#OKAYYY SLEEP TIME BYE (will i actually go to sleep ? (maybe not))
kavehater · 4 months
I would kill to find out the date I began to be a psych ward patient for that dumb blonde
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samandcolbysturniolo · 9 months
at the bar-Matt sturniolo pt.2
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Matt sturniolo x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing and drinking (no proofread)
Summary: matt and y/n go out too the club to party and stuff...but something happens that y/n never saw coming.
Its almost 7 pm so I started to get ready to go out with Matt. We texted all day long and we actually have a lot in common. I put on some make up and I put on a black dress. "Is it to much?", I think to myself cause I'm really insecure. About everything, my personality, my body, my looks. I think about everything twice before I do something... maybe I should ask Matt what I'm gonna wear. And ask him what he's gonna wear.
Heyyy, I was just wondering what are you gonna wear?
Honestly nothing special, it's a club so I don't really now. So just a baggy jeans and an oversized t shirt with an oversized hoodie. And you?
Well that's the problem...I don't now what to wear...
Uhmmm maybe a cute skirt with a crop top? I'm sure it would look amazing. Especially om you;)
That could work! I just gotta put on my outfit and them I'm ready!
I'll start my car and then I come:)
Im happy I asked Matt what to wear, so I put on a cute skirt and a crop top. I just grab a little purse just to put some lipstick in and my phone. The doorbell rings, my heartbeat races as I go open the door and see matt right in front of me. "Hey beautiful," Matt says in a flirting way. "Hey Matt," I blush a lot. "You ready to go?," matt asks. "I'm all ready so yeah," I say as he leads me to his car and opens the door for me. "What a gentleman" I think to myself. He gets in and starts the car. It was around 10 minutes driving. But we put on some music and talked to each other.
Once we arrive he quickly gets out of the car to open my door so I can get out. "Thank you," I say as I think he might get feelings for me too...wel I hope he does. We are now at the club to party and we have a lot of fun. He buys us some drinks. As we party someone made me fall over and he catches me right in time. It was just like the first time we met at the bar yesterday. As I fall into his arms he smashed his lips onto mine. I was stunned but kissed him back. The butterflies are flying in my stomach. We share a long passionate kiss before we break it. We make eye contact and didn't break it for a long time. I get back up, still not breaking eye contact. "You okay love?," matt asks in a flirting voice. "yes I am handsome," I say as I couldn't believe he actually just kissed me... the night went on, with music blasting loud. We danced on and on. Him touching my waist and clinging onto me. He was getting a bit drunk and so was I. But he was driving, and I know that wouldn't be safe. So I called my best friend to pick us up to go to my place. He asked if he could sleep over and of course I said yes!
9A few minutes later my best friend text me that she outside. So matt and me leave and enter the car. "Heygirl, thank you sm for picking us up," I say. "Girl that's no problem! I rather drive you guys home than that matt drives and have am accident," she says as we ride to my place. While we're on our way, I lay my head on Matt's shoulder and he lays his head on my head. We arrive and we step out the car. "Bye girllll," I say as I give my betsie a goodbye hug. "Bye have funnn", she says as she hugs me back and then I get out the car.
We enter my little house and go to my bedroom. We feel really tired. I go to the bathroom to take my make up off and brush my teeth. Matt is still in my room and he gets his pants of and his t shirt so he's only left in his boxers. I grab some pj's from my closet and put them on. Its a small short and a cropped tank top. Matt comes behind me and hugs me from behind. His hands om my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. He picks me up and lays me in my bed. We share a long passionate kiss together. It feels like a dream come true. "You know that i love you right?," matt asks as he breaks the kiss. "Well guess it's a good thing that I love you too," I say as I lay my head on his muscular chest. He gives me a kiss on my forehead. He shuts of my night lamp before we both fall into a deep sleep...
Heyyy guys, so this was pt2 of at the bar. Sorry If it's really bad....but yeah I still hope you like it❣️ byee😘
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Livestream Chaos~Emily Sonnett x Reader
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(Here’s a quarantine fic requested by @uswnt-owns-this-homo I hope I did it justice!) some drama, but mostly fluff while reader and Emily are in quarantine.
“Emily!” I shout in hopes of gaining her attention, to no avail.
“Emily!!” I shout even louder, still nothing.
“Y/N?!” I finally hear her respond, but i still don’t hear her coming up to the room, so i continue to yell.
