Logan rolls his eyes and plays him off, “But I’ll never forget my mother’s face, that was real.”
He raises a hand and cups Remus’ cheek like he does in practice with Patton, and Remus nuzzles into his palm. Patton does that too, but somehow this feels more...intimate. It must be the privacy.
“As long as I’m alive, Eliza, I swear to god, you’ll never feel so…” 
Remus clears his throat then moves his head out of Logan’s hand, but doesn’t step away.
“If you’re that good with me, why not in practice?”
Logan is compelled to tell the truth, “Don’t laugh.”
“Mmm, No promises.” He’s clearly teasing, Logan knows him well enough to know he means he won’t.
“I have to kiss Patton at the end of the song. I think it freaks me out. I-I’ve never-” 
Remus smirks, he squeezes Logan’s hip a little, “You know you have to kiss me too, right?” 
“Somehow, that freaks me out less.” He admits, because he’s on a particularly honest streak. He doesn’t know why the idea of kissing Remus doesn’t perturb him. He watched him bite his own deodorant stick today. Bite, chew, and swallow. 
“You know that’s weird as shit, right? Patton looks like the definition of a good kid, and is basically the sweetest person ever. You’d rather lock lips with the resident fucktard?”
“I don’t think of you like that.”
Remus has to take a step back and cover his face with the sleeve of his jacket. 
“Logan,” Remus starts in the quietest voice he can manage, “You know you don’t have to kiss either of us, right?”
Logan makes an agreeable noise and nods, so Remus takes his arm back off his face. 
“If it’s somehow less weird for me to be your first kiss, then you know I’d kiss you right?”
Whipping his head around and looking slightly shocked, Logan whispers, “Right here?”
“Take me for a coward, Logie-bear?” He teases, stepping back into Logan’s personal space.
Logan smiles wide, something he’s going to have to grow accustomed to Remus drawing out of him, “Only on occasion.” 
Which is somehow the perfect answer for Remus, who laughs beautifully and takes Logan’s chin in his hand. The kiss is short but more delicate than anything Logan had ever witnessed Remus do.
Moments after, Janus yells at them to stop making out, and Remus throws himself through the trees to yell at him. 
Logan has to take a moment and take in the fading tingle on his lips, it’s magnetic. 
“Logan?” Patton had come looking for him, “You okay?”
“Yes, very. Remus was very helpful.”
Patton smiles at him, “I saw that laughing you did! You looked so happy!”
“I…” Logan is stunned from words, but Patton picks up the slack. 
“It’s okay, I get it! Virgil gets embarrassed about laughing like that too!” 
He follows Patton back to the group, and they move on. Logan’s mind won’t stop racing, and he can’t stop thinking about Remus. Patton and Remus are critiquing Janus’ performance of Wait For It while Logan sits with Virgil in the grass. 
“Do you want his number?”
“Remus’ number. Do you want it?”
“Why would I-”
“You looked like you wanted it.”
In the end, he gets Remus’ number. He texts him later that night after he finds himself unable to sleep and unsure why.
‘I apologize for the late hour, but this is Logan. I couldn’t sleep, and Virgil gave me your number this evening, so you can see as to why I am texting you now. I wanted to thank you for all your help today. I had fun, which surprises me. I do not say that often.’
Barely a minute later, he gets a response.
‘😍😍😘😘OH MY GOD LOGIE-BEAR YOU ASKED FOR MY NUMBER!? YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST ASKED ME!! 😍😍😘😘🤬🤬🤬Anyyyyyywayyyyyy If you can’t sleep maybe I can entertain you ;)))😳��😳😳’
‘I would enjoy that. Isn’t there a new episode of that show you like out tonight?’
‘THERE IS!! I can’t believe you remembered 💕💖💕💖💕💖SO I’ll give you my IN DETAIL thoughts on this weeks 🤬🤬HUGE fucking disappointment!🤬🤬’
Logan didn’t end up sleeping until the early hours of the morning. 
