fmarkets · 6 months
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Financial Growth and Strategic Partnerships Drive Olink Holding Ab Publ's Expansion https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=OLK&date=2024-03-25220138&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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moradadabeleza · 2 years
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Ellard Vasen
model nina olk
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love-dies-bleeding · 1 year
Two fun facts about the postgame: you can’t use the corridors because of the island’s instability, and Shinji went and weed on the Ziggurat controls.
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twilightarcade · 8 months
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wolfhollow · 1 year
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Sifka Olked (they/them)
Sifka is my half-orc barbarian/ranger from a cameo I did in a friend's campaign a few years ago. Technically they were a Path of the Beast Barbarian with a level or two of Ranger and not truly a werewolf, but I really wanted to have a werewolf character because werewolves are cool and really vibed with Sifka's backstory and general themes so I'm kinda loosely developing some game-agnostic details for them? And now they're a for real werewolf.
Anyway we'll see where this goes.
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bbbrianjones · 7 months
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heatsu · 2 years
going to military antiques shop on Friday hehe
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takkamek · 5 months
lmao max??? hitting that pole
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mapsontheweb · 3 months
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England & Wales place-names rendered into High German (morphologically reconstructed with attention to ultimate etymology and sound evolution processes)
to try to reconstruct a 'plausible'-sounding german version of names, it was hard to decide whether to go right back to a shared proto-indo european root (as with Hagen- in Cardiff etc.), or to simply conjecture what may have become of a celtic name in german (as with Carlisle).
in order to try and keep it realistic the gazetteer of german place names was open in front of me, so that i could find actual attestation (in germany & austria) for most of the (parts of the) names on this map, even with shared etymologies.
Gottverdammt! stupid mistakes found: Yorch(scheier) should of course be **J****orch, Nordfolk should be Nord****v****olk, Marken should be Gemarken
by topherette
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myfairkatiecat · 4 months
Guys I’ve seen multiple comments on this and it makes me curious 👀 how do you guys read kotlc?
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wyrmalien · 2 years
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Imbolc shona daoibh! (happy Imbolc to you!) 🐄☀🌱
[Image ID: / A coloured sketch of a white calf. It has a golden triskele on its forehead, and its head is bent low to the ground. It stands in a patch of grass revealed by melting snow, dotted with yellow and orange flowers. Behind its head is a golden starburst that mimics the sun. The background is a grey-blue colour, and white text above the calf reads in a mediaeval font: imbolc shona daoibh! (Im-Olk Hunna Yeev) / End ID]
In many parts of Ireland it is believed that on Imbolc, Brigid will go from house to house with her favourite white cow to bless items left outside by the occupants 🌿
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eggkevinshouseaton · 3 months
┌── ⋅🥚⋅ ──┐
Busy busy day today and I'm barley scraping by by posting this, (Gotta stay daily y-olks!😉), but here you all go
I saw this somewhere, I genuinely do not know how to feel.
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Sub ricepleasehelpmedeargo
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (32)
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Summary: Princess Aemma joins the battle field, in the sunset sea, as Jacaerys does to the Narrow sea. 
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :) WARNING! SPOILERS! minor getting married :)
Wordcount: 3.7 k
Notes: This happens at the same time as the events of “All the roads”
Merry Christmass everybody! here is my present to you!! ❤️❤️
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Their goal became clear… stop the Lannister from obtaining the Tyrell's allegiance.
The Reach had proclaimed itself neutral to both sides, and as for today, nobody dares to question them, they held the food of the realm in their storages, and on their fields. But the Lannisters, apparently where foolish, they marched their army to their gates to… convince them
And that is what Aemma was on their way to stop.
They flew west with her mother’s instruments in her bag to not lose direction, as they flew towards Highgarden
And she was glad she reached them before they did 
She had never been to Highgarden, but the sight was one of the most beautiful she had ever seen. 
