superiorsturgeon · 3 days
Ren: Hike!
Nora: *hikes football*
Jaune: *hands off to Pyrrha*
Pyrrha: *tucks the ball and charges*
Pyrrha: *flings Sun aside one-handed*
Pyrrha: *flips Neptune over her shoulder*
Pyrrha: *shoulder-slams Sage off his feet*
Pyrrha: *runs straight over Scarlet into the end zone*
Jaune/Nora/Ren: Touchdown!! 😃
Pyrrha: *victory dance* 😁
Sun: *clutching his arm* You guys suck! You only have one play: give Pyrrha the ball and she runs it! 🤕
Nora: Oh yeah? We’ll show you!
Ren: Hike!
Jaune: *tucks ball*
Pyrrha: *scoops up Jaune and plows through SSSN like a freight train, using Jaune as a battering ram*
Pyrrha: *victory dancing again* 😁
Jaune: *lying on the ground clutching his ribs* Woo…! Touch-ohdeargodsItasteblood-down! 😅
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kimasousparky · 1 day
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no thoughts head empty mr. m au
bros being both brainwashed but!!! theyre still very loyal to each other even if they dont remember each other and think theyre just allies ejhfjfk. i like to think the actual reason mr. l hates mario in spm is bc it was needed to twist his love for his brother around and any amount of respect otherwise would make him hesitant to attack him. here, well... mr. l is still loyal to the count first, but mr. m himself is loyal only to mr. l
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basically, mr. l takes the lead. mr. m doesnt care at all about being the leader of their duo, he doesnt have the drive nor thinks he's suited for it so he leaves it at for mr. l since he seems to like the role and he's way smarter than mr. m is. i mean, if it depended on him alone, he'd just throw hands at peach and bowser until he won. but if mr. l thinks they need a plan, sure, he'll go with it. he doesn't get why they need a robot or the need for a monologue, but sure sure, if mr. l deems it important then it's fine (as long as he doesnt have to speak, then monologues are fine)
and alas:
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he's so so so so interested in peach. from the first time he saw her, he was like "oh im interested" immediately. a beautiful tall princess with silky blonde hair and soft features courageously traveling to save the world? oh sign him up! and then after she manages to defeat him in battle, he's like "oh im VERY interested" cuz besides all these qualities, she can even beat him up??? shit, he's in love!! yeah let's go!!!
peach obviously doesnt reciprocate. seriously, who's this guy?? (nevermind he resembles mario so much it hurts, but UGHHH she must be strong it's not him dont be swooned by his charming smile aaaa)
and please consider the scenario of peach rejecting mr. m with "i'm already interested in someone else" and mr. m angrily assumes he has a rival somewhere that he gotta defeat (that just happens to be himself idhjfkglf)
(maybe i'll make a post on a roleswap aka super paper luigi later, woo yeah)
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itsmarsss · 2 days
Scandalous (Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas) [Helluva Boss] pt. 7 - Ozzie's
How the mighty do fall. (Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn't exactly considered classy, Stolas)
It's a date! (But is it really?)
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | 1st bonus | pt. 6
Word count: 5,212
Warnings: you ask blitz to not be a dick and what does he do? yeah he's a bit of a dick. a big reveal abt reader's past (will be explored more in depth later), terrible just awful communication skills.
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Alright, however much blood you got on yourself, business today was kind of pretty fucking awesome. 
The four of you walk through the portal, all still riding high on the adrenaline rush the day’s kills provided you. Blitzø’s the first to set foot back into the office, throwing his head back and brandishing his new axe around. “Woo! That was a fuckton of lumberjacks!” 
There were eleven of them, to be exact.
Moxxie walks in right after him, looking a little too excited as he held up a chainsaw, still on and rumbling.
Millie’s next, covered in more blood than anyone else, as usual- clearly in a great mood, going as far as biting the wood handle of the axe she was holding in half.  “Ahh! I’m still so jazzed up!” 
