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How am i actually proud of this-
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i think “Lo-Fi Beats to Yoyle To” is one of my favorite not episode bfdi videos (is it a short? i guess its moreso a music video) purely because of how comfy it is and the slice of life-y ness of it. “its not canon-“ I DONT CARE SHOOTING U WITH MY EVIL LASER!!! um anyway yeah under the cut is me analyzing multiple scenes from it. i wont be looking into every single one but a lot of them
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THE FIRST SCENE and its already a banger. even tho we dont see this hypothetical “team ice cube room” ever outside of this (yeah yeah not canon) it still is so interesting to like. think about. i cant remember how many times we’ve seen objects fall asleep at night but. i love how gelatin has a biiig sleep bubble thats him colored (does it taste like jelly??) AND. FIREY JR. SLEEPS IN A SOCK. thats adorable. anyway yeah even if its a reference to the lofi girl i really like how donut is, presumebly, writing in his diary? late at night with lofi music on? thats so cute. i also love how you can see a picture of bomby and a statue of ice cube on the top shelf
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THIS SCENE is awesome too - we never really saw the big staircase outside of bfb 1 & 11 but i love the idea so much that it became a hangout spot for the objects! (in bfb 11x it even has graffiti on it after its first appearance in bfb 1, which is such a cool detail and goes to show the lived-in ness which i adore and this short does so well. and rhat isnt even in this video!! the point im making - bring back the big staircase. where did it go) even flower and bomby, characters who we never saw interact and are on different teams are listening to music together and eating bananas. thats so awesome, i love the idea that the contestants are way more chill with eachother when not competing? everything revolves around the competition which makes sense, but i love these little moments
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next up! first off i love the lighting here, it seems to be at sunrise or sunset with the orange sky which is SO interesting cuz. we never see sunrise or sunset in the show!!!! its always just day or night. its crazy how they excluded the best time of day. anyway i love how:
- bell’s just vibing on her own!! it makes sense ig considering she can fly anywhere
-book’s seemingly watching bell? lesbian behavior
-GOLFBALL SHES JUST. doodling on her piece of paper thats adorable. i love seeing objects do the things they like!!!
i also really like how we see one of the paper airplanes. we see them in bfb 13 which is awesome too but seeing the stuff from prior challenges is so cool and i love the continuity
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OMG ITS THE BFDI (Burried forest, deciduously insulated) again!!! i love seeing this thing, its similar to the paper airplanes or staircase where its so cool to see things which are one-off moments/objects/places in episodes, seeing them multiple times really helps flesh out the world. ALSO. naily and barfbag playing/vibing in the water. thats so adorable
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the next scene is one where we see a few bleh members in their room from bfb 12 - once again going back to it being so cool to see places from other challenges!! (even if it appears to be the case that four just made and destroyed them for the episode.)
as you can SEE i specifically chose to highlight taco here. SHES JUST DRAWING A PICTURE OF HERSELF AND LABELING IT ME??? thats so cute i love her for that
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AND HERE we have pin vibing in the goiky canal(?) in one of the boats. this is so awesome i love seeing the bfdi boats reappear and i love how pin’s just chilling. love her for that
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LAST ONE i want to go over: oh my GOD?? ITS LEGO BRICK IN ONE OF THE LEVELS FROM BFDIA 5B?? this was and still is such a cool reference. the idea that they’re still stuck in evil leafy is such a interesting and sad idea!! the lofi music gives this scene an heir of loneliness which makes it so weirdly compelling to me.