“Emily!” finally I hear her running in the direction of our room.
“Y/N! What is it?! What’s wrong babe?!” She comes barging in sounding out of breath from running from wherever she was.
“Oh nothing I just wanted you to pay attention to me.” I said, laughing at the shocked look on her face.
“You mean to tell me I ran up 3 flights of stairs and almost took out Bagel only for you to be perfectly okay?!”
“Exactly!” I said giving her my best smile
“Y/N! I thought something was seriously wrong! Don’t do that to me!” She said actually looking really upset.
“Oh, babe... I’m sorry, I was only joking. I didn’t mean to scare you.” I say reaching out for her, only to have her shy away from me. Frowning, I try again.
“No I’m mad at you.” she said although I could tell she was only pretending now.
“I’m sorryyy. Forgive me? Pleaseee?” I said giving her my best puppy dog eyes, pulling her down onto the bed next to me.
“Mmm...” She pretended to think for a moment, playful rolled her eyes at me and relented.
“Okayyy, fine!”
“Yay!” I cheered, wrapping my arms around her waist and attaching her with kisses
“I knew you couldn’t stay mad at me.”
“Yeah, Yeah. Whatever.”
“You know you love me.”
“Yeah I do. I really do.” she looks at me lovingly.
For a moment we just stay like that, locked in a staring contest. I find myself lost in her eyes, man I really love this girl. I think to myself
“I’m so in love with you.” I finally say, breaking the staring contest.
“I am so in love with you, I might have to put a ring on it.” She says in return.
“Oh really? I was thinking the same thing.”
“Were you now?”
“Yeah I was.”
“But not anymore?”
“Now I didn’t say that... I just might have to beat you to the punch is all.” I said smirking.
“May the best women win.” Emily says as we shake on it.
“Did we really just turn a proposal into a competition?” I ask, realizing what we just agreed to.
“HA, yeah I guess we did.” She says, laughing loudly. She went to get up but I pulled her back.
“Nooooo, don’t go. I’m so bored without you.”
“Well what do you want to do? I don’t wanna lay around all day, as appealing as that sounds. We should be productive.” She said
“Since when did Emily ‘Frat daddy Jr.’ Sonnett want to be productive?” I said looking at her unconvinced.
“Excuse you! I can be productive and responsible with my time... when I want.” She said
“Okay babe, whatever you say.”
“Oh come on, why don’t we... do a livestream?!” she blurts out
“That’s productive?”
“Yes! Fan engagement is of the upmost importance. Meaning livestream = Productive.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Of course I am, besides did you know that the fans grade us and the rest of the team based on how active we are on our social and how interactive we are with them?”
“Really? Where did you see that?.”
“Tumblr.” She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Those fans of ours come up with the best things sometimes.” I said laughing at the thought of the others “grades.”
“So livestream?”
“Livestream it is.”
We both posted to our socials saying “Livestream with the girlfriend in 20 minutes! Be there or be square!”
20 minutes later...
Emily PRO:
We got set up with my phone and sat next to each other on the couch, practically on top of one another.
“What’s up everybody! It’s Emily Sonnett here with the beautiful Y/N!” I said excitedly waving to the camera.
“Hey guys, If you didn’t already know I’m Y/N L/N, I also play on the USWNT with Emily and I also Play for the Utah Royals.” She said introducing herself
“Of course they know who you are, silly goose.” I was confused as to why she felt the need to introduce herself even though she’s been on live-streams with me before and been on the team for a year now.
“Well yeah of course but there’s always gonna new fans wanting to know who I am.”
“Oh! Right, new fans. I totally forgot. Hey if there’s new fans on the livestream right now, welcome! I play for the Orlando Pride as well as the national team.” I said suddenly flustered at the thought of forgetting new fans.
“Now who’s the silly goose?”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
“I know I am.”
“Okay! Well guys send in your questions, feel free to ask us whatever you want and we’ll do our best to answer them.” I then began to read the comments as they came in.
“What do you guys do in your free time?” I read aloud for us both to answer.
“Well I workout, sometimes by myself or with Em. I play with Bagel, I eat... a lot. And that’s pretty much it.” Y/N says giggling.
“Yeah I workout too, I play with Bagel, I face time Rose just to see what her quarantine outfit of the day is, I of course face time Lindsay, constantly. Mostly to annoy her...” I said
“Okay next question...”