You walk in last, examining the huge new knife you got for yourself, pleased. Nothing like putting down five huge-ass dudes on your own and getting a cool new knife for your collection to get you in a good mood. 
Moxxie discards the chainsaw into the portal, and Loona closes it off. “Well, you better stay jazzed up, babe,” he tells Millie, shooting finger guns at her. “‘Cause guess where I’m taking you tonight?”
“Don’t you dare finish a filthy pun in my presence, Moxxie! Besides, drinks are on me tonight! Let’s hit up the new drive down the street,” Blitzø suggests, excited.
Moxxie looks down to the floor, then back at him. “Actually, sir, it’s our one year marriage anniversary, so I’m taking Millie to Ozzie’s, all the way down in the Lust Ring!” He announces, proud of himself. 
Millie’s eyes immediately light up, and she gasps in excitement at the revelation. “Ozzie’s? No way! That place is always booked.”
Yeah, you should know that. In fact, you already knew Moxxie was taking her there, too- he’d approached you the previous week, asking if you could do him a ‘big favor’. You didn’t know what to expect of this supposed big favor, but when he asked if you could maybe call Ozzie personally and arrange him and Millie a reservation for their anniversary, you let out a laugh.
“Oh, that’s it?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Of course I can, Mox, are you kidding?”
“That’s awesome!” He’d hugged you tight. “Thank you so, so much, y/n!”
You smile, pleased with Millie’s reaction. You knew she’d love it. Moxxie had mentioned he’d tell her you’d helped, but you’d told him not to, leaving all the credit for him. He deserved it. 
He sends you a thankful glance when Millie squeaks out his name and quite literally jumps on him, kissing him all over. The scene is so sweet it’s almost gross. 
“Ugh, can you two not?” Blitzø complains.
Moxxie’s out of breath when he pulls away, looking a little high-headed after the distraction. “I’m sorry, sir. Maybe another time!” 
“Oh, it’s fine! I- I can come with the two of  you, help you celebrate your boring-as-fuck-monogamy.”
There’s no way he just seriously suggested that. “What? Dude. No.”
Moxxie matches your tone. “Yeah. No.The reservation is for us.”
“Uh-huh,” Blitzø agrees, nodding, as if that changes absolutely nothing to him. Did he genuinely not get the hint or is he playing dumb at this point?
“Just. Us. Millie and I.”
“Uh-huh,” he repeats, still nodding as if he doesn’t see the issue. 
“Without you there. Explicitly without you there.”
He completely disregards Moxxie’s words. “I’ll wear something nice. It’s a big deal after all.” Ah, got it. Playing dumb.
Moxxie’s left eye twitches at his attitude, but, in turn, he just turns around, walking towards the door. “You want a ride or not?” He turns back around to ask you, and you try to shoot Moxxie a reassuring look that’s meant to say you’ll get some sense through his skull before you follow him out. “See you lovebugs later!”
You start scolding him as soon as you get to the parking lot. “Could you be any more inconvenient?”
“The fuck do you mean?” 
“The fuck do I mean? They don’t want you there, Blitz. It’s their anniversary. Whatever fantasies you have about them don’t make you a part of their relationship, you realize that, don’t you?” The two of you get to the van, and he unlocks the doors so you can get in before he says anything in return.
“Fuck you, I made that couple happen, bitch. I deserve to be part of this ‘anniversary dinner’. And you do too, I know there ain’t no way Moxxie got that reservation without your help.”
“Yeah and that one-hundred percent does not give me any right to crash their date. Don’t you fucking go to Ozzie’s tonight. You hear me?”
“Ohh keep talking dirty.”
“I’m so serious right now.”
Blitzø scoffs at your threatening tone. “Don’t remember you being the boss of me.”
“I am telling you, as a friend, that you’re being inconvenient. They’ll get pissed at you and they’ll be right to.”
“Yeah well I don’t fucking care.”
“Come on Blitz, just give them a break. I’ll even go with you to that place you wanted to go!” You try. 