A huge, white stone castle, with many floors and terraces filled with flowers and plants on each, from afar, they seemed as if they were hanging gardens. And even then, all around it were huge gardens with fountains and green mazes. Even a river, which undoubtedly feeds all the greenery in the castle, ran through it. It was breathtaking
When they descended, a small retinue was already waiting for them, all raising the Tyrell banners, the golden rose over a gran field
Steffon climbed down of Vermithor first, he looked at himself, and he didn’t look like the knight he used to be, but no matter
“This is Princess Aemma, from hour Targaryen, and Strong”, he said solemnly, “And I am Steffon, former Kingsguard to King Viserys the first” 
“Be welcome, Princess Aemma and Ser Steffon”, greeted a beautiful lady, with deep brown hair and blue eyes, “I’m lady Margaery Tyrell, my son, Lyonel, is Lord of Highgarden, I speak in his behalf”, she said with a warm smile
“I thank you for the warm welcome”, spoke Aemma, as she descended Vermithor
“I imagine why you are here”, she said, “And I must say first, that as the warden of the south, we abstain from this conflict, since the war infecting the reach could have catastrophic consequences for all the Kingdoms, if the crops and fields are placed in harm’s way…”
“I respect that”, she said gently, but surely, “my mother, the princess (Y/N) did too, but I’m afraid, the Lannister do not, the Greens, the Usurper Aegon, does not”, she said, “I was trapped in the Red Keep, I was able to scape, with sensible information”, she explained
“What are you saying princess?”, she asked
“Half of the Lannister army is on their way here, to “persuade” you to turn to their side”, she said, “they are planning on making port on Olk Oak, if they haven’t already”
“You are bluffing, the Lannsiters wouldn’t be so foolish”, she said
“but they are!”, Steffon warned
They soon were interrupted, by a mounted soldier, who rode like his life depended on it
“My lady!”, he said, “The Lannister fleet as been spotted, they intent on disembarking in Oak Road”, he said, “by now, the army must be coming down the Ocean Road”
“Told you” Aemma said, and the Lady regent of Highgarden looked at her
“What do you want?”, she asked
“Our side understands the importance of the Reach, and what you do for the Kingdoms, I will eliminate this threat for you, in return, you will stay neutral to the war, and support our side with provisions for the war”, she said, and Steffon nodded approvingly, and proud of his little Aemma
“And who’s side is that?”, she asked, and Aemma doubted, did she believe in her aunt? the one that only had looks of contempt and envy towards her? not really, but for her family
“The reds”, she said, “The Strong Targaryens, or whoever we support”, the Lady seemed to think about it, of course she knew of whom Aemma spoke off, the Princess’ children were making a name for themselves, and they were proud children of their mother, who served in the small council for almost ten years
“Very well”, she said, “I will send provisions to your armies, and I will support who you seem fit to rule, if you eliminate the Lannister threat”, Aemma and Steffon shared looks, and then Aemma offered her hand to the lady of the Reach.
They shook hands, as the lady spoke again
“You, my lords and soldiers, are witness to this promise, and this commitment”, she claimed, and they all nodded
“I will go and set fire to their fleet, and then I will make their army surrender”, Aemma promised, releasing her. Vermithor roared behind her, making the ground shake and the hearts of those present to fill with fear and respect.
“What will you have me do?”, asked Steffon
“I need you by my side, but I will need you in armor”, Aemma warned. And lady Margaery smiled
“We can help with that”, The lady of the Reach said
. . .
“I look ridiculous!”, Steffon grumbled, the very next morning when they departed HIghgarden, making Aemma giggle, he was wearing a golden armor, with magnificent golden roses decorating the breastplates, he had managed to get a white cloak as well
“You look great”, Aemma giggled, as they both flew through the air. under her, Vermithor was getting restless, craving for fire and blood, and then, they reached their destination
Aemma descended on Vermithor, over a cliff where they had a magnificent view 
“If the treasury is there, it should be in that ship!”, pointed Steffon. It was a magnificent vessel, the biggest one, “see how much she is sinking? it had a heavy load on board”, he said, and Aemma nodded
“I’ll spare her then”, she muttered, burn the rest
“Do it”, he said, “I’ll wait for you here”
Vermithor was a seasoned war dragon, who had fought many battles under King Jaehaerys, the most notorious one being the Dornish conquest, in which he burned a thousand ships. And he was excited to repeat his feat. 