“Hey guys, Chris wants to know if you’re eating your vitamins, sleeping well and eating 3 meals a day. 😂” Y/N read out the comment from Mal.
“Hey Mal, yes we’re eating our daily dino vitamins, eating and sleeping. Tell Chris not to worry.”
Since Y/N plays for the Royals Christen and her have gotten really close and she’s taken her under her wing, and in doing so me as well. She worries and nags like a mom, it’s actually really sweet. She’s been extra worried about us since this quarantine thing started.
“How long have you guys been together?” I read out
“2 years and 4 months!” we said in sync proudly. I intertwined our fingers and brought them up to kiss the back of Y/N’s hand.
“Wedding bells in the future?” someone asked
“Maybe...” we said again in sync.
tons of “OMG NO WAY.” and “YESS THE SHIP HAS SAILED.” comments came flooding in as fans began to speculate when the question would be popped.
“Let’s spice things up shall we? Send us dates to do, send some truths to answer too!” Y/N said
“Truth for Emily: Did you like Y/N when you first met?” I read out
“No... BUT after really getting to know her i fell for her, fast and you know the rest.” I said, hoping to not upset my girlfriend in the process.
“Why didn’t you like me at first?” She asked in shock of my confession.
“You just seemed a little closed off and like you didn’t want to get to know the rest of us. I actually thought you didn’t like me.” I said hoping that, this didn’t start a fight.
“Oh... I didn’t know that.” She said seemingly thinking over what I said.
“It’s okay, I didn’t really give you a fair chance at first but we’re happy now right?” I asked worriedly
“Happier than ever.” she said after a minute. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in.
“Okay... Uh ooo here’s a dare!”
“I dare you both to put the other on your shoulders and touch the ceiling.” Y/N read out
“Okay seems easy enough.” I said
“You ready?”
“Yeah let’s do it.”
We got up and moved the phone so that the fans could see what we were doing and prepared to do the dare.
“Okay....” I took a deep breath and wiped my hands on my shorts. I was actually really afraid that someone was gonna get hurt, neither of us are the most coordinated when not on the field. I agreed to go first, Y/N nodded her head to let me know she was ready, squatted down so that I could put my legs over her shoulders so I was sitting on them. She rubbed my knee to let me know she had me and to calm me a little, she could tell I was a little uneasy. She then slowly began to stand up but stopped part way when I yelped loudly in suprise.
“You okay?” she asked laughing nervously.
“Yeah babe, keep going, it’s okay.”
She then grabbed my hand in one of hers to steady me and kept going. We were almost there when she wobbled slightly, but then regained her footing.
“Keep going you got it.”
Finally she was fully standing and I was able to touch the ceiling with both hands.
“Yes!” I cheered victoriously
“Woah, woah. Easy!” Y/N yelled, startled.
“Sorry, Sorry! Okay let me get down, nice and easy...”
Y/N slowly crouched down so that I was able to get down and then stood up again, giving me a hug once we were both back on the ground.
“Nailed it! Okay your turn love!” I said ready to do it again. 
We repeated the process but this time with Y/N on my shoulders, she was able to touch the ceiling as well and I was getting ready to let her down when o felt a sneeze coming.
“Oh no.”
“What oh no? don’t say that. that’s not a good sign, what?”
“I- I’m gonna sneeze.”
“Emily don’t.”
“I’m trying to Stop- ” but it was too late, I sneezed and not just any sneeze, it was a dad sneeze. It was super loud and it shook my whole body. I wobbled, letting go of Y/N’s hand to try to cover my nose. Only realizing my mistake when Y/N began to slip off my shoulders.
“Emily!” she cried out, I tried to catch her but I couldn’t and she landed on the floor with a really painful sounding thud.
“Y/N! Okay guys, uh I have to make sure that she’s okay, I’m gonna end the live now. I’ll update you guys when I can bye!” I rushed out in one breath.
I quickly ended the live so the fans didn’t see what happened next. I rushed to Y/N’s side and began to see if she was badly injured.
“Y/N! Are you okay?! Talk to me babe, Please!”
“Oh my god, you’re not unconscious, thank god!”
“No I’m not, but I think I was for a minute there. What happened?” Y/N rolled onto her stomach holding her nose. I could see blood gushing out of it and I started to panic. I looked around trying to find something to stop the bleeding and finally just decided to use my shirt.
“You fell off my shoulders, I- babe I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let go of your hand.. Here.” I moved her hand so I could press my shirt to her nose.