“Yeah! It’ll be fun. And very far from Millie and Mox so they can enjoy their night out alone,” you make sure to point out.
“Fine. Whatever.”
Blitzø drops you off at your apartment so you can get ready with a yell of ‘be quick we don’t have all night!’ as he drives off, going home himself to shower and change too before he’s back to pick you up. 
“If I didn’t know you I’d think you’re dressing to impress me here,” he raises an eyebrow suggestively as he gives you a very exaggerated once-over.
“Yeah in your dreams maybe,” you retort immediately, used to his comments by now, as you get into the passenger seat.
“Oh my dreams about you don’t have any clothes involved.”
He shrugs. “Ready?”
“Sure. What’s the place called again?”
“Uuuuhh, don’t worry about it. We’re going somewhere new.”
You notice he’s extra chatty during the ride, talking your ear off and turning up the radio so the two of you can sing the songs out. You realize why he was going out of his way to distract you when suddenly you take a look out the window and recognize the neighborhood. 
He’s taken you to the Lust Ring, and it’s not very hard to imagine why when he parks just a couple blocks from Ozzie’s. You feel disappointed, and honestly a little naive, to have thought he’d take you to a fun night out instead of just doing whatever he wanted to do. 
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? This is the one place I said, repeatedly, that we couldn’t go!”
“Oh, boo-hoo, so I’m taking you out on a nice fucking fancy-ass dinner, what a terrible fucking thing to do!”
“Except you’re not taking me out, you just don’t know your fucking boundaries and you wanna spend your sorry-ass night spying on Millie and Moxxie.”
“Eh. Potato, potato.”
“You pronounced it the exact same.”
He shrugs. 
“We’re leaving.”
“What? No!”
“Well I am. And you don’t have a reservation,” you point out, trying to make it clear he’s not getting in. Did he only bring you out with him in the hopes you’d manage to get him a table by pulling some strings? “And you can’t get in without a partner so sucks to be you.”
“Well I’m not taking you anywhere,” he crosses his arms over his chest, matter-of-factly.
“‘Course you’re fucking not. We were supposed to just have some fun tonight. I can’t believe this. You’re a fucking prick, you know that, right?” You let your frustration spill out in your words, and you pull your phone out to see if you can find a ride on Reaper, not in the mood to be out anymore and desperately wanting to get back home at this point.
“Yeah, yeah, and you’re a whiny bitch but I don’t keep telling you that, do I?”
You send him a dirty look, sitting on the curb as you wait for the app to find you a car, and he fucks off to the alleyway behind you to do Satan-knows-what. After a while, still down on your luck with the ride, you’re startled when a portal is opened only a couple feet in front of you, and it takes you a couple seconds to register the fact that it’s Stolas who walks out of it. 
“Stolaaass!” Blitzø calls out, as if already expecting him. Was he already expecting him? Is this what you thought it was- you telling him you wouldn’t get into Ozzie’s with him and him just calling Stolas up, simple as ever, to fulfill that role instead?
“What are you doing here?” You ask the prince, not really meaning to sound rude, but it comes out demanding of an answer regardless, and he tilts his head to the side, as if confused by the fact that you apparently didn’t know he’d be coming.
“Wow. Outfit’s a little overkill, don’t ya think?” Blitzø tells him, and you resist the urge to pettily flick at his forehead at the lack of common sense. Why the fuck would you say that?
Stolas looks down to the floor, embarrassed. “Did you… not know I was coming, y/n?”
“No. Did Blitzø call you here?”
“Yes, I- I assumed-” He looks at Blitzø, now referring to the comment about his outfit as well. “I wanted to look nicer for you. This is our first real date, after all… right?” he explains himself, motioning between the three of you.
“A date?” You whip your head around to look at Blitzø. That’s what he told Stolas this was?
“Surprise! We’re having a date!”
“Blitz I swear to Satan, this is so out of pocket-”
“Is something not right, y/n?” Stolas asks, and it completely disarms you. He seems so genuinely excited about this ‘date’that you can’t get yourself to ruin it for him by revealing what only you knew- that what he thought was a date was just a selfish ploy for Blitzø to spy on Millie and Moxxie for whatever fucking reason he had.