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terastallized · 4 years
didnt wanna derail the post by commenting in the tags about a fictional character when it’s a serious issue but like. i do think this (along with ableism) is why people dont know how to write harvey dent
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[image ID: screenshot of a post by brydeswhale saying “It’s always so frustrating to me that prison abolition and justice reform are going to require a huge social shift in terms of how we view crime and criminality and causes and effects and justice and compassion. I want the changes to happen right now, and I’m being stopped by billions of absolute morons who think it’s okay to torture someone for car theft.” /end ID]
like I recently read Harleen (2019) and it was really good it was so well written from Harley Quinn’s perspective
my problem is how harvey was handled like. he’s angry at all criminals and wants to kill them, because they get away they’re murderers batman isnt effective because he refuses to kill
and im like. hmmm ://
his first appearance was actually fine tbh but by the time it got to him waking up from a medical coma and then doing a press conference and declaring that he’s FOR executions and wants to kill criminals im like ok thats really yikes
his enemy isnt criminals it’s the corruption in the justice system, thats what he’s angry at thats what he should be fighting, he goes after the big guys the mob bosses like maroni, he’s not angry at every single criminal and the common gotham citizen who lets it slide because they “dont want justice enough” and thats why gotham doesnt have a functioning justice system or whatever (seriously tho wtf what kind of logic....)
still a good comic and worth a read because presumably people are reading it for harley and not harvey and I cant fault them for that especially since harley was written so well but. yeah the way harvey was handled was just very ://
side note: it doesn’t make sense for bruce to investigate harley/joker but completely ignore the gotham district attorney declaring on live TV that he wants to kill people??? you’re telling me he wouldnt find that concerning enough for even a phone call? doesnt have to be a huge thing just at least some sort of acknowledgment like a small panel that shows harvey’s phone and he’s got missed calls from his old friend bruce wayne but harvey’s like nah i’ll continue to ignore him... and then the plot moves along in the direction the writer wants it to go with harvey going with the rogue executioner cops to arkham asylum to unleash chaos on gotham so the citizens will realize that they Need people to kill criminals or else this will happen. god..... i really dont like how that was written
anyway im not saying it’s OOC for harvey to murder people, obviously no. but his character is NOT “justice = endorsing extra judicial killings and supporting cops”
his character is supposed to be like. the justice system is SO broken it’s more fair to leave things up to chance, to flip a coin. like what we’re getting isnt justice but 50/50 odds are a hell of a lot better than a rigged trial or an entire system rigged against you
this is super messy but like whoever’s reading this hope you got what i mean
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sinfulwonders · 5 years
Toko x Byakuya!
Who asks the other on dates: So even though Toko is pretty persistent when it comes to Byakuya, she doesn’t really ask him on dates. Byakuya doesn’t so much as ask Toko on dates either, but rather demands that she accompanies him on a dates.
Who is the bigger cuddler: Neither of them are very cuddly people, but Toko tends to be the bigger cuddler!
Who initiates holding hands more often: Byakuya does, and he does it as protective, supportive gesture when he sees Toko start to spiral or become overwhelmed by something. (He really is a sweet guy, not that he’d let anyone say that about him.:P)
Who remembers anniversaries: They are both great at remembering anniversaries! Byakuya has to be good at remembering dates since he runs the Togami corporation and Toko would never forget something that had to do with her lover.
Who is more possessive: Oh man, so Toko is very outwardly possessive of Byakuya, but lowkey (maybe a little highkey) Byakuya is also very possessive when it comes to Toko.
Who gets more jealous: Toko does tend to get more jealous if Byakuya is busy with work or is hanging out with coworkers. (I was gonna say friends but man that sounds too ooc for Byakuya :P) This leads to some self deprecation and spiraling which Byakuya is very quick to shut down. He’s harsh but logical with her about it. “That’s idiotic, why would I be dating you if you did not meet my standards? That’s absolutely moronic.” 
Who is more protective: They’re both pretty protective of one another, but once they officially start dating Byakuya wants Toko to be aware that she is under the protection of the entire Togami corporation now. He’s not afraid to flaunt his status for protecting Toko. 
Who is more likely to cheat: I suppose if I have to pick I’d say Byakuya, but I doubt he would. Of course when genocider comes out to play then all bets are off. (But she’s pretty smitten with Byakuya as well, so cheating is unlikely.)
Who initiates sexy times the most: Byakuya! He’s very straightforward when it comes to things he wants.
Who dislikes PDA the most: These two really aren’t PDA people at all, but Toko probably dislikes it a tad more. They do the occasional hand holding here and there, but Byakuya has an appearance to keep up and Toko is really pretty shy.