“It’s okay, I’m good. I- I’m good. Just a little blood, that’s all.” Y/N said but I could tell she was out of it.
“Oh man, okay sit up.” I helped her sit up and continued to hold my shirt on her face.
“you wanna stand up or stay sitting?”
“I should probably stay down for now. My head hurts.”
“I’m sorry love, I am so so so-”
“Stop. It’s okay, I’m okay. It was an accident.” She said cutting me off and giving me the best smile she could under the circumstances.
We continued to try to stop the bleeding from her nose, it took a while and I started to worry I was gonna have to take her to the emergency room but it finally stopped and we were able to get her cleaned up. After letting the fans know she was okay, she took a shower after convincing me she was okay to be left to her own devices. I was in the kitchen making her favorite dinner and setting everything up for a romantic night when my phone began to ring. I looked to see who was calling and saw Christen’s name pop up on my screen.
“Emily!” She shouted into the phone.
“Y-yes Chris?” I said timidly.
“What happened to Y/N?” Why did Mal come bursting into Tobin and I’s room telling us she’s hurt? What happened?!”
“Uh... well you see, it... we... it was just a dare but she was on my shoulders trying to touch the ceiling and she did but when I went to let her down I sneezed and I lost my grip and she fell, she had a bloody nose and her head still hurts but she’s okay! I swear!” I said hoping she wouldn’t kill me through the phone.
I could hear her sigh deeply on the other end of the line and I’d bet anything she was pinching the bridge of her nose. “She’s okay?”
“Yes Chris.”
“Okay. First off no more dares, no climbing on each other or any furniture for that matter. Y/N is to rest for the next week and she is not to do anything to strenuous until I say otherwise? Got it?”
“Yes Christen. How will you know when to clear her?”
“I’ll make her call and face time me everyday so I can see for myself how she is. Make sure she ices her nose and if her head doesn’t stop hurting take her to the doctor.”
“I will. Promise.”
After I got off the phone with Christen, and Y/N got out of the shower we sat down to eat dinner. I was the first to break the comfortable silence.
“I love you. I’m sorry.”
“I told you, it’s okay. I’m okay.” she took my hand rubbing her thumb over my knuckle gently. We continued to talk about anything and everything. After dinner we decided to cuddle on the couch while watching Y/N’s favorite movie.
“Chris was pretty mad huh?”
“yeah but she won’t stay that way for long.”
“What should we call what happened today when we inevitably have to tell the story over and over?”
“What about... Livestream chaos.?” I said making dramatic movements with my hands
“I love it.” Y/N giggled, kissing me gently.
“I could kiss you forever.” I said lovingly.
“I hope you do.” Y/N said kissing me again.
 Sorry about mistakes, this isn’t edited. Oh and to the person who graded all the girls on their engagement with socials and the fans if you see this i thought that was great. :)
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bzz75 · 5 years
A New Start ch.10
chapter 10
Dick pov
‘So how does Jason know who MDC is? It makes no sense Tim and I was looking non-stop for weeks and he just comes in with a jacket?!’ Looking to the left of him Tim is sleeping in a chair. ‘Maybe we can look at this in the morning’
“So…um, Dick? How in the world did Jason get an MDC original? I-I mean… we looked all over for that designer but JASON just walked in like nothing?”
“Timmy. I do not have all the answers. And I am going to sleep. This DAY has to be the most confused I have ever been this year. So I am going to sleep. Goodnight.” Dick said with a bewildered expression.
“Okay. I’ll come with”
Jason pov
‘So pixie-pop, when did you become famous?’ he thought. (ring ring: Pixie-pop) ‘huh...Perfect timing’
J: Hey Mari how are you doing? P: I’m doing well Jay. S-soooo, um (nervous laughter) just wondering where in America do you live? J: Thinking of visiting me so soon?
P: No. Just wondering because I did something and it involves me coming to America and staying. And I think that you mentioned the city I will be in.
J: So, you finally had some guts to leave the class but even more cuz you are leaving France?
P: I guess, yeah. So what city do you live in?
J: As your honorary brother. I’ll tell you but you have to answer my question, okay?
P: Sure
J: I live in Gotham. So-
P: Fantasticwecanseeeachotherwithoutyoucomingtoparis (squeal)
J: what? Wait a minute. You are coming here? ‘why is pixie-pop coming here’
P: yup full story later. What is your question?
J: well noow, I have two. So, first of all, how in the world did I not know that you are famous?