And so you find yourself reassuring him. “No. Not at all.”
“Ya still wanna leave now?” Blitzø whispers, all cocky and annoying and- fuck, he can just be so stubborn it’s insufferable sometimes.You grit your teeth but say nothing in return, and the three of you walk up to the stairs by the entrance. 
You don’t recognize the incubus who greets you. Must be new. He eyes the three of you up and down, as if trying to gather how the fuck this whole thing happened. “Y’all three together?” He asks, an eyebrow raised.
“Yes,” Stolas tells him. 
“Alrightt, that’s fucking hot! Y’all got a reservation?”
Before you can even think of telling him to talk to Ozzie, Stolas speaks up again. “Do we need one?” He asks, glaring at the man, as if challenging him to say no. The man gulps before opening a smile and bowing at him. “No! Uh, shit, my apologies, Your Highness. Right this way.”
You feel the ever-growing urge to facepalm as hard as you possibly can the very second you enter the lounge, because Blitzø immediately starts sneaking around the place like he’s a character in some low-budget spy movie. 
Stolas looks around the place, mesmerized. “Oh, my! Oh, no! No, but also yes!” He’s been there countless times (you should know), but only then do you realize he’s never stayed or even visited for matters that weren’t aligned with his royal duties. He’s stupid rich and he’s never dined at Ozzie’s?
He’s only ever been with that wife of his before you and Blitzø happened. And his own marriage was merely another one of his royal duties. And- oh, fuck. Was this his first ever date? Shit.
You pull Blitzø down to whisper to him as you walk to your table. “Blitz, you’re gonna be fucking nice tonight, alright?”
“Hey I’m always a fucking delight!”
“I’m serious. I think he’s never been on a date before.”
“What? That’s not true.”
“Look he’s clearly excited to be here, please don’t be a dick, okay?”
“You calling me that for free?”
“The outfit comment was not cool.”
“Oh you guys are so fucking sensitive.” He dismisses your words, sitting down on the chair that had been arranged for him, a couple books placed on the seat so his height could be aligned properly with the round table’s.
Stolas is beaming as soon as the three of you sit down. “Oh, how romantic is this? I have never stayed here longer than I needed to. It’s so charming!”
“Yeah, it sounded like- I just thought we’d have a blast here,” Blitzø tells him, barely present in the conversation as he pulls out his goddamn fucking binoculars out of his pocket, surely trying to find out where Millie and Moxxie were seated. 
“Uh, yeah. It’s lovely, right? And it’s where I met both of you! Isn’t that so nice, Blitz?” You kick him under the table, and he shoots you a dirty glare before turning back around. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m a real romantic- oh gotcha!”
Stolas tilts his head to the side, trying to figure out what is happening. “Uh, Blitz, what are you looking at?”
“I’m looking at nothing. How about that?” So much for not being a dick. Luckily, a server approaches the table just then, averting Stolas’ attention from Blitzø. 
“So, can I get you three off?” She takes a long pause before ‘correcting’ herself. “I mean, start you three off with some drinks?” It actually was normal taught practice for the ‘slip-ups’ to happen- you should know, you trained countless servers during your time there. It still makes Stolas blush out of embarrassment, caught off-guard by it.
“Yes! Um, perhaps some… wine, to share?” He glances at you, and you smile at him, nodding in agreement. “Blitz?” 
“Would you like some wine, too?”
“Yeah why not?”
“Do you prefer red or white? Or perhaps some champagne?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Blitzø replies dryly, very clearly barely paying any attention to what was said to him as he didn’t even bother turning around to face the two of you.
“Uh- I- uh-”
“What if we-” you begin, trying to help Stolas not freak out.
“Perhaps we should order all three! Ha! Why not?” He suggests, and it sort of sounds like he is sort of freaking out, but you don’t argue. 