Who kills the spider: Honestly, Genocider kills the spider. Toko and Byakuya are wimps. (Byakuya’s excuse is that he’s too classy to lower himself to kill the spider.)
Who asks the the other to marry them: Byakuya does. It’s a very professional ordeal, and more of a business contract than a proposal, since Byakuya isn’t all that great at being romantic. Toko still loves it though.
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: I think Byakuya would buy Toko gifts, especially at the beginning of their relationship. Byakuya seems like the type to think that he can buy love, and would try to shower Toko with expensive gifts. This would happen less when they grew more comfortable with each other and Byakuya would just get Toko the occasional gift and/or flowers.
Who would bring up possibly having kids: Byakuya, only because it is an important part of the Togami empire. He’d have to explain to Toko the norm and how he’s breaking the mold by being with her.
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: I’m not sure Byakuya would ever meet Toko’s parents, since she had such a bad home life. But if he ever did, he wouldn’t have time to be nervous since he’d be so angry with them. Toko would probably be pretty nervous to meet Byakuya’s father. 
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: “Togamis. Don’t. Sleep. On. Couches.” he says 10 minutes before crashing on the couch and letting Toko have the bed.
Who tries to make up first after arguments: Toko is more likely to try to make up first, because Byakuya is a stubborn bastard.
Who tells the other they love them more often: Toko says it more, but when Byakuya does say it he makes it count. (Actually Genocider probably says it the most :P “I love you my beloved white knight!”)
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lesslymelissa · 4 years
New Castlevania season surpassed the worst expectations and turned out to be so horrible, badly written and useless, that it makes you wonder how they even released this shit. First of all, it was a meaningless filler in a length of the whole season. The main plotline which they started since the first season didn’t move an inch. Then again, there was nothing to continue since Dracula has been killed. They could have adapted other Castlevania games about Alucard or Hector instead, but they chose to create a series original plot with Carmilla. And that was terrible decision, because without the game story Netflix writers could suggest only fanfiction tier development, and I mean fanfiction of the worst kind. There are absolutely nonsensical and disgusting pairings out of nowhere, that were made only for the sake of smut. They were tormenting characters, because that’s what many sadistic bitches like. And there was literally zero progression of the actual plot, since the writers obviously can’t make up anything interesting or original themselves. That was an awful pandering to brainless fangirls who only like smut fanfiction and don’t give a shit about personalities of characters or story. It’s very noticeable that the main screen-writer made comics before. He filled this season with typical and retarded cliches that teenagers consider to be ‘cool’, but they are pure cringe in reality. Needless nudity with random filler characters, accentuation on gore and constant dirty (and modern) cursing even from supposed to be nobles. All these things are just edgy banalities which can impress only kids and retarded adults who think that violence and sex make story ‘deep’ and serious. But they don’t. It’s a cheap way to catch attention for the lowest common denominator.
The most prominent example of useless filler shit was Isaac's storyline. Isaac is a token character for sjw to begin with. He is black and muslie (thanks for the reason to dislike this shitty character even more). It was absolutely needless information about his religion which they added only in the adaptation, because it’s trendy among sjw to defend muslies. Obviously there was nothing of sorts in the game and it added nothing to the plot. Like a token black character he was saved from everything first by Dracula himself, and in this season he turned into disgusting mary sue. He is absolutely evil - he literally wanted the destruction of all mankind and is a practicing satanist. How does it combine with him being a muslie and isn’t it offensive in itself I wonder? It seems the authors are braindead. A black muslie satanist, who is also presented as some kind of hero despite killing almost every passerby whom he doesn’t like. Is it a parody or something? But they were totally serious with this shit. Why the fuck does Isaac get away from everything even though he is turning people into hell monsters left and right only because they are ‘rude’ to him. He was acting like a touchy hysterical bitch. This scumbag already deserved to be killed, instead they are implying he could become some sort of a new messiah. What a load of bullshit. He had absolutely meaningless plotline with several long talks about nothing and fighting some random magician in the last moment only to get to a new magic mirror. Isaac is the most cringeworthy and disgusting character that an sjw screenwriter could possibly come up with. All about him is idiotic and pointless. It seems dumb writers went crazy from their Isaac wankfest.