P: uhh…well…you seeee…(sighs) you know Jagged Stone right?
J: of course…wait you are his designer? How?
P: First it started as a school project that turned to him having me design his ‘Hard Rock’ album. Then it became his clothes. And now people know me as MDC because of him mentioning me at interviews and connecting me to other famous celebrities. And for Gotham, I entered a scholarship program that is ran by Wayne Enterprises so I can go to Gotham Academy. And I would probably not gotten that if Jagged had called Mr. Wayne. So I would be staying at his home. But at least we are close by since you know it’s the same city. (nervous laughter)  
J: wow. I did… just wow. Marinette we are going to have fun. SO!! I am going to tell you something
P: okayyy? What is it?
J: Since you are my honorary sister. I would like to tell you my name.
P: I know your name Jason Peter Todd.
J: Actually it is Jason Peter Todd-Wayne
P: Wayne?
J: Yup. When I was about 12, I got adopted by Bruce
P: nooo!!!
J: No?
P: Yes! NOOOO. Whyyyyy???!! Mr. Wayne gave me instructions not to reveal that I am MDC so he can prank or test his kids.
J: Don’t worry Mari, everything will be fine. Only I know so I will keep the secret don’t worry. And see you soon. When are you coming?
P: Next month. Are you picking me up? Please can you? I haven’t seen you in 6 months. Pleeeaseeee.
J: I will try but I will clear things up with Bruce, even though I wanted you for myself
P: Okay bye Jay. Thank you for answering my question.
J: Bye Pixie-pop
‘So now I have to talk to Bruce in the morning. I guess now I have to share my sister. Damnit now Dick will want to get to know her. She will choose me at being the best brother. Dick is the only competition, Replacement is just a caffeine addict, and Demon is just a Demon he will never get along with my Pixie-pop. I’ll talk to Bruce in the morning’
Bruce pov
‘Everything is ready for Ms. Dupain-Cheng. I wonder who would figure out that she is MDC first’
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kacxa-fan · 4 years
Costume Party
Request from @rorylum about Kacxa dressed as Big Barda and Mr. Miracle for a costume party!
Summary: Typically the two weren't ones for parties, especially those considered loud and flashy, but for the sake of pleasing their friends who kept insisting them to "take a break", they did so.
"But you have to! C'mon Acxa, it's just for one night! It'll be a good chance to clear your mind, then you can go back to stressing yourself out." Whined the pleading voice from across the line.
"Hmm, alright. Inform me of the whereabouts and time it would be most appropriate to visit."
"Wow, really? Awesome! Okay, so the party's at James's place around uh 9 p.m., got it?"
"Got it." Acxa responded, quickly jotting it down just in case she forgets due to all the clutter kept in her busy mind.
"Oh- How could I forget? It's also a costume party! So be sure to prep yourself up, k? Can't wait to see you~!"
"Wait. What is a-" the phone call ended "Oh Veronica..." she groaned.
Acxa avoided recalling her friend, deciding it be best to ask her significant other. She walked down the stairs and met him sitting on the couch, Kosmo lazily splayed about his lap. She took whatever was left of space on the furniture.
"Hey, got your work done yet?" Keith glanced over at her before returning his gaze to the TV as he switched through the channels.
"Not quite. I've decided to put work aside for a bit since Veronica asked me to come join her to a 'costume party'... Whatever that is."
"Huh? That's a surprise, but hey, it's nice to get out and destress. Also, a costume party?" He paused and tilted his head over to fully face her.
"If you will, please explain to me what the customs of this type of party are?"
Keith muted the TV, turning his full attention to her.
"Well, a costume party is basically a party where the guests dress up as whatever they'd like. Examples say being uhhh a monster or character from a show. Stuff like that."
"Like a disguise?"
"Yeah, like a disguise, but you don't really gotta fool anyone."
Acxa nodded, her hand reaching it's way over to Kosmo's ear.
"Very well, but what should we dress up as?"
"Oh, I forgot to ask. It's just that I thought you'd like to join..."
"Or you'd feel a lot more comfortable if I joined you, huh?"
"Perhaps, that too..."
Keith chuckled, scooting closer to Acxa. He wrapped his arm around her waist and placed a kiss on her blushing cheek.
"I'm in!"
"Thank you, Keith."
"Mhm. Okay so costumes, uh we could be hmmm... Oh! I grew up really liking Batman, and I guess you could say Catwoman was his girlfriend? You'd rock a Catwoman, not gonna lie."