“Yeah that sounds good.”
“So! How was the day at I.M.P.?” Stolas tries. 
“Oh? Uh, it was good, I guess. We killed a bunch of weirdos. She can tell you about it,” Blitzø tells him, this time sparing one single glance back and pointing vaguely at you. How thoughtful.
“Uh, business was pretty good today. What he meant with killing a bunch of weirdos is that we had more targets than usual, which is good. But I’m sure you don’t wanna hear about us killing people, right?”
“No! It sounds like fun!” It definitely didn’t look like he thought so, but rather that he was desperately trying to build a connection. One that Blitzø currently didn’t seem to give a flying fuck about. “Uh, how did you kill them?”
The question at least seemed to pique Blitzø’s interest, as he actually turns around and puts down the binoculars to answer it. “How? I mean, there was a lot of ‘em, so… bullets?”
“Right! Right. So… what made you decide to plan a date after all this time?”
Shit. “Uuuuuuhhh…” Blitzø scratches the back of his head, trying to think of what to say. Fuck, don’t be a dick, don’t be a dick, don’t-
Thankfully, for all of you, you’re sure, he doesn’t get to finish whatever he was about to try and say, as the lights dim and Fizzarolli’s voice sounds through the lounge. “Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight.” He descends down the pole right in the middle of the stage, and you notice his greeting routine sounds different. It’s a weird feeling to see so much change since you left. “Welcome, welcome to Ozzie’s, Lust Ring’s number one place for all kinds of sick, twisted fantasies, put on display for all you sleaze and sleazettes, the gem joint of Asmodeus himself. Come on, give him some love!”
“Did he just say Asmodeus?” Stolas questions out loud.
“He likes to make an appearance sometimes,” you explain, but, internally, it made you nervous. You did not need Ozzie to see you on a date tonight.
Stolas nods, and Blitzø lets out a groan. “Oh, no fucking way. Not him!” He hides his face behind the menu that had been placed in front of him, and he’s still never told you what happened between him and Fizz, but that has to be a bit dramatic, doesn't it? 
“I am the one and only Fizzarolli.” The clown continues, pulling up a Loo Loo Land flyer with his robotic version, ‘Robo Fizz’, on it. “Some of you might recognize this dashing clown face from my numerous replicas across the rings of Hell, gloriously designed by the big man himself, and uh,” he traces his hand up his own robotic arm in a rather suggestive way, “ribbed for your pleasure tonight. We have a great lineup for you tonight: Verosika Mayday, Wet Dream, and The Squirters!” 
The lights shine on them, and suddenly you understand Blitzø’s need to hide. “Shit, she’s here?”
“Do you know her?” Stolas asks you, and you don’t reply.
“But as everyone’s warming up, I got a funny one for y’all!” Fizz keeps on. “Did any of you hear about the batshittery that happened at Loo Loo Land?” He laughs. “Oh yeah, I’ll tell you what, I’d sure love to shake the hand of the crazy son of a bitch who decided to burn down that off-brand shithole, and then slap a fat subpoena in it, ‘cause I’m very much looking to sue. That robo-me made us more money entertaining those kids than the ones we sell to get you freaks off, if you know what I mean.”
Someone in the lounge stands up from their seat, waving their hand around. “I know! I know what you mean! I have four of ‘em!” They announce, loud and proud, and you realize their date is one of those. It’s freaky enough for you to know security’s sure to keep an eye on them for the rest of the night to make sure they stay far away from Fizzarolli.
“So! Without wasting more time! Our little opening act is a fresh one, coming at us from a little imp from the Wrath Ring. Give it up for… Moxxie! With no creative stage name whatsoever.”
Moxxie stands up, taking his guitar with him, and kisses Millie before taking Fizzarolli’s place on the stage. That he hadn’t told you about, and knowing it was probably because he wanted to keep that moment to themselves makes you feel shitty about being there. He taps the mic before speaking. “Hello, everyone. Um. Hi. Thank you for letting me be here. It’s an honor to play.” Someone yells at him to hurry up, and he looks a bit nervous at it before he keeps on. “This song is for my beautiful wife, a surprise for our first anniversary. I love you, Millie.”