Other characters didn’t get any important development too. Belmont and Sypha spent the whole season in random village which also added nothing to their story or the main plot, which is supposed to be a confrontation against Carmilla now. They just killed another completely generic hell monster in the end which was hiding in the church and that’s it. They were literally walking in circles around that church for several episodes doing nothing more. Very impressive progression and writing /sarcasm. That monster was only one of Dracula’s remaining servants, just realize how much the whole scale of the story degraded when the writers didn’t have game plot to rely on anymore. Reminds me of the Game of Thrones horrible ending after the writers run out of the books material. Belmont was completely overshadowed by Sypha, who became a pushy ooc mary sue in this season. Ridiculous considering that he is actually the main character.
But what I think was the most disgusting and nauseating are those horrible pairings the writers created for their revolting smut scenes. Of course all of it is completely made up filler, nothing like this was in the games. It was quite literally a writing on the level of horny teenage fangirls. The writers seem to think that if they are sadistic pieces of shit who like to torture characters that means everyone would enjoy it too. But most viewers are not sadists and always want a good resolve for their favorite characters. So, instead of giving Hector some kind of salvation and rescuing him from the captivity, which everyone wanted after the last season, those scum of a writers continued to make him suffer. They even turned it into some fetish it seems, alluding on making him ‘pet’ of new slut Lenore. That’s some shit straight out of garbage ‘kinky’ fanfiction. I can’t believe they actually showed this trash on screen. Hector is a main character of his own Castlevania game by the way. But here they constantly humiliate him and made him into a slave again, also forcing him into absolutely meaningless dirty pairing made only to show nudity. I don’t know who could like this shit except for brainless wankers and bitches who don’t care about characters themselves.
Another terrible bed scene involved Alucard with a pair of Japanese literally who characters. Again, random filler nobodies created only for a dirty scene with one of the main characters - that’s a textual definition of smut fanfiction writing. And they are showing it in a series, how much lower could they get? Needless to say, Alucard didn’t have any reason to suddenly get into bed with two suspicious strangers. All ‘development’ of their relationship consisted of them becoming his students. To which he also agreed unnaturally fast without a second thought. Why would he sleep with his students who he barely even knew? Just because he felt lonely? That motivation may seem alright only to retarded teenage fangirls and the writers on their level of intellect. Besides, Alucard isn’t even a full-fledged adult. He mentioned in the first season that his body matured very fast while he still was a child mentally. So they showed a sex scene with a child in a body of adult. That’s another level of low trash, it isn’t just morally wrong, it’s practically criminal. And why would Alucard even want something like this when he isn’t mature enough? He needed friends, not an orgy with some strangers. Absolutely horrible and revolting what they did with him, it’s also a disgusting OOC and complete lack of consistency and understanding of his personality. And of course it ended in the most stupid and edgy way possible, turning straight from obscenity into some retarded drama. What was their reason again for wanting to kill Alucard? Because he didn’t tell them how to move a castle? Why did they even need to move it? Also even if they wanted to make a trap for him, they could have locked those magical bracelets on his hands when they were lying on a grass together, for example. That disgusting scene was absolutely unnecessary. Filthy whores from Netflix writers team are making people feel disgust towards Japanese people after this nasty season.
Besides repulsive and smutty het pairings the authors also didn’t do any good with the only lesbian pairing they had. They could have left it to the viewers imagination whom they prefer to ship among the vampire girls. But instead they pushed for hypocritical tolerance again and forced their token white/black ship with Striga and Morana. Striga certainly has some lesbian vibes about her. But she could have make up a nice couple with Lenore. It would have influenced the whole plot positively, because then there wouldn’t be any disgusting humiliation for Hector. A pair with a strong warrior girl and a gentle cunning girl would have been very interesting and cute. They could even schemed against Carmilla together, they are smarter than her anyway. But instead we got another aggressive propaganda of tolerance with b/w pairing. Morana wasn’t interesting or nice, her only purpose was be a forced representation of the person of color in the group. Apparently even LGBT pairings can’t be free from this racial agenda.
Smut in this season was so obviously shown intertwined with boring and unimaginative battle to make a ‘cool’ edgy episode with violence and sex. Literally the level of what underage morons would consider impressive and exiting. That’s the most trashy, cheap and tasteless series I’ve seen. The writers deserve a slow and gory death on the stakes.