He pulled out his phone to search the duo up.
"Here, look. See?"
"Ah, how um interesting. As much as I'd like to say that she looks quite flattering, I can't help but notice how uncomfortable her outfit seems. Leather, is it?" She looked down the image "And high heeled boots?"
Acxa unconsciously took his phone from his hand, scrolling through the various images of the peculiar lady.
"Oh my, this is... suggestive?"
"Hahaaa, yeaaah." Keith muttered in slight embarrassment, scratching the back of his neck.
"Is that a whip? Her weapon?"
"Okayyy! That's enough lookin' her up. Let's say we think of another couple, if you're not sure about this one, k?"
The two huddled closer as Keith offered various other options. Somehow Acxa always seemed to pick at one or the other, more so fascinated and weirded out by the outfit. Time ticked by as Keith grew tired. They ended up with few ideas.
He blew out a puff of air, "Uhm welp here's these two. Superheroes. Named Big Barda and Mr. Miracle?"
Acxa, again, took the phone. Her eyes dilating at the bright colors.
"Guess it's a no too?"
She shook her head, "No, I actually find it suitable. Considering that I am the tallest out of us both. Also, we are running out of time, no?"
Keith rolled his eyes playfully, although their height difference was never much of a bother for them.
"My only complaint is the bold colors. Other than that, it looks to be comfortable enough. Don't you think?"
"As long as you're sure, I'll settle for it."
What Acxa wasn't aware of is that Keith was not necessarily looking forward to wearing such a thing, as it was not his sort of style. In fact, this duo's fit was nothing of their style, but nonetheless they agreed to it.
"Here we are. Ready to show off?"
"Just a moment. I think my cape got tangled."
Keith and Acxa exited their car, pinkies hooking and having nervous talk about their suits. They entered the apartment complex, scanning the numbers of each door.
"Here it is! Ready?"
"What other choice is there..."
Keith knocked, and low and behold, James answered.
"HEY! ACXA AND... KEITH? NO WAY! THAT'S PRETTY FUNNY SEEING YOU TWO HERE. ESPECIALLY WEARING THOSE!" He shouted as the commotion of the dark yet colorfully lit room dazed the visitors viewing it. The brunette took his time looking the deadpanned couple up, incapable of holding his growing amusement.
Keith took the lead, holding a hand out for Acxa to follow. Acxa examined the area, taking notice to the strange figures, assuming that some were not human at all, but actual aliens to Earth such as herself. She heard the booming and perked her ears, worried that a fight involving weaponry was taking place. Hesitantly, she took his hand and stepped foot into the strange presence. They walked behind James as cautiously as they could, with the few bumps here and there from strangers in all sorts of display.
Finally straying away from the crowd and their noise, the trio were reintroduced to their friends.
"Aw Acxa, and Keith~! Glad you actually came. I was beginning to think you'd bail out on us and this fun!" Veronica hugged her confused friend.
"Why yes, I would never do such a thing. Although, I would have to disagree with you on how this could be 'fun'." Acxa responded, massaging her ears.
"Oh there you go again blurting out your opinion without a care. Typical Acxa-"
"Our Acxa!" Veronica consoled James by patting his back playfully.
The rest of the MFE group exchanged their greetings.
"So, Acxa. You think this ain't at all fun? I'll make it my mission to prove ya wrong!" Nadia spun back to the others, "Right guys? Everyone come on and join us!"
"Sure, sounds fine by me." Said Veronica.
"I mean, I'm kinda busy on keeping check who's at the door cause this is my place-"
"Don't worry about it, Jamesy! Someone else can take care of that stuff. Spend time with us and quit looking around for a girl to dance with and hopefully date~"
Veronica and Nadia shared a smug smirk towards the now heated boy. Ina simply shook her head in shame.
"If you'd like, may I offer you all to a game of cards?" Ina asked.
"Cards?" Acxa tilted her head.
"What kind of ga-"" Keith was cut off.
"CARDS?! Inaaa sweetie, again?" The blue haired, hyper girl whined.
"Shush Nadia, there's nothing wrong with playing some more. Plus, I think it's a great way to show Acxa how a party can be fun!" Veronica stated, pulling Acxa and Keith to the table as the rest soon followed in.
After this "boring" and time consuming game, Nadia was sure to introduce her alien friend to a whole variety of other party activities.