I love you More than the brimstone loves the fire, more than beelze loves her bub, more than a maggot loves gangrenous stubs You make my spirit sing Yeah, you make me glad I live in Hell Our love is a story sweet to tell Yeah, you cast a special Satanic spell over my heart Love is a journey we decided to start Yeah, I hope we’ll never, ever be apart I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I-
Shit, Moxxie. If he had told you about this, you would have warned him Ozzie’s was not the right place to perform a love song. But he didn’t, and so… “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,”, Ozzie and Fizz sang along, making their way onto the stage, very clearly mocking and laughing at him. 
Who’s singing love songs in my lustful lounge?
So Ozzie was performing tonight, huh? Must be in a good mood. 
Ozzie’s ain’t the place for sentimental sounds!
What’d you expect from a proprietor like us?
Your demon host, Asmodeus, the embodiment of lust…
Give me a thrust! Show me some lust! From the groin to the bust, in desire we trust, in the House of Asmodeus
Trumpet! Gah!
Little imp, you came here to sing your serenade Perform your feelings in the velvety stage Well, we got a saying that’s popular in these parts
‘Only little bitches strum the strings of their hearts’
You wanna hang around this lustful town? Ditch the lovey-dovey before we knock you around
How hypocritical.
In here we sing about wants and desires
Depravity, savagery, loins hotter than fire!
So give me a thrust Show me some lust From the groin to the bust Little imp, you just must In the House of Asmodeus Come on, sing us a song! Make sure the subject is getting it on Make it graphic and tactfully long
Make sure to rhyme ‘thong’ and ‘schlong’!
Go ahead, the mic’s on!
After a good while of tossing Moxxie around as Ozzie and Fizz sang, they set the mic in front of him once again. He takes a deep breath before strumming his guitar and giving it a try.
I want to 
Yeah, what do you want? Butt stuff? Piss play? Bondage?
Make gentle love to you
Oh, Moxxie. 
Ugh, what a limp-dick imp, you’re really killing the vibe Get a load of this dweeb and his unsatisfied bride!
Blitzø stands up from his seat. Why the fuck is he standing up from his seat? 
“Hey now, I’ve watched those two pork many times, and, honestly, they make missionary look relatively exciting!” 
You should have known he’d feel the need to try and defend them in some way, but this was really, really not a good idea. If you didn’t want any of your friends to see you there up until then, now he’d managed to basically call out for their attention. 
“What? Blitz!” Moxxie yells out, as if he can’t believe he’s actually there. His eyes find you too, and he furrows his eyebrows together. You feel ashamed that you ended up there, and even more so that his moment was getting ruined in so many ways.
Fizzarolli opens a grin. “Is that Blitzo? So you’re showing your face?”
Hey, everybody!  This guy’s a total disgrace Some nerve you got to comment on a relationship Last I checked, your love life is a pile of shit!
As if things couldn’t get any worse, Verosika stands up, the lights immediately panning to her, and she joins in. 
Oh, Blitzo? I used to date him 
“Oh, Verosika, you’re here.”
I’d stroke him, I’d fellate him But when it was my turn He did no reciprocating  A selfish imp in the sheets  And just as bad on the streets A reckless, heart-breaking freak
You silently pray to Lucifer for her to not see you, or just not mention you, or-
“Oh am I interrupting your date, y/n?” She spits out. 
I should have known it I should have guessed you’re not above it  How long left till they’re abandoned? Do they know they’re not your standard?  The prince would better watch out Just get too close and he’s out Give it some time, she’ll flake out
You look down at your hands over your lap and you wish the ground would just swallow you whole. Stolas looks between you and Blitzø, trying to assimilate what just happened. “Did the both of you date her?”
Who’s that at your table? Is your date a demon prince? Stolas, is that you?
Are you sleeping with an imp?