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theartisticace · 5 years
I have nothing better to do so I might as well post it here as well. It’s a bnha fanfic, and I have no shame currently. This actually started somewhere else and ended up entirely different from where I imagined it. Also, this is really self-indulgent and might be out of character, so don’t expect a masterpiece.
Title: Aftermath Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Relationships: Dabi/Hawks Other Tags: Minor Character Death mention, post-LOV defeat, implied Dabi-is-a-Todoroki, possible OOC, slight crack? Summary: A mere twenty-four hours after the League's defeat, Hawks finds himself standing in front of Dabi's cell. In hindsight, it shouldn't be a surprise.
                                                   | AFTERMATH |
In the end, Hawks breaks him out of jail.
He doesn’t know why he did it. Maybe it's because of his feelings, maybe he just decided that Dabi doesn’t deserve to rot in Tartarus. Wait, no, that’s wrong. Completely wrong. Dabi’s done a lot of terrible shit (i.e. murder, kidnapping, attempted murder, arson…) throughout his career that would land him a nice, isolated little cell in that hellhole. But he did half of that to get to his family (oh god are they messed up), so a part of Hawks decided that he didn’t deserve to be locked up with the rest of the League.
It wasn’t a conscious decision; it was one of those decisions that just happened with or without your approval.
One minute he was heading out to get a few drinks with the other pro-heroes in celebration of the League’s defeat. The next thing he knows, he’s standing outside of Dabi’s cell with a bundle of keys clutched protectively to his chest, hands bloodied from breaking a police officer’s nose. Several police officers' noses, now that he thought about it.
He blinks.
Dabi’s head is buried in his folded arms, so he clears his throat. In this situation, what else could he do? He’s already knocked a few officers out, might as well go the whole way.
The villain looks up and holy shit does he look horrible. There are bags under his eyes (no doubt from the night of endless interrogation and horrible conditions), bruises around his neck from Endeavor’s eager choke-hold, and a stitched up wound just above his left eyebrow he received from one of Rumi’s kicks. He winces, because he knows how horrible those kicks could be from personal experience.
Something in Hawks’ chest burns at the sight and after a moment he realises it’s anger. Anger at seeing Dabi looking like shit. But there's also a smidgen of guilt and a dash of something he had, until now, chooses not to dwell on.
Ah, he thinks dully, that explains why I'm here.
“Why the fuck are you here?” Dabi hisses like an angry cat, equally defensive as furious. Hawks gets the feeling that if it weren’t for the quirk suppressing choker, he’d be a dead man. Or burning chicken. Take your pick.
“That’s something I’ve been wondering about for the past five minutes,” he confesses in a low voice. At first he wanted to get this over with as quick at humanly possible (which, considering who he is, is quite fast), but now that he’s gotten a good look at his… whatever Dabi is to him, he’s realising this is going to take longer than five minutes.
The captured villain goes to stand up but quickly realises he can’t. His hands are cuffed to the table for maximum security. He sits back down and slumps, something cold and bitter entering his eyes.
“Why are you here?” Dabi’s voice sounds too tired and too old, and maybe Hawks’ heart breaks a little. “Come to gloat? Go ahead. You managed to fool me and infiltrate the League. You destroyed us from the inside out.” He pauses, eyes darkening and lips curling. “Himiko’s dead because of you.”
Hawks flinches. He hadn’t meant to. He’d actually grown to like the little psychopath in spite of everything. Her death hadn’t been part of his plan. But there had been no other way to stop her at the time, the young villain had been furious and heartbroken and she almost killed Midnight – so Snipe had taken the shot.
He swallows around his heavy tongue, searching for something, anything, to say.
“I’m sorry,” is what comes out. It’s pathetic and stupid and utterly ridiculous. Dabi won’t forgive him just after one sorry. Maybe he won’t forgive him after a thousand. Maybe he’ll never forgive him.
Dabi snorts. “That the best you can do?”
Hawks stays silent, hands playing with the keys.
“After everything that happened, a ‘sorry’ is all I get?” Dabi’s furious. His fury is unlike Endeavor’s, largely different from All Might’s. Dabi’s fury is calm and hissed and burning. If he could, Dabi would probably melt the skin right off his bones. But he can’t, because he’s locked up. He can’t, because Hawks put him in a cage he has no hope of escaping alone.