As soon as Steffon climbed down, being left safe and sound on the coast, atop a cliff, Aemma commanded Vermithor to fly again, and he did, with the Lannister fleet right there in front of them, on Shield Bay
“Come on Vermithor, it’s time to commit some war crimes”, the funny thing is that the dragon seemed to growl approvingly in answer. Aemma giggled, feeling her body tingling with excitement for what she was about to do.
Vermithor flew towards the armada, with his bronze eyes set and a hunger in her stomach.
The crews of the vessels watched now the biggest dragon in the world fly towards then, and they all started to shout orders
“To arms! To the scorpions!”
“Take cover!” 
Aemma as she was flying towards them, she was greeted with bolts flying angrily towards her, she gasps in surprise, but Vermithor knew what to do, he flew even higher, from an angle the scorpions couldn't reach. Vermithor growled in warning, establishing fear in the hearts of those under him. He flew over the armada, Aemma watching carefully, who to strike first. So she decided to strike in the middle and then flew towards the ships that were more far off. Vermithor, understanding without needs for words, Vermithor took a nosedive towards them 
“Vermithor!” she called, when they were close enough, “Dracarys!”, she said loudly, stopping above one of the ships.
A hundred year old flame, that made the hard wood of the hips break under the weight of his power, sinking it to the bottom of Shield Bay in less than a minute. 
but more bolts flew towards her, Vemrithor took flight again, up in the skies, and then he dived again, searching for another victim, another vessel he could burn, making all the men throw themselves off the neighboring ships and into the cold waters, for they were better than the heat of a flame that could melt stone as much as wood.
Steffon was watching all of this with a wide smile, it was almost like a painting in movement, it was almost a piece of art. Fire was a power so destructive, yet, so seductive. So hypnotic, he could be watching burning vessels for the rest of his life without complaint. 
He noticed the men who were jumping from the ships started to swim to shore, so he moved there, with his new armor, and blade, ready to receive the traitors. He started gathering them on the beach, had them kneel before him.
Aemma took almost half a day to fulfill her mission, there were more than 200 ships, and she burned them all but around 10, to make sure they will never turn against them again, and to also make sure they couldn’t carry an army on board. 
And Aemma destroyed them all, bolts were flying, not even one could catch her and her seasoned dragon Vermithor, a fighter or a hundred battles under King Jaehaerys, and even if one managed to insert itself in his skin, they wouldn{t be able to stop them either way.
As she burned the 190th ship, she returned to shore, where men were arriving, swimming for their lives. The Lannisters on the beach cowered and begged for mercy, kneeling on the sand in front of Steffon, and soon Aemma landed right behind him, climbing off of Vermithor and facing the traitors
“I am Princess Aemma”, she said loudly, “of houses Strong and Targaryen, and today, I bring you a choice”, one of the men, must be the highest ranking officer of them all, stood and took a step
“Team black, or Team Green?”, he asked the Princess
“Team Red”, she answered, and everyone gasped, “I’m here to bend house Lannister to the Strong Targaryens”, she said firmly
“Jason Lannister is a prisoner for us, the Tullys hold him”, said Steffon, “It’s over for house Lannister, their participation in this war is done”, and they all bend the knee to them both. “Go home, go back to Lannisport, if you ever think about raising arms to any member of house Targaryen ever again, remember what happened here”, they all nodded, “and the treasury, is ours”, luckily for them, Tyrells soldiers arrived at the scene.
“We will take the treasury”, demanded Aemma, “and you will hang this, in Lannisport”, and from the saddle of her dragon, she took her coat of arms, and gave it to the senior member of the group
But Aemma turned around to speak to him
“This isn’t over”, she whispered, “we still need to meet the Lannister army”
“Imagine their surprise”, he whispered, amused. And then Aemma turned to the Tyrells
“That ship must stay there”, she demanded, “until we can get it safely back to King´s Landing when the time is right!”
“We will guard it for you, princess”, promised a man, who was Lord Tyrell’s uncle. “We have sent word to our friends of the Shield islands, who will guard it for you, my princess”. Aemma nodded 
“I trust you do this, in the name of house Tyrell, and their allegiance to the Reds”, he nodded, bowing his head. Aemma and Steffon nodded.