anyway yeah thats it!!! if theres one thing to learn one of the best thints competition shows can and should do imo is slow down every once in a while and show the contestants living their lives. this was seen more recently with bfdia 13 but this video is another great example and it doesnt even use words or a story. it doesnt need to, the object show is a visual media and this is such an awesome video which tells us so much about the bfdi universe without words
usually i dont ask for reblogs and this isnt even an effort thing i wrote this in like 20 min but. it would mean a lot to me if you reblogged this cuz i think its really cool to see the objects here and i think more people should see and think about the slice of life portions of object shows
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oscconfessions · 6 months
I'm probably gonna get burned alive for it, but Leafy genuinely isn't meant to be seen as a completely nice character. She's kind sometimes sure, but if BFDI and BFB prove anything, she mainly cares about her reputation. It probably doesn't matter, but in the short "you're a loser, but you're my loser" it's made very clear she values being the nicest person over some stuff. When Pin doubts her, she moves her up on the 'niceness' chart. My point being, Leafy is not a "omg she's the nicest person ever!!" character.b
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mrlaptoplover · 5 months
Golf ball bfdi analysis
Before we start, let’s make one thing clear. She has UBER autism she is just like me Fr except I hate math.. ok so math is obviously her special interest, no need to look further into that. And one thing I’m TIRED of is “omg gb tsundere for tennis ball” NO. SHES NOT. SHE DOESNT UNDERSTAND HER OWN FEELINGS AND CANT PICK UP ON THE FACT THAT HE LIKES HER BC SHES BAD WITH SOCIAL CUES. She doesn’t understand that there’s a possibility of romance between the two because she doesn’t consider change to be a real thing that can happen.. she clearly doesn’t understand/hates the fact that things can change, when people leave her team MELTDOWN, when she gets replaced as leader (she wasn’t even a real leader she just sees life as “if you want it done right do it yourself”, me Fr) MELTDOWN when a new host comes MELTDOWN. She can’t stand change and therefore can’t see that relationships change. She’s very insecure and hides it all behind a “bossy” persona, she doesn’t even realize it. She LOVES praise and it makes her feel like she’s worth something BC SHE HAS LOW SELF ESTEEM, ITS OBVIOUS BC SHES SO AGAINST CRITICISM AND IT MAKES HER PANIC. She doesn’t like making new friends, they annoy her and she wants to stick with what’s she’s comfortable with.. She needs someone spontaneous and silly bc she needs to break the habit of always sticking to plan and making sure things go her way.. I hope this was ok for a first full analysis. Shes clearly very sentimental, based off the first tear moment, not much to say but it’s interesting to me.. She LOVES the feeling of being right “everyone does” well she loves it more than you. She goes full on tantrum mode when she’s wrong and gets upset when questioned. Despite wanting to seem like someone who always has it together and makes decisions based off facts and statistics, she’s very emotionally driven. She shouts at people and physically harms them sometimes, but no matter how upset she gets all she wants is what’s best for her team, making every decision she can to ensure their victory. She sees relationships as business exchanges, she gives her time in exchange for their loyalty. That’s not to say she doesn’t like her friends, she does. She just doesn’t understand how friendship works, and she doesn’t get that they can deteriorate over time if not given the proper care. I know this because no matter how mad or upset or over her tennis ball is, she always acts the same, not really taking his feelings into account, just how well he helps the team, because like I said, the team is what matters most to her.
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aleeyenn · 1 year
hi aleeyenn. hi joy! i just wannted to say..how much your art means to me how important YOU are to me. you are just so spectacular and creative. i know u probably get that a lot but its so true! your shipart and comics are so on point. i always read them in the character's voices. theyre so accurate and you can tell you really care a lot about the characters and pay attention to their personalities. theyre just so personal. aa!!! your art seriously gives me so much serotonin. ive been feeling so down lately and today i looked at some of your art and it made me rlly giddy! so happy... you are so important to the osc and it wouldnt be the same without you. your content is so heart warmimg. ur a huge comfort artist to