Some not so appropriate to her friend's taste, that is.
Hours passed, around four. At least, that's what Acxa assumed. It was quite dark afterall.
Clumsily, she walked, or rather stumbled, her way back to the snack table. Her eyes dilating as her gaze lingered from item to item, looking for that deliciously red-colored juice. To be honest, she didn't really think it to be that good, terrible actually, but nonetheless she had the urge to engulf her system with some more. This beverage was making her feel... happy anyways.
"Acxa? Acxa-" Keith trotted to his girlfriend. He rested his hand on the small of her back, looking over to see her pouting face. How cute.
"No, nooo, nooooo! There's no more *hiccup* juiceee!" Acxa aimed to pound her hand onto the table, but instead missed and hit Keith's stomach area. She turned around at the sudden sound.
"Ow. Acxa are you-"
He felt her cold finger poke his lips. She giggled childishly. Her toothy smile making the man blush almost uncomfortably. She looked so happy, and he knew well that it was not exactly in her control.
"You're... I think you look very handsome~! Do I *hiccup* know you... from somewhere?"
"Yes, yes you do. I'm your boyfriend, remember? Keith." He couldn't help but chuckle.
She looked up and stared at nothing in particular, thinking.
"Keith. Oh yes! I remember you, I think."
"I sure hope so. It'll suck if you don't and I lose my beautiful girlfriend."
"Aw, you're too kind, sir." Acxa bashfully covered part of her smiley face with her hand. So cute.
"Really looks like Nadia did her job, huh? How much did you drink?"
"Hmmm, I estimate around 57 *hiccup* cups? No wait, maybe it was 70..."
Keith was shocked. Then again, he was dating a 6 foot something to 7 foot girl from another planet. He should've been surprised more at the fact that Earth alcohol even had an affect on her.
"Wow, ahaha! That's enough for you then. Let's say we go back home and go to sleep. I'm beat and this party is getting crazier by the minute." He took her hand and tugged her to, again, follow him.
"Waaait~! Not yet! I wanna say bye to my *hiccup* friendsss!" Acxa protested and limped herself back.
Keith sighed, "Ina told me to say goodbye for her to you a while ago. Veronica went out earlier too. Nadia's passed out black on the couch. And James is... eh whatever who gives a damn."
"Nadia? Passed out! Is she okay? She's not okay! I need to help her- Let me go help!"
"Woah woah calm down, baby. Nadia's okay. She's with a few other girls watching over her. Trust me?" Keith wrapped his arms around her frantic self.
"Always have, always will." She puffed.
"Good. Thanks for that. Now, ready to go?"
AN: Gee, look who's back. 🤡
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sunflowertarlos · 5 years
“HEY HEY HEY!” I turned to see Kou-chan and Tetsu-chan with matching grins on their faces.
“Kou-chan, Tetsu-chan, did you need something?” I smiled at them, picking up the bag I had dropped in surprise, hoping this wouldn’t take too long as I was in a hurry.
“You sure you don’t want to go with us to the club tonight?" Tetsu-chan asked, “YEAH, It’ll be our treat Birthday Boy”  Bokuto reminded me excitedly.
“Thanks, but I’ll have to raincheck, after all, I have a skype date with Iwa-chan today” I grinned at them, flashing them a peace sign.
“OHO OHO?” They both grinned at me.
“Not one fucking word” I glared at them.
“Alright, alright” Kou-chan laughed.
“Next time then?” Tetsu-chan asked, “Definitely” I grinned back at him.
“Alright see ya” Tetsu-chan walked away with a wave. As I turned to start walking back home I heard Kou-chan shout a ‘BYE ‘KAWA’ and shook my head in amusement when I turned just in time to see him jump on Tetsu-chan’s back, and pointed in the direction he wanted to go to.
I waved goodbye one last time before continuing on my journey back home, to my apartment. On my way there, I was thinking about what to do when I arrived, I think I still have enough time to shower before Hajime calls. I was so deep in thought about what I needed to do that I didn’t even notice how my door was unlocked even when I clearly remember locking it before I left earlier that morning.
What I did notice though, was that there was someone in my kitchen, with their head inside the refrigerator, their back to me so I couldn’t see their face, not that it mattered. After spending our entire lives together, I would know who that is anywhere, even if I can’t see his face.
I dropped my things in haste before I ran towards him and jumped onto his back, latching onto him like a koala. He quietly cursed as he regained his balance.