The sun was about to set on the horizon
“We will not catch the army on time”, she warned
“They will stop for the night, we might find them, and stop them first thing tomorrow before they march”, he said, and Aemma nodded, “catch them off guard”, he offered 
They both climbed on top of Vermithor, and together they flew away.
They found what was called the Ocean Road, and they followed it back to Highgarden. 
Finally they found the army, camping off the road, dangerously close to the Tyrells. They hadn't spotted them yet, so they descended upon a nearby hill, and from there they were going to wait.
Before the break of dawn, when the skies dressed as a light gray, Aemma raised from the ground, looking at the army camped bellow them
“I do not wish to slaughter them”, she muttered, “I do not wish to kill them all, but how will we ensure their allegiance? their surrender?”, she asked Steffon, “we cannot held captive a host of 10 thousand men 
“We have Lord Jason”, he said, “Tyland is probably down there with them”, he said, “they will surrender”.
When the sun was showing it’s glorious face in the horizon, the camp started to wake up, and that is the moment Aemma chose, to climb on Vermithor’s back, and descend upon them
The Bronze Fury’s breath was what truly woke the camp that morning, making all the soldiers run in disarray, captains were called, soldiers half dressed ran towards their weapon, but they had nothing to attack the dragon with, who circled over them like a vulture waiting for a dying animal to collapse.
Aemma finally made Vermithor land in front of the camp, and she and Steffon climbed down the dragon, to face a small cortege of frightful soldiers that met them in the open field. Among them, was Tyland Lannister
Aemma didn’t forget how poor the Lannisters where to her that day at that dinner
“How the mighty have fallen”, she said firmly, as Steffon by her side had his hand on the pommel of his sword, Tyland was pale as paper, not representing a mighty lion but a scared little mouse 
“Princess Aemma”, he said, swallowing hard
“We have sinked your ships”, said Aemma firmly, making him shake even more, “form two hundred and the treasure, Lannisport is graced now by 10 small ships”, she muttered, “and you are lacking an important part of the treasury you stole”, Tyland tried to show himself strong, but failed miserably
“But the princess is gracious, your army will not face the same fate as your armada”, said Steffon, “surrender, go back to hide in Casterly Rock, and wait for the dust to settle, when the time is right, you will bend the knee to the new targaryen king, or Queen”, he said simply
“You are just going to let us surrender?”, he asked, now amused, “how?”
“State your offer of your surrender”, said Aemma, “you have until noon to make me believe you will never raise arms against the true loyal line, furthermore, you will bend the knee to the Reds”
“The Reds?”, he asked
“the Strong Targaryens”, she muttered, and Tyland laughed
“Your claim is as better as Rhaenyra’s bastards”, he laughed
“You have until noon Lord Tyland, to convince me not to burn you like a chicken”, Aemma said firmly, “think well, and see you when the sun is at its peak”
Steffon hunted for them a few rabbits, as Aemma set up a small fire, and they waited, eating, as the Lannister camp was deathly quiet. And when the hour came, they descended, walking to meet with Tyland again.
“Give us two days”, he said, “to have our answer”, and Steffon chuckled
“You liked to boast about the war plans, you think we don’t know the Hightowera are on their way?”, he asked, and Tyland lost his hand once again, “you want to win time, for them to catch up to us”
“You now have ended my patience”, Aemma whispered, “Vermithor!”
“Wait!”, he said, “the Hightowers, what are you going to do…?”
“Look Lannister”, said Steffon, “we don’t despise you lot, you are opportunists, that's all, but the Hightowers? those are fucking traitors”
“I will burn them to a crisp”, Aemma threatened, “you still have one more shot”
“I will fight for you, then”
“We are not interested”, she responded, “We don’t want more fighting”,
“I will go back to Casterly Rock…”
“Oh yes you will”, said Steffon, “but before, you will…”
Aemma thought about for a second, and then she looked at Tyland
“Give all your armor and weapons”, she said simply, and Tyland Lannister laughed 
“What you just heard”, she said, “you will pile all the armors, and weaponry, in the middle of the camp”
“What then?”, he asked
“That is for me to decide”, she said firmly
So, one on one, ten thousand soldiers dropped all their armor and weapons in the middle of the camp. It was a mountain high pile of metal, worth thousands of golden dragons (coins) 
But Aemma had only one thing to say
And that is how that battle, that couldn’t even be named as such, was known as “the march of the naked Lannisters”, that bards will sing years that will be heard for years to come. 