me...infact! my favorite bfdi artist eva! also your shipart has made me like the ship a lot! if that makes sense? i dont know how to word it. but for example: tacopop, liymote, NEEDLEDROP. ermmm ya, i wouldnt ship those if it werent for you. ur art makes me stim!!! hand flap!! i have screamed a few times in calls while looking at ur fireafy stuff. this part is probably gonna sound so CHEESY but..you made me proud to be a fireafy shipper? idk if proud is the right word but just enjoy that ship freely a lot more? i think last year is when i felt insecure about liking fireafy because there were (still are) so many fireafy haters and antis and were just completely WRONG about fireafy. same with coinpin. ohhh well i probably repeated a lot of stuff and no im out of words but thanks for being you! :) hope this reaches you and you're having a gr8! day or night
AAHHHHHH OH MY GOD THANK YOU😭😭😭💧💧💧 if i’m being completely honest i saw and read this lastnigjt and i had to wait a good ljke ???18 hours to process it all because oh my god… thinking that i can make that impact on a person is so crazy to me… making a positive impact with my stuff is my overall main goal with my creations and stuff and AAAAHHH i’m so happy😭💗 i get super giddy and scream over peoples art all the time and i never really thought of people Especiallt people i don’t know/aren’t too familiar with enjoying MY stuff to that extent… it’s one of the best things to hear for sure!!! i’m so happy that i can bring that much happiness to you EVEN WHEN YOURE SAD AAGH THATS LITERALLY SO COOL i cant express how happy i am… and YAAAYYY THE SHIPS YOU LISTED ARE SOME OF MY NON-POPULAR(ish) FAVORITE SHIPS IM GLAD I CAN OPEN YOUR EYES TO THEM thehre literally so good … j have to draw them again some time i miss drawing them so much… AND OH MYGODDDD YASSSZZZZ FIREAFY LOVE! i have always been a proud fireafy shipper because there is Nothing wrong with it at all… i mean it!!! they are the happiest couple of all! i will love them literally foreverrrrr no matter what anyone says about them because they’re all WRONG. i have literally seen the worst takes on them ever and i have to put my phone down and take a deep breath after seeing some of them… i do not correct them publicly but i literally turn into ☝️🤓 when someone is incorrect about them because Omfg people are so wrong and mean about them… BUT WHATEVER! I LOVE FIREAFY SO MUCH! AND IM HAPPY THAT I WAS ABLE TO HELP YOU BE MORE COMFORTABLR WITH LIKING IT TOO!!! YAAAAAAYYAYYYY omg SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I ALWAYS GO ON RAMBLES WITHOUT KNOWING IMMSORRU BUT THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDEST WORDS AND REACHING OUT TO ME!!! it’s always nice to hear what you have done for someone and how much you are cared for… i really really needed to hear it today🌷💗💓 THANK YOU AGAIN FOR REACHING OUT!!!
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s0methingmoonlit · 9 months
[Dec. 19 2023]
Ok there’s a lot to unpack about the new recent TPOT episode, so hold on tight!
Below is some art and lots of rambling. Beware!
P.S Vote [B]
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Pillow was absolutely batshit this episode and I loved it. Despite this however, I think she should be eliminated. It’s clear she has a ton of power over her teammates, and I feel like the others deserve a lot better. Honestly, Just Not is my favorite team in not just The Power Of Two, but in all of Battle For Dream Island history! I really didn’t want any of them to leave, until now where I think Pillow needs to hit the bench and think about her actions. Maybe even get scolded by Pie idk.
Now let’s see, who did I want out this episode? No one, as it was a shame to see Puffball get out since Are You Okay is like, a really great team! But in TPOT 5, I really wanted to see Golf Ball get out. I’m glad she didn’t though! She seems to be getting better and the writers are starting to redeem Tengolf! Tbh I was never a fan of that ship, ever in my 4 years of watching BFDI. But TPOT really do damage to their friendship. I wish they continue acting like this in future episodes and hopefully fully recover their friendship! Cause if not, then, oh well… At least TB has Pen, Eraser, and TV! (Idk about Golf Ball though)
Ok now back to batshit characters. YELLOW FACE!! /POS OMG THANK YOU FOR NOT BEING PURE EVIL!! I loved Yellow Face when he was morally grey. TPOT 8 really rubbed me off the wrong way, I was really scared he’d turn into a complete villain. So, so glad they did not go that route. Even if they did, that’d suck but Yellow Face will NEVER be worse than Purple Face. (As a Purple lover we don’t like that mf)
Uh… there’s like a ton of things to talk about! I don’t want this to be too long so I’ll ramble later. For now, have these doodles!!!