My dark lord, how the mighty do fall! You used to have a smoking wife, a kid, you had it all! I hope you didn’t give it up so they could help you get it up…
Stolas hides his face behind the menu, not unlike Blitzø had done earlier, like he’s… embarrassed to be called out for being on a date with the two of you. It feels like a gut punch, to come down to the realization that, yeah, of course he’s embarrassed, he’s a prince, for Lucifer’s sake. 
Your eyes feel like they’re burning, and you have to hold back tears from streaming down your face. 
You sold your life for a thrust! Now that’s the spirit of Lust Grab your groin or a bust You better get your hair mussed Pretend you don’t see that crust Hump ‘till your junk turns to dust In the House of Asmode-
You stand up in preoccupation for Millie when she simply knocks Fizzarolli down to the ground. 
“Hey!” Ozzie exclaims, helping Fizz get up. You see the rage in his eyes- Millie was crazy to have done that- and he looks back at you. The worry in your expression and the furious shaking of your head, wordlessly asking him not to do anything, are accepted, and Millie is left unharmed purely for the sake of you. 
“I think you were tryin’ to sing somethin’ for me, Mox.”
“Yeah, I was.”
I love us I love us just the way we are Don’t have to pretend to like to do things we don’t I’ve always got you around to laugh at my stupid jokes I’ll never take you for granted I’ll always give you my best If you can offer the same thing we’ll handle the rest ‘Cause I love you ‘Cause I love you
Blitzø looks undoubtedly hurt and undeniably uncomfortable and, shit, it was very much warranted. You felt the exact same, ashamed of getting called out by Verosika, hurt by having Ozzie of all people put you all on blast, feeling stupid for feeling hurt by Stolas so very clearly looking embarrassed to be seen on a date with you. 
Stolas looks worried, but doesn’t get to form any words before Blitzø speaks up. “You know what, this was a mistake, alright? Let’s just- let’s just leave.”
For the first time the entire night, you agree with him. “Yeah. We should go.”
“Oh. Right. Of course,” Stolas agrees, and the three of you get up, making your way to the exit. You didn’t even get to try the fucking wine. 
You glance back at Ozzie on your way out, and he raises his eyebrows in concern when his eyes meet yours. You know that face. He only just realized he hurt you with what he did, and you know he’ll let you be for the rest of the night, but you’re sure to expect him to show up at your place tomorrow to apologize. 
You also take a glance at Millie and Moxxie, still on the stage, and mouth an ‘I’m sorry’ to them before exiting the place. 
The drive to Stolas’ place is quiet and uncomfortable and it makes holding yourself back from crying much, much harder. You’re not even sure why Stolas is getting a ride, as he’d portaled himself to Ozzie’s and could very much just portal himself back home, but it’s not like you’re gonna bring that up. 
Much too tall for the I.M.P. van, he’s crammed in the backseat, and struggles a little before managing to get himself out of the car. 
Before leaving, he leans on the passenger’s window, facing you and Blitzø and nervously trying to get himself to say something. “Thank you, for… inviting me out tonight.” Blitzø turns away to face his other side and you keep your eyes glued to the windshield, both unable to look him in the eye. “Despite everything that’s happened, I… I enjoyed spending time with you.”
“Yeah,” is all Blitzø says, and you simply nod.
“You know, I have some more wine in the house. Octavia’s with her mother this weekend, so we could…”
“I’m not fucking you tonight, okay? I’m really just… I’m really not in the mood, alright?” He nudges you with his elbow, and you swear you see him wipe down a tear. “If you wanna take this one go ahead.”
“We could just… talk. Or… watch a movie? Or maybe… cuddle?”
For the first time since leaving Ozzie’s, you manage to properly look at Stolas. Was he serious? Would he genuinely be okay with that after what just happened? Could he genuinely be okay to be in your presence without sex involved? 
“Stolas, don’t act like what we have is anything but you wanting us to fuck you, okay?” 