Aemma and Steffon weren’t able to stop laughing as they saw all these men wearing simple cotton undergarments, marching north again, with their tails between their legs. 
Steffon got himself a horse, and provisions from the Lannisters
“I will go back to Shield Bay, to secure the gold”, he said, and Aemma only nodded. 
“I will go back to highgarden, to let them know, I will send word to my family in Harrenhal, and let’s see from there, tell them we secured the Gold”, and the knight nodded firmly. 
Steffon, who because of that got himself the nickname, “Man of gold”, rode away in a black stallion, and Aemma regained her breath, over the carcass, the pile of melted leather and metal
But she couldn’t rest for long. 
 A high pitched growl resounded all over the Valley, and Aemma, impressed, saw a silver dragon flying towards them from over the clouds. Hastily and in fear of not recognizing it, she hid behind Vermithor’s huge wing
“Nãbēmagon Vermithor!”, [attack], she pleaded, scared of facing a dragon from the ground. But the Bronze Fury didn’t do anything, instead, he purred loudly, like calling for the strange dragon, and he answered back, with a dolphin-like roar. It didn’t attack them, but it landed a few yards away from them. When the she-dragon lowered her head, Aemma saw Aemond above it, on the saddle.
The silver dragon was none other than silver wing, and she leaned into Vermithor, her mate, and they joined their snouts, sniffing each other, purring, being together again after so long apart.
And Aemma walked towards Aemond, who descended his new dragon and ran towards her
“Aemma!”, he called, desperate, and grabbed her and held her against his chest before she could do anything. She gasped in his arms, holding onto him tightly
“Aemond”, she whispered against his chest, as he caressed her head and then cradled her face in his hands, so he could take a good look at her
“My Aemma, are you alright?”, she barely nodded, “are you sure?”
“What has happened?”, she asked, confused, “How do you know I was here?”
“That is a long story my love”, he whispered, “your mother is alive!”, and she opened widely, in surprise
“Are you sure?”, she asked, and he nodded, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs
“Vhaelar was hurt that day, she was in Tarth, stranded”, happy tears fell down Aemma’s cheeks, “we are joined now, in a new allegiance, your family, Helaena and me”, he said, “Do you trust me my love?”, he asked, his eyes shining with hope and love for her. 
Aemma nodded, “Yes I do, my Aemond”, so he smiled warmly
“Close your eyes”, he pleaded gently, and she did. And just how he should have done three years ago, he leaned in, and took her lips on his, kissing her softly, with love and adoration. She gasped in his arms, her arms went to knit around his narrow waist, to bring him even closer to her, sharing her first kiss. 
In the silence of a vale, a soft wind caressing both their bodies, and their dragons as their only witness, they ended their kiss, but sealed the beginning of their story together, their foreheads touching as they drank each other's presence in each other's arms. 
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As Aemma was fighting in the sunset sea, Jacaerys was climbing his dragon Vermax in Dragonstone, to fight at the Narrow Sea.
Fueled by desires of glory, hungry for joining the battlefield, he had decided to join the naval battle, angry at his Grandmother Rhaenys for not doing it herself, falling from grace with her mother and Lord Corlys himself and staying in Driftmark, defending her home.
He was enraged
His cousins where on the battlefield
Winning apparently
Bathing themselves in glory and victory
Why couldn’t he?
So against the wishes of his mother, Jacaerys flew towards the naval conflict, he was ready to face it, face the enemy, make a name for himself. Help his mother win her crown, destroy her enemies. So the open skies welcomed him as he felt the wind in his face, he also felt the adrenaline creeping onto his body, he felt ecstatic 
And the battle was in full violence, cannon balls flew from one side to another, the sound of wood cracking under the strength of the cannons were something that Jacaerys will never forget in his young life. 
So Jace, over his dragon Vermax, identified the first enemy ship, from Mereen
“Dracarys Vermax!”, he commanded, and the green dragon spit his fire under the first vessel
Under him, the sailors who had been distracted by the battle at hand, spotted him, and as they were warned about the dragons, they too armed themselves with scorpions, nets and spears. When the first bolt from the scorpion was released, it evaded Jace for mere inches, warning the young man. 