“Welcome home, love” he sighed as I nuzzled his cheek fondly.
“You’re here” I smiled up at him, eyes never leaving his face. “Of course I did” he scoffed, “If you ever thought that college was gonna keep me from continuing our ‘sleepover tradition,’ then you are a bigger dumbass than I thought Trashykawa” he chuckled, saying the last part teasingly.
“Wait, so we are actually going to...?” I asked, hopefully as I trailed off from what I was going to say. “Mhm” he nodded, “It won’t be the usual stargazing that we usually do since all we have is your balcony, but I did a little something special to make up for it” he grinned at me.
“You’re the best!” I squealed, tightening my arms around him for a hug. “Obviously, I put up with you for who knows how long” he scoffed, but the way he looked at me told me otherwise. “I love you too~” I grinned at him, “Yeah, yeah, I love you, now get off” he huffed as he blushed.
“Ugh, fine” I pouted at him and jumped off his back. Once I was down, he turned to face me and cupped my face in his hands, “Happy birthday, my love” he whispered before pulling me into a kiss which I happily responded to.
“I missed you” I mumbled into his neck after we had pulled away and were cuddling on the couch.
I felt him place a kiss into my temple with a smile on his lips, “I know To, I missed you too”
“Babe, go and change into something more comfortable,” he told me walking into the room, not even looking up from his phone as he typed something in.
“But I’m comfortable here” I pouted up at him, “Yeah, well, you won’t be when you complain later when we’re stargazing” he pointed out, staring at me.
“Alright, fine” I sighed and got up to head into the room, only to walk out a few minutes later in a pair of grey sweatpants that had an alien patch on the left thigh and a dark blue hoodie that I may or may not have stolen from him.
“Is that the hoodie that I’ve been looking for the past month or so?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile.
“Maybe” I grinned at him, flashing him a peace sign which he rolled his eyes at.
“Come on,” he chuckled, dragging me off to the balcony where a table for two has been set with a plate of freshly cooked, homemade milk bread sat in the middle with two bowls of ramen sitting opposite of each other and a pot of jasmine tea, my favorite, as music played from the speaker his phone was connected to and played songs from our playlist.
“You really went all out this year” I grinned at him as I felt him hug me from behind, watching as my comment made him blush, “Shut up and sit the fuck down, Shittykawa” he mumbled, I laughed but did as I was told.
After finishing the ramen, I looked up at the sky with wonder and amazement even after the millions of times I looked up at this sky. I pointed out all the constellations that I could see while munching on the milk bread that Hajime had made. I smiled in content and said, “The stars really are beautiful tonight”
“Yeah, they are” he replied, and I looked over at him to say something about him actually agreeing with me for once, but I noticed that his eyes were already focused on me.
I jokingly rolled my eyes at him, “Why agree if you’re not even looking at it?” I chuckled.
He glanced up at the sky for a few moments before looking back at me, “Nah, the stars I’m looking at are much prettier” he said, flashing me the smile that was only ever directed at me, as he looked me in the eyes. 
I blushed and covered my face with my hands, mumbling, ‘baka’ over and over again.
He chuckled as he stood up and walked over to me, “Come on, babe,” he took my hands from my face and pulled me into his arms as we started dancing along to the music as he started humming along to the song that was currently playing.
We were just kids when we fell in love,
not knowing what it was,
I will not give you up, this time
“Hajime?” I stared up at him as we were cuddling in bed with my head on his chest as usual.
“Yes, love?” he replied, eyes still closed.
“Thanks for the best birthday” I smiled up at him.
“You say that every year” he chuckled, pulling me closer and finally opening his eyes to kiss me on the forehead.
“I mean it every time,” I told him honestly, chuckling when he blushed and told me to ‘go the fuck to sleep already.’
“Alright, alright” I laughed, closing my eyes and breathing in the scent of Hajime, hoping that it would help lull me to sleep.
“I love you, To” he mumbled after a few moments of me trying to get comfortable.
“I love you too, Haji” I grinned up at him, giving him one last kiss before I was lulled to sleep with the beat of his heart as my lullaby.
Okayyy, so this is technically a late add for my bb’s bday gift
If you follow me on watty then you’ve probably read this, except that this one is edited a bit
Anyways, happy birthday to my bby Oikawa! Hope Iwa-chan gave you a great gift 💝
I hope to see you and Iwa more in the manga ☺️💗
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