“This whole time, you’ve been lying. You’ve looked me in the eyes and told me you wanted to be a villain because society is fucked up—” a harsh laugh bubbled up from his throat. “And I was the fucking moron who believed you! Trusted you! L—” His voice cracked and he fell silent.
Hawks’ throat closes up as his eyes burn. His heart aches when confronted with Dabi’s expression – Dabi, of all people, should never have had to wear that face. It reminds Hawks of the night on that one rooftop where Dabi spilled his heart to him – his deepest fears, his secrets, his grudge. Dabi had decided to trust him, and what did Hawks do? He played the spy, the traitor, the hero. All for what? Recognition? A false sense of duty?
All of a sudden, Hawks feels sick to his stomach.
“I told you everything. God, how much of an idiot could I have been?” His forehead falls against the cold iron table. “And the whole time you were—you must’ve been laughing the whole time. Poor old Dabi with a shitty life, shitty quirk and even shittier body. You must’ve felt great about yourself, huh? Dating someone only a mother could love—oh wait.” His shoulders shook with either laughter or suppressed tears, the winged hero couldn’t tell. “Was it a pity thing? Or was it for the mission? Or do you just get your kicks from playing with people’s emotions?”
“It wasn’t that,” Hawks finds himself saying. Dabi pauses, looking up at him through his thick black fringe. Hawks’ heart skips a beat, he really is screwed up, isn’t he?
“Then what was it? You can’t expect me to believe you actually had feelings for me.” He snorts, but Hawks’s silence is telling. Eyes widening, Dabi’s head shoots up so fast Hawks is surprised he didn’t get whiplash. “Holy shit, you are one sick fuck. I don’t know whether to laugh at your stupidity or punch you in the face because of it. Do the heroes even know about us?”
“I didn’t tell them,” his mouth is so dry he can barely get the words out. “I didn’t tell them anything. I only told them about the League, nothing about us… or you.”
The implication of that settles in the air. There’s no going back now.
“Oh,” Dabi slumps and Hawks likes to think it’s relief. “So they don’t know about my family issues, huh?”
“Absolutely nothing,” and Hawks finds it a little ridiculous that after everything the heroes and detectives haven’t connected the dots. He had suspected long before Dabi’s confession on that rooftop, it was pretty obvious considering. He thinks that Todoroki Rei might know, but if she does she certainly isn’t talking. he can't say he blames her.
“… You really are a moron, aren’t you, bird brain?” The familiar nickname makes something in Hawks’ chest uncurl. He’s not stupid enough to think Dabi still isn’t furious, but it’s better. “Falling in love with you enemy is one thing, but not telling your colleagues about it and not spilling his secrets? I have half a mind to tell them myself, just to see the fallout.”
And Hawks didn’t doubt that he would do it too, if the situation was different. He can almost imagine Dabi telling everyone that ‘bird brain and I fucked’. Endeavor’s face would be hilarious. Hawks getting locked up for screwing with the enemy less so. Maybe in a different world…
He shakes his head at the thought. In a different world, somewhere out there, Dabi remains a runaway and meets Hawks under better circumstances. He’d like to live that life, but it isn’t possible. Never was and certainly never will be now.
“So why are you here then? To check up on me? Make sure I don’t spill the beans?” He leans back in his chair and raises an eyebrow.
Before he could come up with an excuse as to why he knocked out several law enforcement officers and stole the keys to his high-priority cell, his impulse control decides to throw itself out the window. “Do you want to elope?”
Hawks dies a little on the inside. That was not where he was going with this, but there are no take-backs. What’s done is done.
Dabi stares. Opens his mouth, then closes it. He stares a little more before sighing through his nose and letting his eyes fall shut.
“First of all, what the actual fuck.” That’s fair, all things considered. “Second of all, okay. I hear Iceland’s a nice place to settle down. Real private. And cold.”
Hawks’ wings poof up in surprise. He expected a rejection, a few curse words, and a fair amount of attempted murder after breaking Dabi’s heart, trust and little finger.
Dabi sends him a sardonic grin. “Didn’t expect that, now did you?”
“To be honest, I didn’t even realise what I was doing until I was here.” He confesses and hunches his shoulders, trying his best to not hide behind his wings.