“Sovêgon, Vermax!”, he commanded, and the dragon continued his flight towards the next ship.
As Vermax was smaller, he needed to be closer to the ships to burn them, taking as twice as long for the same reason, and that is when, a bolt flew through the air piercing through his wing
It didn’t quite hurt the dragon, but it certainly harmed his capability to fly. In retaliation, Jacaerys commanded Vermax to face and burn the ship who had dared to harm them, but he was flying too close to the water, too close to the ships. too close to enemy arrows.
The triarchy’s sailors and soldiers came after Jace, a bolt from s scorpion lodged himself into Vermax’s side, making him growl and whine in the air, and many arrows followed. As did a hook that caught the dragon by his snouts, making him fall into the waters. 
Melys came into action then. Warned by Rhaenyra, Rhaenys entered the battlefield only for his love for his son, the alleged father of Jacaerys, and his memory, to help the boy, she was too late to safe Vermax, but Jacaerys, due to her distraction, was able to dismount from his sinking and dying dragon, and find a piece of wood where he was able to float.
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Aemma felt her cheeks heated when Aemond placed his big hand above hers and intertwined their fingers. Then the Septon tied them together with a silk ribbon. Their eyes met. Aemond had a beautiful smile on his face. And according to Aemond, Aemma has never looked so beautiful. With her rosy cheeks kissed by battle and sun. Her silver hair is loose, and put in place by a beautiful white and pink flower crown. She was wearing a white tulle simple dress, borrowed from a niece of Lady Margaery, she had three, who watched their union giggling holding bouquets of colorful flowers 
“Father, Warrior, Smith, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger”, they chanted at the same time, not taking his eyes off one another. 
“She is mine, and I’m hers”, Aemond said 
“He is mine, and I’m his”, she said at the same time 
“From this day, to the end of my days” they proclaimed 
They sealed their love, in the gardens of Highgarden, with a septon officiating, and the Lady of the Reach, and Daeron, the daring, as witnesses. 
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More notes: I hoped you liked this chapter as much as I did! I was really looking forwards to this one!
Is Jacaerys alive? hehe or is he dead? This is officially a pole everyone VOTE. IS JACAERYS DEAD OR ALIVE?
This chapter was going to be HUGE, but I wanted to post before christmas, and there is going to be a part two to this... ANYWAYS ENJOY MY LOVES!
Taglist!!@tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxy @mikariell95 @genesisliveson @mendes-bae @caspianobsessed @notmundane3000 @kamisunshine @just-someone11 @ietss
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civilotterneer · 4 months
Hey so like you've been at echo for a bit right? So how come we cant see any of the landscapes behind you? Do you log a green screen where ever you go? Seems kinda... Stupid. Oh!!!! and!!!! before i forget!!!! Do not die while wanting to live!!!! You'll come back as a fucked up simulacrum of yourself and attach your killer and or nearest person.
What do you mean? I totally don't use a green screen!
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Also if I came back after dying (wow, big oof if I do), I'd probably be attached to one of my friends like Lye, Cal, or Olk! Which would be great! I can play pranks on them forever!
Actual answer: Backgrounds are hard! Both to make and on my computer! Whenever I include a background, the render probably took a lot longer than I can afford to spend time on. Since I've gotten a lot of asks recently and I want to respond to them all, I focus on the important parts and nix the backgrounds unless they're important to the response or I have one already made that won't take long to reuse (such as this space background which I used in my earlier spaceship render). Reduces both the creation time and render time.
If you guys would prefer, I can try to include more backgrounds (for roleplay or just artistic reasons), but this might slow down the response time a bit on asks (which is already as slow as molasses in an ice age).
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pinkniz · 2 years
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Crying over the fact Freddy is so edgy he wears a collar that says "KILL" and gloves that say "OLK" which means "bad" like COME ON WHY IS HE LIKE THIS
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morguemaw · 1 year
I'm back here to give you one free ticket to talk about anything you desperately want to! Character lore? Something that's happening in your life? A wip you wanna share? give an old character some love? Use this ticket! 🎟️
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