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teamfreesmart · 1 year
Omg, imagine like Pen became a merman in future episodes of TPOT and like that obsessive penimermaid guy would like go over the Moon. And like imagine Cary and Michael Huang so Merpen Fanarts🙆🏻‍♀️
They would freak out so much, they'll burst out of happiness and- like other emotions-
I think Pen would jump into the goiky canal and find a thing to turn into a mermaid or sumthin- and Are you okay? Will be shocked af- (Especially Eraser) 🤭😋🍞🍞
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osc-confessions · 2 years
i don't get why people ship pen x pencil (or pen-cil). their only interaction was in bfdi 9 which i think was a little over a decade ago
-sincerely, 🎲 anon
omg they're both pens... oh my god.. they were meant to be.....
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dead-toby · 4 months
I keep forgetting to do this man..anywayyyy-
My name is Toby but you could also call me deadtoby, or anything you want i don’t normally care
im 5teen
🏳️‍⚧️ he/him, u can call me it tho too that’s fun
half the time i’m really awkward at first but trust me if you talk to me more and more i’m more kewl
mcr (ofc), fob, green day, Paramore, LuLuYam (I LOVE THEM PLZ CHECK HER OUT OMG!!), Skeletons In The Closet is cool, Millionaires, Toy-Box, The Cure, Volbeat, old P!ATD, That Handsome Devil, BABYMETAL, Bo Burnham, Set It Off, Conan Gray, Tony22, the list goes on man….
homophobes, transphobes, racists, zionists, the basic dni you know? ur not safe here, at all.
conservatives…i deal with enough of you irl, don’t even think about bothering me here
THOSE kind of fans. you know, the annoying ones that’ll tell you to kys over a ship or something? yeah i don’t like those people
people that know me irl, go away plz
South Park, Invader Zim, Monster High, Class Of ‘09 physical media, lost media, art, Disventure Camp, books, books that got turned into musicals (be more chill my love 💥🪳), SMILING FRIENDS, BFDI!! or really anything I talk about
that’s it really, so yeah
OH WAIT if you want to talk to me somewhere else, my discord is dead.toby anything else just ask for i’ll probably give it to you
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what-when-why · 6 years
Wowie!! BFB 9!
This post contains BFB 9 Spoilers!!
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As you can see my lovely baby boy son, X, is back!!
I didn't stay up on purpose for this episode but when I saw it come out I was like "wow okay, I'll watch it" and I'm happy I did. So, like I mentioned above X is back!! He's finally out of fries!!!
I actually enjoyed this episode (seeing as I'm actually talking about it on LOL) and the concept of X being the host was nice. Poor boyo though didn't know how to host properly, he was used to Four being the host, aww.
Tumblr was either Very Wrong, In The Middle, Or Very Right about X's personality I've noticed after watching this episode. I like getting to know my son a little better!
But there iS THIS ONE
Where X messed up a lot when it came to hosting that day, after the vote card he was looking all sad, like poor boyo.
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Donut has been a really good character this time around tbh.
I want to mention how plot twisty it was that X ran away and wasn't factored, so if that didn't happen then wtf happed to Four?? Is he in Bubble??? Or in Donut???? Or hiding too and watching and one day he gonna pop out like "You're God is bACK"??????
I hope Four comes back, I miss him too. But I'll gladly accept my son.
Go watch the episode if you haven't and still read this post!!
• Donut is actually a good boy.
• X is a sweet little baby boy and he will forever remain my little sweet son.
• 4 is somewhere???
• I couldn't tell the difference between Nickel and Coiny for a second.
• X is a better co-host than host but he still trying and we appreciate and love him.
That's all I have to say, goodbye! Have a good day/night!
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pastel-imagines · 3 years
Tree Friendship Headcanons
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Fandom: BFDI / BFB
Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender Neutral
Requested by: @astrangeghost
Author's Note: Suprise! I decided to do both since I haven't written either character yet. Hope you like em ^_^
EDIT: OMG For some reason the head canons did not get included in the post I'm so sorry!!! They should be on there
As one of the main members of Death P.A.C.T., the two of you most likely became friends over your shared interests in pacifism. The two of you often hangout by taking walks around nature and admiring all of the animal and plant life around and acknowledge the fact that they are alive. He is a tree after all so I feel as if he’d have some knowledge on this subject.