“So you can say you were…” Dabi’s grin grows. Oh no. Oh no. “Winging it?”
“I hate you,” Hawks tells him as he unlocks the cell doors and warily approaches the table. Surely Dabi won’t turn on him now, right? Well, Hawks did betray his trust times a thousand, so he wouldn’t be surprised if the taller man tried to kill him as soon as he was near enough.
“Trust me, I know,” well shit. Hawks screwed up a lot, didn’t he? He’s going to spend literal years making up for it.
He unlocks the cuffs first and the quirk suppressing choker next. Dabi rubs his raw wrists with a frown, expression thoughtful.
In hindsight, Hawks should’ve expected it. But he didn’t, idiotic move, trust him he knows.
Dabi’s fist collides with his nose and one loud ‘crack!’ later, Hawks’ nose will never be the same.
“That,” Dabi says with finality. “Was for Himiko.”
As Hawks hold his bleeding nose, he eyes his significant something. “Are you going to break my nose for Shigaraki and the rest, too?”
“Fuck no,” he snorts. “They’re assholes and, unfortunately, perfectly alive assholes. If they want to punch you, they’re going to have to escape by themselves and track you down.”
“Oh thank god,” his wings relax. “You have a pretty mean right hook. One is enough, thanks. Anyway, let’s go?”
“You deserved it,” Dabi shrugs. “What about the cameras and officers?”
In the end, sneaking out of the police station Dabi was being held in is surprisingly easy. Hawks is a little insulted on Dabi’s behalf. Sure, most of the precinct and the heroes are off celebrating their hard-earned victory, but seriously? Hawks expected a lot more resistance, maybe a dramatic fight or two. And if they were lucky, a chance to punch Endeavor's face in. He’s extremely disappointed.
It’s even easier to empty his accounts and pack some clothes and other important essentials a hero needs when on the run. Hawks goes and buys Dabi a large scarf reminiscent of Eraserhead’s (but more bright purple), a hoodie with a Harry Potter logo on it, a box of black hair dye for himself and other stuff they would need. While he did that, Dabi acquired two passports and papers for two whole new identities altogether.  
Five hours after Dabi’s escape, they were on a plane heading for Hungary, then from there they would go to Norway and from there to Iceland.
“You know you’ll have to let your natural colour show now, right?”
“Duh, I, unlike someone I can name, am not an idiot.”
“It’s going to take me a long time to forgive you. You know that, right? Even longer for me to trust you again. Maybe I’ll never trust you.”
“I… I know. I’m okay with that. I think.”
“You think they have soba in Iceland?”
“Oh my god, are you for real?”
“It’s a legitimate question!”
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gallantgautier · 5 years
Unsaid, pt.1
((ooc: A drabble I promised Rai regarding how Sylvain went from “he’s my friend” to “oheck I have a crush” to the almost quiet resolve his feelings eventually become. Only I still have 5 years to traverse and it ended up 1k+ so it’s gunna be a series I guess???))
 Sylvain doesn’t say everything he thinks, so, he writes. He writes letters he never intends to send.
Great Tree Moon – xx – 1180
Hey buddy,
You know, it probably wasn’t much of a reunion, was it? I was my usual annoying self. You were, well, you. I know I make fun of you for it, but really, I kinda appreciate it.
Sorry I haven’t changed. I guess you hadn’t expected me to, you didn’t look any more exasperated than normal, so I’ll take that as a win.
Anyway, all I wanted to say was that it’s good to see you again.
See you in class,
 Harpstring Moon – xx – 1180
You know, it’s probably a good thing that I have absolutely no intention of ever sending any of these, this one is going to confuse the shit out of you.
Met a new guy, caught me playing the piano, went about as well as I could have expected I guess, which is not well at all. Thinks I’m good at it, would rather he didn’t, even if it’s true. And then Mercedes found out, but I think she’ll keep it secret. Pretty sure she will.
I promise I’ll play for you one day, I told myself I wouldn’t until I got really good. It’s a long way off though.
Dunno why I’m telling you all this, just feels kinda right, y’know?
Heh, who am I kidding?
See you in class,
 Garland Moon – xx – 1180
You know, it really was pretty surprising to see that you’re gunna enter that costume contest. I know I dared you and all, but you know me and being serious? Never happens. Didn’t think you’d rise to it.
