felixsslutwife · 3 months
lixies quote of the day #18
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as a felix kisser i can confirm this is true
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yuwuta · 4 hours
olympics coming up…… athlete aus on the mind….. satoru as a swimmer….. unreasonably large wingspan…. huge hands..... thinks “official” competitions and tournaments are boring because he can’t use the goofy purple googly eyes goggles he likes to practice in…… practices at ungodly hours solely because he likes when the pool is empty because that means you’ll dip your feet in at the edge and be there to greet him with a kiss when he’s finished his laps….. they bring up the stats board and it’s just his name ten times before the next fastest person and he could still lap them, and even tho he’ll always put so much pressure on himself to be the best, it’s worth it to have you hold his face and tell him you’re proud of him... he’s gotten so much merch from events and sponsorships and he used to think they just created clutter but that all changes when you start to wear his clothes (esp the ones with his name on it… he’s not proud to admit that does Something to him)…. always looks up to the stands when he finishes a race and if he knows you’re not there, he looks right at the camera, draws an infinity sign with his fingers, and blows a kiss (which, some commentators routinely call “unsportsmanlike conduct” but he doesn’t care, and always, publicly says he’ll pay the fees if it means blowing a kiss to his girl at home)
#satoru w/ wet hair coming out of the pool......... GOD .#he could be a professional swimmer and he still gets in the bathtub and is like babe look I'm a mermaid like yeah dude.. u might be#he's so k/atie l/edecky coded... they bring up the world stats and his name name 24 times before the next fastest time#like wdym you're faster than yourself 23 times before somebody else is next in line.........#he also gets brand sponsorships and is on set for photoshoots/campaigns and he's always like wait can I have one these for my gf#and the crew thinks its so sweet they give him 10 extra#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk fluff#jjk smut#gojo x reader#satoru gojo x reader#satoru smut#gojo satoru x reader#satoru x reader#hm.... nanami? idk where tho... maybe judo I think that's an olympic sport#salaryman to gold medalist lore goes crazy omg#he started bc he was stressed at work at some random gym and the coach there was like hold on... and now he's a gold medalist#yuuta does something kinda nerdy looking like the javelin but he's weirdly good at it LOLLLL#OR TENNIS!#megumi I HAVE to push my archery agenda#but like. toji/gojo definitely caught him throwing rocks or something as a kid and being emo#and they were like wait you've got good aim ... kinda scary#and now he's at the olympics... wild#whatever the case is yuuji didn't Actually want to play a sport#yuuji in track and field... honestly maybe even gymnastics... NO! I GOT IT! VOLLEYBALL!.... maybe...#but it turned out to be a way to make steady money to support his grandpa#and then it just.. spiraled into him getting scouted and then training and now he's a world champion :((((
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noecoded · 2 years
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cowboy asmo but hes an infamous bandit coming to rob ur small towns bank and its the 1800s
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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Some inside job art! Mostly just trying to figure out how to draw these two
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Is it rude to say that you hadn’t expected Dabi to have had his own car? Not because of money issues, but because of a few reasons being: 1) he walks everywhere he goes, and 2) he’s quite literally never mentioned having a car nor a license before.
But you sit with him, in his old beat up bucket that jerks every time he hits a bump in the road, fighting for dear life. Your window doesn’t roll all the way up and bugs keep flying in, and it doesn’t help that Dabi is going 80 in a 55. You would hold onto the little life support grip thing above the window, but it looks like there hasn’t been one on the passengers side since he received the car.
You know he’s going this fast because, not only does it scare you, but it makes him hit the potholes a little harder. Which in turn makes your thighs and stomach and boobs jiggle more than usual. You should’ve known he had another motive when he insisted you ride with him to the convenience store, especially the one across town when there was 7 others he’d passed in the meantime.
But you’re too busy trying to keep your head from hitting the roof of the car, and your tits from falling out of your low cut shirt. Oh, this fucker must’ve had everything planned out the moment you walked through the door.
“Can you slow down a little?” You yell over the bass of his too loud rock music, one hand gripping his that rests on your thigh, the other holding your chest tightly. “My boobs are gonna fall outta my goddamn bra by the next pothole!”
But that only encourages Dabi, makes him throw a grin your way as he glances to how your chest jiggles again with another bump in the road. He laughs at your screech for him to look at the road, turning his eyes to comply with your request, his chin still turned in your direction.