Although he is reasonable when approached with a problem, he is not that good at giving advice or assisting to solve the problem, and therefore usually resorts to seeking help from someone else (most likely Black Hole). After that conundrum, he’d probably lecture you on what NOT to do in order to avoid a future situation like that.
He is very level-headed so whenever you need to approach him with something whether its an exciting announcement or something heavy you need to get off your chest, Tree will gladly listen and provide an appropriate response without wavering his voice, so there’s no need to be afraid if you need to get personal with him for a few moments
Tree tends to either walk away from a lot of his problems or “leafing” as he calls it, or relies on Black Hole for assistance. After the two of you became friends, he started coming to you for answers and help on things, so be prepared to try and provide answers for his needs.
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oscconfessions · 5 months
I must raise my hand admit, I am someone who messes up Nickel and Nickle 🤚😔 (and I am so incredibly nuetral on Nickel, i used to dislike him but now I genuinely don't gaf)
People have probably laughed at my previous confessions where I wrote Nickle
People have probably laughed at all of my misspellings
I cannot spell for the life of me + I'm speed typer and onoy give my confessions a quick glance over as a 'spell check' before submitting
Um anyways... i couldn't care less about ii Nickel but bfdi Nickel is amazing AND DID NOT DESERVE THAT OMG GUYS WTF I WANT HIM BACKKKKK
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ohnoiyo-yoyle · 4 years
So! First off, tpot was soooooo goood like oh my gosh I didn't expect it to be that good and the intro was SO well animated and the character interactions and just aaaaaaahhhhh!!! Okay, maybe I'm overhyping it a bit but that's just how I feel. TPOT reignited that spark for BFB that was starting to kinda fade for me. Since Battle for BFB is more comedy based and silly I was starting to get a little bored with it, so it's nice to finally get started on a more, I guess serious? show that focuses on character interactions/relationships and development/arcs and all that. But anyways, ONTO THE HIGHLIGHTS!!!
So time passes in the bfdi world the same way as it does in ours. Good to know
Happy Flower
2 is a cryptid confirmed. Always there, always watching
Oh!! The Yoyle Needy is like, fallen over. Along with part of the mountain
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How did that happen???^^^
“It’s time for Cake at Stake!” “What?” “I SAID IT’S TIME FOR CAKE AT STAKE!!!” “Get them up for me Nickel!!” “Huh?”
I will admit, I will miss the epic™ remix, but it’s also nice to be back with the original! Feels nostalgic!!
The doodles!!! Omg I love them!
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“Oh! Now I remember!” “Good for you” *pauses, looks at camera* “So-”
Purple tomato (toe-mah-o)
Pen being positive and cheering up the newbie
Thanking the voters: Speedrun Edition
“Looks like it’s curtains for......” “Looks like it’s curtains for....” Ō—Ō
“Don’t you trust me Clock?!” “Uh, of course NOT-” “Well prepare to get over it!”
Ah yes, my favorite: Cammy, Blendy, and Onigiri...y....
Pencil >:(
awwww Foldy misses him so much
Well at the very least Winner won. I’d rather have an actual character be in the game instead of, y’know, nonexisty?
MmM! Tasty
Anime expression activate =͟͟͞͞(ō_ō)
Waaaiiit a minute....are they gonna
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They have such a cool gimmick with their face being emoticons and text!!!
At first I thought that Price Tag was a girl and Winner was a boy (based on their voices) and thought “Oh cool! The gender balance stays even then!” But now I know that they’re both non-binary and I’m thinking “Oh cool! The gender balance still stays even AND there are two canon non-binary characters!!!
The bfb/tpot crew really be out here, continuing to give to the lgbt+ community and I am all for that
“I take back all the things I said about Winner while I was down there!” H-honey? What did you say???
