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lovepassionheart · 3 months ago
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shake-your-money-maker · 7 months ago
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calmeroda · 25 days ago
i can't let gang know i fuck with schlatt
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kinthingy · 1 month ago
“Idon't have to hide my feelings anymore”
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dailychoice · 11 days ago
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itsatorchwoodthing · 4 months ago
can we also tall about jack hugging rhys in bay of the dead? and how it’s described as “jack threw his arms around rhys in a bear hug”? never beating the crush allegations
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cjlouwho · 2 months ago
I think I gave you a nice on the Kinley Cafe list. Your stories might cause me emotional pain but I’m emotionally stunted and need something to make me cry sometimes or I just pent up and bottle up. So that puts you on my nice list for giving me release
I have one (1) friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pointlesscandies · 6 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time there was a currently airing bl about two high school aged (almost) step brothers who meet after one transfers to a new school and they are forced to sit next to each other in their classes and they start out hating each other but eventually their feelings change and one of them has noticeably bad handwriting that the teacher comments on. I’d have two nickels.
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stickybasementobject · 9 months ago
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Heidi ande Leni Klum
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mine-elsh · 1 year ago
Friendship and love in one person🤍.
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dancingdonatello · 7 months ago
remember that one poll a while ago…
it’s here!!! rottmnt donnie x EX purple dragon reader fic!
- still ongoing! not complete yet!
You quit the Purple Dragons and team up with a mutant named Donatello for revenge, but neither you or him are happy with how things end.
if you end up deciding to read, i hope you like it!!!!
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dailychoice · 16 days ago
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dragongodryss · 10 months ago
Rogue headcanons (featuring Sabertooth) (Part 1)
Likes frogs (very normal about the frogs)
Can draw, but will only draw frogs, unless he's seen a really cool butterfly or something recently.
Can draw insanely detailed backgrounds for his frogs. He can draw anatomically correct frogs, if he really tries. He chooses not to. Because frogs are supposed to be fun. Either he scribbles a bunch of vaguely froglike creatures onto a sheet of paper or he scribbles a vaguely froglike creature and draws a comically detailed background. Sting thinks it's hilarious.
He gives Frosch the sheets with a bunch of frogs so she can make comics out of them. He insists that they are highly moving. They are nonsensical at best and incomprehensible at worst, in Minerva's unhumble opinion. Sting and Lector understand them fine. (50/50 chance, but they aren't going to tell Frosch that)
He chills on top of wardrobes and other hard to get places sometimes. Just because he can. Who's gonna stop him?
He has a house key, but doesn't use it when he's alone. He doesn't need to.
He is scarily quiet. Like, metal boots, can sneak up on anyone who isn't a dragonslayer quiet.
He can pick locks. He doesn't need to, ever. But he can do it.
He is simultaneously the best and worst on his team at reading social cues. Don't ask how. He doesn't know. He has the easiest time telling when someone is annoyed, but is the worst at telling when someone is joking.
He gets surlier around large groups of people because he can hear all the noise they make, but unlike Sting, he can't seem to tune it out.
He will not touch bitter food.
He wears his bangs the way he does in part because they take some of the glare off the sunlight. He's pretty sure they do, anyway.
He can see in the dark, but needs time to adjust to changes in light. That's the second reason he has the bangs. When the lights go out, he tucks them behind his ear and closes the normally visible eye until it adjusts. Until then, he can still see.
The third reason is that Sting and Frosch said his hair looked cool the first time he wore it that way and he hasn't looked back.
Rogue sometimes uses his Dragon Force when it's raining to avoid getting wet. 1) Because he wears a lot of clothes and they add a lot of weight when they are soaked. Also they cling to him and he hates it. 2) If his lacrima doesn't make him stronger than Gajeel or Natsu or Laxus, then he might as well find other uses for it. 3) Because fuck you, that's why!
He has autism. Not the science genius kind, the kind that makes you draw 100 frogs in one sitting. He doesn't actually know that much about frogs. He just thinks they're cool.
His record for frogs drawn in one sitting is 267. Sting keeps track. Rogue does not know that he keeps track. Sting insists that that would corrupt the database. Rufus calculates the average frogs per sitting.
He and Yukino are the only ones who can consistently get away with directly sassing Minerva. Yukino because Minnie likes her and Rogue because she either really really had it coming or more often because she's not sure he meant it that way (he does about 77% of the time.) Sting and Rufus are counting. He doesn't know about that either. If he did he'd suggest they get a hobby. Yukino knows and finds it funny. Minerva doesn't know because Sting likes Rogue's face where it is. Orga tries to corrupt the database by dropping veiled insults in casual conversation and hoping Rogue will repeat them. Dobengal knows he does this and annotates the instances where he uses those insults accordingly.
Rogue and Yukino drink ice tea (store bought) out of a teapot and teacups. Yukino does it because it makes Rufus squirm and Rogue did it the first time he drank ice tea (poured it from the bottle into the pot) and Sting thought it was funny and so did everyone who found out, so no one corrected him. He doesn't drink a lot of ice tea though, so Rufus hasn't corrected him yet.
Rogue speaks dravic/draconic/whatever you wanna call it and Fiori/Fiorean/whatever. He also understands several other languages that he can't really speak from before he joined Sabertooth.
He doesn't commit crimes if he can avoid it. That includes property damage. As a result, he has decent savings (not having your reward docked will do that for you, Sting!)
Rogue saw Orga give Yukino a piggyback ride once and totally doesn't want to try. That would be absurd. Why would he want Orga to give him a piggyback ride? Yeah, it would be fun, but- Good grief! He wants a piggyback ride. He'll never admit it, let alone ask for one.
Rogue considers Skiadram to have been a good parent. When Yukino asked him and Sting what kind of parents ask their five-year-olds to kill them, he stormed off. Not ready to unpack that today. When he found out that Skiadram altered his memories, he went to Yukino and treated it like a gotcha moment. Yukino told him that was worse. Sting, meanwhile, is a bit disillusioned with Weisslogia's parenting skills. He's not sure if it's better or worse than what Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy's parents did, just that it's not stellar. Rogue simultaneously supports Sting in his stance and fervently defends Skiadram by use of mental gymnastics that rival his physical capabilities.
Rogue is scarily flexible. He rarely uses it for anything, but occasionally he'll bend over the wrong way (backwards) to pick something up. He does it rarely enough that his guildmates largely forget he can do that and get heart attacks every time. One time Saber got five different property damage complaints in the same day and Sting dropped the papers so he did the thing (While all six were in the office) and was like 'I keep having to bend over backwards to pick up after you lot.' and Orga choked so hard Rogue had to do the Heimlich maneuver on him.
He has decent medical skills. Out of the dragonslayers, he's the second-most reliable medic after Wendy.
He likes chocolate a normal amount.
Will add more later
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highonoverthinking · 4 months ago
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hottdoggblogg · 4 months ago
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