“Well, sounds to me like I’m not going fast enough.” He teases, softly steering his wheel to the nearest pothole, a deep one. He snaps his eyes over to you the moment he hits it, smirking at your squeak when he sees your chest bounce out of your grip before you regain it again quickly.
He glances up to you, grinning even wider when you’re already glaring at him. He can’t help the squeeze of your thigh, blue eyes already zoning in on the next dip in the road for him to hit. He’s not stopping until your complaint becomes reality, and only then, he’ll find a convenience store.
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saetoru · 1 year
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my babie 🥹
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also kaveh correcting a kid to call him mr kaveh and then teasing you and calling himself mr kaveh IS SO CUTE IM GOING TO RIP MY EYE BALLS OUT
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agathabridgerton · 1 month
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he truly doesn't gaf about what's written about him but boy does whistledown set off his protector complex like damn
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fourthclone · 1 month
i got two replies out , woo . now i'm going to sleep .
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cheridraws · 1 year
Hiiiii!!!!! 👋 I know it’s not ishimondo, but can I request some Daiya and Michi pls? You can include Mondo if you want to complete the diamond trio (the tri-monds, if you will). :)
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I can’t wait to play udg someday so I can meet this guy
Requests are still open!
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m-kyunie · 2 years
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saw the Gojo figure yesterday & thought it needed a belly piercing
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 months
Real talk I think Cherry Coading and R. Marie should switch evil genius partners for a week and see what happens
#not even in a romantic way its almost like theyre switching jobs 😂#mostly losing my mind thinking about mojo trying to deal with r marie's pure fucking evil vibes and almost not being able to handle it 😂#like yeah he's evil of course but she's also just bitter and mean. theyre definitely gonna fight at some point hrnsjxbfb#OMG WAIT AND I MADE HER CANONICALLY DISLIKE ANIMALS. OH THEYRE GONNA FUCKIN FIIIIIIIIGHT#she would probably give such backhanded compliments like 'sure pretty good evil plot.. for a monkey <_<' HRNDJDBTX#meanwhile cortex is so so used to r marie's mean fucking love that cherry's sweet adorable good vibes would be DISTURBING to him 😂😂#like he might enjoy it for a minute but his masochist ass would definitely not be able to handle that level of SWEET and GENTLE#and i dont mean not be able to handle in a cutesy way like awww ohhh he gets to experience gentle love NO. HE WOULD BE SICK#she's like 'wowww dr cortex thats such an impressive machine! you built it all on your own omg you are SO smart!!! >w<' and he would GAG#meanwhile in townsville r marie and mojo are just trying to out-evil each other 😂she isnt even helping with anything its a str8 up contest#i guess that also means r marie dealing with the powerpuff girls 0-0 crash always stops cortex thru luck and making stuff backfire on him#but he's never actually FOUGHT him (unless u count twinsanity) but those girls are BRUTAL so r marie definitely boutta lose some teeth 😳#i think at the end of the week everyone is going to be more than relieved to go back where they belong 😂💀😂💀😂#ruby rambles#🍒🧠: evil does it better#💜: the man of my schemes#🍒🧬: emotional processing lag#💜: loving you's a felony
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liquidstar · 11 months
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WOW I FINALLY FINISHED THIS SET. There were a lot of things I wanted to get right for them so I took some extra time but hopefully it was worth it! The guild for this set is Cobalt Heart- a guild with focus on maritime missions, lead by (of course) guildmaster Neptune. There was no other planet I could've picked for his namesake lol. They're the guild I jokingly call the most jockish, but some moreso than others. I really do hope I did all the characters justice, but if you wanna know more about the individual members, it's under the cut as usual!
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Name: Neptune
Name Origin: The planet named for the god of the ocean
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 52
Guild rank: Guildmaster
Weapon: Trident
Ethos (Power): Ocean wave (Control over water- stronger with sea water)
Flaw power is based on: Originally based on his overly relaxed go-with-the-flow nature, but since becoming a father and guildmaster he's matured, and his power grew from simple wave control to more powerful control over the ocean's water. Waves aren't always peaceful, but he's become someone who understands their power and the responsibility needed for it.