“You do equal 1 right?” “I can if you want me to! :D” “*gulp* $1”
Well at least 2 isn’t like the previous hosts where they shove the eliminated contenders into a tiny cramped space and give them sometimes less than the bare necessities. These guys get to chill in what’s pretty much a nice hotel (tho they might be locked in)
“Cool! So you wanna stay on the same team? ‘:D” “No :)” “oh.. okay. :0”
Donut and BarfBag frienship solidarity
“Who the egg is that?”
Oh??!!?!?? Loser backstory?!?!?! In THIS SHOW?!!?!? It’s more likely than you think
Chicken nuggets
Clock is a Loser stan
Ha. Balls (as in actual balls. Not whatever you’re thinkin about, ya nasties)
Yay Pen and Eraser friendship!!! They’re finally on the same team!!!
Either you prevent death, or you’re a murderer. There’s no in-between
“Did someone say h8ers?!!!” She sounds like a skater kid
Blocky is no longer with us. We shall miss him greatly
OH NOO BASKETBALL SHE DIDNT MEAN YOU Oh oh well i- there she goes I guess
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Two moms and their son
So can they actually see those logo things or what??
Aww Rocky actually wants to be with them!!! And he’s taking initiative!! Way to go buddy!!!
Awww noo Book!!!! She’s trying her best but ultimately, they’re right!!! She needs to leave them be and get some new friends!!!!!
Please don’t tell me she’ll be the next Leafy. But so far she seems to be heading in the right direction
Uhhh Pillow?? What are you doing hun?
Yeah!! Clock and Icy alliance!!
Zigzag crew woo!!!
“Don’t worry Lightning! You have me!l “I don’t really..want you.” oooooh!!
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This just.....this ^^^
And there was even the little beeping cashier sound when Price Tag changed faces omg I love little details like that!!!
Snowball: Gets owned. Me, @ Naily and Price Tag: Good for them
NO! Marker!!!
Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture: An egg and a ball.
Basketball: They’re the same picture
“I thought you were gonna collect me! Ha!” “Ha...haha......ha”
Cloudy’s secretly a kidnapper 0_0
DeathPact be ruining Bottle’s good time and she having non of that
Pillow doesn’t know how to read
The >:3 intensifies
She’s trying.....so hard...to make friends
Yay!! Lightning turning over a new leaf!!
“Well, I’m sure whoever it is, they’re gunna be just f-huueughh....,”
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Continues in Part 2!! Which will be out sometime tomorrow cause these things take long to make
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losersiancebeepbleh · 6 years
I don't have any MS Paint or anything so I can't put this in its proper format but here, have a crappy text version of a tag urself for the veteran bfdi girls under the cut?
-has never cursed in her life
-just wants to eat cake and be happy
-needs a hug tbh
-the quirky friend
-spends 10 hours doing make up
-thinks that her looks equals her worth
-is a lesbian for Ruby
-fashion icon
-wants to be taken seriously but isn't cuz she's tiny
-will probably take over the world
-is excited when she does homework
-E Y E B R O W  W I G G L I N G
Ice Ice Baby
-still remembers that one mean thing you did to her in first grade
-will get her revenge
-is somehow still adorable even while plotting revenge???
-just wants to sit with the cool kids at lunch
Leafy is here
-seems perfect but is actually an emotional mess
-won't let you escape her friendship
-tries to help but ends up making everything worse
-prep on the outside, goth on the inside
-still says "OMG" unironically
-is actually addicted to her phone
-sassy af
-is a huge lesbian for Pence Pence
-will hunt you down if you use her nickname
-will slap everyone
-if you don't use her nickname, she's just kinda chill?
-once started the apocalypse by baking a cake
Pence Pence
-actually a cheerleader
-thinks doing schoolwork is for nerds
-doesn't actually have a driver's license but drives anyway
-still thinks boys have cooties
-at first seems like she has no insecurities
-but is actually the most insecure
-only watches shows about baking or gardening
-likes plants more than she should
-uses incognito tab too much
-only sane person
-just wants a hecking normal interaction with people
-seems more mysterious than she actually is
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