I’m actually really glad you did though.
Really, I mean it. Helping you out, even if it’s just making a dumb costume, it kind of reminded me of old times, y’know? Remember when we used to play knights, and Ingrid refused to be the princess, so I had to, even if I wasn’t happy about it because I wanted to be the dragon. But you’d always be the one ‘rescuing’ me so… Guess I didn’t mind all that much.
Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I had fun today. Kinda wish we could just hang out more.
I’ll be cheering you on when the judging starts.
p.s. The braids suit you.
 Verdant Rain Moon – xx – 1180
I thought I hated you. I told everyone I hated you. You were awful. You tried to kill me, repeatedly. I was just a kid Miklan, I didn’t ask for any of this. I didn’t ask to be born. Who does that? Who tries to kill a kid? Their own little brother?
I used to think I wished Glenn was my brother instead. He never hurt Felix, didn’t throw him down wells, leave him on mountains, come at him with knives, look at him as less than dirt under his shoes. I used to wish you were Glenn.
Mostly, I wish I could have helped you. Maybe if I could, you would have loved me back.
I don’t hate you.
I’m sorry.
 ------ Moon – xx – 1180
Hi pal,
This is probably the weirdest one of these that I’m ever going to write, but I just gotta ask. Have you… Changed something lately? Are you doing your hair differently? Not super different, it still looked the same but, maybe you’re using a new method?
Or, maybe you started wearing cologne?
I dunno man, something is different about you. I can’t put my finger on it, and it’s weirding me out.
It’s kinda distracting.
Quit it.
 ------ Moon – xx – 1180
Dear Mercedes
Thanks for listening to me today, Goddess, I was a mess. I’m not sure if you’re right exactly, but talking about it helped. I swear, you must have been a saint in a past life.
I owe you about twelves pastries. They’ll have to be bought though; I have no idea how to make them. Maybe you can teach me someday?
…Savoury ones? Maybe we can make them spicy. I think he
Fuck. You’re right.
 ------ Moon – xx – 1180
Sorry I ran out during training. I know I got all weird. Won’t happen again. Promise.
 ------ Moon – xx – 1180
It happened again. Well, I guess if I’m gunna break any promises to you, at least it’s one you don’t know about.
 ------ Moon – xx – 1180
Dear Mercedes,
I need your help. I can’t keep going on like this. There has to be some way to just forget about all these stupid feelings, right? I mean, at worst, they’re a liability. If I keep getting distracted this badly, it’s only a matter of time until it happens during something important. What if someone gets hurt because I’m too caught up in being a moron to help them?
Ah nevermind. I know what you’ll say. And you’re right, I know you’re right.
But it scares me.
 ------ Moon – xx – 1180
I should have been there. I should have helped.
You’ve got to wake up. Don’t leave me. Don’t go where I can’t follow.
You promised.
------ Moon – xx – 1180
Hey Fe,
Sorry if this one is a mess, it’s hard to write neatly after only… Actually, I have no idea how much I slept over the last few days. Not much. Don’t yell at me for it, I needed to be there when you woke up. I’m glad I was.
I’m sorry I yelled, but I’ve never been more terrified in my life. I’m really, really glad you’ll be okay. I wanted to stay, but Manuela wouldn’t let me.
I thought I lost you buddy, I even prayed. Yeah, me, praying. Who would have thought?
I can’t remember who said it, but someone did; ‘you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.’ They neglected to mention that you notice it when it’s almost gone too. You were almost gone Felix, I thought-
I’ve never seen you so still, I’ve never-                                                                                -I don’t know what I would have done if-
Dammit, sorry, I thought I’d be okay.
Don’t ever do that to me again Felix, promise me that you’ll-                                                         -promise me that-                                                            -we sti-         -until we-                   -gether. Promise me.
I think… I think I-
I know that doesn’t mean much from me, since I’ve said it to so many other people.
But I really think I do. Maybe.
Is this what it actually feels like?
Kinda hurts. Not sure I like it.
You’re probably asleep right now. I hope you’re comfortable. I hope it doesn’t hurt too much. I hope-
Sleep tight.
Yours, always.
 (Much of the ink on this parchment is illegible, patches suggesting moisture damage is responsible.)
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