Notes: If it's unclear, the marks on his chest are meant to be top surgery tattoos, but in cool wave shapes!
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Name: Triton
Name Origin: Neptune's moon, aptly named for his son
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 24
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Twin sai
Ethos (Power): Ocean breath (Underwater breathing as well as other aquatic adaptions)
Flaw power is based on: His ardent wanderlust, especially in regards to the ocean. They literally cannot leave it alone despite any possible better reasoning, which is when it becomes a problem.
Notes: Was his other parent a mermaid or did they just do the fish thing on their own? The world may never know.
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Name: Otrera
Name Origin: A trojan asteroid named after the queen of the Amazons
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 32
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Brass knickles
Ethos (Power): Preflexes (Hightened reflexes)
Flaw power is based on: Her overly-guarded and cagey nature.
Notes: But her brass knuckles are pink so its quirky when she knocks your teeth out.
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Name: Naos
Name Origin: A star whose name means "ship"
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 21
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Modified crutches
Ethos (Power): Helm (He can change the direction of inanimate objects. It's not limited to projectiles, he can change the direction of objects while they're in someone's hand too.)
Flaw power is based on: His avoidant tenancies, especially where more serious responsibility is concerned.
Notes: Honestly? Joined the guild to boost his playboy status.
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Name: Aitne
Name Origin: One of Jupiter's moons, named after the personification of Mount Etna, a stratovolcano
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 27
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Spiked gauntlets and armor
Ethos (Power): Molten Core (Lava manipulation)
Flaw power is based on: Their brash and destructive nature.
Notes: Likes all their food to be charred.
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Name: Ariel
Name Origin: A moon or Uranus, named after an air spirit!
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 16
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: Baton
Ethos (Power): Harmony (Perfect balance on anything)
Flaw power is based on: Her own difficulty maintaining emotional balance under stress
Notes: She's a gymnast! And even though I didn't make the character named "Ariel" a mermaid, you can still see a scale pattern in her leotard!
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Name: Maru
Name Origin: A white dwarf whose name means "Sky." It's orbited by the planet Ahra.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Claymore sword
Ethos (Power): Sky walking (She is capable of interacting with air as if it were a tangible object, creating leverage for herself to walk and balance on as if it were solid)
Flaw power is based on: Her somewhat vain tendency to place herself above others
Notes: Complete and utterly confident she's the cooler twin
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Name: Ahra
Name Origin: A exoplanet whose name means "Ocean." It orbits the star Maru.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Claymore sword
Ethos (Power): Wave riding (Creation and control of tidal waves to ride on, as if she was surfing them with no board. But she does have to be on them.)
Flaw power is based on: Her arrogance and recklessness
Notes: Completely and utterly convinced she's the cooler twin.
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Name: Pipoltr/Pip
Name Origin: A star named for "a bright and beautiful butterfly."
Pronouns: Whatever really?
Age: 8
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: Giant lollipop
Ethos (Power): None yet!
Flaw power is based on: N/A. This doesn't mean they're flawless, but until their power develops they're really just here to go on fun little adventures.
Notes: This child hangs around with sailors all day long. The words they know....