“No. You too. Are you actually falling for the shit he says? Fucking watch a movie and cuddle? You know exactly what he wants from us. He just says what he thinks he has to to get in our pants. I thought you weren’t that stupid.” 
You scoff at his words and get out of his car silently, as you can’t believe he just said that to you.
“What, you’re not coming?” 
Tears are threatening to roll down your face again, and it makes you angry. “Do you ever think about anyone’s feelings other than your own?”
“Fine. Stay with him then. Congrats to the fucking happy couple!” 
With that lovely yell, he takes off. 
“Are you alright, dearest? You can come in if you-“ Stolas reaches for you, but you can’t help but back off, not allowing him to touch you. He lets his hand fall back to his side. 
“Could you just send me back to Ozzie’s? Looks like I don’t have a ride anymore.”
“Are you sure you want to be there? What he did was-“
“I- I’ll talk to him. They won’t poke fun at you because of us again, Your Highness. No need to worry.”
He grimaces at your words, and you’re fully aware why.  You haven’t called him that in a long time. In fact, you realize you did it to be cruel. To hurt him. 
To hurt yourself into remembering your place in relation to him. You almost want him to argue with you. To understand what you meant and tell you he doesn’t look down on you, that he doesn’t feel ashamed. 
And yet he only accepts what you say with a nod.  “Good night, y/n.” 
Maybe Blitzø isn’t wrong.
You nod once instead of saying it back- you don't trust your voice to come out.
He seems to want to say something else but refrains from doing so, only waving his hand to cast the spell you requested him to. In a mere second you materialize back at Ozzie’s, but not in the lounge, thankfully- in the waiting room in front of his office. 
You break down crying the very moment you gain bearing of your surroundings. 
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A/N sorry for the shitty lyrics i added to house of asmodeus it was sadly necessary lmaoooo
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whatifitookalilnap · 3 days
We don’t know much about Junsik but my heart tells me he was a man of mischief so what if he lived:
Junsik, watching Rangi full on stare at Kyoshi: you know in my experience of wooing the ladies, talking to them tends to be effective
Rangi, glaring: first of all, if anything Mom wooed you. Second of all, I wasn’t staring! I was just, uh, making sure that oaf doesn’t hurt herself
Junsik, grinning: someone’s got it bad for the servant girl
Rangi, blushing: fine, I have a tiny crush on Kyoshi. You gonna drop it now?
Junsik: as your wise father, I’m going to help you get the girl
Rangi: oh please no-
Rangi, blushing in pure embarrassment: I swear I’ll get my revenge on you old man-
Kyoshi, jogging up to them: morning guys! What’s up?
Junsik, absolutely beaming: oh nothing much! Say, do you have any free time later? I was supposed to go into town with Rangi to run some errands but I’m so busy I won’t have the time. Think you can go with her instead?
Kyoshi, nodding: no problem. It’ll be nice to walk around for a bit anyways. I’ll see you tonight, Rangi!
Rangi, trying to play it cool: yeah sure, see you then
Junsik, once Kyoshi walks away: see that? Just scored you a date. No need to thank me, it’s what good fathers do
Rangi, glaring: I hope Mom makes you sleep on the couch again soon
Junsik, pouting: I haven’t even misbehaved yet!
Rangi: oh you will. You always do
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cimacally · 2 days
I feel like Charlie is the type of person to know random languages cause "Oh, my grandfather is from this country" or "Yeah, my parents used to travel with me a lot to this country".
And I think he knows how to speak French cause it's 'romantic' and he likes to woo women so he flexes this language a lot. Also, I live by French Todd headcanon so they sometimes speak in this language.
And he also knows some of Polish cause his grandmother knows it and she teached him. But he doesn't really use it cause he thinks it's a bit weird and boring until one day he gets really angry in his room and yells random swear words, along with 'KURWA MAĆ' and Cameron is like 'what did you say' and then he's AMAZED (not like he would admit it) and Charlie makes fun of him but eventually ends up teaching him some.
Just random thoughts idk
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