#finn's ocs#finn's art#oc references#FINALLY POSTING THIS SET#there was a bit of a delay bc i wanted to make sure i got the crutches w naos right#i ended up not making just the crutches a weapon but like. with modifications based on a real self defense item i found#but slightly different for both fantasy reasons and also i think its patented lol#his pose is also based on a real self defense w crutches video that my friend sent me (hiiii thank you for that once more btw <3)#so like hes very much in motion here. thats not how he usually stands w the crutches lol he usually like. uses them as crutches lol#the little trigger on them is what releases and returns the blade in them btw#also as for the rest of the group! i think neptune is absolutely the most fitting of his namesake out of all the guildmasters#i mean they all have aspects of it but he's fully embraced it. despite what i said abt him growing into responsibility and all#hes still such a chill nice guy. just in general. it would take a lot to get him angry (and if you did the sea is NOT peaceful!)#and in a lot of ways triton is like how he was when he was younger. responsibilities dont matter he needs to go to the challengers deep NOW#also the reason i picked twin sai to be his weapon is bc i didnt wanna do a trident twice. even tho like thats kind of the typical motif#but sai are like. also a 3 pronged weapon. so i felt it kept the energy. but smaller and 2 of them#omg speaking of weapons i completely accidentally added a trans flag to ariel's baton design lol. but i left it in why not#i had such a hard time w her colors bc i wanted her to be flashy but also to make the leotard mermaid esque#also for it to not be too revealing. like leda (from the lunar flare set) can have an exposing leotard tutu sure but shes an adult#and i wanted to give ariel more of like an 80s home gym workouts vibe. with the legwarmers and scrunchies lol#and the twins!!! i wanted to make them samey but differeny. in a way i havent done w matching outfits before#bc the actual shapes of the clothes are very different but the colors totally match!#plus the twins are fraternal. i feel like thats obvious what w their different hair colors but there are more subtle things#like slightly different eyes. the height and weight differences arent part of that tho bc that can happen to any twins even identical#otrera i also had a lot of fun with. especially the blonde hair in an emo bang with like a pink sporty outfit#the crown logo references her namesake being a queen too!#she really was fun tho bc shes just no nonsense trusts nothing but her gut. and shes meant to be like an MMA type#aitne was also super fun but a bit tricky to make it clear that their eye is half lidded from the burns and not just like a drawing mistake#but i think i made it clear! its important bc their vision is also impaired on that side#and the burns themselves were most likely an accident on their end. remember they're brash and destructive. even to themself!
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dollsuguru · 3 months
writing fluff is so hard esp for a character you haven’t written for before + other characters in the fic 😭
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klesek · 7 months
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novem-bur day 14: walter crondale !! i wouldve posted walter on his day but i ended up making it way more complicated than i could finish in time so im just gonna post it whenever i finish it lmao. so in the meantime have a doodle :3
prompt list
#wilbur soot#walter crondale#wilbur soot fanart#art#novem-bur#im probably gonna make this sketch into a thing for my trig project due in a couple weeks lmao#like i was just drawing this then i went OMG THE BG IS LIKE SECANT GRAPHS ❤️❤️#so. it works for my trig project lmao#kinda sad i didnt finish the bigger drawing in time bc it was fwiatc and i wanted 2 explain walters whole deal in fwiatc.....#well whatever i'll explain it here . for anyone reading the tags. bc i want to#so walters whole thing is that hes 1. married to rustbur and 2. a watcher and 3. caused the whole story to happen#like while looking for his husband (who was supposedly dead after crashing in the pacific while fighting in ww2)#he decided to check other timelines as well. specifically other timelines with ppl named 'wilbur soot'#so he accidentally-on-purpose put them all 2gether and then joined after everyone was there. for funsies#i love walter so much hes gay hes a god hes besties with sally the salmon and Jesus Christ Himself he has a cat named after every single us#-president its lived to see his full name is walter herbert oglevee morrison soot-crondale (after the guy who reported the hindenburg irl-#-w the script wilbur read out while doing the og walter crondale bit) hes so so special to me i want to throw him into a trash compacter#<- hed b fine anyways . walk out without a single scratch#i love him#anyways go read party in the [REDACTED] in the fwiatc series it is my favoritest thing ever#thank you forever and ever for that zo#and for the 50% of fwiatc youve basically written for me#ok this is not the right time or place to get sappy i have a chapter to finish
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What's your response to people saying Sasuke viewing Team 7 as his family is “unrealistic” because they only knew each other for a few months?
Ouuu I’m sorry this is such a late response, I was drafting it out and I totally forgot to finish it!
Figuring out the timeline of Naruto is HELL, but from what I gather, Sasuke was a part of Team 7 for about a year. For plot purposes, we don’t really see how Team 7 bonds, but we know they basically meet up / train / go on missions every day. During the Wave arc, Kakashi gives the whole “abandoning your teammates makes you worse than scum” speech to a group of impressionable 12 year olds. Not only that, he’s been drilling the idea of teamwork since the very first meeting. On top of all that, it’s established at the academy that it’s essential for teams to gel if they want to survive on the field (the team becomes your second family, wink wink.)
Considering all of that, no I don’t think it’s unrealistic to believe that Sasuke begins to cherish Team 7 (something that is CANONICALLY proven, and I’ll prove it after this.) His time with his team provides structure, routine, and an escape from his relentless thoughts abt revenge (and if there’s one thing I know, kids need routine and structure, even if regrettably, that comes from being a fucking child soldier.) Team 7 becomes Sasuke’s support system. I’m not pulling this out of my ass btw - after seeing Itachi again, Sasuke himself acknowledges that because he spent so much time being with his team, he forgot abt his revenge (for clarification cos I’m too lazy to find the manga page, this is when Kisame and Itachi come after Naruto while he’s training w Jiraiya.)
During the invasion arc / Naruto’s fight against Gaara, Sasuke calls Naruto and Sakura his “precious comrades.” (Even without the words, if you read the manga, it’s clear from Sasuke’s body language that he cares about/is very protective over his team.) When Kakashi is trying to convince Sasuke to forget about his revenge, Naruto and Sakura are the people he thinks about.
Somewhere between the formation of Team 7 and Sasuke’s defection, Naruto and Sakura have become important people to Sasuke, so much so that the thought of leaving them behind almost convinces him to stay (but of course, in the end, his hatred for Itachi and need for revenge wins over.)
I’ve seen the criticisms and I’ll admit that the execution of Team 7 as a family is not as strong as it could’ve been. But I do think that if you read the manga, you can see Kishimoto’s efforts. And canonically, Sasuke cares deeply about Naruto and Sakura, and anyone who tries to argue against that is wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
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#i always see people say shit like omg nrt and skra don’t rly care abt ssk cos they never actually supported him#like let’s get something straight#nrt and skra supported ssk killing itachi even if they didn’t understand it#what they didn’t support was ssk going off w orochimaru’s psycho ass and being consumed by his hatred#i’m gonna touch on skra and ssk’s relationship specifically bc i feel like nrt & ssk’s is strong on its own#but as much as the fandom shits on skra’s crush on ssk there’s something v innocent/protective abt skra’s love for him#lemme explain: after ssk gets the curse mark skra threatens to tell kakashi abt it. ssk lashes out at her#skra continues to express her concern abt ssk and the way his hatred/desire for revenge is consuming him#when she confronts him before he leaves the village she tells him that getting revenge won’t lead to happiness#this is basically the same discussion kakashi had with sasuke earlier that day#all skra rly wants for ssk is for him to be happy#is that naive? yes probably. but i don’t think her crush on him was as superficial as people make it out to be#let me remind y’all that skra was one of the first people that saw firsthand what the curse mark did to ssk#all she wanted was for him not to fall deeper into that darkness#team 7 has always been compassionate to ssk. they just didn’t want to see him destroyed by his hatred.#which is essentially what almost happens to him in shippuden#I can keep going but for the sake of readability i won’t#team 7#pro team 7#dai nana han#ask#thanks for the ask!
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clarabowmp3 · 4 months
omg also I have so much tea (?) to spill online cuz I can’t do it irl 😭😭😭
#okay SO#i have this long time friend from sec school#Like we’ve known each other 6+ years now and she’s rlly nice and fun#We were much closer abt 4-5 years back when we were in the same class#But other than that we were still kind of close cuz we stay like a block from each other + we shared a class all 4 years of sec school#So now that we’ve graduated from jc we went out etc and and it’s been so fun BUT#she met this guy on discord thru a server and they had/are still having some weird situationship thing#And at first I didn’t mind her telling me abt it etc but I mighttt be a lil tired of hearing abt it#I FEEL SO BAD she’s literally done nothing wrong but idk how to express how im feeling w/out seeming like im NOT 100% supportive of her yk#Like she also had a pick me phase (we were 14 when ELSE were we going to have that phase) and has always struggled a lil w emptions/affecti#Part of which has to do w her parents so also understandable#But I find myself feeling soooo annoyed now#Like recently she texted me that she texted him that she was taking a sm break which was true but now she misses him#And she was like omg I want to turn off my feelings 😭😭😭#It makes me feel JSNXKLDLS girllll what r u doing#grow a backbone??#Maybe it’s also cuz I totally don’t understand what she sees in that guy#Omg I could make a whole other post abt how MEDIOCRE he is jkskdn#but atp im starting to miss her pick me era 😭😭😭 and I feel SO BAD it’s smth I’ve had all my life#I will dislike ppl who I find annoying even when they literally did nothing and are living their best life#KILL ME#it’s okay I’m so normal abt this hehe
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